Misadventures in Babysitting: Cowboys and Indians fm/m

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Misadventures in Babysitting: Cowboys and Indians fm/m

Post by PaulsPerils »

The following is a work of fiction, none of the characters involved are real people, except for me, of course. This story falls into the category of “events that I wish had happened”. The time-period for this scene is Summer 1977 when I was 14 years old.

It was a warm and muggy Saturday morning in late August. I would be entering the 9th grade in about one week’s time and was trying to milk out the last bit of fun I could have that summer before school started. After sleeping in, I had plans to hang out with my neighborhood friends that afternoon. As it turned out, my day did not go as expected.

After getting up, a shower and some breakfast, my mom received a phone call. I was only half-listening, but I thought I heard my name come up.

After she got off the phone, she said, “Paul, that was Ms. Hatcher. She had an emergency come up and will be away this afternoon. She wanted to know if you’d babysit her two kids this afternoon, from 1 to 5.”

I had met Ms. Hatcher before as she was a friend of my mom. She was one of those moms that teenage boys develop crushes on, and I was no different. She was probably in her late 30’s, dark brown shoulder-length hair, about 5’6” and 115 pounds, and all-around cute. She was also a single mom after a recent divorce. I had never babysat anyone before, but I was not going to let a little detail like that derail my chance to at least see her again.

So, I said yes and then asked my mom what exactly I would need to do as a babysitter. She said not to worry, Ms. Hatcher’s son and daughter were good kids, and that my main job was just to make sure nothing bad happened and that the two kids stay out of trouble. And I was going to be paid the princely sum of $20 (remember, it’s 1977).

So, now wanting to make a good impression on Ms. Hatcher, it was a bigger deal to me as to what to wear this day. Since I was going to be in charge of her two kids for an afternoon, I thought I should do better than a t-shirt and shorts, so I decided to wear a pair of blue jeans, a brown leather belt, and a white buttoned down shirt, dark socks and loafers. Before I go further, I probably should describe myself a little bit. I was 5’10” and slim, (had gained height over the summer but not much weight), dark brown hair, and well-tanned from a summer spent outside.

Since Ms. Hatcher lived only about 10 blocks away, I was able to walk there. At the last minute, I thought bringing a book to read might be a good idea and I picked up a western novel I had just started on.

I got to the Hatcher home at about 12:45 pm. It was a nice two-story, 3-bedroom home with a basement and the lawn was well-manicured. The front yard had a large oak tree, and I could see many large mature trees in the backyard. I knocked and was soon greeted by Ms. Hatcher.

“Paul, so good to see you again. Thank you so much for being available like this on short notice” Ms. Hatcher said.

Ms. Hatcher was dressed down a bit today in a t-shirt and jeans. I had only seen her before in her work attire, which were dresses and business suits. Still, she was as cute as ever.

“Not a problem. I didn’t have much planned for the day, anyway.” I replied.

“Well, it’s good you are here. Let me introduce you to my two kids, Linda and Michael.” Ms. Hatcher said.

“Mom, it’s Mike.” Michael (or Mike) said.

“Don’t correct your mom.” Linda said to Mike.

“Kids. Let’s not start anything today. I need you on your best behavior. Understood?”

“Yes, mommm.” The two replied.

Linda was eleven and about to enter the 6th grade. She was dressed in a yellow t-shirt and white shorts, and a pair of white anklet socks. She was 5’4” and had an athletic build for an 11-year old with short dark brown hair just past her ears and tan skin.

Mike was ten years old and about to enter the 5th grade. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and grey shorts and was barefoot. He was 5’2” and was lean with short dark brown hair, and tan skin.

“Alright, kids. I am going to go now. You behave yourselves and mind what Paul tells you. He is in charge this afternoon.” Ms. Hatcher said.

“Yes, mommm.” Linda and Mike replied.

After Ms. Hatcher left, Linda and Mike went into the living room on the first floor and started playing with the latest in 1970’s technology – an Atari console. I believe the game they were playing was called Star Ship. They were sitting on the floor and I just sat back on the sofa and watched for a while. They had the sound up quite a bit so the game was loud, and I’m more the quiet type, so I let the kids know I’d be in the dining room reading at the table (I had my book!) if they needed me.

I was into Chapter 4 of this western novel when Linda came by to get something to drink from the kitchen.

“Whatcha reading?” She asked.

“It’s a novel about the Old West. I’ve just started it.” I replied.

“Are there Indians in the story?” Linda asked.

“Not yet, but looking ahead, I think there will be.” I said.

“Mike and I play Cowboys and Indians sometimes.” Linda offered.

“That sounds like fun.” I casually said, to make conversation, but this game had been of interest to me for some time.

In the past year, I had a few tie-up experiences that I really enjoyed with some of my friends. I really liked being tied up and gagged (not that I’d share that with these two), and I knew that sometimes in Cowboys and Indians some of the participants do get tied up.

“Do you want to play?” Linda asked.

I thought for a few seconds about how to answer. After all, I was here to keep these two out of trouble for the afternoon. But what harm could there be? At least in playing the game, I would be keeping an eye on them. So, I decided to say yes.

“Yeh, we can do that.” I said.

“That’s great!” Linda said and her eyes lit up. “Hey Mike! We’re all going to play Cowboys and Indians!” She yelled into the living room.

Mike came running into the dining room and said, “Really?! It’s been a while since we last played that.”

Linda then said to me, “First, we’ve got to decide on who are the Indians and who are the Cowboys. I think Mike and I should be the Indians and you should be the cowboy. After all, our home is our territory. The cowboys are always invading the Indian’s territory.”

Mike nodded in agreement, and though I would be outnumbered two to one, I agreed.

“OK. So, here is how we play. We (motioning to herself and Mike) will be the two Indians and you will be the Cowboy. We will go hide somewhere in the house, but the basement is off limits. You will go searching for us. If you see one of us hiding, then that person is your prisoner. If we sneak up on you, then you are our prisoner. Prisoners are then taken to the basement and kept tied up there until the game is over.” Linda explained to me.

I then thought to myself, “If I lose, I am going to get tied up. This might be a lot of fun for me, but I should try to play to win so that it is fun for them, too.”

“OK. Anything else I should know about the rules?” I asked.

“We like to be as real as we can.” Mike said. He continued by saying, “We have toy guns and a toy bow and arrow that we use, and we will give you one of the toy guns. Also, Linda and I like to look like Indians. We put warpaint on our faces, and we even have Indian outfits that we used once for Halloween.”

“I love doing warpaint!” Linda said.

“Wow.” I thought to myself. “These two really get into this game.”

“OK, Mike. Go get Paul his toy gun. Then we will go upstairs to get ready. Paul, you just stay down here in the dining room. When we are ready, we will come down and then you can close your eyes and count to 50 while Mike and I go hide.” Linda said.

“Sounds cool. I will wait here.” I said.

Both Mike and Linda trotted up the stairs to their rooms, and a few moments later, Mike came back and handed me a toy gun and then left again. I could hear the two of them upstairs moving about to get ready to play Cowboys and Indians.

After about 15 minutes, both Linda and Mike came back downstairs. I was both startled and amazed at how they looked. Linda had on a light tan cotton top and matching tan pajama pants for her Indian attire. She had red ‘warpaint’ lines on her forehead and under her eyes (raided her mom’s lipstick?), and a dark red headband with two feathers in the back. She was also carrying a toy bow and arrow in one hand. Mike was shirtless and wearing tan pajama pants and a dark red headband. He had ‘warpaint’ on his face and was carrying a toy gun. Both were barefoot as well.

“Wow, those are some costumes!” I said. “You both look very fierce.”

“You will learn how fierce very soon, paleface. We are Apache.” Linda said in a flat tone, already getting into her character for the game.

“We will take you prisoner soon, paleface.” Mike added, also using a flat tone in his voice.

“You close eyes, count to fifty. We hide. Then you see.” Linda said.

I secretly loved how they got into character so I decided I would as well once the game started. So, I closed my eyes and I could hear two sets of footprints scampering out of the dining room. I counted to fifty, but took my time doing so, to give them plenty of time to hide.

“…forty-nine, …fifty! Here I come, you two Indians.” I said.

I thought I heard footsteps going up the stairs when I was counting, so I decided that would be where I would search first. Before starting, I slipped off my shoes to be quieter as I sneaked around. I listened intently as I slowly crept up the stairs, careful not to make a sound. I reached the top of the stairs, still no sign of them.

As I looked down the upstairs hallway, there were three bedrooms to choose from for my search. I slowly walked into the first bedroom on my left and looked around. This appeared to be Mike’s bedroom based on the décor. I peeked under the bed – nothing. The bedroom closet – nothing.

I went back into the hallway and crept to the entry way for the next bedroom. This seemed to be Linda’s bedroom. I thought I saw an eye peeking through a barely ajar closet door, but before I could investigate, I felt something poking me in the back.

“Hands up, paleface!” Linda said.

“Damn, I’ve been captured!” I thought to myself.

Then Mike stepped out pointing his toy gun at me and said, “Hands up, cowboy!”

I put my hands up and Linda reached up and grabbed the toy gun out of my hand.

“Give gun to me!” she said.

“I surrender. Just please don’t hurt me! I mean you no harm!” I said.

“You have invaded our land and for that you will be punished.” Linda said.

“Let’s take him to village. We punish him there.” Mike added.

“Yes, to the village. Paleface, keep hands up and turn around.” Linda said.

I turned around with my hands up and found myself staring at a very serious-faced Indian (Linda) pointing her bow and arrow at me. To play along, I made a good effort to look scared without looking silly at the same time.

“I will do whatever you say! Just please don’t hurt me!” I replied.

“No talking! We go downstairs now.” Linda said and she raised her bow and arrow at me again.

I just nodded my head to let her know I understood and would keep quiet.

“Downstairs, paleface!” Mike said.

I walked slowly down the stairs with my hands still held up while Linda and Mike walked close behind. Close enough that I could feel a toy gun and an arrow poking me in the back along the way. Mike was also carrying a paper grocery bag with the top of the bag rolled up. I did not know what was inside, but I would soon find out. I liked how into their characters Linda and Mike were. It made me feel a little bit like I was a captured cowboy.

When we reached the first floor, Mike moved ahead of me and said, “This way.” We made a sharp left into the kitchen and on our immediate left was the door to the basement.

Mike opened the door and turned on the light, and Linda said, “Down the stairs, paleface.”

I stepped through the doorway and started down the wooden-plank stairs. It was a good 15 steps or more down. The basement was unfinished, but tidy. A water heater closet was in the near corner, there were many boxes along one wall along with other odds and ends. The floor was polished concrete with some minor cracks, and was beginning to show its age. The center of the basement was an empty area with two round metal support posts that ran up to the ceiling.

And as a big surprise to me, off to the right was a 5-foot high tepee. “Was that already here?” I wondered.

“Time for paleface to be punished.” Mike said.

“Paleface, we are going to tie you to the stake. Then burn you. Move over to post.” Linda said.

“No, please don’t tie me up. I came here in peace, not to attack you!” I pleaded.

“Paleface lies! Move over to stake.” Linda said as she and Mike pointed their weapons at me.

I kept my hands up and moved to one of the posts, putting my back against it. Then Linda and Mike approached and right in front of me, Mike dumped out the contents of the bag on the floor. There were several ropes and a few white bandanas. The ropes looked like they were made of a coarse material, possibly hemp. Mike got on his knees and took one of the ropes and handed it to Linda, and then he picked up another one.

“Hands behind stake!” Linda ordered.

“This was getting more thrilling by the minute!” I thought as I put my hands behind the post.

Linda moved behind me and dropped her bow and arrow on the floor. She then looped the rope snugly around my wrists many times before running the rope between the wrists to form a cinch and then she made a strong double knot that I would not be able to reach.

Mike, for his part, was using a rope to tie my ankles together and doing a good job of it. He wrapped the rope around my ankles several times before creating a cinch between the ankles and knotting it off tightly. The hemp rope offset against my blue jeans looked like something you might see in a western, adding something to game being played. Linda and Mike were good with a rope, and I was being tied up for real.

As Mike was binding my ankles, Linda looked down at him and said, “Be sure rope is tight. Don’t want prisoner to escape.”

“Please let me go! I did not come to your land to harm you. And these ropes are hurting me.” I pleaded.

“Paleface talks too much.” Linda said, and then she reached down and picked up two white bandanas. She rolled up one of them diagonally and made a knot in the middle; the other she folded into a tight wad of cloth.

“Open up, paleface.” Linda said.

“Please don’t gag me. I’ll be quiet!” I said.

“Another lie. Open up.” Linda said, this time while holding the wadded bandana next to my mouth.

I finally opened my mouth and she pushed the cloth all the way in. She then cleave-gagged me with the other bandana, its knot pressing against the wad of cloth in my mouth to hold it in. She pulled tight on the ends of this bandana and tied it off in a double knot at the back of my neck.

“Paleface stay quiet now.” Linda said.

“mmmpphh!! mmmpphhh!” I said in a much lower volume of voice as the gag was effective in muffling any sounds I could make.

“We should use rest of these ropes on cowboy. Keep him against the stake.” Mike said.

“Good idea. Give me a rope.” Linda said.

Mike handed her a longer rope, and she tied it around my chest, upper arms and the post and pulled the rope tight with each turn. She then finished off the rope with a sturdy double knot in the back. Next, she found a shorter rope and used it to tie my bound wrists to the pole itself. While this was happening, Mike tied a shorter rope to my ankles and then around the post. He then used another rope to tie my legs together just above the knee.

My two Indian captors then stood back to check their handiwork in tying me up and gagging me while I played the part of a helpless struggling cowboy.

Then Linda said, “Need one more rope. Pin legs to stake.” She then took their last remaining rope and tied it around my legs and the post, at about mid-thigh level and she pulled the rope tight with each turn around me before finishing things off with a double knot in the back.

“There. Now paleface tied to stake.” Linda said. Then she looked at me and said, “We go upstairs now to make ready for burning you at stake.”

“mmmmpphh!! mmmppphhh!!! I called out from my gag and shook my head no.

I tried wriggling and struggling but could only manage a little bit of side-to-side motion. With my blue jeans and white long-sleeved shirt, laced with hemp ropes, I must have looked at least something like a cowboy. I was just missing cowboy boots.

“Cowboy tied to stake and gagged real good.” Mike said.

“Yes, cowboy can’t move or talk. Now he can think about what will happen next.” Linda said.

I made more muffled sounds into my gag as they headed up the stairs and out of the basement.

At this point I was very securely bound and gagged, and at the mercy of the two Apache Indians – Linda and Mike. They had tied me up very tightly, so much so that I could barely move around, and this two-part cleave/mouth-packing gag Linda gagged me with really muffled my voice. I started to feel like, and in some sense was, a helpless cowboy. I continued to play my part, periodically making muffled sounds into my gag, trying to call out for help, but knowing no one could hear me. I struggled as well, but the ropes were not budging.

After 20 minutes or so, the two Indians returned. I could hear the basement door open back behind me, and footsteps coming down the stairs. I began struggling again and making more muffled sounds into my gag as the two came into view. I played my part well as their helpless cowboy captive, pleading with these two savages to let me go, but they were not moved.

They each were carrying a large cardboard box, and when they set them down, I noticed there were a lot of dead branches, wood chips and dried leaves on top that they must have gathered from the backyard.

“mmmmpphh!!!! mmmmppphh!!!!” I cried out. “These two are really into playing out this scene! The branches and wood chips were surely intended to be used to create a fire, but they weren’t actually going to light it, were they?” I thought to myself.

“Paleface tied up and gagged. Can’t stop us from burning him at stake.” Linda said.

“mmmmppphhh!!! mmmppphhh!!!” I said, shaking my head ‘no’ and struggling feebly.

Then Linda and Mike pulled the boxes over, and they began to un-pile what they had gathered onto the floor. They placed the branches nearest me with some of the branches laying over my feet. I wanted to kick the branches away but could not, given how my feet were tied. They placed the woodchips in a ring around and over the branches, and then they spread the dried leaves over the branches and woodchips. I was surrounded by kindling of one kind or another stacked a good 6 inches high at its peak.

“Before we burn you, must do victory dance to our spirit gods to give thanks.” Linda said.

Then she and Mike proceeded to do an Apache Indian dance, circling around me and doing an Indian chant. All the while, I continued to wriggle and struggle as best I could. I think all my playing up the role as their helpless cowboy captive further emboldened them in playing out this scene.

After 2 minutes or so, the dancing and chanting stopped. Then Linda said, “We have pow wow in tepee. Then we burn you at stake.”

‘mmmmpphh!!!! mmmmpppphhhh!!! mmmmppphhh!!!!” I replied from under my gag and struggled some more.

Mike and Linda then went into the tepee and closed the flap. I could hear a little bit of talking, still with a flat tone, but I could not make out anything being said. After a few minutes they opened the flap to their tepee and came out. Linda then walked directly up to me and I could see she was holding a box of matches.

“mmmmppphh!!! mmmmmmmppphhh!!! mmmmppphhh!! I cried out and intensified my wriggling and struggling.

“Cowboy now will burn at stake. I will start flame at outside edge of ring all around and then flames will move towards you.” Linda said.

“Oh no, she is really going to start a fire!” I thought.

I struggled for all I was worth as Linda and Mike knelt next to the kindling. Mike piled some of the dry leaves in a bunch, and Linda lit a match in one swift stroke. She looked at the flame for a second and then blew it out.

“That was decent!” Mike said, breaking character.

“That was so cool!” Linda chimed in, in her regular voice.

I stopped my struggling at this point (I was getting tired and sore) and was relieved they had stopped things when they did.

Linda and Mike then set about untying me, first removing the ropes connecting me to the post. Then Linda freed my hands while Mike untied my ankles. Linda then reached up and undid my gag as well. The mouth stuffing was sopping wet, and it felt good to get the wadded-up bandana out of my mouth.

The first words out of my mouth were “What time is it?” I knew Ms. Hatcher planned to be home by 5.

“It’s about 3:30.” Linda said.

“Well, we’ve got some clean up to do here, guys, before you mom gets home.” I replied.

The nodded their heads and agreed and we started putting everything away, including dealing with the ‘kindling’ on the floor of the basement.

As we were finishing putting things up, Linda said, “That was the best Cowboys and Indians game we ever had! You were the best cowboy.”

“Yeh, that was so cool! I liked the part where we tied you up and gagged you.” Mike added.

Linda then added, “You were really good at acting helpless and struggling. I liked hearing you try to talk with a gag in your mouth.”

“Well, you two were really good Indians. The accents you used. And you both were so serious. And you made things very realistic. I was really tied up and gagged. You had me going there for a little while.” I replied.

“Linda wanted to actually set the wood on fire!” Mike said.

“I did not. I just brought up the idea because the game was going so well but we decided against it.” Linda replied.

“Well, everything turned out ok. Let’s get something to drink in the kitchen. I am thirsty.” I said.

So, we left the basement and got something to drink. Linda and Mike then got the ‘warpaint’ off their faces and we all returned to what we were doing before – me with my nose in a book and Linda and Mike playing video games.

Ms. Hatcher returned at 5:00 pm right on the dot. She asked me how things went, and I just said it had been quiet as Linda and Mike mostly played video games while she was gone (ok, so that was only partly true).

Linda and Mike greeted their mom and said they wanted me back as a babysitter again sometime.

“Paul is cool. We want Paul to come back.” Mike said and Linda nodded her head in agreement.

“Wow, Paul.” Ms. Hatcher said. “My kids never say that about a babysitter. What did you do?”

“Oh, nothing much. I just let the kids have their fun and made sure they stayed out of trouble.” I replied.

“Well, I know I’ll need a babysitter two weekends from now. Do you think you’d be available?” Ms. Hatcher asked.

“Yes, I can probably do that.” I said.

“Good. I will hold you to that.” She replied.

Then I waved bye to Linda and Mike and said, “I’ll see you two in 2 weeks.”

Linda then said mischievously, “Maybe we can think up a game to play when you come back.”

I chuckled a little and said, “Sounds good. See you then.”

As I left, I wondered who was looking forward to next time more, me or them.

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Post by Ebascoray »

Congratulations on a well-written fictional story, PaulsPerils.

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Post by PaulsPerils »

Thanks! It was fun to write.
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Post by Nainur »

Very nice read!
Especially because in my opinion certain limits, boundaries, call-them-what-you-like, between adults and Kids shoudn't be crossed and this was achieved nicely.
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Post by PaulsPerils »

Wow! Thanks Nainur!
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Post by quietman »

Hey man, just wanted to say, this is one of the best tug stories I've ever read! I've imagined a story like this many times, but you did a great job putting into words. And like one of the posters above said, it was a great story that still respected boundaries.
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Post by Veracity »

I really enjoyed this. It’s a nice sweet story. awesome.
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Post by harveygasson »

Cool story. I hope you do a sequel
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Post by FelixSH »

That was a sweet, well written story. Really nice, how the kids were just normal kids who had fun, and not some horrible monsters who abused the situation.

I liked the detail, that you dressed up to impress the mom. Sounds like something a kid that age would do. 😁

Edit: After reading through your two real stories, I'm sad to see that there is nothing left. You write well, the atmosphere you create is light and fun.

It's, of course, fine if these stories were all you want to tell. But if yoz ever decide to write another fictional story, I would love to read it.

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Post by PaulsPerils »

Everyone who wrote the nice comments above - thank you so much! I have been away from this site for awhile. I do have another Misadventures in Babysitting story (fictional) mulling round in my brain that I need to get out. Just need to find the time to do it. Thanks again everyone who commented.
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Post by Killua »

Just read your story and I really liked it. You took your time describing things and put a lot of work into you characters. I like your writing you made it really realistic.
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Post by zelda 99 »

I also think that was a great story and would be happy for more stories.
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