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Thanks for the reassurance and I must agree about the picture.
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I didn"t say it enough, but I really love this story and the rival scout camps context ;)
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Thank you. Would you believe that the two establishments actually exist? I have just made them a little more remote than the real Cottage and Log Cabin are.
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Overnight Hospitality

As with the previous hostages, the two muscular boys were left alone to contemplate their fate for a while. Tied and blindfolded as they were, they couldn’t be sure that there wasn’t a guard nearby and, even if there wasn’t, by the time they had stood or tried to help one another, the Sailor Boys would be down on them before they could go anywhere.

It was a colder evening and Jamie and Tom were both hoping that they weren’t due to be left outside for too long especially as they weren’t the ones that the Sea Scouts really wanted to torture. By about a quarter to nine Action Man and Alex went out to the prisoners and hoisted them to their feet. With the most dignity that he could manage (and an impressive amount of drool!), Jamie tried to walk upright, and without needing too much tugging, in the direction he was being taken by Alex. Action Man led Long Tom by hooking his hand into the front of the gaffer tape holding his arms to his torso. Even though Tom didn’t have much body hair yet, Action Man’s fingers removed some of what he had. Tom was not above letting his guardian know what he thought of the situation. “Oh, that’s OK,” answered Action Man jauntily, “don’t mention it.” without having the slightest idea what his charge was saying.

By the time the hostages had been brought in, GP had brought the bar-chairs into the middle of the floor and the prisoners were forced to sit back to back on them. Once they were seated the mis-match in heights didn’t show very much, which would facilitate tying them together.

GP tied a rope around the boys’ waists, threading it between the spars in the backs of the chairs and forcing their occupants as far back as possible, leaving a lot of unused rope. Alex tied Jamie’s ankles across one another and passed the rope under the seats, but over the cross-beams, where Action Man pulled rather too tightly causing Jamie to jerk forwards before tying Tom’s feet together. There followed a moment of adjustment leaving both sets of feet under the seats.

Evan cut the tape round Long Tom’s arms and body and removed it abruptly with the usual resultant outburst from Tom. Both hostages still had their arms behind them and about to be trapped uncomfortably between their bodies and the chair backs, or so they thought. “Co-operate and we’ll re-tie your arms so that they’re not trapped.” advised Den, “Other than that, we start roping your torsos. You chose. Bend forwards.” Jamie and Tom made the sensible choice.

Evan and Den untied the hostages’ wrists and drew their arms to their sides. Alex and Action Man soon had them tied right wrist to left wrist and hooked the free ends of the ropes round one another between the chairs and brought their own ends back. The free ends were used to cinch the loops round the victim’s wrists after they had been drawn close to the sides of the chairs. GP’s contribution was to take gaffer tape and link the hostages together at the elbows and at the necks.

Most of the Sea Scouts considered that they had bound their prisoners sufficiently but GP disagreed. There was rope left over from the waist tie and “We couldn’t have them slipping off their chairs, could we?” He fed the rope under Jamie’s crutch, taking care to pass by the right of his private parts, over the low cross beams on the chair backs, under Tom’s bum and up to the waist rope again taking care to pass to the left of Tom’s tackle. Stopping to pull tight and loop the free end round the waist rope several times, GP then reversed the process passing to the other sides of the unfortunate prisoners’ privates, tightening again, looping the free end round the waist rope and tying off.

“That’s it, nice and safe. What are you trying to say, Tom? You’d be more comfortable without your whiteys? Well, if you say so, I’ll get my knife.” Tom immediately went silent.

Every move made by one hostage caused the other to grunt because of the resultant increased discomfort and both boys tried not to move any more than necessary.

At this stage Mark had to go. Probably no bad thing. But everyone else had made arrangements to stay – even, but under a different pre-supposition, Long Tom and Jamie.

From then on until supper time Sam explained the more detailed plans that he had been plotting for receiving the Twins tomorrow. He had already decided the main roles to be played by each of the club members but he was also in the mood for receiving other suggestions. The older boys even made sure that the novices had useful roles to play. All except Luke that was; Alex wanted a word with him!

Supper that evening was to be soup (T-Boy had made that fresh!) and great lumps of bread followed by tinned fruit or tinned rice pudding. Is there any need to mention the cake, hot chocolate and squirty cream?

GP went to the hostages and said that he presumed that they had the sense to take a precautionary pee before surrendering and made it clear that there was no way they were being released to the toilet until morning. He told them that their gags would be removed overnight and that they would be offered water but that they would be guarded and, if either of them spoke, both gags would be immediately re-applied. They nodded their understanding. Budgie and Tarzan removed the gags and offered mugs of water to the prisoners. A drool-sodden Jamie was particularly grateful and followed the, “Thank you, Sir” convention before Tarzan wiped him down with a kitchen towel. Tom needed reminding so Budgie wrapped his mouth in gaffer tape to teach him a lesson. He had more sense than to protest or make any other noise in case the sodden plastic ball was replaced and kept there overnight.

Den thought his apprentice was learning fast.

It had been a busy weekend and the younger boys especially had got very little sleep and everyone started sloping off to the Icelandics. Sam and T-Boy got their sleeping bags and carry mats, made up the fire, stripped to their underwear and bedded down in front of it. As usual, Action Man, GP and Evan shared a tent in spite of GP’s reservations about sleeping between “naked“ people; and Tarzan and Budgie took another tent between them.

Meanwhile, in the third tent Alex was “having a word” with Luke.

Luke quickly learnt that he was not going to start serving Alex’s whole day demands because of what was to happen in the morning but that he would not be joining in because of his conduct towards his brother earlier that evening. He was given the choice: either he could go free and never take part in club activities again or Alex would imprison him overnight and then torture him until he thought he’d had enough.

The thought of being expelled was appalling: he would not be allowed to join the equivalent club with the Land Farmers and would probably be cold-shouldered in the normal Sea-Scouts’ meetings. Basically: social death.

“Sorry, Alex. Don’t tell Sam, please.” Of course Sam was told about it, he had to know, but Luke didn’t know that.

Luke submitted to having his hands bound behind him and his legs taped together at his ankles, above and below his knees and at his thighs. His arms were taped to his body below his shoulders and above and below his elbows. Den asked Alex why he didn’t just mummify him in the first place. It didn’t dawn on Luke that there was anything strange in the fact that he had been taped up in his clothes.

Alex removed Luke’s trainers and slipped him into a sleeping bag liner which was tied over his shoulders. He then opened a four-season sleeping bag that he had taken from stores, laid Luke in it and zipped it up. Once he had tightened the draw-string in the hood, Alex wound enough gaffer tape around the hood to blindfold its occupant and enough at various other positions on the sleeping bag to ensure complete inescapability. It was also going to be a VERY warm night for Luke.

I think Alex had discovered his personal torture style!

Den was already bedded down at the far end of the tent and Alex manoeuvred Luke in his maggot between where he and Den would be sleeping. With a final warning about not waking either Den or himself unless there was a REAL emergency, Alex stripped down and got into his sleeping bag.

Early Next Morning

As usual, T-Boy was up at the crack of sparrow’s fart to prepare breakfast. That didn’t please Sam who was, inevitably, woken up as well. The colder, cloudless night had lead to a very clear, sunny morning. So Sam stamped off, complaining, to take a cold shower and go through his plans for the day looking for loopholes.

Just for the sake of taking his temper out on someone, he tape-gagged Jamie on his way out of the Cabin. Fortunately for the hostages T-Boy was in a better mood and got his sharpest knife and cut the rope pulling their ankles towards one another. The resultant “Mnghhh!” was almost in harmony. With a warning about what would happen if he noticed excessive struggling, he also cut the rope pulling their wrists to their sides. Jamie thought that, when the Scouts took their revenge on the Sailor Boys, he would be merciful towards T-Boy but that Sam would be left ‘til last, having had to watch all his men tortured first, and then put through the worst ordeals that his Troop could devise.

After his shower Sam considerately made sure that everyone else was awake and getting dressed not only out of spite but also in order that they would be ready to receive their expected visitors whenever they should arrive after breakfast.

The customary cereals & fry-up were consumed by everyone – except Jamie, Long Tom and Luke, who had been forced to bunny-hop into the Log cabin, still clothed and mummified in the heavyweight sleeping bag, by Alex.

The novices were allocated their tasks: Tarzan and Budgie were to feed Long Tom and Jamie (Cereals & milk and only water to drink until T-Boy told them to feed each hostage a couple of left-over sausages) and, under Action Man’s supervision, get them to the toilet and back to the front of the Log Cabin ready to be exchanged for the Twins.

These kids were learning quickly. Within a reasonable time Jamie and Long Tom were kneeling half way to the gate. Facing it but unable to see it, of course. Their ankles were crossed and their wrists were tied behind them and hitched up into the smalls of their backs by halters round their necks. Just to stop the hostages stretching their legs, their ankles were linked to the ropes around their wrists forcing them to sit on their heels.

Jamie’s ball-gag and Long Tom’s rubber ball were forced into place before Sam took some photos to send to Vic along with a text saying, “b qik, there w8n”

While this was going on, Alex unwrapped Luke and told him to strip himself of his, by now, very sweaty, smelly clothes. Luke stripped to his boxers and very gratefully accepted a drink of water from Alex who told him to get his Speedos on. Having changed, he was told that he wasn’t allowed any breakfast until he had done all the washing up. Alex knew that he would require some recovery time first and chained his ankle to the sink support in the customary fashion. That way Luke could take his time as long as he completed his task.

“There’s just one condition: I’ll give you an hour to finish. Every extra five minutes costs you an hour on the shear-leg.” If he wasn’t already suffering from his overnight treatment, he probably wouldn’t mind being tied to his brother’s pioneering construction but it would also mean that he couldn’t join in with torturing the Twins. Luke set about his duties with determination - and many draughts of water.

Once the Sea-Scouts had breakfasted and done what passed for washing, Sam called a final council of war. The arrangements for receiving the Twins and releasing the hostages were rehearsed once more and further suggestions for their discomfort were assessed.

The hostages had no idea what the time was. They couldn’t expect the hostage exchange to happen very early because the Twins had to be allowed to arrive when they had originally expected to. Any change in arrangements could have made them suspicious. Long Tom only hoped that, without him, the rest of the Scouts would remember the planned routines and carry them out efficiently, especially as George, the kid for whom the word “ditzy” might well have been coined, could not be present for last night’s planning.

All Jamie and Tom could do was to hope that their brother Scouts would be as efficient as possible. Or – even worse – would the Twins not turn up at all??

They probably didn’t even hear Sam’s phone ring as Vic called saying that they were ready.

Before the phone call Luke’s bodily functions had more or less returned to normal and, having dealt with his re-hydration requirements, he was now desperate for a pee but no-one was taking any notice of him and he daren’t interrupt. In desperation, he used a bucket, hoping to be able to deal with it surreptitiously later. He only hoped that Alex wouldn’t find out and inflict more punishments on him.

Alex did find out. But he thought that that represented enough embarrassment already. Luke was unchained and told to go and deal with things. He ran for the toilet, used it and cleaned the bucket carefully using the chemicals in the store. He then reported to Alex, knelt and asked what else he had to do.

Alex gave him the choice: dress, go home and take no more part in the forthcoming activities or stay as he was and act as everyone’s gofer. I think you’ll know which option Luke chose.

Alex introduced their new slave to the club members and hoped that they could keep him busy. He tied his wrists behind him until someone could find him something useful to do. Luke then had to go and sit facing a corner of the Cabin until he was needed. For Luke, having nothing to do without being completely immobilised was probably the worst torture of all. He could so easily get it wrong. It was a good job that there were lots of trivial tasks that the rest of the club wanted to be carried out.

At about eleven-thirty Sam’s phone rang again.

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Time for an update. This one's quite a long one but the next one will be much shorter.

It's time for the Twins to get theirs.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Taking the Twins

Neither Scott nor Little Steve went home overnight; their parents were expecting them to be away until at least Monday evening. It was nothing unusual during half-term weeks for the boys to ring in and say they were staying and begging money, food, extra clothing, sweets, fizzy drinks, etc. In fact, knowing what was likely to happen, Scott’s parents had sent him with far more supplies and cash than he would need for himself because they believed that Scouting activities were invaluable to their sons. That was on top of the contributions that all the parents had made towards the “Training Event” that they had been convinced was taking place.

The Sea Scouts considered the Land Farmers to be effete because of the hostel accommodation they used and the easy availability of hot showers and flushing toilets. But, once they were relaxed, warm, dry and clean, the Scouts could put up with the jibes. They were even known to refer to the Sea Scouts as “pongos”.

By eight-thirty everyone had showered and breakfasted, Zac lost the toss and had to cook. The rest should have known: if Zac lost the toss, so did they all. When serving the sausages and bacon, Zac pointed out that carbon was good for the digestion. That wasn’t the first time that the Scouts had wished they’d kidnapped T-Boy and kept him as their galley slave.

George had arrived and been briefed and there was plenty of time before the Twins were expected. The difficulty was to make things look natural before the five of them would try to overpower both boys.

The Scouts were up against it: the Buzzards were not old enough to help and, besides, they didn’t have permission to stay; Long Tom and Jamie, their most experienced (and strongest) TUGgers, were captive elsewhere and Big Steve and Little Joe were the targets of the operation. That left Scott, Little Steve, Zac, Vic and George to take out the two guilty men.

Just before nine o’clock Joe arrived at the door of the cottage without his twin. He was, as usual, pissed off with his brother who had decided to stop off for supplies on the way. He would be at least a quarter of an hour behind.

“Yes, there IS a God.” shouted Vic delightedly while Zac quickly took Joe in a full nelson.

“What the . . .?” started Joe. Bad move. I’ve already remarked on the surprising array of bondage equipment in the Cottage and Joe quickly found a ball-gag being forced into place. Once Zac had more or less carried him over to the chain over the rail crossing the room, Joe realised that he was about to be “hung in the wardrobe”. He didn’t know why but he knew that, once Zac had got him that far, there was no real hope of escape. There was really no need even to tie the victim’s hands once the D-ring at the back of the gag had been padlocked into the chain but George did so in any case. Joe was lucky; his feet were still firmly on the ground.

To look at them, the Twins were obviously brothers. Big Steve was bigger and brighter than his smaller twin but Joe was usually accounted the nicer kid. In spite of his intelligence, Steve was a pillock of the first water and would always get himself into trouble by doing daft things on impulse. Both boys sported “old hippy” haircuts which slopped over their eyes needing frequent flicking away with the fingers. Steve was an almost exact scaled-up version of Joe but their characters were very different. George, Scott and Big Steve would always get into trouble for their impetuous behaviour but, if you wanted a generous, loyal supporter, you’d always go for Little Steve or Joe. Joining his brother in “liberating” the Sea Scouts’ flag was not Joe’s normal style but now he was going to have to pay for it.

Vic was vaguely sorry not to explain to Joe why he had just been gagged, bound and chained to a rail but he knew that the business had to be completed quickly before Big Steve arrived and, besides, explanations could be given later when both boys were present.

At this time Vic received a text from Sam.

A few minutes after Joe had been hung in the wardrobe, Big Steve’s arrival was announced by the sound of his bicycle skidding to a halt on the gravel drive and then being propped against the wall and his voice calling to his brother, “Alright, don’t wait for me then.” as he pushed the door open.

Seeing Joe gagged, bound and chained, Big Steve stood gob-smacked. “Oh, yes! That’s good! Wassup, Joe?” he asked in a delighted sort of way. He liked to see his brother suffering. That put him completely off his guard.

Scott and Vic took Steve down as planned. He lay, face down with a boy holding each arm in a painful lock. Wisdom would have counselled him to accept his fate and stop struggling – but this was Big Steve. Along with the thrashing of his legs and the far from polite descriptions of his assailants, Steve made it quite clear that he was unimpressed by his welcome.

Little Steve had found another one of those surprising devices that seemed to abound in the Cottage. While Zac sat on the victim’s legs, Little Steve clamped a metal loop around his left leg and padlocked the end through the metal bar to which it was hinged. With the same procedure applied to Big Steve’s right leg, he realised that he had been fastened into what he assumed was a not very long spacer bar.

Even with the metal bar in place, Big Steve continued to struggle and, if possible, his language became even more colourful. Scott and Vic hauled Steve to his feet, ensuring that his arms were kept under stress and Zac stood on the bar. He tried to convince their captive to surrender but Steve had just seen the rest of the device to which he had just been padlocked. He didn’t want to be padlocked any further.

“Look, Shithead,” said Scott addressing Steve like he would his annoying little brother, “You’re already shackled and there’s no way you can stop us putting your wrists in the stocks as well. Now, are you going to make this easy for us or is Little Steve going to sprinkle chilli powder into your boxers first?”

Seeing his namesake going into the kitchen and remembering that he was wearing tight boxers, Steve stopped struggling and his captors sat him on the floor and guided his wrists towards the two remaining loops. George padlocked Steve’s wrists between his ankles leaving the still swearing boy with his back and his knees bent.

Zac got the other ball gag and offered it up to Big Steve’s face. He resisted until he saw Little Steve approaching with a small tub of chilli powder. Then he changed his mind.

With both twins efficiently gagged, Vic explained the situation to them. He asked them to look to see what was missing from the wall, told them that their trophy had been returned to the Sailor Boys and gave a brief account of the hostage situation. He said that the Sea Scouts held all the cards (and Jamie and Long Tom) and that they had no choice in the matter. Big Steve started making more noises into his gag so Zac tipped him over so that his arse was in the air and his head on the floor.

Long Tom had briefed the team well and Vic made sure that Little Steve and Scott knew their parts thoroughly. Now they had to prepare the Twins for transport. They weren’t going to like it!

Vic explained that the Twins were gong to be taken to the Log Cabin on the Scouts’ old-fashioned trek cart. That wasn’t so bad. And to make sure that they didn’t try to draw attention to themselves, they would be naked. That was!

At that stage, Little Steve could stand the noise no longer and wrapped Big Steve’s lower face with as much duct tape as there was left on the first roll he could find. The noise abated considerably.

The larger Twin was obviously in no mood to make things easier either for himself or for them so the Scouts decided to try to get him sorted out before his brother.

There was nearly as much “recycled” and “borrowed” rubbish hanging around the Cottage as there was at the Log Cabin. Amongst this were several lengths of rigid white plastic tubing which had been used to “look after” captives in wide games in the past. George got two tubes, both about two metres long and about 45 centimetres in diameter that had long eye-bolts passing through them about ten centimetres from each end and fastened with wing-nuts. That was going to be a tight fit for Big Steve.

Steve was still struggling as well as he could whilst fastened face down into metal stocks and the Scouts had to figure out how to get him stripped off without destroying his clothing. Parents generally become unimpressed when their sons return from Scout events with significantly less clothing than they took originally.

Vic gave Big Steve one more chance to co-operate. Even heavily gagged and strictly restrained his answer was obvious. Little Steve started a new roll of tape and wrapped it generously around Big Steve’s eyes and, indeed, most of his upper face entangling his long hair quite comprehensively. He considered that to be payback for the times his face had been taped over during the last few days.

Zac and Scott each grabbed an end of the metal bar holding Steve captive and Vic and George grabbed him under the armpits. The four Scouts lifted the shackled boy out to where a low barrier separates the gravel drive from the grassed areas, turned him over and forced him onto his back. Little Steve lashed the ends of the stocks to the barrier leaving Big Steve lying on his back in the drive with his hands and feet about 50 centimetres off the ground.

Scott added rope handcuffs to Steve’s bondage. Steve couldn’t figure out why but he was about to find out. Little Steve removed the padlocks clamping Big Steve’s wrists so that Scott and Vic could pass his bound wrists to Zac, who sat on the ground and stretched him tight. Vic lifted Steve’s jumper up towards his wrists. Undid his shirt and did the same with that and his t-shirt. That left Big Steve with a bare torso and stretched out with Zac’s feet on his shoulders.

The opportunity was too good to waste and, “just to persuade you to be more co-operative” according to Vic, the rest of the Scouts embarked on an unrelenting ten-minute tickling session. With the way Steve bucked, it was fortunate that Zac was a very strong boy. Having thus entertained themselves, Vic moved Steve’s upper garments along to his rope cuffs while George undid his jeans and slipped them down his legs a bit.

Once Little Steve had clamped Big Steve’s wrists back onto the metal bar and secured the padlocks, he removed the rope cuffs and, with the rope, his upper garments.

George forced Steve’s shoes and socks from his feet. After that, it was the matter of only a couple of minutes to free Steve’s feet, pull his legs straight and remove his jeans and, amid renewed frantic squealing, his grey boxer briefs as well. Now naked, Steve became more subdued and made very little resistance to having his ankles clamped onto the stocks again. Little Steve checked his lashings and Big Steve was left to fend for himself.

Joe was given one of those choices which are really no choice at all: were the Scouts going to strip him or would he do it himself? Joe indicated that he would do it himself so George untied his wrists. Joe removed his upper garments and passed them over his head to hang on the chain linking his ball-gag to the overhead rail. After a bit of a struggle, he removed his trainers and socks, undid his cargo shorts and slipped them off his legs. After a short pause, Joe slipped his hands into his red Pierre Cardin boxer-briefs ready to remove them. Vic told him that he needn’t do that yet and Joe sighed deeply. The sound, “Aan-oo” that escaped from his gag needed little explanation.

George took one of the white plastic tubes outside as the Scouts went to deal with Big Steve. Nakedness and discomfort seemed to have subdued him and he’d stopped struggling, settling for occasional attempted manoeuvrings intended to decrease his discomfort.

Steve’s wrists were cuffed with rope once more and his ankles were freed from the stocks and bound side by side, leaving a fair bit of unused rope. Steve’s legs were pulled out so that he was face down with his wrists still fastened about half a metre from the ground. George examined the tube and thought that what they intended to do was possible but that it would be a tight fit. He undid the wing-nuts and removed the long eye-bolts. Then he threaded the free end of the rope binding Steve’s ankles right through the tube.

Vic told Steve that he was going to be put in one of the white tubes that they had used in previous games. He wasn’t happy about it but he knew that there was no point in resistance, which would only cause even more discomfort.

The Scouts eased their prisoner as gently as they could into the tube. When it got to a particularly strategic moment, Steve tried to ensure that his “bits” didn’t snag on the edge of the tube breathing a considerable sigh of relief once the danger point was passed. As the tube came past his armpits, Steve was finding himself a bit pushed for room but he was glad he didn’t have his arms by his sides. Just before his hands, which had been released from the stocks, disappeared inside the tube, George passed one of the eye-bolts into the tube, between his arms and out the other side. He quickly screwed the wing-nut and a serrated washer into place securing Steve into the tube. A bit more tugging drew Steve’s ankles towards the other end of the tube where another eye-bolt secured his legs.

Laterally, Steve was squeezed quite tightly but there was a little room for longitudinal movement so that his arms and legs were not pulled completely tight.

Just for entertainment, Zac kicked the tube causing it to roll across the field to where the trek-cart was kept. Even the eyes and wing-nuts weren’t large enough to come to Steve’s rescue but his torment was soon over.

While Little Steve was left on guard, the rest of the Scouts turned their attention to Joe. In the absence of the others Joe had been trying to escape but, with the ball-gag fastened so tightly in place, there was no way. As the others returned Joe did his best to feign innocence.

“OK Joe,” said Vic, “get ‘em off.” Joe tried one of his pathetic looks that the girls could never resist. Vic was not a girl! With a rueful look and a slight nodding of the head Joe wriggled out of his underpants. Little Steve bound Joe’s hands in front of him while Vic bound his ankles. Joe could see the tube and knew what was about to happen. He determined to make it as easy as possible on himself.

Scott released the ball-gag from the chain causing the discarded clothing to fall to the floor and freeing Joe from his almost stationary imprisonment. The padlock was quickly replaced through the gag.

Joe was allowed to “dive” into the tube which was placed on the table so that he could follow his wrists until he needed help to get his lower body into the tube. Before the “sensitive” moment, Joe was stood up and the Scouts slid the tube down the rest of the way. The eye-bolts were fastened in position and Joe was secured safely ready for transport. Being smaller that Big Steve, Joe wasn’t as cramped by the plastic but was stretched quite tightly; there was not much opportunity to flex his limbs.

It was only then that Vic had remembered that they were supposed to blindfold both their prisoners but, by that stage, he couldn’t be bothered. After all, what could Joe see? Just the inside of a plastic tube.

Scott and George lifted the tube onto their shoulders and carried Joe out to the trek cart and loaded him on board. George and Zac then loaded his twin up beside him. Little Steve lashed the tubes safely in place and Vic covered the entire load with a tarpaulin which was also lashed carefully to ensure that none of the “cargo” showed.

The big, old trek cart had probably never been used for such a bizarre cargo before but, knowing that particular Scout Group, I’m not entirely convinced.

Vic went to change. George collected Jamie’s and Long Tom’s clothes and everyone got their boots on.

Vic rang his brother. “OK, OK, skip the insults, we’re ready.”

“Don’t forget your Speedos.”

“It’ll be our turn soon. I’m looking forward to that. You’d enjoy a visit to the dentist more than what we’re gong to do to you, Bean-pole Kid.”

“Oooo! I can’t wait! How long you going to be?”

“About an hour.”

“It’s OK, take your time, Jamie won’t mind and Long Tom’s already said he’s enjoying our hospitality. Would you like to see them?” Sam sent a couple of photos. Vic shared his opinion of his brother and his mates and hung up.

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Just a short update this time.

More visits and especially new commentators will certainly speed the posting of the next episode.
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Anyone knowing anything about the organisation of English Scouting probably needs an explanation here. Anyone knowing nothing about the organisation of English Scouting certainly needs an explanation here!

Scout Troops are often (?usually?) of mixed gender these days, however the TUGs clubs have been deliberately kept male only. The boys have probably never heard of Luddites, but Luddite they are!

A Scout Group might have Beaver Colonies, Cub Packs, a Scout Troop and Explorers. Each Group in these stories has formed its TUGs club from the Scouts and Explorers. Past members also keep a subtle eye on things.

There is a certain amount of “turning a blind eye” to things but not as much ignorance on behalf of the Scouters as the youngsters would like to believe. Basically: as long as no one comes to any harm and participation is by mutual, if sometimes unstated, consent, it keeps the little buggers out of real trouble!

Both clubs/headquarters provide refuges for youngsters who have good reason to want to be away from home whenever possible as well as those who just want to be involved for the craic.

The Ancient Trek-Cart

The Scouts’ trek-cart is a left-over from a bygone age. Frequent applications of oil & wood preservative (not to mention craftsmen from an obliging nearby agricultural museum) have kept it going well. It has large wheels and a high bed compared to the modern version. B-P himself would probably recognise this beast!

The cart was chocked under the wheels and the shaft was supported on a trestle. A tarpaulin effectively concealed the cargo even though the tubes overhung the bed of the cart. It had a five-kilometre journey ahead of it. So did its unwilling cargo.

Vic gave a few last minute reminders about the inadvisability of two naked boys drawing attention to themselves and the possible consequences of an escape today in the light of what might happen in the future.

Scott and Zac were to take first shift on the shaft with the others keeping a careful eye on the contents. They took the strain and the chocks and trestle were removed. The two strongest remaining members of the Troop took off at a very impressive rate, which they managed to maintain for a good fifteen minutes.

“Commando-type” songs helped to cover any inadvertent noises escaping from the plastic tubes due to the prisoners’ being shaken up by their rapid passage over rough ground; but, when they ran out, I’m not sure that the world record attempt on “Bestiality’s Best, Boys” or the very loud rendition of “The Internet is for Porn” was a really good advert for Scouting as the convoy passed any dog-walkers or cyclists. Who says you can’t get boys singing?

After about twenty minutes it was time for a change of shift so that Scott and Zac could take a breather and a drink. Little Steve and Vic took over. Even though he was small, Little Steve’s swimming training was turning him into a pocket Hercules and he was a reasonable height match with Vic, who found the task somewhat demanding.

After about another quarter of an hour, Vic needed a break. Steve could have kept going but no one else was his height match when it came to pulling the cart. George and Scott, the other boy who never seems to tire, took over. One more change of shift where George took a break but where Scott kept going with Zac saw the trek-cart and its cargo arrive at the Log Cabin.

Vic’s phone came into action as the Scouts approached the Sailor Boys’ headquarters. He was beginning to wish that some of the other kids could get a signal in that part of the Forest.

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Post by MaxRoper »

On and on they go with one kinky adventure after another. I must say those tubes sound dreadful.
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Post by Xtc »

Very secure I thought. Probably an example of "Be Prepared".
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Post by Carnath »

I reassure you, I still love this :)
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you, such reassurances count for a lot.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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I write stories myself, so I know :)

And I also know I should write more appreciations...
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Post by Xtc »

Well, thank you again for making this one!
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Time for another update. I'm sure the Twins will receive a warm welcome.
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The Final Exchange

The sight of THAT flag flying triumphantly from the flagpole didn’t help the Scouts’ demeanour any but business was business.

“We’ve got them.”

“OK, you can see your guys. Hope you’ve remembered your Speedos, Vic.”

Scott noticed Vic getting needled and offered to strip down and take his place. Vic knew that not only would Sam not allow it but he didn’t trust Scott not to do something impetuous and ill-advised. He was soon standing in just a pair of white swimming briefs.

Little Steve unfastened the tarpaulin and George untied the ropes fastening the tubes into place. Zac and Scott removed the tube containing Big Steve from the cart and left it on the ground while they unloaded Joe. Vic made an attempt to get the Sea Scouts to allow two Scouts to bring the prisoners on board. This was refused so he reached inside the tube for the eye-bolt securing Joe’s arms, lifted the end of the tube and dragged it over in front of Jamie and Tom. That was quite a struggle, Vic not being the biggest of the Scouts, and it showed. The sea Scouts started taking bets (usual “stakes”) with one another to see who could get nearest to guessing the time Vic would take to drag Big Steve into place.

Sam was to keep time. Action Man lost to Alex (no surprise there then) and GP beat Evan, who started to protest. Sam said, “Rules is rules and you lost.” They shook hands, the TUGs club way, and all agreed to leave the forfeits until a more convenient time.

Vic went back for the Twins’ underwear and left it on the ground beside the tubes. Following an awkward silence, which the Sea Scouts were in no hurry to break, Vic asked if he could release the hostages.

“How do we know who’s in there?”

“Even for you, that’s pathetic. Who else is it going to be? Take a look if you don’t believe me.”

“I don’t need your permission to do that, LITTLE Brother.”

Whenever these two got together, it was like Punch & Judy. It’s a good job they lived in a large house. I wonder why they both joined different Troops?!

Eventually common sense prevailed and T-Boy said, “Just release Jamie, then we get our hands on Joe.” It was agreed and Vic released the rope connecting Jamie’s ankles to his wrists and untied his ankles so that Jamie could at least stand. Next came the halter and, with the release of the rope round his wrists, Jamie was free. Vic thought he’d leave him to sort out the tape around his head for himself which he did VERY carefully.

“OK, Sam, just shut it or you two ladies’ll be at handbags drawn for hours.” So saying T-Boy took over orchestrating the exchange. “OK, Jamie, you’re free. Now get of our land. Vic, show us Little Joe.” Joe hated that, even though he was too young to remember “Bonanza”.

Jamie left the premises, keeping a careful eye out for treachery, collected his clothes and dressed. His first remark as he passed the gate was that he hoped Sam liked prison food because he knew a very unpleasant gaol where he’d get his own wardrobe! He left any further threats so as not to delay Long Tom’s release.

Vic set to work loosening the wing-nut that held Joe’s arms stretched quite tightly and withdrew the eye-bolt. Having repeated the procedure at the other end of the tube, Joe was now fee to emerge, an event which he viewed with mixed feelings. With the words, “Sorry, Mate.” Vic grabbed Joe’s wrists and extracted him from the tube. Even though he was face down his bound hands went straight to preserving his modesty.

GP objected, “He’s not blindfolded. Do it now.” and threw a roll of black tape to Vic who knew that he had to make an efficient job of it.

“Happy now?”

“Don’t get arsey, or you might not get Tom back.”

“Shut up Sam, I’m dealing with this now. Get that tube off our property, Vic, then get yourself back here.”

“If you think we’re leaving you a perfectly good ball gag, T-Boy, you’ve really got another think coming.”

Not having expected the Twins to have been ball-gagged, GP was prepared; he threw two short sticks, about two centimetres thick, towards Vic. “OK, Vic, have these and tape one of them into his mouth. Make sure it’s tight.” Vic got the padlock key, which he’d lodged in his Speedos, and unlocked the gag that had been a torment to Joe for several hours.

“Can I give him a drink first?”

“Ask nicely, Short-arse.”

“Shut up, Sam. Let’s get on with this. What did you say, Farmer Boy?”

“Please, Sir, may I give Joe a drink before gagging him?”

T-Boy asked Budgie to release Luke and get him to fill a camel pack and bring it out. After not too long Joe was kneeling, still desperately trying to keep himself decent with his closely bound hands, and drawing deeply through the plastic tube. Joe knew the conventions and said, “Thank you, Sir.” to his unseen attendant.

Luke got up to return to his corner when Vic said, “No, stay there, there’s another one in a minute.”

“YOU don’t tell one of our men what to do on our own territory, even if he IS a slave. Back to your corner, Luke.” Luke did as T-Boy told him.

“Shit! Sorry, Steve. I’ll see what I can do about it.” Vic reassured his friend quietly. “Sorry, Joe, open up, this isn’t going to be too tasty.” He pushed one of the sticks into Joe’s mouth and warned him not to resist or GP would probably have one of his more “creative” ideas. Several layers of tape round the ends of the stick and behind his head later and it was firmly lodged between Joe’s teeth.

“Right, stand him up and tether his wrists with this. Luke, take this out then come back here and kneel down.” With that T-Boy gave him a rope to take out.

Vic tied the rope between Joe’s wrists and apologised again to the smaller Twin; whichever way he was going to have to take the rope next was going to distress the naked kid in one way or the other.

As the accepted “Master of the Ropes”, Action Man suggested that, as the plans they had made involved both the Twins, Joe only needed tying for security at the time. He gave Vic step-by-step instructions. “Under his crutch and up to his neck. Pull it tight.” Joe’s shoulders were forced forwards and his wrists drawn below the parts he was trying to keep covered. At this stage having only an, admittedly tight, bit gag in place, Joe’s squeal was somewhat loud. “Round his neck once then down his back and tie it off to his wrists.” That left Joe still scrunched up but with some scope for movement.

“Get him to sit down and cross his ankles. Then tie them really close to his body. Make sure you’ve got some rope left.” Joe felt his scope for movement ebbing away. “Nice one, Vic.” Vic shot Action-Man a contemptuous look. “Now tie the end of the rope out of the way. Round his neck ought to do. Try not to use a slip knot.” Vic completed the job and it made him feel like a real shit having to treat a mate like that.

It would obviously have been easier for the Sea Scouts to have secured their prisoners themselves but forcing Vic do it with his Brother Scouts watching really rubbed the Land Farmers’ noses in the Sea Scouts’ victory.

“Right, you bastards, you’ve got Joe where you want him, now give us Long Tom.” called Jamie, who was now fully dressed, from the gate.

“No deal, Mop ‘ead. We want to see them both trussed up here before you get Tom.”

Jamie shook his head despairingly making his longish “Beatle – style” brown hair demonstrate T-Boy’s epithet. “Right, get on with it. But don’t forget: this isn’t the end.”

“Lookin’ forward to it! Now shall we get on? OK, Vic, you know what to do. Get that stuff out of here and then get him out of there.” T-Boy indicated first the tube that had contained Joe and then the other tube.

Vic removed the empty tube and the drool covered ball gag and then returned to Big Steve’s tube, said, “Sorry, Mate.” again and started the same process as before.

Once Big Steve was out of the tube it was obvious that there was already a length of rope attached to his ankles. Action-Man started re-planning. “Wait on, Vic. Luke, take a pioneering stave out there.” Every trivial job he was given pleased Luke; anything but having to kneel doing nothing without being properly restrained. He wondered if Alex knew that, as far as he was concerned, that counted as torture. Or was he going to insist on further “proper” torture later? Luke wasn’t quite sure what to think.

While he waited, Steve wriggled on his belly, flexing his previously confined muscles. He wasn’t as determined to protect his decency as Joe. He knew it was too late for that but he knew that he would soon be closely confined again.

Vic started removing the mass of tape that was wrapped around Steve’s lower face.

“Leave that, Vic, there’s something else to do first.” Vic saw Luke arriving with the spar. “Right, sit him up and force his arms over his knees.” Acton Man had been doing some research. He thought it was time to deliver an historical lecture. “Gentlemen, what you are about to see is called, in South America, the “parrot perch”, as you know, but that really requires an even more extreme extension which I hope we will not have to apply to Big Steve here.” That last part didn’t sound particularly sincere. “In the American Civil War it was referred to as being “bucked and gagged” and people were kept like it for hours. I think I shall refer to it by the North American term. Here endeth the lesson.”

That part about being kept like it for hours didn’t sound that encouraging to Steve, especially when Vic forced his wrists down more or less to his ankles leaving his knees quite tightly bent. “OK Vic, now thread that spar between his elbows and his knees.” Afterwards Steve was completely unable to move his limbs.

Vic thought that the Sea Scouts would consider that to be suffering enough. He should have known better. “Now use the loose rope to draw his wrists as close to his ankles as possible. Just a couple of times round then tie it off.” With another, “Sorry, Steve” Vic did as he was told.

“Right, now you can get your gag.” Vic started to untangle the tape from Steve’s long hair. The more he removed, the louder the “Nngggh-ing” grew. The Sea Scouts were quite enjoying this bit.

Eventually Steve’s unwanted hairdo was complete leaving him with just the monstrous ball-gag in place. Vic unlocked it and Steve waggled his jaw and breathed deeply. In spite of the involuntary loudly vocalised sigh, he knew better than to say anything.

Vic braced himself: “Please, Sir, May I give Steve a drink before gagging him.”

T-Boy answered. “Come here, get on your knees and ask Sam.”

Could he do it? Sam would make him beg. Sam would make sure GP videoed him. He was only wearing white Speedos. Nooooo! Then he looked at Steve; in spite of his being blindfolded, Steve’s eyes were obviously begging. He was still breathing deeply and his head was drooping. Even if Vic said the right words, he couldn’t then threaten his brother with future retribution. He couldn’t do it, could he?

“Well, if not, you’d better get on with it.”

Little Steve offered to strip down to enter the premises and beg. He’d recently undergone the experience himself. “No, not you. Only Vic.” Jamie was changing his mind about showing T-Boy mercy once he had the upper hand.

Vic picked up the second stick and put his hand on Big Steve’s forehead lifting his face towards his own. Just before he pushed the stick into Steve’s mouth, the deeply pained sigh of, ”Water . . . please!” could not be ignored.

Vic put down the stick. Sam gave GP the camera. All the Sea Scouts started smirking. Vic approached Sam and knelt down with his hands on his head, elbows back. Vic wasn’t happy.

“Please, Sam, can Steve have a drink?”

“That’s not very humble, try again. Don’t forget to be as humble as possible; you might not get another chance.” Sam pushed his right foot towards his brother.

“Please, . . . Master, may I give Steve a drink?” Vic knew he’d have to humiliate himself completely but, having been videoed already, he didn’t have much more to lose. He kissed Sam’s right foot and then, once his brother had offered his left foot, he kissed that too and waited for permission to kneel upright.

“OK, since you asked so nicely. Luke, give it to him.”

Vic had no choice but not to retaliate verbally in case Sam changed his mind. He was left prostrate until after Luke had finished and returned to kneel by T-Boy. This time Steve remembered his manners.

“Now go and gag him, and make sure it’s tight or I’ll get GP to reinforce it. Get up.” Vic took his hands from his head, climbed to his feet and headed back to the unfortunate Big Steve. He took T-Boy’s threat seriously and pulled the stick really tightly into Steve’s mouth as he taped it into place.

“Right, now let’s have Long Tom.” Jamie’s voice from the gate was getting more than a little irate.

“That wasn’t very polite, Jamie.”

“Alright, please Sir, you have your culprits, we’ve done everything you’ve asked. Please will you release Tom?”

“OK. Get on with it Vic. Just free his ankles and get him of our property. You can finish untying him once he’s the other side of the gate. And take your rubbish with you because you’re not coming back on board.”

Vic detached Tom’s ankles from his wrists and freed them leaving him with his arms still lodged into the small of his back and still blindfolded and heavily gagged. Having Helped Tom to his feet Vic collected the rest of the Scouts’ property and, taking Tom by the arm, started leading him towards the gate.

“Oh, and if you want the Twins to be given their boxers, don’t forget to return our ropes and gag. Just drop them over the gate. Don’t worry about the tape. Luke’ll tidy that up when you’ve gone.” Sam was in charge again because T-Boy had things to do.

Tom, as you know, wasn’t above voicing his distress and there was plenty of distress as he unstuck the tape from his hair. Once untied and free of the tape, Tom dressed and wished his erstwhile hosts everything they wouldn’t wish themselves. The Scouts gathered up their gear and departed. OK, the Twins were a write-off for the next couple of days but that didn’t stop the Scouts, especially Long Tom, plotting their inevitable revenge attempt.

There’s nothing more entertaining than pursuing a good feud!

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Post by Caesar73 »

I have to read the story from the beginning ;) Not easy to hold everything together, I imagine. Good work!
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you.

Yes, sorry, it is my longest complete piece.
I genuinely appreciate your reaction.
Bleesed be,
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but little Speedos always rule.
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OK. Now the real suffering starts.
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Welcome, Guests!

The Twins’ journey was uncomfortable enough but it was as nothing compared to what was happening to them now and what they feared would happen to them in the near future. They’d both been tied up for about three hours and had just been abandoned naked at the mercy of their traditional enemies.

The Sea Scouts intended to leave the Twins for a while to contemplate their fate and to be completely ignored by everyone. Luke was told to guard the prisoners and raise the alarm if they had achieved any significant movement. Other than that, they should get the impression that they had been abandoned by everyone. The rest of the Troop just idled away their time in cards or training activities or just chilling with one another.

After an hour T-Boy announced that lunch was served. Poor Luke, he wasn’t relieved and had to wait ‘til everyone had finished before he could get his lunch.

By the time he was called in neither of the twins had made any progress towards freeing themselves but Joe had managed a slightly less painful position although his ropes still pulled worryingly on his neck. Luke had been given orders to make sure that his wind-pipe was clear at all times. The ropes under his crutch, however, could not be loosened at all. Big Steve had managed to topple onto his side, or he would have done if the protruding spar had let him go right over. Luke wasn’t allowed to help him sit upright again.

Over lunch Sam recapped the ideas that the Troop had come up with for entertaining their guests. GP wrote the agreed events on a whiteboard and the boys planned the programme of entertainments.

Luke was finally allowed to help Steve to sit up and was called in for dinner after which he had to wash up and clean the galley but without being tethered in any way. Alex told him he could apply for his release from slavery when he had finished.

By now Big Steve especially was in need of pain relief due to his having had to stay with the spar applying extra leverage to his left arm and right knee while he was left on his side. The Sea Scouts, however, would not dream of ignoring tradition and told Joe and Steve that they would play the inevitable “Scissors, Paper & Stone” to decide who would be attended to first.

On GP’s count of, “one, two, three”, Steve extended all his fingers but Joe didn’t react.

GP was warming to his task. “Bad decision, Joe. If you don’t play, both of you get to wear one of Alex’s bulldog clips. Here they are.” The twins might have thought that there was no more pain they could experience but they were wrong. “Now let’s try again. One, two, three. Oh dear, a draw, now you both get to wear another of Alex’s bulldog clips.” Having applied clips to their remaining nipples GP gave the twins a minute or two to experience the pain he had caused them before allowing them a third game.

This time on the count of, “three”, Joe made a fist but Big Steve extended all his fingers again.

“Paper wraps stone. Steve’s first.” announced GP.

Steve wasn’t sure if that was good news or not. He certainly needed release from the stave but had no idea what his “hosts” had in line for him.

GP counselled Steve concerning the inadvisability of moving his hands anywhere towards his head or his ankles and Action Man quickly withdrew the stave from between Steve’s knees and elbows. That in itself was not pleasant but Steve unrolled with gratitude. Steve’s gag, having been intended more to cause discomfort than to silence its wearer, let slip a loud yell of pain flowed by a prolonged grunt of relief. Having the bulldog clips pulled from his chest hurt but poor Joe still had his in place.

“Happy being naked, Farmer Boy?” Steve shook his head. “You don’t have to be, you know. If you’re prepared to kneel and kiss the ground, we might allow you to wear your boxers. Interested?”

Steve considered. Could he bring himself to do it? What would happen if he didn’t? Did he really want to be naked, especially considering the possible photographic opportunities for as long as the Sailor Boys were pleased to imprison him? He decided to comply.

“OK, get on with it.” Steve struggled to his knees and, keeping his wrists out of the way, rubbed his nose and lips, as best he could, on the ground. “I want to hear you pleading.” Even gagged, what Steve was saying could nearly be deciphered and he was genuinely begging. All dew having disappeared long ago, the dusty ground was causing Steve considerable discomfort and caused him a prolonged bout of sneezing. Kneeling there, naked, bound, gagged and breathing dust through his snuffling nose, Steve wondered if he could be more wretched. Perhaps he could. But he couldn’t imagine it at the minute: the more he inhaled dust, the more he sneezed and no one had given him permission to raise his head.

GP took pity at last and invited Steve to kneel upright. Sam couldn’t resist taking photos of his dust-impregnated, gagged and blindfolded face. By now the Sea Scouts, other than Luke, who was still slaving away, had brought chairs out to enjoy the entertainment. I think the Twins guessed that they were providing a cabaret for quite a number of the Sea-Scouts because of the frequent chi-iking and ironic cheering.

By now Joe’s distress caused by the nipple clips was occasioning so much vocal disturbance that GP just brutally flicked them off telling Joe that, if he didn’t shut up, there were other places that they could be fitted to a naked prisoner. Joe became miraculously silent.

With the usual threats about what would happen if there was any escape attempt, Alex untied Steve’s ankles and wrists. “Which ones are yours? The grey ones?” Steve nodded. Alex told Steve to sit and gave him his boxer shorts the right way round. Steve struggled into them and awaited his fate. Alex tied his wrists, palm to palm behind him and then drew his elbows as close to one another as possible. The addition of a short rope hobble completed the job. Steve was suspicious; in spite of the rope round his elbows, this seemed to be a quite mild restraint compared to what he was expecting. He was left lying on his side as GP turned his attention to Joe.

By this stage Joe was determined to tough things out. He was trying not to cry because of the effect the ropes were having on his beleaguered body but he didn’t want to let his Troop down in front of the Sailor Boys. Following the customary threats Action Man removed the rope that bundled Joe into a defenceless ball. As the ball unravelled there was a series of discrete squeaks while Joe tried to resist yelling with relief. He was left to recover before he was put through the same begging routine as his brother. If anything, his face was even more plastered with snot-adhered dust than his twin’s was.

When Alex tied him, being slighter and more supple than his larger twin, Joe’s elbows were drawn even closer than Steve’s. He was left standing. He wasn’t happy.

By this stage of the proceedings Evan and Den had retrieved a long ladder from the wall of the stores. They placed it over Joe’s head, leaving five rungs behind him. Alex got a strap and passed it under Joe’s chin, down round the rung behind him and buckled it in front of his neck. He didn’t fasten it too tight, just tight enough to prevent escape.

Being blindfolded, Steve had no more warning than Joe of what was about to happen to him. He was just lifted to his feet by Action Man, dragged into place and made to stand facing his brother and about two metres away from him. Den lifted the ladder over his head and Alex fastened Steve into place just like he had done to his twin.

Not being able to see, the Twins’ situation was somewhat of an enigma to them. As each one moved, the other grunted. Their stumbling around was causing much amusement in the audience.

Not considering that the double act was suffering enough, GP took a couple of short ropes towards the ladder. He threw one of them to Alex and the other to Action Man. They remembered the plan and started the real torture. Each Twin found a rope threaded between his wrists and tightened. Working as a pair, Action Man and Alex then drew their victims’ wrists backwards and towards the extreme rungs of the ladder and tied the ropes off forcing the twin’s arms straight. Any movement on the behalf of one now really hurt the other.

Steve and Joe were left to sort things out for themselves for about half an hour. The only contact they had with their captors was when they were moved away from where they were sitting and drinking coke. There was some discussion about tying their feet to staves but that was just to torment them rather than being said with any intent. The next stage, however, was in earnest.

Budgie and Tarzan were told to tickle the Twins until they started to see the error of their ways.

They had been planning; they were going to take it in turns to start with and then, if the Twins had not “seen the error of their ways”, they would be made to kneel and their feet would be attacked simultaneously.

Budgie decided to start on Joe. His ribs were exposed and his arms, having been forced out behind him could not be protected alt all. The torture started: Budgie used his fingers all around Joe’s ribs and belly causing him to jerk and try to avoid a tormentor that he couldn’t even see. Steve immediately got the “benefit” of Joe’s contortions; every time Joe tried to bend double, his brother’s arms were forced even more uncomfortably upwards. It was a good job (depending on your point of view) that the Cabin was some way from the commonly frequented paths. The sound of Joe’s giggling and squealing and Steve’s yells of pain as his neck and arms were pulled were far from quiet.

Budgie only went for five minutes before handing over to his colleague. Steve, being bigger and stronger than his twin, probably caused more distress to Joe than Joe had previously caused to him. GP allowed the two newbies to carry on alternating between their victims for about half an hour before calling a halt so that both of them could take a rest.

After about five minutes more GP called “Gentlemen, does the court consider that the prisoners have learnt the error of their ways? All in favour, say, ”Aye.””


“All those against, say, “Nay.””

Loud calls of “Nay” weren’t exactly what the Twins wanted to hear. But they were what they expected.

“OK, you two have had your fun. Now it’s time for the experts.” So saying GP moved in with Evan. Both boys had rope and pioneering staves with them. “Ready, Evan?”


“Down they go.”

On GP’s cue both boys put their knees into the backs of those of their prisoners taking care to avoid the ladder as they slumped onto their knees.

After a short wait for the shouts and moans to subside, the ropes were tied round the hobbles and drawn up between the prisoners’ arms and tied to the next rungs down from the ones holding the Twins’ necks. Both boys could now kneel upright but could not stand. As GP pointed out that they wouldn’t want their guests to fall over, he and Evan shoved the staves against the backs of the Twin’s knees. The next stage took quite a while and GP wondered why he hadn’t asked Action Man and Alex to do it. Then he remembered: he wanted his turn on the tickling!

By the time GP and Evan had finished, the Twins were kneeling with their knees wide apart. That might have done quite a bit for lateral stability but didn’t increase the captives’ comfort any.

Following a ten-minute tickle session on the feet of both prisoners simultaneously, Evan persuaded GP to show pity to Joe and Steve. Their arms were freed from the ladder and the ropes used to fasten their wrists to their waists. Steve even tried to say, “Thank you.” to Evan.

“OK, no more Mr. Nice Guy.” That was the cue for an unrelenting twenty-minute assault on four naked feet. The writhing of the victims still had unpleasant effects on one another but, without their arms drawn up behind them, at least they could writhe without causing each other pain. By now the sweat and tears were loosening the blindfolds somewhat but not enough to render them useless.

“You know, GP, I don’t think they’ve learnt the error of their ways yet.”

“You know, Evan, I do believe you’re right. Maybe we’ll have to try something else. After all, we’ve got all day and all day tomorrow. Let’s let them relax and think about that for a while.”

Action Man and Alex sprang into action as planned. The staves were removed and the Twins were forced to sit with their legs out straight. A few coils of rope joining the two hobbles left the Twins very precariously balanced.

“Now how do we stop you moving towards one another?” posed Action Man. “I know: a nice crutch rope and a marquee stake!” The resultant wriggling and attempted assorted threats and pleas demonstrated to action Man that his words had had the desired effect.

Alex tied a rope onto the front of each waist tie and fed it, with little ceremony between the Twin’s legs and pulled backwards sharply as an indication of pleasures to come. Meanwhile Action Man had got a Marquee stake and started driving it into the ground between the two end rungs behind Joe. Alex took the rope passed it under Joe’s bum and pulled it tight prior to tying it off round the stake. The stake had a metal ring through the top and Alex used this to tether it to the ladder so that there was no chance of Joe’s falling sideways, either accidentally or deliberately.

Once the procedure had been repeated at the other end of the ladder, the Twins had little scope for movement. They couldn’t bend their legs and were forced to remain sitting.

Other than the pre-arranged sentries, the audience dispersed to do their own thing until the next “act” was due in the cabaret.

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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by blackbound »

How did I miss this for so long? It's incredibly good! And finally a troop that understands the importance of blindfold early, blindfold often!

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Post by MaxRoper »

Such delightfully cruel lads. They keep coming up with even more dastardly tortures. At this point I would definitely not wanna play any more. Too late for that though, innit?

Great work as usual, [mention]Xtc[/mention]
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you, [mention]blackbound[/mention], I can only agree.

Thanks [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] it's a sort of "Wall, ye ken noo," sort of situation.
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Post by Xtc »


An Afternoon on the Lawn

By the time the Twins had been left sitting for an hour, they had been bound in one form or an other for about seven hours and had not even been offered lunch. Even GP thought that it was time to allow them some temporary relief – but not quite yet!

Sam told the Twins that they would have to fight one another for “privileges”. The first privilege was to have their ropes removed for a while. They would both be untied and one would be chained to the concrete block but the other would be imprisoned in the paddle cage on the canoe trailer. Neither of the Twins knew the trailer but Sam pointed out that it wouldn’t be the first choice of accommodation.

By now Luke had discharged his “debt” and was fit to join in with the torment but T-Boy had to go to his mum’s flat where he had to babysit his little brother overnight. This was neither his favourite place to be nor his favourite activity but he knew that he would be able to return once his mum’s night-shift was over.

Den and Alex were on the next “shift” so they allowed Budgie and Luke to help. First the Twins were un-strapped from the ladder which had been weighing them down for nearly three hours. Den and Alex untied the ladder from the stakes and propped it up against the store for later use. Luke and Budgie released the ropes that held the twins apart allowing them some “wriggle room” at last. Their hobbles were still fastened together and they still had their wrists bound behind them and tied to their waists. Their captors knew that very soon their wrists should be freed for a while but they weren’t letting on.

The Twins had not been allowed any water since Vic begged for them to be allowed a drink when they were being handed over and, since then, they had been forced to chew on sticks that had been drawn tightly back into their mouths. Even the tape shrouding their faces still kept all light out. These lads were badly in need of relief – on all fronts.

Luke separated the hobbles and Budgie and Den dragged Joe and Steve to be sitting back to back. Alex warned that any attempt to resist would result in the ladder being immediately brought back. Den and he then released their wrists from their waists and then untied them completely. It had never dawned on he Twins previously to expect that being untied after having been bound for so long would be painful in itself. Den indicated to the two younger boys that they should give Steve and Joe a few minutes to “iron out the kinks” before carrying on.

Neither prisoner was stupid enough to try to free himself any further but the Twins didn’t spare themselves in their massaging, shaking and general rolling around. It must be said, however, that Joe did give a serious thought to yanking the, by now, painful gag from his mouth. But he thought better of it.

After a “generous”, according to GP, ten minutes recovery time had been allowed, Alex and Den re-positioned the Twins back to back and Alex made them link their elbows while Den explained their task. While he was doing so, Luke and Budgie started rope-cuffing their wrists. Alex kept a careful eye out for “fairness” so that both twins seemed to have their wrists the same distance apart. The novices made a good job of it and the Twins had very little scope for arm movement when they had finished.

The task that Den was explaining was that, on his call, each boy had to try to touch his right elbow on the ground. The next bout, it would be the left elbow and so on – oh, yes, and it was to be a handicap contest. The Sea Scouts left the contestants to think about that for a few minutes while the audience assembled

Once the sports fans were gathered, Den explained the rules in more detail. “Luke and Tarzan are going to hold you in place and let us know if you start before the call of, “Go.” If you do, you lose that bout. The contest will be the best of thirteen. Steve, you’re bigger than Joe so you’ll keep the hobbles on but Joe will have his ankles untied. Any more language like that and your ankles will be tied even closer together.”

“Gentlemen, have you laid your bets?” Needless to say, most boys offered to bet on the final score with the two furthest away agreeing to suffer the usual penalties at the hands of the nearest. Bids were written on paper and held by Sam, who didn’t bet, so that Den wouldn’t know who’d made which prediction. That way, when he came to “adjust” the handicap to prolong the contest, it would be fair on the Sea Scouts. Shame about the Farmer Boys.

“All bets done?”

“Yep.” Said Sam

“Spotters, hold your contestants.” On Den’s instruction, Luke held Joe’s shoulders while Tarzan took Steve’s. “Take the strain.” The spotters held on in case of cheating. “Right elbows down. Go!” and the younger boys let go.

Steve’s strength started to prevail initially but, as soon as Joe spread his legs for leverage, he recovered his initial loss of position. The struggle was quite equal for about two minutes before Joe’s strength gave out and he felt his left elbow touch the ground.

“Just to make it more even,” Den decided to tie Steve’s feet close together. No chance this time. “One - all.”

For the third bout Den removed Joe’s rope and Steve just remained hobbled again. Joe won.

Den replaced Joe’s hobble and he lost the next two bouts.

With his feet bound again Steve lost the next two bouts while Joe was only hobbled. Den was drawing this contest out and any of the gamblers who didn’t bet on a score of seven – six had written off their chances of winning their bets.

At this stage Den decided that both contestants should have their ankles free and Joe was completely defeated in the next three bouts.

“Six – four and match point to Big Steve.” announced M.C. Den against Joe’s insistent attempts to make himself understood. I think the translation might be something like, “Come on, Ref! Be fair.” but it sounded very much like the sort of thing Action Man was saying to Alex while he was being shot on Saturday morning.

By now everyone who was still in with a shout of winning his bet was rooting loudly for his preferred victor. The others were just jeering to humiliate the Twins and to wind up their mates.

So, how was Den going to engineer the next bouts? Not with both boys’ feet free, obviously. He decided on Steve being hobbled and Joe’s feet being unbound. Joe won the next bout.

The next bout saw Steve’s feet closely bound and Joe’s hobbled. Joe won narrowly.

The Sea Scouts were all offering the ref. the benefit of their opinions not only about what he should do to the contestants next but also about his parentage and about what he ought to go and do to himself. All in all, things were getting quite lively and everyone except the Twins seemed to be having a wonderful time.

“Gentlemen, we have not yet tried both contestants with their feet tied in a cross.” At this stage all those who bet on Steve to win celebrated noisily. What a very fair ref. Those who had bet on Joe begged to differ.

Den called upon someone who’d bet on Joe to come forward. GP stood up and Den got him to tie Steve’s ankles in a cross-lashing. Evan, who had backed Steve, got to tie Joe’s ankles.

“Gentlemen, the deciding bout. Spotters, hold your contestants. Take the strain. Right elbows down. Go!” The bout was not as one-sided as the Sea Scouts had expected. It was very difficult for either contestant to get any leverage. The longest bout of the event resulted in an eventual win for Steve.

“Gentlemen, Big Steve wins seven-six.”

Sam announced that the winners of the bets were Evan and Alex and the losers were GP and Action Man. That pleased Evan, who had just cancelled his “debt” to GP. It also pleased Action Man, whose indebtedness to Alex had just been increased.

Den announced that it was time for the awards ceremony and he told the novices to untie Steve’s ankles, unhitch him from his brother and take him to the concrete block. Once Luke had untied Steve’s rope cuffs, Tarzan and Budgie kept a very careful hold on his arms while they led him round the back of the Log cabin. When he was securely chained by the neck, they left him to remove his gag and unwrap the tape from his face. Fortunately for Steve, his sweating had made its removal rather less painful than it might otherwise have been. After all that time tied up Steve was grateful for the relative freedom even though his chain was only about a metre and a half long. Sam warned him that, if he spoke, he’d need to be gagged again and, of course, his wrists would need to be bound so that he couldn’t remove it. Before going to see Joe, Sam left Steve a freshly filled camel pack.

While Steve was being taken away, Evan, GP and Action Man turned their attention to Joe. He was exhausted, sweating and completely unaware of what the Sea Scouts meant by the paddle cage. Evan forced the rope cuffs over his feet and behind his back and freed his ankles. GP and Action Man stood him up and, one on each side, threaded an arm up between his arms and his body and held on to his shoulders. This forced him to stoop uncomfortably while he was led to the store. By the time he had got there, Alex had emptied all the paddles from the cage.

Joe found himself being lifted and lowered again to lie on his side with his legs bent. He then heard what he presumed was a gate closing and two padlocks being fastened. He heard his captors leaving and the door to the store being closed. He felt very alone.

In a few minutes Sam arrived. He told Joe that it was up to him to untie himself and gave him the same warning about speaking that he had given his twin. He left a camel pack on top of Joe’s cage but there was no way he could know that yet.

Joe was still in the dark and he started feeling around. He couldn’t straighten his legs and his cell appeared to be no more than 60 centimetres high and not much wider. First he managed to slip his rope cuffs back in front of him. He then managed to remove his gag and the tape wrapped around his eyes. Once he could see, he took stock of his situation. He was lying in a double padlocked cage inside a windowless shed. He noticed the camel pack and pulled the tube into his cage and took a prolonged draught of the freshly drawn water. Having assessed his accommodation, Joe examined his cuffs, found the final knots and freed himself.

He wondered how long he would be left alone and unable to straighten out or even to sit. Perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea to get involved in his brother’s plan to steal the Sea Scouts’ flag after all.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »

Well, we can't ignore the Twins for much longer.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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