Handcuffing the Girl Next Door (m/f)

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Handcuffing the Girl Next Door (m/f)

Post by SoTired »

This is a recollection of the first time I ever "tied" someone up. All of the tie details are true as I remember them well, but some of the dialogue and specific details have been recalled with some artistic liberty - this tie up was about 15 years ago so I don't remember everything, but I have tried to make it as accurate as I can.

Hope you all enjoy.

This story features the use of a pair of handcuffs. These cuffs were of the toy/dressup variety, so had quick release levers on the side in addition to the keys. However, unlike usual toy handcuffs, they were made of metal, rather than the flimsy plastic you usually come across. They were purchased from a hobby shop on a school trip by a friend and I, another story which I will cover in the future - my first ever TUG experience, and one of the few I was on the receiving end of. From experience, at that age the quick release levers were not obvious enough to be considered something that could be used to escape, so placing them on someone new usually required the key to remove them.

As some of you will know, my parents were very conservative religious types, and as such anything remotely related to tie ups (and by extension anything remotely suggestive) was banned (you can see some of the consequences of when I got "caught" by them in my other story). These handcuffs needed to stay hidden, and the best place I found was to stash them in one of my containers of lego, hidden among the massive jumble of bricks.

This story features Sophie, one of my neighbours. At the time, she was 11 years old, and I was 12. We would usually hang out with a bunch of other kids who lived on our street out and about, but this time was different. Sophie was round at mine, and it was only myself and her in the house - my parents had decided to go together to take my sister to one of her many dance classes for a change. I had invited Sophie over for some company, as this was one of the first times I had been home alone.

It was after school, and we were both wearing some parts of our school uniform. Sophie was wearing a white polo shirt, along with black tights and a grey skirt. She had her jumper with her, in royal blue - the school colours - but it was sat to one side as it was quite warm at that point in the day, but being Scotland, would get rather cold rather quickly once the sun had set. On that day Sophie had her hair down, which was strawberry-blonde, wavy, and ran to her shoulders. She was of a slim, sporty build, as were her whole family, her mother being the school PE teacher. The whole family were often seen out jogging or cycling together, they were all incredibly active.

We were sat on my bedroom floor, playing with various toy cars and lego contraptions I had built over many a bored, rainy afternoon, pushing them around on a "car mat" - a large mat with a network of roads printed on it, my one depicting a town. As a bit of a car obsessed child I had two, which we had pushed together to make a large city to play with.

"Can I make my own car?" Sophie asked, holding up one of my contraptions.

"Of course you can!" I reposnded. "Those three boxes are full of the stuff, dig in! You can take that one apart if you'd like."

Sophie got up and ran over to one of the tubs rather hurriedly. I think she quite enjoyed playing with Lego, it was just one of those things she never really had, being the stereotypical sports girl that she was. She grabbed the first box and tipped it over, spilling its contents onto the floor.

"I didn't expect you to do that!" I exclaimed, a little miffed seeing all the bricks spreading everywhere, the littlest of pieces rolling under my chest of drawers.

"Sorry! Just got a little bit ahead of myself there. I'm just excited to build my own things!" She paused, surveying the mass of bricks and pieces all over the floor. "Have you got any more wheels? I want my car to have all of the wheels!"

"I sure do, I think they're in the next container over" I reply.

Without hesitation, and before I have chance to even draw breath to tell her "no", the second container is tipped over, again spilling lego all over the floor. I sigh as she begins to dig through the pile of plastic, continuing her search for wheels, seeing the time I'll need to spend cleaning up ever increasing.

She continues to dig through as I get up and walk over to her. As I approach, she turns around, holding something shiny and metal. "What are these?" she asks, holding up my handcuffs. I had forgotten that they were in that particular box.

"Oh shoot, you weren't meant to see those." I take a step back, rather embarassed by her find.

"Why? They look cool!" She asks studying the cuffs carefully.

"Its just I don't think mine or your parents would take too kindly to knowing I had them, I don't think its a normal thing for kids to have." As I'm explaining, Sophie pushed on one of the ratchets of the cuffs, causing them to close with a click. She jumps, almost dropping them.

"Oh! They get smaller? I didn't know that." She exclaims. "I wondered how they put them on different robbers".

"Yeah, they do" I responded, feeling a little relieved that she didn't seem horrified by her discovery. "If you keep pushing them they'll open again, that's how they're put on people."

"Coo-ool." Sophie almost seemed in awe of the fact she was holding them. She pushed one cuff open, then the second. She then looks to me, holding them out in front of her as though she wants me to take them from her. "Arrest me!" she playfully calls out.

"Are you sure?" I ask hesitantly. "I don't want our parents knowing I have these, I think I'll get in a lot of trouble".

"Just do it!" She demands. "I won't tell mine, you'll be fine". She thrusts them in my direction bossily. Making sure she got what she wanted was definitely one of the quirks of her persona. I recall her changing rules quite often in the various games we'd play outside whenever she was losing.

"Okay then, if you're sure..." I take the cuffs from her, feeling the cold metal in my hands. My mind begins to race - am I seriously getting to do this? I had never considered that I'd get to have my first TUG where I restrain someone already. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back". I look up, and she's already in position, ready and waiting.

I gently grasp her right wrist, and click the cuff closed around it, making sure to not close it too tightly. I then cuff her left wrist, so that both her hands are cuffed behind her back. "What do you think?" I ask her sheepishly.

Sophie moves her wrists around, testing the security of the cuffs. As they aren't on particularly tightly, she is able to rotate her wrists within each cuff. "This is so cool!" she exclaims. "I've wanted to see what these feel like since seeing them on the police programmes on TV."

"I'm glad you like them, its quite a feeling not being able to move your hands". I recall being cuffed by my friend on the school trip, and the initial excitement about being stuck in that situation. It makes me remember, I've put them on her without knowing where the keys are. "We need to find the keys so I can let you out of them, they're also in that heap of Lego you've decorated my floor with".

"On it!" She chirps, sitting down on the floor, beginning to dig through the Lego pile with her cuffed hands, moving them to one side of her so that she could see what she was doing. I sit down next to her and start digging through as well. "Let me do it!" she barks, so I sit with my hands on my lap as she keeps searching.

After a minute or two, the keys surface, their shine making them obvious once the mass of bricks was cleared from on top of them. "Aha!" Sophie exclaims, holding the keys up to one side of her.

"Okay, pass them here and I'll let you out" I ask, ready to finish things off. She passes me the keys, and I undo the cuffs from her wrists. She puts her arms up in triumph, celebrating the experience.

"That was so cool! I loved that!" Sophie is almost bouncing with excitement, her reaction surprising me. "Lets do it again! But this time, pretend I've got a gun and you take me down, just like the police would do!" She stands up and moves away from the Lego pile, drawing her hands into the shape of a pistol.

"Are you sure?" I ask again, slightly dumbfounded by the request. "You want me to tackle you and cuff you?".

"Yeah! Treat me just like a robber!" She responds, taking aim at me with her finger gun.

I pull out my own set of finger guns, and point them at her. "Police! Drop the gun!" I yell to her. "Put it down and don't move".

"I surrender!" She acts spooked, and pretends to put her gun on the floor. She then turns to run. "Escape!" She calls back to me.

"Oh no you don't!" I run after her, catching up incredibly quickly as she mimics running, while barely moving faster than a walking pace. I tackle her onto my bed, grabbing her around her waist. She shrieks and starts laughing as she lands, head first into a pillow. "Hands behind your back criminal scum!" I taunt, while putting my knee into her back. She obliges, and places both her hands behind her. I cuff both her wrists, closing them a little tighter than last time.

"Ahhh, you got me!" Sophie chuckles as I release my leg from her back, allowing her to sit up. She tries moving her wrists around in the cuffs, but this time they're too tight to allow her to twist. "Aren't you going to ask about my gang?"

"Your what?" I ask, breaking character, standing up to look at her.

"You know, my gang of criminals that I'm part of" She says with a cheesy grin.

I pause for a moment, thinking what the best way to go about this was, before resuming character. I walk over to her and grab the cuffs between her wrists. "Up." I instruct, helping her to her feet.

"Ooh where are we going then?" She teases.

I walk her over to my chair, around the large pile of Lego still covering the floor. "Sit" I command, struggling not to laugh at her goading. She sits down on the chair, and I crouch down next to her. "I'm going to release one of your hands for a minute, there better not be any funny business from you!"

"I promise officer!" She says, blinking with her best puppy-dog eyes, pushing out her bottom lip.

I remove the cuff from her left hand, before moving it through the bars at the back of the chair. I then reattach the cuffs to her hand, attaching her to the chair with her hands behind her. "Now that you're not going anywhere, why don't you tell me about your friends then?" I begin to "interrogate" her.

"I don't have any friends" she responds, turning her head away from me.

"I don't believe you" I reply, putting on a stern voice.

"I have a right to remain silent, don't I?" she snaps back at me.

"So its going to be like this then is it?" I smirk. "I'll be back in a minute, don't go anywhere". I turn and leave the room, heading to the office. I return with a roll of Sellotape, Sophie lighting up at the sight, excited at the incoming addition.

"What's that for?" she asks smiling, knowing full well what will happen next.

"You said you wanted to be silent, so I will make sure of it." I say, while picking at the end of the tape. I pull the end and tear a strip off with my teeth, and walk over to her. She clamps her lips together in anticipation.

"Are you ready?" I ask, making sure she is okay with her mouth being taped. She nods, keeping her lips closed.
I smooth the piece of tape over her lips, pressing it down with my fingers over her cheeks. I then peel off two more pieces from the roll, and apply them just above and below the first, widening the tape gag so that it covers from below her nose to nearly her chin, again smoothing the pieces down. Sophie giggles at her new situation.

"That will keep you quiet" I say, nodding at her. I notice that I'm shivering a little with excitement. I've just had my first tie up with a girl. Bucket list item achieved!

"How are you finding it?" I ask, breaking character.

"Mm hmm" she nods in approval.

"Okay, you know there's a way to escape those cuffs without the key, right? Have a go." I know she will love the challenge.

Sophie sits up excitedly at this new task. She begins to feel around the cuffs with her fingers, tracing the key hole and the hinges. I keep watching her, intrigued by her progress. She eventually feels the small safety catches, and starts to give them a prod. Eventually, she moves one of the levers in the right direction and one of the cuffs loosens slightly.

"Mmmph mm!" She exclaims in triumph, before pressing again, opening the cuff the whole way. She then moves her other hand in front of her, before releasing herself. She then picks at the tape on her mouth, and peels it away from her face slowly. It comes off easily, without causing her any strain. "That was so much fun!" she announces, folding the tape over and rolling it into a ball. "It was so cool pretending to be a robber".

I take the cuffs from her and walk over to the Lego container, placing them back inside. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun. Now can you help me put some of this away? Lets find the pieces you need first".

We spend the next few minutes digging through the lego, finding her a few more sets of wheels for her "car" as we had originally set out to do, before tidying up the pieces all over the floor. The car games resumed, and we kept playing together until my parents arrived home with my sister, before Sophie left for the day.

Not a lot more came of this day, there were no mentions of it from any parents, so I assume that she did a good job of keeping it to herself. There was one more instance of handcuffs, where Sophie and a couple of other friends had a go with them while I was out of the room. I might well tell that one in the future too.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading.

Take care,
Probably trying to sleep.

Enjoyer of tape and engineering difficult to escape scenarios. DMs open if anyone wants to chat!
Discord: sotired10

True stories:
Duct Taping My Sister, and the Famiy Fall Out (m/f)
Handcuffing the Girl Next Door (m/f)
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Post by Yatta9999 »

This was a fun one! Cute and simple. Thanks for sharing it!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Lovely story! It’s so much fun to find a willing tug-partner.

Thanks for sharing
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Post by slackywacky »

I agree, it is always fun to find a partner in crime. Great story.

At least they cleaned up the lego :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Jeff K »

Aw, this was cute! Hope to hear more from you; you're a really good writer.
This conversation would go a lot smoother if you just gagged me already!
The G-Man
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Post by The G-Man »

That was a cute, fun story. I enjoyed it, and I'll be interested in reading more tales from you.
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