'Security Guard Tied and Gagged, then Kidnapped!' by DesertFox (MM/m)

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Deleted User 2628

'Security Guard Tied and Gagged, then Kidnapped!' by DesertFox (MM/m)

Post by Deleted User 2628 »

(Retreived from tieupgames.net)

I'd been working for Derry Chemicals for about 2 months and it was easy stuff. I worked five nights a week and got paid to sit in a hut and watch TV in between making a few patrols and accepting a few deliveries every night. The pay was really good: apparently the managers thought the job might be "dangerous." I laughed at that, until the night everything changed.

I'd slept that day and woke up around 8. I had to be at work at nine sharp. I had just saved up and bought a Rolex watch, which turned out later to be a bad move. I got up and got dressed in my dark jeans, black polo with "security" on the back and tennis shoes and socks. I put on my watch and checked the time: it was 8:15 and I had to hurry! I hopped in my car and grabbed some food on the way.

I pulled up into work and parked in the lot and relieved the day guard, Brian. He took the job way more seriously than I did and had actually stopped two robberies a few years ago. He was older but I was just 22. I said hi and he shook his head and said hi back as he walked back to the car. Brian didn't like me much because he thought I didn't take the job very seriously...maybe he was right.

I ate my food and watched some TV before I did the 10:00 p.m. patrol and then sat back down. I checked my watch; it was 10:15 and I was right on schedule to clear the 10:45 delivery guy. When I heard them pull up I checked the security camera, they were a few minutes early but no big deal. I came out and checked the two guys in.

"Slow night," they asked me, grinning.

"Yeah, haven't had anything yet...like always," I laughed.

"Dude, how often do deliveries even come."

"Ummm...I don't get another one until 1:00 a.m."

"Do you every get bored in there? Are there other guards with you or is it just you?"

"Nah, it's just me," I replied. They were asking a lot of questions, but I thought they were just being friendly. "They don't even give me a gun, just this big flashlight."

I waved them through and about half an hour later the guy came back in his truck to leave. I looked in the passenger seat and saw he was alone.

"Hey man," I asked, a bit confused. "Where's your other guy?"

"What," the driver looked at me like I was crazy. "I came in alone man. The other guy is sick today so they stuck me with it on my own."

"Ah, that sucks," I said. "Well, see you tomorrow night." We didn't get deliveries from the same company every night.

He said goodbye and left and I locked up. I looked at my watch and saw it was 11:40. I went inside the hut and turned on the TV again.

A while later I thought I heard a noise. I muted the TV and checked my watch. It was 12:00 a.m. and nobody was supposed to deliver anything for another hour. It sounded like the gate had rattled, but it might have just been the wind. Then I saw what looked like a shadow move on the front gate security camera. I looked for a couple more seconds but didn't see anything.

I figured I should check it out anyway, so I picked up my flashlight and went outside. It was definitely getting a bit colder at night these days. I went over to the gate and shone my flashlight on it but there wasn't any sign of anything there. Nothing looked suspicious, but I decided to look around for another minute or two. I checked the front area but couldn't see a single thing that looked wrong, so I shrugged my shoulders and figured I'd go back inside.

Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind around my waist, pinning my arms to my sides! I dropped my flashlight.

"Hey what the-mmmmppph!"

I started to yell but whoever this guy was clamped his hand over my mouth and muffled my shout fast! I shouted into his leather gloved hand but I couldn't make a loud noise. I struggled but this guy was strong! I worked out a lot and knew how to fight a bit, so I stomped on his shoe and he let go of my mouth for a second.

"Son of a bitch," I heard him curse.


I had tried to yell for help but the guy put his hand over my mouth again. I struggled more and got my arm free! I elbowed the guy in the gut and heard him grunt in pain, but he kept his hand tight over my mouth while I tried to yell. I had almost broken free when a a second guy appeared and grabbed my free arm, pinning it to my side. I kicked out at him but he was even stronger and faster and avoided it. The hand over my mouth ensured I couldn't call for help as they half-dragged me back into the hut while I kicked and screamed.

They shut the door and the guy holding on to me sat down, pinning my arms to my sides better. He never took his hand off my mouth the whole time.

"Dude, help me with this guy," he said.


The other guy took my hands and forced them behind my back and put something hard and plastic around my wrists. It was a zip tie! He zipped it tight, pinning my wrists behind my back. When he saw me struggling he zipped it even tighter and put another zip tie around my wrists, below my watch and right above my palms to restrain me further. The hard plastic bit into my skin and I knew there was no way I was getting my hands free without cutting the zip ties. The guy holding me kept his hand over my mouth as his partner zipped my ankles harshly together with another two zip ties and repeated the process with my knees. I finally noticed something: these guys were the two delivery drivers I had let in earlier! The driver was the guy tying me up; his buddy must have hid somewhere in the building and then let his friend in after I went back inside the hut!

"Hmmmmph!" I tried again to shout for help but the guy just gripped my mouth tighter.

"This guy's a loud one," the guy holding me said. "Get something to shut him up." My arms got goosebumps. They were going to gag me!

The other guy rummaged through the drawers on the desk and found a washcloth that we used to clean the table. It looked dirty and I got chills when I realized that it was going in my mouth. The guy wadded up the washcloth and held it in front of my face. I looked at him with wide eyes. I was legitimately scared. His friend took his hand off my mouth and I drew in a huge breath to yell one last time.


The guy shoved the whole thing in my mouth right away. I immediately tasted the dirt and sweat on it and almost gagged. He forced the entire thing into my mouth until it was packed tight. I tried to spit it out with my tongue but the wadding was huge. The other guy clamped his hand back over my mouth while his friend got another zip tie ready. They centered it between my teeth and zipped it tight behind my head. The hard plastic bit into the sides my mouth and forced the rag in even further.

They finally stood up and looked at me. I was tied up tight and the zip ties just bit even harsher into me when I struggled. I tried to push at the wash cloth with my tongue but couldn't get it past the zip tie. It filled my mouth completely and I couldn't make a sound.

The driver clapped his friend on the back and nodded, then they both left, closing the door after them, and left me alone in the dim, windowless room. I struggled fiercely but couldn't get free at all. I twisted my wrists behind my back until my shoulders hurt but couldn't find any give in the zip ties. I kicked my legs and tried to pull them apart but there wasn't a chance I was getting free.

I tried to yell into my gag as loud as I could to get anybody's attention.


It was worthless. The muffled sound I made couldn't penetrate the walls of the room. I pulled my neck to either side, the muscles bulging as I tried to loosen the zip tie holding the rag in my mouth, but there wasn't a chance in hell it was coming loose. I tried again to push the washcloth out of my mouth with my tongue but it was held in tight by the zip tie. I even bit down on it to try and make it smaller, then maybe I could spit it out. I immediately regretted that one. The sweat and dirt tasted terrible; I'd used that rag just a few hours ago to wipe the sweat off my brow after I pulled the gate closed, and now I was stuck chewing on it!

I struggled for another few minutes, then I saw the time on the security camera monitors. It was 12:15 a.m. It had only taken them 10 minutes to make me completely helpless, and now I was stuck in the security booth, tied and gagged tight with chances of escape looking slim to none, and the next delivery wasn't for another 45 minutes.

Maybe I should have taken this job more seriously...


Here's the thing about zip ties: they don't give at all, and there's nothing to pick at.

I think almost everybody has been tied up with rope or tape before: cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, a game with the babysitter, or even just experimenting with yourself. Even if you haven't, chances are you've dealt with some rope or duct tape in your life at some point and are familiar a bit with it. It's strong and it won't break if it's done right, but even the tightest rope or tape will bend and twist a little if you move the right way. And even if they're tied really tightly and don't give hardly at all, you can at least try to pick at a knot or pick away at the tape and try and tear it.

Zip ties don't. When I tried to pull my hands apart, they didn't move an inch. You can't pick through a zip tie with your nails either; it just won't do anything. They're strong and they don't even cut easily if you have a pair of scissors.

That's how I was stuck. Two zip ties bound my wrists behind my back, one above my watch and around my wrists, the other just below my watch and right above my hands. I couldn't pull them apart at all. My ankles and knees were the same way: two zip ties were cinched tightly around my legs at the ankles and knees. I couldn't pull my legs apart or even stand up...and even if I could stand up, I seriously doubted I could hop anywhere.

I was tightly gagged as well. A dirty washcloth was stuffed in my mouth and packed tight, filling every corner and making my cheeks puff out. Another zip tie was cinched around the back of my head holding it in, the plastic digging into the sides of my mouth. Even though it was zipped between my teeth, I couldn't chew through it, as the washcloth was so big that I couldn't even close my mouth fully, even if I could manage to chew through the plastic. If they had tied a rag around my head or taped my mouth shut, I might be able to rub my gag off, but the zip tie was way too tight for that.

In short, I was screwed. I was the classic bound and gagged security guard in his little booth, kept out of the way while some robbers ransacked the place.

That didn't stop me though. I was stubborn and kept struggling. Sweat beaded my forehead as I twisted around on the floor, looking for any sort of way to get free. The desk was metal, but the edge was rounded and the corner was basically flush to the ground so I couldn't rub my wrists or ankles on it. The chair was a classic office chair: all plastic and fabric with wheels on the bottom, so I was out of luck there.

"Hmmmmmph mmmph!"

I yelled into my gag again, trying to see if anyone might be able to hear me, but I didn't have much of a chance. The gag muffled any sound I made so much that I don't think there was a chance anybody outside the booth could hear it.

I grunted into my gag as I shuffled my way to a sitting position and put my back against the wall to rest for a second. I breathed heavily through my nose; struggling while you were tied up is harder work than you might think. I craned my neck and caught a glance of the clock on the security cameras. It was 12:45 a.m.

I looked up at the door when I heard it open, hoping in vain that a pedestrian heard me yelling and had come to free me. When I saw the two burglars enter, I realized that the gate was locked anyway; nobody was getting in.

I glared at them as they walked in, but they ignored me. They stood by the desk and whispered back and forth.

"This guy said the delivery is at 1:00 a.m.," the bigger one said. "We've got 15 minutes and a lot of stuff left to load into the truck, and he checks in every guy that comes through."

There was a chance, I thought! I grunted into the gag in protest, but they didn't look my way. They'd have to untie me to check in the next delivery truck and I could make an escape or warn the driver! I was out of here soon...

"I guess you'd better get dressed then," replied the other burglar. He took a shirt from a duffel bag he had and unfolded it and my heart sank. It was a black polo like mine, with 'security' stamped on the back in white letters. Of course, anybody could buy a damn shirt.

The bigger guy took off his coveralls and stripped down to his undershirt and jeans.

No wonder I couldn't fight this guy off, I thought to myself. He was huge, probably outweighing me by 40 pounds. He put on the shirt and, just like I thought, looked just like a regular security guard like myself.

"Dude, did you take his cell phone?"

"Oh shit, no."

Oh god, how did I forget that?

I grunted at them under my gag and tried to back away, but the guy just crouched down by me and reached into my pocket, grabbed my cellphone and threw it on the ground, crushing it under his heel while I yelled at him through my gag.


He knelt down again next to me and grabbed my chin. I looked at him with wide eyes. I was in trouble and I knew it.

"Listen man, just stay out of the way. We're going to be out of here in a few hours and they'll find you in the morning."

The morning?! I mmmphed at them again. I wasn't going to get relieved until 8 a.m.!

Like usual, they ignored me anyway. The guy laughed and patted my cheek before he stood up and they both left, closing the door. I yelled into my gag again and gave my bonds a few tugs, but nothing was different now. They were going to check in the next delivery and leave me here all night.

I looked at the clock again; it was 12:55 a.m. My last chance was gone, I thought wearily. No phone and no way to get out, and 1:00 a.m. was the last delivery of the night.

I sat there in silence until I heard the rumble of a big truck approach. The delivery was about to come, and I was still stuck in the booth.

But then I noticed that they hadn't closed the door all the way. Maybe I did have a chance....


I looked at the clock again; it was 12:55 a.m. My last chance was gone, I thought wearily. No phone and no way to get out, and 1:00 a.m. was the last delivery of the night. I was tied up, gagged, and going nowhere.

I sat there in silence until I heard the rumble of a big truck approach. The delivery was about to come, and I was still stuck in the booth.

But then I noticed that they hadn't closed the door all the way. Maybe I did have a chance....

I sat for several seconds, stunned at the prospect. I had just accepted that I was going to be bound and gagged in the security hut for the next 7 hours, but I had a chance of getting loose! That might also give me a chance of keeping my job, if I stopped the robbery...

I had to plan carefully and move quickly, because I'd have to alert the delivery truck driver at the gate, before he entered the factory building. Obviously I couldn't work my way outside and lay next to the gate for the next few minutes until he got there or they burglars would see me in seconds. I had to get outside and get his attention while the bigger guy pretended to check them in.

I scooted over to the door, the zip ties digging into my skin painfully the whole way. I breathed heavily through my nose and waited. Would it be enough to stick my head out the door and yell? Probably not, my gag was way too effective to trust my only shot to that. As if to remind me, I involuntarily bit down and tasted the sweat and dirt on the washcloth stuffed in my mouth. I knew from experience we rarely replaced that thing and I was still tasting the sweat on it from when I used an hour ago. It tasted disgusting and its sogginess from my mouth didn't improve it much.

Finally, I heard the huge truck approach the gate. I nudged the door open with my feet and peered out cautiously. There was no sign of the burglars, but the truck was at the gate now. I had to get past a 10 foot row of bushes to get to where they could see me from the tall cab of the truck.

Unfortunately, it had started raining sometime while I was inside and the dirt near the bushes was muddy and the grass slick. I couldn't find purchase with my tennis shoes on the wet grass and I heard the delivery driver conversing with the burglar so painfully close to me. I flopped down on my stomach, at least avoiding the mud, and started to wiggle my way to the end of the bushes.

Those were some of the 10 hardest feet I've ever traveled. My hands, ankles and knees bound, my neck muscles straining to keep my face out of the dirt, I crawled to the end of the hedges. I rounded the corner, head first, and was temporarily astonished to see the truck still idling at the gate. I almost couldn't believe I'd made it this far. I thrashed my head wildly, yelling into the gag and trying to draw the driver's attention.

I thought I saw him turning his head from the security guard to me when I felt a tug on my ankles.

"Oh no you don't," said the other burglar as he grabbed me by the ankles and dragged my out of sight, behind the hedges. I screamed wildly, trying to draw the driver's attention, but the rain and the idling truck engine muffled the weak sounds I could produce through my gag.

"We're going to have to close the door tightly this time," chided the man dragging me back to the shed. My face hit a patch of mud and a long streak went up my cheek from my jaw and into my hair.

'I can't be caught this close to freedom,' I thought to myself! But I was.

"Hmmmmpph mmmmph!"

"Shut up kid," the man said harshly.

I crossed the threshold of the door and was dragged back to the end of the room. The burglar kicked the door closed and rush over to me. He knelt on my chest and clamped his hand over my mouth while I screamed into the gag and tried to thrash around to throw him off, but it was hopeless.

"I said be quiet, shithead!"

I heard the truck drive off and gave up, falling still. I made weak noises into the gag but my captor didn't remove his hand from my mouth. His partner came in and wiped the rain off his forehead with the back of his hand and closed the door.

"Did we have a problem?"

"No shit we had a problem," the other guy said, rising from my back and moving to his duffle bag on the desk. "This guy got the door open and almost made it to the truck."

The bigger guy glared fiercely at me and I looked up at him with wide, scared eyes. I must have been a pitiful sight: cheeks bulging from the washcloth in my mouth, my teeth clamped around a black zip tie cruelly biting into the corners of my lips, rain plastered to my head and a streak of mud running up the right side of my face.

If he felt sorry for me, he sure as hell didn't show it. His partner produced several more zip ties from the bag and I shuddered. He heaved me up and took an extra-long zip tie, running it around my waist and zipping it tightly to force my hands into the small of my back, right above my ass. He took another and fastened it around my arms and chest, zipping it right beneath my pecs.

As if I were in any danger of getting out...

But he wasn't done yet. He forced me to my stomach and took another zip tie from the pile next to him. He forced my feet towards my hands and held them there, grabbing me by my wrists and pulling them back towards my feet until the two were almost touching, harshly arching my back. I moaned into the gag as he connected the zip ties around my ankles and wrists and forced me into a tight hogtie. I thought being bound hand and foot was painful...but this was unbelievable.

He took a pair of heavy-duty scissors from his bag and, starting with my wrists, tightened every zip tie on me until he was satisfied, then snipped the dangling edges off of each and every one. I wasn't sure why, but I'm not exactly an expert on being bound and gagged during a robbery. Thank god he didn't tighten my gag, or I might have choked.

He finally climbed off me and made sure to put the scissors in his pocket, smiling at me like he thought it was funny. Maybe he got his kicks off tying young guys up until they groaned in pain or something. His partner shook his head and looked at me one last time. The most I could manage was a weak grunt and a half-hearted glare before I laid my head on the floor.

"Alright, we'll be back to check on you kiddo," said the driver as the two left and closed the door with a thud.

This was even worse, but the fight wasn't out of me yet. I flexed my shoulders and chest in attempts to dislodge the zip tie there, but nothing came loose. I kicked at the hogtie and strained my shoulders forward to try and break it, but these were heavy duty cable ties and I had no chance. I struggled to lay on either side, as if that might help, and tried again in every position possible.

I'm a flexible guy and I was getting sore from the hogtie in minutes. I could barely see the clock by lifting my head and saw that it was only 1:15 a.m...it had seemed like forever, but I'd only been bound and gagged for a little over an hour.

As the delivery guy unloaded his boxes without a care inside the factory only a few hundred feet away, I struggled, hogtied and gagged, in the security shed for half an hour. Several times I came to the chilling conclusion that I was stuck for good, but fought it off and kept trying to get loose. I realized that once the delivery guy left the compound I was on my own.

My last chance came suddenly to me. I couldn't hardly move around the shed, much less reach the door, and there was nothing to cut my bonds with, but I saw the edge of the desk, very nearly flush to the floor itself, out of the corner of my eye and inspiration struck me. It was too low to try and saw any of my bonds with, but I might be able to rub my gag off on it.

I had to take the chance. With a lot of difficulty, I made it over to my desk, grunting into my gag and straining my shoulders with every movement. I lifted my head, the muscles in my neck bulging from taking the strain of the hogtie, and began to rub the zip tie holding the washcloth in my mouth against the corner of the desk. I had to stop every few minutes to rest my neck.

After what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few minutes, the zip tie around my mouth snapped with a sudden sound. I was careful to not let it fall from my mouth or spit the washcloth out; the burglars said they'd be back to check on me and my plan would be ruined if they saw that I had worked the gag out of my mouth.

As if someone heard me think that, the door opened and the bigger guy came in to check on me. I almost panicked but clamped my teeth down over the zip tie and prayed he wouldn't notice. I laid my head to the side and barely moved, only wriggling my hands a bit to play the part. I heard him grunt and the door closed with a thud.

I kept the zip tie firmly between my teeth, adjusting my bite every few seconds to make sure it didn't move. Every time I chewed down, I tasted more of the disgusting dirt and sweat on the rag in my mouth, but it was worth it if I had a shot to escape. Finally I heard the truck approach the gate and the driver talk to the burglar stationed there. I wrestled the zip tie from my mouth and spat out the rag with some difficulty. My mouth was dry, but I had to make this count.

"HELP!" I bellowed at the top of my lungs. "HELP ME!"

I heard the door hurriedly open and the smaller guy rushed in as I continued to yell. He ran over to me and threw his bag next to me with a thud.

"THEY'VE GOT ME TIED UP IN HMMMPPPH!" The burglar swore at me and clamped his hand over my mouth as tight as he could and sat on my back again. I struggled and yelled as loud as I could but couldn't shake him off.

"Wait, did you hear that," I heard the delivery driver ask the fake guard. I yelled more into the burglar's hand.


"Oh, that?" replied the burglar, without missing a beat. "They let me have a TV in the hut, thank god," he laughed. "I must've left it on loud. I'd probably die of boredom if I didn't have that."


Amazingly, I heard the driver laugh.

"Haha, yeah it must be rough in there. Alright, well take it easy."

The truck drove off as I continued to yell into my captor's hand. The bigger guy burst through the door and whispered harshly:

"Where's his gag?!"

"I don't know," the other guy replied, still on my back. My heart sank. I wasn't going anywhere. "It looks like he cut it off," replied the smaller guy, noticing the broken zip tie on the floor.

The bigger guy growled and picked up the rag, throwing it at his partner.

"Shut him up again. For good." He pivoted and left. I moaned into the hand over my mouth as my captor reached into his bag for something I couldn't see. He climbed off my back, keeping his hand over my mouth and turning my chin to face him. He didn't have as much leverage but I didn't have the will to throw his hand off my mouth.

He spat on the rag and wiped the mud off my face almost gently. I looked at him with fear in my wide brown eyes.

"Poor guy, bound and gagged all night while we rob the place," he said sarcastically. He finished wiping the mud off my face and the washcloth came away looking even dirtier than before. He spat on it again for good measure then balled it up. I realized he meant to gag me with it again and I shook my head at him and moaned into his hand.

"Any last words?" He took his hand off my mouth.

"Please don't gag me again," I pleaded. This was it, the fight was out of me. "Nobody can hear me in he--mmmpph!"

He took the opportunity of me talking to stuff the muddy rag, still wet with his spit, into my mouth. He rotated back to sit on my back and took his time stuffing the filthy washcloth into each of my cheeks until they bulged out, forcing it behind my teeth until only a small bit stuck out of the front of my mouth, my mouth so stretched that my front teeth were showing. I shuddered when I tasted it. He clamped his hand over my mouth again and I got goosebumps when I heard the sound of ripping duct tape. I pleaded with him under his hand.

"Open your mouth wide or this goes over your eyes." Shaking slightly, I complied. He wrapped the duct tape around my head and in between my teeth 3 times, patting it smooth on each pass. He ripped the end and plastered it down near the back of my head.

"Now bite down." Shaking much more noticeably, I bit down on the tape, tasting the even dirtier rag as flecks of mud mixed with my captor's spit and my drool dripped out of the corner of my mouth. He wrapped the tape five or six times around my head, sealing my lips closed and my jaw shut. The tape was so tight it made my cheeks bulge out even more. I grunted into my new, even more effective gag as he tightened the zip tie hogtying me. He moved off my back, put the roll of duct tape in his bag and knelt by my face, forcing my chin towards him. I felt my eyes water.

"This could have been a lot easier. I don't know how, but if you manage to get that gag off," he leaned in closer to my face. "I think I can find one thing meaner to put in your mouth."

He turned and walked away, slamming the door loud. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I lay there, still shaking.


I breathed heavily through my nose in an effort to calm myself down. Eventually I stopped shaking and had to evaluate my position.

I was bound and gagged in my security shed and it was almost 2:00 a.m. My hands were bound palm to palm with zip ties; one above my watch around my wrists, the other just below my watch and barely above my hands. Two more zip ties were around my ankles and knees. One was around my waist, pinning my hands to the small of my back, and an extra-long one snaked around my shoulders, zipped tightly beneath my pecs. I was hogtied with a final zip tie, with my hands nearly touching my feet. All of them were heavy-duty zip ties and were tied brutally tight, with the spare ends clipped off.

I was chewing on a muddy rag, wet with my saliva and the spit of the man who had packed it tightly into my mouth. He had wrapped duct tape around my head and between my teeth, and then forced me to bite down before wrapping it around my head again several times, sealing my mouth closed. I was completely sure that any sound I made wouldn't be heard by anyone outside the shed, and my cheeks were bulging with the washcloth stuffed into my mouth. In short, I wasn't going anywhere until I was released.

On the other hand, I was still alive and unhurt, except for my pride and aching shoulders. I was going to stay tied up and gagged in this hut for another 6 hours until my replacement came, and I could hear the two burglars loading up their truck and what sounded like a smaller car engine. I guess they thought to bring another car in case someone reported the truck to the police.

I flexed my hands and kicked a bit, but I wasn't going anywhere.

The door opened and both burglars came in, ignoring me. I just laid my head on the floor and moaned into the gag. I could hear them whispering back and forth and typing on the security camera controls. They were probably erasing the footage from the security cameras...they probably knew more about the security system than I did.

Suddenly, they fell silent and came over to me. The bigger guy, still wearing the black polo with 'Security' written on the back, identical to my uniform, knelt beside me and checked my bonds and gag.

"What do you think," muttered the smaller guy, who had tied me up. I felt the bigger guy's hand grab my wrists and look at something...

"I think that's a real Rolex."

"Mmmph!" I grunted into the gag.

"Well kid," said the bigger one, releasing my wrists and kneeling in front of me. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Does your family have any money for a ransom?"

"Mmmph," I moaned at them through my gag. My parents had a little money, sure, but not the amount of money kidnappers would be interested in.

"I think he wouldn't tell us if they did," laughed the smaller guy.

"Ha, alright, we can take him."


I yelled at them in protest as they cut the zip tie hogtying me. My ankles fell to the ground, the muscles burning. I didn't realize how much it took to just be tied up...

I'm 6 feet tall and 185 pounds, and the bigger guy slung me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing. They went outside. It had stopped raining, and I saw their truck and a smaller car with an open trunk.

"Which one do you think, kid?"

"Mmmmmh!" I tried to tell them anything. They didn't want me, my parents didn't have that much money, please let me go, please untie me, and please don't put me in the trunk of the car. The truck, please put me in the truck!

"Ah," said the bigger guy. "Who gives a shit?" And he walked over to the car and thew me in the trunk. He walked over to his partner I struggled wildly around, trying to see if there was anybody near. I yelled into my gag, but the sounds were honestly pitiful, at best. I fell silent as he walked back over to me, his expression grim. He had some zip ties in his hand...

He walked over to me and took a mean looking knife out of his pocket and held it in front of my face.

"Let's just do this quickly. I can choke you out and you can ride unconscious to our place, or you can cooperate."

I nodded my head vigorously. Cooperate. That was a good option.

He took his knife and cut the zip ties around my waist and shoulders, and then the two around my wrists. He took my wrists and forced them in front of me, then bound my hands the same way; one zip tie above my watch and one below. He took another and forced my hands down to my feet, to the point where I could touch my heels. He zipped my wrists to my ankles in front of me, then took his last zip tie and zipped it around my forearms and calves. I was in sort of a front-hogtie. It was more comfortable than before, at least, but i had much less room to kick if I ever wanted to alert somebody outside of the trunk.

"That alright?"

I moaned into the gag at him and tried to look at him with my best pleading look.

"You want that rag out of your mouth?"

I nodded fiercely and he laughed as he cut the duct tape around my head. He whistled when he saw my teeth clamped down on the second layer of duct tape between my teeth. He unwrapped it and let me spit out the rag. Damn, my mouth was dry, but I tried to plead with him fiercely

"Please, my fa-mmmph!"

He handgagged me tightly and I heard the truck drive off.

"That wasn't an invitation to talk," he said as he rummaged through some bags with his other hand. I was facing the front of the car at this point and couldn't see what he was reaching for, but I knew I was going to be gagged again and that couldn't happen. I had to tell him that I wasn't worth kidnapping.

He found whatever it was and growled at me as he took his hand off my mouth:

"Open up."

I shook my head, keeping my mouth closed. He sighed and pinched my nose shut. I gasped for breath and he shoved something round and hard in my mouth. I made sort of a garbled sound as he forced it behind my teeth. I involuntarily bit down and tasted something sour. He had put a lemon in my mouth!

He shoved the lemon further back into my mouth until my cheeks bulged almost comically, my front teeth clamped hard onto the lemon in my mouth. I couldn't even close my mouth enough to cover my teeth.

I heard the sound of tearing duct tape and he wrapped it tightly 5 or 6 times between my teeth and around my head, smoothing it down on my cheeks before tearing it and patting the end down on the back of my head.

He turned me around to face him and checked my gag. I imagined what I must have looked like: my mouth bulging from the lemon packed in it and protruding from the front, my teeth biting into its top and bottom and grey duct tape wound between my teeth and around my head, sealing it in...and my wide, scared, brown eyes as he checked my bonds, zipping each tighter and cutting the ends off with his knife.

He was satisfied apparently and stood back, putting his hands on the top of the trunk and ready to shut it. I pulled my head in and tried to grunt at him, but only a garbled sound game out.


He smirked.

"See you in a couple hours kiddo," and the trunk slammed shut. The only light was the dim red glow of a bulb somewhere in the trunk. I wrestled with my bonds for a few minutes before realizing it was hopeless. The lemon was stuffed deep in my mouth and not coming out. I could barely see anything, but I could make out the face of my watch. It was 2:30 a.m.

Jesus, this was a long night. And quickly getting worse.


I was stuck rolling around in the trunk, trying to figure out where we were headed, for the next hour. After the first turn I was completely lost.

I was bound and gagged in the trunk of a car after being kidnapped from my job as a security guard at a chemical plant. I was bound with my hands tied to my feet in front of me, and a lemon was stuffed into my mouth with gray duct tape wound between my teeth to hold it in. It was all I could do not to bite down on it and taste more sour juice coming out into the back of my throat.

As I felt the car turn into a driveway and come to a halt, I craned my neck to look at my watch again and saw it 3:45 a.m. We'd left the plant at 2:30, so I could be anywhere outside of the city by now. I heard the kidnapper get out of the car and slam the door, then a truck engine pulled up next to us and cut off. There was some quiet conversation, then footsteps towards me. The trunk opened and I was staring at the faces of the two men who had kidnapped me.

One was tall, easily 6'5", and probably 240 pounds. The other was smaller, maybe 5'9", and probably 150. The bigger guy was holding a knife and bent down to cut my wrists free from my ankles.

"Hrrrgh.." I grunted into the gag as he cut my wrists free, then bound them behind me tightly with another ziptie. I heard them rummage around in the trunk and suddenly they tied a rag over my eyes and lifted me out of the trunk. I was carried over the bigger guy's shoulder up a flight of stairs into a house or apartment. I heard a heavy bolt turn and was brought into a front room, where the door was locked behind me. They took me into a room further back, closed the door behind them and then hefted me into a chair.

The kidnapper untied the blindfold from around my head and I blinked into the harsh light. The smaller guy was standing next to me, grinning with a smile that I didn't like the look of. The bigger guy was busy tying me to the chair with duct tape. He cut the ziptie from around my wrists and forced them through the slats of the chair before taping them together tightly. He taped around my chest and arms, then taped my ankles and knees together before fastening my feet to a chair leg and my knees to the seat. I was held up tight by the tape and he didn't stop wrapping me until the roll ran out.

"Alright kid," said the bigger guy, looking me in the eyes. "The gag is coming out and we're going to ask you a question or two. You yell and we can just dump you somewhere like this and someone may or may not find you eventually. We're your only friends here. Got it?"

"Hrrrggh..." I moaned and nodded. They cut the duct tape from around my head and pulled the lemon out of my mouth. The lemon juice and my drool came out all at once from the corners of my mouth and dripped down my chest.

"What's your name? And your parent's names?"

I told them and the bigger guy went to his computer, presumably to look them up.

"Look," I said as he grew frustrated. "I bought my Rolex with my own money. My parents don't have much of-"

The smaller guy glared at me and I shut up.

"Shit," said the bigger guy, standing up. "There's nothing. He's telling the truth."

The smaller guy looked ready to burst a blood vessel and grabbed me by the face, handgagging me tightly.

"What are we doing with him, then," he hissed at his partner.

"Dump him at the plant tomorrow morning."


"I'm going to bed," the bigger guy said. "Just shut him up for the night and we'll leave in a few hours." He tossed the smaller guy a roll of electrical tape and my eyes widened. Electrical tape was thinner and could be wound much tighter than duct tape.

The bigger guy left the room with a sigh and slammed the door. The smaller guy took his hand from my mouth and came around in front of me. I was way too scared to say anything.

"You're lucky I'm so tired, kid," he said as he took off his boots. "Otherwise I'd stay awake and ruin your night like you ruined ours."

He took off both of his grimy socks and balled one up. I shook my head at him.

"Please, no-"

"Shut up," he said as he crammed the dirty sock in my mouth. He packed my mouth and then proceeded to shove the other sock in until my cheeks were bulging. I could taste the sweat on them and almost gagged.

He went around to the back of the chair and took the electrical tape, winding it between my teeth and then over my mouth, around my head 20 times, easily. I was thoroughly gagged, but he wasn't done yet. He took a thin pillowcase or bag and pulled it over my head before winding tape around my mouth to seal it. I could barely see out of it but I could breath through my nose.

I heard him mutter to himself before he hit me on the back of the head. I moaned into the gag and hung my head, stunned, while he walked out the door.

The next morning, I was cut free and put into the back seat of a car. I didn't bother to struggle as they drove me back to the plant and, slowing their car down to a more mild 5 mph, shoved me out of the open back door.

I rolled a bit on the ground and came to a stop, moaning into my gag. Eventually, the security guard noticed me and ran to cut me free.

There was the end of my nightmare.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks so much for posting this here, man!
This was always one of my favourite stories on the old board.

Really well written, great gagging scenes, fantastic descriptions.
A classic!

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Post by Deleted User 2628 »

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Post by mikeybound »

Insert the sacred texts meme from TLJ
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Post by Deleted User 2628 »

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]sneakered[/mention] Thanks again for posting this here, mate.
Just had a blast reading this tale and enjoyed it immensely.

This is definitely a must-read for all fans of non-consensual bondage and serious gags.
Really missing this guy's stories.
Was really glad to see you'd preserved this gem.

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Post by DesertFox »

Whoa, I had no idea I was this highly thought of!

Just rediscovered this forum and remade my account, so I'll probably get to writing here soon.

Thank you for the feedback - the positive kind is my favorite. I'll have a new story here soon.
Read my stuff: https://tugstories.com/search.php?autho ... 0&sr=posts

Or don't! Unlike the situations in my stories, it's entirely up to you!
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Post by bondagefreak »

DesertFox wrote: 4 years ago Just rediscovered this forum and remade my account, so I'll probably get to writing here soon.
Welcome back, bro!
Thrilled to have you join us again!

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Post by FelixSH »

I must have missed this story back than (well, two times even). A shame, it's a good one. I'd certainly like to read more from you, DesertFox.

Provided by bondagefreak
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For more of my stories, click here.
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Post by Charmides »

Warmest of welcomes, [mention]DesertFox[/mention]! I remember reading this story a while back -- and boy, did it ever leave an indelible impression (especially those great stuffing gags). Swell to make your acquaintance, friend. I'll keep an eye out for your work!
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Post by Straitjacketed »

Oh wow, I remember this one from way back. So glad you're on the forum again @DesertFox! Thank you for this classic and I look forward to whatever you write next.

If M/M overkill bondage in stupidly excessive amounts of gear is your thing as well as mine, here's a list of my TUG stories.
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Post by privateandrews »

What a brilliant short story , thank you for concentrating on the Gag element of the situation, love the way you explained the zip tie over rope or tape , and I must admit the restraint of security guards ect with said Zip ties is practical. I have to say I still love rope bondage so much more because of the element of escape. thank you also for inspiring others to write great stories,
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Post by Wrappedmouth »

Awesome story! Very nice. 😁
You gag me, I'll gag you. MMMPH! 🤐
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Post by Cantel333 »

Fucking hot

Post by Gagman »

Man, how have I missed this story? Awesome! I would love to be in this guys situation. I need to get a job as a security guard! ;)
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Post by Reallykidbapme$!? »

I'm a 24 year old about to become a security guard. How can get in the same situation? Please please
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