University Games Part 2 (M/F)

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University Games Part 2 (M/F)

Post by Snidely »

It was a short drive on back country roads to the old dairyman's house. Short but distracting as I had never driven a car while having an attractive prisoner cuffed in the back seat. It crossed my mind that I should've locked her hands behind her back as that would've been more 'police-custody-authentic', but in the end I was glad I hadn't. The risk of getting caught or at least spotted on campus was too high, as it was we'd been fortunate. I checked my rear view mirror; Margaret was looking out the side window but her expression was strange. I couldn't get a glimpse of her hands but her concentrated look and subtle movements of her upper arms suggested she was focused on her restraints and she was exploring them with her fingers. I turned my head to dart a quick look behind me, catching a glimpse of her hands. I was right. Noticing, she turned her head to look at me.

"Everything ok?" I asked, trying to hide the real reason for my over-the-shoulder-look.

"Are these staying on all weekend?" she asked. In case I didn't follow she held her hands up so I could see them in the rear view mirror.

"We'll see", I fell back on the vague non-answer favoured by parents worldwide. I could tell from the mirror Margaret was as dissatisfied by this as much as children were around the world.

"Can I at least change when we get there?" She was still in her body-hugging cyclewear, unlike me she had forgotten about what she was wearing in the excitement of the evening.

"If you behave yourself," I replied. I liked where this was going. She was asking permission for things like she was a prisoner and dependant on me, which I guessed in her current state, she was. This was unlike the Margaret I knew. She was a tall, athletic girl. Intelligent too, always achieving excellent exam results. She was disciplined, motivated, independent and self assured; captain of numerous teams and clubs. She had no end of admirers in our faculty and the University at large but not many guys had the courage to ask her out. Even though I never really thought of her in a romantic light, I probably had to add myself to that list.

I couldn't enjoy the moment any longer as it was time to stop the car, get out and open the farm gate that led to the 'safe house'.
As I got back in, she said,

"Sorry I can't help out. You know, because I'm chained." She emphasised that last word. In the country it's customary for the non driver to open farm gates.

"Yes I know," I answered as I pressed the accelerator. "Are you sure you can't get free?"

"I'm sure," she said. "No need to tighten them any more," she added quickly. A glance in the rear view mirror showed her expression as as frustrated as her tone had been. She had been trying.

We pulled up at the house. I shut off the engine and turned to Margaret.

"We're here. Now are you going to be difficult? Put up a struggle? Refuse to do as you're told?"

"No." A sulky answer.

I got out of the car, opened the back door and unbuckled her seatbelt. I helped her out of the car. Reaching in my pocket, I took out a key and unlocked one of her wrists.

"Finally," she said, fingering the marks on the her now freed wrist.
Without a word I turned her around so she faced the car. I reached for her free hand. She tensed when I took it, but then relaxed allowing me to pull it behind her back to cuff it back to her other wrists without a struggle.

"See? Behaving," Margaret said. "But I don't know why you have to put me in extra restraint like this."

"Standard procedure for dangerous would-be-assassins," I replied.

"Am I dangerous?" she asked, a trifle coyly I thought.

"I've seen your gun," I said. In fact I still had it in my jacket.

I took her by her arm and started to lead her to the front door. After a millisecond of resistance she allowed herself to be guided.
I unlocked the door and took Margaret inside, turning on the light. I had already been there earlier in the day, tidying up a bit. Luckily the last tenant had left it in good shape; I just had to sweep up a few dead bugs on the floor. I led her to the living room

"Right you have me in your 'safe house'. No one knows we're here. I think you can let me go now. And let me change," As she said this Margaret turned around, bent forward and raised her cuffed hands behind her back to me. Now I wasn't being observed I could really drink in the sight of Margaret in her tight outfit with her wrists cuffed behind her back. After a few seconds she waggled her hands and peered around at me.


"Actually I need to get some food for us For the long weekend. I'll be back soon," I said

"You're going to leave me like this? Chained up?" she said as she turned to face me. "Alone?"

"I think I'd better tie you up," I said quickly, thinking fast. "...for better security." This was a total lie as I knew perfectly well there were many things in the house I could've cuffed her to, from which she had no chance of escape. Like a metal pipe. But I wanted to bind that body. After initial shock on her face, her expression changed. She probably figured she had a much better chance getting free of ropes than chains. 'How hard could it be?' was the thought that undoubtedly occurred to her. She had seen lots of women escape after being tied up on TV. That was probably her only experience on the subject. She could do the same. Escape...or stay and find a water pistol.

"Sure, do your worst," she said challengingly.

"Have you ever been tied up before?" I asked.

"No. Well once as a kid. Cops and Robbers." From the look on her face she was probably thinking how simple it had been to get loose from the ropes.

I sat her on the sofa, and keeping an eye on her I went to the kitchen. Earlier when checking the drawers for dead bugs I came across some thin blue cord wound around a spool. General purpose stuff, like for tying down gear on a car roof rack. Back then I had just noticed it. Now I had a proper use for it. I pulled it out and some scissors from a cutlery drawer.

I went to Margaret and pulled her shoes and socks off.

"Hang on," she protested. "You said I could change first. I'm all sweaty in these clothes. And what about these cuffs?"
I began binding her ankles together with the blue cord.

"No time, I have to get to the shops before they close." This was true but in reality I was dying to tie her up like this in her figure hugging cycle outfit, not some baggy T shirt and loose jeans I expected to be in the change of clothes I had brought for her.


But it was too late, I already had her ankles bound and was cinching them, winding the rope around the middle, to make the binding tight. From her expression this surprised Margaret when she tried to wriggle her feet free as I finished the knot. She then tried to reach down with her cuffed hands to get at the knot but I had tied it too far away from her fingers.

By then I had started on her legs, just below her knees. It was just starting to dawn on her that it wasn't an eight year old or whatever loosely binding her in Amateur-Hour. But things were happening too fast for Margaret. Her legs were now secure; I sat on the couch and swivelled her away from me, starting work on her arms just above her elbows. Not too tight. I didn't want this painful, just inescapable. Tied, cinched and knotted, it was time I moved onto her wrists. I turned the key in the handcuffs and they fell to the floor with a clatter, but it wasn't the release Margaret had expected. Her bound arms prevented her from moving her hands very far, yet it made it easy for me to cross her wrists and lash them together, cinching again cross tied in the middle, and finally tying the knot at the top of the bundle far from her fingertips.

I stood up to check my handiwork. Margaret looked amazing trussed up, her ropes tight, but she wasn't looking back at me, I was temporarily forgotten, so focused was she on her new and novel predicament.

"Shit..." she muttered as she flexed her body, kicked her legs and twisted her wrists; all in vain. "Shit. Where did you learn to do this?"

"Practice," I replied, leaving it vague. 'Practice' like earning boy scout badges or like in binding pretty girls. In truth it was both.
With an extra piece of cord I tied her ankles to the foot of the heavy sofa. I didn't want her getting away. A short tether so she couldn't reach it with her hands. Gag? No, not unless I could monitor her for safety. That was a treat I could enjoy later when I returned. I got up and got ready to go

"Really?" You're really leaving me like this?" she was surprised.

I sat down again next to her. "Why, do you think I should take 'advantage' of the situation?" It was my turn to be coy.
She reddened. "No... I don't know. Well, I think you should look after me, if you're my ... you know ... whatever."

"Whatever? Like a captor? Or a jailor?"

Cheeks even redder. "....yes...."

I winked and picked up my car keys. Then I had a thought and pulled out her water pistol I had picked up earlier. I placed it on the coffee table in front of her. Next to it I placed the precious 'Assassination List' photocopy. She nodded, understanding.

"Do you think your knots are that good?" she asked.

"If they're not I'm a 'dead' man when I walk back to this room", I replied.

I left the house, not looking back. As I deadlocked the front door I thought I could hear muffled noises from coming the living room. I got in my car and drove away.

If the Bindee can reach the knots with her fingertips the Binder has done a poor job.
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Post by redlukas »

Quite an intriguing setup of a story you created with those first two chapters, I'm excited to see more.
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Post by arbamanre »

This stories are amazing. Please keep going!
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Post by GameChangerz »

Daam. These the kinda stories I like. :lol: :D
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Post by Treville »

Cool story! Looking forward to the continuation!
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