Robbie Indiana : 02 - Early to Bed, Early to Tie (m/M)

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Robbie Indiana : 02 - Early to Bed, Early to Tie (m/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Robbie Indiana's stories
02 - Early to Bed, Early to Tie
Story index at the bottom

By Robbie Indiana

Sunday, December 11th 2005 - 03:40:44 PM

Early to Bed, Early to Tie

Howdys, me again. Some of you said you'd like to see more of my stories, so I thought I'd post another one before I leave for the week.

It's probably not necessary to list everyone involved, but I'll do it anyway in case it is. There's me (14), my cousin Jack (18), and his girlfriend Lizzy (19). This time, the story happens at night, because my mum was going out with some friends, and, instead of wanting to stay home, I asked if I could stay at my aunt and uncles for the night. She didn't see anything wrong with it, so we drove out to the farm and she dropped me off at the doorstep.

I knocked for about five minutes, and the only reason I wasn't thinking nobody was home was because there were lights on in the kitchen (it was about 7 o'clock at night, non day-light-savings time). Mum had already left, so I was left to wait on the doorstep until someone noticed I was there.

Which someone did. Lizzy opened the door about five minutes after I arrived, and apologized for the wait. She was wearing a black tank top and a pair of dark grey trousers. I was just wearing a black hooded jumper, a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Where's Jack?" I asked when I saw he wasn't in the kitchen, or the lounge room past Lizzy.

"He's taking a shower" Lizzy said. "That's why I didn't hear you-" For a few seconds I thought she was going to say she'd been in there with him. "-, I was talking to him and between his voice and the shower it was hard to hear you."

That seemed possible, though I found it unlikely, since I couldn't hear the shower, and said as much to Lizzy.

"He was just getting out when I came down" Lizzy said, without missing a beat. I shrugged, and showed her my sleeping bag and backpack that carried a change of clothes, my portable CD player, and a book.

"Where should I put this?" I asked.

"Oh, spare room, Jack's room, anywhere you like basically" Lizzy said. "Your aunt and uncle are at some get-together in town, they won't be back till after midnight most likely."

I nodded, and took my sleeping bag and backpack up to Jacks room, I knocked, since the door was closed, and at the same time Jack came out of the bathroom (I'll say that I was a tad disappointed. I had hoped that he was tied up). As usual, he was wearing a leather jacket, though he wasn't wearing leather pants this time. He was wearing a red leather jacket, a dark purple t-shirt and black corduroy pants.

"Lizzy said I could put my stuff in your room" I said, pushing the door open. He nodded, and followed me in. I dropped my stuff in a corner of his room to be sorted out later, then turned to go back downstairs.

"Are you staying the night?" Jack asked. I nodded.

"Mum arranged it with you dad" I said. I seemed a little more pleased then he had a second ago, but I only now know the reason for it.

We went back downstairs, and had our favorite food for dinner: phone ordered pizza, which arrived about twenty minutes later. We feasted on that for a while, and then we had an arm wrestling tournament to see who would choose the DVD. For once, I was the one who won the arm wrestle, and my decision was Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. We watched that until about 9:30, and then Jack said it was time for me to go to bed.

"But I'm too old to be sent to bed" I complained, and continued to complain along those lines for the next ten minutes until Jack finally won over, and I walked grudgingly up the stairs to his room, where my stuff was. I pulled a mattress out from under his bed, and set the sleeping bag up on it. I was not, however, going to bed yet.

I knew from past observations that Jack would be downstairs making out with Lizzy on the lounge, so I would be undisturbed for at least twenty minutes (I didn't know it was possible to kiss someone for that long though). So I searched Jack's room for a few things, finding them in the strangest places, and then I sat in wait by the door, after turning the hall and bedroom light off.

Sure enough, about twenty minutes later, I heard the door open and close, and saw Jack and Lizzy silhouette in the light from the kitchen as they walked out to her car. After a few minutes of goodbye kissing, Lizzy climbed into the car, and drove away.

So, finally, I could have my revenge (I do not appreciate being sent to bed, especially by someone who was only a few years older then me). I waited a few more minutes for Jack to come upstairs.

He opened the door, and I was thankful he hadn't turned the hallway light on, or he may have seen me. He took about three steps into the room, and then I jumped on top of him, wrapping one arm around his arms and clapping my other hand over his mouth. There was no one in the house to hear him, and the nearest neighbors were about a mile away, but I did it to emphasize what was happening.

Now, Jack and I are about the same size, despite our age differences, and we are roughly as strong as each other as well, so although he put up a good fight, I think he was already a little worn out from making out with Lizzy.

I lacked any rope at that time, so I forced him onto his knees, and then pushed him forward, so that he was lying on the edge of the sleeping bag. Before he had a chance to push me off, I began rolling him up in the sleeping bag, which was unzipped so that it was just large enough to hold him form his neck to his ankles, all the while with my hand still over his mouth so he couldn't talk.

When I had finished rolling him up, I reached under his bed where I'd hidden my makeshift supplies, and pulled out a belt I'd gotten from his wardrobe. I slid it underneath him (not an easy task, since I was lying on top of him to keep him from moving, and I still kept my hand over his mouth, so I had to do it all one-handed).

I swapped hands quickly so I could pull the belt out on the other side, then brought the end back around to the buckle, and then tightened it until Jack gave a slight wince in pain. I then finished buckling the belt, and then grabbed the second one and did the same to the part of the sleeping back where I hoped his knees were.

I then grabbed the bandanna from under the bed, the same one Lizzy had gagged him with the week before, and tied it around his mouth so I could remove my hand and go get the proper things I needed.

As I stood up to look him over and make sure everything was tight enough, I smiled innocently down at him. "Maybe next time you won't be as eager to send me to bed, you never know what might be waiting for you when you come up" I said. Then I turned and left the room, walking downstairs, and then downstairs again to the basement, which I searched for a few minutes, until I found a few lengths of rope.

I went back upstairs, and undid the belt around his legs, and moved the sleeping bag aside up to his hands. I ten sat on his legs so he couldn't move them, and beg tying one of the pieces of rope around his wrists, not unlike the way Lizzy had tied me up the week before, except I didn't intend to hogtie my cousin.

I then moved down a bit and tied the second piece of rope around his ankles. After that was done, I moved back up and undid the second belt, pulled him out of the sleeping bag, and tied the remaining rope around his to pin them to his sides. All this time he was mmmphing at me, which I was guessing were either threats or pleas. Either way, I didn't appreciate the noise.

"Shut up, Jack", I said. "You should be thankful I let you stay clothed. I saw a show once where they made a guy strip down to his underwear before they tied him up". His eyes widened, I don't know if it was because he realized I might of made him strip down or because he was shocked I'd seen something like that. I took the silence as a chance to say something else. "I'll untie you when your mum and dad get back, or at midnight, depending on which comes first". I smiled at him, then stood up and walked over to his desk and began searching through the videos. I would need something to keep me awake if I wanted to stay awake until midnight.

I chose a video, put it on and then walked over to his bed and sat down to watch the video. By the time it finished, it was about five minutes till midnight, and I figured Jack had learned his lesson, so I knelt down and untied the rope around his ankles, then arms, and then set there for a moment trying to decide whether to take the gag off before or after I untied his hands. In the end, I reached behind his head and untied the bandanna, pulling it out of his mouth. He laid there for a moment, working his jaws. Then he turned his attention on me, and for a minute I thought he was going to yell at me. Then he just smirked, which was ten times as terrifying as the thought of yelling at me, in a different way.

"Okay, you've made your point" he said. I nodded and walked around to untie his wrists. He rubbed them for a moment, getting the circulation going again, and then he looked at the clock. "Well, you certainly stayed up later then I expected" he said. "I guess we'll both be asleep when they get home". He stood up, and then gave me hand to get to my feet, and then we both got into our respective beds, though Jack stripped down to his boxer shorts first.

So, that's the end of my second story. Let me know what you think, and I'll get the next one up in about a week probably. Until then, cyas and adios and ttyl.

Robbie Indiana

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