Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by GreyLord »

Bandit666 wrote: 1 month ago Now this is what I call a novel sized chapter full of interesting action, detail and of style. I’ve been happier then when you kindly added myself to the update information. Awesome as always,
To @Bandit666's comments, I can only add that I am in total awe, @wolfman.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

@Caesar73 @Bandit666 @GreyLord

Thank you gentlemen. You are most kind.

I have been playing with the use of fewer but longer chapters to tell beefier individual stories as part of a greater narrative and i am pleased it has been well recieved. I will do shorter chaters but the next few have some meat on the bones
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Millennial Club
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Post by Bandit666 »

Can’t wait whether the chapters are long or short as you never fail to entertain. Though if I may be so bold, despite not creating such myself. I find longer chapters, when the content is there to make them worthwhile reminiscent of the novels I read by should Authors and Clive Cussler which can never be a bad thing :)
Millennial Club
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Post by wolfman »

Bandit666 wrote: 1 month ago Can’t wait whether the chapters are long or short as you never fail to entertain. Though if I may be so bold, despite not creating such myself. I find longer chapters, when the content is there to make them worthwhile reminiscent of the novels I read by should Authors and Clive Cussler which can never be a bad thing :)
That is high praise indeed. I thank you for your kind words, however, i dont think i am at that level. I appreciate your comments with regard to the longer chapters and very kind words
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

Two weeks later Atlantean time, Phlogiston Order treatment centre, Atlantis, Heamos Ring.

Angela looks down gravely at the patients chart and nods, “You were right to contact me about this man.”

She hold up the x-rays of the man’s spine up to the light and shakes her head in dismay. “What happened to him?”

The Sister sighs sadly, “No idea. We had word of his arrival two days ago from the Chancellor of Ecomantic Affairs, we have been sworn to secrecy under heavy censure. He is some kind of top brass. Indications are that he was wearing a sheath and arrester and was slowly crushed by something large. Most of the bones in his body are broken and his spine is in bits.”

“Do we have a name at least?” Angela asks, shaking her head.

“Oscar. He has is a tattoo of an eye on his left arm, with names of.” The Sister pauses, checking her notes, “Twenty three lost and mythical realms.”

“I have someone in mind who might be able to help. Is the patient stable?” Angela asks, thoughtfully.

“He has had a four Sister team cleansing him of extra dimensional taint since he arrived and is on heavy life support but stable for now.” The Sister says, with a nod.

“I need electronic copies of his file and scans.” Angela says, booking for a shuttle back to the priory through her neural interface.

She checks the file and heart sinks when she sees the photo of the Liberator Chief who brought the patient in.

Anya stands over the patient and recognises him, instantly. “This is the guy that Kim went with.” She thinks, “Oh God, please let her be ok.”

She closes her eyes and focuses on his body and the damage that has been done. She slows her breathing and starts from his lower legs, pulling together disparate bones and fusing them back together, stronger than before.

After only ten minutes, she stops and sends a massage to the Sisters on duty, requesting ice packs, before she calls Angela.

“Hi Anya, how are things?” Angela ash’s warmly.

“Good and bad. On the one hand I can reset his bones, however, in repairing the bones, it raises his body temperature. So far, I have set two bones and his body temp is up a couple of degrees.” Anya explains, “If I go too fast, I will kill him.”

“I was afraid of that.” Angela says, before her gaze fall upon a recent article she has been reading. “Let me make a few calls. In the mean time, take it slow.”

After the call, Angela looks at the article thoughtfully and then dials a number.

A friendly voice on the line answers, within three rings, “Chancellor Mika speaking.”

Anya takes a cloth and mops the back of her neck with cool water, before plunging her face into the bowl of ice water. She straightens up and slicks her hair back with some of the water, before placing her circlet back upon her brow and returning to the treatment room for the afternoon session.

She takes her seat by the bed and refocuses her mind. This time focusing her mind on the man’s other leg. She hears someone enter the room and ignores them thinking, “Can’t believe how often Sisters come in to check on him even though, I am in here.”

She gently squeezes the splintered bones of his ankle and fusing them with her mind. Feeling his body temperature begin to climb she opens her eyes and reaches for more ice packs, dimly registering someone else in the room.

Before she places the ice packs on his ankle, she realises that his body temperature has dropped back to normal.

Anya sits back in the chair looking curiously as the man “How did that happen and why is the Sister out of uniform?”

She closes her eyes and focuses on the broken bones just below the man’s knee noticing that they are slowly pulling towards each other. She begins to fuse the bones back together, but this time his body temperature doesn’t change.

Her eyes snap open in surprise and she checks the man’s leg and looks around the room, seeing the Sister’s face for the first time and realising it is not a Sister, but her sister.

With wide eyes and a look of shock she exclaims, “Tara?”

“Hey babe. Angela called my Chancellor and asked for a consult, so here I am.” Tara says, removing the blazer and waistcoat of her trousers suit and rolling up the lilac sleeves of her blouse. “There are some doughnuts in the bag.”

“I can’t believe you are actually here. How have you been?” Anya says, still feeling a sense of shock.

Tara smiles and winks, “I have been good, but real busy. How about you?” She bites, her lip for a moment, “I’ve missed you, babe.”

Anya gets up and walks around the table to give her sister a hug. Tara hugs her back and for a single moment, nothing else matters.

“It is so good to see you. Any word on how your dad is doing?” Tara asks, warmly.

“He is good thanks, his leg has grown back and he is walking with a cane. A few more weeks and he will be well enough for active duty.” Anya says, letting her voice trail off.

“Do you really think he will go back to active duty?” Tara asks, not needing a psychic connection to know what her sister feels.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to him to but at the same time, I want him to be happy. Just as he wants me to be happy.” Anya says, softly.

Tara passes her a bottle of sparkling water, chilled to one Celsius. “Are you happy?”

Anya cracks open the bottle and takes a deep swig, “That is so nice.”

Tara raises an eyebrow and eyes her sister. Anya smiles, “I am happy. I have found something I am really good at and have already committed to the Order long term.”

Tara can see how at ease she is and beams a smile, “That is awesome. I am so pleased for you.”

“Thanks babe. It has been a long road and I have done things, I never thought possible.” Anya smiles, warmly and pulls away from her sister playfully, “You are now looking at a Priestess Arcana, of the Phlogiston Order. Keeper of the Orders rituals and sworn protector of its secrets.”

Tara bows deeply, “Your Grace, it is an honour to meet you. Any hint about what that all means?”

Anya chuckles gentle and explains “I am on the sacred path of Alchemy. Learning and mastering the manipulation of matter, its states and composition with the end goal of the transmutation of flesh to become a higher being.”

Tara looks at her somewhat slack jawed, “For real? That is mad.”

Anya shrugs, “Yeah I know. But I am really good at it.” She says fishing in the bag and pulling out a raspberry jam filled doughnut.

Tara waves her hand, warming the doughnut, before her sister takes a bite, “They are better warm.”

Anya takes a bite and her eyes go wide as her pupils dilate, she chews slowly and swallows with a grin, “That is the best, I have ever had.” She wolfs down the rest of it with two ravenous bites, “So are you like a master of temperature.”

Tara chuckles, “And the rest.” She take one for herself and devours it hungrily and take a sip of ice cold sparkling water, “I learned telekinesis, cryo and pyrokinesis, aero, hydro and electokinesis.”

“I think I know a few of them but not all.” Anya says, with a growing feeling of respect for Tara.

“Erm, short version, I can control kinetic force and objects, gases and liquids in motion. I can also control objects on a molecular level to increase and decrease the energy present to heat or cool objects.” Tara explains, “Yeah I can also control electricity, even small level like nerve impulses.”

“Damn girl, you got game.” Anya says, feeling both impressed and happy for her sister. “I guess that is why your Chancellor sent you.”

Tara’s face turns a bright shade of red and she confesses, “Yeah. About that.”

Anya looks back at her, “Tara?”

“Mika is my Chancellor, but not how you think.” Tara says, reluctantly explaining, “I created a new discipline within Kinetics. Mika is my first student and the Chancellor of the new college of Biokinesis.”

Anya looks at her cock eyed “Seriously?”

Tara shrugs, “It started as a way of interacting with bodies using the other disciplines, but it is now so much more, with a sub discipline of Quintekinesis.”

“That is huge. You are epic, you know that right?” Anya asks, genuinely shocked and pleased in equal measure.

“Everyone keeps saying it, but honestly, I just connected the dots and let the logic grow.” Tara says sheepishly.

“Fuck it. I was planning to go to a club later with some of the other priestesses from the Order. When we are done here, you are coming and we will have a proper catch up.” Anya says, decisively.

“OK, but only if Mika can come. She has been a great friend to me and she loves a night out.” Tara says then hesitates, “I haven’t got anything to wear.”

“Behave, I got you covered. I have never met a college Chancellor, sounds like it would be cool. I can dress her too.”

“Hunh?” Tara asks confused.

“Repairing flesh is only part of what I do.” Anya says with a wink, “What say we get this guy back on his feet and get ready for a rager?”

Tara scoffs another doughnut and grins “I would like that.”

Over the next eight hours, Tara maintains the patients body temperature and pulls his broken bones together, while Anya fuses his bones whole again and between them, they mend his broken body.

Tara uses telekinetic sounding to feel for his nerves and maps out the severed sections between connected and disconnected tissue, keeping open channels in his flesh, while Anya regrows the nerve tissue.

Even without psi, they are in sync. Neither needing words to understand what they needed from each other. By the time they are finished, all his bones and nerves are fixed. Anya takes a slow breath and checks his whole body, “All the breakages are fixed and injuries mended. Probably best he stays on life support at least overnight.”

“Did we do a thing here?” Tara asks, trying to understand the magnitude of what they have just done.

“Yeah we did.” Anya smiles, “I need to brief the Matron on duty and set up a care plan for him. Then we are out of here. Tell Mika to meet us at my place.”

“Are you bringing anyone?” Tara asks, bright eyed.

“We’ll meet them there. Just a couple of Priestess Arcanas.” Anya says, with a smile.

“To be fair, I just have Mika. She was a twenty four seven instructor and then a full time student. She has been a rock for me.” Tara confesses.

“Angela has been good. There was a little trouble, but she has been awesome in supporting me and I wouldn’t be half as capable without her.” Anya says, thoughtfully.

“Give her a bell, see if she fancies it.” Tara says with a shrug.

“Not tonight, she has some official function to go to. But maybe I should sometime, just as a thank you.” Anya says, with a nod, “Right, briefing and then we hit it.”

“This is amazing. I have never dreamed of a dress like this.” Tara says, feeling the cool kiss of the white dress with a hint of pink and orange.

“I like that one, it is called sunrise on a winters dawn. Its made from the light of a sunrise reflected on a frozen lake.” Anya says, looking through her racks for a dress for Mika.

“Don’t make a fuss on my account, anything will do.” Mika says, sipping a bottle of water.

“No. I have a reputation, if you wear one of my pieces, it will be perfect for you.” Anya says, plunging her hand deep into the rack and plucking out a dress. “This one. This is crafted from the first lightning bolt of the first thunderstorm of the year.”

Mika gasps, as the dress flashes from purple, to blue, to yellow before her eyes. She heads to the bathroom to quickly change.

Anya turns to Tara and nods. She reaches out with her mind to sculpt the fit of the dress to perfectly match her sisters physique. “How does that feel?”

Tara sees herself in the mirror and does a twirl, “I look like a woman.”

Anya smiles, “We have changed a lot haven’t we?” She passes a finely crafted pair of strapped heels in white.

“Yeah, we have come a long way. However, I still feel you inside as my sister. I can’t even begin to tell you, how good it is to see you.” Tara says, hugging Anya.

“It’s good to see you too.” Anya says, hugging her back and donning her own dress with a click of her fingers.

“That is a good colour on you.” Tara says, admiring the halter neck dress mirroring the style of her own dress.

“The noonday aquamarine of the sea, as viewed from the Palace.” Anya says, with a wink.

Mika steps out of the bathroom, with tears in her eyes. Tara rushes to her side, “What’s wrong? Are you OK?”

“Ever since I was little, I have always hated the way I looked, but in this dress, I love the way I look.” Mika confesses.

“The lightning bolt, is sometimes a symbol of pure understanding. It appears, that you see yourself as you truly are.” Anya says, gently as she subtly adjusts the fit of the dress to fit Mika perfectly.

“Now ladies, we are dressed for a night out. What say we get this party started?” Tara says, playfully.

Dionysius is the most exclusive club in Atlantis, entry is booking only and the guest list is exclusive. Anya, Tara and Mika stand out from the crowd. They almost appear to be 4K in a 1080p world, drawing admiring looks and catwalks from many of the waiting patrons.

At around ten in the evening, the ladies reach the head of the queue where a warding hand from the security operative bars their path. “My apologies ladies, can you please wait a moment?”

“Is there a problem?” Anya asks, suspiciously.

“Not at all, a member of the team is on his way to escort you to your VIP suite, where the other two ladies in your party are waiting for you.” The man says with a disarming smile.

Even without psi, Tara and Anya have the same thought, “If this is a trick, I will tear this place apart.”

A smartly dressed man in a tuxedo arrives and smiles, “This way please.”

The club as packed and the wine flows freely among the revellers, who press the flesh and grind to the old skool dance, grime and kpop tracks blasting out.

Their escort strides forth, like an icebreaker, parting the crowd effortlessly. He stops before an ornate door opening it and bidding them enter.

Anya’s colleagues wave at them through the open door, she waves back and steps across the threshold into the immaculate room. Marble floors and walls have been polished to a shine. Sumptuous sofas line the outside of the room, while a large bar dominates the back. One side of the room is one way glass with a view of the main bar.

Music plays here, as in the club but at a lower level. Sisters Lily and Rose, dressed in elemental purple and black dresses, sip frozen margaritas and raise their glasses in a toast.

“Lily. Rose.” Anya says, introducing her colleagues with a sweep of her arm, “This is my sister Tara and her friend Mika.”

The all exchange warm greetings and take a seat off to one side of the room.

A waiter silently approaches the table and sets down a bottle of near frozen champagne and a tray of glasses, “Please let us know if you require anything. The meals for your party will be served at your convenience.”

“Why are we getting the red carpet?” Tara asks, sceptically.

“All I know is that the manager got a call from the Director of Special Events saying that they had reviewed bookings and that the Priestess Arcana Black’s party was to have the best of everything.” He explains, “The menu is high end. You will be served the food of only the utmost quality and we have reserved this room for your sole use, to ensure you are not disturbed.”

Anya shrugs, “OK, bring it on.”

The waiter signals to the bar and a moment later, the kitchen door opens and trays of lobster, crab and prawns are brought out with accompaniments too numerous to list. The waiter says, “When you are finished with the seafood course, we will provide the meat course.” Before departing.

The food is Michelin star level and every mouthful is more delicious than the last.

“Oh my God, this is epic. I have never had anything like this.” Tara says, before devouring a butter dipped lobster tail.

For the next few moments no one says very much, as they eat and drink, Lily breaks the silence, smiling at Tara, “So what do you do?”

Tara smiles sheepishly, “I am the Inceptor of Biokinesis and Mika and I are just setting up a new College to study the discipline.”

“I’ve heard of that. Don’t you have some kind of crazy control over the human body?” Lily asks, with a hint of admiration.

“Certain aspects yes. We can control certain functions and manipulate what is there, but cannot reattach or regrow, bones or tissue.” Tara says, dipping a crab cake into sweet chilli sauce, “Today proved that there is a lot my discipline can do to support the work you do within the Order.”

“To be fair, having you trouble shoot and maintain his heart rate and breathing was so helpful. Not to mention keeping his body temperature down and heart rate steady.” Anya raises a glass to her sister.

“Come on now, the way you were focused and on it, as you seamlessly repaired every broken bone and tear in his flesh was awesome to see.” Tara says clinking her sisters glass.

A waitress comes over and clears away the remnants of the fish course and Anya signals the bar for the meat course.

Platters of grilled meats of all kinds, flatbreads, salads and sides are placed on the table and more champagne is served by the waitress who sits down and pours herself a glass.

Tara looks at her quizzically and her mouth drops, “Really?”

Ali takes a sip of champagne and gives her a wink, “Evening. How is it going?”

Anya and Tara squeal and leap on her, they hug warmly and somehow Ali manages not to spill her drink.

“What are you doing here?” Anya asks wide eyed with joy.

“I saw your name on the guest list and thought as I had a night off, we could have a catch up. You could have knocked me down with a feather when Tara turned up too.” Ali says either a squeeze of Tara’s shoulder.

“We were told that the Director of Special Events arranged this.” Tara says curiously.

“Yeah, about that.” Ali says turning away from her sisters, “I am the Director of Special Events for the Glamour Ministry.”

“Damn girl, how did you manage that?” Anya asks, raising her eyebrows.

“Have you heard of a number of illusion based concerts across the realms?” Ali asks, loading a pitta bread with lamb and rocket.

“Yeah. I heard about them and couldn’t get tickets. Oasis, Elvis, the Beatles and Queen on one billing. They are the hottest tickets in the realms.” Tara says impressed.

Ali shrugs and says, “They are all me.” She takes a bite of the pitta and sighs. “I do concerts on the regular that bring in thousands of attendees. Biggest so far is half a million in the Steppes.”

“That is so awesome. But how do you do it?” Anya asks, slightly confused.

“I reach out and feel the minds around me. Then I tell each mind what they see in broad terms and their brains fill it in.” Ali explains, blithely. “Why do you think no one has asked you for proof of age?”

“Funny.” Tara says laughing.

“Believe me, don’t believe me. Your brain will do the work.” Ali says, as Lionel Ritchie walks into the room, somersaults and lands on the ceiling, before dancing.

Anya laughs, feeling genuine joy, “Could you do something with Johnny Cash?”

“Maybe.” Ali says as the man in black appears in the corner of the bar and Lionel starts dancing to ring of fire.

“That’s mad.” Tara says, before cramming a pitta filled with beef bulgogi into her mouth, “How are you though?”

“I’m OK. But I have done some mad things.” Ali says gently, not wanting to tell the whole truth.

Anya raises an eyebrow and takes a sip of champagne, “Come on, spill the beans. Maddest show?”

Ali smiles fondly, “Kharov plain in the Steppes. We start setting up at three in the morning and this plain is deserted. By the time the main stage is built, it is past four I’m the afternoon and the show is due to start at six. I get some kip and crawl out of my tent at about half five and there is no one there.”

Ali sits back in her seat and sips her champagne, “Then this rumbling starts. Kind of like waves crashing against rocks or a storm over the horizon. I look at Oberon and he has no idea either. Then he points to the west and there is a dust cloud heading towards us and we soon realise that the cloud is approaching from all sides. We both look up at the stage and think, there is no way to get it down before the storm hits.”

“I am stood there and I begin to sense the crowd approaching. Oberon looks at me like I have two heads, when I climb to the top of the stage and begin building the show. About three minutes later, the dust cloud arrives and it is about five hundred thousand men, women and children on horseback, that charge around the stage like a tornado.” Ali says, chuckling to herself. “I can create some mad illusions, but that was far more epic than anything I have made.”

She snags a sausage and takes a massive bite and continues between chewing, “Turns out the locals do everything on horseback. So I rework on the fly and from their perspective they are riding their steeds on clouds high above the plains, with eagles flanking them and dragons coming up behind them and diving down in front. I start pumping out a soundtrack from The Hu, leading with Yuve Yuve Yu and they are digging it. By the end of the show they are storming the gates of hell, flanked by charging elephants and lead by a massive pride of lions with AC/DC blaring.”

She chuckles to herself, maybe a little tipsy, “The mad part comes a month later, when we get word that of the women that attended the concert, almost seventy percent were now pregnant, in a phenomenon that is known there as the Hell’s gate babies.”

Everyone at the table chuckles and Anya playfully taps Ali’s arm, “That is pretty mad.”

“What about you guys? Any madness from your end?” Ali asks, finishing the sausage and going for a roasted chicken drumstick.

“Did a talk about Biokinetics to a group of academics and was challenged to a fight by the Kinesis Ministries Shockwave champion.” Tara says with a smile.

“No way. Perseus challenged you?” Rose says, her cheeks flushed.

“Yeah.” Tara says, awkwardly, before Mika pulls her phone and shows the video of the fight with her commentary.

Ali and Anya regard Tara with a newfound respect. “He is now a student of Biokinesis and he is really good. The mad part is, on day three of the training, he asked to speak to Mika and I. When he showed up, he was humble and respectful and he brought a tablet and asked loads of questions and made so many notes. Turns out that he had studied the disciplines from a very early age due to his family connections and he was asking me for advice.”

“What’s he like?” Lily asks, leaning in closer.

“He is super nice. Really down to earth and looks you in the eye when he talks to you, just like King Halpron does.” Tara says, remembering the way he made her feel respected.

“Is he as good looking in person as he is on TV?” Rose asks, chewing her lip.

Mika giggles, “He is like the statue of a god made flesh. He is so handsome.” She downs her drink and turns red, “If he would call me his monkey, I would climb him like a tree.”

Everyone bursts out laughing, with Tara slapping Mika’s arm playfully. However, as soon as the Macarena starts to play, they are on their feet and the bar staff crank the volume.

By one AM, the club has blasted through the greatest hits of Faithless, David Guetta, Tiesto, Dua Lipa and the best of Ibiza club nights. Mika, Lily and Rose have made their excuses and it is just Tara, Anya and Ali.

Tara kicks off her shoes and sighs, “This has been an awesome night.”

“Yeah.” Ali says, with a hint of sadness.

“I feel it too.” Anya says, sadly, “Kim should be here.”

The waiter sets down a plate before each of them and replaces the Champagne bottle, charging their glasses.

“Have you guys heard anything from her?” Anya asks, picking up the burger and taking a massive bite.

“No. Have been cloistered in the Kinesics ministry since I went off with Mika. Haven’t heard anything.” Tara says, with a sigh, before attacking a doner kebab with extra chilli sauce.

“Same here. I hope she is ok.” Ali says, swallowing her feelings, before devouring a chicken wing drenched in hot sauce.

“I don’t know why, but I think she is.” Anya says, washing her food down with more champagne.

“Our patient knows her.” Tara says between bites, “The tattoo on his arm is her right eye.”

“Yeah, it is.” Anya says in a moment of clarity, “He might be in a fit state to talk to in the morning. We could ask him.”

“Sounds good. Will you let me know?” Ali says, in a state of euphoria brought on by music, dancing, chicken wings, spice and booze.

“Nah, fuck that. Come with us. I am sure we can find you a medical coat and mask to smuggle you in.” Tara says, before wolfing the rest of her kebab down.

“It’s settled. Both of you back to mine. I have space and Ali needs a dress of her own.” Anya says, more than a little tipsy.

Ali summons the waiter and gives him her card. “Please let me know the names of everyone on duty tonight and I will place a commendation on each of their files for services to the Ministry.”

The waiter looks in shock at the card and nods, before scurrying away.

Ali turns to Anya, “Do you have booze at yours?”

“Nah, I am too young. But I can turn water into wine.” Anya hiccups, “Or beer, or Tequila.”

Ali takes her sister hands, gripped by a moment of sobriety, “It is so good to see you.” In her drunken state, Anya cannot pinpoint what she sees in her sisters eyes, but senses a pain there.

Anya pulls three bottle of water from the fridge and by the time she hands a bottle to each of her sisters they are filled with gin and tonic.

Ali takes a deep swig and coughs, “Woof. That is sharp.” Ali says, with a chuckle, “What time do we have to be up in the morning?”

Anya looks at the clock and shakes her head in dismay, “About four hours.”

“Urgh. That sucks. Even with PCS in my system, I am hammered.” Ali says, sadly.

“We good babe.” Tara says, getting to her feet and stumbling to the bathroom.

Unaccustomed to drinking so much, Anya begins to feel dizzy and sick. Ali senses her discomfort and sits next to her and rubs her back, for a few moments.

Tara returns, her movements precise, eyes focused. She take a bottle of water from the fridge and takes a couple of gulps.

She moves to Anya’s side and puts an arm around her, helping her up, “Come on babe, let’s get you to the bathroom.”

Ali supports Anya from the other side and they manoeuvre her onto the toilet, “Anya. Listen to me. In a moment, you will feel the urge to pee. Just relax and let it go. Can you do that for me?” Tara asks, gently. Earning a nod from her sister.

Ali and Tara sit on the sofa and Tara closes her eyes, for a moment. Ali watches confused, “What are you doing?”

Tara holds up a finger and her brow furrows for a moment, before she relaxes. A moment later the toilet flushes.

Anya emerges, sharp eyed and focused, feeling good. “What the hell?”

“I did a forced purge of alcohol from your system. Drink some water and we can get our heads down in a moment.” Tara says, to shocked gazes from her sisters, “Ali, you’re up. When you need to pee, relax and let it flow.”

Ali heads for the toilet and takes a seat. Less than two breaths later, her bladder feels like it is about to burst and she let’s go. As the pee flows, her head clears and by the last drop, she feels sober. After a flush and washing her hands, she splashes water on her face and she shakes her head, before returning to her sisters, “Damn girl, you need to charge for that. How does it work?”

“Alcohol in your bloodstream has a different density. I wrap a core of alcohol in a sheath of blood and stop it being absorbed by the organs until it gets to the bladder for release.” Tara says, before adding, “I have had a lot of nights out and managed to avoid being caught with alcohol in my system.”

“That is mental.” Ali says, with a smile.

“Thanks babe, I have spare clothes, if you need stuff to sleep in. I have a couple of blow up mattresses, you can use.” Anya says, with a smile.

“Awesome.” Ali says, before her bottom lip starts to tremble, “It is so good to see you guys.” By the time Anya and Tara have thrown their arms around her she is crying tears. Of joy? Of relief? Of grief?

Oscar feels like he’s disagreed with something that ate him. His body is a tapestry of aches and dull pains, however, he grins in the dim light of his hotel room. He takes a long slow breath and feels the exhilaration of being alive.

“Damn. Thought I was a goner for sure.” Oscar thinks, flexing his hands and tentatively moving his arms and legs.

Unable to focus enough to access the Life Sea, but coherent enough to know his surroundings, he smiles, “Good morning Chief.” He says, weakly, “The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.”

“Oh my God. Oscar!!!” Kim says, tearfully, stepping out of the fade, “It is so good to hear your voice. How are you feeling?”

“I had two young ladies giving me their undivided attention, all day yesterday. Bit by bit, they put me back together.” Oscar says, “That is the good news. Bad news, I’ve been hallucinating.”

“Really. Are you alright?” Kim asks, concerned.

“Yes Chief. The women that worked on me both had your face, albeit with two eyes.” Oscar admits.

Kim looks both relieved and amused, “They were my sisters.”

“Hunh. I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe I am not going crazy.” Oscar says with a chuckle that he feels in each tender rib. “From what I can tell they did a number on me. I have aches and pains, but everything feels connected and I think I can walk.”

“Take it easy. It has been a rough month. I have stood everyone down, for a week, unless a new Annunakin incursion begins.” Kim says, trying not to think how close she had been to losing Oscar, “With yesterday’s Mother, that brings the total to four with a total of thirty three realms freed.”

“At this rate, we will need longer arms, to bear the marks of freedom.” Oscar says, with a hint of disbelief, “I can’t believe it Chief.”

“Still feels weird being called Chief.” Kim says, feeling hollow.

“It is justified and earned through your endeavour and leadership. You’ve earned it. The Liberators have done the unthinkable. We have freed a score of realms from Annunakin predation, with minimal injuries and no casualties.” Oscar says, with pride, “You keep saying you are not ready. You say that you are too young and that it is too much. However, time and again, you come through for us.”

Kim stifles a tear, and wipes her eye with the back of her sleeve, “I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost you.”

“Oh come now. You learned Ecomancy from me. I learned tenacity from you. I am not going anywhere and even if I do you will arrange a heroes funeral, with dancing girls and Chief Koph in a tutu and Chancellor Grey in a mankini.” Oscar says in mock seriousness.

Kim laughs through tears, at the image, “You daft sod.”

“No more tears, Kim. Be the leader the Liberators need you to be.” Oscar says, warmly. He sits up with gritted teeth and gives Kim a hug.

“Thanks man. I will be alright. Just come back safe when you are ready and not a moment sooner. I need you back in top form.” Kim says, warmly.

“You need to rest too. We need you on fire when we go live again.” Oscar days gently.

“You have my word. I need a break to be fair.” Kim says, feeling an ache in her bones for every Annunakin that has perished by her hand.

“Why don’t you visit your sisters?” Oscar says, earnestly, “It would do you good.”

Kim pulls back and closes her eye. “I am not ready for them to see me like this.”

“If this is who you wish to be, you must own it. The Liberators look to you as their Chief, for guidance and strength. If you walk this path, you will need to look inside yourself and make peace with who you are.” Oscar says, gently.

In the aftermath of the visit, Kim sits in the darkness of her cabin, thinking to herself, “Shit. He's right. I need to be the leader that the Liberator’s need. Time to stop wallowing and step into who I need to be.”

She gets up off of the bed and changes into a fresh Sheath in a black, white and grey camouflage pattern with rugged boots. She straps her cutlass and wedge axe to her back side by side and refills her water bottles and carrier.

Kim shifts to a cliff top and begins to run, the landscape races past at breakneck pace as she effortlessly shifts from locale to locale and realm to realm, patrolling every part of Peace and all the liberated lands she and her Clan of Custodians have freed.

Deserts, mountains, forests, plains, rainforests, fields, swamps, estuaries, rivers, seas, tundra, and everywhere in between feeling every life form under her care in turn and feeling their hopes and dreams.

“We have done so much good. However, it is just the start. The Custodians are spread far and wide. They are our eyes and ears, they hold the vigil.” Kim thinks, sprinting along a cliffs edge a thousand feet above the sea below.

She leaps, “The Raptors are fantastic and have performed so well both in and out of the water.” She thinks, feeling a sense of calm, in the moment she plunges into the water. With gills and webbed fingers she glides underwater, “The only problem is how ammunition hungry they are.”

She dives down and picks an oyster, cracking it’s shell, to devour it before kicking for the surface. “I don’t want to turn Peace into a military camp or a giant factory either.”

Kim shifts back to Peace realm and lays back on the sea floor staring up at the surface. “I need a source of iron, natural and abundant. Or, a way of converting scrap steel and iron.”
She kicks for the surface shaking her head, commanding a shark to swim away, “No, we need suppliers. We are not in manufacturing. Our focus needs to be on the job.”

Kim breaks the surface and shifts to a beach to bask in the sun. “I am approaching this all wrong. The Clan’s fixers are securing ongoing supplies for the Raptors.”

“This is bigger than just me and I need help. I can’t do everything and if I am not careful, I will get distracted and careless.” Her finger brush her eyepatch and the scars that peek it from behind it. “I have good people in place and need to trust them to do their jobs as they trust me to do mine.”

“You took a risk yesterday and Oscar nearly died.” She berates herself, “It was just lucky I was able to get him out of there.” She recalls the scene as she crawled into the dead Mothers mouth and carved through its cheek to pull her mentor and friend from under the corpses head.

She smiles, knowing he is OK and takes a deep breath, knowing in heart that Oscar is right. She needs to own who she has become.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

My Favourite in this Chapter is the Night Out! It is fun - and among all the serious Stuff happening a bit lighthearted fun!"
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Post by GreyLord »

As always with you, @wolfman, this was wonderful. Thank you.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

@Caesar73 @GreyLord

Thank you for your kind words gentlemen. I wanted a little light to enter this tale, before we visit the darkness again.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

@Bandit666 @Caesar73 @GreyLord @slackywacky

After an hour of trying over and over to mark her room with the time dilation glyphs, Anya, Ali and Tara manage to get ten hours sleep in two and a half hours Atlantean time.

One by one they stumble into the shower, while the others guzzle down water. Tara slips out of the room and returns shortly after with three Virgin Mary’s and three packs of Salt and Vinegar crisps.

Anya and Ali look at her confused and she just shrugs, “Trust the process. Liquids, salt and sugars, with starch for slow release sugar over the next hour or two. Works for me, when I hit the booze.”

“Do you hit it much?” Ali asks, concerned.

“Nah, only when we hit a milestone and Mika drags me out on the lash.” Tara confesses, draining half her drink and popping open the crisp packet.

“Speaking of milestones, I still can’t believe how much we have all done. How have we come so far?” Ali asks, still not quite able to believe she has her sisters with her.

“We have a legacy of greatness.” Anya says, unsure if she wants to get into it now.

“Yeah. Last descendants of Timor Arno.” Ali says, raising her glass in a toast.

“Yeah.” Anya says deciding to hold her tongue and raising her glass.

The clinics receptionist looks up, spotting Anya dressed in the toga and Circlet of her office, while Tara and Ali both wear dark trouser suits.

The foyer of the clinic, is filled with natural light due to the high windows on all sides. The warmth of the morning gives way to a welcoming cool thanks to the air conditioning.

Polished floors and understated elegance, bring an air of calm to all who enter this place of healing.

The lift silently carries them to the top floor. The doors open and the peace ends.

The hustle and bustle of the clinic in full flow is a sight to behold. Sisters, flit between rooms, with quiet grace and confidence. There is activity without noise. Urgency without alarm and action without fuss.

Anya leads her sisters from the lift towards Oscar’s room, raising her eyebrows when she sees four soldiers standing outside of his room.

The Sargent of the guard, holds up his hand, “I am sorry, this man is under the protection of the Saviour’s Guard. Authorised personnel only.”

In turn each of the sisters present their credentials to check and the soldier thanks them for their patience and understanding, before he waves them through confirming that that are all permitted.

Inside the room Anya turns to Ali and whispers, “How did you get permission?”

Ali smiles, whispering back, “I have a high quality card holder with a crisp white card in it. Confidence and a credible story, gets me in most places.” She pauses and winks, “If I really need to get anywhere, I pull a clipboard and biro.”

Tara chuckles softly, “Is that the secret then?”

“Trust me. With a high viz vest and a ladder, you can get in anywhere with enough of a jobsworth attitude.” Ali says, wary of giving too much away.

Anya parts the privacy curtain within the room and steps inside to see Oscar laying their unconscious. She picks up his chart and nods, checking the entries made overnight. “Pretty much no change.”

“He is asleep.” Ali says, feeling the presence of his sleeping mind.

“That will be the drugs.” Anya says, absent mindedly putting the chart back.

“No, he is asleep. He has been awake within the last few hours.” Ali confirms.

“How can you know that?” Tara asks, curious.

“Long story.” Ali says, looking sad, “I miss being able to psi you guys.”

Anya and Tara nods quietly in agreement. Anya smiles, “We should get it back at some point. It was only supposed to be for as long as we were training.”

Tara chews her lip and stares at the floor, while Ali looks into the middle distance.

“I don’t think I want to share everything, like we used to. I have had quite a journey and it doesn’t feel right to just share it.” Tara says, unable to meet her sisters gaze, feeling the burden of the knowledge she holds.

“To be fair, I am privy to some of the secrets of the Order and even though you guys mean the world to me, I can’t share.” Anya says, aware of the punishments that she would receive if she shares what she knows.

“I wouldn’t want to bore you guys with the things, I have done.” Ali says, not wanting to admit to everything she has done.

“I’m sure it isn’t that bad.” Tara says, sympathetically.

“There has been a lot of traveling from place to place peddling false visions and making the masses believe.” Ali says, as much to convince herself as her sisters. “Only thing that has kept me going is keeping up with my training in the hope that you guys are doing the same.”

“Same here, when I do my morning routine, it is like I feel connected to you guys.” Anya admits, with a smile.

“I have added some moves to my routine, but it is still much as it was too.” Tara says, recalling the myriad Shockwave moves and Biokinetic strikes she practices.

“This is cool, but it doesn’t get us closer to finding out how Kim is.” Ali says, sadly.

“I was hoping Oscar would be awake, so we could ask him about her.” Tara says, frustrated.

“If you are right and he is asleep and not drugged. We might be able to talk to him later.” Anya says, hopefully.

Ali walks around his bed and examines his tattoos, “That’s definitely Kim’s right eye. I wonder why he has it on his arm and what is the deal with the names.”

“No idea. Did have a bit of a check and they are names of either mythical realms or those cut off due to Annunakin invasion, where the inhabitants warded their realms to prevent portals being opened and the menace spreading.” Tara confirms.

“Should we try to wake him?” Tara says, thinking aloud.

She pauses for a beat, before turning around and finding herself alone in the room with Oscar. Just as she is about to call for security she feels a hand on her shoulder and the world spins sideways.

When the world stops spinning, Tara looks around rapidly, finding herself on a beach with Ali and Anya.

“What the actual fuck?” Anya says, her hackles raised.

Tara sends a pulse out and gets a full picture of the area. “No idea but there is no one for at least two miles around us.”

Ali picks up a few branches of drift wood and walks over to a cluster of rocks to get a small campfire burning. Following her nose, Tara sits down and stirs the embers of the fire, she pulls a can from a dimensional pocket and fills it with water condensed from the air and sets it over the fire, “We can have coffee in a bit.”

“It’s a nice spot at least.” Anya says, taking a handful of sand and shaping it into a glass cup. Ali and Tara look on stunned as she makes three more.

“That is awesome. How can you do that? I thought you were a healer.” Tara says, confused.

Anya chuckles, “I am an Alchemist. My primary focus is artifice and crafting. Hence the dresses. Medical crafting is kind of a hobby.”

“What kind of things can you make?” Ali asks, filling three of the cups, “Who is the fourth cup for?”

“Whoever brought us here.” Anya says, picking up a rock the size of her foot and shaping it into a cast iron skillet. “If I had to guess, I would say it is Kim.”

“Where ever we are, we are cut off. We are miles from any other land and as far as I can tell, we are alone.” Ali confirms, with her eyes closed. She snaps her eyes open and begins looking around, exclaiming, “Hey what the heck?”

Anya mistakes her confusion for an incoming attack. With a flourish, she is armed with a sword hilt in her right hand and a hair dryer in her left.

A jet of water streaks over the beach freezing in mid air into dozens of frozen spears and darts which orbit Tara like a tornado of destruction.

“Easy guys. It is a friendly.” Ali says stepping aside to reveal Kim standing there.

Kim stands awkwardly, dressed in leather trousers, boots and a grey tank top, showing her tattooed left arm and scars on her deeply tanned skin. Her ruined left eye is covered by a weathered black leather eye patch, while her sun bleached hair is loose about her shoulders.

None of them move for a moment. The ice returns to the sea. Anya puts the handle and hair dryer away.

“Sorry to drop you here like that. I needed to see you guys with no one listening.” Kim says, quietly.

“It’s good to see you.” Tara says, crossing the distance between them and giving her sister a hug. She feels her shoulder shake slightly, as Kim begins to cry.

Anya and Ali soon join the hug wordlessly, sensing Kim’s joy.

Tara pulls four Bass from the sea and fillets them in mid air, depositing the meat in the skillet and the carcasses back into the surf.

Kim tries to focus but she just rests in Anya’s arms gently rocking herself, revelling in being with her sisters again.

Sea water lances from the sea, boiling rapidly, until only salt remains, when it hits the pan.

Ali projects a feeling of calm, into her sister’s mind, until she calms down.

“It is so good to see you guys.” Kim says, feeling her emotions level out and her mind clear.

Anya pulls her closer and hugs her tight, “It’s good to see you too.”

“How have you been?” Ali asks, gently.

Kim exhales slowly and relaxes, then leans back against a rock. “To be fair, I have been kinda busy.”

Ali, Anya and Tara all nod gently, with murmurs of agreement. They sit quietly around the fire for a moment. Whilst all of them have grown physically, with each topping out at five feet eleven, where most have become more toned and trim, Kim however, has gained at least twenty pounds of solid muscle around her shoulders and arms.

For the first time, they all realise that each other have had a journey at least as hard as their own.

Anya pulls out a bottle of water and transforms its contents to vodka, then takes a pull on it, “I am the youngest Priestess Arcana in over a generation. I study night and day and in addition to Alchemy have learned all of the Order’s rituals. I know some of the dark secrets of the universe and can craft machines that could annihilate cities.” She pauses to take another pull, “However, it is meaningless in this moment, as I cannot do anything to heal your wounds, Kim.” She passes Kim the bottle unable to look her in the eye.

Kim takes the bottle and has a pull, “I don’t want it healed. I am a Custodian. I become one with the world and can travel between realms. It is my duty to protect and nurture the world around me. I found this realm with an Annunakin incursion in its early stages.” She drinks again, “I sealed the portal and killed the Annunakin here, without incident. Until the last one and I got careless and cocky.”

Kim strokes her face and neck, “This is the price of survival. It is also a reminder to myself and those around me, that no matter who you are, how well armed you might be or how prepared, if you do dumb shit, there is a price.”

Tara opens her mouth to speak but stops herself, feeling Kim has more to share. Kim takes another pull on the bottle and continues, “This then became my realm and I got to name it. The other Custodians began looking at me like I had all the answers. I suggested a strategy to deal with an Annunakin infested realm and we freed that realm. After that I had a more ambitious plan for the next realm.”

Kim closes her eyes enjoying the breeze for a moment, before she shows her sisters her left arm, “They made me a Clan chief. This is my symbol.” She points to the eye, “All of my Clan have this tattoo. They also have the names of any realms that they have a part in freeing from the Annunakin. The underlined names are for where an Annunakin mother is killed. The problem is that according to the accords that the realms have signed up to, if a realm suffers and incursion by the Annunakin and the Custodians liberate them, then the people of the realm can choose the leader of the campaign as its new ruler. If it is an Annunakin world, the campaign leader is automatically names as its ruler.”

Anya realises that where Oscar had twenty names on his arm, Kim has over thirty with four underlined names.

“So that’s me. Liberator Chief Cyclops. Head of a Clan of over fifty Custodians, almost a hundred support staff, with a Respite centre and production facilities and keeper of twenty five realms. But worse than that, the Custodians look at me as though, I am the second coming, with all the answers.” She takes two more mouthfuls of vodka, “I am responsible for the lives of so many people and if I fuck up, people could die. I want this, but it is a lot to deal with every day.”

She passes the bottle to Tara who takes a slug, staring out to sea, “It was fun when I started. The lessons were easy and I lapped them up. Telekinesis, no problem. Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis, done. Hydrokinesis, electrokinesis, easy. I began joining the dots and distilling things to core principles. Then I came up with Biokinesis and within that Quintekinesis.”

She smiles bitterly, taking another pull from the bottle, “Full control over the human body, with manipulation of life energy, as a follow up. With it users can make a person sleep, sweat, pee, purge poison from the body. We can also scan bodies and perform surgery with our minds. We can also subdue armed attackers with no bloodshed.”

Kim senses a but coming, “Are you OK, babe?”

“At some point, my discipline will be used to kill someone. When that happens their death will be on me.” Tara says, sadly taking another pull.

Anya puts her arm around her sister and squeezes her shoulder, “If you give someone a weapon and show them how to use it responsibly and they choose to use it to hurt others, that is on them. It’s not on you.”

“I suppose you get it, with the weapons you can make. You feel it too.” Tara says setting down the bottle.

“Yeah. Sometimes you have to focus on the good you can bring to the world.” Anya says with a smile.

“I guess so.” Tara days, passing the bottle to Ali with her mind.

Ali plucks the bottle from mid air and has a sip, “I gotta ask, Anya. What is the deal with the hairdryer? If we were attacked were you going to style them into submission.”

Anya blushes and pulls out the hair dryer. “I wasn’t sure what level of threat there was.”

“I get you. As we all know, there is a level of danger between tight curls and bangs?” Tara asks, playfully.

Anya stands up and walks towards the sea. At the waters edge she raises the hair dryer and takes aim, pointing out to sea.

Every one jumps when Anya pulls the trigger and a howling boom leaves the barrel, heralding a churning, roiling column of air a hundred metres long. She releases the trigger and lets the air settle.

She turns back to her sister, as the smell of sulphur dissipates. “The fan is imbued in such a way that any air moved by it, leaves the end with the heat and force of a pyroclastic flow.”

“Damn. That’s beast.” Kim says, with an appreciative nod.

“You should see what my leaf blower does.” Anya says, with a wink, then raised her hand to her mouth, “I wasn’t thinking, I am so sorry.”

“Eh?” Kim asks confused.

“I winked.” Anya says, beside herself, “I didn’t mean to offend you, because you can’t wink any more.”

Kim jogs over to her “You dumbass. I can wink, I just can’t blink.” She chuckles.

“Sorry.” Anya says, blushing again.

“It’s cool. I know it is a lot to take in, but I am good with it. The shame of it is, that I probably won’t be a bridesmaid for Niki and Hal.” Kim says, with a tinge of sadness.

“Stuff that. You are with us or we are out.” Tara says, defiantly.

“All in babe.” Ali says, with a thumbs up.

“We make sure that our dresses match. Full sleeve right arm, off the shoulder left side with no sleeve. So you can show your tattoos with pride.” Tara says, with a grin.

“Yeah, I am sure the royal dressmaker will be ok with that.” Kim says sarcastically, with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I’m good with it. Can really see it working.” Anya says, with a nod.

“You’re making the bridesmaids dresses?” Ali asks, with open mouthed surprise.

“I am in charge of all the bridal outfits, wedding dress, evening dress, Sasha and Dani’s dresses and bridesmaids dresses. Lily and Rose are on my team, and are doing the men’s suits, shoes, jewellery and accessories.” Anya says, with a hint of pride.

“I am putting on a special concert for everyone in Atlantis. It will be an epic tale of Halpron and Nikita’s love, from the moment they met, up until the wedding day, with key moments in their story. Have the story board set up, just working on the sound track.” Ali says, with a shrug.

“I am naming the Biokinetics college in their honour. “The King Halpron and Queen Nikita College of Biokinetic studies.” Tara says, warmly.

Kim sits thoughtfully, before speaking, “I have a Clan of Liberators, trained in Shift Fighting. Armed with state of the art gear. We have protocols for sealing and closing portals, containing Annunakin incursions and for the termination of their mother’s. We also have dedicated support teams of envoys to contact liberated worlds to bring them back to Atlantis. My gift to them is the worlds we bring back into the fold and that Nikita doesn’t need to fight again. I have it covered.”

“Jesus Kim. Hold on a minute.” Tara says, shaking her head, “Think about what you are saying.”

“I have done nothing but think about it, since I liberated Peace. Sasha, Nikita and Dani have given so much. They deserve a chance to rest and live their lives. I can make that happen.” Kim says, nodding towards the fire, “Fish is done.”

They eat in silence. Anya produces wine and two bottles in, they lay back on the beach, all of them in tankinis.

“What about us?” Ali says, looking her sister in the eye “I know what you’re doing. You are not just letting them rest. You are protecting us.”

“Yes, I am. You are my sisters and you deserve lives too. I love you so much.” Kim admits, tearfully, “I am your big sister. It is my job to look after you.”

“No babe, we can look after ourselves, all you need to do is love us, like we love you.” A heartfelt Tara says, warmly.

“Damn straight. You might put yourself out there, but they doesn’t mean you are alone. You do this and we are with you.” Anya says with gentle smile.

“Amen sister. We are strongest when we are together and if no one else will say it, I will. It feels awesome having us all back together again. Although, I think we should acknowledge that we have met and had vodka, wine and fish for breakfast.” Ali says, a little tipsy.

Seeing she has lost the argument before it has begun, Kim slumps her shoulders “I love you guys so much. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

“If its half as much as I have missed you all, I get it.” Ali says, distantly.

“Me too. Up till we parted, my first instinct was to share anything good with you all. I have missed being able to do that.” Tara says, wistfully.

Ali turns to Kim and says, “We have said that when we can share our thoughts, we don’t want to share all we have done.”

“I am on board with that. I don’t want you to have the pain that I feel.” Kim says, with a smile.

“Is it bad?” Ali asks, concerned.

“My eye is gone. The nerves aren’t and they still tell me every day that my eye is missing and my skin is damaged.” Kim admits, “It is, what it is. But, I wouldn’t change a thing. With the backing of my Ministry and my Clan, we have liberated a lot of realms and people therein. We have given so many people a chance at a new life. My pain, is the price for their freedom.”

“Sounds awful. How do you cope?” Anya asks, concerned.

“One day at a time. I use the techniques Tara showed us to meditate and rise above the pain, so I can sleep.” She turns to Tara and smiles, “You have no idea, how much I use the stuff you taught us.”

Anya and Ali nod their assent, causing Tara to blush, as Kim continues, “Without what you showed me, it would have taken months to even begin my studies, but I was all good from day one.”

“Same here.” Anya confirms. And Ali following up with a nod, “Me too.”

They sit back lost in their own thoughts, watching the gulls wheel overhead and the surf crashing on the shore.

“Anyone been watching the news lately?” Tara asks, laying back on the silky sand.

“Very occasionally, have been out of the loop quite a bit since we parted.” Anya says, with a shrug.

“A bit yeah.” Ali confirms also laying back on the sand.

“On and off, when I am looking for something to switch off too, as well as looking for you guys on the news.” Kim nods, gently stretching her back.

“What do you reckon to this Devil donny?” Tara asks, thoughtfully.

“Yeah I heard about that.” Anya says, “Scourge of the underworld. Hunting down drug gangs, people smugglers and terrorists then smiting them with images of hell and the torment that awaits them.”

“It is pretty mental. There are theories ranging from rival cartels clearing the field with unknown tech, to an unknown foreign power, looking to take control of the black market. Maybe we could team up and go after them.” Tara says, bright eyed.

“Actually, the Custodians have been put on alert. We can sense the thoughts of those in our environments. If we pick up on the thoughts of this Devil, we are to notify Cassius’ office.” Kim says, in a matter of fact tone.

“That is pretty cool.” Tara says, with a lop sided grin. “Have there been any sightings?”

“Nah. We have been on the lookout for the past couple of weeks, Atlantean time and have nothing yet. However, it is only a matter of time.” Kim says, taking a pull of ice cold water.

Ali basks in the sun with her eyes closed and sighs, “I am not sure it will work.”

Kim smiles, self assured, “Oh it will, we can sense all and if he comes within range of one of us, we will catch him.”

“I’m still not convinced.” Ali says, feeling a pit in her stomach, knowing what has to happen.

“Oh right. And why is that?” Kim asks, playfully.

“Lots of reasons.” Ali says, half ready to back out of confessing.

“Uh huh. I will take your word for it.” Kim shrugs.

“Well to be fair, we have been on this beach for hours and you haven’t said anything.” Ali says, slowing her breathing and preparing for an attack.

Kim stops smiling and looks at Ali confused, “You what?”

Ali exhales slowly, looking her sister in the eye then sheepishly shrugs, “I am the Devil.”

For a moment, the birds are silent and the waves are still as Kim locks her sisters gaze, before Kim laughs, “Nah. I ain’t buying it.”

From Anya and Tara’s perspective, a split second later Kim is laying on her side with her arms behind her back and her ankle pressed together and bent up towards her hands. Her eyes are closed and her mouth open.

From Kim’s point of view she is hogtied on her side, with tape over her eyes and a thick cloth tied in her mouth.

Ali only maintains the illusion for a minute, quickly ending it, “Sorry babe. That was the quickest way to show you how effective what I do is, when turned to less wholesome outcomes.” She pauses for a moment, before confessing, “I have been conducting a terror campaign against those who prey upon the weak. Drug cartels, arms dealers, people smugglers, Pax Felix insurgents, terrorist groups. Anyone who would harm Atlanteans or its allies.”

Kim feels her world lurch, on its side “Fuck. They have weaponised us all. You are a one woman army, which awesome by the way, Anya can make massively destructive weapons, Tara has created a lethal discipline and I have created a Clan of Annunakin hunters.” She says, almost angrily.

Anya and Ali both nod, but Tara shakes her head, “Nah. We were weaponised in Spain and ever since we have been seeking ways to hone our skills and prove ourselves.” She says, suppressing a chuckle, “The truth is that they have used us to weaponise themselves.”

Kim nods and raises her eyebrow slightly, “You make a very good point.”

Anya chews her lip, before admitting, “I am not mad about it. I have learned how to do some amazing things and now I can make a difference like never before.”

“I am honouring my parents legacy and walking the halls of lacademia. I never thought I would do that.” Tara admits, with a sad smile.

“I have lost an eye, been permanently scarred and am in pain a lot of the time.” Kim says, feeling torn, “However, a lot of lives have been transformed as a result of my actions and the actions of those I have led.”

“I have freed, thousands of trafficked men women and children. Taken hundreds of guns and thousands of rounds off the streets. Got literally tonnes of illicit drugs out of circulation. I have put so many people behind bars and saved so many lives.” Ali says, in a melancholy tone, “However, it wasn’t without cost.”

Kim moves to Ali’s side and puts an arm around her, with a whisper, “Let it go. We are here for you.”

“Some of the people, I targeted as the Devil, were too weak minded to survive.” Ali says, in a tiny voice.

Kim hugs her sister gently, almost as if frightened that she will break, “I’m so sorry.”

Ali breathes slowly and speaks softly, “I felt the moments their minds snapped and when their hearts stopped.” She sighs gently, “I am conflicted. On one hand, I killed them, on the other hand they were bad people and their deaths make the worlds a better place.”

“Taking a life is one thing. However, the hardest thing, is what happens after.” Kim says, seeing the faces of those whose lives she has ended.

“Yeah. It’s rough.” Anya says, haunted by the death of her biological mother. “It’s hard but, in time peace comes, if you let it.”

Ali nods grimly, “In some ways, I see it as the price of doing business. They wouldn’t be targeted if they’d lived good lives. Chances are one of their nefarious activities would have ended their lives anyway, I just sped up the process and reduced the amount of harm that they could do in their lives.”

“You have freed so many people, from slavery, drug use and violence. You are a hero, babe.” Tara says, stunned in some ways. “You can’t change the past, only how you face the future.”

Ali casts her gaze across her sisters, before confessing, “Is it bad to say that I don’t feel guilt about them dying?”

“How do you feel about it?” Tara asks, watching Ali’s body language.

Ali picks up the vodka bottle again and takes a slug, “I feel bad that they passed away and in some cases, I feel bad for their families and the loved ones they have left behind. Now that they are dead, there is no way they will make amends for their crimes. But at the same time the world is safe from any further harm from them.”

Ali looks out to sea and hugs herself, “Is it wrong that I have made peace with it?”

Kim shakes her head and sighs, “It takes time and perspective. I am guessing you have been at this a while, in real time. I am sorry, I haven’t been there for you. I have sent you a link where you can always reach me, wherever I am.”

“Me too. I have thrown myself I to the Order and my studies to the exclusion of everything else.” Anya says, “Last night was awesome, but it would have been better if you had been there, Kim. I didn’t realise how much I needed to spend time with you all.”

“If you guys are up for it. This island has a dilation effect of twenty four times. We could spend a week here and be gone for seven hours Atlantean time.” Kim says, hopefully.

“I am so down for that.” Ali says, her eyes wide.

Anya nods and grins, “I am in.”

Tara sighs, “Spend time with my ladies, on a desert island, with a perfect beach. Sign me up, I have been at this for eighteen months without a break.”

Seeing the nods from her sisters, Kim realises that they have all been at this for about the same amount of time, “They have screwed with us all, haven’t they?”

Ali purses her lips thoughtfully, “Take us back. There are witnesses to us going into Oscar’s room. We come out of room and go about our days and then go back to out respective quarters for the night. Pick us up at ten pm and as far as Atlantis is concerned, tonight we are in our beds and no one is any the wiser.”

Anya nods and smiles, “I can stock up and bring some of the stuff I daren’t test in Atlantis and grab some party favours for everyone.”

“I can write up my notes from the procedure we performed and make notes on expanded techniques. This works well for me.” Tara says, her eyes sparkling.

“Then it is settled. I’ll set up camp and get supplies ready. This will be awesome.” Kim says, beaming a smile.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

Quite the reunion of the Juniors I must say :) It was touching, intimate to see all the Youngsters together again. I always marvel at the Universe you have created @wolfman !
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well @wolfman another enjoyable and interesting read. Though I will admit I never expected half of what has occurred since you started us all on this journey. And that’s what makes it all so much more than just a simply bondage tale and makes it an adventure of epic proportions
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Post by wolfman »

@Caesar73 @Bandit666

Thank you both for your kind words. It has been a journey for me aa well seeing where this story takes me. I hope you continuebto enjoy
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 2 weeks ago @Caesar73 @Bandit666

Thank you both for your kind words. It has been a journey for me aa well seeing where this story takes me. I hope you continuebto enjoy
I am sure I will enjoy this Arc @wolfman :)
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Post by wolfman »

@Bandit666 @Caesar73 @GreyLord @slackywacky

After leaving the hospital and waving farewell to her sisters, Tara heads back to her quarters within her newly built college. She walks the corridors of the building, seeing classrooms and gymnasiums ready for students. She passes through the library, casually running her fingers along the shelves taking in the titles of the books.

She plucks one from the shelf and holds it up to her nose, enjoying the old book smell, before setting it back. Tara takes in the scale of the library and sighs, “Mum would have loved this.”

“Thought you might pop in here.” Mika says stepping out from the crime fiction section. “Amazing isn’t it.”

“I can’t believe it. This is incredible.” Tara says beaming a smile.

“Everything is state of the art. We are ready to open our doors. Fancy a drink tonight?” Mika says, with a smile.

Tara winces, “I can’t tonight, I am meeting up with my sisters for a proper catch up. I am so sorry.”

Mika grins, “Fair play, I don’t think I could handle a second night on the lash with you lot after last night. I hope you have a great night.”

“Thanks, I have a feeling it is going to be wild.” Tara says, with a smile, “We will have to do something to mark the occasion though.”

“Well, we are having dignitaries from the other Kinesics Colleges and Ministries, as well as selected other Ministries for a tour and talk in a couple of days.” Mika says, checking her notes, “I think we are there with our confirmed first intake and the curriculum is set and ready.”

“I’ve written up the surgery from yesterday and new ideas and techniques, as well as the foundation of surgical protocols.” Tara says with a grin.

“You were right, the applications for medicine are massive.” Mika says, with a smile.

“So much so, that I am beginning to put together a treatise and handbook for medical applications.” Tara confesses.

“I have been working with Perseus on applications for law enforcement and counter terrorist operations.” Mika admits, “He is a very smart guy.”

“Smart looking too, you going to make a move?” Tara asks with a wink.

Mika chuckles and shakes her head, “It wouldn’t be appropriate with a student, despite how tempting it would be.” Mika says, “What about you?”

“What about me?” Tara says, confused.

“Well you’re effectively eighteen.” Mika says playfully. Letting the point hang.

It takes a moment for the penny to drop and Tara shakes her head vehemently, “He is a bit old for me.”

“There. Lady calm and collected, can get flustered.” Mika says, “I am only teasing you.”

“Oh you are bad.” Tara checks the time and looks at Mika with a pang of regret, “Sorry, but I need to get moving, if I am going to be ready on time.”

After a morning entering commendations into the permanent records of all staff, at the bar from the previous evening, praising the excellent service and work that they did, she sits back at her desk.

She looks around her office taking in the sumptuous sofa, great views and art work on the walls. “Everything in here is about quiet power. Anyone who walks in, will have a feeling of power being flexed, before I say a word.”

“Everything I do is designed to cultivate an image, it will be so good to spend time with the girls and actually be myself without walls.” Ali thinks to herself, “I need this.”

Anya strides through her chambers, ignoring everything as she enters her galleries.

Almost without thinking she moves from shelf to shelf selecting items and placing them into dimensional pockets.

She feels a thrill of anticipation at being able to test some of her new toys, but then stops herself before the book section and picks a couple from the shelves, with Angela’s words echoing in her ears, “Nothing classified or protected may be shared, but the cantrips, are open to all.”

“Sweet.” She thinks, heading to the kitchen to prepare a few items.

Kim puts the finishing touches to camp. A pleasant spot on the edge of the beach. A large hammock tent, attached to three trees and held aloft by three strong ratchet straps. Inside is bedding and ample space for the four of them.

A large pile of driftwood and logs sits at the edge of camp, and a fire pit has been dug on the beach itself. Nearby rest a couple of coolers stocked with ice and easy to refill with a trip to the mountains.

A small area in a cave nearby, houses a toilet, with a small portal underneath which will drop will drop waste into a volcano. There is also a makeshift shower, linked by portal to the hot spring.

“Camp is all set up. Plenty of food on standby and we are good to go.” Kim thinks with a smile.

She pulls four kayaks and sets of oars from her dimensional pockets and sets out spear and line fishing gear with them.

Checking the time she smiles, “Soon be time to pick them up.”

Kim kicks off her shoes and walks barefoot on the warm sand, savouring the feeling of it between her toes. “We have all been through a lot. I think we all need this.” She thinks, feeling concern for her sisters.

She sighs, smiles, “Showtime.”

Kim and her sisters gather on the beach barely able to believe what is happening. “Back together again.” Kim says warmly.

“The camp looks awesome, this will be so much fun.” Tara says, with a gentle smile.

Ali rolls her shoulders and nods, “Be nice to relax for a change. Feels like I have been on the go for a lifetime.”

In their own way, each agrees and echoes the sentiment. “Yeah, it has been rough.” Anya says, thinking of everything she has learned.

“Shame there are no sun loungers. Would love to sit back with a beer and watch the sun go down.” Ali says, looking at the sky.

“Your wish is my command.” Kim says, slowing her breathing and commanding the sand on the beach to form four sun loungers.

“Wow. That is epic. I had no idea you could do that.” Ali says, with a hint of respect.

“There is a lot you don’t know, I can do.” Kim says, wishing she could wink.

“If you like that, you are going to love this.” Tara says laying back on a recliner, “Lay back, close your eyes and breath.”

The others lay back as she asks and feel themselves start to relax. Tara reaches out and almost suddenly, begins squeezing and manipulating their muscles. Faster and more precisely than any masseuse, she unravels all the knots from their muscles and drains any lactic acid their muscles have stored.

Kim, Ali and Anya breath a collective sigh of relief, as Tara uses Quintekinesis to rebalanced their life energies.

Tara rises silently from her seat as her sisters relax. She pulls four beers from the cooler and uncaps them, before placing a bottle in each of her sisters hands. “Take a sip when you are ready.”

It takes a few moments before any of them can speak, “That was incredible. How did you do that?” Anya says, shocked.

“Muscle manipulation is a base level discipline, within Biokinetics. I can sense your muscles and concentrations of lactic acid and other toxins and drive them out of your muscles. The energy balancing is a bit more involved.” Tara explains, sheepishly.

“If my Clan had that before deployment, they would be like greased lightning in the field.” Kim says, thinking aloud.

“When we have a few graduates, it may be an option to have one on station with your people.” Tara says, with a shrug.

“That would be great.” Kim says, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling.

“Any one hungry?” Anya asks, making a hole in the sand.

“Yeah sorry, didn’t get the fire lit, will take a while to get going.” Kim says , sheepishly.

“No worries, I can get it going.” Tara says, moving to get up.

“Chill babe, I got this.” Anya says pulling a cast iron saucepan from a dimensional pocket and setting it in the hole in the sand. She then pulls out a bottle of water and changes it to sesame oil and empties it into the pan.

She takes a pack of premarinaded chicken and sprinkles some cornflour over the pieces to coat them, before dropping the chicken in one by one to sizzle.

Kim sits upright, looking at the pan, “How the hell?”

“Huh?” Anya grunts, before realising what she means, “Oh the pan has an alchemical heating effect, with a precondition pin, so if any oil is added to the pan it is heated to a hundred and seventy Celsius, or if water is added it heats to a hundred degrees.

Kim nods, “Pretend I have no idea what any of that meant. Say what?”

“I performed a ritual to heat the pan, then used a pin cantrip to suspend the effect until a condition is met, in this case oil is added to the pan and a second cantrip to allow the effect to repeat every time the condition is met.” Anya explains, sheepishly.

Tara, Ali and Kim sit wordlessly contemplating what their sister has just said. Anya pulls a set of tongs and a tray with cooling rack from her dimensional pockets and begins taking the chicken from the pan and allowing it to drain and crisp up.

Tara begins to speak thoughtfully, “So in theory, I could set up an effect to defibrillate a heart which would activate if the heart stops. Then add another effect to massage the heart if it is defibrillated.”

Anya thinks about it and nods slowly, “Yes that could work and you could add in stimulation of the adrenal gland and secondary shocks too.”

Kim’s lip trembles, “Could you teach us how to do that?” Her heart thumps in her chest at the possibilities

“I checked before you picked me up. Cantrips are not classed as Order secrets, as they are effects that transcend any one college of magic.” Anya explains with a grin, pulling a lemon from a dimensional pocket, “However, before we do that, how about some karaage?”

“That was fantastic, never had that before.” Kim says, having lost track of how many pieces she has had.

“I have learned the composition of so many compounds, drinks and food types and this is one of my favourites.” Anya says, with a shrug.

“You have studied a lot haven’t you?” Ali says, with a tone of respect.

“Three months Atlantean time, but just over two years actual time. Rituals, Alchemy techniques, compositions and so much more.” Anya confesses.

“Same here. Telekinesis, Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Hydrokinesis Aerokinesis and Electrokinesis in six months actual. Then advanced shockwave training and formulation of the codex of Biokinesis and Quintekinesis and study of medicine and biology.” Tara says, before taking another piece of chicken.

“That is mad.” Ali says, blown away, “I learned how to read thoughts and emotions, project emotions and broadcast hyper real illusions to a mass audience.” She takes a sip of beer, “Not to mention, lethal high end psychosomatic injuries.”

“Yeah similar for me too.” Kim says, “I learned to perceive my environment, fade into it and become one with it. I can control every aspect of my environment and even objects, creatures and to a lesser extent people in my environment. I can merge with the Life Sea and sail its currents. I created a system of Shift Fighting, invented Raptors and have written protocols for dealing with Annunakin incursions.”

Kim raises her beer and speaks softly, “A toast. For the journeys we’ve had and those to come.”

She and her sisters clink their drinks and settle back on their sand loungers to watch the stars emerging into the deepening dark blue and purple of the sky.

Anya pulls a zip lock bag from a dimensional pocket and drops the battered contents into the pot for a moment, “Picked this one up from a Brother in the Order who grew up in Scotland.”

Kim refreshes everyone’s beers just in time to accept the mystery battered object on a stick.

“Careful, they are hot.” Anya warns, before taking a bite.

Ali shrugs and takes a bite of hers and her senses explode. Hot melted chocolate. Melted caramel and hot nougat, with a crisp battered shell.

“That is amazing.” Kim says, taking a swig of beer to cool her mouth before taking a second bite of deep fried Mars bar.

“You are such a bad girl. This is wrong in everyway except, the way it is so right.” Tara says, shocked.

“I love the way it coats my mouth and fills my throat.” Ali says and then hangs her head “Yeah, I know what I just said. Fuck’s sake.”

They all begin laughing unable to stop as tears roll down their cheeks. In each of their own ways, this is a release to all of the tension they have had since they last parted.

They lay back in the tent, staring up through the netting at the sky. Anya reaches a hand up and focuses for a moment and the canopy, becomes as transparent as glass.

“That is awesome. Thanks babe.” Kim says, beaming a smile.

“No worries, you can keep the skillet too. I have more at home. I have a few more toys to share tomorrow.” Anya confesses.

“Cool.” Kim says, beaming with pride at her sister, “You are really good at what you do aren’t you?”

“We all are.” Anya says, taking a breath to centre herself, “We are predisposed towards it.”

“I don’t believe that Timor Arno’s legacy makes us who we are.” Ali says, defiantly.

“We have a gift from him and our mother, which gives us incredible magical aptitude.” Anya pauses, knowing how hard the next few moments will be, “However, it is our instinct and preternatural problem solving from our father, that makes us so good at what we do.”

Kim sits up and looks at Anya, confused, “What?” she tries to make sense of what she has just heard, “What do you mean from dad’s side?”

“Our father was Atlantean. He has a gift for problem solving when it came to logistics. The company was a front, for obtaining goods covertly for Atlantis.” Anya confesses.

“No he would have said something.” Kim pauses, shocked, “Wouldn’t he?”

“Phobos knew about him and our mother. Difference is, Angela told me the truth.” Anya says, sadly.

Kim scrambles to get out of the tent and when Tara tries to stop her and hold her, she shifts away, leaving her sisters in the tent.

Kim runs full tilt, from realm to realm and between locales, shifting with each step. As woods, forest, deserts, mountains and all manner of other terrain streak past, she screams.

“It can’t be true.” She thinks, “Why would he lie to me?”

Memories flow unbidden from her childhood, blasting her senses like a torrent. She stops atop a remote mountain and allows the memories to flow, her breathing slows and she relaxes allowing the adult Kim, revisit the memories of her younger self.

As she sits atop the mountain, her eyes roll up and she shows the whites of her eyes.

Ali hugs Anya, “It’s OK babe. You did the right thing.”

Tara echoes the sentiment and joins the hug, “I can’t believe they lied to us.”

“They didn’t lie, they just didn’t tell us everything.” Anya says bitterly. “We have a cousin who has a villa in Haven. He is married and has a couple of kids around our age. Dad and Lupita had a private island in Haven too.”

“That is mad.” Tara says, with a faraway look in her eye, “I hope Kim comes back soon.”

At sunrise, Kim returns to camp after reviewing every memory she has of her father.

Her sisters look up at her from the hammock and begin to slowly move towards her, not wanting to spook her.

“Dad and my uncle never talked about their childhoods, or where they grew up. There were never any photos of him as a boy or a young man.” She says, numb.

She looks Anya in the eye and weakly asks, “It’s true, isn’t it?”

Anya nods and climbs out of the tent and hugs Kim, followed by Ali and Tara. “We’re here for you, babe.”

Kim smiles, lowering her head onto Anya shoulder, thinking, “That is all I ever need to know.”, as she begins to cry.

After a lazy morning, with a light breakfast, Anya tells her sisters all Angela told her about their living family and their parents holdings. Kim sighs and nods her head, “It actually makes a lot of sense, now that we know the truth.”

Ali senses the restlessness in her sister and bounces to her feet. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I have not had a good sparring session since our last one. Anyone up for it? Feel like I need to get shit out of my system.”

Kim opens her mouth to object, but then nods feeling the need to do something physical.

Anya changes into lycra shorts and a sports bra, then begins Tai Chi movements on the sand to warm up. Gradually her moves speed up and she switches to Krav Maga, integrating knife and firearm drills into her moves.

Ali keeps her body loose and low, performing low sweeping Taijutsu kata rolls and strikes. From these kata, she moves into more explosive acrobatic moves and strikes, working in drills with ninja-to, manrikigusari, tanto, shuriken and kunai.

Kim draws her sword and wedge axe and begins weaving deadly arcs with them, until she is at full speed. Then she blinks at the last moment, to strike a dead tree and then blinks back in a flash.

Tara begins with Muay Thai strikes and kicks, picking up her pace before launching into a series of Shockwave based rocket slams, kicks and force repulsions. She unleashes a hundred steel ball bearings and weaves them around herself in a protective cocoon.

Ali, Anya and Kim all take a step back and watch Tara unleash tendrils of steel, blasts of fire, bolts of electricity and slivers of ice at a rock she is targeting on the beach.

Tara slowly realises she is being watches, stopping and slowly turning to her sisters, “What?” She asks, confused.

Kim has a fixed incredulous, look as she laughs, “What the actual fuck was that all about? I thought you did Biokinesis.”

Tara smiles, “Biokinesis is not flashy and pretty much destroys an opponents ability to fight within seconds. I use Shockwave, to practice everything I learned on the way.”

“You reckon you could take me down with it?” Kim asks, with a glint in her eye.

“Maybe, although you have got some sick moves to be fair.” Tara says, landing on the beach and assuming a ready stance.

Ali and Anya take a seat at the edge of the beach and watch the action unfold. Anya pulls out a couple of bars of chocolate and hands one to Ali, “This should be good.”

Kim blinks away and winds up a powerful roundhouse and blinks back to launch it at Tara’s head.

Tara senses the air moving a split second before Kim arrives and duck just in time, pinching Kim’s Achilles tendon.

Kim blinks away and her leg crumbles under her, in agony. She sits for a moment, gingerly stretching her leg until she is able to stand again.

She winds up another strike, this time trying for a leg sweep. Tara feels her legs go from under her and is barely able to launch a counter assault, pinching Kim’s optic nerve.

Kim screams blinking away. Then blinks straight back with a strike to Tara’s solar plexus.

Tara reinforces her solar plexus with telekinesis and counters with a flick of Kim’s inner ears.

Blind and in the throes of vertigo Kim retreats and vomits, unable to stand. Her vision begins to clear, however it takes another ten minutes for the nausea to pass.

She gets to her feet and blinks back standing in front of Tara and bowing deeply, “You got me.”

Anya passes Kim a bar of chocolate and gets to her feet. “I wanna crack at the champ.” She says with a grin.

Tara nods and readies herself. Anya hardens the air around Tara to the strength of steel, cocooning her.

Tara uses Aerokinesis to bust open the cocoon and fling the air at Anya, who leaps back in surprise. Tara blocks the blood flow in Anya’s tongue and charges forward.

Anya lashes out with two palm heel strikes which Tara blocks, before Anya sinks to her knees in agony from the build up of lactic acid in her tongue. She clutches her throat and then puts her hands up to surrender.

Tara quickly purges the lactic acid from Anya tongue and helps her to sit.

“Ali. You’re up.” Kim says, waving towards the beach.

“I’m good.“ Ali says, catching some rays.

“Come on Ali, take your licks like we did.” Anya says, teasing.

“Urgh fine.” Ali says, flipping to her feet.

Tara assumes a ready stance and Ali vanishes, leaving Tara confused unleashing pulses to find Ali in vain. Even Anya and Kim fail to detect their sister.

Ali crouches at the edge of the beach, “That solves that then.” She thinks, transmitting the subliminal, “You can’t sense me.”

Ali refocuses and sends the subliminal, “Ten of me surround you and each strikes whenever they are out of your eyeline.”

Tara spins in the spot trying to evade her sisters strikes, feeling every blow pummel her back and slam into the back of her legs.

Kim and Anya watch stunned as Tara flails against nothing, with welts showing on her exposed back. Tara creates a shield of telekinetic energy around her, but the blows keep coming.

Tara smiles and takes a bow, “I can’t fight against that. Well played.” She says, with a gentle clap.

The illusions fade and Ali runs of from the side of the beach to help Tara get to Anya. “I am so sorry, I had no idea, it would work so well.”

Tara laughs, “Don’t sweat it. That was the best workout I have had in a while, which didn’t involve Mika shooting a dozen submachine guns at me.”

“Really? That sounds pretty beast. I try to train with the members of Glamour ministry but they are too illusion centric and fight like pussies.” Ali admits, sadly.

Anya helps Tara sit and begins closing her wounds. “How the hell did illusions do this?”

“Psycho somatic injurious effects.” Ali says , before explaining, “Illusions so real, the body manifests their effects.”

“Badass.” Kim says, “Gotta admit that is pretty mad.”

“OK Ali, you and me.” Anya says, calmly.

Ali shrugs and agrees, “OK.”

Anya sighs then takes a deep breath and focuses. In an instant she is surrounded by Ali and does, nothing. She stands and closes her eyes. The illusory versions of her sister attack her and she feels the strikes but doesn’t flinch.

Ali stands agape knowing Anya should be being pummelled but is showing no signs of distress.

After ten minutes she ends the illusion “How is that possible?” she asks, genuinely intrigued.

“I guessed that your illusions could damage flesh. But at this moment, my body is not flesh.” Anya says, with a smile, “My flesh has been transformed into diamond and just looks like flesh.”

Sceptical, Ali approaches her sister and punches her arm, almost breaking her hand, “That is mental.”

Kim sighs, “Sucks to be you guys.”, then turns the beach to quicksand.

Back at camp, Anya pulls out the skillet and adds a little oil, before adding some of Kim’s wild boar bacon to the pan.

They sit back savouring the scent of the frying meat and Kim sighs, “We are have changed so much. Three months ago Atlantean time we parted, thinking we were the business and now look at us.”

“Yeah, we do kinda rock.” Tara says, with a smile.

“We are the best in out fields and we are crushing it.” Ali says buttering some bread.

“After breakfast, I will show you how to pin, extend and repeat effects. That will take us to the next level.” Anya promises, “I may also break some stuff out of the toy box.”

“Depending how we feel after lunch, I will show you my base.” Kim says, offering no further explanation.

“If I am being honest, I just wanna hang out. It is nice to have a break from the pressure.” Ali says, with a weak smile.

“Is it bad?” Kim asks, understanding what pressure feels like.

“Yeah.” Ali states out to sea, “Started with smuggling rings. Gun, drugs, people. Now I am in a game of cat and mouse with the Pax Felix.”

“The say what now?” Anya asks, unfamiliar with the term.

“The Happy Peace or Pax Felix are a large unaligned empire with a big army, deep pockets and voracious ambition. I have intervened in several operations where they are planning either a coup, large scale terror operation or military incursion.” Ali says, tired. “They are gearing up for something and we don’t know what.”

“I can ask for my Ministry to keeps their ears open for any indications of trouble.” Kim says, thoughtfully.

“I will speak to Angela to quietly begin increasing stocks of supplies in the event of an assault.” Anya says, decisively.

Tara shrugs, “I have no massive organisations or resources, just me. But, hell I am in.”

“I shouldn’t even be talking to you about it. It is top secret.” Ali says, feeling torn.

“You trust me with a secret, I trust you, with one.” Kim says, producing her Raptor with a flourish. “Designed as a cheap shelter, soon had weapons and various upgrades. Now it is a dimensional pocket portable, strike fighter and hypersonic interceptor. I designed the original and now all active Custodians have one on test before release to the military.”

Anya walks around it thoughtfully, “Nice. Coil guns upgraded to fire at Mach five.” She holds her hand up to the craft, nodding, “Heavy gyrojet launchers, that will hit with several orders of magnitude higher force than the gyrojet rifle.”

Ali, Tara and Kim watch as Anya continues her walk, “This is a tough and fast craft. It is beautiful, in its own way.” Anya talks almost distractedly, “Four arresters, providing power, that is interesting.” She turns to Kim, “This is something else.”

Kim shrugs and turns to her sisters, “Who wants to go for a ride in a top secret, interceptor?”

Kim holds the craft level and steady, cruising at ten thousand feet at around four thousand miles per hour. At this speed everything is a blur.

“How come we aren’t being crushed by G-forces?” Tara asks, fascinated.

“The arresters take care of that, absorbing the force of acceleration and deceleration to protect us.” Kim explains. “Within six months, these will be standard issue to all troops.”

“That is kind of mad.” Tara says, revelling in the feeling of speed and power of the craft.

“The difference is that Custodians can shift in these craft, meaning that we can take our time to get to speed and then shift to striking distance of and enemy, fire and shift away before anyone knows we were there.”

“Oh the things, I could do to this beast.” Anya says , thoughtfully. “I need some time to cook. I have an idea and if it works, it might help you a lot.”

Basking in the afternoon sun, the girls lay back on the sand. Tara squirts spf40 sun lotion into the air and it splits into four clouds and rests on her and her sisters skin.

“Cheers babe.” Kim says dozing in the sun. “This is the most relaxed I have felt since we parted.”

“Nice that we have a private island to rest in. I have to hand it to you, this place is gorgeous.” Anya says, not wanting to open her eyes.

“We can go to the Respite centre tomorrow and relax in the volcanic pools and spa if you like.” Kim says, absent mindedly.

“You have a spa? How big is this island?” Ali asks surprised.

“This island is only a couple of miles across. The mainland is a few thousand square miles with forests, jungles, mountains and everything in between.” Kim says, with a smile.

“That is mad. So what is the deal here?” Ali asks, curious. “Who owns this place?”

“I liberated this newly discovered realm from the Annunakin single handed. This is my realm, I am effectively the ruler, mad as that sounds.” Kim says, still not believing it.

Ali chews her lower lip and takes a deep breath, “Would I be able to ask a favour?”

“Always.” Kim says, without hesitation.

Ali gathers her thoughts for a moment, “In some ways, I have been too successful.” She begins, “My work has saved a lot of people from being trafficked. But now the safe havens we have, are reaching capacity.” Ali takes a slow breath and looks over to her sister, “Would there be any chance of some of those freed, being able to start a new life here?”

“I daresay, we could take a few babe. We have a lot of areas with rich resources that would support new settlements and allow for people to build lives here and to be fair given the space we have, we are thinking of having a word with Galton about supporting food supply chains for Atlantis and the realms.” Kim says, beaming a smile.

“Some of the people we have helped, have lost everything and just need a chance to build a new life for themselves.” Ali says, hopefully, “If you could help that would be awesome.”

“Life here can be hard, but, the rewards are many.” Kim says, with a warm smile.

Anya lays back and closes her eyes and lets the warmth of the sun, kiss of the breeze and sound of the waves wash over her.

Tara takes a cue from her sister and lays back to allow Ali and Kim to continue their discussion. For the first time in a long time she feels fully relaxed, feeling her sisters close by, listening to the gentle burble of their conversation.

She feels the energy of the waves, the power of the wind, the life in the plants and animals around her, the heat of the sun, the energy in its light and the feel of gravity pulling her into the seat.

“All is well with the world.” Tara says allowing herself to find peace.
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Post by wolfman »

@Bandit666 @Caesar73 @GreyLord @slackywacky

In the afternoon sunshine, Kim nods slowly to herself, as Anya finishes speaking. “That makes sense. I think I can work with that.” She says following her sisters explanation of how effect pins, extends and repeat work.

From her dimensional pockets she pulls a pair of sunglasses and uses a pin and repeat effect to activate an environment scan for life forms, when worn.

She dons the glasses and sees the effect activate and smiles seeing it work, then she chews her cheek for a moment, before passing the glasses to Ali.

Ali shrugs and puts them on and gasps, “These are mad. Is this what you see?”

“Yeah, every life form.” Kim says and then sits down suddenly, “Ah man, I need to cook.”

She dons her Sheath and repeats the effect of her suits optics. When the display shows all life forms, she loads up the dispatch software they wrote in Haven and begins coding a bridge so that the software can run off of the optics automatically.

Then Kim cuts her hand and creates a fifty centimetre wide portal, going thirty metres down, with a repeat, pinned to a patch on her Sheath.

Kim shifts to the other side of the island and taps the patch, creating a portal, after it coalescences, which goes thirty metres straight down and taps it again to close it. “Perfect. Just need the right weapon to pair with it.”

Then she imbues another patch with a forty metre wide portal that goes four hundred metres straight down, with a repeat effect.

Ali thinks for a moment and then, turns to Anya, “Could you make me a couple of bits, please?”

Anya shrugs, “Sure, what kind of thing would you like?”

“I am thinking handgun frame, with a collapsible stock, scope on top with decent magnification, maybe a folding fore grip. Will hang a couple of effects from it.” Ali says with a grin “In fact, could I have five. One for each of us and one for my boss.”

Anya grins and winks, “Give me ten.”

Ali watches as Anya coaxes the weapons into being from nearby rocks, with holsters and gun belts from trees.

“You are incredible, babe. These are perfect.” Ali says, picking up the first one. “This will be mine.”

Ali creates an illusion of being paralysed, pinned to the trigger, with a ten minute extension. Then notices a switch on the side and clicks it down, before adding a second effect of nerve rending agony pinned to the trigger, with a five minute extension.

Once all weapons are made by Anya, Ali imbues them with effects and passes them out to her sisters, keeping an Incapacitator for herself and another for Oberon.

“Just for the record, mine is also set up to with a pinned effect which returns it to a dimensional pocket if it leaves my grasp.” Ali says casually.

Kim’s eyes go wide with shock, “That’s fucking sick.” She says, breathlessly drawing her sword and adding that effect to it.

Anya stares in disbelief at Kim, “Is that your sword?”

Kim shrugs, “Yes. Has been good to me.”

“Can you show me?” Anya asks, slightly awestruck.

“Sure.” Kim smiles, pulling the weapon. It’s blood red blade, almost glows in the sun as light glints off of its blade.

“My God, it is beautiful.” Anya says, getting as close as she dare, without touching it.

Kim smiles, “It has saved my life more times than I care to remember.” For a moment, Kim looks sad, “I have killed a lot of Annunakin with this weapon.”

“You are a hero, babe and lets be honest, Cyclops is a badass call sign.” Ali says, with pure admiration.

“Whatever you say Devil.” Kim says with a grin, turning to Anya, “What do you say, Arcana?”

Anya smiles, “Devil is badass, as it comes, Cyclops.” She turns to Tara, “What do you reckon, Inceptor?”

Tara chuckles to herself, “I guess we are no longer Team Kata.” She says, then sees the confusion on her sisters faces, “Come on. Arcana. Cyclops. Inceptor. Devil. Welcome to Team ACID.”

They laugh and nod, before Kim says, “Team ACID does have a ring to it. May our foes melt with fear.”

Tara pins an effect on herself so that if she is hit with an attack that could hurt her, she becomes intangible.

Anya does something similar, although instead of intangibility, she becomes a statue of living Orichalcum.

Ali imbues a jacket with the effect that, as long as she wears the jacket, no on can sense her and smiles to herself, then turns to Anya again, “I am sorry to be a pain, but would you be able to make one more thing for me?”

Anya beams a smile, “Your wish is my command babe. Anything you need?”

Ali takes a deep breath and quietly speaks, “I usually use sensory illusions for most things, but sometimes I create holograms with light manipulation.” Ali pauses, wondering how to phrase her next words, “Is there any way, that you could make me a ring that would make any light based holograms, well physical?”

Anya’s eyes glint and she beams a smile, “Oooh, I love a challenge. How about any light created or manipulated by you, has the weight of lead and the strength of tungsten?”

“You can do that?” Ali says, in awe. “That is awesome.”

“Ha. That is nothing compared to some of my toys. Give me five to make a ring and another ten for charm.” Anya says, selecting a rock from the beach as her base material.

“Thank you so much.” Ali says, pulling out the jacket she was working on, “I made this for you, to say thank you.”

“Biker chic! I love it. But you didn’t have to.” Anya says, hugging Ali.

“I wanted to. It, erm, makes you invisible, if you zip it up.” Ali says, hugging Anya back.

“No way.” Anya says slipping the jacket on and fastening the zipper, drawing gasps from Tara and Kim, when she vanishes.

Unzipping the jacket, she psis Ali, “Sometimes, I want to just leave the cloister unseen and spend time in the world and now I can. You have no idea, how much this means to me.”

Ali puts her new ring into a dimensional pocket and sits next to Tara on the sand. “Hey babe, I made you something.” She pulls a picture frame from a dimensional pocket, “I had a frame in a pocket with other props.” She hands it to her confused sister, who looks at her with a look of puzzlement.

Ali holds her sisters free hand and touches the frame and closes her eyes for a moment. “I know, you haven’t got any photos of your family. Whenever you look at this frame, it will show an image from a good memory you have of them.”

Tara looks down at the frame and sees an image of her mother and father from her fifth birthday, when they went pony riding. Tara cannot help but weep at the image and memory unable to speak.

Ali hugs her tight, rocking her, “Let it go babe.” She whispers, knowing the strength Tara will gain from the ability to see images of her parents.

When Tara has calmed down a little, Ali let’s her explore more images from her memories and quietly moves next to Kim.

“Hey Ali, how is it going?” Kim asks, with a smile.

“All good babe, forgot how much, I missed you all.” Ali says, with a smile. “You good?”

“I know what you mean. Feels like I have been missing a massive chunk of myself as well as my eye, since we parted.” Kim says looking at Anya and Tara, as they chat.

“I have spent so long mastering the arts of deception and illusion and it has made me appreciate things that are real.” Ali confesses, “The things we have done and shared are the realest things in my life and have helped me through some tough times.”

“Sorry if it has been rough. I wish I could have been there for you.” Kim says hugging Ali.

“You were. I felt you there every day. All of you.” Ali says dewy eyed, “It is why, I have made this for you.” She says, pulling a well made faux fur blanket from a dimensional pocket, “Wherever you are, if you sleep under this, or, wrap it around you, you will feel the love we have for you.”

Kim accepts the blanket and tentatively drapes it over her shoulders. She gasps, feeling Tara’s admiration of her strength, Ali’s adoration of her big sister and Anya’s unconditional love for her hero.

Kim begins to cry, “I had no idea.” She manages between sobs.

“We could never put it into words. Now all you need to do is use the blanket, to remember how loved you are by all of us.” Ali whispers, softly.

“Thank you Ali, you have no idea what this means to me.” Kim says, hugging herself with the blanket.

Ali puts her arms around Kim and the blanket and hugs her tightly, “I know what it means babe. It’s all that has got me through the past few months.”

“That bad eh?” Kim psis, hugging her back.

“Sometimes.” Ali psis, showing the times she has felt people’s lives slip away, or felt the pain of others.

“You never have to be alone again babe. We are always with you.” Kim psis holding Ali tight.

After their creativity session, the girls decide to go for a swim and one by one enter the warm clear sea and float on their backs looking up at the sky.

“It is so beautiful here. Thank you so much for this.” Tara says, with a sigh.

Kim smiles to herself simply replying, “It wouldn’t mean anything without you guys here to share it.”

“Have to admit, even with all the craziness, I have never forgotten how good it is to spend time together.” Ali says, beaming a smile, feeling somehow lighter.

“I think we all need this.” Anya says, idly moving her arms on the surface of the sea.

Kim swims to each of her sisters pressing a bangle into their hands. “I want to show you all something, put the bracelets on and follow me.”

Tara slips herself on first and feels the gills grow on her neck. She allows herself to sink under the waves and hover in ten feet of water. She marvels as her fingers and toes lengthen and become webbed.

Ali and Anya have similar experiences when they join their sisters below the waves. Kim hair swirls around her, as she beckons them follow her.

Kim glides through the water heading out to sea towards a tiny, rocky island about a mile out to sea. Her sisters struggle a little, until they see the long slow strokes of their sister through the water and join her cutting through the water.

As they descend and the light dims, Kim points to an opening in the rock and dives in. The cave is narrow and twisting. The darkness would be oppressive, save for an aura of light around Anya as she bioluminesces.

The cave opens out and they form a square and slowly ascend, following Kim’s lead. “Could you stop glowing for a bit babe?” Kim psis, without thinking.

“Sure thing.” Psis Anya, ending the effect and then psying all of her sisters, “I think we are back.”

Kim begins to cry feeling her sisters, comforting presence, in her mind again. She psis a hug to each of her sisters, “We are back and badder than ever.”

Tara rockets through the water, “Whooping.” Via psi, as she pirouettes, dives and twists, using hydrokinesis.

“Feels good to have you back.” Anya says, her heart thumping in her chest.

They float towards each other then all embrace in a four way hug, whilst floating towards the surface. They break the surface as one, emerging into blinding light. “Look up.” Kim psis, with a grin.

Tara, Ali and Anya look up and gasp, seeing the vast chamber, lined with diamonds, right up to a small opening, in the ceiling of the cave.

“This is where I come to remind myself that I don’t have all the answers.” Kim psis, “Before Oscar and I arrived here, no humans had ever been to this realm. This cave shouldn’t exist naturally and some of the best minds in the Custodians are as stumped as we are.”

“It’s beautiful.” Ali says, fascinated by the interplay of light in this place.

“This cave and the island is an anomaly. The rest of the realm has a six times dilation effect, where this island and area has a twenty four hour effect.” Kim psis, with a shrug.

“Could it be an Annunaki relic?” Tara psis, floating on her back.

“Possibly. It is a working theory.” Kim psis.

Anya idly paddles through the water on her back, “This structure was shaped from the rock, using Alchemy.”

Kim turns to her, “What? How is that possible?”

“Not sure exactly how it was done, but the tang on Alchemy is strong in this place. Would have to be a number of practitioners or one very powerful one. The rock column and diamonds are the same age and were formed at the same time.” Anya explains, “A long time ago, we are talking thousands of years.”

“If the diamonds were made by Alchemy, is it possible that the compression of the rocks, compressed time here?” Kim asks, speculatively.

Anya sighs, “The diamonds were sculpted, not crushed. However, the compression of light in this pace could be a factor.”

Ali dives under the waves and dives down, enjoying the feeling of the gills and fins, allowing her to cut through the water. She scythes through the water, surfacing rapidly and leaping from the water.

Tara catches Ali in mid air and sends her rocketing straight up, until she senses panic from Ali.

“Shit. Bring me down, quick.” Ali psis, with a hint of urgency.

“Sorry babe.” Tara says bringing her down into the water.

“No worries. That is weird. I could feel you lifting me, but the closer I got to the hole, the more I felt myself being pulled up.” Ali says, trying to understand.

Kim shakes her head, “We have dropped into the cave from above, but never tried leaving the cave through the entrance.”

“Could it be dangerous?” Anya asks.

“Oh yeah, no telling what it is.” Kim says, thinking of threading the needle.

“So are we trying it?” Tara asks, looking up at the hole.

“No, there are too many unknowns. I will report it and the Ministry will investigate first.” Kim says, with a raised eyebrow.

“What I would say is there is a pooling of quintessence here. It is not massive, but there is a raised level in here, even compared to Atlantis.” Tara says closing her eyes and floating above the water.

“What would the effect of raised levels of quintessence be?” Kim asks, unfamiliar with the energy.

“It is effectively life energy, if it is drained from an area, everything soon dies. If it is present things grow. If there is a lot, things grow a lot.” Tara explains, “Atlantis has a high level of natural quintessence compared to Earth, hence the residents all are three or more times and strong and tough as earthborn natives.”

“What if it is being funnelled out of here to somewhere else?” Ali asks, with a psi.

“There are no portals that I can detect, but I guess it is possible.” Kim says, with a shrug.

“If we get out of here, I should be able to follow any trail leading to elsewhere in the realm.” Tara says, beaming a smile.

“Sounds good. Let’s get back to the beach and pick up my Raptor and we track it.” Kim psis sinking below the surface.

“Expecting trouble?” Anya asks, thinking about the gear she has in her dimensional pockets.

“Nah. Not expecting it. However, if we find it, we will be ready.” Kim psis, with a smile.

Tara hovers over the entrance to the cave and shakes her head. “This is like a fountain of life. I can feel it passing through me.”

Anya, Kim and Ali all float in the path of the energy and feel revitalised. Anya closes her eyes and reaches out to touch the energy and smiles, “I am getting some of this.”

“Can you track it?” Kim asks, warily.

Tara opens her senses and nods, gently, “I think so. Now I know what I am looking for, I can see a trail. Shall we?” she extends a hand towards the horizon.

“Ready when you are.” Kim psis, donning her Sheath and helmet.

“Expecting trouble?” Ali says, donning her stealth aspected Sheath.

“Not sure, just a little twitchy. Have dropped my people a message, they will come running if I don’t check in regularly.” Kim says, calmly, before looking at Anya, “The fuck?”

Anya holds the ultra sleek looking rifle in a low ready position and shrugs, “If it is enough to make you twitchy, it is enough to make me pull the lead out.”

“Fair point, what is it anyway?” Ali asks, not recognising the weapon.

“Laser rifle. Thousand watt multi spectrum diode with a twelve diamond lens telescope, that can cut through steel at a couple hundred metres.” Anya explains.

Kim raises her eyebrows and exhales slowly, “Yeah, we need to talk.”

“Ladies? Are we having a buffet with this arms conference?” Tara asks, with an amuses smile.

“Sorry babe. Lead on.” Kim chuckles, “Eyes open everyone.”

Tara leads them out over the ocean following the path of the energy stream. They fly low and fast, in an almost straight line.

“We are getting close to the edge of the realm.” Kim psis, thoughtfully, before updating her clan of their location. “I think we should get in my Raptor, just in case.”

The four of them come to a halt as Kim produces her Raptor, opening it and gliding in. Soon they are underway, Kim in the hot seat, Tara to her left and Ali to the right, with Anya sitting on the camp bed to look over Kim’s shoulder.

Tara pulls a pen out of a dimensional pocket and makes it float before Kim, “It will point in the direction of the stream” She psis, settling back to focus on the stream.

Kim guides the craft onwards following the pen for a couple of hours, until Tara sits up sharply, “Stop! The trail has just stopped.”

With a frown Kim, sharply stops. Tara leans forward, closer to the screen and points, “It stops about twenty metres on.”

Ali bristles in her seat, “Can you open the canopy? I think I see something.”

Kim shrugs and opens the canopy of the craft letting cool sea air wash over them. Ali stares at the spot that Tara points to, “There is something there. Like a shimmer.” She psis, distantly, showing her sisters what she sees.

“It appears to be a portal, but I can’t sense one.” Kim says, focusing her senses.

“Air and water vapour vanish after passing through it.” Anya confirms, sensing the matter flowing forth.

“Question is, do we follow it?” Tara asks, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck rise.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

What a fascinating World you created @wolfman . and the Chapters End is, to say the least intriguing, very much so!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Yes two chapters within such a short time. How lucky are we as a devoted audience. To have such entertainment and enjoyable placed before us. Yet still you leave us wondering what’s to happen next.
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Post by wolfman »

@Caesar73 @Bandit666

Thanknyou for your patronage and kind words my friends. I often write in advance and have found that i have a few chapters good to go and so will be posting again soon.

Thank you for your support. I hope you enjoy the ride
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 2 weeks ago I hope you enjoy the ride
I am pretty sure @wolfman @GreyLord and I will do :D
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Post by wolfman »

@Bandit666 @Caesar73 @GreyLord @slackywacky

Ash fills the sky. The howling winds and thunder do little to diminish the distant crump of artillery.

The Raptor passes low and fast over the swarming landscape, its pilot feeling the heartbreak of the realm at the horrors it has seen.

“This was a lush world, before the Annunakin came here. About ten years ago they came. Once they had dominance, they brought through a mother, to finish the job.” Kim says distantly. “Welcome to Babylon, home of the last remnants of the ancient Babylonian civilisation.”

“Should we do something?” Tara says, feeling the Annunakin moving in the skies and on the ground.

“We have full stealth, they wont be able to sense us.” Ali confirms, transmitting a powerful illusion.

“I can feel the Mother and her brood leeching life from this realm. That is why life energy from Peace is being siphoned. To slow the death of the place.” Kim says, nodding.

“What’s the plan?” Anya asks, cracking her neck.

“We do a recon. Record everything and I call it in.” Kim says, thoughtfully.

“Why don’t we just get stuck in?” Tara asks, with a shrug.

“We don’t know what we are getting stuck into. We need to establish the facts of the situation and act accordingly.” Kim psis, evasively.

“That sounds a bit suss.” Ali psis sceptically.

“We need to be sure it is not a trap to lure Custodians here to trap or kill them. We also need to confirm that the Annunakin can be contained. But mostly, given the sounds of battle, we need to know if they want our help.” Kim explains, gently, “If the locals are making a go of defending their home and we sweep in, it could cause issues diplomatically.”

“I hadn’t though of it that way.” Tara psis. Quietly she reaches out with her mind, bursting the heart of a flying Annunakin and killing it instantly. “Well that works.” She thinks to herself.

“The battles are easy, it is the diplomacy that does me in.” Kim says, sadly. “First things first. We scout the realm.”

They fly high and fast at first, above the Annunakin, over hills and valleys, to understand the scope of the incursion.

The slowly dying land is swarming with almost a million chittering and baying creatures, plus evermore in flight above it.

On the ground catlike Annunakin, roam in massive prides. In the air Eagle like creatures rule the skies and then comes the Mother.

A mass of roiling flesh, two miles long and a mile wide, producing young by the score.

Tara tries to take in the scale of the creature and stares with her mouth agape. “That is horrifying. How is it alive? How did it get here?”

Kim nods, “It is alive babe. When the time is right, the broods original mother spawns a baby mother which is brought to a realm and then it absorbs the life from the realm and channels it internally forcing it to grow until it gets to full size and begins to spawn.”

“You know them well.” Tara says with a feeling of pity for her sister, sad she has had this burden alone.

“Knowledge is power babe.” Kim says, with a wan smile, “Let’s find some humans.”

“Are you OK, babe?” Ali asks, sensing her sister disquiet.

“No, but that’s not important right now.” Kim says, sadly.

“Whatever else has gone on, we are still your sisters and always have your back.” Anya says, placing a hand on Kim’s shoulder.

“That is the problem. I wanted to chill and have a nice catch up and here we are front and centre in a war.” Kim says, bitterly.

“Ah fuck it. We never do things the easy way. Given the balance of probabilities it was always gonna end up something like this.” Anya says with a shrug. “Part of my oath to the Order, is to never shy away from the good to be done, regardless of how hard it is. I go now, I break my oath.”

“True dat. It feels like we were born for adversity.” Ali confirms. “We are at our best when times are at their worst.”

“Who says family holidays have to be boring? Why have a sedate time on a beach where we can eat whatever we want, drink without supervision, when we can help save a civilisation and raise a little hell.” Tara says, rolling her shoulders and getting in her head space for action, “I am good with that. Besides, I have theories to test.”

“For fucks sake, fine. Stand or retreat, we do it together.” Kim says, chuckling to herself, then turning the Raptor towards the only settlement on this realm.

Kim feels a sense of both revulsion and admiration, guiding the craft towards the last city. Revulsion at the wanton destruction of the former mountain. Admiration for the artificial rock plateau over three miles across, bustling with people, safe from the horde below.

The black rock plateau is half a mile above the grey dusty plain. The walls are pocked with firing positions with soldier engaging the enemy below and artillery being launched constantly at the plain, while the perimeter is lined with anti air countermeasures to eviscerate the diving and swooping horrors of the sky.

“That is the maddest thing, I have ever seen.” Anya says, shaking her head in disbelief.

“These are a desperate people. Willing to do anything to survive.” Ali says, picking up on the thoughts of the residents.

“They can only hold out for a while. They have a million souls and only finite food stores, but they can grow food to supplement. However, there are some issues with water collection.” Kim says, “They are a hard working and united people.”

“What do you see in them?” Tara asks, fascinated by Kim’s insight.

Kim closes her eye and slows her breathing, “The people of this realm were peaceful farmers, with few soldiers. When the Annunakin first came, they united and faced them as one. They hid underground, under the mountain. Over a few years, they blasted the mountain to create sheer cliffs on all sides. Then then began whittling the top into a flat surface until they could emerge safe from ground attacks on the plateau.”

She sends an image of the inside of the mountain, through her eyes, “It’s a honeycomb inside. With hydroponics gardens, every other level. The gardens consume much of the water they get from the water table. For everything else they rely on collected water. Which cannot be relied on in the dry season.”

“How much do they have now?” Tara asks, feeling for the people of the plateau.

“Enough for a week or so, before they have a problem.” Kim psis sadly.

“Show me a collector and I can fill their reserves in an hour.” Tara psis, with a smile, to the surprise of Anya and Ali.

Kim thinks for a moment before nodding and showing the location of a collector. Tara closes her eyes and condenses moisture from the air into a floating pool of water, which pours into the collector, filling the reserve. “Sorry babe, please go on.” She says, while continuing to channel water.

“I want to help these people. They have pulled together and protected each other, regardless of ability, colour or creed.” Kim psis, decisively, “I think I have enough to send in to my people.”

“What will they say?” Anya asks, concerned.

“Yes.” Kim Psis, “There will be a little back and forth, but, we will help, the only question is when.”

“Well whatever they say, I’m in.” Tara psis, quickly followed by Anya and Ali.

“Sorry ladies, but I would have to say no. You cannot shift as we do and would need chaperones that would slow the operation down.” Kim says, sadly.

“Really?” Tara says, incredulously, “You think we would slow you down?”

“Yes, but not like you think. We have to move fast, when we act and everyone has their own focus. I would have to have people assigned to shift you in and out of position. While they do that, they will not be focused on their own safety.” Kim says, harshly.

Ali places a hand on Kim’s shoulder and sighs, “Babe, I am a master of deception, illusion and lies, but even without that, I know you are full of shit.”

Kim turns to Ali and lifts her eyepatch, revealing the ragged angry socket beneath, “This isn’t a fucking game. We are at war and every time we roll, people get hurt in savage ways. Is it wrong to want to shield you from that?”

“There is the real Kim.” Ali says, with a smile, unflinching at seeing her sisters eye, “Our big sister, looking out for us. We are capable enough to hold our own. You don’t have to protect us.”

“Yeah, we got your back, just like old times.” Anya says, with a raise of her eyebrows and a scrunch of her nose.

“Say the word and we get busy babe.” Tara says, with a smile.

Hanging her head, resigned to losing this argument, “Fine, I will call it in and we shall see.”

Ali, Anya and Tara busy themselves roasting fish and vegetables over an open fire, while Kim reports in.

“What do you think?” Anya asks, thoughtfully.

“I think if we are lucky, we will be able to eat and get some sleep before we mobilise.” Ali says, staring out to sea on the beach they have called home for the past day or so.

“What do you know?” Tara asks, suspecting that Ali has an insight she is not sharing.

“The forces of Babylon are faltering. They are getting low on ammunition. The plateau has a seam of iron running through it, but it is running out and they are limited on options for lead for bullets. They can only last for a couple of months or so, before they are down to harsh language and fists.” Ali explains, sadly.

“The water situation is just as bad.” Anya adds, “The Babylonians have been good at keeping the Annunakin at bay, but their blood is starting to leech down into the water table. It will become toxic before they run out of metal at this rate and given how they grow most of their food with hydroponics, it is a double blow.”

“What about the water from the atmosphere, using the collector?” Tara asks, nervously.

“It is a supplement and not a replacement for ground water. It buys them time.” Anya confirms sadly.

“This is so much bigger than Santander.” Tara remarks, turning the fish.

With a sigh, Ali says, “No, it is the same. People needing help, with us possessing skills and abilities they need to survive.”

“Fair.” Anya nods, “Just hope I can step to the plate, like you guys.”

“I am curious to see some of your toys in action.” Ali says, with a warm smile.

Anya pulls out the sword hilt and picks up a rock. She throws the rock into the air and swings with the hilt and the rock splits in two.

Ali stares agape at the rock, “How?”

Anya passes the hilt to her sister, “When you push the button a strand of spider silk with memory metal properties is extruded. It is practically unbreakable and can cut through most things as if they aren’t there.”

Ali takes the weapon and has a couple of test swings at a nearby bush. Slicing branches and leaves asunder. “That’s peak.”

She moves to hand the weapon back and Anya dismisses her, “Keep it. I have more. Think of it as a thank you for the jacket.”

Ali hugs Anya tightly, “I did not give to get. That said, thank you for this.”

“I hope we have done the right thing, saying we want to help.” Tara says, focusing inwards. She draws any lactic acid from her muscles and stimulates her bone marrow to make more red blood cells.

Before either of her sisters can respond, Kim shifts into their midst with a serious look in her eye, “We are on. We roll in an hour.”
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Post by GreyLord »

I do love Anya's sword.
ImageA List of my stories:
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Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 week ago I do love Anya's sword.
Me too! Another absolute fantastic Chapter @wolfman !
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 1 week ago I do love Anya's sword.
I must admit, i really like some of her toys, including some that haven't been revealed yet
Caesar73 wrote: 1 week ago
GreyLord wrote: 1 week ago I do love Anya's sword.
Thank you for your support and kind words my friend.

Me too! Another absolute fantastic Chapter @wolfman !
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

@Bandit666 @Caesar73 @GreyLord @slackywacky

Everyone knows their role.

Kim will lead the assault on the Mother, with most of the Liberators that are available at such short notice.

Once the attack begins, the mother will throw everything at the plateau, where Ali, Anya and Tara will engage them.

Every one knows that there is one shot at this. The Liberators are nervous. They never operate with third party support. Even though the three young women are sisters of the Cyclops, no one, not even the Cyclops herself knows what they can do.

Ali sits in the lotus position, using her arrester to float in mid air, looking out over the walls of Babylon at the roiling sea of Annunakin.

She reaches out to the minds of the creatures and is repelled by what she feels. She chokes down waves of nausea at the alien minds and the massive will that drives them all. “Well, that rules out telepathic illusions, guess we go hologram for this.”

Smiling to herself, Ali puts on the ring her sister gave her. In the air before her floats a rifle, she plucks it from the air, feeling the false heft of the hologram.

The weapon rests comfortably against her shoulder and she takes careful aim. With a squeeze of the trigger a holographic bullet cuts through the air, striking an Annunakin in the temple, dropping it in its tracks.

She takes the weapon by the barrel and swings it at the floor, feeling the vibrations reverberate through it. Inspection of it shows it is unharmed.

Movement in the distance, where the Annunakin enter the plain, catches her eye and she nods to herself, knowing what she will do.

Tara breathes slowly, extending her senses with increasingly powerful telekinetic pulses. “Jesus. There are so many of them.” She thinks stunned, “How the hell does Kim do this?”

She thinks, “If your happy and you know it clap your hands.” On the plain below the air is split with a thunderous boom of thousands of Annunakin clapping all at once. “Well that works. Their link to their mother, related to their minds driving their actions, however their bodies are mine to control.”

“No suffering Kim said.” She thinks, pulling on the Sheath that Anya gave her. “Go in hard and put them down swiftly.” Kim’s words echo in her mind.

She takes out the photo frame that Ali gave her and sees an image from her fathers birthday, the year before he and her mother were taken from her.

Memories of the night flood her mind. The taste of the burger she had and the cheeky smile she gave her dad when she pinched a chip from his plate. She remembers the warmth she felt when he opened the present she made him, a small clay cup she made at school. She recalls the look of pride and love in his eyes, when he looked at her after opening it.

However, as is the way with these things, once the warmth fades, darkness follows, as the memories of the night they were taken flood her mind and she feels the darkness rise inside her.

In her mind, she sees her mother look her in the eye and whisper the words, “I love you, baby.” Before a gunshot ripped her world apart.

Tara puts the frame back into a dimensional pocket, taking a deep breath, sucking the warmth from the room.

Anger flashes in her eyes as her mothers final words echo in her mind and she feels ready to unleash the rage she has kept inside for so long.

However, the words echo still.

In a moment of realisation she sinks to her knees. “Faced with death, she knew she was saying her last words to me. She could have cursed the man that attacked us, expressed her hate and anger at them. But instead, she chose to tell me, that she loved me.”

Tara remembers the look in her mother’s eyes, an oasis of calm in the madness on that awful night. “She was at peace. I never made the connection before.”

The room spins around her and for a moment she feels lost. “She was at peace and she chose her last words to be, I love you.”

“Tonight is not about hate and anger, it is about love and hope. A chance to make the world a better place.” Tara thinks, centring herself.

Tara feels the darkness in her fade and be replaced with light, “In her own way she was telling me that in the end, all that matters is love.”

Anya smiles and waves at the bemused Babylonian guard, who showed her into this empty hanger that used to house some of the realms fighters, before the Annunakin flyers decimated them.

She breathes deeply, inhaling the faint traces of aviation fuel and oil. “Let’s get unpacked.”

She slowly raises her hands, flourishing as she goes. Before long the space is filled once again.

Anya wastes no time, moving between her toys each in turn, turning them on and running a diagnostic on each one.

It is a long process, but after two hours the Shoal is ready for action with her toys weaving from side to side like coiled snakes.

She checks her watch and nods to herself, “Nearly show time. Time to get dressed.”

Anya dons her custom Sheath and Circlet of office. “If I do this, I do it as Priestess Arcana. I will represent the Order and use the best of what I have learned to show there is more to the Order than medicine, Alchemy and the arcane. I will show the realms what happens when magic and technology come together.”

Kim feels nervous. Not the normal nerves that she feels before an operation like this. No something, more basic, a fear of failure.

She paces back and forth, unable to shake the fear of failing in front of her sisters.

In her mind she goes over the plan and soon is awash with fears over all of the things that could go wrong.

She stands on the edge of the plateau, on the paved observation area, overlooking the plain. The myriad Annunakin move like ripples of the sea, in undulating waves, circling the plateau, just beyond the range of the Babylonian’s guns.

Kim closes her eyes and extends her senses, feeling the fear in the people behind her in sharp contrast to the cold hunger of the creature in front and the malevolent power of the Mother beyond the plains.

“This feels different to the other times we have gone for a Mother.” She reflects, nervously, “All the other times, the Mother has been in a separate realm. But here, there is no filter. Once the attack on her begins, her horde will lash out for this place like never before.”

“If they had the ammunition to hold out longer, I would push for a delay for a couple of weeks and look to get all Custodians here, maybe military support as well.” Kim muses, turning to see the assembled Liberators, that were available for this operation. “I hope this is enough.”

She takes out an Arrester pylon and gives it a thorough check and function test, tweaking the settings until she is satisfied. Then nods to herself and puts it away before preparing another four. “This Mother is bigger than the others, I might need more pylons to expedite the process.”

“My guys will clear a hole and cover me while the mini portal opens and I insert the pylon, then close the portal.” Kim thinks, visualising the assault in her mind, “Then I move to another position and repeat. The only downside is that the portal takes about a minute to open and close and I will not be able to shift in that time.”

Kim takes out her sword and a whetstone. She nicks her thumbs and uses it to coat the stone in her blood before working the blade to a razors edge. The weapon is already sharp, this is as much about bringing herself to a razor edged focus, as it is about sharpening the sword.

She switches to gradually finer grade stones until, the blade is perfectly sharp, then she works on her wedge axe, deep in thought.

Kim jumps feeling a hand on her shoulder. Looking up she sees Tara smiling down at her, “Hey you. If you keep sharpening that axe, there will only be a handle left of it.” She says, lightly, sensing the heaviness of her sisters thoughts.

Kim smiles and wipes her blade clean, before putting it away. “It helps me to think. Just revising the plan for my people and sending it out.”

“That’s fair. I tend to meditate. Same idea though. Bringing myself to a point of focus, but where you sharpen a sword, I focus on the interplay of forces within myself.” Tara explains, warmly.

“You all set?” Kim asks, looking into her sisters eyes.

“I think so. I have a plan which will work and I am at peace.” Tara says, gently.

Kim sees the calm confidence in her sister and hugs her, “We’ve changed so much. Who would have thought, that we would end up here.”

“When, I was recovering in the hospital after Santander, I had a feeling we would be facing down a horde of alien monsters, in defence of the last bastion of Babylonian civilisation, using Atlantean magic, to be fair.” Tara says seriously before giggling.

“You dumbass.” Kim laughs, playfully punching her sister.

“Seriously, though. In that bed, thinking of what we did in Santander, somehow I knew we would be doing it again.” Tara confesses when she stops laughing.

A stern looking Babylonian soldier storms over to the and barks, “Show some respect. These men will be fighting to free our lands from Annunakin monsters. This is not the time for little girls to be laughing and joking.”

Kim rounds on him in a flash, revealing her eyepatch and sword at her side and barks, “You may call me Liberator Chief Cyclops. I am their Chief. They all prepare in their own ways. Some are quiet, some laugh and some howl at the moon, however I and they are always on task. Just because I laugh does not mean I am not focused on the task at hand.”

The soldier gulps and awkwardly breaks eye contact, “Well, er, yeah. That’s good to know. I hear someone. I should go.”

As the man leaves, Tara looks at her sister and nods with respect, “Impressive.” She says, sighing, “They are family to you aren’t they?”

“Yeah, I cant lie. We have been through a lot together. Each one of them has stood at my side or covered my back on ops.” Kim admits, putting her arm around Tara’s shoulder, “Every time we rolled out, I have wished you guys were with me.” She gazes out over the plain, “And now you guys are with me, I am scared I will get one of you killed.”

“Behave. We are more worried about letting you down. Honestly, you are this Awesome Warrior Chief and let’s face it, a war veteran and hero. How can we measure up?” Tara admits, shakily.

“Now who needs to behave. First of we have Priestess Arcana Black, keeper of arcane mysteries, who can make anything, from anything and fix any injury.” Kim says, thoughtfully, “Then there is Super Agent Mitchum, Scourge of the underworld and hostile powers and entertainer of the masses.” She squeezes Tara’s shoulder, “And last but by no means least is you. Creator of an entire discipline of Kinetics, a learned poly mage who has a level of power she has never been able to unleash.”

Tara considers her sisters words and psis Ali and Anya with them, before responding, “I guess so.”

Kim leans in close and whispers so no one around can here, “This is a realm on the brink. When I hit the Mother, everything is going to throw itself at the plateau and I haven’t got enough people here to evacuate everyone. Anya and Ali are powerful in their own ways, but in terms of raw power, you are the best of us. For the sake of Babylon, don’t hold back.”

“It is not about force, it is about application.” Tara says, quietly, “You have more power than you know.”

“How do you mean?” Kim asks, puzzled.

“The sun loungers. Tell me how you made them.” Tara says, suspecting the answer.

Kim shrugs, “I made the grains of sand flow until they were in position.” She says sceptically, unsure of her sisters point.

Tara nods out to the plain at the plain between the Annunakin and the plateau. When Kim looks she sees a hundred metre square section of sand, lift a few feet and then lower again. “Damn, you can do that?” Kim asks, stunned.

“When you raise your arm, you don’t command the individual cells, you move the arm as a whole. See the sand as a mass and move the mass and not the grains.” Tara says, psying her experience in mass manipulation.

Kim looks at Tara confused, for a moment, until her sister says, “Try it.”

Kim looks at the sand of the plain and taking the lead from Tara’s insight, visualises a mass of it moving like a wave.

On the plain below, in the no man’s land between rock and monster, a wave of sand crashes.

“See.” Tara says, with a smile, “How was that?”

Kim cannot speak, stunned by what she has managed to do. She looks at the sky above the Annunakin and instead of visualising individual drops coming together, as she normally would, she visualises all of the droplets coming together. A moment later, the Annunakin feel the first rains that the plains have seen for months.

“Oh my God.” Kim says, under her breath, “That is so much easier.”

Tara sighs, “It’s tough being the smart one at times.” Then becomes serious, “This idea, enables what I do. Now it is yours to do with as you will. Realise your own power.”

Kim practices moving masses of material on the sand below, while Tara meditates.

Neither of them notice as Ali takes a seat next to Tara. “Impressive.” She says softly, snapping Tara back to focus and signalling to Kim that it is getting close to zero hour.

“Are you ready?” Kim asks, going through a mental checklist of things that need to be in place.

Ali smiles nervously, “Kind of.” She sighs, subtly shaking her head, “I can’t use my primary option. The power of the Mothers mind is too strong, so I have to fall back on holograms.”

“Is that bad?” Tara asks, thoughtfully.

“There are limits to what I can do, but I still have a lot of scope.” Ali begins, “I think I know what I will do, just have to give it a go.”

“I know you got this. Start small and take it from there.” Kim says, with a smile.

“I will stem the flow onto the plain.” Ali says, feeling heartened by Kim’s faith in her.

“That works for me, I was leaning towards thinning ground based Annunakin on the plain, if Ali can handle the airborne ones.” Tara nods, with a sense of finality.

“Where is she anyway?” Kim asks, looking around.

“I psyed her a few moments ago and she was just getting ready.” Tara says, doing some stretches.

Kim tears her eyes away from the plain, hearing gasps and chatter behind her. “My people aren’t surprised by anything, what the heck?”

She turns and gasps seeing an eight foot tall armoured soldier walking towards her and her sisters.

The powerfully sculpted armour, subtly glows in the sunlight. The wearer is encased in armour from head to toe and aside from the tubes on its forearms, bears no form of armament.

As the wearer draws closer, it is clear it is not any form of plate armour, by finely woven strands of cable emulating sinews and muscles.

However, it is the head of the suit that is most striking. With sapphires for eyes and a sculpted single piece face plate, it looks almost serene.

“Anya?” Kim asks as the suit approaches.

The figure presses a button on the side of the helmet and it seamlessly retracts into the suit, revealing her sisters face, “Hey guys.”

“Damn girl. That is sick. Where did you get it?” Ali says awestruck.

“Side project. Been tinkering on and off for a couple of months, in between dress making, toy crafting and my studies.” Anya says, with a shrug.

“What can it do?” Tara asks, shaking her head.

“It is crafted from the heart of a storm cloud, given the strength and durability of titanium. It can emit an electrical field lethal to all within ten feet.” Anya explains, prideful, “The suit itself is constructed in such a way as to magnify my strength by several degrees and with the arresters provides incredible protection.”

Anya raises her left forearm and points to each of the tubes on her arm in turn, “In terms of ordnance, each arm has a personal defence laser, pyroclastic projector and iron nitrite rail gun with a thousand rounds per gun.”

“So you are a tank then?” Kim says with a raised eyebrow.

“Something like that. If you all are good on the ground, I was thinking of taking the high ground.” Anya says, pulling a water bottle from a dimensional pocket.

Kim looks up at the sky over the plain, seeing the roiling mass of flying birdkin wheeling over their ground based kin, “The suit looks awesome, but, do you think it is enough.”

Anya lifts the bottle to her lips and pauses. She smiles knowingly and purses her lips, “You think this is all I brought with me?”
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Post by GreyLord »

Yet another superb episode, Grandmaster. Kudos!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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