Relaxing With Manuela (F/F)

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Relaxing With Manuela (F/F)

Post by SilverLinings »

I had a friend in my late 20s, let’s call her Manuela. We met in a park, both eating lunch one day. It was a beautiful summer day, not too warm but still a little humid. The sun was out but we weren’t roasting. Unusual for a July day in New York. It was very busy in the park and she was sitting at a table by herself. It’s very unlike me to do this, but I was starving and desperate to get off my feet and did not want to go back to my office to eat at my desk. I approached her and politely asked if I could join her. At the time I didn’t even think about if she was cute. She was a tanned Hispanic woman of about my age, I thought – maybe a little bit older, wearing a navy blue suit and had big, black, sunglasses on, her hair in a slicked back tight bun. Very Midtown Manhattan corporate. But when I asked she looked around quickly to see that almost every other seat in this huge seating area of the public park was taken. She looked back, smiled and said “of course!” and slid some of her things over and made room for me. We became fast friends. We both lived in Brooklyn, not too far from each other, and had many of the same hobbies outside of work.

Fast forward more than a year. By this time our friendship was strong but I did have a pretty significant friend crush on her. I am bisexual and Manuela was straight, so nothing ever happened romantically between us. She knew, though. I wasn’t weird about it, and neither was she. It was a quiet little secret between friends.

One Saturday night after Yoga in her place, we opened a bottle of wine. One glass turned to two, turned to two bottles and takeout from a local Thai restaurant. Still dressed in my yoga outfit of black leggings, a black sports bra (now with a lightweight, sky blue long-sleeved top on), and crew length Nike socks on my feet, I felt quite tipsy. I’m 5’7” and 140 pounds, light brown hair and matching eyes and smattering of freckles on my face and the rest of my body, and sporting 34Bs under my sports bra. Manuela was short, 5’2” and 120 pounds, straight black hair in a braid with green eyes. She had a smaller chest and was quite muscular in her yoga outfit of green spandex shorts and a white workout top with some gray athletic patterns on it that draped over a sports bra matching her shorts. She was barefoot for yoga, which I never understand how people do it since my feet slip on the mat. She had cute feet with her toenails painted light pink, matching her fingernails.

After the food and wine and a good amount of time, secrets started to fly. She told me one and I’m told her one. She told another and I told another. We giggled and laughed and cheersed and made jokes. She told a third secret about what she liked during sex and I felt the need to reciprocate:

“I like to be tied up during sex…” I said.

She gasped and covered her mouth. Uh oh, had I gone too far with sharing secrets? Should I have made up something a little less… uncomfortable? By this time living in the city I had sort of found some people who I enjoyed casual bondage and sex with, but I forgot that not everyone runs in that crowd in my impaired mental bridge building. I’m comfortable with them and I’m comfortable with Manuela so they must be into the same things!

I felt a pang of panic and my heart raced, waiting for her reaction. It seemed like forever, but all of three seconds later, her hands came down and she smiled.

“I’ve never tried it….” She said, a little embarrassed hinting that she would like to. Sensing an opening, I shot my shot.

“Do you….want to?” I ask shyly, but being unable to hide a growing grin. Just the idea of asking Manuela this question had me excited and getting a little bit warm between my legs.

“NO!!” I mean, not tonight. I can’t with YOU, you know that, though….” She said, smiling again. There it was, our little unspoken - or slightly spoken - secret.

“I know…” I said, with a dramatic frown.

“But do you just want to…try being tied up, have you ever been tied up?” I asked her with some genuine curiosity.

“Just in little game settings, not seriously. Like babysitting my little brother and his friend once he tried to tie me to a pole in our basement at home. It didn’t really work but I pretended for them to be the damsel in distress. His friend definitely had a crush on me…” she said with a “no big deal” hair flip and smile.

“I know how that is…” I said, baiting her into a reaction.

Well, it was all out there now. Her mouth was open in ‘surprise’.

“Kels!” she said and slapped at my knee.

“What!” I said. “Oh come on, don’t pretend like you didn’t know…”

“I know...” she replied, with another little “no big deal” look in her face, this time with a little shoulder shimmy.

We were quiet then for a few seconds, each taking another sip of wine. Then another. And another.

Finally, Manuela spoke, and it was question that to this day doesn’t seem to have made sense.

“So…Can I tie you up?”

I’ll never know for sure why she asked me this. I’ve thought about it over and over for years, and my conclusion is that it was her way of making peace with my crush on her, her letting it go on and on, knowing that she was straight and that it could never be a real thing, but maybe liking the quiet attention. Maybe it was some guilt fueled by alcohol. Maybe she was a little bicurious and reciprocated to a certain extent. Maybe, it was all of it. I do know for sure, from my end, it was one of enjoyable hours of my life. And I don’t say that hyperbolically. I’m forever grateful for the courage she summoned go ask me that question.

“Ummmm…” I pretended to think about it for a moment as fireworks exploded inside of me with excitement, not knowing exactly what she meant.

“What do you have in mind?” I continued, a smile growing again on my lips.

“Not THAT!” she said, laughing. I joined her.

“So, what then?”

“I don’t know, just right hear on the couch, just to…relax…”

“Okay!” I said with another smile, my legs crossing as I didn’t know what else to do.

“Give me a sec, she said, getting up from her comfy chair and walking giddily to her bedroom.

I finish my wine glass and placed it on the coffee table in front of me. I grabbed the remote to the speaker that had been playing music and turned it up a few notches, to help fill the silence.

Manuela skipped out a few moments later with a few scarfs.

“Okay, on your stomach, you…”

I obeyed, rolling onto my stomach, laying longways on her 3-person couch. I placed my hands behind my back. I felt Manuela sit on my butt and take my hands. Her touch was cool and enjoyable. She was gentle. I felt her wrap a cotton scarf around my wrists once and then pull, tightening the material. Then it went around and around again, before she somehow knotted it. I wasn’t asking how or trying to figure it out, just enjoying the ride. She turned herself around and faced the other way, still sitting on my butt but with her bare feet now touching the sides of my body. I felt her push my feet together and repeat the process with a scarf around the taller part of my socks. My head lay on its side, my eyes closed, enjoying every touch of her to my skin or clothed body.

“How’s that feel?” she asked.

“Fine,” I said quietly. “You can do more….”

“More, like..?

“MORE…..” I said with an air of suggestion.

“Oh!” she said as she realized what I meant. Up she went from my butt and back into her bedroom. She came out a few moments later with a few more scarves and a roll of duct tape. I looked up.

“No tape, please…do you have anything…soft?”

Without a word, but looking up at the ceiling to think, she disappeared again and reappeared a few moments later holding a red patterned bandana, like people dressing in western clothing wear.

“Is this okay?”

“Yes, perfect…”

“Okay, good,” she replied with a smile.

She tied my knees and thighs together with some more scarves and then folded over the red bandana a few times so that it was long and skinny. I couldn’t believe this. Number one, I was already getting rather horny being tied up by my very attractive friend that I’d been crushing on for a while now. But now this same girl was going to tie a bandana around my head and gag me. My face flushed with embarrassment at the thought of enjoying this. I could feel the heat, but luckily the room was lit with low light and I don’t think Manuela could see it.

“Okay, mouth open,” she said.

I did as she asked and she placed the cotton material into my mouth and pulled the two ends tight behind my head, tying it off and trapping my hair to my head and neck. She pulled my ponytail out front under it and let it drape over the gag.

“That’s okay?” she asked.

“Mmmhmm” I said, knowing that without stuffing in the mouth it wasn’t a truly effective gag, but that wasn’t the point at all here. There would be no screaming, no moaning, no real purpose to keep me quiet. I had asked for it and she wanted to do it.

And then with one final scarf, Manuela blindfolded me. I wasn’t actually expecting this and I did let out a little whimper of surprise when she did, but that was it. Manuela had me tied up, gagged and blindfolded on her couch. Now what? I didn’t need to ask. Well, I couldn’t have it I wanted or needed to.

Manuela bent my knees and brought my feet towards my hands. I thought she might hogtie me! But I felt her sit and heard her place her feet on the coffee table, and she let my feet settle into her lap. She took my feet in her hands and began to gently stroke them, then rub them, then finally to massage them. Not hard, it was a gentle massage, and it felt fucking amazing. I moaned gently into the gag and she giggled. Every once in a while, she would give me a little tickle and I’d twitch and laugh through the gag, but her touch would then calm me. She didn’t say anything – just – treated me like a bondage queen. She massaged my feet and calves. I moaned a little more from time to time. A combination of the amazing feeling of anyone massaging my lower extremities and being aroused that it was Manuela. After a little while I started to squirm a little bit, pushing and pulling on the bonds. It was entirely by accident. I was just imagining myself being tied up on a bed and trying to get free. I didn’t want to get free right now, but my body was going through the motions of it anyway.

“Are you alright?” she said just above a whisper.

“Mmmm” I said into the gag, nodding my head.

She bent my knees again and got up from the couch, letting my feet down onto the leather. I head the sink running and figured she was washing her hands from touching my not-too-dirty-but-still-slightly-sweaty-socks for a while.

When she returned, she rolled me onto my back. She lifted my upper body a little bit and laid my head in her lap. Her spandex shorts were warm but her thighs were cool. I faced straight up and I imagined her looking down to my gagged mouth and blindfolded eyes. My mouth was slightly open because of the bandana. She started to slowly brush loose strands of hair from my face, lightly scratching my forehead and above my ear with her nails as she went. She did this over and over, even when all of the loose hair was corralled behind my ear. Her touch was amazing. I hope she was smiling and enjoying this as much as I was. She was holding me in her lap, her one hand repeating the process on my head and her other resting on my stomach, rising and lowering with my breathing. She began to curl the fingers on that hand, mildly scratching my belly through my loose, lightweight shirt. This too, felt amazing and really continued to turn me on. I moaned lowly through the gag.

“Do you like this Kels, you’re enjoying yourself?” she asked.

Obviously, I thought to myself. I slowly nodded my head. I was filled with so many thoughts of yearning. I wanted her to keep going all night. I wanted this to last forever. I wanted to orgasm! I was very turned on but controlling myself. I’m sure she could see my nipples showing through my sports bra and top. Most of all, I so desperately wanted her to want me, to love me, to be more than friends. But I knew this was just a dream, a fantasy. More of a fantasy than what I was currently living out.

The next thing I knew I was waking up as Manuela was gently lifting me off her thighs and sliding out from under me. I had fallen asleep! But it was such a relaxing and enjoyable time, it was hard not to doze off. She told me later that I had only been out for a few minutes. My body was exhausted from being excited and aroused, plus the depressant we had been imbibing all evening. She pulled up the scarf that was tied over my eyes and I blinked away some blurriness to see her smiling at me. I expected her to take the bandana next, now quite wet with my saliva, but she moved down and began to untie the scarves binding my legs. She left the bandana for last, even after she untied my wrists. When she finally untied the knot behind my head, she slowly moved it forward, giggling at the darker red area that my tongue had been resting on. I flexed my mouth a few times and licked my lips, trying to get some moisture back.

This was a big moment. Would she kiss me? If it was ever going to happen, now was the time. I waited, we held eyes, and she sensed that this would be the time – but her damned heterosexuality got in the way and she broke eye contact and walked away, taking the scarves and bandana to her bedroom.

We had some small talk about how much I enjoyed being her little prisoner and that I’d like to do it again some time. I packed up and we said our goodbyes, and I walked back to my apartment, reliving the last hour over and over and over again in my mind. I didn’t stop thinking about it naturally for days. And I have to admit I thought it most days until the next time we ended up hanging out in an apartment on a Saturday night, just the two of us. But that story is for another time.
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Post by TiedAndTaped3D »

What an amazing story. I hope you had a lot more adventures with Manuela. I definitely can't wait to read the next one.
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Post by GwenGagged »

Wow, I loved this. Also, anytime you want to work out together lmk. I like the way you exercise
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great story, thank you for posting.
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Post by DioA »

This was great, loved the scenario.
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Post by rtbw »

What a wonderful memory you have and you wrote about it so nicely I feel like I was experiencing it in your place. This is one of the best stories shared here IMO
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

What a fantastic story!
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Post by SilverLinings »

Thank you for the positive replies @TiedAndTaped3D @GwenGagged @Dpsiic @DioA @rtbw @superduperwaveydavey

There was one other time with Manuela and one time with a friend of hers, male - I will try to write up those stories as they are fun memories, also!
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Post by Knowledge »

Wow, at least she was willing to indulge in one aspect of fantasy. Surprised she didn't go for nylons to restraint you. She gave both you and her an experience to look back on. Very well written story!
"Even among misfits you’re a misfit"-accurate for me
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