Players Playing (M/M) -- Parts IV & V

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Post by RopedBud »

Definitely keeping an eye on this story!
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Phoenix[/mention] Any news on part IV?
Take your time and don't post until you're ready, but still hoping you won't make us wait too long, my friend ;)

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Post by Phoenix »

Haha yeah I'm still working on it. Life's been hectic, and I don't want to post anything that feels too rushed or forced. Hopefully soon.
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Post by Phoenix »

Sorry for the wait. This part went through many rewrites and ended up a lot shorter than I had initially intended. But all stories have weak parts. :)

Without further ado,



I’m not sure how long the Icy Hot continued to sting my crotch. Having your vision blocked off really messes with your view of time. However, the pain eventually transitioned into a dull sizzle, and then into nothing at all.

I’ve read before that, when you start practicing with bondage, it’s something you need to be eased into. I get a firsthand experience into why that is. The position I was locked into -- hands tied to the chair behind my back, feet tied to the back legs, jaw aching on this rancid sock gag, blindfolded by the other sock -- was taking a toll on me, physically and mentally. Every 30 minutes felt like 5 hours had passed. I longed to get up, stretch my joints.

The other horrible thing about this condition was how cold this garage was. I could feel my nuts snug up against me, trying to find warmth. The parts of the metal chair that weren’t in direct contact with my body for long periods of time were freezing. At this point I longed to sleep, but not only had I already slept so much, the temperature in the garage wouldn’t have gotten me comfortable enough to sleep anyways.

At one point -- I couldn’t tell when, but it must’ve been at least 5 hours after Ryan left me in here -- I heard the door that connects the garage to the main part of the house open, startling me. It’s terrifying being tied and blindfolded, not being able to see who was in the room. I could only assume it was Ryan.

I heard him pulling a chair up across from me and taking a seat. His hand starting at my knee, running itself up my thigh. I heard quiet grunts and moans. He was jacking off again.

My penis stiffened in response to his motions. As a typical guy, obviously I loved stimulation. But I’ve never been in a situation where I felt like I needed to cum this bad. It’s this weird feeling that’s difficult to explain -- almost like a dull tingling in my cock and balls. Especially right now, him running his fingers around me, not touching me where I wanted to be touched.

His fingers left me, and I could tell by Ryan’s intense grunts towards the end that he was orgasming. Last time he shot his seed on me, but I don’t know where it went this time.

There was a brief moment of silence, assumedly Ryan’s body was trying to recover. Then, he spoke to me.

“Be right back,” he told me, patting me roughly on the cheek. I grunted as he left me in the garage again.

He returned a couple of minutes later and knelt down in front of me.

“So I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you,” he began, touching my inner thigh with the back of his hand, causing me to spasm at the minor sensation. “The good news is I think I’m gonna let you cum tonight, because I want to see you cum as much as you probably want to. The bad news, however, is I’m gonna need a little insurance policy for today.”

Insurance policy? I didn’t have time to contemplate before Ryan gave me his answer. His fingers worked quickly, as if he was racing against some sort of clock. Pulling my dick and balls through a couple of rings, sliding a phallic-shaped device over my penis. I was horrified. It was a chastity device. Ryan was imprisoning my manhood.

I shook about violently, but my dick grew, anyways. Hitting the walls of the cage, it had no room to expand. It only caused discomfort.

Ryan removed my blindfold. He was wearing just a simply black t-shirt and blue sweatpants, juxtaposed to my complete nakedness. He was still knelt down in front of me. I desperately wish I could take my knee right now and ram him in the jaw. He touched my junk, fascinated by the contraption. His hands irritated me (and, also, they definitely weren’t easing my erection any).

“I’ve had a lot of practice putting these on. My ex-girlfriend used to make me wear one all the time. I know it sucks, especially when you’re 18 and all you can think about is blowing a load.” He made circling motions around my testicles, and then flicked my left testicle, causing me to squeal out in response. “This seems a little tight on you. Perfect.”

He got up and moved behind me. He slightly bent over, running his hands through my chest, my abs, towards my thighs. He leaned in close, his warm breath sending goosebumps down my neck. I could only shake and scream into my sock gag.

“Don’t get too upset,” he told me. “I’m not gonna keep that cage on you all the time. I just need a little insurance. I’m gonna try to give you a little freedom today, so that should keep you from escaping -- knowing that I own a piece of you.” He moved downwards, and began to work on the rope that immobilized me. “Oh, and don’t get your hopes up about the ‘freedom’ thing. I don’t mean that I’m letting you out of the house. I just mean things like, not holding your dick when you take a leak.” And then he laughed. “Well, I guess you won’t be holding your dick, either.”

God I hated him.

He finished untying my legs, and it took everything in my power not to kick him -- but him being behind me, and fearing what repercussions I could face, nullified that plan.

He moved up to free my arms, but they weren’t left free for long, as he took handcuffs again to secure my hands behind my back.

He grabbed me by my armpit. “Stand up,” he told me.

Ryan then escorted me out of the garage into the main house. Whoever designed the house did a good job. It was incredibly modern and open with interesting choices for color patterns. Through the kitchen and living room and then down the hall, he led me into the bathroom.

Pushing my inside, he told me, “You got 10 minutes to do whatever you want. Try anything funny and you’ll be sorry,” and promptly shut the door. Not that there was much that I could try. Not only was I handcuffed, but there were no windows.

Standing in the bathroom alone, I realized even more how badly I needed to take a shit. I fumbled awkwardly, trying to lift the toilet seat up with my hands behind my back. It felt even more awkward having to sit on the toilet with my hands behind my back at all. Even worse was trying to pee with this cock cage on me. I couldn’t help but worry that it was all just going to collect in there and for a hot minute I couldn’t force anything to come out, but eventually my full bladder finally saw release, and I felt relief that everything came out normally.

After I finished doing my business (including struggling to wash my hands and, TMI, wipe myself) I stood there and looked in the mirror at my new predicament. I felt a mix of emotions looking at my pathetic state -- anger, disappointment, frustration, sadness. Seeing duct tape cover my stuffed mouth, the small chastity device that imprisoned my cock. This was not how I wanted to begin my spring break, and I felt a rush of anxiety thinking that this is how I was going to spend my who-

“Time’s up!” Ryan rushed into the room, making me jump and knocking my thoughts out of my head. “Dude you didn’t flush? Disgusting.

“Anyways, it’s time for breakfast! You hungry?” I mmph’d a yes, and he ruffled my hair. “Then let’s go!”

He led me back to the kitchen and into a chair. Much to my approval, he didn’t fasten me to the chair in anyway, even though I still felt annoyed and awkward having my arms behind me at all times.

Ryan grabbed a pair of scissors from over by the counter and pressed the edge up against my face, causing me to wince. “By the way, I strongly encourage you not to speak. I may not let you finish your meal if you do.” Then he began to cut the layers of the duct tape that encompassed my face. Finally, with a quick wrap-around motion that I was not prepared for, he ripped the tape off my skin and hair. I cried out a muffled response, luckily for the sock gag or the noise I made might’ve upset Ryan for being too loud. He reached in and pulled out the sock gag. You know that feeling of relief you get from sitting down after standing on feet all day? That’s the same kind of relief I got with my jaw.

He ruffled my hair. “All right, Champ, let me get you some food.” I wanted to say so many things to Ryan, but I took his threat to heart and didn’t utter a word.

He brought over to the table a simple tray of chips and salsa. There wasn’t a lot there, but it was all neatly organized for aesthetic pleasure.

“You could call me somewhat of a culinary enthusiast,” Ryan told me. “I made the salsa myself.”

He took a chip and dipped into the salsa, and then brought it up to my lips. “Open.” I obliged, and he tenderly fed me.

Fuck! This salsa was really good!

He fed me several more chips, each one as delicious as the last. “What do you think? Do you like it?” he asked me.

I was hesitant. Was this a trick? Is he going to punish me for speaking? I looked into his deep blue eyes (cheesy description, I know). He seemed really eager to hear a response from me. I think he does want me to speak right here. “Um... yes, it’s very good.”

“Yes -- who?”


He placed a hand on my upper thigh, faintly supporting his weight on me. “When you speak to me, you will address me as ‘Sir.’ So I’ll ask you again: Do you like it?”

God, I really don’t want to say this. “Yes, um... Yes, Sir. It’s very good.... Sir.” It felt demeaning, being naked in front of another man, forced to address him with such formalities.

“Very good, boy!” He picked up another chip and proceeded to dip it. “I added a last minute special ingredient, too. I hadn’t tasted it myself since, so I wasn’t sure how it turned out.”

He held the chip up to my mouth and I took the bite. “Do you want to know what that ingredient is?” I didn’t respond, I was just happy to be eating. “Well, I made it in the garage a couple of minutes ago.”

I kinda stopped chewing there and let that sink in. I knew what it was. I couldn’t taste it, but the thought of it pissed me off. Impulsively, I spat whatever was in my mouth back into his face. Big mistake.

With a sudden burst of rage, he smacked me hard on the side of my head, and then roughly grabbed me by a handful of my hair. “Apologize to me right now, boy.”

“Fuck you!” I was getting too hotheaded for my own good.

He let go of my hair and got behind me. Clamping one hand over my mouth, the other grabbing me by my arms, he pulled me off the chair and through the house. I struggled as hard as I could, swinging my feet, trying to make myself into a deadweight, but he was a lot stronger than me, and his 6’4” frame easily dragged me. Taking me down the stairs into the basement, he uttered angry words at me, and things like, “You’ve just made life a lot worse for you.” I kept up my angry guise, mostly because I didn’t want to seem like a weak target in front of his all of a sudden, but part of me was beginning to feel slightly terrified.

The basement was essentially a big, open family room, with a mini kitchen, some various activities such as gym equipment and a pool table, and several rooms off to the side. The lights were off, but mini windows allowed some naturally light to faintly illuminate everything. He shoved me towards the middle of the room. Unable to catch myself with my arms, I landed on the ground with a thud. I screamed out as loud as I can, but my screaming was quickly cut off as Ryan affixed a large, blue ballgag in my mouth. My jaw, still sore from last night, did not like this foreign object. Ryan chained it to the back of my head, securing it in place, no matter how hard I tried to push it out with my tongue.

Ryan quickly went to work on securing me. He went down to my lower end and, taking a row of duct tape, started at my ankles and began wrapping. And wrapping. And wrapping. Moving upwards with each wrap around. I fought for a little bit, frustrating him. When he got really fed up, he would hit me on the back of my thighs, my ass, or on my lower back. Eventually, I got tired of the pain he was inflicting on me, and stopped struggling. There was no use.

He taped all the way up to my knees before he finally ripped up the giant strand of duct tape. He moved back, leaning his back on the sofa that was in the basement. I didn’t look at him, keeping my head turned the other way, but I heard him taking in and letting out big, deep breaths. Several minutes went by in complete silence other than Ryan’s breathing. I didn’t even dare to think about moving or making any kind of noises.

Finally, Ryan moved from his position. He straddled my back, placing his weight on my ass, and ran his fingers gently up and down my back. I was weirded out, and still a little frightened, but I didn’t fight him or anything. In fact, it was actually kind of pleasurable. It’s been a long time since somebody rubbed my back like that.

“I’m sorry, Van,” he spoke to me softly. “I guess I have some temper problems I need to work out.” Other than the little pressure being put by the chastity cage being stuck between my body and the floor, this was moment was purely blissful. The only other thing that made this moment was that I didn’t want to enjoy this. Ryan was seriously psychotic.

“I’m not used to people fighting me,” he told me. “Or really, I’m not really used to being in control at all. It’s a lot of pressure.” He let his fingers leave me and he got off me. I still didn’t turn my head towards him, but I heard him reach pull out a drawer. “This is something I wanted to save for later, but honestly I can’t wait.”
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Post by bondagefreak »

Finally, chapter four!

This pretty much confirms what I already suspected. Ryan's mind is clearly caught up in this little power trip of his.
His dominant nature is resurfacing, and from the way he describes his past situation(s), it's been bottled up for a long time.

Girls, while being unable to physically dominate most men, are often quite apt at mental/psychological manipulation. So it's not entirely surprising for a big handsome jock like Ryan be coerced into wearing a chastity device.

I'm not saying it's usual, but it's definitely believable.
We tend to always thing of big, buff guys as being macho-dominant Alpha types, but this is often a stereotype.
Dominant people come in all shapes and sizes.

Also interesting how Ryan openly admits to not often being in control and to having trouble controlling his temper.
The fact that he openly admits to all that, goes hand in hand with his dominant spirit reasserting itself.
It takes some amount of courage, confidence and strength of character for someone to open up like that and admit his/her weak points.

That being said, I know one little brat who'll be more than happy to read this chapter.
Ain't that right, chastity-boi [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention]? 8-)

Well done, [mention]Phoenix[/mention].
Nice pacing and as enjoyable as we've come to expect.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

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Post by LK3869 »

You're good at suspense at the end of chapters, what could be in that drawer? :)
Definitly like this conflicted and moody Ryan. He's a realistic caracter. And having a bad guy not in control definitly adds some tension.
This story really has some personality.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by bondagefreak »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago You're good at suspense at the end of chapters.
Definitly like this conflicted and moody Ryan. He's a realistic character.
I have to wholeheartedly agree.

Ryan's character is heavily conflicted and three-dimensional.
Definitely an important aspect in building an immersive storyline.

I can't help but feel that you're on the right track here.
This story will undoubtedly gain more support as the chapter count progresses.

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Post by Phoenix »

Thank you for the kind words again! I really appreciate it!

Speaking of more chapters, I was feeling particularly inspired tonight. Hopefully this makes up for the long absence between parts III and IV.



Remember how I told you I’m not a very good writer? Well, let me move back a little here and explain something to you.

I don’t exactly when I realized I wasn’t like other boys, but I have a general idea. And no, I don’t mean when I realized I was gay, I mean being into bondage and shit.

As silly as it sounds, one of the things that stuck with me the most in my childhood was this scene from Hey Arnold!. I only remember it vaguely, I must have been like 3 or 4 when I saw it? I just recall Arnold being tied up in his basement to a chair, with a sock gagged in his mouth. Upon reflection, it’s a little creepy that was in a kids’ show, as whoever made that was definitely fetishist. But whatever. That scene would casually set off certain quirks about me throughout my childhood. Really dumb things, and things I didn’t even understand.

I remember once I poured a whole bunch of Hot Wheels into my tighty whiteys when I was a kid in order to make me uncomfortable (and I had a shit ton of Hot Wheels, I religiously collected them).

After I first had real access to the Internet (at least able to mentally process looking through the Internet), I remember I eventually found out about the loads of “Guy getting hit in the nuts” videos. I was awake literally night watching them. I didn’t get why it entertained me so much.

In second grade, I spent the night at my friend Tyler’s house. The whole night consistent of pantsing each other and, at one point, we made a bet that whoever won a round of Melee had to spend 10 minutes in a dog cage. I, of course, won the game.

I don’t wanna go into much more detail -- at least not the stuff that would be really awkward to explain the stuff I did as a little kid -- but you get the idea. I started young, and I didn’t even know I was starting. It was the little things that all pieced itself together later in my life. For instance...

Throughout these last four years of high school, I’ve had an on-again-off-again boyfriend, Conner. Even when we’re off, we’re not really off. Often times, we’re “friends with benefits.” It’s hard to find other gay people our age, and we’re horny teenagers. He’s tall and lean. It feels silly describing him this way, but you can say he’s pretty twinky. Unlike me, he doesn’t play any sports, and like me, he doesn’t care for sports. However, he’d still show up to my soccer games to support me, which I’ve always appreciated.

Little things in our relationship would add up over the time, such as the time Conner confessed to me that he loved the smell of ball musk. Or the the first time I punched him in the balls to distract him while we were facing each other in a video game, and instead of retaliating he laid his head in my lap (albeit in pain). And the first time where, when I was already annoyed at him about how horny he was when I wanted to go to bed, I gave him a ruined orgasm.

One time, while we were together and hanging out in his room waiting until it was closer to time to see a movie together, I put on a song (“Run Away With Me” by Carly Rae Jepsen, if you want to know) and began to rub him out over his jeans while we were making out. His breathing grew more frantic as in between kisses he told me, “OK stop, I’m gonna cum.” I didn’t listen. We kept kissing, he didn’t even attempt to move my hand, and would laugh when he would continue to ask me to stop. I didn’t let him change after he blew his load, he went to the movies the way he was.

I knew the kind of relationship we had, and the kind I wanted. I was dominate, he was submissive. At that point I had watched enough porn and read enough stories that I knew what experience I wanted to have with him. So I texted Conner at 2 in the morning, finally confessing to him my kink, telling him what I wanted to do with him that weekend. He was slightly hesitant, but mostly interested. It was a plan.

So let me lay down for you what happened:

I brought only the bare minimum of what I needed. I was the one that suggested we do this at Conner’s house -- in Conner’s room. For one, his family was filthy rich with a big ass house. His room was down in the basement, while his parents’ room was on the second floor, which offered plenty of privacy. Second, and I didn’t tell him this reason, but the idea of going into another man’s territory, making them your bitch, is really hot.

Around 12 A.M., after playing video games for the last few hours, we decided we were juiced up enough and ready. We started with some kissing, stripping each other down, getting each other hard.

“Roll over on your back,” I told Conner as I moved off the bed towards my backpack and my wad of clothes on the floor. Conner was taller than me, and I always found enjoyment with putting him through pain and telling him what to do. It gave me David and Goliath vibes, even though I was physically stronger and could probably take him in a fight if we were ever in one, anyways.

He was somewhat kneeling over the side of the bed, his arms laying across the bed. Not for long though. I took both of them and held them behind his back. I decided to just use something simple to keep his arms detained, using one of my D-ring canvas belts. It got the job done for what I needed it to. I guess if he really wanted to Conner easily could’ve gotten out of it, but neither of us acknowledged this fact.

I had him sit down on the floor with his back up against his bed as I went back over to my backpack. Conner kept talking to me, about how nervous he was, how horny he was, how cold it was in his room. I didn’t really respond to him. I pulled a roll of duct tape and a Wal-Mart bag out of my backpack, which elicited curiosity from Conner.

“What’s in the bag?” he asked me.

I went over and sat on my knees in front of him, making him spread his legs apart. I felt no real need to secure his legs tonight. Without his hands I’d be able to overpower him. Plus I had no rope, and I’d rather him sit with his legs open like that, anyways. Makes his good more vulnerable.

“Open wide,” I told him, pulling out my smelly, ranky jockstrap. Conner eyes widened and, although he didn’t really open up like I had asked him too, he offered little resistance when I brought the dirty cloth to his lips, prying his lips open and shoving my the material deep into his mouth, making sure everything was packed in there before I topped it all off but sealing everything in place with several strips of duct tape.

“You’re cuter when you don’t speak,” I laughed as I smoothed the duct tape over his face with firm force, followed by a couple playful slaps on the cheek. “I hope you enjoy the taste of ball musk, too. I left a little creamy surprise in there before I came over here too, just to add a bit more to the flavor.”

Now I’ve got firsthand experience at how humiliating and annoying it is to be forced to suck on somebody else’s man juice.

I wasn’t quite ready to play with him yet. There was a local coffee shop downtown that we go to, that we found out had free sex goodybags in the bathroom drawer that each contained multiple condoms and lubricant. I decided that this would come into handy tonight.

I opened one condom and began to roll it down over his erected dick. That wasn’t enough for me, though. I didn’t want it to be too easy for him to cum, because Conner was really bad at lasting (or maybe I was just too good? Yeah, I was probably just too good). I slid a second condom over his dick, just to make things harder for him and to remove some of the sensation he’d feel in his dick. I don’t want him to enjoy tonight too much.

Next, I took several rubber bands and began to tie them around the base of his cock and balls, in order to keep him hard and make it even more difficult for him to blow his load. His pubes would keep getting wrapped in the rubber, and I could hear little squeals as I’d tug on his hairs. “You haven’t been trimming up down here lately,” I laughed. “Might have to shave this off later.”

I could see the discomfort in Conner’s eyes as he felt the rubber bands hugging up against this junk, and it only served to turn me on more.

I reached down in between his legs, grabbing his condom-covered cock, and began to slowly stroke him up and down. “Perfect,” I said.

I kept the slow hand movements for a while, and 5 minutes in Conner was already going crazy, begging me to cum. In a way, I was kind of getting back at him at all the times he came way too fast. I loved seeing him in this desperate state. And that meant I was fine with keeping these slow strokes going for 5 more minutes. Most of my focus was on cockteasing him, but I didn’t get about Conner’s balls, occasionally moving my free hand down to give him a good flick or a 10-20 second squeeze.

After those 5 minutes, I moved a little faster. Conner would try to thrust his hips a little, but to no avail. The condoms and rubber band were doing their job at keeping him shooting a wad. He let out cries in his soiled jockstrap gag, begging me to cum. He kept looking at me in the eyes. Eventually I decided this made me somewhat and uncomfortable. I grabbed a dirty pair of his underwear off the floor and covered put it over his face, hiding his eyes. I made sure the pouch was positioned right over his nose before I went back to jacking him off.

We made it to the 18 minute mark. I was surprised my wrist had this much stamina in it, but moreso I was surprised just how effective two condoms and rubber bands could be at denying a guy relief. But eventually he was gonna cum. Although he couldn’t really speak, I could tell by his syllables that he was telling me “I’m gonna cum!” through his gag.

That was my cue. He was gonna eventually cum like I said, but not just yet.

“All right, thanks for the warning,” I said as I released my grip on his cock. Instead, I went ahead and tried to push back the need for orgasm, and started giving him some taps on his bound balls. He let out a few more muffled cries, his arms buckling and wishing he could cover his junk with his hands, his legs straining. I laughed at the scene. “Sorry, Conner. I just don’t want the fun to end yet. You understand.”

A couple more taps and then I decided to focus back on rubbing his dick. I could tell just how frustrated he was getting, angrily muffling “Please” into his nasty gag.

We made it all the way to the 26 minute mark. I could see his breaths getting deeper, his legs alternating between stretched out and arched stances, his moans of ecstacy getting louder and more consistent.

Several loud moans.

His feet digging into the ground.

He didn’t make the same mistake twice and told me he was gonna cum, but I could see it in his actions.

Conner was about to blow. He was pass the point of no return.

So I let go.

Conner’s arms buckled again as he tried to reach in front of him and grab his own cock before he came. But of course he couldn’t. His penis was incredibly stiff as I saw him fight back the incoming semen, but alas, it was to no avail. One sad cry and I knew he was cumming.

So I went back to work.

I started tapping his balls again, stressing him out as his now empty gonads were more sensitive than before. I quickly unrolled both condoms off his cock, his man juices rolling down his junk making a natural lubricant. Which is good, because I needed that.

I started stroking his extra sensitive bare dick. That, combined with me tapping his balls, caused Conner to freak. His manhood was being assaulted and he couldn’t stop me. He was kicking futilely, but enough that I decided to pin his feet down with my knees in an effort to keep him still.

Eventually, I let up on his nuts, but kept stroking his cock, with extra focus on his head. I did that little trick I saw several times where I grabbed the base of his cock with one hand and rubbed the tip of of his penis with my palm.

I continued the torture for 4 minutes before I finally let up. His breathing was frantic, and he laid down on his side, doing his best to enter a fetal position to protect his genitals the best he could.

“Whew! That was fun!” I laughed. I laid down next to him and removed the underwear from his head. His face looked so innocent being gagged. I could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

“Are you ready to go to sleep?” I asked him. He nodded. I sat him back up and began to remove the rubber bands wrapped around his penis and scrotum. “Well not yet. First things first, you need to help me out, since I helped you out.”

I removed his gag and made him give me a blowjob, shooting my own load in his mouth. After which, I regagged him, this time with two pairs of his dirty ankle socks that I found in his clothes hamper. Lastly, I took the roll of duct tape and bounded him at the ankles. I had no intention of letting him out until morning.

Conner had a small walk-in closet in his room, so I grabbed him at his armpits and dragged him in there.

“I think I’ll let you sleep in here tonight. Is that OK with you?” Conner grunted in response. “I don’t know what that means, but I assume that’s a yes.”

I went over to his bed and grabbed a thin sheet that was on his bed and covered him up with it. “I remember you saying you thought your room was cold earlier, so hopefully this will keep you warm tonight. After all, you’ll need something to protect you from the fan.”

He mmph’d at me confused, but soon realized as I plugged in the small fan he had put away in his closet. I placed it on the floor in front of him. I briefly contemplating putting it on the highest setting, but he was already butt-naked, so I settled on turning it on the lowest setting it.

“There,” I said with a smile. “All tucked in.”

Conner muffled some things at me. I could only assume he was cursing me.

“Good night,” I said, shutting his closet door, putting on his clothes, climbing into his bed, and covering myself up with his comforter.

Let’s go back to now.

I’ve said several times that I hated the situation I was in. And yet, I know I’ve resisted very little. I don’t really know why. I had a lot of time to think about it as I laid there, letting Ryan do whatever the fuck he was doing.

Let me just explain really quickly: The first thing grabbed out of the drawer was the key to the handcuffs he put on me. I assumed that he was going to get me down here eventually, so he made sure he got everything that he needed in the basement first.

For a second, I was excited thinking he was going to let me go. But instead, he told me, “This goes without saying, but put up any resistance, and I’ll kick your ass.”

The next couple things Ryan got out of the drawer was... more duct tape. I knew what he was doing, and you probably do, too. He was mummifying me.

He stood me up on my feet and went to work. I didn’t even bother trying to fight him or anything. I took his threat seriously. Plus, my legs were already taped together, so I’d be at a severe handicap in a one-on-one right now. Still, he obviously went ahead and focused on securing my hands first. And he kept rolling. And rolling. And rolling. It was a tedious, boring experience. I began to question what people thought was so hot about mummification. I mean, I did too, don’t get me wrong. But the actual preparation? It was soooo boring. But still, Ryan remained focused. He didn’t say anything to me, he just focused on his work.

So let me save you some of the details. He taped me entire body. He taped up my head. Over my eyes. Over my ballgag. He kept key body parts exposed. One, my nose, obviously so I don’t suffocate and die. 2 and 3, my nipples and my genitals. All open to his disposal.

He laid me back on the ground, gently holding my head and waist. Ryan stood back to admire his work.

“Wow,” he said. I could hear the smile in his deep voice. “I’ve never actually done this to anybody before, but I don’t think I did too bad.”

I tried to wiggle in my new form, but the cocoon-like form was far too restricting.

Ryan grabbed one more item out of the drawer.

“I’m about to leave you alone again. I’m sorry I keep retraining you and then leaving. I’m just not really sure what I wanted to do with you.”

I heard him plug something into an outlet.

“I’m not leaving you without a source of entertainment, though. This is something from a video I saw you watched recently on your laptop.”

I felt him place a ball-like object up against my sack, followed by the sound of duct tape so he could secure the object in place. He turned the Hitachi Magic Wand on its lowest letting, but it still did its trick. Mostly because I had desperately needed to cum for like, over 24 hours by now. I felt my cock grow, which caused more discomfort as it reached the limits of the cock cage Ryan had put on me once again.

“That should keep you nice and horny for a while, but the wand only being in direct contact with your nuts, coupled with the small cock cage, should keep you from blowing your load. Still, if you make a mess before I return, be prepared for some punishment.”

I muffled some swears into my gag. My swollen member was already aching.

“And the finishing touch...” Ryan took two wooden clothespins and clamped each one on my nipples. “There!”

I shook and screamed as much as I could in my mummified state.

“I’m gonna work out and clear my head. I also have a couple of phone calls to make. I need some advice. I’ll cya, buddy!”

I heard Ryan ascend up his stairs, leaving me alone with nothing but the vibrator humming up against my testicles.
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Post by LK3869 »

Still loads of relevant details, be it psychology or delaying orgasm 8-)
A great battle of egos and some pure Ryan " I'm just not sure what I wanted to do with you." I could have said that twenty years back ;) I love that guy.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by TiedNW »

Great update!!!!
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Post by cj2125 »

Great part! Like the vivid description of an orgasm denial from the tormentor's point of view, while not ignoring the victim's (physical) reactions, great job!
Last edited by cj2125 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Wow! What a story!

Finally was able to catch up completely.
Amazing descpriptions of events, great storyline, awesome character development.

That got all things to become a classic on here!
And yeah, just as my Master [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] knew, I so much like the fact that poor Ryan is forced into chastity. So hot.
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Post by Tsuhaya »

I don't know how I have not seen this before, but after reading everything, I have to admit that it is an incredible read, especially the gagging, really very good
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by bondagefreak »

Still anxiously awaiting Part VI, my friend.
Don't mean to rush you, but d'you have an "Estimated Time Remaining" on the next chapter? 8-)

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Post by Phoenix »

Not at the moment, but hopefully I’ll get it out soon. Have just been swamped with work. I have a general idea with what I wanna do within the next few parts so hopefully I can release several chapters in bursts like I’ve been doing. :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

So, is Mister [mention]Phoenix[/mention] gonna be entertaining us with this LONG overdue 6th chapter soon? ;)
Have any other themes in the works at the moment?
Miss reading your stuff.

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Post by Phoenix »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Unfortunately, I’m in the process of something else (non-tug related), so I don’t know when I’m gonna be writing again here. :(

The other thing with this story specifically, I appreciated the positive feedback for this story and wanted to keep going, but for me personally, I felt like I rushed the story along too fast. A lot of the things I wanted to convey I didn’t do very well at because how little I planned in advance.

I really did enjoy the characters I created though. Maybe I’ll revamp it further down the line?
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Phoenix[/mention] Whatever you decide to do, I hope to see more from you in the not-so-distant future.

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