Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Intense update I dare say: At this point it looks like Elizabeth Crawford has won. Who should stop her now? Crawford even manipulated Hayley to catch Natalie for her. Seems like Christina is on her own now.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 60

Rabat, Morocco

Having split up with the rest of the group Christina had to come up with a destination to lie low. Instantly she discarded all of the major European cities, too many prying eyes around that could be on the lookout for her. So, she had decided to had for Rabat, Morocco's capital, it had a population of just under six hundred thousand which was more than enough to get lost in and a European looking person wouldn’t be totally out of place due to the number of tourists the city attracted. The city itself rests along the shores of the Bouregreg River and the Atlantic Ocean. It's known for landmarks that speak to its Islamic and French-colonial heritage, including the Kasbah of the Udayas. This Berber-era royal fort is surrounded by formal French-designed gardens and overlooks the ocean. The city's iconic Hassan Tower, a 12th-century minaret, soars above the ruins of a mosque. The bonus was that she could get there by train and ferry without having to go near an airport. In Paris she had headed to the station, stopping at every ATM to remove as much cash as she could from the Section 12 slush fund before it was closed to her. At the station Christina used the same card to purchase tickets for six different locations before losing the card somewhere that she hoped it would be picked up and used by someone else. After that it was just a case of getting on the train that she actually wanted and being aware of any potential tails.
Rabat, Morocco

It had taken more than twenty-four hours for Frankie to receive a response to the report she had submitted to Wallis Kennedy, the new head of Section 12 before she had received a reply. The report updated what they had found out over the past forty-eight hours and confirmed the current whereabouts of Christina Howard and Natalie Twain. When the reply came in was not what she had expected. Frankie had expected instructions that back-up would be on the way and they would take both of their targets but instead the reply told them to leave Natalie and only take direct action against Christina. Although she thought this strange Frankie decided to follow orders. Just as she was thinking this through there was a knock at the door of the hotel room, the agreed safe knock, so Frankie didn’t even bother to get up as the door opened and Sheridan Saracino entered along with their local contact Adilah Harrak of the Moroccan Secret Police. “Good afternoon,” Frankie said without looking up from her laptop.

“Hello,” Sheridan replied, taking a seat

“Everything set for this evening?” Frankie asked.

“Indeed,” Adilah said. “I have spoken with the local police and made them aware of the operation.”

“And the manager at the hotel?” Frankie asked.

“Been made aware of the situation and knows to keep quiet about what goes on.” Frankie nodded to confirm that she had heard and understood.
Rabat, Morocco

It had been a day of consolidation from Christina. She had spent the afternoon scouting the area, picking up a disposable mobile phone, scouting an internet café and then looking for another hotel to switch to in the next couple of days. At some point she would have to come up with a long-term plan but for now it was just about surviving day by day and trying to stay off everyone’s radar. Being careful to take the long way round and making several random turns Christina arrive back at her hotel just as dusk was turning into night and headed straight for the bar for a brief nightcap and chat with the barman who had taken a shine to her over the previous two nights. The barman poured her a decent measure of bourbon before retreating to the other end of the bar, which Christina thought was a bit strange. Perhaps he just had a fight with his wife and was sulking, how knows. Anyway, she had a bottle of the good stuff stashed away in her room so after finishing that one drink slipped off the stool and headed for her room.

Unlocking the door Christina slipped into her room and threw the key onto the bed, she liked the fact that this hotel as still using keys rather than electronic cards. Then she jumped when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye before realising that it was the curtains moving in the light breeze, she had left the windows open to let the air circulate. It also allowed in shaft of moonlight and the night-time sounds and smells of Rabat. She divested herself of bag and shoes and poured herself a drink. While her workday was over, Christina still had to be watchful. She swirled the dark liquid in the glass, savouring the smell before taking a sip. Admiring the bourbon's dark colour, she held the glass up to eye level and marvelled as the final vestiges of moonlight illuminated it. How lovely, she thought, finishing the contents of the glass; she could have been describing the sights and sounds of dusk in Rabat, or the sensation of the alcohol warming her from within. Both were equally pleasing to her at that moment. But her reverie was short-lived. No sooner had she turned to set the glass down on the table than she was roughly seized from behind. “Christina Howard, I believe,” said a voice with a distinctive American accent. Before Christian could respond, a cloth was clamped over her mouth and nose. The familiar sweet smell of chloroform filled Christina's nostrils. Having been chloroformed many times before the scent was instantly recognisable to her and she didn't want it to happen again so she started to put up as much of a struggle as she could. The main problem that it was two against one and her assailants had the element of surprise. In her shock at being attacked Christina had made the amateur error of taking in a full, deep breath of the fumes from the cloth. The women easily controlled Christina keeping the cloth over her face despite Christina trying to claw the hand away from her face, the woman that had grabbed her changed tack and wrenched Christina’s left arm behind her back, the shock at the pain caused Christina to take another deep breath of the soporific fumes. And although Christina moved her feet trying to get some sort of leverage, her attacker prevented that by applying pressure to her trapped arm. Forcing Christina's arm up caused pain to shoot through her arm. Christina knew that she was in trouble, she could feel the fog start to descend and the strength start to wain from her struggles, she was losing the battle to stay awake. Having gone through this on several occasions, she didn't want to lose control and be forced to sleep. But she was to be given little choice in the matter. As her struggles dwindled and her legs lost their ability to hold her weight her attackers directed her to the ground. As her body sagged and her muscles became weaker, any fight that Christina had also disappeared. Her vision became blurry and from a deep well she heard, "Just breathe deeply. That's right... Breathe" the woman kept talking, Christina no longer heard her, the only thing going through her mind was who had caught up with her, Crawford’s goons or an independent contractor. Christina's eyes looked very tired and then fluttered and closed.

“Well, that was a bit easier than I thought it would be,” Sheridan commented as she slowly removed the cloth from over Christina’s nose and mouth and got back to her feet.

“I wouldn’t get too far ahead of yourself yet,” Frankie stated as she walked across and put on the light. Adilah Harrack had taken up a position leaning on the doorway to the small toilet and had watch what had gone on with interest. Sheridan knelt down and pulled the two bags out that they had stashed out of sight under the bed when they had entered earlier with the key that they had earlier been handed by the manager of the hotel. The first bag was actually a compression sack containing one of the lightweight restraining bags that had been developed by Danielle Snow in their technical department. It was a useful piece of kit. The second bag contained the items required to securely bind and gag Christina along with a diaper and a pair of silk pyjamas. Sheridan quickly unpacked the restraining bag and the other binding equipment and lay then on the bed. Then with a little help from Frankie she hoisted Christina onto the bed and began to strip her of all of her clothing with the exception of her bra. They then applied a diaper and put the silk pyjamas on her before slipping on a pair of finger control mitts, padded cuffs and various straps to bind Christina’s arms and legs before slipping her into the lightweight restraining bag.

“You really take this seriously,” Adilah commented.

“No point in going to the trouble of getting someone just to give them a chance to escape,” Frankie replied. Adilah seemed to accept that as a sensible reply, just glad that she wasn’t the subject of the restraints.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

They had watched Natalie turn the corner and enter the hostel, dodging a group of four young men who all stole a glance at her as they passed. There was a heartfelt pang of regret and longing deep within Hayley’s chest as she watched her friend disappeared inside the hostel and out of their sight. As she sat in the late nigh café Hayley was conflicted, one hand she was about to deliver Natalie into the hands of Elizabeth Crawford but on the other she knew that Natalie was wanted and out in the open she was a target for every bounty hunter and agent out there. Hayley figured that she would be safer on Elizabeth’s island rather in the hands of who knew who where she would be subject to who knows what. “Are you alright Hayley?” Constance said softly.

“Sorry, miles away,” Hayley replied with a weak smile.

“We know what we are doing tomorrow so I suggest we call it a night,” Constance said as she got up from her seat and picked up her jacket from the back of the chair. Hayley and Yelena followed her lead and after paying their bill they exited the café onto the quiet street outside. Silently the group hurried away from the hostel, taking a couple of turns before stopping and forming into a rough triangle. Constance glanced at Yelena who looked like she wanted to say something. “Something the matter,” Constance asked.

“I have something to do,” Yelena said. Constance and Hayley exchanged a glance and a look. “Might not be back at the hotel until later on tomorrow.”

“That’s fine,” Constance said with a smile. “Just make sure you are back in time to run through the snatch.” Yelena nodded and walked away with her hands buried deep in the pockets of her coat. They watched their colleague disappear in silence before heading back to their hotel by a circuitous route all the time looking for people following them. “You know Hayley, you are making the right decision.”

“Deep down I know,” Hayley said still looking ahead. “Natalie is safer with us…” Hayley stopped. “I just used the term us.” They fell into silence again as they walked in perfect step.

“What did Elizabeth want from you in exchange?” Constance asked.

“What makes you ask that?”

“Well, I know that Elizabeth isn’t a candidate for humanitarian of the year.” That comment made Hayley smile. “She isn’t going to do anything that doesn’t have something in I for her.”

“You know what Constance,” Hayley replied. “There may be hope for you yet.” The conversation ended there as the two women completed the remainder of the journey to the hotel in silence.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

They entered the lobby and nodded to the night porter and the disinterested young woman sitting behind the desk. They picked the lift over the stairs as it was already sitting on the ground floor waiting for them. They rode up in silence to the fourth floor of the hotel and walked along the corridor until they reached Hayley’s room. There was an awkward silence as Hayley found her key and opened the door. “Goodnight,” Hayley said. Constance nodded a response and headed for her own room, which was two doors further along the corridor. It took her a couple of seconds to find her own key in her pocket. As she opened her hotel door there was a noise behind Constance but before she could turn her head around something crashed into the base of her skull, knocking her back into the room where she collapsed onto the floor. “Ah,” Constance moaned softly as she tried to recover from the blow. In a flash, someone was on her and stuffed a large wad of cloth into her mouth, that was quickly followed by a second, making her cheeks bulge. A large white cloth was pulled over Constance's lips from behind and tied in a very tight knot, making her wince. But it wasn't the end yet: another, larger white cloth, folded into a band was placed over her mouth and knotted just as tightly. Finally recovering a dazed Constance moaned loudly, the cry nonetheless severely muffled to barely audible levels. Before she could react, her arms were pulled roughly behind her back and she felt the sensation of cool steel against her skin as the handcuffs were locked around her wrists. “MMMM, UURRUUMMPPHH,” Constance moaned into her gag but it was barely audible outside her own head. She started to thrash around and kick her legs in an attempt to fight of her attacker, even although she already knew it was too late.

“Stop that, it’s pathetic,” Constance heard a Russian accented female voice say. As Constance stopped thrashing around the Russian put a hand under her armpit and hauled Constance to her feet. “Wow, you are a pretty thing,” the Russian commented when the two women were face to face. That also allowed Constance to get a look at her attacker. The woman was late thirties or a well-preserved early forties with shoulder length dark hair, green eyes and sharp features. Constance didn’t recognise the woman. “Elizabeth does have a fondness for the finer things in life.” Just as the two were getting acquainted there was a knock and the door started to edge open, the Russian cursed under her breath, grabbed Constance, putting her between herself and the door and slipping her hand into her coat pocket.

Hayley walked into the room and stopped dead in her tracks at the sight that greeted her. There was a tall, dark-haired woman stood behind Constance with one hand wrapped around Constance’s waist and the other holding a small calibre gun to her head. “Come in sweetheart and close the door,” the woman said in Russian accent. The thought of running back out the door did cross Hayley’s mind but she decided against it.

“Just stay calm,” Hayley said closing the door and taking a couple of steps into the room. “What’s your name?”

“No darling, no questions or small-talk as you American’s call it. I am in charge here so stop taking and do exactly as I say and you both might survive to tell your friends about this.”

“MMMMM, MMMMM,” Constance moaned.

“Quiet,” the Russian whispered into Constance’s ear.

“What do we do now?” Hayley asked. “In seems we have a stalemate.” The Russian just smiled.

“Now you are going to gag yourself. If you look in that bag you will find several parts of a similar lovely gag that your friend is currently wearing.” Hayley took two steps across to a small table and peered into a handbag that was sitting on it. “Hurry up, we don’t have all day. Stuff one in your mouth, then another and then tie the scarf over your mouth, with a nice bow at the back like your little friend here.” Hayley gave the woman a look and Constance moaned into her stuffed mouth. “What’s wrong with you girls? Acting like you have never been gagged before.” OK, Hayley thought, if she wants me to put on a show for her then I'll give her one. Hayley opened the handbag and took out two silk handkerchiefs and a silk scarf. Rolling up the scarf into a narrow strip, she tied a large knot in the middle of the strip before stuffing the handkerchiefs into her mouth; it took a while as with her packed she had to probe with her fingers to get both bits of fabric fully inside, but with aa bit of effort they filled her mouth nicely, making her cheeks bulge slightly. Hayley then tied the scarf tightly around her head, making an effective gag as the handkerchiefs was pushed deeper in. “That was hot,” the Russian commented. Hayley looked on as the woman removed her hand from around Constance’s waist and rummaged into her pocket. When the Russian pulled out her hand it contained a pair of handcuffs which she threw across to Hayley who caught them and without having to be asked secured them around her wrists behind her back. “Thank you, Hayley.” The Russian noted the shock on Hayley’s face. “I know a lot more than just your name.” The Russian searched Constance’s pockets and removed all of the items, including her phone and they moved across and did the same to Hayley before dumping all of the items int her handbag. “Ladies, let’s get moving,” the woman said waiving her gun in the general direction of Hayley and Constance.

“WWHHUUMM,” Hayley protested.

“You pair are coming with me,” the Russian said firmly. “How we go about that is up to you.” Deciding that they didn’t want to find out what that would mean they both walked slowly toward the door to join the Russian. The Russian opened the door just wide enough for her to check in both directions, satisfied that the coast was clear the Russian signalled for the gagged women to exit in front of her. “Out and to the left ladies, nice and slow and nothing stupid.” They all exited the room and walked along the corridor. At the end of the corridor was a door marked Emergency Exit, the Russian indicated toward it so Hayley took the hint and used her shoulder to open it. With the Russian keeping a close watch on her two cuffed and gagged captives they descended the stairs until they reached the bottom and another fire escape door that Hayley shoulder open and the small group exited the building out into the cooler night air in an alley that ran between two tall buildings. Hayley looked left and right hoping to see someone that could help then, but there was nobody about at this time of the morning. There was however a car sitting at one end of the alley. “Toward the car,” the Russian instructed.

When they arrived at the car the Russian popped the trunk. Both Constance and Hayley looked inside with a sense of dread. “Not both of you, one gets the back seat.” The Russian leaned into the trunk and lifted out a roll of grey duct tape. After finding the end she wrapped in around fist Hayley and then Constance several times to pin their arms to their bodies. Then the Russian used the tape to secure Constance’s legs together at the ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. “Right, get in.” Constance looked at the Russian then at Hayley before complying with the instruction. Once Constance was lying in the boot the Russian produced a padded blindfold and earplugs from her bag and used them on Constance before closing the trunk. Hayley watched all of this with a sense of dread before the Russian grabbed her upper arm and marched Hayley the short journey to the back door of the car which she opened and helped Hayley inside like a police officer would a suspect. “Lie down flat,” the Russian instructed. Hayley complied and scooted along the back seat with her legs towards the Russian who leaned in and used the tape to bind Hayley’s legs in a similar fashion to the way she had Constance’s. Hayley noted that the woman took a passing interest in the tracker around Hayley’s ankle. The Russian closed the door over and Hayley keep watching her as she walked around the rear of the car and opened the other rear door, she was now leaning over Hayley who was looking up at her. “Goodbye,” the Russian said as she slipped a padded blindfold over Hayley’s eyes. Hayley then felt touches around her ears as the Russian put earplugs into each of her ears. There was a now no light or sound but Hayley could still feel the blanket being spread over her body to hid her from any prying eyes.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Most intriguing [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :) So it seems, that Christina is captured as well ... I feel sorry for her. And there are Sheridan and Frankie again .... I just hope that is not the End for Christina.

The second Part of this Uodate was even more interesting. When I began reading that Part I expected that Hayley and Constance would capture Natalie without a fuss. That did not happen. There are some most intriguing Questions: Who is that Russian and what is her Agenda?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hmmm - I wonder about the Identity of the mysterious Russian ..... She seems indeed to know a lot not only about Hayley but about Crawford as well. I know it is a crazy theory and I have to reread the first Chapters again: The Events five years in the past spring to my mind. My crazy Theory: That the Russian is no Russian after all, just playing the part ... I do some rereading, check some things and post my Theory later :)

I find it always hard to wait for an Update on this Story - but this time even more so than ususal [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

My crazy theory [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]: Is the Russian in fact the elusive Fallon Bennett? Sounds crazy, I know, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Another Theory: There was that mysterious Alessandra who rescued Natascha from Clutches of that Russian, She told Natascha that she wanted to do amends. Said Alessandra was later kidnapped and sent to Mystery Island. We never heard from her again ..." So Hayley´s and Constance´s Kidnapper might be associated with said Alesssandra. That could explain the Russian Angle.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A few thoughts regarding the plot: With the apparent Success of Crawford everything seems perfect: The good Guys in disarray, captured already or soon to be, Control of Section 12 established.

The Kidnapping of Hayley and Constance might be the first indicator that things from now on will not go as smoothly as before. So Chapter 60 might be a turning Point for the complete Story.

Another guess: The mysterious Russian might use Hayley and Constance as bargain chips to reach a deal with Crawford?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Apropros Crawford: I am really looking forward to read about Crawford´s Reaction when she learns that something went not according to plan :) She is not used to that anymore - so little Lesson in humility will help!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 61

Russian’s base, outside Dubrovnik, Croatia

Hayley took a look around the room and noticed that it was sparsely decorated was being kind, bare floorboards and peeling wallpaper. There was a single double bed in the room along with a couple of wooden chairs and a cupboard. That was all. The illumination was provided by a single bare lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, the single window was boarded up. This didn’t look promising. “Get on the bed both of you. On your backs, face up.” the Russian asked. Hayley and Constance both complied and ended up lying side by side on the bed with their heads on the pillow. The Russian then quickly used tape to bind their ankles together before slipping off their shoes. The Russian then left them alone as she left the room but left the door open.

“MMMMM,” Constance mumbled as she turned to look at Hayley. Hayley could tell that Constance was worried about their current situation, well what normal woman wouldn’t and hoped that she manged to convey a sense of calm through the look in her eyes. Then suddenly the Russian burst through the door and both of them jumped, the Russian was carrying a cloth in one hand and a bottle in the other. It didn’t take a genius to work out what that meant. “Time for nap whilst I get prepared.” The Russian smiled as Constance's eyes widened in horrified realisation. Kneeling next to her captive, the Russian uncapped the bottle and put the thick pad over the neck, then tipped it until the cloth was saturated with chloroform; then she quickly replaced the cap, careful not to breathe the potent fumes herself. Setting the bottle on the floor beside the bed, the Russian brought the pad up to Constance's face with a graceful sweep of her arm, almost surprising the helpless girl in spite of her understanding of what was about to happen. "Sleep tight," the Russian murmured wickedly as she applied the pad to the gagged girl's face. Constance squealed into her stuffed gag in protest; then Constance began thrashing about, shaking her head violently from side to side, trying desperately to avoid the penetrating anaesthetic fumes. But the Russian was calm and professional. Clamping the pad over Constance's nose and mouth, the Russian took hold of the struggling girl's left nipple and twisted it hard. Constance gasped in surprise and pain, sucking a lungful of chloroform into her body. The Russian continued twisting the erect nipple and watched Constance begin to weaken as the powerful sleep drug was forced into her nostrils. Her moans became softer and her eyelids began to flutter as consciousness receded under the influence of the relentless vapour. Hayley could only watch on helplessly knowing that her turn to be chloroformed into unconsciousness would arrive shortly. Any further thoughts were lost as her eyes slid shut and her world blacked out, leaving her totally at the mercy of whatever was going to come next for her. The Russian removed the cloth from the lower half of Constance’s face and turned her attention toward Hayley. “Let’s freshen this up,” the Russian said as she walked around the bed and kneeled down beside Hayley. The Russian smiled as she pressed the cloth tightly over Hayley’s nose and mouth. "Breathe deeply, sweetheart. It's time for a little nap." The soothing female voice failed to ease Hayley’s fears, but the paralysing perfume filling her nostrils certainly did. Each whiff of the sweet vapor made it that much harder for Hayley to resist falling under its stupefying spell, and soon she was falling peacefully into the darkness.

Russian’s base, outside Dubrovnik, Croatia

Shaking her head to try and clear it Hayley took deep breaths through her nose, well her mouth seemed to be full judging by the feeling on her tongue. Assessing her situation Hayley discovered that she was was sitting in one of the high-backed wooden chairs that she had seen sitting in the room. Her wrists were tied behind the back of the chair using several coils of strong rope, a quick check with her fingers told her that the knots were frustratingly out of reach. There was a tightness across her chest and stomach and a quick glance down told Hayley that there was rope coiled around her body in several locations binding her securely to the chair, that glance also told Hayley that she had been stripped down to her underway. “MMMM, UUMMHH,” Hayley moaned. Her gag had been replaced and if she was guessing correctly some kind of large foam ball had been stuffed into her mouth, completely filling it and tape had been wrapped around her head and over her mouth multiple times to prevent the stuffing being expelled. Looking further down Hayley noted that her legs ankles were bound to the legs of the chair using several coils of rope. There was a cylindrical device with a large bulb at the top secured to the inside of her thigh, the tip of the device was resting on a sensitive area of Hayley’s anatomy. “OOOMMM,” Hayley moaned. A look across to the bed confirmed that Constance was bound spread-eagled on the bed and was stripped down to her underwear. Like Hayley there was a cylindrical device secured to the inside her thigh.

“Glad that you are awake,” Hayley heard the Russian say from a dark corner of the room. The woman approached Hayley and stood in front of her. “I am tired but need to finish off with you before I get some sleep.” A bolt of panic ran through Hayley. The Russian stepped back and Hayley watched on as the Russian soaked four cotton balls in chloroform. The Russian produced two dust masks and put two of the chloroform-soaked balls into each of he masks. Strictly restrained as she was there point in Hayley resisting as the Russian placed the mask over Hayley’s nose and tape gagged mouth before slipping the strap over Hayley’s head. “Good, just relax.” The Russian then replaced the padded sleep mask and ear plugs on Hayley before running her finger all the way down Hayley’s body until it reached the bottom of her thigh. Hayley moaned softly at this before she jolted and screamed as the Russian flicked a switch and activated the device. Hayley instantly felt the stimulation run through her body. The Russian then moved across to Constance and repeated the process before standing back and admiring her handiwork as both Hayley and Constance writhed, squirmed and moaned into their gags at the stimulation they were currently experiencing. “Goodnight ladies, enjoy a restful night and I will see you in the morning.” The Russian said despite her captives not being able to hear her.

Both Hayley and Constance were not having a restful night the stimulation they were experiencing saw to that. In addition, they were both getting enough of the fumes from the chloroform to disorientate and weaken them but not enough to knock them out. The lack of sensory input from being gagged, blindfolded and earplugged meant that they only had one thing to concentrate on. It was going to be a long night, at least until the batteries ran out.
Hotel, Dubrovnik, Croatia

It had been an enjoyable night for Yelena and she actually had a smile on her face as she entered the hotel lobby, passing several guests on their way to the dining area for breakfast. Yelena wasn’t hungry so she headed straight for the stairs. As she climbed the flights to the correct floor, she pulled out her mobile and dropped a message onto the operation chat to let Hayley and Constance know that she was back in the hotel, that she was going to get some sleep and would set her alarm for 1pm. If they needed her just call, Yelena always heard her phone even if she was deeply asleep.
Russian’s base, outside Dubrovnik, Croatia

There was a pounding at the back of her head, her mouth was parched, her body was covered in dry sweat and she tightly was bound to a chair. But of you ignored all that Hayley felt fine. The chloroform had dried out and the fumes were no longer an issue, the discomfort of the dust mask over her face was a greater issue at this point. It had been a long night but eventually Hayley had managed to dose off and get what she guessed was a couple of hours of sleep. Hayley could see that Constance was also awake and hoped that her presence reassured the young woman. Just then the door opened that their captor walked in carrying a bottle of water. “Ladies I am going to remove those gags now,” the Russian started, “but the rule is no talking unless answering a question that I have asked.” Hayley and Constance both nodded. The Russian made her way over to Hayley first and began picking at the tape that had been wrapped around Hayley’s mouth. Eventually she found the end and unwound the tape and then used her long, lean fingers to remove the foam ball. Hayley’s eyes bulged when she saw the size of what had been in her mouth, no wonder it had been so uncomfortable. Hayley worked her jaw before accepting a drink of water as the Russian held the bottle up to her lips.

“Thanks,” Hayley said as the bottle was removed. As Constance was given the same treatment Hayley ran her tongue over her lips and wondered where this was going. Once Constance had finished drinking the Russian retrieved a chair from the corner of the room and set it in a position where she could see both of her captives, she had spun he chair around so the she sat on it with her arms crossed on the back of the chair and her legs spread out on either side.

“I shall get straight to the point,” the Russian said. “I know that you work for Elizabeth Crawford and I know that she is planning something big. My task is to find out what that is.” Hayley and Constance exchanged a look.

“What do you mean?” Hayley asked.

“What is Elizabeth Crawford up to? The Russian asked.

“You would have to ask her,” Hayley replied. She had decided to do most of the talking, using her experience to take attention away from Constance. The Russian just gave her a look. “If you are as well informed as you claim to be then you will know that Elizabeth plays everything close to her chest and doesn’t let her operatives in on the big picture. Especially, operatives that are at the bottom of the pile like the two of us.” Hayley reckoned I was better to keep the woman talking.

“My information is that Crawford obtained some information from the Broker and is currently using that information as part of her plan.”

“You seem to know more than we do about what either is, or what you think is going on,” Hayler responded. “I don’t even know who the Broker is.” That was true. The Russian seemed to be getting frustrated and got up from the chair and made her way over to where Hayley sat bound to the chair.

“Let’s go with a simpler question then Hayley. Who did Elizabeth meet in Bratislava?” That was indeed a good question, Hayley had actually been at the meeting but had been rendered senseless by Elizabeth before the meeting. Hayley just shrugged a response. Without waring the Russian grabbed Hayley’s chin and used her strong grip to force Hayley’s mouth open and stuff a balled-up cloth deep into Hayley’s mouth. “You may as well chew on this if you aren’t going to answer my questions. I will try Constance.

“So, what does Elizabeth have planned?” The Russian had turned her attention toward Constance.

“I can’t add anything further to what Hayley has already told you I’m afraid,” Constance replied. “I have never heard of this Broker or any other broker and I have never been to Bratislava.”

“MMUURRHH, UUMMPPHH,” Hayley mumbled into her gag.

“And I suppose neither of you have heard of the Almost Famous fashion house, Hauser & Mettler bank, Naomi Van Den Burgh or Elizabeth’s mole in American intelligence?” Hayley just shook her head. The Russian leaned down and removed the cloth from Hayley’s mouth. “Last chance.”

“I genuinely have no idea what you are talking about,” Hayley stated with finality.

“If you aren’t going to talk then I have no option but to transport you back to Russia for proper interrogation.” The Russian paused to let that comment sink in “If you think it was bad last night wait until our experts get hold of you. In Russian you will be reduced to a trussed-up cocoon, that craves release. Our interrogators will experiment on you, no matter how long it takes to break you. How long until an educated and smart lady like yourself will endure constant bondage and stimulus until you are broken and you will be broken, trust me. And when you're finally broken and we have no further use for you. You will be sold in the slave market. I am sure that you will be popular, especially in a certain market, blue eyes, blond hair, alluring figure. I may even have a have a go myself before you leave….”

“You bitcmmpppphhh!” Hayley spat but before she could yell out the rest of her insult the Russian shoved the cloth back into her mouth. She then followed it up by wrapping another piece of cloth around Hayley’s mouth and around her head. The gag thoroughly quieted her protests but obviously not enough for the Russian. “I will have to see to that gag later on.”
Rabat, Morocco

The fog of her chloroform induced sleep lifted slowly for Christina. Damn, she hated to be chloroformed. It always gave her a sore head these days. Christina kicked, thrashed, bucked and struggled, testing her bonds and quickly satisfying herself that she was indeed helpless. Christina then sent a steady stream of complaints, objections and curses in the direction of Frankie Saracino but due to the gag with the large ball in her mouth and thick pad pressing down on her lips, they were inaudible. To be fair the woman was only doing her job, it was Christina’s own fault for letting her defences down and getting snatched. She felt like an amateur. “Was there any need for that Christina,” Frankie said as she leaned on the bottom of the bed. “Just relax and accept what is going to happen, it will go easier on you that way.” Well, at least she knew who had grabbed her now. It was a team from Section 12 rather than Elizabeth Crawford or an independent contractor. Christina supposed that was at least something to be thankful for, when Jaclyn Sanders appeared again, she would be able to straightened all of this out. “I am not here to judge,” Frankie said. “Jaclyn Sanders asked us to find you and bring you back to headquarters and that is what we are going to do.” Frankie shrugged. “Nothing personal, just an assignment.” Christina could respect the professionalism even in her current position. With that Frankie turned away and had a hushed conversation with a striking dark-skinned woman that Christina didn’t recognise, so assumed she was the Saracino’s local contact. As she scanned the room, Christina couldn’t see any sign of Frankie’s partner, her daughter Sheridan.

After they had finished restraining Christina in her room Frankie had asked Sheridan to have a check around the surrounding area for any untoward before heading back to their hotel to pick up their bags. The plan was to head straight from Christina’s hotel to a safehouse provided by Adilah to wait for their flight back to America. As she slipped her phone into her bag after texting Frankie that there were no issues Sheridan didn’t notice the tall woman wearing a black niqab come out from a nearby shop and slipped in behind her. Sheridan relaxed a little as she made her way through the thin crowds and back toward the hotel, the journey shouldn’t take any more than fifteen minutes each way. As Sheridan walked along the street her attention was grabbed by something in a shop window and she decided to stop and take a look. No sooner had she done this than she felt a barge in her back that put her off balance and then she felt a tug on her shoulder as her bag was grabbed and stripped away, as it left her shoulder Sheridan made a grab for it but couldn’t get her hand clasped around it in time but saw that the person that had snatched it was a young boy of around twelve who set off at a run down the street. “Bugger,” Sheridan cursed under her breathe and set off after the young boy, she needed what was in the bag. The chase wasn’t long, the boy took a couple of sharp turns and headed down a dead with Sheridan close on his heels where he promptly dumped the bag, scattering it’s contents around the deserted alley before in a feat of great athleticism launching himself up an over the wall at the end of the alley. Sheridan stopped and slowly approached where her bag was lying, it seemed like a waste of time for the boy as he handy taken anything Perhaps it was just a prank, a joke between friends to laugh at the American woman chasing them. It didn’t bother her. Sheridan looked around the alley as she started to collect her things and saw a couple of closed doors but no windows, but as she looked behind her to the mouth of the alley there was a tall woman wearing a black niqab was standing with a large canvas bag over her shoulder. The woman gave her a thumbs up, Sheridan raised a hand in thanks before returning to picking up her belongings when suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. Before Sheridan could react, something bumped into her from behind and sent her sprawling into the dirt. “Hey, what’s that all about,” Sheridan shouted, assuming it was the young boy returning or one of his friends. Then as she tried to get up a hefty weight flopped on top of her and wrench one of her arms behind her back. “Argh, what UURRPPHH,” Sheridan’s complaints were cut off as a wadded-up handkerchief was forced into her mouth. That was quickly followed by a cloth being forced over her nose and mouth, the cloth was damp and the smell coming off the cloth instantly registered in Sheridan’s brain. Chloroform! “MMUUPPHH,” Sheridan screamed, but with her mouth packed and the cloth over her mouth very little noise escaped. Sheridan tried to get free but her assailant had her pinned to the ground and an iron grip and she couldn't slip free from meaning Sheridan couldn’t gain any leverage. Sheridan knew full well if she didn't escape soon, then she'd be spending at least part of the evening in forced slumber. Sheridan marshalled all of her inner reserves and focused all her energy on breaking away, but the familiar fumes were having their usual effect: an initial wave of euphoria, followed with increasing drowsiness and loss of sensation. As the darkness closed in, Sheridan's curiosity overtook and she wondered who had attacked her. Then just as darkness beckoned the cloth was removed and fresh, clean air hit her nostrils.

“I don’t want you all the way out just yet,” a female voice with an American accent said.

“OOHHMM,” Sheridan moaned into the handkerchief in her mouth as she was flipped onto her back. In was then that she saw that her attack was the woman in the black niqab.

“First of all, let’s get that gagged sorted.” Sheridan watched on impotently as the woman pushed another balled-up handkerchief into her mouth, the drug making resistance impossible. Next the woman produced a cloth with a large know tied in it. Placing the know at the centre of the packing in Sheridan’s mouth the woman tied both ends tightly behind Sheridan’s head. The woman looked at her handiwork and clearly not satisfied proceeded to fold a cloth and place it at the centre of a folded silk scarf, Sheridan raised a hand to resist but it was very weak and the woman batted it aside easily before placing the folded cloth over Sheridan’s mouth and tying both ends tightly together behind Sheridan’s head, compacting everything already in place, eliciting a very muffled moan from Sheridan. “Getting a bit feisty there,” the woman said as she picked up the chloroform-soaked cloth again and made sure Sheridan took another couple of hits before flipping her over onto her back and using strong rope to securely bind Sheridan’s wrists at the small of her back. Then the woman in black flipped Sheridan back onto her back and pivoted her up at the waist so that she was sitting up. That allowed the woman to wrap cord around her body, above and below her breasts several times, pinning her arms to her body. Finally. the woman tied Sheridan’s thighs together to hobble her movements. The woman seemed happy and delved into her bag and produced a small glass bottle. Even in her current state Sheridan assumed that the bottle contained chloroform and the woman was about to freshen up the cloth before sending her on a trip to dreamland. Sheridan was wrong, it was actually smelling salts and when the opened bottle was held under her nose there was an explosion of colour and noise in her head as her senses came sharply back into focus. After half a minute of getting back to equilibrium the woman helped Sheridan unsteadily back to her feet. “We are going to walk back to that hotel and you are not going to give me any problems,” the woman said. “Do you understand?” Sheridan didn’t respond in any way. How did this woman expect to walk her through streets bound and gagged without anybody noticing and intervening in some way or calling the police? “Well, the other option is that I tie your ankles, knock you out and leave you here for somebody to find and do who knows what to you.” Sheridan nodded, there was still the issue of getting a bound and gagged woman from this alley to the hotel. “Glad that we have an understanding.” Then the woman bent over and removed a light blue niqab from her bag and pulled it over Sheridan. Very clever Sheridan thought, the long dress would cover the bondage and the headscarf and veil hid the sever gag.

“MMUUHH, UUPPHH,” Sheridan mumbled but it was barely audible through her gag.

“Let’s keep in quiet for the journey,” the woman said as she finished packing up both bags, slipping her own over one shoulder and Sheridan’s over the other. “Nice and easy does it,” the woman said as she grabbed Sheridan’s upper right arm and guided her out of the alley and onto the main street, they walked slowly to prevent Sheridan from toppling over with her hobbled legs. The streets were quit but every time they passed someone Sheridan couldn’t believe that she was so close to potential help without being able to signal for it.
Christina’s hotel, Rabat, Morocco

“Are you concerned about Sheridan?” Adilah asked Frankie after she had taken another glance at her watch. Only half an hour had passed since the text message had arrived so her daughter shouldn’t be too much longer. Frankie nodded and tried calling her daughter’s number but there was no response, that could have just been the lack of signal strength in the area. “I will go and take a look around. Ask if the staff have seen her.”
“Thanks, that would be great,” Frankie replied. Adilah nodded and stepped out into the corridor, closing the door carefully behind her. The room where they had snatched Christina was on the top floor of the hotel and Adilah headed toward the stairwell casually, with the confidence of a police officer going about her duty. As Adilah reached the top of the stairs and looked down there was movement as a woman wearing a black veil quickly removed herself from view and disappeared into the corridor one floor below. Intrigued Adilah descended the flight of stairs and then walked along the corridor, passing closed doors on both sides until she noticed something at the end of the corridor. The door to the final room on the left was slightly ajar and Adilah approached casually before giving the door a nudge with her foot. It opened wider and Adilah took another step, she was now half in and half out of the room. The room was in pitch darkness, no lights on and the shutters closed over the window. However, Adilah was sure that she could hear something in the room, a quiet, muffled mumbling. Suddenly a hand reached out of the gloom, grabbed her and pulled her inside the room. Before Adilah could react, her attacker thrust a damp cloth over her nose, forcing a sharp, sweet smell into her nostrils. She recognised the odour immediately as chloroform from the slight whiff when the Saracno’s had subdued Christina and it only increased her alarm, knowing as she did that the fumes would soon take their toll and render her unconscious. Being chloroformed was not something that happens quickly. It is a slow process as Aldilah had noted from when the American agents had attacked their captive earlier, this means that she would have time to break free. What Adilah hadn’t taken into account was the cumulative effect of inhaling every breath of the chloroform’s fumes had on your strength, co-ordination and mental sharpness. Every breath sucked more and more of all three away from you and dragged you closer to oblivion. An arm wrapped itself around her body and the door was kicked close. There would be no assistance from that direction. Adilah tried to twist free of her attacker's grasp, but found her efforts thwarted as the arm that encircled her torso only tightened further, drawing her close. Her own arms were pinned, and useless as she attempted to reach up and pry the soaked cloth away from her face. As she feared, the powerful vapour was making its presence felt. Her thoughts were becoming sluggish, and her strength was ebbing, causing her limbs to go rubbery. She realised the end of her resistance was drawing near. Marshalling her reserves, she managed to turn her head sufficiently to get a look at her attacker. But what she saw was of no help to her as the face was cover with a veil. With the fight over Adilah gasped into the soft damp cloth, drawing a deep breath of the irresistible inhalant and swooning under the resulting loss of sensation. Her body was growing numb, her eyelids fluttering uncontrollably, and the looming darkness was almost upon her. Adilah had been tied up before, but this was the first time she had ever been chloroformed and it scared her, whoever had captured her they had done it so swiftly and effortlessly. That question followed her down as, with the softest of moans, she plunged into the yawning abyss of oblivion. The niqab wearing woman lowered Adilah to the floor, kneeling along with her limp form so she could keep the drug-filled cloth over Adilah's nose and mouth.
The woman left Adilah on the floor, happy that the woman had inhaled enough of the fumes to keep her unconscious long enough so that she wouldn’t have to bind her. Well, not yet. The woman got up to leave, Sheridan ling bound and gagged on the bed moaned softly. “Don’t worry. I will be back for you soon.” The woman left the room, closing the door and making for the stairs. As she approached the door the woman didn’t break stride, deciding that shock would be to her advantage, burst through the door to find a groggy Christina lying in a slimline down restraining bag on the bag and a startled Frankie Saracino starting at her from the other side of the room. “Who are you?” Frankie asked of the black niqab wearing woman that had just entered the room.
“The question you should be asking yourself is, where is my daughter?” The woman could see that had clearly shaken Frankie.

“What do you want?” Frankie asked.

“Lovely, straight to the point.”

“MMMUOOHH,” Christina moaned from the bed. Both of the other woman in the room ignored her.

“I want you to take that chloroform, pour it onto a cloth and then hold it over your nose and mouth,” the woman instructed Frankie.

“You want me to chloroform myself?” Frankie asked. The woman nodded.

“If it helps make your decision, I just plan to leave you here bound and gagged whilst the Damsel in Distress there and I make our escape.” Suddenly Christina recognised the voice behind the veil and a wave of relief washed over her. Frankie was hesitating and the woman wanted to push home the point. "You seem to be having difficulty processing the situation, so allow me to provide some clarity. Don't think of this as being coerced to chloroform yourself; think of it as saving your daughter from a lifetime of discomfort at the hands of a dirty little man." Slowly Frankie reached for the chloroform, opened the bottle and poured a health amount onto a think cloth. “Wise choice,” the woman commented as Frankie brough the cloth up to her nose and mouth. The fumes wafted into her nostrils before she managed to get the cloth into contact with her face. The familiar fragrance fired colourful blooms of befuddlement that clouded her thoughts and benumbed her body Frankie stumbled over to the bed and sat down, continuing to press the cloth tightly over her nose and mouth, administering the fumes. As her awareness diminished in the face of the aromatic onslaught, a soft groan escaped her lips, muffled by the chemical-soaked cloth, already in danger of slipping from her weakening fingers. Then a helping hand appeared and pressed Frankie’s own hand against her face just as it was about to slip away. Frankie’s breaths became rhythmic and automatic as the friendly fumes continued to sever her connection to the waking world, plunging her into an immersive embrace that utterly consumed her. It was like sinking in a still pool of unknown depths, but the material she swam in was far more pervasive than mere water. It She willingly gave herself to the total loss of sensation, floating away into unconsciousness. As Frankie's eyes fluttered closed and her head lolled to her side, the niqab wearing woman kept her grip on the limp fingers containing the soft, thick cloth, maintaining a steady dose of the pungent fumes into Frankie’s nostrils as the woman slumped sideways onto the bed next to Christina.

“UURRPPHH,” Christina shouted from behind her gag.

“This is now the second time I have saved your sexy ass Christina.” The woman removed the veil and Christian was able to see the broad smile on Victoria’s face.
Christina’s hotel, Rabat, Morocco

To say that Christina had been relieved to hear Victoria’s voice would have been greatly understating it. Once Frankie had rendered herself unconscious Victoria had released Christina from her bondage and whilst she had been getting back into her own clothes Victoria had disappeared from the room and returned five minutes later steering a tightly bound and several gagged Sheridan in front of her. “Lie on the bed next to mummy,” Victoria growled into Sheridan’s ear. On seeing Frankie lying on the bed Sheridan whimpers. “Don’t worry, she is just sleeping off some chloroform.”

“Need any help?” Christina asked.

“Not at the moment,” Victoria asked as she went about securing Sheridan’s ankles together with a length of strong rope. “Get packed up and ready to leave.” As Christina packed the few item that she had removed from her bag Victoria bent Sheridan’s knees so that the woman’s ankles were close to her wrists and used a final length of rope to hogtie Sheridan, further restricting her movement. “Good girl,” Victoria said giving Sheridan a pat on the bum. Christina had now finished packing. “The other one is downstairs. Take the bag and the gag and secure her. I will finish binding Frankie and meet you. Last door on the left.” Christina nodded and after slinging her bag over her shoulder she flung some binding materials into the lightweight restraining bag before folding that in half and picking it up. Once Christina had left Victoria emptied her bag of goodies and proceeded to bind Frankie in exactly the same manner as Sheridan was bound. That job completed Victoria took off the niqab and flung it into the corner of the room. Biding the two Section 12 operatives a fond farewell Victoria closed the door behind her and headed downstairs to find that Christina had also completed binding Adilah. The only part of the young woman’s body that was visible was her head and even most of the owe half of that was hidden by the large padded gag that Christina had applied.

“Moroccan Secret Police,” Christina commented, holding up Adilah Harrack’s identification.

“What do we do with the three of them?” Victoria asks meaing the two bound and gagged women on the bed upstairs and Adilah lying in the restraining bag on the bed in this room.

“Leave them,” Christina replied. “Housekeeping will find them in the morning.” That decision made the two women left the room and headed for the exit of the hotel. It was now late at night and nobody was around to give them a second look. “Where to?” Christina asked.

“I have a car parked ten minutes away. I suggest that we get as much distance between Rabat ad ourselves as possible.” Christina nodded and feel into step silently beside Victoria.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Grandiose Update @mrjones2009 :) What a roller coaster. At least Christina got saved by Victoria. But the prospects for Hayley and Constance look dire to say the least. Brought to Russia for further Interrogation? Let us rope someone comes to the rescue - even its Yelena.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Interesting that the Russian wanted to know about Bratislava. Too bad Hayley cannot tell her a thing because she was blind deaf and gagged at the Time.

Here is another crazy theory of mine: Maybe the circumstances may lead to an unlikely Alliance? To see working Yelena and Natalie together to rescue Hayley and Constance?

For now I see a major Problem: How shall tYelena or and Natalie find them?

P.s: And who ever acts to rescue she or they have to act fast ....
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Post by Caesar73 »

One of the things [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] does extremly good is that he creates almost hopeless Situations for the Damels and comes up with a simple, elegant and mostly unexpexted way out. Christinas Rescue by Victioria is a very good example.

Hayley and Constance are in a even more hopeless Situation. So it will be even more interesting to see, which Solution the Author comes up with this time or if Hayley and Constance will be really shipped to Moscow.

Well done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] you keep us readers onn our toes!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Congratulations [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] ! Over 70000 Clicks, another Milestone!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I can hardly wait to learn where you take this fantastic tale next [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] - prospects for Hayely and Constance are dire to say the least!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 62

Copenhagen Airport

As soon as Natascha has exited the fuselage she noted the change in temperature and paused to zip up her jacket. The stop over wouldn’t be long, only three hours until her flight to London, so she hoped that Gayle and Rhiannon would be there to meet her. After descending the steps and walking to the terminal Natascha headed straight for the agreed meeting point, her bag would be transferred to her next flight automatically. Striding along the concourse Natascha dodged between locals and visitors to Denmark’s capital city. As she rounded the corner Natascha was relieved to see Gayle and Rhiannon sitting nursing a large white cup in their hands. As Natascha approached she nodded an acknowledgement and took the only empty seat remaining at the table. There was a nervous silence until a waitress appeared and Gayle ordered a round of coffees for them all in German. “I didn’t know you spoke German,” Natascha commented.

“I like to keep some of my talents hidden,” Gayle said with a smile.

“It is good to see you again,” Rhiannon said.

“And you,” Natascha replied. “I just wish that it was under better circumstances.”

“Yes, I gathered that things haven’t been going to plan.” Natascha noted the waitress returning baring a tray with their drinks on it and responded by raising an eyebrow. “What brings you to Copenhagen?” Gayle asked.

“Just passing through actually,” Natascha responded as they all leaned back to give the waitress space to place their drinks on the table. They all nodded their thanks and the waitress hurried away to a table of new arrivals.

“How long are you here for?”

“Only a couple of hours, the boss wanted me back as soon as possible.”

“So, you had better get straight to the bad news,” Rhiannon said.

“You might need something a little stronger than caffeine after this.” After that statement Natascha ran through what had happened since Rhiannon and Gayle had left for Copenhagen, the Hamburg trip, what they had learnt from Emily St Clare, Jaclyn Sanders going off the grid and finished with the communication from US Intelligence. Somebody could have bugged the area or had a mike on them but it was information that Natascha had to pass on. “So, they have all split up and gone their separate ways. I didn’t hang around to find out where for obvious reasons.”

“That does sound bad,” Gayle said as they all sat silently contemplating whilst sipping from their cups. “Is there anything else?”

“Danielle wanted you to have this,” Natascha said as she slid a USB drive over the table. Gayle palmed the device and slipped it subtly into her pocket. “It seems German isn’t all that you have learned.” Gayle smiled, which felt strange after the news that they had just received. “I will let you take a look at your leisure.” As they finished their coffee Natascha gave them some tips on what to do next before she got up from the table and said her goodbyes. Before leaving the table Natascha gave them a web address for a chatroom and a specific thread. “If you need to get me leave a message and I will and get back to you.” Gayle and Rhiannon both nodded. “A couple of last bits of advice, whatever you do be careful, do not do anything stupid and trust your instincts. They will usually be right.” With that Natascha left the table to get her flight and didn’t look back.

“Well, what do we do now?” Rhiannon asked once Natascha had disappeared from view.

“I think first thing is to get something stronger than caffeine and the second is to take a look at that gift from Danielle.” They gave it another five minutes before they got up and left the café, leaving enough cash to cover the bill and a decent tip. Walking side by side they left the row of food establishments and turned the corner toward the escalators and the main exit. Just as Gayle and Rhiannon turned the corner and headed for the exit a figure clad, in a full length down jacket melted away from a pillar and started to walk at the same pace as the pair being careful to keep enough people between them to ensure he was not spotted.
Hotel, Dubrovnik, Croatia

It was now a closer to 3pm than 1pm and Yelena was starting to have concerns about her colleagues. There hadn’t been a response to her messages on the operation chat and in fact, she could tell that neither Constance nor Hayley had even looed at it. Subsequent telephones calls to each had gone unanswered. Yelena had made enquiries at the reception desk but nobody has seen them and for obvious reasons she didn’t want to make to much of fuss. Then an idea came sprung to mind and she made a call. “This is Yelena, can you give me a trace on Hayley’s tracker.” There was the sound of keys being tapped on the other end of the line, then there was a response. “Is it moving or stationary?”

“Stationary and has been for about twelve hours.”

“Can you send the co-ordinates to my phone?” Yelena asked.

“No problem. Is there a problem that you want me to run past the boss?”

“I don’t think so,” Yelena replied before disconnecting the call. She quickly grabbed her coat and keys for the van and headed out of the hotel. Hopefully she would find out what was going on at the co-ordinates for Hayley’s tracker.
Russian’s base, outside Dubrovnik, Croatia

“I am afraid that you will both have to be chloroformed for most of the journey. I wouldn’t normally take that precaution but as you are trained agents of Elizabeth Crawford, I can’t give you the slightest whiff of an escape. See what I did there? I am sure that in my position you would take the same safety precaution. Consider the application of chloroform to be tribute to your skill, training and also your beauty.” Not that being rendered unconscious using chloroform was a new experience for Hayley, being honest it didn’t bother her any more. For Hayley being chloroformed was like cutting your nails, something that you had to do very so often but was annoying. It was just the way this woman said it. Telling her she should expect to be knocked out as a pitfall of her chosen occupation. After the brief interrogation session, the Russian had given them something to eat and some orange juice, Hayley guessed that the sedative had been in the juice because not long after that both she and Constance had black out. When Hayley had regained consciousness, she found that she was back on the bed lying next to Constance. A quick glance told her that she was wearing a white boiler suit with the hood pulled up over her head. The foam ball was back in her mouth and tape had been wrapped around her head again. Hayley’s wrists had been tied in front of her with several coils of rope and tape had been wound around her body multiple times to pin her arms to her body. There was silver tape running from Hayley’s thighs to her ankles, the only break was at the knees and Hayley could tell from the feel and pressure that thee was rope under the tape at several points on her legs. A quick glance to her left told her that Constance had suffered a similar fate. The Russian readied the chloroform-soaked rag, preparing to clamp it across Constance’s nose and mouth. “Just breathe deeply,” she urged Constance. “It will all be over before you know it.”

“MMMM, MMMM,” Hayley screamed into her gag. The Russian paused with the cloth hovering menacingly a ten or so inches from Constance’s face.

“Quiet Hayley, your time will come soon enough.”

“MOH,” Constance moaned after the cloth had been placed over her nose and mouth. “MOHOH,” she moaned again shaking her head. Hayley could tell that they young woman was scared and panicked. It was one thing to go through induction week with Elizabeth Crawford where you were well treated, comfortable and knew you would be released after seven days. It was quite another to be held against your will by a psychotic Russian spy.
“Yes,” replied the woman nodding her head. “You don’t have any other option.”

Then suddenly a shadowy figure appears behind the Russian and grabs her, pressing a thick cloth over the lower half of the Russian’s face. Hayley gets a glimpse of the shadow’s face and recognises it as Yelena’s. A wave of relief floods through Hayley at this turn of events. Yelena locks the cloth and arm in place to get as firm a hold as she can. It seems to take the Russian a couple of seconds to process what has happened before she reacts. But by that time Yelena has the cloth locked in place the Russian’s face and her right arm wrapped just her the Russian’s breasts, locking her arms at her sides. At the same time, Yelena yanked the Russian backwards, hoping to get her feet off the floor so she doesn’t have any leverage to struggle but it was going to be tricky as they were of a similar height. The Russian start to fight back intensely, her head lurches back, she twists, kicks, screams muffled obscenities, jerks her head to get away from the chloroform-soaked cloth. For once Hayley was glad that Yelena was so strong, it is all Yelena can do to avoid getting head butted by the Russian whilst keeping her under control. The Russian wriggles, arms twist and swing, but Yelena keeps them locked solidly at her sides. It’s all Yelena can do to keep the cloth over the Russian’s face. The Russian screams a protest into the cloth. From her position on the bed Hayley looked on as Yelena wrestled with the woman, trying to maintain the upper hand. Hayley can tell the Russian still wants to fight, but her movements are getting sluggish and uncoordinated. Hands lift and then fall. Legs twitch. Soft little moans come through the soaked cloth. She starts to sag down in Yelena’s arms, as if her legs are getting to weak to hold her up. If it wasn’t for Yelena’s tight grip the Russian would probably already be on the floor. The Russian whimpers softly, her arms drop limply to her sides and don’t rise again. Her head lolls to one side. Her legs buckle completely and Yelena lowers her gently to the ground, still keeping the cloth over her face. Hayley would have cheered if she hadn’t been severely gagged.
It had taken some time but Yelena had managed to extricate both Constance and Hayley from their strict rope and tape bondage but eventually they had been freed. As Hayley went to retrieve their clothes Constance had given Yelena a hand to lift the Russian onto the bed. “I don’t suppose you know who she is?” Hayley asked Yelena as she approached carrying a pile of clothes topped off with two sets of shoes.

“Natalia Kournikova,” Yelena replied. “Former Federal Counterintelligence Service and now independent contractor. Good reputation but no loyalty. Always open to a better offer.” Yelena almost spat out the last two sentences.

“How did you find us?” Constance asked as she slipped off the boiler suit and started getting dressed. Hayley had almost completed the process and only had her shoes to tie.

“The tracker on her ankle,” Yelena responded indicating Hayley with a nod of her head. “What happened?” Yelena asked Hayley.

“You know? Just the usual, being kidnapped, held against my will….” Hayley replied and despite what she had just been through Constance couldn’t help but grin at that comment. She also admired Hayley’s sense of fortitude. “Honestly. No idea. It wasn’t an accident she had been following us and she seems to know a lot about what Elizabeth has been up to.”

“Allegedly been up to,” Constance countered as she slipped on her sweater.

“What do we do with her?” Yelena asked indicating Natalia Kournikova.

“I think that we need to take her back to the island with us,” Hayley suggested. “She was asking questions that I am sure Elizabeth will want to know about and ask some of her own.” Hayley stopped dead and shook her head, not quite believing what she had just said. “Yelena, could you get a full kit from the van. This one is far too dangerous not to have her in full restraints.” Yelena nodded and left the room to collect the apparatus from where she had hidden the van. That left Constance and Hayley with the slumbering Russian.

“I am glad that little adventure came to an end when it did,” Constance commented.

“Agreed, but I think that we both need a shower,” Hayley commented taking a quick sniff of her armpits.

“What? At the same time?” Constance responded. There was an awkward silence between the two women as they looked at each other. “I better take a look around for intelligence that we can take. You had better stay here and keep an eye on her.” Hayley nodded and Constance disappeared to sweep the rest of the house. After a minute Hayley decided to get a head start so started to strip the Russian of her cloths, starting with her shoes and socks, then pulling off her trousers and knickers. Hayley was slightly disappointed that they were quite substantial rather than of the skimpy, sext variety. The finally Hayley hauled the woman up at the waist and with a bit of effort pulled the tight black sweater off and flung that onto the pile of clothes at the foot of the bed. As she completed the process and let Natalia fall back onto the bed Hayley heard the sound of an engine pull up outside. Yelena walked through the door not soon after with a rucksack over her back and three compression sacks clasped in her hands. After she placed the compressions sacks on the ground Hayley picked up the sack that contained the down suit and extracted it before throwing it on the bed.
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Chapter 63

East Coast of the United States

It had been a wise decision for Erin Michut to turn around and leave Section Headquarters, something was seriously wrong. Erin had tried to contact most of the girls through official channels without success, then she had moved on to personal mobiles and e-mail addresses without getting a response. What was perhaps more worrying was that nobody had tried to contact her. Then when she had tried to log in remotely to the server access had been denied then the statement about the facility being on lockdown and Jaclyn Sanders being suspended and missing had popped up. That made no sense and Jaclyn Sanders didn’t seem like the kind of woman to run away rather than face a problem.

Now, Erin was smart enough to know that if something was wrong then she was a loose end that needed to be tidied up. Fortunately, with their background her parents had taught her well though and she had a go bag ready with everything she needed, including a passport and other identification under a false name. It was time to go on a trip. As Erin slipped on her favourite jacket and grabbed the bag, she took a look around the apartment. It wasn’t her apartment; it was one that her parents owned under a company name that it would take a lot of effort to trace back to them. Satisfied that she had left nothing behind Erin exited the apartment and started her journey toward the airport. She would leave it to the last minute to decide where to go but it would definitely be somewhere in Europe. If she was being over cautious then at least she would get a nice break, if not then the distance would give her some form of safety and a little time to think things through and come up with a plan.
Dubrovnik City Centre, Croatia

Walking through the streets late at night Natalie Twain found her mind wandering to two separate trains of thought. Those were I hope Charlotte is alright and what to do next? The second thought was the most pressing. Natalie couldn’t live the rest of her life on the run from the American authorities. Maybe that was a problem for tomorrow as she zipped up her short down jacket and turned onto the street that ran along the old harbour. It was then that movement caught her eye and she caught a glimpse of someone walking before then they disappeared around a corner. Something at the back of her mind told her that this person was familiar but Natalie just shook that off and continued to walk along the street at her own pace. I had become a habit to walk at this time of night, not only was she less likely to get noticed but Natalie had found it difficult to sleep recently. As Natalie reached the turn that the figure had taken, she glanced down and caught another sighting of the same figure. That made her pause, then Natalie’s curiosity got the better of her and she decided to follow the figure and see where they went. It nothing else it would break the monotony.

Natalie sped up so that she could comfortably follow the figure as they, well she, it was definitely a woman, took left and right turns. There was still something as the back of her brain that told her that she knew the woman that she was following. The figure had must have slowed as Natalie had closed in as she continued to slip unnoticed behind her target they both turned down a narrow alley but Natalie still did not suspect anything was wrong until suddenly she felt two sets of hands grab her instantaneously from both sides, glancing both ways to find that Yelena and Constance had grabbed her. “What’s going on?” Natalie said.

“You are going for a nice trip,” Constance said.

“We will take good care of you,” Natalie heard a familiar voice say. Natalie turned back to find that she was now face to face with her friend Hayley. A wave of shock ran through Natalie’s body as the figure pulled down the hood of the coat that she was wearing.

“What are you doing here?” Natalie asked. “And will you let go of me!” That didn’t work as Constance and Yelena kept a firm grip of her.

“We are here to help with your problem,” Hayley replied. Natalie couldn’t help noticing that Hayley had produced a large, thick white cloth and a bottle from the pocket of her full length down coat. “What are you doing?” It was then she realised that she had been duped, lured into a trap.

“Just relax Natalie. It will be easier that way,” Hayley replied whilst pouring a large amount of the liquid from the bottle onto the cloth.

“Have you turned completely turned Hayley? Has Crawford got to you completely or were you always working for her?” That statement and the venom that her friend delivered it hurt Hayley deeply and she hoped that she would get the chance to explain fully in time, which was something that they didn’t have at this moment. Hayley clamped the chloroform-soaked cloth over the lower half of Natalie’s face. “Natalie, please try and understand that I am doing this for your own good. I just want to keep you safe and this is the only way that I can see to do this at the moment.”

“MMMPPPHH,” Natalie moaned into the cloth. The look in her eyes was one of betrayal mixed with fear that almost brought a tear to Hayley’s eye but she had to be strong in order to protect her friend.

“Don’t struggle Natalie, there is no point. Just relax and breathe in the chloroform, close your eyes and go for a nice nap.” Natalie submitted to her fate and stopped struggling, there was no way that she could fight off three attackers so there was no point in straining herself. It wasn’t the first time that she had been chloroformed and now that she was going to be a guest of Elizabet Crawford again Natalie knew that it wouldn’t be the last. The most disappointing thing was that it was Hayley that was applying the cloth, it may as well have been a dagger to the heart the way that Natalie currently felt. Her best friend was about to kidnap her and hand her over to an international criminal. It seems that Christina had been right to doubt Hayley, it now looked like she had turned. That was unless Hayley had been working with Elizabeth Crawford from the beginning, or from some time from when the two women had crossed paths over the years. As this was all crossing her thoughts Natalie had lost track of the affect that the chloroform was starting to have on her, her limbs were tingling and she could feel her thoughts and co-ordination slowing down and knew that it wouldn’t be long before she was out. Hayley kept the cloth locked in place and the fumes continued to invade Natalie’s nostrils, at least it was the good stuff, nice smell, very little after effects and reasonably quick acting. Natalie kept her eyes locked on Hayley’s for as long as she could. Her vision began to lose sharpness and Hayley went into soft focus, her eyelids were getting very heavy and they closed over once. Natalie managed to get them back open but that was short lived as her eyes rolled into her head and closed as she slipped into unconsciousness.

“Let’s get her to the van and back to the plane,” Constance said as she and Yelena took Natalie’s full weight. Hayley nodded and slipped the cloth into her pocket before taking over from Yelena in helping Constance support Natalie’s weight. They had left the van close by and Yelena led the way and they quickly covered the ground. Yelena jumped in behind the wheel and fired up the engine as Constance and Hayley hefted Natalie into the back and laid her down next to the down cocoon containing Natalia Kournikova who was sleeping off another application of chloroform.

As they approached the airfield Constance called ahead and told the aircrew to get prepared for a quick take-off. As Yelena entered the airfield, she drove the van right up to the sleek private jet and slammed on the brakes. Everyone then sprang into action to ensure a quick getaway. The flight attendant helped Yelena pack their bags and equipment into the cargo hold whist Constance and Hayley carried the down cocoon into the cabin on the plane and along to the very back where there was a specially designed padded couch that then deposited her on and used heavy padded straps to hold her securely in place. Once that job was completed, they returned to the van and picked up Natalie and carried her into the cabin, just as Yelena tossed the keys to the van to a local contact who would make it disappear. They hurried up the stairs and as soon as they were all inside the flight attendant retracted the stairs and closed the door. “Get ready for take off ladies,” the flight attendant instructed. Hayley and Constance sat Natalie down in one of the comfortable seats and strapped her in place.

“Your turn Hayley,” Constance said, Hayley sighed and took the seat next to Natalie and sat perfectly still as Constance secured her to the seat with the padded straps before slipped the rubber mask over Hayley’s nose and mouth so that the gas would keep her unconscious for the duration of the flight. Instantly Hayley felt the gas against her skin under mask and she relaxed and took controlled, even breaths. There was no point fighting the inevitable, a quick glance to her right told her that Natalie had just had a mask replied. The last thing that Hayley remembered before gassing out was the sensation of the plane taking off.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Hello. Apologies for the delay between updates!

Thanks for getting the story over 72k clicks. Unbelievable!!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Fantastic two Chapters! A little sloppy by Hayley´s Captor not to remove the Tracker .... her bad - and I have to say this is the first Time that I was happy to see Yelena chlorofroming somebody!

Another interesting fact: the Sequence between Natascha and Gayle - I wonder what will come out of it.

Natalie must belief that Hayley betrayed her - it surely looks that way. That must have been incredible hard for Hayley to do that to her Friend. And I do hope, Hayley gets the Chance to mend fences.

I wonder if Erin gets away ....

The Island is surely be crowded with two new Guests. Nothing seems to stop Crawford .... but I might be totally crazy, that the greatest Danger might come from within. There is Penelope for instance .... and quite a few people who might pose a danger to Crawford.

[mention]mrjones2009[/mention]? Well done!
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Chapter 64

Rural England, two hours from London

“Are you sure about this?” Steve Barclay asked. As normal the large driver and bodyguard of Reginald Barton-Smyth, the chief of British Intelligence asked his boss.

“Are you sure there is no other way?” Eleanor Penny, Barton-Smyth’s long-time personal assistant chipped in.

“Yes, I am. We can’t take her to any of our safe houses and even if we did who could we get to look after her without awkward questions being asked?” After asking that question he looked from Penny to Barclay then back again. They didn’t answer so Barton-Smyth took that as confirmation that there were no objections. Just as they had tacitly made the decision to proceed as Barton-Smyth had laid out they all heard the sound of an engine getting louder as it came up the gravel drive before it shut off. Then a car door opened and closed. Barclay who was closest to the window used a finger to move a curtain and peek out at the new arrival.

“It’s her,” he said with a nod.

“Eleanor, be a dear and get the door then get the stuff and come back in.” Eleanor stood still for a second before scampering out of the room. Barton-Smyth walked across and took his favourite seat, the one at the far end of the leather couch. There was the sound of a knock at the door followed by the sound of steps on the hardwood floor, then the door opening, greetings, the door closing and then the sound of two sets of footsteps on the hardwood floor. All of which were muffled by the thick walls and heavy door. Barton-Smyth took a deep breath as the door opened and Eleanor’s head appeared in the gap.

“Natascha Taylor is here,” Eleanor said.

“Thank you, Eleanor,” Barton-Smyth replied with a nod. The door opened and Natascha Taylor strode in wearing knee length black boots, a grey skirt, matching jumper and a black leather jacket that dropped down to the middle of her thigh. A black bag hung over her left shoulder.

“Thanks for coming in Natascha,” Barton-Smyth said as he stood to greet his operative.

“No problem at all sir. Probably safer to meet in person. There is a lot going on,” Natascha replied. Barton-Smyth signalled for Natascha to take a seat on the settee across from where he was sitting. After meeting Rhiannon and Gayle in Copenhagen Natascha had jumped on a plane bound for London. When she had landed Natascha had went straight home for a couple of days of recovery before reporting back to the office. Before leaving that morning, she had a call from Eleanor asking that she report to their boss’s private residence a couple of hours outside London rather than the office. That was fine with Natascha, she would rather the drive in the countryside than the packed commuter trains. Just relax and drive with the music on, she had planned to stop at a local pub on the way home for a late lunch.

“Also, better out of the way of prying eyes. That is why I asked you to come down here. You didn’t tell anybody that you were meeting me?”

“No,” Natascha answered as she slipped of her bag and sat down. Then an uncomfortable silence settled over the room. “So, did you read my report?”

“Yes, very thorough indeed.”

“What did you want to discuss that we couldn’t in the office?” Natascha asked.

“Erm…,” Barton-Smyth responded. “How we go forward? Especially concerned about your note on potential leaks or moles within the service.” Natascha looked at her boss, he didn’t seem his usual in control, confident self.” Natascha then glanced at Steve Barclay who was like a coiled spring, there was definitely something not quite right here. Then the door opened and Eleanor Penny came in and took the seat beside Natascha. The uncomfortable silence settled in again. Then suddenly the tension was broken when Barton-Smyth nodded and Eleanor leaned over and cloth over the lower half of Natascha’s face. Although she instantly recognised the sickly-sweet smell fumes coming from the cloth as belonging to chloroform, not the refined version used by professionals but the older version that was nasty and would give her a pounding headache, it took her a second to get over the shook of what had just occurred. “MMMMPPHH, MMPPHHMM,” Natasha cried in muffled tones into the white cloth that covered her mouth and nose. Natascha shook her head to try and dislodge the cloth but wasn’t successful, she looked at Barton-Smyth but although it was hard to read his face Natasha knew that there would be no help forthcoming from him. They again Eleanor Penny wouldn’t be applying chloroform-soaked cloths to women’s faces without her boss’s instructions. Still struggling, she pressed her hands into the soft leather cushions to stand, but instead, found herself stopping as she noted the large gun that Steve Barclay was pointing at her.

“Just sit back and enjoy the ride,” Barclay advised.

‘Ride! Ride!’ Natascha thought. ‘I bet his ass had never been chloroformed!’

“I am really sorry about this Natascha,” Barton-Smyth said, “I don’t want to hurt you but will if I have to.” To say that Natascha was shocked at this turn of events was an understatement but with a gun pointed at her, and she was in no doubt by the look in his eyes that Barclay would use it she didn’t really have much of a choice but to submit to being chloroformed. After steadying herself Natascha took deep, even breathes, with no means of escape better to just get on with it. Although aware form experience that it did take a reasonable amount of time to be rendered unconscious from the application of chloroform this time it seemed to take longer than she remembered from her previous experiences. Then the drug’s effects started to kick in, her head started to full strange, her arms and legs felt weird then her field of vision began to narrow. Then after several further breathes her eyes were in rapid flutter now, and her body was relaxing all by itself. Her time awake was quickly running out. In less than a minute, her body suddenly went limp and her eyes began too gently close. As Natascha slipped from consciousness, her last thoughts were clear. They weren’t going to hurt her. Then Natascha couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer and she slipped into the darkness with a soft moan that was muffled by the cloth that was held in place firmly over her mouth.

“This is the best solution for everyone involved,”

“Look, Eleanor I know this won’t make you feel any better but we had no option. Elizabeth Crawford has full details on what happened in Panama and the payments we received thereafter. This is the cost of avoiding that getting out and you know what that would mean for us.” As he said that Barton-Smyth looked at the unconscious Natascha lying on the carpet in his study. “Steve, carry her out to the car and put her in the back seat.”

“Wouldn’t she be better in the boot out of sight?” Barclay asked.

“I can’t do that to her,” Barton-Smyth replied. “Eleanor will ride in the back with her.” Barclay nodded and picked up the unconscious Natascha in his arms and carried her out of the study. “Eleanor find something to tie her wrists and ankles with.” Eleanor nodded. “Also, bring the chloroform and keep her dopey or out for the entire journey.” Barton-Smyth walked over to where Natascha had been sitting and picked up her bag. They would take it with them and dump the telephone into a river somewhere after turning it off. He wanted the data to track it off the property if someone ever bothered to check it. He delved into the bag and found the keys to Natascha’s car. They would put it in his garage out of sight until tomorrow. Barclay knew a man from his younger days that could make any vehicle vanish for a fee. That was be tomorrow’s job.
Rural England, two hours from London

The black Ranger Rover took the tights turns of the country road well which might be surprising with the non-standard additions, bullet proof glass and armour plating it was a heavy vehicle. Steven Barclay drove with Barton-Smyth in the passenger seat and Eleanor in the rear seat beside the unconscious form of Natascha Taylor. Barton-Smyth took in the scenery as it whistled past, large green fields with the occasional herd of cows or sheep, hedgerows, farm buildings and the odd stand of trees. The land was mostly flat as they were heading toward the coast, with about twenty minutes until they arrived at their destination there was the sound of soft moaning from the rear seat behind him. “Make sure she doesn’t come fully around,” Barton-Smyth said leaning around in his seat to look at Eleanor who was fumbling around with a lady’s white handkerchief and a small glass bottle.

“What…ahh…no…” Natascha moaned as Eleanor began pouring the chloroform onto the handkerchief.

“Shush,” Eleanor said soothingly as leaned she placed the handkerchief over Natascha’s nose and mouth. As soon as he fumes hit her nostrils Natascha shook her head but in her weakened state there would be no serious resistance. In any case Eleanor had bound Natascha’s wrists, ankles and thighs with three silk scarves that she had procured from Barton-Smyth’s wife’s wardrobe. Natascha moaned and moved her head in slow motion for fifteen or twenty seconds before her eyes closed over again.

“Don’t worry we are not far away from our destination,” Barton-Smyth said from the front of front passenger seat.
Her head was still swimming and she was having difficulty focusing on what was being said but Natascha tried to take in as much as possible. Reginald Barton-Smyth and a woman in her early fifties wearing a tweed suit were having a conversation just out of earshot. She was still trying to piece together what had happened and where she was through the after effects of being drugged. She remembered turning up at Barton-Smyth’s country home, the chloroform-soaked cloth that was placed over her nose and mouth, the gun pointed at her then everything went black. Then she remembered coming around and the sensation of motion, then the feel of soft fabric over her face again and the sickly-sweet smell again, the sensation of falling and everything went black. The next thing she remembered was a strong scent under her nose and coming round. That was how Natascha found herself sitting on a wheelchair with her ankles and legs bound with a rather burly woman in a nurse uniform standing either side of her. Barton-Smyth’s car sat fifteen yards away, nothing visible through the tinted windows.

“Where am I?” Natascha asked the two burly female nurses.

“Quiet,” was the only response. Natascha shrugged and after a couple of seconds tries to struggle to her feet but a meaty hand on her shoulder pushed her back down into the wheelchair. The other nurse quickly secured Natascha in palace with a couple of heavy leather straps over her thighs and across her chest.

“Could you at least untie me?” Natascha asked.

“Quiet.” Natascha guessed that chat wasn’t their strong point. Anyway, Barton-Smyth and the woman he was in discussion with were making their way toward Natascha.

“It is sad to see Mrs Cumming-Bruce. Natascha was one of our best operatives but unfortunately I think it has been one to many undercover assignments.”

“Sad,” Cumming-Bruce replied giving Natascha a sympathetic smile.

“Yes, it certainly is,” Barton-Smyth replied with a slow, sad shake of the head.

“I wouldn’t believe anything that she says at the beginning. A lot of delusions, she sees conspiracy theories everywhere. I hate to think what was done to her,”

“What are you talking about?” Natascha asked, genuinely perplexed.

“Here is the file,” Barton-Smyth said handing a tan folder a file to Cumming-Bruce as if Natascha hadn’t said anything. “I would be grateful if you could take good care of her and also treat this matter with the upmost discretion. If only for Natascha’s own safety.” They took a couple of steps backwards and leaned in close so that they couldn’t be overheard.

“Of course, I have registered Natascha under an alias and only a few select staff members will know the real details,”

“That would be much appreciated,” Baton-Smyth said.

“Acting out in any way?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” he said solemnly. “We had to sedate and restrain her to even get this far. And even beyond that lashing out in any way possible, biting. It was horrible to see.” Unable to hear the conversation Natascha just noted a nod of Cumming-Bruce’s head and almost straight away felt hands on her jaw forcing it open and then a foam ball was forced into her mouth, jamming her jaws open. A hand then held her hair up as a buckle was tightly fastened at the back of her head to secure the ball gag in place. It was an automatic reaction to bite down on the foam, it was soft enough that there was some give but not enough to let her make legible sounds. They exchanged a couple of pleasantries before shaking hands and Barton-Smyth walked back toward his car without looking back. Whatever he had arranged for Natascha was going to happen here and he wasn’t going to be around for it.

“MMMM, MMMM, MMMM,” Natascha mumbled as Cumming-Bruce appeared in her line of vision.

“You will learn to behave Jane,” Cumming-Bruce said. Any pretence at being nice now gone going by the tone of her voice and look on her face. Natascha had to admit that a chill ran along her spine. “Discipline is one of the key factors in recovery.”

“MMMM, HHRRUUPP,” Natascha mumbled then thought why had she bothered.

“Reginald says they had to use chloroform on you a couple of times. A harsh method of sedation, but don’t worry we have a lot better stuff here. Much, much better.” An evil grin spread over Cumming-Bruce’s face. “I assume you also have a sore head after the chloroform. We can help you with that as well.” Speech over Cumming-Bruce nodded to her nurses and one of them stared to wheel her along a path toward a large stately home looking building. It was obviously a very nice building if you weren’t being pushed toward it bound and gagged in a wheelchair. There was a ramp that she was wheeled up that ramp and into the entrance, which was large and very nicely decorated. “Take Jane to the secure wing and get her comfortable for the night.” Natascha didn’t know what that meant exactly but guess that she wasn’t going to enjoy it. As she was wheeled away Cumming-Bruce was approached by a woman in a white coat.

“The new arrival we discussed earlier?” the woman asked.

“Indeed, it is. How long do you think the treatment will take?”

“Well, it is always hard to give accurate timescales this early on but if the information that you have supplied is correct then maybe as long as six months.”

“That long?” Cumming-Bruce inquired.

“Treatment won’t start immediately. We have to give Natascha, sorry Jane Smith, time to adjust to her new surroundings before commencing therapy and reprograming.”

“Fancy a quick cup of tea?”

“Sorry, I have session in ten minutes but don’t worry about the new arrival. I will take good care of her.”
As the Range Rover exited the grounds of the home and Barclay turned steered the vehicle back toward where they have come from. At the wheel Barclay hummed a tune, seemingly unaffected by today’s events. “Do you have to do that?” Eleanor asked from the rear seat. Barton-Smyth noticed that Barclay was going to react but place a hand on his thigh to stop him.

“I appreciate that this hasn’t been pleasant for you Eleanor but it is the best we could do for her given the circumstances,” Barton-Smyth said. “At least this way there is a chance that she will have a decent life. If Elizabeth Crawford had gotten hold of Natascha who knows where she would have ended up.” Barton-Smyth could tell that Eleanor was not yet totally convinced about what they had just done but she would just have to get over it. At the ed of the day the choice had been Natascha Taylor or themselves. It wasn’t a difficult choice as far as Barton-Smyth was concerned. To end the awkward silence, he turned on the radio and selected a classical station before closing his eyes and trying to relax for the journey home.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So another of Crawfords Opponents is out of the way, poor Natascha - and there seems no way out of it. At the moment the good guys seem not have any chance at all - which is sad news. The only ones not apprehended at the moment? Christina and Victoria, there is Gayle, there is maybe Gabriella - but so far it seems pretty much that it is Game over for the good Guys. So this chapter makes me a bit sad, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :) And honestly I don´t like the sound of reprogamming - that means destruction of Nataschas Personality ....
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Chapter 65

An island in the Mediterranean

It was a short but uncomfortable journey form the island’s airstrip to the main house and it was nothing to do with the condition of the roads or vehicles. Natalie’s glare almost burned through Hayley for the entire journey, Hayley could feel the eyes burning a hole into the back of her head even though he had spent the majority of the journey staring out the window toward the coast. Hayley only hoped that she would get the opportunity to talk with her friend in private. Fortunately, when they arrived at the main house there was help waiting for them in the shape of Kendall, Antonija and Gisele. The first two helped Natalie out of the vehicle and up the steps into the hall, Constance and Hayley followed close behind with Yelena and Gisele bringing up the rear escorting Natalie Kournikova. When they got into the main house, they found Elizabeth Crawford waiting for them. “Greetings ladies, welcome back,” Elizabeth Crawford said as they entered the hall. “Natalie please go with Kendall and Antonija. They will take good care of you and we can catch up properly at a later date.” She then gestured with her finger towards Hayley and Constance. “You, come with me.” The tone of her voice suggested that they were not going to enjoy whatever happened next.

“Let me do the talking,” Hayley whispered to Constance as they followed Elizabeth into her study. They noted that Nicole had followed them into the study and closed the double doors behind them. Elizabeth walked through the room and took up position on the far side of her desk, Constance and Hayley stood side by side on the opposite side of the desk.

“I sent you to get one person as a favour to Hayley ladies and you bring back two,” Elizabeth Crawford held up two fingers as she made the observation with a slightly annoyed air looking from Hayley to Constance and back again.

“On second thoughts, I will leave this one to you,” Hayley said after a glance at Constance.

“The other one is a former Russian spy. The woman is good, she must have been tracking us from landing. She mentioned something about information that you had…” Elizabeth raised a hand to stop Constance.

“First of all, there is no such thing as a former Russian spy. Even when they go freelance, they are still reporting back and secondly, you were sloppy and got grabbed,” Elizabeth stated. “I can’t let that go without making an example.” Hayley didn’t like the sound of that.

“Elizabeth,” Hayley said, “we appreciate that we should have sought instruction but we had to make a call and decided to bring her back to the island. Yelena confirmed that the woman is a former Russian Counterintelligence Operative and she was asking questions about things that neither Constance nor I knew anything about.”

“The Almost Famous fashion house, Hauser & Mettler bank, Naomi Van Den Burgh and she seemed confident that what she was asking about.” That seemed to shake Elizabeth slightly as she sat down in her chair and took some time to contemplate what to do next. “We thought that you would want to have a discussion with her so we brought her along.”

“Thank you, ladies. That’s enough or the moment. But as I said you were sloppy and I can’t let that go. You will both by subject to seven days in full restraints.” Hayley and Constance started to object but once again Elizabeth raised a hand to silence them. “This is going to happen ladies. The only question is do you want it to happen the easy way of the hard way.

“We won’t offer any resistance,” Hayley said. That got a look from Constance but Hayley hoped that she managed to convey to the young woman that she should be quiet. Not that they would have a choice shortly. Hayley heard Nicole approach from behind and offered no resistance as her arms were pulled behind her back and padded cuffs were placed around her wrists. Then a cloth was pushed into her mouth and a folded silk scarf was tied over her mouth. It wasn’t long before Constance suffered the same fate.

“Keep them separate for the duration,” Elizabeth told Nicole. “Let Kirsty out as well.” As they left the study and walked along the corridor toward the stairs Constance and Hayley exchanged looks. Hayley would have loved to have been able to discuss the current situation with the younger woman but Elizabeth had made sure that wasn’t possible, well at least for a week. Hayley only hoped that it wouldn’t be longer than that. There was obviously something going on and know Hayley would have a week to try and put together the pieces and work out what it was.
An island in the Mediterranean

As they walked through the house Natalie took in her surroundings and despite being kidnapped and brought here against her will she had to admit that the whole set up was impressive. They paused at an intimidating steel door and waited whilst one of the guards, she thought it was the one called Kendal, used a card to disengage the electronic lock and open the door. Once through that door they walked along the corridor and went through an open door. Natalie took in her surroundings; it was like a very good hotel room except with a couple of large down filled restraining bags lying on the double bed rather than complimentary mints. “I understand that you are familiar with this process Natalie so I expect this to go smoothly,” Kendall commented as she stood directly in front of Natalie with her hands on her hips. “Don’t worry we have plenty of down filled goodness for you to look forward to.” As Kendall was taunting her the other guard, Antonija, was picking at the knot on the silk scarf over Natalie’s mouth. Once that had been loosened and the scarf removed Natalie spat out the cloth that had been stuffed in her mouth once the plane had landed.

“Don’t suppose you fancy telling me where we are?” Natalie asked Kendall as she had another look around the room. Antonija had also removed the padded cuffs that had been around Natalie’s wrists.

“Sorry, but that is on a need-to-know basis and you certainly do not need to know,” Kendall replied. “I am sure that you will enjoy your stay though. Think of it as a holiday with a surprise destination.” As Natalie was having this chat with Kendall, she managed to keep an eye on Antonija who walked around the room making preparations for restraining Natalie. Having being captured and held before Natalie had a good idea what she could expect.

“Let’s get started then Natalie” Kendall said.

“It’s not too late to give yourself up ladies,” Natalie replied. “I promise to put in a good word for you with the authorities.” Kendall smiled broadly at that comment.

“Thanks, but I think that we are past that detective. You must do everything that I say or it could get messy for you. I won’t hesitate to sedate you.” Natalie just nodded and began to strip, there was no point resisting at this stage. She would just have to ride out the initial period and get the lay of the land later on. Even if she could get out of the room there was nowhere to go. So, weighing it up Natalie decided that at this point discretion was the better part of valour. Natalie began to remove her clothes, first her jacket which she folded and placed on the floor; next she bent down and removed her boots and socks, placing them next to the jacket. Slowly Natalie undid her belt, loosened the buttons and slide off her jeans, followed by her blouse and finally, reluctantly her underwear.

“Impressive,” Kendall commented with an evil smile. It was at that point Natalie knew that this girl was someone to keep away from.

“First things first; hands out in front of you” Martinez commended. Natalie complied and Antonija handed Kendall a pair of finger control mitts and proceeded to put one of each of Natalie’s hands. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Kendall tightened to lock the mitts in place. Natalie winced as the buckle was secured a bit tighter than was required and tried wriggling her fingers. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible rendering her hands useless. Whilst looking at her hands Natalie hadn’t noticed that Kendall has moved behind her. “Open your mouth” Natalie jumped slightly then did as instructed. Kendall brought something over her head. It was a large padded gag with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into Natalie’s mouth. Natalie reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Natalie felt it push down on her lips as a buckle was used at the back of her head to secure it in place. Natalie was familiar with both the gag and the process of being restrained but it didn’t make it any easier.

“TGTAHT HATSHT GFRATJ” Natalie mumbled.

“Time to get a diaper on. It’s actually for your benefit. You will be restrained for long periods of time so treat it as a comfort thing rather than a punishment.” Natalie guessed that Kendall was pulling out the chat for new prisoners that hadn’t had the pleasure of being abducted and been held captive by Elizabeth Crawford before. Without having to be asked Natalie walked across to the bed and after nudging the bags off to the side lay down on her back. “Nice when a captive behaves. Now, raise your bum like a good captive.” Natalie lifted her hips from the bed and after a couple of seconds Natalie felt a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to lower them again. When she did Natalie felt her bum land on something soft and thick. Natalie lay perfectly still as Kendall applied some cream and talcum powder before she finished the process of putting on the diaper by bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. “Not so bad that was it, detective. Right get back up off the bed.” With her hands in the mitts and the diaper firmly in place this more difficult than it sounded.

Antonija grabbed something from the bed and held it up to Natalie. It was a down suit, sort of like a ski suit but far more voluminous and with built in feet. Antonija brought it over and positioned it on the floor in front of Natalie. “Step into the legs,” Antonija ordered. Once again did as asked with no complaints and with a little help from Antonija, especially with the arms found that she was wearing the down filled suit. Once, again she noticed its thickness and smoothness of the fabric that it was made from. Antonija zipped up the front of the suit, flicking up the hood.

“Hands out again.” Natalie complied and watched as Kendall placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap. Natalie watched as Kendall picked up two straps from the bed and used them to secure her arms of her body. Her captors were picking up the pace now as if she had somewhere to be and Antonija was rearranging the restraining bags as Kendall grabbed Natalie by the upper arm and pushed her round to the other side of the bed. Antonija fully opened up one of the sleeping bags and pushed Natalie down so that her bum was resting on the inside of the sleeping bag. “Legs together Natalie.” Kendall then used three more of the straps to secure Natalie’s legs at the ankles, just below the knees and around the middle of the thighs. Natalie felt slight discomfort as the thigh strap was tightened due to the thick diaper that she was wearing but knew from experience that she would get used to it. It had just been a while since she had worn a diaper. “Swing your legs up and get in the bag.” Once again with a little assistance Natalie managed to do as instructed. Lying perfectly still Natalie waiting as Antonija pulled the top of the bag over her and zipped the bag. As her two captors prepared the second bag Natalie took the opportunity to have a wriggle but there was no defect in her bindings. Thumping her head back in frustration she noticed that the thickness of the sleeping bag was increasing as the loft inflated. The material was smooth and the down filling must had been very high to make the bag feel so tight around her body. Then Natalie suddenly became aware of Kendall and Antonija near her again. “Lie still and do not struggle whilst Antonija and I put you in the second restraining bag.” Natalie lay still as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into the other bag. Natalie didn’t struggle but she wasn’t going to help her captors either so she lay there as dead weight as the two women managed to slip the bag under her body, finally getting the hood under her head. This bag had a centre zip so Natalie was a little shocked when she looked down to find Kendall almost straddling her to bring the two halves of the top section of the bag together and zip them in place, fighting against the loft of the down to get the zip up to the top before locking it off. “That’s us finished and we will leave you alone now until time for food, a change of diaper and a nice dose of chloroform later. There is no means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your captivity as long as you relax and enjoy.”

Their job completed the two women exited the room and left Natalie to her thoughts. Natalie’s mind drifted back to the first time that she had experienced of these restraints. Raising her head to find that she was indeed encased in what looked like a large mummy shaped sleeping bag overstuffed with extra down and padding to bulk it up and narrow the inside of the bag. The outside of the bag had been puffy with deep creases forming around each baffle which had elastic installed so that it tightly fitted around her body. She had struggled and squirmed against her bonds but only succeeded in making noises as the fabric of her suit rubbed against the fabric of the restraining bag. And that was just the single bag, now they were doubling up and had made some improvements with even more padding. You only got free if they made a mistake or they let you. Despite knowing it was pointless Natalie felt compelled to give it another thrash but after several minutes of pointless struggling against her bonds and relaxed her muscles as she submitted to the situation, stopped struggling and thought about how she could get out of this and exactly what Hayley was doing. Natalie couldn’t bare to think of her friend actually working with or for Elizabeth Crawford of her own free will but Hayley’s actions suggested otherwise. She hoped that Christina was having better luck.
An island in the Mediterranean

Meanwhile in the room next door Natalia Kournikova had now had plenty of time to consider the bindings that her captors had restrained her in. Her captor's technique was quite professional. Natalia could tell she could struggle for hours without causing her bonds to shift and without gaining any slack. In addition to the various straps that secured her arms and legs there was also the matter of the sleeping bag contraptions that she was bound in. It was when considering this that Natalia began to realise just how desperate her current situation was. It explained why she could not move. She was being compressed on all sides by the thickness of the soft down insulation, although strangely she was not overheating. The down loft was smothering her entire body up, squashing down on every part of her. It looked like her entire head and body had been engulfed in a massive down cocoon. The bag's soft and silky nylon shell was a dark navy blue in colour. The outside of the bag was puffy, with deep creases forming under each baffle, it was stuffed to the limit. It was so, so tight. Natalia reckoned that it must have been two bags, one inside the other, rather than a single bag. One layer would mould itself perfectly to the victim inside it, while the outer sack would remain in its proper shape. Natalia had heard rumours about Elizabeth Crawford’s restraining methods but hadn’t had the pleasure before. Now that she had her overriding emotion was frustration as there was no means of escape. But it had been her own fault for getting surprised and chloroformed in the first place. She had also been checking the gag with her tongue, rubbing it along the smooth fabric of the large object in her mouth. As for the functionality of the gag, it was sufficient for its task, keeping her quiet enough that she would not be heard outside of the room that she was in, which Natalia supposed was the whole point of a gag in the first place. The soft, thick pad over her mouth pressed solidly against her lips. So, Natalia could scream her head off and seem like she is making a fair bit of noise, but no one would hear her. It might be satisfying to do, but Natalia was practical and stayed quiet. She wouldn’t even mention the added indignity of being forced to wear a diaper. In the end she was glad of that as she had already had to use it, in fact she wished they would come around and put a fresh pine on before too long. Natalia had never been this helpless in her entire life. The only option she had, the only one, was to wait to be rescued, or let go. Both of which were equally humiliating.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Foremost thank you for the quick update [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :)

This update shows us a few things: Hayley and Constance formed a relationship, which might prove useful later. The more I think about it? There might be a coup d´etat at some point in the future - let us not forget, that Crawford´s Staff has a lot of Damsels to handle and not all are cannonfodder. If Crawford knows about Penelope´s true intention, the risk is less likely.

That Crawford punishes Hayley and Constance is the typical move by Crawford: establishing. But be it as it may: Without help from the outside escape is highly unlikely - which raises some other questions: Do Christina and Victoria have a plan to find the elusive Fallon Bennett? Will Crawfords Mole at Section 10 discover her lost conscience again? And regarding Section 10? Will Erin make her escape or not? What is Crawfords Engame? And what Plans has she for her involuntary guests, especially Hayley and Natalie? Lots of open questions at this point ...

That Natalie wants not to believe that Hayley has changed sides is understandable her doubts too. And Kendall proves once more that she is a very troubled young woman. Natalie is clever enough not to offer futile resistance - she knows better than that.

And there is Natalia Kournikova ... her Mission has failed and she has not the experience Hayley and Natalie possesses.

To get back at the beginning: Inaccidentally Crawford might strenghten the bond between Constance and Hayley .... and that could make things interessting.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Here a few other foughts: At the moment it seems that there are only three factors which might hinder Crawfords total Victory:

1.: That she understimates her opponents, true there are not many left - but she seems overconfident - she might be simply to accustomed to Victory

2.: She might overstretch her ressources, especially on the Island itself: There are now so many Damsels held against their will, controlling all of them, caring for them, must be quite a challenge. Honestly I have lost count how many Damses are being hold captive.

3. Her style of leadership: Crawford is control freak, she trusts no one. I think that even Harper or Louise Williams she trusts not fully. Simply she reigns only by Powerplay and Pressure.

A good example is the way she has treated Hayley and Constance in Chapter 65. She could have made her point without punishing them. Hayley has no love for her from the start, but Constance is a different matter. By punishing both, she strenghtens the bond between Hayley and Constance which cannot be in Crawfords best interest. Another question: how loyal are Crawfords People when under pressure?

At the moment almost everything seems going her way, but are they really?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Congratulations are in order [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] ! Over 75000 Clicks! Keep it going!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 66

Tranquil Times Recuperation Home, Southern England

The nurse wheeled Natascha into the room and she somehow knew she was in deeper trouble than she thought. The room was decorated, if you could call it that, with large padded white rectangular sections. The only item of furniture was a single bed sitting in the centre of the room, there was nothing else, not even a window. The only light came from recessed fittings in the ceiling. It was spartan to say the least. The two burly nurses took up positing in front of Natascha and crossed their arms, Natascha noting the muscle tone evident on their forearms. She wouldn’t want to challenge either of them to an arm-wrestling competition.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” nurse number one said. Not seeing any other option Natascha nodded to confirm that the easy way was her chosen option. Better to play along now and look for a better opportunity to escape later on. The nurses let her out of the wheelchair and removed her bonds before throwing a pair of white silk pyjamas at her which Natascha caught. “Put them on. It will help with the chaffing when we put this on you,” nurse number two said with the hint of a Scandinavian accent as she held up a canvas straightjacket. Although she doubted it Natascha hoped that her body language didn’t give any her sense of disappointment at this development. Now, Natascha knew that the security of a straitjacket depends very much on its size, which should be as small as practicable to be secure. A tight jacket at the chest and armpits will make it difficult for the wearer to pull the arms out of the sleeves and this one looked like it would be a snug fit. Left with no other option Natascha slipped on the pyjamas and then waiting for the nurses to approach with the straightjacket. When they did Natascha noted that this straightjacket was different to any that she had seen before, the sleeves of the jacket were not sewn shut at the ends but they had mitts on them. “Arms out if front,” nurse two ordered. Natascha put out her arms in front while the nurses slipped them into the restraining sleeves which were about to keep them helplessly fastened for however long then kept her in this room. Once the hands were pushed deeply into the padded mittens at the end of each sleeve, the nurses quickly strapped and fastened the several buckles up Natascha’s back, cruelly squeezing Natascha inside the tight straightjacket, then the nurses guided the leather sheathed arms around Natascha’s slim, toned stomach, through the side loops and proceeded to secure them in place at the small of Natascha’s back. The nurses jerked the sleeves hard as Natascha’s elbows were pulled towards each other as they tightly buckled Natascha’s arms and hands around her waist. They then moved around to fasten the front strap that held Natascha’s forearms in place securely against her front. Most jackets feature a crotch-strap to prevent wearers from pulling off the jacket. Friction buckles are used to fasten institutional jackets with webbing or cloth straps because they are difficult to open without a free pair of hands. This straightjacket was no different and the nurses fastened the two crotch straps in place, pushing the thick nappy against Natascha’s delicate areas. “Did you enjoy that bit?” nurse two asked. As Natascha was still ball gagged she just scowled at them.

“Let’s get her strapped on the bed,” nurse one said. They each grabbed one of Natascha’s upper arms and guided her toward the bed. Now, the bed was more like aa child’s crib in that it had sides and a roof. Nurse two produced a key and unlocked a small padlock that allowed then allowed her to swing open two doors like gates. “Sit on the edge and swing your legs up and in.” Natascha sat her nappy clad bottom on the mattress and swung her legs up, there was a few strange sensations as she found herself lying on top of some uneven and bumpy items. “Shuffle up a bit.” After completed that instruction Natascha lay still as both nurses leaned in and went to work securing Natascha in place with leather heavily padded leather straps. Padded hoops were placed around Natascha’s ankles, calves, thighs, stomach, chest and upper arms. These hoops were each buckled tightly, the hoops were attached to heavy leather straps which were secured to the frame of the cot. Once all of the straps were secured to their satisfaction the nurses removed themselves and closed the gates on the side of the crib and secured it them together with the padlock. Then without looking back or any chat between them they headed for the door. As the door closed Natascha found herself staring at the ceiling wearing a nappy, straightjacket and a ball gag. Not that she thought there would be Natascha tried the leather straps and found that she was held fast in place, there was no give in her bondage. Then the main lights went off and the room was plunged into almost total darkness, all that was left was some subtle lighting from mood lighting in each corner. The switch to control the lights must have been outside. Not having anything better to do Natascha put her brain to work on two questions. How she ended up here and how she was going to escape?
An island in the Mediterranean

If she was being honest about it then Penelope had lost track of time a while ago. Well, that was probably the idea. To keep her confused and off balance. It had worked. She didn’t feel herself. She hadn’t seen the time since she arrived at this place and nobody had told her the time. The only way to keep track of the days was by the sun going up and down but if she was being honest, she was that disorientated that she had lost track of the number of days as well. The mundane existence of being restrained in these bags, bloody hell! Why were they so comfortable? Was only broken by whatever her captors decided to play on the screen above the bed and being released for food and diaper changes. Even that could only have been for around two hours a day. The frustration took over again briefly and she had another pointless thrash around. “What was that all about?”
“oommpphh,” Penelope was that wrapped up in her own thoughts that she hadn’t noticed that there was someone else in the room.
“Maybe we should tell the boss to cancel the meeting?” Kendall said.

“mmoohh, mmoohh,” Penelope pleaded whilst shaking her head vigorously. Kendall smiled.

“Let’s get you out of those bags then.” Penelope would have helped them if she could but that wasn’t going to happen so just relaxed. Well, relaxed as much as possible. Her mind was buzzing and there was a knot in her stomach at the thought of meeting Elizabeth Crawford. Then again, this is what she was here for. Wasn’t it? Once released from the bags Penelope was able to take a shower and freshen up. Exiting the bathroom Penelope found Christine waiting for her with a garment bag.

“What’s in there?” Penelope asked.

“Your outfit for the meeting. I am here to give you a hand getting ready.” Christine unzipped the bag to show Penelope a large purple dress. “The seamstress managed to knock it up based on your measurements. Should fit.” Christine removed everything from the garment bag and laid out everything on the bed and allowed Penelope to put on the underwear and stockings. Then it was time for the dress.

After putting in on Penelope caught a look at herself in the mirror and stopped dead. Taking a minute to admire how good she looked. The cut of the dress was excellent and accentuated her best assets. Having never worn anything like it before Penelope was surprised that the dress seemed to suit her. She started to get a bit emotional for a second before Kendall broke the spell. “Hands behind your back.” Penelope did whilst still staring at her reflection in the mirror and felt Christine apply a pair of padded cuffs around her wrists and then a set of finger control mitts.

“Is there really any need for the restraints?” Penelope asked. “I did come here willingly after all.” Kendall snorted and then delved into the small fabric bag that she was carrying and produced a mass of fabric that looked familiar to Penelope. “A gag as well! You have to be joking.” Kendall shook her head as she balled up a rather large cloth. “Can you not just use a silk scarf and cleave gag me?”

“I thought that you were supposed to be a professional. That’s not a gag.” Penelope had to admit that the woman had has point. It didn’t make being heavily gagged any easier to accept though. Penelope took a deep breath and looked at the cloth.

“Let’s get on it then.” With her mouth open Kendall took the opportunity and stuffed the cloth deep into Penelope’s mouth, filling it completely. Penelope moaned and glared in indignation as the woman went back into the bag but didn’t attempt to expel the cloth from her mouth. What was the point? She wanted to gain their trust so time to act like the good little captive. Penelope watched on. Knowing what was next as Kendall picked up the bag of cotton wool and a purple silk scarf before walking back across to where Penelope stood with her wrists bound behind her back. Kendall reached into the bag of cotton wool pleats and produced a large wad which she placed at the centre of the silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band. Even the silk scarf used to gag her was colour co-ordinated with her dress. That was a nice touch. Kendall picked up the scarf and centred the cotton wool over Penelope’s packed mouth and held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and walked behind Penelope who felt the cotton wool compress and the two ends were tied together, there was a brief pause in that increase as the woman freed Penelope’s long, black hair from under the gag then pull it tighter, eliciting the standard muffled groan from Penelope before securing the scarf with a knot. Then Kendall woman pulled a second cloth from the bag and folded it into a pad, placing it at the centre of another folded purple silk scarf. Approaching Penelope again and with a wicked smile on her face Kendall lined the folded cloth up with where Penelope’s mouth would be and placed it over where the cotton wool was and then tied the second silk scarf behind Penelope’s head, very tightly, viciously compressing every other part of the gag, keeping everything snugly and securely in place. Penelope winced as the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over her mouth. The young woman enjoyed this a little too much for Penelope’s liking. This Kendall seemed to lack the professionalism of some of the other guards that Penelope had interacted with during her stay. This gag was far more than was required to stop her from calling for help from anyone outside the bedroom, never mind anywhere else.

“Time to get moving,” Kendall said. “Don’t want to keep the boss waiting.”
‘Deep breathes’ Penelope told herself as they made their way through the large house. If anything, it was more impressive the second time around. Perhaps the light was coming in at a different angle. They walked through the main entrance and down a corridor. Stopping at a pair of impressive wooden doors. Kendall knocked, counted to five and then opened one of the doors then beckoned for Penelope to enter. Through the door Penelope found herself in a large study with an impressive collection of books on sturdy wooden shelves on each side. At the far end of the room was a bay window that allowed light to spill in over a large desk. On either side of that desk were two high backed chairs and standing off to one side was Elizabeth Crawford wearing a large black dress. “Penelope, a pleasure to meet you. Please come in and take a seat.” Elizabeth indicated the seat on the side of the desk closest to her. Penelope walked forward slowly, the only sounds in the room the swish of fabric from her dress and the pounding of her heart in her chest. “I think that we can dispense with the cuffs and gag Kendall.” Before sitting down Kendall removed both from Penelope and gestured that Penelope sit. When she did look up to find Elizabeth Crawford gaze on her from the other side of the desk.

“Thanks,” Penelope said. Elizabeth Crawford remained silent for some time, as if studying every inch of her. The woman’s reputation as an intimidating presence was well know and so far, Penelope had found nothing to dispel that notion.

“I hope that you have been comfortable and well treated during your time with us?” Penelope nodded, hoping that would be enough. She didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot by saying something that Elizabeth could take the wrong way. “You were part of Sophia Bianchi’s crew.” It was a statement rather than a question. Elizabeth Crawford was obviously very well informed. Penelope nodded again to confirm. “So, what happened then?” Penelope knew that this was probably the moment of truth.

“We were on an operation in Russia, stalking a target, when we had some bad luck.” Penelope stopped but Elizabeth Crawford just sat and looked at her. “We were seen by a previous target. Someone we had been hired to snatch and keep previously. After some consultation on what to do we decided to be pro-active and take the previous target off the board. Putting something together takes a bit of time but we managed it quickly and managed to get them.” Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. “Ended up being three people that we had to take.” Penelope gulped; the woman’s gaze was penetrating. “Anyway, back at our base of operations we keep them on ice until we were ready to conduct the operation on the main target. During that I stayed behind to keep an eye on the captives.”

“Then what happened?” Elizabeth asked innocently, although Penelope was certain the woman knew what the official version of events was.
“Sophia and the rest of the team left and I never heard from them again. The plan was to keep in regular contact. When I didn’t hear from them, I decided to have a chat with one of the captives. Turns out that they had been able to contact the authorities and report our presence. On hearing that I had to improvise to save my own skin.” Elizabeth nodded.

“So, you just happened to randomly end up in the same time and place as my team?” Penelope had been expecting some skepticism as the woman was notoriously cautious.

“I had to somewhere that I knew to keep a low profile and then I guy chats me up in a bar. Thought it might be a good way to disappear for a bit.”
“Others may have said that it would be better to go somewhere you weren’t known, somewhere that you couldn’t be easily connected with if you were trying to avoid the authorities and avoid much contact with others.” Penelope didn’t react just kept her gaze even and steady.

“I didn’t have the resources or contacts that some others have. Had to work with what I had.”

“Well, I think that is enough for now Penelope.” Elizabeth nodded to the woman that had been standing behind Penelope. “I will have the ladies take you back to your room and make you comfortable.” Penelope took that as her cue to stand. Instinctively she put her hands behind her back and not long after felt the cuffs secure her wrists. Knowing that she would soon be gagged Penelope had to ask the question now.

“How is the Grace? The young woman that I was bright here with.” Elizbeth gave her a look.

“That really isn’t a concern of yours,” Elizabeth replied. Penelope decided to leave it at that for now and remained silent. The gag took a bit longer to apply, it was the same multi-layered gag as the trip from the room where she had been held to the study. Serious overkill. As she was led back to her room Penelope played the conversation with Elizabeth Crawford back over again in her head. She felt that it had gone alright, but Elizabeth Crawford was a hard person to read, she gave nothing away. Elizabeth’s last comment about making her comfortable told Penelope that it was likely that she would be put straight back into the restraining bags. That didn’t exactly fill her with hope.
Once the door closed Elizabeth Crawford turned her chair to face a figure that emerged from the shadows of the room. “What do you think Harper?” Elizabeth asked.

“Something doesn’t quite add up,” Harper replied.

“Have her kept in full restraints until further notice,” Harper nodded and made a note, “and keep digging into her background. See if there are any connections that we don’t know about or gaps that can’t be explained.”

“Anything else?” Elizabeth shock her head and Harper hurried out of the study to start in her list of tasks for the rest of the day. Elizabeth turned the chair so that she could look out the window and got lost in her own thoughts.
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