Surprisingly On Time (M/FF)

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Surprisingly On Time (M/FF)

Post by Skizzo »

Bri had met Steph at their usual coffee hole downtown for 9am as usual. They had chatted and nothing of note was really going on in the girl’s lives. Work was dragging on; family was healthy and personal lives missing that special someone. Steph has mentioned a nice cash bonus at her job and mentioned some ideas of what to do with it. Bri mentioned better internet, since anytime she was over it crashed and was generally unreliable.

They made plans to hangout the next week, Steph had taken her friend's advice and stepped up her internet package, so instead of the normal coffee meetup she had to stay home to wait for the installer. They never give a normal window, its always some 6-hour time frame with the guy showing up 5 minutes before it's too late or just not at all, they never show up on time.

Bri had departed and headed to do her own shopping and headed back to Steph's in the early afternoon for a day of sweatpants and binging some series online. She pulled up to her friends building and noted the panel van parked in front. Surprised the technician was on time, she headed up to the lobby of the building. She buzzed Steph and to her surprise was buzzed in, usually her friend would check who it is but didn't waste time and headed to the third floor.

She knocked at Steph’s door, but there was no answer. Another knock and still no reply. Being best friends, Bri had a key, and knew if she wasn’t home, she would just make herself at home and wait like usual.

The key slid in, but the door wasn’t locked. Opening the door Bri looked around while taking off her shoes and headed in. There was a toolbox opened by the entrance. ‘I guess the internet guy is here.’ Bri thought. The apartment had two bedrooms, Steph’s and a spare she kept as an office. The kitchen, dining room and living room were all connected, and the open bathroom was vacant so her friend could only be behind one of the two other doors.

‘Steph you home?’ Bri asked aloud, the second bedroom door handled turned and out stepped a man in a blue unmarked jumper, a look of surprise when he saw Bri inside.

‘Oh hello!’ He stated in a very cheery manner, ‘Sorry we didn’t hear you, your friend is in the office there, she was helping me with the internet install, I’ve just got to get something from my box there and you’ll be ready to go!’ He stooped down to the open box by the doorway and Bri headed towards the office, curious as to why he closed the door behind him. She grabbed the handle and opened the door, inside the office was an L-shaped desk in the corner, with a desk chair and computer. She gawked, Steph looked nothing like she did last time she saw her.

In the desk chair was Steph, her hands bound with zip ties to the arms of the chair. Another couple were strung together and wrapped around her ankles and knees. The bottom half of Steph’s face was wrapped thoroughly in black tape. Longer strands of zip ties were attached together and wrapped around her torso to the back of the chair, her face red from struggling and frustration. Before a step could be taken towards Steph, there was a musty smell forced under her nose, and she soon fell asleep.

Slowly awakening, Bri found herself on her stomach, looking at Steph’s computer screen. Her mouth covered with the same black tape, her friend struggling in the chair beside her. Her hands and feet were tight behind her back, held into a tight hogtie with the same cable ties that held Steph to her chair.

‘Alright’ the man in the jumpsuit’s voice could be heard behind her. ‘This was fun, I got what I came for. Also who hides their money in a coffee tin anymore? I heard about your install at the shoplast week and couldn’t help myself. Hopefully your actual installation guy won’t be too late like they usually are, or better yet not show up at all.’ He chuckled as he left and room and closed the door, leaving the two girls to struggle in wait.