Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Final Part 5/9/21) (Concluded)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

What story in the Weekendverse would you like to read next?

Another Peter/Markus story- a continuation from this work, with a sexy ski trip
Another Peter/Markus story- the beginning of their relationship
A story with Markus, Peter, and Liam
A vignette about Luke, the sexy TV host
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Post by gag1195 »

Part 6: Release

Peter tested his new predicament by flopping meekly a few times after Markus returned to his d&d session, not that it would have made any difference. Even if he managed to get free, it wouldn’t change the outcome of the challenge. Bound by his word, more so than by these ropes, Peter was his boyfriend’s plaything all weekend. Would he have enjoyed dominating his devious partner for the next several days? Absolutely. But Peter would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited for everything Markus had planned for him, smelly socks and all.

He also noticed the lower intensity of the cock ring vibrations. It was a small relief, but the constant sensation was keeping his cock erect. Already he could feel the involuntary twitching and moaned long and low.

Peter lifted his head slightly and looked on into the office. Markus, despite calling out attacks and making dice rolls for an ambush of plant monsters, was barely breaking his gaze on Peter. The anger and competitive frustration was gone, replaced with a hungry desire.

“Mmmmph mmphh hmmmmp phmmm mm!” Peter tried calling out, testing the thorough gag Markus had applied. He waited, checking to hear if his noise attracted any unwanted attention from the group. Nothing. Peter formulated a plan. I may as well get as much enjoyment out of this hour as I can…

Riding the constant vibrations, Peter once again let his mind wander, giving in to the various kinky fantasies swirling in his mind.

Once again Peter stood over his spread eagled boyfriend, Markus grunting helplessly behind the tape gag. Peter continued to stroke his own cock as he watched his boyfriend struggle against his bindings. He watched the struggling for a few minutes before reaching down and jerking Markus’ cock ring clad member. The adorkable teacher was puddy in his boyfriend’s hand, and was about to climax when their bedroom door silently swung open. Stepping out from the darkness of Peter’s fantasy was the sexy tv host Luke.

Luke stood there, almost naked except for a tight neon green speedo, muscles bulging, smile sparkling, hair perfectly coiffed. Peter let go of both cocks he was stroking, ignoring the whimpers from Markus, and silently coaxed Luke over to his side. Peter stroked the host’s perfect, beautiful cheek, before grabbing a fistful of Luke’s hair and forcefully pulling them into an intense kiss. The two moaned into each other’s open mouths, at the same time that Markus groaned in frustration, reaching helpless with his bound hand. He wanted so desperately to join them, but was powerless to do so.

Peter broke off the kiss and quickly spun the dazed tv personality around, and with equal swiftness, had his hands secured in rope cuffs. He pushed Luke down onto the bed and on top of Markus, who cried out in pain as the hunk of muscle fell over him. The cry changed to one of pleasure as Luke, who landed with his head close to Markus’ pelvis, instinctively leaned in and began kissing and nuzzling the eager cock standing erect before him.

Peter took the opportunity to pull off those green speedos and then bound his new captive’s ankles. He pulled Luke away from Markus’ cock, reveling in the moaning complaints from both men. Once again taking a fistful of Luke’s hair, Peter held the speedos up to the host’s lips, who sheepishly opened his mouth. Peter crammed them in, lingering long enough to trace the perfect and plump lips with his thumb. He began wrapping the roll of duct tape around Luke’s head.

“Mmmmmm..” He heard Luke cry out…

“Mmmmmmmmmmppphh!” Peter echoed, crying out himself as he climaxed again into his tight jeans. He kept his eyes tightly shut. He couldn’t look at Markus right now, couldn’t deal with that smug smile.

But… Markus hadn’t stopped the cock ring from vibrating. He hadn’t tried to stop Peter from climaxing a second time. Was he too busy with his friends? Was he taking pity on his bound boyfriend? Whatever the reason, Peter decided to seize the opportunity while he still could.

Focusing once again on the pleasure pulsing into him, he distantly heard Bobby and Dave arguing over how best to torture a bandit the group had just taken hostage. Hmm, I could think of a few things. He thought to himself before another fantasy took him.

Peter lay on the bed, his wrists tightly bound together above his head and roped to the headboard. His ankles were similarly bound to the foot of the bed. He was staring into Markus’ deep brown eyes. The lower half of his face was completely wrapped in black and yellow construction tape. Peter grunted, and found that he was gagged in a similar fashion. Markus’ wrists were tied behind him, and he sat on the bed, straddling Peter’s hips. Peter felt bindings securing Markus’ ankles to Peter’s calves. They were both naked and erect.

Both were struggling, but it was mostly for show. Transfixed as he was in watching his bound boyfriend straddle him, Peter hardly noticed Luke walk over to the bed. The sexy host was dressed in his show attire, that is to say, only in extremely tight jeans and a toolbelt. No tools of the trade were attached to his hips, however. They had been replaced with a plethora of kinky toys. Without a word, Luke retrieved a bottle of lube from his belt. He began a liberal application on Peter’s cock and Markus’ exposed hole, before guiding Peter’s member closer… closer…

Back in reality, Peter had begun humping the air. Lost in his dreaming, he could have fucked a hole in his jeans and wouldn’t have cared.

Luke moved the bound Markus into position to accept his boyfriend. Peter thrusted, slow at first, slowly getting faster. Markus rolled his hips back and forth, riding his bound boyfriend. Luke pulled out a vibrating wand from his belt and began massaging Markus’ exposed cock with it. Markus continued to ride his boyfriend, the pair of them screaming into their tape gags until they came at the same time.

Peter huffed and puffed, completely out of breath, having climaxed once more. He couldn’t see it, but he could feel now the large cum stain seeping into his jeans. He didn’t care. He managed to open his eyes and focused his attention on Markus.

“...And as you try to carry the stolen treasure back to your stolen ship, the waters in the cove erupt, and a massive scaled serpent bursts from the waves. He stares hungrily at Sarai and Aster, who are holding onto the chest. He lunges at you two… And that’s where we’ll end it for the night!” All of Markus’ group complained, begging for a little bit longer, not wanting to end on such a cliffhanger.

But Markus could not be swayed. “Sorry everyone. I promised Peter just one more hour, and besides we still need to make dinner. I’ll message everyone in a few days to schedule our next session. Have a great night and a great weekend everyone!”

As the group said their goodbyes, Peter looked over at the clock. 9:30. And hearing Markus mention dinner caused Peter’s stomach to growl. He had almost forgotten that they hadn’t eaten yet. He moaned in intense relief when he felt the vibrations from the cock ring finally die.

“Did you enjoy yourself my dashing rogue?” Markus asked as he came into the bedroom.

Peter blushed, then nodded and grunted as Markus knelt down and began undoing his ankle restraints. He gathered up the rope that secured Peter to the bed and held it loosely in his hands. Grabbing hold of Peter’s legs, Markus pulled his boyfriend to the edge of the bed, allowing Peter to sit up.

Peter hoped that Markus would finally untie his wrists and arms, but deep down he knew better. Instead, Markus took the rope in his hands and tied it in the middle of the chest ropes, forming a lead. He then helped Peter stand up, and wrapped his strong arms around his bound prize.

They stood there like that for a few moments, Peter nuzzling his head against Markus’, before Markus began peppering kisses all over Peter’s tape gagged lips.Peter knew that Markus loved gag-kisses, and had probably been waiting that whole last hour to do exactly this. Peter leaned into the embrace and kisses, before Markus abruptly stopped. Taking his end of the rope lead in hand, he started walking out of the bedroom, and Peter was forced to follow.

Markus led Peter down the hall, passed their spare guest room (which was used exactly 3 times a year by the occasional visiting friend or relative) and the guest bathroom, before he was led into the main living space. It was an older ranch house, built in the mid 90s, and belonged to Markus’ grandmother before she passed. He inherited the property, and even though it was out in a quiet suburb, it was completely paid off, so Markus happily moved in. Most of the main house was this rather large living room. At the far end was a wall that divided the living room and kitchen, a small breakfast nook connecting the two. A more formal dining room was on the other side of the kitchen by the front door, separated by a coat closet and an honest-to-god built in bar. Despite being a ranch, the ceilings were quite high, necessitating an impressively sturdy oak rafter and an offset column dividing the large room into more defined spaces.

They passed the stacked stone fireplace against the back wall and crossed into the breakfast nook. Unless they were doing serious entertaining, the couple exclusively used the nook for their meals. Markus pulled out a chair and sat Peter into it, angling him so he faced the small but updated kitchen. Another peck against the tape gag, and a pinch of Peter’s nipple, and Markus left his boyfriend to watch him cook their dinner.

“It’s getting a bit late for dinner, so I figured I’d do a simple pasta. Low effort ya know?” Markus said to his boyfriend, as if it were a normal night, and as if Peter could respond meaningfully. “I thought I would make one of your favs, italian sausage and pesto!” Peter smiled through his gag at that.

He watched Markus set the water to boil, before beginning to chop the sausage and peppers. He paused briefly to pull out his phone and put on his disco playlist. Peter groaned as his tone deaf boyfriend began singing along to Abba’s greatest hits. Markus finished chopping the sausage and peppers and poured the box of pasta into the now boiling water.

“Mmmmm mmmph hm!” Peter called out to Markus, hoping his boyfriend would take pity on him and untie him… or at least remove the gag! Markus looked up and smirked at Peter’s pleading face.

“You can dance! You can jive! Having the time of your liiiife!” Markus screech-sang into the wooden spoon he was using to stir his noodles. After getting his sausage and peppers sauteing in the pan, he set everything down and grabbed a pack of mints from the bowl on the counter. He popped a mint into his mouth, then turned to smile at Peter, showing the mint carefully held between his teeth.

He danced his way over to his bound boyfriend, and slowly began unwinding the tape, being careful not to pull off any hair. He pulled off the remaining strips and undid the knot in the bandana cleave gag. He pulled the bandana free of Peter’s lips, and helped Peter expel the jockstrap from his mouth.

Peter tried to say something, but Markus forced his lips onto his boyfriends, practically attacking his mouth. The kiss was passionate, but over too soon. When Markus broke away and went back to his cooking, Peter found that he was now in possession of the mint. He happily began sucking on it, allowing the peppermint flavor to finally take away the lingering musk of the jock and socks.

“Thought you might want to clean the taste of my socks and jock out of your mouth before dinner.” Markus commented, stirring his sausage and peppers and adding another dash of salt to the pasta pot.

“Babe, that was so hot… all of it!” Peter said, then quickly added after Markus silently raised an eyebrow. “But seriously, you know I’m gonna get back at you eventually right?”

“Eventually being the operative word. Speaking of, you know you are in for it this weekend right?” Peter stared at his boyfriend, confused. “Those extra orgasms? I told you that after I won, you wouldn’t be cumming until I said so… and I don’t recall saying so either time.”

“But I.. you.. The ring… fuck.” Peter stammered. “It’s not my fault I have a vivid imagination… or a sexy boyfriend that knows how to keep me satisfied.” he tried to butter Markus up.

Markus laughed. “Nice try babe. But you’re still gonna get it.” He drained the pasta and was now combining the noodles, sausage and peppers, and the pesto sauce. He spooned two servings into bowls and brought them over to the table.

Peter twisted around as best he could, and started waving his hands up and down, indicating his desire to be untied to eat. Markus ignored him and instead stabbed a forkful and held it up to Peter’s lips.

Peter sighed, but smiled at his boyfriend’s attentive nature coming out, and accepted the food. They settled into easy conversation about their day, not having an opportunity to talk earlier this evening.

“...And of course these same students that dozed off during my test are the same ones who are failing their math classes.” Markus vented.

“But babe, you suck at math too.” Peter teased.

Markus pulled the latest forkful away from Peter’s mouth. “And that’s why I’m dating an accountant.” he offered up the food again, which Peter quickly snatched up.

“Well that’s not the only reason…” Peter goaded between chews.

Markus took his own bite and contemplated his boyfriend while he finished chewing. “Hmmm… No, I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason.” He teased, laughing at Peter’s huffs of indignation.

After dinner, Markus cleared the table, dropping the dirty dishes in the sink before returning to his boyfriend and helping him stand up.

“Babe can you please untie me? My arms are so sore right now. And I need to get out of these jeans and boxers. Please!” Peter begged.

“Ok, ok. You do have a point.” Markus nodded, and began untying Peter’s chest and wrists. The rope fell away and Peter immediately reached up, then down, stretching his arms that had been pinned to his side for over three hours.
“Ok, go use the restroom, take off all of that, and when you come back, I want to see you in those sexy purple boxers. And yes you can take off the ring.” Peter gladly accepted the orders. After all, Markus was in charge for the weekend. He went back into the bedroom and quickly removed everything he was still wearing- jacket, boots, socks, and cum stained jeans and boxers. It felt so good to be free of his tight fitting boots and pants. He pulled off the cock ring and set it down on the bathroom counter. He donned his purple boxers after using the bathroom, and returned to the living room, just as Markus was coming out of the guest bathroom.

“I figured we could take it easy for the rest of the night, after our little competition. Thought we might put on a movie and just cuddle. Thoughts?” Markus proposed. Peter eagerly nodded. After his intense night in bondage, he was ready for some relaxation. Markus led him over to the couch and set about finding a movie for them to watch.

TING! Peter was startled by his text notification. With the evening he was having, he had completely forgotten that his phone was still on the couch, left behind when Markus suggested had originally taken him back to their bedroom.

“Hey Pete, I know you said you’d be busy this weekend, but I hope you find time to watch the big game. Can’t wait to take your $100! Go Hawks! Also say hi to Markus for me!- Liam”

Shit. Peter had forgotten all about Sunday’s football game. His college team, the Spartans, was facing off against Liam’s team, and of course they had made a bet weeks ago. Liam was his best friend, cubicle-mate, and fellow part time model. If his team won, Peter would never hear the end of it. He had to catch this game, he just couldn’t hear the results from Liam on Tuesday.

“Hey babe, any chance we could catch the game on Sunday?” Peter brought out his best puppy dog eyes, pushing his lips out into the biggest pout he could manage.

Markus shook his head and ruffled Peter’s hair. “Oh how quickly we forget who’s in charge this weekend!” He stared at his pouting boyfriend and sighed. “Fine, ok. Maybe. Maybe if you behave this weekend, You can watch it Monday night. I need to finish some grades, so maybe I can work on that while you watch the game.” Markus then set the game to record. “You are very lucky that you’re cute.”

Peter beamed and quickly fired off a taunting text back to Liam. Markus Settled on The Sound of Music, and as the overture started, and the camera swept over the mountains, Markus pulled the phone out of Peter’s hands. Setting it on the end table, he took a length of rope Peter hadn’t noticed before, and quickly tied Peter’s wrists together in front of him.

Markus got up and grabbed a blanket from the closet, and mimicking Maria’s heartfelt mountaintop spin, rejoined his boyfriend back on the couch. After he sat down, Peter adjusted himself to lean against his captor, letting his head rest on Markus’ hairy chest. Markus pulled the blanket around them, and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend.

They debated the attractiveness of Christopher Plummer for a bit before Markus shifted his arm and handgagged his boyfriend, silencing any further protests. Peter hummed into his boyfriend’s hand and settled in to enjoy the rest of the movie. Markus used his other hand to occasionally play with Peter’s nipple. Peter wasn’t sure what Markus had in store for him for the rest of the weekend, but at this moment, he didn’t care. This is right where he wanted to be.

Hey everyone, A slightly longer update this time! I wanted to wrap up Markus and Peter's Friday night so we could settle in for the rest of their weekend! I've got a somewhat busy week ahead of me, so I wanted to get this update out now. I am going to use my time to plan and adjust my outlines for the next parts of this story! Updates may be a bit slower for a bit, so enjoy this slightly longer chapter!
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Post by cj2125 »

I'm loving this story! Can't even decide what was my favorite part! Peter's fantasy sequences or their "conventional" dinner and movie night! The two ae adorable and I love how you managed to find the balance between them being devious and loving of each other at the same time!
gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago Both were struggling, but it was mostly for show. Transfixed as he was in watching his bound boyfriend straddle him, Peter hardly noticed Luke walk over to the bed.
I'm pretty sure Peter fantasizes of having a threesome with Markus :lol:, if there is not going to be a threesome in this story, you might want to consider writting one eventually ;)

MountainMan_91 wrote: 3 years ago ps I love the dnd additions... With all of us interested in dnd we should totally start a campaign together! :)

I would second the dnd idea haha
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Post by Volobond »

Another masterstroke of a chapter! (Get it? Because... stroking... never mind :oops:)

If there was one thing hotter than the multiple orgasm-inducing fantasies of Peter, it's Markus and Peter's relationship! Starting from the chest harness leash, continuing to the ADORABLE bad singing while Peter is unable to protest, to the transfer of the mint (oh, so smooth - and the GAG KISSING! YAY GAG KISSING), and topping it all off with the adorable bound movie session! I don't know whether my blush was from horniness or the adorable sweethearts! Either way, you have cemented these two in my top ten TUGS literary couples!

Also... I am very intrigued by Luke - gonna have myself some fantasies about the hunky construction worker ;) And is it just me... or is anybody else getting the hint that we might be seeing Liam a bit more later? Ah, don't mind me, I'm just in overdrive from this awesome chapter!
Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago You must have quite an extensive list now! I like to imagine it as a vellum scroll and you with an outrageous, over-the-top, peacock feather quill carefully inscribing names onto it with beautiful calligraphy!
Yes, with a hunky bound man serving as my lectern and another as my chair! ;) I won't reveal the contents of my list but suffice it to say that no hunk is quite safe from my clutches! Muahahaha :D

...I would third the dnd idea lol

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Post by squirrel »

Fantastic story [mention]gag1195[/mention]. So glad you posted photos of Peter and Marcus; the guys are super hot and the story is even more exciting now :)

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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Superb addition!

The relationship between your two characters is really refreshing! I love it!
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Post by Socksbound »

Just for singing ABBA I think Markus should have been the one to spend the weekend tied and heavily gagged. As for the chapter itself I love the dream sequence and the relationship you’ve given them. I’m with [mention]Volobond[/mention] I have a feeling it’s not just the two of them all weekend.

As for dnd I’ve never played but I’m down to try. I can be the dashing rogue kept exactly like Peter if need be ;)
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Post by Volobond »

Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago Just for singing ABBA I think Markus should have been the one to spend the weekend tied and heavily gagged. As for the chapter itself I love the dream sequence and the relationship you’ve given them. I’m with [mention]Volobond[/mention] I have a feeling it’s not just the two of them all weekend.

As for dnd I’ve never played but I’m down to try. I can be the dashing rogue kept exactly like Peter if need be ;)
*gasp* YOU should be heavily tied and gagged for disparaging ABBA! ... or was that your plan all along? :o You ARE a dashing rogue! ;)

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Post by Socksbound »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago
Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago Just for singing ABBA I think Markus should have been the one to spend the weekend tied and heavily gagged. As for the chapter itself I love the dream sequence and the relationship you’ve given them. I’m with @Volobond I have a feeling it’s not just the two of them all weekend.

As for dnd I’ve never played but I’m down to try. I can be the dashing rogue kept exactly like Peter if need be ;)
*gasp* YOU should be heavily tied and gagged for disparaging ABBA! ... or was that your plan all along? :o You ARE a dashing rogue! ;)
U-u-ummm no that wasn’t my plan..... ;) wasn’t trying to diss anyone’s taste in music, was merely suggesting he sing something else. Perhaps Elton John ‘there’s something about the way you look tonight’??? Corny I know but that would have given me a chuckle with Peter bound and gagged at the time :P
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Post by cj2125 »

Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago
Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago Just for singing ABBA I think Markus should have been the one to spend the weekend tied and heavily gagged. As for the chapter itself I love the dream sequence and the relationship you’ve given them. I’m with @Volobond I have a feeling it’s not just the two of them all weekend.

As for dnd I’ve never played but I’m down to try. I can be the dashing rogue kept exactly like Peter if need be ;)
*gasp* YOU should be heavily tied and gagged for disparaging ABBA! ... or was that your plan all along? :o You ARE a dashing rogue! ;)
U-u-ummm no that wasn’t my plan..... ;) wasn’t trying to diss anyone’s taste in music, was merely suggesting he sing something else. Perhaps Elton John ‘there’s something about the way you look tonight’??? Corny I know but that would have given me a chuckle with Peter bound and gagged at the time :P
The court agrees with the defendant's suggestion regarding singing a more appropiate song, yet we have to conclude that you have failed to convince us that you weren't disparaging ABBA, hence, with the powers invested on me as a mod, I made the entirely biased judgment of finding the defendant, [mention]Socksbound[/mention], guilty and condemn him to be tied, gagged and forced to listen to the entirety of ABBA's discography in a permanent loop until he rejects his blasphemous claims. Court adjourned! :joy:
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Post by gag1195 »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago
Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago

*gasp* YOU should be heavily tied and gagged for disparaging ABBA! ... or was that your plan all along? :o You ARE a dashing rogue! ;)
U-u-ummm no that wasn’t my plan..... ;) wasn’t trying to diss anyone’s taste in music, was merely suggesting he sing something else. Perhaps Elton John ‘there’s something about the way you look tonight’??? Corny I know but that would have given me a chuckle with Peter bound and gagged at the time :P
The court agrees with the defendant's suggestion regarding singing a more appropiate song, yet we have to conclude that you have failed to convince us tat you weren't disparaging ABBA, hence, with the powers invested on me as a mod, I made the entirely biased judgment of finding the defendant, @Socksbound, guilty and condemn him to be tied, gagged and forced to listen to the entiredty of ABBA's discography in a permanent loop until he rejects his blasphemous claims. Court adjourned! :joy:
If I had used the lyric "You're a teaser you turn them on... Leave 'em burning and then you're gone!" Instead, would that have been more thematic? Regardless, I agree. I think @Socksbound needs some time (bound and gagged of course) to fully appreciate the majesty that is ABBA!
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Post by gag1195 »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago I'm loving this story! Can't even decide what was my favorite part! Peter's fantasy sequences or their "conventional" dinner and movie night! The two ae adorable and I love how you managed to find the balance between them being devious and loving of each other at the same time!
gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago Both were struggling, but it was mostly for show. Transfixed as he was in watching his bound boyfriend straddle him, Peter hardly noticed Luke walk over to the bed.
I'm pretty sure Peter fantasizes of having a threesome with Markus :lol:, if there is not going to be a threesome in this story, you might want to consider writting one eventually ;)
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago Also... I am very intrigued by Luke - gonna have myself some fantasies about the hunky construction worker ;) And is it just me... or is anybody else getting the hint that we might be seeing Liam a bit more later? Ah, don't mind me, I'm just in overdrive from this awesome chapter!
Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago I’m with [mention]Volobond[/mention] I have a feeling it’s not just the two of them all weekend.
Sorry to disappoint, but this weekend is just between Markus and Peter. Don't worry though, I have plans for Liam for future installments of this little 'verse im creating!
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Post by gag1195 »

@cj2125 @Volobond @squirrel @MountainMan_91 @Socksbound

Thank you so much for your kind words! Markus and Peter are probably my favorite characters I've ever written, so I am extremely happy that you all are enjoying their interactions!
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Post by Socksbound »

gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago
cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago
Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago

U-u-ummm no that wasn’t my plan..... ;) wasn’t trying to diss anyone’s taste in music, was merely suggesting he sing something else. Perhaps Elton John ‘there’s something about the way you look tonight’??? Corny I know but that would have given me a chuckle with Peter bound and gagged at the time :P
The court agrees with the defendant's suggestion regarding singing a more appropiate song, yet we have to conclude that you have failed to convince us tat you weren't disparaging ABBA, hence, with the powers invested on me as a mod, I made the entirely biased judgment of finding the defendant, @Socksbound, guilty and condemn him to be tied, gagged and forced to listen to the entiredty of ABBA's discography in a permanent loop until he rejects his blasphemous claims. Court adjourned! :joy:
If I had used the lyric "You're a teaser you turn them on... Leave 'em burning and then you're gone!" Instead, would that have been more thematic? Regardless, I agree. I think @Socksbound needs some time (bound and gagged of course) to fully appreciate the majesty that is ABBA!
As much as I don’t think I’ve received a fair trial and it appears I’m more than out numbered. I guess an appeal is out of the question???

I’m not sure I will learn the majesty of Abba as you have put it but you guys can use it as some kind of torment for me.
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Post by gag1195 »

Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago I’m not sure I will learn the majesty of Abba as you have put it but you guys can use it as some kind of torment for me.
Majesty may be a bit strong, I admit. I just really love ABBA. And if it means that I (like Markus) need to be bound and gagged to keep me from belting out the songs, then so be it. I accept my fate!
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Post by cj2125 »

gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago
Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago I’m not sure I will learn the majesty of Abba as you have put it but you guys can use it as some kind of torment for me.
Majesty may be a bit strong, I admit. I just really love ABBA. And if it means that I (like Markus) need to be bound and gagged to keep me from belting out the songs, then so be it. I accept my fate!
So [mention]Socksbound[/mention] is bound and gagged listening to ABBA and you are bound and gagged to be stopped from singing to ABBA? I can get behind that ;)

Also, doesn't matter what you say, for me is now canon that at one point in their life together Peter tied and gagged Markus just to stop him from singing :joy:
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Post by gag1195 »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago Also, doesn't matter what you say, for me is now canon that at one point in their life together Peter tied and gagged Markus just to stop him from singing :joy:
Who's to say it won't still happen at some point...? :twisted:
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

As the others have said I'm really enjoying the relationship between these two characters, particularly some of their sillier interactions. I'm a big fan of being silly! Particularly enjoyed Peter's imagination, Markus feeding Peter dinner and the mint pass. They seem like a great couple.

Sorry [mention]Socksbound[/mention] I'm afraid I'm going to have to come down on the side of ABBA as well, although preferably well sung. I think the far more questionable choice is the 'Sound of Music' for the film. I may have to start running now...

I'm trying really hard not to mention maths! I must accept and embrace our differences!
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Post by gag1195 »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago Sorry [mention]Socksbound[/mention] I'm afraid I'm going to have to come down on the side of ABBA as well, although preferably well sung. I think the far more questionable choice is the 'Sound of Music' for the film. I may have to start running now...

I'm trying really hard not to mention maths! I must accept and embrace our differences!
Poor Markus is feeling so attacked right now- Attacked for his singing, his song choices, his movie choices, even his math skill! How quickly the court of public opinion changes its mind! I guess Markus will just have to stubbornly carry on with his old soul music and movie choices until someone stops him!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago
Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago Sorry @Socksbound I'm afraid I'm going to have to come down on the side of ABBA as well, although preferably well sung. I think the far more questionable choice is the 'Sound of Music' for the film. I may have to start running now...

I'm trying really hard not to mention maths! I must accept and embrace our differences!
Poor Markus is feeling so attacked right now- Attacked for his singing, his song choices, his movie choices, even his math skill! How quickly the court of public opinion changes its mind! I guess Markus will just have to stubbornly carry on with his old soul music and movie choices until someone stops him!
To be clear, I'm not attacking his skill at maths - more the lack of the requisite letter 's' in the spelling! (Basically being your classic British tw*t when it comes to US vs UK spelling! Please ignore me, peddling tired jokes instead of original comic content!) :D

I still stand by my vote for Markus to remain in control!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by gag1195 »

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the beginning of Markus and Peter's Saturday! Hope you enjoy!

Part 7: Morning Routine

Peter woke up, groggy and confused by his surroundings for a moment. He was laying in bed, and he could feel Markus’ form pressed up against his back. He attempted to rub the sleep from his eyes and inadvertently smacked himself in the face with his hands… which were still bound together. Now more awake, realization dawned on Peter.

The movie had gone on til well past midnight, and Peter, already exhausted from his hours bound and gagged, had begun to drift off. He couldn’t help it, he was so comfortable laying against his boyfriend, and his boyfriend gave off heat like a space heater. Plus, handgagged as he was, he couldn’t keep himself awake with conversation.

He vaguely remembered the movie ending, the chill seeping in when the blanket was thrown off of the pair, and Markus pulling him up and guiding him back to the bedroom. He also recalled now more vividly the difficulty of performing his nightly routine with his hands lashed together. Somehow he had managed to brush his teeth and moisturize his face before quickly peeing and finally settling into bed. Markus had performed a similar routine before joining his prize under the covers. Markus removed his contacts, placing them in their case on the nightstand, before wrapping his arms around Peter. The couple quickly drifted off with Markus big spooning his dashing rogue.

That is where Peter found himself right now. His boyfriend dozed quietly behind him, one arm resting across Peter’s waist. Peter stared at the clock. 9:44. Peter shifted, trying to wake his limbs up. He chuckled when the arm around his waist instinctively tightened and pulled him back closer to his still sleeping boyfriend.

“Hey babe, you awake?” Peter softly spoke over his shoulder, already knowing the answer. Markus slept like a rock, or more accurately, a dead man. Peter knew that only two things could wake his boyfriend: Markus’ alarm, which somehow managed to rouse him against all odds, or a natural disaster striking the house.

Maybe this is for the best. Peter thought. Maybe he’ll sleep the day away and won’t get a chance to do anything. I could spend the day like this… Peter snuggled closer into his boyfriend’s body, soaking up as much heat and musk as he could.

With his hands bound in front of him, Peter was able to reach his phone, which Markus had graciously brought with them after the movie and plugged in to charge. Liam had continued to text into the night, and checking his phone now, Peter saw it was a string of taunts and jabs at his school, team, coach, and game record. On any other weekend, Peter would have fired back immediate responses, but given his night, he resorted to send some early morning taunts instead.

“Mornin bro! Missed these pathetic insults last night cause I was with my smoking hot boyfriend. I see you had nothing and no one better to do last night, given all these messages.You seriously need to get laid!”

He fired off a few more texts, returning the insults about schools and mascots and coaches, before ending with, “Got the game set to record, and I’ll be watching it on monday. Won’t be checking my phone til then. Enjoy your long lonely weekend alone Liam. PS Markus says hi!”

He angled his phone to snap a quick pic of Markus sleepily spooning him, making sure nothing bondage related could be seen in the shot. He quickly sent that picture along with his final message to Liam before returning his phone to the nightstand.

Peter lay there for another ten minutes or so before he finally heard the high pitched beeping of the alarm and felt his boyfriend stirring awake.

“Morning my dashing rogue.” Markus yawned before leaning in to lightly peck at his boyfriend’s shoulder.

“The dead rise!” Peter called out in mock fear, poking fun at his still half asleep captor. He yelped in surprise as Markus dug his fingers into Peter’s abdomen, ruthlessly tickling him. “I take it back! I take it back!” Peter managed to cry out, breathing deep when Markus finally relented.

Peter allowed himself to be turned over so he was now facing his other half. Markus Lifted Peter’s arms up, and slipped his head through the gap, forcing Peter to wrap his arms around his boyfriend’s neck and shoulders. Without uttering another word, Markus began kissing his captive, soft and sweet, almost chaste.

Both moaned as the kiss intensified. Peter ran his bound hands through Markus’ bedhead, grabbing hold and yanking his boyfriend’s head deeper into the kiss. Markus hummed and began exploring Peter’s mouth with his tongue. He continued for a moment, before breaking the kiss, ending by biting Peter’s lower lip and pulling it with him as he broke away.

“Fuck babe I could stay here all day…” Peter practically whispered, hoping his captor would agree with him.

“I could too…” Markus whispered back, giving Peter a brief moment of hope. “But I have other plans for my captive rogue.” Markus began untangling himself from his bound boyfriend. “But first things first, let’s get ready for our day.”

He pulled the covers off of them and Peter instantly felt the chill creeping into his nearly naked form. Markus grabbed hold of Peter’s hope bindings and pulled him out of bed, pulling him into the bathroom, but not before grabbing another small length of rope.

He maneuvered Peter into the shower stall, turning him around and pressing Peter’s back against the blue tiled wall beneath the showerhead. Markus raised Peter’s bound wrists up, and quickly secured the rope cuffs to the fixture. He then helped Peter out of his boxers, tossing them onto the floor next to his discarded dress socks. Markus’ sweatpants soon joined that growing laundry pile. His devious captor then reached behind Peter and started the shower.

Peter braced himself as a cascade of ice cold water began pouring over his head and running down his chest and back. “SHIIIIIT!” He cried when the freezing water reached his now shrinking erection.

Markus smirked, silently watching his boyfriend shiver and struggle as the water slowly warmed up to a temperature normal humans showered in. When the water was sufficiently hot, and the glass door began to slightly steam, Markus stepped in. Peter gazed longingly at his boyfriend’s body, watching the water trickling through his thick chest hair and disappearing into the small dark forest of hair below his waist.

Peter watched helplessly as Markus soaked himself in the torrent of water, and then slowly bagan lathering his shoulders and arms with the bar of soap. He continued, soaping up his chest and stomach, where Peter could just see the hint of his boyfriend’s ab muscles. Markus reached down and began scrubbing his legs, allowing his head to almost brush Peter’s once again erect cock.

“Please… please touch me!” Peter whined. It was barely 10 in the morning and already he couldn’t stand it. Markus ignored his boyfriend’s pleadings, and instead began shampooing his thick black hair. As he did, he turned his back to Peter, and backed up, allowing Peter’s member to just barely graze his crack before stepping away again.

Sufficiently lathered up, Markus allowed the water to wash the suds away. He turned back to face his strung up boyfriend. Without breaking eye contact with Peter, Markus slowly began to stroke his now squeaky clean cock.He kept his rhythm consistent, savoring the view of Peter straining to break free of the ropes and join in.

“Babe.. Markus… PLEASE!” Peter half-begged, half-roared at his boyfriend torturing him. Markus stopped stroking and stepped up to Peter. He leaned in as if to kiss him, and Peter followed suit, opening his mouth to accept his boyfriend’s tongue. Instead he tasted an awful soapy substance being crammed into his mouth. Markus was gagging him with their bar of soap!

“FFFFMMMMPH!” Peter tried to spit it out, but Markus held his cheeks firm.

“Keep that in your mouth until I say otherwise.” Markus commanded, and Peter meekly nodded trying not to gag on the taste. Markus stepped back and resumed stroking himself. He continued with his agonizingly slow pace, making Peter wait as long as possible. As he grew closer he finally increased his speed. He pumped hard, enjoying the muffled, soapy cries of Peter. Faster, faster, faster he pumped until…

“AAAAAAHHHH!” He came, coating Peter’s abs in thick white ropes. He watched as his mess was swiftly washed down the drain by the warm waters flowing down Peter’s muscles. He stepped closer to Peter and retrieved the soap from Peter’s Lips. Peter wanted to curse Markus out, but instead, he spit the soapy residue out of his mouth before doing anything else.

“Your turn.” Markus said before taking the soap in his right hand and gently massaging it into Peter’s chest.

“You know I’m gonna kill you, right?” Peter glared at his laughing captor.

“Sorry Babe, I had to do something about your morning breath. That kiss earlier was rancid!” Markus moved to lather up Peter’s abs and sides. He silenced Peter’s complaints with another kiss. “There, much better!”

Peter didn’t give him the satisfaction of an answer, and kept staring defiantly as Markus moved on to scrub Peter’s arms. He lightly tickled Peter’s armpits, hoping to break the stern look of the bound model, but Peter remained firm.

Markus bent down and began washing Peter’s legs and feet, purposefully avoiding anything too close to the pelvis area. Satisfied with his work, Markus returned the soap to its place in the shower wall and grabbed the shampoo once more. “Close your eyes.” He cautioned as he began to rub the shampoo into Peter’s blonde hair.

Peter followed instructions, letting his boyfriend massage the lather into his scalp. He felt Markus’ warm breath close to his mouth, lingering just far enough away to torture Peter with a ghost of a kiss.

As the shampoo washed away, Peter felt the rope binding him to the showerhead loosen and he immediately let his arms drop down in front of him, relief and blood flowing back into his arms that were beginning to ache. Markus continued to untie him, and for the first time in over twelve hours, Peter was free. Markus reached behind him to turn off the flow of water, taking the opportunity to pinch Peter’s firm ass cheek.

Markus then stepped out and grabbed two towels, tossing one to his newly freed boyfriend. “Dry off babe, then finish your morning route. Enjoy this freedom, because it won’t last long.” To emphasize that point, he slung the now soaking wet ropes over the top of the shower door so they could dry.

Peter nodded and began drying himself, wrapping the towel around his waist once he finished. He stepped out of the shower and immediately began brushing his teeth, scrubbing furiously to get the soap taste out of his mouth. He brushed his teeth and gargled with mouthwash 3 times before he could no longer taste the Irish Spring. He then moisturized and cleaned his face thoroughly, making sure his perfect skin was free of any potential pimples.

“Go ahead and use the restroom. You won’t have another opportunity for awhile.” Markus commanded as he finished brushing his teeth and hair. He stepped out of the bathroom to give his boyfriend some privacy.

When Peter was finished, he rejoined his boyfriend in the bedroom, but not before noticing that the cock ring was still on the bathroom counter. One less thing to worry about for now. He stole a glance at the clock. 10: 57. Still plenty of the day left for Markus to torture him. He stood in the middle of the bedroom, waiting for Markus to give him another instruction. Markus, wearing his thick rimmed dark glasses today instead of his contacts, was busy sorting through their box of supplies.

Peter waited for a moment before his curiosity got the best of him. “So, what do you have planned today?” He asked as politely as he could, trying to sound innocent, someone worthy of pity.

Markus paused and looked up at his towel-clad boyfriend. “Well, my dashing rogue. I figured we could start with lunch, which you will cook of course. Then, I plan to put you to work. We’ve let this house get filthy! Piles of dirty clothes in the bathroom, another here in the bedroom, boots and jackets strewn over the chair. I’m pretty sure there’s dirty dishes in the sink, and jockstraps and bandanas under the table. It’s an absolute pigsty!”

Peter was about to comment that most of those messes were Markus’ doing, but thought better of it.

Markus continued. “Since you were so well behaved this morning, I thought I’d let you choose your first gag of the day. You’ll wear it while cooking, and for a little while after we eat.” He dramatically swept his arm over their supplies as if he were displaying a prize on The Price is Right.

Peter didn’t fully trust his boyfriend or his motives, but stepped up to the box and began to consider his options...
Last edited by gag1195 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cj2125 »

YEAHHH! Another update! I really had fun reading this! You have a knack for writting extremely cute or sexy situation with a healthy dose of humor. I laughed when Markus shoved the soap in Peter's mouth. I'm even curious to know more about Liam! For a ghost character you've managed to show quite a lot of his personality through just a few text messages! Looking forwards to the next part (and eventual Liam spin off XD)
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Post by Volobond »

I'm practically crying from how adorable they are! Markus' shower teasing was both playful and sexy and he's just super hot to imagine. Can't wait to get Peter back in a gag!

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I think I need to have a cold shower myself after reading that! A fun and sexy chapter. I really do enjoy the way these two characters interact and the whole story is so well written. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

I really enjoyed that.

The development of Markus and Peter is at a good pace. I feel like Markus is way more mature and Peter is a little more impulsive? I mean, I might be wrong but this is the feeling I get from reading them... :)

The fact that I deduce this from what you produce, speaks volumes of your writing capability!
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Post by TightsBound »

Really glad I read this one! That initial bet was realistic and entirely plausible and pretty damn hot, I might have to use that next time I make a bondage bet. Looking forward to the rest of this Bondage Weekend!
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