Jack's Story (F/M, etc) (updated 03/03/2022 Ch. 78)

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Post by Therightdude2000 »

Truly amazing , when is more coming?
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Post by volatiledesire »


I have it about half written at this point. Just trying to disentangle myself enough to get it finished. End of week? Maybe?

Thanks for the interest.

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Shadesflirty[/mention]
Thank you so much for your comments.

All the best...
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 66 - Polly’s Fire

I glanced at the clock on the desk as Lisa knocked and walked in at six o’clock. “I’m heading home.”

“Right, it’s that time.” I said with a wave. “Just a couple more things.”

Lisa smiled with her briefcase clasped in both hands in front of the smart black skirt and blue blouse. “It won’t work.”

I lifted my eyebrows at the remark. “What won’t work?”

“Staying late to avoid Polly.”

“It’s not that, Alex and I are pushing some software onto the servers for the accountants.” I answered.

Lisa smiled. “Sure, ok. See you tomorrow.” Lisa moved to her right without taking her eyes away from my face. “Oh Polly fancy meeting you here.”

I stood from my desk as Polly walked in dressed in a simple jean skirt and white T-shirt with a leaping dancer silhouette stenciled on the front. She carried a small bag over one shoulder. “Hey Mom.”

Lisa smiled. “Told you so. Be careful.” She turned and walked toward the elevator.

Polly smiled and closed the door by walking backward while smiling at me with one lip caught between her teeth. “So Jack, how was your day?” She let the bag slip from her shoulder allowing it to hit the ground with a small thud.

“Pretty good, Alex and I are just finishing up some last minute things.”

“Oh really. And I thought you might be avoiding me. It’s late, I expected to see you at home, like we discussed.”

“I sent you a message.” I answered.

Polly smiled and took out her phone. “Have to work late,” she read, “Probably have to skip the medicine tonight.”

I nodded. “I’m really busy.”

“You know it doesn’t work that way.”

“Look Polly…” I began.

Polly held up her hand, turned around, and locked the door. She pulled a chair to the center of the room. One of only two chairs available in my tiny office. “Sit.”

I hesitated but her green eyes flared in intensity melting any resistance. I stepped forward and sat down in the chair. Polly pulled her curly red hair over one shoulder and leaned down toward my face. “Grab the armrests and do not move.”

Her voice dripped honey laced with venom and it would have been easier to cut off my own head than disobey. With a smile at my immediate obedience Polly knelt down with her back toward me giving me a long view of her perfect legs. She stood back up holding a roll of tape. She pulled a length from the roll while watching my face and proceeded to wrap my arms to the chair. Tape covered my wrists to my fingers and never known for sloppy work or providing opportunities for escape, she added more just below my elbows.

“I guess I’m thankful for long sleeves.” I said trying to pull some tension from the air.

“You should be thankful I left you clothed.” Polly answered and casually unbuttoned two buttons of my shirt and slid her soft fingers inside.

I groaned at the gentle caress and wrapped my legs around her to pull her close for a kiss. “Come here.”

Polly laughed and obliged me the kiss before pulling away and reaching for the tape. Soon my legs too were wrapped to each leg in a manner that seemed sufficient to hold a gorilla. “You’re being thorough.”

“You talk too much.”

“Polly please, did the doctor really say every day?” I asked knowing the answer.

Polly shifted her hips and tugged at her waist before pulling up her skirt slightly and letting a silky white garment slide down her legs. “Don’t worry, I only wore them for the ride over here.”

The dexterity required to shed one’s underpants without actually exposing anything had temporarily taken my voice and I could say nothing as she tucked the small garment into a ball and pushed them between my lips. The concentrated aroma of Polly passed beneath my nose only to be replaced by the unmistakable smell of tape as she forced the panties deeper with several turns around my head. “Now let’s have some fun.” Polly slid her legs through the holes created by the armrests and sat on my lap allowing her skirt to rise further her bare buttocks resting on my lap. She leaned closer waves of red curls spilling over my face as she began to nibble at my ear. “I love having you at my mercy.” She spoke quietly as all coherent thought fled my mind.

There was a rattle of the door knob followed by two short knocks. Polly turned toward the door to see a shadow of feet beneath. “I wonder who that is?”

I knew it had to be Alex but could not say anything even if I had fully recovered from Polly’s ministrations. She quickly stood from my lap and tugged at the hem of her skirt before unlocking the door and opening it a crack to peer outside. “Oh Polly.” I heard Alex say. “I didn’t know you were here.”

“Hey Alex, I’m here to administer Jack’s medicine.” Polly smiled and threw the door open wide.

“Medicine, is it that bad?” Alex said as her eyes fell on my bound form. Her hair was mostly blue now but remained pink at the ends. She wore a pair of shiny black leggings with a red tunic flaring out enough cover her buttocks.

“I’m afraid it is.” Polly giggled.

Alex froze as her eyes wandered over my bound form. “Oh…”

“Do come in.” Polly said tugging on Alex’s arm.

So transfixed by the sight, Alex allowed herself to be pulled into the room. I had turned the same shade of red as her shirt in recollection of the last time Alex had stumbled upon my bound form. “I’m sorry, this can wait.”

Polly blocked the door. “You seem to like what you see.”

Alex stared at Polly and then back at me like a deer trapped by headlights. “Uh…”

“Do you like him, he’s quite cute?” Polly asked.

“What, no. I don’t like Jack.” Alex realized what she said and began to stammer. “That’s not what I mean. I like Jack, just not in that way.”

“I don’t know, Alex.” Polly smiled. “I saw your look, how it lingered...”

“I was staring at…” Alex hesitated. “He’s tied up.”

Polly’s eyes widened in delight and flared with a green so vivid it seemed the room actually brightened. “Oh, I see.” Polly said and turned Alex around grabbing her wrists into the small of her back in the process. “Would you like to try it?”

Alex was stunned. Her pupils doubled in size as her lips parted in a silent gasp. Obviously surprised by Polly’s actions, Alex’s face held more than the simple unexpected shock, her posture softened and I could see the desire pass through her like a wave. Polly felt it too and smiled all the wider. “I don’t…” Alex began to speak.

Polly leaned close to Alex and whispered in her ear. “Let’s give Jack a show.” She was in her element operating at the peak of her ability, Alex could have more easily refused a million dollars. “Aren’t you curious how it feels. You’ll be helpless.” I don’t know if Polly noticed but Alex’s legs begin to shake as she fought the excitement of her own body. She said nothing but her eyes slipped closed when Polly pulled her wrists tighter behind her back. “If the tape wrecks your outfit, I’ll buy you a new one. If I had known I would be tying up a pretty girl, I would have brought something less harsh than tape. Oh well.”

“Pretty?” Alex whispered too softly for Polly to hear positioned as she was behind her.

Polly was gentle, three turns bound her wrists and three more turns held her elbows pressed together behind her back. “Oh you’re so much more flexible than Jack, your elbows touch.”

I barely heard Polly’s words and as Alex was facing me I found the effects of her elbow bondage extremely intriguing when her breasts were pushed forward making the outline of her bra visible through the thick fabric of her top. With eyes only for Polly I had never noticed how attractive Alex was until now. Luckily Polly was too occupied by her work to notice my noticing, and Alex’s eyes were still closed.

“There we go, Alex. Is it comfy?”

Alex’s eyes opened but they weren’t focused. Her shoulders shifted as she tried to fight the tape for a brief instant before relaxing with a slow exhalation of breath. “I can’t...get loose…”

“Of course not, that’s the point. It seems you have Jack’s attention but I would like to have a bit more fun.” Polly moved Alex so she faced me standing with her knees touching the front of the chair to which I was bound. She stood between my spread knees. “Now raise your foot,” Polly touched the shiny black of her left leg. After Alex’s immediate obedience, Polly pushed the leg through the armrest of the chair until she was forced to sit on my forcibly spread legs. Alex’s other leg followed until she was sitting upon my lap in an exact copy of how Polly had been sitting moments before we were interrupted. The added height of my lap placed my eyes at the exact same height as her breasts. Alex looked down and flushed red when she realized this. She tried to lean back but Polly caught her and pushed her forward until my face was resting on the fabric pulled tightly between her breasts. I never realized how significant Alex’s curves were until this moment.

“Perfect, do you like the view Jack?” Polly giggled and then stepped behind the chair. The sound of more tape ripping from the roll followed and I knew Alex’s ankles had been taped to the rear legs of the chair making it impossible for her to escape the compromising situation. “Now I promised Jack a show didn’t I?” Polly said standing next to Alex. She gently slid her fingers across the nape of Alex’s neck and trailed them along the line of her chin. Alex’s head fell back and Polly caught her hair into her fingers holding her tightly in place. Slowly, ever so slowly, as if to give Alex every chance to protest Polly lowered her mouth toward Alex. First her tongue flicked out and touched her upper lip. Alex mouth opened and Polly pressed her own firmly down. Polly remained still while their breath mingled. I could feel Alex’s legs trembling from my position beneath her and as the kiss continued the trembling transformed into a rhythmic movement of her thighs.

Polly’s eyes met mine as she ended the kiss a decade later, perhaps less. I saw in her quick glance that she knew exactly what she was doing, her complete command of the situation. I also saw the consequences of her actions were quite far from her mind. I looked back to Alex who remained transfixed with her eyes closed as her thighs continued to pulse in rhythm to the beat of my heart. Beads of sweat dotted Alex’s face and neck. “There now, don’t you find it more fun when you can’t get away?” Polly whispered. Alex swallowed and her body swayed falling further forward forcing me to look upward to keep my face from being fully pressed into her chest. “As it turns out, Jack isn’t supposed to be alone while he’s taking his medicine. Won’t you keep him company while I go find the ladies room?”

I had nearly recovered from the shock and I sent Polly my most meaningful look adding a grunt from my packed mouth. Polly smirked over her shoulder as she left the room her red hair flowing around her like fire in a cyclone. I looked back to Alex and wondered what would happen when her mind finally switched back on. I maintained private suspicions that she was not exactly interested in men her age, as many in the office had been pretty obvious with their interest yet she ignored them, at times quite rudely. Her reaction to Polly sort of proved the point. Polly however is a girl to get stuck in your head, something I know well. I worried for Alex.

When her eyes flicked open I watched as the calculations processed through her magnificent mind. She knew quickly what she felt and what it meant. Her eyes fixed on mine. “I didn’t…”

I knew what she would say even when she could not form the words. I dared not move a muscle lest some gesture or grunt be interpreted as anger and tied as we were there could only be confusion.

She continued to study my face. “Why...why did she…” Alex stammered. “How did she know?”

If I could speak I might have mentioned her Mom had also shared an interest in the fairer sex, but I did my best to remain still, which I soon realized could just as easily be interpreted as any number of emotions. How do you express that you hold the person blameless while bound and gagged?

“She’s so young, how can a girl so young be so...” Alex looked back over her shoulder as if to catch a glimpse. “So fucking gorgeous?” Alex said the last with no small amount of heat in her voice. “My god, her hair, her lips, her presence. I would have knelt before her and offered my soul had she but asked.”

I nodded at this point, fully understanding the sentiment. With that statement silence fell over the room with only the distant whine of air whistling through duct work filling the void. Alex seemed torn between looking at my gagged mouth and watching my eyes. “What are we going to do?”

I shrugged truly never knowing what to do when Polly got involved.

“You’re my boss, technically.”

I nodded again.

“We can’t tell Mrs. McGentry.”

I emphatically shook my head in agreement. Lisa would not approve of what Polly had done, and I was quite sure Polly knew this, and was in large part why she did it. The tension between us would only serve to fuel the fires of the game she was playing by some instinctual rulebook.

Time passed, Alex’s thighs had never fully stopped moving and the beads of sweat had turned to runnels down her neck darkening the blue hair into black. Polly returned holding a can of soda in one hand and two more gripped in her opposite hand. “Did you have a nice chat? A bit one-sided I’d imagine.”

She grabbed a pair of scissors and freed Alex from the chair finally freeing her arms. “Thanks for being a good sport, Alex. And seriously let me replace your outfit, it looks great and I’d hate for you not to wear it again.”

Alex said nothing just stared at her obviously deciding whether to run or kneel.

“Sorry I couldn’t gag you, I was not sure how you’d handle being tied so I thought it best to be able to hear you yelling. Next time though…” Polly said with a wicked smile as Alex slipped slowly out of the office carrying her unopened drink can.

Polly turned her eyes on me having deliberately not released me from the chair. Again she walked backwards pushing the door closed and swayed toward me. “I’m sure I’ve made things deliciously awkward between the two of you. Consider it revenge for not telling me how cute she was for all those months you worked together.” Polly’s hair tickled my cheeks as she sat down again on my lap. “Now where were we…”
Last edited by volatiledesire 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Really cute chapter!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Shadesflirty »

You know I think it’s important this story his back to the top of the list. Especially for all the newbies here so they can experience it.

It’s freaking great.

Big love volatiledesire.
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Post by jamester68 »

Love this story, it's a book I can't put down. Very well written, I love your character development. Thank you for the time you have put into it.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Thank you for the kind comments. Sorry it took so long to get back to this. I have to take breaks and do other things until my ideas come back.

Thanks for the patience here is the next chapter.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 67 - Polly’s Mom Takes a Turn

Polly finally unwound the gag from my mouth after making sure a full two hours expired. She offered a drink and proceeded to work on the bonds holding me to the chair. "Why did you include Alex?" I asked after my throat moistened enough to allow speech.

"She enjoyed it."

"It's you she enjoys." I answered. "Should I be nervous."

"As nervous as I am about, Selena, and April, oh and Ollie's Mom, and...."

"I get your point." I interrupted. "Alex may be different, she's never had someone as far as I know. You may break her heart."

"I'm not sure how that's possible, I've been quite obvious about my love for you." Polly said absently fiddling with the crystal band on her finger.

Hearing her say the words melted my worries into a puddle of contentment. "I love you too, but this is getting silly." I said obviously referring to the bondage sessions.

"Listen whether you admit it or not, this treatment is working." Polly said.


Polly placed her fingers over my lips. "Shhh. No talking. This is working. I was worried Jack. I managed an impossible rescue and then you started to act lost again. I found you, but you were still lost." Polly's voice caught and she slid a finger under one eye to flick away a tear. "If Dr. Lodgkins told me to keep you dressed in a corset and heels 24/7 I would do it. She brought you back, Jack. She brought you back."

"I wasn't lost, just scared." I said around her fingers. "Even now I don’t think too hard about it.” I glanced around the room momentarily afraid of the pattern of mold that would always creep into my vision"

Polly shrugged. "I doubt we're finished then."

* * *

The next morning I sped past Alex's area in hopes of avoiding her eye. I stopped myself realizing how ridiculous it would be to avoid the one person who ostensibly reported to me. I tossed my bag in the corner of my micro-office and called Alex. "Could you come in here please?"

She arrived a few moments later and closed the door knowing the conversation that would follow. She wore a pencil skirt with a simple white sweater that subtly emphasized her body. Alex Outfit

"Have a seat." I waited until she sat down finally looking toward me. "I don't know how to make this situation comfortable again. All I can tell you is that Polly knew exactly what she was doing."

Alex looked down and hugged herself in the chair. "I have been dreaming all night about her."

"I figured as much."

"Are you upset? I mean, are you worried I might try and ruin your relationship or something." Alex said. "'Cause I won't, I promise."

"Alex, I'm worried about you, not my relationship with Polly. She's too..." I stopped to think of the right word. "...full of fire to really own. I just get to be the one she always comes home to, no matter where she might go."

"I like girls Jack, you probably know that."

I shrugged and nodded.

"I'm envious of you." Alex said lowering her eyes.

"Polly is beautiful and wild and ..." I tried to think of the right thing to say so I went for honesty. "...and she will likely do her best to drive you crazy."

"What? Why?" Alex asked. “I’m trying to forget her. Why would she do that?”

"A bit of fun-loving revenge." I answered.

"Revenge? For what?" Alex said.

I sighed. "Well I’ve been tied up and dressed up by several women Polly didn’t have any control over. I think she sees you as an opportunity."

Alex turned so red it seemed her white shirt became pink from the reflection. "Oh god."

"She won't do anything against your will but from how you acted last night I would be proactive if you have any real objections." I answered.

Still red as a tomato she rose to her feet. "Thanks for the warning."

"Have fun." I said as she exited the room.

Alex stopped suddenly at my words and looked back with a worried expression. I smiled and gave her a quick bob of my eyebrows. I was quite confident that the conversation had not progressed as she expected.

* * *

"So you'll miss me?" Polly asked as she traced delicate circles around my navel. I was tied spread eagle to her bed on Saturday night and for a wonder un-gagged. I guess she needed to talk.

"Of course I'll miss you." I closed my eyes trying to focus my words which she made even more difficult by lying down using my shoulder as a pillow sending her soft red hair falling about my face and chest. "Though I'm worried about a couple things."

"What's that?" Polly asked.

"One, that things will get bad again. Without being able to see and touch you, I may start getting those old feelings?" I answered.

"The fear this is all a dream and you're still captured in that hospital?” Polly asked.

“Yes.” I swallowed.

“What’s the second worry.”

“How I’m supposed to continue the treatment prescribed by Dr. Lodgkins while you are away? I’ve assumed you’ve enlisted help?”

“Now I think you should be reasonably comfortable being tied up by others.” Polly said playfully slapping my thigh.

“Depends on who it is. Not Nora?” I asked.

“Oh hell no.”

“Who then?” I asked again.

“Nothing to worry about just your Mom and my Mom.” Polly answered.

I sighed in relief. “Ok I guess that’s fine then.” Jack paused a second. “My life is weird, I’m relieved that I’ll be tied and gagged by my Mom.”

* * *

I’m not sure why but Sunday was a day off at least in terms of the “treatment”, perhaps Polly did not leave instructions for Sunday or Dr. Lodgkins gave permission but either way I finished a couple of papers for school feeling more caught up than I had in a long time.

I walked into the office on Monday and as usual stopped by Alex’s space to chat and get any news. Her hair newly dyed a mix of green and blue flowed across a black and blue blouse tucked into a stylish skirt. “Hey anything I should know about?”

She blushed slightly at the question and I suspected she was having thoughts of Polly. The moment passed quickly. “Uh, no, I updated the database server and there’s no news, which is good news. I’ve already duplicated the app server and running the upgrades looking for issues.”

“Alright, I don’t know why you tell me these things, I couldn’t help much if something did go wrong.” I said.

“You’re the boss, and a boss unable to fix problems is nothing new. You’re just the first one I’ve known to admit that fact.” Alex said. “So Polly’s out for the week?”

I sighed. “Yes, I miss her already.” Alex nodded and looked down at her skirt stretched tightly across her thighs. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh nothing, I guess.” Alex answered.

I knew there was something, the only question was whether or not I could get her to tell me. “So nothing happened since you stumbled into my office the other night?”

Alex reddened again. “Oh, not really.”

It was not exactly a definitive answer. “Not really?”

Alex sighed loudly and grabbed her cellphone from the desk. “First of all, I didn’t ask for her number she just gave it to me. Second I’ve never texted her.”

I tried to ease her mind. “You’re still worried I’ll be angry, I don’t control Polly. It’s much closer to the opposite.”

Alex handed me the phone.
”Polly’s Text wrote: Are you ready?
“That’s it?” I asked.

“Yes, I didn’t even respond but I’ve thought of nothing else since she sent it.” Alex took the phone back. “What does she mean? Should I text back?” Alex was leaning over staring intently at the screen as if the individual pixels could somehow reveal missing secrets.

“I think you’re doing exactly what she wants.” I said with a small smile.

Alex was smart and her mind immediately analyzed the situation. “Oh god, she…” Alex placed her hand over her mouth. “She’s so young how....”

I shrugged. “I can’t answer that question, I really enjoy being twisted around her little finger. Have a good day.” I left her to her worries.

The day proceeded as normal until I returned from my extended lunch hour which I always spent at the high school turning in assignments and getting new ones. My phone was ringing before I sat down. “Jack.”

“Jack, come to my office please.” Mrs. McGentry’s voice said into the phone.

I grabbed a yellow legal pad and pen ready to discuss a problem and walked the few paces to her office door. The door was closed and the blinds drawn, not an abnormal occurrence but it usually meant the discussion would be lengthy. I knocked.

“Come in Jack.”

“What’s up?” I sat in one of the two chairs in front of her massive wooden desk which I understood was for appearances more than function. Lisa McGentry was in her position because she understood the value of appearances and getting the best of her employees meant she needed to seem supernaturally competent. I, however, knew more about her than probably anyone else save Polly and immediately sensed that this conversation had nothing to do with work.

She stood up and took off her stylish jacket revealing a black leather pencil skirt and cream-colored, sleeveless blouse. “You’re not going to like this Jack, but you need to go into my private bathroom and change into this.” She placed a small paper sack on the desk.

“Change? What?” I stood up not taking the bag.

“Polly charged your Mom and I with your treatment this week and we have divided the effort. Today is my turn.” Lisa said.

“Not at work surely?” I answered.

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Lisa smiled well aware of Polly’s antics.

I switched tactics. “Not during the day and why would I need to change clothes?”

“Look at your wrists.” Lisa answered. I did and spotted the tell-tale redness left-over from a particularly intense session with Polly, the ropes were never all that tight but I had pulled against them rather forcefully due to her devilish attentions. “And I feel it’s important to keep you very quiet. If you’re terrified of being seen that will be a most effective gag.”

I immediately reached for the sack and looked inside. Staring back at me was a pile of shiny fabric in a dark blue color. “You want to do this now?”

“Yes, now.”

“Why not at your house?” I countered.

“I have my reasons. Now get moving. I’m on a schedule this afternoon.” I was frozen in my seat unable to move. Embarrassing clothing was nothing new with Lisa but not at work. Work had always been a refuge from these types of shenanigans. Lisa sighed deeply over my hesitation. “Either you take this bag into my bathroom now or you’ll be wearing what’s in this bag.” Lisa opened the bathroom door to reveal a clothing bag hanging from a hook. “I can assure you, the clothing in there,” She indicated the paper sack on the desk. “Is much less embarrassing for you.”

I looked at the door to her office contemplating the consequences of fleeing but couldn’t risk my job. “I can’t believe this.” I picked up the bag. “That stupid doctor, the moment I heard her plan I knew this would happen.”

Lisa smiled. “Don’t be so petulant.”

“Petulant? How would you act in my place? What if your boss upstairs suggested you dress in an embarrassing outfit only to be tied up?”

Lisa raised her eyebrows. “If he loved me as much as I love you, it might be fun.”

The simple confession knocked me completely off balance and I searched her face for some hint of mocking. Without another word I entered the bathroom. “She loves me?” I whispered into the silence. The admission was a surprise. Lisa distrusted men so much she had ordered Polly to keep me bound at her house during her absences. Also, I could accept love from her as I accept love from my family, but the statement in conjunction with being bound by a boss struck a different tone.

Shaking my head to clear these thoughts, I switched on the exhaust fan to hide any sound of my dressing and turned to the bag. Inside was a dark blue catsuit of shimmering spandex. A quick inspection revealed long sleeves and full length legs ending in small stirrups to tuck under the heel. “Could be worse, I’ve seen male dancers wear this stuff before.”

I stripped off my sensible khakis and blue button-down shirt. I debated over wearing my boxers but knew they would show through the form fitting garment. I figured she would send me back into remove them which would force me to completely remove the suit wasting even more time. The suit had a high collar and a zip in the back which I could not fasten with my limited flexibility .

With a deep breath I exited the bathroom and presented myself before Lisa who stood from her chair when the door opened. She smiled. “Oh excellent, that looks quite nice. Turn around and I’ll help you with the zip. It should help with the rope marks.” Lisa opened a drawer and removed a coil of rope after sliding her hands over my back and stomach ostensibly to remove wrinkles. “Hands behind your back please.”

Coils of rope slipped around the dark blue fabric compressing my wrists. Lisa then walked to the bathroom the click of her heels marking every step. Water poured from the sink for a brief moment and she returned holding a white cloth. “Soaked in water for your comfort. Open up.”

“How is that necessary if the outfit will prevent me from making any noise?” I asked.

“The outfit is so you won’t grunt a lot in some foolish attempt to draw attention to yourself. ” Lisa said with a smile. “The gag is to keep you from complaining about it, even in a whisper.”

I shook my head but opened up allowing her to fill my mouth with the damp cotton. She used a roll of self-adhesive wrap to quickly wrap it around mouth five or six times. The wrap was black probably chosen to match the dark blue unitard. “There we go.” She stepped closer and placed her hands on my chest just beneath my collar bone. “So smooth, I can’t believe you wouldn’t volunteer to dress in this.” Her fingers traced lines across my shoulders and down each arm. “A bit revealing perhaps.” Her eyes dipped down toward my waist. “Especially for easily aroused men.” Her hands reached my forearms when she turned my body facing me away from her. More coils of ropes slithered around my slick arms this time above each elbow. Slack was removed and my shoulders pulled backward until the strain forced a grunt from my gagged mouth. “Oh my, you’re getting closer, another inch and they’ll touch. Quite an achievement.”

I wanted to tell her how little I cared about such a feat but could neither see her with my back turned nor make my indifference known. Her hands slipped lower causing sparks of electricity to flare from my skin. The spandex enhanced her touch and as her fingers started to move over my buttocks I jumped away pulling a laugh out of Lisa. “Don’t worry, I won’t risk my daughter’s wrath. Your charms are safe.”

I turned and stared at her intently.

“Come on now, for centuries men have been ogling women with lust in their hearts, are you saying you can’t take the same treatment.” Lisa smiled. “Anyway, looks like I’d better tie those feet to keep you from running off.” More coils of rope appeared out of an open desk drawer and I wondered if the rope was always there or if she had brought it for this occasion. My ankles were soon bound as securely as my arms but Lisa had not finished. She passed several coils around my waist attaching them to my wrists forcing my hands into the small of my back and my bound elbows away from my body at an angle. The remaining rope from this effort was pulled through my legs and tied to the waist rope pulling it down in a slight ‘V’. My groin, once slightly obscured by the tight fabric, was now clearly displayed between the twin ropes passing between my legs. The only response from my shocked stare was a slight raising of her eyebrows. “You don’t like it?”

I shook my head vigorously and grunted through my gag.

“Good grief, you complain about clothes being feminine, and then when I do something that actually highlights your masculine features, you get all upset. Fine we’ll do it your way.” Lisa walked over to a different drawer of her desk smiling to herself and withdrew a large pile of white fabric. At first I assumed it was a scarf but as she let fall from her hands, it was obviously much larger. Stepping closer she wrapped the material around my waist passing it beneath my hands which were fixed to the small of my back. After fussing with the waistline for a few minutes I realized it was some sort of skirt made of layers of gossamer white material with an asymmetric hem. True to her word the rope between my legs was completely covered as was most of my thighs behind the highly feminine dance skirt.

I hung my head in irritation worried about what would come next. The sound of leather stretching over nylon made me look up to see Lisa kneeling down on the plastic mat which protected the carpet from the wheels of her chair. She crawled beneath her desk entering the opening with lengths of rope in her hand. I watched in dawning understanding until she stood back up having shed her heels in the process. “Hop on over here.”

I did not move.

“I have meetings today and I can’t have you exposed to the office.”

I glanced toward the private bathroom.

“Sorry, I might have to go pee.” She stepped forward and grabbed my arm pulling me closer and then knelt down and tied one end of a rope to my bound ankles. “Kneel down.”

There was no way out of this, it was too late. I was bound hand and foot dressed in dark blue spandex with a brilliant white skirt so I knelt.

“There is a folded yoga mat under there to protect your knees.” Lisa said and began to pull on a rope she tied to my ankles. I chanced a look behind me and could barely see into the shadowed opening beneath the desk as the rope snaked through a metal support. As Lisa pulled on the rope my ankles were pulled backward beneath her desk. Just before I would be forced to lean forward to keep from striking my shoulders against the top of the desk Lisa stopped and picked up a second rope which she attached to the cords binding my elbows. I could not see what she did with this rope but I soon felt the tug as my arms were also forced beneath the desk. My feet soon contacted the wooden panel at the back of the opening and I wiggled my legs to get them positioned on the yoga mat as my only contact with the floor was my knees.

Lisa’s desk was large, even by executive standards, and my whole body was well hidden beneath the desk. My ankles were raised off the floor a few inches with my elbows angled toward the underside of the desk. I was going nowhere until Lisa decided to free me. Lisa knelt down and smiled. “I’m sure you could struggle enough to make some noise, but I’d advise against it. My next appointment is in just a few minutes.”

Lisa carefully arranged her discarded heels on the floor and sat down in her chair rolling her body forward until her knees were within an inch of my face. Her nylon-covered toes soon found my chest and stomach and began to slide across the smooth material keeping me distracted from my ridiculous predicament. How do these things happen? I’m bound, gagged, and dressed like a dancer beneath my bosses desk, while her toes do their best to tickle me. If not for the shadowed darkness beneath the desk made even more so by her body and chair blocking the opening, I might have been able to see beneath her leather skirt but only a slightly darker shadow was visible along with the scent of leather and Lisa’s spicy perfume .

I tested the bonds contemplating a more vigorous effort until the sound of a knock caught my attention. “Damn I forgot to unlock the door.” Lisa’s feet retreated and slipped into her shiny black heels. The door opened seconds later, “Sorry I locked the door for an important call, please come in Stan. Have a seat.”

A slightly muffled voice proved to be the accountant with whom I got along quite well. “You wanted to see me?”

“I have a couple of candidates for the position you requested.” The shuffling of papers reached my ears as Lisa returned to her seat, again doffing her shoes and letting her feet casually rest against my thighs like a living footrest.

“Oh damn…” Stanley cleared his throat. “...sorry. Uh, I don’t know if…”

“Is there a problem.” Lisa rescued him from his momentary slip into harsh language.

“Well, you see, we needed another person to help transcribe data from the accounting database to the new acquisitions database. At least we used to.” Stanley answered.

“Something has changed?” Lisa asked.

I knew instantly what Stanley was going to say. “Jack just released an update to a piece of software that does it for us automatically. It completely eliminates the need for another person. Come to think of it, probably two people.”

“I see.” Lisa answered shuffling some papers off her desk. “I wish you’d mentioned this earlier.”

“I’m sorry Mrs. McGentry , we just tested it Friday. I forgot about asking you for help.” Stanley answered.

“No big deal, I haven’t called anyone, only put out a request to our recruiters.” There was a pause in the conversation and Lisa’s feet slid higher up my thighs as she reclined into her chair. “Tell me what you think of Jack and his department.”

“Honestly we were all a bit worried there for a while when he came back from…” Stanley paused obviously searching for the right words. “... his ordeal. But lately he’s seems back to his old self. That software he made before the incident needed some work and it kind of languished until recently. The last update fixed dozens of issues. I’d say he’s back on his game.”

“Thank you Stanley, you can get back to it if you have no other issues.”

“No ma’am, sorry about not telling you sooner.” Stanley answered.

“No harm done.”

The door opened and closed and Lisa’s feet began to make more deliberate movements around my body. “Good work there Jack, I’d say the treatment has been working, wouldn’t you?”

I grunted into the gag and tried to shake my head but the ropes kept me from moving more than a few inches in either direction and I really wanted to keep my knees on the pad.

“Is it comfortable down there?” Lisa laughed. “I must say my day is just flying by. Maybe we can do this more often.”

The clicking of her nails on a keyboard was the only sound I could hear for the next several minutes. Her knees brushed against my nose as she used her computer and I wondered if she had intended for me to be close enough that my head would actually rest between her legs. Another knock at the door locked my aching muscles into position.

“Come in.” Lisa’s voice rang out.

The door opened and a baritone voice answered. “Hey there Lisa, how’s things?”

Lisa again reclined in her chair and I could see her hands resting in her lap. “Mr. Marshall, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Call me Carl,” The voice answered.

“Not with the door open, I like to maintain a professional tone.” Lisa answered.

The door clicked closed. “Sorry, you’re right of course. I stopped by with a couple of issues. First of all, I was wondering how the wunderkind was doing?”

“It seems your recommendation of Dr. Lodgkins is working out well. He just saved us a couple of additional employees.” Lisa answered.

“What is that? A hundred and fifty grand?” Mr. Marshall asked.

“Probably in that vicinity.” Lisa answered.

“Damn, that’s awesome. First the millions involved with Craddock and now we add another one fifty.”

“Millions? I saw the account balance there wasn’t anywhere near that amount in there.”

“Oh I forgot you weren’t in the meeting a few weeks ago.” Mr. Marshall answered

“Yes, I was saving the wunderkind from the consequences of his heroic action.” Lisa’s voice rose in volume. “Action in service to this company I might add. What did I miss?”

“We did not intentionally exclude you.” I could practically hear Mr. Marshall raising his hands in a placating gesture. “We were just giving you some space. We worried what might happen if you knew how much Jack saved the company while being severely injured. It just didn’t feel right.”

Lisa sighed. “Just tell me, it appears Jack is on the mend.”

“We used Craddock’s conspiracy as an excuse to speak with IRS about some of the audits we’ve had over the last few years. There were some pending fines that were pretty hefty. In the end we were able to show that Craddocks mismanagement contributed to the tax issues and we reduced the fines by about six or seven hundred.”

“Six hundred thousand dollars?” Lisa said.

There was a long silence which I assumed was a confirmation from Mr. Marshall. “Closer to seven.”

“And we gave him twenty five thousand as a thank you gift?” Lisa said. “Not to mention he almost died.”

More silence.

“I don’t know what else to do, we feared too much compensation would hurt his performance or perhaps even encourage him to seek his fortunes elsewhere.” Mr. Marshall sighed. “I remember when my nephew got a hundred grand. He foolishly quit his job and the money was gone in a few months.”

“I understand your position, I’m just not sure if Jack is in anyway like your nephew.” Lisa responded.

“Granted you are hardly impartial.” Mr. Marshall answered.

“Right because you have so many employees responsible for over a million in additional profits.” Lisa shot back.

“Touché.” Mr. Marshall said. “I’m open to suggestions.”

“I’ll think on it. You mentioned a second issue you wanted to discuss.”

There was a lingering pause. “Well, I have tickets to a play downtown and I was wondering if you…”

Lisa sat up in her chair her hands disappearing from her lap. “I appreciate the invitation but I don’t date men anymore, not since my husband, even as friends.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Why should you since I doubt you’re inside the rumor-mill on this floor. I’m pretty sure my employees are well aware of my inclinations.”

“Of course, well I won’t take any more of your time. We will discuss Jack again after you’ve had some time to think.”

The door opened and closed. Lisa’s feet disappeared and I heard the door being locked. “Shit. You should not have heard that, you must have some sort of supernatural luck. What are the odds of you being hidden beneath my desk when he tells me that?”

Lisa’s stockinged feet paced in front of the desk before finally returning to their position on my thighs as she resumed her seat. Lisa did not speak again for long chunk of time as my muscles slowly began to complain about the forced position. Finally a musical note filled the room obviously from Lisa’s phone. “Time’s up. Let’s get you out of there.” The ropes holding my body within the depths beneath her desk were removed and I fell onto my side. She quickly freed my stiff limbs from the ropes allowing me to stretch before picking at the gag and pulling the still damp cloth from my mouth. The moist towel did keep my mouth from drying out a trick I would have to mention to Polly. Without a word I quickly retreated into the bathroom leaving the white skirt and unitard on the floor after dressing in my work attire.

Lisa was typing into her computer when I left the small bathroom. She turned and pointed toward a chair in front of her desk. “So what do you think?”

“My life is really weird.” I answered.

Lisa laughed. “That’s a fact.”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Yay! Continuation!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Londit »

It's so nice to read another chapter of your story, thank you !
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Thanks volatile xx
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Post by Canuck100 »

Another great chapter. Great to see this story continuing
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Post by Tomsie »

This has to be the best story on the site, full of twists & turns, never know what to expect next
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Post by volatiledesire »

Tossing out a quick thanks to those who have stuck with me this long and still offer up their kind words.

On to the next chapter...
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Chapter 68 - Joining the Mom's Club

I walked out of Lisa’s office my head swirling with thoughts. “A million dollars.” I whispered into the air as I entered my micro-office.

Alex popped her head in moments later. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere.”

“Meeting with the boss.” I answered.

Alex cocked her head. “For two hours? You were in there with Stan?”

I should have known Alex would pay attention. One thing I learned about keeping secrets, you never lied unless you absolutely had to, you just never tell the whole truth. "Yes, I was there for two hours. Lisa wanted me to hear her conversation with Stan so I hid in the bathroom."

Alex scrunched up her face. "Why?"

"She's trying to show me how much I've improved over the last few days." I answered.

Alex snorted. "She needed to prove that? Jeez, it's pretty damn obvious."

I sighed. "Fine, everyone knows but me. I guess I don't like to admit I need therapy."

Alex nodded. "I understand, it's silly, but I understand."

I narrowed my eyes.

"I've been to therapy," Alex said noticing my look. "And nothing bad happened to me like it happened to you."

I desperately wanted to change the subject. "You needed something?"

"Oh right, it's about the deployment of your accounting application." The conversation devolved from that point into less dangerous topics than my time spent with Lisa.

* * *

The next day at the same time after lunch Lisa called me into her office again. I tried to ignore the sudden fear that I would again spend a day beneath her desk but she was the boss and I had no choice but to respond. The blinds on her office window were open which offered some hope. She waved me in as I entered her field of view.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I called a meeting next week with the folks upstairs to discuss your contributions to this company. I'm trying to decide if you should be in that meeting or not. What do you think?"

My initial reaction was discomfort, sitting in a room where my superiors discussed my successes and failures would feel odd. "I don't know, not sure I should be there."

"I thought so at first but wondered if you should speak on your own behalf. Finally I decided to ask you."

"When is the meeting?" I asked.

"Monday afternoon."

"I'll let you know by Friday, would that suffice?"

"Sure. See you later."

* * *

I sank into the too-soft couch at Dr. Lodgkins office for our weekly session later that day. It felt odd to be there without Polly and I found myself looking to my left expecting her to smile back with encouragement. Dr. Lodgkins sat in her usual chair with legal pad in hand wearing slacks and a white shirt with a colorful scarf swathed about her neck. "I've spoken with your family and friends and it seems there is indeed some improvement." Dr. Lodgkins said to start the conversation.

"That does seem to be the consensus, though with Polly it's hard to disentangle her enjoyment of the treatment from the actual necessity."

Dr. Lodgkins cracked a smile. "Yes, well I seriously doubt you were too distraught by the side effects."

I shook my head at the linguistic sparring. "Yes, well I won't stand in defiance of the evidence but even the best medicine must be stopped eventually."

"Yes, of course, dialing back the frequency would seem appropriate once Polly returns." Dr. Lodgkins agreed.

My body released some of its tension. "Good, it's quite time consuming."

"Just not as time consuming as the state you were in before." Dr. Lodgkins responded.

I acknowledged the point with a polite shrug of my shoulders.

"Now we need to discuss the next phase." Dr. Lodgkins said as she flipped a page of her notebook.

"Next phase?" I perked up at the words much of the tension returning. "Why, if it's working..."

"It's important to be thorough." Dr. Lodgkins interrupted. "From your recounting of past events it seems there was an emphasis on feminine clothing."

The words shocked me like a sudden slap to the face. "Now hold one, what possible need is there..."

Dr. Lodgkins held up a hand. "It was part of your life with Polly before the trauma."

"There was a good decade and a half without Polly at all, why does this treatment always revolve around her and the things we did together?" I asked unable to keep the heat from my voice, a heat born of embarrassment over the topic.

"Mostly because of you." Dr. Lodgkins answered. "The trauma you suffered in that prison was born out of fear, a fear that Polly wasn't real." Dr. Lodgkins paused and set her notebook aside and leaned forward intently. "Am I correct?"

I could not hold the gaze and fell back into the couch thankful for its embrace as I stared at the ceiling. "Yes, that's true. Though who knows what would have happened if Polly had not been in the picture."

"I'm not trying to deal with what might have been, only what is." Dr. Lodgkins answered. "I am sympathetic to the embarrassment this causes, and rest assured I do not judge. In fact I don't really find your enjoyment of feminine clothing all that odd."

"My enjoyment?" I sat forward as best I could. "I don't enjoy the clothing, it's forced upon me. For some reason Polly and her Mom, and..." I stopped shaking my head at the number of women. "...others seem to find some strange delight in dressing me up in feminine garments and then tying me up, though Polly started it."

Dr. Lodgkins furrowed her brow and picked up her pen and notebook. "Oh, I see. For some reason I got the impression you enjoyed the process of looking more feminine. In fact I have a picture of you looking quite lovely. I just assumed..."

"Yeah, Polly has a way of making it sound that way. I cannot think of a single instance where coercion was not used." I answered with a roll of my eyes.

"Ok then, in that case, I will have to discuss this in greater detail with Polly."

"Wait, what?" I said suddenly suspicious.

"Well, like you said, you were coerced, so I have to make sure Polly includes this in your future treatment." Dr. Lodgkins answered. "Most likely overriding any of your determined objections."

"Oh dear God in heaven." I answered. "Please don't do that. You'll only encourage her already strong desire to do just that."

"I'm sorry Jack, I feel it's best for your continued treatment." Dr. Lodgkins answered.

"Can't we wait awhile to see if I'm already cured. It may not be necessary." I said.

"Sorry, if you are cured you will have recovered several months faster than my most successful of patients. Given the shape you were in upon arrival, I find this highly unlikely. I'm afraid you'll have to trust my judgment."

"Polly will have me tied to a kitchen stool in a French Maid's uniform, you know that right. My complete humiliation is the only possible outcome."

Dr. Lodgkins grabbed her phone and held it up before my eyes. "You mean like this."

She displayed a picture of a young woman smiling while dressed as a French Maid. I recognized the picture from when I had stayed with Lisa while Polly vacationed with my parents. "Jeez, what are you doing with that?" See Chapter 27

"Don't worry, if Polly hadn't told me it was you I'd never have guessed." Dr. Lodgkins smiled looking at the picture with no small amount of mirth.

"Great, I feel so much better."

"I'd kill for your legs." Dr. Lodgkins laughed.

I shook my head throwing myself back on the couch. "I'm going to need anxiety medication."

"Doubtful, at least not anymore." Dr. Lodgkins smiled. "I'll see you next week with Polly, unless there’s anything else you need to discuss."

"There is one thing..." I took a breath trying to banish the fear of the treatment she had just threatened. I detailed the events of the last day at work and Lisa's suggestion I attend the meeting to discuss my own contributions to the company. "What do you think I should do?"

"Hmm." Dr. Lodgkins placed a finger to her lips. "That is an odd situation and I agree it would feel strange to be in the room where they discuss your fate. I suggest you send an advocate, someone you trust, someone who knows the situation, someone..."

"Polly." I said.

Dr. Lodgkins smiled. "That seems perfect."

* * *

I drove home with a mountain of worry on my shoulders mostly over how the doctor would tell Polly to include more embarrassment into my already strict binding. I was completely trapped, anything short of dumping Polly would never work, and life without Polly would not be life.

I walked into the kitchen after depositing my laptop on the couch. Mom's head was looking into the oven and several bottles of wine along with a half dozen wine glasses were set out on the counter. "Hey Mom, what's up?"

"Oh good you're home. Let's get you sorted since I'm running out of time." Mom answered. She wore a pair of leggings with a flowing flower blouse all hidden beneath her favorite kitchen apron. "Come along."

I followed her from the kitchen toward the stairs until we were standing at the door to my room. "Take a shower and dress in the garments on the bed."

"Garments? What's going on?" I answered.

Mom sighed. "I'm responsible for your treatment tonight and I'm running low on time. I borrowed something from April you should be familiar with. It promises to be much quicker than tying you with rope or tape."

I stepped closer to a bundle of black material lying on my bed and picked it up. As I did so, some hosiery fell on to the floor which I ignored. The garment was an ankle length dress with long sleeves which completely enclosed the hands ending in straps which could be used to trap the wearer’s arms. Walking in the dress would be nearly impossible and only managed with the smallest steps since one’s legs would be pressed together by the double layer of tight spandex. Straight Jacket Dress

"You should wear these too." Mom knelt down and retrieved the black hosiery that fell to the floor. "According to April it will make the dress much easier to slide into."

"According to April?" I said without trying to disguise my sarcasm.

"Yes, so get to it. Give a yell when you're ready. I’ll help you with the zipper." Mom turned to leave.

The presence of feminine hosiery and the moderate similarity this garment had to a dress made me suspicious. "Has my therapist contacted you recently?"

Mom shook her head. "Not recently, why?"

"Oh nothing," I answered.

"Did something happen today?" Mom asked with obvious suspicious.

"She mentioned that she may reduce how often I have to do this." Once again a situation where lying by omission is the best way forward.

"Sorry, she didn't say anything. Now get to it, I have something in the oven. Be quick, I'll go easier on you if you are quick."

"Right easier." I rolled my eyes after I thought her back was turned but she spun quickly enough to catch it. "For that, you'll have a collar." She turned again and left.

I tugged at the necklace around my neck and figured it could not be worse than the one I already had. Polly had taken to calling it my choker necklace, which was only marginally better than referring to it as a collar. I went to the bathroom and showered and though I did not rush, I felt it unwise to antagonize Mom by taking extra time.

I entered my room with a towel wrapped around my waist and sat down on the bed with a deep sigh. "You'd think I'd be used to this by now." I whispered into the room whose silence was only broken by the quiet droning of a fan next to my bed. The hosiery was opaque, black, and smooth, I carefully slid them up my legs. The tight nylon squeezed my toes and legs and I privately wondered why the things were only reserved for women. Next I plunged my legs into the pseudo-dress and stood forcing my feet through the too-narrow opening at the bottom before pulling the garment higher squeezing my legs into a tight column of black spandex. I pushed my arms into the tight sleeves and called for Mom. "Ok, I'm ready." I then added in a whisper. “I suppose.”

Mom appeared moments later and pulled the zip up my back enclosing my entire body save for feet and head. "That is easy." Mom pulled the straps attached to the sleeves under a strap sewn into the front of the dress across my stomach and then connected them together behind my back so I was forcibly hugging myself. "Ingenious, I've seen a hobble dress before but not a hobble dress with a straight jacket included."

"You’ve worn one?" I said.

“I didn’t say that, and no, I’ve never worn an outfit like this, though I’ve worn a hobble skirt.” Mom answered.

I held up my hands. “I don’t want to know.”

“You asked, and now you go all cagey when I tell you the truth. Sometimes I'm glad your therapist suggested we gag you." Mom said while producing a large spongy ball from somewhere on the bed.

"Ugh, can you at least moisten it first." I asked.

"I suppose, what gave you that idea?" Mom asked.

"Lisa dampened a cloth she used recently and it was a lot more comfortable." I answered as Mom disappeared into the bathroom returning with the blue foam glistening with moisture. "Open up."

I obliged and Mom compressed the ball into my mouth. Once done it expanded to fill every nook and cranny completely silencing me. She then picked up a familiar roll of blue self-adhesive wrap and used it to ensure I would never expel the ball until she wished. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere."

I shook my head, that joke, so old.

"She returned holding an oval-shaped piece of spandex matching the dress. She stretched this down over my head. The hood left my eyes and nose exposed but covered every other part of my head. She tucked the bottom of the hood into the collar and smoothed out the wrinkles. "There we go, all finished. Come along downstairs, I'm supposed to keep an eye on you. Take care at the stairs, I suggest you slide down on your butt."

I micro-stepped out of my room and down the hall. The stairs proved easier than walking as the slippery spandex allowed me to slide down to the main floor of the house quickly. Mom heard my arrival and pointed to an armless, high-backed chair in the living room. "Sit in that chair."

A couple of bunny hops later and I was sitting stiffly in the chair. Mom approached with a handful of zip ties which she used behind my back binding the straps holding my arms across my body to the chair. I would not be freeing myself. "And now the collar I promised for your sarcastic tone." She held a long length of bright pink ribbon in her hand which she wrapped around my neck and tied into a large bow just beneath my right ear. The ribbon had also been somehow attached to the back of the chair preventing me from slouching or even effectively looking down at my own trapped body. "Lovely."

Mom returned moments later having discarded her apron and deposited several bottles of wine on the coffee table along with half a dozen wine glasses. I looked sharply at Mom realizing what the proximity of those bottles to my chair meant but could not catch her eye. She was not only expecting company but I would be joining her guests. Mom returned moments later bearing several plates of hors d'oeuvres. I grunted in irritation and kicked my legs just brushing the coffee table with my toes making the wine glasses clink together.

"What's got you so agitated?" Mom said. "Looks like I'll need to take care of those legs." She found another length of pink ribbon and soon a large bow matching the one on my neck held my legs against the underside of the chair. "I know you're worried about my guests but everyone is well aware of your situation and have participated in one form or another."

I knew instantly what this was, the Mom's Club, the frequent meeting of my Mom and Polly's Mom with other women who became friends due to our exploits. At that moment the bell rang and sure enough there was April Dawson. I realized at once I had not seen her since my abduction. "Oh it smell wonderful Nancy." She said placing her coat in the closet. Seconds later her eyes met mine and she froze turning pale. Her reaction made it obvious why we had not met before this night, she was avoiding me. "Jack," she said in surprise and turned toward Nancy.

"Yes, my son will be joining us tonight, well sort of, he won't be saying much, mostly an observer actually." Mom smiled enjoying the joke.

"Maybe I should go, I'll come to the next one." April said while reaching toward the closet for her coat.

Nancy grabbed her hand and held it. "Why ever for? Did Jack do something?"

April shook her head. "No, it's just that…” April stopped and fell towards my Mom who quickly embraced her in a hug.

“What’s wrong April?” Mom asked quietly.

“If Polly and Jack hadn't been at my house just before...maybe..." April’s voice broke into a breathy sob. "Maybe he wouldn’t have been abducted."

My Mom screwed up her face in confusion. "You weren’t even remotely at fault even by association. He was kidnapped from the front of my own house. If anything you delayed the event by a few days."

I was flummoxed too. Of all the people who could possibly feel guilt, April was the last person on my list. People were funny that way though, sometimes they just needed assurance and comfort when something awful happened. Mom was up to the task. "No more of this silliness April, no one could possibly blame you."

"Ok, I suppose it’s silly. It was all so shocking." April said falling into the couch across from me. She wore a red romper-type dress which buttoned down the front and revealed as much leg as any mini skirt. Her eyes were glued to mine. "It's been a while. I guess I shouldn't have been avoiding you."

I grunted and shook my head as much as the the pink collar would allow.

"I'm glad your Mom didn't tell me you'd be in the same room as us, I probably would never have come." April said.

Mom walked back into the kitchen. "Pour yourself some wine, April."

The doorbell rang again and this time Selena Bates, my old math teacher walked in. Her eyes found mine in seconds and a smile bloomed on her face. "Oh this is going to be a fun night." She wore a pair of black leggings with a red sweater over a white shirt that peaked out at the waist, cuffs, and collar. A pair of matching red heels finished her outfit.

"Be nice Selena," Mom chided. "He's not here because he wants to be."

"Oh, that's even better." Selena laughed.

Selena walked into the living room and her hands immediately began sliding across the spandex hobble dress. "Oh this is amazing, where'd you get it?"

"It's mine." April said.

"Ah yes, from your first marriage." Selena said.

April nodded. They'd obvious swapped a lot of stories in previous meetings.

"Well Jack, you look amazing. I've missed seeing you in my class." Selena turned and poured herself a generous serving of wine.

Lisa came next wearing the tan pencil skirt and black blazer over ivory blouse she had worn to work. My appearance brought only the slightest of smiles to her lips. She expected to see me. Lisa pulled Selena into a lingering hug as she found a place to sit before taking a glass of wine offered by Mom. "Is Mary coming?"

"I think so." Mom answered. "She didn’t say otherwise."

Mary would be Ollie's Mom, and as if summoned by the utterance of her name, there was a quick knock on the door followed by a short-statured woman possessed of the most generous bosom of any of the other ladies. Her dirty blond hair was pulled into a ponytail and she wore a workout jacket zipped down to reveal a black sports bra highlighted with bright purple stitching. This matched her black leggings and finished off with a pair of running shoes in a shocking shade of bright pink. "Hello ladies. Don't get up."

"Just come from a workout."

"Yeah, but don't worry I showered, just didn't have the right clothes at the gym." She seemed to notice me for the first time. "Oh my, is that Jack tucked away in the corner."

"Yes, Polly's away, so I'm responsible for his treatment." Mom answered. "I was pressed for time so April provided the convenient dress."

"Lucky us. Love the dress, Jack. It's definitely you." Maria smiled

I rolled my eyes, it's not like I could explain my situation.

"I'm surprised you don't have him stuffed in a closet. It's not like we can talk about him while he's sitting right there."

"It's against the rules." Lisa answered. "He can never be alone while tied up."

"Makes sense, I guess." Ollie's Mom said while running her hands across my thigh. "Nice pink bows, really brings back memories of when I found you in my basement." The woman laughed but was soon distracted by the wine and food.

Conversations over the next were many and varied and I could only keep track of a few. Lisa took some time to explain the situation at work about the meeting with the executives upstairs and though everyone agreed that the twenty-five thousand was insufficient they had little to offer as to how to solve the issue agreeing more money may not be the best.

April asked if the unorthodox treatment was working and everyone from Mom, who mentioned my improved sleep, to Selena, who talked of my improvement at school, agreed that the treatment was an amazing success. "So I guess she's some kind of genius, this Dr. Lodgkins then?"

Everyone kind of shrugged and agreed before another round of wine was poured and the topics moved on to Ollie and Kristy. There was no juicy information there except they were planning to attend the same college, which prompted Mom to ask the most interesting question of the evening. "What's Polly planning to do after graduation?"

"Marry your son, I hope." Lisa smiled.

"You have no reservations about that?" Selena asked. "I mean given your disdain for marriage."

"Jack is a special case." Lisa said offering up a small smile in my direction.

"Other than that I mean?" Mom continued.

"Not sure, I considered offering her a job at the firm, but it smacks a bit too strongly of nepotism, especially if I'm the one making the suggestion." Lisa answered.

"So you haven't talked about it?" April asked.

"Other things have intruded." Lisa said again looking in my direction. "But things should slow down so I expect to have a conversation soon."

"You seem less worried." Mom noted.

"Well, there was that whole marriage proposal that happened since the last time we talked and the fact that Jack seems to be doing well at work means my Polly should be ok, at least financially."

"Good, you seemed so nervous last time." Mom smiled.

"Jack saves the day again." Selena said sliding her hand across my lap causing me to jump a bit in my confinement.

The conversations drifted away and as the wine flowed more freely the amount of casual touches from the cadre of women became more frequent until Mom finally stood up. "Who needs a ride home?" Selena and Ollie's Mom were the most obviously drunk.

"I'll take Selena home." Lisa offered. "I only had the one glass."

Mom nodded and looked toward the other woman who was now laughing uproariously at some unknown joke. "Ok Mary, I'll give you a lift and April if you would stay with Jack, I'd appreciate it."

April nodded. "No problem, can I take his gag off, I'd like someone to talk to."

Mom glanced at her watch. "I suppose, but don't let him out of the chair."

April nodded and stood, wobbled for a bit, and sat back down. "Well I guess I drank too much."

Lisa laughed as she helped Selena with her coat. "Leaving your son in the hands of a drunk woman. Parent of the year there Nancy."

April frowned and waved her hand at Lisa. "Go on, I love him as much as any of you."

By the time Mom left, April had managed to remove my hood and was busy picking at the wrap holding the foam ball inside my mouth. She pulled the foam free but my mouth was dry despite the damp sponge and the muscles were sore enough to make speaking difficult. April held up a glass of white wine. "Don't tell your mother but have a sip."

It was not the first time I tasted wine but I did not enjoy it, but it was better than nothing. A few minutes later I was able to speak. "Thanks, that gag was the worst."

"You're welcome." April said. "Everyone seems to think you're recovering. Do you?"

"I guess so, but I'm not a fan of the medicine." I answered.

April laughed. "I suppose not. I hoped to invite you guys to my place again but..." April paused and grabbed the back of her neck. "...well you know."

"Yes, but you have nothing to blame yourself over. Nothing happened because of you."

"Thanks, I didn’t know how to handle what happened. I was super freaked."

"Me too." I smiled.

"Yeah, I suppose so." April laughed. "Have you talked to Polly much about getting married."

"No, it's all been on hold."

"Yeah that makes sense. I just want to offer my house and land as a location, it's super pretty in the spring and summer."

"Thank you, I'll definitely mention it to Polly."

"No problem, I think it would be awesome to have it there." April smiled.

April offered more wine which I accepted and we continued our conversation mostly reminiscing about past adventures until Mom came home and helped April release me from my confinement. Mom thanked April for the use of the straight-jacket dress which she returned to her care and then left to take her home since April was way too drunk to drive. Luckily Mom didn't notice my own uncertain steps as I climbed the steps to bed.

I snagged the cellphone from the nightstand and saw a text from Polly.
Polly wrote: Sorry I won’t be home till Friday, we made the finals. Don’t tell anyone though. I want to surprise them.
I texted back my congratulations and fell onto the bed asleep before the sheets had settled.
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Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Lorddunmore »

Thanks for the quick update. Still enjoying the story. Please keep it up.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 69 - Alex

True to her word, or perhaps her own sense of professionalism, Dr. Lodgkins did inform the people involved with my treatment that I should be allowed a few days reprieve per week. And thus, the very next day I decided it was time for a break. Wednesday was peaceful, at least as peaceful as it can be trying to complete two years of high school while maintaining a full time job. I stayed late since there was no reason to go home only to work on the same things in my room.

Alex entered after I figured she had left for the day and looked a bit pale. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Is everything ok?”

Alex picked at her shirt which hung loosely about her waist above a pair of dark blue leggings. “We’re friends right?”

Now I was worried. “Of course, what’s wrong?” I pushed back my chair preparing to stand.

“It’s just that…” Alex hesitated. “...I don’t know.” She sat down in my lone chair, staring at the floor.

“Alex, I’m suddenly nervous. Is it Polly?”

Alex’s head popped up. “Why do you think that?”

“It is Polly. What’s she done to you?”

“Look, it’s nothing bad, just a bit unusual. I’ve always been pretty independant, but with her…” Alex hesitated sliding her fingers through her mostly blue-dyed hair.

“What is it?” I pressed.

“I need you to come to my place tomorrow night.” Alex said looking into my eyes.

“Huh? Your place, why?”

“I…” Alex stood up and started pacing in front of my small desk. “I can’t tell you that.”

“I don’t understand, Alex. What’s going on?” I watched her pace back and forth. “Whatever Polly has asked you to do…”

“Jack, please, just come to my apartment tomorrow after work. In fact, I’ll drive you. We’ll go together.” Alex said placing her hands on my desk looking expectantly into my eyes.

“You know, if you’re trying to get me to agree, I’d dial back on the serial killer vibe just a touch.”

“Jack, come on. She told me to bring you my place. It’s a test of some kind, you know Polly.”

“A test for who?” I asked.

“For me, she’s testing me.” Alex answered though her posture did not indicate she was at all sure of that statement.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s a test to see if I’ll be faithful to her.” I said sitting back in my chair still trying to puzzle out the situation.

“Are you fucking kidding me.” Alex nearly shouted and I rolled backward to get some space. “You would never cheat on Polly, nobody would ever cheat on Polly. Who would you cheat with, Polly’s the most perfect girl ever.”

My eyes had grown a few sizes larger at the unexpected outburst. “Uh…”

Alex calmed immediately. “Look, I’m flattered you somehow think I could ever be the tiniest bit of competition to Polly.” Alex started laughing in an over-the-top slightly creepy way. “Like you would ever choose me over her, that’s hilarious.” Alex sat down still chuckling into her hand.

“When was the last time you slept?”

“What? Sleep? Oh, I’ve had some trouble the last few nights.” Alex said offhandedly while combing her fingers through her hair for the thousandth time.

“I tell you what, go home, get some sleep, and tomorrow we’ll talk again.” Alex started to speak but I held up my hand to hold her off. “And I will seriously consider going with you to see your apartment, at least for a few minutes.”

“Really!” Alex leapt to her feet.

“Yes, really.”

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. This means so much to me Jack. Thanks.” Alex said moving toward the door as if the whole conversation had been normal.

I stared after Alex as she half-walked, half-skipped toward the elevator. “Polly what have you done?” I whispered into the air.

* * *

The next evening at exactly five o’clock Alex appeared in the door of my office with her bag slung over one shoulder. “Ready to go?”

“I said I’d think about it. I think you misunderstood.” I hoped sleep would cure her of whatever madness Polly had stricken her with.

Alex’s face paled as if a family member just died. “Jack, please.”

“What did Polly do to you?” I asked.

“You were there Jack, you saw.” Alex answered. "It happened right here, in this office." She touched the back of the chair. "In this very chair."

Memory flashed in my mind of Alex's face and her unexpected reaction to being bound on my lap while Polly whispered into ear. “Just that one time, you’ve had no other contact with her since that evening in this office?” I pressed.

Alex shrugged. “Just a couple times, we had coffee together and spoke on the phone.”

“What did you talk about?” I asked.

“You mostly, but also girl talk.” She waved her arms in a dismissive way. “ Are you coming or not, I don’t remember everything.” Alex said her desperation leaking through.

“Alright, Polly’s supposed to be back tomorrow, though I don’t understand any of this.”

“Thanks Jack, come on.”

I joined Alex in her late model sedan and we drove to an apartment complex near the office. Alex led me to a second floor apartment which was a bit cluttered but nicely decorated with newish furniture of similar color and style. A large television shared the living room space with an extensive computer setup with four monitors, nothing unexpected given her profession and skills. The dining room opened to a small kitchen though plenty large enough for a single woman. “Nice place, can you tell me what was so important for me to be here?” Alex stood near the kitchen table and I turned from looking over her computer setup when she did not respond immediately

“Jack I need you to take off your clothes.” Alex said slowly and deliberately brooking no chance of confusion.

I cocked my head and looked at Alex. I had been waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop, but this was more than I expected. Her hands were shaking and her stare was fixed on me. “Alex, you know that’s never going to happen.”

Alex’s knees joined her hands in the shaking and she stepped into the kitchen only to return with a gun in her hands. The room was shadowed and I could not clearly see if the weapon was real. “Alex, you’re not going to shoot me. Is that even real?”

“Take off your clothes Jack.” The barrel danced in her hand and tears began to slide down her face. “I don’t have a choice, just do it.” The last words ripped from her throat in a terrified whisper.

If she was faking, it was a damn good performance. “Alex, let’s talk about this.”

“Shut up Jack, just strip.” Alex interrupted.

I have been through a lot in the last few months and I was no longer as fearful of guns as I once was, not because I wanted to get shot, but how many times do you stare down a barrel before the thrill is kind of lost. “Sorry Alex, you’ll just have to shoot me.”

Quick as thought Alex raised the gun to her own temple. “I’ll pull the trigger, I swear I will.”

Putting my own life in danger for my sense of modesty was one thing but when Alex put the gun to her own head my mind flashed through the last few days full of her erratic behavior and odd comments. “Ok, ok, I’ll do it. Just don’t hurt yourself.”

I yanked off my shirt while simultaneously shucking out of my shoes. Within seconds I was down to my socks and boxers. “There, is that what you wanted?”

“All of it Jack.” Alex yelled with the gun still pressed to her head.

“Fine, fine.” I yanked off the socks and finally added my boxers to the pile at my feet using one hand to cover my privates and the other stretched toward Alex imploring her to lower the gun. In the same instant that my boxers hit the floor the sound of clapping hands reached my ears from the hallway that led to Alex’s bedroom.

“Bravo, bravo, and the Oscar goes to Alex.” An achingly familiar voice said as a beautiful head of red hair and the flash of green eyes greeted me from around the corner. “Hello, Jack, did you miss me?” Polly stepped from the hallway her presence a sight for sore eyes and a balm to my terror for Alex. She wore a pair of shiny black tights with hooded sweatshirt that was large enough to cover her hips almost to mid thigh.

“What the fuck?” I said in absolute shock.

“Oh, now is that anyway to greet me after almost a week?” Polly pouted.

I glanced over at Alex who lowered the gun and all traces of fear and panic had vanished as she stood there gazing at Polly. She seemed proud, and hopeful, and perhaps slightly aroused with her mouth open slightly. The gun was on the table and from this angle it was obviously a prop of some kind.

“Come kiss me, Jack. I’ve missed you.” Polly said stepping closer.

I knelt down to retrieve my clothes but Polly reached me first and grabbed my arm hauling me toward her. “Now, now after all that work Alex went to get you naked you aren’t going to just put them back on.”

Unable to stop myself I leaned in and kissed Polly whose arms wrapped around my naked body and began to massage my buttocks as we kissed deeply. After a few moments Polly broke the kiss with a smile. “Oh how I’ve looked forward to that. Alex, take Jack’s clothes to your car.” Polly ordered.

Alex leapt to obey gathering my clothes while Polly prevented me from intervening by wrapping me in another embrace. “What are you doing?” I asked watching Alex leave the apartment.

Polly pulled out a scrap of white satin fabric from the front pocket of her sweatshirt. “Put these on, you may need your hands later on.”

“Polly not in public.” I begged.

“We’re not in public.” Polly argued twirling the white panties around one finger.

“But Alex…”

“She doesn’t count as public, not anymore. Now put them on, unless you prefer being naked.” Polly flashed her beautiful smile.

I took the soft underwear and pulled them up my legs settling them about my waist just as Alex returned. She stepped past us into the dining area without comment. If she noticed my new underwear it did not appear to surprise or shock her. Polly turned toward her, “Alex I’ll need those cuffs, you know how Jack is.” She turned back to me with a delighted smile on her face. “Always so difficult.”

Alex vanished into the kitchen and appeared seconds later handing Polly a shiny metal object shaped like the number eight. Polly twisted something along one edge and they opened up. “Are you going to cooperate or do I need Alex’s help?” Cuff’s Picture

“Polly, I’m not really comfortable doing this. Not here.” I answered.

“I know Jack, but it really isn’t up to you, unless you want to walk home dressed as you are. I want this Jack, I’ve been dreaming of seeing you for days. Are you all that surprised I want your hands cuffed behind your back?”

I glanced again at Alex who was standing motionless with her hands clasped together in front of her stomach while looking at her feet. She seemed to be acting the part of Polly’s servant. I turned around and held my arms behind my back. The chill of the metal competed with the chill already running down my spine. “As you wish.”

“You’ll have to forgive me, these aren’t exactly the easy-on, easy-off type of cuffs.” Polly worked behind my back for a few moments before handing something back to Alex who walked back into the kitchen. “Alex, I assume you have the clothing we discussed?’

“Yes, Polly.” Alex answered.

“It’s time you two got changed.”

“Yes, Polly.” Alex said again before stepping down the hallway and into her bedroom.

“My God, what have you done to her?” I asked as Alex disappeared. I am quite sure Alex heard the question since I made no attempt to lower my voice.

“Other than do everything in my power to make her happy?” Polly smiled her hands finding my body as she began to kiss the hollow of my neck. “Now come sit with me on the couch.”

The couch faced the television and was decorated with a few pillows and a soft blanket thrown across the back. I settled into the cushions thankful they were soft enough for my cuffed hands to be moderately comfortable. Polly’s hands soon found my inner thighs and began to draw tickling circles. I shivered from the touch and leaned into her, the scent of vanilla and roses stealing all my objections. At least until the soft shuffling of bare feet reached my ears revealing Alex standing in front of the couch.

Alex gazed toward an appreciative Polly wearing nothing but a short nightgown in a vivid shade of pink with the narrow straps tied into a feminine bow above each of her pale shoulders. Shocked to see her in such a revealing garment, my eyes found her curves before I could take back control from my libido. In that brief moment I could already see she was doing her best to be confident but the flush of her cheeks betrayed her embarrassment. Alex was lovely, though not as shockingly gorgeous as Polly her charms were magnified by the way she coyly bit her lower lip and crossed one leg over the other as she stood before us. Short Pink Gown

“Oh Alex, you are so beautiful.” Polly said.

“Thank you, Polly.” Alex responded.

“Don’t you think so Jack?” Polly said. “Now go on, take a long look. I won’t be mad.”

I shook my head keeping my eyes on Polly.

“Jack I want you to look at Alex.” Polly allowed a hint of authority to enter her words.

Her eyes flashed in annoyance until I allowed my gaze to travel up Alex’s body. She stood there her creamy skin magnified by the shocking shade of pink with her hands held behind her back in a posture of innocent beauty. The loose fit of the short garment could not hide her curves and her excitement was betrayed by the hint of hardened nipples pushing against the thin satin. “Yes she is lovely.” My eyes found hers as she momentarily pulled her gaze away from Polly. In that moment something changed, gone was the older professional woman whom I viewed as a mentor and now a vision of feminine beauty and barely restrained sexuality stood before me. Alex was beautiful, the moon and stars to Polly’s brilliant sunlight.

“I told you Alex, you are beautiful, Jack says so.”

“As you say,” Alex responded barely above a whisper.

It was obvious she was not entirely convinced by our assurances and I was becoming more and more concerned about what this might mean for our future working relationship. “Polly will you please tell me what’s going on?”

“Isn’t it obvious.” Polly said.

“Not from where I’m sitting. You told me your were coming home tomorrow night, I guess you wanted to surprise me but why are you involving Alex in all of this?”

“I really like Alex,” Polly answered.

I could not help the spike of jealousy that flared through my mind and knew I could never hide it from Polly who knew me so well. “I see.”

“Jack, don’t be that way.” Polly said.

“What way is that?” I said without any attempt at hiding my irritation.

“Damn it, Jack.” Polly said standing to her feet. “Alex did you have the matching gown?”

“Yes, Polly.” Alex brought her hands to the front where she held what appeared to be an exact duplicate of the garment she now wore.

“I’m tired Jack, I just got in from out of town and I was hoping you would trust me.” Polly said while pushing herself to her feet.

“That’s not…” I started to say but Polly jerked her fiery eyes toward me and held up a hand.

“It’s too late for that, Jack. Just shut up.”

I sighed heavily and gazed at my nearly naked body. Once Polly flared in anger there was almost nothing but time that would still those flames. Polly took the matching pink nightgown from Alex and knelt down at my feet and began to pull it up my legs. I squirmed in embarrassment but with Polly already angry I did not want to upset her more by trying to avoid something she obviously wanted. “Stand up, Jack.”

I lunged forward finding it difficult with my hands cuffed behind me but Polly and Alex pulled me up. The nightgown now pooled around my ankles but was soon raised up my body. The thin straps were untied and then retied into a bow over each of my shoulders. Polly moved me so I was standing shoulder to shoulder with Alex and despite her anger a small smile formed on her lips. It did not last long. “Alex fetch the cuff key.”

“Yes, Polly.” Alex said and left my side.

Polly gave my ridiculously feminine outfit an appraising look. I opened my mouth to speak but Polly shook her head. “No Jack, no talking. What you said hurt me.”

I thought back over the last few moments and for the life of me could not figure why she should be so upset. Alex’s involvement wasn’t my idea. She was being terribly unfair. What would any boyfriend do if his girlfriend discussed the beauty of someone else?

Again my face betrayed my emotions. “And it appears you have no idea what you did wrong.”

Alex returned at that moment and handed a silver key to Polly. “Alex can perhaps aid you in your quest for truth, she's obviously quite a bit smarter than you.” Polly stepped behind me and removed the cuffs from my hands only to grab my right wrist and Alex’s left wrist and cuff us together. Both Alex and I looked at our cuffed hands in open-mouthed shock. “Explain it to him Alex.”

Polly left the room walking back down the hall to what I assumed was Alex bedroom. I looked at Alex and blushed at the way I was dressed in an exact copy of her own outfit. “Alex…” I began but then noticed tears leaking from her eyes and her body shuddering in sobs. “Oh God, what’s wrong, what’s happening.”

Alex said nothing just held her one free hand over her face as she wept.

“Let’s sit down please.” I suggested quietly. My thoughts churned. How could I have screwed up so badly that Polly was angry and Alex was crying.

Alex nodded and we did a quick spin maneuver so we could both sit down with our cuffed hands between us. I decided my own mouth was the one problem I could control and kept silent. She eventually managed to halt her weeping and just as suddenly jerked the cuffs as if angry to be near me. “Damn it Jack,” She shook the cuffs again before turning toward me. “Damn you, damn you.”

“I don’t understand what’s happening.” I whispered trying to keep the situation as calm as possible.

“You’re ruining everything. You have to keep her all to yourself, don’t you?” Alex said.

I took a deep breath and really tried to listen to the words. “We are getting married, but I honestly would love it if you two were friends, but this…” I picked at the pink nightgown with my free hand. “...this is different.”

“You know Polly told me about those other women playing with you, how they tied you up and dressed you up, especially that Selena woman.” Alex said with the occasional sob stuttering her words. “First time Polly finds someone and your ego can’t take it.”

“I didn’t have a choice with Selena, well that’s not exactly true, but when I had a choice I made sure Polly was involved.”

“Well Polly is involving you now, so what’s the problem.” Alex whined.

“What exactly is this?” I asked.

Alex picked at her nightgown. “This. Doing whatever Polly wants.”

“I love Polly deeply and forever. We’ve saved each others lives, for God’s sake. I’d do anything for her. I just don’t want to lose her, even to you.” Jack explained.

“I’m not going to marry her, Jack. I just want…” Alex said.

“What? Why are you dressed like that? Why did you bring me here? What do you want?” I asked a little heat entering my voice.

Alex sighed. “Every time she asks me to do something, whether to fetch a glass of water or dress in a sexy outfit.” Alex indicated her clothing with a sweep of her hand. “It makes me unbelievably happy, warm, contented, and feel very, very sexy.”


“Yes, I don’t understand it. Maybe it’s some kind of hypnotic quality to her voice or perhaps some sort of pheromone or hell, maybe it’s magic.”

“Has this happened before, with others?” I asked.

“No, never. I’ve never felt so out of control and euphoric at the same time with anyone. Polly is like a drug.”

“Out of control.” I whispered. “I get that.”

“But now she won't see me. I can’t just be friends, I just can’t. She had to tell you about me, in the most honest way.” She spun toward me. “I saw the look in your eyes, the jealousy, the fear, you’re afraid that I’ll mess things up.”

“So the trick you pulled with the gun?” I asked.

“Polly’s test. She wanted to test me, or maybe she was just playing. It doesn’t matter. I nearly passed out when she clapped for me.”

“Have you thought this through, we’re colleagues. We have to work together.”

“Too late for that I’d say.” Alex held up her hand lifting mine along with it to display the silver cuffs. “And it doesn’t matter, it’s not like I control how I feel.”

I sighed and remained silent for several long breaths. “Ok, look whatever I said earlier I was just kind of stunned. First you threaten my life, then your own life, and then Polly appears, and then you walk out looking so gorgeous in that outfit, my brain shorted out. I deserve a do-over, a second chance.”

Alex face cocked to one side. “You mean it.”

“Yes, I need time to process this. Can you tell me what’s expected of me? Polly said you could explain what I did wrong.”

Alex cocked her head again but this time in confusion. “But she told you.”

“She did?”

“I think her exact words were, ‘I was hoping you would trust me,’ “ Alex repeated as if reading from a book.

I turned pale at the sudden recollection and bile rise in my throat. “Oh god.” I put my hands to my face forcing Alex to move her arm toward me.

“Spill it, Jack. Tell me what you were thinking at the moment you said that.” Alex said her other hand finding my shoulder.

“Well, I was thinking she would fall in love with you. Look at me Alex, Polly is the most gorgeous woman in the world. Why did she fall for me?” I said barely speaking above a whisper and a tear fell from my eye as this old refrain filled my thoughts. “I’m not good enough for her, but you Alex, well she likes girls, I mean she dresses me up as one whenever she gets the chance. So of course she likes you.”

“You are confused.” Alex said.

“I am in therapy.” I answered.

“Look I don’t know Polly’s sexual orientation, but I know she loves you, more than any human alive. If she dresses you up than it’s because she enjoys it, and if you could perform the least bit of self-examination you’d realize you like it to.”

“I don’t…”

Alex held her free hand over my mouth preventing me from speaking in exactly the same way Polly would often do. She said nothing, just looked into my eyes with a knowing smile on her lips. The sudden and overwhelming surge of lust prompted by that gesture forced my hands into fists along with an involuntary shudder and groan. “Wow, you are almost as bad as me.” Alex said with a smile. “The only difference, which Polly has already figured out by the way, is that you have to be forced, whereas me, I just like to obey.”

Alex withdrew her hand and the feeling of arousal departed, at least partially. I moved to stand but Alex jerked me back down. “You can’t wake her.”

“What why? I have to go make this right.”

“Nope, she needs her rest.” Alex grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and pushed me onto my side snuggling up beside me before pulling the blanket over us both. She then clapped her hands twice and the lights switched off.

“A Clapper, really?”

“Of course, every self-respecting geek has one.”

Alex settled into the couch and our bodies were in full contact. I could not keep from touching her even if I wanted to and the softness of her breasts was a constant distraction. Her hands slid across my hip. “You shave for her?”

“Well, it was Selena who did that, but Polly talks about how much she likes it so I’ve kept it smooth.” I answered. “Are you sure we should be doing this? I’m engaged.”

“If Polly didn’t want us to touch each other she shouldn’t have cuffed us together.” Alex answered. “We should keep it PG though.”

“I thought you preferred girls?”

“Polly told me I’d like you in silk. As usual, it seems she was right.” Alex said.

I rolled on my side and Alex matched my position so we easily fit on the couch with her face pressed into my neck and her breasts sliding across my back with her every breath. “You really are beautiful.” I whispered into the quiet room.

Alex shuddered but did not respond and sleep took me quickly.
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Post by Tomsie »

A very interesting and unique twist
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Wow. Not sure how I feel about that one, especially with the gun and Jack being still so fragile. It seems slightly out of character for Polly, even though I kind of get her reasoning, to put so much mental stress on Jack.

It is, as always, great to have you writing, and I trust you that I will continue to love Jack and Polly moving forward. The gun was just a shock.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

I love your writing but have always been uneasy about Polly - shes showing traits of a narcissistic psychopath....is she the new Dani..(GoT for those who aren’t fans...)
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
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Post by volatiledesire »

Shadesflirty wrote: 4 years ago Wow. Not sure how I feel about that one, especially with the gun and Jack being still so fragile. It seems slightly out of character for Polly, even though I kind of get her reasoning, to put so much mental stress on Jack.

It is, as always, great to have you writing, and I trust you that I will continue to love Jack and Polly moving forward. The gun was just a shock.
As always thanks for the comment. It was likely not clear from the narrative, but Polly asked Alex to get Jack to come to her apartment and strip. Alex, being unable to deny Polly, came up with the whole gun scenario knowing Jack would not be intimidated unless someone he cared for was in trouble, in this case it was herself.

The gun was a shock, to Jack especially, though in the end it was fake.
Risperdaltied wrote: 4 years ago I love your writing but have always been uneasy about Polly - shes showing traits of a narcissistic psychopath....is she the new Dani..(GoT for those who aren’t fans...)
Polly is definitely enjoying the fact that Alex is infatuated with her. She has watched over the last months all these women unable to keep their hands off her boyfriend and now she has someone for herself. It is not my intention to paint Polly as a narcissist or psychopath, but she has her issues for sure.

Thanks for the comments, this is actually the first time I've had any feedback other than praise. I definitely enjoy hearing how the story is being viewed. The next chapter (mostly done) gives Polly and Jack a chance to talk about Alex and may flesh out what's going on there.
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Thanks for the clarification VD. I think if anything the messages show how much we’ve all become invested in the characters and world that you’ve created that we have such strong reactions when characters we care about seem to act in opposition to what we expect.

I find it interesting you say that Polly is envious of all the women who find Jack so attractive when she herself has the prize of Jack, who is utterly and completely obsessed with her.

But I suppose that’s a bias since in this story we have always lived inside Jack’s head so can’t know so much about what is going inside the others’.

Looking forward to the next parts, and continuing to read this story I love first for its love story and next for the kinky elements.
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Chapter 70 - Toyed With

I woke up to pearly light shining through strands of Polly's curly red hair. She was smiling and holding a camera. "Like two kittens snuggling in a box." My one free arm was numb but my jerk of surprise at seeing Polly's face was enough to wake Alex who raised her head. "There she is, I'm so happy you two are getting along." Polly rolled down the blanket causing goosebumps to rise on my exposed flesh. She looked us up and down. "My goodness, so cute with the matching nightgowns and matching skin tones," Polly held her hand to her mouth in a giggle. "And now matching blushes." She stepped back and raised the camera again. She wore the same clothes from the night before shiny black leggings and a too-large, hooded sweatshirt.

The sight of her forced the memories of the previous day to rush into my awareness and I remembered my foolish words from the night before. "Look Polly, about last night."

Her fingers found my lips and pressed my mouth closed. Again an eruption of arousal accompanied the action and I could not finish the words. "I'm sorry I got upset." Polly started. "I had this grand scenario in my head with you being ecstatic to have Alex join our games. Looking at things from your point of view, especially with the horrible shock with the gun, well I don't blame you for what you said."

Polly withdrew her fingers and I shuddered at the feeling of their departure. "I do trust you. I am willing to ride this wave with Alex, especially after all those other women did…” I paused not wanting to describe their actions. “...well you know."

"Thank you, that means a lot, and we'll need to be patient with each other." Polly said. "But now you two need to get to work." Polly produced a key. "I'm tempted to make you shower while cuffed, but we’re pressed for time."

My mouth fell open at her words. "Seriously? You considered that."

"I did, but like I said, time is short." The cuffs fell away. "Alex, I'll retrieve Jack's clothes from your car while you shower."

"Yes, Polly." Alex responded and returned moments later with the keys to her car. She then darted off down the hall.

I shook my head at Alex's continued submissiveness and looked toward Polly. "She's ok, right."

Polly shook her head. "Not here, we'll talk in the car while I take you to work."

By the time my clothes were returned Alex announced the shower was open. Polly yelled back, "I want you to wear the nightgown and panties beneath your work clothes."

"Yes, Polly." Came the expected response.

Polly smiled and could not contain a giggle. "She's going to be so much fun."

I shook my head and stepped toward the shower. I used Alex's soaps and shampoos, but smelling like Alex was the least of my worries since I knew Polly would never exclude me from her mandated choice of underwear. And sure enough, the pile of clothes on the floor did not include the boxers I arrived in. "Good grief, I'm actually getting used to these." I muttered while settling the white satin about my waist."

Polly stepped in at that moment and smiled. "Oh, nice timing." She dangled the pink nightgown from her fingers. "You forgot this."

"Polly I can’t wear that." I said while sitting on the toilet and putting on my socks.

"Alex is so much more agreeable than you." Polly said with a pout on her face.

I shrugged. "How would you have any fun if I were any other way?"

"Good point." With a mischievous grin Polly opened the door. "Hey Alex, I need some help here. Jack is being difficult."

Alex appeared in the doorway dressed in a high-waisted black pencil skirt and shiny red blouse. The skirt's tight fit combined with the loose blouse accentuated her curves in a most attractive way. She combined them with nude hosiery and a low professional heel. "Oh Alex, you look great, love the sexy secretary look." Alex's Work Outfit

Alex blushed crimson and smiled. "Thank you, Polly."

I stared at Alex, she never wore something so eye-catching. My mind opened to another side of Alex, perhaps always there, but hidden behind her brains and capable nature. Polly's hand flashed in front of my face. "Earth to Jack."

I shook myself to see Polly smiling. "I think he likes it."

"Uh... yeah... well... you look great Alex." I sputtered.

Alex slid her hands over the black skirt, smoothing imaginary wrinkles. "What did you need help with?"

"Jack won't wear the pink nightgown under his clothes." Polly explained.

"I can't, those ties at the shoulders will show through my shirt." I was always a quick thinker. "The shirt is too thin."

Polly sighed considering the shirt hanging on the towel rack nearby. "I'll let you off this time. Alex please remind me for next week."

"Yes Polly." Alex produced a cellphone and began to slide her fingers across the surface.

"Really Alex?" I said knowing she was putting it into her calendar.

Alex shrugged but could not keep a grin from her face. "Sorry."

"Do you two want to watch me dress or can I get some privacy?" I said with fake irritation.

"Take all the time you need," Polly smiled while sliding her arm around Alex's waist looking back over her shoulder with a bob of her eyebrows as she left the bathroom.

I shook my head, dressed quickly, and found Polly alone in the kitchen while drinking a glass of orange juice. "Alex left for work, you ready?"

"Yep, does anyone else know you're home?" I asked.

"I only tricked you, everyone else knew I was back last night." Polly answered.

"I assume our parents were informed we would not be home last night?" I asked not really concerned just trying to fill in the conversation.

Polly got into the car and remained quiet until she negotiated her way out of Alex's apartment complex. "Yes, I told them what was going on, at least enough so they wouldn't worry."

I watched Polly while she drove and whatever tricks she was using to stay upbeat had obviously been for Alex's benefit. I could see the stress in her eyes and sadness in her posture. "So are you going to tell me what's bothering you?"

Polly shrugged. "Just life mostly."

"Uh huh, I'm listening." I prompted.

"We didn't make the finals at the dance competition."

"Oh I'm sorry, that's why you’re home early?" I asked.

"Yes, and it was my fault." Polly admitted.

I waited in silence for her to continue.

"I was missing you and realized I just didn't care about the competition. I don't know if it was nearly losing you to that Craddock woman, or if I'm just getting older, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I made several key mistakes, and that’s why we didn’t make it."

"And the other girls?"

"You see, I still don't care. Sure they're upset, but I was just happy to get home. I'd spent most of my time texting Alex and planning for last night."

"And when I didn't act like you hoped I would..." I began.

Polly nodded. "Yeah, but it's not your fault. I was just hoping to assuage my own guilt for messing up for my teammates. I thought if everything was perfect it would make up for everything, at least in my own head. I'm so tired of high school and all that noise, I just want to get started with you."

"One more semester and that's it." I said.

"I'm still going to back off on the extracurriculars." Polly said.

"That will be great."

"It feels weird though. A few months I ago I can remember dance being super important, and now, it's just not."

"Talk to Dr. Lodgkins about it." I offered.

Polly looked at me and smiled. "Speaking of her, I got an interesting email."

I shook my head. "I'm sure you did. Is that why I'm wearing silken underwear."

"Just doing my part in your recovery." Polly giggled.

"And Alex, are we going to talk about her?"

"She's awesome." Polly said. "So much possibility."

"Polly, she's a person not a toy, and she seems to have fallen for you." I said.

"We've talked about it, and I don't think she's a toy. Surely she spoke about things while you were cuddling last night." Polly tried to repress a giggle but failed.

"Well, she told me she feels good when you ask her to do things." I answered. "That's a lot of power."

"Not really, she knows I won't violate the three P's." I remembered the shorthand for nothing public, nothing painful, and nothing permanent. "And she doesn't really like being tied up so she doesn't need a safe word."

"So on the first day you cuff her to me?"

"Pshhhaw. That's hardly worthy of the name, she had all but one hand free and with a little cooperation from you not even that." Polly said. "Still Alex is a bit broken inside, like so many of us. Old loves who she thought loved her like she loved them.” Polly stopped at a red light and turned to me. “If I had known she would use that gun, I would never have permitted it. I almost rushed out, but then you kind of shrugged it off. I’m sorry for that.”

"You’re thinking I’m still fragile? I need some TLC?" I asked.

“I don’t know, not really, but you’ve stared down enough guns in your short life.” Polly answered.

“True that.” I responded. “I’m still a bit confused though.”

Polly turned into a coffee shop drive-thru and ordered a large cappuccino. "Want anything?"

"Sure I'll have the same."

"Confused about what?" Polly asked.

"Alex has no future with you, she knows we're getting married. What's the point?"

"I made that as clear as I could, which was the point of last night. You had to accept her, or I would have to send her away." Polly explained while handing money to the lady at the window.

"So she's not in love with you?" I asked.

"I think she views me as more of a toy." Polly looked at me with a cute smirk on her face. "I mean how does one like her ever get to have any fun?"

"But she does prefer women?" I asked.

Polly shrugged. "Not sure, I mean I always thought Selena Bates was a real lesbian because of her relationship with Mom, but then she met you." Polly shrugged. "She can't keep her hands off you."

I shook my head. "Selena likes me as a girl though, surely you remember that costume she had me wear for the massages. "

Polly nodded. "Yes but she cooked up that whole thing before she knew about your inner cuteness." Polly said poking me in the arm.

"Perhaps." I said in a desperate move to change the subject. “You're going to be late for school/”

Polly shrugged. "Not going today, I don't really want to face my teammates."

"They won't hate you." I said even though I knew little of her teammates. Polly could never be disliked for long.

"I know, but I also don't want them to see how little I actually care about what happened. I'm not sure I can fake that."

"You've moved on." I suggested.

"Yes, I suppose I have. I wonder what's next?" Polly smiled.

"As long as I get to be close, I don't care what you do."

"If I could, I'd keep you in my back pocket." Polly laughed. "Here we are, Mom wants to talk with me about something, so I'm going in with you."

"Yeah I know what that is." I answered while getting out of the car.

"Oh, anything important?"

"It's about work. I offered you up as an advocate, somebody who knows me better than anyone else."

Polly smiled. "Now that's a job I can handle."

* * *

I settled into work only to be interrupted a few hours later by the arrival of Polly. "You like how I look right?"

I sat back in my chair and enjoyed the opportunity afforded by her question to gaze up and down her body. "You know how much I like the look of legs in tights, especially shiny tights, especially your legs."

Polly tugged at the hooded sweatshirt. "This is comfy."

"Did your Mom suggest other clothes for the meeting on Monday?" I asked.

"Yes, but she said it more directly. Told me not to dress like a bum." Polly said with a frown.

I stood up and slipped my hands beneath the sweatshirt enjoying the feeling of my fingers sliding over her the slick spandex. "I think you feel wonderful."

Polly leaned into me. "Unfortunately, you're biased." Polly reached for my phone. "How do I call Alex?"

"She's probably biased too. Just dial 152."

"Alex this is Polly. Come to Jack's office if you can." Our offices were close and she appeared only moments later. Despite my love for Polly, Alex's outfit did catch more attention.

Polly closed and locked the door and then turned toward Alex. "You're distracting Jack. Take off your clothes down to the uniform I gave you last night."

My mouth fell open. "Polly this is work."

Alex never hesitated and immediately kicked off her heels while lowering the black pencil skirt to the floor. Her only nod to modesty was an attempt to make sure the hem of the pink nightgown was in place over her waist before she removed her shiny red shirt. She then reached for the waistband of the hosiery she wore but Polly stopped her. "Leave those, I know how much of a pain they can be to put on."

"Thank you Polly." Alex said and then stood with her arms held behind her back.

"I'm not less distracted." I finally managed to say after recovering from the near strip show in my own office.

Polly scrunched up her face in mock disappointment. "Really?" She then proceeded to pull off her own sweatshirt and add it to the pile of female clothing on the floor. She wore a black sports bra which gripped her breasts and showed a deep cleavage. I could not decide at that moment if her breasts seemed larger than Alex's because of the bra or just because she was larger, but I was willing to contemplate the problem for as long as necessary. "How 'bout now?"

My mouth opened but no words formed. This was my office. There were two very attractive and partially dressed women looking at me. It was a small office. Two steps and I could touch either one of them or more likely two steps and they would be touching me. Polly was on me in seconds, "Now let me demonstrate some of those possibilities I discussed in the car. Alex would you please hold Jack's arms."

Alex moved at once. She stepped behind and pulled my wrists behind my back. Polly began to kiss my neck pressing her soft body into mine. She stopped after an impossible-to-track amount of time. "Mom is going out tonight. I'm thinking sushi at my place. Alex you’ll be there of course?"

"As you wish." Alex said still holding my wrists.

Polly pulled her shirt back on and then nodded toward Alex who let go of my arms. "Lovely, and unfortunately it's time for you to dress and get back to work. I'm sure your outfit has drawn the attention of the cubical gophers outside and they'll wonder what's going on."

Alex quickly donned her clothes while Polly distracted me with a brief massage. She then left the room leaving Alex to check her clothing. "Can you wait a second, Alex?" I asked as she prepared to leave.

Alex closed the door and sat down in one of the chairs. "How are we supposed to go from that,” I pointed to the retreating Polly. “To talking about software and servers?"

"Polly's gone. So back to work." Alex shrugged as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

"Are you having fun?" I decided the direct approach was best.

Alex stood and moved toward the door. "I've never been happier."

"So if she asks us to sleep together on the couch again?" I asked hoping for some level of hesitation.

Alex stepped over and placed each of her hands on the desk leaning close enough that I had to sit back in my chair. "If Polly asks me to lick chocolate off your bare ass, the only thing I'll say is 'milk or dark'."

Alex smiled as my mouth fell open and strutted from the room more confident than ever.

* * *

The next evening just before five o'clock Alex stopped by my office with a quiet knock. Gone was the sexy office clothing to be replaced with attractive but more comfortable dark blue leggings and flowing white blouse which was bound about her waist with a matching blue belt. "I'm heading out now, Polly wants us at her house straight away."

"Polly must get what Polly wants." I smiled.

Alex ignored my sarcasm and nodded. "Yes she does." She then moved quickly toward the elevator.

With a shake of my head I gathered my things. I was soon be driving toward Polly's house but I took the time to stop by accounting on my way out just to avoid looking too much like a dog coming to his master’s call. Much to my chagrin, if I had left when Alex did I might have avoided the thunderstorm that decided to dump buckets of rain. Thunder and lightning punctuated my arrival when Polly opened the door. What she was wearing kept me in the rain long enough to soak my clothes completely. A spaghetti-strapped forest green dress hugged her form from narrow straps down to an asymmetric hem that flared out in a circle of shiny satin about her legs. My mouth dropped open and Polly was forced to pull me inside as my legs had forgotten how to work. Polly's Dress

"Wow." I finally managed to say. "What's the occasion?"

"Just a quiet dinner at home, but I was tired of being outclassed by Alex." Polly said.

There was a quiet snicker from somewhere just inside just loud enough to be heard over the falling rain. "You could wear a gunny sack and still be gorgeous." Alex said.

I imagined Polly in burlap for a second and concluded that Alex was probably right on that point. "So I heard something about sushi."

“Yes, but you’re soaked. Luckily I had extra time this afternoon to get you two some matching outfits." Polly smiled.

"Polly..." I began but she'd already turned toward Alex. "On the couch there." Alex picked up the bag and moved toward the bathroom. She then turned back toward me. "Let me guess you're going to put up a fuss about wearing something cute.”

“Not exactly a fuss, more a refusal.” I answered.

“Well you’re not going to drip all over the furniture and floors.” Polly reached for my clothing and for some odd reason I found it impossible to stop a gorgeous redhead in a shiny tight dress from taking off my clothes.

I was soon down to the same underwear as the night before. “Wow, soaked all the way through. Go take a shower and I’ll find you some fresh ones.”

I darted up the stairs knowing Alex occupied the bathroom on the main floor and jumped in the shower. The door opened seconds later. “Hey Jack, after you’re done can you bring down the massage table to the living room. It’s in my closet.”

“Ok,” I considered asking for clothes but decided that would be a waste of time.

I showered and found a pair of ivory panties lying on the counter in the bathroom. I sighed, wondering if I should just leave them and use the towel alone but expected Polly to predict such a move. I put on the underwear and wrapped a towel around my waist as securely as I could before grabbing the massage table from her bedroom closet hoping that I would be receiving a massage for my trouble. The table was large and unwieldy but folded into the size of an oversize suitcase with a handle designed to be carried by one person. However, I nearly dropped it down the stairs when I saw Alex casually sitting in a chair chatting with Polly. "Hey Jack, need some help?"

Alex wore a shiny white garment falling loosely from a single shoulder strap to an asymmetric hemline gathered at the waist with a rope-like belt. It looked like something you would see a greek goddess wear in movies. The white silk seemed to shine with an inner blue light reflected from her hair. Polly smiled at my reaction. "See, don't you think you would look nice wearing that? Much better than that skirt you have on now." Alex's Clothing

Gathering my wits I looked over at Polly who now stood with her hands on her hips, this proved no help to my faltering wits due to her own stunning dress. Finally I looked down at the table I still carried.. "It's not a skirt, just a towel. Where do you want this?"

"Set it up right here," Polly indicated the place in front of the couch formerly occupied by the coffee table which was now pushed to the side of the room.

Alex helped open the table and extend the legs. Once done Polly spread a thin sheet over the black leather. "Alright Jack, hop up." She patted the table.

I hesitated with a glance toward Alex who shrugged. I decided to learn my lesson and trust Polly. I eased onto the padded surface of the table and placed my face into the padded oval extending from the side. Polly stepped close and pulled aside the towel wrapped around my hips bringing a blush to my face. "Lovely isn't it." Polly snapped the elastic against my thighs with her fingers.

"Yes, quite so." Alex said and then I heard her whispering something I could not discern.

Polly laughed. "You're right, but don't tease him about it. He's quite sensitive about his deliciously plump buttocks."

"Polly!" I said though my face was turned away robbing my voice of its intended indignation.

"It's not my fault you decided to display your charms so eagerly. You were supposed to lie on the table face up." Polly answered.

I pushed myself onto my side and looked at Polly with a question in my eyes. "I thought I was getting a massage, this is a massage table."

"You should have paid better attention. Now Alex, watch closely and do what I do on the other side." Polly pushed my shoulders down onto the table while completely removing the towel which had been trapped beneath me. I was not comfortable so displayed in nothing but thin silk panties but Polly came to my rescue producing a length of broad satin in a color similar to Alex’s dress which she wrapped around my waist and tied into a knot at my right hip. The cloth did little more than cover the underwear but it would reduce evidence of any arousal which was flaring up due to my prone position between the two lovely girls.

Polly held a coil of white rope which she slid beneath my back. It felt soft, unlike normal cotton rope, as it slid across my skin. Alex took the rope from the other side of the narrow table and mirrored Polly's movement as she wrapped each of my wrists until I could not raise them from the padded surface. Once done Polly stepped back reaching underneath the table. "See if you can tie his ankles down.” She tossed additional rope to Alex. “I have a little decoration I'd like to add up here." Polly smiled at me and moved toward the top of my head.

As Alex wrapped more of the soft rope around my ankles Polly took a wide ribbon of green silk and tied it around my neck into a large bow set at the side." "There we go, now you have a bow to match my dress just as the white silk over your waist matches Alex's beautiful dress."

"What might have happened if I'd agreed to wear the costume?" I asked feeling a blush rise in my cheeks as I imagined what I must look like with a large green bow tied at the side of my neck.

"You would have simply ruined the whole evening." Polly answered. "I had no plans to account for that."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm that predictable."

"Yes." Polly smiled and retreated down the table toward Alex. "Well done Alex. Not too tight, and there is no way he'll free his ankles. Now lets work together to lower him to the ground."

The two women lifted the table and folded one set of legs underneath until I was propped at a steep angle only remaining on the table because of the bonds. They quickly rushed to the other side and repeated the process until the massage table was lying flat on the floor. "What are you doing?" I asked.

The girls ignored me as they worked to center the table in the middle of the room. "I told you we were having sushi for dinner." Polly said darting off to the kitchen only to return a few seconds later with several bags. She pulled out a styrofoam container and handed one to Alex. "Let me clean him up with a cloth before we begin."

I watched Alex's face as Polly wiped my skin with a warm cloth. I already guessed what was about to happen having been threatened with it before. Alex seemed perplexed but her eyes popped wide when Polly retrieved her own styrofoam container. "Be creative." Polly began to place sushi rolls on my bare skin in a meticulous design.

"Polly this is silly." I said.

"Oh my." Polly said reaching into the bag. "I forgot the sauce." She pulled out a white plastic cup and moved toward my face. "I want you to hold this. Open your mouth."

I hesitated. I knew her intention.

"You are in no position to refuse me." Polly said her green eyes flashing.

I opened my mouth and she carefully positioned the plastic cup between my teeth. "Now don't spill. If you try to talk or even turn your head you'll get a mouthful of sauce and that won't be pleasant, plus you’ll waste the sauce and I’ll be annoyed.." I was trapped and could barely move my head to watch what was going on.

"Nyotaimori." Alex whispered.

"What's that?" Poly asked glancing up from her work.

"This is. This is Nyotaimori. Eating sushi off a naked body, though the actual Japanese translation requires a female body." Alex said and I could feel her adding broad green leaves to my thighs before setting heavier items on top.

"I wonder if Jack knew what it was called? I love smart people." Polly laughed as she worked around my navel and stomach. "I wish we had more to decorate him with but it's a lot of fun, don't you think?"

"I may have difficulty getting this image out of my head when we work together." Alex admitted.

"Good, I love to think you'll be dreaming of eating a California roll from his navel while you talk about computery stuff."

I began to tremble. Perhaps it was the chill of the nigiri lying across my nipples but the intensity of being displayed and treated as a platter from was nearly too much. "He's shaking." Alex's voice said in a whisper.

Polly appeared in my vision above the rim of the plastic cup gripped in my teeth. "You're excited." I could not move my head only look steadily into her eyes. "Will you finally use the safe word, after all this time?"

The strains of 'Row Row Row Your Boat' flitted through my mind but I did not hum the tune only closed my eyes. "I guess he's fine." Polly said disappearing from my view.

For the next few minutes food continued to decorate my body as the kneeling girls moved around just within my peripheral vision. Then, as could always be expected in my world, a peel of thunder heralded the opening of the kitchen door.
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