Captured by my Cousins (mff/m)

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Captured by my Cousins (mff/m)

Post by Tugs4fun »

This is a true story of when I got tied up. If I remember right, I was 14 when this took place. I’ve changed a few contextual details and names but I did my best to tell it as accurately as I remember. It was both very exciting and also a little nerve-wracking at one point.

I mentioned this in Tug talk the other day, [mention]mr bob[/mention]

It was the summertime and we were at an outdoor party at my aunt and uncle’s house. All of my family and cousins were there, and a couple of their neighbors and friends also. Naturally almost everyone was outside since it was a nice summer day. At one point me and a couple of my cousins my age headed inside and went down to the basement. It was probably to get away from the adults so we could do what we wanted unwatched. I only had two girl cousins on that side of the family, twin 11-year-olds, the rest were boys, and there were four between age 10-15. I was fairly developed for my age, I had already had a growth spurt and weighed I’m guessing 150 lbs, and my baby fat was pretty much gone, my face had kind of matured by this point. I had I guess what you’d call dirty blonde or light brown hair.

Like I said, we ended up in my aunt and uncle’s basement, which was pretty nice. It was mostly finished, and it was nice and cool after a hot afternoon. Three of my cousins were down there, aged 10, 13, and 15. All of us played sports and could be kind of rough with each other, I played football and baseball. We basically started fighting with each other and wrestling, it wasn’t too hard, but it wasn’t for the faint of heart. At some point then, three other cousins made their way down the steps and were just hanging out at the bottom watching us. It was my cousin Tim, the youngest, and my two twin cousins, Amy and Kelly. Us older boys were kind of a macho/jock type group, and Tim never really fit in with us and would frequently tag along with Kelly and Amy. They were both 11, with dark brown hair and blue eyes but not identical. Them being the only girls sometimes us older boys didn’t really pay much attention to them, except for me, usually I would make an effort to do stuff with them, mostly regular cousin stuff. I would just talk with them or eat with them, play board games, give them piggyback rides, etc. I know Kelly had developed a little school-girl crush on me, Amy might have also, but Kelly for sure, she always liked to be near me.

They came down as we were beating on each other, which of course they stayed out of. At some point, the three of my other cousins ganged up on me. My two older cousins were trying to hold me down while the 10 year old, Andrew, was punching me in the body. I was way bigger than him, so his punches weren’t hurting me too much, I was more struggling to get free. As he was punching me, he was asking me questions like “tell me everything you know punk!” and “you’re gonna talk.” I just laughed at him and shoved him away when I got a free arm. After a while more like this, the three of them went upstairs and I think outside, I don’t know or remember why.

I was still laying on my back, catching my breath a little bit. I was wearing brown cargo shorts and athletic socks, and a white undershirt. I had a collared shirt on over but I had taken it off because I didn’t want to rip it or tear it. As I lay there, my three younger cousins approached me. Kelly told me she had wanted me to “win.” Tim seemed very interested in what we’d been doing, and he asked me what Andrew meant when he was asking me questions while punching me. I told him I guess it was like an action movie or something, he was trying to get information out of me. He seemed very intrigued and asked if we could play that now. I just kind of laughed a little, and Amy said “yeah let’s play! The three of us against Jason.” They said the three of them would have to find a way to make me give up things that I knew. I played along and told them fine but I’d have to take it easy on them since they were younger.

“Let’s get him!” Amy said with a laugh, and the three of them all jumped down toward me and started trying to beat on me. Of course, two 11-year old girls and an 8-year old boy, who was small for his age, weren’t doing a lot of damage. Their “punches” were more like bumps, but eventually Amy and Kelly tried to sit on my legs. I don’t remember how long this went on, but at some point, one of the girls asked what they should do, and Tim said “let’s tie him up!”

I almost did a double take when I heard this. At some point during grade school, I realized I liked seeing girls tied up, and even liked the idea of getting tied up myself. I would sometimes put my hands behind my back against a tree or things like that, but I never told anyone about this. I couldn’t believe Tim said this and I just sat there and was wondering what the girls would say.

They both laughed with excitement and Amy shouted out “good idea cousin Timmy!” She then pulled up on my arm and said “come on Jason, we’re taking you to the dungeon!” I was still so taken aback and stood up without saying anything. Amy ordered my hands behind my back, and they took ahold of me and started walking me to the unfinished part of the basement. It was in the corner, partitioned with a wall and a door. It was a pretty small area, it had some utilities, some tools, shelves, and a universal gym machine in the corner. I looked around and wondered where they were going to tie me. I was also nervous about getting discovered and didn’t know if I should let them do it. I stopped for a minute, and the two girls pulled and tugged at me, they said “come on prisoner, hurry up.”

The universal gym machine was L-shaped, with a hard, unpadded flat bench, and a circular, metal vertical base, which had the resistance bands and pulleys behind it. Amy pulled me over and told me to sit on the bench with my back against the base. Tim was definitely the driving force behind tying me up, but the girls were definitely liking the idea also, and Amy was a little more outspoken and “take charge” than her sister.

I wondered what they were going to use to tie me. The girls went into the tool locker and found some stuff. As you could imagine, an 8-year old boy and 11-year old girls weren’t really experts at knot tying. Amy produced a roll of duct tape and said they should tie my hands first. The machine was sort of back against the wall, so they sent Tim to maneuver down and behind to tie my wrists. He had a hard time at first, but eventually he made so many turns with the tape that my hands were secured behind the base of the machine.

With my hands restrained I was starting to realize that I was really getting tied up. The girls next told me to put my feet together. The girls had found a little bit of old rope in a plastic bin, it was almost like a scrap. The two of them knelt down and used this to tie my ankles together. They were giggling a little as they grabbed my ankles to tie them. At this point I thought that was all they would do, and after a little bit I kind of slouched down a little and started sliding down the bench. I couldn’t go too far obviously because my hands were bound behind the base.

I was again surprised when out of nowhere Tim told me to sit up. “Keep your back against the pole!” He told the girls they needed to tie me up more. I couldn’t believe it, and at this point I started to figure out that Tim must really enjoy tie-up scenarios. The girls looked around and found a jump rope. Amy came over and wrapped it around my chest and arms and then around the machine base. It was fairly tight, she tied it kind of middle of the arm and chest, and if I remember right my escape plan would be to work it up and then slip a shoulder under it. At this point though, I wasn’t really trying to escape and was just letting them bind me.

Once again I thought this would be it, and Tim again made a surprising move. I was wearing a leather belt that was pretty much exposed because I just had an undershirt on that didn’t reach down much farther than the waist. Tim walked toward me and reached down. My eyes bugged out for a second, I thought he was getting a little weird. He grabbed the buckle of my belt and jiggled it a little.

“We need more rope, let’s tie it around his belt and waist and to the pole!”

I gulped a little but just sat in silence. I should add that Tim was a bit of a spoiled brat and seemed to always get away with little transgressions here and there and his parents thought he was the nicest kid ever. In reality he was kind of a little brat. The girls found another old rope, probably less than 10 feet long. Tim grabbed it and then walked toward me and pulled it around my waist, and was trying to loop it around my belt and belt loops of my shorts. Again, he was 8 and seemed to struggle with it a little. Then Kelly came over and said she wanted to do it. Tim said fine and handed her the rope. She pulled it and as she wrapped it around my waist, she carefully wove it around my belt and belt loops. I couldn’t believe what these three were doing to me but I wasn’t complaining. I was at the same time worried that someone else would come down, so I was both excited and quite nervous.

Kelly was grinning as she tied my waist, and then Tim began almost narrating her work, although it was aimed at me. “We're tying you up… around your waist... over your belt, back to the pole.” Again, I was shocked how much Tim seemed be excited over tying me up. Finally Kelly finished and stepped back. It wasn’t super tight, it wouldn’t keep my back at 90 degrees forever, but it was another thing holding me in place.

With their work done they stepped back and looked at me, seated and tied to the metal pole. For now my back was at 90 degrees and I did a little half struggle, wiggling my arms and shoulders. The bonds were fairly effective considering their age. I knew I could escape, but it would take some time. Amy giggled and teased me “Ha-ha, Jason got tied up by two gii-iirls!” I made a funny face at her and told her next time they’d never capture me. I wiggled around some more since they seemed to like it and I wanted to test how tightly I was tied.

I don’t remember what the reason was, but Amy and Tim went upstairs after a little more time. I was nervous for a couple of reasons. First, we’d been down there a while and I thought an adult might come down and check on us, and second, I was worried one of them might go upstairs and say “hey, guess who’s in the basement tied to a workout machine!?” I’m thinking they went upstairs either to get something to eat or drink, or to find something else for our little game.

I do remember that Kelly was quick to volunteer to stay and “guard” me. Like I said, she had a crush on me in an innocent, school girl kind of way; it wasn’t really a secret, everyone thought it was kind of cute, although I was getting older now. She was a sweet girl and definitely the more passive of the two twins. I asked her, half kidding for our game and half serious, “how long are you going to keep me tied up Kelly?”

“I don’t know Jason, but I don’t think you can escape!”

Then I heard footsteps coming down the basement stairs. They were too heavy to be Tim. I panicked and looked around. Was there any way to hide? I looked, the door to the unfinished side had no lock. The steps continued. “Shoot. Shoot, shoot, shoot!” I thought to myself. I started struggling frantically and Kelly was just giggling as I pushed against the ropes. She started talking to me again as if our game was still continuing. I was frantically jerking my hands back and forth trying to loosen the tape. I could have come loose, but not in time if somebody came in.

The knob turned and I hear the door open. I was turning red with embarrassment. Seeing a relatively big and strong 14-year old tied up by an 11-year old girl, they’d know that I had let it happen.

My 15-year old cousin John entered the room. He didn’t say a word. Luckily, Kelly was still trying to talk to me, so I tried to make it look like I was occupied talking to her. John walked in and narrowed his eyes on me and didn’t say anything. I looked back at him for a little bit and smiled a little like “we’re just playing around.” He smiled very slightly and then shrugged a little like “eh, whatever” and walked away.

I was so relieved that first it was only john and not an adult, and second, he didn’t make a big deal out of it and left the room. Kelly was of course giggling still, enjoying the sight of me tied up still, particularly now that I was struggling so hard to get free. I asked her if she would untie me and she said I’d have to free myself. I thought about bribing her with something, but I didn’t want to get into playing games with negotiation.

Kelly had been standing near me the whole time and occasionally checking my ropes and tickling me side a little, and now she once again approached me and started feeling my shorts pockets. Then she started sticking her hands inside of them. I asked her what she was doing and she said something about how they’d forgotten to search their prisoner. All she found was a napkin and coins, things like that. She was probably looking for a phone. It was the summer before high school, so I don’t think I had one yet.

Still a little shaken up by John seeing me, I began to really try to free myself. The rope around my feet was not terrible tight, and over time had become looser. I decided to focus on my hands. I pushed myself up as hard as I could. Like I said the ropes weren’t super tight but it was still a struggle to raise up my torso. I was between standing and sitting and was jerking my hands against the pole trying to work at the duct tape. I was able to push myself up enough that my hands could reach some welded bolts and other material that was a little higher on the base and it was effective in stretching and eventually breaking the duct tape. This was turning into a little workout for me and Kelly was just staring at me the whole time. She was definitely enjoying it.

With my hands free it didn’t take long to untie myself. I’d already loosened the ankle rope quite a bit and quickly slipped my foot through the rope while pulling on the rope with my hands. I did the same with the jump rope around my chest/shoulders, and then finally got the rope around my waist. It was already loose, but it took a while to unwind it from around my belt and shorts the way they’d wrapped it around me. I’m guessing I was tied up for about 20 minutes.

Kelly had definitely enjoyed tying me up but she also seemed impressed that I was now free. I dropped the last rope and raised up my arms a little and said I’m all free. Then I told Kelly she’s lucky, I’m such a nice cousin I won’t even try to get revenge. I think she felt a little guilty, especially since John had seen me. She said it was Tim and Amy who I should blame anyway.

I told her I was of course kidding around about revenge and she looked down and laughed and then hugged me and asked if I wanted to go back upstairs/outside. We of course saw Tim and Amy upstairs and they didn’t say a word. As far as I know, my other cousin John didn’t tell anybody about it either, which I was very relieved about.

The rest of the summer and the next few months, every time I would see any of them, especially if they were all together, they would ask me “can we play our game again Jason?” Tim seemed especially enthusiastic about it for a long time. Amy one time even tried to put me in a double arm bar as she asked me. I always tried to shut it down right away because they always asked when adults were nearby. I would have gladly done it again if it was just the four of us, or just me and the twins. I was secretly hoping that the twins’ parents would ask me to babysit them but they never did, I was of still kind of young. If they had, there’s no doubt it would have happened again.

Hope you enjoyed the story, I certainly enjoyed the experience.
Last edited by Tugs4fun 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by FelixSH »

I certaily enjoyed it. Nice, sweet story. Thanks for sharing your memories with us.

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Post by Tugs4fun »

FelixSH wrote: 3 years ago I certaily enjoyed it. Nice, sweet story. Thanks for sharing your memories with us.
Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed it. I don’t know who enjoyed it more, me or my cousin :D
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great, cute story! I love it when everyone in the story is having fun. And Just like you, I would have been nervous when hearing someone come downstairs! Fortunately it turned out ok for you!
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Post by Tugs4fun »

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] yeah it would have been pretty bad if the whole family saw me!

I know you post a lot of these types of stories, glad you enjoyed it! Kind of a typical story of adolescent children and all that comes with that age. In hindsight I wondered if Kelly wanted to gag me :D
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Post by Ropelover28nj »

Sounds like it would have been fun🙂
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Post by Killua »

That's a cute story. I liked the part where you heard the footsteps, it reminded me on something which happened to me when I was younger which I completrly forgot about. Thanks for sharing it.
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