The Careless Crook M/F

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The Careless Crook M/F

Post by Gagfan »

So the first story I shared featuring this character:

Seemed decently well liked, so I decided to share another one! I hope you all enjoy, please leave your thoughts if you do!

Kylie was walking home after losing track of time at her favorite cafe. It was late, later than she particularly wanted to be out at. Not because she feared criminals or anything, in fact the idea of running into one excited the bondage enthusiast, no because it was cold. Her white down sweater was zipped up to the top of the collar and she had a thick white beanie on yet the cold winter air cut through her.

The brunette heard a crashing sound and turned to find the source. Much to her surprise she found herself staring right at a figure wearing a black ski mask who had just dropped a box filled with electronics. Kylie and the man sat motionless for a moment, both seemingly stunned by the other’s presence. The man regained his wits slightly faster however and charged towards Kylie. The young woman turned to make a run for it but the man managed to reach out and grab a handful of her white coat and dragged her close.

“Shhhh don’t scream I really need this job to go well. I’m just going to tie you up and keep you out of the way so you can’t call police. The store opens up tomorrow morning so you won’t be trapped long ok?”

Kylie felt her heart beating, not from terror though but from excitement. She had always loved bondage so being tied up by some masked villain was like a dream come true. It had actually happened before to the woman, although admittedly she had bitten off more than she could chew with that one.

Nonetheless, she was currently trapped by the stronger man so even if she wasn’t excited by the idea of being tightly tied up she likely wouldn’t have much choice in the matter. So, seeing little other option, Kylie shook her head yes to denote her cooperation.

“Ok thank you for this really. I know that sounds pathetic but it hasn’t been a good year.”

The man steered Kylie towards the store he was robbing while maintaining a tight grip on her coat. He had lifted the tight handgag however so had the young woman wanted to scream she certainly could have. The masked crook led Kylie to an office chair and released his grip on her coat.

“Ok sit down here, I’ll tie you up really quickly and be out of your hair.”

The robber grabbed a couple power cables, he tied her ankles together to start with. Then he tied her wrists, much to her disappointment he tied them in front of her. Both the ankle and wrist bindings were laughably loose as well, so really the position of her wrists was sort of a moot point as she was pretty sure it would take her less than ten seconds to wiggle free.

“Alright there we go, the employees will untie you in the morning and you can go back to your life unharmed. Now I’m going to get back to work.”

Kylie was immensely disappointed, her excitement for hours of inescapable bondage ruined by restraints so weak they might as well not exist. Never mind the fact she still was frustratingly ungagged. She was terribly tempted to speak up, but she remembered what happened last time. Her ‘protege’ ended up learning the ropes so well that Kylie had ended up in a state of misery. Still, once she was freed she had begun to look back on the episode fondly, and the robber did have a fair point that she would be freed tomorrow morning…

“Ok… so not to be mean but you are going to stay down on your luck if this is the best you can do.”

The robber turned to her and even though she could only see his eyes it was clear he was confused.

“These restraints, I could get loose whenever I wanted. If you do this to a less cooperative witness you are going to get caught quick.”

The man put his hands on his hips, he was skeptical if this was some sort of trick by the girl.

“And why exactly would you help me?”

Kylie knew this question was coming and had prepared what she felt was a believable enough answer for it:

“You seem like a nice person and I legitimately believe you when you say you are just down on your luck.”

She gave him a friendly smile, the man’s body language seemed to relax a little.

“Ok, so what exactly would you do differently in my shoes?”

Kylie stood up and promptly shook off the restraints much to the man’s shock.

“Well a few things, first and most important though is the restraints need to be better. Those cords you used are too stiff and bulky to actually be used like rope. Bindings need to be tight.”

“Well ummmmm I’ll be honest I can’t really tie knots all that well.”

Kylie was a bit disappointed to hear this, but she was not yet discouraged.

“That’s ok! You just need to find some stuff that doesn’t require knot tying! Do you mind if I look around?”

The man shrugged before motioning her to go ahead as he was still rather shocked by the whole thing. The brunette began looking through the electronics store, she saw plenty of far thinner cords that would have made excellent binding material for people with knot skills. Just when she was growing concerned there might be nothing available, she discovered a row with a copious selection of electrical tape and zip ties.

“Ah here we go! When all else fails, tape and zip ties will get someone still!”

Kylie cheerily grabbed an armful of the binding supplies and carried them back to where the robber was standing. He looked at the massive pile of tape and zip ties with surprise.

“Really that much for one person?”

“You don’t have to, but if you don’t necessarily know what you are doing, going overkill isn’t a bad idea.”

Kylie quickly came up with an excuse to explain the bondage porn level of restraints she had brought over. The masked man appeared to buy it as his body language shifted to a clearly more positive state again.

“Oh that makes sense, a little more margin for error.”

Kylie eagerly shook her head as she sat down on the ground.

“Wait why are you getting on the ground and not in the chair?”

“Honestly it didn’t feel like a very sturdy chair, if you tie someone to a flimsy seat even if you do the world’s best bondage they could break the chair and undo all your work. Unless you have a really solid seat you are probably better just putting them on the floor.”

Kylie stuck her legs out in front of her then pressed them together.

“We’ll start with the legs so I can see what you are doing, because you never ever want to tie the arms in front.”

The man grabbed a roll of tape and some zipties and walked over to the woman before kneeling down on the ground next to her.

“So which of these should I use?”

He had zip ties in one hand and electrical tape in the other.

“Well zip ties are faster, so for a non cooperative victim those are a good starting point. Really mixing the two is probably best so I would say start with a zip tie at the ankles then just alternate between the two as you move up my legs.”

The robber took a zip tie and began to loop it around Kylie’s ankles. She could tell he was hesitant to go too snug as he was very slowly tightening the piece of plastic.

“Don’t worry I’ll tell you when to stop!”

Kylie bit her lip as she felt the tie begin to squeeze her, she let him keep going until she felt it was unsafe to go further.

“Ok that’s good, now take the tape and wrap it a few inches above that. For these tiny electrical rolls I would probably just use the whole roll at each spot.”

The man diligently took the roll and began wrapping it around her lower calves, she was happy to see he was doing a good job with the tightness, apparently having quickly learned after the zip tie. As the tape silently came off the roll he looked up at Kylie;

“So how exactly do you know all this stuff, you kidnap people for a living?”

He said with a small chuckle as he continued wrapping her leg, Kylie had been ready for this question but tried to not blurt out her answer too fast as to make it sound like a natural response.

“Well I had some older brothers so little sister got tied up a lot and in turn I got pretty good at escaping so I learned what sort of tying mistakes could lead to escape.”

Kylie lied, but she felt the story about imaginary brothers worked better than saying ‘oh I watch piles of bondage porn’. The man nodded in understanding, not questioning her fictional tale in the least.

“Makes sense, I was an only child myself, probably why I can’t tie knots for crap but I do remember some of my friends nonchalantly mentioning tying up siblings in my youth.”

The criminal grabbed a zip tie, and as instructed by Kylie tightened it just a short distance above the wraps of tape. For the next few minutes he alternated between zip ties and tape, steadily binding her legs together until he had reached the top of them. Kylie was delighted as her legs were thoroughly melded together meaning she would have struggled to do much beyond hop if she had managed to get to her feet.

“Ok you are doing a fantastic job! You will basically do the same thing to my arms you just did to my legs. If you want to be REALLY thorough you can wrap tape around my hands to make them useless.”

Much to Kylie’s excitement the man promptly picked up a roll of the black electrical tape and began wrapping it around her left hand, steadily reducing it to a useless black mitten.

“Well, have come this far might as well be extra thorough.”

The man said in a cheery tone as he continued wrapping until the roll was spent. He then grabbed another roll from the pile Kylie had collected and began wrapping it around her other hand, turning it into a matching mass of black.

“Yea so if you ever get better with knots and choose to start using rope, tape around the hands prevents picking at knots. Also if you ever have multiple hostages it keeps them from helping one another escape their bindings!”

Kylie attempted to flex her fingers a bit but was ecstatic to discover she could no longer so much as bend them. She sighed contently as her captor grabbed a zip tie and tied it tightly around her wrists before grabbing another roll of tape.

“Good to know! Hey won’t having your arms tied together really hurt?”

The man questioned as he wrapped tape around her lower forearms, the black material sinking into her puffy coat as he worked.

“Nah it won’t be too bad! And don’t forget since I’m wearing a coat you can probably compensate by going a bit tighter.”

The burglar nodded as he wrapped the second half of the tape roll around her arm much tighter than the first. Kylie bit her lip as contrary to what she said, having her arms together did hurt. The young woman was a bit of a masochist though so she didn’t mind, although she did feel slightly sorry for any future victims the man might have when they didn’t share the woman’s tastes.

The masked man steadily moved up Kylie’s arms, alternating between zip ties and tape as he had done to her legs. Her coat bulged out from between the bindings, swelling as the restraints pressed tightly into her. The burning strain intensified as he moved past her elbows.

“I don’t think I can actually get your upper arms together…”

“That’s fine, just as close as you can get it will work!”

She attempted to sound relaxed despite the discomfort her advice was causing. The man seemed unaware of her discomfort though as diligently moved up her arms until he had made a final wrap of tape just below her armpits. Kylie weakly squirmed against her restraints, much to her approval they had absolutely no give. Still, she figured she could probably get just a little bit more out of her captor before he returned to his robbery.

“Ok I am almost completely and totally helpless, there is just one more absolutely necessary thing and then a couple of optional things.”

The man sat down on the ground in front of her and scanned her fairly heavily bound body, likely feeling a bit puzzled by what else he could do.

“I’ll play along, what else could be done?”

Kylie gave him a friendly smile and scanned the room before giving her next pieces of advice.

“Well for one if you tape around my chest and stomach it would pin my arms to my back and limit movement even more. Likely not needed but on the off chance you get some sort of truly talented escape artist every little bit helps.”

The man didn’t need to be told twice, promptly grabbing a roll of tape and wrapping it around her chest, alternating between going above and below her breasts. She felt her bound upper arms being pressed tightly into her back, she struggled to not let out a little moan of arousal at the intense helplessness.

“And as even more you can tie your victim to something so they can’t wiggle around looking for sharp objects to rub their bindings on. A SOLID chair is good, or something like that support beam over there would work too.”

The burglar had just finished using up a roll of tape on her chest and had begun using another to wrap around her stomach. He glanced up and nodded in understanding.

“You said something was absolutely necessary, what’s that exactly?”

The burglar had just finished wrapping up her stomach and was now looking at her intently, showing an eagerness to learn how to do this better.

“Well… gagging me of course. Doesn’t really matter how much you tie a person if they can scream for help you risk getting caught.”

“Oh… well you can just tell me how to do it and we don’t have to do it, otherwise how will you give me any other advice?”

Kylie felt a pang of disappointment shoot through her, her bondage was wonderful but if she ended up going ungagged it would leave a slightly bitter taste for the whole experience. Thinking fast, she attempted to seal the deal on getting herself a tight gag.

“Well honestly once I’m taped to the pole I won’t really have any more advice to you. But if you don’t want to practice it, that’s up to you.”

The brunette attempted to sound nonchalant, hoping the feigned indifference would make the criminal more likely to give it a try. She mentally egged him on as he seemed to really be thinking things over, at last he threw up his hands and shrugged.

“Well I guess why the hell not, so how do you gag someone?”

Kylie struggled to not smile at the excellent news.

“Well honestly it’s pretty simple, you shove something into your victims mouth, something big enough to fill most of it, then just wrap a bunch of tape around their face. The stuffing muffles any attempted talking and the tape makes sure the stuffing doesn’t go anywhere.”

The man picked up one of the rolls of electrical tape and looked it over intently before turning to his captive/instructor.

“Well I have plenty of tape, but what should I stuff in your mouth?”

“Sponges, rags-or really any wad of fabric really, are some of your best options.”

Kylie was scanning the room, looking for potential gagging materials, much to her disappointment however there wasn’t really much of anything that fit the bill other than the socks on her own and her captor’s feet. Her captor seemed to be noticing the same issue as he scanned the electronics store, it was distinctly devoid of anything fabric in nature.

“Socks are always a decent option…”

The man gave her a look that was a mix of surprise and a bit of disgust, just as Kylie was concerned she might have pushed too far his expression seemed to soften back into one of curiosity again.

“Isn’t that a little mean?”

Kylie gave an innocent little shrug.

“Maybe, but that’s your victim’s problem not yours isn’t it? I mean if you want to be nice you can bring some sponges with you but in cases where you have nothing almost everyone has socks.”

The man shrugged again and pulled Kylie’s shoes off her. The woman was wearing fairly thick socks because of the cold, the two would be more than sufficient to stuff her mouth.

“Any more advice?”

Kylie shook her head and opened her mouth wide. The masked man shoved the socks past her lips into her mouth, the brunette’s cheeks bulged slightly from the size of her thick socks filling her oral cavity. Once they were in, the brunette brought her lips together and allowed her captor to begin wrapping tape around her head. Kylie was happy to see her captor had learned the value of tightness and overkill as he continued going around and around her head until he had used an entire roll of the narrow, smooth tape.

With the young woman tightly gagged and thoroughly silenced he grabbed her by the back of her puffy collar and dragged her over to the support beam so that she was sitting with her back to it. He then carried over the remaining rolls of tape and set about wrapping them around the girl. He made passes at her stomach, lower chest, upper chest and around her head. The criminal used every single roll he had, meaning Kylie was pinned to the pole with twelve rolls of the electrical tape.

“Thank you so much for your help, they should cut you loose tomorrow morning.”

She gave a muffled affirmative and set about happily squirming against her bondage. She and her captor had failed to notice a small sign on the front door stating that due to a medical emergency the shop would be closed for the next few days, meaning Kylie would be stuck enjoying her situation a little longer than planned…
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
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Post by TheDapperKing »

Oooooooof that's not good for kylie lol
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Post by Treville »

Love it, great story!
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Post by Gagfan »

TheDapperKing wrote: 2 months ago Oooooooof that's not good for kylie lol
It really isn’t, yet I promise she won’t learn her lesson (which is what makes her so delightful)

Treville wrote: 2 months ago Love it, great story!
Thank you for the kind feedback!
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
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