Among Us (FF/F, FFF/F, F/FFFF) - Update Part 36 + Epilogue (FINISHED)

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Among Us (FF/F, FFF/F, F/FFFF) - Update Part 36 + Epilogue (FINISHED)

Post by Mineira1986 »

Hello! I was planning on keeping up to two stories running (just to keep posting chapters every couple of days), but this game, Among Us, is really a success around here. If you haven't heard of it, don't worry, rules are in this first chapter. But, of course, with a little bit of a twist... just to fit this site.

Hope you enjoy it!

Part 1


“I found Wendy! Everybody, let's go to the conference room. Now!”

I sighed through my nose, the only part of my body not covered in tape. There I was. A 5’ 6’’ woman, trapped in a tape cocoon, from my bare feet up to my head. Everything had been wrapped in duct tape, securing a dirty sock inside my mouth. I could barely hear my boss’s voice as she shouted for my coworkers to meet her at the conference room. The tape around my ears made everything around me sound muffled.

But she left me like that and shut the door of the closet where she had found me. I attempted another protest but it was pointless. This wasn’t the first time I had been found like this in the office. The sales area was pretty much like a sorority, if it meant just initiations and pranks and stuff. At the beginning, I thought it was a little funny, some kind of harmless office fun. But eventually I ended up being at the receiving end of this called pranks. So for the umpteenth time, I found myself trapped: hands taped in front of me, my shoes removed, my whole body wrapped up in layers and layers of duct tape and someone’s dirty sock stuffed into my mouth. The tape also covered my eyes, not that I could see very much since I required glasses to see. But I guess if you wrap somebody with tape rolls, you must also blindfold her.

I just had to wait there for Alexandra, the Sales boss, to finish the meeting she had just called. We were only five people in the sales area, so it shouldn’t take that long. If this had been a normal office, it would have meant firing my two captors. But, this was pretty much what happened from day to day.

Alexandra was our tall boss. And when I say tall, I mean tall. About 5’11’’, with brown straight hair of medium length. She was thin, and because of her tallness, she seemed even thinner. She was kind of easy going. I mean, she was warm and everything, but pretty much allowed all the trouble going around in the office. She participated in very rare occasions.

There was also Rossana. She was taller than me, 5’7’’. She had long light brown hair, a little wavy. She was a little chubby, I would say probably since she had had her son. She participated in these “games” from time to time, sometimes as captives, sometimes as captor. I think she didn’t like me very much, but that was ok. I mean, she wasn’t the worst person in the area.

That title was between the two bullies. The first one is Carmelle. 5’ 5’’, chubby, with short wavy blond hair. The first time you meet her, she would totally deceive you under her friendly and joyish appearance. Once she decided to pull out a prank, you were in serious trouble. And I was usually, like I had mentioned, the victim of those games.

The second one was Lori. She was just a bit shorter than me. She just looked taller because she liked to wear high heels, and I prefered flat shoes. So 5’ 5 ¾ '', really thin, with a beautiful brown skin, and short straight brown hair. Also, a very sweet girl, really kind and quiet… until the pranks were up. Carmelle and she made a deadly combo.

And they had gotten me this time. Again. As I made up my mind about this hellish company and awful job, I heard the door being opened. Somebody started cutting my bonds, finally, starting from my legs. Slowly, my rescuer removed the whole tape: my legs, thighs, torso, and finally my head. I blinked as I looked for my glasses around. They were nowhere to be seen but I could recognize the blurry Rossana in front of me as she cut the tape around my hands.

“So what did you do now?” She asked gleefully. I just rolled my eyes and spat the sock inside my mouth.

“I did nothing. You guys just keep bullying me.” I mentioned, still trying to find my glasses.

“Just relax and be thankful I cut you loose.” She replied in a harsh tone. “You would still be here if it wasn’t for the Annual Sales Fair. That’s the only reason the boss gave Carmelle and Lori a reprimand. We need you to help with the prepairings.”

“Right, right…” I looked around one more time. No glasses.

Rossana then left. Great, now I would have to find my way back to my desk, walking with my hands in front of me like a blind woman. Also, my shoes were gone. Just perfect. I walked slowly through the corridor, passing by the conference room and into the sales area, when I recognized Lori’s and Carmelle’s giggling as they spotted me.

That was enough. I couldn’t stand it. I yelled at her. “This isn’t funny, girls! Give me back my shoes and my glasses! You are just big bullies!”

The giggles turned into laughing. If this wasn’t my workplace, I would have punched them in the face. Well, and if I could have seen them clearly. My face turned red from the anger and humiliation. “Alexandra has your things. She is in her office.” Carmelle said.

“If you can find it.” Lori said as well as the laughing restarted.

Just great. I touched desks, walls, columns on my way to Alexandra’s office. I knocked it and didn’t wait for an actual answer. I just opened the door and entered.

“Please, come…” Alexandra said. “Oh, it’s you, Wendy. Have a seat.”

“I want my things.” I said, angrily. “My shoes, my glasses… and my clearance.”

“They are here, next to my desk.” She answered before realizing what I had just demanded. “Wait, are you serious? Just because you were taped up in a closet? You have had worse in this office.”

“Precisely because of that. I have enough of this sh*t.” I said, almost shouting in frustration. “I quit.”

“Language, Wendy!” She responded sternly. “I don’t get it. These pranks are usual in this place. We all have been there.”

“Call Human Resources.” I demanded, after putting back my glasses and my shoes. “I want out. I am always the butt of your jokes and pranks. It isn’t funny anymore.”

Alexandra shook her head in disapprovement but called HR. Soon one of the guys, John, entered her office. More laughing could be heard from Carmelle and Lori.

I explained my current predicament to him. He listened carefully, taking notes. It took several minutes as I tried carefully not to explode right in the office, but I couldn’t help small tears to come out of my eyes.

“Ok, I think I understand. Maybe these pranks have gone too far. Let me finish, Wendy.” He said, noticing I tried to interrupt. “We at HR have heard of these games but nobody has reported anything officially. Nothing, during all this time. That settles a precedent, and you have allowed and also participated in these pranks as the one doing the tying, as I understand, so the legal situation is a little weird. We must allow you to leave the company, if that’s what you want. However, you are going to lose the Annual Sales Fair, which when the company does the biggest sales of the year. That means, no commissions.”

I sighed deeply. Right, that. The biggest incomes salespersons could ever get here. “I guess, I can wait until the Fair, which is this weekend, but…”

“Let me finish, please.” John said. “I think that to ask your coworkers to stop playing games should be rational. But I want to offer an alternative, since as a company, we don’t want any legal action and we also don’t want to lose any sales. Have you heard of the videogame Among Us?”

I exchanged some confused looks with my boss. “No. What’s that about?”

“Well, essentially each player takes the role of a crew member in a spaceship.” He explained. “These people have to perform tasks in order to win the game, like repairing the engine or fixing the electricity. However, there is one impostor: a person who doesn’t want the ship to be repaired. So this person goes around trying to sabotage and/or kill the other crew members. The impostor is totally random, anybody can be the impostor.”

He paused for a moment, trying to see if Alexandra or me understood his point. We kept quiet and he continued. “So, from time to time, one of the crew members would find a corpse and call for a meeting. And the people would discuss who could be the impostor. They vote and the person voted gets expelled, or killed. And this will continue until there are only the impostor and one crew member left. Or all the tasks have been completed. This is possible since the dead players can still complete their tasks.”

He paused again. “So...” I asked. “What exactly is HR suggesting?”

He turned to another page in his notebook. “I see you have lots of tasks to prepare for the Fair. The place is ours the night before the event and that means you all will have to work all night. So, why if you guys play this game with some variations, like the following:

Instead of killing, for obvious reasons, the impostor ties the other crew members.
Instead of getting expelled, the person voted gets tied as well.
The players tied up must also complete their tasks.
There is no sabotage.
If the impostor wins, she can keep tied up the whole crew until the end of the Fair.
If the crew wins, they can keep tied up the impostor until the end of the Fair.

What do you think?”

I blinked. That sounded weird. Really weird. Alexandra was the first to speak. “You have notes about that.”

“HR has to be ready for any inconvenience and the games Sales play have been a conversation topic on a daily basis. Yes, we are prepared.” John answered.

“What would happen to the sales on that day?” I asked. “The company wouldn’t risk to lose many sales.”

“Glad you ask.” He said, turning to another page. “If all five people agree, we will hire people to help the winner or winners of the game. Meaning, if the crew wins, they each would take 20% of the impostor’s commissions, and the impostor would get none. The extra 20% would serve to pay the people that will help. And if the impostor wins, she would get to keep 50% of the commission from the crew members. And the extra 50% would be the payment. The crew would get none. These hired people would do the paperwork and other tasks to allow the winners to focus on the customers. Sorry: winners or winner.”

“This will serve as both a way to end any animosity between the salespeople, plus a way for you all to acknowledge this kind of activity and the company would be guilt free.” John explained. “Yes, contracts will be signed to keep this formal. And there is company we know that help to make games like this, so everything will be safe. Fair stars at 12 PM, so the game must end at 7 AM, to give us enough time to hire enough people, depending on the winner.”

I thought about that. That sounded crazy. If it was totally random, I had really good chances to not be the impostor. Probably I would get tied up, since Lori and Carmelle, and also Rossana, would vote for me. But that would mean getting 20% of that commission, and my very own. And if I were to be the impostor, then I had the big opportunity to get revenge on the entire office, and get a very juicy commission before leaving this company for good.

Alexandra looked thoughtful. But I could tell she really liked the idea. There was going to be no responsibility on her. No legal or other kind.

“So, Wendy.” John asked. “What do you say? Do you agree to postpone your leaving day until the Fair and participate in this game?”
Last edited by Mineira1986 2 years ago, edited 36 times in total.
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Post by Tights tights tights »

Exciting story, can't wait for part 2! 😉
HHHMMMPP mmnnpph mmpph nnnpph hmm hmmm mmmnnn hhhmmhhpp
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Brilliant way to incorporate the game into the story! I really liked it and can’t wait for part 2!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Thanks for the replies! Sorry for not writing part 2 earlier, a few things happened over here.

And here we go:

Part 2

So when John had said they had had contact with a company to help us with the game, he hadn’t mentioned it was THE company.

I arrived with John at their offices. He drove me there since I didn’t want to share transport with any of my coworkers or boss. “So that’s what they do for a living?” I asked for the fourth time. Wolf Among Us Inc., I read again in the flyer.

“They will answer all the questions you girls have.” He said, getting out of the car. I followed. “But essentially, yes. We have contacted them when the rumors started and it seems we made the right choice.”

“They are not games!” I replied. “Not to me at least.”

“For the position I have in the company, I have to say GAMES.” He said, giving me a sympathetic look. I knew he understood but, since he was from Human Resources, he couldn’t blame the company. “Let’s get in.”

I walked in. My other coworkers hadn’t arrived yet. I still had some minutes of relaxed time, not being constantly bullied or attacked somehow. I had agreed on leaving the company after the Annual Fair and that fact, of course, was cause of mockery, especially from Carmelle and Lori. I guessed they were looking for having some fun with me before I left the company.

The so-called office wasn’t an office. It was empty. It was pretty much like ours, a whole floor designed for an office but, empty except for some boards and desks. At the entrance, a very thin woman with white skin and glasses greeted us. “Hello and welcome to Wolf Among Us. My name is Marcia.”

“Hi, uhm… Marcia…” I replied confused. I looked at John. “Is this the right place?”

“Oh yes.” Marcia was the one who answered. “Sorry, it’s a little confusing, I know. We do most of our work at home. This place is used mostly for training and tests. That’s why it’s so empty.”

“Training and tests?” I asked, even more confused.

Marcia nodded her head several times. “Yup. As you may have read in the flyer, this whole experience is based on a board game called Werewolf. It’s like the game Among Us, as John may have told you already.” John nodded this time and Marcia continued. “Great. There are different levels, some just include people sitting on the table and discussing and accusing each other to be the Werewolf or the Imposter in the case of this game. Others, as your company has required, involve some kind of more physical activity. And we, as the suppliers, must make sure that nobody involved gets extremely aggressive or does things not allowed during these games.”

“Like I said, the company goes free of any possible charges.” John said smiling.

There were some steps behind me. Great, relaxing time was over. Soon the room was crowded by my three coworkers and Alexandra.

“What the hell is this place?” Carmelle asked, disgusted at the sight. “Is this where we are going to play this… game?”

“I thought you mentioned a professional company.” Lori said, looking at John.

“Girls, behave.” Alexandra intervened. She then gave a quick look at Marcia. “Although, I am confused now too. Do you earn enough at least to eat something?”

Marcia gave Alexandra a weird look. I looked at both of them. They were equally thin, really thin, maybe just the fact that Marcia was way shorter made her look more like a girl. Still, they were being extremely rude. Marcia, apparently, decided to be the bigger woman, figuratively speaking, and just smiled. “Please, come here. We will debrief you soon.”

“Debrief.” Rossana said, rolling her eyes and walking pass through me, pushing me with her shoulder of course. John sighed and stepped aside to make room for us. We entered.

Marcia explained the next minutes telling us about her company and what they did. They had started making escape rooms for people, but decided to take an extra step. This board game, Werewolf, was really interesting. It was based on social deduction, and players had to discuss and evaluate each other's behavior in order to find the one impersonating the Werewolf. Of course in the original game, nobody was getting tied up. Wolf Among Us had decided to take another step there: they were going to give people a more accurate experience. In the original game, if one person got killed by the Werewolf/Imposter or by the other players, he or she just had to keep quiet until the game ended. But with this experience, he or she would get tied up, gagged until the game ended. Pretty much helpless. Just like they would be in case they have gotten killed.

Carmelle and Lori kept making jokes, whispering like silly classmates during a teacher’s explanations. Jerks. I found the concept interesting, and since Wolf Among Us provided moderators for the games, they seemed safe enough. Or at least way safer than my coworkers’ pranks. John explained what had been purchased: we would each be required to do some tasks (the Fair preparation tasks). The company wasn’t going to pay extra hours for assistants to help us during the Fair setup, meaning the five of us would have to do it. They were going to divide all the tasks among us, and nobody was allowed to know which tasks were assigned to whom but themselves. Additionally, we would have to give our phones so we would have no way to communicate with each other.

“Question, professor skinny.” Lori asked. I rolled my eyes again. If there were two people who wouldn’t be allowed to make skinny jokes, they would be Alexandra and Lori. But anyway… “What if someone yells? Or just talks to each other?”

“Excellent question.” Marcia said, with the patience of a saint not to spat back at her. “You are all going to be gagged during the game.”

“WHAT?” I could hear all the girls’ voices at once.

“Sure, you could be whispering around, trying to cheat or to plot against each other.” She explained smiling. “We cannot allow that. The only way to communicate will be this.” She took a little object from her pocket. It was like a remote control but with only one button. She pressed it and something like an alarm started to sound around us for a few seconds. “The imposter will have some of these and she must leave that next to one of the people that gets tied up. That way, if anyone finds her, they can press the button and everybody will know what has happened. Also, there will be another button in this table. Anyone can press it just once during the entire game, even if they don’t see anything weird. And yes” Marcia said before Rossana could interrupt. “I will be monitoring to prevent any cheating.”

“Now, the training begins and you won’t be gagged for the game.” She started giving us papers. I read it quickly. There were some minor tasks like writing some things on some papers, moving desks. There was a role written at the bottom that said CREWMATE. I guessed I wasn’t going to be the imposter this time. “These are your roles and tasks for this session. Don’t share them with anybody. And for today, you can all yell instead of using the button. Let’s see if we get how this whole game works.”

We stood up and I was ready to do my supposed tasks when Carmelle yelled. “I want to use my button!”

Marcia seemed surprised to see that being used so fast, but decided to play along. “Okay… you understand you should only do that for an emergency during the game and you only can use it once, right?”

“Yi inli cin isi it inci.” Lori replied mockingly. She then turned to Carmelle. “What’s up, girl?”

“I think Wendy is the imposter and we should tie her up right now!” She said pointing at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Quit it already!” I shouted. “This is not how this is supposed to be played.”

“I think we have to vote.” Rossana added. “I vote yes. I think it’s Wendy too.”

Marcia tried to explain that they could skip votes. And also, the vote was supposed to be secret. But they didn’t listen. They all voted for me and I sighed. I turned my paper and showed them the word CREWMATE there, meaning I wasn’t the imposter. I was out for this first game.

“Now we get to tie her up.” Carmelle shouted gleefully. “Skinny, do you have some things for that or do you need us to teach you how it’s done.”

“No necessarily.” Marcia said, gleefully. “You will use these for the game, so you better practice with them.” She said, grabbing a bag and pulling out a couple of zipties. “Also, please just gag her with this black bandana. We must keep all the games safe.”

“Give me that.” Lori said, snatching the objects from Marcia’s hand. Rossana had already walked towards me and grabbed my hands. She ziptied them tightly in front of me as Alexandra did the same to my ankles. The gag then followed, as Carmelle cleave gagged me tighter than necessary.

“Now we are done! We won!” Carmen said, pushing me to a side. I lost my balance and fell hard into the floor.

“MMMPHH!” I protested.

John came quickly and helped me to my feet as the other girls high fived each other. Marcia sighed and kept smiling. “Uhm… you haven’t won, ladies.”

“I beg your pardon, skinny?” Lori asked, confused.

“Right, you have taken out one of the good guys.” Marcia explained calmly. “That means one of you four is still the imposter. And you would have to do the tasks assigned to you, until the imposter is found or there is only one imposter and one good guy remaining. So let’s go.”

“Wait a second.” Alexandra said. “Do you mean one more of us is going to get tied up?”

“At least one.” Marcia responded. “So you better start playing. This is just the first training session.”

“What if we refuse?” Rossana asked, rudely again.

“Then I’ll reveal who the imposter is, and she will remain tied up and gagged for my second explanation of the night. In that case, that means the crew wins and Wendy gets to be untied. Sounds good?” Marcia said, still smiling.

The four remaining girls looked at each other. It was weird but I could feel the worrying sensation in her eyes. Yes, they had tied me up, probably had plotted about it during their trip here. But now, one more of them was going to try and tie up the other three or she was going to be kept tied up instead of me.
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Post by TomYi »

I've never played the game, but I know how it works and I love this premise.

I thought you were just going to base it in outer space with the imposter using locking devices that couldn't be removed until she was caught and the keys were found. I wasn't expecting it to be an office game, but this is pretty enjoyable.

Carmelle is way to eager for her own good! Nice writing so far.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Ugh... the space idea would have been so much better! Stupid quarantine is taking the creativity away from me!!

Thanks for the feedback. I probably won't be able to take it towards that way (which would have been awesome), but let's see what I can do.
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Post by TomYi »

Well one way or another, I give you a 10/10 for inspiration. It's this kind of innovation that I think the forum needs more of!
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is an interesting idea for a story and I can’t wait to read how the others will figure out how to play the rest of the game without Wendy in it.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

TomYi wrote: 3 years ago Well one way or another, I give you a 10/10 for inspiration. It's this kind of innovation that I think the forum needs more of!
Thanks a lot!
Solarbeast wrote: 3 years ago This is an interesting idea for a story and I can’t wait to read how the others will figure out how to play the rest of the game without Wendy in it.
Thank you! I actually have an idea how this story is going to end (at least the first part) so soon we will find out that the others are just... not as good as playing the game heh.

Part 3

So tension was in the air. As Marcia insisted that each should finish their tasks to continue with this first game, the girls just looked at each other. I could tell that all of them thought it was going to be over just tying me up, but nope. Now they had to go to different areas in this empty office, expecting one of them would betray them and tie them up.

I looked at my tasks list. I had to retrieve a few paper clips and move them to another location, write some words on papers located on the few desks around, stuff like that. Marcia told me I could rest since I was out of the game, but technically, I still had to complete the tasks. I wanted to take the option to rest, but decided to continue with my tasks. After all, during the real game, I could be in this predicament and I wanted to be ready. Marcia nodded and cut the zipties around my ankles. My gag and wrists restraints remained.

I started doing my tasks. It was weird to do them with my hands bound but it wasn’t much trouble since they were pretty simple. My time being the butt of the pranks had also made me used to the fact of being gagged, so that wasn’t much annoying either. My focus was mainly on my coworkers. They had gone silent. They were pretty much worried about each other, and I could figure out why. They were mean when doing their pranks to me. So probably they were expecting the same treatment against each other?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I heard some screams.


That was Alexandra. Marcia quickly rushed to a nearby room where Lori and Alexandra had entered. The rest of us followed her. I saw Lori grabbing Alexandra’s hands and trying to twist them behind her back. The boss was obviously trying to fight her. They were struggling hard.

“You are not supposed to protest!” Lori said, panting hard. “Just let me tie you up!”

“No way! Everybody is seeing you!” Alexandra protested, also panting and struggling. “You are the imposter and you have lost! You will stay tied up until the next round.”

“Please!” Marcia interrupted. “Lori, let her go. Captives are supposed to be silent when captured. That’s specifically to not alert the other players when they are captured. It’s in the rules.”

“So Alexandra lost then, right?” Lori said. “She is the one tied up then! Haha!”

“Nobody is getting tied up!” Marcia said firmly, clearly losing some of her temper. “We are going to play the next round and if somebody breaks the rules, she will remain tied until round 3. Everybody on board?”

Lori let Alexandra go and Alexandra gave her a dirty look back. Somehow this first game had made some fissures among my… “enemies”, so to call them. Marcia cut the bonds around my wrists and removed my gag. She picked up our tasks and roles, shuffled them and gave them to us again. I read it. CREWMATE again. Although some of the tasks were different. I looked at my co-workers and moved away.

“Wait!” Carmelle called. “I call for a meeting and accuse Wendy.”

“What?!” I protested loudly. “This is just stupid. You just want to…”

“I am accusing her. One less person to worry about.” Carmelle said.

“You are not supposed to call for meetings for silly…” Marcia tried to say but Lori interrupted her.

“Shut up, skinny. Carmelle has a point. One less person to worry about. I vote to tie her up.”

I rolled my eyes but was totally helpless. Again. Stupid Carmelle. Soon I was back at being a captive. But this time, no feet. My hands were again ziptied in front of me and the cleave gag was back. I grunted as Carmelle tied it with excessively tightness.

“Great! Now, let’s see her card.” She said, snatching it away from my hand. “Darn, she’s not.” She threw my paper away. “I was really hoping for her to be the imposter.” She delivered a hard smack on my behind.

“HMMMPH!” I protested.

“So, you have to keep playing. Hurry up, and we can do two or three more rounds, please.” Marcia said, rubbing her forehead. Clearly, she hadn’t addressed an audience as troublesome as us.

“Right, right…” Alexandra said, moving her hand contemptuously. She pointed at Lori. “You stay away from me.”

Alexandra walked away slowly, keeping her eyes on Lori. I snorted under the gag and went to pick up my paper. Yup, there was something happening here. The imposter was still out there and besides being tied up and gagged again, I was really enjoying the animosity growing up between the same people that enjoyed tying me up. This was kind of fun.

The empty office had enough rooms for us to move around without seeing each other all the time. This time, I decided not to do my tasks and just watch the other players. Alexandra and Lori were clearly the ones suspecting each other, so they tried to stay within sight of each other. Carmelle and Rossana were more relaxed, but also aware of the others. I decided to follow the first pair. They seemed more interesting.

At some point, they broke apart and I had to decide which to follow. I chose Alexandra, since Lori was really mean and I didn’t want to be tied up and gagged alone with her. Still nothing. She seemed to just be doing some of the tasks.

After a few minutes, I heard another shout.

“Girls! Over here!” Carmelle shouted.

I ran as best as I could to the other room. My eyes popped when I saw the scene. Rossana was tied up, her hands behind her ziptied, her ankles ziptied as well, A very similar bandana tied around her mouth cleave gagging her. She was sitting on the floor. Carmelle and Lori were already there. Alexandra was with me, so there was no way she could have done it.

“Who did this?” Alexandra asked.

“I found her.” Carmelle said. “Where were you, boss?”

“I was with Wendy the whole time. She can answer for me.” Alexandra said, looking at me. “Well, she could if she wasn’t gagged.” She went for my gag to remove it when Marcia stopped her.

“Actually, the tied up ones don’t work as an alibi.” Marcia explained, walking into the room. “So you three just have to work it out.”

The three remaining girls looked at each other. “I think it was Lori.” Alexandra said.

“You are just trying to get back at me for trying to capture you last time.” Lori protested.

“So you did it?” Carmelle asked. “I know I didn’t, and since Alexandra…” She looked at Lori who was still trying to explain herself. “We have to vote, right?”

“My vote goes for Lori.” Alexandra said. Marcia tried to intervene, probably to remind the girls that the vote was supposed to be secret, but my boss continued talking. “I know, I know Wendy is not an alibi, but I didn’t do it. It was Lori.”

Lori moved her hands away. “Alright, f*ck. You got me.” She revealed her paper. IMPOSTER.

“You know what to do.” Alexandra said, signaling with her finger for Lori to turn around.

Lori rolled her eyes but obeyed. Alexandra grabbed some zipties, grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back. She ziptied them together. She then placed her hands on her shoulder, forcing her to sit down on the floor. More zipties followed, securing her ankles. Finally, she grabbed a bandana.

“You really suck, you know, boss!” Those were Lori’s last words before Alexandra cleave gagged her. Although, I was thinking, maybe Lori could have done a better defense of herself.

Alexandra smacked Lori’s head. “I am your boss, Respect me.”

Marcia sighed and started releasing me while Carmelle did the same to Wendy. “Well, now you are getting the idea. Although I must remind you, votes are secret. Also you can call for meetings if you see suspicious behaviour, not just to tie the other players.”

Carmelle just laughed but Alexandra sounded serious. “So you mean that, if Wendy wasn’t tied up…”

“That’s right.” Marcia nodded. “She could have been your alibi and confirmed that you, in fact, wasn’t the imposter since she was with you all the time.”

Alexandra seemed thoughtful. She looked around, at me, at Carmelle, then at Lori, who remained sitting on the floor, still tied up and gagged. “Oh.” She smiled. “Which other things do we need to know?”

Lori grunted, knowing she was going to be kept restrained until the round explanation ended. Marcia didn’t seem to notice and continued. “Well, the actual game is going to be played with the five of you gagged. We could try that. Also, remember that if all the tasks are completed, the imposter loses and she is the one that will remain tied up.”

“But we could just guess, right?” Rossana asked. “It seems like a good strategy.”

Lori grunted again. And, again, Marcia ignored her. “Could be. But, as you have seen, less players at the beginning will give the imposter a far easier path to victory.”

“Not to this one.” Alexandra said, pointing at an angry Lori. “She sucks at being the imposter.”

Marcia chuckled. “Maybe, we’ll see.” She gave each of us a black bandana. “Now, we will play the game while gagged. I mean, you will. I will just place this alarm button here, so if anybody wants to call for a meeting or vote, she just pressed the button instead of yelling. And another one will be left where the tied up captives are. Now, please release Lori.”

Alexandra and Rossana didn’t move. They were still mad at Lori, the first one for being so close at being captured and the other one, for being actually captured. So Carmelle was the one who released her. Lori stood up after her hands and feet were freed and went for the gag before Marcia stopped her. “Just keep it there. The next round is going to be played gagged, remember.”

Lori grunted again, not being able to reply or say something at Alexandra and Rossana. Soon we all gagged ourselves and Marcia shuffled the papers. She gave it to us again. CREWMATE. Dammit, I could get to the point where I could actually tie up my co-workers. I mean, I would rather do it here in a controlled environment than doing it in the actual Sales Fair.

The alarm sounded. Carmelle pulled her bandana down to her neck. “I am calling for a votation. Wendy, you are the imposter to me. You know what to do.”

I sighed through my nose. Of course. I didn’t even bother to remove my gag since I knew I was going to be gagged in no time. The other players did remove their gags. I pulled my hands in front of me, ready to be tied again. But the next thing that happened really surprised me.

“Wait,” Alexandra said. “Why should we be tying her up this time?”
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Post by slackywacky »

Fun story, let's see how this works out.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by Solarbeast »

It's great to see that times might be changing for Wendy with this interesting game/story idea.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Fun story, let's see how this works out.
Solarbeast wrote: 3 years ago It's great to see that times might be changing for Wendy with this interesting game/story idea.
Thank you!

Part 4

A kind of heated discussion started between Carmelle and Alexandra. Carmelle just wanted to try and tie me up for the third time in a row on the same night, but Alexandra was still worried about Lori’s previous attempt to tie her up, plus the fact that Lori had gotten caught in the act the previous round… so most likely she was going for revenge.

I decided to remain quiet while the girls talked. For the first time, it wasn’t all the girls in the office against me. The idea and the possibility that four of us ended up tied up and gagged not just for this night, but also for the Sales Fair was something that worried all of us. But most to them. Somehow, I’ve got used to being tied up in the office. I didn’t like it, but there was little I could have done. But these girls… they were used to be the captors, not the other way around. And now the main commissions of the year were also at stake.

Lori, of course, intervened and supported Carmelle. That only made Alexandra even angrier as she thought that was part of her revenge. Rossana was unusually quiet in the discussion, I couldn’t figure out why. Maybe she was the imposter?

“Ok, time for discussion is over!” Marcia said, clearly losing her patience. She started giving papers and pens to all of us. “Now voting is supposed to be secret. So write down who you think is the impostor. Remember, you can skip your vote. And yes, all votes will be known.”

I thought for a second. I could try and write one of the other girls’ names, but that would probably put a big target on my back. I decided to play safe and wrote nothing.

Marcia called for the voting results and asked us to reveal our papers. I revealed a blank paper. Alexandra had picked up Lori. Nothing weird there.

The weird part was that the other three papers didn’t have my name on it. Rossana, Lori and Carmelle had written.

“You must be f*cking kidding me!” Alexandra protested angrily. “I am not the impostor. See?” She waved the paper in the air before throwing it like a ball to Lori. I approached her slowly and read it. Indeed, she wasn’t the one we were looking for.

“You know the rules. Turn around and give me your hands.” Lori commanded her. Alexandra gave her one last angry look. She wasn’t going down easy.

“You are freaking cheaters and don’t know how to play the game. I want out.” Alexandra said, trying to reach the door when John stopped her.

“I am sorry, Alexandra, but I cannot allow you to do that. You all have signed a contract and this session and the following ones are mandatory, as well as the game before the Sales Fair.” He explained while stepping between my boss and the door. “There will be grave consequences if you or any try to get out of this. I hope you have read the document you signed.”

Her face revealed she hadn’t. She froze for a moment before pondering her options, but the other girls didn’t give her much time. Soon, all three had launched themselves over Alexandra and pinned her to the floor.

“What the f*ck are you doing?!” She screamed as she was forcefully rolled over her stomach. “Get off me! You have no right…”

“Quickly, the tape!” Lori said to Carmelle while she sat on Alexandra’s long and thin thighs, holding her hands against her small back. My boss tried to kick and rock her body to her sides, hoping possibly to throw Lori to the ground, but soon Rossana took hold of her ankles and ziptied them.

“You are in big problems, Lori!! I mean it! I am not…”

I could hear what Alexandra was or wasn’t because Carmelle started slapping like four strips on her protesting mouth. One didn’t do the trick, so more strips were placed over her lips. It didn’t silence her, but now we couldn’t understand what she tried to say.

“Shut up, you heard John.” Lori said, after she ziptied her hands behind her back. “You want out? Then you are in big trouble, missy.” She gave Alexandra’s bottom a hard slap and a quick pinch.

“HMMMPHHHH!!” Alexandra protested angrily.

“You are no longer the boss, not for this round.” Carmelle said, pinching the new captive’s nose and shaking it a bit, much to her annoyance.

Alexandra’s protests continued for a while, but she wasn’t going anywhere. I was looking at the whole scene with a strange feeling inside me. This wasn’t the first time I had seen somebody tied up. It had occasionally happened at the office, when I had first started. But this was different. Maybe it was the fact that it had passed too much time, or maybe because this had felt like an actual capture. Alexandra had no intention of getting herself tied up and gagged, and yet she was forced to it. I knew I didn’t like to be tied up. But perhaps I liked to watch others getting tied up?

“Back to voting then!” Carmelle said, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked worried at the room. My main ally, at least for the moment, now laid helplessly struggling on the floor while protesting as loudly as she could. I sighed, resigned to my fate. There was little I could do to stop those three crazy girls. Alexandra, being much taller than I was, plus being the boss, couldn’t, so there was no way I…

“Actually, no.” Marcia intervened. “There is a cooldown between voting, to ensure everybody gets to do their tasks. We must follow the rules since you will be actually playing this version before your Sales Fair.” Marcia paused as she noticed the same thing as I. If she kept pushing harder, the other girls were going to attack her. They had had no problem with Alexandra, and despite the contract and everything, they could as well give it a try. But Marcia had the answer to that. “Plus, the longer you play the round, the longer the captured stays tied up and gagged.”

That seemed to convince the girls. Carmelle looked at Lori and nodded. I sighed, but relieved this time. There was going to be some more freedom time for me at least. Lori smiled and walked out of the room, not before stepping on Alexandra’s bottom on her way out. Rossana and Carmelle sound followed her and left the room.


“Marcia, ehm,” I asked after everybody had left. “Shouldn’t Alexandra be untied so she could finish her tasks? I mean, I was before.”

Marcia looked at John and then at me. “Angry players are quite a trouble.” She explained to me, whispering so my boss didn’t hear us. “And I think that she could use some cooldown time. Don’t you agree?”

I leered at the tall woman still struggling on the floor and agreed. If Alexandra was back on her feet, she would definitely give Marcia more trouble keeping this first game. I nodded and walked out of the room, muttering a sorry to my angry boss. Not that I exactly meant it, I just didn’t want any possible retaliation from her. I had enough enemies for now.

The girls apparently had decided to do their tasks. The idea of keeping the boss tied up as long as they could had worked perfectly. If they could finish the tasks, it meant we had played a whole round. I didn’t know how much time it could take, but for sure the girls were going to delay Alexandra’s freedom as long as they could. There was still the problem of the imposter, though. One of them. I didn’t know who could be, but I trusted the fact that they wanted to delay the end of the round.

Some pens taken from here to there, some files placed on the right shelf… The tasks weren’t requiring much of my energy or focus. My mind was still on that feeling when I had watched the girls swarming over one poor captive against her will. What was that? I looked around for Marcia. Perhaps she could understand? After all, she probably watched lots of people getting tied up all the time. Just watch. Maybe I could ask for a job in this Wolf Among Us company after I left my job?

“Shhh, quiet.” I felt Rossana’s voice whispering in my ear. Shoot, I had lost focus on the game. I forgot about my surroundings and now, Rossana’s hand was pressed on my mouth. I knew it! She had been awfully quiet during the previous argument. Maybe I should have said something then…

But now it was too late. I just nodded and accepted my fate. Her hand left my lips after she made me agreed that I wouldn’t try to escape or yell. I was resigned at this point. She pulled my hands behind my back and I felt a ziptie wrapped tightly around then when Lori appeared on the room door.
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Post by Wolfling »

Nice concept! I really hope Wendy gets her revenge in the end ;)
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Wolfling wrote: 3 years ago Nice concept! I really hope Wendy gets her revenge in the end ;)
Thanks! And that's the idea... but let's see ;)

Part 5

Both Rossana and I froze in place. I knew she had been busted by Lori, and that meant that I was safe. The game, or at least this round, was over. Rossana was found to be the imposter and she would end up tied and gagged instead of me.

If Lori called and reported it.

But she just smiled and said “Go on, Rossie. Nothing to report here.”

Shoot. I could hear Rossana’s laugh as she finished securing me. Soon, my mouth was taped and she pushed me hard into the floor. So there I was, tied and gagged for the third time in the night. And it wouldn’t have happened if Lori hadn’t been a total jerk. Those two and Carmelle were definitely the worst.

My protests as I was pushed into the floor brought Marcia’s attention, who ran into the room I was. Lori was still standing outside and she looked really confused. She looked from girl to girl and to me and after a few seconds, found out what had happened. Lori smiled at her. “Skinny, I don’t have to report it, right?”

Marcia rolled her eyes. She was beginning to get tired of the skinny jokes, especially coming from a girl as thin as her. “Technically, no. You don’t have to but…”

“Great.” Lori said, turning and walking away.

Marcia was visibly annoyed but closed her mouth. My three coworkers gathered together in the next room and started chatting, the tasks clearly not finished. I rolled myself so now I was sitting up and dragged myself to watch them. What was on their minds? The round wasn’t over yet. I understood why Rossana didn’t capture any of them. Maybe it was because she wanted them on her side, but mainly because the rules stated that there was a cooldown between captures. What I didn’t understand is that neither Lori nor Carmelle seemed worried about her.

I looked at the pale and thin girl organizing the game and she looked down at me. She winked and moved her finger to her lips. Not that I could say anything, but I understood that something was on her mind. She checked her phone while the girls were still chatting and laughing before approaching them.

“I must remind you three, the game is still on. You haven’t found the imposter.” She said.

“Yes, we have, skinny.” Lori replied. “It’s Rossana. We know it.”

Marcia sighed. “Yes, you know it. But you haven’t done anything about it. Just a reminder, we must continue the game, so if you don’t decide what to do, I will declare that the crewmates are the winners and the imposter has lost.”

“Chill, relax, skinny.” Carmelle said. “Besides, it’s not like she can go on and on capturing all of us, right? First, there is a cooldown, I remember you telling us something like that. And second, there are two of us, while only one of her.”

Marcia smiled. “Yes. But she only has to capture one of you to win the game. And the cooldown is off as about… right now.”

The three girls froze now and looked at each other. Lori decided to press her button to call for the supposed meeting and voting but Rossana was way faster and grabbed her hand while pressing the other against her mouth.

“WHMMPHHH??!” Lori asked, confused.

“It’s her. I am calling it!” Carmelle shouted, clearly worried about losing this round. “She is the imposter. Now let her go! You are going down.”

“I am afraid I cannot allow that.” Marcia said. John entered the room, after hearing all the trouble going around. “She has already captured Lori so the game is over. Now the two of you will be tied up and gagged.”

Carmelle was about to protest but John quickly reminded her about the agreement. Lori also stopped struggling but gave Rossana a furious look and more threats, which were quickly silenced by more tape. As soon as Rossana started taping an equally furious Carmelle, Marcia asked John to bring Alexandra back to this room while she walked towards me and helped me on my feet.

“Can you hop, Wendy?” She asked me, very politely. It would be annoying but it was ok. I was used to it. I nodded it and she helped me, guiding me by the arm, so I could hop my way to where Lori and Carmelle were.

Rossanna finished securing Carmelle and pushed her to the floor, much gentler than she had pushed me, but Carmelle still fell on her butt. Both new captives protested through their gags, but that only made Rossana to hush them. Soon, John brought Alexandra with us, helping her hopping her way, just like Marcia had helped me. And then there we were: four girls with our hands ziptied behind our backs, our ankles ziptied and our mouths tape gagged, sitting next to each other, while Rossana raised her arms in triumph.

“Winner!” She exclaimed. “Yes!”

Marcia nodded. “Congratulations, Rossana. You won this round. Although I must point out some deficiency in the way you all are playing the game…”

“Their deficiency, you mean. I have won!” Rossana said, still with her arms in the air.

“I mean, you almost got caught, so technically you could have lost…”

“Enough, skinny!” Rossanna lowered her arms and pointed at us. “I managed to get all of them tied up. I am the winner and I will also be the winner at the Sales Fair. As the impostor or the crewmate or whatever.”

Marcia nodded and looked at her phone. “Ok, that would be all for today. John, I have to talk to you, there could be a little changes about the arrangement. I would notify you tomorrow.”

I looked confused at them. Clearly this training session hadn’t gone as well as Marcia had expected. Maybe she just didn’t know my co-workers and boss were such a difficult audience. But it was clear that, without more training, the actual game was going to be a fiasco. On the other hand, more of these sessions would drive Marcia mad, for sure. Her attitude at the start was really kind but at the end, she looked really annoyed.

John went to release us when Rossana stopped him. “Wait, I am going to call a cab. I won’t share my ride home with such… losers!”

My three fellow captives protested loudly through their gags. I just sat there resigned. A few minutes later, her cab arrived and she went away. Lori and Carmelle were the first released by John and soon they were gone. Alexandra followed and I was the lost one to be freed.

“Sorry about this.” John said, removing the tape on my lips gently. “I didn’t realize the girls’ attitude were so…”


“I was going to say bitchy, but yeah.” John said. “Sorry, I understand why you want to leave the company so bad. These girls can get on someone’s nerves so easily.”

“It’s ok.” I merely said.

We walked out of the building after waving Marcia goodbye and I got in his car. It was pretty late and the next day was still work day. We didn’t talk during the ride to my place and I was really thankful for that. The whole session was really exhausting and I was really thankful for having some quiet time.

“So, see you tomorrow.” John said after getting to my place. I nodded and got out of the car. “Wait.” He said and I turned around to look at him. “Look, I must say this and I won’t be talking as a HR worker. I really hope you can win the game. But, may I point out a couple of things?”

I smiled. “Of course. I really want to win the game but I have a feeling it’s going to be a little exhausting. Plus, if I get to be the impostor, I don’t know if I can tie up the girls like they do to me. I just don’t have the skills. I think my best shot is to be one of the crewmates and hope for the best.”

“Yeah, about that. I would recommend you play the actual game online.” He said. “It’s not about just… well, killing off the other players. There is a lot of deception and lies and… for what I’ve seen tonight, I don’t think that’s one of the girls’ strengths. You could very well exploit that.”

I didn’t know what he meant but I was too tired to argue. I agreed to download the game and give it a try.

“That’s one thing. And the other thing: if you get to be the imposter, then you need to improve your skills at tying another girl. And I think I know a couple of people who might be interested in doing so.”
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Post by Corn Boy »

One of my favorite stories on the site so far. Hoping for part 6!!
Wishing to be hogtied on the ground beneath her leather boots.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Corn Boy wrote: 3 years ago One of my favorite stories on the site so far. Hoping for part 6!!
Heh, thanks! Here is part 6. Wasn't able to post any chapter due to real life issues, but hopefully I can post them more often.

Part 6

Being some kind of an antisocial person during my time working there had kept me from acknowledging some facts.

Other areas disliked the Sales team.

Not because of what the area did as a job but because of how mean the girls were. And I could totally understand that. Apparently, the rumors about the tie up activities were all around the office, to my embarrassment, but it came with a really good thing for me.

There were other people willing to help me get my revenge.

They obviously couldn’t have done anything before, at least not during office hours (which would result in a complaint from the Sales team, and we all knew who the Management would favour in this case) or outside the office (which most likely would be a felony). But now that there were written rules about it, they could sort of intervene.

Enter the marketing team.

Actually, only two girls from there. One was Natalia, a girl about my size, maybe an inch shorter. Long and straight dark red hair. The other one was Chaina, who had medium straight dark brown hair. But the most important fact was that she was taller than me. Almost as tall as Alexandra. And I really needed to know how to subdue a girl larger than me.

John somehow managed to reserve one of the conference rooms during the next day, during the lunch break, allowing us to practice. I was honestly surprised at how fast John got to arrange things around, but my nervousness was bigger. I knew both Natalia and Chaina from Sales and Marketing meetings, but I had never talked to them outside the office. And less about the tying up games.

“Don’t worry.” Chaina said after John left and locked the conference room. “John explained everything to us and we are willing to help. And we have got some of the zipties that you are going to use during the… actual game.”

I blinked and stayed there surprised. Yes, John was really diligent, especially since there had been only a few hours to get everything done. Nevertheless, I was really nervous. This practice was necessary in the sole case I got to be the impostor and had to capture the other four girls. Otherwise, I could just stay out of trouble until the actual impostor revealed herself and the rest of us would be safe. And no need to capture anyone.

But in the case I was the impostor… My head ached just to think about it. I would probably have no trouble capturing Lori or Carmelle. The first one was about my height and Carmelle was a little bit shorter. Even Rossana, which was an inch taller, would be relatively easy. I was pretty sure each of the girls would protest and try to kick out, but according to the rules, that wasn’t allowed. Best case scenario, the impostor would be declared the winner and that would be it. A more fair scenario would mean… the girl supposed to be captured would be the loser of the game. So resisting for them (and for me) wasn’t an option. Then how to capture Alexandra, which was way taller than me?

“Ok, so, they are going to be gagged, right?” Natalia asked me, stopping my train of thought. I startled and nodded. I still wasn’t sure how to address this situation to other people. Even with John, it was really awkward. The Marketing girls tried to sound as reassuring as they could. “So, basically you just have to take their wrists and tie them with… this?” She said, picking one of the zipties.

“Basically… yes.” I said slowly. “But, in case I am the one capturing them, I have to do it quickly. Or…”

“Or you could lose the game if somebody else spots you.” Chain said, smiling. “I know. The online game is so much easier because the impostor can get rid of the other players quickly, but here, there is a time.”

I nodded again. I looked at my phone with unease. Lunch break wasn’t that long and I need to tie up these two friendly girls. But I hadn’t captured anyone yet. I was really shy at this point and couldn’t gather what I needed to ask them. Luckily for me, both Marketing girls were really empathic and noticed that.

“Wendy, want to try capturing me first?” Natalia asked, turning away from me. “I promise I won’t fight or anything.”

Once again, I froze there and looked at Chaina. I wasn’t expecting this. But Chaina nodded and smiled at me. I took one ziptie and approached Natalia. I could hear her giggling and saying something like “Come on, I don’t bite.” in a lower voice. I decided to go for it. I took her right wrist and pulled it behind her back as quickly and gentle as I could. I put the ziptie around and it and repeated the same with her left wrist. Then I tightened the ties.

“Nice!” Chain said as Natalia tried to pull her wrists apart. “She is not getting anywhere!”

Natalia turned around jumping to face us. She kept pulling her hands. “I am not! These things are really secured. Is that all?”

I grinned. I was getting more and more confident. “Well, you are supposed to be gagged, so I don’t need to worry about that. But your ankles should be tied too.”

Both girls looked at each other and then at me. “Ok!” Natalia said gleefully. “How are you going to do it? Are you going to tackle me down or…?”

I looked around worried. I hadn’t thought of that. I could tackle the girls, but it would make a loud sound when hitting against the floor. Not just here, but during the actual game. I couldn’t take any risk. “I know!” Chaina said, walking behind Natalia. “Just hit the back of her knee and then lay her on the ground. Like this.” And with that, she bent her right knee and hit Natalia with it, making her fall on her knees.

“Hey!” She protested as Chaina grabbed her shoulders and pushed her into the ground. “Well, it is quite effective, I have to say.”

“You try it, Wendy.” Chain said, wrapping her arms around Natalia and helping her back to her feet. “Also, ziptie her ankles this time.”

I took a deep breath. But I was more confident. I took a second pair of zipties and walked behind Natalia. I did the same as Chaina did, but too weakly. Natalia just laughed. “Hey, come on, hit hard. It’s not like you are going to break any bone or… hey!”

I hit her harder in the middle of her sentence and watched her falling into her knees again. Immediately, I took her shoulders and pushed her, facedown, on the floor. As quickly as I could, I went for her ankles and ziptied them together. I stood back and watched my work. I smiled. This didn’t seem as hard as I thought. But of course, I had some cooperation from my to-be captive.

“Very good!” Chaina clapped. “I cannot wait to see Alexandra or Carmelle tied up like this.”

“That got me thinking…” I said, taking the initiative with the conversation for the first time. Meanwhile, Natalia struggled to roll herself on her back and then tried to sit up. “How could I capture Alexandra? She is really tall and maybe I cannot take her wrists as easily as I took Natalia’s.”

“Sure you can’t?” Chaina asked, turning around and raising her hands in the air. I tried to take her wrists and I could reach them, although it wasn’t a firm grip. It wouldn’t work.

“Nope.” I said. “She could just jerk her wrists free from me, since technically I would have captured her yet. And if nobody is watching, she could just say I never captured her in the first place.”

“Just hit her.” Natalia said, finally being able to sit on the floor. “Just like you did to me after ziptying my hands. Only that, this time, hit the back of her knees first and then tie her hands.”

“I don’t know.” Chaina said, doubtfully. “Will it work?”

Natalia winked at me, away from Chaina’s sight. I smiled, really confident this time. “Only one way to find out.” And then I hit the back of Chaina’s knees. She landed on her knees fast and before she could react, I grabbed her right wrist and pulled it behind her back.

“Hey!” She protested while I took her left wrist and ziptied both of them together. “Well, it actually worked, huh?”

“Yup.” I took her by her shoulders and pushed her on the floor. I moved to her ankles and ziptied them. I took a step back.

“Yay!” Natalia said. “I would be clapping but…” she moved her wrists behind her back. “ know.”

I couldn’t help smiling by this point. The nervousness was gone. There I was, with two friendly faces helping me become a better impostor, or captor, at least for the game. I looked at my phone. We still had some time before lunch break was over.

“Now what?” Chaina said. “Not that I am objecting anything…”

I took the special scissors and went for cutting her bonds. “Well… we have some time for more practice, if you guys want…”

Natalia and Chaina answered almost at the same time. “Sure!”
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Post by NabHer »

This was hands down one of the most creative stories I've read on this site so far! As someone who plays the game religiously I never associated it with tie ups until now.

And those marketing gals sound like good fun :) hope we'll get to see more of them!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

NabHer wrote: 3 years ago This was hands down one of the most creative stories I've read on this site so far! As someone who plays the game religiously I never associated it with tie ups until now.

And those marketing gals sound like good fun :) hope we'll get to see more of them!
Thank you so much! I am sorry for the big delay, I really had creativity issues. But now the story is back.

Part 7

“So… how are you going to keep your prisoners under control after you win?” Natalia asked me.

“She has to be the impostor and win the game. Otherwise, it may just be one loser and… hey!” Chaina protested.

I raised my eyes from my phone and looked at the girls. The night before I had had the second training night with Marcia. It had gone… relatively well. Lori and Carmelle continued plotting to get me, while Alexandra tried to keep them under control. Oh, and Rossana also tried to capture me all the time. It was really annoying.

But something I had noticed was that they weren’t good at playing the game. They were very good at tying, sure, but not at playing the actual game. Usually, when somebody accused another one, personal arguments started. Nobody tried to deceive anyone. They just wanted to see the other person get tied up. And, once the captor was busted, it was pretty much a matter of time before she got tied up.

That’s when John suggested me to download the actual game, Among Us, on my cell phone. I should have been practising the capture and tying up techniques with my new friends from Marketing, but instead I was playing the game. On my phone. And it was actually kind of fun. Deceiving the other players was crucial. It was going to be a skill I needed to get. And since my competition in Sales didn’t want to improve it, it was going to be the ace under my sleeve.

My current focus being shifted to playing the game didn’t stop my practice companions. Instead, both Natalia and Chaina googled ways to tie a person on the laptop. And they were trying it on each other. At the moment, Natalia was securing Chaina’s hands behind her with a ziptie.

“Sorry, I am still not sure how much tightness is needed.” Natalia said, working with the locking mechanism and adjusting the tightness. “Now let’s try this… hogtie. Funny name.”

“You know they cannot escape, right?” I asked, smiling. “Rules state that once the game is over, the loser or losers must be kept tied up, gagged and away from the Sales Fair. They cannot escape.”

“I know, I know.” Natalia replied, ziptying her captive’s ankles together. “But you can restrain them in any possible way, right? Some of these positions look really funny to try.”

“Yes.” Chaina intervened while Natalia pulled her ankles towards her hands.. “And it would be a nice revenge. Just think about it. The last time you see each other would be with you having them in a really restrictive position and they cannot do anything about it. Ouch, watch out, I am not that flexible.”

“Too late, Chaina.” Natalia said, gleefully, as she secured the hogtie, now the ankles and wrists tied together. “Ta da!”

“She looks a bit uncomfortable.” I said, examining her with careful eyes. I couldn’t lie. I would enjoy having Lori or Rossana in that way.

“The website says this is supposed to be a relaxing position. Maybe you are doing something wrong.” She said, giving Chaina’s thighs a little soft kick.

“Maybe if I were more flexible, I would be enjoying it. And maybe we should try it on you.” Chaina replied, her voice sounding a bit annoyed.

“Mmm…” Natalia crossed her arms in front of her. “Make me?”

Chaina’s jaw dropped. “Really funny. Now get me out of these.”

“Nope.” Natalia said, grabbing a roll of tape from the table.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Chaina asked, worried.

“Rules said the losers must be kept tied and gagged. No discussions allowed.” Natalia cut three strips.

“Those are the rules of their game, not ours. And I am not a loser!”

“You certainly don’t look like a winner. Time to be quiet.” Natalia then pressed strip after strip, covering Chaina’s lips, effectively silenced.


“Really cute, don’t you think, Wendy?”

I chuckled. Tying another person in a friendly context was funny indeed. Chaina struggled right under our feet, but she didn’t look furious. At most, she looked annoyed and a bit upset. Her strugglings were mostly just a show for us. I enjoyed the view. I wanted more.

“So, which other positions are there?” I asked, trying to sound as casually as I could.

“Oh, let me see. Strappado, looks interesting but…” Natalia’s eyes ran across the conference room ceiling. “No beams. It would be tricky. Let me see.”

“What about a balltie?” I asked, watching carefully at her expression. But she seemed okay with it.

“Sure, how do you want to..?” She looked at me while I took the remaining ziptie. “Oh, you mean…”

“You guys said it was me who needed the practice, right?” I asked, smiling, knowing that reason was enough.

Indeed. She smiled and nodded. Soon, her wrists were secured behind her back. Gently, I helped her to the floor, next to Chaina, who continued to struggle, but silently this time. The ankles were then tied together.

“Now what?” Natalia asked, while I looked at the laptop again.

“Looks that I need some rope to tie your knees to your chest…”


Instinctively, I looked at Chaina. “What?”

“Mmmphh! Mmmphh!” She tried to point with her chin at the table. I turned around and looked at the table, and the tape roll on top of it.

“That will work.” I took it and knelt next to Natalia. “Chest to your knees. I mean, knees to your chest. Please?”

“Oh, come on. The tape can really ruin this clothes.”

“I won’t tie it tightly, I promise. Just for a few seconds. Plus, if you don’t struggle, the damage will probably be minimized.” I said. That seemed to convince Natalia, who moved around and bent her legs, bringing her knees close to her.

Really carefully, I took the tape and wrapped it around her. It wasn’t tight, as I had promised, Two rounds around her shoulder and knees. I cut the tape, and then two rounds around her calves and lower back.

“It doesn’t look that comfortable.” Natalia said, trying to move a little. “I have to keep all the balance on my bottom. It’s really hard.”

I gave the laptop a quick look and smiled. “Not if you are on your side like this.” I said and pushed Natalia gently on her right side.

“Hey!” She protested, but then giggled. “You were right. It’s easier this way.”

“Good for you. Now time to be quiet.” I said, quickly taking a strip from the tape and placing it on her lips.


“You said it yourself. Losers must be kept bound and gagged.”

“Hmmphh!” Natalia protested while Chaina laughed under her gag.

I stood up and gave my two captives a good look. Beautiful. If only the previous games had been like this… Probably I wouldn’t have quitted the job. But then again, there was a last chance at the Sales Fair. I needed to win, as a Crewmate or Impostor. I really needed to not be the one tied and gagged.

I took my phone again and started another game. I was really getting good at this. I was too focused on the game that I didn’t notice the room door being opened. I just thought it was John coming to check on us.

I was wrong.

“Well, well, well....” I heard Lori’s voice, making me almost drop my phone. “Look what we have just found.”
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Post by TimChimp »

Very good story! With a premise so original like this you have no problem writing interesting and unexpected scenarios
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Post by NabHer »

Don't worry about the time gaps between the chapters. I know how hard it is to come up with original stuff so take as much time as you need for the following chapters.

Great work on part 7 btw!
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Corn Boy
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Post by Corn Boy »

Thank you for continuing to add to this story! I'm still checking it every so often!
Wishing to be hogtied on the ground beneath her leather boots.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

TimChimp wrote: 3 years ago Very good story! With a premise so original like this you have no problem writing interesting and unexpected scenarios
Oh, thank you!
NabHer wrote: 3 years ago Don't worry about the time gaps between the chapters. I know how hard it is to come up with original stuff so take as much time as you need for the following chapters.

Great work on part 7 btw!
Thanks for your understanding (and your kind words)
Corn Boy wrote: 3 years ago Thank you for continuing to add to this story! I'm still checking it every so often!
Thank you for reading it!

Part 8

All of us froze. We didn’t move. Nor that Natalia or Chaina could move a lot. After the initial surprise, I stood up, thinking about running through the door. But it was blocked by not only Lori, but Carmelle and Rossana as well. And if I left, I would be leaving my friends tied up and gagged at the mercy of my co-workers. I gasped.

“So, this is where you have been hiding during lunch time, huh?” Carmelle asked, closing the door. “Really nice. Is that why you don’t want to play with us, anymore, Wendy? Is it because you have new friends to play?”

I stared at her. “I don’t play with you because it’s not… it’s not… it’s not playing for me. You guys are mean. All of you. Now get out of this room.”

“Or… what?” Rossana asked in a menacing tone, as the three girls took a step towards me.

I gasped once again but I knew how to stand my ground. “The contract we all signed states that neither you nor me can tie up each other anymore, except while at the company… Wolf Among Us… or during the event prior to the…. Sales… Fair. You cannot touch me.”

For the fraction of a second, the girls looked defeated. But it didn’t last. Lori stayed in front of me and nodded to the other girls, who walked past me. “We three, the boss and you have signed the contract. But they haven’t.” She said, pointing at my bound friends who started to struggle and protest as Carmelle and Rossana approached them.

“No! You stay away from them!” I shouted.

Lori walked to the door, locked it and stood there, blocking it. “You said it yourself. We cannot touch you here. That means you cannot touch us either. So just enjoy the show while your little friends get punished.”

I froze again. She was right. I couldn’t do anything. We were trapped. I looked at the bound girls, who were trying to move away from her about-to-be torturers.

“Mmmphh!! MMMPHH!!” Both girls protested at the same time.

“What’s the matter, Naty?” Rossana said, kneeling next to her, as she desperately tried to move her body, but could only move her hips because of the balltie. “You seem a little angry.” Rossana then playfully pinched Natalia’s bottom.

“HMMMPHH!!” Natalia protested angrily.

“Chaina here seems angry too.” Carmelle smiled, looking at the hogtied girl. “You look so tense. Maybe a good tickling could help you.”

“NMMMPHH!!” Chaina protested again. But like Natalia, she was tied up good and tight. She was powerless to defend herself as her shoes were removed.

“Girls, stop! This is enough. There is no need to….” I tried to reason with them.

“Sorry, lunch time is not over.” Lori smiled, her back still pressed against the door. “They are ours until we get back to work.”

“You hear it, girls. You are ours. Specially, you are mine.” Carmelle said as her fingers ran slowly across Chaina’s now bare soles.


“And you are mine.” Rossana said to the desperate Natalia. “Maybe we could switch later, but right now, you need to be punished.” She then delivered a firm slap to her captive’s bottom.


And then another one. And another.

“Your little friend is having fun. You should have fun too.” Carmelle said and she dug her fingers in Chaina’s exposed soles, tickling her.

“Mmmmmph!! Mmmmmphhh!!!”

And it started. Rossana spanking Natalia in her balltie and Carmelle tickling Chaina’s feet, who tried desperately to squirm away; an almost impossible task in her hogtied position.

“Girls, stop!” I tried to call again.

“Enjoy the show, Wendy.” Lori said, clearly enjoying the show herself. “It’s going to happen to you this weekend during the Sales Fair.”

I took a step forward and looked angrily right into her eyes. “Not if I win and any of you ends up tied and gagged.”

“You? Winning?” Lori said before bursting into laughter. “Please… You cannot take any of us, not even on your best day. Those words have made it worse for you.”

“You could lose. Any of you, who are the imposter. And when I get my turn at you…” I said furiously.

“If any of us is the imposter and loses, well... “ Lori shrugged. “The rest of us won’t have enough time to deal with the captive, so you won’t have any fun with us.”

She was right, at some level. There wasn’t going to be enough time to torture the loser girl, in the case the impostor lost the game. And even then, I would have to share my time with the other winners. And it would be revenge on a single girl, not the three of those bullies.

Meanwhile, the torture was continuing.

“What else? Oh, remember that meeting you arranged last month and was a failed sale from the start. That is worth ten slaps.” Rossana said, looking for false excuses to keep spanking Natalia.


“Maybe this tickling will drain you out of your laziness and Marketing will start giving Sales better leads.” Carmelled said, her fingers now moving to Chaina’s ribs.


And all I could do was look at the scene. Powerless. Impotent. Unable to do a single thing to help the only two girls who were willing to help me and who took the risks of doing it.

Soon, the torture switched. Rossana’s fingers attacked Natalia’s ribs while Carmelle started spanking Chaina, thanks to the fact that, since she wasn’t that flexible, her hands weren’t touching her heels completely. It wasn’t a full hogtie. There was some slack, leaving her behind a little exposed. And Carmelle took advantage of it.

“Look at it very well, Wendy.” Lori said, taking her phone and taking some pictures. “That is going to be you after the Fair. Tied, gagged, tickled, spanked… unable to do a single thing. And that is going to be our last shared memory.”

“You three are monsters!”

“You heard it, girls?” Rossana said, smiling. “We are monsters. I am the tickling monster!” She intensified her tickling as she said those words.

“And I am the spanking monster!” Carmelle said, and both girls laughed. More slaps fell on Chaina’s butt as she tried unsuccessfully to block Carmelle’s hand with her bound hands.

I was in total despair. I looked at my phone. Lunch time was going to be over soon. I looked at Lori who was grinning then, at Chaina and Natalia, bound and helpless, squirming on the floor. A third look to their tormentors, who were enjoying this in a way they could only enjoy. I had to do something. I decided to step up.

“I said it was enough!” I shouted, higher than I had expected.

Both Carmelle and Rossana stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to look at me. Lori also wasn’t grinning anymore. She took a step towards me. I gulped but I had already made up my mind.

“Sorry?” Carmelle asked me, still not believing that I had shouted at them.

“I said… enough!” I said, in a high voice. I was shaking but I did what I could to control myself. “You girls are bullies! And, and… I demand you stop… right…. Now!”

The three girls looked at each other for a couple of seconds, in silence. The only sound in the room where the muffled voices made by my friends, who were recovering from their torture. Carmelle slapped Chaina’s bottom three times and told her to settle down before she, and Rossanna, stood up back to their feet.

Both Carmelle and Lori were slightly shorter than me. Rossana was an inch higher. But I was feeling smaller with each step they were taking on my way. I knew that, according to our agreement, they couldn’t do anything to me. But at this point, if they were mad, anything could happen. It didn’t matter that they were going to be punished later. Right now, they wanted…

The door opened.

We all turned their heads at the same time to see John coming in with Alexandra into the conference room.

“What the hell is happening here?!” Our boss yelled.
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Post by NabHer »

Now that was quite the turn of events. I love how both girls were subjected to tickling! Wish some of them were wearing nylons though.

I wonder if we'll witness more torture like tickling. Honestly, Lori & Co is due for a good tickle torturemaybe even having their heels taped to their faces as payback? :lol:

Either way, this story keeps getting better and better!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

NabHer wrote: 3 years ago Now that was quite the turn of events. I love how both girls were subjected to tickling! Wish some of them were wearing nylons though.

I wonder if we'll witness more torture like tickling. Honestly, Lori & Co is due for a good tickle torturemaybe even having their heels taped to their faces as payback? :lol:

Either way, this story keeps getting better and better!
Thanks for the reply! And yes, maybe they get what they deserve. Or maybe they don't heheh

Part 9

“This is completely unacceptable! This is not f*cking work behaviour! And I don’t care if that is not a word safe for work! I just can’t believe you messed this up!”

As Alexandra went for about the tenth minute of shouting and screaming, all of us remained silent in her office. I was too afraid to look at her, even if I hadn’t been part of the problem… at least not at the beginning. But it was pointed out by Lori that they had found Chaina and Natalia bound and gagged, so the girls technically didn’t tie them up. Of course, Alexandra wasn’t in the mood for technicalities but I was thrown into the mix as well. The rant was not only addressed for my coworkers but for me too.

Lori’s face was calm. At best, she could argue that she didn’t do anything, so she was free of guilt. Sure, she had snapped a few pictures, but we couldn’t prove it. She was sure of her position. The other girls were more guilty, but they didn’t seem to feel any shame. Rossanna looked like she wanted to attack and tie up the boss right now and Carmelle seemed to be bored by this whole ten minutes rant. Why was I the one feeling guilty here?

“And after you signed those papers! Do you… do you even realize what you’ve done? This could make a sue to the company…”

“Where in the contract says we cannot go and have fun with people we find tied up and gagged?” Rossana asked, like spitting the words from her mouth.

“Where? You cannot be serious.” Alexandra said, even louder. “Have you… have you heard yourself?”

“Rossana has a point.” Carmelle intervened. “For all we know, Wendy was the one tying them up. We only came and had fun with them. If they didn’t like to be captives, they shouldn’t have allowed a… a…” She pointed at me trying to find the adjective more adequate for the workplace “... her to tie them up.”

“Yeah, Wendy, what were you thinking?” Lori said, looking at me and crossing her arms, trying to shift the situation against me.

But there was a knock in the door. The door was opened, this time saving me. John entered the room followed by Chaina’s and Natalia’s boss. Monica.

“What are you doing in my office?” Alexandra said, clearly annoyed.

Monica was a bit shorter than my boss, which made her still really tall. She seemed bigger because she wasn’t as skinny as Alexandra, with her black straight hair falling down until the middle of her back. Another difference was that she always wore makeup, too much makeup I thought. Behind her, I could spot my friends, Natalia and Chaina, both visibly embarrassed, rubbing and massaging their wrists.

“It appears there was an incident between your team and mine during the lunch break, Alexandra.” Monica said, ignoring my boss’s voice. “I want to discuss it.”

“My team, my problem. Now get out.” Alexandra said, pointing at the open door.

Both tall girls stood in front of each other. Monica’s expression was neutral, contrary to Alexandra’s angry look. “Not anymore. Your games have affected my team. Now it’s my problem as well.”

John coughed. “It appears we have an impasse. But we have a solution. If you sign this document…”

“Stating that games between Marketing and Sales are forbidden and they cannot retaliate against us?” Rossana asked, taking the papers from John’s hand. “Deal!”

“Not so fast.” Monica smiled lightly. “My team wants in.”

“WHAT?!” We also shouted at the same time, even Chaina and Natalia from outside the office.

“We have hired the temporary employees for the Sales Fair. But it seems that even then, it’s going to be a problem to take care of the… captives. So we want in, to help take care of the… captives.”

It looks that Monica wanted to stay as professional as she could, but there was a bit of a smirk when she proposed her idea. It found some resistance, though. “Wait a minute. So they get to have fun with the losers, even if they don’t play the game. That’s stupid.” Rossana said.

“There is a reciprocal clause.” John explained. “And it’s all depending on whoever wins.”

There was a silence in the small room. John continued. “If the winner or winners decide to use the clause, then both Chaina and Natalia must spend the night as captives for the winner. But it’s the winners choice. Or winner, for that matter.”

My three coworkers looked at each other, considering the deal. Having to share the spoils so they could focus more on the actual fair with the girls from Marketing, but the possibility of having them as captives for the whole night from Saturday to Sunday… It was too good to pass. They nodded, looking at Alexandra. “Looks like we have a deal. Please sign here, and here….”

We all signed as guided by John. Even my new friends, who looked embarrassed from the previous situation and now a potential future one. We were good to go when I saw Monica signing the paper as well.

“Why are you signing it, huh?” Alexandra asked, rudely. “You were not part of this.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to teach your workers a lesson. About time someone shows them how a proper boss behaves.” Monica replied, turning around and leaving the office.

Chaina and Natalia followed her. The Sales girls stood there, with their jaws dropped, as they were unable to reply to Monica’s badass attitude.

The afternoon went quickly after that incident, and also calmer than I expected. Soon I was putting away my stuff and preparing myself to go for another training with Marcia. I went there and I knocked on the door. It took a while but soon Marcia opened it. “Oh, hi Wendy. Mmm, how are you?”

“Fine, I think.” I looked at her, who seemed surprised to see me. “We have a session today, right?”

“Oh, actually John cancelled it. Seems that no more training for the Sales department until Day D.” Marcia said. I felt disappointed but relieved at the same time. No having to deal with the girls was good. But also, I wanted the practice. Practicing to capture them, quickly and well, so I could have a chance at winning, in case I got to be the impostor.

But Marcia let me in, despite the session being cancelled. It was odd. I entered the office and found the Marketing team. Natalia, Chaina and also Monica.

“Monica? I mean… Hello… To all... three of you... why are you here?” I asked, surprised to see them.

“What happened at the office was inappropriate.” She explained. “But it was because it was the wrong place. This isn’t. My girls can practice with you tonight.”

“Don’t worry.” Marcia said after Monica said goodbye to us and left. “It’s on the house.”

I was delighted. Practice but not having to spend my evening with my horrible coworkers. I immediately ran towards the zipties and grabbed a few. “You don’t mind if I am the impostor right away, right? I mean…. That’s what I need to practice.”

Natalia and Chaina smiled broadly and nodded at the same time. “Ok, but only capture one girl per round.” Marcia said to me. “They also need practice on how to… take care of a captive.”

“Sure thing!”

The girls played rock, paper, scissors to decide who would be the first captive. Natalia lost. Soon, I was ziptying her hands and feet and pushing her gently to the ground. Marcia helped me with the chronometer, as I needed to hone my tying up skills.

“Not bad, but it can be better.” She said. “Your competition is going to be fearless, so expect some resistance. Also, you need to bring them to the ground quickly.”

“How?” I asked, watching Natalia rolling on the floor. “She is quite heavy. For me, I mean! She is not fat….”

“I am not fat!” Natalia replied from the ground.

“You are, a bit. Now time to be quiet.” Chaina took a roll of tape, a strip and placed it on Natalia’s mouth.


“I can show you some techniques for the next round.” Marcia said to me. I gave her a good look. Shorter than me, even skinnier. If she could handle Natalia and, especially, Chaina, then those techniques were going to be of good use. “But now, it’s Chaina’s turn to practice as a captor.”

“Oh, goodie, goodie.” The tall girl’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Natalia, now bound and gagged. “What should I do?”

“First, I want to see what you have in mind.” Marcia replied.

Chain’s smile went wider. “Oh, girl, you have no idea…”
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Post by NabHer »

Sounds like there's a storm brewing up! ;) I wonder what Monica has up her sleeve for D-Day.
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