The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by GreyLord »

Your opening scene with Sieglinde is magnificent. Especially her conversation with Brunhild. You show that intensive training finally overcomes innate feelings of right and wrong.

Then you move on and show, once again, the towering strength of Christina. What a woman!

Next, the sham tribunal, that everyone present seems to recognize is sham. Sieglinde faces Susanne von Stülpnagel with dignity and determination.

And finally, the hammer falls. To call such an attack beautiful may seem callus. None-the-less, there is beauty in the precision and flawless execution of the mayhem. And in its effectiveness.

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], this chapter is a masterpiece.
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Post by NotSeen »

In Game of Thrones, Ned Stark - when talking about passing judgment and sentencing - said something to the effect that if you're willing to condemn someone to death you should be willing to execute that person yourself. Here, Carl von Winterfeldt, a purported leader, doesn't have the stomach to even come to witness a sentence he has dictated. No wonder the Valkyries are starting to question their leader...

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], you did promise a hammer. That you did. But a mortar? A FUCKING MORTAR? Holy shit, Chris is thermonuclear pissed - and then some. Not to mention she and her compatriots are pretty good with the mortar - it's not the most accurate weapon at best of times... Besides, that's a pretty good gun shop Christine and her crew have access to :twisted:

I wonder if now von Winterfeldt has started to realize exactly how dangerous Christine von Marwitz is...
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I just hope von Winterfeldt (for his sake) has some tricks under his sleeve, or this fight is going to be very, very, very short. Time to put the petty villain out of his misery, girls!
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago Besides, that's a pretty good gun shop Christine and her crew have access to :twisted:
Let us say, they are well connected. Remember when the Girls came to Nuremberg? It has been a while I know. They went on a shopping spree back then - obviously with an extensive shopping list :)

Good news Guys: The first Epilogue is complete. Two are left to write and then the Hunt will be finally over :)

Before the final Assault on the Adlernest, the Girls will regroup and finalize their plans. The Attack on the Enemy´s Stronghold though will be no walk in the Park. Careful planing and a piece of good luck will be essential.

The Attack on the Paradeground was only the beginning.

The second stroke will be totally different than the first .... - and then, only then the final assault will commence.

To quote the Script: Armageddon, the End of all days!

And there will be sheep involved [mention]slackywacky[/mention] :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hey Guys! The next update will be online this evening - around or after 0800 PM MEST!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]tightbound[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention]

After all the action in the last Part, this update deals with the Aftermath - on both sides. But the next stroke will fall. Soon. So stay tuned.

After the Attack on the Adlernest

Brunhild lifted her head. The Mortar Fire had stopped. The air was thick with smoke; the scent of burned flesh and blood hang heavy in the air.

She braced herself for the next impact. But it was over. She stood and tried to get her bearings. Her ears still rang, but now she could hear the cries of the wounded, howls of pain. Calls for Medics, Brunhild looked around.

Bodies and body parts on the floor, realizing that she was the highest officer still standing, Brunhild took action. It took her the good part of half an hour to establish some order on the battlefield, because that was the Parade Ground now: A Battlefield.

Only then she turned around and looked at the Podium. At the Post hang the limp body of Sieglinde. Angry bloody welts crisscrossed her backside from her shoulder blades to her ankles.

The Backside of Susanne von Stülpnagel´s Chair was splintered by at least one shot. Von Stülpnagel cowered under the table. Obviously still in shock: “This must be the first time she had been under fire.” Brunhild thought mercilessly. Two or three more members of the Tribunal lay motionless on the Podium, at Sieglindes feet laid the executioner crying in Pain.

Brunhild turned to two of the Valkyries: “You” she ordered imperiously “Cut Commander Gablenz down and get some Medics, she belongs in the Infirmary - now!” she bellowed as one of the Valkyries hesitated.

Fearful the Valkyries stood to attention, saluted. She followed them on the Podium. “Sieglinde it is over, we will cut you down and bring you in the infirmary.” A soft moan escaped the parched lips of her friend.

Cold fury filled the Valkyrie. She was furious but not on von der Marwitz who had visited this hell on them, but on her Boss, who had underestimated this Woman again and again.

As a Professional, and that she was, she had grudgingly to admit, that this blitz attack had been planned and executed perfectly. The physical damage was bad enough, but far worse would be the psychological impact.

In Vienna, with her daring escape and now this Attack von der Marwitz had demonstrated that she could hit them any time anywhere at her leisure with impunity.

The self-consciousness of the Valkyries had been shattered with a wrecking ball. “If I could have it my way, I would lead an aggressive recon in the mountains around the Valley.

But my Valkyries are not up to the task. They fear von der Marwitz now. She lives rent free in their heads.” Brunhild admitted grudgingly to herself. “Fear is more deadly than any weapon.”

And von der Marwitz wielded it with like a virtuoso.

In the meantime Sieglinde had been cut down and carefully laid down on the floor. Two Medics arrived, another two Valkyries with a Stretcher followed.

When they carried the unresponsive Sieglinde away, Brunhild cursed inwardly. They needed Sieglinde now. True, von Stülpnagel was a gifted administrator but the woman was no soldier, no leader of soldiers. She was totally out of her depth.

She walked to the table under which von Stülpnagel was still cowering. “Susanne” Brunhild addressed her softly. "You can come out now, it is over.” She touched her lightly at her shoulder. Von Stülpnagel was shivering and looked out of wide fearful eyes at her.

Brunhild turned around and waved two Valkyries to her: “You two! Escort Frau von Stülpnagel to the Hospital Wing, she is in shock.”

This time her orders were followed without hesitation. She sighed, when she looked around at the mayhem around her. It would be a long day. She sent for Freya, her second-in-Command who had been unharmed, thank God.

Minutes later Freya arrived, stood to attention and saluted: “You called Commander?”

“Leave the niceties Freya!” Brunhild sounded tired. “Listen, I'll have to brief the Boss now, take charge in my absence.”

“I will do that” Freya nodded curtly. Then she added: “What hit us?”

Brunhild smiled ruefully: “It not a question what; it is the who that matters …. and to that ….” She gestured at the Chaos around her …. “that is the work of von der Marwitz and her People, I am sure of that.”

“Our glorious Leader” the Valkyrie could not hide the Sarcasm completely “unleashed a beast.”

Freya looked outright shocked at first, but nodded then. “But we will carry on …”

“That we will, Freya” Brunhild turned on her Heels and left for the Palace Gates.

Von Winterfeldt´s Office: 15 Minutes later:

Brunhild strode purposefully to the office doors of von Winterfeldt. The guards stood to attention and saluted, she returned the Salute. “Herr von Winterfeldt is awaiting you” one the Guards told her and opened the Door, she entered:

Von Winterfeldt stood at the Windows gazing down at the devastated Parade Ground; he seemed not to notice her. Brunhild stopped in the middle of the room, stood to attention and delivered a crisp salute. “Sir, you called for me.”

Von Winterfeldt still seemed not to acknowledge her. Then he spoke, still gazing out of the window, his usual sonorous Baritone sounded flat, even detached, far away:

“Tell me, Brunhild … what had happened?” If she wouldn´t have known it better Brunhild would have said, that von Winterfeldt was shocked. She pulled herself together and answered in the most professional manner:

“Sir, as far as we know, we were the target of a well-planned and executed surprise attack by a small group of attackers. They used a combination of sniper-fire and mortar fire. The details are still sketchy, but we estimate that the Sniper shot from roughly 1000 Meters."

"To hit with such precision at such a distance is a remarkable feat. The attackers used obviously a comparatively small mortar or the casualties would have been significantly higher.”

“What is the butcher´s bill Brunhild?” Von Winterfeldt still did looking out of the Windows.

“20 wounded at least, several in critical Condition.”

Finally von Winterfeldt turned around he had a haunted look, Brunhild thought: “What do we know about the identity of the attackers?”

It cost the Valkyrie-Commander all her self-control not to scream. Calmly she responded: “It stands to reason that Christine von der Marwitz and her associates are responsible, Sir.” and added carefully: “We know that Anna Romanova is a highly skilled Sniper, she proved that in Nuremberg and in Vienna.”

Von Winterfeldt nodded … still lost in thought …”What course of action do you recommend Commander?”

Brunhild pondered the Question: “If you ask for my professional opinion, Sir? We need time to regroup and to reorganise, to refit. I do not see us capable of any offensive operations for the time being. A large number of our most skilled Valkyries are now in the infirmary. Without sufficient knowledge about what we face the risk is too high."

"And I consider it highly likely, that today´s attack is only the beginning and frankly, if you don´t mind me saying that, we should upgrade your personal safety contingent. In my opinion Christine von der Marwitz will target you personally and she will do anything to get to you.”

The Valkyrie hold her Breath: Would von Winterfeldt now scream and rage at her? To her ultimate surprise he did not, instead he asked her – unnaturally calm – “Do you think her capable of such atrocities?” He gestured at the parade ground.

“Yes Sir, I do, and you should too”, Have I gone too far? She thought.

“Very well” von Winterfeldt nodded. “Take the necessary Precautions that will be all” he dismissed her.

He was still gazing out of the Windows.

On her way back to the Parade Ground Brunhild went over that Conversation again and again: Von Winterfeldt had not even asked after Sieglinde or Susanne von Stülpnagel. No Sympathy, not an ounce of Empathy. Obviously he did still underestimate their opponents and as surely as he dismissed his own people' well-being.

Brunhild went down to the Parade Ground to carry out von Winterfeldt´s Orders.

Day Five: At the Safehouse - After Lunch:

In the early Afternoon after Dinner, Sarah and Chris stood on the Patio of the Safe House, looking down in the lush Valley below, each nursing a cup of Coffee.

"How are you holding up Chris?” the Canadian asked the Pianist quietly, regarding her with an appraising, knowing look.

At times Chris was still surprised what had happened in the last seven Weeks, one of the most astonishing developments in her opinion was her, was their bond she corrected herself, with the Dark Lady:

In Hamburg they had been sworn enemies, especially after the thief had shot Peter, then the confrontation in Heidelberg and then their Alliance since Munich.

At first their Alliance had been one of opponents who had worked grudgingly together to bring down a common enemy. But after all that had happened in the aftermath, they had become what? Friends? - Chris found it difficult to name the thing they had.

The term itself was not important; important was the idea, important was that they had built up trust and understanding despite all her differences, different personalities, different dreams.

In her opinion - and to accept that had taken her a while, Sarah had had payed her debt already before Vienna and done more that many others would have done in a similar situation, considering their common history.

At last she replied thoughtfully:

"It was hard today, to watch Sieglindes Punishment, Sarah, I was conflicted. True, Gablenz was the Enemy, but I felt, no, I feel something for her – does that sound crazy to you?”

"Not at all, you did what you had to do, and you feel something for Gablenz because you are human. Humans do strange things when feelings are involved – at least according to my limited experience“ The Thief returned warmly, with a lopsided grin.

"I guess you are right" Chris mused thoughtfully. Then she looked Sarah straight in the Eye:

"Sarah, you know by now, how difficult it is for me to give up control and this was the worst when I was captive at the Adlernest: I could do nothing, von Winterfeldt degraded me to an object, forcing me and Sophie to play for his amusement like some tame beasts. But sometimes I must give up control freely and there are few people I trust enough to deliver myself in their hands you know.”

The Canadian looked expectantly at Chris, but returned nothing, wondering where this conversation would go.

The Pianist took a deep breath and continued:

"Sarah I want you to do something for me after Dinner: I want to relinquish Control, so I want you to mummify me as tight as possible, play long and slow with me, then I want you to tickle the Hell out of my feet and at last worship my feet, can you do that please?“

Now it was out - and suddenly Chris looked very vulnerable and blushed slightly, not sure how the Thief would react. Not many People had the Chance to see Chris that way.

But Sarah seemed not irritated in the slightest:

"Your wish is my command, my Lady! “ Sarah smiled wickedly. "After Dinner it is then! “
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Post by GreyLord »

I had a boss, many years ago, who said, in effect, "The cream will rise to the top." Brunhild is certainly bubbling up. You wrote that with so much skill that I was starting to feel bad for the villains. Masterfully done!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

It's good to see a chapter entirely devoted to the aftermath. Things that happen should have consequences, so it's so good that the story is making a pause after the assault. However, I still don't know why Christine & friends don't go directly for a final blow. The valkyries are practically done and von Winterfeldt is vulnerable. What are they waiting for?

I want to say, I like this conversation between Brunhild and von Winterfeldt way better than the conversation Susanne had with her boss a few chapters ago. Instead of jumping to conclusions with just a few initial words (how Susanne detected von Winterfeldt that he wasn't refering to Sieglinde by name... by just his opening line, for example), the conversation part shows the conclusions after the dialogue is done. Very well done! I also loved how it was pointed out that not once von Winterfeldt asked for Sieglined or Susanne. Evil, petty man. Would be a great villain if he could muster at least some resistance against the all-mighty powerful Christine. But his personality is truly evil. Well done showing that.

However, it seems to me that Brunhild hit her head too hard during the assault.
- Why does she believe they need Sieglinde in command? And why does she thinks the best idea (if all the Valkyries were in perfect shape and not injured) is to bring the fight to Christine? Wasn't that exactly what the valkyries did before Christine was captured? Didn't they lose miserably that night? Seems to me not only Anna is the one making reckless decisions. Brunhild looks blinded by anger in this chapter too.
- Girl... your boss has just told you to take the precautions you consider. And you think he is still underestimating Christine? I realize why she's second in command after Sieglinde. He has just told you to do what you think it's fit! Don't mess around (or maybe, do mess around so we can have more chapters with more punished valkyries ;) )

(Also, poor Sieglinde. She had just shouted "Christine is not the enemy!" but five seconds later, half the valkyries are sent to the hospital. Luckily nobody was dead. If any valkyrie was doubting, they have no doubts now. Christine and her friends are their enemies)

Lastly, the final dialogue really shows how Christine struggles with letting others take control. Girl... if you want others to control you, don't give them orders of what to do to you. Let them surprise you! Sarah has proven to have really imaginative ways to control you in the past, she doesn't need you to write instructions with detail. She's the freaking Dark Lady! But yeah, the conversation really, really shows that Chris is, in fact, a person who doesn't know how to let it go. For that, I congratulate the author.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention]
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago
Lastly, the final dialogue really shows how Christine struggles with letting others take control. Girl... if you want others to control you, don't give them orders of what to do to you. Let them surprise you! Sarah has proven to have really imaginative ways to control you in the past, she doesn't need you to write instructions with detail. She's the freaking Dark Lady! But yeah, the conversation really, really shows that Chris is, in fact, a person who doesn't know how to let it go. For that, I congratulate the author.
One of the next updates will give some pointers why Christine is the Person she is - we will get a flashback to her formative years, but this has to wait :) And I am not sure if she does not know how to let it go, [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] - the way I see it, it is just very difficult for her.

Today´s Update will be split in two Parts, which means, you have to wait for the second Part till Tomorrow evening - I could not resist the Temptation to do so, and I apologize in advance - a little bit :)

I consider the complete Update as an Hommage to [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] and Greylord, who inspired me to ad this Chapter to the Story - I will not spoil the fun though, let me put it this way: The Dark Lady returns -the old one, some people missed :)

Thirty Minutes later outside on the Patio:

Anna sat, comfortably reclined, on the patio, her bare feet resting on the banister, reading Dostoevsky´s Crime and Punishment, in her opinion one of the author´s best works. The German Translation by Svetlana Geier was brilliant, but in its original Language the Novel had an exceptional beauty, which no translation could match.

Anna did not know how many times she had read the book, but could remember the first time she had read it. She had been thirteen Years old, and her Mother had told her that she was too young to read that kind of books. Anna had read it nevertheless – in secret and under her covers and switched off the light whenever she had heard her mother coming checking for her.

From above the Patio she could hear Chris playing the piano. By the sounds of it her friend was blowing of steam by playing Charles Valentin Alkan´s hideously difficult Sonata “Les quatre ages” –and Anna could understand her after what they had witnessed at the Parade Ground. When she had taken out the Valkyrie with the Whip, Anna had felt a grim sense of satisfaction. This Woman would never swing a whip ever again.

She listened intently to Chris Play: Chris was just working herself through the famous second movement, which demanded extreme technical virtuosity and utmost concentration, especially the finish. The Violinist knew that for her friend this was an exercise in mental discipline.
Marc-André Hamelin plays live Alkan: Les Quatre Ages, Op.33 - II. 30 ans (Quasi-Faust)

Anna looked up and she saw Sarah leaving the Farm House, with a large, obviously heavy back pack and dressed for hiking. “Hey Sarah” she called after the Canadian, who halted and turned “What was it about leaving the House alone? The spanking Part?”

“Well my dear Anna” the Thief grinned sweetly and just a tad condescending in that special Dark-Lady-Like-Manner “that rule does only apply to Children.” turned left and followed the Trail upwards in the Woods.

“That rule does only apply to “children” – who is she then, the Den-Mother?” Anna mused – and was intrigued and her natural curiosity got the better of her. She really wanted to know, what the Canadian was up to, the back pack had looked heavy. The Russian laid the book aside, stood up and went to her room, returning ten minutes later, dressed in her running gear:

Anna was dressed in running tights, in a silver-grey colour with accent stripes of red and black down the outside flanks. White trail-runners were on her feet, and her long, dark hair was pulled back in a swaying ponytail. A white sports bra was doing a credible job of controlling the oscillations of her full and firm breasts, and a red fleece jacket with black and silver accents provided some warmth.

Around her waist was a small, black fanny pack. It held her Mobile and keys, all tucked in special pockets, so they wouldn't flop as she ran – and a small Tranquil-Taser-Gun. One could not be too careful these days. She stretched her legs and followed then the Trail upwards after Sarah, it ascended slowly and Anna had soon found her rhythm.

TBC :)
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], you have left me on pins and needles in anticipation of what may be coming.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Well, well, well, that was short and sweet. Loving the sassy and condescending response from Sarah. "Rules apply only to children". One can feel the tension in just that quick exchange of words.

I (not so) secretly hope that the Dark Lady will come out on top but... I have no idea what to expect. I have a feeling it will be great =).
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention]
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago I (not so) secretly hope that the Dark Lady will come out on top but... I have no idea what to expect. I have a feeling it will be great =).
Read for yourself [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] - I hope the Scene is to your liking :)

Anna had followed the Trail for roughly 30 Minutes. No sigh of the Thief. Sarah must have walked in a brisk pace, but by now Anna should have caught up with the Thief. Anna accelerated her tempo. The still slightly ascending Trail was covered with leaves, needles and small twigs, so that she did not spot the rope which was covered by it.

The moment she could step on it, the rope was pulled taut and Anna stumbled, lost her footing, and landed roughly on her breasts, which knocked the breath out of her. What the heck? Before she could rise up though, she felt a sharp sting in her left buttock. “Ouch!” The Russian cursed, Anna reached behind her. Her probing fingers felt a tuft of fluff embedded in the muscle. She plucked the dart from her muscle and stared dazed at the tiny needle.

The Russian tried to stand up, but had suddenly no control of her body anymore. She could not move a muscle. Someone stepped before her on the Trail. Since she could not move her head or any other Part of her Body, the only thing she could see from her prone position was a pair of olive green hiking boots. She knew those boots ….

“Hello Anna!” the cheery voice of the Dark Lady greeted her. “What took you so long? I thought you had lost track. Didn't I tell you, that Children should stay indoors?” Effortless the Thief turned Anna on her back, who stared at her with unblinking Eyes. “You are drooling” the Dark Lady stated.

“I bet you want to know what I will do now, don´t you? What, no quip?” Anna still stared at her – and drooled. “Uuups, I forgot, you are not in talkative mood.” Sarah McKenzie teased her. She looked at her watch. “We better hurry, before the drug wears off” And set to work.

Ten Minutes later Anna laid totally naked on the trail. A sight to behold the Thief thought when she took in the sight before her. McKenzie had folded Anna´s Clothes neatly together and retrieved several lengths of olive green rope from her backpack.

She rolled Anna on her front again. Twigs and needles poked into her breasts, her legs and other places, her nostrils flared, her left cheek rested on the soft ground. Before Sarah McKenzie began with precise practised motions tying Anna´s wrists together, she brushed twigs and leaves and dirt gently off Anna´s soft skin. After that she tied Anna´s ankles together, knots well out of reach of course. Even if she would have not been paralyzed she was now tied hand and foot and at the mercy of her captor.

The Dark Lady manhandled Anna´s unresisting body like a large rag doll in a sitting position and began tying up the Russians upper body: First were the Elbows. “At least she did not tie them all the way together” Anna mused. Indeed her elbows were only nearly touching. Tight rope bands above and below her breasts followed. Squashing them .

Sarah could not resist giving Anna´s firm and full Mounds a tight squeeze and played with Anna´s left nipple, manipulating it. “You know” the Canadian told the Russian conversationally “Chris has a Pair to die for, but yours are perfect too” and squeezed a second time. Anna glared at her. “My do we have a temper” Sarah teased her.

From the Pile of ropes she retrieved two other lengths of rope. One had several knots and Anna had a fairly good idea what it was for. She was not disappointed.

But before the The Dark Lady applied the Crotch Rope, she inserted a little something in her Vagina. “Something to help you pass the time” Sarah grinned. As the other bonds, the Crotch Rope was tight and secure. Very tight Anna had to admit, but not uncomfortable, not yet.

Her legs were next: Anna´s long muscular, well-toned legs were soon adorned by three tight rope bands above and three below the joint, dimpling her flesh. Sarah had tied the insteps of her feet and her big toes with a thinner rope together.

After she had applied the toe tie, the Thief let her nails dance across Anna´s soft soles. The Russian had not even the twitched. The drug still worked. Only a slight reddening of her checks indicated her feelings, and more drooling.

McKenzie stood up: the Thief looked down at the tightly trussed up Russian, very pleased with her work. Anna stared back at her. She felt a slight tingling at the Tips of her Toes. Obviously the Effects of the Drug were wearing off.

“You know Anna what they say? No bondage is complete without a proper gag” Anna just continued glaring at her and watched helplessly as the Canadian walked to her large bag pack and retrieved something. Anna tried to shift in a more comfortable position. Sitting naked on a trail in the woods was not exactly comfortable. Twigs, leaves, needles and small stones poked her skin.

Anna could not see what the Thief took out of her back pack, before The Dark Lady turned around, smiling: “What shall I use for a gag?” In one hand she held two thick woollen Socks in the other two Panties. “Ah those hard choices” she mocked Anna. “Socks and Panties are both equally smelly and ripe – you will love it” Somehow Anna doubted that.

“You know what?” “We can do both!” McKenzie took one of the very large and very smelly socks and pressed and prodded it till she had packed it completely in Anna´s unresisting Mouth. But true to her Word the Black Lady was far from finished. Somehow she managed it to pack both Panties in the Russian´s Mouth. Anna gagged at the foul taste. The large wad filled Anna´s Mouth completely and left her jaws wide open. The Canadian pinched her right nipple, but so sound escaped Anna´s Mouth.

After she had wound a whole role of translucent Tape between her lips, pressing the packing even deeper in her mouth and across Anna´s lower face that part of her face was practically mummified. Anna´s Cheeks bulged above the tight bands of tape. She growled angrily at her captor. But barely a sound could be heard.

“That was just in time Anna, don´t you think?” Of course the Russian returned no answer. Sarah continued: “If you think that we are finished you will be disappointed. Form the depths of her back pack the Thief produced an old fashioned rubber cap with a chin strap.

The Cap had a hole to pull Anna´s long dark tresses through it, the chin strap caused her to bite down even more on the foul underwear filling her mouth. With another roll of translucent tape Sarah McKenzie practically mummified Anna´s head except her eyes and flaring nostrils.

Anna felt that the Tape compressed her head on all sides. She concentrated on breathing through her nose. “If I get out of this I will take revenge – and even it is the last thing I do – I will bide my time. Wait till all of this is over Sarah, just you wait!” Anna was sure that Sarah was not finished yet …. she was right.

The Thief retrieved two other items from the back pack and dangled them before Anna´s nose who stared wide-eyed at her. “Nipple clamps. Vibrating ones” Anna´s eyes widened even more as The Dark Lady applied first one Clamp on her left nipple and then on the right. But barely a sound escaped her fully packed and wrapped mouth: A very low, very very faint moan maybe.

Just for the fun of it, Sarah tickled Anna´s feet for about two Minutes. Anna´s face began to turn red, her giggles could be barely head. Obviously the Thief was pleased with the effectivity of the gag, because she nodded. “If it isn´t tight it isn´t right. Don´t you think?”

Mockingly the Sarah continued “You know Anna, the evenings and the night in the mountains are a bit chilly – and we don´t want you to catch a cold. Look what I have brought for you:

From her back pack Sarah presented something to Anna: It was a heavy red bundle: a sheath; one of heavy spandex lined with a thin layer of synthetic fleece. It was a mummy sleeping bag, with a zipper running up its front and numerous horizontal and lateral nylon straps running in stitched sheathes around its circumference, from ankles to throat. Anna could see from her position that the Canadian put a translucent bag, containing a white powder at the bottom of the sheath.

“This will help you to keep you warm” McKenzie explained casually, who had followed Anna´s gaze “But all in due course.” With considerable effort she manhandled Anna into the sheath and pulled it´s zipper up, not without playing with Anna´s breasts of course.

“That should keep you warm and cosy.” The Smile of the Canadian was infuriating and Anna strained against her bonds, despite knowing it was pointless. If looks could have killed, the Dark Lady would have disintegrated into a heap of smouldering ash instantly.

Undeterred by Anna´s Efforts the Thief began snapping closed the buckles and tightening the numerous straps, and the already tight spandex stretched around Anna´s bound and encased form, accentuating her shapely figure.

The narrow, woven bands tightened around Anna's insteps, ankles, calves, below and above her knees, around her thighs, around her waist, below and above her breasts, and laterally, across her shoulders. Next, a broad, stiff strap-collar tightened around her throat. Finally, a hood covered her head, and additional straps tightened around and across her head at the forehead, mouth, and from under her chin to the crown of her head.

Anna squirmed in her cocoon. Helplessly she watched the Dark Lady twisting a locking ring in the buckle of each strap and tuck the free ends into the spandex sheathes.

Sarah returned to her pack and produced a thick coil of climbing rope and an ascender, a piece of climbing gear that incorporated a pulley and a friction block. The rope's outer sheath was mottled in a dozen earth tones, as well camouflaged as the rest of her kit, and the ascender was a dull, metallic grey.

McKenzie scrambled up into the rocks and out of Anna's line of sight. Seconds passed then she returned, lowering herself from the trees overhead and back onto the trail. She tied one of the free ends of the rope around Anna's ankles then tied a series of running hitches up her encased body. The final hitch was the most complex. It looped around her chest, above her breasts; criss-crossed her shoulders on either side; then was knotted in back.

The remaining free end of the rope in her hand, Sarah McKenzie smiled sweetly down at her prisoner, at the incredibly helpless and incredible sexy very female bundle at her feet. Seconds passed as Anna stared back. Finally the Canadian hauled on the rope.

The rope snapped taut and Anna was slowly pulled into the air. The Thief continued pulling, and Anna ascended into the branches of a huge pine overhanging the trail. The rope shook and vibrated for several seconds... then all was still.

Anna hung in her bonds, head up and feet down. She slowly spun in a half-circle, first clockwise, then counter clockwise.

From the many pockets of her gear Sarah produced some kind of remote control and showed it to Anna: “You remember the bag under your feet?” Truth to be told Anna had nearly forgotten about it. McKenzie pressed a button and Anna felt that the bag dissolved under her soles.

At first she felt only the powdery Substance, under her soles between her toes, then her eyes widened as her Soles seemed suddenly to burn and to itch terribly, but she could not move her feet an inch. She mewled into her gag. Sarah pressed another button and the Vibrator in her Pussy sprang to life. A third push and the Clamps on her Nipples began to vibrate.

The Thief watched Anna for a few minutes: “Do not worry Anna! I will tell Chris and Kate where they can find you – if I do not forget it. Have fun!” McKenzie shouldered her back pack and left.

Anna was alone. Her movements inside her cocoon caused her to rotate slowly. The first orgasm was building, her Soles burned and itched, her nipples throbbed. Then the wave of orgasm washed over her.

As she found out later, the Vibrator was programmed in a way that sometimes she got a nice orgasm and sometimes not, more than once the dammed thing stopped before she could cum. But she could do nothing. She could not move a muscle. Her only hope was that Sarah would keep her word and tell Chris and Kate where to find her. But somehow Anna had the feeling that that would not happen too soon.

The prospect of spending a night here hanging in the Woods was not something, she would appreciate. What if von Winterfeldt´s People found her here? She bit down on her gag as another orgasm was building. The itching between her toes drove her crazy.

Two hours later:

Anna couldn't stand it anymore. The glow of the last of uncounted orgasms receded slowly. She tried to regain breath through her nose. At least the itching and burning had stopped at some point, or she just did not register anymore. She sweated profusely in her Cocoon. She did not know how long she had hung here. Suddenly a sound broke through the silence. Anna heard voices. “Let it be Chris and Kate!”

When Kate and Chris arrived at the place they stood a moment before the pine and took in the sight before them. The slowly rotating red cocoon which contained Anna, for a short time they said nothing. Then Kate began to laugh, Chris followed. Anna fumed. When she had regained her composure Kate told her friend: “You now know Anna how I felt at Sylt when you laughed at me, before you rescued me. I hope you don´t mind if I take some pictures?”

And only when she had made some Pictures, Chris and Kate began to free their friend. At least Sarah had been so kind to leave Anna´s Clothes nearby.

Freeing Anna took the better part of an hour. When they had freed Anna from the Sheath they helped her sitting up. Kate folded a sheath of mylar film around her shoulders to keep her warm, while Chris busied herself to cut through the tape around the Russians head with bandage scissors carefully.

Then she could remove the rubber cap. Only then Chris could cut through the tape which covered her friend´s lower face. Kate stared in wonder at Anna´s gaping mouth, as Chris as gently as possible pulled the soggy mass out of Anna´s mouth. Kate gently pressed a water bottle against the parched Lips of the Violinist, who drank greedily

Her friends stared at her. “Sarah did quite a number on you” Kate spoke finally. Her friend just nodded, not trusting her aching jaws or her voice. In the meantime Chris severed the bonds which bound Anna´s legs.

“Can you stand Anna?” Chris asked the Russian. Anna croaked a horse “yes” Gently Kate and Chris helped Anna on her feet and steadied her. When Chris cut 10 Minutes later through the Crotch Rope Anna sighed relieved when Chris pulled the Vibrator out of her Vagina.

Anna sighed relieved. “Let us get you dressed” the Pianist pressed on. Kate provided a fresh Pair of Underwear. After Anna had pulled her shoes on and closed her Fleece Jacket. Chris regarded her Friend with an appraising look. Can you walk? “I think so” Anna replied.

“Fine, let us go then and Anna?” “Yes Chris?” “Do me one favour: Postpone any revenge till we have finished this business. I promise, I will assist you gladly!” “Promise?” Anna returned a little smile around her lips. “Scouts honour” Chris returned the smile.

When they arrived at the Farm House 30 Minutes later Anna inhaled greedily the scents from the Kitchen and her stomach growled. Kate grinned: “Sophie has made Spaghetti Carbonara after the recipe of her mother.” “Hi Sarah!” Anna smiled sweetly at her, only the Glitter in her Eyes betrayed her anger.

“That was quite a number you pulled on me you know! Listen I promise you one thing though: “I will postpone any revenge till we have finished this business.” “You can try” the Canadian grinned. “I will believe me” Anna returned smiling and turned to Sophie who had followed the exchange with Interest. “Sophie is the Dinner ready?” Chris and Kate exchanged a look and smiled at each other.

“We wait till you have had a shower and put on fresh clothes” Sophie told her. “There is enough Pasta for all of us.”
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by banshee »

Always good to see the dark lady pull something on the girls, but aside from that I must admit that I also wonder what Sarah is doing
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Post by Bandit666 »

Hit damn you’ve done it again [mention]Caesar73[/mention] what with that unmistakable tension between the characters. The comments shared and at times simply implied this tale just gets better and better. Gripping as always
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I am a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see any spankings, considering it was mentioned when Anna confronted Sarah before, but that is a just a personal preference. Also, it was a little weird that Christine and Anna said the exact same phrase "postpone this revenge till we have finished this business." It felt a little robotic there.

Other than that, the chapter was excellent. Great tension building at the start, I was unsure who was going to come up on top. It is beautiful to see a little bit of the original Dark Lady back, especially since she was a complete side, filler character during the Christine's kidnapping arc. Looks like she's back in business and I love, totally love that. The treatment and the taunting were magnificent.

But, like Banshee said... what was she doing exactly out of the safe house? I've been thinking about... when will she consider her debt to Christine paid? Is she making plans of her own? Will she betray the original main trio? :o
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago I am a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see any spankings, considering it was mentioned when Anna confronted Sarah before, but that is a just a personal preference. Also, it was a little weird that Christine and Anna said the exact same phrase "postpone this revenge till we have finished this business." It felt a little robotic there.

That was an oversight on my part - I will correct that :)

Other than that, the chapter was excellent. Great tension building at the start, I was unsure who was going to come up on top. It is beautiful to see a little bit of the original Dark Lady back, especially since she was a complete side, filler character during the Christine's kidnapping arc. Looks like she's back in business and I love, totally love that. The treatment and the taunting were magnificent.

Thank you very much :) And truth to be told, the old Dark Lady was not really away, she just lay dormant for a while, and in Anna´s Case, McKenzie probably could not resist the Temptation to have some fun with Anna, but I promise you, that Anna will have her revenge, even it will be a while till then, I am already have some ideas in mind, if Anna will be successsful is another matter :)

But, like Banshee said... what was she doing exactly out of the safe house? I've been thinking about... when will she consider her debt to Christine paid? Is she making plans of her own? Will she betray the original main trio? :o

I think the Dark Lady will consider her debt been paid, when von Winterfeldt is finished, she too has still a score to settle with her old employer and Sarah will play an important role in the final Assault on the Adlernest and in the Aftermath. What will happen in the Future, if Sarah will return to her old ways completely or if there will be some sort of business connection with Art Inc. will remain to be seen.

As this Update showed, the Relation between Chris, her Friends and their former Adversary is a complex one, but the future will tell. One thing is sure though: The Dark Lady was and will never be a tame cat :)

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]

Hello Friends, I can imagine that you are eagerly waiting for the final Assault on the Adlernest to begin. You will have not to wait very long, I promise. Probably next week. Just be patient for a little while longer :)

After Dinner:

"Listen Ladies! “ Sarah addressed her friends: "This will be the Program for the Evening: You know my credo by now!"

"Preparation, preparation, preparation! ” Her audience chorused.

“So” the Thief continued “It comes in handy that Kirsty had been Drill Instructor in the British Army and served in Afghanistan for three tours.” Hayley looked surprised at her friend: “I did not know that, but Kirsty did never talk much about her time in the Army, if I think about it.”

“You“, McKenzie nodded at Anna, Kate, Sophie and Hayley "will train with Kirsty. Chris and I will talk strategy and we will go over the details of the plan“

"Talk Strategy, of course" Anna whispered in Kate’s ear.

Kate smiled and nodded knowingly. "There are different ways to talk. “ The Detective whispered back, grinning broadly, then turned earnest: “Do you feel up to it Anna?” Anna nodded “Sure thing”

But Kate was not completely convinced: “I mean, after your Adventure in the Woods today, I would understand if ….” “If I do what?” the Russian whispered back “Foregoing all the Fun? Never! See Kate: I promised Chris not to retaliate immediately – and I won´t do that. I am little stiff and sore, but that´s it.”

“Your decision Anna” Kate returned “But don´t say afterwards I didn´t warn you.”

“I won´t” And that concluded the matter.

20 Minutes later, Sarah´s Room:

Sarah looked around in her Room, her Preparations were complete.

It knocked. Christine entered, her long blond hair in a ponytail, wearing a white tank top and black leggings, she was barefoot.

"I place myself in your hands. My Lady“ she smiled coyly, stepping inside and closing the door behind her.

Sarah slowly walked around Chris, close enough to feel the heat of her body. "While you are in my hands, even when unbound, you will do nothing for yourself. Do you understand?"

Chris nodded, feeling a flutter in her stomach.

Gently Sarah lifted Chris' arms and pulled the tank top slowly over her head. Sarah smiled finding Chris wore no Bra.

She let the top fall to the Floor and caressed the pianist´s breasts playfully; Chris rolled her shoulders gently to press her nipples into Sarah's palms with a soft moan.

"Slow down dear, we have all night." Sarah sighed then she rolled first one then the other leg of Chris' leggings down and lifted her out of the Garment.

"Surprise, surprise Chris, you are a naughty Girl, you went commando. “ Sarah grinned.

Chris assumed playfully the Position of the classical Greek sculptors, the Contra post and smiled at the Thief.

The Venus of Milo in the Louvre, Paris

"Even Phidias couldn't have sculpted a more perfect Body" Sarah thought as she took in the sight before her. Grinning Chris made a graceful Pirouette on her toes, and bowed slightly.

A very similar scene nearly two months ago in Hamburg sprang into Sarah´s mind, when Chris had done a similar Pirouette for her – with the only difference that at that occasion she had forced Chris to do so:

"Why don't you do a nice and slow pirouette for me. “ “Up on your toes Prima Ballerina!”
Christine turned gracefully around, under the Dark Lady's watchful gaze. “You have got Talent, you know?” “Look at those perfectly sculpted Calves, those wonderful feet!” "You know, for such a tall woman, you are very agile on your feet."

The Dark Lady sighed as she envisioned the Scene and Chris´ display of defiance back then. She had tightly tied and gagged Chris and tormented her and later Anna and Kate ….that had been fun!”

“What are you thinking of? Chris wanted to know. “Oh nothing” McKenzie demurred “just old memories” And they exchanged a knowing look.

But the moment passed quickly and Sarah focused again on the Present “This will be at least as much fun as in Hamburg” she thought, giving Chris the once over:

"Now that you are naked it almost seems a shame to cover you up. But I think it wise, before I ravish you on the spot! “Sarah told Chris grinning.

The Canadian took one of white rolls of Egyptian cotton bandage off of the table and knelt before Chris.

Slowly, she began wrapping Chris' left leg in tight overlapping layers, beginning at the ankle, caressing every inch of her leg: Each stroke quickly followed by a wrap of cotton as if trapping the sensation of touch against Chris' skin, which seemed to glow under her caressing fingers.

When she had finished her leg was wrapped in three layers from ankle right beneath her crotch. Then Sarah repeated the process with her right leg.

Sarah took Chris' hands and raised them above her head and started wrapping Chris upper body.

"How I love to wrap up those perfect breasts!“ Sarah stood behind Chris and squeezed those marvellous mounds tightly and repeatedly, kneading and caressing them, while her warm soft breath caressed Chris' neck sending a shiver down the Pianist´s spine, from her neck to her nether regions. Chris sighed contentedly. She already felt the tension leaving.

The Thief wrapped a layer of cotton around her body from just below her breasts to the very top of her labia. Then she wrapped a layer of cotton over her left shoulder, between her breasts and under her right arm then repeated in the opposite direction, lifting her captive´s breasts, before wrapping them in the soft cotton and finishing the shrouding of her upper body.

Sarah took Chris' left hand and wrapped her fist in cotton bandage, the proceeded to wrap the entire length of her arm up the her shoulder and back down again, leaving a loose foot or so of bandage dangling from her wrist.

Her right arm got the same treatment and the Canadian folded it under Chris´ breast and then folded her left arm under her breasts but over her right arm. Sarah gently took the loose ends of the cotton and tied them together behind Chris' back. Her Arms were now tightly folded under Chris´ breasts, pressing against them.

Finally the Thief covered her upper body in two additional layers.

Sarah gave Chris´ the once over again, making sure everything was smooth and nothing pinched the mummy, "Something is missing“ the Dark Lady looked pointedly at Chris‘ Crotch.

"I have absolutely no Idea what you are talking about?“, Chris asked in mocking earnest. "Please enlighten me! “ she told her Captor.

"Your wish is my command, My Lady!‘ Sarah bowed and produced the Vibrator she had used on Chris at Hamburg.

By now Chris was used to the strange sensation as the tool moulded itself to her internal Anatomy perfectly. In that moment it felt as it had been yesterday, Hamburg:

"Take this and insert it in your pussy“ The Dark Lady threw a torpedo shaped object in her direction. Christine caught it and turned it over in her hands. Whatever Material this tool was made of, it was no ordinary metal, a soft pliable surface with a round plate at the end. She inserted the object in her Vagina, without breaking eye contact. It felt strange. The object seemed to move.

"Does it fit nicely? “ The Dark Lady asked, obviously sensing the discomfort of her prey, while Christine pulled her panties and pantyhose up. “Getting all of your personal measurements, and I mean all, was no easy feat.”

"You see, this little toy is state of the art. It will mould itself to every aspect of you anatomy, making it impossible to dislodge. The pad at the rear end will press against your clitoris. It will vibrate randomly. “

In the meantime Sarah finished the wrapping of Chris' body by covering her Crotch with wraps between and across her labia. “I know where you have just been” she teased the Pianist. “Oh did you?” Chris asked her mockingly.

After McKenzie had put small foam pads between Chris' Ankles, Knees and thighs, Sarah told the Pianist: „Now we can wrap you up completely“

"What are you waiting for?“ Chris asked smiling.

"You can't get enough of that can you" Sarah mocked her grinning and set to work. Soon Chris was wrapped from neck to ankles in two additional tight layers of Egyptian cotton.

Sarah regarded her with an appraising look: "I think we stuff this big mouth of yours first, before we wrap your beautiful feet." she smiled.

"I can't do nothing to hinder you, you evil fiend! Do not forget to gag me most thoroughly, or the neighbours might get suspicious!“

"They won't, believe me, they won't, when I am done with you!“ Sarah let two very large, very smelly woollen Socks dangle playfully before her face.

"Nice“, Chris purred and inhaled the intoxicating smell and opened her mouth as wide as possible. It took Sarah considerable effort to get both Socks into Chris' Mouth, stuffing one in each cheek, with enough room for an ankle sock to be nestled between them.

Chris looked now very much like a Chipmunk, a large Chipmunk. Cheeks bulging, Eyes wide. Sarah wrapped a complete roll of translucent tape around Chris mouth.

"Does that Gag meet your requirements?“ Sarah asked her mute friend. Chris nodded emphatically smiling above her gag. “Let us test the effectiveness of the Gag” and the Canadian pinched both of Chris´ Nipples hard. Chris´ Eyes got very large, but that was the only visible reaction.

"It is really a shame to cover those beautiful green eyes" Sarah mused as she taped small pads on Chris eyes. Sound cancelling ear buds were next before Sarah covered Chris head with a stocking cap, which had a hole for Chris' long blond Ponytail, when she wrapped Chris head in several layers of cotton.

The Dark Lady regarded her work contently. The only Part not covered in bandages now were Chris feet.

Sarah helped Chris to lie down on the bed. Chris discovered that Sarah had placed several bands of used hose on the Mattress. The elastic Bands held Chris above and below her breasts, her waist and two Bands above and three below the knees, secured to the sides of the bed.

Chris sighed contently in her gag. "I cannot move a muscle but I am very comfy." She giggled moaned softly, when she felt a soft touch at her left heel, then at her right.

Sarah was anything but thorough: First she wrapped every toe separately before she wrapped first each foot in gauze first and pulled gauze socks over each foot before she wrapped both feet together. Now Chris resembled the perfect, very female Mummy.

"Listen carefully." Chris heard Sarah clearly through the ear buds. "We will do this very, very slow. If you have enough bang your head on the Pillow three times, and grunt three times. Understood?“ Chris grunted her confirmation.

"Okay then, let us begin!“ The Canadian told her prey.

Chris moaned and struggled playfully. But the only thing she could do was flexing her wrapped feet as far as the wraps allowed that of course.

"This is the only reason why I didn't tie her feet down“ Sarah smiled. "I like the way she moves her wrapped feet."

She knelt on the Mattress, so that she could give Chris Breasts a tight squeeze, which caused the Mummy to moan and writhe. Sarah squeezed again, grinning wickedly. More moaning and writhing.

The Canadian slipped her shoes off and sat beside the Mummy, so that she could let her left Hand rest conveniently on Chris‘ right breast, kneading and squeezing it occasionally; her right hand could easily touch the IPad to control the vibrators in Chris‘ Vagina.

True to her word, Sarah started low and slow, very slow. Chris thought. "I barely sense these vibrations.“

The Thief took the long road: During the first three stages an observer would have noticed nothing. But as the Vibrations got stronger one could notice, that the mummy's breasts rose and fell more rapidly, now and then the Mummy flexed her wrapped feet as much as she could.

With growing Intensity of the Vibrations the Mummy’s moans became louder and more frequent.

Chris began to strain more forcefully against her wrappings and the nylon Straps. But they held her fast. Chris felt the heat between her legs rising. She began to sweat profusely inside her Cocoon. “I´m simmering on low temperature” Chris mused in a sane moment.

And then Sarah turned the frequencies of the Vibrations higher again. Chris breath rate had accelerated: she strained against her wraps and bonds with all her energy now.

“Curse you Sarah, I want to cum!” “Right now!” the Pianist banged her head in frustration on the pillow and cursed in her gag, of course only a very muffled noise could be heard.

Through the earbuds, she heard the soft whisper of her captor, "You are strong. You are beautiful. You are safe and you are loved by everyone you would call friend."

After 30 Minutes Sarah granted her release: Her Body became rigid, her feet en Pointe. What would have been an earth shuttering scream, was just a very loud moan.

"I‘m impressed“ thought Sarah. „Chris is mummified tightly and tied down to the bed, but the energy with which she strains against her wraps, it is just awesome.“

Two hours later, Sarah found herself impressed by Chris' resilience and endurance too: It had taken another five earthshattering orgasms till Chris tapped out. Banged her head three times on the Pillow under her head and grunted three times in quick succession, a low guttural moan escaped her heavily gagged mouth.

"Okay Chris, you are still resolved to follow through with the complete Program?“ Chris grunted in confirmation.

"Good, then we shall proceed. I imagine your feet are very hot and very sweaty, I will unwrap them first to let cool them down.” The Mummy nodded. “After that we will unwrap your head, it is safer that way. I will ungag you and give you some water and you will get a fresh gag, sort of“ Sarah grinned.

The cool air felt glorious on Chris' hot and sweaty feet. She moaned in relief and flexed her feet and wiggled her toes.“ Sarah’s soft Touch caused her to giggle. "Boy, are your feet hot and sweaty. If have just thing to cool them down”, she took two Ice Cubes and let them glide in circular motions above Chris' hot soles, they melted rapidly. After she had dried Chris wet feet with a towel, the Canadian began unwrapping Chris' head.

Chris‘ hair was damp and her skin sweaty and flustered. With still dreamy eyes she stared at Sarah. "Still far away, are we?“ the thief grinned. Chris nodded slowly.

Carefully Sarah cut through the tape holding the socks in Chris‘ mouth. It took some effort to pull the soggy mass free. It took a while till she could move her jaws again. The cool water running down her throat felt wonderful.

"Sarah, that was just great!‘ she whispered

"Thank you“ the Canadian replied smiling. "Your Stamina was impressive also!“ The Black Lady returned.

"Okay then! Are you ready for Round Two?“ Sarah asked with a wicked glint in her eye.

Chris nodded smiling then opened her mouth for a fresh pair of socks. The Socks tasted different there was something familiar about the smell.

"This Time you chew on Anna’s Socks!“ - Sarah smiled wickedly, "Savour the flavour." Chris‘ Eyes went wide above her gag. Chris grunted angrily, but just a little.

For the second round the Canadian tied not only Chris‘ big toes, but all toes to the nylon Band around Chris‘ Ankles. Moving her feet was now out the question. Wide eyed she stared at Sarah as the Thief showed her an electric toothbrush. Soon heavily muffled laughter filled the Room.

"I will die, this is killing me softly" Chris' thought, when Sarah began to tickle her between the toes. After five Minutes Sarah granted her a respite of two Minutes and continued then.

Chris looked up when Sarah stopped and set down the tooth brush. Her eyes widened in confusion as she saw the slim metal object in her captor´s hand.

Sarah tapped the tuning fork on the edge of the bed and pressed its tip between the big toe of Chris' left foot and the next toe, sending vibrations right through her. Beneath her gag Chris howled with laughter thinking, "Tickle torture with A sharp. She is tuning me up to play a masterpiece with me."

For the last ten Minutes, the Canadian taped two electric toothbrushes against each sole: One with its head pressed against the heel and the other against the balls of her foot. Chris eyes went wide above the gag, as Sarah grinned wickedly and turned the toothbrushes on full Powers.

After 30 Minutes Chris‘ was utterly and totally spent. While her breath returned slowly to normal, and her giggling fits subsided, the Canadian asked her casually:

"Do you want a lighter Gag now Chris? I would understand that.“

„Nope" Chris shook her head "Another heavy Sock Gag would be just be fine"

"So be it then. Your choice!“ Sarah produced another Pair of well-worn and smelly woollen Socks "These are mine and they are really ripe“

Chris returned no answer and opened her mouth. Five Minutes later Sarah had finished the gag. The heavy padded Blindfold and Chris' world went black again.

Chris sighed contently and waited and flexed her feet. Sarah took an Ice Cube in her Mouth and kissed Chris‘ soft left heel, let her lips wander from her heel under her high Arches and above the balls. Chris moaned softly in her gag.

Then the other foot: "This is heaven“ Chris sighed as Sarah’s soft hot breath and cold moist tongue caressed her in circling motion between her toes. Chris Moans intensified in frequency and intensity as Sarah changed between kneading their feet and licking and kissing them. As a finish the Canadian poured Oil on her Palms and massaged her soles.

60 Minutes later Chris had showered and put on a loose fitting Track Suit she said warmly to the Canadian: "Sarah this was soo relaxing!“ „You are welcome!“ The Thief smiled back.

"What do you think Chris? Should we look after the children?“

"Why not?“ Chris returned grinning.
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Post by GreyLord »

Your production of excellent work goes on and on, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. The Dark Lady appears to have completed her transition from the dark side of the force to the light side. Or do you have yet more surprises for us?
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Your production of excellent work goes on and on, @Caesar73. The Dark Lady appears to have completed her transition from the dark side of the force to the light side. Or do you have yet more surprises for us?
Thank you [mention]GreyLord[/mention] for your kind sentiments. If McKenzie has completed her Transition - if there is any at all of course :) - ? The future will tell :) Once a predator, always a predator. But she is truly fascinated by Christine and that feeling is mutual. So much is clear.

After tomorrow´s Update the final Assault on the Adlernest will get on Track. And the next Hammer Blows will fall. I will not give way to much, if I say that Christine and Team´s Attack will be a hybrid one. They will not target only the Adlernest and it´s Master personally.

There are other areas of Warfare in modern Conflicts :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Hi Folks, this Update is the last Interlude before the final Assault. The following Update, probably on Wednesday will start the Build-Up of the final Attack on the Adlernest. Till the Assault begins in earnest, there will be Prepartions to Make, which means refining the Attack-Plan and one last Recconnaissance Mission. The next Hammer-Blow will fall soon - and it will be painfull.

Three Hours before in the Cellar of the Safe House:

Kirsty could be a hard Task Master. Hayley knew that already but for the rest of the Group this was a new experience. After they had changed in sportive attire Kirsty had showed them the ropes:

After an extensive warm up with sit ups, push ups and other bodily exercises, there had been a weapons drill. Again and again they had to assemble and disassemble their rifles then shooting at the Pistol Range had followed.

Kate had been the best shot, Anna close second. Hayley learned that her skill with the gun was not what it has been before her time on Mystery Island. To her own surprise Sophie had held her ground

After that they changed into Judo Gear. As it turned out, Anna and Kate wore black Belts.

Kristy lectured; "In Hand to Hand combat it is not important how you bring your opponent down, but that you do bring them down, so every technique is allowed that fits the bill:

“Judo, Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, or Krav Maga, you name it. Do not hesitate, do not underestimate your opponent and be prepared for everything and forget all the crap you heard about Chivalry. That is something for the Novels!”

Sophie enjoyed this lesson very much. "So my time at the Adlernest had not been a total waste.“ Under Kristy´s Direction they executed different Katas in different Martial Arts. Then Kirsty let them practise in changing Pairs.

After an Hour of hard exercise Kirsty explained: "Now it is time for a Tournament: You will fight in Pairs. The Winner ties up the loser. The Winners of the first round will compete against the other. The Winner of the second Round will have to fight me!“ Her smile was sinister – hovering on “Evil”.

Anna and Kate exchanged a look: "I would gladly tie up Kirsty – and lay my hands on her ample bossom!” The Russian whispered grinning.

"Me too!“ Kate whispered back.

"Anna will fight against Kate while Sophie will team up with Hayley!“ Kirsty announced.

„That was luck!“ Hayley thought: "Anna would have been the harder Nut to crack!”

As Hayley found out soon, Sophie Reichenbach had a trick or two up her sleeve. Five Minutes later, Hayley was lying flat on her back and stared wide eyed at Sophie, who looked a little surprised herself.

“Well done!” Kirsty nodded, "that was a nice move! Tie up and gag Hayley – a simple hogtie will suffice!”

Sophie set to work: She tied Hayley´s legs at Ankles and under her knees, then her wrists and elbows. The Hogtie was not punishingly tight, but effective, Hayley thought who drooled around her ball gag on the floor and followed the other match intently.

“Anna and I are evenly matched” Kate thought. “Anna is taller than me and she has the greater reach, but I am faster and slightly stronger, I have to be on my guard though.”

Anna´s smile was evil: “I know you want to tie up Kirsty yourself, but I think that it will be my privilege.”

“In your dreams” Kate replied smiling. “Will you talk me to death?”

Kate and Anna began circling each other, like two large Cats on the prowl. To an outside observer this looked like a slow dance. Both women waited for an opening for an attack. Kate attacked first, but Anna parried her kick aimed at her head. Anna followed through with a counter attack. This time Kate caught her leg and stepped inside her kick, before shoving her back with a palm to the chest.

So it went for a few sheer endless minutes. The two opponents circled each other. Attack, block, counterattack, in the end it was a split second that decided the fight.

Kate's parry was just a tad too slow and Anna took full advantage of the opportunity, with an immediate follow up sweep taking Kate's legs from under her. Anna dropped on the dazed detective straddling her and pinning her arms to her sides with her legs.

10 Minutes later, Kate lay hogtied beside Hayley on the floor. They looked at each other and sighed.

Anna and Sophie bowed and took their position on the mattress. Anna´s smile was sinister. “Don´t worry Soph! I won´t hurt you – much!”

Sophie´s mouth was suddenly very dry, she had watched Anna and Kate fighting – and the Russian was a formidable opponent, “but hey, I have nothing to lose” she tried to encourage herself.

“I will not make the mistake of underestimating Sophie” Anna thought, obviously Reichenbach´s Daughter in Law had had lessons in hand to hand combat during her captivity.

Sophie attacked first, but Anna parried the stroke easily and followed through with a counter attack, which was in turn parried by Sophie. “She has good reflexes” Anna had to admit.

A short while later: In a lightning quick move, with a De-ashi-barai Anna decided the fight. And Sophie joined Kate and Hayley on the floor, the trio now following the coming final fight between Kirsty and Anna.

“She is indeed a force of nature” Kirsty thought. “Anna has not only a flawless technique, but a good eye and lightning quick reflexes.” So Kirsty was on her guard. The ensuing battle would go down in history as the fight of the century. No opponent gave way, Stroke and Counterstroke, Kick and parry.

Then periods when Anna and Kirsty circled each other, trying to gauge the right moment for an attack.

Kirsty lunged with a savage left jab aimed at Anna's face. The violinist side steps and brutally striked the nerve cluster in her foes exposed armpit, sending a wave of pain through her.

She followed up with a savage chop down onto her foes thigh shocking the muscle and forcing her leg to fold under her. Anna stopped her Karate Chop millimetres before Kirsty´s larynx.

Anna looked smiling down at her four friends lying hogtied on the floor in a row. “That was fun Girls, don´t you think?” Her mute Audience returned nothing. “Listen, I think we will have some more fun now!”

“I know that kind of fun” Kate mused, who by now had a fairly good imagination what kind of fun Anna had in mind. As it turned out, she was right:

Anna tied Kate to a Chair, her legs tied to the back legs, to that her soles were upturned – her big toes were tied to the Chair, so that Kate could not move her soles out of harm´s way. Kate´s Arms were tied behind the high back of the chair at wrists and elbows.

A breast harness and another set of ropes held her fast against the Chair. Under her tight crotch rope Anna had inserted a Vibrator. “Comfy Kate?” Kate just stared back, Eyes wide above her gag. The Russian had stuffed two Pairs of Panties in her mouth and wound nearly a complete roll of translucent tape above, so that one could see the stuffing.

For Hayley Anna chose a shrimp tie in combination with a reverse pray tie. Hayley´s upper body was nearly parallel to the floor she drooled around the very large red ball gag on the floor. Of course the Investigator was crotch roped and had a vibrator tied to said crotch rope.

Sophie's hands, elbows, knees and ankles were tightly bound and cinched with rope. Her bound hands (tied in front) were then bound to her ankles. The elbows were likewise bound to the knees. Next, she was hoisted by the ankles off the carpet so that she could swing in the air.

A thick sock gag ensured silence. “I used the socks Kirsty wore today, you chew on them and one of Chris´ is folded under your nose.” Anna explained cheerily, as Sophie gagged on the taste in her mouth. Of course a Vibrator was tied against Sophie´s Crotch Rope. Anna gave her a slight shove, so that Sophie began swinging in circles. The Russian couldn´t help herself but tickling Sophie´s upturned Soles, which caused Sophie to giggle softly in her gag, trying to move her soles out of harm´s way.

Kirsty stayed hogtied, but in a heavily enhanced Variation, which included her pony tail being tied to her toes, and a harness ball gag with heavy stuffing. “Anna must have used nearly 100 feet of Rope on me” Kirsty thought, as she tested her bonds methodically.

Anna was so engrossed in her work that she did not notice that Chris and Sarah stood in the open doorway. The Thief and the Pianist exchanged a look, smiled at each other and pounced.

When Anna sensed the movement behind her, it was too late. 15 Minutes later Anna kneeled tightly frog tied and tightly crotch roped on the floor. Her arms effectively welded together behind her back. Her breasts bulged between a tight breast harness.

Chris and Sarah had gagged her thoroughly: One large silk scarf filled her mouth, another one served as a knotted cleave gag. Over that the dynamic Duo had folded a third Scarf in a band. Over that Sarah had tied a pair of used hose. The Russian inhaled the musky scent and moaned.

Anna had a twinkle in her eyes that betrayed the fact, that the Russian had enormous fun.

“That serves you right” Chris admonished her friend mockingly “Never let down your guard!” She bowed down and tucked three times sharply at the crotch rope, which caused Anna to moan.

Sarah couldn´t help herself but squeezing Anna´s breasts tightly. More moaning. “You have a really delectable Ass Anna!” the thief mocked her before delivering three sharp slaps on her firm behind. Anna´s grunts were heavily muffled. “One must always test the effectiveness of a gag” the Thief explained matter of factly. Anna thought: “Just you wait Sarah, when this is over ….”

Chris turned to the Canadian: “You know Sarah I never had had the chance for a decent rematch for Hamburg …”

“Be my guest” the Thief returned smiling. “If you feel up to the task – there can be only one!”

After they had changed into Judo Gis, Chris in a white one, Sarah in a black one – they went on the Mattress and bowed before each other:

Their tightly tied friends watched in awe at the ensuing battle, except Hayley who was compelled to stare down at the floor and drooled on said floor. The fight was nothing other than spectacular.

And it was impossible to say who would gain the upper hand.

Both Opponents were evenly matched in every aspect. Lightning quick attacks and counter attacks followed each other in quick succession, as they tested the others defences.

Sometimes it seems that Chris would prevail and sometimes the other way around. The battle raged back and forth, neither giving ground.

Sarah lashed out with a thrusting kick to Chris' chest, but the Pianist was too quick. Catching the foot and holding it fast, she stepped backwards, forcing Sarah to perform the splits.

Christine pushed Sarah onto her back and claimed victory with the words, "As you like my ass so much." before sitting on Sarah's face. After a few moments of moaning, Sarah taps out defeated.

“Wow there was a lot of pent up energy behind that Chris!” The Dark Lady smiled. "Not the worst way to lose though."

“Let's say, I imagined von Winterfeldt and thought I attack him” The Pianist smiled. “Ready to face your doom Sarah?” Chris reached down and helped the Thief back on her feet and gestured to bench with a high back: “Would you be so kind to undress?”

15 Minutes Sarah was tied down on the bench, her feet slightly protruding over the end of the bench. Her big toes were tied together and bound back to the ropes around her Calves.

The Dark Lady´s long legs were tied in six places, together and to the bench. Under her Ankles a foam pad caused additional strain on her legs muscles. Her Arms were tied tightly together behind the high back of the bench.

A tight breast Harness squashed Sarah´s ample breasts together. The knotted crotch rope pressed tightly in her panty clad pussy. The stuffed harness ball gag, she had to chew on one of Chris´ socks, caused Sarah to drool on her lap extensively.

As a finish Chris´ had inserted a Vibrator between the muscular thighs of the Dark Lady and taped one Vibrator against each sole. Vibrating nipple clamps adorned her breasts.

Chris looked immensely pleased with herself: “You see Sarah I did not just copy your work in Hamburg but refined it.”

Then she addressed her mute Audience: “I will be quite a challenge to control eight Vibrators simultaneously but I learned from the best!”

She made a bow to Sarah. The Canadian had a twinkle in her dark eyes.

“We will begin with a little warm up Ladies” and set all Vibrators on high. Soon moans and muted screams filled the Room, Eyes rolled backwards. Chris walked between them and tickled first Kate´s upturned Soles, than Anna´s and then Kirsty´s. Heavily muted giggles added to the mix.

After five Minutes Sarah thought: “I surely will die, the Vibrators on my Soles are much worse than the Vibrator between my legs. But the only thing I can do is wiggling my toes a bit.” In the same moment her Eyes went wide as Chris´ turned up the Vibrator between her legs up a notch further. And the first of many orgasms washed over her.

The Eyes of the Thief rolled backwards a low guttural moan escaped her gag mouth. The next time, just before she could reach her second orgasm, Chris turned the Vibrator between Sarah´s legs off. McKenzie cursed into her gag, glaring at the Pianist. “No reason to get angry. Just be patient Sarah!” “I have to attend to Anna first.

Chris sauntered to Anna, who stared at her from dreamy eyes, just returning from Orgasm land. The Pianist smiled at her friend. “I think we can enhance your Predicament.” Chris´ retied Anna´s legs so that her soles were pressed against each other and her big toes together. “Much better!” She said sweetly.

Then Chris returned her attention to Sarah. “We were interrupted” and turned her Vibrator on Full. Soon the Thief was on Orgasm Train again, next Station La-La-Land.

The Pianist looked at Kirsty. The Briton was straining with all her might against her bonds, but besides slightly rocking back and forth she was stuck.

Chris slapped her playfully on her shapely backside, then tickling her between the toes for full three minutes, leaving the Briton flustered and breathless, howling into her stifling gag.

The Adlernest: Susanne von Stülpnagels Bedroom, long after Midnight:

Susanne von Stülpnagel sat upright in her bed. Her pulse was racing, her skin felt cold, clam and sweaty. She was disoriented; the screams, the blood, the scent of burned flesh and blood. She touched her temple, felt the dressing which covered the wound, were a shot had grazed her temple. “This was just a nightmare, just nightmare!”

Susanne tried to calm herself, as her breathing returned slowly to normal. In her dream she had just relived the moment, when the first shot had hit the executioner, after that everything was a blur.

She remembered crouching under the table. The screeching sounds of the incoming mortar rounds, the Explosions. Then the sudden silence and the soft touch of Brunhild; she had been led to the infirmary, were the doctors had given her a mild sedative to calm her down. She had drifted off in a fitful sleep.

When Susanne had awoken she had insisted on being brought to her own quarters ….

What had happened? Who had attacked them? But she knew the answer. This had been the doing of Christine von der Marwitz. The Pianist had brought the apocalypse on them, had unleashed hell on earth. Susanne pulled the covers tightly around her, she shivered uncontrollably. Her Master had unleashed a beast.

Von Stülpnagel had read the Card, von der Marwitz had left after her escape. “Fuck you Carl” in that clear elegant hand. True, she, Susanne had read all the reports and known, theoretically she had known what that woman was capable of.

Now she knew it first-hand and an icy coldness filled her veins. Because deep down in her heart she knew, she felt, that this was only the beginning of Armageddon, the End of all days.
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Post by banshee »

Training hard I see, good way to implement a chapter for something that may not sound as interesting but makes sense thematically, it definitively wasn't boring to read at all.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

That was a new, refreshing episode to say the least. I enjoyed it. The idea of a physical confrontation leading to the loser becoming the winner's captive is something that I always find exciting to read. With stakes high such as personal interests between the competitors, like Kate and Anna, the scenario gets just better.

I also liked the twist that Anna didn't get to play much with her captives before she was ambushed by Sarah and Christine. Doesn't sound like fair play, but, like Christine said, that should teach Anna to stay alert at all times heh.

My only two critiques can come that, Sarah wasn't the one who ended up on top (but I'm more than a little bias here hehehe). The other one is that the whole idea of the tournament is so good, that I feel it could have ended up being longer, even a story of its own. But I understand this is kind of a chapter between big parts of an even bigger story, so I get there is not much time to spend here.

Still, it was really refreshing to read something new, specially in very long stories, with lots of chapters, like this one.
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Post by GreyLord »

Indeed, this is a refreshing interlude that fits in perfectly with the development of the story. Hard training with a competition at the end is most appropriate for a team on a mission like this. And for the losers in the competition, what could be more fitting than a tug. Well done, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Bandit666 »

Damn what can I say that hasn’t already been stated. A great update, fantastic interlude. Here’s to the grand assault and a fitting series of updates to follow as the hammer falls and the conclusion plays out it’s thunderous action
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago
My only two critiques can come that, Sarah wasn't the one who ended up on top (but I'm more than a little bias here hehehe). The other one is that the whole idea of the tournament is so good, that I feel it could have ended up being longer, even a story of its own. But I understand this is kind of a chapter between big parts of an even bigger story, so I get there is not much time to spend here.
I thought, that Chris deserved the chance for a rematch :) And it was a close one - as it happens I was not sure, when I wrote that Part, who should win. And I can promise you, that there will be more Games to come, you could call it a tournament, - though it will be a while till then :)

But before the Girls can relax, there will be some serious action.
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