jb99 : 01 - Therapy Session (M/f)

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jb99 : 01 - Therapy Session (M/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

jb99's stories
01 - Therapy Session
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By jb99

Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:27 am

This is my first attempt at a story, so please be gentle with me.
Not sure whether it should be in the intimate or fiction sections so erring on the side of caution.
Feed back welcome, especially if you think the patient needs more therapy.

Therapy Session

A smile flickered briefly on his lips as he reached for his mobile phone. This could be the opportunity he"d been waiting for, he mused.

He found the speed dial he wanted hit the button and looked again at the computer screen

"Hello?" the voice at the other end sounded less than enthusiastic.

"That’s no way to greet your favourite uncle. How is my favourite niece?"


"That’s no good, especially if what I see on your Facebook page is true. Is it?"

"Ummm" hesitation "I told her to delete that comment. Anyway it’s a bit early for you to ask for a lift back from the bar".

"Don’t change the subject. I take it that it’s true then?

Jamie hesitated again "Suppose so" she mumbled.

Her Uncle Dave was referring to an entry on Jamie"s Facebook page which Jamie had admitted to having a problem when she was bored, and one of her friends, correctly as Dave had just discovered, had identified the problem as being resolved by retail therapy involving Jamie’s newly acquired credit card.

Jamie had recently graduated from high school, but her love of partying had meant that she didn’t have the grades to go to college. A bit of string pulling had secured her a job as a trainee legal secretary, and after a number of pep talks from her parents, and her Uncle Dave, Jamie seemed to be settling into the work routine.

"Well, I may have a solution to your problem."

"Really?" Jamie’s voice perked up noticeably.

Her Uncle Dave"s solutions to Jamie’s cash flow problems usually involved Jamie acting as his taxi driver.

"I’d have to pay for a cab, so I might as well pay you" was his answer when Jamie, none too convincingly, would feign reluctance to accept payment.

"How?" she continued, suddenly very much interested.

"Well you’ll need to come over to find out".

Not the answer Jamie was hoping for but there was a distinct opportunity here she thought.

"Well, I suppose I could fit you in then" Jamie tried to sound nonchalant.

"Well if it’s too much trouble..."

"20 minutes?"

"OK see you then, press the buzzer and I"ll let you in.

The buzzer went and Dave pressed the button on the entry phone.

He didn’t bother to speak, just left the door ajar and went back into the den.

He heard the door click shut and almost immediately his niece stood in front of him.

He looked her up and down.

She was about 5"8, slim with shoulder length brown hair pulled back into a pony tail, dressed in the ubiquitous teenager’s uniform of jeans, trainers and a fairly tight fitting hooded top. He was pleased to see that she had the hood down. She pushed her hands into the pockets of the top, causing the material to stretch over her breasts.

"Well, what’s the deal?

"Subtle as always" he laughed. "Hold out your hands and close your eyes. No peeking"

This was their routine every birthday and Christmas. Uncle Dave had even come good at High School Graduation, even though she"d flunked.

She did as bid, arms outstretched hands together palms upwards in expectation.

Dave waved his hand in front of her face but no movement. He’d caught her out one time and had not given her the gift as a punishment for peeking. She’d learnt that lesson well.

The two metallic clicks shocked her into opening her eyes. She held up her arms with disbelief on her face. Her wrists were cuffed together with a very sturdy looking set of handcuffs.

"Handcuffs?" was all she could think of saying.
"Very perceptive" came the dry response "Make use of that talent while you can, next birthday you won’t be a teenager any more and won’t know everything" This was another private joke between the two of them.
"This is a joke, right?"
"Not really, you can’t go shopping with those on, can you? It sounded like a challenge and Jamie bit, hook line and sinker, just as Dave hoped and expected she would.
"I can still get my credit card out of my purse and tap in the security number. She retorted.
"Mmmm, good point" Dave reached into his pocket and took out a key. He undid one of the cuffs. Grasping the still cuffed wrist he gently turned Jamie round, looking for signs of reluctance. There was a little hesitancy, but nothing to indicate that Jamie was seriously resistant. Time to go for broke.
"Give me your other wrist"
Again a little hesitancy before the wrist was offered and the cuffs secured.
Taking her by the shoulders he turned her around so that she was again facing him.
"A little more difficult in that position" he remarked.
She bit again.
"But not impossible, I can still get the card out, I can use a phone and I could shop on the internet as well" she countered.

In truth Jamie was quite excited and had felt a cold thrill up her spine as the cuffs were fastened behind her. She often dreamt about being tied up, but being an only child had no siblings to play games with, and had been reluctant to discuss her fantasies with friends.

"Sounds like a challenge to me" he said. "Do you think this type of therapy might work then?”

She remained silent for a few minutes.

"Depends" she said, more timidly. "What are you going to do with me" Dave heard a little uncertainty creep into her voice.

Jamie was starting to realise that she was alone, handcuffed with her uncle in his flat. She had been in such a rush to find out what his plan was that she hadn"t told anyone where she was going. Thoughts of news stories involving child abuse and worse started to creep into her mind.

Dave had anticipated this and laughed, easing the tension.

"Just a solution to your retail therapy problem, I got to thinking that there’s only one real way to stop you shopping, and this is it, but you’ve already thought of a way round it." He laughed again.

Jamie relaxed slightly. "It would take more than a pair of handcuffs to stop me shopping" she said, in a slightly more confident tone.

"Exactly. Therapy is something that you"ve got to want to do. The whole purpose of this therapy is to stop you running up huge bills on your credit card, nothing else. I’m not going to rape and murder you" he laughed again and quickly continued "As you said, it"ll take more than a pair of cuffs to stop you shopping". He waved the key in her face.
"If you don’t want to do this, I’ll unlock the cuffs and we can discuss other ways to get you out of this mess. I bet your credit is maxed out already?"
She looked down and nodded. Her emotions were in turmoil. On one hand she was despondent at having her financial situation exposed, on the other she was still finding the thrill of being handcuffed exhilarating.

"Mum and dad know?"

Shake of the head. "Are you going to tell them"?

"Don"t know yet, but they’ll find out sooner or later". Dave paused "So how about Uncle Dave’s patent form of therapy?"
Again a timid response "What will it involve?"
"Basically you"ll come here and be restrained and prevented from any form of shopping"
"Not telling you that bit, you’ll have to find out for yourself." The hook was baited.
"And if I’m able to shop during the therapy?" Jamie, a little more confident, took the bait.
"Then I’ll pay for it" he countered.
"But if I find that the therapy isn"t working and you’re shopping outside the session, then the sessions will stop". This was working out better than he had imagined. 'We'll also need to work out a way to pay your cards off'.'
"I’ll give it a go" Jamie tried her normal feigning reluctance routine but Dave was used to it.
"No time like the present, I assume your diary is free for the rest of the day”.

Jamie’s heart leapt. The whole day!

Hesitation again, oh shit, she thought, nothing ventured nothing gained.

No, I"m OK for the moment but mum and dad will be expecting me for tea, they don’t know I’m here.

While she was speaking Dave had gone to a drawer in his desk.
Jamie’s eyes widen visibly as she saw he was holding a number of pieces of rope. She gulped and swallowed.

Not giving her time to reconsider Dave walked round behind her, and selecting a piece of rope pulled her elbows in and proceeded to rope them together. "Shoulders back" he instructed, in a slightly more commanding tone and was pleased that she responded.

He was careful not to rope them too close together and took her intake of breath as the signal. Running the end of the rope several times between her arms which pulled them in a little further, he tied off the end of the rope. Taking the cuffs off, he repeated the exercise on her wrists, making sure that the end of the rope was out of reach of her fingers.

"How’s that feel?" he asked, stepping back into her vision, admiring the way her breasts were pushed tight against the material of the hooded top she wore by the pressure of the elbow tie.

"Tight" came the response. "Is that it?" in a more cocky tone as she shook and rolled her shoulders and tried to find any slack in the rope. There wasn’t any.

Realisation dawned. You’ve done this before" she accused.

Dave laughed "Not as often as I would like." He admitted. The atmosphere was becoming more relaxed.

"Finished? I don’t think so" Taking another length of rope he wound it several times around her waist and then her wrists, pulling them in so that they nestled in the small of her back just above her denim clad bum. Wrapping the rope several times between her arms and back tightened the bind, making her arms almost completely immobile. He tied off the ends of the rope in front of Jamie and let the ends hang loose. He looked at her for a moment as she wriggled in a futile attempt to loosen the bonds and considered whether to add another tie around her body, above the pert little tits that were wriggling in front of his face. Another time, he made a mental note.
Kneeling in front of her he proceeded to tie a series of knots in the loose ends of the waist rope and left them hanging. Jamie was too preoccupied with her arms to notice.

"Wow, this is what I call being properly tied up."

Dave was pleased to notice that all traces of hesitation and reluctance had now vanished. Jamie was well into it.

He quickly secured her ankles and knees together with ropes, using the familiar wrapping round method to ensure a tighter bind.

Going back to the desk he returned with some more objects.

Jamie didn’t really notice, she was too occupied in trying to find some slack in the ropes. She was already getting warm and blushed a deep shade of red when she realised that she was getting warm between the thighs. She desperately hoped that Dave hadn’t noticed.

He held up an object in front of Jamie. Her eyes opened wide and she felt weak at the knees. The heat between her legs grew.

"Open wide"

A moment’s hesitation and the ball was slipped into her mouth, and the strap running through it buckled behind her neck.
"OK, you can’t walk out of here, it will be difficult to use the internet, you could tap the computer keys with your nose, but you can’t talk into the phone. I guess that you could still hop out, but I’ll deal those in a minute. What do you think of my therapy?

"Mmmmlly mmm" came the muffled response.

Dave laughed again.

"I think I’d better lay you down before you fall over. I think that secretly you"re enjoying this aren’t you?

"Shit" thought Jamie, he’s guessed. Then "so what?"

Moving behind her he grasped her shoulders and gently laid her on the floor.

He stood over her holding a large wooden ruler.

Uncertainty crept back into her face.

Dave used the ruler to push the loose ends of the waist tie through Jamie’s legs and, rolling her over so that she lay on her front, he pulled the rope tight. It was as if an electric shock had passed through her body. Her pussy was now quite wet, and even though protected by the denim of her jeans she could feel the strategically placed knots start to massage her lips.

She moaned into the gag.

Dave clipped something to the ropes between Jamie’s elbows. He then threaded the ends of what Jamie was later to learn was called a crotch rope through the device, and, pulling up Jamie’s ankles, threaded the rope between her ankle. Leaning on her feet to push them closer to her arms, he tied the ends off so that the girl was firmly in the classic hog tie position.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmph" the now truly trussed up Jamie moaned into her gag as Dave pulled on the rope, forcing the knots deeper into her pussy.

"One more thing" kneeling down beside her head he placed a blindfold over the struggling girl’s eyes and buckled it behind her head.

"I think that takes care of everything he said, giving the rope another gentle tug which caused another exclamation from the gagged Jamie’s lips.

"Therapy might not be easy, but it can be fun" He tousled the bound girl’s hair. He knew she hated it and was rewarded by another angry mmmmmmph.

"So stop me then!" He challenged. "So enjoy your therapy session, we can review the patient’s progress later.

He stood up, went behind his desk and started working on his computer, just as his writhing patient experienced the first of many orgasms.

To be continued???

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