The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] describes this very well.
Pantyhose971 wrote: 2 years ago Wow this is awesome @Caesar73. I am so glad that I started to read this story. It is awesome, perfect. I love it. Don't know what to say more, speecheless.
I will add that is it beautifully written. I can feel the tension on both sides as the forces maneuver into position for a big engagement. Except for Carl, who remains rather clueless. However, some of the Valkyries are very astute. Trouble ahead for all.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

So far, so good. It was a bit too greedy for the valkyries to attack. Luck may favor the bold, but I think that Chris's team is here the bold, judging by their results so far. I doubt one could call the remaining valkyries bold. They seem more naive to me
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I would go with.... desperate. That's my choice for an adjective to describe the Valkyries.

Re-reading, we will find that they have won only ONE time... and it was in a hotel when Sieglinde drugged Christine and the valkyries ambushed. From then to now, it has all been losses for Team Valkyrie. They are a little more than stormtroopers by now (the fact that we know the names of some of them, including commanders, make them a little more)... but at this point of the story, it's astronomically impossible that they get a win. It just wouldn't be believable, so it makes sense that Christine & co keep defeating them (and embarrassing them of course ;) ).

My only concern is how the end of von Winterfeldt will be. I am sure it won't be just a clean death. Christine has something on her mind, I am sure.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention]

[mention]Pantyhose971[/mention]: Thank you for your Praise - I hope you like the next Part too, things are getting hot :)

The Entrance to the Backdoor:

So far nothing had happened after their brief encounter with the enemy. Sarah had just deactivated the charges which secured the Entrance to the Passageway outside the Perimeter.

The lights on the control switched from red to green. “Hurry” the Canadian urged her Comrades “the clock is ticking.” As usual Kate and Anna brought up the rear. As soon as they had crossed the threshold, Sarah activated the charges again and closed the Door.

The Adrenalin coursed through Kate´s blood and for the moment she did forget about the Pain in her Shoulder. Anna followed her Friend. She allowed her mind for a moment to wander. They both had been lucky. The Russian took that as good Omen.

In single-file they hurried through the dimly lit corridor which led slightly downwards. It was a strange feeling Chris had to admit to herself, to enter the palace the same way they had escaped. She felt no fear, but a little tense, as they moved on. Every step bringing them nearer to the Backdoor, they stopped only, when Sarah had to deactivate activate Charges now and then.

After 20 Minutes they reached the backdoor. “What do we do now?” Sophie whispered. “We check if a welcome Party is waiting for us.” Anna whispered back “Wouldn´t that be fun?”

“That”, Sophie thought, “depends on your definition of fun” From time to time the Russian had a strange sense of humour …

The Thief produced a small electric drill and drilled hole into the hard stone. Kirsty inserted a Micro Camera in the small opening and looked attentively on the Screen: The room on the other side was empty. The IR-Camera showed no human Signatures or any Signatures at all. To be sure, they waited for two minutes, but nothing happened.

“Chris?” the Canadian asked the Pianist. Chris nodded and counted Stones till she had found the right one and pressed her palm on it. A soft click and the Door swung wide open, without a sound. Even if they knew, that nobody awaited them on the other side, they were prepared to fire.

As soon as they had cleared the Threshold and entered the dank and dark Room, the door closed behind them, with a soft click. “We proceed now as planned: we take out the Power Grid.” Chris told her Comrades. “Let´s go”

It costed her some effort to shut the Memories of Sophie´s and hers Escape into a secluded Chamber of her Mind. But she had only to imagine the smiling face of von Winterfeldt after she had played Chopin for him – and her mind was clear again.

A grim smile crossed her lips. “I am coming for you Carl” Chris thought

Hamburg: Offices of Art Inc.: Sybil Schmitt:

Sybil cursed under her breath. Penetrating the multi-layered Security System of the Adlernest was one thing, to do so without being detected was another. She had to tread very carefully not to raise any alarm. That took time. The first three Firewalls had not posed a challenge.

But from there she had to move with utmost care. So far there was no indication that she had stumbled across one of the many electronic Trip-Wires or Booby-Traps.

But time was running short, she looked at her watch. If anything had gone according to plan, Chris and her Friends had to be now in the vast cellars of the Adlernest.

The Underground Levels of the Adlernest:

To Sarah McKenzie´s liking things had gone a little too smoothly so far. Okay the brief Encounter with the Patrol had been a nasty Surprise, but such things happened. Not that she had any complaints about that, but there had been no enemy contact inside the Palace so far which was a bit strange.

Maybe whoever was in Charge now had decided to concentrate her forces on the upper floors, where an open attack was most likely. At least she would have done so in Position of the Enemy Commander.

The Plan was sound, if you did not know the hidden Entrance. Well, there would be surely a hot reception upstairs as soon as they had destroyed the Power Grid.

But “No risk no fun.” The Canadian could not help but to smile.

According to Kirsty´s estimation they were not very far from the power grid now. They moved along even more carefully now, step by step, not to alarm the Guards which would be there prematurely.

Around the next corner must be the floor which led to the entrance of the power grid. Tightly pressed against the wall Kirsty moved forward, followed directly by Chris and Sarah. The Briton moved the Micro Camera carefully around the Corner: She made a hand signal: “Four Guards.”

Clearly the Guards were on alert, weapons ready. Obviously they expected an Attack. The Enemy Commander had drawn the right conclusion after they lost Contact with their Patrol.

Sarah pointed to Kirsty and gave the signal to hang back and provide cover. She the pointed to herself and held up one finger, then Anna and held up two, before finally pointing to Chris and holding up three fingers. With their assault order set, Sarah silently counted and they moved on the three count.

Weapons at the ready they turned the corner and sprinted forwards while Kirsty provided covering fire. Anna and Sarah with automatic rifles trained at their Enemies, while Chris had resorted to her Katana.

Lieutenant Astrid was tense, after the call to Battle Stations they had to be ready for another attack. She had been on the Parade Ground when the Enemy had attacked them with Mortar and Sniper Fire.

She considered herself lucky that she had not been wounded or worse. Many a comrade had been not that lucky. It had been a Massacre. About the Reasons for the attack she could only speculate. That was above her pay grade. Rumour had it though, that the Woman, the Boss was infatuated with had been responsible for the Carnage.

"That Pianist, What was her name? Christine von der Marwitz?" Astrid had led the Guard Detail that had escorted von der Marwitz to the Dinner with the Boss. The Woman had had an Aura and she was strikingly beautiful, she had to admit. It was hard to believe that an Artist could be responsible for such Slaughter.

Astrid's ears pricked up, suddenly very alert, "Had there been a sound? There was it again. Soft Boots on the Floor?" she thought, before commanding her comrades “Be ready to fire!”

Then everything went to hell. Three black figures in visors, helmets and black Body Armour rushed the Corner at the End of the Corridor and sprinted at them, two had their weapons firmly trained at them, the third held a glistening blade in her hand.

A burst of fire over their heads forced their heads down, followed by an all too familiar pop, “Take cover” Astrid bellowed. “Fire!”

But before she could pull the trigger the Grenade exploded with a deafening bang, searing light blinded them and smoke obscured blinded them. Disoriented by the Flash Bang Grenade they fired blindly in the smoke.

Where were they?

A well-aimed brutal kick against her chest send Astrid flying against the wall. The Impact was hard and knocked the breath out her lungs. Around her hell broke loose. Body clashed against body. Supressed curses. A thud, a moan. The heavy fall of a body hitting the floor.

Astrid wanted to get up, when she felt the cool tip of a blade at her throat. It did not pierce her skin, but barely so. “Stay down” a commanding voice told her calmly. The noises of battle around her subsided, slowly the smoke receded.

Looming above her was a tall Woman: her Face obscured by a Visor Helmet. In her right hand, a shimmering blade steadily trained at her, a Katana as the professional Part of Astrid´s addled brain told her.

“Clear?” The Woman asked her Comrades “Clear!” another voice confirmed “Clear too” confirmed the third. The Woman turned her attention to Astrid “You are finished” her Opponent told her matter-of-factly.

“Follow our instructions to the letter and nobody gets hurt. Do something stupid ….” Astrid felt a sharp pain at her larynx. “Are we clear?” the Woman asked in the same cool professional manner. Astrid whispered a hoarse yes. The pressure against her throat receded.

Ninety seconds later:

Kate and Anna looked down on their bound and gagged prey. “No time to celebrate Ladies!” McKenzie admonished the friends sternly. "We need to move.”

They had stripped the guards of the equipment and weapons and then hogtied Astrid and her Soldiers with zip ties on the floor, 50 Metres from the Entrance to the Power Plant, so that they would be out of harm´s Way.

“You are such a spoilsport at times Sarah!” the Russian teased her, but they did as they were told.

“Chris, you and Kirsty follow me, Sophie and Hayley you cover the Entrance!” Sarah ordered. “Anna and Kate you keep an eye one our Guests!” […] They entered the Power Plant and planted the Charges – where they would cause maximum damage.

The Adlernest: Command Centre

Brunhild paced the floor. All her instincts told her that an attack was imminent. But how in Hell Christine von der Marwitz and her Team should infiltrate the Palace Grounds or the Palace itself? There had been no alarm, since Patrol 3 had fallen silent.

There had been though a short Power Fluctuation a few Minutes ago. For seconds the Screens of the Cameras went black, then they functioned normally again. The Operator had no explanation: “Such things happen now and then” he had told Brunhild.

How had von der Marwitz escaped in the first place? That question still bothered Brunhild. The investigation conducted by Susanne von Stülpnagel had produced not a shred of evidence how von der Marwitz and Reichenbach´s daughter in law had fled from the Palace. The Trail had grown cold the moment the Security System had been manipulated and the tracers deactivated.

Even a search of the Cellars had produced nothing. Brunhild had herself checked the Floor Plans of the Palace. Nothing. As if the two women had just simply vanished in thin air ….

Brunhild continued her pacing:

Suddenly a massive explosion shook the Palace to its foundations. To Brunhild it seemed like an earthquake, the Ground seemed to move under her feet, a second even stronger detonation followed, throwing her to the Ground. Lights went out, the Screens went black. Further explosions followed in quick succession.

Finally Silence.

It took a moment till Emergency Lightning kicked in and filled the Room with a dull red light. She scrambled to her feet “Report!” Brunhild bellowed at the Operator. “Now!”

“Commander we have lost all Power, except the Hospital Wing. I can´t get access to the Emergency Systems. I can override the Blockade, but I will need a few minutes.”

“Do it!” the Valkyrie commanded. “You have two minutes!”

“Switch to Emergency Frequency!”

“Done!” confirmed the Operator

“This is Commander Brunhild speaking. The Enemy has penetrated the Palace Grounds. I repeat. The Enemy has penetrated the Palace Grounds. You are here by authorized to use any force necessary to neutralize the Enemy!”

Brunhild took her secure phone out and called the Commander of von Winterfeldt´s Guard:

“Ragna, relocate the Principal to the Labyrinth. Quickly! We are under attack!”

“Yes!” Ragna confirmed curtly and ended the Call.

Brunhild steeled herself, called Freya to assemble her Valkyries and left the command Centre to lead her Valkyries personally.

15 Minutes later she met her Second-in-Command and her Commando on the first floor – and felt proud as she mustered her subordinates, which were calm, collected and ready for action.

This Time, she vowed to herself von der Marwitz would not get away that easily. With grim determination she leaded her Commando forward down the Floor, where Shots could be heard.


The Adlernest: Von Winterfeldt´s Suite:

As soon as she had ended the Call, Ragna turned to von Winterfeldt: “Sir we are under attack. We must relocate to the Labyrinth without any further delay. Follow me!”

To her surprise von Winterfeldt did not raise objections but followed her. Determined Ragna took the lead.

Two Valkyries followed her, then von Winterfeldt and three Valkyries brought up the rear.
Weapons at the ready.

Ragna knew her Valkyries would do their best.

They hurried along the Corridor. A raging fire outside produced strange shadows on the Wall. Secondary Explosions could be heard popping in some unseen corner of the palace – then the unmistakable sounds of automatic weapons, adding to the mix.

And for the very time since a long time Carl von Winterfeldt sensed an emotion he had totally forgotten: Fear. Primordial Fear, though he knew that a Helicopter was ready for take off, immediately.

Ragna would do what she had trained for all her professional life. This was the hour.

The Cellars of the Adlernest:

“Did I tell anyone that I do love Fireworks?” Sarah McKenzie told nobody in particular as they moved upwards. “We must gain the Entrance to the Ground Floor” Chris pressed on.

Five Minutes later she opened the Door through which she and Sophie had entered the Cellars when they escaped three Days ago. Carefully and slowly Chris opened the door and took a peak left and right.

The Floor was empty, but that could change any minute. Now was the time. Christine steeled herself:

“Anna and Kate you are with me we will go after on Winterfeldt.”

She turned to Sarah: “You know what to do. Good luck!”

“Let´s go!” Anna and Kate followed her as she hurried up the marble stair well.

Sarah and her Team turned left to get to the Entrance of the Labyrinth: Sarah in the lead covered by Kirsty then Sophie while Hayley brought up the rear.

Not for the first time in the last hour Sophie had the feeling, that the Idea to take part in this final assault had not been one of her better decisions. And she cursed herself and her pride.

When Chris had broached the idea that she should stay at the Safe House, she had firmly declined that offer. Now she was not so sure anymore.

They hit the first road block after five Minutes at the Ground Floor. When they rounded the corner they were hit with heavy fire from automatic weapons.

Thank God their Opponents had aimed high, but barely so. “Down!” Sarah ordered. “Kirsty, suppressive fire! Hayley and I will fire grenades then we rush at them. Do not hesitate, follow through."

The next Salvo of their Opponents was much closer to home. Ricochets sent Splinters of Stone and Mortar raining down on them. One bullet grazed Sarah´s Helmet with a screeching sound and let her see stars for a second.

Kirsty fired a long burst with the MG 5 which forced their Opponents to take Cover. The Dark Lady lost no time.

She pulled herself together “Now!” Sarah and Hayley sprinted forwards, firing their Rifles and at Sarah´s mark, the Grenade Launchers. When the Grenades were in the air, they threw themselves to the Ground. Just in time as another Salvo hit the empty Space where they had just stood.

The explosion of the grenades in this contained Space was deafening. When Sarah´s Ears stopped ringing she looked up. Smoke filled the Corridor but their Opponents had ceased firing. She could make out three Body´s on the floor.

The Canadian got on her feet and gave Kirsty and Sophie a hand Signal: “Follow me!” The Stench of Cordite and burned flesh, of blood hang heavy in the Air.

Sophie studiously did not look down on the floor as they passed the site, were the Grenades had exploded. It took her all the will power she possessed not to throw up. Hayley seemed to struggle too, while Sarah and Kirsty moved along as if nothing had happened. Sophie pulled herself together.

The upper Floor:

In the meantime Chris, Kate and Anna had reached the first floor. This Corridor too was deserted. “No Guards at the Office Doors, that is strange.” For a short moment Chris thought back to her first meeting with von Winterfeldt, when she had been escorted here. Being back here was … distracting, to say the least. “Focus!” Chris chided herself.

They stood before the Door. Anna on the left, Kate on the right covering Chris, aiming directly at the Door, Chris kicked it open. Weapons at the ready they charged into the room - and were greeted by complete and utter silence.

Another flashback, Chris and von Winterfeldt having Tea: “All my Friends call me Carl” the Tycoon had said “Carl let be me be frank: If we are or will be friends will remain to be seen” she had replied …

“Chris, is everything okay” Anna sounded concerned.

“Yes, sorry, I got distracted, the memories are … unsettling” her friend muttered. The Russian gently stroked Chris´ left Shoulder. “It's okay Chris” she said calmly. Chris pulled herself together. “Let's move.”

“Where to?” Kate asked.

“I would go for von Winterfeldt´s Quarters on the second floor.” Chris replied. “Where is that Bastard?”

They left the Offices and turned right again, carefully moving forward.

The Adlernest: The Labyrinth

At the ground floor Sarah and company had reached the Entrance which would lead them to the Labyrinth. Sarah replayed the Floor Plan in her head. They had to go down again then turn left, then another turn to the right, then a long floor. At the end of that Floor would be the Gate to the Labyrinth.

She listened intently: The steps of running feet, another Rain of Bullets aimed at her direction.

Sarah took cover ...
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Post by GreyLord »

A detailed description of the engagement, precisely written. This remains fascinating to read. Some of our team are having doubts. Of course they are. Only an idiot would go into combat without doubts. But each team member still performs as she should. So here I am, hoisted by my petard (expectations), waiting for what you will deliver next. Very well done, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by banshee »

Things are getting real... You made a great description of the assault, keeping it tense at all times while still taking the time to give details, well done!
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Post by Bandit666 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago A detailed description of the engagement, precisely written. This remains fascinating to read. Some of our team are having doubts. Of course they are. Only an idiot would go into combat without doubts. But each team member still performs as she should. So here I am, hoisted by my petard (expectations), waiting for what you will deliver next. Very well done, @Caesar73.
What else can I say. It’s been a truly delightful journey thus far, and shows no sign of slowing down just yet.

Awesome my friend. Once again I have to say how delighted I am you decided to pick up the pen. So to speak. And regal us all with your creativity
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Post by Pantyhose971 »

Again great. Don't know what so say more, cant wait for the next chapter. Truelly awesome!
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Post by Beaumains »

Almost there. Almost the final boss battle before eveything is over. Now they have to enter the labyrinth. I am sure there some nasty monsters. With the monetary abilities of a true Minos, I am curious what surprises this maze entails: Moving walls, traps, and secret passageways are obvious, but about everything is possible. Will they forget a thread to find their way out?

At first, when you introduced it, I thought the labyrinth was figurative, but it existing is even better. Why haven't I thought about a maze and tugs before? It such a cool concept. Maybe I am going to steal it some time. Even in a less lethal setting, just the idea of being captured and left in a hedge maze seems very cool.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago At first, when you introduced it, I thought the labyrinth was figurative, but it existing is even better. Why haven't I thought about a maze and tugs before? It such a cool concept. Maybe I am going to steal it some time. Even in a less lethal setting, just the idea of being captured and left in a hedge maze seems very cool.
I am glad you like it :) I always loved Labyrinths. In the Harry Potter Saga, the final Competition in "The Goblet of Fire"is one of my favourite Scenes :) If the idea of the Maze serves as an Inspriation for you? Even better :) Though I find writing that Sequence not easy, but I am doing my best.

Stay tuned! The next update will be online this Evening MEST, though I cannot give you an exact time frame.

Thank you all for your ongoing support in this Endeavour. The final Challenge draws near - but there is more to follow. The second Epilogue nears it´s End - and the third one will conclude this Saga.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention]

The Adlernest: The Second Floor:

Chris and her Friends advanced to the personal Quarters of von Winterfeldt. She had been only been there once, but she recognized the Floor. No Guards here either. The Doors to the Suite stood slightly ajar.

Carefully Anna pushed it open. Obviously the Suite had been left in a hurry: On a table beside a couch stood a Tumbler of Whiskey. The High End Hifi System was still playing. Tschaikowsky Anna recognized. The Bastard had taste Anna had to give him that. Not that would do that him any good.

But no von Winterfeldt, Chris could barely hide her Frustration and hit the Wall hard with her Fist

“Where is he, where is that coward?” she snapped at her friends in cold fury.

“Chris, what would you do, if you were tasked with guarding von Winterfeldt?” Kate questioned the Pianist, calmed her down. Chris thought for a moment, got her grip. “I would relocate him to a safe location” Her expression brightened up. “You mean, Kate …”

“Yes I mean that they have relocated him to the most secure place in the Palace.” The American returned. “The Labyrinth” Chris whispered.

“Yes, the Labyrinth” Kate returned.

Sarah´s voice in her Mike disrupted the Moment. “Chris, where are you?” “Second Floor” in the background she heard the unmistakable chatter of Automatic Weapons.” “We could use you down here. We have a sort of a problem here. We are under heavy fire!”

The Canadian sounded calm. “Can you hold Sarah?”

“For the time being, I reckon we can, but we may be overrun shortly. Over and out.”

The Mike fell silent. “What is it?” Anna asked.

“They are in Trouble” Chris replied curtly, “We must get this done and regroup quickly."

The Adlernest: The Entrance of the Labyrinth:

After their last encounter they had reached the Cellars: Three Guards Sarah had counted. They would have to cover 20 Meters to get at them. She signalled Hayley to follow her. Sophie and Kirsty would cover them.

Sarah and Hayley rushed around the Corner and fired the Grenade Launchers slung under their Rifles and threw themselves to the floor before the Flash Bang Grenades would detonate.

Kirsty fired a long burst to pin their opponents down. Then the Detonations: bright light and smoke. Sarah and Hayley rushed forward and Sophie and Kirsty followed suit.

Their Opponents lay motionless on the floor and groaned. “Secure them and prepare for a Counter-Attack. Quickly, we have not much time!” Sarah ordered. “The Enemy is not far behind us”

With practiced efficiency, the Girls set to work: Disarming their opponents, hogtying them with zip ties and gagging them with duct tape.

They had just finished the Job, when they could make out the characteristic sounds of boots moving forward carefully. “Take Cover and prepare for an assault” Sarah advised her Team.

“Come, Lord Jesus, be our Guest; and bless what you have bestowed” Hayley muttered under her breath steeling herself for things to come.

"Here they come.” Kirsty had positioned herself so, that she had a wide firing arc. “Hold your fire” the Canadian commanded. “Wait!”

Four Figures moved around the Corner. Sarah drew a bead on the first tango and opened fire, closely followed by two long bursts, from Kirsty which forced her adversaries to take cover – for the time being. But this was only a short respite the Dark Lady knew. Another bang: Smoke began to fill the Corridor.

They used a smoke screen to mask their approach. Whoever commanded on the other side knew her business.

And the Enemy´s fire was very accurate and caused Sarah to take cover behind a console. She felt the bullets riddling the console. Ricochets hit the walls and screeched through the air like evil insects. Sarah knew that they could hold their Position for the time being. But when the Door behind them opened they would be finished.

She called Chris.

Sophie had to use all her will power to keep her cool. This was the first time, she was under heavy fire. And the experience was frightening her beyond belief. “What am I doing here?” the thought crossed her mind, as she ducked for cover. The last burst grazed the Wall where she had just been. Plaster and Mortardust rained down on her

Brunhild took stock of the Situation. Their Adversaries had a good defensive Position, but they were outnumbered and outgunned. A grim smile curled her lips: “This time we have got you.” She signalled her Comrades to advance. The Smoke gave them cover.

Time to bring up the heavy Guns.

Chris, Anna and Kate hurried down the Stair Wells. A burst of bullets forced them to take cover. Anna took carefully aim and fired: A scream, a thud then the Sound of retreating footsteps. They carried on. “Down that Stairs” Chris whispered. Her Friends followed her.

As they hurried the Stairs downwards, the sounds of Gun Fire became louder with every step. The team followed the Sounds. “Sarah, we are on our way” Chris whispered in her Mike.

“You should better hurry” the dry reply came. “Things are heating up here.” Despite the casual tone of the Canadian, Chris sensed her relief.

Before them Chris could see the Enemy. Their Opponents were so occupied with the enemy in front of them, that they did not register the movement in their Rear. “Sarah, distract them!” Chris told the Canadian. Moments later Kirsty fired several long bursts which pinned down the Enemy.

“Now!” Chris ordered. Kate and Anna sprinted forward and threw flash bang grenades. The Thief took that as their Cue: “Attack!” she beckoned Sophie and Hayley to follow her while Kirsty covered them. Hayley and Sarah sprinted forward at once but Sophie hesitated a split second before she followed them.

Brunhild had registered that the Counter Fire intensified then suddenly one, two bangs, brightness – then nothing.

Sarah smiled at Chris as she saw Chris, Anna and Kate sprinting towards them: “I have only three words for you, “So good to see you!” and could not hide her relief.

“Those are actually five Words” Chris grinned. “But yeah, I am happy to see you too!”

“That was close” the thief observed.

“Indeed and we did not get von Winterfeldt” Chris returned ruefully “But let us take of our Guests first!” Sarah turned to Sophie and Hayley: “Tie them up!”

“Anna and Kate help them” Chris seconded.

Sarah scrutinized the fallen opponents. “I know this one” She pointed at Brunhild “I encountered her in Munich, this is Brunhild. We should have a talk with her!” A devious smile curled her lips.

“She knows how persuasive I can be!”

“I have no Objections” Chris returned, smiling too.

Brunhild groaned. Her head hurt. “She wakes up” the Valkyrie heard a familiar voice – and that voice gave her the creeps. “Hello Brunhild” the Dark Lady smiled sweetly down at her.

“So glad you could join our little Party. We are on a tight schedule here and as much as I would like to play with you again, we have no time for that.”

“And believe me” a tall dark haired Woman told her: “You will talk in the End. Tell us the Entrance Codes and we will be on our Way.”

“In your Dreams” the Valkyrie scoffed.

“This is your last word?” the dark haired Woman asked.

“Count on it!” Brunhild spat.

“Brunhild I admire your loyalty but don´t you think that it is not a little displaced, you know what your Employer did to Sieglinde, you were there I saw you”

The melodious Alto-Voice sounded familiar, with difficulties Brunhild managed to look up and looked into the calm and beautiful features of Christine von der Marwitz, who regarded her with a long Look and Brunhild to her Surprise saw neither hate nor anger there just understanding.

“Believe me Brunhild, “Carl”, von der Marwitz spat the name, “does not deserve your loyalty, which I respect. But a man, who tortures Women for sport, let them do his dirty work for him or collect them for personal gain, who degrades them to objects does not. Believe me I know what I am talking about, Sophie and I had to concert for him, for his amusement only, like tamed animals in the Zoo”

Christine had spoken calmly but Brunhild registered that it had cost the pianist a considerable effort at the end.

Chris continued more calmly now: “Think about that: Does this man deserve your loyalty and the lives of your fellow Valkyries? I watched the Punishment of Sieglinde – as you did” her Voice became softer as she spoke the name, “Nobody deserves that, or do you think that as just? Sieglinde followed her heart and her Conscience and what did she get in return?”

Chris paused for a second.

“Let me tell you something, Brunhild!”

Painting of Frederic the Great by Anton Graff 1781

“Maybe you know that my family served the Kings of Prussia long and honourably for centuries? Frederic the Great ordered one of my ancestors to demolish the Interior of Hubertusburg-Palace just for Sport. My Ancestor told him that such behaviour was conduct unbecoming for a Prussian Officer, on his Tombstone you can read this:

“He saw Frederic´s great deeds and served with him in all his wars. He chose disgrace, when Loyalty would have meant dishonour“

This Inscription is quoted after Theodor Fontanes “Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg and refers to Johann Friedrich Adolf von der Marwitz (1723-1781)

So: What is your choice Brunhild?”

The two Women looked each other in the eyes for a long moment.

At last Brunhild relented: “I choose honour and loyalty. But not to him. I will help you, but only if my Comrades go free.”

Chris smiled “Agreed”

Same Time Central Room of the Labyrinth

The Central Room of the Labyrinth was a large vast Chamber in the shape of an Octagon, with a Diameter of around 30 Metres. Its Walls were constructed of the same black polished marble as the Hallway leading there. In each Wall a monumental rectangular gate could be seen.

The ribbed Vault was supported on a single Column. The column was surrounded by shafts of Purbeck Marble, rising to a single continuous rippling foliate capital of stylised oak leaves and acorns. Above the moulding spring 32 ribs of strong profile, giving an effect generally likened to "a great palm tree"

Chapter House of Wells Cathedral, Somerset England

Ragna and her Charge accompanied by the Personal Guard of von Winterfeldt had assembled at the Base of the Column. Ragna had not often been down there but the atmosphere gave her the creeps every time.

Only the most trusted Members of von Winterfeldt´s Staff were allowed to enter the Labyrinth. It was common knowledge though, that the Boss frequently spent time in the Vaults, whenever he visited the Adlernest. What he did there though, nobody knew. There were rumours though.

Ragna scrutinized her Boss: He was definitely irritated. Von Winterfeldt hated it, when things were not going the way he wanted them to go. And that had happened to often in the last days:

The Escape of von der Marwitz.
The devastating Attack on the Parade Ground.
The daring Attack on himself now.

Not having total Control was a Situation the Principal was not used to and that sat not well with him, obviously:

“Why didn't we hear anything from Brunhild and her Troops?” Von Winterfeldt asked Ragna, slightly irritated, pacing the floor.

The Leader of his Personal Guard shrugged: “Sir, I do not know.” The cameras were destroyed early in the firefight, the speaker in the last minutes. The last Status we got was that Commander Brunhild had prepared for a final assault on the Intruders at the entry gates into the labyrinth. Since then we have had no contact Sir. I recommend that we prepare for an enemy attack.”

“That can simply not be possible; Brunhild should have cleared the entry by now. She had the numerical advantage.” Von Winterfeldt sounded more than a bit agitated now.

“Sir” Ragna advised her Boss cautiously: “This is no minor intervention, this is a war. Most Plans rarely survive the first Contact with the Enemy. And we know by now, that our Enemy is extremely dangerous.”

“So do you think Von der Marwitz bested us again? You are highly skilled and highly paid Operatives, you should be able to deal with them!” Von Winterfeldt raged.

“Sir, with all due respect: Our Troops are doing their best. Our troops are highly skilled, but Von der Marwitz and her team operate on a different level.”

The Valkyrie-Commander replied as calmly as possible, she was hurt though that her Master showed so little respect for his soldiers, who had given all for him. And the Punishment of Sieglinde had been unfair.

If von Winterfeldt had never been infatuated by von der Marwitz, they would not stand here, Ragna was clever enough though to keep that thought to herself. Von Winterfeldt was not one who forgave lightly. But she would not forget too.

Ragna ordered her Troops with a calm she did not feel: “Form a Perimeter around the principal and prepare for an attack!”

Her Valkyries followed the Command with the Precision of trained Professionals. And this spoke for their quality. The pressure was immense but despite the difficult Situation, they acted calm and collected.

And they waited.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
“So do you think Von der Marwitz bested us again? You are highly skilled and highly paid Operatives, you should be able to deal with them!” Von Winterfeldt raged.

“Sir, with all due respect: Our Troops are doing their best. Our troops are highly skilled, but Von der Marwitz and her team operate on a different level.”
I am glad someone in the story actually speaks up what I've been saying for so long. And in this chapter, more guards (more likely Valkyries) are captured again. So... 10th-11th defeat in a row? That would be a hell of a drinking game: take a shot each time a valkyrie is defeated.

I am actually sad that we NEVER got to see how skilled the Valkyries were (in case they were skilled at some point, because it's only been told to us but never shown). It's really hard to believe that these women were highly trained when they have been defeated every single time by a pianist (yes, expert with the katana, but I don't remember her using her sword against the valkyries), a sniper, an NYPD captain and a art thief. Well, I know by this point all Christine and company have to do is sneeze and PUM! Defeated valkyries again.

The Valkyries turning on von Winterfeldt was something logical. Although, we never got to know why they were loyal to von Winterfeldt at the first place. It's nice to see Brunhild choosing her people but... has she forgotten it was Christine and friends who attacked them and send half of them to the medical wing.... and maybe kill some of them? Sounds like she should take a step aside instead of helping the women who injured and almost killed them.

On a final note... capturing and torturing women for sport... Yes, that is despicable. But, ehem... Christine, what did the Dark Lady do to you when this story begun? Sounds like she was enjoying way too much capturing and torturing Christine, Anna and Kate. And now she is your friend. So... yes, it's horrible, but that doesn't seem to bother her that much before, right?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
“So do you think Von der Marwitz bested us again? You are highly skilled and highly paid Operatives, you should be able to deal with them!” Von Winterfeldt raged.

“Sir, with all due respect: Our Troops are doing their best. Our troops are highly skilled, but Von der Marwitz and her team operate on a different level.”
I am glad someone in the story actually speaks up what I've been saying for so long. And in this chapter, more guards (more likely Valkyries) are captured again. So... 10th-11th defeat in a row? That would be a hell of a drinking game: take a shot each time a valkyrie is defeated.

I am actually sad that we NEVER got to see how skilled the Valkyries were (in case they were skilled at some point, because it's only been told to us but never shown). It's really hard to believe that these women were highly trained when they have been defeated every single time by a pianist (yes, expert with the katana, but I don't remember her using her sword against the valkyries), a sniper, an NYPD captain and a art thief. Well, I know by this point all Christine and company have to do is sneeze and PUM! Defeated valkyries again.
First [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] thank you for your elaborate Commentary - I do love animated discussions :)
To your first point:

I beg to differ :) I have reread the Engagements - and I think the descriptions how the Valkyries operate show that they are highly skilled clearly and the final assault has been no walk in the Park for the good Guys so far. Kate, Anna and Sarah had their near encounters with Death already.

And the key point is the knowledge Christine and Company obtained during the Quest. How should the Valkyries defend themselves against the underground attack, if they do not know that von Instetten constructed that hidden Entrance how should they know that the Enemy attacks that way? Deception and surprise are key elements in warfare -and Chris and Friends use their superior knowledge. And I think, the way how Brunhild leads her troops shows her quality.

To your second Point:

I beg to differ as well: In the first Part of the Hunt it is mentioned that Chris is not only proficient with the Katana but with all kinds of firearms as well. Furthermore Chris had extensive training in martial arts as well - so she is not just a Pianist, who knows to wield a Katana. Same goes for Anna and Sarah. All three are highly trained in Black Ops, and Kate Becket is a highly decorated Police Officer who is one the NYPD Finest, a good example what Kate Becket is capable of is Episode 22 of Season 6 "Vertias", when she takes out the bad guys.

So all four are, with their combined strenghts a formidable Opponents. That these Characters are - in some ways - larger than life, is part of this Genre, be it James Bond, Jack Reacher, Aloysius Pendergast etc. etc :)

To your third Point:

I beg to differ - again :) The key difference between one von Winterfeldt and the Dark Lady is, that the Dark Lady did atonement for her sins. Von Winterfeldt did not. There are more differences, but I think that is the most important one.
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Post by GreyLord »

You put a lot of protean in this chapter, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I am happy to see that Brunhild was finally confronted with a stark choice and she made the correct decision. I can only hope that Ragna will do the same when the time comes.

I believe that it is a good thing that thoughtful readers, such as [mention]Mineira1986[/mention], sometimes call us to task. I can see the viewpoint of those comments. In this case, you have responded in a thoughtful, detailed, and collegial manner.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hi Folks,

In the next update, which will go online probably tomorrow evening MEST Chris and her friends will have to get through the Maze.

[mention]Beaumains[/mention] I hope you willl like the obstacles - and there will be some. I had Harry Potter and Star Wars in mind, when I wrote that - and a healthy dose of Indiana Jones 😀
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention]

The Maze will have some surpises for Chris, Anna, Kate and the others ....

The Entrance of the Labyrinth:

Chris and Sarah took the lead. Anna and Kate covered them, while Kirsty brought up the rear. Weapons at the ready and with utmost care they moved slowly and followed the long, spacious Hallway, which leaded to the Entrance of the Maze itself. Floor and Walls consisted of monumental Blocks of polished black marble.

There were no sounds to be heard. The large doors at the end of the Hallway stood open. The Rubber Soles of the Combat boot made no sounds on the Floor. During their preparations for this evening they had taken the time to tape down any loose buckles or straps to prevent any strap noises from their gear.

The Architecture reminded Chris of the “Neue Reichskanzlei” which Albert Speer had built for Adolf Hitler:


Monumental, imperial, grandiose, making the visitor feeling small and insignificant. The Marble Blocks of the Walls were massive and set so precisely that not a paper would fit between the fugues.

They had a rough Idea, which Direction to take, von Instetten had told them about the way, but the obstacles were formidable. After 50 Metres they turned left and nearly stepped through a photoelectric barrier, which would have released several spring guns.

Sarah reached for her pack for some tools, but Kate put a hand on her arm to stop her. "There is an easier way." She said pulling a small device from her combat webbing,

"This is designed as a signal beacon, however," she paused turning the powerful strobe on and placing it by the barrier, "The light from the strobe is enough to burn out the light sensors. New York tested this design for use in municipal buildings but canned it because of this flaw."

Kate stepped through the barrier and nothing happened "See."

Sarah nodded at her with a newfound respect, "You know, you would make a great thief."

Kate gave a knowing smile and simply said "I know."

Chris and her Friends moved with utmost caution and progress was slow. Until they reached a trench, twenty feet deep, at whose bottom two foot long spikes tapered to a needle point glittered diabolically in the light of their Helm Mounted Lamps.

Sarah eyed the spike suspiciously and whispered, "They are designed to punch through the armour of any who falls on them." She raised her visor and sniffed the air, "Almonds, they might be tipped with cyanide."

"How do we proceed?" Chris asked barely above a whisper.

"Don't fall down there." Sarah replied with a smile. She shrugged off her pack and took out a rope, passing it to Kate and Anna. "Can you secure this to that pillar over there?" She asked, tying another line around her waist.

From her pack she took out four devices that look like sink plungers and attached two to her knees and had one in each hand. When Anna gave the all clear, she secured a pulley to the pillar line and fed two ropes through it, "Once I have an anchor point on the other side, I will be able to pull you across safely." she explained.

She sticked the knee suckers to the wall then reached up with the hand suckers.

Maintaining three points of contact with the polished stone wall, she edged across the periphery of the gap, until she reached the other side. Working quickly, she secured and anchored line and pulley then threaded through the connecting line to the other side.

"Ready for the first passenger. I have looped the line and made it taught so it won't bow under anyone's weight." she signalled over comms.

One by one they crossed the trench, suspended in darkness above the deadly chasm, trusting the thief's skill to get them across. Kate was the last to clear the Trench.

When she landed on the other side she stumbled and lost her footing for a split second but Kirsty lightning quick grabbed her left hand and pulled her to safety. Kate´s Pulse was racing, as she realized how close that had been.

Chris looked at her concerned “Can you carry on Kate?” “Of course I can!” the American snapped, angrier with herself than with Chris.

Anna´s Heart had stopped beating for a second, when she watched Kate´s brush with dead.

Even more cautiously now they followed the Path through the Maze, minding every step … “Labyrinths suck” Kate muttered under her breath.

After five more minutes, they entered an octagonal Chamber. The walls were covered with mirrors: The walls, the ceiling, the floor, a shimmering surface. Anna, who had brought up the rear after Kate had entered the room, had just crossed the threshold, as a soft click startled her.

She wheeled around: The door had vanished and the walls had begun to turn. They looked at each other. Where was the Exit? The Walls began to turn ever faster in dizzying speed.

What now? Chris thought “we are stuck”. The Pianist closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to block anything around her out. Her breath became deep and regular. She imagined the circling mirror walls before her inner eye, slowed them down, till she could distinguish the single mirrors. There was it! The Exit. Thinking and moving as one. In one fluid motion Chris pulled the Wakizashi out of its Scabbard at her back and threw it. The tip of the Blade hit the Mirror and shattered it.

Sharp shards flew in all directions and caused the others to duck down, the Shards flew all around her, one grazed her cheek, but Chris did not mind. She just stood there in midst the flying shards. Then silence. The others scrambled to her feet. Kirsty looked in astonishment at Chris. “You are bleeding”

“This is just a scratch” Chris replied absently and touched her cheek and looked at the blood on her fingertips, she seemed surprised. “Let us go” she retrieved the Wakizashi and put it back into the Scabbard. Purposely she strode along and the others followed her.

They followed the Corridor, turned left, than right. Another turn left. The Silence was deafening. Then Kate asked Sarah: “Do you hear that? The Thief listened “I hear nothing” Then: “Wait” There was something. A noise. Regular. Heavy footfalls. They came nearer.

“Prepare” Sarah shouted, but it was too late around the Corner came something at them. It was tall, very tall. Well over seven feet. The hardened Canadian froze when she saw what was coming at them.


The giant mechanical beast, walked like a man, but the grinding of gears and glint of its metal frame were of no man. Most unnerving of all was the expressionless, bull's head atop its shoulders.

It was the Minotaur. It was Anna who reacted the swiftest. Her Rifle spat fire. But the Bullets simply bounced off. Ricochets screeched through the air. Even bursts from Kirsty's machine gun did nothing to stop the beasts inexorable advance.

Without warning the beast charged with a deafening roar and was suddenly in their midst, slamming Kirsty into a wall and seized Sarah by the throat. Effortlessly it lifted her and pressed her against the wall.

The Thief gasped desperately for air as the grip of the Minotaur tightened like a claw of steel around her throat. Her kicks and strikes simply bounced off. Her field of vision began to shrink. The blood pounded in her ears.

The others looked on in fear, unable to fire as any stray shot, could kill their comrade.

Chris took a deep breath and focused. Unnoticed by those around her she swayed gently, in time with the movements of the beast. In one fluid movement, she performed an iaijitsu draw of her katana and thrust it with pinpoint accuracy, between a slim gap in the armour covering the beasts back. The over hundred times folded Steel cut through Kevlar, steel, and Microchips like butter. With a sharp twist of her blade, she popped the plate off, sending it clattering to the ground.

With her free hand she reached into its back and began tearing out wires and solenoids. Suddenly the Man-Bull stopped dead in its Tracks. Smoke coming out of his ears.

The Thief slumped down the Wall and came to sit on the floor, clutching her throat. Sarah coughed and whispered a hoarse “Thank you!” Then in an afterthought: “Shit, I am in your debt again, you saved my life.”

Chris just smiled, while she returned her blade to its scabbard “It seems that way and don't worry, I am keeping track.” she helped the Thief up. “And I think you will have ample opportunity so repay me” she added grinning. And the Thief and the Artist exchanged a look. Chris smiled “My feet are already killing me in these boots.”

The Encounter with the Beast had shocked them. Never had it occurred to Anna that there was a real Minotaur inside the Labyrinth. What would come next?

With utmost care they moved forward in single file, now Kirsty in the lead. “How far is it to the Central Chamber Chris?” Sarah whispered” The Pianist made a few quick calculations “10 Minutes?” she added “Unless a surprise delays us.”

They were not far from a crossroads now, where several Corridors converged. The one straight ahead was as high and wide as the Hallway which had led them into the Labyrinth. Only that the Walls consisted of megalithic slabs of red Marble now. Each one 3 by 1 Metres Chris guessed. Von Winterfeldt had indeed spared no effort.

Another sound let them stop dead in their Tracks: They all knew those sounds. The rhythmic Marching Steps of Soldiers on a Parade Ground. And the Sounds came from three directions: From the left, from the right and from the front.

A column of Soldiers advanced at them. “Not Soldiers” Kirsty corrected herself. Dedicated Robotic Offensive Infantry Devices advanced towards them. “I did not peg von Winterfeldt as the Star-Wars-Groupie” Anna quipped, unable to shake the familiarity of the design.


A column of the DROIDs marched at them in perfect precision. Her Majesties Ceremonial Warrant Officer Andrew Stokes would have been proud of them Kirsty mused darkly, as the Marching Columns approached them from three directions. “The Marching Band is missing though”

Chris broke the Spell “Form a Circle” she commanded firmly “Fire only at my Mark” To herself she thought “We are outnumbered and outgunned”

“Sarah, get the Matador ready and fire at my command!”

The Canadian put the Rocket Launcher on her shoulder keeping the Column advancing from the left firmly in the Crosshairs.

“Kirsty target the right Column with the MG 5.

Anna prepare to lay down covering fire at the column, moving to the front at us”

“Will do” the Russian confirmed and scanned the Column at front of her in her sights.

The DROIDs, in perfect synchronicity, prepared to fire their automatic guns. Chris counted down to three. “Kirsty and Sarah! Now!” Kirsty pulled the trigger of the machine gun and a storm of bullets cut down the DROIDs in front of her, but the remaining ones were still advancing and firing. Bullets and ricochets seared through the Air.

Sarah fired the Matador. The Explosion was deafening and nearly shook them to the ground as the Rocket hit the advancing Column. Parts of DROIDs flew through the Air. The Blast was terrible.

While Kate and Chris had kneeled down as they fired at the advancing DROIDs, Anna stood upright not heeding the bullets flying around her. Not firing short bursts, but single shoots she took out one DROID after another with precise shots to the head, seemingly untroubled by the heavy fire.

“Anna, are you mad?” Kate bellowed into her Mike

“Nope” the Russian replied curtly as she took out another DROID with a precise head shot “I know what I am doing!”

Then she saw it “There you are.” she smiled grimly as she took aim of the Command DROID “Say hello to Mama” Anna fired. The bullet hit the DROID precisely between the eyes “Got you!” And something strange happened. All other DROIDs stopped firing and moving as the Command DROID crashed to the floor.

An eerie Silence filled the vast Corridor: Seconds before the sounds of Gun Fire, the sounds of ricochets hitting the walls. Cordite hung heavy in the Air. And now silence. The remaining DROIDs stood perfectly still. Chris turned to Anna “How did you know?”

“I can hear a single misplayed note, in a hundred instrument orchestra. I could hear that all marched to the same rhythm, but one was a millisecond before the others, as if it was leading them. I cleared a path and took it out.” the Russian smiled “I love the smell of Napalm in the Morning” she quipped.

Kirsty had stood up “Are you coming? Von Winterfeldt is waiting!”

As they passed the remaining DROIDs Anna gave one a slight shove and it fell against its neighbour “This” the Russian said, as one after another DROID crashed to the floor “This is a Chain-Reaction Girls”

And they all laughed
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Post by GreyLord »

Again, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], you have impressed me and delighted me. Thank you for your work.
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Post by banshee »

Wasn't expecting the labyrinth to have robots in it, I guess they really are prepared but so are our protagonists apparently. I wonder what other surprised are hidden for them in there.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention]

This is it. This is the final climax. What began in Hamburg weeks ago finds its conclusion in a Valley in the Alps. But the story is not over yet. Thank you all for following the Adventures of Chris and her friends for so long.To quote one of my favourite movies :) "This is not the End, this is only the beginning"

30 Minutes later

The Central Chamber:

They had heard the heavy fire of automatic guns, the Detonation of the Matador.

And Ragna´s trained ear had heard the single shots amidst of the Cacophony which were fired in regular intervals, then Silence. They waited.

“Do you think they got past the Droids?” von Winterfeldt asked Ragna, his curiosity getting the better of him. “Difficult to tell” the Valkyrie-Commander replied “By the sounds of it there was a heavy firefight – but difficult to tell how it played out”

They waited.

10 Minutes later:

Ragna had ordered her Valkyries to form a closer Perimeter around the Principal “They are coming” she told von Winterfeldt.

“I hear nothing” the Tycoon replied.

“I sense them” the Valkyrie Commander replied evenly. “They are near, very near.”

“Nobody shoots without my direct command! Is that clear?” Ragna commanded. “No heroics! Our primary concern is to protect the Principal! Our second priority is to protect each other.” Her fellow Valkyries nodded, Weapons at the ready.

And then Ragna saw Movement on the left: She counted five figures moving swiftly from cover to cover till the Newcomers reached the Entrance Gate. Completely clad in black body Armour and full visor helmets.

Three had their Automatic Rifles trained at them, the fourth knelt down, a Matador trained at them - the fifth carried a heavy MG, her trained eye registered. So the Enemy had a distinct advantage in fire power.

The Air seemed to crackle with electricity.

Both Parties stared at each other. Who would fire first? “Only one of us must lose her nerves and the Situation will escalate” Ragna thought. And she would not risk the life of her Comrades without a good reason.

Then one of the black Figures laid her rifle down and strode purposely towards them. Across her back the woman had slung a sword, no two Swords Ragna corrected herself. She moved with the grace and the precision of a trained Warrior.

Five metres before the Perimeter the Woman came to a halt and removed her Helmet. The long blond Hair was bound in a Ponytail: Christine von der Marwitz.

The Blonde radiated Power in waves, Ragna could sense them. Von der Marwitz let her Gaze glide from one to the next, looked each of them straight in the Eye, holding Eye contact for seconds. Ragna felt her blood turning to Ice as the Pianist looked her deep in hers.

When the Blonde finally turned to Winterfeldt Ragna had the Feeling that the Room Temperature fell several degrees, when she addressed the Tycoon, her melodious voice had nothing of her usual warmth but an icy coldness, which made her shiver:

“Good evening Carl! You surely did not expect to see me so soon again and under such circumstances, didn't you?”

The Tycoon returned no answer. He seemed mesmerized by von der Marwitz, as if bound by a spell.

Then she turned her attention to Ragna: “Listen Commander! I have come to make you a proposal for the benefit of us all. Enough blood has been spilled because of your boss and nobody else needs to get hurt today and there need to be no further bloodshed."

Chris watched the words sink in to the Valkyrie and paused for effect before continuing, "This whole affair is between Carl and me and can be resolved between us two, as long as your boss is not the spineless coward I believe him to be."

She smiled to herself, seeing von Winterfeldt bristling at the slight, "How many of you have died or have been injured because your Boss was too much a coward to do the dirty work himself?”

“So let us keep this simple” she turned to von Winterfeldt again: “I challenge you to duel me with swords. The Duel is finished, when one of us is dead or unable to fight.

You know Carl, your friend Peter Stromberg had sinned, but he had courage and he took responsibility for his actions. He was – unlike you - a real Cavalier!”

“He was no coward like you. He challenged me to duel him. I bet you have not enough courage to face me, because you have no honour, you have no code!” The last words the Pianist spoke with the utmost contempt.

She continued in a softer tone: “So my dear Carl, I ask you: Are you a Coward? Are you too afraid to confront a single Woman in single Combat?” she paused for a second “I bet you are”

Ragna held her breath: Never had anybody had the audacity to talk that way to my boss. How would he react?”

While the Pianist had spoken, Ragna had sensed that her Principal had become angrier with every second. Every time von der Marwitz had him called a Coward he had grown more tense, he had flinched as if a whip had hit him. Ragna knew that an explosion of von Winterfeldt was only a Matter of time. And she had the feeling that was exactly what von der Marwitz wanted to achieve.

Anna and Kate came to the same conclusion: “Chris is doing that very well.” the Russian whispered to her Friend. “Not long and he will explode, look how red is face is.”

But von Winterfeldt surprised them.

“You dare to call me a Coward, Christine? You?” He sounded calm Chris thought.

Chris smiled “Yes, me: I am merely observing the facts as they are presented. That you are obviously afraid to accept my Challenge proves my point. You like your women docile. Beautiful Dolls who you adore but deep down in darkest corner of your soul you are afraid of strong and independent Women of course you don´t say that out loud. So yes, you are a Coward. Even the old Reichenbach had more Courage than you.” Chris smiled sweetly still.

Von Winterfeldt smiled too. But it was a cold and evil smile. It was devoid of any Emotion.

“My dearest Christine, I always wondered how it felt. How it felt, when the blood of that Journalist Friend of yours, how was his name?” He paused for effect “Ah yes! Peter! What did you feel, when his blood and brains sprayed in your face? It must have been quite the shock, I think” And he smiled that cold cruel smile. “You loved him once I heard”

“You know Christine” the Tycoon continued “I went to some lengths to obtain a record of that moment. But it was worth it. The look on your face, the shook, the slow realization ….”

The blood froze to ice in Chris´ Veins. But the blood pounded in her ears. Her cheeks burned. She kept her Temper in check though. She would not give him the satisfaction that he had hit her. No. He would pay. She just starred him in the Eye. Her lips pressed tightly together.

Ragna had the feeling that the beautiful green Eyes of the Pianist froze to pools of Ice.

Chris replied though perfectly calm, to talk to him about Peter? Never! Giving him the Satisfaction?

“Carl, are you making excuses? You didn´t answer my question: Will you accept my Challenge?” she paused - Coward?”

“I do” von Winterfeldt simply replied. He turned to the Commander of his guard imperiously “Ragna! My Sabre!” And the Valkyrie turned to fetch the Weapon.

“See my dear Carl that was not so difficult, even for a coward like you” Christine mocked her opponent. “So let us agree the Rules:

1. The Duel is finished when one of the Duellists is dead or so incapacitated that he or she cannot continue the fight.

“Agreed” von Winterfeldt conceded curtly.

2. Both Duellists will wear no Body Armour.

“Agreed” von Winterfeldt conceded, “but tell me: Do you not fear for your delicate skin Chris?” von Winterfeldt tried to provoke his Opponent.

“Actually I don´t, because you won't get a chance to hit me that way - Coward” Chris returned evenly and entirely calm.

“Why does she do that?” Kate asked Anna. “Fighting unprotected you mean?” “Yes” the Detective returned. “Von Winterfeldt has the greater reach you know, so this is an unnecessary risk.”

“No” Anna replied. “He may be taller, but Chris is faster and more agile. And don´t forget, she has trained since Childhood. She mustn't underestimate von Winterfeldt but she won´t do that. See: there comes the Valkyrie with the Sabre!”

The Valkyrie presented the Sabre to her Boss who took it.

Chris turned her Attention to Ragna: “Herr von Winterfeldt and I agreed on the Rules, I presume you will be his second?” Ragna looked to her Boss who nodded.

“Very well, then I will name a second too: Her Grace, Grand Duchesse Anna Romanova, Grandniece of the late Czar Nicolaus II.” Chris returned.

Even the stalwart Ragna looked impressed.

Chris addressed her Opponent: “Do we agree that we will begin in 20 Minutes?”

Von Winterfeldt´s face was a mask of cold fury, but he nodded grimly. “We are in Agreement!” and turned to return to his Valkyries, while the Pianist returned to her friends.

Sarah regarded Chris with an appraising look: “That went rather well, don´t you think?”

“Yes” the Pianist nodded. “I think I got deep under his skin. He won´t forget that I called him a coward. He must prove now, that he is not, and that may make him more careless.”

“Be on your Guard Chris!” Anna told her friend. “This Son of Bitch won´t fight fair.”

“Who said I would?” Chris smiled back. “Have a close look at his Guard though. I do not think they will try anything but we should be ready.”

“We will keep an Eye on them” Sarah returned. “If anybody looks at you funny, they are in for a nasty surprise. Kirsty and I will take care of them.”

“Good” Chris agreed “then I will prepare.” Chris felt calm and collected. This was the Final Hour, the End of all days: Armageddon. She removed the scabbard with her Katana from her back and removed the top section of her Body Armour; underneath she wore only a black Sports Bra.

“You fight with every weapon in in your Arsenal” the Dark Lady teased her, looking studiously at Chris´ Bosom. “If this sight distracts me, it will surely distract any man.”

“How very perceptive of you!” Chris grinned broadly. “I will warm up now.”

Anna presented her the Katana which lay on her outstretched hands and bowed before Chris, who returned the bow and took the Katana from Anna.

And Sarah had to think back to a very similar scene in a Hotel room in Heidelberg just weeks ago. So much had happened since then. In awe she watched as Chris removed the Katana in one fluid Motion from its black lacquered scabbard.

She bowed and presented the Sword to them and began with a series of katas. Slowly and measured at first, but then every more rapidly and complex, in the end so fast, that the blade was just a blur and it was impossible to discern any single movement.

From the other side of the Room Ragna had followed the preparations of the Pianist and she could not hide her professional fascination for that display of Swordsmanship. Obviously Christine von der Marwitz was highly skilled with the blade: Those movements, their elegance their fluidity – a perfection honed by years of practice.

She would be a dangerous opponent that was for sure, her Boss should be on his guard, but von der Marwitz had gotten under his skin, he was riled up, too much maybe to be cool. In the meantime von Winterfeldt had taken of his Jacket and Tie and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, taken the Sabre out of his Scabbard and weighing the perfectly balanced Weapon in his hand.

“He tries to demonstrate self-confidence, but he had never an opponent like von der Marwitz” True, her Boss sparred regularly with the Valkyries but this Duel would be a different matter. Von der Marwitz would not hold back and when he had taunted her with that remark about the Journalist? Ragna had felt that something changed […]

And she had sensed the iron will and determination of his opponent. This would be no training exercise, this was deadly. The Valkyrie had the feeling that von der Marwitz knew that, and she was not sure, if von Winterfeldt did to?

“You are Ragna, von Winterfeldt´s Second?” she heard a melodious Alto Voice behind her and turned around. The Speaker was a tall, dark haired woman, her long black hair in a Ponytail. The Woman was even taller than Christine von der Marwitz. She held herself with a regal bearing.

The Woman had a fierce look in her eyes and moved with the Grace of a large Predator.

“I am Grand Duchesse Anna Romanova, Grand Grandniece of the late Czar Nikolas II, the Second of Christine von der Marwitz.” Anna used her full title not often, but in this moment she found it fitting for the occasion.

“Yes I am the Second of Herrn von Winterfeldt” Ragna confirmed and looked impressed and annoyed at the Russian. Her Dark Eyes seemed to drill into hers, the Valkyrie thought

Anna addressed her now in a formal tone: “Christine von der Marwitz bade me to inform you that she has completed her preparations and the Duel can commence.” The Valkyrie replied: “I will inform Herrn von Winterfeldt.”

“Thank you kindly.” the Grand Duchesse agreed. And turned around, striding away, her head held high.

“Arrogant bitch." the Valkyrie fumed. But the woman was not to be trifled with she knew. It had been she, who had wreaked some of the havoc on the Parade Ground, from a distance of 1000 metres as Ragna had heard. She turned to inform her Boss.

Anna returned to her friends: “Message delivered” she smiled. As she looked at Chris, she found, that Chris was calm and collected, after her abduction and captivity her friend was now finally on top of her game again, she sensed that.

Out of Impulse Anna closed the distance and embraced Chris tightly and looked her straight in the Eye: “Give this Bastard hell from us and be careful!”

And Chris returned the tight hug: “I will” she whispered.

“Von Winterfeldt will regret the day he was born, believe me.”

“Sorry to spoil the fun Girls, but it is time.” Sarah informed them sombrely. “Do not let said Bastard wait, Chris! And smiled: “After all punctuality is the politeness of the Kings.”

Chris was deeply moved. It was a gift to have such friends, who would have her back anytime and anywhere: Anna and Kate, Sophie and Sarah and Hayley and Kirsty. She retrieved her Katana and walked into the middle of the vast chamber, followed by Anna and awaiting her opponent. She felt at Peace. Now it was time.

Accompanied by Ragna, von Winterfeldt walked also in the centre of the circular Room, where Christine von der Marwitz already awaited him. He thought back to her meeting a few days ago. There was a noticeable difference. Back then he had sensed her tension she had been tense, obviously anxious to hide her emotions in check.

Now she seemed to be totally at ease. Well, she would learn that nobody called him a coward without paying the price for that insolence. It would be a shame to disfigure that beautiful face. But no, he would maim her hands that would hurt her much more. He reached his position and stood.

Chris smiled at him and greeted him with the Katana before formally bowing. He returned the gesture and saluted her with his Sabre. The light glittered on the sharp blades. Around and behind her stood her Companions at her right side, Anna Romanova, who regarded him with a cold hard look. Next to him, stood Ragna.

Their Seconds moved away and it was only von der Marwitz and him. She had taken the fighting stance of the Samurai, the Katana gripped with two hands.

A devious Smile curled her lips: “Do you know how long I have waited for this moment Carl? You will pay for killing Peter, for killing Stromberg, for abducting Sophie.”

She had spoken calmly, even cold, and that unsettled him.

They began to circle each other, waiting for an opening or provoking the opponent. Chris green eyes glittered, like icy cold emeralds “You know Carl, you are really a coward, you are afraid of a woman.”

Von Winterfeldt charged forward raining down blows on Christine. She had to move backwards but parried with ease. Von Winterfeldt´s strokes were powerful but lacked Precision.

Chris grinned: “My dear Carl! This is all you have? You disappoint me.”

Provoking another Barrage of Strokes, and von Winterfeldt´s last Stroke left a shallow gash at Chris´ left shoulder. “Well you are not as toothless as I thought” Chris panted. “But I think, playtime is over!”

And suddenly the Tables turned: Chris parried one stroke away from her body and to the left, forcing him to overbalance.

With a stroke it was von Winterfeldt who was on the defensive and forced to hold his ground, when Chris pressed her attack and took the initiative from him. Driving her assault with a dizzying array of strikes, seemingly without a pattern. No two strokes the same.

To his credit Von Winterfeldt, matched her with an impressive display of defensive techniques. Neither Opponent was able to dominate the other.

A powerful two handed downward strike from Chris caused von Winterfeldt to lose his footing for a second time.

Squarely across his crisp white shirt, a red gash had opened, that began at his right shoulder and ended above his left hip. “That Carl”, “That is for Sophie!” It was not a deep Wound but von Winterfeldt made the signal for a short intermission.

Anna proposed to Ragna: “Five Minutes Pause.” The Valkyrie agreed.

Chris returned to her friends. She sweated but the cut at her shoulder was only superficial. Kate gave her a bottle of water and Chris drank greedily. “The Bastard is good, but I will get him” The Adrenaline was coursing through her veins. “I must not get careless.” she admonished herself though.

Von Winterfeldt was panting heavily. He fell down on a stool: “She is good, but I will get her, I will cut off her hands, so that she will never touch a piano again! I will take what she loves from her and make her my servant. For that she will need only the holes in her body, not her hands."

"Sir” Ragna asked him “Let me see for your Wound."

“Ragna, this is nothing! But did you see? I hit her! I drew first blood it is only a matter of time before she falls to me.”

Ragna could barely hide her disbelief: Well, von Winterfeldt had hit his opponent, but von der Marwitz had returned the Favour with Interest. And Ragna had the feeling, that von der Marwitz had allowed her Boss to hit her, to lure him in. And it was obviously working.

When time was up, both opponents assumed their positions again. Chris appraised von Winterfeldt. Ragna had cleaned the wound and von Winterfeldt had done a fresh shirt. She knew that the cut had been only superficial but the longer the Duel would continue, the more it would irritate him, distract him. And one careless second was all she needed.

Their Seconds addressed them: “Ready?”

“That we are." both Duellists replied firmly.

“Then continue” Ragna and Anna said in unison, before they stood aside.

Chris and von Winterfeldt began to circle each other, like two large lions poised to do battle. Both trying to discern signs of an imminent attack.

Chris mocked her Adversary: “Carl, if I didn't know it better, I would say, you are scared.” But this time the Villain let himself not be goaded into a premature attack, just observed Chris attentively. “Then let´s try something” Chris thought. “What did Sun Tsu write? All warfare is based on deception …”

To von Winterfeldt it seemed as if von der Marwitz let her guard slip for a moment. His stroke she parried with obvious difficulties this time, his next blow she could barely parry. Only a swift turn rescued her. “Now I have her!” He was exhilarated.

And followed through with a series of brutal strokes, but Chris made a quick sidestep and the momentum of his own last stroke let von Winterfeldt lose his footing. And this was exactly the moment Chris had waited for. With lightning speed she attacked with a single surgical strike, so fast the eyes of the watchers could not follow it.

She spun away from her reposte and assumed a defensive stance. In a low threatening voice Christine spoke softly “This is for Stromberg!”

After a Cry of Pain and Rage of von Winterfeldt, fell into a silent brooding fury.

Ragna stared in Horror on the Tableau in front of her: Before her Boss stood, straight up, the Katana poised to strike again, Christine von der Marwitz like a Goddess of Vengeance, her green eyes blazing with fire.

However, what Ragna truly horrified was the sight of her boss: Where his left eye had been, there was just a bloody hole: One long red gash across the left side of his face, from his temple down to the chin.

Von Winterfeldt had obviously trouble to stand, he seemed shocked. Chris stood a step back in disgust: “If this is all you have. I pity you.” The last sentence she spoke with utter contempt. This seemed to shake her opponent out of his Trance-Like state, with a cry of rage and fury he gripped his Sabre and lunged at his Adversary.

Chris' Katana traced a downward arc in front of her, pushing Carl's sabre down and to his right. With a lightning fast sweep she brought the Katana under his descending wrist and sharply striked upward. Carl turned his head to see her with his right eye, only dimly aware that his hand and Sabre fly through the air, towards his second.

Shocked and in disbelief von Winterfeldt stared at the bloody stump where his right hand had been, the blood gushing from the stump, then slowly sank down on his knees, as if in slow motion. “And this Carl” added Chris in a calm, almost gentle voice, this, this was for Peter.” Tears glistened in her eyes.

Silence fell across the Room, Friend and Foe alike stared with wide eyes at the tableau before them. Sarah watched as Christine strode to her kneeling opponent and halted at his right side, gripped her Katana tightly and assumed the traditional stance of the Samurai when they beheaded an opponent. The Pianist took a deep breath and swung the glittering blade high in the Air.

Sarah watched in awe at the Scene. Before her inner eye the Canadian envisioned a similar scene in a Hotel Suite in Heidelberg. Back then she had knelt on the floor. Awaiting the killing blow, as Christine, clad only in underwear and hose had stood beside her, poised to strike as she was now. And her utter astonishment when the stroke had not killed her, but only left a scar in her neck.

Time stood still and Sarah could sense Chris´ inner struggle, the tip of the Sword seemed to quiver ever so slightly.

Then as if the universe dictated that the time was right, Chris gave a piercing cry of “Kiai!” and her sword became a blur.

But von Winterfeldt was not dead. With expert precision, Chris had moved slightly aside and the blade had sliced through, his left ear lobe and rested on his neck.

Chris breathed heavily and spun her weapon to hold it at rest, by her side. Then she saluted to an invisible opponent and bowed.

The Pianist turned to Ragna: “Take care of this wretch and get him out of my sight. You have two hours to leave the Palace Grounds then the authorities will arrive.” The Blonde sounded tired.

Then Chris turned and walked towards her friends.
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Post by GreyLord »

Long have I waited for this, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. It meets or exceeds all of my expectations. You combined Eastern and Western dueling beautifully. You also displayed the high moral fiber of Chris. Me, not so morally high. I would have killed the son-of-a-bitch.

Is it time now for the fun to begin?

This is truly an example of great writing.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

So, this was it? The end of a villain? Or is there more to come? If I remember my mythology correctly, the labyrinth had more problems than just housing a monster: It was hard to get out, and these heroes had forgotten their thread. And if I recall correctly, the valkyries most likely also have not seen this place yet, so maybe the sole person who knew they way, is dead.

On a more positive note, it was nice to have another duel, not only as it was a circle itself, both Sarah's almost decapitation and the Stromberg duel, but also to reiterate von Winterfeldt's evil.

All in all, this seems to be end, but there are still some loose ends. Don't worry to much about finishing all of them! Finishing on such a high note would also be good (or have a time skip to an epilogue).
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago You also displayed the high moral fiber of Chris. Me, not so morally high. I would have killed the son-of-a-bitch.
Is it time now for the fun to begin?
I thought about Chris killing von Winterfeldt, it would have been just. But I did not follow that path because of several reasons. The first one lies in Chris´ Character. With killing her Opponent she would have been no better than him. And it would be to quickly. That he must live on disfigured and dismembered might be the harder Sentence. The main reason though was the old saying: "You shall not kill a good Villlain, he might have come in handy later" :) That von Winterfeldt will be hell bent on revenge is a safe assumption ... so it is highly likely that we wll see him again.

There wll be lots of fun to be had, in the following chapters - and the Epilogues :)

All in all, this seems to be end, but there are still some loose ends. Don't worry to much about finishing all of them! Finishing on such a high note would also be good (or have a time skip to an epilogue)
I thought about prolonging the Layrinth Sequence but refrained from it in the end,because I feared this would hurt the Balance of the Narrative. There will be Epilogues - yep, not only one. The Reasons for that will become clear in the near future. One Reason, maybe not the best argument :), was that I could not Part with the Characters, Over the last seven Months I have grown fond of them. But all Epilogues serve a purpose, setting in Parts the Stage for the Sequel. And I had some Ideas which I wanted to try out :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well what can I say. Absolutely fabulous. This entire tale has been both gripping. Fascinating and delightful. And there’s still a little more to come. I can safely say I can’t wait.
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Post by Pantyhose971 »

I agree with [mention]Bandit666[/mention] can nothing say more
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention]

So, the bad Guy has met his fate. Will we see him again? Future will tell. For now, there are some things still to do, before the Girls can celebrate. We are getting near the final Chapter of the Hunt, but it will take some time till we get there. So I hope you will stay on board and enjoy the ride!

After the Duel

Then Chris turned and walked towards her friends, who looked expectantly at her. She knew she should feel excited, elated and content, but inside of her, there was just a large void. What had kept her, had kept them all going was done:

They had found the Weinstein-Collection and they had taken out the Bad Guy. “But why do I feel that way? I avenged Peter, Stomberg and Sophie. I should be proud, but I am not. There is just emptiness”

Anna scrutinized her Friend and turned to Kate: “We should give her some space, don’t you think?”

“We should do that” the Investigator agreed. “Chris will talk, when she is ready.” In the meantime Chris had crossed the distance to her Friends: “Let's go to Sophie and Hayley, there are still some things to wrap up." She did not mind the blood dripping from her Katana leaving a trail on the floor.

Chris gave her Blade to Anna, who took with a bow and redressed. Then she cleaned the Blade and let the Katana glide back into its Scabbard, inwardly thanking her old Sensei. Nakamura Sama would have been proud she thought. And he had been a hard teacher sometimes she would have beheaded him gladly. She smiled.

Together they walked back the long Hallway to the Entrance Gate of the Labyrinth were Hayley and Sophie already were waiting for them. “You did it!” the latter exclaimed.

“Yes” Chris could not help but smile over the enthusiastic reaction of Reichenbach´s Daughter in Law. “Yes, we did it. But the Celebrations will have to wait till tomorrow. We have only two Hours till the Austrian and International Authorities will take over. And we have to do a few things before then and I want us gone, before they arrive."

“What does that mean?” Sarah asked Chris. “You know, I am not exactly keen on meeting Law Enforcement. Present Company not included” She smiled at Kate who returned the smile.

“Officially we all have never been here.” explained Chris. “Officially” the Pianist made an encompassing gesture with her arm, "taking down von Winterfeldt was the Result of a Joint Operation of national and international Law-Enforcement Agencies under the Direction of Europol and Interpol and the national Agencies here in Austria.”

Anna looked impressed: “How did you pull off this one?”

“Mainly we have to thank Rachel Weinstein for that.” Chris continued. “She and her Family are very well connected in the States. She has very good contacts to the State Department and the Justice Department. And at some Point, the White House was also involved.

Then the American Ambassador in Vienna had a meeting with the Austrian Chancellor and that was it. So no lengthy debriefings, for that we are all grateful, some more than others." she smiled at Sarah, Kirsty and Hayley.

“Oh and Hayley” you don´t need to worry about being arrested when you return to the States. Your father sends his best.” The American stared first in disbelief at Chris then hugged her tightly. “You are the best, Chris!”

“Nah” Chris modestly replied: “You should thank Kate, Richard Castle and Rachel Weinstein for that. I am just the Messenger.” Hayley turned and hugged Kate tightly. “I called in a few favours” the Investigator demurred and Richard didn't need to be asked twice.”

“Listen Girls!” Chris interrupted, “I do not interrupt lightly, but we do have some work to do: First we must free Brunhild and her people, then we will go back and search von Winterfeldt´s Office. I want to pay his safe a visit.

I bet, the safe is a Treasure Trove and then we will pay the Infirmary a visit, or I will at least.” Anna gave her friend a knowing look and smiled, she knew why Chris wanted to visit the Hospital Wing.

“So let´s go then” Sarah concluded.

30 Minutes later they had reached the spacious marble Floor which lead to von Winterfeldt´s Office. The Girls proceeded with Caution they did not knew how many Valkyries were not accounted for. As they neared the Office of von Winterfeldt, Christine signalled her friends to halt. She whispered in her Mike: “When we left the Office, the lights were out. There must be somewhere inside.”

"That someone is in for a surprise she obviously did not get the Memo” Sarah grinned viciously. The Canadian gestured to Kirsty and Hayley, to guard the Entrance and prevent any escape.

The large double leaved Doors stood slightly ajar: Behind the imposing Desk a tall lithe blond Woman was busy with opening the Safe, so concentrated to the task that she was obviously oblivious of her surroundings.

Chris and Sarah exchanged a look and each of them pulled one door leave open. As Chris knew of her meeting with von Winterfeldt, the large doors opened easily and noiselessly. They entered weapons at the ready. Kate looked at Chris pointing at herself, then to the Woman. Chris nodded.

Kate grinned. She had not seen Susanne von Stülpnagel since von Winterfeldt´s Assistant had ambushed her at Sylt. “Payback is a bitch. Good evening Susanne, so good to see you, I missed you terribly!” she said conversationally.

Von Stülpnagel spun around the classical deer in headlights look on her face and stared at the newcomers: Five Women in Blackbody Armour and full visor helmets, their automatic weapons trained at her.

The Speaker opened her Visor and von Stülpnagel looked at Kate Beckett's smiling face – and it was no warm smile, it was evil. The others opened also her Visors and Susanne von Stülpnagel recognized all of them: Christine von der Marwitz, Anna Romanova, Sophie Reichenbach and Sarah McKenzie. Especially the latter looked sinister and regarded her with a devious grin.

“I think we can save the Introductions and come straight to the Point” Chris said pleasantly. “You save us a lot of trouble, though Sarah would have liked to blow the safe” she smiled at the Thief. “But that way it is much more convenient: Less noise and dirt.”

The Pianist nodded at Sarah who continued: “Listen my dear, you will step away from the Safe, you will come to us turn around and interlace your fingers behind your head. You are an uptight bitch but a clever one, so I don't expect you to do anything stupid, understood?”

Von Stülpnagel who was obviously still shell shocked and lost for words complied.

“What do we do with her?” The Canadian asked.

“Are you open for a suggestion?” Kate grinned and Chris and Anna had a pretty good idea what Kate had in mind and exchanged a knowing smile.

“Shoot!” Sarah replied graciously. The Detective turned to Chris and Sarah: “You two remember what our friend and her colleagues did to me at Sylt?” Susanne von Stülpnagel did not like where this Conversation was going. She remembered the Scene way too well.

“There was something” Anna grinned broadly. “There were you and there was a sheep.”

“Indeed, a sheep!” Kate continued. “And since then I had not the opportunity to thank dear Susanne properly” she smiled at Susanne and that smile gave von Stülpnagel the Creeps. “So, why don´t we take dear Susanne with us and have a nice talk with her. I am sure we can find a sheep or two to keep her company.”

“I have no objections Kate!” Chris returned smiling. “But I think we should secure our Guest first” she turned to Sophie: “I am sure you will find something in those Cupboards to restrain our Guest.”

Sophie smiled, thinking back to the time when von Stülpnagel forced her to watch the Punishment of Brunhild and Freya: “Gladly!”

A few Minutes later Sophie had found what she had been looking for and busied herself with “preparing” their Guest. She took immense pleasure in applying the bondage mittens the handcuffs, the Panel Gag, the Ear buds and the blindfold.

When she was finished she stood back and appraised her work. She had cuffed Susanne von Stülpnagel´s hands behind her back, adding a second and third pair of cuffs above and below her elbows. Three broad padded straps pinned her arms against her back.

Anna could not hide a smile: “Good work Sophie!”

“Children, we have work to do!” Sarah admonished them. “Okay” Chris replied. “Let us have a look in the Safe.”

Inside were some boxes, Papers, Hard-drives, but one of the Boxes caught Chris´ Attention, it looked like the box which had contained the Chopin-Autograph. Very carefully and very slowly Chris removed the Box from the Safe. “This one we will take with us.”

“Sarah?” Sarah had opened one of the smaller velvet boxes and opened it. Longingly she looked at the Collier made of red Rubies. “Sarah, this one stays here! If you like red Rubies Anna will be only too happy to present you with those, von Winterfeldt left us in Hamburg, or you can have my Emeralds. I won´t wear them anyway.”

The Thief smiled at her: “Deal?” “Deal” Chris replied firmly.

“And now let us leave. We have to pay the Infirmary a visit. Or at least I have.” she muttered to herself.

Chris turned to her friends: “Ok Girls. We are finished here. Let us leave and go down to the Hospital Wing.”
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