Barefootethan : 03 - The Camping Trip (mmm/mmm)

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Jason Toddman
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Barefootethan : 03 - The Camping Trip (mmm/mmm)

Post by Jason Toddman »

barefootethan's stories
03 - The Camping Trip
Story index at the bottom

By barefootethan

This is a direct sequel to Barefootethan's story I Didn't Expect to Lose

The Camping Trip - Part 1

The week after my first games with Tyler passed like a flash. We had it all worked out. Tyler’s parents were flying to Florida for their cruise Friday afternoon. I got permission from my parents to go on a weeklong camping trip with Tyler, which started the following Saturday, and I’d be spending the night at his house on Friday. His parents were coming home Sunday night, so that gave us a whole week!

To keep up the ruse with my parents, I had packed a duffel bag with 7 days worth of clothes, and told my parents that Tyler had all the camping supplies. And when Tyler’s parents left for the airport, I leave a note for my mom and dad telling them that I was off, and head over to his house. I walk up to the door and knock, a little nervous as I wonder what’s in store for me.

I hear the door unlock, my friend Tyler opening it up. “Come on in dude,” he says. I walk in and we both immediately head down to the basement. As I enter the rec room, I’m surprised that there’s nothing laid out for me.

“You can put your bag in the closet,” he says as he flops onto the couch. “Since we’ve got a whole week, I thought we could just hang out tonight and get an early start in the morning.”

“Right on,” I say as I throw my duffel into the basement storage closet. We spend the rest of the day hanging out, watching TV, playing video games, all that normal stuff. We both head to bed around midnight, Tyler heading up to his room, and me sleeping on the basement couch. I try to sleep, but my mind’s racing, wondering about the next seven days. Finally, around 3, I slip off to sleep.

It seems like I had just closed my eyes when I was being shaken awake. I groggily open my eyes, blinking away the sleep, seeing Tyler standing above me, holding a pair of the now-familiar little pink speedos. “Rise and shine!” he says. “I told you we were going to get an early start.”

I groan and slowly sit up, a glance at the digital wall clock showing that it’s just after 6 in the morning. “I didn’t think this early,” I said groggily. “I fell asleep 3 hours ago.”

A laugh. “Not my problem,” says my friend as he drops the speedo onto my lap. “Get your morning routine done and change. You’ve got 10 minutes.”

I feel my cheeks flush a bit as I pick up the speedo, heading off to the bathroom. I do my thing, flush the toilet, and wash my hands. I then strip down completely and grab the speedo from the counter. I slip my feet into it, flushing as I pull it up, the pink material stretching a bit over my butt and crotch, then open up the door, setting my clothes in a pile next to it.

Tyler gives me a microwaved sausage and egg sandwich to eat, which I quickly scarf down. He then grabs my arm and pulls me to my spot in front of the couch, and pulls me down onto my knees. I flush, seeing him pick up my pink collar and move towards my neck. I feel the thick leather tighten snugly around my throat, hearing it being buckled down, the click of a little padlock letting me know that it’s locked on. I lower my head as I feel my hands being pulled behind me, my pink cuffs buckling down tightly and locked on, then locked together. The process is repeated on my elbows, locking my arms behind me.

A couple minutes and several clicks of padlocks later, I’m securely cuffed and chained up. My wrists and elbows are cuffed and locked together behind my back, my ankles are cuffed with the 12-inch hobble chain, and a long heavy chain locked to the back of my collar, locked to my elbows and wrists, the end locked to the center of my hobble. I lift my head and look up at my captor, slumping dejectedly when I see him holding my dildo gag in his hand.

“Open up pinky,” he says with a grin. I open my mouth obediently, then grunt and mmph as the dildo is slid into my mouth. I feel all the straps being yanked down tight and buckled, holding the hard rubber toy deep in my mouth, the pink leather mouthpiece tightly squeezing over my lips and cheeks. Tyler closes more small padlocks on each buckle, locking my gag on as well. “Stand up pinky,” he orders.

I struggle to my feet, and lift my bare feet one at a time as my captor puts my pink Chucks on and laces them up tightly. I mmph into my gag and gurgle, wondering why I’m being in chains and sneakers so early. Tyler grins at me as he clips the leash onto my collar and tugs, and I start to hobble slowly behind my captor.

I follow, led by the leash as Tyler leads me upstairs and through the house into the backyard. I look around, shivering a bit in the still-cool air, the sun having just risen. The only sounds are the clinking of my chains and locks as I’m led through the backyard, and into the garage at the back.

In addition to the house’s regular garage, Tyler’s parents had built a second garage that opens out to the wooded area behind the neighborhood where they store their ATV’s. I shuffle in, seeing that one of them has been made ready to travel, a trailer hitched to the back, a black tarp covering the large pile of stuff that’s been loaded onto it, secured in place with bungee cords. My eyes widen as I see something else, a small cage on the garage floor. It looks a lot more solid than regular animal cages, steel rods set and welded to form 1-inch square mesh on the cage top and sides, the floor a solid panel of smooth steel. A towel has been placed in the floor of the cage.

Tyler unclips the leash from my collar and gives me a slap on my butt. “In the cage pinky,” he orders. I whimper into my gag then shuffle slowly over to it. I drop to my knees in front of the open cage door, and awkwardly crawl in the small opening. It’s a really tight fit, and I’m positioned on my knees, sitting on my heels, my head lowered down to the floor, less than an inch clearance all around me. I look over my shoulder and watch my captor swing the cage door closed and slip a padlock into the latch, trapping me inside.

I lift my head up and look around, hearing the clattering of a winch. I hear a couple hooks clip to the top of the cage, and my eyes widen as I feel and see my cage being slowly lifted off the floor. My cage is pulled up about 5 feet in the air, then Tyler starts to pull the rope on the winch. The tracks set in the ceiling allow the winch to be moved around the garage, and he pulls until I’m hanging over the rear rack of the ATV. He lowers the cage down onto the rack, where it drops into place, the cage’s dimensions a perfect fit for the rack. 4 strong nylon straps are looped over the cage, hooked into the eyelets on the rack, and ratched super-tightly into place. The raised rails on the other sides of the rack ensure that I won’t be sliding off. I lift my head as Tyler walks around in front of me, a wide grin on his face.

“I know you thought the camping thing was just a story pinky,” he says. “But we really are going camping.” I mmpph into my dildo gag, my eyes widening...I didn’t expect any of this. I hear the garage door being opened, and Tyler looks outside to make sure the coast is clear, then gets on the ATV and starts it up, putting it in gear and rolling out of the garage, heading off into the woods.

I shiver and whine as we speed through the woods, the cool air blowing over my helpless, nearly-naked body. Tyler obviously knows where he’s going, because he drives at a quick pace, having driven this route many times. He tries to keep the ride as smooth as possible, but some bumps can’t be avoided, and I yelp the first time I’m bounced around inside the cage. “Sorry pinky,” he calls over his shoulder. A few more bumps here and there, but it’s not that bad.

We drive for about an hour, heading deep into the woods, further in than I’ve ever gone before. I pass the time looking at the scenery, then feel the ATV slow, then stop. Tyler shuts it off and climbs off, stretching for a second before unlocking and opening the cage door. “Welcome to camp pinky!” he says, then he helps me climb out of my cage. I feel my captor grabbing my ankles, helping guide my feet and legs out. He grabs my torso as I try to slither my way out, making sure that I don’t fall as I exit my cage.

I turn around and mmph softly into my gag as my eyes take in my surroundings. I guess Tyler’s used this campsite before, because it’s a really nice campsite. It’s a large cleared area, surrounded by trees and thick bushes, except for the opening Tyler had driven the ATV through. The fact that we’re so deep in the woods ensures that nobody else will be coming around. Someone, or a bunch of someones, have worked to make the site as comfortable as possible. There’s a large firepit in the center of the clearing, and any shrubs and bushes have been cleared away along with fallen branches, leaving just a carpet of grass and weeds on the ground.

I watch as Tyler pulls the towel he used to cushion my knees out of the cage, it, like everything else meant for me, is colored light pink, and sets it onto the ground right in front of me. A downward tug on my collar ring forces me down to my knees on the towel. I mmph into my dildo gag, turning my head and watching Tyler undo the bungees securing the tarp over the load he packed into the trailer.

Just a couple minutes later, I let out a panicked mmmph into my gag as I hear the engine noises of another vehicle getting closer. My eyes go wide, sure that it’s a cop or ranger or some other campers trying to use this spot. I whine and whimper, wondering why Tyler’s not worried as I see the rear of a black SUV backing into the opening in the shrubbery, then groan into my gag as I see two people walk around from around the sides of the SUV into the site.

One of them is Aaron, Tyler’s freshman skater friend who helped torment me last weekend. The other person is Casey, he’s gonna be a junior like me next year, and I guess he just got his license. Casey was in my math class last year, he’s all right, for being totally emo. They both walk up to Tyler and do their greetings, then all three walk over to where I’m kneeling on my towel.

“Found a new one Ty?” asks Casey. He’s wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, black Chucks, and a small t-shirt. His long straight black hair is hidden by a black beanie. Aaron has a pair of baggy blue jeans on, black Etnies skate shoes, and a red hoodie.

“Yeah man,” says Tyler. “That’s pinky, I got him last weekend.” I lift my head as Casey looks down at me, a smile on his face.

“What’s up pinky? Did you like Mrs. Salinger’s Pre-Calc class last year?” he asks, giving my hair a ruffle, obviously having recognized me. He looks over at Aaron. “Hey, let’s get everything unloaded so we can help set up camp.” Aaron nods, and I watch them both head for the back of the SUV and pull open the door. I guess Tyler was in charge of tents and sleeping stuff for all of us, because all they had in the SUV is a whole lot of firewood, a few coolers, a grill and big bag of charcoal, and a whole lot of other stuff. Casey’s parents had let him use the Suburban, he he definitely took advantage of the cargo room.

I watch all three boys work. Tyler is busy unloading and organizing the stuff from the trailer, Aaron and Casey are carrying their supplies from the SUV, piling the firewood by the pit, setting up the grill, putting the coolers and bag of charcoal next to it. I lower my head and mmph, looking up at them a few minutes later, and that’s when I received another surprise.

In the back of the SUV, where it had previously been hidden by all the supplies, is another cage! It’s bigger than the one I came here in, and this one has two people in it. I couldn’t see their faces at first, but I did see they're both wearing the same type of speedo as me, but one is red, the other light blue. I watch wide eyed as Casey unlocks the cage door and opens it, and him and Aaron help the two occupants climb out.

They’re two more of Tyler’s freshman skater buddies. The one in red is Skyler. He’s about 5’5, skinny, with short spiky sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, with a fair complexion. The one in blue is Jake. He’s short, only about 5’2, also skinny, with straight brown hair down to just above his shoulders, brown eyes and tanned. Both of them are around 14 or 15.

They both emitt a groan as they’re pulled out of the cage, both of them turning around, mmphing in unison as they see me kneeling there, just as surprised to see me as I am to see them. All three of us are chained the same way, each of us with cuffs and collars to match our speedos, our feet clad in Chucks, which also match our speedo color. Skyler has a big red ball secured in his mouth, red leather harness straps digging into his face and head. Jake has a thick layer of blue duct tape wrapped over the lower half of his head, from his chin to just under his nose, his captors having taken the time to pull his long hair out of the way so none of it’s caught in the tape. I watch as Aaron sets their towels down next to me, one blue and one red, and both boys hobble over and kneel on their respective towel. A very organized group, if I may say so myself.

“Blue, red, meet pinky.” said Casey, as I peer wide-eyed at both of them, and they stare right back at me. “Tyler brought him in last weekend, and he thought that we should all spend a week out here in the woods together.” I mmph softly at them, and they mmph back in return. We peer at each other for a minute, then I lower my head, kneeling there quietly as the other three boys set up camp.

An hour later, camp’s well on its way to completion. A large tent has been set up on the outer perimeter of our secluded clearing, two air mattresses inflated and placed inside, along with a bunch of blankets and pillows. Plastic tarp has been placed on the ground over the majority of the site to cover the grass and weeds, and three comfortable camping chairs are set around the pit. The grill, coolers and charcoal are exactly opposite the tent, and the two cages have been placed side by side next to the tent. Duffel bags of clothes are tossed inside the tent, and a few other duffel bags with supplies are set on the ground on the other side of the tent from the cages. A pretty nice setup, but I whimper into my gag as I realize that there’s nothing for me or the other two captives to sleep on. I look over at them, and they seem used to it, having probably been on at least one of these trips before. I mmph softly and grunt, but unable to understand a word I’m saying, all they can do is mmph back.

Tyler had brought his family’s generator along with him, along with enough fuel to keep it running the entire week. The three captors leave us for a few minutes, carrying the generator out away from the campsite a couple hundred yards so we don’t get bothered by the noise. I hear the faint sound of the generator motor, barely audible, as they start it up, then they run the extension cord back and hook a power strip to it. I guess our captors still like their creature comforts while camping, because from the trailer and SUV came a flat-panel TV, a boombox/CD player, someone’s PS3, an electric space heater, and an electric stove. A sturdy wooden box is produced from the trailer, the TV and PS3 set on it, the CD Player is set next to it, and the space heater is hooked to another extension cord and placed inside the tent. The stove has its own attached stand, and it’s extended, set next to the grill and plugged in. It was just like a house, only we were outside. I had a feeling, though, that me and my two companions were not going to be enjoying much of it.

All three captors look over their set-up job and compliment each other on both their preparation and execution. They then walk over to us, each captor in charge of one boy. Tyler, of course, is in charge of me. Casey has Skyler/red, and Aaron has Jake/blue. They order the three of us to our feet, and pick our towels up from the ground. We follow our captors as they place the towels on the ground, behind the chairs off to the side of the coolers and grill, and we each drop back down to our knees on our towel.

Tyler, Casey and Aaron then sit down in their assigned chair, and Aaron says loudly to nobody in particular. “We need sodas!” I turn my head as Skyler bumps me with his shoulder, and I see both boys awkwardly rise to their feet. I follow suit, and the three of us hobble over to the coolers. Skyler gets to one of the coolers first, and drops to his knees, his back facing the cooler. He grabs the edge of the cooler lid with his cuffed hands and struggles to his feet again, opening the cooler lid. The three of us kneel in front of the cooler, backs facing it, all of us reach in with our hands, grabbing a can in our cuffed hands. Luckily, all they bought were Cokes, so there’s no possibility in grabbing the wrong kind. We all struggle back to our feet, and I let the other two captives go ahead as I hobble around and bump the cooler lid with my knee, dropping it back down. I shuffle over to Tyler and follow along as I watch the other two captives. They drop down to their knees alongside their captor’s chair, back facing them. They then bend down, lowering their faces to the ground, raising their hands up behind them, holding up the soda cans. I quickly follow suit, rising back up straight after Tyler takes the can. Us three captives struggle back to our feet, hobbling back to our towels and dropping back to our knees.

Our captors relax in their chairs, enjoying the warm air and sunshine as they just talk. Aaron puts a CD in the boombox, and Casey starts to complain about the band, with Tyler and Aaron firing back with a comment that he shouldn’t listen to bad music so much. Tyler starts to tell the other two about my entry into their little club, with Aaron offering his own point of view since he had been lucky enough to take part. I feel my cheeks flush as I’m talked about, then peek over at the other two captives, who are both peering at me as they too listen to Tyler’s stories about my initiation. We all recognize each other from school, but since we can’t talk we can’t make any formal introductions. Chances are they were both at Tyler's pool part last weekend, where I was hogtied and put on display.

We stay like that for a few hours, every so often one of our captors would call for another soda, and his assigned captive would go and get it in the same manner the first time. One difference though. After we give our soda to our captor, we take the empty can to the trash can on the outer perimeter of the campsite, deposit it, then we can resume our spot. I guess in addition to captive for the week, the three of us are also servants.

I look on quietly, jealous of the three captors. They’re having an awesome time, chillin and talking. Casey had brought along a bunch of pot, and our three captors were smoking away. I don’t smoke the stuff myself, but I know that it’s harmless enough that them being stoned won’t do anything to endanger our safety, it just makes them laugh more and get hungry. They all decide that they want lunch, and Aaron gets up and runs out of the clearing for some reason, the other two boys standing up and walking over to us.

“Pinky, red, blue,” says Tyler. “Time for a game.” I hear both of my companions groan, realizing that this was probably not good. “Aaron’s hidden two keychains at the base of the tree somewhere around the campsite, within a hundred foot radius. Whoever doesn’t get a keychain, or doesn’t have one in 20 minutes, gets to serve us lunch.” Aaron then comes back in and gives Tyler a thumbs-up. “Okay, go!”

The three of us quickly struggle to our feet and start to hobble out of the campsite. I look around and groan, there are hundreds of trees in the woods around our site. I pick a section of trees and start to hobble toward it. All of our hobbles are the same length, so we can all pretty much move at the same pace, but Skyler and Jake are more experienced at it than I am. They shuffle their feet quickly while I stumble along and hobble awkwardly. I forget about them and focus on finding a keychain, kicking leaves and dirt away with my sneakered feet. A few minutes into the game I hear. “Red’s found the first keychain! One remaining!!!” I try and pick up the pace, but I have no luck at all, groaning into my gag as I hear about 10 minutes later. “Blue found the second keychain!! Come on back pinky!!”

I hobble back to the campsite, where I see my two companions kneeling on their towels, being congratulated on a job well done. Casey and Aaron tease Tyler a bit about his boy losing, which he defends by saying that I’m new. I do catch a small glare from him, though. One of our captors had already set up the grill, and the coals are nice and ready. Tyler unlocks my arms, then locks my wrists and elbows together in front of me, the connecting chain brought in front, locking to my cuffs then the front of my collar. He gives me a push toward the grill, and I hobble slowly over to it. I pull some burgers from the food cooler and set them on the grill, holding the spatula in my cuffed hands. I pull the ketchup, mustard, hamburger buns and plates out of the box of dry foods and place them on top of the food cooler, then awkwardly place slices of cheese on the burgers. Once the burgers are done, I pick them up off the grill and place them on a plate, and mmph softly into my gag.

Thankfully I realize that we don’t have to serve our captors their meals, because I see them stand up and walk to where I had everything set up. I whine as they all give me humiliating little slaps on my butt as they walk up to me, and each of them makes a couple burgers for himself. They all call for drinks, which we captives get, my time significantly easier because my hands are cuffed in front of me. I put all the stuff away as they eat, then I shuffle over and grab their plates as they finish eating, dropping them into the trash can. I resume my kneeling position next to my companions, then see Tyler stand up and walk towards me.

“I need a footrest pinky,” he says as he pulls me to my feet. I shuffle along behind him as I’m led to the duffel bags. He unlocks me from all my cuffs and chains, leaving me collared and tightly gagged. I’m pushed down to my knees, and I feel my arms being pulled behind me, wrists and elbows tightly tied, then a rope around my stomach and forearms to keep my arms against my back. My ankles and knees are then tightly tied also, and I’m pulled back up to my feet. I hop along behind my captor as he sits back down in his chair, and I drop to my knees on the plastic tarp in front of him, facing him. I sit on my heels and lower my face to the tarp, my pink butt rising in the air. I flush as I hear laughter coming from Casey and Aaron, and I feel Tyler’s feet drop onto my butt, ankles crossing as he relaxes. “That’s innovative,” Casey says. “I’ll have to try that later.”

The conversation resumes, and the TV and PS3 are switched on, our three captors playing each other on games of Madden and some other sports games. Skyler and Jake alternate taking care of Tyler’s soda needs while I’m occupied. Aaron makes an inquiry about my gag since he didn’t see it over the weekend, and I flush a bright red as they all roar with laughter when Tyler tells them that it’s a dildo. The conversation topics focus on me, and I listen silently as Tyler shares with his two companions stories about what I endured over the weekend, their discussions interrupted by the odd comment about the video game they’re playing.

As the day starts turning into night, Tyler gets up as all three start to prepare a fire. I remain like I am, and a few minutes later there’s a good-sized fire going in the firepit. Although my butt is facing the fire, just a couple feet away, I don't get hot at all. The height of the brick firepit walls deflects heat upward, washing it over the entire campsite. I hear the jingle of chains as my two companions are brought to their feet and led to the duffel bags, and I hear them being unlocked, then I hear them both grunt as they’re quickly and tightly re-secured. Tyler pulls me to my feet, and I look to see all three of us tied the same way.

“Dinner challenge boys,” Casey says. “The game is ‘chicken.’” He explains for my benefit. Two of us will be placed 10 feet apart, facing each other. At the go signal, we’ll both start hopping toward each other, and attempt to knock the opponent down. “Winner will be released from further duties tonight, and will get to sleep in the tent,” Casey says. “Loser will cook, and sleep in the small cage, second place the big cage.”

The challenge set, the three of us are told to hop to an open section of the campsite. Skyler and I are put against each other first. We hop to where we’re told, and at ‘Go!’ we start to hop as quickly as we can toward each other. I use my size to my advantage, driving my shoulder into Skyler and knocking him to the ground. I mmph triumphantly into my gag, happy to be in a challenge that I have a good chance of winning.

The three of us are put against each other once in a round-robin style format. At the end, just as I expected, I was named winner! Jake, the smallest one of us, had pulled an upset and placed second, and Skyler was the unlucky loser. Tyler ordered me back to my towel, and I obediently hopped back to it and dropped to my knees. Skyler’s hands were untied, then tied tightly in front of him, the grill was fired up again, and Skyler started hopping to the cooler to start dinner, this time brats and hot dog buns. He makes enough for all of us, and our captors eat, Jake assigned soda duty for all three of them. After they finish, they each make a meal for their respective captive, and walk over to where we’re kneeling. Tyler unlocks and unbuckles my gag, and I see my fellow captives’ eyes widen, the captors laughing loudly as they see the size of the dildo I’d been gagged with. I hungrily munch down the brat and hot dog bun, washing it down with a few gulps of water from the bottle Tyler holds to my mouth. Tyler wipes down my dildo gag with a paper towel and puts it away, then re-gags me, this time with my super-strict harness ballgag.

I groan as the huge ball is stuffed into my mouth and pushed behind my teeth, then I feel the pink leather straps surround my face and head. I feel each strap yanked tightly and buckled down, digging into my head, pulling the ball deep, my mouth locked down around the ball, chin strap forcing me to bite down on tightly on the hard rubber. A series of clicks let me know that my captor was locking down every buckle on my gag. Two more groans and mmphs lets me know that my companions are also being re-gagged. Skyler’s mouth is again filled with his harness ballgag. Aaron takes off the socks he’d been wearing all day, slipping his bare feet into his shoes temporarily, and stuffs the dirty pair into Jake’s mouth, tightly winding blue duct tape around and around his head, making sure to keep his hair out of the way. He then pulls a replacement pair of socks from his duffel bag and pulls them onto his feet.

I’m left to kneel there on my towel. Casey decides that he wants a footrest, so Skyler is ordered to hop over to him and get into the position I was in earlier. Tyler had brought along his rubber band gun and a big bag of rubber bands, so Jake is told to kneel about 10 feet away from the group and imitate Skyler, except he has to face away from them and present his blue-clad butt as a target. I look on silently, remembering my time as Tyler’s target as our three captors have themselves a shooting competition while they talk and smoke some more, cheering every time Jake emits a muffled yelp each time a rubber band pelts him in the butt.

Casey and Aaron continue to ask my captor about me, and he’s eager to share his stories. I flush, hearing him tell his friends about my time with him, about my little shower breakdown, my time in the pool, and most embarrassingly, my final task of worshipping Tyler’s bare feet. I keep my head lowered as Tyler’s friends laugh at me as they hear about my weekend, my cheeks again burning a bright red.

The video games start again as they talk, smoke, and shoot at Jake throughout the night. I can only watch and listen as they pass the night away, having a great night enjoying each other’s company while we captives can only squirm in our bonds and mmph into our gags.

Eventually our captors start to head off to bed. Casey is the first, and he hooks a finger into the ring on Skyler’s collar and hops him over to the small cage. I look on sympathetically as he drops to his knees and squirms his way in, knowing that he’s definitely not going to be comfortable sleeping in that bent over kneeling position. Tyler and Aaron hang out for another half hour before they both decide to hit the sack. Aaron takes Jake and hops him over to the large cage, where he can at least kind of stretch out and lay on his side.

Tyler walks over to me and hooks his finger into my collar ring. I struggle to stand, and I hop behind him, getting on my knees and squirming my way into the tent. He points to the small section in the corner of the tent with no air mattress and no blanket, and I whimper into my gag as I slowly make my way over. He sits me down, and picks up my pink leather blindfold, saying “Goodnight pinky” as he presses the blindfold over my eyes and buckles it tightly in place, padlocks clicking in place. I’m pushed onto my side, and a small, thin pillow is placed under my head. I curl up on the floor of the tent, knees up close to my chest, just the hard ground under me. I listen to the breathing and snoring of my captors as they sleep, part of me wishing I wasn’t a captive, since the other three boys in the tent have an air mattress, blankets, and other comfortable things, and all that I have is this useless little pillow. I push that thought out of my head, reminding myself that I asked Tyler to make me his captive this week.

I hear the groans and whimpers of my new friends as they try to sleep in their cages, completely exposed in the night air. It’s summer, so the nighttime temperature isn’t going to be all that low, but it’s still going to get cold enough to make a near-naked captive boy completely miserable. I’m happy that I get to sleep in the tent tonight with its space heater, but I still can’t help but feel sorry for Skyler and Jake. I listen to them continue to mmph and whine into their gags, imagining how cold and uncomfortable it must be out there, especially with the fire nearly out. I spend a few more minutes listening to them, then I drift off to sleep.

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Post by Xtc »

Still a classic of the genre.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

The Camping Trip - Part 2

My eyelids flutter under my blindfold as I feel myself being shaken awake, hearing Tyler’s voice above me. “Rise and shine pinky. There’s a whole new day ahead of us!” I barely have a chance to wake up before a finger hooks into my collar ring and pulls me up to my knees. I blindly squirm forward, leaving the warmth inside the tent, slightly shivering as goosebumps rise on my pale skin as the cool morning air hits me.

I hear and smell the scent of eggs cooking, my stomach rumbling with hunger. I hear a couple padlocks being unlocked, then flinch and scrunch my eyes shut as my blindfold is unbuckled and removed. I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the morning sunlight, re-focusing and looking up at Tyler. I look around, seeing Casey and Aaron rousing their captives from their slumber, unlocking their cages and pulling them out. They both look terrible, having been left outside to shiver, locked away in uncomfortable metal cages. I hear them groan as they blink the sleep from their eyes, and they lock eyes with me, and I again feel bad that I got to sleep in the tent.

The three of us are quickly untied and told we have 10 minutes to use the bathroom. They remind us to not do anything within 100 yards of the campsite on account of the smell, and then they hand us each a length of toilet paper. We yelp in unison as we’re sent off with a slap on our bottoms from our captors, and we run out of the site and into the woods. I find a bush about 150 yards from camp and do what I need to do, leaving the toilet paper on the ground since it’s gonna waste away anyways. I hurry back to camp, the locks on my gag buckles jingling like a set of bells, and when I return Tyler pours some liquid hand sanitizer on my hands, which I quickly rub onto my skin.

My stomach yearns for nourishment as I smell the eggs cooking, Aaron having taken up cooking duty for all of us, I guess since it’s easier and quicker for them since they’re not tied up. My captor unlocks all the buckles on my gag and releases me from it, allowing me to stretch my jaw. My two companions groan as their own gags are removed, and we all just kneel on our towels, knowing better than to talk to each other. We’re each given a plate with an egg-and-ham sandwich on it, and I practically inhale it, as does my companions. We’re given bottles of water for hydration, and as soon as we’re done with breakfast we’re re-gagged. I get my ballgag again, my jaw stretching open as straps again dig around my face and head, buckles locked on. Skyler gets Casey’s old socks and a whole bunch of red duct tape over the lower-half of his face. Jake gets a harness gag, his jaw stretched open around a big rubber ball, blue leather straps framing his face and digging in all around his head, chin strap yanked tight and buckled. His gag has a mouthpanel too, and that’s yanked in tight, the leather squeezing over his lips and chin. Aaron has taken a page from my captor’s playbook, and produces some small padlocks of his own, locking one over each buckle.

The three of us are quickly resecured. Again our cuffs are locked tightly around our wrists, elbows and ankles. Our wrists and elbows are locked together, ankles hobbled with a 12-inch chain, long chain running down the length of our bodies, locked to the back of our collars, then to our elbows, wrists, and center of our hobble. We’re ordered to our towels, and the three of us groan and mmph as we shuffle to over and drop to our knees.

Our captors get to work, lifting the large cage and placing it onto the ATV trailer. They secure it with nylon straps, ratcheting them on tight. Aaron opens up the cage door and tells us three to get over to him. We struggle up to our feet again, groaning as we hobble our way over. Before we can get in the cage, however, our captors secure blindfolds on us. I get the pink leather one that buckles to my gag harness, and my companions get similar leather blindfolds in their individual color scheme. All three of us groan as our sight is completely cut off, and we’re guided to the cage door, pushed down onto our knees, and guided in.

The cage is cramped for Skyler and Jake, with three of us it’s definitely cramped. We all squeeze together on our knees, our bodies pressing tightly against each other. We let out a chorus of groans and whimpers as Tyler tells Casey and Aaron that he’ll be back in a bit, then we hear the ATV start up, and we drive off. I can only wonder what’s going on as the ATV drives along, seemingly going in random directions. He drives in a circle, leaving us blindfolded captives with no idea where we are, as he drives for about 20 minutes. He stops and turns off the ATV, then unlocks the cage and opens it up. “Red, blue, pinky. Out of the cage. We’re here,” he says.

We struggle and rub against each other as we all try to get out of the cage, and eventually we’re standing in front of Tyler, still tightly blindfolded. I feel something clip to the front of my collar, and mmph in surprise and blink furiously as my blindfold is taken off. I watch quietly as my captor clips a small tag to the front of Skyler’s and Jake’s collars before taking their blindfolds off.

“Okay, pinky, blue, red. New challenge!” Tyler announces. “You are currently 2 miles from camp. You all have 4 hours to make it back. If you make it, you’re released from captivity and we enjoy the rest of the week together, we packed an extra tent and sleeping bags for you.” We all whimper and mmph softly, worried about getting lost. Tyler had an answer for that, and points to the small tags clipped to our collars. “Those are GPS tracking tags. The three of us all have GPS trackers, so we can pinpoint you to within 10 feet.” He clips a personal walkie-talkie to Jake’s elbow cuffs and turns it on. “We’ll let you know on time and progress with this. This is a teamwork challenge.” He turns to explain for me. “All three of you must finish together.” He gets back onto the ATV and starts it up. “Have fun!!” He drives away, the engine noise quickly subsiding, leaving the three of us alone in the middle of nowhere.

Under normal circumstances, being in a situation like this is hard enough. Being chained up and gagged makes it nearly impossible. We spend a couple minutes looking around, mmphing to each other. Unable to communicate, Skyler just bumps each of us with a shoulder and starts to hobble in some random direction. Seeing no reason to not follow him, Jake and I start to hobble after him. But my inexperience with being shackled is apparent as I stumble awkwardly, my mincing steps slowing the group down. Skyler comes back to me and mmmphs, and I can only whimper a reply. He spends a couple seconds watching me hobble, then mmmphs again to get my attention. He gives me what I think is a quick tutorial, showing me how to be the quickest I can without stepping too far and tripping. I copy him as best I can, mmphing my thanks as I find that my speed has increased and I’m not stumbling nearly as much. We stay together, our little pack of chained, gagged captives slowly making their way, hoping that by sheer luck we’ve started on the right course.

Back at camp, Tyler drives up on the ATV, shutting it off and jumping into his chair. Aaron has hooked up his laptop to the TV and has the GPS tracking program up and running, and they’re all kicking back, eating their breakfast and watching our progress. It turns out that we originally started going in the right direction, but with no compass we have no reference as to what direction is what, and they watch as we slowly turn off course, having made a slow 90-degree turn.

We continue to hobble through the forest in our little pack. Skyler has taken the lead, and is both guiding us in what direction to go, and trying to motivate and help us keep moving as fast as we can. Shuffling the way we are is way more tiring than walking, and as we approach the one hour mark we’re all already exhausted, our bodies glistening with sweat. My legs thighs and calves burn as I keep going, but stop and look over my shoulder, seeing Jake stopped 20 feet behind me. I mmph into my gag trying to tell him to catch up, and he whimpers back, exhausted. I mmmph into my gag to get Skyler’s attention, and we both shuffle our way back to Jake. He’s still trying, but he’s tired. Skyler, the leader, shakes his head and lets out a soft mmmph, and we take the hint, stopping to take a short break. Jake’s nostrils flare as air hisses in an out of his nose, and we jump in surprise as the radio crackles. “3 hours left. You’re 1 and three quarter miles from camp. Pick up the pace or you won’t make it!” The radio clicks off and Skyler mmphs again. I nudge Jake forward, and we get going again, the jingling of our chains our only companion.

Back at camp, Tyler, Casey and Aaron have been watching with great amusement as we stumble our way through the forest. They watch as my and Skyler’s markers pull ahead of Jake’s, seeing them periodically stop and wait for him to catch up. We’re all exhausted, but Jake’s just running out of gas a lot faster than we are. I look over my shoulder and see our companion struggling to even stay standing, and I give Skyler another nudge and mmph, motioning back toward him with my head. We hobble back to him, and he whimpers into his gag, trying desperately to keep up with us. He shuffles his feet forward weakly, continuing to whimper as his legs burn. I look at Skyler and we mmmpphhh at each other, and we stay alongside our companion, not wanting to leave him behind. We stop, hearing the crackle of the radio on Jake’s arms. “Two hours gone. 1 and a quarter miles from camp!” Jake can’t go any farther and drops heavily to his knees, his legs feeling like rubber. Skyler and I let him rest for a bit, needing a breather ourselves. Our chest heave up and down, our nostrils flaring as we suck in air, legs and calves feeling like jelly. I keep wishing we could talk, but all we can do is look at each other with panicked eyes, knowing that our time is running short.

Jake rests for about 5 or 10 minutes, then he struggles to his feet. The three of us start on our way again, the last progress report telling us that we’re at least going in the right direction. We can only move for about 15 minutes though, before Jake drops to his knees again. I can tell Skyler’s getting frustrated, and he hobbles over to him, roughly nudging him with a knee, angrily mmmphing into his gag. I shuffle back as quickly as I can and bump him away from the exhausted Jake, glaring at him. I look down, seeing the boy in blue whimpering into his gag. I mmmph into my gag, my chin soaked in my drool, and crouch down behind him. I reach around and grab his cuffed wrists with my own and stand up, pulling him up to his feet. His legs wobble as he steadies himself, and we start off again. We keep going, making the best pace that we can. The clinking of our chains seems to drive us along, our sneakered feet feeling like lead as we continue to hobble. Sweat drips from us, our hair soaked and plastered to our heads, as we continue going as a group, each of us motivating the other to keep going.

I hear the crackle of the radio. “1 hour to go. 1 mile left!” I groan into my gag, Skyler and Jake emitting their own groans. We’re never going to make it in time. Jake’s too exhausted, he drops to his knees, shaking his head when we mmmpphh for him to get up. The last progress report has driven the hope from Skyler, and he shuffles weakly over to his friend and drops down next to him. I hobble over to them, my legs quivering as I let out an mmph, only to see them shaking their heads, too exhausted to continue. I groan into my gag, realizing that this is hopeless, and I join them. We gasp for breath through flared nostrils, leaning against each other for support, just waiting for our captors to call time and come collect us.

Our captors know that we had given up long before the 4-hour countdown ended, but they keep us out there, stuck a mile from camp, until the official end of the challenge. “Time’s up. Sorry boys, you lose.” Aaron shuts off the radio and puts it back in a duffel bag. Tyler jumps back on the ATV, holding a handheld tracker to pinpoint us, and drives on, pulling the cage on the trailer behind him. He reaches us within 5 minutes, seeing the three of us huddled together on our knees. He stops the ATV in front of us and turns it off, jumping off and walking toward us. “Awww, that’s cute.” I lift my head up at my captor and whimper softly, and he reaches down and ruffles my damp hair. “You tried hard pinky, you all did. But you still failed.” He unlocks and opens the cage door. “Inside, now,” he orders.

The three of us slowly get to our feet and shuffle over. I get in first, dropping to my knees on the trailer and shuffling my way in. The other two quickly follow, our three bodies wedged between the cage walls and each other. My captor closes and locks the door, then gets back on and drives us away. I groan into my gag, cooled by the blowing air as the ATV drives along, and look around as we stop at camp once again. Casey unlocks and opens the cage door and orders sternly. “Out, hurry up.” We squirm our way out of the cage and get back to our feet, and we’re pushed back toward our towels by our assigned captors. I yelp as Tyler gives me a rough push on my back, and I hobble quickly over to my towel and drop to my knees, my two victims following suit.

Tyler decides that my cuffs and chains aren’t strict enough for me, and hooks his finger in my collar again, tugging upward. I groan into my gag as I rise to my feet, and he pulls me back to the duffel bags again. He pushes me down to my knees again, unlocking the cuffs and chains from me. He wastes no time, looping and knotting rope off around my wrists and arms, tightly squeezing my hands, forearms and elbows together behind my back, a rope tightly wraps around my belly and arms to hold my arms behind me. My ankles and legs are tightly tied just as tightly, and twine loops around the base of my big toes, digging into the soft skin as it’s tightened down and knotted off. He roughly pulls my feet up over my butt, threading rope between my ankles and wrists, yanking the slack out, my hands and feet touching. He knots the rope off, holding me in a strict hogtie, rocking back and forth on my belly. A long piece of twine is run from my tied toes to the back of my collar, the slack pulled out, my toes pulled forward, feet arched forward painfully tight. I groan into my gag the twine is knotted off, my feet cruelly pulled forward towards the front of my body. A final piece of twine threads through the D-ring at the top of my collar and my wrists. The slack is pulled out here too, my head slowly drawn back, my face held up as the twine is knotted off. I rock back and forth on my stomach, secured in a severe and cruel hogtie.

My fellow captives had been tightly tied too. Skyler is on his knees, his legs tightly folded, ankles tied to his upper thighs. His wrists had been bound, then pulled up, over and behind his head, secured to the back of his collar. He tugs, his hands held tight behind his head.

Jake might have had it the worst. His wrists and elbows are tied like mine, but his legs are folded like Skyler’s, his ankles tied to his thighs. He’s laying on his back, and a pair of ropes are looped under the back of his knees, one for each leg. The ropes from his knees have been secured to the front of his collar, and pulled as tightly as possible. This forces his folded legs to splay apart, and pull back toward his head, exposing his speedo clad crotch lewdly.

Our captors come up with a creative way to leave us. Jake is left on his back. I mmph into my gag as Tyler and Aaron lift up my tightly hogtied and packaged form, placing me on my stomach facing Jake’s crotch. We both whine into our gags as I’m slid forward, my face forced to bury right onto Jake’s crotch and junk, my nose and ballgagged mouth pressing right against his junk tightly. A pair of ropes run from his legs to the the ring on my gag harness, providing the pressure needed to keep my face buried there, unable to move away. I groan into my gag softly, finding myself just staring right into his crotch, thankful that at least he’s wearing the speedo.

Skyler has been picked up by Casey and Aaron, and sat down on Jake’s chest. They position Skyler high up on his chest and secure him in position with a couple stakes, driving them into the ground, then securing his ankles to them. A rope has been tied tightly around Skyler’s belly and knotted off. Another rope threads through the D-ring on Jake’s gag harness, the end brought up to Skyler’s waist rope. Aaron tightens this rope and draws the slack out, Jake’s head forced to raise up, his face burying into Skyler’s crotch. Skyler groans softly as Jake’s face presses tightly against his member, as Aaron threads ties another rope to the ring on the front of Jake’s collar, and threads it between his chest and between Skyler’s legs. He slips it under Skyler’s waist rope at the small of his back and pulls, forcing Jake to raise up slightly, pressing his face even tighter against Skyler’s crotch and junk. Aaron ties the rope off nice and tight, and all three of our captors stand up and inspect their creation.

All three of us groan into our gags, as we helplessly lay or kneel in position. My face is tightly pressed into Jake’s crotch between his wide-open legs, unable to move due to my hogtie, unable to move my face away at all. Skyler is sitting on Jake’s chest, whose head has been pulled up, his gagged face buried into Skyler’s crotch and tightly secured in place. Our captors laugh at their cruel, 3-boy creation and settle into their camping chairs, going back to partying and enjoying themselves. All we can do is groan and mmph, Jake and I forced to take whiffs of sweaty crotch with each breath, horrified at being tied this way. Time creeps by at a snail’s pace, all three of us hoping that release will come soon.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Damn! I forgot how good this was.
Thanks for posting this and giving new members a chance to enjoy this, Jason.

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

The Camping Trip - Part 3

Three very long hours later, and me and my two fellow captives are still tightly tied, and tightly tied together. I’ve been secured in a strict, tight hogtie, my face buried in Jake’s crotch and secured tightly in place. Jake’s on his back, his arms tightly bound behind him, his legs folded tight, ropes running from his knees to his collar, pulling his knees back, splaying his legs wide apart. My other fellow victim, Skyler, has been placed on Jake’s chest, and Jake’s gagged head has been pulled up, his face buried into Skyler’s crotch and tightly secured. All the three of us can do is struggle and fight against our bonds.

Unfortunately for me, Jake is super sensitive. My struggling, breathing, and the vibrations of my ballgag that occur whenever I groan or mmph have been making the boy excited since the start. I could feel his excitement growing, and after an hour of us being tied together, it’s just too much for him. He lets out a squeal into his gag and jerks as he spunks his speedo. I’m the unfortunate victim, and I feel the wet spot grow on his thin little speedo, groaning into my gag as the scent fills my nose, feeling the wetness spread against my face. Unable to move my face away, all I could do is keep it pressed against they boy’s now wet speedo and sniff the scent of his spunk with each tortured breath.

Our captors have been ignoring us the whole time, leaving us to endure our time in our degrading and humiliating positions. A chorus of humiliated whines and groans escapes our gagged mouths, as all three of us beg our captors to pull us away from each other.

I dart my frantic blue eyes around as I hear footsteps coming closer to me. I lift my eyes as I see my captor, Tyler, enter my field of vision, laughing at me as my eyes beg and plead with him. “Awwww pinky, you’ve got that cute distressed look in your eyes. I don’t know if I want to let you out yet.” My cheeks burn bright as I whimper into my ballgag, continuing to stare up at him.

Upon closer inspection, Tyler sees my face buried in the now dark-blue spot on his speedo, and decides that I’ve had enough. He unties me from Jake, a groan of relief emerging from both of our gagged mouths as he slides me away. I peer up at my captor, mmmphing a very happy thank you as he leaves me in my tight hogtie for a little bit longer. I can only watch as Casey unties Skyler from Jake and pulls him away, the younger blonde boy mmmphing a thank you to his captor as he’s set on his knees, his hands still tightly secured together and tied to the back of his collar. We’re left in our positions for a while longer, but all three of us are grateful to our captors.

Eventually all three of our captors walk back to us. I lift my eyes and peer up at Tyler as he slowly starts to untie me, cutting the twine pulling my head back, as well as the twine pulling my big toes forward. I groan in relief as he releases me from the strict hogtie he put me in, lowering my tied legs to the ground. He doesn’t untie me fully, but I’m just happy that I’m no longer hogtied. He pulls me up to my knees on my pink towel, and I groan again in relief as I feel the padlocks on my gag buckles being unbuckled, the harness released from around my head, the huge ball popped from my mouth. I try to croak out a ‘thank you’ to my captor, but he doesn’t give me the chance, shoving a Snickers bar into my mouth. I bite and munch on the candy bar, my hunger pangs subsiding as it settles in my stomach.

Tyler gives me a moment to stretch my jaw, but as soon as I open my mouth to speak he’s stuffing my mouth again. This time it’s his sweaty socks, having taken them off earlier and changed into a new pair. I gag and scrunch my eyes shut as the taste of the wet, dirty socks hits my tongue, my mmphs quickly going softer and softer as his fingers stuff the socks deep into my mouth. He packs my mouth, my cheeks puffing out slightly. My captor’s hands leave my mouth, and almost immediately a flap of strong pink duct tape slaps over my mouth.

Tyler places a hand on top of my head as he starts to wind the roll around my head. He pulls long sections off the roll, tightly pulling it over my densely packed mouth with each pass. I count about 20 passes around my head, the duct tape overlapping itself to form a thick layer. My captor cuts the tape, and presses his hands hard around my head, pressing the tape down even tighter. I groan into my gag, my entire mouth filled with the taste of my captor’s feet, the pink duct tape wrapped around my head, covering my face from my chin to just underneath my nostrils. I stare wide-eyed up at my captor and friend as he roughly pushes me back onto my butt, cutting the twine on my big toes, then untying my ankles and legs. I groan softly into my gag as I stretch my legs, watching Tyler slipping my pink Chucks back onto my bare feet, lacing the sneakers tightly on. He clips his leash onto my thick, pink collar and gives it a tug, urging me up to my feet.

“I’m gonna take pinky for a walk, be back in a few minutes,” he says to his two companions. They laugh and mockingly wish me a good time, and Tyler tugs on the leash, leading me out of the campsite and out into the forest.

I follow along behind my captor as he leads me into the forest, out a couple hundred yards away from the campsite. He stops, turning around and looks at me. I peer back at him as he looks into my eyes. “Sorry bout Jake,” he says. “I totally wasn't expecting that to happen.” I shrug my shoulders, a barely audible mmpphh coming out of my gagged mouth. I mean, it was really really gross, but it wasn't like I got it on me or anything.

Tyler smiles. “Cool,” he says. “Just making sure. I know you weren’t expecting this at all. And I know for sure that you weren’t expecting some other boy to basically explode on your face.” I mmph softly, leaning forward and rubbing the top of my head against him, thanking my friend for checking on me. He laughs, pushing my head away, then tugs on my leash. “Let’s get back to camp pinky.” I follow along, keeping my head lowered as Tyler leads me back to camp. “It’s a good thing I walked him,” Tyler says as we walk back into the campsite. “Pinky was about to have an accident.”

I keep my head lowered and let out a soft little whimper through my gag as Casey and Aaron laugh. I know that wasn’t true, but Tyler had made up an excuse to get me out of the campsite for a bit, and I have to play along, no matter how humiliating it is. I look around, my eyes focusing on my fellow captives.

Casey had tied Skyler into a different position while we were gone. He’s still on his knees, but his ankles are locked into a 3 foot long metal spreader bar, keeping his legs spread apart wide. His wrists and elbows are tied together in front of him, and another rope has been tied from his elbows to a ring at the center of the spreader bar. His elbows have been pulled back, forcing the boy to rest on his forearms, and his tied wrists are tied to the ring on the front of his collar. The position forces Skyler to rest on his knees, his legs bent at a 90-degree angle, his butt thrust up high behind him, his head lowered close to the ground.

Skyler mews and whines softly, his face and head held by a leather harness gag. Actually, one of my harness gags. Casey had taken my dildo gag and had stuffed it into Skyler’s mouth. I look down at the boy wide-eyed, the pink straps digging into his face and head, the gag’s pink mouthplate squeezing down tightly over his lips and cheeks, a look of distress and humiliation in his blue eyes as he struggles to get used to the large dildo in his mouth, the tip against the back of his throat constantly threatening to make him gag. A rope has been tied to the D-ring at the top of the harness, run back behind him, then down through the ring in the spreader bar. Casey is currently manipulating this rope, pulling the boy’s head back, exposing Skyler’s tightly gagged face to everybody. I stare down at him, seeing his cheeks hollowing out, wet sucking noises escaping his mouth.

“I don’t have a dildo gag for red yet, so I borrowed one of pinky’s,” Casey says to my captor. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“No problem at all dude,” says Tyler. “Just make sure to wash it after you take it out.” He ruffles my hair as I whimper again. “Pinky’s gonna get a lot time with that gag this week.”

Casey laughs. “I’ll bet pinky just loves the thought of that.” He looks down at Skyler. “And keep sucking red. If you stop you’ll be sorry.”

Feeling sorry for Skyler, but unable to do anything to help him, I look over at Jake. Aaron has also taken the time to tie the boy into another position, as well as take the time to change the boy’s speedo. Unlike Casey, Aaron has decided to tie Jake in something a lot less humiliating and exposed. The boy’s ankles are crossed and tightly tied, a 1 foot long spreader bar locked around his legs at his knees, leaving him helpless to close his legs. His arms are tied like mine, wrists and elbows tied, rope wrapping around his belly and forearms. Aaron has pulled Jake’s sneakered feet up over his butt, bending his legs, and tied them down tightly to his wrists in a strict hogtie, his feet just a few inches away from his hands. Aaron’s changed the boy’s gag out for another one. It’s also a harness ballgag, but the new ball is even larger than the one he previously had in his mouth. The boy groans, his jaws wedged apart wide by the ball that’s almost too big for his mouth, the light blue leather straps digging savagely into his face. All the straps have been yanked tightly and buckled down, locking the boy’s mouth around the ball, his teeth forced to bite down on the hard rubber. This particular gag has no mouthplate, so drool bubbles out of his mouth and down his chin at a steady pace, already coating his chin. His head is also pulled back by a rope tied from his wrists to the top of his gag harness, his face pulled up.

“I like how you tie pinky’s arms, so I decided to use it on blue,” says Aaron as he puts the knot in the rope pulling his head back.

“Awesome,” says Tyler. “It really effective.”


I wince as I stare down at Jake, and his eyes lift and lock on mine, but he’s still super embarrassed about earlier, and he almost instantly lowers his eyes again. He groans into the huge ball and struggles against his hogtie, but only finds himself rocking ever so slightly from side to side, his spread knees serving as a stable base, keeping the boy stuck on his belly.

Having inspected the other two boys, Tyler tugs on my leash to get my attention. I mmph into my gag, lifting my head to look up at my captor. “So,” he says. “How should I tie you pinky?” I shrug my shoulders up and down, whimpering again softly into my gag. Tyler laughs, “Actually, I’ve got a great idea for you pinky.” He tugs on my leash again, leading me to the duffel bags, then tugs me back down onto my knees. I lift my head, mmphing softly into my sockgag.

I groan into my gag as my arms are untied, stretching and rotating them to work the muscle kinks out. Tyler gives me a moment of freedom, then pulls my arms behind me again. He wraps my wrists with rope, cinching and knotting it off tightly. Another rope wraps around my arms below my elbows, pinning them tightly together. I mmph softly as Tyler takes a long length of rope and doubles it. He threads the looped end between elbows and slips the end through the loop, pulling it tight. He starts to make a simple harness with the rope, slipping the rope underneath my right armpit and over my right shoulder. He brings the rope behind my neck under my collar, then brings the rope over my left shoulder and under my left armpit. He brings the end between my forearms, using my elbow tie to pivot the rope back upward. He threads the rope between the back of my neck and the harness rope. I whine softly, unsure of what’s going to happen as my captor doubles the rope back downward, giving it a firm, steady pull.

I gasp and let out a groan as the harness tightens, it’s effect being to pull my shoulders back in their sockets even more. He winds the rope around my elbow cinch and knots it off, my arms tied even more tightly. Another long rope winds around my stomach and forearms a couple times, cinching between my back and arms, knotting off, my arms welded against my back.

My captor then pushes me down onto my belly, and I feel him tightly tie my ankles and legs above and below the knee. He rolls me onto my back and sits me up, and bends my knees, pulling them up close to my chest. A rope loops behind my knees and around my back, underneath my tied arms. He pulls the rope tight, forcing my knees up as close to my chest as possible, folding me up tightly. He knots the rope off, then rolls me onto my side. Another rope threads from my bound ankles to my wrists, and he pulls the slack out. I groan into my gag as my bound feet are pulled up, my heels tucking against my butt. Tyler knots the rope off and stands up, the ball-tie finished. I tug and struggle against my ropes, but find myself completely immobile and helpless, only able to wiggle about just a little bit.

Skyler, Jake and I are left to suffer in our tight positions as our captors eat dinner, then party into the night. I grunt into my gag, and start to wriggle and fight against my bonds, wincing and whining as the rope bites into my flesh if I struggle to hard. My other two captives must have the same idea, because all three of us are grunting and groaning into our gags as we try in vain to get free. Our captors watch us for a while and laugh at the pathetic sight of their three captives trying to escape. I can only wriggle about on my side, and Jake’s crossed feet wave back and forth as he rocks back and forth o his belly. Skyler’s raised butt wriggles wildly about as he struggles, and his cheeks burn a bright red as our captors make fun of him.

I lift my head and mmph as Tyler walks back toward me, hoping that he’s going to untie me. But all he does is grab me and roll me over onto my knees. My folded-over position forces my face to the ground, my pink butt poking upward. I whimper, cheeks flushing again as Tyler gives me some humiliating smacks on my butt. The three of us are left to struggle, but after a bit all we can do is lay there, our bodies glistening with sweat, too exhausted to move.

Tyler eventually lets me loose from my strict balltie, but keeps my arms and legs tightly bound together. I watch as he clips his leash to my collar again and gives it a tug. “Since blue seems to really get along with you, I think you should share a cage with him tonight pinky,” he says with a laugh.

My eyes widen as I stare up at my captor, my cheeks flushing a super-bright red as I groan into my gag. Jake is still super embarrassed from his little incident, and I hear the boy whimper into his gag as he hears Tyler. I put up a fight as Tyler tries to tug me to my feet, mmphing and grunting softly. A savage yank pulls me up to my feet by my collar, and I’m yanked along, forcing me to either hop or be dragged to the cage. I continue to fight as I’m yanked down to my knees, my eyes wide as I watch him open the cage door, looking up at him, pleading one final time into my gag as Tyler roughly shoves me in. I whimper softly as I kneel in the cage, the door closed and locked behind me.

Skyler and Jake are let free from their positions and re-tied just like I am, wrists, elbows, ankles and knees wrapped in rope, their limbs tightly bound together. Leashes are clipped to their collars, and they too start to fight against their captors as they’re yanked to their feet. I watch as Casey and Aaron yank their captives along to where I’m at. A couple more yanks drops them both down to their knees, and the two helpless boys are roughly shoved into their respective cages.

Skyler starts to whimper and sniffle he wriggles on his knees inside the small cage, bending down and pressing his face to the cage floor, locked in the cramped space for the second night in a row. I watch as the door to my cage is unlocked and opened, Jake still trying to fight, but he’s quickly shoved into the cage with me, the both of us on our knees, facing each other. We turn our heads and look up at Aaron as he closes and locks the cage door, then peer at each other. “Good night boys!” our captors say, all three of them heading into their large tent, zipping the tent opening closed and leaving us alone in the dark, just the moonlight washing over us.

Jake is too humiliated to even look at me, so he just keeps his face lowered and emits a soft series of mmphs and whimpers, trying to tell me that he’s sorry for spunking right in my face. I give the boy a nudge, mmphing softly in return. He lifts his face and looks at me, and I try to give him my most reassuring look, trying to let the boy know that it’s okay.

Jake sighs, still completely humiliated, but relieved that I’m not angry at him or anything. We both shiver as the temperature drops, and he starts to snuggle his body into mine in an attempt to keep warm. I return the snuggling, and we huddle together on our sides on the cage floor. Our bare bodies squeeze together, the smaller boy’s body tucks tightly into mine, and it helps us endure the chilly night. Jake’s exhausted, and I can soon hear his soft breathing as he falls asleep.

I hear Skyler whimpering and sniffling in the cage next to us, and I lift my head, seeing him kneeling in the small cage, bent over with his face to the floor. He can’t stop shivering, and I can hear him crying softly into his gag. I give him a soft mmmph of my own, not wanting to wake up Jake, and he lifts his head and turns to look at me, in the moonlight I can see the hopeless look in his blue eyes, tears glistening as they drip down his cheeks. We lock eyes for a second, then he lowers his face down again, probably embarrassed that I can see him crying. I can hear him trying to stop, but he just continues to sob and sniffle. I feel really sorry for him, but I can’t do anything for him other than send him another soft reassuring mmph.

I remain awake for a while, listening to Skyler in the other cage. I eventually hear the soft hiss of air through Skyler’s nose as he drifts off to sleep, and I close my eyes and snuggle in tighter with Jake. I focus on the sound of the Jake’s soft breathing, the rhythmic sound helping me drift off to sleep.
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Wow, I remember reading this year's back. This a top story for sure. Thanks for bringing it back! And putting one a day gives me sosomething to come back for!
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Jason Toddman
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The Camping Trip - Part 4

I wake up with a start, opening my eyes to the sight and sound of Tyler and Aaron banging the top of the cage. I lift my head and groan into my gag, the taste of my captor’s socks still filling my mouth. I’m locked in the large cage with Jake, our bare bodies pressing tightly to each other. I feel the other boy stir, lifting his own head with a groggy “mmpphhh.”

“Wake up boys!!” Aaron calls down to us. “I know that you two like each other, but you gotta get out!!” We both whimper and blush at Aaron’s comment, and hear the cage door being locked and opened.

I let Jake squirm his way out of the cage, and quickly follow. We both struggle to our feet and hop over to our towels, and I look over, watching Casey banging on the small cage, opening it up and dragging Skyler out. He groans as he kneels outside the cage for a second, then struggles to his feet, hopping over next to us, dropping back to his knees on his towel. We kneel next to each other, sitting on our heels as we shake our heads and blink the sleep away. It takes me a second to realize that it’s Monday, the past couple days having been a blur of activity.

We spend the next 10 minutes or so on our knees, watching our captors take care of things around the campsite. We all start squirming and fighting our bonds, all of us having to go to the bathroom. Our captors ignore us, then one at a time we’re finally untied, a long piece of toilet paper put in our hand, a slap on our butt sending us each on our way.

I run off, finding a tree far off, a couple hundred yards away. I take care of business, kicking some dirt over my mess and the toilet paper, and hurry back. Tyler pours some more hand sanitizer on my hands, and I rub them clean quickly. Casey and Aaron are busy taking the gags off their captives, and Tyler starts to work on mine. He spend the next 5 minutes unwinding the duct tape from around my head, then pries the soaked, wadded up pair of socks from my mouth.

Finally ungagged, Tyler hands me a breakfast sandwich, which I hungrily scarf down. A few gulps of water wash everything down. My breakfast done after just a couple minutes, Tyler takes my gag from Casey, who had just finished cleaning it. I whimper, slowly opening my mouth as my captor slides the large dildo into my mouth. I groan, fighting the urge to gag as the straps are yanked down tightly around my face and head, dildo locked deep in my mouth, mouthpanel pressing over my lips and cheeks. My captor padlocks the gag on, then points back to my towel. I walk over to it and drop to my knees, holding my hands behind me.

Skyler and Jake are getting the same treatment. Skyler’s mouth is locked around his big red ballgag, the red leather straps tightly squeezing into his face and head. He’s pushed toward his towel, and he drops to his knees on it and holds his hands behind his back too. We look at each other, not knowing what’s going to happen next.

Jake has one of his ballgags secured tightly in his mouth, the one without the mouthpanel. He also gets a push toward his spot, and he walks to it, dropping to his knees between me and Skyler. He kneels on his spot, holding his hands behind his back like Skyler and I. We look up at our captors, wondering what they planned for us.

We watch our captors search through their supplies, nervously glancing at each other. They came back up to us a couple minutes later, each of them holding four leather cuffs and padlocks. I let out an mmph into my gag as I feel my pink leather cuffs slip around my wrists and buckle down tightly, small padlocks locking them in place. Two more cuffs slip around my ankles, buckling down tight, padlocks securing them. A larger, heavy padlock is slips through the four rings on my cuffs and clicks into place, locking my hands and wrists together. I turn my head, seeing that all three of us captives are cuffed identically, locked into kneeling hogties.

Tyler, Casey and Aaron walk back around in front of us, and we captives lift our heads and look up at them, all three of us tugging against the cuffs and lock. Aaron holds up a silver key. “First to get out of their hogtie wins.” He tosses the key to the other side of the campsite, about 15 feet away. “Go!!”

The three of us groan and grunt into our gags as we start to race over to the key laying on the ground. It’s slow going, and we’re all moving at the same pace as we crawl on our knees. Our captors stand back and just watch, laughing at us, complimenting Aaron on his idea.

We stay on our knees as we make our way towards the key, but we start to bunch up, jostling against each other as we get closer. We jockey for position as we get closer. Skyler lets out a yelp into his gag as he loses his balance and topples over onto his side, fighting to get up and wriggling his way on his side at the same time. Jake and I fight for position, our jostling and bumping making us both fall over. Our captors laugh as they watch us wriggle over on our sides. We’re forced face away from the key when we get into its general area in order to grab it. I crane my head over my shoulder, but I’m unable to see the key, so I have to search blindly with my fingers. Jake’s doing the same thing as we search for the key.

Skyler quickly catches up and joins the fray, our captors laughing as we mmpphh and grunt into our gags, the three of us laying on our sides, arranged like a triangle, the key centered between us. Our hands and feet all bump against each other, and it turns into a chaotic jumble of hands, fingers, and sneakered feet as we fight each other for the key, all three of us blindly searching.

I grunt and mmph, then I see Jake quickly rolling over onto his other side. Realizing that he has the key, and Skyler and I both turn on him, desperately trying to wriggle our way over to his hands in an attempt to steal the key or knock it out of his hands.

Jake grunts as he wriggles wildly on his side, holding the key in one hand as he tries to grab the lock in his other hand and position it. His eyes light up as he feels that the lock’s in the right position, frantically trying to fit the key into the keyhole. I fight to reach him, my hands grabbing at his wrists as he succeeds in getting the key into the keyhole, turning it. We all hear the *click* of a padlock releasing, Skyler and I fighting until the last minute. But Jake is the victorious one, pulling his cuffs free of the padlock, falling back with his limbs free, crowing victoriously into his gag.

“Good job blue!” Our captors cheer as Skyler and I lay back, exhausted and defeated. They order Jake to kneel on his spot again as Casey and Tyler walk up to Skyler and I. We don’t get the luxury of being released as our captors just grab where our cuffs meet, and we groan out loudly as they pull up, lifting our hogtied bodies off the ground like suitcases. They carry us back to our spots and dump us down onto our stomach, leaving us locked in our hogties, sneakered feet sticking up in the air.

Aaron has unbuckled and pulled Jake’s ballgag out of his mouth. He lets out a happy cheer as he’s told his reward for winning this newest challenge. In addition to the luxury of sleeping with his captors in the tent, he’s earned a temporary reprieve from his captivity.

It turns out that our captors had held a meeting in their tent after they put us to sleep, and decided that although the temperature only drops to about the mid-70s at night, it’s too cold for a nearly naked captive boy to endure by himself. Therefore, for the rest of the week, one captive will take the remaining sleeping space in the tent. I had experienced it on our first night, and while it’s simply a small, uncushioned space and a little pillow, it’s a whole lot more comfortable than being alone outside. Of course, the remaining two captive boys will continue to sleep outside, but at least they’ll be able to rely on each other for warmth.

I look over at Jake as he’s allowed off his spot, happily taking a place in an empty camping chair, gulping down a can of Coke that Aaron’s gotten for him. Like me, his clothes have been left at his captor’s house, so he must still be subjected to his blue speedo, but he’s too happy at his freedom to care.

I turn my head and glance nervously at Skyler, mmphing as we wait for our captors to come back. They return a moment later, dropping rolls of pink and red wrapping in front of us. My legs are released from the padlock, my wrists kept behind my back. I feel my ankle cuffs being unbuckled and removed, then feel the wrap being wound around my ankles in a wide band. This particular material is called ‘vet-wrap’, and it’s designed to not only stick to itself, but constrict after it’s applied. I feel the wrap squeezing around my ankles, holding my ankles together. My legs are bent, my feet pulled up over my butt. I groan as Tyler presses down on my ankles, forcing my heels to press against my butt. Aaron helps my captor out, grabbing my knees and lifting my legs up off the ground, while Tyler wraps the light pink wrap around my ankles and thighs, securing my legs in their tightly folded position, and I groan as the wrap constricts and folds them down even tighter. Tyler wraps my legs all the way to my knees, leaving just a little bit of exposed flesh where my legs bend.

One roll used, Tyler picks up a second roll of vet-wrap and starts to wind it up my body. He starts at my hips, wrapping over my speedo. The wrap constricts as it makes its way up my body. He wraps it over my stomach and cuffed hands. I whine into my dildo gag and groan as my captor winds the wrap up. He stops just below my neck, just my head, neck, knees, and sneakers exposed. He grins as he winds the wrap around my sneakers a few times, squeezing my feet together, just the toes and heels of my shoes now visible.

I feel Tyler ruffle my hair, then makes sure that the harness straps are nice and tight, digging into my face and head. I turn my head to look at Skyler, seeing him secured the exact same way, wrapped into a tight hogtie, but he’s wrapped in red vet-wrap. I see Jake leaning forward, peering at me and Skyler with wide brown eyes. I turn my head forward and look up at our captors standing before us, looking at them towering over my packaged body. They find our wrapping satisfactory, and Aaron and Casey position themselves in front and behind Skyler. Casey grabs his shoulders, Aaron grabs his ankles, and I hear a groan as he’s picked up. They carry Skyler over to the big cage, and slide him inside, knees first so he faces out toward the rest of the campsite. I look up at Tyler and mmph softly into my dildo gag as Aaron walks back and grabs my knees. Tyler grabs under my shoulders, and I mmph again, whining as they lift me up off the ground. I’m carried over to the big cage, and slid in next to Skyler, also facing the rest of the campsite. They laugh and look down at the matching mummies, our bodies laid side-by-side. Tyler closes and locks the cage door, leaving me and Skyler there alone. We turn and look at each other, our noses just inches apart. I mmph softly, which Skyler returns. It’s weird, going through so much with someone, and not ever being able to talk to each other. We both wriggle and squirm about, our bodies pressing and rubbing against each other, our feet waving slightly from side to side. Finding escape impossible, we settle down, looking out of the cage to the rest of the campsite.

Our three captors, and one lucky captive, settle around the firepit, Aaron having brought a fourth chair out of the SUV so they can all sit and relax. They look and me and Skyler in our cage, commenting on how perfect we look together, the two blonde captive mummies. We lift our eyes and peer at them, cheeks flushing as soft mmphs and groans are emitted from our gags.

Skyler and I are kept caged together, hogtied and mummified for hour after hour, our the four of them ignoring us as they enjoy the day. We can only watch helplessly as they talk, play video games, and enter into a marathon session of hacky sack. We try to keep each other company, doing things like nudging each other with our hips and touching our sneakers together. When you can’t move or talk, any form of interaction is a welcome distraction. We turn and look at each other, stifling giggles under our gags, both of us happy to have a companion.

Skyler and I are kept like this until around mid-afternoon. It wasn’t that bad, our hogties were relatively comfortable, and we were able to keep each other occupied. We both lift our heads and look up as Casey and Tyler walk over, unlocking and opening the cage door. We grunt as we’re both dragged out of the cage, safety scissors slicing through our vet-wrap, our cuffs unlocked from each other, but kept around our wrists. I feel my gag being loosened, the dildo slowly slid from my mouth. Skyler has been treated the same way, and we kneel before our captors, free and ungagged.

Tyler announces that we’re going to be kept free for lunch, and then it’ll be ‘break time’ until it’s time to sleep tonight. I smile widely as Tyler explains to me that after every couple days or so we captives get a few hours of relative relaxation. We’re still captives, of course, but at least we get a break from our captors. Skyler and I are told to get to our spots, and we obediently walk over and kneel on our towels. Jake groans and pouts as he’s told that he’s being returned to captivity, and Aaron locks his leather cuffs back onto his wrists so we match, and he joins us on his spot. We’re warned not to talk, and the three of us just kneel in our little group as lunch is prepared.

Burgers and brats are grilled up by our captors, and we’re allowed to make our own plates. After a couple days of eating very little, I make a burger and a hot dog, along with a big pile of potato chips. I grab a can of Coke as I return to my towel, and I attack my lunch. I inhale my food quickly, then gulp down the can of soda, emitting a contented burp, having just had my first full meal in two days. Skyler and Jake are just as hungry, and we’re done with lunch quickly.

Lunch done, our captors walk behind us, locking our cuffed wrists behind our backs with padlocks. Even though we’re getting a few hours break, we’re reminded that technically we’re still captives, and captives need to be restrained. We’re left ungagged, and left alone in our own little group to converse. I’m a bit dejected at being ignored by my best friend, but Tyler explains that no matter how close we are normally, captives and captors don’t get to hang out. “Besides pinky,” he says as he ruffles my hair. “You’ve got two new friends to talk to.”

Skyler, Jake and I kneel in a circle and start to talk quietly. We get our formal introductions done, and I finally learn their names, having only known them as blue and red for the past two days. I’m curious about my two new friends, and ask them how they got into doing this kind of stuff. Both boys smile, then share their individual stories with me.

Skyler met Tyler at the skate park about a year and a half ago, and he explains that he was also the victim of a lost bet, this time over a game of SKATE (like HORSE for basketball, but with skateboarding tricks, and Tyler’s an awesome skater). He explains that he had never been tied up before that, but after a day of being Tyler’s captive, he, like me, had asked for more. Over time, he’d been ‘introduced’ to Casey and Aaron in future games, and was the one captive on the first camping trip almost exactly one year ago.

Jake’s story is much different. He had actually been tying himself up since he was about 10, and 4 months ago made the fateful mistake of accidentally emailing Aaron a video file of him struggling in his own tie instead of a video of him doing a skateboarding trick. Aaron used the video to blackmail him, Jake forced to be Aaron’s captive for the weekend. While initially under the threat of blackmail, within a couple weeks he was asking Aaron to tie him up. He met Casey, Tyler, and his fellow captive Skyler on a sleepover held at Aaron’s house for a couple days over Spring Break. I remember that Tyler had invited me to a sleepover at Aaron’s house over Spring Break, but I couldn’t go because my dad and I went to look at colleges that week. So I guess that’s what went on those couple days.

Having heard Tyler already tell my story, my companions inquire as to how I’m doing. My cheeks flush slightly, a little embarrassed to talk about stuff like this still. But seeing that we’ve experienced so much together over the past couple days, I open up to them. I’m totally enjoying being a captive, and everything about this camping trip has been an amazing time. The boys laugh, giving me playful nudges and welcoming me to the club.

The three of us enjoy the next few hours together, just talking, hanging out, and getting to know each other. Skyler and Jake are pretty cool, and I’m happy that they’ve both accepted me as a friend. Our captors unlock our hands and let us run off to the bathroom, and then we all have some more burgers for dinner. After dinner, our hands are locked behind us again, and we’re again left in our circle for the rest of the night.

Eventually, it’s time for bed and break time is over. We look up at our captors as they grab supplies and walk back toward us. They unlock our hands and remove our wrist cuffs, and a chorus or groans escapes our mouths as they tightly tape our wrists and arms, squeezing them behind our backs. I mmph and gag again, Tyler’s used socks stuffed into my mouth again, cheeks puffing out as the wadded up sweaty socks are packed in. A whole bunch of duct tape later, and my head is wrapped up tight from my chin to just under my nose. More duct tape wraps tightly around my ankles and legs, my feet and knees wrapped up tight.

I look over and see that Skyler and Jake have been secured the same way, and we all squirm about helplessly, the thick layers of duct tape holding us secure. Aaron clips his leash to Jake’s collar and tugs him to his feet, and he mmphs into his gag as he’s tugged toward the tent. We look on jealously as Jake is helped into the tent, where he’s helped to curl up in a little corner of the tent, head resting on a small pillow.

Tyler and Casey clip leashes to my and Skyler’s collars and tug, pulling us up to our feet. We whimper softly as we’re led to the large cage, the door unlocked and opened. Our leashes are removed, and we both continue to whimper and whine as we drop to our knees, slowly squirming our way inside. We kneel next to each other, looking up at our captors as they wave goodnight, locking the cage and heading to the tent. We see them enter, the opening flap zipping up, leaving the two of us alone.

Skyler and I huddle together on our knees in the cage as the temperature cools. I mmph softly, Skyler following my lead as I drop onto my side, and we start to snuggle our bodies together. Skyler curls up into the fetal position and wriggles his body back against mine. I curl up around him, my chest pressing against his back and arms, my legs tucking tight against his. I bury my face into my fellow captive’s shoulder, and we lay there, our shared body heat keeping us warm.

I feel Skyler squirm next to me, and I mmph softly and snuggle in tighter. We stay like this as we close our eyes, listening to each other’s soft breathing as we drift off to sleep.
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Post by bondagefreak »

I didn't make a connection at the time (when I had original read this back in 2011), but there is something truly reminiscent of your writing style here, [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention].
I'm not surprised you enjoyed his works as much as you did.

Both of you were expertly able to develop light hearted, multi-character oriented tales of young/older teens tormenting each other (sometimes cruelly) 8-)

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago I didn't make a connection at the time (when I had original read this back in 2011), but there is something truly reminiscent of your writing style here, @Jason Toddman.
I'm not surprised you enjoyed his works as much as you did.

Both of you were expertly able to develop light hearted, multi-character oriented tales of young/older teens tormenting each other (sometimes cruelly) 8-)
Barefootethan and I probably had similar tastes, since i was writing stories like this long before I ever heard of this site or Barefootethan, but at the same time I am sure i subconsciously took on some of his writing styles for my own when he was active on the old site... especially when it comes to more balanced relationships between captives and captors.

The Camping Trip -- Part 5

I woke to Skyler squirming against me and mmphing into his gag. It was morning, and the sun was shining brightly down on us as we lay there in the cage. I groaned into my gag and let out a mmph of my own, and wriggled away from my friend and rose up to my knees. Skyler rose up to his knees and we faced each other, wriggling and stretching out from another night of captivity.

Our captors still hadn’t woken up, and so Skyler and I enjoyed the morning as best we could. We mmmphed into our gags, the taste of our captors’ sweaty socks still filling our mouths. I tugged at my bonds, finding my wrists, elbows, knees and ankles still taped together nice and tight. I mmpphed at Skyler, and we both banged a shoulder against the side of the cage, hoping to make a loud enough racket that our captors will wake up and let us out. A few minutes of nothing happening meant either we were being ignored or they were all still asleep in their comfortable tent, and so all we could do was kneel and huddle there in the cage, tightly gagged and helpless.

I don’t know how much later it was, but it wasn’t too long before we both saw the door of the tent being unzipped, and our captors all clambered out of the tent, Aaron helping Jake wriggle his way out on his knees. Jake looked over at us, a soft mmph escaping his tightly-packed mouth as he hopped his way over to his towel and knelt on it. Skyler and I looked up at Tyler and Casey as they walked over to us, laughing as we both let out soft mmmphs, huddled together at their feet.

‘Do you want out?’ asked Casey, letting out a grin as we answered with mmphs and eager nods of our heads. ‘Well, you both better start sucking on those gags then!’ Skyler and I let out loud groans, then we both obediently started sucking on the socks packed into our mouths. Our captors laughed as they watched, and I could feel my cheeks burning underneath the layers of duct tape as I sucked away. Tyler’s socks had, thankfully, lost the majority of their flavor throughout the night, but I could still taste the nasty flavor of footsweat on my tongue.

Skyler and I just sucked away for a few minutes before we were told to stop. Tyler unlocked the cage door and opened it, and the both of us eagerly wriggled our way out. We were helped to our feet, and a humiliating slap on our speedoed butts sent us on our way. We hopped over to our towels next to Jake and dropped to our knees. Our captors stepped behind their respective captive, and in short order the three of us were cut free, the tape unwrapped from around our heads, the saliva-soaked socks pried from our mouths. We were each given some toilet paper, and the three of us scampered off to take care of business.

I finished up and headed back to camp, where I quickly washed my hands. Tyler then gave me a breakfast sandwich that our captors had cooked up, which I quickly and eagerly ate up. I was allowed to brush my teeth, and after I was done I groaned, seeing Tyler holding up the dreaded dildo gag. ‘Open up pinky,’ he said with a grin.

I sighed and opened up wide, letting out a mmph and groan as the big rubber dildo was slid into my mouth. I gagged slightly as Tyler pushed it in until the tip tickled the back of my throat, then I felt him bringing the pink straps around my head, feeling them squeeze tight over my head and face as he yanked them all tight and buckled them down. I let out another mmph, my voice again muffled by the dildo filling my mouth, the gag’s mouthplate pressing down tight over my lips and cheeks. I looked over, and saw Skyler and Jake being subjected to the same treatment, Jake wearing his blue harness ballgag, and Skyler got lucky because he just had another pair of socks in his mouth, red duct tape wrapped in a wide, thick band over the lower half of his face.

The three of us mmphed softly into our gags as we heard more duct tape being ripped off rolls, and I felt my hands being pulled behind my back, layers of tape winding around my wrists, then my elbows, pulling them together and pulling my shoulders back. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes going wide as I felt more tape being wound, this time around my hands, turning them into a big pink taped lump. I looked to my left and right, and saw Skyler and Jake being treated the same way. Surprisingly, our ankles were left free.

The three of us captives lifted our heads as Tyler stepped around in front of us. ‘The game today,’ he said, ‘is ‘escape.’ You get a 15 minute head start, then you have 4 hours to keep away from your captors. First to get caught loses.’ He smiled as we let out mmphs into our gags as Aaron and Casey clipped the GPS trackers to our sneakers. ‘Don’t worry,’ said Tyler. ‘We won’t cheat and turn them on before your time is up.’

The three of us let out another groan as we were pulled to our feet. We stood there for a moment, then we let out a yelp as slaps on our butts signalled that it was time to start. The three of us scampered out of the campsite and started to run. We ran as a group at first, but I decided that it was probably best that we split up. I ran off, leaving my friends and searching frantically for somewhere to hide, finding a big clump of bushes and stuff far away from the site. I looked around for a second, then jumped inside, getting on my knees, my nostrils flaring as air hissed in and out, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. I huddled in my small hiding spot, jerking in surprise and mmphing as I heard the sound of an air horn in the distance, which I correctly assumed was the signal for the start of our game.

Knowing that my captors were out looking for me and my friends, I just knelt in my hiding spot, peering out from behind the bushes, trying to stay as quiet as possible. I peered out wide-eyed from my hiding spot, just the faint hissing of air going in and out of my nose the only sounds I made. I squirmed and tugged, finding my arms still tightly taped up, my hands tightly balled up and secured into a tape lump.

It didn’t take too long before I heard the rustle of someone stepping on fallen leaves and twigs, and, to my dismay, I saw my best friend and captor Tyler making his way through the woods. I froze up, barely breathing as I hid in my little spot, my eyes wide as saucers as I watched him while he searched, his rubber band gun held at the ready. I continued to watch Tyler as he stalked through the woods, making his way closer and ever closer to my hiding spot. I got spooked, and decided that my best chance to escape was to make a run for it.

My sneakers rustled against twigs and dried leaves as I shifted myself off my knees, and that must’ve alerted Tyler, because he was ready for me as soon as I bounded out of my hiding spot and started to run. ‘Hold it pinky!!’ he called out, letting loose a thick rubber band from his rubber band gun. He must’ve been working on his aim, because the rubber band caught me square on a buttcheek, snapping hard against me. I let out a cry into my gag and stumbled, giving Tyler just enough time to sprint up and roughly grab my upper arm, yanking me to a stop. I struggled and fought against his grip, mmphing and groaning into my gag as he stood next to me, grinning widely. ‘Guess you lost again pinky,’ he said. ‘Get on your knees.’

I was defiant for a second, shaking my head and struggling against Tyler’s grip, before a swift kick at the back of my knees dropped me down with a cry into my gag. I knelt there at my captor’s feet, whimpering into the big dildo secured in my mouth as I felt my pink cuffs buckling tight around my ankles, the clinking of chain letting me know that I was being hobbled. I lifted my head, whimpering up at Tyler as he clipped his leash to my collar and gave it a tug, pulling me up to my feet. I lowered my head as I awkwardly stood up, seeing that my feet were chained with only about a foot between them, and stumbled forward as I felt a tug on my collar, hobbling along behind my captor as I was led back to camp. ‘I’m glad that I found you first pinky,’ Tyler said as he led me along. ‘I’ve got some plans for you and was hoping that you’d lose.’

We got back to camp a while later, and I was led back to my towel and pushed down to my knees again. We were alone, Skyler and Jake still out in the woods hiding, and Casey and Aaron still searching. I felt the tape being cut from my elbows, wrists and hands, then groaned into my gag as I felt Tyler tightly wrapping rope around my wrists, cinching and knotting it off, repeating the process on my elbows, again tying my arms and hands tightly together.

My ankle cuffs were unbuckled and pulled away, and I felt Tyler unlacing my pink sneakers, sliding them off and exposing my bare feet. More rope was wound tight around my ankles, then cinched and knotted off. I grunted and mmmphed into my gag as Tyler grabbed my shoulders and pulled me off my knees and onto my butt, my bound bare feet sticking out in front of me. More rope was wrapped around my legs, above and below my knees, my legs again tightly tied. I wiggled my toes nervously, and watched wide-eyed as Tyler prepared a long length of cotton twine, wrapping it around the base of my big toes, cinching and knotting the twine off. I could only sit there, wriggling helplessly as my arms, legs and even my feet were tied up nice and tight.

I sat there hoping that would be the end of Tyler’s tying, but alas, that wasn’t to be the case. I watched and whimpered as he picked up a long length of rope and wrapped it over my stomach and forearms. He cinched the rope between my back and arms and knotted it off, my slender arms now welded to my bare back. I let out another groan as Tyler grabbed my bound knees, pulling them up towards my chest. Another long rope was wound underneath my bent knees and behind my back, folding me up as all the slack was pulled out, the rope knotted down tight, my chin now able to rest on my knees.

I let out a grunt as I was rolled over onto my side, and I felt Tyler grabbing my bound ankles, pulling them up until my heels tucked back into my butt. I felt another rope thread through my bound ankles to my wrists, and let out another soft groan as he pulled and yanked all the slack out. I felt him tie the rope off, and a humiliating and playful slap on my butt let me know that he was done, leaving me tied up helplessly in a tight ball, unable to do anything but wriggle there. I groaned into my gag as I felt Tyler grab me, half-lifting, half-dragging me off my towel over to where the camping chairs were set up. He pulled me over and rolled me onto my knees, my face pressed into the tarp spread on the ground, my pink butt thrust upward. I let out a soft whimper, and groaned yet again into my gag as I heard Tyler sit down in his chair in front of me, lifting his feet and placing them down on my back and arms, using me as a footrest.

I don’t know how long it took for Skyler and Jake to be found, but time passed slowly. I could only kneel there with my butt thrust up in the air, Tyler’s feet crossed and resting on my arms and small of my back. I eventually heard laughing and rustling, and lifted my head slightly, mmphing into my gag as I saw the other four boys walking back in, each captor leading his captive by a leash as they hobbled along. Casey and Aaron burst out into laughter when they saw me, and I felt my cheeks burn as I just whimpered, unable to do much else.

Skyler and Jake were led back to their towels and freed from the tape on their arms and hands. I couldn’t see them, but I heard the clink of chains as they were cuffed up again, this time with their wrists locked in front of them, hands locked to chains going around their waists. I was left for use as Tyler’s footrest while my fellow captives were ordered to clean up around the campsite, and for the next hour or so they hobbled around, awkwardly cleaning up the mess made from 6 teenagers camping in the woods for a few days.

At the end of the hour-long cleaning period, I was still stuck on my knees, face pressed to the ground, sucking on the big dildo jammed in my mouth, Tyler’s legs still resting on my arms and butt. Once Jake and Skyler were done, I heard the clinking of chains and ripping of tape, both of them groaning and thanking their captors for being freed. I mmphed softly into my gag as I waited for Tyler to free me, instead my heart sank as I heard ‘Since pinky lost the escape game, he gets one final torment before we head home.’

I whimpered and whined into my gag as Tyler’s feet slid off of my balled-up body. I nervously squirmed around as I felt the ropes keeping me in my tight little ball were cut away, leaving my arms, legs and toes tied. I looked up at Tyler, my eyes widening yet again as I heard him say ‘Red and blue, since you won, you get to play with pinky for a while before we head out of here.’ I groaned, turning my head and looking up at my fellow captives as they cheered and laughed, and I wondered what they had in store for me as I watched them walk up to my helpless form.

It only took a couple minutes before Skyler and Jake had me all set up. They cut the ropes tying my arms, only to tightly tie my wrists in front of me. I had been dragged underneath a tree, a rope threaded between my tied wrists and tossed over a branch above me. I mmphed into the big dildo as they pulled down on the rope, quickly pulling my hands high up above my head, stretching my slender arms upward. They kept on pulling, making me whine and whimper as my arms were stretched, nearly pulling me off my knees and exposing my armpits. Skyler grabbed my bound ankles, and pulled my feet up off the ground until my heels were tucked against my butt again, then took a long length of rope and tied my ankles down tightly to my thighs, folding my legs up, the soles of my feet exposed for torment.

I could only kneel there and emit soft, nervous mmphs into my dildo gag as I watched Skyler and Jake rummage through the supply bags. My eyes went wide, and I started to shake my head frantically as I saw them pull a couple items out. Skyler and Jake both held a pair of long white feathers in their hands. I mmpphhed again, staring up at my new captive friends, begging them to let me go, but they only grinned and laughed at my pathetic cries.

‘Don’t worry pinky,’ a grinning Skyler said. ‘We won’t be that cruel...maybe.’ He held up the long feather, and I trembled as he brought it closer and closer, my whimpers and begs turning into a series of high-pitched squeals as he started to saw the blade of the feather over my exposed right armpit. I started to thrash around, howling with laughter into my dildo gag as I scrunched my eyes shut as Skyler and Jake focused on my upper body at first, Skyler attacking my armpits with the feather, Jake focusing on my tummy and bare back.

Our three captors laughed as they watched Skyler and Jake torment me with the feathers. I wailed and squealed into my gag, thrashing my tightly stretched and helpless body around wildly. They tickled my upper body for about 20 minutes with the feathers, then stopped and let me rest. My chest heaved as my nostrils flared, and I stared up at my captors with wide, scared blue eyes, mewing and pleading with them through my gag for them to stop. They grinned back down at me in return, and after letting me rest for a couple minutes, they stepped forward with the feathers again. I whined again, squirming and trembling as they lowered the feathers down to my helpless, folded legs. My pleading and mmmphing turned into a series of high-pitched squeaks, which caused everybody to laugh at my funny noises as the feathers traced down my folded legs, come ever closer to my helpless, sensitive feet.

I continued to squeak and whine, scrunching my eyes shut as the feathers traced closer. My squeaks suddenly turned into a high-pitched squeal of laughter as I started to thrash around with all my might. I thrashed around as Skyler and Jake’s feathers slide all over the soft soles of my bare feet, sending me into a frenzy from the tickling. They tickled the soles of my feet, then sawed the blades of the feathers between my toes. I wailed and squealed with laughter, thrashing my head and body about, begging for them to stop. Everybody laughed as they watched me react to the tickle torture, and Skyler and Jake spent a looooong time, over a half-hour at least, focusing their feathers exclusively on my helpless feet and toes.

At the end of it all, I was reduced to a blubbering mess. Tears rolled down my cheeks from crying so much, my bare, pale body glistened with sweat. Skyler and Jake laughed down at me as I hung there from my wrists, and Skyler playfully ruffled my blonde hair. I looked up at my friend and whimpered out a grateful sound as he started to untie my wrists, feeling Jake unknotting the ropes tightly tying my ankles and feet together. They laid me down on the ground on my belly, then quickly got back to work. A couple minutes later, I was locked in my cuffs again, heavy chain locked to my cuffs and around my body, locking my arms together and to my back and severely hobbling my ankles. I giggled into my big dildo gag as Skyler gave my bare feet a little tickle before lacing my pink canvas sneakers on.

I rolled around on the ground for a second, grunting as I struggled back to my knees. I watched our captors grab the big cage and lift it up into the back of the SUV, and let out a little groan as Tyler said ‘In the cage pinky, time to go home.’ I struggled up to my feet, and slowly minced and hobbled my way over. The back of the SUV was too high for me to lift my chained feet into, and I had to awkwardly hop up into the SUV, and wriggle my way in on my knees, curling up in a corner of the larger cage.

A few minutes later, Skyler and Jake were huddled up with me in the cage as well. They both had their cuffs and chains locked on, and Skyler had his big ballgag jammed in his mouth, the red leather straps tightly encircling his face and head. Jake had Cases socks packed in and sealed with layer after layer of duct tape. We squirmed around and groaned, tightly packed into the cage, our helpless, bare bodies pressing tightly against each other as Tyler closed the cage door and secured it with a large padlock.

Our captors spent an hour or so cleaning up the campsite, bundling the tent, sleeping bags and all the other supplies around the cage that we captives were locked up in. I whimpered as they buried us under a pile of tent, sleeping bags, and other supplies, and I curled up even tighter as they plunged us into darkness. I heard the rear door of the SUV close, and then heard Casey and Aaron climb up into the front seats. The three of us mmphed softly into our gags as we heard the engine start up, and we jostled around a bit in the cage as the SUV started on its way, head off away from the campsite.
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Jason Toddman
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Location: Portland Maine USA

Post by Jason Toddman »

The previous part I posted came after a months-long hiatus at the old site. This next and final part came after an even longer one.

The Camping Trip -- Part 6

Jake, Skyler and I jostled and rubbed up against each other as the SUV made its way through the forest away from camp and back to civilization. The cage was a tight fit for the three of us, it’s size forcing us to huddle tightly together. The cage itself was buried under a pile of sleeping bags, a tent, and other various camping supplies, so we were stuck in the dark, only able to feel the rubbing of our bodies against each other, our soft breathing, punctuated every so often by an mmph or groan from one of our gagged mouth, the only real noise.

The combination of boredom and exhaustion had lulled me into a nap, so I wasn’t sure how long our trip back from camp was. I only remembered being jostled by an elbow, and I opened my eyes to find myself still huddled with my friends in the dark, the SUV having stopped moving. I heard the rear door of the SUV open, and the light around us started to slowly lighten as the stuff tossed on top and around our cage was removed. It wasn’t very long before the only thing left in the SUV was the cage, with the three of us in it. I looked around, seeing the familiar inside of Tyler’s garage, but saw only Casey and Aaron standing there looking at us.

I watched as Casey walked up into the back of the SUV, and unlocked the padlock securing the cage door. He swung it open, and made his way back out of the SUV as he ordered us out of the cage. Jake, Skyler and I looked at each other for a second, wondering how to do this in the easiest way. Since Jake was the last captive who entered, I mmphed in his direction and motioned my head toward the door. He got the hint, and slowly slithered his way out of the cage opening, awkwardly sliding on his butt toward the edge of the SUV. Skyler followed as soon as Jake was clear of the cage door, and I followed suit quickly after. The three of us had to slide our way to the edge of the SUV on our Speedo-clad butts, then sit off the edge and kind-of hop down to the floor. Thankfully, the three of us made it out with no trouble, and we were relieved the garage door was closed so we couldn’t be seen in our embarrassing predicament.

‘Down to the basement captives.’ Our next order came from Aaron. ‘And take your shoes off before entering the house.’ A chorus of mmphs filled the garage as we nodded our heads, followed by the clink of chains as we started to hobble and shuffle our way to the door, Jake leading the way, followed by Skyler, then me. We stopped at the entrance to the house in turn to take off our sneakers, wedging our sneakers against each other to slide our feet out, then continued our slow procession.

‘Oh, pinky.’ I looked over my shoulder and peered at Aaron, who was following behind us as Casey stayed behind in the garage to load the supplies back in the SUV. ‘Tyler’s bringing the ATV back so he won’t be here for about an hour.’ He grinned. ‘He told me to make sure that you don’t stop sucking on that dildo until we arrived.’ I groaned, and heard a muffled giggle coming from one of my fellow captives as I obediently started to suck on the big dildo gag again. ‘Oh don’t laugh red,’ he said. ‘You just might regret it later.’ The giggle quickly stopped, and I continued to hobble along behind Jake and Skyler, sucking away on the dildo.

It took a bit for the three of us to get down to the basement, since we had to gingerly make our way down the stairs due to the foot-long hobble chains locked on our ankles. We all made it without incident, however, and soon found ourselves in Tyler’s family’s large basement, which his parents had turned into a cool recreation/hang-out room for him. Aaron had walked in ahead of us, and was relaxing on the large L-shaped couch, TV remote in his hand. As if we needed a reminder, he pointed to the floor a few feet in front of the couch. ‘On your knees, face the TV,’ he ordered.

The three of us nodded and mmphed again, and hobbled our way over. I slowly lowered myself down to my knees next to Skyler, and sat back on my bare heels. I lowered my head a little bit, slumping my shoulders, soft sucking noises escaping my mouth as I settled on my knees on the hardwood floor. I looked up at the big TV as Aaron turned it on, flipping through channels before settling on Fuel, and lounged back to watch a skateboarding show.

Footsteps signalled a new arrival, and I looked up and over my left shoulder to see Casey walking down the stairs. He made his way right to Jake, and to my surprise, quickly peeled the layers of tape from around his mouth and head, letting him spit the sockgag out of mouth. ‘My parents only let me go with you guys for a few days,’ Jake explained as we looked at him. ‘So I’ve gotta get home.’ He jumped up off his knees and ran to the bathroom as soon as Casey had unlocked him from all his chains and cuffs, emerging a couple minutes later in a pair of baggy cargo shorts, an Etnies t-shirt, and black DC skate shoes. ‘Seeya guys,’ he said. ‘It was fun.’

‘I haven’t even started my summer reading assignments,’ said Casey as he stood up. ‘So I’ve got to run too.’ I lowered my head and groaned as I felt him give my hair a ruffle. ‘Have fun captives, I’m sure you’ll have fun without us.’ Skyler and I watched as they both walked back up the stairs, then went back to watching TV.

I heard the sliding door to the backyard open and close about an hour later, and Skyler and I looked over our shoulders as Tyler walked in with a small taped-up cardboard box in his hands. ‘Phew,’ he said, ignoring us captives as he jumped onto the shorter, L-part of the couch and lounged back. ‘What a trip.’ He looked down at us and smiled. ‘And I see pinky got the order to keep sucking on his gag.’ He laughed as I lowered my head again, then said. ‘You can stop pinky, I know you hate that.’ He then tossed the box he was holding over to Aaron. ‘This was at the front door left for you man, I told you it would come today.’

Aaron caught it with an enthusiastic ‘Awesome!’ and jumped off the couch to find something to open it with. ‘I’ll pay you back when my parents give me my allowance dude,’ I heard.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ answered Tyler. ‘Remember, my parents pay the bill, and it’s not like they look at the statement!’ They both laughed, then Aaron stepped around in front of Skyler and me, holding his hands behind his back.

‘I decided that pinky and red should match,’ said Aaron, as we looked up at him. ‘And since pinky likes his so much, I figured red would like this just as much.’ I turned my head to glance at Skyler, and watched his eyes widen as a groan left his ballgagged lips. I looked back up at Aaron, and let out a sympathetic groan of my own...Aaron was holding another dildo gag!

It was identical to the one I was wearing in every detail, except the leather straps were colored red to match Skyler’s Speedo and other gear. I looked over at my fellow captive again, and gave him a nudge with my shoulder as I giggled into my gag. ‘See red,’ said Aaron. ‘Guess you shouldn’t have laughed at pinky earlier, huh?’

I watched as Aaron set the new gag down on on the couch, and started to pull lengths of white cotton rope out of the black duffel bag of supplies. I waited, expecting Tyler to follow suit, but heard him say. ‘Come over here pinky. You go ahead with red, dude, pink’s got something he’s got to do for me first.’

I groaned softly, half-guessing what was coming next as I shuffled around Skyler on me knees and made my way over to where Tyler was sitting. I settled back on my bare heels and looked up at him, and my guess was proved correct when I saw him pulling his skate shoes off his feet, followed by his white cotton ankle socks. ‘I gave pinky a special task. I’m not sure if he likes it or not,’ he explained with a grin. I groaned again softly, and looked over my shoulder to see Aaron pointing Skyler in my direction, slowly going about releasing him as they both watched.

I looked back up at Tyler as he bent down, hands unbuckling the straps going around my head and face. I coughed a little as the black rubber dildo was pulled from my mouth, and nodded my head as he asked ‘You know what I want you to do, don’t you pinky?’ I licked my lips, and looked down at his bare feet, my cheeks flushing as I slowly bent at the waist, lowering my face down, softly planting a kiss over my captor’s bare toes.

‘Oh dude! That’s fuckin’ gross!’ crowed a laughing Aaron as he watched, still going about slowly unlocking Skyler from his bonds. ‘Yeah!’ laughed Tyler in reply as I slowly, with bright red cheeks, started to lick and suck over each of my captor’s toes. ‘I thought it would be gross when I made him do it the first time. I was only going to make him do it that first day, but feels kinda cool.’ I felt him wiggle his toes as I continued my sucking and licking, feeling Aaron’s and Skyler’s eyes focused right on me.

It was a REALLY humiliating 15 minutes or so, but I got through it. Aaron’s and Skyler’s eyes barely left me the whole time, watching in silence as I sucked over each of Tyler’s toes, then licked my way over the soles of his feet. I groaned softly on the sweaty taste, and finished by kissing over each of his toes again. ‘Good pinky,’ said Tyler as he got up and started to pull rope out of the duffel bag. ‘Time to get tied.’

It took another 15 minutes, but eventually I was released from my cuffs and tied up nice and tight. I was tied up exactly like Skyler. My hands were pressed together palm-to-palm, rope tightly wrapped over my wrists and my arms just below my elbows. Both sets of ropes were cinched and knotted down tight, hands, forearms and elbows pressing together tightly, shoulders stretched back in their sockets. A long length of rope was wrapped around my waist and forearms, cinched between my arms and small of my back, and knotted down tight to tie my bound arms tightly against my back.

My legs had been pulled together, ropes wrapped, cinched and knotted down tightly around my ankles, as well as just above and below my knees to tie them tightly together. I was stuck on my stomach, my bare feet pulled up over my butt, my legs bent. A rope had been thread through my wrists and tied ankles, the slack pulled out, and tied off. I had been secured in a tight hogtie, my ankles tied to my wrists, arching my back slightly so I rocked back and forward on my stomach.

My dildo gag had been pushed back into my mouth, the straps buckled down tight around my head and face, the gag’s mouthplate pressing down over my lips and cheeks. As a final touch, my big toes were tied tightly together with cotton twine, and a long length was threaded between them and the D-ring at the top of my gag harness. Tyler had pulled as much slack out as he can, which had the dual effect of pulling my head back and arching my feet forward, leaving me completely helpless and feeling very much like a pretzel.

I was able to see Skyler’s position before I was tied up, so I had an idea for what I was in for. But I still couldn’t help but groan into my gag as I struggled to get comfortable, and I heard Skyler groan into his matching dildo gag as he tried to get used to his tie and the big dildo secured in his mouth. I lifted my eyes, peering up at Tyler and Aaron as they complimented each other on their work. They then positioned themselves in front of and behind Skyler, and I heard him grunt as they grabbed his shoulders and knees and lifted his light, tightly-bound body up. They carried my helpless friend upstairs, then came back down a few minutes later, picking me up and carrying me upstairs. They carried me through the house, then out into the backyard, setting me onto a towel underneath the patio, out of sight of any neighbors. As I expected, I was laid down right next to Skyler.

That being done, Tyler and Aaron ran back into the house, emerging a few moments later shirtless, barefoot and in board shorts. They ignored us as they ran and jumped into the pool, and Skyler and I could only watch helplessly as they played around in the pool, amusing themselves with games of pool badminton and basketball. I squirmed around as best I could, wincing and hissing as ropes bit into my skin if I moved the wrong way. I eventually gave up, resigning myself to laying there with my friend and fellow captive, watching our captors have their fun.

Pool time lasted well into the afternoon, until around 5, our captors alternating their time between games in the pool, sunbathing, and lounging poolside to talk about girls and stuff. When the sun stopped shining so intensely, they grabbed us and re-positioned us poolside, me on one side of the pool, Skyler on the opposite side. Our tied toes were cut away from our gag harness, and we both emitted grateful sighs as we uncurled our feet and laid our heads back down, finally getting a little relief.

Aaron and Tyler re-positioned themselves in the center of the pool, having collected a number of colored plastic rings from around and inside the pool. ‘The game is ring toss!’ crowed Tyler. ‘The goal is to toss it around your captive’s feet. 3 rounds, 10 tosses each round, best two out of three wins. Visiting team first.’

‘You’re on!’ cried Aaron, as he positioned himself in the center of the pool, facing Skyler. I looked on as Aaron started his tosses, sending ring after ring flying through the air toward his captive. He wasn’t all that accurate, many of them either too long or short, some others landing on his bound arms or hitting against his shins. But, by the time was done a two rings were hanging around Skyler’s bound, bare feet.

Tyler was more accurate, mostly due to more practice on non-tied boy targets. He won the first round 4-2. Aaron got his toss down in the second round, and narrowly won 6-5.

Aaron put up another 6 in his final round, and was confident of his victory as Tyler positioned himself for his throws. I had come up with an idea, and Tyler hesitated for a moment as I wriggled around. I struggled, and was eventually able to hold a new position, still laying on my stomach with my side facing the pool, but I had managed to keep my lower body tilted about 45 degrees inward. This had the effect of not only positioning my tied feet a little bit closer, but the angle made it easier for Tyler since the rings didn’t have to be lofted as high to land around my feet.

‘Awesome idea pinky,’ said Tyler as he prepared to take his throws. He took his time, tossing each ring deliberately. I watched him land one after another, and mmmphed happily in victory as he landed his 7th ring.

Aaron put up a brief protest about me re-positioning myself, but since there were no rules about that, he accepted his loss and congratulated us on our victory. They climbed up out of the pool and quickly dried off. Scissors were produced, and I was quickly cut loose from my tight hogtie and ungagged. Tyler ordered me back down to the basement, and I complied obediently, walking back downstairs, taking a seat on the floor.

Aaron and Tyler followed a few minutes later, setting the still-tied Skyler down on the floor next to me. Tyler tossed me the scissors, and before I started cutting him loose, he said. ‘Since we won, you get to be Skyler’s captor for the rest of the night. But first cut him loose, we’ll eat dinner and hang out for a while. You two deserve a break.’

I nodded, a big grin on my face. I quickly cut my fellow captive and ungagged him as Aaron microwaved up some Hot Pockets. We all ate quickly, and spent the next few hours hanging out in the basement, all of us clad in either boardshorts or Speedos. Many video games were played, and I spent more time getting to know my new friend. We had a whole lot in common, it turned out he was as much into golf as I (it’s my main sport). I was able to convince him to join the golf team with me next year, and I promised that I’d help him work on his game since he didn’t think he was all that good.

Break time lasted until around 8, when Tyler tossed another bundle of rope down next to me. ‘Okay Ethan,’ he said. ‘You’re an honorary captor for the rest of the night. After you tie Red down you can change.’ I smiled broadly, and quickly went about tying Skyler into place. I decided to put him in a position that I was familiar in. I quickly tied his wrists and arms at his elbows, and tied his arms up against his back. I then tightly tied his ankles and legs together with rope above and below his knees, and tied his big toes together with twine. I wanted to get a little revenge on him for laughing at me, so I re-gagged him with his new dildo gag, pulling and buckling all the straps tightly.

I then pulled him over to a corner of the room, by the TV, and locked the ring on his collar to a ring embedded in the floor. I tied his knees down to another ring set a couple feet back, and his ankles to one behind that. I stood up, looking down at Skyler tied on his knees, face pressed to the floor, his red Speedo-clad butt presented up in the air. ‘Back in a second red,’ I said cheerily, and I stepped into the bathroom to change.

I walked out a couple minutes later in my black knee-length shorts and green t-shirt, still barefoot. I didn’t bother taking off my pink Speedo, and my pink collar remained buckled snugly around my neck. I figured that since my captor status was only temporarily, there was no point in taking the stuff off.

I grabbed a couple things from the duffel bag of supplies, a riding crop and a long white feather, before walking over to where Skyler was kneeling. He jerked, then whimpered into his gag as I slid the leather flap of the riding crop over his red butt, then over his thighs. ‘So, I get to be your captor,’ I said as he squirmed around and mmphed into his gag. ‘Since you had such a good time torturing me this morning, I thought I’d return the favor.’

Tyler, Aaron and I laughed as we heard Skyler whimper and mew into his gag. I slid the crop over his butt, and the rest of his body, then pulled it back and landed a firm blow with the crop right over his right buttcheek, followed by another firm blow over his left cheek. I grinned as I heard Skyler yelp, and resumed rubbing the leather flap of the crop over his helpless form. I teased him with it, randomly pulling it back and snapping it down onto him. I varied my targets, landing blows over his butt a few times more, over his thighs calves, even his sides and soles of his feet. I tormented him for about 20 minutes with the crop, steadily increasing the force of my blows. When I was done, he was whimpering loudly into his dildo gag, pleading with me to stop.

I was going to start going after Skyler with the feather in my other hand, but I hesitated. I looked over my shoulder at Tyler and Aaron, and walked back to the duffel bag, dropping the crop and feather back into it. ‘I don’t know,’ I said. ‘I think he’s had enough.’ I walked over to the couch and sat down next to them, content to let Skyler kneel there while we hung out.

Tyler, Aaron and I spent the rest of the night playing video games and watching movies, with Skyler stuck next to the TV on his knees, his red butt thrust out in our direction. We mostly ignored him, except for a few times when we decided to break out the rubber band guns and have some target practice.

It was after midnight before the three of us started to get tired. ‘All right pinky,’ said Tyler as he let out a big yawn. ‘Get your clothes off, it’s time for bed.’ I sighed a bit, then stood up from the couch and walked back into the bathroom. I quickly pulled off my t-shirt and shorts, and walked out in just my pink Speedo and collar. As soon as I walked out, Tyler was there to buckle my pink cuffs snugly around my ankles and wrists. ‘Sit on the couch,’ he said.

I quickly walked over and sat back on the couch, and watched as Aaron untied Skyler from the rings in the floor. I gasped in surprise as Tyler grabbed my wrists and ankles, pulling them all close together in front of me, before slipping a padlock through rings in all four cuffs. I grunted as he clicked the lock closed, and I tugged at my cuffs, finding myself locked up like a calf at a rodeo. Skyler, in the meantime, had awkwardly hopped his way over and flopped down next to me on the couch.

Tyler wasted no time. He quickly balled up his used socks and shoved them into my mouth, and all I could do was mmph and gag on the musty taste as he wrapped pink duct tape over my mouth and face to seal them in. I squirmed around and flopped over onto my side, and Skyler curled up on his side alongside me, our heads laying on the couch next to each other.

‘Isn’t that cute,’ Tyler said with a laugh. He looked over at Aaron. ‘You can have the guest bedroom, I don’t think these two are going anywhere.’ He reached down and gave my hair a playful ruffle. ‘Have a good night captives. We’ll wake you up in the morning.’

With that, our captors headed for the stairs, turning out the basement lights before walking up and leaving us alone. Skyler and I mmphed softly to each other as we wriggled against our bonds. We gave up a few moments later, and both of us slipped off to sleep quickly, wondering what the new day would bring.

Unfortunately, although Barefootethan apparently meant to continue this story, this is the last one he ever wrote for for the old site. He made a few other sporadic visits before finally disappearing altogether. he is and will continue to be sorely missed by many of us.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks, Jason. I agree.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
The slave
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Post by The slave »

Great stories
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