It’s just a prank (MMM/M)

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It’s just a prank (MMM/M)

Post by tugdreamer421 »

Chapter 1

I’m Daniel, a 19 year-old college student. I’m 6 ft tall, with thick dark hair and features, and am pretty skinny.

It was the start of summer and I had just finished my first year at college, so I was eager to see my high school friends upon arriving home. My first stop was my best friend Jack’s house. Jack is the same height as me, but is much buffer (I wouldn’t say ripped but he’s definitely a gym rat), with brown short hair. After wolfing down a pizza, we played some ping pong and went for a swim in his pool. While swimming we began thinking back to and laughing about pranks we had pulled on some of our friends back in high school.

“Dude, we should pull a prank on Rob and Cam when we see them” suggested Jack, sporting a devilish grin. Rob is a bit shorter at 5’ 9’’ but he’s very built and athletic, with big thighs and butt. Cam has long black-hair, and is built similar to Jack.

This sounded fun, just like old times. I responded “Haha ya, but what?”

Jack thought for a moment. “You know what, we should do something to scare them this time — in real life.” Many of our past pranks had been done using email impersonations, by text, or on FaceTime. It was time for something physical.

We decided to search YouTube for funny prank ideas, and came across one of those professional prank channels. On it, we saw a clip of a guy getting into the trunk of a car and waiting for someone to open up the trunk, causing that person to shit themselves thinking that they just encountered a kidnapping victim. This was perfect. I knew, of course, that I’d have to play the victim since I’m much more “courageous” than Jack.

I began to formulate the plan. “Haha dude that’s so good. Ok so you’ll text in our group chat asking if any of us want to hang out. When Rob and Cam say yes, I’ll respond that I can’t. Then I’ll hide in your trunk while you go pick them up. At some point, probably once the ride ends, you’ll ask them to grab some beers from the trunk and they’ll find me there.”

“Yessss, let’s do it” agreed Jack excitedly.

Sure enough, Cam and Rob planned to meetup with Jack in an hour at 9pm, unknowingly falling right into our trap. They decided to go have some beers at this park we went to a lot. As Jack and I worked out the details of what would happen, he suggested that we put a bag over my head before getting in the trunk, so that Rob and Cam can’t tell it’s just me at first. I then came up with the idea of duct tape my wrists and feet, in order to make it more realistic.

Once the time came, we went out to Jack’s driveway and he opened his trunk. Other than a pair of his tennis sneakers, it was pretty empty.

“This is gonna be so good” remarked Jack. “You ready?”

“Totally” I said.

I turned around and Jack took his roll of duct tape and wrapped it once or twice around my wrists, and soon bent down and did the same to my ankles. Next, he got a thin drawstring bag — so that I could breathe easily — and put it over my head. He then playfully pushed me into the trunk, jokingly shouting “get the FUCK in.” After that, I heard a slam of the trunk door and I was locked in.

Jack started the car, but then a few seconds later, I felt the trunk open back up. With the sac over my head, I couldn’t see what was going on, but I heard the ripping of some duct tape. Jack took the sac off my head, but before I could ask what he was doing, my buddy plastered a piece of tape over my mouth, sporting a grin and laughing to himself. While smoothing it out with his hands, he noticed my puzzled expression and muffled protests. He patted my cheek lightly and reassured me “Ha dude don’t worry, just for the prank.” Before giving me a chance to respond, he pulled the bag back over my head, shut the trunk, and drove away.

I sat there in the dark, excited to see my friends again, but more excited to give em’ a good scare.

Part 2 to come soon.
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Chapter 2

Lying taped up in my best friend Jack’s trunk, I pictured the look on my friends’ faces when they opened it up to find a me — though with the sac over my head it’d be hard to actually see their reactions.

Jack decided to have a bit of fun with me. He sped up really fast, stopped short, and moved the car back and forth. Nothing too dangerous, but definitely enough to tell Jack was having fun playing with me.

We finally got to our first stop, Cam’s house. I heard a car door open, and Cam greeted Jack with what sounded like a belch.

“Missed ya too bud!” I heard Jack say sarcastically. The car then pulled away.

I couldn’t really make out their conversation over the cars engine, but soon enough we pulled into Rob’s house, and he hopped into the back seat. I chuckled to myself deviously knowing my friend and I were only separated by a seat cushion and yet he had no idea I was there.

After about 10 more minutes, the car stopped and I heard the boys get out. This was the moment. Jack sent them to grab the six pack from the trunk, and they opened it up to find me lying there, bound and hooded, and pretending to struggle by wriggling and moaning. I worked hard to contain my laughter under my gag.

“Holy FUCK” Rob yelled.

Cam immediately shut the trunk back down, clearly unsettled by what he had just found. I then heard Jack try to tell them a fake backstory to go along with our prank, but judging by the laughter that soon followed, I could tell the ruse had fallen apart. Explaining it all to Rob and Cam, Jack opened the trunk back up.

“Haha you guys have no idea how scared shitless you looked. Go ahead, take the bag off his head, see who it is” Jack said.

Rob reached out and yanked the bag off my head, revealing me as their prankster

"Eyyyyy Danny-boiii!" Rob exclaimed, before slapping my ass. He was definitely excited to be reunited with his buddy after so long.

"You're a fuckin dick but it's good to see you" muttered Cam, visibly angry that he'd just been played.

I then saw Jack whisper something to Rob and Cam, causing them all to smile evilly. As I tried to ask them to untie me from underneath the tape, Jack grabbed the beers from the trunk and said "Hey Danny, you don't mind staying here while we knock back a few cold ones, right? The boys don't feel like hearing you gloat about the prank."

I immediately realized the gravity of the predicament I was in. My best friends — known pranksters — had me helpless, tied up in a trunk. They could pull whatever funny shit they wanted on me. I started struggling against the tape for real, screaming from below my gag. But it was no use. Laughing, they slammed the trunk shut and walked off to the park.

"Have fun Danny!"
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Post by wataru14 »

Great setup! Looking forward to part 2!
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Post by Johnsnow »

Great story and welcome to the board! I hope we get to hear more about what happens to Danny!
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Post by tugdreamer421 »

Chapter 3

Struggling to break free, I realized my friend Jack hadn't done such a great job taping me up. After all, my bonds were just for show — just to convince our friends our prank was a real kidnapping. After some kicking, I broke my legs free. I then got to work on my gag, moving my jaw up and down to loosen the strip of tape. I wasn't able to undo my hands, but I was still able to begin kicking the trunk and screaming to them to let me the FUCK out. I was not having it.

I heard their voices get closer and closer, and they opened up the trunk to find me struggling profusely, almost free from my bonds. In all the commotion, I accidentally kicked Cam in the stomach.

"Woooow, look who's misbehaving" he remarked.

Jack responded, "You know what, lets take him back to my house. Shut the trunk!"

I was surprised that they were going to keep this going — normally my friends lose interest in pranks after such a short time. But this time was different, there was just so much potential.

I kept thrashing and screaming but to no avail, as the car pulled out. After a few minutes, light started streaming into the dark trunk. I looked to the source and found that Cam, sitting in the second row, had opened the divider behind the arm rest that provides access to the trunk from the car.

"Hope you're feelin comfy Danny" he teased. "We're gonna have so much fun!"

"Fuck you!"

"Love you too buddy" he chuckled.

Jack interjected, "Hey Danny this is allll your fault. This whole thing was your idea, remember?"

Cam then reached his hand in through the compartment and rustled my hair, causing me to thrash even more.

"Hey, I got a great gift for you! And keep in mind it's just a preview of what's to come!"

I nervously watched as he put his ass up to the compartment and ripped a long, juicy fart.

"You know how gassy beer makes me" Cam said with glee. He quickly shut the divider to keep the stench in, locking me in a dark, cramped, hot, dutch oven. It smelled horrendous, causing me to gag and hold my breath. I overheard the laughter from my other friends in the front seat.

After 15 minutes, we arrived back at Jack's house. When the trunk opened up, I saw my 3 friends looking down at me grinning.

"Grab the tape, we gotta tie his legs up again to make it easier carrying him inside." said Jack. Cam and Rob basically sat on top of me while Jack taped up my ankles — with many more wraps than before.

Since we arrived, I had been cursing at them loudly. "Cam shut him the fuck up, I can't have him wake up my parents" ordered Jack.

"Happily" he obliged.

Suddenly, Cam's big sweaty hand clenched my face tightly. I tried licking his palm in an attempt to get him to remove it from my face out of disgust, but all I got was an annoyed smirk. His sweat did NOT taste nice — but this was only his hand...

Cam grabbed my upper body, making sure to keep his hand gag tight while Rob carried my legs. Jack opened the garage and helped us down to his basement.

"I forgot how light you were" Rob exclaimed to my chagrin. "This is easy work."

They dropped me on the basement floor and Jack immediately plopped his ass on my chest, straddling my head with his thighs and putting his weight into holding a hand gag on my mouth.

"Alright guys he's not going anywhere, tape him." said Jack.

Cam and Rob proceeded to wrap more tape around my ankles, my knees, and my thighs while Jack poked and slapped my face. I kept trying to scream but the big palm on my mouth silenced me. And then it suddenly lifted! Free to voice my anger, I opened my mouth and started cursing at my friends to let me go.

"Open up buddy!" said Jack. To my dismay, he spit a whole lotta saliva right down into my mouth, before clamping it back shut. "Yeahhhh, thats right enjoy your drink." I was unbelievably grossed out, causing my eyes to bulge and my monaing into his hand to increase.

"Should taste like the pizza we had earlier. You did say you wanted more!"

They then turned me over to secure my hands and arms, putting more wraps of tape around my wrists and also my elbows. Next, I was flipped into the same position as before, with Jack sitting on my chest once again.

"Alright danny as much as I love smothering you, it's getting a bit tiring. But I can't have my parents wake up from your screams. I don't trust you to be quiet, so tape is going back on." I was enraged. It's one thing to keep me taped up, but to silence me with duct tape? I hadn't had the chance to talk to my friends in so long, and this was the first thing they decided to do? But, then again I had pranked them before so it only made sense.

"Wait dude, lets stuff his mouth with something like in those kidnapping movies" suggested Rob excitedly. I shuddered. What the fuck did they have in mind.

"Like what?" asked Cam.

"Well I just finished playing soccer with my old teammates." Rob grinned devlishly. "I bet Dan would love to clean my sweaty socks for me." The three smiled and Rob peeled his black soccer sock off and handed it to Jack.

"Dude this is so fucking sweaty haha, smells fucking disgusting" said Jack.

"Hey it was 90 degrees and I played for 3 hours, what do you expect?"

Jack removed his hand from my mouth but I clenched my jaw shut. They were NOT putting that vile sock in my mouth. I could not let that happen.

"C'monnn don't make this harder than it has to be. Open up!" begged Jack. I did not comply, that is, until Cam pinched my nose. Soon enough, I had to gasp for air, giving Jack the perfect opportunity to stuff Rob's awful sock into my mouth. It was putrid and WET. I don't think I'd ever experienced something so gross — not even the loogey Jack had launched into my mouth moments ago. Jack immediately grabbed the roll of duct tape and placed a piece over my mouth.

"There's no way thats enough tape, remember he was able to break through that amount in the trunk" said Rob.

"Hahaha wrap it around his head" suggested Cam. Liking this new idea, Jack lifted my head and wrapped the tape around my head 10 times, laughing the whole way through.

"That should keep him quiet." he remarked. Finally, they turned me back on my belly and used a long piece of tape to connect my wrists to my ankles, putting me into a very uncomfortable position.

"Hey it's just like hogtying someone in Red Dead" noticed Cam with a chuckle.

"Ohhh I'm dying to play some Red on your PS4. Besides, it'll give Danny time to enjoy his new setup" said Rob. With that, they turned on the TV and started playing with me at their feet. It seemed like they forgot I was even there.

I couldn't believe this. I was taped up in a hogtie, sucking on my friends friends sock in a basement. I had been effectively kidnapped by my best friends, put into this very situation by none other than myself. This was just great.
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Chapter 4

As my friends played PS4, I started moaning and screaming into my sweaty gag, hoping that they'd end this terrible prank and release me.

"Looks like someone wants some attention" teased Cam. He then nuzzled his sweaty, socked feet into my nose. "This is a pretty comfy position for me, don't know bout you danny." I was being forced to taste and smell two entirely different foot odors. I was nauseous.

"Alright, lets have some fun" Jack said, eager to start messing with me again. He ran upstairs to the kitchen and came back with a pair of scissors. Was he about to untie me? Why else would he have scissors? Jack first cut off the long piece of tape connecting my wrists to my ankles, releasing me from my hogtie. I moaned into my gag in relief. But that relief was short-lived. I was quickly turned over onto my back, making me vulnerable to attack.

Suddenly, facing my legs, Jack plopped his ass down — not onto my chest like before, but onto my face. I knew what was coming. A few seconds into smushing my nose into his beefy butt, he released a big, smelly fart. From years of being best friends with him, I knew how bad Jack's farts could get, but never before had I been right beneath his ass when he released one. The only thing coming between his bare cheeks and my face were his blue athletic shorts.

"Dudeee what the fuck did you eat?" Cam asked, laughing.

"Ohh I'm about to top that" promised Rob. Standing across the room, he proceeded to pull down the backside of his soccer shorts to reveal a big, white, bare ass.

"Ew no one wants to see that" said Jack playfully, knowing what was about to happen

"Oh, but Dan will."

I tried to wriggle away, but given the tape binding every juncture of my body, it was no use. Rob approached me and bent down, placing his ass on my face the same way Jack had, only this time, he had no shorts to provide a barrier. Since he had just finished playing soccer, he had a real bad case of swamp ass. It smelled atrocious, but he grabbed my face and pushed me in deeper. I then felt him flex his muscles for a bit, clearly trying to push, until a loud fart blew into my face. I shut my eyes and started coughing.

"How you likin' the view buddy?" teased Cam. "Looks like Rob really missed you."

Jack chimed in, "oh god that's worse than mine."

Jack had the audacity to comment on the potency of the smell? He was sitting ACROSS THE ROOM. I was up close and personal with Rob's big blast of dirty air, and it was an experience worse than any other. It almost took my mind away from his sweaty sock sitting in my mouth — almost. He was my friend, but god could he produce some crazy smells.

After a few minutes of my friends talking amongst themselves, they decided it was time to take off my gag.

"We're not ready to end our fun just yet so you're stayin tied, but I think you deserve some time to catch up with us" said Jack. For fear that he would change his mind, I pretended to be grateful, moaning appreciatory sounds into my gag. It took a while and it hurt pretty badly, but he unwound the duct tape off my face. I immediately spat Rob's dirty sock out, and moved my sore jaw around.

"Well that was fun" I muttered. I was careful not to act too outraged.

"Eyyy, see thats why I love you Danny, you still got your sense of humor intact even after being face blasted" Rob chuckled. "How was my sock? It seems pretty damn clean — you did a great job!"

I stared angrily.

We all then started catching up, talking about what the last few months of college. I kept up the conversation for a while, hoping that they would lose interest in torturing me and just untie me if they stopped thinking about the situation for long enough. After about 30 minutes, I asked the big question.

"Alright so can you guys cut this tape off so we can play some PS4?"

"Hahaha if you think you're being released any time soon you are sorely mistaken my friend" retorted Jack.

Before I could respond, Cam shoved me down to the floor and sat on his knees, straddling my head. He then took my head and started bringing it upward repeatedly, rubbing his crotch in my face. Thank god he was wearing shorts.

"Tbag!" he screamed.

"Stfu dude you're gonna wake up my parents" Jack snapped.

"Fine, I'll be quieter."

Cam then shoved his hand down his pants and started moving his hand all around his crotch. Still sitting on top of me, he took his hand and put his fingers right next to my nose. It smelled horrible, as one would expect a sweaty groin does.

He then started whispering in my face to appease Jack, sending his hot breath directly my way. "C'mon open up. You know how this works fucker." Not willing to wait for me to cooperate, Jack just wiped his fingers and hand all over my face. I couldn't help but curse him out. I began screaming. My facade of calmness had been broken.

"Alright he's had his time for freedom, it's time to shut this fucker up again" declared Jack.

FREEDOM? I was still tightly bound and being subjected to gross, boyish pranks against my will. The only thing that had changed was my ability to speak, and now that was being taken back too. I began to protest, causing Jack's hand to clamp my mouth once again. He then moved it up to cover my nostril for a second before taking it off.

"Just kidding bro."

I hadn't been paying attention, but Rob had went into the bathroom. When he opened the door back up, he had some sort of grey cloth in his hand. Straining my neck under Jack's grip to try to figure out what it was, I saw a waste band. That wasn't a cloth — those were his fucking UNDERWEAR.

"Get exciteddddddd" he said giddily. I was horrified.

The three guys tackled me, despite me already being restrained, knocking the wind out of me. In the commotion, Rob began stuffing his sweaty athletic material into my mouth, crotch side first. The taste and smell was really funky, different from the saltiness of his socks.

"Idk if these'll fit in there," he wondered. "I mean they're compression shorts."

With some bits hanging out, they unwound some duct tape and started wrapping my mouth back up, all while holding my head in place to prevent me from moving. But since the material was so large, they had to add extra strips on my cheeks and chin to reinforce the gag. To top it off, Jack ran upstairs and grabbed his many-years-old tennis sneakers, and took a sniff.

"Oh god those are MY sneakers and even I can tell they smell like ass" he remarked, surprised at how powerful a stench he was able to create.

Holding my head down once again, he shoved the tongue of the sneaker as far back as possible and burrowed my face into the shoe. It was narly. I was made to sniff in one friend's foot odor, all while practically choking on another's sweaty athletic underwear.

"Dude, we're gonna go think of some good ideas for later, but don't let that stop you from havin fun" Jack said. "Enjoy!"
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Post by Veracity »

Good story.
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Post by FelixSH »

Yeah, it's a fun read.

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Post by bondagefreak »

I didn't get a chance to welcome you when you first joined a few weeks ago, and completely missed this story back when you posted it.
Welcome onboard!

That being said, I had a huge amount of fun reading these four super hot chapters.
I hope you'll decide to stick around and get some more posts under your belt.

Looking forward to getting to know you ;)

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Post by Michael-Colin »

very much liking this story and always love seeing a prank backfire on someone :lol:
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Post by tugdreamer421 »


Glad you liked it. I’ve been periodically reading your awesome stories for years, and finally decided to try my hand at writing one. Needless to say, I’ve gotten a lot of “inspiration” from you :D . Can’t say I’m not jealous of the lucky guy you tied up in your Bondage Initiation story...
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Chapter 5

I wanted out. My arms and jaw were sore from the tight restraints, and I was DONE sucking on Rob’s sweaty underwear. But that didn’t matter to my buddies. After 10 minutes leaving me alone in the basement, the guys barreled back down the stairs to greet me.

“So Dan, you’re gonna be sleeping over! Aren’t you excited??” Jack said. “But we’re gonna need to text your mom off your phone to make sure she knows, so you gotta tell us your passcode.”

That was NOT going to happen. I never give my passwords to anyone, not even close family and friends. They could stop me from speaking, but no way they could make me talk.

“Alright lets take off his gag” Cam suggested.

They started unraveling the tape, layer by layer by layer. Finally, they peeled the final piece from my skin, giving me the chance to spit Rob’s musky undies out. Except that I couldn’t. Because there was so much fabric so tightly stuffed in my mouth, Rob had to take them out himself. I couldn’t have felt more humiliated.

“I just want you to know you’re not getting my fucking passcode” I muttered while stretching my jaw.

“We thought you’d say that, so we have a little something planned to...motivate you” said Cam. I watched as he presented an ice pack from behind his back. I stared up at them in confusion. Wtf was that for?

Jack’s hand then grabbed my face, covering my mouth in a tight hand gag. “Can’t have your whining wake up my parents, remember!” He chuckled. Cam proceeded to grab the waistband of my shorts and boxers and lift them up. I started squirming as hard as I could, knowing what was about to happen. He then shoved the freezing ice pack into my crotch and dropped my boxers, letting them snap down back onto my waist.

My eyes practically popped out of their sockets. I writhed in discomfort and pain, all while the guys laughed childishly.

“You ready to give the passcode yet, or do I need to add some more incentive?” Asked Rob after a few seconds. Without waiting for me to answer, he jumped onto me, straddled my body, grabbed my nipples, and began twisting. “Hey, it’s just like middle school!”

Screaming into Jack’s big hand, I nodded my head over and over, trying to indicate that I’d tell them my passcode. Anything to make this stop.

“I thought so” remarked Cam. Rob got off of me, and Jack removed his hand from my face. Lifting up my boxers and shorts again, Cam took the ice pack out carefully, making sure not to touch anything else down there...

I proceeded to unhappily give them my passcode, allowing them to text my mom that I’d be staying the night.

“You guys are crazy! WTF is wrong with you?” I yelled, seething in anger from what they had just done to me.

Jack replied, “Dan, you know I joined a frat this year, right? I learned a thing or two.”

Now things were starting to make sense. He was using the same hazing methods he learned in college — he must’ve been a pro at coming up with pranks like this by now. Which meant I had all the more reason to be terrified.

“But you don’t need to be in a frat to know how to have some fun” said Cam excitedly. Sitting down on the couch, he peeled off his dirty once-white nike sock, and tried sticking his sweaty, sized 13 foot into my mouth. I refused, closing my mouth tight, leaving him to rub his sole against my lips and nose. It smelled atrocious. “Open up, or you know whats gonna happen” he said, motioning towards the ice pack they had just used on me. Terrified of that fate, I opened up, allowing him to push his salty, sweaty toes deep into my mouth. He kept moving his toes and foot around, purposefully rubbing them against my tongue, causing me to gag in disgust from the horrendous taste and size. “I heard you liked toe cheese Dan!” The most humiliating part was that I LET him into my mouth on my own volition — they didn’t even need to open it by force.

After a good amount of time, Cam finally took his foot out of my mouth, to my huge relief. I begged them for water to clear the taste, but to no avail.

“Water isn’t gonna do you any good, because you’re not done with my feet” said Cam. He suddenly grabbed the sock he had taken off earlier and approached me. It was yellowing, with holes near the toes from overuse. “I haven’t washed this in a week, haha” Cam announced proudly. Jack and Rob flipped me onto my belly, and Cam sat on my back, lifting up my upper body with one arm, and forcing the sock into my mouth from behind with the other. Pushing the dirtiest part onto my tongue first, he finally stuffed it all in after much struggling.

“Dude, wanna let me do the honors this time?” Asked Rob.

“Sure, fine by me.”

Rob grabbed the roll of grey duct tape, and plastered large pieces over my mouth, under my chin, and other places as reinforcement. I thought he was finished until he said “this is your last gag before we tuck you in to bed, so its gotta stay in tight.” I looked across the room to see Cam then take off the gray hoodie he was wearing. What was he doing?? Jack and Rob grabbed me, sat me up, and held me in place so that Cam could put the hoodie on me without worrying about me squirming. Cam, being so much bigger than me, had a huge sweatshirt which did NOT fit. As they put it over my head, I was forced to take in my friend’s musk — it didn’t smell particularly bad, but it definitely smelled like Cam. To make matters worse, my arms had been taped tightly behind my back, so the sleeves hung down loose. Using the opportunity to provide extra restraints, they tied the sleeves tightly around my body. Rob then put the hood up over my head, and began rapidly wrapping the roll of tape around my head, making sure each layer was tight and smooth before proceeding to the next. As I struggled with my bonds, I tried to move my head back and forth, but found that it was impossible. I thought to myself, they had done this before — why did they need the hoodie this time?

I soon had answer.

“Hahaha this is awesome” commented Rob. “Try to speak Dan”

I began pouring out muffled scream screams, moving my head as much as I possibly could in attempt to get the tape off my head.

“Now see that’s what I was worried about — looks how much he’s able to move around”

MOVE AROUND? My legs and arms and feet and wrists and face had all been bound with heavy duty duct tape. I wasn’t going ANYWHERE.

“You’re right” said Jack sardonically, hoping to get a rise out of me.

Jack then took the roll of tape from Rob’s hands, and starting on my chin, began tightly wrapping the tape over the top of my head. I now literally had no use of my jaw, with tape restraining it from all sides. I had never felt so helpless before, so absolutely immobile. One thing was clear: Cam’s disgusting sock was not coming out anytime soon.

“Hey Dan don’t be mad. If I actually wanted to be mean, I’d have put the tape over your hair with no hood to protect it. But a best friend would never do that!” Jack teased.

“Alright lets get the little cutie tucked in since he can’t do it for himself” Cam suggested.

As the boys approached me, I shuddered at the thought of what my sleep would entail.
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Post by Michael-Colin »

really hot story, especially danny being forced to suck on cam's toes.
Danny really has some awful friends. Or really good friends I suppose, depending on your perspective :lol:
Looking forward to the next part.
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Post by blackbound »

I love this story. Can't wait to see what happens next!

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Post by Paris_bondage »

I love this story.

Particularly the "hoodie" thing. I quote: "I looked across the room to see Cam then take off the gray hoodie he was wearing. What was he doing?? Jack and Rob grabbed me, sat me up, and held me in place so that Cam could put the hoodie on me without worrying about me squirming. Cam, being so much bigger than me, had a huge sweatshirt which did NOT fit. As they put it over my head, I was forced to take in my friend’s musk — it didn’t smell particularly bad, but it definitely smelled like Cam." Waou! I have a strong fetish for sweaters, which is not far from this fetish scene on hoodies. To me, being forced to wear my captor's wool sweater is the ultimate fantasy.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]tugdreamer421[/mention] Loving this latest chapter, boi!
Keep going. We're all really enjoying this 8-)

Welcome back, my friend!
So glad you decided to join us after a long absence.

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Post by jammer212 »

im loving this story pal, cant wait fir the next part
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Post by Tsuhaya »

Very good! I'm loving this story, especially the parts where Daniel is gagged, I can't wait to see more of it!
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by The slave »

I absolutely want to be in Danny's place, he's really very lucky lol, we can't wait to see what happens next
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Fun story :)

Cheers to bondagefreak for the banner!
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