Kael : 03 - Capture the Flag- The White Team (MMM/M)

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Kael : 03 - Capture the Flag- The White Team (MMM/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Kael's stories
03 - Capture the Flag- The White Team
Story index at the bottom

By Kael

Monday, August 21st 2006 - 04:04:01 AM

Capture the Flag- The White Team

Thanks for all of the feedback from my stories so far.
This one is a bit longer.

Several weeks had passed since Matt had kidnapped me for his brother's amusement, and the incidents were forgotten in the minds of most.

Since I had met him, Hayes had really been into Paintball, and after that weekend in which he tied me up for the first time, he was eager to implement it in his paintball games. In no time, he convinced the other teams to use bondage to make the game a bit easier.

The game they played the most was capture the flag, in which each team would have a designated "flag" which was a person who would be captured by the other team during the game and brought to the team base where he had to be held for 20 minuets. In order to capture the flag, one would have to physically take the flag to their base instead of the old method of shooting him. The flag was armed like any other player in order to better defend himself, although they are usually the worst player on the team.

The game would run like most capture the flag games. When a player was shot he went to the jailbox (with the exception of the flag). Every 8 minutes the jailbox would empty out at the referee's whistle. At this time, everyone in the jailbox was free to go. Every time a person was sent to the jailbox, the opposing team would gain a point.

Capturing the flag would end the game and give the team who did the deed 30 bonus points. Whoever had the highest score at the end won.
Referees were needed to keep track of the points, and these scoresheets were kept secret until the game was over. Referees were usually members of the other teams "scouting out" the other matches. It was quite an intricate system...

Before Hayes introduced the aspect of bondage, the flags would be captured by being shot which made for a confusing game and a lot of cheating, often these games would have a bit of money attached to them and cheating is common when dealing with money...

For years, Hayes's designated flag was Matt, his younger brother, but that ended soon after bondage was introduced because Matt didn't like to be tied. This sparked an argument between he and his brother and Matt eventually left to join some other team in the unofficial community league.

Sorry for all of the background information, now on to the story. :)

"Dude, I know you'd be good at it." Hayes said over the phone, "Please? There's a match tomorrow."
"Alright, fine!" I said. Hayes had been trying to convince me to be his new flag for nearly 20 minuets. "But I need to borrow one of your rifles."
"Thanks man, I really owe you one! Just remember, being the flag is an honor."
"Yeah, yeah." I said hanging up the phone.

Mist hung thick in the air on the chill November night. I walked to the woods in which they played these games and got to the "Meeting Tree," a huge pine tree roughly in the center of the playing field. I was wearing a pair of tight old jeans, a white t-shirt under a sweater and a jacket, with a pair of beaten old tennis shoes.

I was the last to arrive, so the teams bid each other good luck and the referee blew his whistle to signify that the 10 minutes preparation time was beginning.

Hayes's team color was bright red, so all of the members wore a bright red bandana somewhere on their bodies with the exception of me who had to wear a sky blue one to signify that I was the flag. In order to avoid confusion on misty nights like these friendly fire was ignored. Most of the red team were friends of Hayes and classmates.

The team we would be facing in tonight's match was the White team. The White team was a team of mostly Hispanics in the community. They were led by 19 year old Alejandro Sanchez and their flag was 14 year old Oscar Soto, a pudgy freshman that went to my school.

"Kael, get over here." Hayes beckoned to me. "You've got to stay hidden. The Hispanic team is really good at keeping the flag once they have him. Even if you are good at escape, lets keep caution this time."
"Of course." I said.
"Here, I'm gonna boost you into this tree, its better to keep your path open and up top, just in case you need to run."
"Right." I said, finding a comfortable place to perch.

The Whistle Blew.

"Good Luck!" I said to the team as they took their places in the battle at hand. I checked my watch. 7:30 pm. Just as planned.


As is standard in a paintball match, I heard a lot of popping and shouting, and the continuous whistle for the jailbreak. Luckily, most of the combat was happening quite a ways away from me, so I didn't have to worry too much. After about a half an hour into the game, Hayes came to check on me.

"You alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "No close calls yet."
"It looks like they're trying to rack up the killpoints. We've already sighted their flag. He's gotten away twice but it won't be long. You need water or anything?"
"Nah, I'm good right now. Don't worry about me. Go one out there and win that money."
Hayes nodded and dashed off.


Another twenty minutes passed before I heard someone speaking Spanish. I froze up as adrenalin was pumped through my heart and then to the rest of my body... the voices were getting closer... A few seconds later I saw them, three of them. Each of them bigger than me. I licked my dry lips and watched doing my best to conceal myself.

They got to the middle of our camp and started looking around. After a few painstaking moments one of them caught sight of me and informed his friends in fast Spanish.

They smiled at each other before one of them said, "I'll go up there and get him." in accented English.

My throat felt like it was filling up and I couldn't swallow. I jumped down out of my hiding place and was about to tear off when I felt one of their strong arms grab my wrist and pull me to his body.

"Help! Hayes! He!!!" Was all I got out before he held his hand over my mouth, a thick white cloth between. He then grabbed my wrists with his other hand and led me away from the red camp and into uncharted territory.


A few minutes later I was taken to where the white team kept camp. I was released and pushed gently to the ground while my wrists were being bound and I was sat down next to a tree. The thick white cloth was then shoved into my mouth and a white bandana was used to secure the gag.

I looked around and noticed my surroundings at the Hispanic camp, the first thing I saw were my captors in full.

One of them, the one who climbed the tree, was quite skinny and seemed to be about my age. He was wearing a pair of old jeans and a gray hooded sweatshirt and work boots. He wore his bandana as I had it, tied around the top of the head.

Another, the biggest one who carried me over here, was a powerfully built man wearing jean shorts, a black hooded sweatshirt, work boots and thick thermal socks pushed down. He seemed to be in his early twenties.

The third one was a bit on the pudgy side wearing black pants and a black jacket with tennis shoes. He seemed to be in his mid twenties.

My captors offered me a sip of water before celebrating their great accomplishment.

I have to get out of here, I thought to myself as I toyed with my coarse rope bindings.


Do I escape? Does the white team win?

You'll have to find out in the next installment of Capture the Flag-The White Team.

Feedback is much appreciated. ;)



Tuesday, August 22nd 2006 - 02:05:01 AM

Capture the Flag- The White Team, Part II

Thanks again for those who responded to the last part of my story. It is always appreciated. :)
And for those who haven't, don't hesitate to drop a comment. Whether it be posative or negative.

There is not much left to this story, so I plan on beginning my next one right after it while I have time.


Both teams, as well as the referee, have to be made aware when a flag has been successfully captured and taken to the enemy base, and this was done by using one of those obnoxious horns people use during a sporting event. Each team had one that they kept at their holding area, and when they felt that they had a secure grip on the other team's flag safely in their base, they would blow it and the referee would start his stopwatch.

If a team managed to reclaim their flag and get him safely back to their own holdings, they would, in turn blow their blowhorn and the stopwatch would be reset.

After my captors finished tying me up, they blew their horn and waited for their team to come and help them defend the base.

They began to worry when no one came to the base after the horn was blown. It could really only mean one thing. The red team was so far ahead, the 30 bonus points didn't even up the score.

My three captors spoke to each other in animated Spanish (most likely arguing as wether to let me go and buy them more time or keep me for the bonus points) before tying me tightly to a chair, and gagging me with a thicker darker cloth which I was sure was one of their socks...

They then dashed off to get themselves more points sheerly by shooting members of the Red Team.

I did my best to escape my bonds but it was impossible... I simply had to wait out the 20 minute jail time before the game was over.

After what seemed an eternity, I heard laughter and animated discussion coming toward the White Team's holdings. They had apparently gained enough kill points in that 20 minutes to win the match when added together with the bonus points awarded for capturing me.

The game had been over for over 10 minutes before Hayes finally came to liberate me, although the white team didn't mind me being there, they apparently liked the thought of a living trophy.

"I ought to let them keep you." Hayes said angrily as he untied my hands and ripped the gag out of my mouth. He then offered the winning team a cold congratulations and gave Alejandro Sanchez an envelope with the prize money ($200, $10 from each member of the red team) before stalking toward the red team's holdings.

As we walked back to get our things Hayes said, "You know that was the first time we ever lost to them? And we only lost by two! We would have won if you'd been more careful."

"Look, Hayes. It was my first time. Next time it won't be so easy for them. Only through experience can one become better." I replied.

"Yeah, whatever. I hope you do better next time or I'll sell your ass to some other team."

We walked to his truck in silence and I checked the clock. We had played for nearly 3 hours.

Although, I thought, I do suppose it was fun.


Kael's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section