Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by Caesar73 »

Nikita transforming in a Swarm of Hornets? Brillant idea! Brillant and a little scary :)
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita hovers above the scene, watching her siblings free the prisoners on the truck and help them onto the bus. She smiles to herself, "Good work guys, I knew you could do it."

Each of her siblings wears a tight facemask, with a bandana covering their heads, as they move in quiet harmony.

"Well Dani, you did a good job with them." She says, warmly.

"Thank you." Dani says from behind her.

Nikita spins to see Dani light a cigarette, that isn't there and breath out a cloud of smoke that doesn't exist. "Hey you. I have missed you babe."

Nikita shakes her head and smiles, "Was beginning to wonder when you were going to show up."

"I'm sorry." Dani says, looking into her sister's eyes.

"For what, babe?" Nikita asks, happy to see her sister once more.

"For everything." Dani says, with tears that don't fall, "I should have told you."

Nikita floats towards her sister, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "You found our siblings and did what you could to keep them safe, while you eliminated all free MTN and Lund affiliates. I would have done the same thing."

"It was so hard to keep it from you. Can you ever forgive me?" Dani asks, on her knees, in mid air.

Nikita smiles down to her and helps her to her feet, "Never kneel before me again. You are my sister, my equal and my friend. There is nothing to forgive." She hugs Dani tightly, "Love you, sis."

"I love you too, Niki."' Dani whispers, tearfully returning the hug.

They watch, as Fey escorts another dozen women and children from the inside of the building and onto the bus, giving them words of comfort, as they settle into their seats. "I knew you were the right person to come here." Dani says warmly. "I spent so long protecting them, I was afraid to let them get their hands dirty."

"You didn't push them, you let them find their own way, just like you did with Sasha and I." Nikita says with an ethereal cigarette between her lips.

"I did what I could." Dani says, with a gesture of defeat and surrender.

"You did great." Nikita says warmly, before her smile faulters, "They really look up to you and I am struggling to fill your shoes."

"You are doing so well." Dani says with a wink, "Risky strategy though."

"What do you mean?" Nikita says trying to be coy.

"On your slowest day, the men that shot you, would have been dead before they pulled the trigger. You let them shoot you." Dani says with a knowing smile

"It was a risk, but I thought they would pick up the slack." Nikita admits, with a shrug,  "You shouldn't have brought me to this country." Nikita confesses.

"What are you on about? You have given them more confidence in an afternoon, that I have managed to give them in the last eighteen months." Dani admits, with a hint of admiration.

"Did you see what I did down there?" Nikita asks, feeling hollow.

"Possibly, the most incredible thing, I have ever seen." Dani says, thoughtfully rubbing her hands together.

"I am an engine of distruction. If I lose control of my abilities, there is no telling how many will die." Nikita says, unable to look away from the ground, "I am scared of myself."

"Out of everyone, Sasha, Kate, Dad, I chose you. I trust you. You are pure hearted, like Sasha. Everything you do, comes from a good place." Dani says, softly, "When all else fails, trust yourself."

"What if that is not enough?" Nikita asks, mournfully as she watches Fey lead the last group of prisoners from the building with Pich perched on her shoulder.

"Then seek strength in the hearts of those who care for you." Dani says, squinting against the light of the moon. "You are not alone."

Nikita gives a faraway smile, "I miss you. It is dumb, we have only had a few days together over the course of our lives, but I feel as close to you as I do to Sasha."

"I feel it too. We are formidable on our own but unstoppable together." Dani gives a sad look, "We are two sides of the same coin."

"So. When are you coming back?" Nikita asks, daring to hope.

Dani looks away, unable to meet her sisters gaze, "I don't know if I can."

"What do you mean? The damage doesn't transfer over." Nikita says, with a look of concern, "Why don't you just switch back?"

Dani turns slowly, with waves of sadness washing off of her, "I was in my Zombie form when the bomb went off. Just a force of will, controlling a dead body. In an instant the body was gone and only my will remained. I switched back at that moment. Human and alive, deep below the ocean. The pressure wave from the explosion collapsed, there was a secondary microdetonation, which disintegrated my living body, before I had a chance to drown. I have nothing left."

Nikita covers her mouth with her hand and stifles her tears. Lowering her hand, she says, "Have you tried?"

"No. There is a chance that if I do, there is nothing for me to change into and I will cease to exist." Dani says, gazing into her sisters eyes, "I didn't want to do that, without the chance to tell you, how proud I am to be your sister and that I love you and everyone so much. My strength of will comes from the love I feel for you and the rest of our family."

"How long have we been here?" Nikita asks, feeling disoriented, as the world seems to spin around them.

Dani shrugs and exhales a cloud of non existent smoke filling the not-air around them with nothing, "Hard to say. Time passes differently here."

"Are you keeping me here?" Nikita asks, frowning.

"No, you are. You wanted this conversation, that is why you called me here."' Dani says, turning away. "Tell everyone I love them."

"I will." Nikita says, sadly, "Everyone loves and misses you."

Dani pauses, turning back to her sister, "I am going to try to come back. If this is it for me. There is something you should know." 

"That you killed Thorn? Kinda guessed that one." Nikita says with a smile, "Surprised you send details of all his operations to the world's intelligence services though."

"I have done one long term vendetta and it kept me away from you guys for too long." Dani says before she thoughtfully nods to herself, "We are all special. We all have abilities that no one else has, not even dad or Kate. Abilities that aren't natural. Something happened to us. I think someone made us like this and if they did this to us, there may be others."

"Are you serious?" Nikita says, "Do you really think that?"

"I do, but then, this could be a dream you are having between life and death." Dani says with a wicked grin, "If we meet again, I will let you know if I was really here. "

"Wait don't go. There is so much to we need to say." Nikita pleads, feeling the moment stretch, as she watches her sister fade from view. Her non existent heart feels heavy and she feels a sense of loss wash through her soul. Spent she floats above the commandeered technical, currently transporting her body. She takes a breath of non air and closes her eyes, in preparation for the rush of sensation, that will herald her return.

Nikita feels the gentle jostling of the vehicle as she returns to her senses. The air is thick with the musk of its previous occupants and the vague traces of gun oil in the air. The steady hum of the engine sends vibrations through her body, as the truck rumbles along the empty, streets on the outskirts of Kampot.

She opens her eyes slowly and looks up at Fey, who is cradling her head on her lap. Fey's eyes light up with delight and she gasps, "I think she is alive."

Hel whoops from the drivers seat of the technical.

"Can you hear me?" Fey asks, gently cradling Nikita's head. "We thought we had lost you."

Nikita's head rolls gently as she tries to sit up. She tries to speak but her dry lips and tongue silence her.

"What's going on?" Hel asks, concerned.

"I am not sure, she is not saying anything. I am a little worried." Fey says fearfully.

Nikita gently grasps Fey's collar and mumbles incoherently. 

Fey screws up her face, in confusion, "I don't know what you are saying." She says tearfully.

"Well done for getting them all out." Nikita whispers, struggling to open her left eye, "I don't suppose you have any paracetamol. I have a banging headache."

With tears of joy, Fey pulls a pack out of her pocket and offers them with a bottle of water. Nikita sits up gingerly and accepts them, "You are a lifesaver."

After a few moments, quietly sipping water, her head starts to clear. "No matter how many times I get shot, it never hurts any less."

"Are you ok?" Fey asks, fascinated by her sister, "You did get shot in the face."

"I wont lie, that wasn't part of the plan." Nikita says, squeezing her left eye closed over it slowly healing bullet wound. "I'll have a banging head for a bit, but that'll pass. Not the first time it's happened."

"Ok wait, I get that your brain grows back, but what about your memories?" Hel asks, watching Nikita in the rear view mirror.

"I absorb momories when I taste the bodily fluids of others. It is a side effect of my healing, when I get a head injury, I re-absorb memories from my blood." Nikita explains, casually. "Almost like a backup of myself."

"You are actually, kind of amazing." Fey says, slightly awestruck. 

"We are all amazing, in our own ways." Nikita says, wincing in pain, as the last of her wounds fully closes. She looks down at herself and smiles, gently, "Thank you for getting me dressed."

"I wont lie, it was a bit of a struggle." Fey says, warmly, "No offense but you are no lightweight."

Nikita fixes Fey with an Icy stare and extends her fangs, "Are you saying I'm fat?"

Fey eyes widen in fear, "Oh God no, Niki. You are gorgeous just the way you are. I meant you are heavy."

Nikita struggles to keep a straight face, but soon loses the battle, with a giggle, "Oh babe, I am messing with you."

With wide-eyed relief Fey stutters, "A-are you sure?"

Nikita gives her sister a hug, "Sorry I couldn't resist." She says, with a warmth to her voice, before whispering, "Thank you for saying I look gorgeous."

Fey smiles and winks, "I thought you were going to chew my face off, I needed to say something."

Nikita gives Fey a playful tap on the arm, "Cheeky bugger."

Nikita squeezes the bridge of her nose before rubbing her face and slapping her cheeks. She opens the window wide to get some fresh air to refresh herself. Inhaling the scents of the city, she asks, "Sitrep."

"Erm? Eh?" Fey, asks confused.

Nikita's lips curl into a gentle smile, "Sorry, Sitrep, means Situation Report. Where are we at?"

"We got all the prisoners out of the building and truck, I rechecked once and Hel and Jim did a sweep too, just to be sure." Fey says, offering Nikita a cigarette and lighter. "Carl is driving the bus, with Jim escorting on a bike, once the vehicle has pulled up, Carl and Jim will evac. Our other bikes are on the flatbed of this technical."

"Great work." Nikita says, lighting the cigarette, "What about intel?"

"We didn't have a lot of time to break it down too much, however, the satnav on the truck was set for a destination up by the border with Laos." Hel calls back over her shoulder, "There were quite a few references to 'The Fields', but no confirmation on what they were. Jim is going to do a deep dive into the data we obtained."

Nikita looks out of the rear window of the truck and blows a stream of smoke out into the warm night air, "Sounds like you have everything under control. Dani would be proud of you." She winks at Fey and reaches forward to squeeze Hel's shoulder, "I know I am."

"Thanks Niki." Hel says, trying not to cry, "We tried."

"You have been amazing." Nikita says, taking a deep lungful of tobacco smoke, "There is a bus full of women and children that are going home because of what you have done tonight."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by NotSeen »

...destroyed her body...
Should've known. You magnificent bastard of a writer. Well done.
Nice to see Dani again... and I don't think we've seen the last of her, either...
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Post by wolfman »

"This is not how I expected to spend my evening." Jim thinks, guiding the bus through the empty streets of Kampot. "Was just going to have a beer, a steak and an early night." He grins to himself, checking the side mirrors for vehicles following them.

He looks in the buses rear view mirror, surveying the length of the buses interior, seeing each fearful and hopeful face in turn, "Best day ever." He thinks relaxing, "I am happy about Nikita, Dani said she is a force of nature, but she never said anything about that happens when she gets shot in the head. I wasn't sure what would happen." He catches a glance of himself in the rear view mirror and nods to himself, "I think we will be alright."

"Badger. ETA police station, three minutes. Over." Carl says, from the back of the dirt bike, trying to sound official.

"Roger that Digger." Jim says, over his earpiece, "I will be on the move as soon as the handbrake is on. Over."

"Roger that. I will be ready. Over." Carl says, with a hint of nerves.

"Just a simple pick up mate. No drama. Over." Jim says, assuringly.

"Thanks mate." Carl says, "Sorry, just a little jumpy. Over."

"Roger that. It is a mad night."  Jim concurs, before trying to lighten the mood. "On a scale of one to ten, how pissed is Phantom going to be?

"About twenty three and a half. Over." Carl says with a smile.

Jim changes the traffic lights to green and turns off the trafffic camera, before replying with a chuckle, "That low? He will be annoyed that we didn't involve him in this." 

"I wish I could have taken to the stealth stuff like Fey has, or gunplay like you and Vixen." Carl says, with a pang of regret, "Tonight felt a bit like I was missing out. Over."

"Digger, it was the most terrifying few minutes of my life." Jim admits, "To be honest, it felt good knowing  you were hanging back in reserve. Over."

"For what good I would have done." Carl says, feeling helpless.

"Behave youself. If we were in trouble, you would have parked this bus on the chest of all involved and beaten their asses down." Jim says with a hint of admiration, "I would rather have a Cockney lunatic like you watching my back than anyone else."

"Thanks mate. I think." Carl says with a gentle chuckle.

"You are an artist. Whatever you do is a masterpiece. If it came down to it, you would wreck anyone in your way." Jim says, gently.

"In theory, I guess you are right." Carl says with a shrug.

"You don't just build. You know how things fit together and how they can be broken apart." Jim explains, "That's how you can dismantle whatever you need to get the components for your designs. I am guessing it is the same for people."

Carl pauses, weighing up what he is about to say, "Yeah. I can do it with people too." He says in a non commital tone, before he changes his mind, "Eta, one minute over."

"Roger that, over." Jim says, turning a traffic camera off and preparing to get out of the bus. He triggers the microphone inside the bus and speaks in Khmer, "We are approaching the police station in Kampot. When I get off the bus, please wait until the street lights come on before entering. We wish you the best of luck and a speedy return to your normal lives."

Muffled cries and whimpers of relief, ring out from the back of the bus. Jim speaks again, softer than before, "This is not a trick. They are real police and will help you get home."

Pich breaks away from the older woman who has been looking after her and runs up to Jim, hugging him. "Please tell the golden haired Mrenh Kongveal that I will never forget, how she stopped the big man from hurting me."

Jim turns off two street lights opposite the police station and parks the bus in darkness. He leaves the vehicle, wordlessly and sticks to the shadows, making his way down the street away from the station. He hears the soft phut-phut of a motorcycle approaching and tenses, tapping his earpiece three times.

Carl hears Jim's signal as he approaches and taps his own earpiece, three times in return, pulling the bike up next to him. Jim springs from the shadows onto the bike and Carl pulls away quietly. "Are we clear?"

Jim nods calmly, "Police band radio is clear, I think we are good." 

Carl relaxes a bit, easing the bike around the corner, before opening up the throttle  "Vixen. Where are you guys? Over."

Jim and Carl's earpieces crackle, before Hel confirms, "We are at secondary RV. Primary compromised by a couple of young lovers. Over."

"Roger that, We are en route. ETA fifteen minutes." Carl confirms, before asking, "How is everyone there? Over."

"Fey is knackered and Niki is still groggy but ok." Hel says, looking in her rear view mirror, "We are all ok."

"Dani said she always comes back." Jim says, calmly. 

Hel glances in the rear view mirror of the technical, to see Fey dozing and Niki sat lifelessly by her. "How are we going to get her home?"

"She says she is ok to ride on the back of a bike." Fey chips in, sleepily.

Carl eases the bike to a halt, next to the technical allowing Jim to hop off of the back. He opens the rear door of the technical to see Hel, just slipping on Nikita's boots and lacing them.

"Are we all set?" Jim asks, calmly.

Hel nods and puts one of Nikita's arms around her neck. Jim follows suit with the other arm and they help Nikita  out of the vehicle, while Fey sanitises and wipes every surface therein.

After a few minutes of huffing and puffing, Jim is on the bike Carl rode and has Nikita's arms wrapped around his chest.

The night is hot and oppressive and clings to their skin, soaking their clothing with moisture, as Carl and Fey get the extra bikes off of the trucks flat bed. Everyone acts, focused and in the moment, whilst at the same time lost in their thoughts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, shall we get out of here?" Jim asks, looking over at Hel and Fey settled on their bike and then nodding to Carl and Nikita.

The technical explodes into flames the moment that they enter the jungle, twenty minutes later.

Nikita sees the fatigue on the faces of her siblings and smiles at them from the armchair she has claimed in the living room, "It's been a little bumpy, but here we are together."

With a dazed look on his face, Jim concurs, "Has been a hell of a day." He takes a slug of ice cold beer from the bottle and rubs the bottle across his forehead.

Hel nods her ascent and raises a glass of wine in a toast, before taking a long draft. "We saved a lolt of people today." She nudges Fey with her shoulder adding, "And this one."

Fey nurses her glass and nods, choking back tears, "Thank you everyone. I owe you all."  She says casting her gaze across all present before looking into Nikita's eyes, "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Nikita says, taking a sip of ice cold scotch, "Thank you for pulling me out of there."

Everyone turns as Carl enters the room, with three plates of steak, egg and mushrooms, setting one down before Fey and Hel, with the last going to Nikita. "Be right back." He says, disappearing back into the kitchen. A moment later, he returns with plates for Jim and himself and a large bowl of Garlic King Prawn fried rice. "Enjoy."

Nikita takes a mouthful of medium rare, peppered steak, egg and mushroom, with a sigh. She almost feels the nutrients being absorbed from the moment she swallows, igniting a hunger in her. She attacks the plate with gusto, clearing it quickly, before she sits back and takes a slug of scotch. "That was so good, thank you." She refills the glass and loads her plate with rice and sighs again as she tucks in.

"No worries. If you need more steak let me know." Carl says between mouthfuls of steak, "Tonight is a celebration."

"It's so surreal you being here." Fey says, glancing up from her plate. "Dani talked about you since the day she met us and to have you finally with us is just so mad."

"I dunno, it seems kind of right."  Hel says, sipping her wine, "It's great to have you here."

"When we were building this place, we put in a rooms for you, Sasha, Dad and Kate." Jim adds, "There has always been a place here for you."

Nikita pauses before swallowing a mouthful of rice and prawns. She takes a sips of scotch to buy some time before she speaks, "That means a lot. Thanks guys."  in her mind there are flashes of her time as the swarm, "Don't put me on a pedestal, I am not some kind of saviour. I am just like you guys, someone normal given powers and skills and thrust into a life not their own. I don't even know, what I am doing here."

"Dani always said that we could change the world with the things we can do, if we come together there is nothing we can't do." Hel says, with a faraway look, "But it wasn't until tonight, seeing you put everything on the line for Fey, that I believed it."

"I second that. You made me believe in myself." Fey adds, with a smile."You might not have chosen to come, if you had know what you were going to find, but we are better for having met you."

"If I had known, I would have come in a heartbeat." Nikita confess, with a gentle smile.

"Your gift is healing." Carl says, pensively, "We are each damaged in our own way. We need you."

Hel softly asks, "When will you go?" Unable to think of a gentler way of asking.

Nikita raises her eyebrows, "I have no idea, but I will be back for when Sasha's baby comes and stay for the birth of Dad and Lou's. If any of you want to come back with me, there is a place for you in my home." Nikita says, with a warm smile, "Although, I only have three spare rooms so someone would need to be in the basement."

Carl raises his hand, "Dibs. I am noisy, so basement works for me."

"That's just when he's asleep. It is amazing how someone so small can make so much noise." Jim chuckles.

Carl chuckles in return, "Dickhead. I am only a few inches shorter than you. Keep that up and I will fetch a ladder so I can punch you in the knee."

She notices her siblings exchange a glance and nod, before Carl speaks, "We have talked about it, when you werte out and we would like to come with you but, it might be a bit much for Sasha and Lou in their condition. We don't want to get in the way."

"It is always chaos. There is a chance that you would be overwhelmed before they are." Nikita says, finally setting down her now empty plate, "There is a place for you all." She drains her scotch and pours another, "We have the money to let you live the life you want."

Carl smiles, simply saying, "We have money."

"Legally?" Nikita asks, playfully.

Carl simply smiles and raises an eyebrow.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Bandit666 »

Ha. Well prof if it was ever needed. This tale just keeps getting better with more twists and turns than an alpine road in the winter. It never fails to leave me wanting more. As it grips better than snow chains in the midst of a blizzard. Keep it up my friend. Though I might well run out of ideas to describe the enjoyment it proves.
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Post by wolfman »

Carl nods, "GIST."

"Eh? I don't follow." Nikita asks, taking a slug of whisky.

"The Graves Interactive Smart Toilet." Carl beams with pride, "WiFi enabled and networked technology at its finest. A sensor in the hall way detects your approach to the bathroom door. The temperature of the seat is then adjusted, as per your user profile. Depending on ambient lighting conditions, the seat glows softly, reducing the need to put on a light. It will also analyse your urine and stool and provide a report to your doctor if anything untoward is detected."

Nikita sits open mouthed, as Carl explains, thinking, "His pulse is steady and eye contact is natural, not blinking too much, body language is open. If he is lying, he is good." She smiles at him and raises her eyebrows, "Really?"

"We have sold over a million units to date and have orders constantly coming in. It is a great earner." Jim chips in.

"Then there is the Kinetic Charging Harness, which is proving popular with runners and cyclists. It used the motion of the human body to generate enough charge to recharge a mobile phone. We are getting requests for law enforcement and military applications, as well." Fey says, with a grin, "That was my idea."

"My favourite is the Angel unit. Was Dani's idea. Defibrilator, oxygen saturation sensor and blood pressure monitor and bluetooth enabled and linked to a phone in an ambulance which uploads patient data to the hospitals medical database to cut down on paperwork and speed treatment times." Carl explains, with a smile.

"I have heard of the Angel unit and the charging harness, are you seriously trying to tell me you made them?" Nikita says, shaking her head in disbelief.

Jim begins clearing the plates from dinner and claims Nikita's last, "Yeah. If we have an idea, we tell Carl and if it can be made, he builds a prototype."

Nikita sits thinking to herself for a moment and decides to call their bluff, still not convinced. "I have done a lot of distaster relief operations. There are a lot of problems, communications, finding people quickly and determining safe routes in the aftermath of earthquakes, flooding and eruptions. What have you got?"

Carl almost seems to freeze in place, motionless with his eyes closed. Everyone watches, waiting for him to speak. "Oh, yeah. That works." He says, nodding softly, before looking up at Nikita, "Autonomous drone network, deployed from landing zone, spreads out mapping the area from the air, with cameras and thermal sensors. Then lands spaced out across the designated zone and activates WiFi repeaters. They then go into a low power mode, where they charge using solar panels until recalled."

"That is interesting." Nikita says cautiously, "Is it feasible?"

"It would take a bit of work, but, yeah all the technology exists to make it possible." Carl says, in an almost excited tone, "You would need a decent sized vehicle to hold the control suite and act as a base for the drones." He takes out a mobile phone and begins typing rapidly, turning to Jim, "If I send you a list of components, can you track down schematics?"

Jim grins, with a glint in his eyes, "As always."

Fey leans towards Nikita and explains what is happening, "Once Carl gets schematics, he will modify them as needed to remove weaknesses. Then he will make the components using our CAD/CAM and 3D printers. Finally he will trim, prep and build them and hey presto in a few days, your idea becomes real."

"So this really could work?" Nikita asks, thinking of the possibilities.

"There is nothing revolutionary in the tech required. By making it inhouse, we could keep costs way down. There is a high upper limit on the drones that could be included in the network, expanding initial search range, and comms area. Or you could run in with three or four drones for a smaller scale search." Carl explains, nodding, "This is a flexible option for search and rescue in any environment."

"I will research legal constraints and construct arguments. Will also draft service contracts, should we decide to market this set up." Hel says grabbing her phone.

"I am looking at potential primary, secondary and tertiary markets and confirm potential demand and entry level price point." Fey nods, tapping away on her tablet.

"Just another project." Carl shrugs, "We have the patents on dozens of designs and have a varied portfolio of items for use across the globe. We are all set for life, with profits shared equally, with shares for you, dad, Louise, Kate and Sasha. With trust funds for Kim, Sasha's baby and our unborn sibling already provisioned. We also make regular donations to Nirvana backed charities for good measure."

"If that is true and you are all rich, why train with Dani? Why not just use your resources from the shadows?" Nikita asks, reeling.

Hel sets down her glass and speaks earnestly, "We have been the victims of a corporation throwing money and resources at a problem. Each of us knows that money is a tool, that can be wielded for good or ill. We also know from the examples you and everyone in the family has set, that money is not enough. You have to draw your own line in the sand, rather than pay someone to do it for you." She pauses, smiling at each of her siblings, "You gave us a second chance at life, Niki. We owe it to you and the world to be the best we can be."

Fey stands, unsteady at first, then more sure after a deep breath, "No one stood by us and each of us died alone. Now we have a chance and the skills to stand for those who cannot stand for themselves. But, we can't do it alone."

Jim rises to his feet and hugs Fey, before turning to Nikita, "We spoke while we were waiting for you to come back. We don't want to hide from the world any more. We know what kind of work you do for Nirvan...." He stops, the words catching in his throat.

"What we are trying to say is, we should be dead, help us give that some meaning." Carl says, standing and patting his brother on the shoulder. "Dani respected you and Sasha. She always said that she could only teach us the skills we would need, but you would show us the way."

Nikita hesitates for a moment, considering her options, "In the morning, we go over the data collected today and plan our next move with regards to the people smugglers we tangled with today." Nikita pauses, looking her siblings in the eyes, each in turn, "When we have dealt with them. We will plan our next move." 

She lights a cigarette, drawing smoke deep into her lungs. "Tonight, rest and prepare yourselves. Tomorrow will be a long day."

Hel opens a solid looking handmade door and indicates that Nikita should enter. Hel follows her inside and closes the door behind her. "Here we are." Hel says, encompassing the smoothly carved cave with the sweet of her arms. the walks through the rooms, pointing as she goes, "This is your living area, through there is a bathroom and that door is for your bedroom."

Nikita drops her bag by the bedroom door and wearily looks Hel in the eyes, "Thanks, Hel." She looks around the room, impressed by the high ceilings and generous space, "Are all the rooms like this? This place must be huge."

"This is an old mining complex. We have reinforced the walls and made it our own. Carl has a full workshop, Jim has a large server room and we have a full gym, pool and shooting range down here." Hel explains, calmly. "We are fully self sufficient, drawing water straight from the water table and heating it with solar panels camouflaged on the hill side."

"Why would you ever want to leave?" Nikita asks, shaking her head, "You have your own money, good lives and anything you could ever want."

"Same reason you want to." Hel says sitting on the arm of a chair, "To make the things we went through, mean something. Carl was right, we are all damaged."

Nikita pulls a bottle of scotch from her bag and she pours two glasses, setting one down next to Hel, before taking a seat, "Care to elaborate?"

"Fey was bound helplessly and locked in a sauna for three days, waiting for death. She now has crippling claustrophobia, when in tight spaces or unable to move. Carl suffers from nightmares and panic attacks around animals, after being fed to wild dogs. Jim is fine mostly, but he has a fear of pain. He was killed slowly, they drew every ounce of pain out of him to harvest PCS."

"And what of you?" Nikita asks, taking a sip of scotch.

"Nothing from my death. But everything from my abilities." Hel says, picking up her scotch. She scrunches her eyes closed for a moment before looking at Nikita with a look of pain, "You got shot on purpose, so we would be forced to act."

"It was clear from speaking to Jim and Carl, that Dani got her hands dirty so you didn't have to. I wanted you all to have a taste, to help you decide what you wanted." She confesses, guiltily.

"That's why you poured me a scotch, by way of a confession, knowing I would read the glass." Hel says, thinking aloud. "You wanted to be an open book, show you had no secrets."

"You have all welcomed me in and I wanted to show that I am not here to take advantage or hurt anyone." Nikita says, with a gentle and hopeful smile. "The scotch was my best chance to prove it."

Hel chuckles gently, "Dumbass." She shakes her head before continuing, "I took a read from your boots, when I was helping you get ready.  I already knew you were on the level."

Nikita smiles and giggles, "I didn't think of that. Have you said anything to the others?" Nikita asks, curiously.

"Nah, your secret is safe with me. You might put up this tough, go anywhere and do anything exterior, but you are sweet and caring inside." Hel says taking another hit of scotch, "But I didn't need to read you, to know that."

"Thank you Hel, that means a lot." Nikita says, topping up both of their glasses.

"You don't have to try to be Dani. You have given us a taste of the life, that a part of you wants to walk away from. You give so much to everyone around you and push yourself so hard, but never do anything for yourself." Hel says, gently, fearing pushing to hard, "I see your pain. It is ok. You have a right to be happy."

"Thanks Hel." Nikita says, lighting a cigarette. "If only it were that simple. I meet a nice guy and from the first kiss, I know his life story and every kiss after I know his thoughts. He would never be able to surprise me for any occasion, because as soon as we exchange fluids, I will know. We have sex and the act is eclipsed by his memories flooding into me. Luckily Lund removed my eggs so I can't get pregnant and feel the baby overwhelming my senses every moment of the day. Although that is nothing compared to the thought of another little me running around."

Hel places a hand on Nikita's shoulder and tries to calm her, but, now the flood gates are open, there is no stopping her, "Alcohol doesn't drown my sorrows. Drugs barely make me feel anything. Sex is off the table so all I got left is chasing the next adrenaline high." She begins to cry, "The worst thing is my healing affects my whole body. I will not age, so barring injury, I will have to watch all my loved ones, grow old and die around me."

Hel holds Nikita close, letting visions from her life flash through her mind, thinking,"She really has been to hell and back , she should be a mess after what Lund did to her but damn, she is so strong."

"Sorry." Nikita says, wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands, "It's been a long day, I am a bit emotional." She pauses, taking a breath, "I guess I am a little damaged too."

"I understand. I have similar problems with relationships and being able to read people, through the things that they have touched. Even now, I am being flooded with images from your life, simply because I am touching your shirt." Helen admits, wearily.

"I am so sorry." Nikita says pulling away. "You shouldn't have to go through that."

Hel reaches for her sister, taking her hand, "It's fine." She says softly, "All the darkness in your life, pales next to feeling the love you have for those you care about and seeing the world through your eyes. I would occasionally read Dani and the power of her love cut through the bad in her life too. Even when she had just returned after some really dark times in some hell hole, her heart was pure and true like a beacon. Just like yours."

"Thanks Hel." Nikita says, yawning as she stubs out her cigarette.

"Despite everything you see yourself as a monster, but you are a blessing to all who you hold in your heart. I see you, without the filters and doubts in your mind. You are amazing." Hel says gently.

"I bet she does this pep talk to everyone." Nikita thinks, with a subtle smile, "It is nice to hear though."

"Thank you for saving Fey. I don't know what we would have done if you weren't here." Hel says, gratefully.

She notices that Nikita is gently snoring in her seat and quietly rises to her feet and lays a blanket over her. "Goodnight sweetie. Feels good to have you here, I have a feeling it will be a wild few days."

Quietly she lips into Nikita's bedroom and makes the bed for her, before retreating to her own rooms.

Nikita stirs from her slumber at the soft click of the door, as Hel leaves. She rouses herself from the chair and stumbles half asleep into the shower, dropping her clothes on the floor, turning the water on and standing under the warm jet. She turns up the water pressure and sighs, letting it cleanse her muscles. 

After roughly drying herself with a towel, she walks naked through her rooms, to stand at the foot of the bed. She lets herself fall backwards onto the bed and closes her eyes. The soft sheets and firm bed under her back, conspire with her fatigue and jet-lag, to sap the scant remains of her energy reserves and she soon begins to drift off thinking, "Maybe, I need them, as much as they need me."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the way Nikita is in the center of this sequence of the story. Nikita has a long Journey behind her, if I remember the moment she entered the Saga. The way her character developed? Great work!
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Post by wolfman »


I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed Revelation. 

It was a risk doing such and action heavy and bondage light tale, but from the comments received and the views gained, it was worth it. 

I would like to say a special thank you to the following member for taking the time to comment during this story.


I say a big thank you to you and everyone who has read so far. 

Don't worry, the journey isn't over yet.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Red86 »

[mention]wolfman[/mention] I'm not gonna lie, a few months ago, I fell way behind on this story. It's been my intention to find where I left off and resume reading. My biggest problem is that this has been a really really good story and I find it difficult to stop reading! I literally just mentioned this story to another user a few days ago, how they might enjoy to read it and about how I need to catch back up. It may take me a few weeks but I do plan to be caught up in the near future!!

Congratulations on the 50,000 views!!
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Post by NotSeen »

wolfman wrote: 3 years ago I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed Revelation. 

It was a risk doing such and action heavy and bondage light tale, but from the comments received and the views gained, it was worth it. 

Don't worry, the journey isn't over yet.
Action heavy and bondage light perhaps, but anything this well written has earned all the views this story has gotten - several times over. Time and time again you've created plot lines and characters worthy of this - nah, these (all the way from Deception onwards) - magnificent tale. Kudos.

...and as for the journey not being over... that's what I was 'afraid' of... because... after all that you've already come up with, I almost dread to think what the finale will be like?
Having said that, I'm eager to find out.
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Red86[/mention] No worries mate, I appreciate how easy it is to fall behind with this tale, given the amount of content I produce for it. Thank you for recommending it to a friend and for your support.

[mention]NotSeen[/mention] have no fear, the end of this story is still some way off. Thank you for all your support and kind words, I hope that you will continue to enjoy.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Nikita wakes with a start, after what feels like one of the best nights sleep, she has had in a long time. She stretches lazily and closes her eyes, relishing the warm bed under her and the cool air kissing her skin. She folds her arms across her wait and rolls onto her side, not ready to face the day.

Much as she tries to ignore the feeling, her bladder will not let her rest and soon she rolls off of the bed and goes to the bathroom in a daze. She notices the warmth of the seat beneath her, as she pees. "I can't lie, that is quite comforting." She thinks with a smile.

She flushes and washes her hands, splashing water on her face. The sound of the flush dies away and her attention is drawn by a ping from the toilet. She glances towards the unit and it speaks in a soft, neutral voice, "You are slightly dehydrated, try and drink some water. Additional notice, alcohol level is below legal limit for driving in the United Kingdom."

Nikita smiles, "So the GIST is a real thing then. I thought that they were winding me up." 

She fills the beaker in the bathroom with water and takes a long cool draft before refilling it and returning to the bedroom. With a yawn she sets down the beaker and gets into the bed, rolling onto her side. She closes her eyes, feeling the weight of fatigue bearing down on her. She feels the tension in her body ease and slows her breathing to allow herself to relax. 

Nikita senses the lifepulses of those around her relaxed and feels the lifepulses around her all relaxed and resting. She focuses on the steady rhythm of Ryan's lifepulse and begins to count the beats letting the slow steady beat of his pulse draw her back to sleep once more.

Without knowing why, Nikita springs from the bed, with her claws unsheathed. She stands still as a statue and listens with her mouth slightly open and her eyes closed. "There." She thinks, hearing the sound that roused her.

She pulls on a pair of panties and shorts and slips on a t-shirt, before following the sounds of soft crying. She senses that none of the other life pulses are moving and follows the sobs to a door where she senses Fey inside. With gentle care, she knocks on the door and waits.

A myriad of worries  wash through her mind, as she waits for Fey to open the door. "I can sense that everyone is ok physically, I just hope nothing has happened."

Fey opens the door, with tear-reddened eyes and looks up at Nikita. Nikita gazes with concern at her sister, "Is everything alright? I heard you crying."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." Fey says, unable to look her sister in the eyes.

"Can I come in?" Nikita asks, sensing something wrong here.

"It's not a good time." Fey replies, nervously, playing with the hem of the oversized tank top she wears to sleep in.

Nikita places a hand on her sisters' shoulder, "I know we barely know each other, but I can see you are in pain. I get how that feels and know how much it helps to have someone there for you. Whatever is wrong, I'm here for you."

Fey sways slightly in the doorway and hangs her head. She opens the door wide, revealing the disarray inside. Clothing and shoes are strewn across the floor, interspersed with Nikita gently takes her by the arm and leads her to a sofa. Fey flops back onto the sofa and Nikita takes a seat next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "You don't need to say a word, if you don't want to. We can just sit for a bit, until you feel a little better."

Nikita strains to hear, when Fey mumbles something incoherently. "Sorry?" Nikita asks, gently.

The silence of the moment stretches out, until Fey whispers, "It didn't work."

"What didn't work, sweetie?" Nikita asks, keeping her voice as light and gentle as she can.

"Every one of us has experienced trauma which triggered abilities. Dani told us about you and Sasha, Carl is a technical genius, Jim can control machines by thought, Hel can pick up an object or touch an item of clothing and know everything about the last person to hold it." Fey says, barely a whisper, "Today was the most traumatic day, that I have had since I was killed and still I have nothing."

"Oh, babe. I didn't know you felt this way." Nikita says, supportively.

"Do you have any idea what it is like to be the only person you know, who isn't special?" Fey snorts, "Even my call sign is a joke. Because I am small and skinny, everyone thinks I look like a faerie."

"After what I saw today, you are the real deal and no-ones joke." Nikita say, squeezing her sisters shoulder, "When I was dead, I was floating above the street with Dani and we watched you take apart those mercenaries and lead out the prisoners. You were amazing."

Fey shrugs away from Nikita, moving down the sofa, "Don't pretend to be here for me and then take the piss. You can do all kinds of mad shit and everyone respects you. You have no idea what it is like to live in the shadow of others. My best bet is to hide in the shadows and hope no one ever sees me."

"Try being the borderline monster and freakshow sister of Sasha, with her perfect husband and step child and a baby on the way. Or the little sister of Dani, who was an amazing soldier, who laid her life down to prevent a mad man wiping out millions with a tidal wave. Or the niece of the Supercop that wont stop, or just plain old daughter of a world class soldier." Nikita says, in a harsher tone, than she intends, "I have had to work hard to prove myself. Hell I am still trying to prove myself with all of you and don't forget, I spent months strapped to a table and cut into pieces, so that someone could get rich. So yeah, I know what it is like." She pauses, panting after her tirade, "Worst part is, after everything, people see me in terms of what I can do, instead of who I am and they don't respect me, they are terrified that I might flip out." 

Fey hangs her head, contrite and mumbles, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise."

"Sorry to snap at you." Nikita says, upset with herself, "I became special when I got my powers and started to use them. Whereas you." She pauses, "You are like Dani. You have a wicked skill set and have proved today that when you trust what you can do, you can step up and be counted. On that street, they had no clue you were there and no chance. I gotta say, you looked like a boss carrying Pich out on your shoulder too."

"Shit. You mean you actually did see?" Fey asks, shocked.

Nikita winks, "Dani and I were watching. She is proud of you all and she will come back, if she can." 

Fey sits back on the sofa, "Thanks Niki. I appreciate you having faith in me. I am ok until I get overpowered or trapped in a confined space. Then I go to pieces. I can't move or breath. It is like I am back in the sauna again, waiting for death, unable to fight back."

"They pumped your blood into my body afterwards. I appreciate how terrifying it was for you." Nikita says, softly, but the words fall on deaf ears.

Nikita sees the faraway look in Fey's eyes and can only guess what is running through her mind. "Fey?" She asks, her unresponsive sister.

In her mind, Fey is not in her room talking to Nikita. She is back in the sauna, flat on her back, ropes securing her arms, legs and body to the wooden bench. Her mouth is stuffed with a towel, rammed in too tightly for her to shake loose. As a final indignity, the men who secured her here, wrapped a dry towel around her head.

She has no idea how much time has passed, she only knows that her body burns with the same fire that grips her throat. The tears she sheds are absorbed by the towel around her head, mixing with the sweat from her brow, in a hot damp soup against her skin.

Hours pass and her limbs ache from futile struggles and she knows her strength is failing her, each movement is harder and slower than the last.

"My family are gone. No one is looking for me. No one will miss me. The world will not mourn my passing." She thinks, squirming against her bonds, feeling splinters from the bench dig into her back. "What did I do wrong? I don't deserve this." Even her tears flow slower, as the moisture slowly drains from her body.

With a pounding headache and her senses swimming, she slumps back on the bench to wait for the inevitable.

The memory holds her in an iron grip, refusing to let go. Fey screams inside, but cannot free herself from either the recollection, or the bonds holding her. The heat, pain and helplessness feel as real as, the first time it happened. But this feels different, she feels a hand on her shoulder, in her heart she has hope. "Someone is here for me. Someone cares enough to free me."

Fey's eyes snap back to focus and she looks into Nikita concern-filled eyes and smiles. But smile is short-lived, vanishing when Nikita's eyes glaze over and she slumps motionless forwards. Not moving. Not breathing. Heart pounding. She lays limp and unresponsive staring out into the room

Fey kicks herself backwards and shuffles on the floor backwards against a wall. Staring at her sister, praying for a sign of life. She sits with her back to the wall and her knees tucked under her chin, as she hugs her shins. She stares at Nikita, unable to tear her eyes away from her. Trembling lips, whisper "What have I done?"

Nikita would cry and scream if she could, but her body is cut off from her mind and plunged into a hell of nothingness. Time has no meaning her, all she has are her thoughts, to mark the passage of time, 

"She withdrew into herself, then I touched her and passed out." She thinks trying to piece together what happened. "No. That's wrong. I touched her and then she smiled at me."

Nikita feels a wisp of sensation, from the flutter of her heartbeat. A sense of calm washes over her, in that moment, as she thinks, "My senses are coming back. This will be over soon." 

Fey rocks herself gently, thinking, "All this time waiting for some kind of power and when I get it, I kill Nikita. Everyone is going to hate me. They will be terrified that I will do it again." 

Nikita breathes out slowly and her hand twitches. Fey begins to cry tears of relief, at the sight that her sister might be ok. 

"Fuck me." Nikita says, using all her might to move her limbs, as feeling is slowly restored to them. Her gaze falls upon her sister, crying and rocking gently. The protective instinct in her heart takes over and she springs to Fey's side, putting an arm around her.

"Shhhh. It's alright, everything is ok." She coos, whilst feeling a sense of relief, that touching her sister did not affect her like the last time. 

With a gentle hand, she wipes the tears from her sisters cheeks and pulls her close. Fey's tiny body quakes in her arms, rocked by tears, as she struggles to speak. Nikita gently places her hand on the back of her sisters head and presses her face into her shoulder. Surreptitiously, she lowers her head and licks her sisters tears from her fingers.

She nods to herself and does not strain, when she effortlessy scoops up her sister. "Let's get you out of here." She whispers in an enigmatic tone.

Fey doesn't resist, feeling Nikita pick her up and carry her back to her room. "She is going to kill me." She thinks feeling a quiet dread in the pit of her stomach. 
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by GreyLord »

I have read the prequels and Revelation through page 8. The comments of others are cogent. The level of complexity of this story is truly astonishing. To paraphrase @slackywacky, you really do have to read this material. A glance is not sufficient. But I think that you have only used the level of complexity that is necessary to tell this wonderful complex tale.

In the best of all possible worlds I could just keep reading and never catch up! :)
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago I have read the prequels and Revelation through page 8. The comments of others are cogent. The level of complexity of this story is truly astonishing. To paraphrase @slackywacky, you really do have to read this material. A glance is not sufficient. But I think that you have only used the level of complexity that is necessary to tell this wonderful complex tale.

In the best of all possible worlds I could just keep reading and never catch up! :)
Thank you for your very kind words. This tale is far from over and I sincerely hope that you continue to enjoy following for some time to come.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

Fey quivers like a leaf in an autumn breeze, kneeling in the clearing. Nikita has carried her wordlessly for almost half an hour. When she sets Fey down, she stares at Nikita, towering over her. Furtively she looks around the clearing, not knowing how to get back to the house. "Please Niki, I am so sorry. Please don't do this."

"What are you on about?" Nikita asks, lighting a cigarette.

"Please don't kill me." Fey begs.

"Why on earth would I do that?" Nikita asks, before realising how things look from Fey's perspective, "Don't answer that." She say covering her face with her hand, "I am sorry, if I scared you. I brought you out here to clear any feelings of claustrophobia, that might be lingering."

"Also, I wanted to talk to you about what happened." Nikita says, in a gentle tone.

"I swear I didn't mean to do it." Fey says, scrambling to her feet.

Nikita relaxes her posture, "I know that. It was an accident. But now that it has happened, we need to understand why, so you can control it."

Fey chews her lip nervously, "How do we do that?"

The undergrowth of the clearing, crunches softly under Nikita's bare feet, whith each step she takes towards Fey. Gently, she takes Fey's right hand and places it on her own forearm. "From what I can tell, it happened when you remembered the feeling of helplessness you felt in the sauna." Nikita sees the look of confusion on her sisters face and smiles gently, "Your tears told me. I want you to think back to the sauna again and keep your hand on my arm."

Fey swallows, nervously "What if it goes wrong?"

"Then it is better that you do it with me. I always come back." Nikita says, trying to put a brave face on it, but feeling uneasy.

"'Ok. I will try." Fey says, taking a deep breath.

"Don't worry if it takes a few...." Nikita says, before collapsing.

Nikita's eyes open slowly and her breathing returns to normal. She realises that her head is cradled on Fey's lap and she is looking down at her, "Well done Amy." She sits up and shakes her head getting her bearings, "How long was I out?"

"About a minute. Around the same as first time." Fey guesses out loud.

Nikita nods to herself and gets up. "Right, we jog around the clearing and I want you to try and do it on the move." She takes off at a steady pace, keeping an eye out for anyone, or anything around.

Fey begins to jog after Nikita, who subtly speeds up whenever Fey gets close. Soon they are sprinting hard around the clearing and Fey lashes out, trying to put a hand on Nikita. With each swing, Nikita twists away, but Fey is resolute and after countless swings, finally makes contact, brushing her fingers aginst her sisters arm.

Nikita collapses forward at full speed, smashing into a tree.

Fey skids to a halt and kneels next to her fallen sister and cradles her head. She tears the left sleeve off of Nikita's t-shirt and begins wiping the blood from her face, as she waits for her to come back.

Nikita sits up and spits out a mouthful of blood about a minute later. Fey passes her the torn sleeve and she continues wiping herself clean as her nose heals. She freezes and stares at Fey, "I didn't heal, while I was out."

"Ok this is interesting. You seem to be able to shut a body down completely with a touch."' Nikita says, whilst thinking, "You could actually kill me."

Nodding to herself again, she says, "Let's step this up." She says raising her hands, "Duck and weave, try to lay a hand on me and take me down, in the mean time, I am going to try to take you out."

They circle each other warily. Fey dives left, as Nikita flicks out a tentacle splintering a tree. Nikita presses the advantage, whipping her tentacles out trying to catch her sister, but harmlessly beating the ground in her wake. Fey leaps and somersaults away, narrowly avoiding a powerful blow launched at her.

Nikita rolls forward and sweeps her tentacles in opposite direction, across the clearing. Fey leaps over them and rolls, closing the gap between her and her sister. Nikita withdraws her tentacles and raises her hands in a boxing stance. 

Fey unleashes a swift one-two jab combo at Nikita's head, hitting nothing but air, as Nikita ducks back. Fey presses her advantage, lashing out with savage roundhouses towards her sisters head. Nikita ducks the kicks and shoves Fey back with an open hand on her chest.

Fey stumbles back, cursing herself that she was not fast enough to catch her sister arm. She runs forward leaping to catch a branch and swing feet first towards her sister, closing the gap again. Nikita rolls forward, under Fey, rising to her feet and lashing backwards with her foot to kick her in the back.

Nikita spins and keeps low wary for attack, as Fey rolls with the blow, snatching up a branch as she rises to her feet. Nikita splinters the branch with a casual flick of a tentacle from her right arm. She wags a disapproving finger, "No weapons, babe."

Fey shrugs and kicks up a small pile of leaves at Nikita's face. Nikita raises her hand, to ward off the attack and Fey is gone, when she looks again. Fey stealthily approaches her sister from behind, careful to stay in her blind spot.

Nikita rolls forward and twirls as she rises, narrowly avoiding a strike at her back. "Nice try, but I can sense your life pulse." She turns her left arm into two tentacles and whips them from left to right across her body. Fey dives under them, stopping herself before colliding with two tentacles slamming in front of her.

"Shit, she is trying to kill me." She thinks, dropping to the ground to avoid a lashing assault on her midriff. Fey stumbles back avoiding more tentacles as they slam down in her wake. She feels a tree trunk press into her back and drops to her right, almost laying flat, watching as Nikita splinters the lower half of the tree with her tentacles. She thinks to herself, "In the open, she has range, power and speed." She rolls back and gets to her feet, keeping the tree between her and Nikita, while she stands.

Nikita circles the tree, thinking to herself, "Nice idea, Amy. I still know where you are though." She transforms each of her arms into two tentacles and snaps them around the tree to converge on her sisters position. They slap together loudly around the tree. 

Fey somersaults backwards, narrowly avoiding the devastating attack. Nikita rounds the tree and fixes Fey in her sights, watching her execute a series of rapid back flips away. Nikita flails her tentacles, unleashing a volley of lancing jabs. Fey plants her hands on the stump of a fallen tree and vaults over the jabs.

Nikita pulls herself into the canopy of the forest with her tentacles and watches Fey, crouch by a tree to catch her breath. Nikita swings silently, through the tree tops and drops mere feet behind her sister with a crash. Fey drops to the floor landing on her back, watching Nikita's tentacles streak the the space she occupied a moment ago. Without thinking her hand flashes up, gently brushing one of them as it withdraws.

Nikita drops to the floor, her tentacles reverting to arms immediately. Fey lays on her back panting, and daring to hope, "I don't hear anything, I think I got her."

Tentatively, Fey sits up to see Nikita laying motionless. She approaches slowly, with her fists raised, but Nikita doesn't move. "I did it. I actually did it."

"Yeah, you did. Well done." Nikita mumbles, opening her eyes. Slowly she begins to sit herself up, Fey moves to her side and lends her a hand. A moment later, they sit side by side on the jungle floor.

"Dani pushed us hard, but nothing like that." Fey says, thinking back to the fight. "That was mad."

"I wanted to make sure that you can do it under extreme duress." Nikita says, lighting a cigarette, "I won't lie, that was one of the best workouts I have had in a while too. You are better than you give yourself credit for. Dani would be proud."

Fey beams a smile warmer than the sun and throws her arms around Nikita, "Thank you." She whispers, remembering the feeling of finally defeating Nikita.

Nikita's eyes go wide with joy, as she feels herself flooded with unbridled exhilaration. Tears of joy stream from her eyes and she feels herself unable to speak. Fey stares at her sister, feeling Nikita tremble and seeing the goosebumps rise on her arms.

As the feeling fades, it is replaced by a comforting warmth in the wake of it's passing. She sits silently, thinking to herself. A gentle breeze, stirs through the trees carrying the scent of the local pepper fields, through the jungle. 

"Is everything alright?" Fey asks, nervously.

Nikita sends a plume of smoke towards the jungle's canopy , then turns to her with a wink, "Better than alright, babe. What were you thinking about a moment ago?"

"I hate to admit it, but i was thinking how good it was to take you down." Fey admits, flushed red with embarrasment.

Nikita throws her head back and laughs, "Of course you were." She pauses and looks Fey in the eyes, "You passed that feeling on with a touch."

Fey stares back in open mouthed shock, "So if I focus on a feeling, I can transmit it with a touch?"

Nikita tilts her head to the side and blows smoke out of the corner of her mouth, before stubbing out her cigarette, "There is a very good chance. We will need to test it out, but, we should probably get back to the house, they will be wondering where we are."

"Yeah, we probably should." Fey says, getting to her feet and offering a hand to Nikita.

Nikita pulls herself up and dusts herself off, "Sorry, I didn't bring you some clothes." She admits, seeing the dust covered top her sister wears to bed, looking somewhat disheveled and torn in places.

"You never have to apologise to me for anything, ever again. I feel ten feet tall. Since the moment I first met you, my self belief has just grown and grown. You have helped me to understand what I am capable of." Fey says, beaming, "Thank you."

"You are most welcome, Fey." Nikita says, then regrets it, "Sorry Amy."

"I guess I could keep Fey as a callsign. Everyone seems ok with it." Fey says, with a shrug, as she begins to walk back.

"Some describe Faeries and Fey, as spirits that live their lives hidden and that they are loving, playful and have a lust for life. There are worse things to be called." Nikita says keeping pace with her sister, "But, if you read some of the old Faerie tales, some of them are scary as hell."

Nikita notices a new, more relaxed confidence to Fey's gait and a certain swagger, that wasn't there before. She smiles to herself and feels more than a little pride. 

The scent of bacon and mushrooms greets them as they re-enter the house. "Clothes and then food?" Nikita asks, with a grin.

"Damn straight." Fey says, dashing with a beaming smile, to her room.

Nikita smiles to herself, "She almost seems to have a new lease on life. I would like to think I helped with that."

She returns to her room and showers quickly, before donning fresh clothes and emerging renewed. She knocks Fey's door and finds herself genuinely surprised when it opens, to reveal a changed woman.

Scrubbed skin, bright and clear. Her wide bright eyes, kissed with a hint of pale purple eyeshadow. Her hair now styled with a little wax to show the spikes. Purple leggings and sports bra, paired with laceless running shoes, complete the look.

Nikita nods and gives a thumbs up, "It's a good look."

Fey grins from ear to ear, throwing her arms around Nikita's neck for the warmest of hugs, "Thank you, for everything."

"It's all good." Nikita says, smiling back, "Let's show off the new you."

"Damn, Fey. You look great." Hel says, looking up from a plate of bacon, mushrooms and potato cakes.

Jim looks up with a warm smile and nods approvingly, with the hint of a tear in his eye, "It is great to see you happy. You look fabulous."

"Thanks guys." Fey blushes, as she leads Nikita through to the kitchen.

Carl tosses a pan on mushrooms and spinach and puts them back on the heat, "Morning ladies, how are you this morning?" He says, seasoning the pan before looking up, "Well look at you. Nice to finally see the Amy that you have been hiding from us."

Fey crossed the room and hugs him, with a heartfelt, "Thank you."

"Sorry but, do you mind keeping an eye in here for a minute? I really need to pee." Carl says sheepishly.

"Sure, we have this." Nikita says, patting him on the shoulder, as he passes.

Nikita grabs the handle of the mushroom pan and tosses them lightly. Her mouth begins to water at the smell of the bacon and mushrooms and she realises that this mornings exercise has worked up a fierce appetite in her. She sighs softly as she reflects on the events since her arrival.

"What do you think our next move is?" Fey asks, pouring cup of steaming black coffee for herself and Nikita.

Nikita stirs the mushrooms with chopsticks and flips the pan again, "Not sure. I am wondering about climbing the food chain from the people last night and if we have intel, hitting one of their bigger operations."

"I am in. No question. No argument." Fey says, with steely determination.

"This all looks very serious." Carl says breezing through the kitchen door.

"We were discussing, the correct ratio of bacon to mushroom, in the perfect sandwich." Fey says, playfully punching his arm.

"Tough one, I favour a layer of mushrooms, between two layers of bacon to protect the bread from getting soggy. But some view that as excessive." Carl says squinting, "Sorry, I dunno what is wrong with me, I need the loo again."

"No worries. Are you alright?" Nikita asks, concerned, seeing no imperfections in his lifepulse to indicate a medical issue.

"Yeah, sorry. Be right back." Carl says, leaving the kitchen once more.

Nikita looks accusingly at Fey, who simply gives an impish grin. "I think that counts as a valid test."

Nikita flips the mushrooms again and shakes her head, chuckling, "Fair enough, but save further tests for the field. Eh?"

Fey giggles, "Promise. What now?"

"We eat, then we review the intel." Nikita says, turning the bacon, "Then, we wreck some fools."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by GreyLord »

At last, I have caught up. Following the convolutions of your mind through the intricacies of the story has been truly exciting. I look forward to continuing reading your work long into the future, this story and whatever may follow.

No single classification is satisfactory for this work. Is it science fiction, fantasy, action/adventure, mystery, or yet something entirely different? Of course it doesn't matter, it is great beyond all telling. Keep it coming, you will have readers.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago At last, I have caught up. Following the convolutions of your mind through the intricacies of the story has been truly exciting. I look forward to continuing reading your work long into the future, this story and whatever may follow.

No single classification is satisfactory for this work. Is it science fiction, fantasy, action/adventure, mystery, or yet something entirely different? Of course it doesn't matter, it is great beyond all telling. Keep it coming, you will have readers.
Thanks mate, that is nice of you to say. I decided when I started writing that if I was going to write this story, I was going to throw everything at the wall.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

"Don't you dare. You are a guest." Fey says, as Nikita moves to take her plate to the kitchen. She scoops up her Sister's plate and cutlery and disappears into the kitchen.

Nikita looks around to make sure everyone has finished eating and picks up her cigarettes from the table, "Won't be a second, I am just going to pop outside for a smoke."

"No worries." Jim says, leaning back on his chair. "If you want to smoke in here, it's ok. The air conditioning will take care of it."

She notes the nods from everyone else and lights a cigarette, "Thank you all for making me feel welcome. I really appreciate it."

"There was always a place here for you. I am just sad, it took so long for you to claim it." Hel says, with a sad smile.

"I wish I had known too." Nikita says, thoughtfully. "I am here now though, I don't want to lose any more time." 

She notices, as Jim chokes back tears, but doesn't speak and thinks to herself, "Sensitive soul. He cares fiercely for everyone here, but his heart is firmly on his sleeve. Actually makes him more likeable."

Everyone focuses on the screen in the darkened room as Jim begins, "Hel and I compared notes on what we found from last night and this is a summary of what we discovered."

"Early indicators were that the prisoners from last night were headed to 'The Fields'. Breaking down the data recovered, there is some significant indication that these fields relate to this are in Northern Cambodia." The screen lights up with a map of the country near the Thai border. "This is a hard to access area of the country with a lot of rough terrain and dense jungles." The image shifts to a satellite image, "However, about a thousand acres has been cleared and appears to have been turned over to poppy production."

"A lot of the HumInt from last night indicates that there are over a hundred people here against their will working the fields, with maybe twenty well armed enforcers, keeping them in line. However, the real problem is that the site is controlled by a former FSK commander and his inner circle of former Forces Speciales Khmeres. They are well trained, disciplined and ready for pretty much anything."

The screen changes and a file for the FSK commander and his inner circle. "These are the key players. They are disciplined, well trained and motivated. We take them and HumInt and ElInt indicates that the rest will fall." Hel confirms, chewing her lip.

With another screen change, Jim continues, "This is the compound that they call home. An analysis of web traffic indicates that, they process the orders here and arrange delivery through a network of couriers. I have compiled a list of all major players, contacts and customers and suppliers and built a data file on all confirmed, ready to be turned over to the authorities."

"Speaking of which, local chatter indicates an FSK and US DEA joint operation in the area looking for a way in." Jim adds, with a shrug.

"That is useful to know." Nikita says, nodding quietly, "What kind of infrastructure are we looking at?"

"Power provided by a bank of generators to the north of the primary compound. Water comes from the river and they have a complex irrigation network set up for the fields.  All picking is done by hand, collected by tractor trailers. Speaking of vehicles, they have a truck few off road vehicles and quad bikes and they also maintain a boat on the river." Jim confirms, switching the screen to show an overhead shot of the compound, "This was taken by a US drone about a week ago. As you can see we have a central warehouse, surrounded by tents for the workers."

"How accessible is the site?" Nikita asks, looking thoughtfully at the screen.

"Dense jungle without much in the way of roads, best bet is air or river." Jim confirms with a shrug.

Nikita stubs out her cigarette and approaches the screen, deep in thought. "Air is too risky, that close to the border and the noise would alert them from miles out. I am thinking approach from the water, but have the boat hang back for a pick up." She turns to her siblings and squints, thoughtfully, "Fey, you sweep the compound and neutralise all guards and key players. I will create a distraction and draw focus to let Fey get in close. Do we have any boats?"

"Yeah, I have something that will get us there and back." Carl says with a wink. "I am guessing you want something quick and quiet."

"Nice. Jim, I am thinking you keep the boat upriver until we need extraction. Hel and Carl you are the safety net. I need you providing security for the boat and on standby. If anything goes wrong, you will need to sweep in and assist." Nikita says, nodding to herself. "On the ground, we keep moving, keep them off balance until all resistance is neutralised. At that point, we free some prisoners and let them free the others. Then, we contact the FSK and DEA, give them all our intel and disappear."

"Sounds like a plan. What kind of distraction are you thinking?" Hel asks, taking a sip of ice cold water.

Nikita rubs her chin, then taps her lips with a finger, "Locusts. Cloud of them will certainly cause a distraction and due to the nature of the swarm, the security is unlikely to shoot."

"Hang on a sec." Jim says, running a search on screen, "Right, I have a large shipment of insecticide, delivered last week. Also some evidence exists that their tractors have spraying booms attached. Everything on site could have a coating by now."

Nikita smiles, and nods respectfully to him, "Well spotted, that just saved me from a world of hurt."

"Stampede of cows? Fire? Flood?" Hel asks, with a shrug.

"Possible, however, there is a chance of collateral damage. The people who are forced to work there, have suffered enough." Nikita says, gently. "There has to be a way."

"Take out the power. That will draw at least some towards the substation. The lack of lights will also create confusion and unrest." Carl offers, with a thoughtful look.

"What about if we hit the boat they have moored, as well?" Hel offers, chewing her lip.

Nikita nods, imagining the possibilities. "That works. They would split three ways. I can take the substation and motor pool. Fey could you do a sweep of the main building?" She asks, before turning to Carl and Hel, "Could you lay a silent, non lethal ambush by the water after you have taken out their boat?"

Carl nods, "I think we can manage that."

The room transforms into a frenzy of activity, as a new plan takes shape. Nikita sits back letting the flow of ideas and options wash over her. She smiles, thinking to herself, "This is kind of nice."

Nikita crouches in the shadows of the substation. A cool breeze, caresses her camouflaged bare skin. The only nod to the operation is the shoulder holster sporting tranquilliser pistols. she senses no lifepulses nearby as she unscrews the fuel tanks for the generators and empties in the bags of sugar. She taps her head set once to signal her readiness. No one sees her, change into a large leopard and sprint towards the motor pool. 

Dressed head to toe in black, with her face and hands covered in matte black facepaint, Fey takes up position at the periphery of the buildings lights range and takes a deep breath to centre herself. She performs a final check on her sidearm under her arm and the tranq gun strapped to her thigh, then taps her head set twice.

Hel takes a deep breath from the rebreather and glides silently beneath the surface of the river, running a hand over the hull of the cartel's boat. She wraps a length of detonation cord around the chains of both of the anchors. She then retreats upstream and slips from the water. With practiced efficiency, she shrugs off the rebreather unit and draws her tranq pistol, ready to cover the tree shrouded path to the dock. She taps her headset three times and waits in the shadows.

Carl loosens the guy rope securing the boat to shore and slips silently into the water. Working quickly he secures a steel cable through a ring on the side of the boat. He swims in silence to the opposite bank and slips unseen from the water to secure the end of the cable around a sturdy tree, before fading into the shadows. Ensconsed in his concealed hiding place, he removes his rebreather tank and taps his headset four times.

Jim sits at the controls of the boat, feeling the vehicles turrets, as if they were a part of his body. He sees through the cameras of each turret, getting a perfect view of the vehicles perimeter, as it holds position in the centre of the river. With a thought he releases a tethered dirigible drone, hastily cobbled together, by Carl after the planning meeting. It ascends through the canopy to a height of over five hundred feet, before the arrester attached to the cable engaged and it hangs in place. The thermal feed and mapping software allows for tracking of targets in real time, whilst the mobile phone jammer forces those in the area to rely on radio communications. With a satisfied smile, he activates the vehicles coffee pot, before tapping his headset five times.

Wearing the body and face of Roberts, Nikita keeps low and sweeps through the motor pool like a wraith, reaching into the open-topped off-road vehicles and  tractors, ripping out the steering wheels and smashing the radios of each in turn. She slips into the cab of the large truck and plugs a WiFi dongle into the vehicles cigarette lighter. Satisfied that all is well, she taps her headset six times and retreats into the shadows, to wait for the generators to fail.

Carl pulls out a small controller and presses a button in its' centre, and slips it back into the pocket on his belt. In the silent depths of the river the anchor chains are severed with a near silent pop and the boat free from it's moorings, is gently carried by the current away from its bank and a little way downstream before the cable goes taut and it swings to the opposite bank. Carl signals "Tsin Naa'eel" in morse code, then slips from cover and approches the boat.

One by one the generators at the substation splutter and die and shouts can be hear from across the camp as the lights begin to fail. Fey smiles to herself watching the lights go out across the compound and feels a sense of calm descend over her, that she has never felt before. "I can do this" She thinks, feeling ready. She reaches up, tapping out "Chahalheel.", in morse code and begins her approach to the central buildings and tents.

The men sprinting from the compound do not see the five feet tall, patch of darkness run past them towards the main building. Instead they focus on their destination. The bearded man at the front of the group calls out in Khmer, "You three, with me to the substation. You four, secure the boat." The group splits in two and half of the men run at top speed towards the treeline, where the dock is shrouded in shadow.

The bearded man skids to a halt by the nearest vehicle and calls out, "Sabotage. Check the fleet." He and the other men begin to fan out, but freeze as they all see a shape, on the roof of one of the vehicles. A shape, black against the sky. Tentacles where its' arms should be. The jet black jagged fangs, glittering in the moonlight. The mens brains, struggle to make sense of the vision before them. The vision coughs four times and the men feel a pinching sensation in their neck, before they collapse unconscious.

Nikita reflects on spending a whole day, practicing with a tranq gun grasped in each arm tentacle, in the firing range. She recalls the relentless practice and frustration of trying to aim at different targets with each limb and the feeling of elation when she was able to do it with confidence. She silently giggles to herself, "Worth it.", as she taps out a message in morse code, "Tsinaabaas / yo ah hol zhod / Chaat Ini / four naabaahi".

Hel takes a deep breath and readies herself for the men who are approaching. She checks the heads up display in her goggles, showing the feed from the dirigible, and smiles, "They are not soldiers." She observes from their formation, "They are all bunched up and on top of each other." She switches her attention to the path watching the approaching men run, in panicked fervour towards the dock.  

Carl slips aboard the boat and heads below deck. A terrified young man stare up at him, until a dart in his neck, closes his eyes. Carl keep moving, stepping over the fallen man without breaking his stride. He shoulder barges the door to the bridge and tags the captain with a shot to the neck and the first mate with a powerful left uppercut to the jaw, following up with a dart to the neck when he falls. He strides across the bridge and through the door the other side without stopping, on a reflex he ducks a swing of a fire axe as he round the corner, firing up into the deck hands jaw. On he goes, like a relentless wave, washing through the boat, never stopping, until all are dispatched. He signals in morse, "Tsin Naa'eel / Yo ah hol zhod.", before pulling a zip tie from the dispenser on his belt and securing the wrists of the man sleeping at his feet.

The men on the dock call out to the boat, now moored downstream and barely feel the darts enter their back. Hel smiles to herself, concealed in darkness. She watches the men fall one by one and signals in morse code "Chaat Ini / Yo ah hol zhod." before taking out a zip tie from its' dispenser, then nonchalantly walks towards the now-sleeping men.

Fey takes a breath to centre herself and sweeps into the main building, hugging the wall. Her heart pounds in her chest seeing the outlines of over half a dozen men preparing to leave. A part of her wants to stay hidden and let them leave the building, but the other part knows that is not part of the plan and could cause innocent people to be hurt. She nods to herself and keeps low as she sweeps across the room.

This is not a display of power, this is an exercise in grace. She feels no elation, or anxiety, only focus as she brushes one mans cheek and spins, to brush the arm of another. She ducks and whirls, trailing her fingers across the bare legs of two men, as she passed between them. With a cartwheel, she strokes another two men with a gentle touch to each of their necks. The last men barely feel her feather light touch, as she moves in their collective blindsport, within the darkened room. Without hesitation, she draws her tranq pistol and shoots each man in turn, ensuring that when the recover from her touch, they will be asleep. Nervous fingers pluck zip ties from her belt and secures their unresisting arms.

A moment later she is on the move again, opening the door to the communications room and tagging the operator with a two fingered strike to his throat, followed by a dart to the neck. she cuts the leads to the radio gear and uses them to tie the operator at his wrists and ankles. As she leaves, she wipes every surface she touched and begins to stalk the halls, looking for prey.

Jim controls the truck through the WiFi dongle, guiding it to the dock. In the rear of the truck, the men Nikita incapacitated lay bound and unconscious, unaware of their fate. Hel signals Carl to confirm that the boat has been re-tethered to the dock. Carl cuts the engines and grabs two of his prisoners. He strides onto the deck and winks at Hel, before he throws the men from the deck to the shore, before returning below deck for two more men. One by one, Hel loads both the men she captured and Carl's prisoners onto the truck.

Nikita glides like a shadow between the tents, stalking the two men with assault rifles, patrolling the perimeter. She feels the terrified lifepulses of the prisoners who work these fields and swallows her rage at their treatment. She draws a tranq gun and wields it in a two handed combat grip. The gloom of the night, is clear as day, to her adapted eyes and she takes careful aim. Her eye twiches with realisation and she holsters the weapon, instead pulling two spare darts from her belt, "The sound of the shots, whilst quiet, may panic the prisoners. Need to be quieter."

Two of Nikita's tentacles lance out, with pinpoint accuracy, slamming a dart into the back of each of the guards necks. The other two tentacles, catch the men before they fall and she silently carries them away from the tents, before restraining them. 

Fey braces herself and silently enters the final room, through the air vent. The last man has his back to her, his plump frame wrapped in a silk kimono, at odds with the machine pistol in his right fist. She taps him with a finger in the centre of his back and waits until he falls, before finishing him with a dart and restraining him. She drags him from the office through the halls to deposit him with the rest of his colleagues piled up in the foyer. A tear forms in her eye, born of the thought, that she did this. She wipes her eye and thinks, "Time for that later. Wipe down all surfaces and count all used darts back in, leave no trace."

Nikita once again, wearing her normal face and body, jumps off of the back of the truck, the moment it pulls up and heads to the foyer of the main building. She uses her arm tentacles, to scoop up four men and carry them outside and deposit them on the ground, next to a body dropped by Hel. In the cab of the truck, Carl removes the WiFi dongle and begins wiping down the inside of the cab. 

Hel deposits the last man from the truck at the end of the line of bodies and wipes the sweat from her brow, with her left forearm. She looks disdainfully at the men arrayed at her feet and absent-mindedly, rubs the back of her right fist with her left thumb, "When we get back, I need to give Carl a big hug. I really appreciate him making a double lined suit and gloves to make sure I can't get a read on any of these scumbags."

Fey emerges from the main entrance to the central building, with a swagger. She snaps a salute and a wink to Nikita, announcing, "All prisoners secured. All darts accounted for and building has been sanitised."

Carl chips in, "Dock and boat cleared and satinised, darts counted back in."

"Facial recognition confirms it. We have the players and the game is ours." Jim announces with a hint of triumph in his voice. 

Nikita surveys the men, laying side by side identically bound hand and foot, with their ankles zip-tied to their wrists. "Wrapped like Christmas presents." She thinks before crouching by each man in turn, healing the needle mark where the tranquilliser entered their bodies. When she is finished, she gives a thumbs up and confirms, "Motor pool neutralised, all traces erased." She extends her hand towards the dock and simply says, "Shall we?" 

As they walk towards the dock, Nikita signals in morse code, "Hak'ei / yo ah hol zhod / yashti / Ak'is.", from the rear of the group. Behind her she pulls branches to wipe out their footprints as they leave.

Jim breathes a sigh of relief and pushes a button to wind in the cable of the dirigible. He watches the descent through it's cameras, nodding to himself, "This has worked well, I think we will use this again." As soon as the mini blimp is securely ensconced in its' housing, Jim silently eases the boat towards the dock and places a phone call.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by GreyLord »

Another home run. Your use of references such as the FSK lend a feeling of realism to your writings. Was the code the brothers and sisters used the Navajo Code Talkers code?
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

This operation went according to plan - so far :) I´m curious where you will take us [mention]wolfman[/mention] !
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago Another home run. Your use of references such as the FSK lend a feeling of realism to your writings. Was the code the brothers and sisters used the Navajo Code Talkers code?
Thank you for your kind words. I did indeed use Navajo for this chapter, good catch
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago This operation went according to plan - so far :) I´m curious where you will take us [mention]wolfman[/mention] !
We shall walk a meandering path Caesar.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

DEA Special Agent Moses Black, slaps the mosquito on his neck, with a disdainful shake of his head, "I hate this place so much. Every day is a main course of hot and sticky with a order of bugs on the side." The massive Alaskan mops his brow with the back of his sleeve, and stares out of the open flap of the tent, "I have chased down, Cocaine cartels in central america, tweekers in the midwest and dope smugglers in the Gulf of Mexico and never seen anything like this place." He slaps his neck again, "At this rate, I will charge in to that camp single handed. A bullet to the face would be preferable to being eaten alive like this."

He feels the weight of time on his shoulders and hangs his head wearily. Everything feels distant, his movements, as if through treacle.

Black rises from his chair to his full six feet eight inches and flexes his back. The barrel chested man, draws his service pistol. The weapon looking like a toy in his hands as he deftly, strips and cleans it. He stares at the weapon with emotionless eyes and loads it, snapping back the slide.

With weary fingers, Moses takes out a photo of his wife and daughter, tracing the lines of their faces, "I am so sorry." He says, picking up his weapon and pressing it to his temple.

Black almost drops the pistol when the soft buzz of his phone tears him back to his senses. He answers on the fourth ring, recognising the number, "Good evening Director."

"Save it soldier. Check your email." The director barks, "We caught a break."

Black opens his laptop and reviews his emails, with quickly widening eyes, "What the hell is this?"

"Someone, just gift wrapped their entire operation for us." The director, says with a deep Kentucky burr to his voice.

Black's face is underlit by the screen, as he rapidly scrolls through the attachments, "Couriers, buyers, sellers, human trafficking, this is unreal. Where did we get this?"

"No idea." The director says, with a shrug in his voice, "The only way to verify this at short notice, is to act."

"The guys here have been sitting on their hands for days, they are itching to do something. Say the word." Black says, daring to hope.

The ticking of Black's watch almost seems to slow, as he waits, with baited breath. The director breaks the silence, saying, "Go. The intel indicates, that a number of the players will be onsite and there will be no resistance. Head to site, any problems, waive off."

"Thank you sir." Black says, only getting a dead tone as a response. 

He snatches up the carbine from the side of his bed and springs to his feet, heading out of the tent. He spots his number two, by the fire on the far side of the camp and whistles to get his attention. When the man looks up, he makes a circular motion with his left hand and shout, "We're hitting them tonight. Ready the troops, wheels up in ten."

Black checks his carbine and gazes out of the open door of the Hughes helicopter. They are flying low over the tree tops, five birds in a wedge, like an arrowhead aimed at the camp. 

"ETA two minutes. We will sweep in hot and hold over the main compound, long enough for your guys to rappel down. Then we will peel off until you give the all clear." The pilot calls over the helicopters comms.

Black nods and gives a thumbs up, before signalling the other birds, "We are on final approach. Be ready for anything. We have credible intel that something has gone down tonight. We are just the advance party, may I remind you that if the shooting starts, a battalion of Cambodian special forces, will sweep through this place like a storm. If someone opens fire without just cause and starts a war, they will be doing all the paperwork on every shot fired tonight."

The agents with him all laugh, but know he is serious. He backs his people to hell and back, but only tolerates the best, cutting the weak from his team without hesitation.

"We have a visual on the compound. You are not going to believe this." The pilot, says with a hint of astonishment in his tone.

Black gets to his feet and crosses the helicopter cabin to look over the shoulder of the pilot, "Seriously?"

Less than a minute later, he detaches his harness from the line and marches over to the hogtied men, arranged in the formation of a winking smiley face, before the main building.

He takes out his phone and calls the Director, "Good news sir, intel seems solid."

"What intel? What's going on?" The Director responds, cautiously.

"I am at the compound as instructed. The growers bodies are laid out as described in the documents." Black says, with borderline elation.

"What are you on about man?" The director says, impatiently.

"Following our conversation, my team and I came to the compound and found the Opium growers all trussed up and promised. 

"I ask, again. What are you on about?" The director asks, with fire in his voice.

"Sir. You called me less than an hour ago and sent me a massive data file, regarding the Opium network here. I lead the team in, on your say so." Black says, feeling a quiet panic rise within himself.

"What the fuck are you....." The directors voice trails off for a moment, "I don't know who you spoke to but it wasn't me. That said, my sent emails shows the information you recieved and...." He pauses again, "My phone says I did call you."

"What is going on?" Black asks, feeling a little lost.

The Director, looks cautiously around himself, "No idea. It looks like there is a new player in the game. Someone with high level Electronic Intelligence skills. Proceed as if I did call you. But keep your eyes open for any signs of another organisation involved."

"Yes sir." Black says, with a pit of nausea opening up in his stomach.

"I want you to de-brief all of the men captured personally and report on anything they know. Find out if the Smiley face means anything to the men there. I have a feeling that is significant." The director says.

"Yes sir, I will call you later with an update." Black says with a nod, before the Director hangs up.

In the light of the gathering dawn, Black takes a long cool draft from his canteen and wipes his brow. He pulls out his teams encrypted satellite phone and calls the Director once more, with a sense of disquiet.

His men have interviewed everyone onsite and scoured the area and what they found leaves him uneasy in the extreme.

"Black! Was beginning to think things had gone south." The Director says, in the background a single rock of ice clinks into a glass, awaiting a deluge of bourbon.

"This is like nothing I have ever seen." Black says, not sure how else to begin and even less sure how to continue.

The Director pours a finger of bourbon into glass and takes a sip, "What do you have?"

"Most of the growers, have no idea what happened, the first they knew of anything was when they woke up hogtied on the lawn. None of the men have any marks on their body." Black explains, unable to wrap his head around the words he is saying, "The team have gone over the site with a fine toothcomb and have found nothing. No blood, no bodies, no prints."

The director drains his bourbon and pours another two fingers, "What about the slaves working the fields?"

"They were all chained up in their tents and didn't see or hear anything." Black, rubs the back of his neck and rolls his shoulders.

"So whoever did this, gift wrapped the site and everyone on it and gave us the full network." The director says, shaking his head, subtly, "This is a new one on me."

"We are looking at about thirty guys, all carrying, but none got a shot off." Black checks the transcripts from the interviews and does a double take. "Hold on, I might have something. We might have a few witnesses afterall."

"Check it out. I will stay on the line." The director says, draining his glass and adding another two fingers.

Black transfers the call to a bluetooth earpiece and marches out of the tent, desperate for answers.

Black strides up to the operations primary liaison and shows him the transcript, "Tran, who is this?"

The liaison glances at the page and nods, "This way." He says, beckoning Black to follow him. They walk quickly through the foyer of the main building to one of the side room, where a bearded man sits staring at the floor and gently rocking, with his wrists locked behind his back.

Black nudges the liaison, "Can you ask him about the black guy he saw?"

The liaison addresses the man with a sharp tone, in rapid fire Khmer. The bearded man looks up for a moment then stares at the floor again, rocking harder as she speaks.

The liaison, glances at Black thoughtfully, "He says it was a black man, not a black man." The liaison exchanges a few words with the bearded man and then wears a suprised look, "Not a black man, but a man who was black like the night."

"Ok, black like painted black?" Black asks, curious.

The bearded man, considers carefully, when the liaison speaks and shakes his head, explaining what he saw. The discussion goes on for some time, before Black lightly taps the liaison on the arm, bleaking their flow, "It is strange, he says that the man was completely black, even his eyes, teeth and inside his mouth."

"What else did he say? There was a lot of conversation for just that." Black probes, cautiously.

The liaison looks awkward for a moment, before he shrugs, "It sounds crazy, but the man had snakes for arms."

Black takes an involuntary step back, "What?"

The liaison clarifies with the man, and explains, "The man had two snakes, where each of his arms should be. He threw them wide and then made a strange noise, like a pu-pu-pu-pu and that is the last thing he saw."

Black pinches the bridge of his nose and scrunches up his eyes for a moment, before asking, "'How big was the man?"

A moment later the liaison confirms, "He says, the man was shorter than you, maybe six feet tall. The snakes were about ten feet long."

"Any drugs in his system?" Black asks, rubbing his chin with his fist.

"Nothing so far, apart from some booze. We have some tests pending but all clear apart from tranquilliser." The liaison shrugs, "He seems, as if he genuinely believes it."

"Thank you, Tran. I really appreciate your help on this." Black says, patting the man on the shoulder, "Get yourself some coffee. I will come and find you in a bit."

Black walks slowly back to his makeshift command post, in the early dawn sun. "Did you get all that?" He asks, softly.

"What do you make of it?" The Director asks, draining his glass once more.

"No idea. Tran is a straight arrow.  Once broke the jaw of a man who offered ten grand to look the other way at a dock. If he says, that this guy told him he saw a six foot tall man with actual black skin and snakes, then as far as I am concerned, that is what he told him."

"An opium plantation, taken down without a shot being fired. A smiley face made from the bound bodies of the people who run it. A snake armed man. What does it all mean?" The director says, leaning back in his desk chair.

"It means trouble. Whichever way we cut it." Black says, resignedly.

"I'm sorry Moses. We know this area is hot. First some Zombie kills the local Vory chief and his number two and then a buidling used for human trafficking is attacked by hornets that only attacked the people smugglers and left the victims untouched. Then the street outside littered with bodies, some shot and some crushed on site, now this." The Director says, thoughtfully pausing.

Moses waits patiently, dreading the next words he hears.

"Redact all references to the snake man from the reports and statements. Dump the witnesses in the street with a dose of opium in their arms and drenched in cheap booze." The director says, pouring another two fingers of bourbon, "We both know the shit storm that will come if we report this."

Moses breathes a sigh of relief, "Thank you. There are some really good guys on the team, both ours and the locals. I don't want to see them disappear down a hole."

"Keep things quiet and follow up on the rest of the intel provided." The director says, calmly, before adding, "If things escalate with the snake man or other strangeness, pull your team and get yourself out of there."

"Sounds good to me." Black says, relieved.

"I'm serious. If word gets out about the snake man or the other events around here, the powers that be will send THIS unit in and everyone connected will disappear." The director says, gravely.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by GreyLord »

Lower level government workers who appear to be competent and well meaning. But they are under control of the deep state. The brothers and sisters continue to do us a service.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Millennial Club
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Joined: 5 years ago

Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 3 years ago [
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago This operation went according to plan - so far :) I´m curious where you will take us @wolfman !
We shall walk a meandering path Caesar.
No complaining here :)
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 3 years ago [
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago This operation went according to plan - so far :) I´m curious where you will take us @wolfman !
We shall walk a meandering path Caesar.
No complaining here :)
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