Perils of the Magic Realms (F/F Overall) Ending and Epilogue added

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Post by Mineira1986 »

banshee wrote: 3 years ago Nothing too special in this chapter, just want to tell you that the next chapter will be the ending of the story so I hope you've enjoyed it so far.
Oh no..... =(

Sadly, all good things have to end. Really entertaining story. Particularly, I enjoyed that scene between Eyiel and Rhys. Too heartwarming =')
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 3 years ago
Oh no..... =(

Sadly, all good things have to end. Really entertaining story. Particularly, I enjoyed that scene between Eyiel and Rhys. Too heartwarming =')
Indeed, that scene you mentioned is one of my favourites too! And I´m looking forward to the final confrontation between darkness and light!

[mention]banshee[/mention] This has been a long journey for the Adventurers - you created a universe of your own with it, and it has been truly fantastic to follow your heroines on their Quest.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 51: The Final Battle

Somewhere Else, Between Time and Space

Ann had sat on the black floor of the endless void that she had been trapped in for a while already, she had tried walking but since everything was exactly the same she quickly deemed it as pointless. So now she found herself sitting down, resting her head on her hand with a frustrated expression on her face.

Apart from the inherent weirdness of the place she was in Ann found weird the fact that she herself remained unchanged since she arrived to the place. She had tried to cause herself pain to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, but no matter if she pinched her skin, pulled out a hair or even made a small cut on her skin, not only did she felt nothing but also her body was impervious to the damage.

Whatever trick Anizaga had pulled on her she didn’t understood it on the slightest , as smart as she was with tactics she never thought of what to do if something like what was happening to her ever came up, but she wondered if any plan could be made as a countermeasure for something so strange.

“Ann, I came here to negotiate” Anizaga said.

The voice of the matriarch came from nowhere but could be heard everywhere ar the same time and with extreme clearness.

“Where are you?” Ann asked as she looked around.

“That’s none of your interests, are you willing to negotiate Ann?” Anizaga asked again.

“It doesn’t seem fair to negotiate when you don’t even dare to show up”

“Do you really have a choice?” Asked Anizaga.

Ann sighed, she didn’t, so she remained quiet.

“Good, I’ll make you an offer then” Anizaga started “I’ve clearly been defeated in the fortress, and you have proved yourself quite capable of fighting me”

“I’d say quite capable of defeating you” Ann taunted.

“And that’s exactly why I propose you this deal” Anizaga replied trying to hide the offense in her voice, she hated the fact that Ann was right “If you drop that dammed sword and kick it away, I’ll get you out of here and I promise to leave your friends in peace forever”

“And what about me?” Asked Ann.

“Didn’t know you were so selfish” Said Anizaga “Are you willing to stay here while I remain outside free to track your friends and do whatever I want with them?”

Ann started doubting, even though the place she was in had proven to be harmless so far, just being there was tortuous and Anizaga, though defeated at the fortress, was capable of going after her friends.

‘Do I really have a choice?’ Ann asked herself as she stared at the empty void, she could almost see Anizaga’s smug face looking down at her, knowing that she didn’t had a choice whatsoever.

“Fine, I give up” Ann said as she let the sword of the ancients fall to the black floor “But you better keep that promise”

“Kick the sword away lady, I’m not taking any risks with you” Anizaga Said.

Ann made an angry grimace at her plans being foiled, but she obeyed Anizaga’s orders and tried to think of something else that she could possibly to do to escape whatever happened next.

For Ann everything went from black to white, a blinding white light that forced her to cover her eyes, and even then some of the blinding light managed to reach her eyes.

Once the light went out Ann took her arm off of her eyes, she looked around and everything was still black, but it wasn’t the unnatural void she was in a few moments ago, it was juts normal darkness. Ann gave a sigh of relief and decided to try to use magic to make light, but she was stopped.

Dozens of strings of cobwebs like the ones Nicith had used on her and her friends long ago wrapped around her body all of a sudden and restricted all of her movements, pinning her arms to her sides and her legs together.

“Did you really thought I would take any risk with you?” Ann heard Anizaga say as she heard the footsteps of heeled boots approaching.
Ann remained silent apart from a few angered grunts that accompanied her struggles against the cobwebs.

“Sorry, I forgot that you humans can’t see in the dark” Anizaga said before clapping her hands and making the place lit.

Ann saw Anizaga standing in front of her, smug as always. But she also took the chance to look at the place she was in, it was a massive stone room with an incredibly tall ceiling held by massive columns at the sides of the room. At the end of the room was a tall altar that could only be reached by walking up a long staircase and that stood out from a massive pile of treasures, that and the statue above the altar allowed Ann to know that she was finally in the temple of Belegoch.

Seeing the confusion in her eyes Anizaga pointed down to Ann, and looking to the floor Ann was able to tell that carved on the floor was a glyph of teleportation like the one they had used to go from Vallarez to Aviria, everything started to make sense.

“What did you do to me?” Ann asked aggressively.

“I just kept you in the place between places a few longer than usual, teleportation can take really long if you want it to” Anizaga explained “I needed time to make you reason as well as to set this spell up” She continued as she touched one of the silky strings that held Ann’s body”
“And what are you going to do now? Are you going to keep that promise?”

“Why don’t we get a bit more comfortable before I explain all of that to you?” Asked Anizaga as she grabbed Ann by her thighs, taking advantage of how restricted her movement was by her spell “I wouldn’t like to tire you out with this position”

“Do what you want” Ann replied with antipathy “As long as you keep up that promise you made”

“Don’t worry, as long as I have you I have no reason to break it” Anizaga said as she continued to grope Ann “And I wasn’t asking”

Without the need of any magic seeds Anizaga produced a gas out of her hand, it was poisonous but not harmful, all it did was quickly put Ann in a profound sleep, just like Anizaga needed her.

Outside the Fortress

The wood elves had set up a big tent outside the fortress and the adventurers were allowed in. The discussion inside the tent was split into two, the ones that believed the battle to be won and the ones that believe that the battle wouldn’t be won until Anizaga had been taken care of. It was obvious in which side the adventurers were on.

“Why don’t you hear about what we found in her room before making this decisions!?” Scillia said, already fed up with the discussion.
Although some did so reluctantly, everyone agreed to hear her.

“There is a glyph of teleportation in Anizaga’s room, we don’t know where it leads but we are sure that she used it to escape” Scillia explained.

It was best that Scillia did the talking because the elves would hear much more of what she, a dryad had to say, rather than what a human, high or half elf had to.

“And the language of this glyph is...?” Asked one of the elves who was more reluctant about going after Anizaga.

“In the language of the dark elves” Scillia muttered knowing perfectly that what she just said made what they were planned impossible.
“That settles it then, we can’t go after her nor your friend because we have no possible way of using that glyph” The elf said as he rose from his chair and left the tent “But if you somehow find someone capable of using, I won’t try to stop you”

After him left everyone else in the room, until the adventurers were left alone with Zinfiel and Scillia and Sylmare, who were the ones more sympathetic to their cause.

“Any idea of someone who speaks dark elf?” Asked Zelliria.

Her question was met with silence, Rhys thought of a certain someone but was doubtful about bringing her up, maybe she wouldn’t have done it if Eyiel hadn’t noticed that she was thinking and prompted her to speak.

“Remember those mercenaries working for Anizaga?” Rhys asked, and her question was met with a lot of unpleasant looks “I know how it sounds, but they had a mage with them, maybe she...”

“No” Zinfiel replied sharply, after knowing what those three had done to Saida she had no intention of using their help.
“Do we really have another option?” Eyiel intervened in Rhys’ aid.

Zinfiel sighed and looked away, no matter what excuse they gave her she would never use the help of those who had captured Saida. But as she laid her eyes on some coils of rope laying on the floor she though of one condition that maybe could get her to do so.
Somewhere in the Forest

“So you’re telling me that she escaped, because all of a sudden the forest came to life and a dryad came to rescue her?” Nemabra asked angrily.

“Why would I lie to you?” Valuith replied with even more anger than her partner “I want this to be over as much as you do!”

“But I would rather believe that she escaped because of the stupid duel thing you have going with her than because of the forest suddenly turning against you” Nemabra replied.

“That does not concern you!” Valuith’s tone became more serious.

“It does if you keep messing things up because of it!”

The fight kept going, it was a screaming match that could probably be heard by every single living thing in the forest near them but Ariesix decided to stay out of it, it wasn’t her role to tell Valuith what to do, especially when Nemabra was already at it.

But it was remaining outside of the discussion what allowed Ariesix to see the incoming threat, she adverted it to her companions but her alarm was almost back to back with her creating a wall of flames around them to protect them.

Valuith and Nemabra saw through the flames how countless of twisting tree branches that moved like tentacles towards them were burn to a crisp.

“Do you believe me now?” Shouted Valuith.

“This is no time to keep fighting!” Ariesix shouted before Nemabra could reply.

A gust of wind blew through the wall of fire and made Ariesix fall to the floor, the painful impact made her loose concentration and the wall of fire slowly faded away.

Zinfiel walked towards the three mercenaries and stopped at a close distance, behind her were Scillia and the five adventurers.

“We have you surrounded, so unless you want to be turned into a porcupine of arrows you better surrender now” Zinfiel said as she pointed towards the dozens of elves with bows hidden among the woods around them.

“Do you really think that we’d allow to turn us into prisoners so easily?” Asked Nemabra.

“No” Zinfiel replied quickly and harshly “Sadly we have something else in mind for you”

Nemabra looked at her companions, even Valuith seemed to be expecting her to answer, and so she did. In this kind of situations they asked Ariesix to teleport them out of danger, but when she looked at her she saw her on the floor being bound by vines that would prevent her from using magic.

“I know that to you it seems like we’re not in conditions to negotiate, but, can you guarantee that we’ll be free if we collaborate?” Nemabra asked after assessing the situation.

Zinfiel clenched her fist and looked behind her to seek approval, but she didn’t find it. If it depended on her she’d keep the three mercenaries in front of her as prisoners forever, after what they did to Saida she’d never forgive them, but without approval she’d have to concede to their demands, as frustrating as that was.

“Yes” Zinfiel said.

“Then we comply” Said Nemabra she threw her weapons to the floor and raised her hands above her head.

Her companions were initially confused by Nemabra’s gesture, but they quickly became able to tell that what she was doing was the smart choice, in their current situation expecting Ariesix to be able to get them out before any arrow reached them wasn’t the best option.

So even if their trust in Zinfiel was small at best, Valuith also dropped her weapons and raised their hands and once Scillia let go of Ariesix she did the sorceress did nothing to escape or fight, even if Zinfiel was lying they would rather be alive but imprisoned than dead.

Zinfiel approached the already defeated mercenaries as she uncoiled lengths upon lengths of rope that she was handed over by Zelliria, who like everyone else knew exactly what was next, it was according to their plan after all.

“I thought that we would remain free” Said Nemabra after being told to face away from Zinfiel and put her hands behind her back. Although she didn’t like those orders she complied to them with eerie calmness.

“And you will” Said Zinfiel as she looped rope around Nemabra’s wrists “But you won’t rob me of the pleasure of tying you up” She said as she tightly cinched the loop of rope around Nemabra’s wrists.

But Zinfiel wasn’t done with Nemabra, she also tied her elbows, making them touch and pinned her arms to her back with rope running above and below Nemabra’s breasts. Nemabra just smiled during the whole procedure, something that greatly angered Zinfiel, but since the assassin knew that she was not at any risk she thought that it would be better to enjoy it.

Ariesix and Valuith weren’t as easy going as Nemabra when it came to rope, Valuith’s face became hot as she looked at what was happening to her friend and will soon happen to her, something that she thought of incredibly humiliating and that she’d rather not experience. Ariesix on the other side was not ashamed but scared, her intimidating facade was more held up by her appearance rather than her personality, because in situations like the one she was in, she became afraid and the not scary but actually fearful girl that she actually was could be seen.

“Can we get going now?” Asked Scillia after Nemabra was done tying up he three mercenaries.

“Just one more thing and we’ll leave” Said Zinfiel as she showed three pieces of cloth to her captives.

The three of them knew what was coming, they had done it themselves way to many times to be unfamiliar with the procedure. Nemabra welcomed her gag openly, furthering angering Zinfiel who would much rather prefer having her accept it reluctantly after some struggling like her friends did.

Once the three of them were tied just like Zinfiel wanted them to be the walk back to the fortress began, it was slowed down greatly by the clumsy walk of the prisoners who had their knees tied together, but everyone, especially Zinfiel, enjoyed their suffering way to much to complain about it.

Needless to say, the adventurers shared a lot of uncomfortable looks during their walk. Nemabra usually eyed Rhys, expecting her to acknowledge her, but Rhys actively tried to avoid laying her eyes on Nemabra. The thing was that their first encounter in the royal palace of Vallarez wasn’t as fondly remembered by Rhys as it was by Nemabra.

Upon arriving to the fortress the mercenaries realized that there wasn’t much in there left for them, from what they saw the side they were on was already defeated so the question about why they wanted them for only grew bigger in their minds.

After waiting for Zinfiel outside a tent from which a lengthy and loud discussion was heard the mercenaries continued their way.
“So, what did they told you?” Asked Scillia as they walked into the fortress.

“We’re allowed to go after Anizaga but we’re not receiving any help from anyone else” Zinfiel explained.

“Like we need it, It’s the seven of us against her!” Said Eyiel.

“It will still be difficult” Said Zelliria “Liel and I already got a taste of their power and it’s monstrous”

“We’ll need a plan if we want to defeat her” Said Scillia.

Just when they were about to enter the fortress through it massive gate some ran at them from behind and laid her hand on Zinfiel’s shoulder.

“Hey, where are you going?” Asked Saida as everyone turned around to look at them.

Saida’s expression changed when she saw the gagged faces of the mercenaries. Even when they were in a position so vulnerable they still reminded her of many dreadful nights and days that she spent in the fortress’ dungeons. Tied up, gagged, and being the ocasional plaything of Anizaga.

“I assume you’re taking them to the dungeons”

“Actually we...” Zinfiel tried to find words to justify to Saida the promise they had made to the mercenaries “Can I explain to you later?”

“I think I think I spent to much time with them for you to keep their fate from me!” Saida replied somewhat angrily.

“Can I at least explain it to you somewhere more private?” Zinfiel asked awkwardly.

Saida seemed okay with Zinfiel’s proposal, so while the adventurers and Scillia took the mercenaries up the stairs they remained in fortress halls for a while.

“Mpghg” Grunted Valuith as she was pushed by Eyiel to walk up the stairs faster.

Even though they han untied her and her friends knees to walk up the stairs it was only partially easier than with their knees tied up, having their upper bodies completely bound made balance incredibly tricky for her and Ariesix, who weren’t as graceful in their movement as Nemabra.

“Oh don’t complain!” Said Ferine “I’m sure you did this to Saida more than once, so don’t expect any sympathy”

It was true, and being on the other side of the ropes was not something Valuith had longed for.

Once they arrived to Anizaga’s destroyed room they sat Nemabra and Valuith against a wall while leaving Ariesix standing. The demon girl was afraid, she had never before been in a position so vulnerable and the fact that they had set her apart from her friends only added to her fear. She still tried to appear strong like her friends did, but shaking out of fear wasn’t helping her.

“Will you grab her for us Eyiel?” Asked Ferine.

Eyiel complied happily and stood behind Ariesix, grabbing her by her arms and further adding to her fear. As much as Eyiel liked her way of being she always accepted opportunities to play the scary amazon everyone thought she was.

“Listen, we don’t want to hurt you, we just need your help” Said Ferine “Care to explain what we need Zelliria?”

“See that glyph on the floor?” Zelliria waited for Ariesix to look at it and then she continued “Can you read it?” Ariesix replied affirmatively again “We need you to activate it and take us to wherever it leads, will you do it?”

Ariesix nodded frantically, she would do practically anything if it meant that her condition as a prisoner would be put to an end.

“You will come with us to ensure that you can take us back here, but you’ll remain tied up because we can’t be sure of who’s side you are on” Zelliria explained “If your friends come with us they’ll have to be tied up too, but whether they come with us or not is your choice, do you want them to come with us?”

Ariesix nodded, even though she didn’t knew where the glyph would take them she’d rather not leave their friends alone, tied up and in a hostile place.

“Are we ready to go?” Asked Saida as she walked into the room, clad in her green uniform and and armed with her longbow.
Everyone looked confused at Zinfiel, who entered the room behind her, but she just shrugged. It was surprising how docile the domineering elf commander became when near Saida.

Ariesix was ungagged and untied to be able to activate the glyph, and after everyone was standing inside it, it was time for them to fight Anizaga and rescue Ann from her clutches.

Temple of Belegoch

Ann slowly opened her eyes as she started to regain consciousness, she was laying flat on her back against a hard cold stone slab, she wasn’t surprised when she found out that she was tied up, she had her hands had been manacled together, extended above her head and so were her ankles, she was stretched enough by her restraints to make moving nearly impossible.

“Not so powerful without this huh?” Was the first thing Ann heard when she woke up.

Looking above her, she saw what Anizaga was talking about, she was playing with the sword of the ancients, mocking it like if it was a toy. Then she dropped to the slab’s side.

Ann ignored Anizaga’s tease kept inspecting her situation until she decided to look at herself and by doing so she was met with not very pleasant surprise.

“Was this really necessary?” Asked Ann after looking down at her half naked body, she had been stripped down to her underwear.

“You mean this?” Anizaga asked back as she ran a finger through Ann’s bare abdomen “Of course it was!”

“Whatever” Ann sighed as she looked away, she decided that the less she thought about what was happening to her, the better.

“Now, do you think you’re ready to know what I’m going to do and why I need you for it?” Anizaga asked as she leaned against the slab Ann was tied to.

Ann remained silent, at the point she was she didn’t cared about what Anizaga’s plans were, but something told her that Anizaga would tell her about them no matter what.

“I appreciate you being quiet, but I’ll take some extra measures with it” Anizaga said as she grabbed a thick silk purple scarf and gagged Ann, who opposed no resistance “Since I like my prisoners to be silent, I also like to make sure they remain so”

Once Ann was gagged Anizaga felt free to explain what she was planning, even though she had no reason to do so other than enjoying to see Ann being forced to listen to her, making her know her intentions while she was powerless to stop her.

Although Ann would rather not hear anything than Anizaga had to say, her explaining cleared a lot of doubts for her. After she was teleported to the temple she started to wonder why Anizaga needed the map in the first place, but Anizaga explained that the scriptures of the map were not indications to reach the temple’s location, but indications of how to perform a ritual, and also the key to open the circle of teleportation leading to that would reopen the circle of teleportation leading to the temple.

“But I need more than a piece of paper to perform this ritual” Anizaga sighed “That’s why I brought you here Ann”

“Mpgh?” Ann asked, she was starting to get more interested in Anizaga’s explanation.

“Long before your days people from all over the world used to bring offering to this temple, including your family” Said Anizaga as she grabbed something from the pile of treasure.

It was revealed to Ann that what Anizaga had grabbed was exactly what she was looking for in the temple, an old family relic in the shape of a small dagger with a golden deer carved on its hilt.

“The ritual states that I need the blood of a noble, drained by a noble of his own blood, I guess this dagger would do the trick” Said Anizaga as she played with the weapon “Then I need to pour it where the king of all humans drinks, I guess it refers to this”

Anizaga lifted a chalice that had already been described to Ann many times, it was Chalice of Krysin that the inquisitor had sent them to recover.

“Then I need to drink, and once I do that my plan will be fulfilled” Anizaga said as she laid both objects beside Ann “Questions?”

Ann would have liked to ask many things, but she wouldn’t give Anizaga the pleasure of talking beneath her gag.

“I guess I could take this out for a while” Said Anizaga as she removed Ann’s gag and left it around her neck.

“Why are you doing this?” Asked Ann “What does this ritual even do?”

“Great question, I thought you were going to ask if I was going to kill you so this is a pleasant surprise” Anizaga replied “I want to turn this forest into a place just like our homeland, that way we could easily expand our empire to this region, and for that I need the help from some allies on the other side”

“You mean?” Asked Ann.

“With your blood I’ll be able to lure a demon here, a demon under my command that will easily corrupt this whole forest and turn it into just what I want it to be”

Ann no longer had anything to say, so she remained silent, at least she had the comfort of knowing everything before she left the world of the living.

“If you don’t have anything else to say...” Anizaga raised the cloth hanging around Ann’s neck and placed it between her teeth, gagging her again.

Anizaga grabbed the dagger and although Ann tried to hide it, she was filled with fear. Ann closed her eyes to ready herself, but to her surprise she felt Anizaga grabbing her wrists and made an insignificant cut on the palm of her right hand. Upon opening her eyes Ann saw Anizaga pouring the few drops of blood on the chalice and then smiled at her.

“You didn’t thought i was going to kill you didn’t you?” Asked Anizaga “You’re too pretty for that, I could give you a better use”

“Mpghg!” Ann complained, after, knowing what Anizaga had just told her maybe being killed by her wouldn’t have been so bad after all.

“Now, watch as I make myself the new queen of this lands!” Said Anizaga as she laid her lips on the golden chalice.

Unexpectedly, the chalice was knocked out of Anizaga’s hands by an arrow that landed on the statue behind her, that prompted both Ann and her captor to look at where the arrow came from. There they both saw Ann’s friends, Scillia, Zinfiel and Saida and at her feet were Ariesix, Nemabra and Valuith, the three of them tied up.

“Not so fast!” Shouted Ferine who had just fired the arrow.

Ann and Anizaga were both horrified, Anizaga because she saw in those intruders something that could stop her perfectly crafted plan and Ann because she saw her friends, who she thought she had saved from Anizaga, purposefully going after Anizaga. But even if Ann feared for her friends, she couldn’t help but smile, even though she worried about them she was happy that they had come to save her.

“That was quite cheesy” Zelliria said as she playfully jabbed Ferine.

“Focus!” Shouted Zinfiel “Stick the plan!”

That was all it took for everyone to become fully engaged in the battle, Anizaga was slow to react, she had not planned to be attacked.
Everyone stuck to what they had planned, Eyiel and Ferine will try to engage Anizaga, Zelliria had to free Ann and the rest had to cover them from a safe distance, but even when so greatly outnumbered Anizaga was no joke.

Anizaga could fire the same radiant energy that Liel could, but she did it without effort, she could paralyze people, and the effect was hard to shrug off and when Ferine and Eyiel got close enough to her she animated a pile of rubble into a golem to fight them while she searched for the chalice.

Seeing how Zelliria was trying to free Anizaga extended her hand and raised the stone floor near to the ceiling of the room, effectively splitting the adventurers apart.

“Do you think you can get through this?” Zinfiel asked to Rhys and Liel, who were the only ones who feasibly could.
“We can try” Replied Liel.

On the other side of the stone wall things were not looking good, the golem Anizaga had conjured was as tough as one could expect from a creature made out of stone, and unlike Ferine and Eyiel it didn’t tire. Its only glaring disadvantage was its underwhelming speed and abysmal intelligence, but it wasn’t like it needed those to block the two adventurers from reaching Anizaga.

“I have an idea” Said Ferine as she dodged one of the golem’s heavy blows “But you’ll have to keep him entertained fro a few minutes, do you think you can do that?”

“Are you kidding me!?” Asked Eyiel “Of course I can!”

Ferine ran away from the golem and started to make a lasso out of a rope that she always carried with her and that for the first time in a long while she was going to use for something that wasn’t tying up someone.

While Eyiel struggled to keep up with the golem Ferine hurled the rope at it, tying the lasso around the rock that made out its head. With the stumps it had for hands the golem couldn’t get free of the rope.

“Pull the rope!” Shouted Ferine.

Eyiel quickly realized what Ferine had in mind so she did as she told her, and with the golem being distracted by the rope they managed to make it fall down the staircase that lead to the altar. Just like they thought, the golem was like regular stone, impervious to damage but easily shatterable upon falling from great heights.

Eyiel and Ferine high fived each other almost at the same time Rhys and Liel made the wall of stone that laid between them crumble, It seemed like everything was saved until Anizaga’s smug laugh was heard from behind the statue of Belegoch.

“I’m sad that I have to break my promise Ann, but your friends leave me no choice!” Shouted Anizaga.

And just like that she drank the few drops of blood that were left on the chalice. For a few seconds it seemed like whatever she was planning wouldn’t work, but once the statue of belegoch crumbled it was certain that it did.

From the rubble of the statue rose a black smoke that gave form to the demon Anizaga wanted to summon. It looked almost like everyone expected it to look, huge, strong, with a long tail, wings and horns and armed with a massive black hammer. The creature walked forward, effortlessly moving Ferine and Eyiel out of its way.

“Now its too late for me to be stopped!” Anizaga announced as everyone looked for a place to hide “Maybe if you surrender now I’ll have mercy on you and not ask the demon to kill you!”

Anizaga’s villanous monologue was interrupted by the fearful muffled moans of Ariesix, who like her friends found herself tied up in the midst of all the ongoing chaos.

“Master, may I?” Asked the demon with an intimidatingly deep voice.

Anizaga nodded in response and the Demon started to make its way forward. The remaining adventurers tried to stop the demon, but with a simple flap of its wings all of them were pushed aside.

Those who could stood up and looked for a place to hide, but as much Ariesix, Nemabra and Valuith would’ve liked to they could not run nor hide, Nemabra was desperately trying to find the knots that tied her hands yet the fear from the approaching monster made it impossible. Anizaga walked in front of her new powerful servant to have a better view of the spectacle, taking great pleasure on seeing how nobody dared to attack her while she made her way through the room, they were all too scared of her.

The three bound mercenaries looked in despair as the creature rose its weapon high above its head, nobody apart from Anizaga was ready to see them be turn into a pulp but nobody could stop it.

But instead of the sound of the hammer against flesh filling the room, it was the infernal screeching of the demon that did. Anizaga looked at her side and saw something that made her heart sink. Somehow Ann had escaped and was now driving the sword of the ancients through the demon’s chest from behind.

As powerful as the demon had shown itself to be it appeared to be especially vulnerable to the magic steel of the sword of the ancients, and slowly it turned into the same smoke it came from until it banished in a flash of white light.

Anizaga was too stunned to react, centuries of planning had been defeated in just a second by a mere human who she thought she had defeated. She fell to her knees and lost her gaze on the void where the demon once was.

“So, any idea of what to do with her?” Asked Ann as she laid her hands on her hips.

“Yes, but I’d rather not have her hearing about it” Said Zinfiel as she walked up to the defeated matriarch “Could you make sure she remains unproblematic for a while?”.

“With pleasure” Eyiel intervened as she grabbed her axe.

Anizaga was hit on the back of the head whit the blunt end of Eyiel’s axe, and just like that she was knocked out.

“Well, we’re finally on the temple of Belegoch, I guess this is over then” Said Ann “I just need to get my clothes and then we can go back to give that chalice thing to the inquisitor”

Just like that everyone started laughing, it was more of a shared laugh between the ones that knew how long the since the city of Bosport had been, so long that some of them had forgotten that it was for the inquisitor that they were in that place. But Scillia, Zinfiel and Saida laughed too, it wasn’t because anything was particularly funny, nobody was laughing because of that, it was just a shared laugh of happiness. Even the three bound mercenaries who still laid tied up and gagged on the floor couldn’t help but smile beneath the cloths that gagged them, even though they were prisoners at the moment, they were happy to know that they would probably never see Anizaga again.
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Post by banshee »


With the story finally over I want to thank everyone that has been following it, especially [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] and [mention]TimChimp[/mention] .

Free City of Narcourt, a few weeks after the battle on the Dark Fortress

Ariesix and Nemabra were waiting for their food on the table of a restaurant besides the sea, taking their time in the city to relax after months of tracking the adventurers and working as slaves for Anizaga.

“Here’s your... hey what are you doing here?” Said Valuith as she nearly dropped the tray with food an drinks that she had brought to the table.

Valuith looked comical in the inn’s uniform which was clearly made for smaller woman. Her tall and strong body meant that the the uniform was too tight, the skirt too short and that she had tore it apart in some places.

“We found out that you’re working here so we came to support you” Said Nemabra while Ariesix laughed at the sight of Valuith in the inn’s uniform, Nemabra herself had to contain her laughter to speak.

“Well at least I’m doing something” Valuith said doing a poor job at hiding her anger while serving her friends “Unlike you”

“Well that’s pretty admirable, but how long do you think It’ll take you make all the money we need working here?” Asked Nemabra.

Valuith knew that she had no way of making that money working as a waitress, she was doing it just because she needed something to distract herself from all of the events of the last month and she was too tired of the usual job of slicing things with her sword because of the fighting she had done on that time, she she though that a more normal job would help her unwind. But on some occasions she found her new job to be so enraging that she yearned to be using her sword somewhere else, or even at the very inn she was working in.

“What do you want?” Sighed Valuith, already having figured out her friend’s intentions.

“I was thinking of a new job, one without a boss” Nemabra felt the need to clarify that last part “Are you interested?”

“Valuith! Come back here!” Someone shouted from inside the inn before Valuith could reply.

“Can we talk about it once I’m done here?” Valuith asked visibly angered.

A few hours later

Night had already fallen on the city, so the three mercenaries that were no longer so, since they were not working for anyone, were almost alone in the streets of Narcourt.

“Before I tell you about this new job, can I ask you something?” Asked Nemabra as they walked through the boulevard.
Valuith awaited the question.

“What happened to the whole, ‘duel with my sister thing’?” Nemabra asked “You never talked about since we left the fortress, I guessed that you would if we gave you time but you have remained silent about it, is there something we should know?”

Valuith sighed, she wanted to get angry at the mention of her sister but she found it impossible.

“I guess that I couldn’t just duel her after she saved our lives” Said Valuith.

“I guess that makes sense” Said Ariesix, who had remained silent until then “I knew that your hate for her wasn’t so blind”
“I still don’t like her” Valuith replied sharply.

“Well lets leave that behind!” Nemabra intervened before a discussion could start “Valuith, what do you think about this new job?”
“Well I already quitted my job at the inn, so it better be good”


“Mpghg!” Anizaga grunted to her captor as she saw her enter the room.

The queen Sylmare of the wood elves of Saithemar sat on a chair in front of the now imprisoned dark elf matriarch who glared at her with great anger.

“What you are sitting on is an exact replica of the chair we found in your room, we just made it a bit more comfortable but don’t take that as kindness, I’m very aware that you’re not deserving of that” Sylmare spoke after making herself comfortable in front of Anizaga “We just made it that way so we can have you like this for longer amounts of time”

In her long life Anizaga had already been tied up some times, but never to the very chair that she tied her prisoners to. And never before had she been made a prisoner of the enemy, which only added to the humiliation that she was suffering.

The restraints on the replica of the chair were as good as on the original. Two leather straps went over her forearms, one at the wrists and other below the elbow, effectively pinning her arms to the armrests of the chair. Two straps were also on her arms, above her elbows and below her shoulders.

Anizaga’s long shapely legs were now restrained by a total of ten leather straps. A pair pinned her feet to the chair’s footrest, two other pairs went around her ankles and knees and pinned them to the front legs of the chair and the remaining two pairs went above her knees and around her thighs, forcing her to remain on the seat of the chair.

She would have loved to see the restrains on her ches if they had not been applied to her. One strap went around her waist and pinned her to the back of the chair and a total of four straps wrapped around her upper chest to do the same. A pair went above and below her breasts and the other pair went from above her shoulders to her back going underneath her armpits. That set of restraints made her big breasts stick out even more, something that she wasn’t at all comfortable with.

As for the cherry on top of all of the restraints she had on her, Anizaga’s mouth had been filled with a big ballgag that she was biting on with anger. The gag had been tightly buckled behind her hair but with enough care as for to buckle it underneath her long white hair.

“You’ll spend a lot of time like this, so you better get comfortable” Said Sylmare as she looked at some scrolls that enlisted everything that they had to know about Anizaga, it was a very long list “Well’, as comfortable as you can”

“Mpghg!” Anizaga grunted through her gag as she tried to struggle against the countless restraints she had on her body, but the chair did not budge and she was forced to remain remained still.

“Sadly for you I wont be the one asking you this questions” Said Sylmare “I just showed up because as a queen, I should be the one to tell another queen what her fate is going to be”

Anizaga glared at Sylmare as she saw her rise from her chair and walk up to her.

“And since a queen isn’t deserving of the treatment you’re going to receive, I think its high time I do this” After Sylmare said that, she gently removed the spiked crown from Anizaga’s head, accidentally messing her hair a little.

Anizaga knew that they hadn’t left her ceremonial uniform just because, they wanted to humiliate her and she was now sure about it. The sharp contrast between the dark ceremonial leather uniform she was clad on and the restraints she was in was a humiliating factor that her captors were well aware of, she was sure that the only reason why they had removed her dress was to bind her legs and nothing else.
“I’ll be taking this” Said Sylmare as she walked away with Anizaga’s crown.

Anizaga shook her head and gave muffled grunts of anger through her gag as Sylmare walked away, it was all she could do.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, save some energy for your interrogation” Said Sylmare “About that, meet your interrogators”

Sylmare opened the door and allowed two other wood elves in, the two of them were familiar to Anizaga, and that didn’t made it any better for her.

“This is going to be fun” Said Zinfiel.

“Indeed” Replied Saida “Can I go first?”

Kingdom of Turus

Under the canopies of a green forest in the kingdom of Turus a group of six adventurers away from the kingdom’s capital on an old path, one would think that after so much traveling they’d want to settle down for a bit, and they really wanted to, but if they were going to do it wasn’t going to be anywhere near Amelie, who after receiving the chalice of Krysin had vowed to remain silent about the adventurers an her deals with them forever.

“So, what now?” Asked Ferine.

There was an uncomfortable silence, which was weird. The group of adventurers had become so close that silences were no longer uncomfortable between them, but apparently this was a special occasion.

“Guess I’ll start then” Ferine sighed “I think I’ll spend the summer somewhere south of here, with all of the things I got from the temple I should be able to afford basically anything”

“Well...” Eyiel spoke with uncharacteristic awkwardness as she scratched her head “We’ve been thinking and we decided to spend the summer alone somewhere peaceful”

“Who’s ‘we’?” Asked Ferine.

Rhys showed herself, she was red like a tomato and had been hiding because Eyiel because of that until then.

“Oh I see” Said Ferine “I hope you have a great time”

The feeling was shared by everyone.

“What about you two?” Ferine asked to Liel and Zelliria who had been awfully close during the way back.

“We’re going to travel around the world!” Liel said with so much cheeriness that everyone was surprised.

Seeing how surprised everyone was, Liel decided to elaborate.

“Traveling with you I realized that there’s much more to the world than I can read of in books, so I decided to keep discovering the world” Liel explained.

“And I’ll be there with her” Said Zelliria “Its a pretty good excuse to play music everywhere we go, and... you know, be together”
Smiles appeared on the faces of her friends as they heard Zelliria’s words.

“Well then, what about you Ann?” Asked Ferine.

“Well I...”

“Wait!” Eyiel interrupted Ann.

Ann looked at the amazon awaiting the question.

“There’s something that you never told us and that we’ve been wondering for a long while already, we’ve discussed it among us but we just cant get it, and now that we’re going to be apart for some time we want to know” Ferine explained.

“What is it?” Ann asked with absolutely no idea of what they were talking about.

“How did you escaped from the altar in the temple of Belegoch!?” Asked everyone almost at unison.

“Oh, that?” Ann didn’t expected the question to be that simple “I simply used the blood on my hands to slip away from the manacles, they weren’t so tight, then I grabbed my sword and cut myself free”

Everyone was surprised, not by the answer itself, that was fairly underwhelming, they were surprised by how much it had taken them to realize something that now seemed so simple.

“I thought that you had figured out” Ann chuckled.

“Anyway, what are you going to do?” Asked Ferine with a big emphasis on the you.

“I was thinking about going to Beroux for a while to see my family” Said Ann.

“I guess this is a goodbye then” Said Rhys.

“It is” Replied Ann as she patted Rhys on the head “But just for now”

“We will see each other again” Said Ferine “Be sure about it”

“Is that a promise?” Asked Zelliria.

“It is” Replied Ann as she looked at the long road ahead.
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Post by banshee »

Aside from thanking everyone that followed the story I want to say a few things about the story. I got really carried away with it because when I started it I didn't knew where it would go, so the first chapters of the story up until they escape Agatha were kinda thought on the way. I'm also aware that the story isn't very popular and I'm fine with that, I knew from the beginning that a story like this wouldn't be the most read story on the site, and also the fact that for more that the half of the story I didn't knew how to write English dialogue only contributed to that.

I'll keep writing stories for the site, I've already taken a few requests from the requests section and I may write more about the adventures of the characters of this story, I really liked them after all this time.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So the Journey has finally come to an end! And the final Part had it all one could wish :)

I understand what you write about that carried away thing, I´m making the same experience at the moment, someone wrote here lately that writing is addicitve :)

You created some really original characters by the way and I have to disagree with you on one Point [mention]banshee[/mention] : Your Saga got over 50000 clicks, that sounds pretty good to me. Sadly a lot of people read only and do not comment, so one must at times have the feeling that nobody reads the story.

Keep it going! I think there a quite a few folks out there who would like to know what adventures the future has in store for your heroines, me included :) And it is no small achievement that you finished this epic Saga. As it happens, many stories in the net stay fragments. You finished your Saga. So I want to applaud you and encourage you to "follow the road where the story leads you", someone told me lately :)
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Post by banshee »

Thanks for the comment [mention]Caesar73[/mention] ! I'm really happy that you enjoyed the story and I'm very thankful for all of the comments you made through the it.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TimChimp »

Awesome ending! Even though I got a bit late to the story I can safely say that I loved it, the everything from the characters to the very original setting, I'm eager to read more from you and about the adventurers of this story!

If you want to know what I liked the most about this story, for me it was the villains, even though I loved the protagonist the villains were really fun, especially Agatha and the three mercenaries, even though they ended up not being that evil after all.
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Post by banshee »

Thanks for your comment [mention]TimChimp[/mention] , I'm glad that you liked the story and I'm happy to say that a story about those three mercenaries may be coming in the future.
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Post by ninterz »

I've been reading this story from the start and followed it with great pleasure.
Anytime I saw a new chapter I was sure it would be a nice one
This Story is great and it definitely deservers a lot of attention.
You did great, keep up this great stories
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Post by banshee »

Thanks [mention]ninterz[/mention] !I'm really happy that you enjoyed the story and I can guarantee that I'll be publishing more stories in the future.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

So sad, I am so sad this story got to its end.

All things must come to an end. This has been a really great story. Do not worry about the lack of comments: there are many good stories in this site that deserve lots of replies but have few (or none). Your story has been really delightful to read and really creative.

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Post by banshee »

Thanks [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] I'm really glad that you liked the story and very thankful for all the feedback you provided.

And don't be sad about the story ending, I'll probably write more about these characters in the not so distant future!
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Post by Sergioo »

I can't believe I just found this story! I just started reading it (first few chapters) and really enjoy the whole Dungeons and Dragons element so I am going for some good reading sessions. Nice job!
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Post by Gag001 »

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Post by Caesar73 »

Gag001 wrote: 9 months agoCool
Perfectly put :) Don´t miss the ongoing Sequel!
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Post by banshee »

I'm surpirsed to see that people are still commenting, but glad to see it nontheless
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