Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago Ah another twist and turn in the story, the possibility of a 3rd surviving sibling. I didn't see that one coming :D
Me neither :) But that is something I like about [mention]wolfman[/mention] ´s Storys: The frequent unexpected turns an twists :)
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Post by wolfman »

Steve and Louise exchange a look in the aftermath of Dani's hunch and plan. "We need to get Lund before he escapes." Steve begins, "He gets away and he will just keep coming back, his type always do. If we don't get him whilst we have the chance, he will be free to profit from the deaths of your brothers and sisters."

Dani sits, crestfallen, "But-"

"My mind is made up." Steve says picking up a headset, "Collins, gear up, we are going after Lund, wheels up in fifteen."

Sasha puts her arm around Dani and quietly comforts her.  

Steve picks up his phone, mumbling "I hate to do this." He dials a number and waits, "Hi Kate, sorry to call so early and I know this is a bad time. I am going after Lund and I need back up........ No Lou will be on damage control......... Long story, but no they are not coming..... Cheers I really appreciate this, we are wheels up in fourteen minutes."

"Dani. Are you good?" Steve asks, concerned.

"Yeah, I guess so." Dani responds, sadly.

"Good, I will lead the assault on Lund's yacht with Kate in support, whilst you lead the op on the Basel facility, with Sasha in support. It could be a trap but, if this is on the level, time is of the essense. Are you up to this?" Steve asks, looking her in the eye.

"But I thought, you were shutting me down." Dani says, wide eyed.

"I am sorry, was thinking ahead. We have two targets and I trust you to do what needs to be done. You did the work, you found the lead. It would be wrong of me to take this over." Steve says, warmly. 

Louise gives him a warning look with a raised eyebrow. He returns her gaze with a gently smile and soft nod.

"Dani, you lead the assault. Sasha I need you to back her up. Now, there is something you both need to remember. If Nikita is there and you get her out, there is no telling what her state of mind will be. At least one of you needs to watch her at all times." Steve warns. "More importantly, if it looks like it is a trap or you are getting overwhelmed, your priority is to get out. No questions asked, retreat and stay safe."

"Do you think she could be dangerous, dad?" Sasha asks, nervously.

"It is possible. She has been tortured for months." Steve says, squeezing the bridge of his nose, "She could have lost her mind."

"If she is there, I will make sure everyone gets back safely." Dani says, solemnly.

Dani and Sasha walk across the helipad, in matching black coveralls and body armour, with their hair tied back. They keep their heads low, as they approach the white and green medevac Osprey tiltrotor aircraft, with its rotors, pointed skyward. Dani knocks on the side of the passenger cabin and stands back, as the side door slides open. A man in his late fifties steps out in a flight suit with a pistol strapped to his side. "Morning ladies, nice day for some fresh air." He says, in a crisp Edinburgh accent.

"Morning." Dani says, looking at the hungover looking man, "I am Angel, and this is Guardian. Have you been told to expect us?"

"I am Buzzard, your winch operator and all round saviour. I understand we are doing a covert assault on a facility over the Swiss border. You are going in and we are to provide support and medical aid if required for an unconfirmed third party." He says, in a clipped professional tone.

"Is this the part where you tell us we are crazy and too young for this?" Sasha says with a smile.

Buzzard laughs, "No, this is the time you tell me that I am too old for this. Come on in." He beckons towards the open door.

Sasha and Dani climb aboard and stow their gear in a locker. As they take a seat, Buzzard enters and closes the door. "You can change in a moment, first meet the team." He says leading them through a bulkhead door into a room where the crew relaxes.

"Sound off." He barks, at the crew.

A tall man, in a flight suit with helmet and shades, gives a languid wave, before his deep south African accent announces "Raptor, your pilot."
Another rugged looking, clean shaven man, in his mid twenties, dressed in a medics uniform, smiles and waves warmly, "Shrike, field medic. I will be watching your helmet camera feeds, and will provide assistance remotely, should you require it."
"Eagle, rescue technician." A short wiry man in full combat load out with full facemask says, from the back of the room. 

Dani nods, "Angel, operator."

Sasha bites her lip nervously, "Guardian, close quarters specialist."

Shrike stares at Sasha and then his eyes go wide and he leaps from his seat, bounding over and hugging her tightly, "Thank you." He says, "I didn't recognise you in black."

Sasha looks confused, while the man hugs her, "Hi, erm, why are you thanking me?"

"I was in the panic room when you charged in and I was in the clinic when you beat Price. You saved my life twice." Shrike admits, flushed red with embarassment.

"Oh, er, you are welcome." Sasha says, turning her own shade of red.

Eagle stands up and walks over to Dani, "If that is true, that makes you Danielle Foster." He nods, approvingly, "I saw the footage of you against the assassin. That was impressive, I wont lie."

"Thanks, I just did what I had to do." Dani says, with a modest shrug.

"Ok people. Enough hero worship, we have a job to do." Buzzards chuckles. "Ladies, you can set up in the rear compartment near the cargo door, ready to drop."

Sasha nervously, plays with the straps of the harness, whilst Dani checks and holsters her tranquiliser pistol. "Dani?" Sasha asks biting her lip, "I have never done a parachute jump, before."

Dani smiles gently at her, "That is why we will do a tandem jump. You will be clipped to me and I will do the hard work. All you need to do is relax and roll with me when we land."

"Can this go wrong?" Sasha asks, watching as the rear cargo hatch of the aircraft starts to open slowly.

"I have checked and repacked the parachute and reserve chute, twice. Weather is fair to calm. Perfect conditions for a jump." Dani walks over to her and gently squeezes her upper arm, "I will be with you all the way and I promise to keep you safe. Sorry but we are approaching the drop zone, I need to clip you in."

Sasha turns away and nods, breathing out slowly to steady her nerves. Dani steps in close behind her and begins clipping her harness to Sasha. They move in unison towards the hatch, where Eagle passes them both a helmet with a clear faceplate.

Over the roar of the air rushing past the aircraft and the drone of the engines, Dani speaks over the headset  in her helmet. "Are you ready?"

Sasha nods as she stands at the threshold of the hatch, gazing at the Swiss landscape glisterning in the early sunrise. "It's beautiful." She gasps, looking down at flocks of birds under the aircraft taking their first flight of the day.

"It's time." Dani says confirming with Eagle, "Are you ready?"

Sasha nods, nervously, "Love you Dani." Dani smiles to herself and speaks softly, "I love you too, sis." Dani, kicks the backpacks out of the hatch, still attached to them via safety lines. She gently leans forward and sets the two of them tumbling from the aircraft.

Sasha screams, tumbling head over heels in mid air, until Dani stabilises them. The aircraft is a distant memory and all that exists are two sisters, in a sea of rushing air. "This is amazing." Sasha thinks, feeling the wind rippling her clothing, "I feel like a bird." Involuntarily, she begins to laugh.

Dani slowly spins them both, rotating slowly to view all of the landscape. They freefall, arms and legs splayed, untouched by the cold early morning air. She points towards a building on the edge of an industrial park. "Target location, oriented." She says over comms, as they approach the forty metre long front of the three storey building. 

Gently she takes Sasha's hands and pulls them to her sisters side and leans forward, prompting a scream of joy from her sister, as they hurtle forward. When Sasha quietens down, Dani checks their altitude and activates her comms and announcing, "On final approach. Deploying chute in ten seconds."

Sasha braces herself, as Dani counts down, waiting for the sharp tug that Dani told her about. She exhales and relaxes her body and closes her eyes. As she feels the sharp tug, she opens her eyes and looks up at the parachute carrying them on the wind. Dani steers the parachute, circling around the end of industrial park. "Three cars parked outside the target location." She observes over comms. "Signs of movement on second floor, lights and shadows against blinds."

They land in a small clearing in a patch of trees, half a mile from the building. Dani quickly unclips her sister and gathers the chute. Sasha beams at her, as she removes her helmet and shrugs off the harness, before helping Dani out of hers.

Dani puts in an earpiece and speaks in a quiet voice, "Angel to Birds. We are on the ground and commencing approach, Over."

Dani signals to Sasha to hold position and she runs in a low crouch to the cars parked by a fire exit on the blind side of the building. She removes her left glove and quickly presses her hand to each bonnet, "Cold, been here all night." 

She puts her glove back on and her weapon, drawing a glass cutter and plunger. After a quick scan of the area, she runs in a crouch to thefire exit and attaches the plunger to the window of the exit before she cuts a small circle around it. A gentle but firm push later, the circle is pushed inward and held by the plunger. Dani lowers the plunger to the floor inside the door and then reaches in to open the fire exit.

She draws her tranq pistol and gives the thumbs up. Sasha quickly crosses the open ground between the treeline and the wall and takes position by her sisters side, holding her own tranq pistol. Following the signals from her sister he follows her in and looks left as Dani moves right. "We're in. All quiet here. Commencing sweep." Dani whispers over comms.

The building seems empty and quiet, the artificial tiles on the ceiling, almost ghostly in the dim early morning light trickling into the building through the glass partitions of the offices. They proceed slowly, Sasha kicks the door while Dani enters and scan's the room. "We need to pick up the pace." Dani thinks, as she clears the last room on this floor.

Sasha sticks close, as Dani quietly ascends the stairs to the second floor. Dani turns to her before opening the door.  "There were signs of movement on our approach. Be ready for anything."

They listen for a moment, to the the sound of muffle voices, speaking German. Dani reaches up to the pneumatic hinge and loosens it to prevent the door from closing behind them. Slowly, she opens the door and ventures into the corridor beyond.

Dani and Sasha stand either side of a door halfway along the corridor, listening to the voices the other side. "Three males." Sasha whispers.  Dani nods and raises her tranq pistol and mouths the words, "On Three." She nods a countdown and then shoulders the door hard. 

The men in the room turn, startled and raise their hands, the moment they see the guns. Dani fixes them with a stare through her faceplate quickly assessing them, "Three men, reasonable shape, heavier in the legs. Possible office workers here. Crates look loaded with laptops But look very alert and awake for this time of the morning."

"Alright gentlemen, what are you doing here?" Dani asks, suspecting the answer.

One of the men speaks in a heavy, german sounding, accent, "The company is going out of business, we were hoping to get something to cover our last wages."

"Fair enough, Is there a medical facility onsite?" Dani asks, with authority.

"There is some kind of lab on the third floor. No idea what is going on up there." The man who answered previously says.

"Thank you gentlemen." Dani says, before her weapon coughs softly in her hands, planting a dart in each of the men's throats with clinical precision.

Sasha's eyes widen, "What the hell, Dani?"

"They appear to be looting the place, but the only vehicles in the car park have been here all night." She says, as she crosses the room and begins searching the men.

Sasha thinks for a moment, before the realisation hits her, "So they have been here all night then?"

"Yep." Dani says, pulling a radio from one of the mens pockets. She sets it aside before continuing to search the men.

"Should I search one of the others to make things quicker?" Sasha asks, beginning to walk over.

"Actually, would you mind keeping a look out?" Dani asks, smiling, "'If we both focus on searching, we could get ambushed."

"I hadn't thought of that." Sasha says, whilst thinking, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"No worries, this wont take long. Besides, you are much more valuable watching my back, than you are pocket diving." Dani says, pulling pistols from the ankle holsters of the men and slipping them into her back pack.

"Really?" Sasha asks, checking the entrances to this area.

"Damn straight." Dani says, zip tying the first man's wrists behind his back, "If someone bursts in, you are so fast that they will be on the ground before I say 'Huh?'"

Sasha smiles to herself, with her heart swelling with pride. 

"All done. Lets move." She says to Sasha, before keying her comms, "Second floor secured, proceeding to third. Over."

"Roger that, Angel. Streets and police chatter quiet, you are cleared to proceed." Raptor advises.

Dani pulls her tranq gun and leads the way, with Sasha silently following. They ascend the stairs two at a time. They hold position, with their backs against opposite walls.

"Sasha, before we go in there, I need to say something." Dani says, with unaccustomed seriousness.

"Sure. Is there a problem?'

"Dad was right, we have no idea what we are going to find in here. She could be in a really bad way. I know we said about you going in first and administering care, butif you want, I will go in first." Dani says, wanting to protect her sister.

"I hear what you are saying. But, it is ok. However, bad it is, I will be alright." Sasha says, choosing her words carefully, "I can face anything with you behind me."

Dani nods, seeing the sincerity in her sisters face and gently pushes the door open.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by slackywacky »

Reading your stories always reminds me that you are a much more detailed writer than I am. Words like languid, rugged looking, wiry are not very often used in my stories. I am not saying that is bad, it is just a different writing style. It is fun to read other styles, as it reminds me to be more detailed at times.

Now what will they find behind door number 1...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Bandit666 »

I must agree with slackywacky whenever I read your work. It Reminds me how detailed your writing is. And gives me something to aim for in my own work. As always your updates are incredible your level of work perfect. It seems I turn my back for even a few days and there’s so much to catch up on. Keep up the great work.....

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Post by wolfman »


Thank you for your kind words gents. I like things to make sense when I write and often I will write a framework and then fill in all the gaps. As I waffle on a bit. I try to vary my language a bit to keep things as fresh for me as it is for other readers.

As a big fan of both of your works, it means a great deal to hear from you. Thank you for your comments and taking the time to read.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

Dani leads the way into the deserted top floor of the building, silently followed by Sasha. She shivers slightly, in the cold of the room. "Must be below freezing in here." Her eyes scan the deserted floor. In contrast to the lower floors, there are no partitions here only a single room in the middle of of the floor. It's heavy steel walls reach from floor to ceiling, with no windows and only a single large, heavy door that reminds Dani of a bulkhead door on a ship.

"Sasha, cover me." Dani whispers as she swiftly covers the gap between the stairwell door and the wall of the metal room. She hugs the wall and braces herself at the corner nearest the windows looking out of the street. She keeps low and stalks around the corner towards the back of the metal room, to reveal that the previously hidden portion of the floor is just as sparse aside from an unused stretcher two wheel chairs and some old medical monitors.

She pauses, not breathing. She lifts the face plate of her helmet and listens, with her mouth open slightly. She nods to herself and moves towards the door of the metal room and signals Sasha, indicating that it is safe for her to approach.  Sasha runs over, keeping low and braces herself against the wall on the other side of the door from her sister.

The radio squawks into life, "Eagle to Angel, come in Angel. Over."

"Angel to Eagle. Heavy duty internal secure room located. Over." Dani says, over comms.

"Confirmed. Be advised, we have identified three large black vans in the area. We are maintaining visual, indications are that they are heading to your location. ETA six minutes at current course and speed. Over." Eagle reports.

"Acknowledged. Maintain eyes on and report any developments. Over" Dani responds, professionally, before turning to Sasha and advising, "We need to get moving."

Sasha stands ready with her tranq pistol in a two handed grip and nods to Dani.  Dani takes seizes the door handle and nods a countdown of three. She pulls the handle hard and the door opens with a hiss. Sasha glides into the room and covers takes in the whole room with the sweep of her weapon. With tears in her eyes, she struggles to speak, "I think, we are too late."

"What do you me....." Dani is struck dumb, as she enters the room and her senses are assaulted, with a vista her mind cannot comprehend.

The floor is a mess, strewn with artifacts of medical violence, blood, used scalpels, soiled bandages, bone saws and clamps. 

The feeding tube lays discarded on the floor, dripping with the remains of the scartlet feed that until recently had been pumped into her stomach. Strewn around her are the shards of teeth, that the medical technicains broke as they ripped the tube from her throat. The oxygen tube rests by her head, covered in her blood.

Nikita lays motionless on her back, her mouth and eyes closed, on the hard steel table. Little of her is visible except, her oval shaped face, full blue lips and subtly pronounced cheek bones. When coupled with her stark white almost alabaster complexion she has the appearance of a marble carving of an angel. The angellic visage only marred by her shoulder length jet black hair, splayed on the table under her.

She is held in place by a tightly fastened canvas style blanket, locked to the bed. From where Dani is standing, the covering looks impossibly tight, crushing Nikita's chest and pinning her legs and arms brutally.

But the hardest thing for Dani to look at, is the thick metal bar that has been, slammed through her dead sister's unmoving chest.

Dani snaps to her senses, and switches her gaze to Sasha, "We have potential hostiles in the area. We need to move."

"Ok, I will get her off of the table and we can take her with us." Sasha says, lifting the clear visor of her helmet and drying her eyes.

Dani considers the options quickly, and squeezes Sasha's upper arm, "She is family. We can't leave her here. Let's take her home. Are you ok to get her ready?"

Sasha removes her bracelet and activates the memory metal blade, "I can handle this. Could you see if there are any wheel chairs onsite?"

"I spotted a couple on this floor, I will grab one and be right back." Dani nods, heading back into the main floor.

Sasha takes the blade and slices the covering carefully along the edge of the table. The blade makes quick work of the covering, slicing through the heavy duty material with ease. She deactivates the blade an slips the bracelet back on. She takes a breath to centre herself and looks down at Nikita's serene face. "You went through so much. I hope you have finally found peace." She whispers, gently in the cold air of the room. 

The sweep of Sasha's gaze takes in the whole of Nikita's naked body, from her flawless pure white skin, marred only by a dimpled line on each of her arms and legs, from their last excision, to the same sculpted muscles, as Sasha's own, after she took a massive dose of PCS.

She wraps her fingers around the bar, embedded in her sisters chest and pulls upwards. "It must be bolted down." She thinks dismayed, when the bar refuses to move. She begins to cry and she seizes the bar again and pulls with all her might. Frustrated, she releases the bar and pants hard from the effort. 

"Shrike to Guardian. Check under the table to see if there is a bolt securing the bar in place." A voice drifts through the static.

Sasha wipes her eyes and kneels by the table, checking underneath.

"Eagle to Angel.  You are about to have company, the vans are converging on your location. You have about two minutes. Get to the roof, for immediate dust off." The rescue technician instructs.

Dani charges into the metal room to see Sasha on her knees crying. She races to her side and places a hand on her shoulder. "The bar is welded in place." Sasha wails.

Dani barks at her sister, "On your feet, we need to move."

Sasha slowly gets to her feet and stares into Dani's eyes, "We can't leave her. Please?"

Dani quickly moves around the table to the other side and slips her hands gently under Nikita's shoulders and back. "I need you with me. Slide your hands under her and we will lift her off." She shudders inside, at the feel of the burns on her back around the site of the injury from the bar. "They put the bar through her and then welded it from underneath." Dani thinks, without comment.

Sasha nods and does as instructed. They lift in unison, both surprised at how heavy she is, given her light frame. They gently lay her down on the table on Sasha's side of the bar.

Dani removes her backack and pulls out a large microfibre towel, passing it to Sasha. "Get her wrapped, I will be on lookout. Be quick."

She leaves the room, when Sasha nods and hurriedly begins wrapping Nikita. Dani walks towards one of the stairwells and thinks to herself, "This is a mistake, we should get moving. Although, if we left her behind, I would never forgive myself and neither would Sasha."

"Eagle to Angel. Time's up. Vehicles entering car park. You need to haul ass out of there." The radio crackles.

Dani stands at the top of the stairwell and nods to herself, looking back to see Sasha wheeling the body of their sister out of the metal room. "Standby Eagle, we are en route to the roof for exfiltration."

Sasha, pushes the chair across the sparsely furnished top floor, with a steadying hand on Nikita's shoulder. Dani enters the stairwell and jumps up pulling down the ladder to the roof, before pulling out a hand grenade and dropping down the centre of the stairwell and diving back through the door. Sasha looks shocked as the building shakes, the shockwave shattering most of the facilities windows and sending a plume of smoke spilling into the room.

Dani re-enters the stairwell and confirms that the lower flights of stairs have been destroyed. "Move it." She shouts to her sister.  Sasha hurries to the doorway and asks, "Why did you do that?"

Dani puts her arms around Nikita's body and pulls it gently forward over her shoulder. "Stop them coming up this way, limits the way that they can approach." Dani turns and slowly begins to ascend the ladder, as the first shots ring out from the car park.

"Come in Angel, we are taking fire. There are about five tango's currently engaging us, with more getting out of the vehicles. The are not law enforcement looking at weapon load outs and clothing." Eagle reports, sounding unsettled.

Dani looks at Sasha, seeing the look of worry on her sister's face. "Angel to Eagle. Thank you for waiting, this area is too hot. Withdraw to a safe distance and provide visual intelligence if it is safe to do so."

"Affirmative Angel. Aircraft will pull back and keep eyes on. I am rappelling down to assist now." Eagle confirms.

"Negative Eagle, if we fail, we may need evac. Stay in reserve to cover our exit." Dani orders.

"Understood Angel, we are pulling out now." Eagle responds, sadly.

Sasha looks at Dani with fearful eyes, "What is going on? Where are they going?"

"They were taking fire from the men outside and have had to pull back. We are on our own." Dani says, calmly.

"This is my fault, I am so sorry. If I had freed Nikita from the bar sooner we would have been out of here minutes ago." Sasha says, crushed.

"No time for self doubt. We are in this now and I need you. We have come too far to fail.  Can you wheel Nikita back into the steel room for now? We need to face the men coming for us." Dani says, in a gentle tone.

"But, I......" Sasha begins.

"This is on me, I wanted to take Nikita home as much as you. These animals have brutalised her in so many ways. I want her to have the care in death, that was not given to her in life." Dani says sharper than she had intended. Softening her tone, she continues "I meant it when I said, there is no one else I would rather have backing me up. Shall we do this?"

"Shit." Steve says out loud, listening to the radio feed being streamed to the Falcon. "We should have gone with them."

"Steve, you can't blame yourself, there was no way you could have known." Kate says, putting her arm around him.

"It should have been a quick sweep and clear and out before anyone was any the wiser. I should be there." He says, regretfully, "Collins, how fast can you get us there?"

"We have enough fuel to get back to the Chateau with a few fumes to spare boss. We wouldn't make it." Collins reports, hating every word he speaks.

"They will be ok." Kate says, reassuringly. "Sasha is a battler and Dani is damn good. You could call out to them."

"No, they need to focus

"I really hope so. Wouldn't be so bad, if Lund had been on the yacht." Steve says bitterly.

"What did his men mean by he took her eggs and run?" Kate asks, wondering why they would have Nikita's eggs.

"Dr. Callard froze Lou's eggs and Lund has acquired them." Steve says, hanging his head.

Kate raises her hand to her mouth in shock, "Oh God, does Lou know?"

Steve nods without speaking and looks out of the window lost in his own thoughts and fears.

Dani and Sasha take up positions, flanking the main doors of the facility. Dani has holstered her tranq gun in favour of a German machine pistol with armour piercing ammunition, worn on a combat sling. Sasha rolls her shoulders and slips her fingers into the grips of the steel knuckle dusters, she used against Price. Dani readies a smoke grenades and nods to Sasha, who tears the door open, allowing Dani to rapidly throw the smoke bombs out into the car park, one landing next to the vans, the other landing just over halfway between the entrance and the nearest mercenary.

The grenades burst sensing smoking fragments in all directions.  Dani counts to ten and takes up her machine pistol, stepping out into the smoke, followed by Sasha who peels out of the door and jinks left before rapidly somersaulting towards the vans faster than she could run without spring stilts.

In the steel room three floors above, the only sounds that may be heard, are the gentle ripples of flesh once rent asunder, knitting back together.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by slackywacky »

This is a perfect example of the differences in writing styles...

Your version:
Nikita lays motionless on her back, her mouth and eyes closed, on the hard steel table. Little of her is visible except, her oval shaped face, full blue lips and subtly pronounced cheek bones. When coupled with her stark white almost alabaster complexion she has the appearance of a marble carving of an angel. The angellic visage only marred by her shoulder length jet black hair, splayed on the table under her.

My version:
Nikita lays on her back on the table, little of her can be seen except for her face. Her white complexion makes her look like an angel. Her black hair hangs over the table.

Not saying my version is bad, it is just the difference in style, a style that perfectly fits your stories. Another exiting chapter. Wonder if they get out alive...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

Dani emerges from the smoke, to see Sasha flip from a somersault, to cannonball into one of the men's chests. Without conscious thought, she sees that the men have assembled into two groups, one surrounding where her sister is and one, hanging back and to the right trying to get a clean shot at Sasha. 

She raises her weapon to put a three round burst through the chest of a man in the right hand group and switches her aim to the man next to him. The man Sasha hit, flies back into the side of the van and slumps to the group as Sasha lands on her feet and powerfully backfists two men either side of her. The men in her group, begin to raise their weapons to tak aim at the fast moving woman in their midst.

Dani rapidly tags two men with a three round burst each, stitching their chests and dropping them fast, before she drops back into the smoke. Sasha rolls forward and stands with a rising uppercut, taking the gun man in front of her off of his feet, with a crunch from his jaw. The team surrounding Sasha tries to back away from her to get a shot, but she moves with the group. The other team realises that there is another threat lurking in the smoke and adjust their focus, waiting for her to emerge again.

Sasha somersaults over the man closest to her and begins to weave, as she is surrounded. She ducks and spins, greeting any who try to dance with her, with a steel augmented strike. The men bob backwards away from Sasha and drop their weapons allowing their slings to hold them and draw extendible batons, whil
st they circle Sasha slowly.

Dani sees her sister surrounded but a burst of fire from two of the men in the right hand group forces her to dive and roll. She recovers and comes up in a crouch, returning fire. One man, too slow to duck for cover, drops flailing, with his finger squeezing the trigger in a death grip. Bullets fly wildly, between two of the vans, riddling two men taking cover from toe to shoulder.

Sasha darts forward, breaking a mans jaw with a powerful upper cut. As she weave back from the stricken man, she feels a baton strike her hard in the right kidney. She spins to strike at the transgressor, just clipping his arm with her strike, as another baton strikes the back of her neck.

"Eagle to Angel. We have a police helicopter inbound, we are going to have to leave the area. We will monitor comms, for as long as we can. Evac to safehouse when able." The rescue technician advises, his voice waivering.

The message falls on deaf ears as Damni screams, "No!!!!!", watching her sister drop motionless to the ground. She throws a grenade into the midst of the group on the right and sprints towards the group surrounding her sister. Sasha weakly, shakes her head to clear the ringing in her ears. She tries to push herself off of the ground but feel the weight of men tumbling onto her.

As the grenade detonates, Dani reloads on the run and slides to a halt next to the reccently deceased men covering her sisters body. She roughly thrusts her hand into the pile of bodies and feels around furtively and once her hand brushes the distinctive kevlar interweave of her sisters coverall, she seizes it and pulls hard. Sasha crawls out from under the bodies with her sisters help and collapses on the floor at Dani's feet.

Three floors above the melee, Nikita stands on legs that have never been used before and with fresh hands strokes her freshly healed body. Unable to make sense of what she sees, she steps back from the window and walks, as if in a trance towards the undamaged stair well.

Her gait becomes more confident with each step she takes. The gentle smile on her serene face, lends her an air of peace and tranquility as she descends the stairs slowly. Relishing the feel of the hand rail kissing her palm and the cold stone under her feet, tantalising her soles. She stands still and takes a deep breath, savouring the taste of the air after the cold sterility of her cell. 

"I am actually alive." Nikita thinks, for the first time in so long without pain. Her eyes, moisten with tears and she places a hand on the wall to steady herself. Her stomach grumbles, too long without food and she starts day dreaming about what her first meal, as a free woman will be. 

She hears the sound of gunfire outside and ducks involuntarily at the sound of an explosion. She tilts her head and listens thoughtfully.

Dani reaches down and lifts Sasha's faceplate, as she hears her sister moan softly. They are braced with their backs to one of the vans. Dani quickly removes Sasha's back pack and lays her in the recovery position. 

"Time is running out." She thinks, as checks her weapon and takes the machine pistol from Sasha's backpack and checks it. She takes a deep breath and waits for the remaining mercenaries to come, listening to them getting ready to rush them. She whispers, softly under her breath. "I love you, Sasha. I am so sorry."

She sprints to her right, and dives, to slide past the front of the van with both guns angrily barking, as the cloud of lead they spew forth, bites into the two men preparing to rush around the corner. She rolls and scrambles to her feet, turning back to where Sasha laid, to see two men standing over her, with their weapons pointed at Sasha's head. A third man stands off to the side his weapon levelled at Dani, "That is enough. Drop the weapons or we will kill your sister." He speaks sharply with a subtle Amsterdam accent.

Dani holds the mans gaze for a moment, weighing up the options. "If I drop him, the other two will kill Sasha before I can draw a bead on them. But, if I drop them, he will be able to shoot me and if he has armour defeating rounds, I am done and Sasha is his. On the other hand, if I surrender, we might have a chance to escape together. Or they will kill us anyway."

One of the men, with a gun trained out on Sasha, kicks her in the ribs sharply, as she weakly rolls over. "Wait." Dani says, hating herself, "You win. Just please don't hurt her." Dani lays down her weapon and puts her hands up.

"Take five steps left, then get on your knees and put your hands behind your head." The Dutchman, instructs. Reluctantly, she complies.

One of the men by Sasha kneels at her side and begins removing her body armour and the other approaches, moving slightly left, when he clears the front of the van, ensuring his approach does not block the Dutchman's field of fire. "Interesting, Dutch guy is in charge and the others move with practiced efficiency. They look like they have done this before."

The man approaching circle's behind her and instructs, "Very slowly, remove your weaponry and place it in your back pack. Then remove your, helmet, body armour, boots and coveralls and place them in a pile to your left."

Dani's heart sinks, "Damn, he is stood a couple of metres behind me. I am not fast enough to twist and grab him." She places her tranq pistol, Desert Eagle, Knives and multi tool into her backpack and places it next to her. She watches with dismay, as the man dealing with Sasha, peels off her coveralls without ceremony, leaving her sister face down on the tarmac in black lycra shorts and a t-shirt.

Dani peels off her boots, body armour and coveralls and adds them to the pile, leaving her standing in black cotton shorts, socks and t-shirt. "Face down on the ground, hands behind your back." The man behind her commands. The ice cold tarmac bites into her skin as she lays down and placed her hands behind her. The man roughly straddles her hips and slips a one inch thick zip tie around her wrists, pulling it viciously tight. He takes a second of these ties and secures it around her arms, just below the elbows with the same tightness. A grunt escapes her lips from the pain of her elbows, being so ruthlessly crushed together.

He climbs off of her and grabs her upper arms, roughly pulling her to her feet. With a hard shove between her shoulder blades, she is sent stumbling forward, towards the man who has bound Sasha's arms and is dragging her limp body to its feet. Seeing her up close, sends a shiver down Dani's spine, "She looks ill. She needs a doctor." She thinks, pushing back slightly against the hand of the man behind her.

Sasha moans softly, when she is deposited in the back of the van, on the metal floor btween the bench seats. Her captor climbs in with her and secures her ankles and legs just above the knee, with two more thick zip ties. Dani climbs in and falls next to her sister, when her captor kicks the back of her knees. She lashes out, resisting his attempts with all her strength. Sasha's captor, climbs onto Dani and straddles her legs, as her captor pins her lower legs. "Fuck you." She shouts, feeling her the zip ties bite into her ankles and legs above the knee to match her sister.

"Actually, darlin', fuck you." Her captor says in a Manchester accent. He tightly grasps the tie for her ankle and strikes the back of her knees sharply allowing him to bend her legs. She struggles in vain, as he wraps another thick tie under her legs and over her shins pulling tightly enough to press her heels to her bottom. "Shit, I have no wiggle room here. I am not getting out of this." She thinks, testing her bonds.

The captors, withdraw from the van for a moment, leaving the Dutchman standing a little back from the van, his weapon trained on the sisters. A moment later the captors return carrying their equipment and loading it into a basket, by the door. Faintly, she can hear the radio in her helmet, "Come in Angel, we are showing a police helicopter inbound, we have no choice, we have to leave the area. I am really sorry we have to go." She shakes her head sorrowfully, "We are on our own."

The captors exit the van and ready their weapons before moving in the direction of the building. The Dutchman climbs into the back of the van and pulls some cloths and a roll of duct tape from a shelf and crouches between Dani and Sasha.

"Wait, please. Dani says, trying to keep her voice even. "Let her go, you will still have me. You don't need her."

"Dr Lund, called us to say that he has lost access to all original samples of PCS, so we should come here and get the original donor so he can augment production at the new facility." The Dutchman says, with a cruel smile. "When we turn up with you two as well, the bonus he will pay, will know no bounds."

"You know what they will do?" Dani asks, in disbelief.

"'Yeah, they will pay well. For what it is worth, I am sorry about what they will do to you and your sister." The dutchman says, with a shrug.

"My step mother has money, if that is all you want, we can get you money." Dani says, looking for an angle.

"Dr Lund offers cash and stock options. When PCS hits the market, the options will be worth tens of millions. Besides, I have a contract." He says.

"Is there anything you want?" Dani asks, keeping her voice level.

"Yeah, open your mouth please." He says balling up the towel. He shoves it roughly into her mouth when she complies, then he takes the duct tape and wraps it around her face and head, covering her mouth with ever tightening wraps from her chin to just under her nose.

She angrily growls at the man, and would turn the air blue, if not for the rough cloth filling her mouth utterly. He looks down at her with malevolent eyes, "Don't worry gorgeous, we will have plenty of time for you to put your mouth to good use and for me to get to know these." He reaches down and viciously squeezes her breasts, and reaches behind him stroking Sasha's rump.

Helplessly bound and effectively silenced, she wails "Leave her alone, you prick" but the force of her words is robbed by the towel, transforming her words to an angry mewling.

He laughs and gets to his feet, walking to the back of the van and hopping to the ground. She watches filled with hate, as he turns to face her, the last remnants of her smoke grenades swirling lazily around him. He blows her a kiss and winks at her and suddenly turning around to face away from her, She hears him softly say, "What the hell?"

She watches confused, seeing a wisp of black hair flop over his left shoulder. His arms stretch out, spasming, as his weapon tumbles from his useless fingers. Dani cannot tear her eyes away, even as the spasms stop and he stops gargling. Her eyes widen with fear, when she sees him drop to the ground lifeless. She cannot take her eyes off of the smoke shrouded figure standing before her, in his wake.

Dani gasps, terrified, staring at her until recently dead sister, Nikita. Her skin almost glows white in the early morning light, highlighting the blood and gore tumbling in rivulets from her mouth down her chin, spilling onto her full, rounded breasts and trailing down her stomach to her legs. Nikita smiles, revealing a glittering maw of freshly grown fangs. But worst of all were her eyes, the irises the same piercing blue of Dani's, Sasha's and their father, but, the white of the eyes, the colour of freshly spilled blood.

Nikita reaches down to the body of the Dutchman and grabs his right arm. She places a foot on his dead chest and pulls sharply. "That is for touching my sisters." She hisses, before casually tossing the ragged arm across the car park.

Dani squirms trying to get free and when she cannot, she wriggles trying to put herself, between the horror she sees and Sasha.  Nikita blinks and the whites of her eyes, become more pink than red. She turns to Dani and smiles, fully revealing a gleaming set of razor sharp teeth, "Sorry, but I haven't got time to let you go, just yet." She says softly, her gentle voice juxtaposed against her predatory visage, "I will explain, but we have to get out of here."

Dani tries to plead with Nikita, but she slams the back doors of the van shut, trapping her muffled cries inside. As the engine starts and she feels the vehicle pull away, thinking, "Why didn't we go for the yacht?"‎
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nikita seems like a force of nature .... unbound, unfethered.... I doubt she is sane ... :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

I think, Nikita is a person, you can call "lose cannon" :)
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Post by wolfman »

Dani moans in pain, as she is slammed against the hard metal base of the bench seats. Her legs are crippled with cramps from being so tightly bound for so long and her back is a massive knot of muscle, from how her arms are pinned. "This was such a bad idea." She reflects, on the day so far. "Sasha got beaten to hell. We were captured by sex pests. Then rescued by my sister. Nikita. Whatever the hell she is."

She feels a crunch, as she is slammed into the opposite seat base. "Did she really have fangs?" Dani tries to remember, through the bumping and slamming of the journey, "She can't have pulled that guys arm off, can she?"

She pants through her nose, when the vehicle screeches to a halt and she hears a door close, feeling the van rock slightly. Given time to think she recalls what she saw more clearly, "I saw him drop and then she was there, there was blood on her fangs and most of her body." She shudders, recalling the sound of the mans arm being torn off. "She is not human, she can't be. Whatever she is, Sasha and I are completely at her mercy. What have I done?"

Dani takes advantage of the stillness of the vehicle to test her bonds. She squirms and pulls as hard as she can, succeeding only in drawing blood as the tie on her upper forearm digs in. "Damn it." She shakes her head in frustration and looks over to her indentically bound sister. She struggles anew, desperate to be free, realising that during the journey, Sasha has hit her face and has blood dripping from her nose, over the tape covering her mouth. "She wont be able to breath properly." She thinks, beginning to panic.

She screams as best she can, however, the packing in her mouth and the tape holding it in, render her a near mute. 

Nikita stops the van sharply and exits without hesitation, once it has stopped.  Ignoring the biting cold of the rising wind she strides naked towards the front door, her only covering, the remnants of the Dutchman, covering her front. She pushes through the locked steel front door of the property with a crash, The four mercenaries look up startled, seeing her stride into the living room as they eat breakfast. 

As the first man rises to his feet, she crushes his skull between her hands, kicking the table hard. The table and the man sitting opposite her, are slammed into the wall, doubling him over in pain from his shattered ribs. The man to her left goes for his sidearm, however, Nikita takes his wrist in a vice like grip and squeezes it, splintering bone, dropping him to his knees in pain. Sitting behind her the last man is frozen in fear, unable to move, when she slowly turns to face him grinning like a shark. As he feels her razor sharp incisors slice into his neck, he cries, feeling his bladder give way.

She hears the laboured, ragged breathing of the man with the broken ribs and nods to herself, "He wont last long without a doctor." 

The man clutching his ruined wrist sobs softly, clutching his damaged arm. She gently reaches down and cups his chin guiding his gaze up to meet hers. His gaze is transfixed by her fangs dripping with the blood of the last man she killed, as she gazes down at him. "I am sorry, but I cannot leave any witnesses." She says in an almost motherly tone and she twists his head sharply.

She waits until the man with the ruined ribs breathes his last and crosses the room to ascend the stairs, taking them two at a time. She pauses at the top of the stairs, listening "No sounds of panic or alarm. That is good." She thinks, gently knocking on one of the doors. 

The bedroom door is slowly opened by a bleary eyed woman in her forties. "Whats going on?" She says yawning, and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her jaw drops as, the blurry figure that knocked her door comes into focus. "No," She says, breathlessly, as panic starts to rise in her chest, "It's not possible."

Nikita gives a predatory smile, filled with sharp teeth and blood and places a hand on her shoulder, guiding her back into the room and closing the door behind her.

Nikita smooths down the red silk shirt and tightens the belt on the dark blue skinny jeans she has just put on. "A little loose, but not a bad fit." She thinks pulling on a pair of black leather ankle boots. and donning a small black leather jacket. She runs her fingers through her now brushed and detangled black hair, letting her shiny straight locks fall on her shoulders. She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror, when she stands, "At least I look human now."

She rises from her seat on the bed and lifts the two large holdalls, she has just packed. She glides through the house, ignoring the stentch of death in her wake to the garage and loads the bags into the vehicles boot, before 
she pulls a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and lights one. She takes a long drag, welcoming the smoke filling her lungs, "Been a while." She thinks bitterly, "One of the few things from my old life, I still have."

Dani cannot see from the tears in her eyes, she lays on her side, with her back to her sister. "Please." She thinks, trying to get a grip on the tape sealing Sasha's mouth. The smoothness of the tape and the slick blood streaming from her nose, confounds every try she makes.

She looks up, as the rear door of the van is opened. She stares into Nikita's eyes, pleading. Nikita's eyes widen as she sees what Dani is attempting to do and enters the back of the van, stepping over Dani. Tenderly, she cradles Sasha and peels the tape slowly from her face, freeing her mouth. She pulls the cloth from her mouth and hugs her gently, kissing her cheek.

Dani breathes a sigh of relief, happy that Sasha can now breath freely. She watches Nikita, embrace Sasha and then shudder bodily. After a moment, she relaxes and pants breathlessly. "What was that about?" Dani asks herself as Nikita, effortlessly snaps off all of the ties that hold her sisters arms and legs, before lifting her gently and sitting her on a bench seat.

Nikita turns slowly to face Dani, her eyes heavy with sadness, She crouches next to Dani and as gently as she can, begins removing the tape covering her mouth. "I am so sorry for all this. I hope in time, even if you can't forgive me, you will at least let me try to make it up to you both."

Dani screams as the last of the tape is pulled from her hair. "I am so sorry." Nikita says, pulling the cloth from Dani's mouth. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Dani looks up at Nikita, seeing a flash of her fangs, "Nikita?"

"Yes Dani. At least, I was before they made me into this." Nikita says, snapping the ties binding Dani's legs and ankles.

Dani grunts, as she tentatively stretches her cramped legs, "Thank you for helping Sasha, I was worried that she was going to drown in her own blood." She says, feeling Nikita, tugging at the ties securing her wrists.

"I am sorry I just didn't think." Nikita says, snapping the elbow tie.

Dani wraps her arms around herself, trying to rub herself to get warm after so long on the freezing cold metal floor and turns to face her sister, seeing her lick her thumb. "No harm done, I guess." Dani says, wearily, "Look, Sasha took a hard hit to the head, she might have a concussion. We need to get her to a doctor."

Nikita nods thoughtfully, taking a seat next to Sasha. Slips the bracelet from Sasha's wrist and deploys the blade. Dani's cramped legs and arms prevent her from moving fast enough to stop Nikita, cutting Sasha's palm and using a fang to cut her own, then holding Sasha's hand tightly.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dani says staggering to her feet and pulling at Nikita's arm. She cracks Nikita hard in the jaw, "Let her fucking go." Dani hisses angrily.

Nikita releases Sasha's hand and uses a towel to wipe their uninjured hands clean. "I deserve that." She says flexing her jaw, "I gave Sasha some of my blood. She might have a headache and be hungry when she gets up, but otherwise, she will be fine. Sorry, should have said."

"What are you?" Dani whispers to herself, not realising she said it out loud.

"I am what happens, when a person is transformed into a Panaceaesterone factory on legs." Nikita says, sadly. 

"I read the file on what they did to you. I am so sorry." Dani says, unsure what else to say. "I am sorry we didn't come sooner."

Nikita reaches out unsteadily, placing a warm hand on Dani's shoulder. "They tortured me every day. Since I arrived at that place, I have died over two hundred times. I felt the pain of every one of our siblings deaths and been treated like an object. If you hadn't come, then they would have taken me to Dr Lund and they would have done all that to me again and worse." She wraps her arms around Dani and hugs her tightly. "Thank you."

Dani tentatively hugs her sister back, letting the heat of her sisters body, warm her through. She whispers, "Thank you for saving us from those men."

Nikita relaxes her embrace and looks Dani in the eyes, "Least I could do." She smiles, trying to keep her mouth closed, "'I have a car waiting, shall we get out of here?"

Dani nods, "Sounds good, would be nice to warm up a bit." She looks at Sasha, who already seems a little better.

"I will move Sasha, if you would like to retrieve your equipment." Nikita says, with a smile.

"Thank you. I had better call dad to let him know where we are, so he can get us picked up." Dani says, smiling.

"By all means, let him know you are ok." Nikita responds, casually lifting Sasha, "Could you hold off on the pick up though?"

"Why?" Dani asks, suspiciously.

"Because, if we go back to the Chateau, Lund's people will know where we are and will stop at nothing to get us. So far all they know is that their facility has been hit and my body is missing." Nikita says, quietly, "They have no idea that I am alive and even less idea what they have created. The longer we can keep them in the dark, the better the chance for us to hurt them."

"How do you know that?" Dani asks, curiously. "For that matter, how did you know my name is Dani."

Nikita slumps in the chair and puts her face in her hands, "When I drink someone's blood, for a moment, I know everything that they do. It doesn't last long, but I do retain some memories after the moment. I knew because the Dutchman knew."

Dani stares at her open mouthed, "Errr. OK. I am not sure I want to know." She says, raising her eyebrows, before thoughtfully saying,  "I guess I can tell dad that we need to lay low for a day or two."

"Might be worth saying that you and Sasha are following up on a lead." Nikita says, chewing her lip and trying not to bite it off, "Could you ask him to go to an old shop in East Ham on the main road? It used to sell deactivated guns and musical instruments. Ask for Junaid and tell him that he is making springtime omelettes, then take whatever he is given straight to Dr Bryce."

"What is it?" Dani asks, unable to get a read on Nikita's body language.

"I'm not entirely sure, some kind of genetic material that Lund needs." Nikita says, trying to recall exactly.

"Do you know what his plan is? Dani asks, suspecting that Nikita knows more than she is letting on.

"First up, he has his own operation, to produce and distribute PCS." She says, wearily, "But, if he finds out what I can do, he will try to create more of me."

''Is that really so bad?" Dani asks, thoughtfully, ''With more of you, he would leave you alone.''

"I have higher muscle and bone density than a normal person. I heal any damage I sustain almost instantly. I can take blood from a victim to ensure I have enough nutrients and fats to keep going and on the subject of blood, all it takes is a drop of blood and all a person knows is open to me. The fangs and razor sharp nails are just a bonus." Nikita explains, lighting a cigarette, "That is just the stuff I know about. He could create an army of unstoppable soldiers, on the one hand. On the other hand, he could host a blood donation effort at a government facility and effortlessly obtain state secrets."

"I see what you mean." Dani says, nodding, "That would definitely be a bad thing."

Nikita leans in closer to Dani, "I need you to make me a promise." She pauses,  "If it looks like I will be captured by Lund's people or, if I lose control and beome violent or dangerous, I need you to promise that you will kill me."

"I don't know if I can do that." Dani says, shocked.

"If they get their hands on me, they will use me to create others. They must be stopped, even if it costs me my life." Nikita says.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

I misjudged Nikita. This is so sad ...what Lund transformed her into. Reminds me of some experiments the Nazis did in the Concentration Camps. Scientists like Joseph Mengele.
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Post by wolfman »

Dani gets into the front seat of the German saloon now wearing her coveralls. "I am surprised that you didn't put Sasha in the front." Dani asks, scrutinising Nikita.

"No heated seats, besides, she might sleep for a while, so I thought it better to let her stretch out, with a blanket." Nikita says, pulling away smoothly, "Sasha is cold, thought it might help to warm her up."

"Fair enough." Dani shrugs, settling back in the seat. "When you kissed Sasha on the cheek, I think you tasted her blood. I cut my arm trying to get free, you were licking your thumb after you freed me, so I am guessing you tried mine too."

Nikita flushes red, "I'm sorry. Sasha was an accident, and with you I just licked my thumb without thinking. I swear to you I didn't mean to."

Dani assesses her quietly, "She knows she is powerful, but she is still working out her limits. She has no idea what she is doing."

"Please, I am so sorry." Nikita pleads, trying to focus on the road.

Dani sits in silence looking out of the window, before speaking gently to her sister, "It's ok Nikita. Promise me that you wont do it again without permission."

"I wont. I promise." Nikita says, glancing at Dani.

"I believe you." Dani says, with a slow nod, then shrugs "So what did you learn from our blood?"

"When you came for me and it was clear that people were coming, neither of you even thought of leaving me and most of your recent thoughts are about keeping Sasha safe." Nikita says, wiping a tear from her eyes, "I also learned that it wasn't my mother that killed dad and kidnapped me. The doctors never told me. But your blood did."

"So, when you do it, is it like you are living moments of the person life? How does it work?" Dani asks curious.

"It is like watching on TV, you see things unfold but are not part of it. Strong emotions like fear and pain come through hard though. It all fades quickly leaving only the strongest memories unless I focus on a memory before it fades."

"So what kind of stuff do you remember?" Dani probes, gently.

"All kinds of things, I remember the feeling of love that Sasha has for you and vice versa. The fear and pain Sasha felt when Price attacked and the panic that the Dutchman felt when I attacked him. How awestruck you were when our father stared down a wild boar and saved you. I remember little things too, the Dutchman collected stamps, you wish you could make a decent omelette, Sasha sees only her failures and ignores her successes." She smiles weakly, "But mostly, I remember pain and death.  Dr Metzger injected my with their spinal fluid to see if it increased the yield of PCS and I felt everyone one of them suffer and die." 

Dani puts her hand on Nikita's leg and sighs, "They really did a number on you didn't they?"

"They did a number on all of us. We are the last survivors. None of us escaped unscathed." Nikita says, turning into a car park.

"They didn't get me." Dani says, thinking of how everyone suffered.

"No, but they rigged the Court Martial, that saw you discharged from the Navy Police." Nikita says parking the car.

"What?" Dani says, glaring at her sister.

"They wanted to cut you off from any support you might have had before they took you. One of the guys from the house we stopped off at made a payment to Brigadier General Hanson." Nikita explains. "They broke into your place on the night you went on the run."

Dani slumps back in her seat, "I had no idea."

"You had a lucky escape." Nikita turns to her and smiles.

Dani exhales slowly, "I guess I did." She looks around at the retail park, confused, "What are we doing here?"

"I need to make a quick stop off." Nikita says, unclipping her seat belt. 

"What's going on?" Dani asks, warily.

"I will tell you when I get back." Nikita says, jumping out of the car.

Dani looks back at Sasha and then watches Nikita running across the car park. "Fuck's sake. I can't leave Sasha. I dread to think what Nikita is up to."

"Dani? Thank goodness. Are you ok?" Steve asks, answering the phone.

"We are ok Dad. It got a little bumpy, but we got away clean in the end. We are just following up on a few leads from the facility." Dani says, trying to hide the deception in her voice.

"Are you ok?" Steve asks, concerned, "How is Sasha?"

Dani adjusts the rear view mirror to check on her sleeping sister, "She is ok, she got a little banged up and is sleeping it off."

"If you get to the safe house, a medical team will be there." Steve says, looking across the Falcon's interior to       Kate.

"No, we are chasing some sensitive leads on Lund, it would be better to keep our profile in country small. Would you be able to go to an old shop in East Ham on the main road that used to sell deactivated guns and musical instruments? Ask for Junaid tell him you are making springtime omelettes, then take what you are given to Dr Bryce. I am not sure what it is, but it seems to be some kind of genetic material he needs."

Ïf you wanted a low profile, why set fire to the Medteqniq facility?" Steve looks across at Kate and frowns, "Dani, what is going on?"

"Fire? It must have been-" Dani takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, "I need you to trust me.  We have found Nikita, we have stopped off at a retail park and she has gone for supplies."

"Is she ok?" Steve asks, concerned about everything he is hearing.

"She is a little strange and her mind seems all over the place but I think she is ok." Dani says, trying to be diplomatic.

"Why don't you tell me everything from the beginning?" Steve says gently. 

Nikita glides through the retail park, like a shark prowling a reef, her eyes dart from person to person, as she passes. She does not speak, as she walks purposefully through the shops. She leaves the sporting goods store and enters the haberdashery for the last items on her list. A moment later she emerges, carrying her bags breezily.

"I never thought I would ever be able to do this again." She thinks, lazily inspecting a window display, with a smile. She sees her reflection in the window and turns away in shame, unable to look at herself. But everywhere she looks her reflection gazes back at her, mocking her. Her breathing quickens, as she begins turning rapidly on the spot trying to escape.

Emotions play across her face reflecting the war raging within her. Everywhere she looks a face different to her own and yet the same looks back at her. "The old me is gone and I can never get her back." She ducks into an alleyway and lights a cigarette, trying to settle herself. "Pull yourself together Niki. Yesterday, you had resigned yourself to a lifetime of torment. Now you are unfettered and free."

A wave of calm washes over her, as her mind races, her breathing becomes steady and she exhales a plume of smoke towards the sky, "You can be whatever, you want to be."

Dani hangs up after briefing her father about the day so far, leaving out the details regarding anything about Nikita drinking blood. She glances across the car park to see Nikita laden down with bags. Nikita taps the window, when she draws level. Dani opens the window and accepts a bag filled with delicious smelling napkin wrapped bundles. Nikita winks at her and she opens the vehicle's boot and loads her purchases.

Dani looks at her sister, as she enters the vehicle, thinking to herself, "She seems lighter somehow."

Nikita reaches into the bag on Dani's lap and grabs a napkin wrapped bundle and quickly opens it. She smiles at her sister, "Lets find out if I can still eat real food." she winks before taking a bite.

Dani smiles seeing the look of pleasure of Nikita's lips, as she devours bite after bite of the hot sausage. A look of concern flashes across her features, when she sees tears form in Nikita's eyes. Dani sets the bag on the dashboard and reaches out to Nikita pulling her close, whispering, "Shhhh, it's alright. I am here for you."

"It's not that, I was scared that I wasn't human and couldn't eat normal food anymore." Nikita cries, embracing her sister in return.

"'I see how powerful you are any it is hard to remember that, you are still learning what you are capable of." Dani says gently, "How about we go to to the safe house and wait for Sasha to wake up and plan our next move,"

"'She will be out for at least another hour and there is one more stop to make." Nikita says, with an inscrutable smile.
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Post by Bandit666 »

This story, your characters and writing just never fail to deliver, once again a great read. It flows better than many published novels I’ve read over the years. Thanks for all your efforts. We all appreciate what it is you produce
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Post by wolfman »

Bandit666 wrote: 3 years ago This story, your characters and writing just never fail to deliver, once again a great read. It flows better than many published novels I’ve read over the years. Thanks for all your efforts. We all appreciate what it is you produce
You are too kind my friend. Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to comment.
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita dons a face mask and sunglasses, "How do I look?"

"Unrecognisable. Why are we here?" Dani asks, with a frown.

"Just need to pick up something." Nikita says, with a shrug.

"Not good enough. We are in potentially hostile territory, surrounded by unseen foes." Dani says, annoyed, "Where are you going? Why? What are you getting?"

Nikita flushes red momentarily, "Why do you need to know? It will take longer to explain than to do."

"I need to know, as I am responsible for Sasha's safety and also if I don't know, I can't back you up." Dani says, in a gentle tone.

Nikita removes the sun glasses and wipes her eyes, before looking at Dani, "I am sorry. I am not used to anyone being on my side." She reaches over and holds Dani's hand, "This train station has storage lockers, The Dutchman stored a hard drive here, he stored it there as an insurance policy. If we can get it, it has details of all Lund's operations, personal accounts and the contingency network he set up in case Medteqniq fell.."

"It might be a trap." Dani says, thoughtfully.

"There were no indications of that, from when I took his blood." Nikita says, confidently.

"If he has stolen the data, maybe Medteqniq set a trap for him." Dani says, gently. "Or, they may have booby trapped the locker. It's rush hour, either way, there are a lot of potential collateral casualties."

Nikita slumps back in her seat, pulling nown the mask before lighting a cigarette, "I hadn't thought of that." She says, crestfallen. "I'm sorry. It's just that, for the first time in so long, I am not just a test subject and I thought I had a way to stop them, or at least hurt them."

Dani nods quietly to herself as she listens, "Tell you what, let me scout it out and then we see about grabbing it." Dani says, squeezing Nikita's shoulder and giving her a smile.

Dani crosses the car park having changed into the back up clothing she had in her back pack. The jeans and t-shirt, coupled with the non descript winder coat help her blend effortly amoung the commuters. "With the hood up and facemask on, even my own mother would recognise me." She thinks, with a pang of sadness, missing her mother.

She enters the station and drifts along with the crowd, moving with them until she naturally approaches the area with the lockers. She whispers into the headset, "I am in position, making my approach."

"This is like a spy film." Nikita thinks, before says, "Copy that." Like she heardon a film a while ago.

Nikita watches the thinning crowd, pouring into the station and keys her headset, trying to remember Dani's call sign, "Er Angel."

"Go ahead, Lioness." Dani smiles to herself, thinking, "It wouldn't take much to make her a queen of any jungle she prowls.

"It might be nothing but, three guys have just entered the station, dressed head to toe in black with matching wool long coats." Nikita reports.

"It might be nothing, might be something, I will stay alert. Good catch Locker located. Over." Dani says, looking around warily.

"'It's odd, everyones heart is racing in a panic to get to a train, but these three, are slow and steady." Nikita observes.

"Understood. Am pulling back to observe. Good catch Lioness. Over." Dani reports, backing away from the lockers and taking a seat in the coffee shop nearby where she can keep an eye on the lockers. "So, she can hear heartbeats, as well."'

Dani looks at the men over the top of the newspaper she is pretending to read, as two of the men walk to opposite sides of the large waiting area and begin watching the crowd. She raises an eyebrow, as the third man slips through the crowd and makes a beeline for the locker area.

"Contact, looks like the men are making a play for the locker. Over." Dani whispers, maintaining visual contact.

"But don't we want it? Errr over" Nikita asks, confused.

"Yep, but seems that someone else does as well. Can you please start the car Lioness?" Dani asks quietly, as the man at the lockers slips something into his jacket and turns to leave.

"Roger that, over." Nikita says, turning the key in the ignition and watching the car park.

Dani waits until the last man exits the area, before rising from her seat and gliding against the flow of the crowd back to the car park. Once clear she quickly crosses back to the car, noticing how low the back of the vehicle sits, as she slips into the front passenger seat and clips on her seat belt. "Where did they go?" 

"Dark grey VW van across the car park. Hasn't moved since they got in." Nikita says, keeping her eyes on the van.

"Too many civilians around to risk an action here. We wait and take them on the move." Dani says, thoughtfully, "What is in those big bags in the boot?" 

"Roughly three hundred one kilo bars of gold. They are moving. Should we wake Sasha?" Nikita says, putting the vehicle into gear and pulling out of their parking space.

"What do you mean bars of gold?" Dani says, staring at Nikita.

"When I killed the Dutchman, I saw a flash of that place we stopped off at. They were monitoring the team at the facility. Once I was loaded up they were going to take those bags of gold with Dr Metzger and get them out of the country. The gold is part of Lund's physical money reserve." Nikita explains, sheepishly and turning red with embarassment, "Sorry, I should have said."

Dani pinches the bridge of her nose, "Why don't you tell me what happened from the beginning?"

"I saw the fight with you and Sasha, but I didn't understand what was happening. So I came down to ask. When I got to the van, I saw you are Sasha tied up and felt pure rage. I bit Kruger, the Dutchman and when he fell, I went after the two men he sent to get me." She pauses, speeding up slightly to prevent them from losing sight of the van. "Kruger's blood told me about their forward observation point. So I took the van there and killed four guys in the living room." She slows slightly to stop them from getting too close, "'After that I went upstairs and killed Dr Metzger and got the gold. Before I left, I pulled off Dr Metzgers arms and legs off of her corpse and left her on the table with the four men I killed with an apple in her mouth. Then I loaded the car and got you guys. I think that is everything." She concludes, gently chewing her lip.

"Damn that is messed up." Sasha says wearily, from the back seat. She snaps awake fully and sits up, "Holy hell, you are alive." She says, with tears in her eyes, launching forward to briefly put an arm around Nikita.

Nikita reaches a hand back briefly to cup the back of Sasha's neck as she is leaning forward. "Sasha, you are amazing, I am so pleased to meet you."

She lets Nikita go and takes a seat in the middle of the back seat and playfully taps Dani on the arm. "I don't know, I have a nap and the world changes."

"It will teach you not to be so lazy." Dani says, warmly, "I was getting worried. How are you feeling?"

"My head is pounding and I am starving but otherwise, I feel pretty good." Sasha says, brightly, "Is what Nikita said true?"

Dani passes the remaining three Bratwurst back to Sasha and nods, "Glad you are ok, Enjoy breakfast." Her smiles fades a little, "We got captured, if it weren't for Nikita, we would be dead or worse now."

Nikita smiles warmly into the rear view mirror at Sasha, "You saved me first though." She turns her gaze sharply back to the road, as the van turns off the main road onto a narrow road out of town.

Dani nods, "Take the turning, but hang back a little. We don't want to spook them."

"Ok." Nikita says, nervously, "How am I doing?"

"All good so far." Dani says with a smiles.

"These are really good." Sasha says, tucking into the second sausage and looking at Nikita, thoughtfully. "So Dani, what's going on?"

"There is a hard drive containing information on Lund's personal resources and plans, that has been taken by the people in the van up ahead. We are following them to see where they end up with a view to doing an intervention." Dani explains, keeping watch on the van, as it takes a slow turn.

"Okaaaay." She says slowly, "We only have two comm sets, what is the plan if we have to leave the car?"

"I scout ahead and you and Nikita watch my back." Dani explains, watching the van, "Keep driving, go past the turning a bit."

"I am feeling better, but still feel woozy so I understand me not going. But, why don't you take Nikita?" Sasha asks, curiously.

"She is not combat trained. Besides, at the moment I just want a look" Dani says, cautiously.

"She might not be combat trained, but she is a vampire." Sasha says, off handedly.

"What do you mean?" Nikita says, wide eyed.

"You came back to life after we removed a stake from your heart, you have pretty much perfectly white skin, seem strong if what you said about pulling Metzgers arms and legs off is true which I think it is. Also you heal fast, have fangs and well, drink blood. The black hair is also a bit of a giveaway." Sasha explains between bites of the last Bratwurst.

Dani closes her eyes and opens her mouth to speak, but is beaten to it by Nikita, "I am a vampire?" She asks as much as she says.

"Kind of yeah. I smelled the Bratwurst on you so, I would guess garlic doesn't hurt you." Sasha says, wolfing the last of the bratwurst, "Oh and it is daytime so sunlight doesn't work, but yeah the rest kind of fits."

"Pull in here, please." Dani asks Nikita, gently.

Nikita, complies numbly, deep in thought. "It makes sense now." She slowly nods to herself, "I am a vampire." She unclips her seat belt and faster that Dani or Sasha can react, slips into the back of the vehicle and warmly hugs Sasha. Between tears she softly speaks, "They turned me into something else, I didn't see it but you did. Thank you so much. I know what I am now."

Sasha dumbfounded, hugs her back, "Glad to be of help." She says, unsure of herself.

"I didn't put it together." Nikita says thinking, "It all fits. I have experienced death so many times and yet I live.  Medteqniq turned me into a vampire, so they could harvest my blood. But they didn't know what they created."

Dani nods to herself, once again in body armour and fully armed, she turns to Nikita and Sasha, "Ok, I will head in solo and scout the location, see what we are up against and then we will come up with a new plan."

"This is crazy, you don't know how many you will be facing, or what is waiting for you." Sasha says, reaching around Dani's seat and squeezing her sisters arm.

"I am only having a look, not going in there." Dani says patting her sisters hand.

Nikita sits back in the drivers seat and looks at Dani, "I have only just got you in my life, please stay safe, I don't want to lose you."

Dani smiles at Nikita and assures her, "No dumb moves, I promise. If it kicks off, hang back and I will come to you."

Dani ducks low, in the trees, beyond the edge of the car park, silenced machine pistol in hand, watching closely. The riverside car park is mostly empty, aside from two large vans and a smattering of people. "Angel to Lioness, I have eyes on. We have six men loading bags like we have in the car, onto a river cruiser. I see three, two person teams armed with handguns, pretending to be out jogging. Over."

"What are you thinking? Over." Sasha asks, adjusting the fit of her armour.

"It feels all wrong. Something is off and I can't put my finger on it. Over." Dani whispers.

"How many bags on board? Over." Sasha asks, deep in thought.

"At least four that I have seen. Over." Dani observes, cirlcing around the edge of the car park to get a different perspective.

"Light security for that much gold. Over" Sasha says, thinking out loud. As she checks the magazine of her tranq pistol.

"Agreed. This feels like a trap. Over." Dani nods grimly, "But, I can't work out what form of trap it is. Ground is open, no structures, only a couple of large vans and the boat." 

Dani freezes, as she hears a twig snap behind her.
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Post by wolfman »

Dani turns sharply and drops to a combat crouch, weapon shouldered. She stays still, watching and listening. "I have movement in the treeline. Over." 

She watches, as figures momentarily break cover moving between trees, whilst advancing. "I have mutliple hostiles closing on my position. I have no opportunity to dig in, will evade unless forced to engage. Over."

"Roger that. Support in bound." Sasha says, as Nikita puts the vehicle into gear.

"Negative. Hold position." Dani says, "Let them make their move and then sweep in for clean up."

The low crackle of gunfire crackles from deeper in the trees, forcing Dani to take cover behind a tree. "Contact." She says, popping from behind cover to tag two men with a short burst each, before popping back. "So much for evasion."

Nikita looks fearfully at Sasha, her lip quivering. "Sasha? What do we do?" She asks, her voice waivering.

"Put your foot down, drop me off and then get out of here." Sasha says, drawing her tranq gun.

Nikita guns the engine sending the vehicle surging forward, she turns into the car park, flinching as handgun fire from the men patrolling near the boat strikes the side of the car. "Shit." She cries, as she swerves sharply hitting the stump of a tree.

"Are you ok?" Sasha asks, looking at the wound on Nikita's head.

"I am so sorry." Nikita says, as the wound closes before Sasha's eyes. "I zigged when I should have zagged."

"No worries, we gotta get out of here, before they reload." Sasha says, putting her shoulder to her door to force it open.

"You take the woods and find Dani, I will try to keep these guys busy." Nikita says, trying to sound braver thasn she feels.

"No, get to the Nirvana facility at Lake Geneva, we will find you. Just keep running." Sasha asks, seriously considering changing her no gun rule, given how many rounds are striking the car.

"Go. Save Dani and promiseme you will stay safe. Please." Nikita says, firmly striking the her car door with a forearm, taking it off of it's hinges. "See you soon."

"Stay safe at all costs." Sasha says, kissing her sister on the cheek and getting out.

"You too." Nikita says, watching her sister exit the vehicle, thinking, "What the hell are you doing?", before striking the door with her forearm and taking it off of it's hinges. 

Dani rolls from cover, loosing a low burst as she goes, eliciting a cry of pain from deeper in the woods. She puts her back to a tree and pops out double tapping a man, just at the moment a burst, ripples the tree just above her head. She drops to one knee and sends a brace of shots in response, striking the shooter through the bush concealing him.

Sasha runs hard, sure footed, focused. She jumps catching a branch like a parralel bar and swings her body up.  She releases at the arc of her swing allowing her momentum to lift her to a higher branch. She holds the branch firmly with both hands and bends at the waist, bringing her legs between her arms, allowing her to hook her knees over the branch. A moment later, she has swung herself enough to sit on the branch. Sasha surveys the wood and smiles to herself. "This is going to work." She rises to her feet and with effortless grace, begins to run through the forest canopy. 

Dani tosses a grenade, left handed to her right, seizing the foregrip of her weapon in the same movement, unleashing three bursts, striking two men in the upper body and sending the third diving for cover. Sasha aims straight down at the lucky third man and let's fly with a brace of darts, one striking on top of his unprotected head, as the grenade explodes off to her right with a flailing of limbs from the men unfortunate enough to catch it.

Dani pushes forward, weapon ready, eyes scanning. She hears the soft click of a weapons bolt sliding closed to her left and instictively fires towards its source. The shooter gurgles from a bullet wound in the neck, as his only response. She keeps scanning, dropping the empty mag from her weapon and slamming another home, without breaking her stride.

"Angel, three strong fire team, natural trench, thirty metres to your eleven o'clock. Sweep and clear on my signal." Sasha whispers, softly as she leaps from branch above her head advancing on the men. 

Dani advances slowly, moving from cover to cover and braces herself behind a tree, spitting distance from the trench. Sasha nods, seeing her sister take up position and drops a grenade stright down onto the concealed fire team. Dani ducks back behind the tree as the grenade detonates and sprints forward, diving over the edge of the trench, spraying the men laying dazed. "Roger that."

Both women pause, surveying the woods from their respective positions. Deafening silence fills the void left by the crackle and pop of gunfire from a moment earlier. Nothing moves, save for the occasional leaf falling due to the season and a squirrel, scampering up a tree.

Nikita sprints, feeling something rise inside her, that she hasn't felt for a long time. It fills her to bursting, each step bringing her closer to an epiphany and each bullet quieting an ache in her soul. She moves with a self assuredness she has never had, leaping thirty feet, fangs bared at the man with pee dripping down his leg, in the face of the horror approaching inexorably towards him. She hits him square on and sinks her fangs into his neck, tearing away a chunk of flesh.

His life flashes before her eyes, she seizes the memory of his firearms training and the rest of his mind slips away from her. Momentarily, she understands how to use a gun and seizes the fallen mans weapon to end the life of his comrade, before spitting the torn flesh on the floor at her feet. She drops the weapon. Once her knowledge of using the weapon fades and stalks, blood soaked and empowered towards two men cowering between the two vans. She circles to her left, putting the van between her and the men. With savage speed, she charges the van and sends it rocking violently.

The two men dive out from between the van in a panic, weapons ready. Nikita drops from the top of one of the vans, behind the men and brutally smashes their heads together. They sink to the ground and she leaps over the vans to face the final two men on patrol, landing a hairs breadth from the closest man. Startled, he steps back and raises his weapon, she grabs his wrist and upper arm and pulls sharply, severing his arm. He collapses, unconscious from the shock and she spins to face his colleague.

Nikita lashes out with the fallen mans severed arm, whipping the last patrolling man, with a series of heavy percussive strikes which drive him to his knees. She drops the arm and sends him to the ground with a punishing backhanded slap.

Slowly she advances towards the riverbank and leaps from the shore to the deck of the boat, next to the bags that the crew had been loading. With some effort she carried them back to shore and loads them into one of the vans. She looks at the faces of the men who she has despatched and recognises three of them from the station. She quickly stoops and searches each in turn, until her fingers brush metal inside one of their jackets. She smiles and pulls the hard drive from his pocket, slipping it into her own.

Below the deck of the ship, the crew huddle together, praying that whoever is outside, doesn't come knocking. 

Nikita quickly, gathers the fallen mens weapons and gets into the loaded van and drives over to where she 'parked' the car earlier. She takes the bags and her shopping from the back of the car and loads it into the back of the van. She lights a cigarette as she makes a drink with the protein powder and a large bottle of water. Taking a lungful of tobacco smoke into her lungs, she gets behind the wheel of the vehicle shaking with adrenaline. 

She gulps the protein shake down, the grainy texture from poor mixing making her gag a little. She catches her reflection in the mirror seeing the blood smearing her face. She uses a moist wipe to clean her face and another to clean her hands. Nikita feels a sickness in her stomach, not born of a poorly made shake and puts her head back on the vehicles head rest. 

"I am a vampire." She thinks, looking down at her self, seeing for the first time her bullet ridden clothing. She draws tobacco smoke deep into her lungs and exhales shakily, as Dani and Sasha emerge from the trees.

They run over to the van and Dani jumps in the passenger side, while Sasha gets in the drivers seat, with Nikita sliding into the middle of the bench seat. Sasha puts the van in gear and sharply reverses and pulls the hand brake, spinning the wheel and slamming the vehicle into first to drive towards the exit of the car park. 

Dani sees the disquiet on Nikita's face and puts an arm around her, as they drive away. "Are you alright?" Dani asks, gently.

"Not really." Nikita whispers, unable to speak without the flood gates opening.

"Shhhhh, it's ok. You are safe." Dani says softly, holding her sister close. "No one is going to hurt you."

"It's not that." Nikita says weakly, "I killed those men like it was nothing. Same at the same house and the warehouse. It was like swatting flies, but it felt so good to cut loose. I don't want this. I am a beautician who works in a supermarket. I have never hurt anyone in my life. I was just a normal girl, getting by."

"I'm sorry, Niki. You didn't ask for any of this did you?" Dani says, kissing Nikita on the top of her head.

Nikita shakes her head, "I wasn't perfect. I was overweight, spotty, but happy enough. Now I am muscle and bone and seem to love hurting people." 

"The PCS stimulates the release of endorphins at times of stress. I felt it, when overdosed and rescued a room full of medics." Sasha chips in.

"Maybe there is a way to reverse it." Sasha says taking a hand of the wheel and squeezing her sister's knee.

"Metzger performed the procedure that turned me into this. Her blood confirmed that this is not reversible. This is me now." Nikita says, sadly.

"If that is the case, you don't have to face this alone. We are here for you." Dani Says, warmly hugging her sister.

"Thanks Dani, that means a lot. I wish I could be more like you and Sasha." Nikita says, with a faraway look in her eyes.

"Just focus on being you. From what I have seen so far, you are amazing." Dani says, warmly.

Nikita wipes her eyes, "Thank you." She takes a deep breath and composes herself, "I wish I had your gifts. So I could be more like you, or at least less like me."

"What do you mean?" Sasha asks, curiously as she guides the van around a long slow bend.

"Dani has a tactical sense and can read any situation, knowing what needs to happen. The only reason that you got captured at the facility was because she was too focused on protecting you, to climb on top of the van, rain grenades down and mop up after, even though she knew that she should." Nikita says, thoughtfully, "You have eidetic muscle memory. Once you perform a dance movement or strike once, you always know how to do it perfectly without practice."

"That is why you picked up moves so fast, when I trained you." Dani says, surprised, "You are absolutely spot on with me by the way."

"Everyone of us has or had something from dad, except for me." Nikita says, coming to the realisation for the first time. "I am the odd one out."

"Nope." Sasha says controlling a minor skid, "I dont know dad or you that well, but I see his strength of character in you and his will. You are unstoppable, just like him."

"It is just what they have done to my body." Nikita says, with a shrug.

"No. Your mind controls your body. You could have run at any time and you didn't, you did what you had to do. You see what needs to be done and you do it. Just like we do. We are the same. " Dani says, firmly.

"I am a monster." Nikita mumbles.

"A monster, would have killed everyone at the station to get the drive. Or whould have killed everyone at the boat just for being there. A monster certainly would have killed me when I challenged you at the station. You are more than human, you may be able to do monstrous things, but you are no monster." Dani says, softly. "You are our sister."

"Life isn't just about how you fight, it is about how you make peace." Sasha says, pulling into a car park. "I know how you feel, you will be ok. Let the doubt go. This may not be the life you wanted, but you have a gift. You can be strong for others in their time of need. Embrace who you are."

"Promise you will help me." Nikita says pulling her arms around both of her sisters, daring to hope she might be ok.

"We will always be here for you." Dani says, smiling.

Sasha parks the vans and embraces her sister, knocking the button for the radio and turning it on accidentally. She, Dani and Nikita embrace warmly as, Nelly Furtado's 'Maneater' starts to play. Nikita throws her head back and laughs, "For fucks sake." 

Dani tries not to laugh, while Sasha says, "Yes! When you get a phone, I am saving that as your ring tone." 

Dani cannot stiffle the laugh any longer. "I was going to go with Titanium."

Nikita laughs, "Damn you both."
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Post by wolfman »

Mike nonchalantly walks along East Ham high street, taking in the sights and sounds of the area. Strolling past side streets of tightly packed houses, that hint at their former glory, he smiles thinking to himself, "This is a nice area, might have to investigate a pie and mash later."

He pushing the door of the shop as indicated by Steve's message. Subtly his hand brushes the fabric of his jacket, covering the handgun strapped under his left arm, as he steps inside. He is the only customer in the peri peri chicken and kebab shop. Mike takes a moment to survey the shop. "Four plastic tables, with four chairs each, no value for cost but adequate for an improvided weapon or two. The fading on the menus stuck to the walls says that this place has been here a while. One guy behind the counter and signs of life from out the back. I am not sure that this is a front." He approaches the man behind the counter with a smile, "Afternoon, guv'ner. Is Junaid about?"

The Turkish man in a black t-shirt, jeans and a white apron, eye Mike suspiciously and kisses his teeth before calling out, "Junaid. Geezer here to see ya."

A Bangladeshi man emerges from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel. His eyes bore into Mike as he approaches, grunting a low "Yeah."

"Alright fella, I am making a springtime omelette and I have been told that this is the place to come to." Ryan says, watching the men closely.

Junaid, makes a show of picking something from between his teeth and nods, "Wait here." He says, sounding bored, as he retreats to the kitchen.

Ryan lets his body relax and thinks, "Something feels off."

Junaid emerges from the kitchen with a metal briefcase and sets it on the counter "All yours." He says narrowing his eyes at Ryan.

"Thanks." Mike says, grasping the handle of the case.

"Funny, I was expecting a Dutch bloke." Junaid says resting his hand on the case.

Mike releases the handle and smiles, "He had a prawn sandwich on his flight and has been in the loo since touchdown. He asked me to come in his place." The black man says, coolly.

Junaid laughs, "Dopey bastard, that will teach him."

"To be fair it was a choice between coming here or getting a mop." Mike says, with a subtle chuckle. "Any chance of a chip kebab? Feel like lining my stomach before going back."

Junaid nods, relaxing slightly, "Sure, chilli sauce and garlic mayo?"

"Please mate, don't be shy with either." Mike says with a shrug.

Junaid loads up a pitta with freshly cooked chips and generously adds, chilli sauce and mayo. "Salad?"

"Just onions, chillies and olives, please mate." Mike says, checking the options.

"£4.00." Junaid says, placing the wrapped kebab on the counter.

Mike pays cash and scoops up the briefcase and kebab with a cheery, "Thanks mate." Before heading to the door.

When Mike's back is turned Junaid reaches for a revolver under the counter, he glances down momentarily at the weapon, as he pulls back the hammer. When he looks back to the shop, he finds himself alone.

"Mike has the package." Steve says, putting the phone down.

"Will be interesting to see what he has picked up." Louise says, warmly.

"Yeah, I am curious myself." Steve says, with a faraway look in his eyes.

"You are worried about the girls aren't you?" Louise says, picking up on his mood. She rises from the sofa and hugs him tightly, "They are headed to the Lake Geneva Resort. Let's go and be there to greet them."

"What about the fallout here?" Steve asks, returning her embrace.

"The press attention is under control and Jacqui has the day to day operations well sewn up." Louise says, checking her phone, "Only problem is that there is a gala there tonight there and if I am onsite, I will need to put in an appearance." 

"Are you sure you don't mind?" Steve asks, before adding, "I would really appreciate it. I get the feeling Dani is holding something back and I am worried about them."

Louise smiles softly, lacing her fingers behind his head, "Let's do it."

Steve smiles gently down to her, "Did I make the right choice, sending Dani and Sasha out on their own?"

"It sounds like they had a rough ride, but they are fine. You should be so proud of them." Louise says, smiling up at her husband.

"I am proud of them. But I would be proud of them whatever they do." Steve says, thoughtfully. "I would be heartbroken if anything happened to them. A part of me wishes that they settle down and live quiet lives."

"I know. You are a good man, Mr. Marks." Louise says, kissing him tenderly on the cheek.

"And you are an amazing woman. Accepting my daughters, with open arms and virtually no warning. Running the Nirvana group and supporting me so wonderfully." He says, kissing her cheek and pulling her close. "I wish I could do more for you."

"You do so much for me. Your insights help me every day, you keep me strong and make me soar." She says with a soft kiss, "We can get the girls together and I can work from Geneva, while you and the girls get to know each other. Kate seems on top of tracking down Lund from here." Louise explains, warmly

"Thank you."' Steve embraces her tightly and she rests her head on his chest. "How do you feel about meeting Nikita?"

"Actually a bit nervous. Dani has been a bit cagey about her, I am worried that Lund's people hurt her or there is something wrong with her." He says, "Almost like she is protecting me from some terrible truth."

"Maybe she is. Does it matter?" Louise asks, smiling.

Steve smiles gently, "Not in the slightest, I would love her for who she is regardless."

Dr Hermann Lund sits back in his office chair looking out over the Savannah. A light wind kicks up dust and orange sand whipping it into dust devils that dance lazily across the plane. Dr Lund dabs the sweat from his balding scalp and his age worn cheek. He sips a glass of ice cold pineapple schnapps. "Come in." He says in response to a soft knock at the door.

Max enters the room looking troubled. The heavily built man in his twenties, flops into the seat opposite him. His impeccable three piece suit looking freshly pressed. "I have news." He says grimly.

Lund eyes the man suspiciously, "Please do not keep me in suspense." He says, warmly.

"Someone has picked up the package from London, but we don't know who." Max says, in a matter of fact tone.

"What? Are you joking?" Lund asks, alarmed

"I am afraid not. A black man collected it earlier today and our people lost him." Max explains.

"Wonderful." He says bitterly, "Have your people keep looking." Lund orders, "When will the gold be onsite?"

"Actually, about that." Max says, nervously.

"What?" Lund stands up from behind his desk sharply.

"The drop was ambushed and the gold has been taken." Max says, bracing himself.

"Who has done this?" Lund asks, angrily, banging his hand on the desk, "What are your people playing at?"

"I have spoken to the captain and it appears to be a very strong woman. She tore one mans arm of and clubbed another man with it. The crew hid below deck and escaped her wrath." Max explains as best he can.

"What the hell are you on about?" Lund asks, furious.

"She crashed a car and then charged in attacking the security team, the calm as you like she carried the bags to one of our vans and drove off." Max checks the notes on his phone, "Black hair, almost pure white skin, bit one of the men."

"Interesting." Lund says thinking out loud, "Did the recovery team get the original patient from the Basel facility?"

"No and the facility was burned down this morning. Also the security team and Dr Metzger have been found dead and the gold they were holding has gone missing." Max says, keeping one eye on the door.

Lund straightens his jacket and tie and pours another Schnapps, "Shame, she was a singularly talented physician. Max, please tell me that there is some good news."

"Actually, yes there is. The good news is that, we have the patents and protocols for PCS production.This facility is set up to run as of tomorrow morning, also we have the first patients booked in for PCS treatment for injury and the specialist clinic will be operational within three days." Max explains, with a smile.

Lund sniffs the air and asks, "Do you smell that?"

Max sniffs and replies "No. What is it?"

"The smell of money. The loss of the gold is a problem, but a small one overall. We will recoup our losses soon enough. We have the patents and there is nothing Marks can do to stop us now." Lund gloats, with a miasmic smile.

"Ah of course.  That is a scent I love." Max smiles, "Why Marks' kids? I never understood why him."

"I was working with the red cross twenty years ago in Central Africa. One of the locals raised an army and the British sent in a unit to assess the problem and ended up fighting a small wall that night. All of the British soldiers who survived were badly injured. Mr Marks was one of them, With the nature and scale of his injuries, he should have died, or at least be hospitalised for a year or more, but he was on his feet and operational again within a few weeks. I tested his blood and found some anomalies, that I could not explain." Lund explains, pausing to sip his schnapps, "I did not have enough to work with meaningfully and Marks disappeared off of the face of the world. I buried it for almost twenty years and then purely by chance, I was treating a patient whose blood had those anomalies. I was stunned, especially when the anomalies disappeared. I soon realised that the patient had received a blood transfusion. I traced the blood to a donation made by Danielle Taylor. A few pounds in the right pocket and I found out she was his daughter and obtained the names of all his children."

"Interesting." Max says, nodding to himself, "What are we going to do about him and his surviving children? They seem to have a knack for causing problems."

Lund leans back in his seat, "I am not concerned about them. Even if they find us and choose to come for us, they will only succeed in finding their doom."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, Dr. Lund should be concerned... he will learn that the heard way :)
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Post by slackywacky »

"they will only succeed in finding their doom"

We've heard that before ;)
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Post by Red86 »

I 2nd both Slackywacky's & Caesar73's comments. We have heard that before and Dr. Lund should be concerned. :)
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Post by wolfman »

Four hours and two vehicle changes after driving away from the boat, the girls have stopped at a small hotel, about a mile away from the resort.

"Tell me again why we have to dress like this?" Sasha asks, trying to adjust the cups of her backless white satin dress, that hugs her figure and flows freely when she walks. She looks at herself in the mirror and runs a hand over her rump. "I look like a silk wrapped piece of meat."

"Don't be daft, you look so good." Nikita says, pulling the curlers through her hair, as she sits on the corner of the bed, wrapped in a towel.

"There is a gala raising money for humanitarian projects in Africa and Asia at Nirvana Lake Geneva and we need to dress like this to blend in when we arrive. That way, we can go to the room, without attracting attention." Dani says, putting on dark blue heels to compliment the deep indigo, with a single strap over the right shoulder. The floor length satin dress, accentuates her hips and chest whilst it has a low hemline, the slit to the knee, allows her to show a little leg. Whilst the stomach is pinched in and cut away on the left hand side. "I am not happy about it either."

"Will you two relax, you both look amazing." Nikita says, setting down the tongs.

"I feel so uncomfortable. Like all of me is on display." Dani says, standing up and straightening her dress, as she glances at their van outside for the twelfth time in under a minute.

"You look incredible." Sasha assures her, "We will knock 'em dead." Dani and Sasha exchange a glance and the look at Nikita.

"What?" Nikita says, surprised and then smiles, "Behave, I don't kill every one I meet. I have met you two and you are still alive."

Sasha giggles, turning to Dani, "She makes a good point."

"In fairness, I couldn't take either of you anyway." Nikita says, with a shrug and a smile. "'You would take me apart quicker that she did Price and Dani would destroy me any number of ways."

"You really think that?" Dani asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You are a trained soldier. Sasha is a martial arts expert. I have had no formal training. I am tough, can heal fast and hit hard, but that would rely on me actually hitting you." Nikita shrugs.

"You seem to be doing ok so far. But, if you like, Dani and I can give you some lessons." Sasha says, smiling at Nikita. 

"I would like that. But, I would like to just spend more time with you guys." Nikita says, with a hopeful smile.

"Count on it. You are stuck with us." Dani says, with a grin, "Are you going to get changed?"

Nikita picks up her dress and looks at the bathroom door, unmoving. Sasha places a hand on her shoulder, "Is everything alright?"

Nikita feels her eyes moisten, as she looks up at her sister, "I'm scared."

Sasha sits next to Nikita and wraps an arm around her shoulder, "Oh babe, what are you scared of."

"What if dad doesn't like me? Or I make a fool of myself? Or I look stupid?" Nikita says, fighting back tears, "You are all I have, I couldn't bear to lose you all."

Dani sits the other side of Nikita and also puts her arm around her, "Don't be daft. You are stuck with us. Deadly sisters together." Dani says, gently, "We have got your back. Dad will welcome you, just as he welcomed us. Lou is lovely too."

"Dani's right. Deadly sisters together. We are with you. Dad might seem scary, but he is quite gentle and caring." Sasha says, with a gentle squeeze of her shoulders.

"Does he know about me being, er, well, a vampire?" Nikita asks, nervously.

"Not yet. Thought it might be best, to tell him in person." Dani confesses.

"That is a good point to be fair." Nikita says, taking a deep breath, "Let's do this."As she stands, she feels a hand on her arm. She looks down to see Dani looking up to reassure her, "You will look amazing."

Nikita steps out of the bathroom nervously, as Sasha and Dani look on open mouthed. 

"You hate it, don't you?" Nikita asks, after a moments silence. She looks at herself in the full length mirror, taking in the full effect of the deep red, off the shoulder, silken, mermaid dress, hugging her like a second skin.

"You look incredible." Sasha says, stunned, closely followed by a whispered, "Wow.', from Dani.

"Really?" Nikita says, her eyes shining with hope.

Sasha nods and smiles warmly, "It is a shame we are only passing through the party. Looking as good as we do, we would own it."

"I am not sure I am comfortable with that." Dani says, shaking her head, "I am not good with large crowds."

"I am with you on that." Nikita shudders.

"Relax, there will be a load of tables set out, socially distanced and it will be all very dignified." Sasha says, warmly, slipping on a pair of open shoes with a low heel, secured with straps acros her foot and around her ankle criss crossing her legs to mid calf. "The gala will have top executives, ambassadors and maybe a few stars. It will not be a wild night."

"We can't be deadly sisters, if we can't face a room full of stuffed shirts." Nikita sighs.

"Depends if we can change into full body armour and kick in the door armed to the teeth." Dani says without thinking.

Sasha and Nikita both laugh and Dani soon joins them, realising the humour and truth of what she has just said.

Sasha parks the van in the underground parking structure of the castle and hears her and Dani's phones ping with messages. 

"Dad is stuck in the gala, Lou is about to give a speech and he needs to maintain a presence up there." Dani says, reading a message from Steve. "He says, if we want to join them, we are welcome."

"I don't know. I am not sure about meeting dad for the first time in a room full of strangers." Niki says, giving an apprehensive look.

"I can respect that. Although it is a shame to waste these dresses." Dani smiles, warmly.

"No you guys go, I will be ok, I will have a bath. Just promise that you will bring me something from the buffet." Niki says, getting out of the van and lighting a cigarette.

"Hell with that, we have come through today together, it wouldn't feel right to abandon you now. We can order room service and charge it to the room." Dani Says, hopping out after her.

Sasha joins her sisters in the car park and locks the van, slipping the keys into her clutch purse. 

Dani passes Sasha and Niki a full face porcelain mask each. "Counts as a face covering and to be fair, we will not be the only ones wearing. I have checked the layout and the lift will take us to the lobby and we should be able to slip past the main ballroom without having to enter. We will get to the room and then play it by ear."

Nikita takes the last of the bags off of the trolley and sits on one of the sofas, looking around the opulent suite, "Six bedrooms each with en suite bathrooms? Who would need that?" She says pulling off the mask.

"Visiting dignitaries. Allows them to stay in comfort and keep their security close by." Sasha says, removing her mask, with a look of sadness. "Gala looked like it was in full swing."

"I think it will be a hell of a show." Dani says, checking the room service menu.

Sasha rubs the back of her neck and says a sorrowful, "Yeah, I guess so. Shame to miss it."

Niki notices Dani and Sasha exchange a glance and puts her mask back on, thinking,  "They seem disappointed. They are only staying here for me. I can't do that to them."

"Ladies, this is the first day of the rest of my life. I have come back from the dead, been saved by and in turn saved my sisters, struck back at those responsible for hurting us and our siblings and defeated armed guards to steal a ton of gold. Oh yeah and I am a vampire who can access peoples memories, by drinking their blood. I don't know about you, but I need a drink." She says smiling beneath the mask.

"Yeah, I am feeling you on that." Dani chips in, "I think we need to celebrate the fact we have got through the day in one piece."

"Really?" Sasha says, hopefully.

"Really." Niki says, with a nod, "We can put the gold in one of the spare rooms and I feel like a night out with my sisters. Besides, it will be nice to support Louise. Get your masks on and lets do this."

"Are you sure?" Dani asks, concerned.

"Yeah. If I get freaked out, I will just go outside to calm down or come back here." Niki says, brightly, "Don't worry, I wont eat any of the guests. I promise." She smiles under her mask, but inside she wonders if she can keep her word, as she listens to the heartbeats of everyone on site.
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Post by slackywacky »

Wow, your frequent updates make it hard to keep up (No, I am not saying you should slow down :) )
I have to just visit here a bit more...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

The three sisters stand at the threshold of the ballroom and gaze across the room. The subdued lighting and mist from dry ice, lends the large room the appearance of a nineteen twenties dance club.  Large white tables, dressed with the resorts finest linen and silverware and adorned with elaborate silver and gold candelabras, are evenly spaced around the room. Each table is attended by its own member of staff, keeping the drinks flowing and making sure their guests are happy. Ice sculptures symbolising Nirvana group and many of the nights major benefactors are lit from below and strategically spread about the room.

Immaculately dressed guests sip champagne, their eyes transfixed on the stage, where Louise is in full flow of her speech. "We are the lucky ones. Blessed by hard work, fate or circumstance to bear wealth and it is our duty to help those who cannot help themselves. We live in a time where private companies can operate in space, where billions of people carry a phone that has more power that NASA at the time of the first moon landing, where a person may be transformed by cosmetic surgery or saved from previously untreatable conditions by miracles of modern science, where social media can catapult a person to stardom in the blink of an eye. We live in a world of wonder." She pauses, taking a sip of water. 

"And yet." She continues, striding across the stage, in four inch heels, her electric blue silk dress, flowing as she walks, "This is also a world where men, women and children, go to bed hungry, cold and thirsty. People who lack the opportunities, we have had. Take a look at yourselves and the lives you have lived. It is a mere twist of fate that you were born to your parents and lived the lives that you have. Pure luck, some would say, that you weren't born in one of the more impoverished parts of the world. What would you do, if you were born to a life without running water, convenient food or available medical care? How would you live?"

Louise lets the point sink in with the gala's guests. "Ladies and gentlemen, we in this room tonight represent corporations, governments and other economic cornerstones. We have a duty of care to help and support those less fortunate. Tonight as we dine, children starve, families grieve and the world looks on oblivious to their suffering. Tonight we can stand at their sides and tell them that they are no longer alone. As an organisation, Nirvana Group pledges to donate five percent of our annual profits to projects designed to end human suffering, per year. In addition we will also be placing a donation equal to the value of hosting this event." She takes another sip of water thinking, "Most of the board were on the fence, but they soon came to heel when I highlighted the good will and positive press, this would generate."

She stands tall surveying the faces of the gala's guests staring up at her. "I stand here before you now to ask, as a human being willing to help other human beings, if you would join us and pledge your support."

A ripple of applause rings out around the room, softly at first building in volume to a thunderous crescendo. Louise waits until the applause fades and addresses the room once more. "During the evening, members of our team will be circulating among you to record your pledges. In the mean time, let the festivities begin." She claps twice and spotlight performers, as they take to the stage. 

Louse exits the stage and unplugs the microphone and removes it, passing it to her personal assistant, Jacqui. "Well done, Lou. You were great." Jacqui whispers as she takes the radio microphone and headset from her employer, "You are a natural."

"Thanks Jacqui. I really appreciate you coming on such short notice." Louise says softly.

"Adam is busy and I could do with a change of pace. Don't worry, I will co-ordinate all pledge takers and liaise with security. You go and enjoy the evening, I have got this."

"Thank you Jacqui, you are a treasure." Louise smiles.

"Can we have a chat tomorrow?" Jacqui asks, quietly. 

"Is something wrong?" Louise asks, concerned.

"Not at all, just thought it would be nice to have a catch up." Jacqui says.

"Sounds good, drop me a text and we will do lunch. Better keep moving, need to keep up appearances." Louise says, surveying the crowd.

"No worries, will message in a bit. Enjoy your evening boss."

"Well done." Steve says, standing to greet his wife. He stands tall in a black tuxedo, bow tie and shoes, coupled with a crisp white shirt.

Louise wraps her arms around him and kisses him on the cheek, "Thank you, I have never been so nervous."

Steve pecks her on the cheek and whispers, "We will save the passionate kisses for later."

"Probably for the best. We are about to have company." Louise says, nodding to the three beautifully dressed young women approaching.

Steve looks over to his daughters and smiles, with open arms, he has no words as he embraces Dani and Sasha. Hugging them tightly, he whispers, "I am so glad you are ok. You look stunning."

"Thanks dad. It's good to see you." Sasha says, softly, "There is someone, we would like you to meet."

Steve relaxes his embrace and Dani extends her arm, to her nervous sister, "This is Nikita."

Nikita removes her mask and smiles shyly, unsure of what to do. "Hi. Dad?" She warily looks around the room at the mass of guests, staff and lights.

"Hello Nikita, it is wonderful to meet you. I am so sorry for everything that they did to you." He steps forward and tentatively reaches out for her in an embrace. "After what she has been through, I'm shocked she looks so together."

Nikita nervously steps forward into his embrace and puts her arms gently around him. "Dad." She whispers, as much to herself as Steve. Her mind whirls, "I don't understand why Lund and his people are so afraid of him. He's a big guy and looks a little scary but, he seems quite normal."

Steve feels his daughter tremble in his arms, "I am sorry we have to meet here like this. We will talk I promise." He whispers, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you." She whispers, not knowing why, "I have so much that I want to ask."

"Me too. We will take all the time you need. I am here for you and will never turn my back on you." Steve pledges, to his estranged daughter.

She thinks of everything that has been done to her, on her way to this moment, "They hurt me so badly." She confesses.

"None of that is important. All that is matters is that you are safe." Steve softly whispers.

"They made me a monster." Niki cries softly, unsure why she is opening up to her father, "They broke me and I don't know who I am any more."

"Shhhhh. It is alright. You are safe now." Steve whispers, thinking, "I wish we were somewhere more private, I just want to sit and hold her until all the hurt she suffered is gone." 

"Please don't send me away." She pleads, in a breathless whisper, choking back tears.

"'Oh Nikita, why would I ever send you away?" He says releasing his embrace and cupping her cheeks in his hands.

"Because I'm a freak." She says, unable to look him in the eyes.

Steve pulls her close and embraces her once more with an arm behind her back and his other hand gently stroking the back of her neck, "The only thing that matters to me, is that you are my daughter." A lone tear trickles down his cheek, as he holds her close.

"Despite the surreal surroundings, this is the most settled I have felt all day. It felt good to open up a little." She reflects, resting her head on his chest, softly crying into his shoulder. "I don't want to pretend anymore. I wish I could go back to being a checkout operator again. 

For just a moment, the pain of her life is forgotten and all her fears are washed away. They vanish in an instant, smashed to kindling, like trees before a tsunami. But it is not a flood, that washes through her. It is a single tear falling onto her lips, making her father's life flash before her eyes.
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita's mind is flooded with images, "Oh God, there is too much." She thinks, unable to focus. 

Steve helps her into a seat and holds her trembling hands, as she slumps in the chair. He turns to Sasha, "Can you get that door, lets get her some air. Dani, can you please stay with Lou?"

He gently lifts Nikita, concealed by the shadows of the room as he carries her through the open door, thinking. "This is bad. What the hell is going on?" He shifts her in his arms slightly, as he carries her through the door and into the cold air, "Either I am out of shape, or she weighs over two hundred pounds."

"Dad there is something you need to know." Sasha says, nervously. 

"Talk to me sweetheart. It's ok." Steve says, laying Nikita on a recliner, in a quiet corner of the verranda overlooking the lake. He gazes down as her mouth falls open revealing her fangs. Steve frowns, leaning in for a closer look.

Sasha struggles to find the right way to tell her father the truth. "They did things to her. She is different."

Steve gently reaches out and squeezes her hand. "I see." He pauses, taking a breath, "Can you see if you can get a bottle of water for her?"

"No problem." Sasha says, realising that the door closed behind her, "Will have to go back in through reception."

"Don't worry, I will wait here with Nikita." He says, giving Sasha a hug and a peck on her cheek, before slipping off his dinner jacket and laying it over Nikita.

"I will be right back." She says, putting down Nikita's purse and heading towards reception.

Steve takes a seat, cradling Nikita and takes her hand in his, gazing down at her. He gently brushes a curl of hair from her face and smiles, as she weakly opens her eyes.

"D-dad?" Nikita says, looking up at him fearfully.

He smiles down gently and softly says, "Welcome back, How are you feeling Nikita? You gave me a bit of a scare."

Her lip trembles, "I saw everything." He whispers, breathlessly.

"What do you mean?" Steve leans in and asks, compassionately. "Steady on Steve, be gentle with her." He thinks to himself.

"When I taste a person's blood, I see their life flash before my eyes and experience moments of their life." Nikita says breathlessly and unfocused, reaching for her purse, "I think it must work on tears too. I saw your whole life through your eyes."

"Oh Nikita, I am so sorry you had to see that." Steve says, gently, whilst thinking, "She is babbling."

"I saw every person you killed, through your eyes." Nikita says, staring at her father.

Shaken, Steve sits deep in thought, before breaking his silence, "How is this possible? I am no doctor, but there is no way to absorb a persons memories through bodily fluids."

"I have no idea, it is like the blood or tears, connects me to another persons mind for a moment." Nikita says, trying to explain it, "It feels like taking a shower, you are hit by the jet and most of the water runs straight off, but some remains, until it evaporates or is wiped away. Any event that has a high emotional meaning sticks for longer while others fade just as fast."

"So you saw my every thought?" Steve asks, curious, "What else did you see?"

Nikita closes her eyes trying to focus, "I saw your love for Louise, Sasha, Dani and Kate. A man called Mike who is more brother than friend. I saw nan and grandad, the way you found them on that day. Racing a stolen dirt bike around Marsh Farm Estate when you were twelve. I saw the endless, pure love you and Louise share and I saw the lengths you would go to for someone you care about. The relief you felt in Africa when you managed to find Ryan. But under it all is guilt for the lives you have taken."

"Let me explain." Steve says, knowing the horrors she has seen.

She opens her purse and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights one, with shaking fingers, drawing smoke deep into her lungs. She gently takes his hand and looks up at him, "I felt as you did, when you took their lives. I know everything." She says, supportively.

"What do you mean?" Steve says, concerned.

"'You did what you felt was right each time. Even Jill McCready." She pauses, to send a plume of tobacco smoke towards the moon, "I feel how her death weighs on you so heavily. But, you thought she was the key to finding Louise, when Lombard kidnapped her. You had no choice."

Steve feels the colour drain from his face, remembering how, Jill refused to admit that she didn't know anything, until it was too late to save her.

"I felt." She pauses searching for the words, "I felt your guilt taint every memory. But, it is the same with all of them. You had good reason every time." With tears in her eyes, she looks at her father, "I felt your pain. Every time you took a life, you made the best decision you could at the time you acted. You can forgive yourself. I just wish I could say the same."

"What do you mean?" He asks, feeling light headed.

"Dr Metzger." She whispers, absent mindedly bringing the cigarette to her lips and drawing deep, "I murdered her. I found her at their safe house. She saw me covered in the blood of the men, I had just killed and she begged for her life. She was unarmed and there was nothing she could have done. I drank from her and tore her limb from limb." She sits up and hugs her knees, rocking back and forth, "I killed her and I felt nothing. Then at the boat, I killed those men and it felt good. I felt powerful and I killed them like it was nothing."

"From what I understand, Dr Metzger, performed a lot of the procedures on you. If she had lived, she would have done the same to others. You did what needed to be done. Her kind always resurface." Steve says wrapping his arms around his daughter. "As for it feeling good to kill those other men, was it good taking their lives, or good because you felt in control, after so long being helpless?"

Nikita opens her mouth to speak and closes it, unable to answer the question.

Steve reaches into the inside pocket of his jacket and withdraws a small hip flask. He unscrews the cap and offers it to his daughter. "Brandy." Assessing her, he thinks, "She is trying to be confident, but she is out of her depth. She is conflicted, she knows how strong she is and what she can do, but she can't make peace with it."

She takes it thoughtfully and takes a deep swig, before passing it back to her father for a swig of his own. She savours the warmth of the cognac in her throat and takes a deep lungful of tobacco smoke, before speaking, "It felt good to be alive."

"Figured as much. The moment it feels good to take a life. is the moment you have a problem." Steve says, gently. "You are going to be fine. Life is a bumpy road, but you never have to walk it alone, ever again."

"Even though I am a freak?" Nikita asks, sadly. 

"You are not a freak, you are my daughter." Steve says, gently.

She begins to feel her eyes moisten, "When you said that in the ballroom, you really meant it. You felt the warmth for me that you feel for Sasha and Dani." Nikita says, taking a final drag and discarding the cigarette in the seats ash tray. "What am I?" 

"The only way she could have known, is if she really can see a persons life by bodily fluids." He thinks.

"I don't know. I have seen your teeth. You are heavier than you look so I would guess that your muscles and bones are denser than normal. Is there anything else?"

"Am I a vampire? I heal really fast and am strong, tough and quite quick. I can drink blood and let it feed my healing." Nikita says, with a shrug, "Oh, I can hear heartbeats too. Speaking of which, Sasha is on her way back."'

"I honestly don't know. Do Sasha and Dani know, what you can do?" He asks, softly.

"Yes. They know everything." Nikita says, nodding.

"I will need to tell Lou, but apart from that, we need to keep what you can do, a secret." Steve says, in a gentle but serious tone. "In the wrong hands, your abilities could be used to do terrible things."

"I know." She says sadly, before adding, "Dr Metzger didn't know about the other abilities, she only knew about the healing."

"If you are happy to, we need to get you checked out by a doctor." Steve says, gently, before emphasising, "But, only if you are happy to."

"Hey Niki, how are you feeling?" Sasha says, bouncing over, beaming a warm smile.

"Hey you. Sorry about that, just a bit overwhelmed after the day we've had." Nikita smiles back.

"It has been a bit full on eh?" Sasha says with a smile, 

"You aren't wrong there." Nikita smiles, gently.

"I think we need a little champagne." Sasha says, before turning to Steve, "Lou says, they are about to serve dinner."

"I am up for food and drink, even though the booze will be purged from my system before I can get drunk." Nikita says, with a shrug.

"You can't get drunk?" Steve asks, thoughtfully.

"No, when I had some brandy, I felt the buzz for a few seconds and then it was gone." Nikita says with an almost sad tinge to her voice.

"What about tobacco? I would think that is the same." Steve asks, watching Nikita's reaction.

"It is to be fair, the buzz goes quickly, but still feels good. I used to smoke before all this." Her voice trails off and she looks into the distance, standing still.

Gently, Steve wraps his arm around her, "Are you ok, love?"

She nods, numbly, "I can never go back to my old life can I?" She gazes at her father, with defeat in her eyes, "Metzger's blood told me that the changes are irreversible. I can't go back like this." She says, spreading her arms as if to reveal herself.

"You may not be able to go back, but you can go forward and find the life you are meant to live." Steve says squeezing her shoulders. "And, if there is any way I can help, I will move heaven and earth to see you happy."

Nikita doesn't say anything, she just smiles, trying not to cry as she thinks, "I don't need to taste his blood to know he means that." 

"Me too babe." Sasha adds, beaming at her sister.

"Thank you." Nikita says, barely whispering.

"If you need more time, It's ok. You have all the time you need." Steve says, reassuringly.

Nikita opens her purse and pulls out a makeup compact, to quickly retouch her mimimal makeup. A moment later, she hooks her left arm through Steve's right and with a new found confidence says, "Lets do this."

Steve approaches the table with Sasha and Nikita on each arm. Louise and Dani stand to greet them and smile warmly. Louise extends a hand to Nikita, "Nice to meet you." She says in a gently, warm tone.

Nikita throws her arms around Louise and hugs her tightly. "Thank you so much, for the love you give Dad and my sisters." She whispers. "You make dad so happy."

A somewhat surprised Louise, returns the young womans hug, unsure of what to say. Nikita relaxes her embrace and turns a shade of pink, "Sorry that was a bit much." She turns away embarassed, "Nice to meet you, Louise."

Louise smiles gently at her and hugs her tightly, "Call me Lou. We had better take our seats, they are about to serve. But, we will talk later." She promises.

Nikita beams at her and nods and she takes a seat between Steve and Dani and gazes around the table at her unmasked sisters father and step mother. "This time yesterday, I would never have guessed this is what I would be doing." She turns to the stage to see traditional African dancers performing and is transfixed by the complex rhythm and movements.

The scent of food and the clink of a plate being placed before her, brings her back to herself and she looks down at the simple looking passion fruit, lemon and dill, ceviché of tilapia. 

Steve raises a glass of champagne to the table, "To us. May we share a long and wonderful future together." Everyone raises their glasses and they clink as one.

Dani subtly nudges Nikita and when she turns, mouths the words, "Are you alright?"

Nikita smiles and nods back at her, mouthing, "Just had a wobble."

Around the room, men and some of the women, stare at the lucky guy, with the four most beautiful women in the room sat at his table and wonder what his secret is. However, one man dressed in a tuxedo, purses his lips and looks at the table with a look of surprise, he takes out his phone and dials a number. 

The call is answered on the third ring, "Good evening." The calm Scotsman on the other end of the line says, "How is the gala?"

"So far so good. There is an unexpected guest here." The man in the tux says.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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