The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Hi Folks, just a short heads up:

The next update will be online on Sunday 24th. Probably after 2000 Hours MEST.

The Calm before the next Storm summs it up nicely - there is still a long way to go before the ultimate Climax.

Stay tuned!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Hi Folks,

in two weeks a lot of stuff piles up :) The next update will follow today but it maybe very well the case, that it will be later than usual. So I have to ask you for a little patience!

Kind regards

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention]

First a short summary of what happened so far:

At the End of Part Six Christine was captured by a Team of Elizabeth Crawford´s Operatives and brought to the Adlernest. Von Winterfeldt finally has the Object he covets in his hands. Christine has to cope with the situation that she is in the hands of her enemy. Von Winterfeldt wants her to play an unknown composition of Chopin for him. Christine meets her sworn enemy for the first time since their Encounter at Sylt in Part Two of the Hunt. Von Winterfelts Head of Security, Sieglinde Gablenz, falls in Love in Christine, which Chris uses to her Advantage, letting Sieglinde believe that she seduces Chris, while it is the other way around.

Chris develops a plan to escape, while her friends try to find her and free her and Sophie and join forces with Kirsty and Hayley. In the meantime Chris prepares for a concert for von Winterfeldt. At a festive Gala Chris and Sophie are presented as Guests of Honour by von Winterfeldt. After Diner Chris seduces Sieglinde a second time. The next day Chris friends prepare for the rescue Mission. Chris convinces Sieglinde to invite Sophie and her to a private Dinner. While her Friends begin their Rescue Mission Chris overpowers Sieglinde and escapes with Sophie through a secret Passage Way where they meet Chris´ friends. When Chris´ and Sophie´s escape is discovered the next day, Sieglinde Gablenz is placed under arrest.

Today´s update begins at the Morning after Chris´and Sophie´s Escape. Not much action but some conversations and reflections. It is the calm before the storm.

The Safe house in the secluded Valley early Morning:

After Breakfast the Girls sat chatting around the table, but all fell silent, when Sarah delivered the daily briefing. Chris watched with interest. Obviously Sarah, Kate, Anna and the two Newcomers had established a good working-relationship in her absence, each according to their individual strengths and the others seemed comfortable with Sarah taking the lead.

And Chris had no problem what so ever with Sarah leading the show for a while longer. She felt refreshed after a good night´s rest, true, but another day of rest would do her good.

The Art-Thief just pointed out: “I think we are all happy that we have Chris and Sophie back in one piece.”

Cheering from the others

“The first order of the day is this: Relax, regroup and regenerate, get a good massage” Sarah smiled at Chris who returned the smile knowingly.

“Indeed a good foot massage would be welcome” Chris thought to herself. “Maybe later that day”

Sarah continued:

“I know that it is tempting after the blow we dealt our opponents yesterday, or more precisely, which Chris dealt von Winterfeldt, to deliver the coup de grace while the enemy is in disarray and reeling from the blow. But even if our adversaries are weakened they are still formidable foes.

Underestimating them might prove fatal.

The key to success is … Preparation, Preparation, Preparation” Anna and Kate completed the Sentence grinning in unison. “Yes Preparation Children!” continued the Dark Lady, sounding like a Teacher who admonished some gifted but inattentive Students.

“We will begin with the planning tomorrow. And Ladies there is a second order: None of you will leave the perimeter of the safe house alone. Most of the bad stuff happened, when we were alone. You will either go in groups of three or four but never ever alone. Is that understood?”

McKenzie looked each and every one of them deep in the eye. “She can be so creepy” Hayley thought.

A collective nod around.

“I hope you understood because if I find out that anybody disobeys that order I will spank them so hard they will have an imprint of my hand on their ass on the day they retire.”

She looked directly at Kate, who to Hayley´s surprise blushed deeply. “I really would like to know the story behind that remark” the Detective thought grinning. She found the dynamics between the four most interesting.

Sarah ended the Briefing: “That will be all!”

They filed out of the living room and Chris went on the patio to call Robert. She dreaded the call, how would the Lawyer react? Robert took the call after the first ring. “Robert, it is me.”

A moment of silence, “Chris it is soo good to hear your voice again!” Robert replied warmly and the knot in Christine´s stomach began to loosen a bit. “How are you?” “

Still terribly tired, but a good night´s sleep did me good.” The Pianist explained.

“Are you alright Chris?” Robert asked her and Christine detected the concern in his voice.

“Honestly Robert? I still do not know a lot of stuff happened in the last few days, and I have a lot to digest and Robert …”

“Yes Chris?”

“I had to do some things I am not really proud of ….” She muttered.

“I know you did what you did in order to escape.” her friend reassured her. “Together we will work this out.” ….

From inside Kate had watched Chris talking to Robert. She had looked tense at the beginning of the Call but relaxed while she talked. When Chris ended the Call and returned in the living room, the pianist looked very relieved.

The Adlernest: The Dungeons, Sieglindes Cell:

Sieglinde had lost any feeling of time. The position she was tied in, was bad enough, but the water torture was even worse. It was driving her mad, she groaned into her gag. The posture-collar gag held her jaws in a vice-like grip, and the three Pairs of Panties in her mouth tasted foul.

The Candles under her soles had burned down, so that the flames did not burn her feet any more. Her Body was one gigantic cramp. The Vibrator in her Pussy began to buzz again …. and the cruelly tight crotch rope cut deep in her soft flesh.

"I earned this." she thought to herself, "I wish things had turned out differently, but, I would do it again."

The Safe house in the secluded Valley early Morning:

Sophie had slept like a log and now after breakfast she felt refreshed, still tired, but definitely better. “How are you Sophie?” she heard a voice behind her and turned to see Anna. She had not heard Anna coming. The Russian had moved stealthily like a cat on her bare feet.

“Tired still, but fine” Sophie answered the Question.

“You know” Anna said “With all the crazy stuff going on lately? I haven't had the opportunity to thank you for rescuing me in the Dungeons of Reichenbach Castle, I owe you my life and what you did was damned courageous. I do not know many people who would have done what you did” Anna sounded very sincere and Sophie felt, that she meant every word.

“It was nothing” Sophie returned modestly, her cheeks reddening slightly.

“I disagree” Anna replied. “It couldn't have been easy, risking the wrath of your father-in-law for someone you didn´t know.”

Sophie nodded: “I couldn't have lived with the shame of doing nothing and knowing what the old Bastard would do to you. Nobody deserves that” “And Anna?”


“You came for us too and you did safe our lives, Chris´ and mine; and for that I am incredibly grateful.

Anna demurred: Truth to be told, we did not much yesterday, you know. Chris did all the hard work by herself; all we had to do was picking you up and covering your escape. So you really not need to thank us that much. You on the other hand did something that demanded a lot of courage and you acted on your own accord, and maybe I can show you my gratitude later ….”

A mischievous smile, which Anna's friends knew so well, curled the Russians lips. “Another thing” the Russian continued: “I have been told that you know the South Tyrolian Cuisine quite well. What do you think: Shall we prepare lunch today, Sophie? Tell me: What is your favourite recipe?”

They had had Lunch at 1300 Hours: Sophie and Anna had been doing the cooking, and composed a Menu with High Lights of the South Tyrolean Cuisine:

“Schlutzkrapfen”: pasta parcels are also known as ‘Schlutzkrapfen’ The dough-and-egg crescents with hearty potato filling are boiled in salt water and served with brown butter and parsley, then „Tiroler Speckknödel“ in Broth: large round boiled bread dumplings with bacon and as Dessert: „Kaiserschmarren“: a fluffy shredded pancake.

In Sarah´s humble opinion the Duo had outdone themselves.

The Thief sighed contentedly: “Girls this was fantastic!”

“Sophie, tell me who taught you to cook so good?”

“Well, my mother was Italian as you know; she was a fantastic cook, she taught me much, and during my childhood and in later years I have been often hiking and climbing in South Tyrol and I loved the Southern Tyrolean Cuisine ever since”, Reichenbach´s Daughter in Law replied modestly.

“Well,” Sarah continued: “I don't know about you, but I will take a nap to digest this fabulous meal!” Stood and left for her room.

“Anyone in for a Coffee on the Patio?” Anna asked the others. Hayley nodded,

“I am in – you too Kirsty?” Her friend agreed.

20 Minutes later the Trio sat on the patio looking down in the Valley down below. Hayley took a sip of her Coffee: “Anna, why don´t you tell me how do you came this far, I mean, Chris, Kate you and Sarah?”

“Well,” the Russian smiled “this began with Rachel Weinstein tasking Art. Inc. with finding and recovering the Weinstein-Collection.”

“Seven weeks ago, Sarah ambushed Chris, Kate and me in Hamburg on von Winterfeldt’s Orders.”

Kirsty raised her Eyebrows: “How does it come to pass then, that you four look like best friends now?”

“I told you it is a long story!” Anna grinned “But all in due course.”

Anna had just begun to tell their new friends about Munich, when the unmistakable sounds of a Grand Piano reached their Ears. “Chris”, Anna smiled fondly recognizing the touch of her friend ...

“How do you know?” Hayley asked interested, “how can you tell after a few notes only?”

“Chris and I go way back, we studied together in Vienna and played often together; as a musician you recognize the touch of a Pianist. It is like a fingerprint you know. Chris can recognize me playing the Violin too.”

“Fascinating” the Investigator replied. “What is she playing?”

“Mozart, Sonata No. 11, A-Major” came the swift reply, “You probably ´know the famous Rondo alla Turca:” Anna sang a few notes:
Yuya Wang plays Mozarts Rondo alla Turca, not exactly in the original version, you need to hear it!

“That Piece even I know” Kirsty told them. “Classical Music is not exactly my forte I am more the Beatles-Type.”

Anna listened a few moments to the Piano Music, Chris played now the second Movement, the “Menuetto” – “It is a good sign that Chris is playing.” she added thoughtfully.

“Why is that?” Hayley was intrigued.

“This is her way dealing with stuff and the way she plays and what Music she plays tells you a lot of her state of mind.”

“And Mozart means?” Kirsty was intrigued too now, this was fascinating: she had never seen it that way, that the way a musician played was a mirror of her soul.”

“Mozart means, she is regaining her equilibrium and that is a good sign, after the events of the last days” The Russian explained. “I am pretty sure that she will start playing the Chopin she brought with them too.”

“And then” she added with a devious, outright diabolical smile: “Von Winterfeldt should watch his back very carefully. Chris will go at any lengths to stop him. This whole Affair is extremely personal for her. Winterfeldt made that personal for her”, she corrected herself.

“And believe me: you wouldn't want get in her way, when Chris starts to sharpen her Katana. Von Winterfeldt should be very careful, if Chris does not finish him, I will gladly put a round between his eyes.” Anna finished passionately. “Now the unmistakable Sounds of the famous Rondo filled the Air.”

A short while later on the second Floor of the Farm House:

Chris had done her usual warm up Routine. The Mozart-Sonata had calmed her mind and she was at peace with herself. The day had been good so far: the Call with Robert had given her peace, his trust, his unshakable belief in her.

Chris was sure now, that Robert would understand what she had been forced to do. She looked forward seeing him again, in his presence she could let go, she could be herself she just knew it and thought back to those two nights at Heidelberg, when he had taken care of her. Her trust in him knew no bounds.

After Chris had finished Mozart, she stood up and padded on her bare feet across the Room to the round table. There laid her Transcription, she had produced at the Adlernest.

“This is paradox: I hate Winterfeldt to the core, but I have to thank him for the Chance to bring this Music to life, to give it to the Public, to the world where it belongs.” She had always disdained the collectors who guarded their possessions because they thought Art Works like this Chopin’s were destined for her delight only locked away in their Caves.”

Carefully she took the Transcription and set it on the Piano:

“Frederic Chopin, Ballade in b-minor”

For the last three days the music had always been in her thoughts, now she would bring it back to life for the first time in 200 Years. This was like some religious act, like the communion with a spirit.

Chris adjusted her seat once again, laid her hands on the keyboard, closed her eyes, concentrated and touched the first key -and in that moment the World around her ceased to exist.

Downstairs at the Patio Anna looked up, as the first notes of Chopin´s Masterpiece filled the air. She looked at Kirsty and Hayley who had also stopped their Conversation and listened. Attentively, and Hayley felt something in that moment, the music stroked a chord in her.

Sarah watched Christine in awe. So engrossed was the Pianist that she did not register that the Thief stood in the door. Sarah had followed the piano sounds upstairs. McKenzie had changed into black shorts and a red tank top and was barefoot.

Intrigued the Black Lady saw that Chris played also barefoot. Sarah could not help herself but looking longingly at those beautiful feet she had worshipped just days ago. Now Vienna seemed a life time away.

“I feel like attending Holy Mass” the Canadian thought. Since childhood Sarah had never attended a service again. “The only time I visit church´s is, when I steal their treasury.” She grinned.

Chris stroked the last accord. It reverberated in the Air. For a moment the Pianist sat still like a statue, her hands resting on the keyboard. Sarah had the feeling to commit a sacrilege, but she applauded softly: “That was beautiful, Christine.”

The Pianist turned on the Chair regarded the Thief with a long look and then a smile curled her lips: “Thank you” she said simply. “You know” she added thoughtfully “I felt like a High Priestess.” playing this Music. “Does that strike you strange?” Chris asked.

“Not in the slightest” Sarah replied “I felt something when you played, something transpired.” They looked each other in the eye.

“I had to think about Vienna, when I watched you” Sarah admitted. “Do you feel up to a second round, to help you unwind?”

Chris smiled coyly. “Lead the way again my Lady.”

Christine closed the Piano and folded her Transcription together, “See you in ten I´ll stow the notes away and freshen up a little.
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Post by GreyLord »

Fantastic, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. You continue your story as wonderfully as ever.

I think I speak for all in saying, welcome back. You deserved your vacation but it is certainly nice to see you in production once more.

Now I can spend the next few days letting my imagination run wild thinking about what Sarah is going to do to Chris.
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Post by NotSeen »

Say whatever you want about Sieglinde, but she's taking the consequences of her actions like a warrior. True, she isn't one of the 'good guys' and she was trying to make Christine her personal playtoy... but there is something admirable about how she lives with the choices she made.

If I were von Winterfeldt, I would be afraid. I'd be very afraid. Christine is getting back on her feet after the ordeal - and I just don't see her taking that one lying down. I'll be interested to see exactly what Sarah thinks up for Christine (and did I detect Anna having plans regarding Sophie...) but I'm even more interested to see how the hammer will fall on von Winterfeldt.
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Post by Bandit666 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Fantastic, @Caesar73. You continue your story as wonderfully as ever.

I think I speak for all in saying, welcome back. You deserved your vacation but it is certainly nice to see you in production once more.

Now I can spend the next few days letting my imagination run wild thinking about what Sarah is going to do to Chris.

Here, here what else is there to say that [mention]GreyLord[/mention] hasn’t just stated. This is a great way to mark your return from vacation. And let’s all look forward to the next chapter
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago but I'm even more interested to see how the hammer will fall on von Winterfeldt.

Let us put it this way: There will be more than one hammer stroke - the first is about to fall soon - just three updates away :)
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Post by NotSeen »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago but I'm even more interested to see how the hammer will fall on von Winterfeldt.
Let us put it this way: There will be more than one hammer stroke - the first is about to fall soon - just three updates away :)
Figures. It is, after all, a pretty big castle. It'd take a hell of a hammer to raze it to the ground in a single blow. Anybody got Thor on speed-dial? :lol:
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago Anybody got Thor on speed-dial? :lol:
I do not know :) But the Girls will find a way to achieve aa goal without Thor´s Hammer :) Today´s update will be online at some point this evening MEST. Before the next stroke will fall, Chris and Company will have some fun ...
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention]

Consider this and the next update on Friday or Saturday as playful interludes before, before the next stage of escalation, the stakes are rising higher. The following update is more on the short side, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless :)

And I want to thank all of you! 107000 Clicks is a benchmark worth remembering!

Ten Minutes later: Sarah´s Room:

Sarah was exalted: She sang softly to herself, while she prepared the Materials: Several lengths of white cotton rope, silk scarves and some well-worn woollen Socks. She smiled hearing the soft knock at the door.

Chris had freshened up her make-up, wore red leggings and a white sports Bra which accentuated her ample breasts nicely. “What would you like me to do Sarah?” Chris purred.

The Canadian gave her the once over from the blond crown of her head to the tips of her toes: “I think you could lose this Bra and those leggings first” she smiled. “You know, the last time we played, your breasts were wrapped. It is a crime against humanity to cover them!”

Chris' just smiled unhooked the bra and let it fall on the floor and presented her ample bosom to Sarah, “want to touch them?” she whispered with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Later perhaps” Sarah whispered back huskily.

Next Chris rolled down first one, then the other leg of her leggings down, and stepped out of them. “What do you want me to do next?” A mischievous twinkle in her eyes

“Why don´t you turn your back to me and put your hands behind your back.” Sarah almost lost herself in the feeling of tying Chris wrists together palm to palm, cinched snug, with the knots out of reach.

She tied her elbows close but not the whole way but close enough, to accentuate Chris´ Breasts. She wrapped rope around the bindings between her arms to make a solid bar of rope, both connecting her elbows and keeping them a little apart.

She doubled a rope and wrapped it above and below Chris' breasts. Cinching it between her arms and her back. She let her palms rest for a moment on Chris´ Breasts giving them a tight squeeze which caused the Pianist to moan softly. Then she wound a rope around the base of her breasts in a figure eight, making them bulge and become so much more sensitive.

Sarah wound another rope around Chris´ waist which pressed her wrists in her in the small of her back. The Thief enjoyed it immensely applying the knotted crotch rope. She gave it a sharp tug, which caused Chris´ to inhale her breath sharply.

Sarah whispered in Chris´ left ear: “We do not want to disturb the others, do we?”

“Of course, not” Chris whispered back. “Why don´t you do something to silence me?”

“Excellent Suggestion, Christine! Don't go away!” Chris could not see what Sarah was doing.

The thief returned with a thick well-worn woollen Sock. The large wad filled Chris´s Mouth completely. Chris gagged at the taste. “Don´t be such a baby”, Sarah chided her playfully. “You asked for it.”

The Canadian folded another silk shawl in tight band and tied it above Chris´ gaping mouth. She folded the other sock above Chris´ mouth, which was held there by a second shawl.

“Let us try it again” Sarah whispered and tugged at Chris crotch rope again. Her moan was barely audible. Her legs were next. Then Sarah helped Chris´ to lie down on her bound arms, so that her feet lay on the slightly elevated foot board, which granted easy access to Chris´ soft soles. Sarah fastened her ankle bonds to the foot board. Another shawl over her eyes and Chris´ world went dark.

The Thief let her fingers glide above Chris´ soles, which caused the Pianist to giggle softly in her gag. “Now for the finish” Sarah told her prey and tied Chris´ big toes together. She took in the picture before her: The tightly bound and gagged Christine feet slightly elevated. Chris flexed her soles and wiggled her toes contently and in anticipation of the things to come.

Sarah let her tongue glide above Chris´ left heel, then slowly further across the whole sole. She sucked at Chris´ left big toe then took all toes in her mouth. Chris moans intensified.

Then the thief turned her attention to Chris' right foot. The warm moist tongue of the Canadian between her toes drove Chris' crazy.

Sarah retrieved an ice cube from a small box and let it glide in circles above Chris´ soft sole.

Then she followed the trail of the ice cube with her tongue.

“Dammed I will go crazy.” Chris felt in heaven and hell at the same time. Then Sarah stopped her administrations. Muffled protest by Chris. “Shh …. “

“Do not go away Chris!” Sarah whispered playfully.

“Where is she going? She cannot go away letting me simmer here on low temperature.”

She flexed her feet, striving for release. “I cannot even tug at my crotch rope.”

The Canadian returned with a bottle of oil, poured some on her palms and began to massage Chris´ feet. Kneading certain points, applying pressure at the balls of her feet, the arches and the Heels.

The Moans intensified. Chris strained with all her might against her bonds. “Fascinating” Sarah mused. “She is tightly bound, but it looks like she is breaking out of her bonds any moment.”

“Sarah is an Artist in her own right.” was one of the few sane thoughts Chris was able to – and then, then washed the Tsunami of orgasm above her ….

“I will give more attention to your feet later, but now for the other goodies!” Sarah knelt beside Christine on the bed bowed low above Christine´s left breast and let her tongue glide around Chris´ left nipple, then the right.

The Pianist began to moan again, "With my breasts tied like this, every touch is so much more intense."

Then a wicked smile crossed Sarah´s lips: She retrieved a couple of ice cubes from the bowl and let it glide under Chris´ Panties. The Pianist thrashed around on the bed.

Sarah grinned broadly. It took not long, till the Ice Cubes had melted and formed a damp Patch. Chris breathing slowly returned to normal. “You know Chris´ let us try something different, we do not want you to get a cold, so let us get you rid of those wet Panties!”

The Canadian untied Chris´ legs, untied the Crotch Rope and pulled the moist red Panties down Chris´ long legs. The Dark Lady rolled the Garment in a ball and sniffed it. “Well, this is not just Water. Let us get you dried up!” She took a soft towel and began carefully to dry Chris Pubic Hair and Groin with gentle strokes.

Chris sighed contently, she felt very relaxed. Chris sensed that McKenzie took her left Ankle and tied her Ankle to the left bedpost, then the right, so that Chris laid with her legs spread-eagled on the bed. The Pianist moaned quizzically. “Be patient Chris! Just one finishing touch!” Sarah produced to lengths of thin string. She tied one around each Big Toe and fastened it to the Bed.

Chris tried to move her feet but found out that her Movement was severely limited now. She felt Sarah standing up from the bed and heard the Canadian rummaging in one of the drawers. Obviously she had found what she was looking for: “There you are” the Pianist heard her muttering. Chris could hear a soft buzz and had a shrewd idea what the Thief had retrieved from the Drawer. Her Suspicions had been correct. She felt a vibrating tip gently pressed against her Clitoris ….

On the Patio Anna met Kate: “Have you seen Sarah and Chris´ lately?” the Russian asked her American Friend, with a smile. “I will not jump to conclusions and I do not believe in coincidences as a professional Investigator, but I think I saw Chris´ together with Sarah coming down the Stairs after Chris´ finished playing”

Kate replied grinning broadly. “Are you thinking, what I am thinking?”

Anna grinned. “Well” her friend replied “I cannot read your mind Anna, but I think we are on the same Page.”

Anna paused for a moment – then added: “Kate, I have been thinking … what do you think, if we show Sophie how much fun bondage can be, if it is consensual? It might help her cope ….”

The American regarded Anna with a long look: “I have no different plans for the evening.”
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] said
Consider this and the next update on Friday or Saturday as playful interludes before, before the next stage of escalation, the stakes are rising higher.

Your descriptions are so very good. My efforts in this direction are so poor in comparison, I enjoyed reading this interlude and look forward to the next one with great anticipation.

It is amazing to note the change in Sarah over your story. Earlier, a bondage session between Sarah and Chris would have been most involuntary and non-consensual. Now it is voluntary, consensual, and most welcomed.
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Post by NotSeen »

As [mention]GreyLord[/mention] stated above, it's been quite a change in the relationship between Sarah and Christine... after all, didn't the entire story start with Sarah paying Christine an uninvited - and unwanted - visit, which ended up with Chris, Kate and Anna all trussed up... Now, well, there are still ropes involved (of course!) but it's quite a different thing altogether...

I don't know whether I'd prefer Sophie taking to Anna&Kate's offer right off the bat or the two of them having to talk her into trying it - either alternative provides plenty of opportunities. Whatever route you decide to go, I'm looking forward to reading how it goes.
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago Whatever route you decide to go, I'm looking forward to reading how it goes.
Thank you! The next update will tell :) It will be online today or tomorrow at the latest. One thing is for sure: Anna, Kate and Sophie will have fun - lots of it :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]BeautifulHeart[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention]

Here is it. the second interlude. The next update, which will be online on Monday Evening will begin with a short sequence featuring Sieglinde, before the fith day of the Final will begin and the Girls prepare for the next Hammer Blow. This time Chris and her friends will bring the War to von Winterfeldt´s Doorstep. But first Sophie is about to learn an important lesson - have fun! :)

After Dinner:

Sometime after Dinner Sophie found herself cornered by Kate and Anna. The glittering in the dark eyes of the Russian made Sophie thinking what this was all about, something was up. As ever one for the direct approach, Anna came straight to the Point:

“Kate and I thought about something …. as far as we know, your experiences with bondage are not the best, right?”

Sophie nodded: “Well you know what my father-in-law did to me … “ blushing slightly, still wondering where this conversation was going.

“We do” the American replied cordially – but “we” as in “Anna and I” asked ourselves if you and Lucas explored the consensual way of things …”

If Sophie had blushed before, her face became even redder now. “No, seldom …. Lucas did want to though …. but when my father in law began blackmailing me … I could not bring myself to be tied up again right?”

Anna nodded and Sophie saw deep Sympathy in those dark eyes: “Kate and I want to make you a proposal. Why don't you give it another try? You can tie Kate and me up and then we take things from there.”

To her ultimate surprise Sophie nodded: “Why not? But no crazy stuff”

“Of course not, scouts honour” The Russian replied graciously: “My room in 20 Minutes – and change in to something comfortable!” The mischievous twinkle in Anna´s Eyes though was not lost on Sophie.

When she had left for her Room: Anna turned to Kate triumphantly: “I knew it.”

Outside on the Patio sat Chris, Sarah with Hayley and Kirsty: Chris felt incredibly relaxed, she felt at ease and at peace. She had the feeling though, that Hayley had something on her mind.

“Hayley, I do not hold any grudges now that I know the whole story, of why you participated in this. This choice must have not been an easy one to make I had to do some things in the last three days, I am not exactly proud of either, so I think, I understand you better now.”

Hayley looked relieved, but still a bit dubious.

Chris sighed, “Over the last three days I seduced an enemy and let her think it was the other way round, sort of …. " she pauses remembering her time with Sieglinde, "There were feelings involved and then I betrayed her, so that Sophie and I could escape. God knows what price Sieglinde will have to pay for her feelings for me.”

For the briefest of moment, a look of pain and pity marred her face. Now it was out and to her surprise, Chris felt better, after she had articulated her feelings for the first time.

The other free looked at her in awe even the unshakable Dark Lady seemed moved.

“So Hayley, believe me, when I say, I understand you!” Chris said and toasted, the others followed suit. After they had taken a sip, Sarah asked nobody in particular:

“Does anybody know what Kate and Anna are doing?”

“Hmm – I don´t know exactly but I can imagine that the two are introducing Sophie to the consensual side of bondage right now, just a feeling” a slight smile curled Chris´ lips.

“Those two are incorrigible aren´t they? The thief wondered. “Of course you would not do such a thing!” Chris teased her. And then they laughed. And in an afterthought Chris added:

“Thank God there are no sheep around.”

“This story you must tell us” Kirsty asked with a mix of shock and curiosity. This time Sarah and Chris had to laugh.

Kirsty pressed Chris´ and Chris told them what had happened on Sylt. Soon laughter could be heard from the Patio.

Anna´s Room:

Sophie stood before Anna´s Room. Under her dressing gown, she wore a set of red lacy bra and panties, nude hose and nothing else and comfortable Slippers on her feet. “Let´s do this” she knocked.

“Enter” Anna called.

Anna greeted Sophie and gave her an appraising look, a twinkle in her eyes: “Dressed up for the Occasion I see! What do you think Kate?”

“Looks good to me” the Detective nodded.

While Anna had opted for Black which meant: Black bra, black panties and black hose, Kate had opted for a light blue set of bra and panties and nude hose.

“We have made some Preparations” the Russian gestured at the bed: There lay several lengths of white cotton rope, several Pairs of Hose, hiking socks, scarfs and a few other items.

“What do you want us to do?” Kate asked Sophie.

“You should remember though, that it is your turn afterwards, you know the latin proverb?” Anna told her smiling: “Quicquid agas, prudenter agas, et respice finem.” (Whatever you do, do it wisely and think of the End!)

“We'll see” Sophie responded. "Before anything happens, I just want to say, for most of my life I have not had any sense of control. I wanted to thank you for this chance. You are the best." She said earnestly before wickedly smiling, "Now turn your backs to me you two!”

Kate and Anna complied. When Sophie had finished the bondage of their upper bodies Anna was impressed: “You do have some serious skills in tying up people.”

“You could say that” came the dry reply. Sophie had opted for the classical scheme for starters: Hands tied behind their backs, Elbows together, all the way, breast Harnesses and very tight crotch ropes, connected to the ropes binding their wrists. Sophie whispered in Anna´s ear: “Do you like your Crotch Rope?” And gave it playful tug.

“Very much so” Anna gasped, then it was Kate´s turn to gasp.

“You know, we do not want to disturb the others” Sophie mused, listening to the laughter which could be heard from the Patio. Sophie stuffed first Anna´s then Kate´s Mouth full to the brim with a large ball of used hose and followed by a tight cleave gag and a second shawl in a broad band above.

She tugged at Anna´s crotch rope again. Anna´s gasp was barely audible by now. “Much better” Sophie told her mute audience. “Silence is golden”

When she appraised her “guests”, the mischievous twinkle in the eyes of the Russian was unmistakable. “My mother told me, that it is impolite to go to a party without presents.” That said, Reichenbach´s daughter in law produced two pair of panties out of the side-pockets of her dressing gown and let them playfully dangle before Kate and Anna´s faces.

She pulled the red one above Anna´s face, till the crotch Panel rested above Anna´s nose and the blue one above Kate´s face. Two silk Scarves held the Panty-Hoods in place. The Russian inhaled the musky scent deeply and felt the heat between her legs rising. She groaned.

“Now for your legs!” Sophie adorned the long legs of her Guests with three rope bands above and below the knees. Then Sophie turned Kate and Anna that they stood at the foot-board and faced the Mattress.

“Why don´t you lay down Anna?” and gave her a playful shove, so that Anna toppled onto the Mattress. She grunted. “You will pay for this Sophie!” But enjoyed it immensely. Kate was next. Both lay panting face down on the bed now.

A devious smile crossed Sophie´s full lips. Kate felt that Sophie lashed her big toes together and tied her Ankles then to the footboard. Then it was Anna´s turn: “That gives her easy access to our Soles” Anna mused and steeled herself. Nothing happened. She wiggled her toes and tried to move her soles “Shit I am stuck.”

Then Sophie raked her long fingernails above Anna´s delicate soles simultaneously, in a one long slow motion from the tips of her toes to her heels, a surge of electricity surged through Anna´s body. Very muffled laughter.

Anna tried to escape Sophie´s tantalizing Fingernails, but since her tied Toes were fastened to the footboard Movement was impossible. For nearly ten Minutes Sophie tortured Anna´s feet relentlessly: the soft flesh of the balls, the heels, under her high arches – between the toes was definitely the worst.

Kate sensed the warmth radiating from Anna´s body next to her, heard her heavily muffled giggles, felt her fruitless efforts to escape Sophie´s tickling fingers of death. The scent of arousal hang heavy in the air. Kate was giddy with anticipation of the things to come. “Let us give you a little rest!” She heard Sophie saying to Anna. Then a sharp “Smack!” and a grunt of Anna, obviously Sophie had delivered a hard slap on Anna´s firm rump.

“Now it is your turn Kate!” Sophie´s Voice was much nearer now. “Let us see what we have here” Sophie had turned to the bed and retrieved one of the Items laying there. Then silence. Out of sudden Kate felt the Wheels of a Wartenberg Wheel on the soft flesh of the balls of her left foot. She tried to move her foot away, but no such luck.

Then Sophie went for the sensible spots between her toes. It took not long, till Kate was trashing around as much as her unforgiving bonds allowed. The American howled with laughter – heavily muffled, begged Sophie to stop; after the Wartenberg Wheel Sophie used a coarse brush on Kate´s Soles. Then it was Anna´s turn again.

After nearly 30 Minutes of persistent tickling Sophie told her slowly recovering Audience: “You could use some rest, don´t you think?” Sophie untied their feet and turned Anna and Kate on her backs. Anna was still giggling softly in her gag. Tears were streaking down her face, while she tried to regain her composure. Her soles tingled like crazy.

So she did not notice that Sophie untied her Crotch Rope, pulled her hose and Panties down and inserted a Vibrator in her Vagina. Just as Sophie re-knotted the crotch rope, she registered fully what Sophie had done.

Questioning moans. “You will learn soon enough!” “Wait till I have taken care of Kate!” Sophie grinned broadly. When the American was prepared identically. Sophie lifted them in an upright position, till the friends kneeled, Breast against breast. Groin against Groin.

Sophie roped them together above and below their breasts and around their waist, so that their breasts were squashed against each other. Kate could look directly in Anna´s eyes. The Russian enjoyed herself that much was obviously. As a final touch, Sophie hogtied them, so that they laid side by side on the bed:

She tied the big toes of the two friends together and the toe tie back to their elbows. Sophie was very pleased with herself. And set the vibrators on full. In the moment before Anna thought Orgasm would hit her, the vibrations stopped. Anna cursed in her gag. Her protests well muffled by her tight gag.

“Too bad, that I cannot understand a word you two are saying!” Sophie smiled and raked her fingernails above Anna´s soles again. More giggle-curses! And so it went on. Sophie knew no Mercy. After two hours she untied her “students.” Anna and Kate were sweating profusely, panting heavily and giggling softly in their mouth filling gags.

It was near midnight by now.

As soon as she could move again Anna hurried in the bathroom. “That looked urgent” Sophie told Kate, who tried to regain her composure and still was away in la la land.

A few minutes Anna returned and looked extremely relieved. A sly smile curled her lips. She and Kate exchanged looks: Sophie registered the exchange, but couldn't place it. Then Anna and Kate pounced.

When the proverbial dust had settled, a tightly frog tied Sophie stared at them, arms tightly tied behind her back, eyes wide above her gag. As a finishing touch, Kate had tied the soles of her feet and her big toes together. Between her soles Anna had inserted a Vibrator.

Sophie had to chew on three Pairs of Panties: Kate´s, Anna´s and her own. The musky Aroma aroused Sophie. A silk shawl with a very large overhead knot held the Packing in Place, another shawl was tied in a band above. And on top Anna had tied a used pair of hose, with the crotch panel above Sophie´s flaring nostrils. “Breath in deeply, dearest Sophie!” she said softly.

The American and the Russian looked down on their prey, smiling sweetly. “No.” Sophie corrected herself. “Kate and Anna are smiling evilly, evil and sweetly." She was excited not scarred, well maybe a little scarred. But way more excited.

“What do we do with her?” asked Anna her friend conversationally. “Let me think” Kate made a fairly good imitation of concentrated thinking. “What weapons do we have in our arsenal?”

“Ice cubes?” “Check!” Anna responded.

“Candles?” “Check!”

“Nipple clamps?” “Check!”

“Vibrators?” “Check?”

"Whip?" "Check!"

Anna nodded: “Looks good!”

“Why don't we warm her up first?” Questioning moans from Sophie. Anna stooped down and whispered in her ear, “This will be sooo much fun!”

Then the Russian knelt beside her and let her warm moist tongue glide around the base of Sophie´s left breast, then Kate sucked on her left nipple, before shifting to her right nipple. Anna took an ice cube between her lips and let it glide between Sophie´s heaving breasts and down south ….the ice cube melted fast on her hot skin. Anna followed the Trail with her Tongue. Despite the heat in the Room, Goosebumps were forming on Sophie´s Skin.

Sophie´s breathing accelerated then her eyes went wide, as Kate pressed the Vibrator against her wet pussy.

As Kate used the tip of the Vibrator, to explore Sophie's clit, she delicately stroked the lips of her labia with her finger tips. Sophie began to strain against her bonds.

But while Kate took the low road, Anna took the high road. She relentlessly kneaded Sophie's breasts. Pausing only to suck, tease and lick her nipples. And this was only the beginning.

Sophie lost all sense of time it was just bliss, erotic bliss. She was carried away on a wave of extasy

Sarah stood with Chris on the Patio in comfortable Silence. Chris listened intently. “I have the feeling Sophie is learning an important lesson today.”

Sarah gave Chris' ass a cheeky glance and smiled, "If you aren't too tired there may still be a lesson or two I could teach you."

“I´ll take you up on this offer Sarah” Chris smiled “But I still have to do something about my lack of sleep in the last days.” “Fine with me” Sarah replied smiling “I am ready when you are!” Have a good night my Friend! And I do like your Butt!”

“I know” Chris smiled.
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Post by banshee »

Good to see Sophie doing the topping for once, I may be wrong but I think this is the first time she has been in this position
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Well, first of all, I find it a bit funny that Sarah McKenzie, art thief, is in charge of the security protocols. Shouldn't that be a job for Kate Beckett, captain of the NYPD? Not that she has jurisdiction, since they are in Europe, but she would be the most likely to know about those procedures. Still, it's very good to see the Dark Lady in a role that it's not just waiting passively and replying to what Anna and the others were doing.

(I also want to point out it's a bit odd that most characters know what it's happening on scenes when they are not.)

I still don't know why should the readers care about Sieglinde, since she is essentially one of the bad guys, but I want to praise the scene from a few chapters ago. It was short, simple, not much of her thoughts except from "I have no regrets, I would do it again.".

I also liked Anna explaining the meaning of each music and composer (and I loved that finally one character was able to admit that Christine did most of the work in their escape/rescue).

The "playing" scenes between Sarah-Chris and among Kate-Anna-Sophie are really good. I would say scenes like those are the best feature in this story.

But about the plot, I think it's just delaying the inevitable. The bad guys have nothing on their side to win. The protagonists found a tunnel, could get Christine and Sophie out of their fortress, the captives could trick and subdue the chief of security, who is now locked away and replaced by Suzanne, who is essentially an administrative assistant more than a soldier... Von Winterfeldt has lots of loyalty problems (the Dark Lady betrayed him, he hired Crawford's services and Hayley and Kirsty betrayed him, Sieglinde worked behind his back and some of the valkyries told Christine that they could help her...) oh, and the valkyries are in a very, very long losing streak. He came from being a scary final boss to no threat at all. So... why are they waiting to put Von Winterfeldt out of his misery?

In a real life scenario, I bet they would have ended him before leaving the Adlernest. In this story, I believe they are delaying it so we can get these beautiful intimate scenes among the good girls.
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Post by Beaumains »

Good to see this story continue with the whole gang together. I see you removed final from the title, so the end is still not near.

I have to agree with the other readers on Sieglinde. Her response was very mature, and I am curious how it effects her. Von Winterfeldt's highest ranking soldiers all seem to have decided against him.
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Post by GreyLord »

Yes, I did have fun reading this chapter [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I see that [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] has made some serious objections. :o And, I have to agree on every point. However, I would also point out that this is not in the True Stories for Adults section. This is fictional, it is a fantasy and the author is free to roam wherever the author chooses. In these longer stories, I think that sometimes the story takes a life of its own and leads the author, in spite of logic, not because of it.

I love to read the comments on stories. My favorite comments are those that provide serious criticism. It is through this that we can all grow our skills. So, please, @Mineira1986, do not think that I would want you curtail your incisive critiques. They, and those of a few other, are very important on this forum.

But, in the end, this story stands with a small handful of stories that I rate as the most enjoyable ever across web sites, books, movies, and all forms of entertainment. @Caesar73, please continue with this work. And when it has finished. I certainly hope to see you find another fantastic project.
ImageA List of my stories:
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Thanks for the mention [mention]GreyLord[/mention] . I want to clarify that I do not intend the author to change his story. After all, like I mentioned Caesar through PM =), it's his story and his story can be whatever he wants to be. If he likes it, that's the only thing that matters.

I also want to point out that I haven't lost interest in the story whatsoever. Otherwise, I wouldn't be replying almost each entry. I do believe it's one of the most interesting stories in this site and I'm very, very glad Caesar decided to write it.

(Finally, I have in my wishlist a scene between Sarah and Anna, that is considering their past, heh. But that's just a personal wish ;) )
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Post by GreyLord »

Good to see your response, [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]. Please keep up your good work, both as author and commentator. Can I join you in your wish for a scene between Sarah and Anna. Pay attention, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago (Finally, I have in my wishlist a scene between Sarah and Anna, that is considering their past, heh. But that's just a personal wish ;) )
Wish granted, [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] and [mention]GreyLord[/mention] :) And gladly so - I am pretty sure, I will have lots of fun writing that scene.

I want to thank you both for your latest comments, I appreciate them very much and I found and I find them inspirational and motivating. All of them.

As for a Sequel [mention]GreyLord[/mention] I have already plans for one, but it will take a while till then. In the meantime I plan some short vignettes with our heroines, which I will post randomly. For the first of those Vignettes I have a concrete Idea in mind, But that will have to wait till the Hunt is finished. The first of three Epilogues is fairly complete. In it the Girl will wrap up some loose ends, will Epilogue 2 will be on the fun side. Epilogue 3 will close the Story Arc which began with the first Chapter of the Hunt in Hamburg.
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bandit666 »

I’d just like to state that I’ll also be waiting and watching for that scene to arrive. This tale has got better and better with each passing update. So I’m also delighted to decided to put pen to paper and create your own tale. One based so well in both the past and present. Keep this up [mention]Caesar73[/mention] and remember you’ve got the support of the many. Over 100’000 in fact
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you [mention]Bandit666[/mention] for your Encouragement!

[mention]NotSeen[/mention] stay tuned for the first Hammer blow of Chris and Friends to fall this evening :)
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Post by NotSeen »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago @NotSeen stay tuned for the first Hammer blow of Chris and Friends to fall this evening :)
Oh, I will. Believe me, I will.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]BeautifulHeart[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention]

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago @NotSeen stay tuned for the first Hammer blow of Chris and Friends to fall this evening :)
Oh, I will. Believe me, I will.
Here it is my friend. The Hammer falls.

The Adlernest: Sieglindes Cell: Midnight??

Sleep evaded Sieglinde. She was exhausted and her body hurt in more places than she could count. She did not know how many hours she had spent, bent on this rack. When she had been released, her Handlers had more or less to carry her into her cell. There she had been allowed a hot shower, a short period of rest, some water and some sort of porridge.

Then she had been dragged into the torture Chamber again. Sieglinde had been strapped to a bench, her feet in some heavily padded stocks and slightly elevated. Then a bastinado had been delivered expertly and extensive – and at some point she had just blackened out.

Now she lay there in the Dark, loosely shackled to her cot. Again and again she thought about the last three days. She knew it was pointless exercise, but she racked her brain again and again: What Part of Christine´s Affections had been genuine and which had just been an act? Not that that mattered anymore.

The nights they had spent together there had been true feelings on both sides of that she was certain, the last evening however …. At some point Christine must have made the decision to act, and she had been clever, very much so.

And in the end it came down to this, she had invited Christine, and in Christine´s place she would have done the same. Her Boss saw only the great Artist in Chris´ he had made her to an object. But Chris was so much more. And in her opinion her Boss had made a serious error in Judgement.

What Chris' really was, who she really was had been plain for all to see, when she played the Chopin-Etudes that much was clear to her now. Of course it had been a display of artisanship of the highest order, true, but for anyone who was able to see, Christine had laid her soul bare:

The love, the hurt, the pain, the energy and her anger and her hate. She considered it as the gravest mistake of her master that he laboured still under the Illusion that Christine would ever love him. She hated him with every fibre of her wonderful body.

Sieglinde just had begun to understand what effort it must had been for Chris' not to rip von Winterfeldt´s heart out his body with her bare hands and devour it like Penthesilea Achilles´ heart. Tomorrow she would have to muster every ounce of strength to survive, whatever Punishment her master saw fit for her.

Before it had been lights out, Brunhild had visited her. And in the eyes of her Fellow Valkyrie she had seen no pity but only compassion:

“How are you holding up Sieglinde?” she had asked her, genuinely interested not just going through the motions.

“Well, my body hurts in more places than I can count and I am totally exhausted, but besides that I am peachy.” she had replied with a little sad smile.

“And if you ask if I regret anything? I don't, I made a serious error in judgement, true, but Christine is a wonderful woman. And I would do it again. It was wrong what we did: Capturing Sophie and Christine. Neither Woman deserved that kind of treatment.” The last sentences she had spoken with Passion. “I do not regret though that we ended the old Reichenbach though” she added.

“Yes, you may be right” Brunhild had replied thoughtfully. “But it is not our place to make that decision. We swore an oath, we are to follow orders, we are devoted to the course, and we live by a code.”

“Sieglinde you will have to pay a terrible price you know that. I do not know what Punishment will await you, but it will be worse than the one I and Freya had to endure. Von Winterfeldt has delegated the task to Susanne.”

Sieglinde snorted: “How convenient for him, so he can play Pontius Pilate. His hands stay clean …”

“Sieglinde just be strong, your fellow Valkyries hold you in high Esteem still and that will not change. Have a good night and try to get some rest. We will see each other tomorrow again.”

And with that she had left. Now Sieglinde laid in the dark and stared at the ceiling. Sleep evaded her for a long time ….

The fifth day:

The Safe House after Breakfast:

Shortly before Chris and Sarah would deliver the briefing of the day together, Anna took her friend aside. Chris looked much better than yesterday the deep dark shadows under her eyes were gone. “So you introduced Sophie to the consensual side of bondage?” she asked her friend smiling.

“We did” Anna replied “and we had so much fun!”

“I guessed as much” Chris smiled, but regarded her friend critically: “Anna, spit it out, what is it?”

Anna sighed “I thought you would ask that … Listen, Chris, Kate and I thought about it, you know, you don't need to do this.”

“Do what?” Chris asked her friend, more tersely than she had intended. She had a feeling where this was going, but she needed to be sure.

Anna pulled herself together: “You leading the Charge today.”

Chris' Eye Brows went up. Regarding her friend with a long look, to her credit, Anna did not break eye contact.

She continued, haltingly at first “Sophie told us, that Punishments at the Adlernest are public events of sorts, and it is fairly likely that Sieglindes Punishment will take place today. You know, there is no need to torture yourself.

You do not need to prove anything to us, Chris. No one will think less highly of you, if you do not lead the Charge today. No one – and anybody who does will have to face me” Anna´s dark eyes were blazing with fire.

And Chris smiled fondly. That was one side of Anna she loved so much. Anna would do everything for her for any friend, even jumping from the highest cliff into the deepest Abyss to save her – without hesitation.

“I know Anna” Chris replied softly “But I have to do this: “She added: This will steel my resolve to finish Carl von Winterfeldt.” Chris replied firmly, but not without warmth.

Anna was not convinced: “This is Masochism, Chris: Pure and simple. At least think about it.”

Chris sighed “Anna I did- many times and I simply need to do this, for my sake.”

Anna nodded: “I feared that you would say that – but whatever will happen today: We are there for you.”

“I know” Chris retorted “And I am grateful to have friends like you.”

And she meant every word.

A short while later:

The Group had assembled and looked expectantly at Chris and Sarah. Chris gave Sarah a slight nod:

“Today Chris will lead the Sortie. She, Kate, Anna and Kirsty will take up positions so that we get first-hand information regarding the situation at the Adlernest, if anything has changed since Chris and Sophie escaped. We will need as much information as we can get, before we deliver the final blow. And if the opportunity presents itself to wreak havoc: Do it!” They had made Preparations for a Blitz-Attack. If they would attack, would depend on the Situation.

The Thief continued, "Sophie, Hayley and I will go through the Information we have gathered. Sophie possesses the most inside knowledge about the Adlernest, about Routines, Security Measures and such – and we will develop a plan how we infiltrate the Palace – and the Labyrinth accordingly.

So far the Enemy has not discovered how you two.” she nodded smiling at Chris and Sophie “escaped. It would be perfect if it stays that way.

The “Backdoor” would be the perfect entrance to infiltrate the Palace. But we must be prepared to act, if the Enemy awaits us there.”

“What then?” Sophie asked. “Then” the Dark Lady replied smiling deviously “Then we use the really heavy Guns. Firing a Grenade launcher in a secluded room will be fun!”

Anna grinned: “And you tell me every time I am incorrigible?”

Kirsty nodded: “We should add some blend grenades to the mix. I wonder …. “ the Briton mused “You do not have a MG 42 in your arsenal?”

“No” replied Anna smiling but the new MG 5! Want to give it a try?”

“Gladly!” Kirsty could not hide her anticipation.

“They will not know what hit them!”

Sophie followed that exchange with some Confusion: That talk about Grenades and Machine Guns? Well, she had a Permit to carry a concealed Weapon and trained with the Pistol, whenever she could make time. As District Attorney she had had her share of enemies, but Automatic Rifles? Grenade Launchers? Firing Automatic Rifles and Grenade Launchers, where should be the fun in that?

She had seen Anna handling her Sniper Rifle and it had seemed that Anna was well accustomed to the Weapon. Christine and her Friends were full of Surprises. And a part of Sophie envied the Russian for her confidence and her ability to handle herself.

Sophie admired Anna even more, when she thought back to the Moment when she had entered the White Room. Anna tied with her Arms high above her head, up on her toes, when she had urged Sophie to get help. That the Russian had recovered from that Ordeal seemed like a Wonder to her. “Could I be like Anna?” Sophie wondered.

A Position high above the Adlernest two Hours later:

Kate had sensed Chris´ steely resolve and determination, since they had left the Safe-House. She had thought back to the moment, when they had entered the cellars of Reichenbach Castle. Chris strode along as purposely now as she had then. She had radiated that same cold sense of purpose. Chris had not talked much. And Kate understood her.

Now they laid in wait. Down in the valley they could see the Adlernest and had a good view on the Parade Ground. Some sort of Platform had been erected there. Obviously a ceremony would commence shortly.

The place was buzzing with activity: Before the Platform a Parcour had been built, like a Military Course: High Obstacles, Water holes, Bogs.

At the Platform a post had been erected with chains. Chris had a fairly shrewd Idea what the purpose of that stake would be: Facing the stake stood a row of seats and tables, obviously for the Tribunal.

Anna looked through her Scope. From her Position she had a direct view of the row of chairs. “This is like a shooting range” she thought “I can take them out, one after another.

“Anna” she heard Chris in her headset, "Can you engage out the persons sitting on those Chairs?”

The Russian made some quick calculations in her head, factored in the Wind, the Temperature and the Distance: “Yes Chris, I can, it is no easy shot, but the conditions are good, so I reckon I can.”

“Be ready to fire on my mark” Chris replied. “I will” Anna acknowledged.

In the meantime Kirsty had built up the Rheinmetall RSG60 light mortar: with its 6.8 Kilos it was perfect for the task at hand. “A few Mortar rounds will add to the chaos after Anna would have fired a few well aimed shots.”

Kirsty had forgotten how much “fun” that kind of business could be. And her mind wandered back to a similar situation at a hot and dusty Valley near Kandahar in Afghanistan. This was no “fun” in the actual sense of course. Kirsty and her squad had laid in wait to ambush a group of Taliban. The Tension, the anticipation before the first rounds were fired, the situation now was not that different.

Chris followed the Proceedings at the Parade Ground with rapt attention: As the Palace Gates swung wide open the Band began to play a slow march, Beethoven as she recognized, the Marcia funebre of the 12th Sonata for Piano solo. “How ironic” Chris thought. “Beethoven for this perverse Comedy”

In marched the Valkyries, Chris counted two Companies of 20 Valkyries each in their black Dress Uniforms, both took up positions in front of the Platform, in two rows, 10 Valkyries each.

The tune changed to another March: Handel, Scipio, the slow march of the Grenadier Guards:

The Tribunal marched in, up the Podium and took Positions behind the Row of Tables. Susanne von Stülpnagel was presiding. “So von Winterfeldt shrinks away from his responsibility, how fitting. The Man is a coward” Chris mused darkly. “But that will not save him.” Her knuckles went wide, so tight was her grip on the glasses.

The Adlernest; Sieglindes Cell 30 Minutes before:

Sieglinde appraised herself in the small cubicle of her cell which served as her bathroom. She had showered and dressed. Brunhild had taken care that her Dress Uniform and a fresh set of underwear had been brought to her. Dressing with care was important for Sieglinde. It gave her some kind of control.

Breakfast had been frugal but she had devoured it in record speed nevertheless. You could never know when you would get the next chance to eat. And Sieglinde had the distinct feeling that it would be a while till she would get the opportunity to eat something. She went back into her cell, sat down on the cot and waited. This was about all she could do.

She listened: They were coming. Sieglinde stood up, stood straight and awaited her Guards: The Door swung open and four of her Comrades in Arms entered. The Leader addressed her:

“We will escort you now to the Tribunal. Turn around please Commander!” Sieglinde did as ordered. Her wrists were handcuffed behind her back as were her elbows. A large ball gag was pressed into her mouth.

Four Guards took her in their midst, while two others followed. And so they marched in step in silence upwards to the Parade Ground. Their steps echoing through the empty halls.

The Adlernest: Susanne von Stülpnagel´s Office at the same time:

Susanne did not look forward to the task at hand. She liked Sieglinde Gablenz and condemning her to the horrible punishment their Boss had ordered felt wrong. But she had convinced herself that it had to be done – for the greater good.

But for the first time she doubted the Judgement of her Boss in earnest. He had underestimated Christine von der Marwitz in the past and underestimated her still. Susanne cursed the day, when the pianist had crossed the Paths of her Boss. He let himself be distracted from his true vocation.

And even if she did felt little sympathy for the Pianist and her friends: They had proven themselves formidable adversaries at every turn and now they had brought the war to von Winterfeldt himself. She had to admire their drive, their perseverance.

Susanne had little doubts that Christine would go for her Boss himself at any cost. In her opinion her Boss had still no Idea what the Pianist was capable of.

But she had studied the reports about Heidelberg, about Nuremberg, about Munich and Vienna. How she had duelled Stromberg, how she had freed Anna Romanova – and her daring escape was another example of her quality. This Woman was extremely dangerous.

She looked at her watch it was time:

A Position high above the Adlernest, the Present:

Another slow drum roll filled the Air. In the open Palace Gates another group appeared. As Chris could see it was a detail of six Valkyries. Between them another figure in the dress uniform of the Valkyries walked but this person was restrained. Wrists and elbows shackled behind her back, a large ball gag in her mouth: Sieglinde!
”Des Großen Kurfürsten Reitermarsch” by Kuno von Moltke, played at the Swearing in of new Recruits in Berlin, Summer 2018

In a slow march the procession neared the podium. Sieglinde held her head high, proud. And Christine´s heart went out to her. Sieglinde and her guards walked up the stairs and came to a halt before the Tribunal. The Leader of the detail removed the Ball Gag.

Sieglinde looked Susanne von Stülpnagel directly in the Eye, unblinkingly, calm and collected. The World seemed to come to a halt, as the two Women regarded each other. Susanne was impressed: Sieglinde showed no fear, but on the other hand, the Woman was no coward.

Von Stülpnagel pulled herself together and addressed the Crowd:

“Comrades!” Her voice rang loud and clear like a Trumpet. “Again we are assembled at this place and again Justice must be served.”

She paused to allow her words to reverberate around the parade ground. She may not like having to punish Sieglinde, but she would do the occasion justice.

“Commander Sieglinde Gablenz, you stand here before us, you are accused of committing the grievous offense of fraternizing with the enemy, because of your conduct unbecoming for a leader of Valkyries, two captives escaped. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

“Yes!” Sieglindes Voices sounded strong and clear: “I let my feelings cloud my Judgement, that is true, but I did not “fraternize with the enemy” as you put it so eloquently. Christine von der Marwitz and Sophie Reichenbach are not our Enemies."

"They did what every one of us had done in their place. They used every means at their disposal to escape. And if I am guilty of anything it is dereliction of duty and for that I will accept every punishment you deem fit.”

“Very well” Susanne von Stülpnagel nodded: “This Tribunal finds you guilty as charged, your punishment will commence accordingly. Prepare the accused!” Von Stülpnagel ordered Sieglindes Guards.

Quickly Sieglinde was stripped of her Uniform then was squeezed into a heavy straight Jacket of black leather with a high posture Collar. A black leather hood was pulled over her head, with a built in pump gag. Blinders limited her field of view significantly.

Her ankles were shackled together with heavy iron manacles. The Shackles allowed only for small steps, the bladder in her mouth filled it completely. Breathing through the nose was difficult.

The wooden floor felt cold under her bare feet. Two Guards manhandled her down the Stairs till she stood at the Gravel start of the Parcours. She panted heavily. The small stones hurt her soles. The Guards removed the shackles around her ankles.

Sieglinde steeled herself for the things to come. She would not give in.

Sieglinde heard Susanne´s von Stülpnagel´s Voice ringing in her ears: “Your task is to reach the end of the Parcours, there will be obstacles along the way. You have to reach the Finish in ten Minutes. For every 10 Seconds more, you will get one demerit. The time starts now!”

A slow drum roll filled the air, as Sieglinde begun her run.

As she ran, two Valkyries kept pace with her, mocking her with the litany of her failures, reminding her that this was her doing while she slithered through the mud and fought to reach the end of the course. She stumbled, she fell, tried to get upright again, tried to get breath through her nose, and stumbled along, and along.

Sieglinde fell in the mud; she came to her feet again and moved further: There was the next obstacle! She had to cross a bog, she waded through the mud, which reached below her knees. The obstacle was right in front of her: without the use of her Arms it took an enormous effort to get over it. Sieglinde panted heavily as she landed on the other side. And on she went. Another trench, filled with water and mud. Sieglinde pulled herself upright, as she crossed it. The muscles of her legs burned, cramped.

When Sieglinde had finally finished the Parcours she was a quivering sweaty dirty mess. Her body ached in more place than she could count. Her legs bore small scratches and wounds in many places. She panted heavily. Sieglinde was covered in dirt and mud and knelt on the hard gravel. But her respite was short lived. Two of her guards pulled her upright and dragged her back to the Podium.

The gravel hurt her sensitive soles, as she stumbled along. And this was only the beginning, she knew. If her handlers had not held her upright by her arms, Sieglinde would have crashed down to the floor. Finally she stood on the Podium again. The blood was pounding in her ears.

She stared Susanne von Stülpnagel in the eyes, defiantly, mustering all her Will Power, she could still muster. “I will not give her the satisfaction to cave in.” Gablenz swore to herself. Pulling herself upright.

“Prepare the delinquent for the second stage of her Punishment!” Von Stülpnagel commanded. Sieglinde was stripped naked and tied to the Post, hands high above her head, ankles shackled together up on her toes. Her big toes cruelly lashed together. Sieglinde steeled herself. A shiver of cold ran down her back.

Next to her a tall, muscular Valkyrie with a bull whip took Position, looking expectantly at von Stülpnagel, awaiting her command to begin.

“The second Phase of your Punishment will commence!” Von Stülpnagel ordered.” Begin!” She ordered the Executioner. The crack of the whip was like thunder rolling around the parade ground.

Sieglindes cry echoed over the Parade Ground in response to the three inch welt that had been opened across her back. And it got worse from that moment on.

Anna followed the Proceedings through her Scope. The Russian found it hard to focus; the punishment of Gablenz reminded her of the torture she had had to endure in Nuremberg.

It took Anna every ounce of will power to concentrate on the task at hand as Stroke after Stroke hit Sieglinde Gablenz´ back beginning at her shoulders slowly moving down across her back, then her buttocks, then her thighs.

Her executioner dispatched her duties without emotion or even breaking a sweat. Like an exercise.

“Anna?” She heard Chris´ Voice in her ears, her friend sounded cool even detached, but that was only at the surface, she knew. “Yes Chris?”

“It's Time to reach out and touch somebody.” Chris said evenly though feeling every strike on Sieglindes body, as if the whip hit her own back. A cold fury coursed through her veins, strengthening her resolve.

“Will do” Anna confirmed. The Russian concentrated, took careful aim then squeezed the trigger slowly.

Sieglinde was barely conscious by now. She heard the crack and awaited the next stroke. Instead her reward was a cry of Pain then a spray of warm liquid sprayed on her back.

Susanne von Stülpnagel could not believe her eyes: The Valkyrie whipping Gablenz was wheeled around by a gigantic fist then the woman crashed to the floor. Wailing and thrashing around on the floor, her shoulder a bloody mess.

In the next second von Stülpnagel felt as if someone had touched her temple with hot iron, then something hit the High back of her chair, sending splinters into the neck. Acting on instinct alone Susanne threw herself under the table ducking for cover.

Another thud, another cry of Pain. Then another one.

Kirsty triggered the mortar and the first round was in the air. Chris let the next round glide down the barrel.

The Briton triggered the mortar again. In quick succession they fired twenty Mortar rounds, creating havoc and confusion: smoke, flashbangs and deadly daisy cutters. Fragments seared through the Air.

Pandaemonium reigned on the parade ground: People ducking for cover: Disoriented by flashbangs, blinded by smoke and cut down by daisy cutters: Deadly mortar rounds designed to explode on impact with the ground and detonated a shaped charge which sent out shrapnel in a horizontal pattern in an arc lower than the Podium, leaving Sieglinde untouched.

Brunhild had ducked for cover as the first shots were fired; when she heard the unmistakable screeching sounds of incoming mortar rounds she bellowed: “Take cover!” Mortar fire incoming!

Time seemed to come to a stand-still. Then as sudden as the mortar fire had begun, it stopped.

Chris ordered: “Move out, leave no trace.” A grim smile crossed her lips. Von Winterfeldt would rue the day he had laid eyes on her. “Fuck you Carl!”
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