Blackmail (mmm/mm)

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Blackmail (mmm/mm)

Post by Xtc »

You might remember the story "Will and James Taken By Surprise" (
Well, this tale starts with a bit of an explanation of why Max let his brother's friends get away with the way they treated him.
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An Explanation

You might wonder how Karl got away with the way he treated his little brother.

The answer is simple as the title implies.

Let me explain: any time Max objected to anything, Karl treated him to a tour of his videos:
• The one where Max was tied naked to the clothes post in the garden
• The one where Max was hanging underneath the ladder after he had got a bit exited
• The one where Max was tied to his mate, Matt, when they were both naked.

As a fourteen year old Max was not prepared to have those videos seen by anybody else.

He had the choice: keep quiet or be the star of the local YouTube fraternity for the next week.

The First One

The first situation was filmed when Max was only 9 years old. To have other people seeing that recording was probably even more embarrassing than if it had happened now. Especially as Karl had drawn and coloured in a large arrow leading from Max’s chest down to below his belly button and inscribed, very neatly, “WORK IN PROGRESS.” Just above his brother’s “bits”.

After that, Max gradually learnt to “behave himself”. He didn’t yet know about the local TUGgers however . . .

The Second one

By the time the second blackmail video was taken, Max had a pretty good idea of what went on in the family garage but he wasn’t allowed to take part. If his brother wanted to torture him, he’d do it in his bedroom or in the kitchen when their mother was out.

Tonight was different: Aiden was supposed to be coming round. It was his turn to be tied up but he’d been reported by his Head of Year for inadequate homework. His dad grounded him for the next four weeks so Karl thought that Max might as well fill the vacancy.

Even as a 12 year-old Max was easily overpowered by his 14 year-old brother.

As it was a Wednesday evening, Max didn’t even suspect anything untoward. He came in late from school and threw his bag onto the floor in the hallway. By the time he had got to the top of the stairs he had removed his polo shirt and t-shirt in one motion only to meet Karl and his mate, Mike, standing at the top of the stairs.

“Hello, Max.” greeted Karl. “I hope you’re not busy tonight.” Before Max knew what was going on he was face down on the landing with Mike sitting on the small of his back.

“Oh, shit.” thought Max. He was already two weeks overdue on a geography assignment and he knew now that he would not be able to complete it this evening. He sometimes wished that his mum was as strict as Aiden’s dad. He could then have found some face-saving excuse in front of his friends but how could he tell them that he had been stripped and tied up for the evening, because that’s what he was sure was about to happen?

He didn’t get much further than, “Please, if I don’t get this school work done, I’m in deep . . .“ before Karl hand gagged him. “How do you want it, Bro’, simple tape gag, socks in your mouth or gagged with your boxers?”

Max’s decision to keep wriggling and trying to speak in spite of Karl’s hand gag was probably not the best one he’d ever made.

“OK, we’ll take that as boxers.” Once Karl had removed his hand from Max’s face, he didn’t seem to understand that that was not Max’s choice no matter what he said.

Karl forced Max’s arms behind him and Mike wrapped enough tape around his wrists and elbows to immobilise his arms completely. Once Karl had removed Max’s shoes and socks and then both his trousers and his boxers in one move, a bit more tape around Max’s ankles and even more above his knees completed his immobilisation. Mike then lifted himself from Max’s back.

By now Max was still desperately pleading his case in spite of already being naked. Karl simply picked up the discarded boxers, scrunched them up and asked Mike to unroll some more tape.

Max was in no mood to be gagged but what choice did he have? Suddenly he became silent in a desperate attempt to avoid having his mouth stuffed with his own underwear.

One final, desperate, “Please.” met with the inevitable attempt to force the boxers into his mouth but, as soon as he closed his mouth, Karl pulled his head backwards, stuffed the used underpants in his mouth and Mike taped them into place.

“OK, Little Bro’, tonight you get your first turn in the dungeon. It should have been Aiden but you’ll have to do.” He then helped Max to his feet while Mike slipped a choke-chain round his neck.

If he hadn’t been at his brother’s mercy, Max wouldn’t really have minded being bound and imprisoned but, with the added school detentions to look forward to, he was not too well disposed towards his role in that particular evening’s entertainment. He’d had nothing to eat and there was no hope of rescue before his mother came home at about nine o’clock.

It was a bit of a tight fit as Mike and Karl took an arm each and helped Max to jump down the stairs with the choke-chain hanging down annoyingly in front of him. In spite of the gag, Max was far from quiet during this manoeuvre. Once on the ground floor his captors let go of Max’s arms.

“Come on, Little Bunny.” urged Mike as he yanked the choke chain. Max was left with no choice but to bunny-hop out to the garage where he was led across to the ladder and forced to back up to it.

Mike lifted Max and Karl pushed his feet onto the third rung. Max didn’t want to lose his footing; falling from there onto the concrete floor whilst being taped up was not an inviting prospect.

While Mike supported his feet, Karl forced Max’s arms uncomfortably upwards and fed them over one of the higher rungs. He then drew his brother’s wrists down until his arms were nearly straight and, using a short rope, tied his wrists to a rung at about hip level. By this stage, in spite of himself, Max’s naked body was starting to show his normal enthusiasm for such situations. He was hoping against hope that Karl didn’t have his camera. He didn’t. But he did have his phone!

As an example of hope over expectation, Max decided to try begging.

“What was that, Max? You want to be tied up some more? You want to have your photo taken? Oh well, if you insist.”

I’m sorry, but I can’t translate, “Mnnh – ghghgh - ngeeeenghh.”

Mike taped Max’s waist, tightly, to the nearest available rung and slipped his feet from the third rung. Max’s erection was now complete.

Mike fed Max’s feet and shins backwards through the ladder and Karl roped his ankles down towards an available rung round which his feet were hooked. Poor Max, he was now threaded, naked and, except for his head, immobilised by the ladder that was hanging from the wall. Surely, that’s as far as his brother would go to torment him.

“Hey, Bro’, good boner.”

“Not bad for a young kid.” confirmed Mike.

That’s not exactly the sort of thing that his mates would have pointed out in that situation.

If Max could have squirmed, he would have done. He already appreciated various aspects of being tied-up but he wished that there weren’t the outside threats to his well-being. Was this experience worth the grief from school? Was he really safe from starring on Facebook & YouTube as long as he was “a good boy”? What would happen if his mum found out?

All these thoughts went from his mind as soon as Karl and Mike lifted the ladder from its hooks on the wall. There was an old sofa in the garage which had not yet been taken to the dump. Karl and his friends were grateful for his mother’s rather chaotic approach to tidying the garage because they would often use the sofa and the old work-bench which had been left in there in spite of the fact that no-one ever used it for its proper purpose.

The ladder (and its burden) was lifted down and propped against the wall while Karl and Mike moved the sofa to be parallel to the bench. Max decided, correctly, that he would be ill advised to struggle for fear of the ladder falling and leaving him underneath it. By now the strain on Max’s upper arms and waist were becoming more than a bit uncomfortable.

Mike wedged his foot against the bottom of the ladder, pushed it towards the wall causing the top of the ladder to fall forwards. Karl was ready. He caught the top of the ladder as it fell preventing his brother from landing on the floor but leaving him hanging underneath the ladder. He dragged the ladder across to the workbench upon which he lodged the top end.

Mike and Karl then lifted the base of the ladder onto the back of the sofa leaving the ladder more-or-less horizontal and Max hanging underneath it. A few photos later and the older boys turned the ladder over so that Max was lying on top of it.

The rest of the evening’s events are irrelevant to the blackmail photos but I think you will understand that Max provided the “entertainment” for quite some time before he was released.


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Post by Bondwriter »

Glad to see this one again!
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Post by MaxRoper »

I love these kids. Always up to some sort of interesting mischief.
You have once again posted an excellent story while (as per your standard practice) leaving off the Absolutely Required gender tag.
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you and "Oh bum" in that order.
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for the fun first part.

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Post by Xtc »

Thanks Bondwriter and FelixSH
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Post by Redman »

Very nicely done! Those older boys are cruel though! You made me genuinely dislike them. Haha.
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Post by Xtc »

Yu never know: they might be on the receiving end - - -
- - - eventually.
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The Third one - Intro

The third of Karl’s usual “blackmail videos” was taken when Max was thirteen and was well into TUGs with his mates. By now he had graduated to using the “dungeon” as long as his brother and his mates didn’t want it.

That Friday Karl had made arrangements to spend the weekend at Jonny’s place with Aiden so Max invited his best mate and good TUG Buddy, Matt, to sleep over. Matt was Aiden’s brother. He was about Max’s height but much stockier with a light blonde crew cut.

Matt arrived at about five o’clock and put his stuff in Max’s room where Mrs. K had already set-up the Z-bed before going to work. There was no doubt about how the two boys were going to spend the evening, the only matter to be decided was who was to be the tier and who the tiee. Matt suggested wrestling but Max knew that Matt would almost certainly use his superior weight and strength to win and suggested that strip poker would be fairer and would leave the loser dressed suitably for his imprisonment.

The deal was done!

Not that the two boys didn’t trust one another of course but they did make sure that neither of them had the advantage of extra clothing before the first hand was dealt. After eight hands, Matt was ahead by one sock and his shirt. He was starting to rub Max’s nose in it.

Pride comes before a fall: Matt lost the next four hands leaving him in just his AussieBums. At this stage Matt would usually have submitted to Max but I reckon that, later on, he will be the bookie’s friend. He couldn’t believe that he could lose five hands on the trot and put it to Max that they play the next hand and, if he lost, he would be naked but, if he won, he could put something back on

Max accepted.

Matt lost.

“OK, Matt, a bet’s a bet. Get ‘em off.”

Matt had no choice now but to honour his bet. He dropped his briefs and quickly clasped his hands over his privates. Not that the boys had never seen one another naked before but, being the only naked one, Matt felt vulnerable.

Max announced that he would put Matt in a ladder tie but, in a spirit of generosity, he would allow his naked prisoner to face the wall. God, he was feeling smug!

Max made Matt cross his wrists and tied his hands in front of him in preparation for the torments to come leaving a fair amount of free rope for later use. The boys then left Max’s bedroom with Max leading Matt by the free rope.

Once in the garage Matt walked submissively towards the ladder hanging on the wall. Max decided that there were some necessary preliminaries before Matt mounted the ladder. He had some elaborate ideas that he wanted to try out.

Matt was made to stand while Max tied his ankles and above and below his knees in the customary fashion. This always has a fairly “scrunching up” effect on the victim with the result that Matt made some sharp intakes of breath. Before he could be tied to the ladder and tortured, as Max liked to remind his prisoner, Matt would need to be gagged. He’d obviously changed into his new underpants only just before coming out so Max didn’t hesitate to use them to gag his friend. He’d brought them down to the garage already and folded and rolled them but thought that they were not big enough to do the job so he parcelled them up with paracord to provide bulk.

Once Max had slipped the parcel into a football sock, Matt accepted it into his mouth and Max fastened it tightly into place. Several rounds of packing tape later and Max announced himself satisfied. Matt thought that the tape was unnecessary but he’d remember it when the tables were turned in a future TUG.

So far everything was going well for the two TUG Buddies but the best laid plans . . .

“Ok, you two, piss off.” Karl’s voice was not a welcome intrusion into events.

“Oh, fuck off, it’s our turn tonight.” protested Max, “You’re supposed to be round Jonny’s place.” It was a brave but ill-judged attempt to claim his rights. Apparently they couldn’t go round to Jonny’s until later and they needed somewhere to go for a few hours and had decided that this was the place if they weren’t to waste their own TUG opportunities.

Max went for Karl – not a good idea with his bodyguard near!

Before he even had the chance to reach Karl, Aiden had him in a bear hug.

“Isn’t it handy when one of the oiks is tied up already?” asked Karl looking at Matt. Matt looked at his brother but with absolutely no hope of rescue.

“Evenin’, Matt, havin’ a good time?” asked Aiden sarcastically. “Now, we need this place, the bench and the ladder for a few hours, so you two are out of luck. Can somebody please stop this kid kicking me?”

Jonny hopped Matt over to the ladder and lifted him onto one of the lower rungs. Leaning against the stocky blonde’s body, Jonny threaded his arms over a rung at about chest level. The free rope was then used to draw Matt’s wrists towards his knees and tied off to a rung out of range of his fingers. “Struggle and I’ll frog-tie you. That will be painful.” assured Jonny.

Matt believed him.

Max didn’t like his brother. TUGs with him were often painful, he was always the victim, and he was always naked. He knew what was about to happen even if he behaved himself so he continued struggling, swearing and trying to kick Aiden but, in bare feet, it didn’t harm him too much especially when Karl came over and stood on his feet.

Following the strip-poker game, Max still retained his t-shirt, trousers and underpants but that was too good to last. Karl unzipped his trousers, pulled both them and his boxers down before getting off his feet and pulling the clothing completely off the futilely struggling younger boy.

Aiden went down on his knees forcing Max to sit with his legs flailing uselessly in front of him thus stopping the assault on his shins. Karl untangled Max’s boxer shorts from his trousers and stuffed them unceremoniously into his mouth holding them into place with his hand until Jonny could come and apply the necessary packing tape. “Good of you to provide the tape. Thanks, Max.” said Jonny.

“Come on lads, hurry up and tie this little bastard up, I’m getting cramp down here!” Aiden called; and then he had an idea!

“Sorry, Jonny, I know you’ve only just strung him up but can you bring Matt over here? Blindfold him first, he’s easier to handle that way. Use lots of tape!” By the time he had finished, Jonny left just the point of Matt’s chin, his nose and some of his hair showing. He had even wound tape under Matt’s chin and over the top of his head.

As Jonny went about his task, Aiden started whispering into Max’s ear. Some of the terms he used were, “testicles”, “paracord”, “big toes” and “tickle the crap out of you”. After Aiden had asked Max whether he had understood, he stopped struggling and nodded with a resigned, “Ngghhh.”

“Now don’t forget: if you don’t get it right, I’m going to do it to your mate, my little brother here, first. He doesn’t like it. Still understand?” This time Max’s nodding was silent and by now Jonny had released Matt from the ladder and turned him round while Aiden stripped Max of his t-shirt.

The two naked boys were brought face to face and Max was told to Hug Matt. Even though he did so, Aiden was not satisfied. “Not like that! Thread yourself. Slip your hands between his arms and his body, then hug him.” As Max did so, Matt started sharing his opinion of his brother with him but, unfortunately, he was not very comprehensible.

Even though Matt was a fairly substantial youngster, once Jonny had pulled Max’s arms until he was as closely chest-to-chest with Matt as possible, he could easily force him to cross his wrists and hold them there until Aiden managed to cross lash them. Even though there was not much scope for retreat, both boys instinctively tried to avoid more intimate contact with one another: it wasn’t the same with an audience of sadistic older brothers and their mate.

“Oh, don’t be shy, boys.” said Karl, “You know one another better than that. Come on, get closer.” With that he took a rope, doubled it, held it against Max’s waist and threaded the free ends through the bite. Pulling tight forced the two victims’ bellies (and other parts!) to be just about as close as they could come. Keeping the rope tight, Karl continued for two more turns and, next time round, forced the ends between the boys and returned them twice. Knotting off rendered an already tight waist tie even tighter.

With all the pulling and pushing Max had to try hard to stabilise both himself and Matt, whose legs he himself had bound earlier. He certainly wished he had not done quite such an efficient job.

That left the free ropes hanging between the two captives from Matt’s wrists. With an evil final touch Karl decided that one should be drawn between the legs of each victim and tied up to the rope that he had just tied round their waists.

Matt was the first to receive such attention. Even with his knees tied, Karl soon passed the rope between his legs, up between the cheeks of his arse and threaded it between the waist rope and his waist. A hard tug forced Matt’s arms downwards thus tightening his arms against Max’s and producing a considerable vocal reaction from both boys. Matt was trying to be very careful where he was putting his fingers as Karl tied off the rope.

When it came to Max’s turn, the same procedure couldn’t produce quite the same discomfort but still not much ease was forthcoming. There was enough rope remaining to pass each end between the legs of both boys and tie them off at the waist ropes again drawing them even closer together.

The final touch was when Jonny made sure that both boys had their chins on their fellow sufferer’s left shoulder and wrapped several layers of packing tape around their necks making head movement virtually impossible.

Karl, Aiden and Jonny agreed that that should keep the younger boys out of their hair while they used the ladder and the workbench. While Karl took his blackmail video, making sure that Max could be clearly identified, Aiden started to strip for action. It was obviously his turn to be Dungeon Master and he was dressing for it.

Both sets of boys had “adventures” that evening but those stories are for the next chapters, this has just been an account of Karl’s blackmail videos.

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Post by Redman »

Damn they are VICIOUS! Thanks for this, Mr. X.
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Post by Xtc »

But they do such good work for the disabled youth club! Surely you are mistaken. :twisted:
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Post by Redman »

Xtc wrote: 4 years ago But they do such good work for the disabled youth club! Surely you are mistaken. :twisted:
Oh yeah. Just like the priests with certain "appetites" who also help the homeless... :twisted:
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Post by Redman »

Wow. That was dark, even for me!
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Post by Xtc »

Never mind, perhaps the next episode will be all about flowers, kittens an fluffy bunnies - - - perhaps.
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Post by Redman »

Xtc wrote: 4 years ago Never mind, perhaps the next episode will be all about flowers, kittens an fluffy bunnies - - - perhaps.
*squeaky voice*
Yeah right!
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While the Younger Boys Waited

Once the video had been taken, Karl wrapped his brother’s eyes round with enough packing tape to parcel up an elephant and the two young friends were dragged over to the corner of the garage out of the way. There followed some discussion as to the best way to keep them subdued. Max sitting on Matt’s lap with his kegs astride was quite a favourite with the photographer but Jonny couldn’t be cruel enough to leave them like that and suggested that they both be allowed to kneel. That was going to be alright as long as they knelt upright but, once the effort became too much, the result can be imagined! In the end Aiden was getting impatient to take his turn as Dungeon Master and just taped Max’s legs together all the way from his ankles to his knees and back before taping both boys’ legs together from their ankles to their bums and back to their knees before the tape ran out.

“Listen, you two, we only need this dungeon for a couple of hours until we can get to Jonny’s. If you’re good, we’ll go some way towards releasing you before we leave. If you’re not . . .” As he said so, both boys felt something dragged across their buttocks followed by a sharp pain in the same area. The embarrassment of their reactions, whilst being tied so tightly together with others present, made them decide to try to behave.

Aiden propped the two younger boys up against the corner. It was going to be difficult to stay on their feet for anything like the promised couple of hours.


As Dungeon Master, Aiden decided that he would wear his skins and his biker boots. He took the look seriously and wore just a thong underneath not to spoil the appearance. The sleeveless top left his arms free to operate but even he couldn’t bring himself to wear a mask.

The Master had to decide: who would get the ladder and who would get the bench. He decided that Karl and Jonny should wrestle for it. Karl had the weight but Jonny had the fitness. “First fall scores,” announced Aiden.

Both wrestlers stripped for action, Jonny to his boxer briefs and Karl to his loose boxers. Jonny and Karl got to grips. Jonny knew that, if Karl could lift him, he was done for so he kept the coupling low. Both boys pulled, pushed and attempted to trip the other until they fell in a, still conjoined, heap on the floor. The garage floor was not exactly the best surface for rolling around in a wrestling hold but neither boy wanted to give in. Eventually weight won out and Karl pinned Jonny by two hips & a shoulder.

“Break,” announced Aiden and both wrestlers came to their knees in front of f him. “Karl is the victor. He gets to choose which tie Jonny suffers.” Karl chose the ladder for his opponent.

Karl was left on his knees awaiting his fate with his hands on his head as instructed while Aiden dealt with Jonny. He tied four loops of doubled rope round Jonny’s wrists before cinching them behind him. He was led over to the ladder and told to climb onto the third rung. Not an easy task with his hands bound and facing away from the ladder but, in a spirit of generosity Aiden supported him in his efforts. Once he had done so, his arms were pushed between two rungs, with the lower one at about elbow level. The ropes round Jonny’s wrists were then tied to a rung just below his hands.

“So far, so good.” thought Jonny, “But that can’t be all.”

“Won’t be a minute. I just don’t want Karl to feel left out in his own dungeon,” said Aiden as he walked away from the ladder. “Don’t forget,” he said to the two younger boys giving them each a swipe on the backside with something they couldn’t identify, “behave now.”

The combination of surprise and pain confirmed that the gags were efficient.


Karl was beginning to regret wearing his boxers without the fly buttons, especially when he saw the ash stick; he assumed that they’d have time to change properly before submitting to Aiden. “Don’t worry, this isn’t for you.” assured Aiden as he lifted his friend’s chin with it. “Yet. Stand up.”

“Yes, Sir,” said Karl with his teeth clenched as the stick “helped” him to his feet.

Aiden ordered Karl to climb up on the workbench and sit with his lower legs hanging down. Karl guessed what was to happen next and spread his knees in an attempt to line up his legs with the solid wooden legs of the bench. He could already imagine the discomfort he’d be in shortly after Aiden had finished lashing him into place. Once more he rued wearing those particular boxers.

Over the past few years, the boys had obtained a reasonable stock of ropes, straps and even chains and padlocks. They had already shown considerable ingenuity in manufacturing devices for their TUGs and each had quite an extensive range of techniques. Aiden produced six fairly short leather straps, some even shorter ones, one very long webbing strap, lots of rope, a few accessories – and a claw hammer and a few four-inch nails. Karl sat in his stretched position looking quite calm about things –until he saw the hammer and nails. Aiden was his friend and he wasn’t too worried about the nails but he certainly started to get excited by the uncertainty as he tried to hold his position.

Aiden started with Karl’s ankles. He took one of the fairly short straps and bucked it loosely round one leg of the bench and Karl’s right ankle. He used one of the even shorter straps to pull the first one tight between Karl’s ankle and the leg of the bench. The same procedure followed round Karl’s other leg and below each knee. Getting the hammer and nails, Aiden climbed under the bench and held each of the larger straps to the insides of the legs with nails driven most of the way into the solid wood. By now Karl’s arms were struggling to keep him sitting up and, when Aiden brutally tickled the insides of his thighs to test his binding, Karl fell back with the obvious vocal reaction. Aiden seemed satisfied with Karl’s predicament so far but . . .

“Who gave you permission to lie down, boy?” and Aiden continued the tickling as Karl tried to apologise and sit up between gaps and laughs. “Still lying down on the job, boy? We can’t have that. Let me help you.” Karl kept trying to fend off Aiden’s probing fingers until the tickling stopped.

Aiden got a long rope and ordered his victim to sit up which, without the cruel onslaught he had just suffered, he managed to do. The Dungeon Master then positioned Karl’s hands about six inches apart on the bench behind him and told him not to move. The rope was doubled and wound between both Karl’s wrists four times before Aiden completed the rope cuffs by winding the free ends round the bindings thus forcing Karl’s wrists slightly closer. Aiden had quite a lot of rope left over. Good. All was going to plan. He brought the free ends up to Karl’s left elbow and tied a loop round it then another round the right elbow, pulling Karl’s arms slightly closer together. Once Aiden had wrapped a few more turns between Karl’s elbows and wrapped a few turns around those turns, drawing them tighter again, he just tied the ends off with a reef knot well out of the way of Karl’s hands.

“Just wait there a moment please.” And Aiden picked up another rope. He positioned it against the backs of Karl’s wrists, above his rope cuffs and wound a few turns round each wrist and threaded the ends between his arms before pulling his arms backwards and wrapping one end round each of the unused legs of the bench. Once the ends had been tied together, Karl’s arms hadn’t been pulled too far back but that could be adjusted later and there’d be no way he was going to be lying down on the job again.

“Comfortable?” Karl didn’t dignify that with an answer. Nevertheless, Aiden decided that he ought to gag him before going over to pay more attention to Jonny. They’d already used all the younger boys’ packing tape so there was nothing for it: he’d have to use his own. Karl soon had one of his own socks taped into his mouth by a few layers of black duct tape. A quick tap to Karl’s wrists, forcing them backwards, prompted a muffled “UUUNNN”.

“That’ll do.” observed Aiden as he went over to continue entertaining Jonny.


“OK Jonny, time for you to get a chance to hang around doing nothing; your mum says you’re good at that!” Jonny gave Aiden a look but thought better of answering back. “But before we start, open wide.” Jonny kept his lips resolutely clamped shut, if Aiden was going to gag him which, realistically, he was, he was going to have to fight for it.

Aiden put down Karl’s other sock and picked up another length of rope. Within seconds Jonny’s ankles had been bound and his feet pulled off the rung that was supporting him. He immediately found himself hanging from his elbows and, once Aiden had passed the rope under the bottom rung of the ladder and tied it off to a rung behind his knees, Jonny couldn’t get his feet onto any of the rungs. “Open wide?”

Still Jonny’s lips remained closed. “OK, I’ve tried asking nicely; now it’s the demon fingers of Dungeon Master Aiden.” With that a prolonged tickle torture session commenced. Even hanging as he was, Jonny had enough scope for movement to make his writhing most gratifying to the torturer. “Had enough, yet?”

Between the writhing and laughter, pained inhalations of breath and eventual snorting noises, Jonny still managed to indicate that Aiden could go to somewhere very warm. After ten minutes the combined pain of hanging from his elbows and the unpredictability of where the “demon fingers” would strike next forced Jonny to submit. “Promise, boy?” asked Aiden as he continued his assault relentlessly. By the time Aiden was satisfied with his friend’s surrender, Jonny would have promised Aiden anything he demanded.

Aiden released the rope from the rung behind Jonny’s knees and Jonny managed to find his footing on the third rung again. He was still frantically trying to catch his breath when Aiden managed to insert Karl’s sock into his mouth and to tape it into place with more of his precious black gaffer tape. Once Aiden had allowed Jonny some time to compose himself, he lifted his feet off the rung and tied them underneath the one above it. Jonny was now hanging from his elbows again with only a small chance of relieving the pressure on them by straightening his legs, a difficult and uncomfortable pose to maintain in itself.

“What’s the safety word, Jonny?”

“M m, M m. M m, M m.” muffled Jonny with a noticeable, “Harry Potter. Harry Potter.” rhythm.

“OK, you’ll do.” With that, Aiden gave him a back-handed slap to the belly and turned once more to Karl.


By now, Karl’s arms were starting to feel the strain in spite of which Aiden didn’t think he’d done enough to stress his friend’s body so he took out a new toy he’d made. Both brothers had talents on that front. The device was a long, heavy webbing strap with smaller leather straps attached to each end and a heavy buckle about forty centimetres from each end. Aiden threaded one end of the restraint under Karl’s right thigh and pulled the attached strap back to its buckle and fastened it temporarily into place. Having passed the other end of the strap under the bench, Aiden fastened Karl’s left leg similarly. His artistic side then started to express itself as Aiden tightened the straps until he judged that Karl was retrained perfectly symmetrically. As Aiden tightened the restraint, it pulled Karl’s knees further and further apart forcing his boxers to ride up thus giving him another reason to regret wearing them.

“Safety word?” demanded the Dungeon Master turning Karl’s face towards him. Karl shook his head and Aiden ruffled his hair and pretended not to notice his evident satisfaction with his situation.

By now Jonny was feeling the effort of trying to take the pressure of his weight off his arms and was wondering about saying, “Harry Potter” loudly and frequently when Aiden approached him again. He took hold of the relatively slight Jonny under his armpits in his very strong hands and lifted. Jonny gave a sigh of profound relief. “How long do you think I can keep this up for, boy?” Jonny’s reply was little more than a moan. “Too bad, my arms are tired.” And Jonny found himself lowered gently into his previous position.

He’d no sooner managed to “Nnnggh” than Aiden started the tickling again. Jonny quickly found ways of relieving the pain in his arms as he straightened his legs in reaction to the assault. Following about five minutes intense torment Aiden suddenly stopped. Jonny looked at him, he looked at Jonny, Jonny looked at him waiting for the next assault on his tortured body.

Aiden gave him a couple of little slaps on his cheeks and clicked his tongue. He took out a knife. Soon Jonny found himself standing on a rung of the ladder once more with his ankles free, breathing heavily and gradually recovering.

“Karl will think I’m ignoring him,” announced Aiden crossing the garage once more.

“What’s it to be then, man? Tickling the feet? Stretching the arms behind you? Nipple clamps? I’ve just made some new ones.” With each suggestion, Aiden made the appropriate actions. “Ah, no, remember last weekend?” asked Aiden producing something looking suspiciously like a tin of chilli powder from his bag. “Just what’s poking out from your boxers should do nicely.”

Karl suddenly discovered that he had more scope for movement than he would have believed possible and managed to make more noise through his nose than he would have made through his mouth in normal conversation as he frantically tried to withdraw inside his boxers again.

“What, don’t you want it?” The animated head-shaking and repeated screams seemed to indicate that he did not. “OK, but remember: after last weekend, you owe me one. Understand?” As Aiden moved the open tin into position, Karl did his best to indicate that he did, indeed, understand. “Name a day next week.”

“Nlll gwa.”

“Was that Monday?” Karl shook his head. Following two more questions from Aiden, they settled on Wednesday and Aiden brought the tin up in front of Karl’s eyes and ostentatiously snapped on the lid and tapped it twice while looking down at Karl’s embarrassment. He then took hold of the waist-band of his friend’s boxers, helping him to withdraw, and let it snap into place again.

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Post by Xtc »


Off to Jonny’s Place

By now the younger boys had been left propped unsteadily in the corner of the garage for nearly two hours while Aiden played with his victims. Such close proximity was having predictable effects on the naked friends no matter (or perhaps because of) how little scope they had for movement. Some of those muffled noises were each one trying to apologise to the other every time his body made involuntary intimate movements. If the older boys had not been there, there would have been little embarrassment but, in this situation and with Aiden’s phone recording even more blackmail material, it was mortifying.

“Doesn’t time fly when you’re enjoying yourself?” asked Aiden as he subjected Karl to just a little tickling attack while vaunting the fact that his nice new restraint prevented almost any movement of Karl’s thighs whist affording him easy access to the sensitive insides of said upper thighs which had been so mercilessly exposed by his rather baggy boxers. Karl didn’t seem to be too appreciative of his friend’s ingenuity.

After only about a five-minute assault Aiden realised that it was time for the three TUGgers to decamp to Jonny’s place. He was still Dungeon Master and explained to his prisoners what was to happen to them next.

“Jonny,” said the Master as he lifted his chin, “don’t you think I was kind letting you stand rather than leaving you hanging from that ladder?”

Jonny indicated that his Master was, indeed, kind and waited to discover the snag while Aiden released his wrists from the ladder but left them bound behind him and Karl’s sock still firmly gaffer taped into his mouth. Aiden then went over to Jonny’s trousers and retrieved something from them. “OK, we’re going to your place. It’s not that far, here’s your key. Off you go. Karl will bring your clothes in a few minutes.”

The next outburst from Jonny was supposed to say, “What? In my underpants? Tied up? Bastard!” but Aiden didn’t seem to understand him.

“Now should I tie your wrists to your waist before you go?” Jonny’s answer had fewer syllables than “bastard” this time but he remembered that, when it had last been his turn to be Dungeon Master, he’d made Aiden run across the common in a similar state late at night and, after all: all’s fair in TUGs and war. Jonny wasn’t all that tall and he knew that, if he had his hands anchored to his waist, he wouldn’t be able to reach the lock with his key. “No, not this time, perhaps. Tell me how kind I am!”

Jonny’s reply was indecipherable. He knew that, if he used the back path, he was unlikely to come across anyone else until the last few metres as he rushed along a short lane and round to his front gate. Once through the gate, the hedge would afford reasonable privacy while he unlocked the front door. Jonny set off gripping the key as tightly as he could. Aiden had even taken it off the key ring so that it would be nearly impossible for Jonny to retrieve it if he dropped it. Jonny was glad of the privacy provided by the hedge as he struggled to manoeuvre the key into the lock and turn it. “All’s fair . . .” thought Jonny as he headed for the kitchen in search of a sharp knife.

Aiden set about the nails securing Karl’s straps to the bench with his claw hammer; he wasn’t going to leave them for his little brother and his freckle-faced mate to use. Before long Karl was free of the bench and Aiden had packed all his toys and his friends’ clothes away and hung his sports bag by its handles round Karl’s neck. Karl thought that he’d be throttled by the weight but Aiden told him that, as long as he moved quickly enough, he would support it for him once they were underway but that he could use the bench to take its weight while he talked to their little brothers.

Aiden pulled the two younger boys away from the wall and left them tottering and frantically trying to maintain their equilibrium. A quick swipe of the ash stick round each backside convinced Aiden that he had their undivided attention although it did nothing for their combined attempts to stand still.

“OK Matt, watch what you’re doing with those fingers; Max might not like it. Oh, I don’t know though.” Both younger boys knew that Aiden must be aware of their arousal in spite of their futile attempts to avoid fidgeting against one another. “I’ve been thinking: should I just leave you two or should I untie you? You two like tying one another up so I suppose I’d better just leave you. Karl says your mum won’t be back before about midnight so I’ll send him back at about half-eleven.”

Even heavily gagged, the youngsters’ protests were voluble. “What was that? Did I hear you say “Thank you, Aiden”?” I don’t think he did.

The two semi-mummified boys soon predictably fell over but fortunately they tottered towards Aiden on their way down. Even he wasn’t cruel enough just to let them fall onto the concrete floor of the garage and he caught them easing them safely down. “It’s a good job that Karl wasn’t standing here. He’s not as kind as I am,” declared Aiden giving his brother a bit of a back-hander to the gut. “Right, I’ll just leave you two and your pork swords to do a bit of fencing.”

Max and Matt were desperate. There was no way Max could reach any knots and Matt’s hands were still trapped embarrassingly between them. The combined creature frantically rolled around the floor to very little effect while both boys shouted into their gags as loudly as they could. “Alright then, but only if you ask nicely. Now say after me: please Aiden . . .”

“Eeee Ayngh”

“You’re so handsome and talented . . .” It hurt but they both tried to say it. “. . . Please let us go.”

“Eee Ehh uf hgff”.

“Nope, sorry. Not clear enough.” Aiden repeated the sentence and the two helpless boys made their best, honest (and totally insincere) effort at choral speaking.

“Who’s the best big brother in the world?”

“Ooo aaa,” affirmed Matt before Aiden took his size nine biker boot off his head.

“Alright then, but just because I’m feeling generous. If you two girlies would like to roll over so that my brother’s on top, I’ll be kind.” They managed to roll until Max lay somewhat unstably on the floor with his wrists on top of the stack of humanity. “What’s it feel like to be on top for once Matt?” Matt didn’t dare risk a rejoinder. He just had to take it.

By now Karl had been semi-crouching for an uncomfortable length of time and decided to stand and take the weight of the sports bag on his neck. He tried to plead with Aiden to get on with it while trying to manoeuvre the bag past his shoulder and round to the front.

“Don’t interrupt your master when he’s at work,” remonstrated the Dungeon Master as he administered another little slap in the gut. Now get that bag back where it belongs again.” Karl was looking forward to the next time when he would be Dungeon Master. Didn’t Aiden know what torments he was lining up for himself? Karl frantically swung the bag until it first lodged on his right shoulder and then arched his back and wriggled until it was round behind him once more. “Now, as you’ve been so ungrateful, no more bench to support the bag. Just kneel down and wait. – Quietly!” Karl knelt and leaned against a leg of the bench to try to relieve his discomfort.

Aiden returned to the younger boys and undid only the reef knot that completed the cross-lashing holding Max’s arms round his mate’s midriff. “Say, 'Thank you.'” It’s surprising how much the word “wanker” sounds like “Thank you” when the speaker is gagged.

“Ok, girls, enjoy!” and Aiden pulled Karl to his feet, threaded the rope that was still trailing from his cuffed wrists between his legs and led him into the night air. He seemed to have forgotten his promise to support the sports bag to relieve his friend’s discomfort as he made him run along the path and down the lane to Jonny’s place.

The Younger Boys Home Alone

With Aiden gone the struggle for freedom could start. At least the more intimate reactions of the good friends’ bodies as they ground against one another wouldn’t be subject to the scrutiny of others from now on.

With only the final, securing knot untied from Max’s wrists, there was still a lot of work to do to loosen the rope and, other than making sure that they didn’t lie on Max’s hands, there was little contribution that Matt could make. If it hadn’t been for the humiliating preliminaries and photography, this could have been fun. It was the first time that the boys had been tied together. Max couldn’t even get a look at his wrists over his mate’s shoulder but the wrapping round his wrists gradually came loose as he worked by feel alone. As the bindings started to fall off, it became easier for Max to twist his wrists against one another, thus loosening the rope even more, and eventually to separate his wrists slightly. He needed to work almost all the rope free before he could slip his wrists out of it and every time he separated his elbows, the rope under Matt’s crutch was pulled even more uncomfortably against his more delicate areas. Matt tried not to protest.

Eventually Max’s wrists were free. Now all he had to do was withdraw his arms that were trapped firmly between Matt’s own arms and his torso. The lack of scope for vertical movement occasioned stress on both crutch ropes as his right wrist approached the end of its confinement. The resultant cross between gagged squeals and grunting obscured Max’s futile attempts to apologise. His right arm was eventually free and the rope chaffing Matt’s groin and his arse became looser with an unmistakable sigh of relief from the stocky blonde boy. There was no way Max could release his left arm all the while both Matt and he were lying on it so Max decided that it was more important to work on his gag. Not being able to see, Matt couldn’t understand what Max was doing and started trying to roll over so that Max could slip his left arm free from its confinement. That didn’t make it easy for Max to continue his task but Matt’s weight prevailed and he just had to put up with it until he could explain.

To cut his losses Max decided that, once Matt had forced them to roll onto their opposite sides, he might as well free his left arm before continuing on the tape covering his lower face. Once he could speak clearly, it took less time to remove both Matt’s gag and both blindfolds and the tape around their necks. After an exasperated, “Sorry mate.” from Max as if it was his fault that their drongo brothers and their mate had interrupted their evening, he set about removing the rope holding them so intimately together. Once that was undone, much to both boys’ relief, the crutch ropes no longer had the effect that they were supposed to have. Matt wondered whether he’d get rope burns.

Once the boys could separate their chests and abdomens from quite such close contact, the pressure came off Matt’s wrists. “Oh, fuck, that’s better. Give us a hand.” With both boys having their hands free, undoing the tape holding their legs together was the next task and, as a good mate should Matt helped Max to remove the packing tape holding his legs together before attending to the ropes round his own limbs.

Max was free but Matt still had the ropes round his legs and he couldn’t help asking why Max hadn’t immediately started helping him to untie himself. “Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” asked Max grinning as he straddled Matt with a rope in his hands.

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Post by LK3869 »

I appreciated the long description of Max/Matt's release, not often do we see one that's as long as the tying process descriptions ( especially yours ;) )
Hard to place this story in your well-charted territories: far from the kindness of your scout wars and with a good dose of your crueler adults scenes... Must be teenage. :lol:
I see the hand is back in shape, and: "the composite creature", that was huge fun!
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by Xtc »

You never know: Max and Matt might come to agree one day ;)
In the meantime, I wonder if they will ever get their revenge?

I think the nature of the stories varies with the seasons. I genuinely get SAD and often write as a catharsis. There is another nasty on the way but I'm not going to post it until it is finished.
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Here is a direct link to the last story of the series.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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