Birthday Party Entertainment (F/M, F+/M)

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Birthday Party Entertainment (F/M, F+/M)

Post by G9Drox »

"What were you thinking?"

Even by his standards, Colt Simonsen had never seen his mother so angry before, and though he would rather drink gasoline than admit it, he understood why.

"That wasn't a rhetorical question!" Mrs. Simonsen was yelling now. "What in God's name were you thinking?"

It may not have been a rhetorical question, but it was certainly a loaded one. They both knew full well that Colt hadn’t been thinking very hard. Colt had always been the troublemaker at his high school, especially because he wasn’t the sort of guy who thought too hard about possible consequences. Not until afterward, at least.

Colt folded his arms and stared resentfully at his mother. He might have been daunted by her fury for most of his life, but he was seventeen now; he has going to start Grade 12 two months, as well as his new position as captain of the soccer team. Although he wasn’t an especially brawny guy, nobody could doubt his fitness. He was very lean and very fast. His Nordic background meant that he had an angelic face, with blond hair and high cheekbones. Girls had always crushed on him, and he’d already become known at his high school as a ladies’ man and a heartbreaker.

Despite all that, he still couldn’t help but feel daunted by his mother’s wrath. Mrs. Simonsen had also been athletic when she was younger, and even done some modelling for a bit of time. Like Colt, she was proud of her good looks. Although she was as pale-skinned as Colt, Mrs. Simonsen’s background was Slovakian rather than Nordic; her black hair was cut in a French bob style, her eyes were wide and expressive, and she was normally a cool-headed and reserved person. Now she was anything but as she waited for Colt to answer her question.

"I didn’t think it was a good idea..." Colt began, lying as earnestly as he could. “But when the guys-” He might have said more, but his mother interrupted him, shaking her head in disgust.

"Of course. The guys, the guys, the guys. Always the guys." Mrs. Simonsen slammed a fist on the counter. “Two boys have already said it was your idea, and you pushed them into doing it!”

Colt gave a start. “That’s bullshit!”

“Why? You don’t think your friends would rat you out?” Mrs. Simonsen remarked sardonically. “Your sister heard them bragging about your big plan, you know. I made sure to tell Mrs. Biha, and their mothers too.”

Colt was shocked, but more than that, he was angry. Angry at those three idiots for running their mouths off, angry at his sister for snitching, angry at his mom for throwing him under the bus, and angry at Mrs. Biha for how she’d react to getting him in trouble.

Mrs. Biha was the toughest teacher in Colt’s school. That’s what some of the kids said about her. Colt was more inclined to say that she was an arrogant bitch who made trouble if any of the athletes weren’t meeting her uptight standards, and who was always trying to force her PC bullshit whenever and wherever she could. Worst of all, she’d used this PC attitude to claim that Colt’s history essay was ‘inadequately researched with no peer-reviewed sources’ and showed ‘an unhealthy bias.’ As if her shit didn’t stink or something. This made her the perfect target for initiation pranks.

Hazing had always been a part of soccer in Colt’s school. He’d gone through it, shown that he wasn’t a loser, and then he’d overseen the hazings on newer members of the team. The tryouts were supposed to be in September, but Colt already knew which guys he’d pick; his younger sister’s friends had older brothers who were going to join high school, and three of them were exactly the sort of guys that Colt wanted on his team, especially since his younger sister did nothing but whine about what big bullies they were to her friends. It galled him to imagine how happy she’d been to snitch on them, and also him.

“Fine,” Colt groaned, restraining the urge to roll his eyes. “I’m sorry, then. I’ll tell her I’m sorry too.”

"Sorry? You think you’re going to get away with saying sorry?” His mother suddenly started laughing, but it was clear enough that she wasn’t amused. “She's thinking of pressing charges!"

Colt froze. He knew that he was still a young offender, but this was one of his high school teachers. If Mrs. Biha pressed charges, then the other teachers would find out about it, especially Ms. Alfaro.

Ms. Alfaro was the only woman who taught gym at Colt’s school, but she was also the most senior gym teacher left after the former head retired. Assigning Colt his captaincy had been one of the last things he’d done before leaving, and Colt knew that Ms. Alfaro would only need the slightest excuse to take that away from him. She oversaw the soccer team, much to Colt’s disgust, and she had a lot of stupid ideas about how the players should behave. She’d made it clear that she would clamp down on the locker room talk, the pranks, and the jokes. Colt had always defied her as much as he could, even pranking her several times.

“She wouldn’t!” Colt protested, properly afraid now.

“Oh, she definitely would. But she says she won’t, but she has conditions,” Mrs. Simonsen responded. “You’re going over to her house and you’re going to help her as she sees fit.”

“Help?” Colt repeated, aghast. “For how long?”

“For the whole damn weekend, if she says so!” Mrs. Simonsen barked. “She’s happy to keep you over for the night, too, and if your attitude hasn’t improved, maybe I’ll let her have you for a week!”

Colt couldn’t believe his ears. His own mom was going to send him off to be someone else’s slave? “This is bullshit!”

“Not the kind of thing you should be saying right now!” His mother folded her arms, glaring balefully. She was utterly serious.

“Dad wouldn’t let you do this!” Colt shouted.

Immediately, he regretted saying that. His parents were in the middle of a bad separation. His father had been having an affair with one of his colleagues, and Colt had found out a full six months before his mother did. He still wasn’t sure if she knew that he’d helped hide that secret, because she hadn’t ever talked to him about it. He still wasn’t sure if she’d gotten harsher with him because she knew, or if she was just being a crabby ex.

“First off, your dad doesn’t ‘let’ me do anything,” Mrs. Simonsen answered coldly; her voice always lowered when she was well and truly angry. “Second off, I don’t know when you got this attitude about women, but I’m going to put a stop to it right now. I had a good long chat with your teacher about what sort of man you’re turning into. And frankly, all I see is an overgrown boy.”

She turned away from her son and walked towards the closet. “And speaking of ‘let’, I was going to save you from this particular condition. Mrs. Biha had a special idea to teach you a lesson, and I actually thought it might be going too far. But frankly, I think this might be a good thing after all.”

She took out a coat hanger, on which was hanging a Superman costume. It was the old Christopher Reeve style rather than the Cavill one, with bright blues, reds, and yellows included.

“Are you serious?” Colt was revolted; he’d stopped dressing up for Halloween when he was thirteen, and he’d never been dorky enough to want to wear a superhero costume.

“Absolutely.” Mrs. Simonsen threw the costume at him. “Get dressed for your big weekend, Super Boy.”

Colt wanted to scream. He wanted to rant and rage, he wanted to get out of the house and run away, or else barricade himself in his room. Instead, he forced himself to take the costume and go upstairs to get changed.

He looked and felt utterly ridiculous. The costume came in three pieces, which he wore over just his underwear. Tight spandex covered his legs and arms, the red cape hung down from his shoulders, the yellow S was emblazoned on the front, and he could barely bring himself to look at the red undie patch over his butt and groin.

Much to his fury, his younger sister Karla came home just in time to see him shuffle out of his bedroom, looking mortified.

Four years younger than him, Karla was an annoying little brat. She had pale blonde hair that she loved to dye different colours. These days, her hair was a bright shade of purple, and was tied in a strict ponytail. She had never once looked up to him like a big brother; she would complain about him, she wouldn’t listen when he gave her orders, she just acted out and threw tantrums whenever he tried to show her who was boss. Now she squealed with laughter as she pointed at him.

“Is it a bird? Is it a plane?” Karla asked mockingly.

“Shut up!” Colt snapped, but she just laughed harder.

“Come on, Super Boy,” Mrs. Simonsen ordered, shouting from the garage as she revved up the engine. “Get in here or I’ll make you walk to Mrs. Biha’s house.”

“I’m coming too!” Karla ran through the side-door which led to the garage, but not before pulling on eye down and blowing a raspberry at Colt. As a final insult, their mom happily opened the passenger door for Karla so that Colt would have to sit in the back.

With his sister’s laughter ringing in his ears, Colt stomped stone-faced into the garage and threw himself into the car. He leaned as far down in his seat as he could, cursing to himself as Mrs. Simonsen backed out of the driveway and began navigating the avenues and roads of suburbia.

“Here’s hoping that she can reach you,” Mrs. Simonsen continued; it was clear that she was enjoying her son’s humiliation.

It didn’t take long for them to reach Mrs. Biha’s house. The last time that Colt had been there, he and the three recruits had covered the property with a combination of eggs and toilet paper. They’d also covered her car with a layer of that stuff, and Colt didn’t fail to note that it was out of sight. But beyond that, the thunderstorms of the last two days had apparently cleared almost everything else away. ‘At least I won’t be cleaning up outside,’ Colt thought. It was the only silver lining that he could see in this mess.

“All right, Super Boy,” Mrs. Simonsen announced once she parked the car in Mrs. Biha’s driveway. “Have a good time!”

Ignoring her smirk and Karla’s taunts, Colt jumped out of the car and run up to the front door, pushing his finger on the doorbell as hard as he could. He didn’t even dare to look around to see if anyone was looking at him, though he did hear his mom and sister drive off.

Finally, the door opened, and Colt found himself looking at Mrs. Biha
Colt had always worried that he wouldn’t grow taller than his mom, but his last growth spurt had finally pushed him over her by a couple of inches. Mrs. Biha was still taller than him at six and a half feet. According to her, she was a Tutsi from Rwanda, though Colt couldn’t remember what that even meant. She had long black hair which she usually wore in tight braids flowing down her long neck onto her shoulders. She was in her forties, but she looked at least ten years younger. Her body was also curvy in all the places which Colt appreciated. He would never have admitted it, but he couldn’t help but find her a very attractive woman, but the awful part was that she sometimes seemed aware of his fascination with her. That made her self-righteous attitude even more impossible to deal with.

“Well, well,” Mrs. Biha announced. Her voice was lower than most women, with a strong accent that had made her difficult to understand when Colt had first met her. “Not every day that a superhero comes to visit.”

Colt was blushing furiously; he felt silly enough in front of his mother and sister, now he was standing in front of his teacher. He felt too embarrassed and angry to meet her smug, triumphant gaze.

“I’m here,” he mumbled, “so what do you want me to do?”

“Do?” Mrs. Biha might as well have been laughing, the way she was speaking now. “Now, that is a good question, young man. Let’s see if you can listen to me for once in your life. Come with me.”

She turned and walked into her house, up the stairs to the main floor. Colt obeyed, grinding his teeth and trying not to stare at Mrs. Biha’s generous rear. He had a feeling that if she caught him looking, she’d make his situation even worse.

At one point, she stopped in front of one door and pointed to it. “After you, Superman.”

Colt sighed as he stepped past her, turned the doorknob, and walked into the room.

A large queen size bed dominated the room, with two night stands on either side of it. Both had ornate picture frames with Mrs. Biha and a woman that Colt had never seen before. There was a closet which was open, and a costume was on the bed. Colt recognised it from one of the Black Panther movies.

He was still frowning at the costume when he felt Mrs. Biha’s hands on his wrists, pulling them behind his back. Before he could react, he felt cold metal click in place over both his wrists.

“Hey! What the f-mmmmMM!” His eyes widened as his mouth was suddenly stuffed with a nasty-tasting cloth.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Mrs. Biha joked. “I discussed my plans with your mother; she gave me a pair of her gym socks to use on you. She asked me to tell you that she’s been wearing them four days in a row now, ever since we had our first chat about this prank of yours.”

Colt couldn’t believe it. He squirmed and struggled furiously, trying to get his arms free, but he was trapped. Mrs. Biha laughed as she easily held him in place with one hand, even as the other hand was clamped firmly over his mouth so that he couldn’t spit out the long, sweaty socks which now filled his mouth. He forgot everything about the situation he was in, and simply raged against his new bonds. But all his "MMMPH" talk did nothing but make Mrs. Biha laugh at him even more.

“I should mention,” Mrs. Biha remarked as she caught her breath, “You’re going to help entertain my girlfriend’s niece and her friends for a birthday party. And sad to say, they are all very big Marvel fans.” She giggled at the loud grown which escaped Colt’s mouth beneath her hand.
Last edited by G9Drox 10 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by milagros317 »

Great setup. Looking forward to the rest of this story. :D
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Post by charliesmith »

Amazing start, eager for more :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by Gluba »

Please more!, older ladies need to tie him up and gag him with dirty panties!
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Post by whatever351 »

Can’t wait to see where this goes!
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Post by G9Drox »

“Mmmphh hMMphmmm!”

“Oh come on now, Superman, can’t you break free without my help?”

Colt writhed furiously where he sat, glaring murderously at Mrs. Biha, even as she towered over him and pinched his cheek to make him squeal.

The backyard was much larger than most places, secluded by tall hedges and trees so that nobody could peek into it. Now it was set up for a massive birthday party.

Streamers and banners were hanging up along the wall and out of windows. Tables and chairs were lined up in one area, enough to seat a dozen people. Girly-looking plates were lined up on the tables, and plastic sheeting on the tables was a mix of pinks and whites. But there were also balloons with Marvel characters on them.

In the middle of it all sat Colt, on something which he could only describe as a milder version of a mechanical bull. His legs were tied with heavy ropes to either side of it, even as his arms were behind him. Mrs. Biha had secured his arms with so much rope that she’d actually unclicked his handcuffs and dared him to get free. He was still forced to chew on his mother’s stinky, sweaty socks, but now there was a bright green cloth tied over his lips, as if he was a damsel in distress.

Before him stood Mrs. Biha, clad in her Black Panther outfit. It suited her very well, which only made his seat even more uncomfortable.

“Come on, Superman, break free!” Mrs. Biha taunted, her white teeth flashing as she grinned and laughed at his pathetic attempts to squirm.

“Hrrrmrmmmm” Colt growled, fuming as his fingers struggled to reach the strong knots keeping his wrists together.

Mrs. Biha smirked and shrugged her shoulders, “You’re just not trying hard enough. That has always been your biggest problem, young man.” Her attempt to lecture him was undermined by the fact that she couldn’t stop herself from giggling at him.
She walked around him and pulled his bright red cape free from under his bound arms. She flapped his cape up and down. “Go on, Superman! Fly for me! Get yourself free!”

“HMMMPHH” Colt tried to look back at her and shout into his gags. All it got him was a pinch from her on his bottom, hard enough to get a high-pitched squeal out of him.

“Hey hun! We’re home!”

“Oh good! You get to meet the birthday girl!” Mrs. Biha gave him another pinch and hurried back inside to great the newcomers.

Colt was terrified. He could hear another woman’s voice, and several girls’ voices, all of them laughing and giggling together while Mrs. Biha spoke to them. It was bad enough that his history teacher had him tied and gagged in such a humiliating position, but now he was going to be a spectacle for who knows how long. His hands desperately strained to try and untie his bonds one at a time.

Then the back door opened again. Four girls, all of them dressed up as Marvel characters, bounded outside to shriek with laughter as they stared at him. Much to his shock, Colt recognised all of them as Karla’s friends.

One of the girls, a tall blonde dressed up as Captain Marvel, sauntered right up to where Cole sat, hands on her hips in a cocky pose. “Not so tough now, huh, Colt?”

“Hmmph” Colt grunted furiously. Madison was Karla’s best friend; Colt’s mother once called Madison a tomboy with attitude, which was far politer than what Colt thought of her. Now he was utterly helpless, unable to stop her from sticking her tongue out at him.

Akari held up her phone and began taking pictures of him. She was dressed up in a Spiderman outfit, though she’d taken off her mask to get a good look at Colt. “Oh my god, this is perfect!” she exclaimed, giggling furiously as she took a selfie with him behind her.

“You’re never gonna hear the end of this one,” Rachelle sneered. She was wearing a Captain America outfit, and she’d even gotten her chestnut-coloured hair styled to match Steve Rogers’ haircut from the films.

Finally, there was Milly Breen, the birthday girl. Dressed up as Hela from the third Thor film, she gave what Colt could only recognise as a villainess’s laugh. She carried her costume better than the others, with her dark green cape flapping behind her, the weird crown thing on her head, and her triumphant smirk as she gleefully approached him.

“We’ve captured Superman for you, honey!” Mrs. Biha emerged, arm in arm with a woman in her late 40s who could only have been Milly’s aunt. They both had similar auburn hair, the same inordinate amount of freckles, even the same costume choice. The biggest difference – apart from their ages – was that Mrs. Breen filled out her costume much more, giving her an extraordinary cleavage like her partner.

“We finally meet,” Mrs. Breen declared; it was clear to Colt that she was putting on a voice to go with her costume, and she was staying in character.

She approached Colt and put a finger under his chin to make him look at her, “I have heard a lot about you, hero. I’m sure you’d like to say you’re very sorry now, no?” The condescension in her voice caused the other girls to erupt with laughter.

Colt fumed, blushing beneath his OTM gag; he was certainly in no mood to apologise to anyone. What most occupied his thoughts was the fact that he’d gone for so long without realising that Mrs. Biha was a lesbian, let alone that her partner was Milly’s aunt. He couldn’t remember if this was something he’d never known, or something he’d forgotten. But since these were all Karla’s friends, he also wondered if Karla had also known that this was going to happen.

“Go on, now, try to say you’re sorry,” Mrs. Breen urged him, and her fingers suddenly began to tickle his chin and neck.

“MMMPHH” Unable to stop himself from laughing, Colt tried to move away from her. His body jolted and jerked up and down, even as the others laughed.

“I never thought I’d see Superman so helpless!” Mrs. Breen laughed; she was talking to Mrs. Biha now.

“Well, I thought I should make sure he couldn’t fall off,” Mrs. Biha answered, even as she pulled a large plastic bin from under one of the snack tables.

“Where’s Karla?” Akari asked impatiently, “How is she missing this?”

“Oh, she and her mother went to get a few more toys for later,” Mrs. Breen answered her. Colt did not like the way she said that, especially when she turned and winked at him.

“While we’re waiting,” Mrs. Biha interjected, “let’s play some music.”

The girls fell upon the snacks while the two women brought out a speaker and began playing inane pop music. The girls gossiped and chatted amongst themselves in between snide glances at the captive Colt.

For him, meanwhile, it was just as embarrassing to be left alone and ignored as it was to be the centre of attention. He still couldn’t believe how casually everyone was taking his captivity and humiliation.

Occasionally the girls asked him if he wanted snacks, or asked him how he was feeling. He tried to ignore them while he quietly struggled to get free. Then the girls started urging him to keep trying, laughing as he failed again and again. It was galling, especially when Rachelle ran up and tied his fingers together with ribbons so that he couldn’t even attempt to reach the knots.

“Pink is such a good look for you!” Rachelle laughed. Milly and Madison went in front of him and stuck their tongues out, giving him the “L” sign with their fingers.

“FMMM YMMPH!” Colt snarled, glaring murderously at them. It only made the girls laugh as they taunted him even more.

This went on for a lifetime until Mrs. Biha took out her phone and hurried back inside. “They’re here!” she announced as she went.

Colt felt a shudder go down his spine. It was bad enough that Karla got to see him dressed up in this ridiculous costume, but now she’d get to join her friends in humiliating him. He’d never live it down now, especially when the girls told their brothers what happened to the captain of their high school soccer team.

A moment later, Mrs. Simonsen and Karla stepped outside. Mrs. Simsonsen wasn’t dressed up, but Karla was. He didn’t remember the name of the character she was impersonating, but she was wearing a pink shirt, jean shorts, pink sunglasses on top of her head, and a bright yellow jacket that went down to her knees. In a backyard full of superheroines, she managed to out-nerd them all, but now Colt was the one who looked the most foolish.

Karla burst into her loud shrieking laughter as she ran up and stared at her bullying older brother. She couldn’t even speak for a moment as she laughed, all while Colt flushed worse than ever.

Mrs. Simonsen was laughing too; she even took out her phone and took a few pictures, much to Colt’s muffled fury.

“How… how hard was it to tie him up?” she finally managed to ask.

“Oh, it was easy,” Mrs. Biha bragged as she sauntered back over to where Colt sat. She also held a remote control and gave Colt a sweet smile before pushing a button.

The mechanical bull suddenly sprang to life, moving around as Colt was unable to do anything but sway back and forth like a pine tree in the wind. The girls erupted into peals of mirth as Mrs. Breen went behind him and flapped his cape up and down. “He’s flying again, girls!”

Colt was livid, but also terrified of what would happen to him now that he was stuck on this bull. All the while, the girls collected ample evidence of his predicament, even as they posed for each other’s pictures as well.

“Don’t worry, you big baby,” Mrs. Biha assured him loudly, “You won’t get hurt. This is the lowest setting, for amateurs.” She winked as the girls took her cue and began taunting him as if he was a scared toddler. Colt’s fears evaporated as he tried to yell curse words through the stuffing in his mouth.

“By the way,” Mrs. Simonsen announced. “I figured Colt would get tired of the socks, so I brought a few other things for later.” She reached into her large purse and took out a plastic bag. Colt stared at it, unsure of whether he even wanted to know what was in it.

“Oh, and this is what we got as a surprise,” Mrs. Simonsen took out some other things wrapped in plastic bags, tipping her son an evil smirk as she did so. Karla’s friends pestered her, trying to find out what they were. “It’s a surprise!” Karla kept saying, but it was clear that she was forcing herself not to blab.

Mrs. Biha suddenly drew everyone’s attention, “Now that we’re all here, let’s start the games!” She took the lid off the big plastic bin, even as the girls ran over to see what she had.

Colt couldn’t make out what was in the bin, but he got a really bad feeling when the girls burst into cheers. They bent down as if grabbing things out of the bin, and then turned back to face him. Evil smirks were plastered across their faces, and their hands were full of small water balloons.

“MMMMMM” Colt groaned, even as the bull continued to jerk and swing back and forth.

“Here’s your ammo, girls, and there’s the target!” Mrs. Breen announced, “Good luck!”
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Post by jayspatswhoo »

Great story so far! Please continue
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Post by Speedo »

A very successful sequel that definitely makes you want to read the next part.

I hope the party girls like the DC characters too, so that they will force Colt to put on a humiliating skirted Wonder Woman costume during his next tied up time.
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Post by G9Drox »

Before that afternoon, jokes against girls in sports had always come so easy to Colt. His go-to insult to other guys in the gym were to call them ‘girls’ and less polite equivalents. Certainly, he’d enjoyed using his masculine prowess to bully his younger sister and her friends whenever he could get away with it.

All that went out the window as he sat on the mechanical bull, writhing in his bonds as the girls stood several paces from him and hurled water balloons at him. He tried his best to duck and dodge, and the mechanical bull did help him a bit in that regard, but the girls just moved closer and threw their balloons at point-blank range so that none of them missed him.

He grunted and groaned every time a balloon hit him, soaking through his Superman costume and his bonds, until he was utterly drenched in the warm sun as the girls shrieked with laughter. Behind them, Mrs. Biha and Mrs. Breen encouraged them over glasses of wine as Colt’s mother held up her phone.

“This might be the best home video I’ll ever make!” she exclaimed between gusts of mirth. She filmed him from several angles, encouraging the girls to pose for pictures and give commentary.

Colt had never felt so humiliated in all his life, and his helplessness to stop it filled him with rage. But no amount of “MMMPH”ing into his gag and no amount of death-glares could intimidate his captors. If anything, it only amused them more.

“Uh oh,” Akari squealed, even as she pinched the enraged captive along his leg and sides to provoke him further, “I think he’s really mad!”

Finally, the last of the water balloons broke itself against the back of Colt’s head. His teeth ground furiously on the soft, sticky socks in his mouth, but the cloth tied over his lips was firm as ever.

Just then, the mechanical bull stopped its movement. Moaning with relief, Colt felt it stop in place and lower down to the ground. He was relieved that they’d finally had enough, and he was itching to get his revenge as soon as they untied him.

But instead, he found himself lowered so that he was almost eye-to-eye with the party girls. They leered at him as they surrounded him.

“Still feel strong, tough guy?” Madison taunted, flicking Colt’s nose with her fingers.

“YMMPPH FMFPHHNN MMPPH” Colt’s rage flared up as Madison continued pinching and flicking his nose, sticking her tongue out and blowing raspberries right in his face. The others did the same, pinching his ears, poking his sides to tickle him. Spit flew from their tongues and lips to spray his face, much to his disgust.

“Worst Superman ever!” Karla joked, even as she flapped her big brother’s wet cape.

“Alright, girls,” Mrs. Breen crowed. It was clear that the women had enjoyed quite a few glasses of wine by now, but Mrs. Breen was the tipsiest. She giggled harder than the partyers themselves, leading them to the picnic table. “Here’s some more ammo!”

Colt’s eyes grew wide. At some point while he’d been getting hit with water balloons, the three women had brought out a long platter of what looked like cream pies. They were small, but there were enough for the girls to throw two each.

And throw them they did. Helpless with laughter, Karla and her friends ran up and slammed the pies onto Colt’s body and face. Pie after pie was smashed against him like a cartoon, covering him in foamy whipped cream. He’d never liked the smell, and now the stench soaked into his clothes and against his skin. It clung to his face as he was forced to breathe in the overwhelming smell through his nose. He was so angry that he was stunned. The girls shrieked and told him to smile for their TikTok group. They read out comments from the other girls who were following along.

“Superman getting pied in the face by Marvel” Rachelle read in a voice wheezy from laughter, “I’ve never seen a better metaphor than that!”

“This is how the Snyderverse ends forever,” Karla jeered.

“I think Superman’s getting a little dirty, girls,” Mrs. Biha commented, “You should step back so we can give him a wash!”

“MMMMMMMMMM” Colt fumed, and he tried to imagine what that meant. His eyes were still closed because his face was covered in cream. He felt it slowly melting on his person, helped by the summer sun and the fact that he was already wet.

Just then, a blast of cold water hit the side of his head. “MMMPHHMM!” He recoiled and squirmed as much as he could, but the garden hose’s stream was unavoidable.

“Hang on, let’s get Superman ready for a good bath!”

Colt hated the sound of that, but he was unprepared for two hands untying the cloth gag over his mouth. Reflexively, he spat out the socks as soon as his lips were uncovered, but even as he took a deep breath to start cursing out his captors, something else was thrust inside his mouth.

It was a round ball, hard and plastic with little holes that allowed him to breathe but continued to prevent any proper speech. He snarled as the straps of his new gag were secured together behind his head, even as his mother walked up close to him and took another picture.

“Try not to throw too big of a tantrum, hun,” she urged pleasantly, “I doubt you’ll want the neighbours to see you like this.”

“Grrrrr!” Colt tried to lunge forward, but his mother was safely out of reach. She instead gave a loud laugh that she always developed when she’d had wine, and patted his cheek affectionately.

“Oh, look at you,” she laughed, “You really have a lot to get out of your system, don’t you?”

Colt might have tried to speak again, but then he looked past his mom and saw that the girls were standing around another plastic tub. Mrs. Breen was filling the tub with water, and Colt could see a layer of bubbles rising up to the top of the bin.

“Let’s get him clean, girls!” Mrs. Biha ordered.

Colt gave a long, frustrated moan as the girls rushed forward. He closed his eyes again as several hands pressed soft and soapy sponges against his face and body, scrubbing as hard as they could while the water continued to spray over him.

“Never thought I’d be giving you a bath, bro,” Karla cheered, even as Colt was forced to keep his eyes closed. Now it was the smell of soap which clouded his senses, but worse was the taste of soap in his mouth as the girls’ hands brushed over his ball-gagged jaws.


“What was that, Colt?” His mother called out sharply. “Girls, make sure you wash his mouth out a little better. It's non-toxic too, it's only going to do him good.” They were only too happy to oblige.

It was in the middle of this free-for-all, while his neck and head and face were all being mercilessly targeted, while he was forced to either swallow the soapy water or let it drain out of the holes in his ball-gag, that he heard a familiar voice and accent.

"Oh my god! I thought you were joking when you sent me those texts!"

'No... no no no no no...' Colt thought in blind panic. The day was getting worse and worse...
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Post by Speedo »

OMG, what a perfekt part. I love his soft torture, especially the washing out of his ballgagged mouth with the nasty soap water.

It would be perfect if it's his girlfriend coming to participate at his emprassing procedure and blackmaling him with the photos for years.
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Post by jayspatswhoo »

Please continue!
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Post by G9Drox »

“You were right, I really did have to see this for myself!” Ms. Alfaro began to laugh in that awful way, like she was part goose. But while Colt had often mocked her thick Colombian accent and ridiculous laughter before, now he felt the utter shame of being laughed at.

Ms. Alfaro was Colt’s least favourite teacher at the school. She had apparently been considered to represent her native country in women’s soccer at two different Olympics. Now she was here, in her early 50s, sticking her nose up at all the traditions of Colt’s soccer team. He’d spent more time at the school than Ms Alfaro had. It was maddening for him that the traditions of the team were being undermined by this interloper who acted like she hadn’t failed to play on a professional women’s team.

“Ohhh what’s wrong? Are you a bit upset about all this hazing? I thought that this the sort of thing you enjoy, Colt?” Her booming voice, which was grating at the best of times, now became unbearable with such a scornful tone. The girls were falling over themselves laughing, unable to keep scrubbing Colt properly.

“MMPHMMMPH” Colt erupted into a furious tirade, much louder than before thanks to the holes in his ball-gag. Much to his surprise, his own mother walked up and clamped her hand over his mouth.

“That’s enough out of you,” she said sternly, but she couldn’t suppress her sneer at his furious gaze. “I think it’s time we switch out that gag again. Karla, get the things we brought over.”

Karla squealed with excitement as she ran to one of the tables and returned to Colt’s side with two plastic bags. She smiled malevolently as she pulled out a pair of Colt’s own underwear. But it was the second thing she drew out which really shocked Colt.

It was the biggest baby pacifier that he’d ever seen in his life. It was bright green, with large pink ribbons on either side of it.

He tried to protest, but that only made his tormenters laugh harder. Then he tried to shut his mouth after his mother pulled the ballgag from his mouth. After a firm nose pinch from Mrs. Biha, his mouth opened up to take a breath. Immediately, the underwear was stuffed in his mouth and pushed down on his tongue by the large pacifier bulb. Colt groaned furiously as he felt the ribbons tied around his head into a tight but elaborate bow. In case he wasn’t clear what it looked like, the girls gleefully took pictures of him from every angle and made him look at them.

“HMMMMPH!” Colt shook his head furiously, but any effort to move his mouth made the binky twitch, as if he was sucking on it. And that only made the girls laugh harder than ever.

“Is that a Kryptonite binky, Superman?” Akari asked sarcastically.

“Nah, that’s not Superman,” Rachelle jeered, “He’s Super Baby now!”

The ladies and girls took turns cooing down at him, pinching his cheek or tickling his sides to make him squirm. He could not even look anyone in the face, he was too angry to stop himself making gag-noises, and all of it just became a vicious cycle that fuelled his embarrassment.

“I think Super Baby is sad that the ride stopped,” Mrs. Simonsen suggested airily. Immediately, Mrs. Biha giggled and raised the mechanical bull back up to its proper height. It resumed its slow bucking, but this time it moved more like a ride in front of a grocery store. Colt bobbed up and down, fuming as he was forced to suck his binky as Ms. Alfaro flapped his cape.

“You know, girls,” Mrs. Breen declared, “I was asked by the birthday girl’s mom to provide a clown for this party. I think it’s safe to say I found one, no?”

The girls laughed and cheered this comment, even as they took more selfies of Colt’s humiliating new gag.

“But really, I don’t think he’s got all the makeup on that he should have,” Mrs. Breen continued, and her voice took on a supervillainess-type tone which fit her costume. “Did you girls want to correct that?”

The girls cheered louder than before, even as Colt was left aghast at the implications.

“I’ve always wanted to give Colt a makeover!” Karla screeched delightedly, even as she ran over to the table and pulled out a makeup kit. Colt realised that she’d come prepared for this.

So too, apparently, had his mother. “This is another thing we went shopping for,” she announced as she pulled out a long blonde wig which perfectly matched Colt’s hair. She also pulled out a large pink baby bonnet, an overly large diaper, and a bright red Supergirl skirt.

“Mmm-MMM!” Colt shook his head wildly, the pacifier back and forth. He could no more loosen it than he could untie his hands.

“Let’s get Super Baby into position, girls!”

Once again, Colt’s mount was lowered back down to the ground so the girls towered over him. They were all giggling and discussing what to do with him first, even as Colt's mother smirked and fitted the blonde wig over her son's head.

"It's perfect!" Mrs. Simonsen giggled as she adjusted the wig into place, "And I have to say, I think it'll suit you really well!"

All Colt could do was groan furiously as he tasted his own underwear while sucking on the binky which was tied to his face. When the girls approached, he closed his eyes not because they told him to do it, but because he couldn't bear to look at the smug triumph on their faces.

"You're about to be the cutest Super Baby that's ever existed!" Karla promised him as the first blush was dabbed onto his cheeks.
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Post by milagros317 »

Great continuation!
I hope that his humiliation goes on for a long time. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Wow ! Crazy women, crazy girls, Poor Colt at their mercy, he's in for it, must say, I'm glad I came across this, the whole set up and premise Is wild, the taunting, the Humiliating remarks, And now ! a Total Makeover and " baby transformation "to add to the Humiliation. very eager to see what happens next.
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Post by tillytimber123 »

Great story so far. Definitely looking forward to what they have in store for him haha.
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Post by G9Drox »


"What's that, Super Baby? You gotta use big people words!"

Laughter echoed all around him, and fingers reached out to pinch or tickle him. Some hands came out to pull on the stubby pigtails which they'd fashioned his long wig into. Worst of all was the feeling of cold water between his legs.

They'd re-tied him so that his legs were forced apart by the sprinkler which was tied to both his ankles with tape and rope. His own mother had cut away his Superman pants so that he'd been standing in front of all these people in only his pale briefs.

On the one hand, they'd quickly covered him up again, but on the other hand, it was done with the Supergirl miniskirt that didn't even brush his knees, as well as the big diaper which was swollen from the constant water which was spraying up into it.

"How are we even gonna know when he actually uses that thing?" Rachelle teased as she took yet another video of him for TIkTok, even as he furiously hopped around the lawn in a vain attempt to escape his tormenters.

"You mean when SHE uses that thing," Karla corrected her, posing in yet another triumphant pose alongside her humiliated older brother, yanking on his cape to keep him in place.

The girls had really done an impressive number on his face. He was sporting fake eye lashes, his eyebrows were immaculately groomed, his cheeks were rouge, and he had a thin layer of eye liner on.

Even as the girls pestered and goaded him, Colt also heard the laughter and taunts of his mother, Mrs. Biha, and Mrs. Breen. All three of them were utterly tipsy by now, and they had changed into bikinis to enjoy the hot afternoon weather properly. Ms Alfaro was in the pool, bouncing up and down on her toes as she watched the fun where the shallow and deep ends met.

"So," Mrs. Biha declared as she swaggered up to Colt. "I hope you've learned a few lessons this weekend, Colt!"

"Hmmph," Colt answered curtly. He was livid with his situation, but now he also felt embarrassed as he couldn't help noticing how good-looking his teacher was. His eyes couldn't help but wander over her bikini, especially given how much taller she was than him, until he forced himself to look away.

Unfortunately, it wasn't quick enough.

"What a pity," Mrs. Biha tut-tutted as she grabbed a length of rope and tied one end of it tightly around his waist. "I was considering letting you go, but it seems that you need to stay like this a little bit longer, Super Baby!" Somehow, from her authoritative voice with its unique accent, the nickname sounded worse than ever. The girls undoubtedly agreed with Colt, because they squealed with laughter.

Mrs. Biha turned to the girls, one hand on her hip. "So here's the deal, heroines! Super Baby doesn't get to be untied until she's properly watered the whole lawn with that sprinkler between her legs!" She turned and winked at the girls, who burst into renewed snickers as they watched Mrs. Biha add more lassoes around Colt's body. Not only were his arms pinned more tightly to his torso, but he now had several leashes attached to him.

The girls needed no further instructions. Soon, four different girls were taking turns pulling on his leashes, leading him back and forth in zig-zags, circles, and sometimes forcing him to hop on the spot as they kept him trapped in place.

Colt didn't need long to realise how long it would take for him to fulfill Mrs. Biha's demands, and he began to scream with frustration again as he hopped along in his waterlogged diaper. But that only gave the girls further incentive to aggravate him, even as they gleefully filmed his tantrum while provoking more with comments, sing-song baby talk, and girly talk as they complimented his makeover.

It felt like hours had gone by when Colt finally managed to stagger to the last patch of grass and let the sprinkler do its magic. His diaper had needed to be replaced three times before he'd finished, with all the girls gleefully mocking him as his mother joked about getting flashbacks whilst re-diapering her son.

"Alright, girls, Super Baby's pooped," Mrs. Breen cackled. She strolled over to Colt and untied his feet from the sprinkler. Colt was too tired to do anything but slump down to his knees on the wet grass.

"Better carry him to the car," Mrs. Biha chortled as she, Ms. Alfaro, and the girls came over and picked him up. Much to Colt's surprise, they didn't untie him or even take his gag out.

"Hmmmph," Colt moaned, wearily gazing up at Mrs. Biha's grinning face.

"What's that baby?" Mrs. Biha asked in a cooing, motherly voice.

Colt frowned and squirmed in her arms. "MMPHHH! LMMMMPH MMM GMMMPH!"

"I'm sorry baby, I don't know what you're saying! Just suck your big binky like a good girl!"

The girls laughed as Colt groaned. Of course she was playing dumb, of course she wasn't really going to untie him. He was too tired and too fed up to make a proper struggle. The girls laughed as they sat him in the back of his mom's car, securing his seatbelt for him as they wished him a good night.

Grinning, his sister got into the seat beside him. "Oooh, you're makeup's messy! I'll fix that!"

There was nowhere for him to escape as she began re-applying his makeup, only to tickle him mercilessly so that he forced her to mess up again. The pattern repeated itself as their mother got into the car, landing awkwardly on the passenger seat as she burst into girlish tipsy giggles.

Ms. Alfaro got behind the wheel, smirking at Colt through the mirror as she started driving down the suburban street.

"I've got to say, Colt, I'm really glad we resolved everything about how the soccer team's going to be organised from now on! Isn't that right?"

"MMPHMM HMMPH!" Colt snarled, until Karla tickled him again.

"I knew you would see it my way," Ms. Alfaro continued condescendingly. "I mean, I know I would have said the same in your place. Imagine all my friends finding out about this, all those other players..."

She was right, of course. That made it even worse for Colt. But he had no choice; he grunted and growled to himself as he nodded his head.

"Aaaaaand," Karla added, glaring threateningly at Colt, "my friends had so much fun doing this, that you're gonna be our new toy next sleepover!"

"HMMM?" Colt looked frantically at his mother, who giggled through her hiccups.

"I'm glad you said it, Karla, because I think that's a great idea!"

Colt slumped back in his seat, shaking his head with disbelief at how much his life had changed. Even as Ms. Alfaro turned on a Latin Music station and began screeching along to the songs in Spanish, even as his relatives teased and taunted him with questions about how he'd like to be gagged and what sort of costume he'd like to wear next, Colt couldn't stop cursing them out with his muffled grunts. But that only made them laugh harder.

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Post by Nightly Binds »

Aww it's over, This was a great story ! Love the whole ordeal and set up, the Humiliation Poor colt served as " Super Baby " my favorite kinds of Humiliation with stuff like that ;) I do hope we'll see more of Colt and what sorts of trouble he'll get into, Thanks for sharing this story !
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Post by milagros317 »

"Aaaaaand," Karla added, glaring threateningly at Colt, "my friends had so much fun doing this, that you're gonna be our new toy next sleepover!"

"HMMM?" Colt looked frantically at his mother, who giggled through her hiccups.

"I'm glad you said it, Karla, because I think that's a great idea!"
This gives you a great opening for a sequel! :twisted:
In fact, Colt can be their toy at all future sleepovers. :!:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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