The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoy the update nevertheless :) The informations our Detectives have gathered are important :)

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]iliketights[/mention]

Chapter IX:

Early evening Uthörn, Ellenbogen, Sylt:

The Sun had set. Christine, Kate and Anna sat around the table in the living room. On the table lay the box, Anna and Kate had found in Reinefahrt´s Grave.

Christine had been fairly monosyllabic while they drove back to the Ellenbogen. They had changed in comfortable track suits and thick socks and had a light diner.

“Spit it out, Chris”, Anna prompted, “Something is on your mind, I know it.”

“Different things actually” Christine replied haltingly. “This afternoon, I met with “Sieglinde Gablenz, she did me no harm, she did not touch me. She drugged me, tied me up gagged me with my sweaty socks – and stole my toe rings.”

“My heartfelt condolences”, Anna quipped nonchalantly

“But that was it.” Christine continued, as if Anna had said nothing. “As this is all part of a game you know. Somebody expected me, us, to pay her a visit and she obviously had instructions.”

“Then this strange encounter in Wennigstedt. This man was polite no doubt, but there was something off, as if he knew who I was.” Christine said, with something nagging at the corner of her mind in a place she could not grasp.

“Are you making something more out of it, then it really is?”, Kate asked. “Christine do not me get wrong, I know that you, that we all are a little on edge after the events of the last days.”

"Who wouldn't?” Christine asked, more sharply when she meant it.

“But for the sake of the argument, is it possible, that this was a polite conversation about Chopin and only that? A conversation that on any other day, you would have brushed off?” Kate ventured.

“Maybe”, Christine conceded. “But I had the feeling that I know this man and he surely knew who I was. All gut and no proof, I know.”

“And then your adventure at Keitum. Recovering Peters Material, Anna, you two did a good job, but don´t you think that was a little too easy, as if you were meant to recover it? Someone wanted us to find this material.”

“Chris, you are such a spoil sport at times.”, Anna chided her teasingly. “Look at it this way. We just grabbed the opportunity which presented itself.”

“I'm still not happy, that you did not adhere to proper protocol, my dear Chief of Operations." Christine scolded her, but her tone betrayed her.

Anna registered the mischievous twinkle in the Pianists eyes. "I am so very sorry my dear Mistress of ceremonies." She said, with mock innocence in her voice.

"So you should be. We had a plan and you went against it. I think we need to talk about following protocols." Christine said, in a playful tone, needing something light to lift her from the mood of the day.

"Of course, I broke protocol. How can I demonstrate my commitment to your leadership, honoured Misstress." Anna said bowing her slightly, sensing that Christine needed a release from all the tension.

Those last days had been an emotional roller coaster for her friend after all. So she would do anything to help her.

“Anna, I think, you are in for some disciplinary measures. We'll have words about your transgressions later. Report to my room when we are finished, properly dressed for the occasion!” Christine said, with a cheeky smile and a twitch of her nose.

Kate could not suppress a grin listening to this conversation. “But now to the business at hand you two!” she interrupted her friends.

They had cleaned the box from dirt. It was rectangular, probably 30 x 20 x 10 cm. Kate pointed at one side of the Box. “You have to enter a code there: Six digits. Any ideas?”

Christine and Anna sat struck dumb and merely shrug.

Kate thought for a moment: “Chris, Peter wanted you to find this box. He must have assumed that you would know how to recover the information. Is there a date, a chiffre only you would know?”

Christine pondered the question. Thinking.

Saying nothing for quite a while. She seemed miles away.

Kate and Anna waited. Minutes passed.

Then Chris looked up. Calmly she spoke at last, "There is indeed one ….” She pauses doubting herself, “I don´t think that many people know it. Peter proposed to me, when we were together and we already had set a date.

But then my parents died and everything changed.”

There was suddenly silence in the room. Only the sounds of the sea, wind and seabirds could be heard.

"I knew you had a history with him, but I had no idea." Anna exclaims, softly.

"It is ancient history." Christine said, almost inaudibly, "Not something for every day conversation."

Anna spoke at last, softly, hesitantly, obviously not wanting to hurt her friend: “Oh Chris, I am so sorry.”

Christine smiled, touched by her friend’s sensivity. Then she looked Kate and Anna full in the eye. “You do not need to fear to rip open old wounds. There is more good than bad.” she said in a clear voice, full of fondness.

“Peter's assassination was a shock. It pulled the rug from under me, but I´m determined to bring the person responsible to justice, Peter would want nothing less. It is the last thing, I, that we can do for him.

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, “So, the date we set was, 06 09 01”, Christine said firmly. Anna typed in the digits. The Numbers changed colour, from red to green.

There was a barely audible click.

Kate, Christine and Anna looked at each other. In silent agreement Christine pulled the box to her. She seemed to brace herself for a moment, then, opened it in silent resolve.

On top lay an envelope, of thick handmade paper, a hue of cream. A name written on it, in a clear strong hand: “Christine”. Beneath that a hard drive and a stack of papers, yellow from age, typed and handwritten ones.

Before proceeding, they put on latex gloves, not to contaminate anything. Christine took the letter, laid it on the table; it was the silent agreement, that this was private.

Next: The hard drive. Kate took carefully the stack of documents out of the box. On top lay a folder of greenish paper, frail from age. Carefully, very carefully Kate touched it and opened it.

Several hand written pages, they looked like an inventory of sorts. “Sorry”, Kate shrugged, “but this is German, I cannot read that, this more your area of expertise, Chris.”

Christine read for a moment in silence, flicked through its content. Then she looked up. Stunned. “Impossible. This is an inventory of the Weinstein-Collections. Musikalien, manuscripts, paintings."

“So nothing really new”, Anna spoke, sounding frustrated, “We already knew that.”

“No, that is not it”, countered Christine. “This inventory is very different from the ones we already know. If this is true, and the collection still exists, this would be like the discovery of a previously unknown intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings.”

“Why is that?" Kate asked curiously.

Christine tipped on one item of the list: "For instance: here a fifth ballad of Chopin, a Mass of Dufay, a Sonata of Beethoven, a Requiem by Beethoven … and more … there have been rumours, but they were never taken seriously, a myth.”

“If this is the real deal, this would be a treasure beyond measure. Anna and I know people who would kill for these autographs. But there is no telling what they would do for a collection such as this.”

She paused then for a moment, stood and returned with three Grand Cru Crystal Glasses for Calvados, with a long thin stem and a bottle with a golden liquid in it.

“A fifteen year old Calvados from the Domaine du Rugueville in Port Bail, Normandy”, she added. Christine took one glass, Kate and Anna the other two. “To Peter!” She intoned. “To Peter!” Her companions replied. They drank.

They sat in silent for a moment.

Christine broke the silence at last: "This was a long day, let us take stock of what we have tomorrow. "You” she pointed a finger at Anna, “You are to report to my quarters, to discuss your transgressions!”

“Understood”, Anna stood playfully to attention. “Okay girls, said Kate, that is a matter between you two. I'll make a few calls and read a good book. Have fun!”

Christine grinned; I know one of us who will surely have fun! “Anna, my quarters in 15 Minutes!

Christine’s Rooms 15 Minutes later:

Anna knocked at the door. “Officer Romanov reporting for disciplinary hearing!”
“Enter”, Christine responded, “Close the door and move your delectable ass inside.

“Yes, Sir!” Anna stood to attention.

For the occasion she had chosen a black spandex suit, black hose and her customary black platform heels. Christine sat behind her desk, obviously reading in some report and not even locking up. Minutes passed. Anna still stood to attention starring at the wall behind Chris.

At last Christine locked up as if acknowledging Anna’s presence for the first time. She stood up, folded her arms behind her and gave Anna, a piercing, even cold look. Anna felt, that Christine could see right through her soul, in that moment.

“Officer Romanova”, Christine intoned in a stern tone: "Do you know why you are here?"

"Yes Sir, yes!"

“Do please enlighten me Officer! And be advised: Flattery will get you nowhere. Is that understood?!”

“Yes Sir, understood Sir! I did not follow protocol and put my comrades in Arms at risk.” Anna still stared at the Wall behind Chris.

“And you did that why?!” Christine’s voice was quieter now, dangerously quiet.

“An opportunity presented itself, Sir, and I grasped that opportunity! Initiative is important, Sir!”

“Officer!” Christine barked suddenly “If I´m interested in your opinion I tell you! Is that understood?”

“Yes Sir, yes Sir, understood Sir!”

Softer now, Christine spoke sarcastically, “I´m glad we cleared that up. Tell me, officer! What are the consequences of transgressions like yours?”

“Punishment Sir!”, Anna shouted.

“Yes, Officer, indeed, Punishment.” “What form of Punishment?”

“Sir that is the decision of the Commanding Officer, Sir!”

“Which is me”, a sinister smile curled Christine’s lips. A cold shudder ran across Anna’s back. Christine was so convincing in that role. She nearly believed her every word.

“Your punishment shall commence at once, turn around, hands behind your back!” Christine commanded. Anna did as ordered.

Christine takes a rope. Ties Anna’s wrists together. The elbows below the joint. The elbows above the joint. A tight breast harness follows, which compresses Anna's pert breasts, from above and below.

Christine ties a rope around her waist and pulls the preknotted rope so tightly between her legs, against her crotch that Anna exhales sharply.

“You enjoy that Officer, do you?” Anna stays silent. Christine barks: “Do you like that Crotch Rope Officer! I did not hear you!”

“Yes Sir! The Officer enjoys this Crotch rope very much, Sir” Anna says stifling a grin, realising that she needs a release of tension too.

“Very well.” Christine continued more calmly now. “Step out of your heels! Do it! Now!"
Anna does as ordered. Christine ties her thighs together directly under the Crotch rope. Then above the knees, below the knees, around her calves and finally around Anna’s Ankles.

Christine standing still behind Anna: “Officer! Do you consider that Punishment enough!”

“No Sir, no! The Officer does not!” “Tell me, what is missing Soldier?” “A gag Sir! “Very well!” Turn around!” Anna shuffles around, not an easy task with tightly tied Ankles.

At last she faces Christine´s gloating, stern face. Christine holds something in her hand and presents it to Anna: “Officer! Tell me what this is!”

“This Sir, this Sir is the sock you wore today!” Anna says, with a groan.

“I´m glad you remembered Officer! Open your mouth!” Christine orders in such a tone, that Anna does as ordered without a second thought.

The sock fills her mouth completely. Now Christine takes something different from her desk. “A ball gag!” Anna thinks. “A big one! Must be 2,5 inches at least.” Christine presses the ball against Anna’s lips; the ball rests behind her lips. “Hold that for me”

Christine stands behind Anna now. Suddenly the straps of the ball gag are pulled tight and the then tied behind her neck. The Ball presses the sock packing even deeper in her mouth. The ball gag is tight, but not cruelly so.

“Thank god I have good control of my gag reflex”, Anna smiles around her ball gag. A sudden slap on her buttocks brings her back to reality.

“Lay down on the bed. So that your Ankles rest on the footboard of the bed. In the middle!” “On the double!”, Christine commands sharply. Anna lets her self fall on the bed and moves into position. “That gives Christine easy access to my soles.” She realises with a mixture of quiet dread and excitement.

At the same moment she feels Christine secure her ankles to the foot of the bed overhanging the board. Then her big toes are tied together. Christine crouched down and fastens this rope to the bottom under the bed, making the merest movement of her feet and her exposed soles now impossible.

Then Christine slowly and deliberately takes a feather, from under her pillow, as Anna softly groans, powerless to escape. This will be a long evening.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great chapter. I know I said this before, but it is true. I could hear Anna answering the questions in that military style, shouting the answers. Your writing conveyed that perfectly. And now there is the feather...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you [mention]slackywacky[/mention] :) This scene between Anna and Chris was some experiment. Problem was, to connect the two parts of the chapter. The tone, the atmospehre of the first half is more reflective, Anna and Kate learn something important about Christines past, they discover the contents of the Box. To link those very different parts was difficult. [mention]wolfman[/mention] helped me to find a solution.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Sir! The Reader has very much enjoyed this update,and is eager for the continuation! Sir! 😂♥️
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Post by Beaumains »

Sometimes I wonder what wpuld happen if these two sides would just come together and drink some tea. I doubt they differ much as they are all persistent and in love with music and especially bondage. It would make everything so much easier and enjoyable for everyone.

Thanks for the frequent updates. It is nice to see the chracters and the story taking shape. Keep it up!
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Post by Caesar73 »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago Sir! The Reader has very much enjoyed this update,and is eager for the continuation! Sir! 😂♥️
At ease Soldier! :)

When I wrote that scene I had two movies in mind: "Full metal jacket" by Stanley Kubrick and "An Officer and Gentleman" :)

[mention]Beaumains[/mention]: Yes, you are right - sometimes things could be so simple, if people would just come together, have tea and talk :)

But things aren´t and what happens on Sylt is just the first stage of a long - and sometimes - dark journey.

Tomorrow I will post two updates:

One around 1200 MEST and the second around the usual time, which is 2000 MEST.

I had a lot of fun writing those Chapters and consider it as two of the best I have produced so far - one of the girls probably wil have not as much fun, but stay tuned :)
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I cannot wait for Suzanne's revenge! She must be sooooo mad.

I really like how you switch from some non-consensual bondage (when the bad guys and girls intervene in the story) and the consensual ones, when the girls are just having fun. It makes the story more interesting.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 3 years ago I cannot wait for Suzanne's revenge! She must be sooooo mad.

I really like how you switch from some non-consensual bondage (when the bad guys and girls intervene in the story) and the consensual ones, when the girls are just having fun. It makes the story more interesting.
Susanne is mad :) And she will be very inventive - revenge can be a pretty good motivation .... I try to maintain a balance between the consensual and not so consensual episodes, I´m glad you liked it!

On to chapter X, Chapter XI will follow this evening!

[mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention]

Chapter X:

The next day, Sölring Hof, mid-morning:

The man in the High Castle was very pleased. The “Vorsehung” had been kind to him. He had spotted Christine von der Marwitz at her table. The ensuing conversation had been fun, he had exactly known who she was, but she on the other hand … He had sensed her uncertainty. And her obvious surprise when he asked her about Socolow’s interpretation.

Nevertheless: The pianist was a fascinating personality. Never had he been that near to her. He had felt her Aura. She had been relaxed, at ease – despite the encounter with Sieglinde. Most people he knew would have been nervous wrecks. And this woman had sat there. In the sun. Enjoying the view. And listening to Chopin.

He was looking forward to their next meeting.

But for the time being there were more pressing matters at hand.

He pressed the button on his intercom. “Susanne, come in please!” Susanne von Stülpnagel entered in her usual business costume, today in a light shade of green and matching High Heels.

“Yes Sir?”

Her Boss did not look up for a while. Reading a report studiously. Finally he spoke, without looking up:

“I take it; you had an encounter with two of the detectives yesterday?” His tone evenly, even detached.

“Yes, I had Sir.” They got the better of me. That … American and the Grand Duchess.” She nearly spat the last words.

The man in the High Castle now looked up, scrutinising her intently. He knew her long enough, to discern, that her professional pride had been wounded. Well, that could be mended.

“I have another assignment for you, Susanne. And what would you think, if along the way an opportunity for revenge would present itself?”

“That … that would be great Sir!” She stammered. She stood to attention.

“Take Sieglinde and Brunhild and drive to List. Anton will give you the necessary information to plan an ambush, for our adversaries – at the Ellenbogen. Do nothing drastic, but be creative!”

A devious smile curled around Susanne’s lips.

“You may leave now!” Still in that cool and collected manner, not the slightest hint of emotion.

“Thank you Sir!” Susanne von Stülpnagel turned on her heels and turned to leave.

The voice of the man in the High Castle stopped her in her tracks.

“And Susanne?”

“Yes Sir?”

“Do not let get this a habit” – he paused, letting the silence hang heavy in the air, "I do not employ you in order to indulge your failures.” Another Pause. “That will be all.”

He sounded pleasant enough, but Susanne knew her master too well not to know, that her failure had been duly noted. She had disappointed him.

Those bitches would rue the day they crossed her way, she swore to herself. Especially this, Captain!!

Uthörn, Ellenbogen, in the morning:

The morning sun fell through the windows. The King's Harbour lay still as a mill pond. A light breeze rippled the water. After breakfast the Girls sat around the table. Christine mustered her friends. Kate seemed to be relaxed. Anna, after two Cups of Coffee and a prolonged breakfast, now fully awake, looked at her, expectantly.

Christine looked at the Detective:

“Kate, why don´t you take the day off and make a tour across the island? Anna and I will have to work on the hard drive and the other files.” We will be busy till late afternoon. No need for you to filter through dusty old papers and endless columns of Data.”

Christine refilled her cup, and took a sip before continuing, “Join us in the early evening, than we can have dinner at Gosch´s.” “The last days have been stressful enough – and you are on holiday, you know”, Christine smiled.

“I would like that!”, Kate said cheerfully. “The Hamptons are great, but Sylt is quite different. Castle would love it here! Any recommendations for me?”

“Quite a few!, Christine grinned, “You want to take notes?”

When Kate had left an hour later Anna and she began to tackle the hard drive and the other documents.

It was a beautiful September day. Kate drove, humming softly to herself across the Ellenbogen, followed the main street through List passing the dunes that shielded the municipality from the South and followed the Listlandstraße which crossed the island from north to south. She did not register the Person standing aside the Western Lighthouse watching the street.

Listland Ellenbogen, Sylt, late Afternoon around 1600 Hours:

Kate had enjoyed the day immensely. First she had driven from List to Kampen passed through Westerland and Rantum till she reached the southern End of the Island, Hörnum, with its red and white light house; the view across the Sea had been marvellous.

On her way back, she had made a stop at the Sansibar, one of the most In-Locations on the Island. Kate enjoyed the view from the Patio across the sea. The Secco had been overprized, but the view had been truly fantastic. She had ventured down to the surf, taken of her shoes and enjoyed the sea cooling her feet.

She mad a short stop at Kampen, climbed the “Uwe-Dune”, from which the Observer had a view in all directions on the Island and walked across to the Red Kliff.

Now she was on her way back to Uthörn. On the right side glistened the Wattenmeer in the late afternoon Sun.

This time she decided against the Listlandstraße favouring the street west through the dunes which offered fantastic views of this austere Landscape, with its sheer endless dunes.

Besides: this road was much less frequented. Kate reached the Mautstation, which every Visitor had to pass and entered the Ellenbogen

The Ellenbogen road was deserted. It was low tide and King´s Harbour had fallen dry. She had nearly reached the Western Lighthouse, when she spotted a car besides the road. A red warning sign stood on the Tarmac. A Woman was waving her hands. Kate stopped, killed the engine and left the Car.

The Woman was waving at her. Kate understood German well enough: “Können Sie mir vielleicht helfen, der Wagen springt nicht mehr an, ich glaube der Kühler ist kaputt.“ Kate considered herself not a great mechanic, but hey “Faithful to the death” she thought. "Ich kann schauen,“ she said. “I can take a look.”

She went to the Car and looked in the engine compartment. There seemed nothing wrong. Then she sensed a movement, and then something sharp hit her in the neck. She turns slowly as if moving through treacle, before she crumpled in a heap on the floor.

A pair of brown boots appeared in her view. “Ah, so good to see you again Captain Beckett”, she heard a malicious voice then a searing pain and everything went black.

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Post by TayDay95 »

Uh oh! So I'm guessing the woman at the end there was either the Dark Lady, or Susanne, either way, Kate's in trouble! 😩

Another very well written update my friend, keep it up! 😁
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Post by Caesar73 »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago Uh oh! So I'm guessing the woman at the end there was either the Dark Lady, or Susanne, either way, Kate's in trouble! 😩
That Kate definitely is :) In roughly two hours you will learn more :)
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Post by Beaumains »

Great update! Susanne will get her revenge, but luckily, will not kill off one of your damsels. Will the other two even the scores again?
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago
TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago Uh oh! So I'm guessing the woman at the end there was either the Dark Lady, or Susanne, either way, Kate's in trouble! 😩
That Kate definitely is :) In roughly two hours you will learn more :)
I'll be counting down the minutes, my wise, cultured German friend 😁😁
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Post by slackywacky »

The story of their lives, they split up and one gets captured... will they ever learn.
What will happen next...
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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago The story of their lives, they split up and one gets captured... will they ever learn.
What will happen next...
Let us put it his way, they do learn their lesson :) Well, mostly - they are not unintelligent after all :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @NotSeen @Bandit666 @wolfman @slackywacky @banshee @iliketights @TayDay95 @TomYi @Beaumains @Mineira1986 @Bigballgag1

Chapter XI:

Uthörn, Ellenbogen, around 1800 Hours:

Christine and Anna had worked the whole day to sift through the material they had recovered. The hard drive contained lots of economic data, most interesting informations about connections between Big Money and right wing extremist Parties in Europe, most illuminating the Files about the Nordstern-Trust.

After endless hours of reading files and dusty papers from the past 30 years, Anna and Christine were tired, their eyes burned, their backs ached. Christine stood up, stretched herself and sighed. Then she looked quizzing at Anna.

“Can you reach Kate on her phone? She should have been back at least two hours ago.” Her concern was palpable.

“Aren't you just a little paranoid, Chris?" Anna tries to calm her down. “Kate is a seasoned professional; she can take care of herself.”

“We all are, Anna” Christine snapped. “I do not doubt that, but I feel that something is amiss. With all the stuff going on lately, we should check.”

“Okay, okay” Anna conceded. "If Kate has not shown up in 30 Minutes, we search for her."

Kate did not show up in the next 30 Minutes. Anna and Christine took their All-Weather-Jackets, their guns and hit the road to List. Anna gave Christine a sideway glance: Jaws set, a grim determination on her face. Her knuckles white around the Steering wheel.

When they reached the Western Lighthouse, Anna tapped her on the shoulder: “Look there on the right side of the street. That is Kate´s Car.” Christine stopped and they got out. They looked around, warily, carefully, guns drawn. Covering each other.

But the car was empty and no sign of Kate. But on the backseat lay Kates Purse and her gun. A chill creeps slowly up Christine´s back, a sense of dread.

They heard some sheep bleating, not far away and another sound. “Be silent”, Christine admonished. “This sounds like, like …"

"Heavily muffled laughter???” Anna completed the Sentence in disbelief. They followed the strange noises, in the direction of the light house. It grew louder. Wearily the two friends went up the shallow slope upwards to the lighthouse.

Behind the light house was a warning sign for Training Missions of the Luftwaffe during the Cold War:

The pole stood alone in the field. A remnant of a war that never was. It's once proud red and white paint faded by time and flecked with rust.

The wooden slated triangle adorning its top, faded by wind and rain, during the pole's long vigil.

It stands alone, in the eerie field, no longer shook by the mighty engines of the Luftwaffe, waiting for a new purpose.

And at the foot of the Pole, a most strange sight greeted Anna and Christine.

Two hours earlier, same Location:


Kate´s head was pounding. Someone hammered inside her head with the proverbial sledgehammer. Why was she sitting on cold … Concrete. What? Concrete? Opening her eyes took an enormous effort. Her focus became clearer. With glacial speed.

A sheep stared down at her, ruminating with relish. Staring down? A sheep ???? She saw in the distance the glistening waters of King´s Harbour. She wanted to stand up.

Kate couldn´t – and then all flooded back to her: She had to help a woman, whose car had broken down. Then she had been shot, and there had the voice of a woman. A voice she knew ….

The next moment, Kate was wide awake. She sat on a Concrete Platform. Her Hands had been tied behind her back, her elbows? Together of course. A tight breast harness held her arms behind her back. A knotted crotch rope pressed uncomfortably tight into her crotch. “Not again ...” She groaned.

Her upper body was tied tight against a column of metals of sorts. Her feet were – how were they? - Cold. Wait, cold? Kate looked down. Her Jeans clad legs were stretched out in front of her. And coils of rope held them together.

Around her thighs, above the knees, below the knees, around the calves and around the ankles. She could not move her legs, because their ankle bonds were tied to two carabiner hooks, which held her legs stretched straight as far it would go.

But why were her feet so icy cold? Her captors had relieved her of her shoes - and of her socks. No wonder, that her feet resembled chunks of ice: Her feet were bare. Her big toes were …. tied together tightly with thin twine. Turned a slight shade of purple. “Ouch”

And she could not move her feet why? The twine around her big toes was bound back to that that bound her calves together. She could wiggle her toes a bit, but that was it.

Kate saw her shoes placed orderly beside her feet. No socks. She felt with her tongue in her mouth. The texture and the taste were a clear give away. Her worn socks filled her mouth. Both of them. The now all too familiar silken big overhand knot of a cleave gag, held the socks in.

Her nose wrinkled. This putrid smell. Another woollen Sock was tied above the cleave. Not my socks ... probably those Susanne von Stülpnagel had to chew on yesterday. Another shawl, tied in a wide band held all in place.

She sighed through her nose. "At least the view is beautiful. Chris and Anna will find me at some point. It will get dark in two or three hours. Till then I might as well sit tight. Hopefully not freezing to death in the meantime.”

The bleating of the sheep brought her back out of her reverie. The sheep gazed still lazily down at her, still slowly ruminating.

The animal was fastened with a line to a wooden stake. In that moment Kate realized: My feet are not only cold they are covered with something sticky and clammy. Salt? No way!

The sheep came nearer and began ….. no, no, no, no, no to lick at her feet, under her heels, then slowly across her soles, then between the toes. The tickling sensation grew unbearable. “I will go insane.”

That was her last sane thought for quite a while.

She giggles, Tears streak down her cheeks. Her face is a shade of puce, she gasps for air. The sounds of her muffled laughter fill the serene Silence of the Ellenbogen.

How much time had passed? Kate wouldn´t know. Kate was utterly and totally spent. Drawing breath through her nose took a monumental effort. I, I … cannot bear this anymore … and then, then she heard a car. It stopped. Doors opened.

“Let this, this …. Hihihihi … be …. another gasp for air … Chris and Anna! I´ll do anything if they take this bloody sheep away and the tickling stops ….”

Western Lighthouse, Ellenbogen, Present:

And so Christine and Anna found Kate. The sight that greeted them was a sight to behold: Kate tied against a steel column, a sheep before her licking and nibbling casually at her feet. The American´s face above the gag tear streaked, red, and tired, her cheeks bulging above the gag: Kate trying desperately to move her feet out of harm´s way. In vain of course

Kate saw through a curtain of tears. Anna and Christine had arrived – and they … wait, they laughed, they laughed! Wait you two, till I lay my hands on you! But revenge could wait. Her eyes pleaded: Take that dammed sheep away!!!!!!!

Anna and Christine were incredibly relieved, of course, but this Scene? Anna couldn´t help but to take a few pictures first, before they took the blasted sheep away and began to untie Kate. What a relief!

“You know Kate”, Anna said conversationally as she cut through the twine, which hold her toes together, “What do you think will Castle say, when he sees those pictures, he might get a few inspirations – for his novels, and other things.”

If looks could kill for real: All what would have remained of the Grand Duchess Anna Romanova would have been a small pile of smouldering ash.

While Anna severed the ropes around her legs, Kate moaned with relief, "What a relief, to be able to move my legs again." Kate thought –

Christine loosened the knot of the shawl which covered her face from nose to chin. “Nice soggy sock you have here Kate!”

"Those two dammed comedians”, Kate fumed." But she was too eager to get rid of the socks in her mouth to complain. Christine carefully took the pair of very, very soggy socks out of Kate’s mouth. “Thanks”, she croaked hoarsely, “I thought I would die!”

At last Kate was able to stand again. Needles shot through her legs, from tights to the soles of her feet. “Wait” Anna said gently. “I´ll get a towel and a fresh pair of socks.”

A few minutes later, she returned. Kate dried her wet cold feet with a towel; put the socks and her shoes on. They walked back to the car, supporting Kate as they went.

“I'm so grateful girls, now I need a hot shower, fresh clothes …”

“And a steaming hot bowl of soup”, Christine finished the sentence.

“And a glass of Shiraz!”, Anna added cheerfully.

An hour later: Kate came down in the living room. Moving gingerly still. A steaming pot of soup stood on the table, “I would have never thought that one could die from laughing. My ribs are still aching.”

After dinner, clad in comfortable pyjamas and thick woollen Socks they sat on the couch. The dry red wine was delicious. So far Christine and Anna had not pressed Kate, giving her space.

But now, Anna asks: “Tell us, what happened.”

And Kate told them the whole story, from her drive back to the Ellenbogen, the Ambush. “And when I came around, there was that dammed sheep, I thought I would die, until you two showed up”, she concluded.

“Did you recognize anybody, identifying the sheep will be difficult …?” Anna asked innocently, Kate pretended not have heard that remark.

“I think I recognized Susanne von Stülpnagel, her voice at least.”

“The woman, who stopped you? That could be Sieglinde Gablenz.”

“I have to think about what you said Christine; this seems somehow like a game, someone is playing a game with us.”

“I think, we can narrow that down”, explained Anna. “But let us postpone business – till tomorrow.”

“Ahem Anna”, Kate asked reluctantly, “Those pictures, you took of the sheep and me ….”

“Honestly? I couldn't tell who the sheep was”, Anna grinned innocently. “Sheep look to other sheep just like … sheep.”

“You wait! There will be payback!” Kate threatened the Russian – not completely in earnest though.

“Do not get your Panties in a twist, Kate”, Anna replied graciously: “Those pictures will never see the light of day. At least not until I need something from you and the NYPD.”

“That is a relief”, Kate sighed.
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Post by Beaumains »

A pretty strong continuation. Susanne got her revenge. I liked the details with the sheep. I have read about goats being used that way as a torture device, but both sheep and using them on this site are new to me. Quite a nice idea.

The only thing I cannot understand is that the three girls are still as jovial and unserious. A bloke has been killed in front of them and they are constantly kidnapped. I would be terrified and likely not continue alone. But I get why you do it for the story.
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Post by banshee »

I knew about that torture method since longer than I want to admit but I never expected to see it in a story, but it made for a really fun scene.
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Post by slackywacky »

> The sheep came nearer and began …

Great idea. I can only imagine how that would feel. I am not ticklish, but in that situation... I don't know.
Luckily Kate is fine. And I love the Castle references, one of my favorite series (mostly because of Kate).
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by nayte4767 »

Interesting updates and as always great descriptions of bondage
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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago > The sheep came nearer and began …

Great idea. I can only imagine how that would feel. I am not ticklish, but in that situation... I don't know.
Luckily Kate is fine. And I love the Castle references, one of my favorite series (mostly because of Kate).
Thank you :) I had enormous fun writing the scene. The picture shows precisely what Kate sees from her position. The view is magnificent - when you are not tied to the pole and get unwanted attentions from a sheep :) Susanne´s Boss told her to be creative and that she has. You will see more of References to Castle. I still have not decided, if he will make an appearance. And believe me: The situation with the sheep will not be forgotten so soon by Kate´s friends :)

[mention]Beaumains[/mention] : I understand where you are coming from. I imagine the three detectives as seasoned professionals who had their share of dangerous situations and the humour is their way to deal with the situation at hand. What I tried to do is to match the tone of the Series Castle. Which hovers between humourous banter and the bad stuff Kate and Castle have to deal with. I don´t know if I always hit the mark, but I´m trying :)

And you see the serious side of all characters at times. Even Anna is not only the jester of the Gang. The next two stages of the journey will show.

[mention]TayDay95[/mention] I hope Kate´s Predicament met your expectations :)
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Post by TayDay95 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] it certainly did, gotta say I think that's the first bondage predicament I've ever seen on this site that involved a sheep! 😂😂😂
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Post by Caesar73 »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago I think that's the first bondage predicament I've ever seen on this site that involved a sheep! 😂😂😂
I wasn´t aware of that [mention]TayDay95[/mention] :) I just liked the idea, and I knew that on this Part of Sylt you encounter sheep fairly regularly, so it was not too far streched :)

Dear readers,

the next update of this Quest will follow today around 2000 MEST as usual. This will be the last Chapter of Part II of the hunt, then the Quest will lead the three Investigators to another location.

The Introduction of Part III will be online probably at the end of the week, so stay tuned :) You will get some pretty intense Chapters and the Dark Lady will cross the ways of our heroines, this much I can tell you :)

Work on Part IV is progressing nicely. I have two write to additional chapters still, but most of Part IV is complete. In Part IV there will be cross over with another fantastic Saga on this board :)

I want to thank [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] that he allowed me to use his characters.

Thank you for all your support, the Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection is nearing rapidly the 10000 clicks Mark. You are incredible!

Kind regards

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Post by GreyLord »

Because of travel and a family vacation, I have gotten behind. I've just finished Chapter IX and the hotness continues. Enjoyed Chris's play with Anna in IX. I wish I had been there to help out.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Looking forward to this final chapter, lay it on us my man! 😁😁
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Post by Caesar73 »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago Looking forward to this final chapter, lay it on us my man! 😁😁
Will do :)
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