He wasn’t like this the last time we met. M/Fff

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He wasn’t like this the last time we met. M/Fff

Post by Bandit666 »

He wasn’t like that the last time we met.

For most. It was just your usual cold, wet and quite frankly dismal October day in the northeast of England. But for those behind the drawn curtains and locked doors of 198 Acme Avenue. Things couldn’t have been more different.

As after almost 3 years away. David had returned. Returned from his studies. No longer was he the rather shy teenager that they’d once known. No longer was he the boy who come around to play with their brother. With Susan’s son. No, now he was was bold. He was dominate. And he knew all about their little secret. Or rather he knew how to exploit their little secret.

He’d knocked on the door. Large bag in hand. Knowing fine well he’d not find his old friend at home. Knowing quite frankly only his sisters Abby and Claire would be there. Along side their mother Susan. But that’s what he wanted. He wanted the trio to himself. Wanted to show his new found confidence. Wanted to display his dominance.

It had been Susan herself that answered the door. That had been taken aback by the sight of the tall. Yet no longer skinny boy she once knew. She’d informed him that Scott was away on service in the army. She’d been shocked when told he knew. That he was there to see her and the girls.

At first she’d been reluctant. Had been hesitant. Until he showed her the photo. The photo he’d held dear for oh so long. The photo that showed her bound and gagged along side the equally helpless Abby and Claire.

Her face became flushed. Her voice had fallen to barely that of a whisper. When she asked how he’d got hold of such an image. When she inquired what it was he wanted.

Susan has been shocked by his reply. Although it was what she suspected. As he told her he’d come to live out his childhood fantasies. Fantasies he’d held since first they’d met. Held ever since he’d become friends with her son.

He told her straight. His voice strong and unwavering. That he wanted to join in their little games. Wanted to take charge of all they did. That from there on in. It would be him that bound her. That trussed up the girls. That he’d be their Dom. The man in charge.

She’d wanted to say no. Had wanted to slam the door in his face. But there’d been something in his tone. In his new demeanour that stopped her. That made her weak at the knees. So instead she’d stepped aside. Had allowed him in out of the cold. In out of the rain.

Oh so quickly they’d been joined by Abby and Claire. Oh so swiftly she’d explained David had changed since the last they met. Although that had been clear to them both. For gone was the shy boy who’d look away when they caught him looking. No longer was he the little boy who’d blush upon seeing them in tight clothes or their leotards.

“So what now Susan”, had asked attempting to keep some level of control over events.

“Well I think you all know the answer to that”, David had replied.

“And I’ll start with you, I think”, he’d continued. Barely able to contain his smile.

“For while it’s true you look so good in that dress. You’ll look even better out of it”, he added. Indicating Susan should undress.


For the briefest of moments she’d hesitated. Had contemplated what he’d asked. No what he’d commanded. She’d felt the goose bumps spread over her body. Had felt the shiver cascade from head to toe.

Inwardly she’d longed for someone to be dominate towards herself and the girls. She’d wanted someone to come along and take control.

“And why not David”, she’d thought to herself. As slowly, almost seductively she’d removed the dress.

“He’s certainly not that shy little boy he once was”, she admitted. Having sat before him in just her pantyhose and underwear.


Clearly he was pleased. Was delighted in her obedience. In her appearance. As smile spread across his face. For he couldn’t wait to step forward. Couldn’t wait to let her daughters watch. Watch how he worked the red ball gag between her lips. Watch how he buckled it so incredibly tightly. A little brass padlock ensuring it couldn’t be removed.

Forcefully he’d helped her stand. Had taken the first length of rope. Binding her wrists securely, tightly behind her back. Susan could tell he’d gained practice somewhere before. Had been unable to state her belief.

She’d been powerless to stop him. When he’d followed up with a second coil of rope. When he’d drawn her elbows together. Looping it beneath her armpits and behind her head. Removing any and all movement she may have had.

Gently. He’d helped her to the floor. With a smile he’d ran his hands down her nylon clad legs. With a simple flowing movement he’d crossed her ankles. Had bound them efficiently.

All that was left was to bend them back. To push them towards her wrists. To savour how it made her legs spread wide.

The hogtie had been tightened, her movement limited to a simple roll back and forth.


He was done with Susan. And it was now time for the girls. The girls who’d watched on in stunned silence.

“So who wants to be next”, David had asked. His tone almost taunting the girls.

“Oh yes, how about you Abby”, he stated. Rather than asked.

“But first go and change. I want you in that Wonder Woman outfit you wore last Halloween”, he instructed. Surprised at her lack of resistance. Shocked at how she’d sprang into action. Bemused by how she literally skipped off to obey.

Quickly she returned. The tight spandex. All shiny and crisp. Clinging to her every curve.

Oh sure she wasn’t as busty as her mom. Didn’t exactly have that perfect hour glass figure. But she was hot. She was sexy. And she was about to feel helpless.


“I’ve got something completely different in mind for you”, he’d informed. His not exactly unwilling playmate.

“Something I’m sure you’ll not have tried before” he’d added. Whilst dumping a huge pile of pantyhose and stockings on the floor.

Abby had looked on in puzzlement. Couldn’t understand just what he had in mind. But swiftly that change. Changed when he sat her down. Changed when with one solitary stocking her legs were encased.

She’d been amazed by the nylons tight grip. Been shocked to discover how tightly it held her legs. Been surprised to discover she was unable to separate them. No matter how hard she tried.

But of course that wasn’t enough. Dave wanted more security. Wanted to ensure she remained bound. So two more pairs of pantyhose had been used. Used to bind her ankles. To bind her upper thighs.

Her body and arms soon followed. Were encased in nylon. Till only her head remained uncovered. More stockings, more pantyhose added to her bindings. Her wrists and elbows bound before her. Her upper body and arms trapped to one another.

Abby shuddered at his every touch. The sensual nylon increasing her excitement.

All that was left. Was the gag. And what else was there for him to use. But one final twisted and entwined pair of pantyhose. Oh sure it wasn’t as effective as her mother’s. Did very little to keep her quite. Yet it looked good. It suited her appearance perfectly.


Gently he lay her down. Once done. Softly he ran his hands from head to toe. Sweetly she moaned. David could have done whatever he wanted to her. To Susan by then. But still he remained the gentleman. For now at least.


Turning towards Claire. He’d smiled.

“Well looks like you’re the last to become my new plaything”. He’d told her. Although she seemed unhappy at his choice of words.

“I’d planned on having you change. To dress more like your mom or sister”. He’d continued stepping in close.

“For I’m sure it’s no secret you were always the one who caught my eye. Who fuelled my fantasies”. He’d informed as he pulled her close. His hand upon her butt.

“But those shorts. So tight, so inviting. The nylon on your long legs. So shiny, so sensual. And this top. So revealing, so enticing. Have seen me decide otherwise”. He added.


Once again David had reached into his carry bag. Once again he’d withdrawn a ball gag. A ball gag destined for Claire’s open. Willing mouth.

Within seconds. Like her mother and sister before she’d been silenced. She’d found herself at the point of no return.

She’d shuddered. Had positively moaned. When stepping behind her. David had ran his hand up her right thigh.

She’d almost buckled at the knees. When playfully he smacked her butt.

“Could it really be. Have I truly longed for this. Without knowing”, she’d asked herself. Having discovered how much she wanted his attention. Wanted his dominance.

The shiver was clear to all. When unlike Susan. Unlike Abby. He’d gently stroked her arms. While guiding them behind her back.

All it took was one short length of soft white rope to bind them. To secure them effectively.

Unnoticed by her mother. Unseen by her sister. Claire felt his hands wander over her firm pert butt. Unheard by her mother. Out of earshot of her sister. Claire delighted when told. “You and me will have some private fun another time.

A breast harness soon followed. His hands brushing. No doubt deliberately. Against her heaving bosom.

She couldn’t help but wish he’d release her breasts. Couldn’t help but long for his touch. Though never before had she taken notice of her brothers friend. Of David. But oh how that had changed.

“No don’t stop now”, she’d almost pleaded. When David had briefly stepped back. Had paused. Mostly to take a deep breath.

But she’d had no need to worry. No need to panic. For he’d paused only long enough to gather more rope. To ease her onto the floor. While his hands hidden from view. Stroked her thighs. Gripped and squeezed her butt.

Her ankles had been next. The rope pulled tight. The thin nylon of her pantyhose offering no protection at all. He’d finished by binding her lower calves. Once more. His hands stroking and caressing her nylon clad legs.


Finally he’d stepped back. Had smiled towards Susan. Towards Abby. Towards Claire. Taking a seat he’d addressed them. His tone steely. His demeanour strong and unforgiving.

“Well ladies. It seems things have changed for you all. That no longer will you play tie up games between yourselves”. He’d informed.

“For from now. It will be me that does the binding. That does the gagging”, he’d continued.

“As. I have changed since last we met”!!!!!!!

The end