The Halloween Hostage (F/F, M/FF)

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The Halloween Hostage (F/F, M/FF)

Post by BobaFettish1 »

“Hey, cool Star Wars costume!”

It was situations like this that helped to remind Caity James why she preferred being an introvert. The annoying passerby dressed in a bulky Spongebob Squarpants costume wasn’t the first to misidentify her attire tonight. Caity’s college sorority had an annual tradition of putting on a Halloween party and Caity had thought attending would make for a memorable Halloween night. She would have just as soon had put on a costume and gone trick or treating in a local neighborhood, but having just recently turned 20 years old she was now officially “over the hill” and would no doubt get strange looks from homeowners expecting kids 12 and under. Plus, going to a “party” sounded like a cool adult thing to do. Now officially out of her teens Caity was now feeling the pressure to at least act like a grown up. Truth be told, a night alone playing video games in her pajamas would be better than a stupid party any night. But tonight Caity had decided to trade in her PJs for her all time favorite Halloween costume.

“It’s Star Trek, Sponge brain! Star TREK” Caity yelled back angrily, putting heavy emphasis on the word “Trek”.

She had chosen to wear a one-piece gold dress with decorative gold bands encircling the wrists and a skirt that hung down to her upper thighs. On her legs she wore translucent pantyhose with a pair of black leather knee high boots. Her red hair tied back into a tight bun on the back of her head in militaristic fashion. In addition she had a black utility belt wrapped around her waist with a black & grey phaser gun hanging on her right hip.

If anyone dared to make the mistake of asking Caity about her costume she would be ready with a long winded nerdy rant. She would explain how her gold uniform signified a command position among Starfleet and how she would naturally be a starship captain, as it had been a childhood dream of hers. Caity would likely go on and on about how, despite being a simple dress and boots, she had gone to painstaking efforts to create a costume that was screen accurate to the original Star Trek series from 1966. And by then the person’s eyes will have surely glazed over and they would be looking for any opportunity to exit the conversation. But Caity wouldn’t have cared. If she had learned anything from her best friend and college roommate, Laura Kam, it was to never be ashamed of being passionate about something that makes you happy. Of course, ironically, Laura was always the first person to poke fun at Caity’s occasionally tense nerdiness.

“Oh, get a life, nerd.”

Caity looked back to see a young Asian woman of slightly shorter stature snickering at her. Laura was clearly amused by the exchange which made it all the more annoying. Caity and Laura we’re finally on their way home from the party which had been held at one of Parker College’s largest sorority houses. It was only a few blocks from their dormitory and it made for an easy walk, as long as Caity didn’t get accosted by another idiot who thought she was dressed as a Star Wars character. The college campus was filled with students out wearing costumes and enjoying the crisp October night. Caity assumed that many of them were going to and from Halloween parties and events that were taking place all over the campus. As they continued down the sidewalk Caity sought to continue her little argument with Laura, and she knew just how to win it.

“Oh, so you’re telling me that if someone confused a ball gag and a bit gag in your presence you wouldn’t get pissed?”

Caity’s go to rebuttal to Laura’s heckling was to fire back at the girl’s obsession with bondage. Aside from anime there was nothing Laura enjoyed more than getting tied up, or occasionally tying other people up. It was a passion that Caity still didn’t fully understand, but still respected it despite being the unfortunate guinea pig of more than a few of Laura’s “experiments”. And Laura also had respect for Caity’s passion, even if she did enjoy getting Caity all worked up talking like she didn’t.

“Of course," Laura responded. "But there’s a clear difference between gags like that. It’s not that easy with your sci-fi flicks! I mean, they’ve all got spaceships and laser guns and whatnot. What’s the difference?”

“First of all, Star Trek is set in the future in our own galaxy,” Caity declared, her voice growing in volume. “And Star Wars is set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away! They’re nothing alike!”

“Well, it all looks the same to me. ‘Pew pew’ this, and ‘so say we all’ that.”

“That’s battlestar Galactica! Did you seriously just... ugh.” Caity threw up her hands and gritted her teeth in frustration.

“Oh, let it go, Caity! Besides, I know you’re just grumpy because I picked the wrong costume.”

“Now you’re finally saying something that makes sense!”

Caity had been planning their Halloween activities for weeks, which included a fully coordinated group costume theme. Caity had begged and pleaded for the theme to be Star Trek, and she eventually got her way. Everyone in their friend group was supposed to wear differently colored Starfleet uniforms.

But apparently not everyone got the memo.

Caity had envisioned Laura wearing a navy blue starfleet uniform, complete with the dress and boots to match Caity’s. But Laura had chosen something... different. Laura’s costume consisted of an incredibly skimpy metallic bikini. A series of strings and wires kept the breast piece in place and the edges of the metal bra were a rusty gold color with a dark green inlay making up the interior. The bikini bottom was of similar design but included a long floor-length skirt at the front and back. The costume also featured golden bands on her left upper arm and right wrist, and there was a tight collar latched around her neck with a length of silver chain attached. It also included a pair of ornate leathery boots that rose just above her ankles. Laura’s black hair was braided into a long ponytail that hung down her back. The costume was clearly based on the iconic — and strangely erotic — Slave Leia costume from Star Wars, not Star Trek. Although that fact seemed completely lost on Laura.

“Well excuuuuuse me for getting your little space movies confused! Maybe they shouldn’t both have names that start with the word ‘Star’.”

“Ya know what? I’m willing to bet you planned this from the beginning just so you’d have an excuse to wear a slave costume.”

“Well, to be fair, I didn’t see any Star Trek costumes with collars like this.” Laura said, stroking the metallic collar latched around her neck. The statement sounded enough like confession that Caity felt like she had won this round, although she decided not to press the issue.

“Well, at least Natalie seemed to have no problem with sticking to the plan.” Caity said, referencing one of their newest friends, Natalie Drake who had actually come through with her own Star Trek themed costume.

“Yeah, and Natalie’s almost as big of a nerd as you.” Laura retorted

“I’m sure she would take that as a compliment.” Caity smirked.

Natalie Drake was a fellow cheerleader of Caity’s and the two had made an instant connection while performing at football games. Not long after she had introduced Natalie to Laura and the trio hit it off well. Natalie quickly became a pivotal part of their tiny friend group and they did everything together. Natalie came from a wealthy family but you would never know it by talking to her. She was very down to earth and not stuck up like every other rich person Caity had previously encountered.

“Hey, that reminds me,” Laura said, changing from her playful tone of voice. “Where is Natalie? I haven’t seen her since we first got to the party hours ago.”

“I dunno,” Caity said. “She hasn’t been responding to any of my texts.”

Suddenly Caity and Laura heard a noise to their left and a clump of bushes near a mail box began to shake violently. Clearly something, or someone was amongst the brush. Laura stifled a gasp and Caity tensed, trying to remember the select few self defense moves she had stashed away in her mind. Caity clutched her Phaser tightly and raised it, pointing the toy weapon towards the noise. While it couldn’t actually shoot deadly laser beams, it might fool a would-be mugger in the dark just long enough for a quick getaway, Caity thought. The rustling of leaves became more intense, and suddenly the bushes burst open as a lone figure jumped out from a hiding place within.


Caity and Laura both screamed at the top of their lungs, sending an echoing shriek through the neighborhood. Before Caity could fully process what had just transpired she heard Laura scream again.

“Natalie?! What the heck?”

Out of all things Caity had imagined might be hiding in those bushes, she hadn’t envisioned seeing Natalie Drake stumble out of the darkness. Natalie was a petite young African American woman who stood at around 5′ 10″ with light brown skin, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. In tune with the Star Trek theme Caity has preplanned, Natalie wore a similar one piece dress with pantyhose and a pair of knee high leather boots. But in contrast to the gold of Caity’s attire, Natalie’s costume was a deep red color and her brown hair was cut short into a simple bob. Natalie stood in the middle of the sidewalk with her arms raised into the air, as if to project herself as big and scary as she could. As Laura and Caity struggled to catch their breaths a wide smile spread across Natalie’s face.

“I got you!” She yelled cheerfully.

“Yeah, Yeah. You got us.” Laura said, trying not to sound annoyed.

Natalie laughed as if she had heard the funniest joke of all time. “You have... no idea how long... I’ve been waiting in that bush.” She choked out in between fits of giggling. “It was... so worth it!”

“You know, we haven’t seen you for like three hours.” Caity said, not hiding her contempt. “It’s like you disappeared as soon as we got to the party! Is this where you’ve been the whole time?”

“No... of course not! I’ve been... around.” As Natalie said the words she lifted her finger in the air and twirled it around in a sloppy gesture. Caity quickly noticed something wasn’t quite right about Natalie’s behavior. Her eyes seemed hazy, she walked with a noticeable wobble, and her speech was significantly slurred. Caity suddenly felt dumb for not catching on quick enough.

“Um, how many drinks did you have back there?” Caity asked.

Natalie’s face took on a tone of concentration and she didn’t immediately answer. Instead she held up her hands and began counting her fingers belligerently. “One... two... five.... eight... six...” She trailed off and giggled to herself once again. “Um... I lost count.” She finally added.

“Too many. The answer is too many.” Laura cut in.

Caity knew that Natalie had turned 21 recently, and she was apparently taking full advantage of the legal drinking age. She was quickly developing a reputation as a party animal, but Caity had never seen her quite this hammered.

“This is not good.” Caity said with a worried tone.

“Oh, it won’t be so bad. Drunk people can be... fun.” Laura said cheerily.

“No, you don’t understand.” Caity replied firmly.

“What are you talking about?”

“I...” Caity paused, obviously not wanting to say her next words. “I kinda promised her boyfriend that I would keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t drink too much.”

“You what?!”

“Derek said she had a few mishaps lately and he’s been worried about her. You know how he is.”

“So Derek trusted you to keep her from falling off the wagon, and you just... forgot to watch her?”

“How was I supposed to know she was some kind of,” Caity hesitated, searching for the right word.” Alcoholic?!”

“Hey! I’m not an alcoholic,” Natalie cut in suddenly. “I just... don’t want the fun to end sometimes.”

“Well you had one job... and you failed miserably.” Laura finally said.

“So, are we going to eat?” Laura asked. The trio had previously made plans to meet up with some other friends at a restaurant after the party.

“No, no. We have to get her home,” Caity insisted. “If Derek sees her like this he’ll kill me, and probably her too.”

Natalie let out a drunken giggle. “Yup... we’re in big... big trouble.”

Both Laura and Caity grabbed each of Natalie’s arms, draped them across their necks and proceeded to drag their incoherent friend back to their dorm room. It was a struggle to carry the girl up two flights of stairs and several long hallways, but they managed to make it without garnering too many weird stares from fellow students. Conveniently Natalie’s dorm room was directly across the hall from Caity and Laura’s room. Once they arrived the two carried Natalie into her room and laid her down on her bed. During the trip Natalie had already fallen asleep several times while being carried, and now it seemed she had fully succumbed to her slumber. Laura carefully removed the knee high boots from her feet revealing Natalie’s pantyhose encased toes.

“Let’s hope she sleeps it off.” Caity said as she grabbed a woolen blanket and covered the peacefully sleeping young woman. They turned out the lights and left the room, crossing the hallway to their own dorm room. Soon after Caity realized that in addition to being absolutely exhausted by the workout she had gotten while carrying Natalie, she had also developed a splitting headache. She decided to stay in while Laura left to grab a bite to eat with their friends. As soon as Laura left Caity took an aspirin and immediately flopped down on her bed, not even bothering to remove her costume. She laid on her bed peacefully for a while, her eyes closed and breathing soft and shallow. She slowly began to drift off, her mind becoming hazy as sleep began to take her. She had almost lost consciousness when...


A loud thud in the hallway made Caity shoot up in bed. She slung her booted feet over the side of the bed and hopped to the floor, jogging to the door and opening it. She did so slowly at first, opening it to only a small crack that she could carefully peer through. But suddenly she caught sight of the noise’s source and slung the door open wide.

“Natalie!!” Caity exclaimed.

"There on the floor, crumpled in a heap, was Natalie Drake. Natalie had managed to exit her dorm room, leaving the door wide open behind her, and was attempting to make her way out of the building. She had seemingly taken no notice of her missing boots and was still only wearing the translucent pantyhose on her feet. She had only made it about five feet down the hallway before she fell face first into the floor. Natalie seemed uninjured by the fall, but she was clearly not interested in staying down.

“Oh, hey, Cay... Cay... Tee.” Natalie stammered out as she sat up on the floor.

“I thought you were asleep?” Caity asked.

“Me? Sleep... sleeping? Naaaah... The night is still young!” Natalie used both hands to grab a hold of a nearby door handle and hoisted herself upward.

“I think your night is over, girl.” Caity grabbed one of Natalie’s arms and hoisted it over her shoulder, supporting most of the unstable woman’s weight. “Alright, it’s back to bed with you.”

Natalie frowned. “Bed? No, no, no, no! The club, Caity... the club! I’m meeting Derek...”

“I don’t think so...” Caity said, nonchalantly cutting her off as she guided Natalie back towards her room.

Suddenly Natalie pulled away from Caity, ripping her arm free and planting her feet solidly on the floor. “Now you... list...en here... Cay... Tee! You are not... the boss of me! I am twenty one years old! If I wanna go out and party... you can’t stop me!”

Natalie finished her grand proclamation by waving her finger in the air and pointing it directly at Caity’s face. As she did Caity heard a metal clanging sound and noticed the rest of her fingers were tightly enclosed around a set of keys. Caity instantly recognized them as the keys to Natalie’s car. Caity finally realized that the situation was now much more serious, and dealing with it would require much more finesse then she realized.

“Okay, okay!” Caity said, putting on a defeated tone. “You’re right, you can do whatever you want. But if you’re going out I’m coming with you.”

Natalie leaned against the nearest wall trying to stabilize herself. Hearing Caity’s words she did her best to straighten her posture in determination. “Fine! Let... let’s go!” Natalie turned to continue down the hallway towards the stairway.

“No, no!” Caity said as she grabbed Natalie’s arm and turned her around, guiding her in the opposite direction. “I know a shortcut to the club.”

The two women walked back down the hallway from which they came. Caity opened the door on the right side and motioned for Natalie to enter first. Apparently the girl was far too drunk to notice that she was entering Laura and Caity’s dorm room and not some secret “shortcut”. Caity stepped inside behind Natalie and closed the door, and then, as quietly as she could, locked the door’s deadbolt. Caity had definitely not thought this through and had no idea what to do next. Her only goal at the moment was to keep Natalie confined and safe for as long as possible. Natalie stumbled around the room briefly and then turned to face Caity.

“Hey... this isn’t the way to the club.” She said, finally realizing Caity’s plot.

“You’re right,” Caity said, cheerfully. “We’re not going to the club. We’re gonna have an epic party right here.”

“What? In your... room?”

“Of course!”

Natalie’s expression turned sour as her mouth twisted into an angry snarl. “You... you tricked me!” She spat out the words like venom.

“Nat, please, this is for your own good.” Caity held up her hands in a pleading motion, but Natalie wasn’t having it.

“I’m outta here!”

Natalie stumbled forward, but Caity remained standing between her intoxicated friend and the door. Natalie attempted to push past her but Caity stood firm, holding Natalie at bay by her shoulders. Caity quickly realized that Natalie was much stronger than she appeared, and her reflexes we’re still surprisingly intact. Natalie grabbed Caity’s arms and attempted to throw them to the side. She continued forward and Caity was forced to fall back a few steps to stay in front of Natalie. Natalie took advantage of her forward momentum and pushed harder, finally getting past Caity and reaching for the door. But Caity returned with a counterattack, latching onto one of Natalie’s arms and yanking her backwards, so hard that the young woman stumbled backward away from the door. Natalie plowed into Caity once again, this time knocking Caity to the floor and loosening her grip on Natalie’s arm. Now fully off balance from the altercation, Natalie was now awkwardly walking backwards trying desperately to get her feet back under her body. Unfortunately even a sober person would have had trouble recovering from such a fall, but for a very drunk Natalie Drake, she was doomed.

Natalie continued falling backwards, flailing her arms wildly in an effort to break her fall. Luckily for Natalie her fall was quickly turning into an arc towards the left, which sent her tumbling back-first onto Laura’s bed just a few feet away. After landing hard Natalie laid on the bed for a brief moment, clearly exhausted and dizzy from the altercation. Caity was momentarily terrified that Natalie was about to throw up on Laura’s bed, but the girl held on to what was left of her composure. Natalie quickly rose up into a sitting position, clearly ready to fight her way back to the door if she had to. But Caity was also ready, hopping to her feet and moving swiftly towards where Natalie sat. Before Natalie could react Caity tackled her, shoving her back onto the bed. Caity was now fully on top of Natalie, her legs straddling Natalie’s waist.

“Gotcha.” Caity said victoriously. She immediately felt Natalie beginning to wiggle underneath her.

“Get... off... me... Cay... Tee!” Natalie squirmed violently beneath her but Caity stood firm.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Caity declared. “I...” She started to speak, but the glint of something metal nearby immediately caught her attention.

There, sitting on the bedside table, was a shiny pair of metal handcuffs. Considering Laura’s obsession with bondage it was far from surprising to see one of her “toys” lying around their room. But Caity was still surprised by how they had been conveniently placed within her grip right when she needed them. Upon seeing the handcuffs Caity had an epiphany, and immediately acted on it. Caity quickly loosened her grip on Natalie just enough to flip her friend over onto her stomach. Caity then grabbed the pair of handcuffs in one hand and one of Natalie’s arms in the other. She slapped the metal cuff around Natalie’s wrists and tightened it before her captive even realized what was happening. Upon feeling one of her hands be cuffed and whisked behind her back Natalie giggled.

“Oh, so you... wanna have THAT kinda party, eh?”

Caity grabbed Natalie’s other wrist and cuffed it. “Laura is gonna be really excited when she finds out you’re enjoying this.”

Caity dismounted from Natalie’s back and hopped back to the floor, seemingly confident she had regained control of the situation. Natalie, now with both hands cuffed together behind her back, didn’t immediately try to get up.

“Oooooh, I’ve been a naughty girl, haven’t I?” Natalie said in the sexiest sounding voice she could muster. “Are you gonna spank me, Caity?”

“I just might.”

Caity grabbed Natalie by one arm and flipped her over onto her back. She then hoisted Natalie up into a sitting position on the bed and immediately noticed a smug look on her face.

“So... what are you waiting for?” Natalie’s eyebrows bounced up and down seductively.

“God, I hope you don’t remember any of this.” Caity rolled her eyes and walked to the other side of the room. She opened the mini fridge that she and Laura shared and rummaged the contents. “Okay, we’ve got to get you sobered up, and apparently you’re not just gonna sleep this off.”

She pushed aside a half empty carton of milk and some energy drinks, along with some Chinese leftovers that should have been thrown out weeks ago, but none of that would be useful at the moment.

“I might need to text Laura and see if she can bring something back,” Caity raised her voice, as if to ask a question to Natalie. “Do you think you’ll behave and stay here long enough for-“

Caity glanced nonchalantly back to where Natalie was sitting and froze. The girl was gone! Caity frantically glanced around the room to see where she might be hiding, but she couldn’t see her anywhere. Caity looked towards the door and saw that it was now wide open, and Natalie was nowhere to be seen! Caity frantically dashed to the door and quickly glanced right and left. Just then she caught sight of something red moving fast near the end of the hallway.

“There you are.” Caity said under her breath just before sprinting at full speed down the corridor.

Natalie immediately noticed her pursuer and quickened her pace. Unfortunately for Natalie her drunken wobbling only intensified as she ran, and with her hands bound behind her she had no way to properly balance herself. Natalie glanced back once more to see how much Caity was gaining on her, and in doing so she wasn’t watching where she was going. She suddenly veered to the left, slammed into the wall and tumbled to the floor. Caity caught up to Natalie just a few seconds later, kneeling beside her and hoisting her up into a seated position on the hallway floor.

“Nat! Are you alright?” As soon as Caity uttered the words she heard Natalie giggling. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Caity finished. Caity sighed deeply and fell against the wall, exhausted. She slid down the wall and sat right next to her handcuffed friend. Natalie smiled, seemingly amused by the entire situation.

“What are you gonna do now, Caity? Tie me up?”

“Don’t tempt me.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Laura was really starting to regret her choice of Halloween costume.

She wasn’t the type to get embarrassed easily, but she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with all the strange stares she had gotten from various onlookers while walking to and from the restaurant. Apparently she was the only one in the neighborhood wearing a metal bikini and people were starting to take notice. The dinner itself had been fun, despite the fact that she had lost count of how many times she had been hit on. Apparently there were plenty of dudes, and even quite a few ladies around that wanted their own personal slave princess. And while role playing as a slave girl was definitely on Laura’s bucket list, she wasn’t comfortable handing her leash over to some stranger. She told herself she should be flattered, but it mostly just felt creepy. On top of that, the temperature outside had been dropping steadily as it got later and the walk to and from the eatery was especially frigid for Laura being as scantily clad as she was. She wasn’t sure if “Slave Leia” wore a jacket in those Star Whatever movies but she sure wished she had one, and she didn’t give a darn about screen accuracy at this point.

Laura finally made it back to the dorm room she shared with Caity James. She nonchalantly twisted the smooth round door handle, expecting the door to pop open as it had a thousand times before. But instead it didn’t move an inch, causing Laura to bump into the door unexpectedly. She jiggled the handle a few more times in frustration but it still didn’t open. Clearly the deadbolt on the inside had been locked, which was unusual since both herself and Caity rarely deadbolted the door, especially when they were out. Laura fumbled through the purse slung over her shoulder and pulled out her keys. She shoved one of the keys into the lock above the door handle and twisted it until it unlocked.

The door swung open and she stepped inside a dark and quiet room. The only light in the room came from the windows opposite of the door where the bright white light of the full moon outside filtered through the glass. Laura could see the faint shadow of a human shape sprawled in the bed to the left. Laura fumbled for a light switch and flipped on the main overhead light, bathing the entire room in yellow-tinted light. Laura could now see that Caity was lying on her bed fast asleep, but oddly she was still wearing the gold Star Trek costume and black boots she had worn to the party. Had the girl really been so tired that she failed to change out of her clothes? Just then Caity stirred and used her hand to cover her eyes from the bright light.

“Oops, sorry.” Laura said, apologizing for waking her friend.

“Mmpppphh!” Laura suddenly heard a sound behind her, one that almost sounded like a muffled voice. Laura turned around and gasped.


Laura was absolutely stunned to find Natalie Drake laying on her bed opposite of Caity. She was still wearing her red Star Trek dress, minus the knee high boots. But it wasn’t simply her presence that alarmed Laura. Natalie was lying face first on the bed and her hands had been pulled behind her back and handcuffed. A hefty amount of white rope had been wound around her elbows and upper arms binding them tightly together. More of the same rope had been wrapped around her legs above the knees and at the ankles. Her knees had been bent and the rope from her ankles had been tied to the handcuff chain, leaving Natalie in a makeshift hogtie. A red ball gag had also been placed in her mouth, virtually silencing her.

“Caity, what did you do?!” Laura yelled in shock.

“What did I do? It’s what she did that’s the problem!” Caity said, jumping out of bed ready to defend her actions.

“But she was asleep!” Laura protested.

“Yeah, for about two seconds. Then she went into full drunk maniac mode after you left!”

“And you decided that kidnapping her was your best option?”

“I freakin’ saved her life! She had her car keys! She was gonna drive herself to the club! I couldn’t just let her go. What did you expect me to do?”

“I dunno. Anything but this!”

Laura was still beside herself knowing that Caity had decided to bind and gag Natalie seemingly against her will. It was true that Laura enjoyed bondage, but only when it was consensual. Whenever Caity and Laura would play bondage games and tie each other up they were always conscious of each other’s wishes. Laura would never even dream of tying someone up if they didn’t want to be. Mostly because, well, doing so was literally illegal.

“And did you really have to gag her?” Laura pressed on.

“Well, she wouldn’t shut up and I needed sleep.”


“Look, as soon as she’s sober we can untie her and-“

Before Caity could finish she was cut off by an unexpected noise coming from just outside the door. Caity, Laura and Natalie instantly froze in recognition of the noise and listened intently. Suddenly they heard a voice yell “Nat! Are you in there?” Laura slowly and quietly approached the door, despite the fact that her metal bikini costume and the chain hanging from her collar clanked softly everywhere she went. Laura rose up onto her tiptoes to peek through the peephole. Through the tiny window she could see a tall muscular African American man standing at Natalie’s door on the opposite side of the hallway. After knocking a couple of times he turned the handle and the door opened. “Nat?” He said again as he entered the room.

“Oh no!” Laura said in horror.

“What?” Caity asked.

“It’s Derek.” Laura responded in a frantic whisper.

Since Natalie had clearly been missing for several hours her boyfriend Derek had apparently taken it upon himself to track her down. Laura locked the door’s deadbolt and placed the locking chain over the opening.

“Mmppph!” Natalie said in recognition.

Most of what Laura knew about Derek came via reputation. Derek was a 6' 2", 220 pound linebacker for the college football team who had been with Natalie for over a year and was known for being very overprotective of his girlfriend.

Caity glanced at Natalie. “If he finds out-“

“Hey! Anybody home?” Derek was now pounding on Laura and Caity’s door and yelling even louder.

“I’m sure he’ll understand... won’t he?” Caity asked, as if pleading for reassurance.

“Oh yeah, sure. What’s their not to understand?” Laura’s voice then took on a mocking tone. “Oh, hi Derek. By the way, your girlfriend is drunk and tied up in my bed and we’ve been holding her hostage here all night! So how are things with you?”

“Oh yeah, it sounds real good when you say it like that.” Caity remarked.

“Well it’s the truth!” Laura retorted.

“HEY! Open the door!” Derek yelled, the pounding of his fists on the door intensifying. Laura moved towards the door cautiously.

“You cannot answer that door!” Caity warned.

“If I don’t open it he’s gonna break it down!”

Laura unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door to a small crack, which was as much as the chain would allow. As soon as she did she could see a large round face staring down at her through the crack in the door. But the face wasn’t brown like Laura had expected. It was... green? Laura quickly realized that Derek was shirtless and wasn’t wearing any shoes. The only thing he was wearing was a pair of purple shorts. The rest of his body was covered in bright green paint. It took Laura only a second to realize that Derek was “dressed” as the Incredible Hulk for Halloween.

“Oh, Hi! You must be Derek," Laura began. "I’ve heard so much about y-“

“Have you seen Nat?” He asked, immediately cutting her off. “She was supposed to meet me at the club downtown after your little sorority party, but she never showed.”

“Nat? Nope. Haven’t seen anyone named Nat tonight.” Laura reassured herself that the statement was technically true, but she didn’t expect Derek to buy it.

And he didn’t.

“Don’t play with me, Star Wars girl. If you know where she is, tell me!”

Just then, Natalie let out a loud moan from underneath her ball gag. “MPPPHHHMM!” Laura’s eyes went wide in horror.

“Hey, that’s Nat! She’s in there! Let me in!!”

Derek’s voice rose even louder and he reached his hand in through the crack in a vain effort to remove the chain holding the door closed. Laura, fearing that Derek was trying to grab her, ducked behind the door and shoved it as hard as she could backwards.

“OW!!” Derek exclaimed as his arm was pinched in the door jam due to Laura’s effort. “OPEN THIS DOOR!” Derek yelled again as his giant green hand flailed from within the gap in the door.

“Uh oh. You made him angry. You’re not gonna like him when he’s angry!” Caity commented from the background, seemingly having picked up on Derek’s choice of costume from the giant green arm now wedged in the door.

“You’re not helping!” Laura growled as she strained to hold the door back.

Finally Derek pulled his arm free of the door jam and the door slammed closed. Laura rested herself in the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’d get out of the way if I were you.” Caity said nonchalantly.

“Why?!” Laura exclaimed.

“Because the Hulk is about to smash.”

Just then Laura realized what Caity was trying to say. She quickly rolled to her right, positioning herself to the side of the door just as it was hit by something hard and fast. The impact made the door swing open violently, snapping the chain holding it closed and slamming the door handle into the wall opposite of Laura. She screamed in response and covered her face to protect herself from the cloud of dust and tiny splinters of wood that suddenly filled the air around her.

“Nat!” Derek yelled as he burst through the door.

Natalie rocked back and forth in her hogtie in recognition, letting out tiny “Mpphms” of happiness. Derek knelt down beside Laura’s bed and clutched Natalie’s cheek tenderly. Upon examining his bound and gagged girlfriend Derek stood and turned to face Caity with rage in his eyes.

“You! What did you do to her?” Derek raised his voice in fury.

Caity met his glare and responded in haste. “I was protecting her, Derek!”

“Is this what you call protecting her! You tied her up and gagged her! And I’m supposed to be grateful?”

“You damn well should be! If it hadn’t been for me Natalie could have...” Caity stammered, clearly considering what words to use next. “...hurt herself.” She finally finished, the Fury she had conjured earlier now gone from her voice.

“Hurt herself? What the hell does that mean?” Derek asked, bewildered.

“She means she’s drunk,” Laura cut in from behind them. “Like, really, really, really drunk!”

Derek balled his fists and breathed heavily, and for a moment it looked as if he was legitimately going to “hulk out” in rage. “I trusted you, Caity! How could you let this happen?”

“Look, Derek, I’m sorry! Alright?” Caity’s voice was now full of genuine remorse.

“Nuh-uh! 'Sorry' ain’t gonna cut it this time!” Derek paused, considering his next words. His eyes fell over Laura’s box of bondage toys. “I think I’m just gonna have to teach you girls a lesson.”

Caity and Laura swallowed hard and looked at each other with worried expressions.

“What do you mean by that?”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sam Davis was sure he was breaking a few laws by driving as fast as he was, but he didn’t care. He had been forced to spend all of his Halloween night at work and he wasn’t about to waste another single second of the holiday. Sam was eager to check in on his girlfriend, Caity James, whom he had been wanting to spend time with all night. He had been informed via text from her roommate Laura that Caity had turned in early after attending a sorority Halloween party because she wasn’t feeling well. So Sam had decided to pick up a bouquet of flowers and a bag of twizzlers — Caity’s favorite candy — and drop them off them in an effort to hopefully make her feel better. And although Sam didn’t want to admit it, he did have an ulterior motive for the visit.

The fact remained that the last time Laura passed the word along that Caity was under the weather he had later found out that the redhead was stashed away in their dorm room trapped in a set of heavy shackles. And then there was the time he had found the duo bound, gagged and stuffed into a gym locker under mysterious circumstances one night after a football game. Caity and Laura were both well meaning girls, but it seemed they always had a knack for getting themselves into trouble, and occasionally that included being tied up and in need of rescue. And if Sam was being honest, he didn’t mind seeing his gorgeous redheaded girlfriend all tied up and gagged. He had to admit she looked even sexier when she was trussed up with ropes or chains. But he also couldn’t help but worry that the two of them could get into some serious trouble if they were ever tied up by the wrong people.

As Sam approached the dormitory he noticed some type of commotion happening out in front of the building complex. Three large dorms that were at least eight stories tall were positioned around a medium-sized courtyard, and at the center of the courtyard was a tall metal flag pole. Sam couldn’t tell what was going on, but there was clearly a large crowd of students gathered around the flagpole. Sam quickly parked his car and dashed up into the crowd to get a closer look. Most of the students in the crowd were dressed in a variety of Halloween costumes, presumably on their way to or from the various events and parties happening nearby. Sam pushed his way through the crowd and finally made it within sight of what was causing such a fuss, and it made his jaw drop.

At the bottom of the flagpole he could clearly see two women; on the left was a redhead with blue eyes and pale freckled skin, and on the right was a slightly shorter Asian girl with dark hair and green eyes. The redhead was dressed in a long sleeve gold dress with a mini skirt and black leather knee high boots. The Asian girl was wearing a very revealing gold bikini with brown boots.

“Caity? Laura?” Sam asked under his breath.

The two young women were standing facing each other with the flag pole between them, but they weren’t there willingly. A length red rope had been used to bind Caity’s arms behind her back, pinning them tightly together at her elbows and wrists. Rope had also been cinched at her knees and around her booted ankles. Her mouth had been stuffed with something thick and bulky, filling her cheeks and held in place by a few strips of silver duct tape over her lips.
Opposite her, Laura was bound quite differently with her arms wrapped around Caity, as if in a hugging gesture, and her wrists were cuffed together behind Caity’s back, and around the flagpole. A pair of leg irons had been locked to her ankles and the chain connecting them had been wrapped around Caity’s ankles, thoroughly securing both of their feet together. A red ball gag had been stuffed into Laura’s mouth, silencing protests that she clearly wanted to express but couldn’t. And to top everything off, a significantly large amount of white rope had been wound around both women countless times, creating a tight web of rope around Caity and Laura that kept them attached to each other and the flagpole.

A steady stream of students came rushing up to the flagpole to snap photos of Caity and Laura, some even stopping to take selfies with the bound and gagged women. Sam, after silently studying the scene, started to step step forward but stopped himself. Glancing to his right he noticed a younger and shorter man next to him wearing an old school hockey mask and carrying a large fake plastic knife, clearly trying to emulate Jason Voorhees. Instantly an idea popped into his mind and he was surprised at himself for having such a thought. But the more he considered it the more he knew this was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. He tapped the smaller guy on the shoulder and gazed down at him.

“I’ll give you twenty bucks for the mask and knife.”

The man glared back at Sam with a look that asked “Are you serious, dude?” The look fell away when he saw Sam holding a crumpled twenty dollar bill between two fingers. Sam guessed the mask and faux weapon didn’t cost much more than five dollars altogether. Realizing that the trade was immensely in his favor the man smiled.


Sam quickly put on the mask and brandished the plastic knife. Twenty dollars was a steep price to pay for such trinkets, but he knew it would be worth the money. As he strolled towards the front of the crowd Sam remembered that there were many things Caity and Laura didn’t see eye to eye on, but there was at least one thing they agreed upon; horror movies. More specifically, they’re intense hatred of them. While neither would admit as much, Sam knew they were both absolutely terrified of anything in the horror genre, and Caity was especially creeped out by Jason Voorhees from Friday The 13th. Sam took a few steps forward and broke through the front of the crowd, making himself fully visible to his bound and gagged friends. He walked slowly but with purpose, keeping the knife pointed down and making himself look as big and menacing as possible. At first neither girl noticed him, but suddenly Caity looked toward him and immediately reacted.

“MPPPPPHHH!” Caity let out a muffled scream of terror that alerted Laura to Sam's presence.

Sam continued forward as more gasps and shouts went up through the audience that gathered around them. Both Caity and Laura were now staring directly at the masked individual coming towards them and were viciously trying to escape their bonds. Caity twisted her arms and wiggled her whole body in a vain attempt to free herself, to no avail. Laura also wrenched and jerked her arms and legs trying to find a weakness in her own chains, but none appeared. Clearly whoever had tied up the two women had known what they were doing. Sam drew closer and their struggling became more desperate. He was now within a few feet from Caity and Laura and their terror was almost palpable. Sam stepped towards Caity and lowered himself so that his face was just centimeters from hers. She winced and closed her eyes, her entire body trembling in fear. Realizing he had probably gone a bit too far at this point Sam lifted the Jason Voorhees mask to reveal his light skinned face, brown eyes, and brownish-blonde hair.

“Boo.” Sam said in a soft warm voice.

Caity’s eyes snapped open and she gazed upon the welcomed sight of her boyfriend’s face. Her entire body deflated in relief. Laura had a similar reaction and let out a relieved “Mppphh....” in response. But as soon as they understood the full scope of what they just experienced Caity and Laura’s relief turned to anger.

“Grrrmmpphh!” Caity growled. Laura seconded the notion with a cold stare that almost scared Sam.

“Well, if you’re not happy to see me I can just leave you like this for a while longer.” Sam said with a smirk.

Caity and Laura’s eyes practically bulged out of their sockets upon hearing that. Their anger immediately faded and it was replaced by muffled pleading from behind their gags.

“Okay, okay. You convinced me.” Sam said, throwing up his hands in defeat.

He turned around to address the congregation around them. “Alright, guys. Show’s over!” He announced, raising his voice so everyone in the vicinity could hear. “I think they’ve been through enough.” The crowd, clearly disappointed by the order, began to disperse.

“Cute costumes, ladies.” Sam said, drawing closer to Caity and Laura. “By the way,” He said, gesturing to Caity. “Which Star Wars character are you supposed to be?”

Caity rolled her eyes.
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Post by slackywacky »

Good story. Thank you for posting.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by BobaFettish1 »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Good story. Thank you for posting.
Thank you for reading! 😁
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Post by Caesar73 »

BobaFettish1 wrote: 3 years ago
slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Good story. Thank you for posting.
Thank you for reading! 😁

A fine idea! And I liked the costumes very much :)
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Cute and Adorable Story Thank you for sharing
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Great story!

Would like to hear more of Caity and Laura!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 3 years ago Cute and Adorable Story Thank you for sharing
You are most welcome! :)
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Risperdaltied wrote: 3 years ago Great story!

Would like to hear more of Caity and Laura!
You'll be happy to hear that chapters 19 - 21 of the main "Agent 38" series is a short story involving Caity and Laura, set prior to 'The Halloween Hostage'. ;) ... -819151391

And I am most certainly planning more stories with Caity, Laura AND Natalie for the future. I can't wait to share them with you guys. :D
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