Maria Hill’s Escape Test (F/F)

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Maria Hill’s Escape Test (F/F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

There she was: SHIELD Commander Maria Hill trapped in a small cramped cell in the SHIELD Helicarrier. Her hands were tied behind her back w/thick rope with more going around her elbows. Her ankles and knees were tied with the same style of rope while a fifth rope connected her ankle and wrist bonds. Finally, her mouth was packed with two rags while a longer one was tied between her teeth.

“And...begin!” a voice booming through the cell’s speakers.

Nodding, Maria started to feel around the ropes for any knots that she could reach. But her captor had expertly tied each rope, so that was out of the question.

“What’s wrong, Hill? Only learning now that I’m an expert at securing prisoners?”

Grunting, Maria slowly rolled over to the iron bed frame in the corner of the room. Placing the hogtying rope next to the frame, she slowly started to rub it back and forth in a sawing motion. She did that for two minutes, her goal being to fray the rope so that she could move her arms and legs separately. But when she turned her neck to check her progress, she saw that barely any progress was made.

“No, go on with that, Hill. If you keep that up for only seven more hours, the rope will be destroyed.”

Growling, Maria took a deep breath and slowly arched her back up, allowing her to reach up to her feet. Instead of trying to work on her ankle ropes again, she grabbed the zipper at the back of her right boot and slowly started to tug it downwards.

“Trying to take off your shoes? Can’t blame you, Hill. You’re gonna be there for a while, so might as well get comfy.”

When the zipper was down, Maria pointed her heel out of the new hole, reached up and grabbed the boot to hold it still, and slowly moved her black ankle socked foot out of the boot.

“Pee-yew!” the voice in the speaker taunted. “I can smell your foot stench from out here!”

Ignoring the comment, Maria took the boot now in her hands and placed it on the floor on its side. Reaching inside of it, she grabbed a piece of the insole that was sticking out and slowly started to peel it away, much to the surprise of the person outside the cell. When the insole was completely peeled off, Maria turned the shoe upside and shook it until a small flat knife fell out.

“Damnit, Hill…”

With the blade in hand, Maria began to saw away at the ropes. Because they were thick, it took longer than usual for them to be cut. But soon enough, they were sliced up. When the last rope was off her and her labor was complete, Maria stood up and knocked on the cell’s door.

“Fine. You win this round,” the voice conceded as the cell door unlocked and slid open.

Maria walked out and went right over to Natasha Romanoff, the person operating the door controls and speakers. She untied the cloth between her teeth and playfully threw the saliva-soaked rags at the redhead. “Like that blade trick, Romanoff?”
“I’ll have to remember that for myself. A false insole, huh?”
“I came up with that a few months ago.”
“Pretty crafty. Bet you couldn’t do it again.”
“What? Without my blade.”
“More than that. I’m thinking some taped fingers, a nice blindfold…”

Maria shook her head. “Sorry, Nat, but I passed that escape drill. I have nothing else to prove to you. Besides, I have some paperwork to fill out.”

Maria turned to leave, but Natasha placed her hand on her shoulder to stop her. “What’s wrong, Hill? Scared you won’t be able to escape what I throw at you next.”
“Pfft, hardly. I think you’re just bitter that I outsmarted you with that hidden knife. It was your job to search me for weapons before conducting the drill. Get over it, Romanoff. If you want to hogtie someone that badly, you have a girlfriend who’s eager to help you with that urge.”

Maria started to walk away but stopped when she felt a stinging sensation in the shoulder Natasha had just touched. Her eyes widening, Maria turned and found that the redhead was holding a small syringe between her fingers.

“Muscle relaxant or anesthetic?” Maria asked.
“Relaxant. I figured you’d be pissed if I fully knocked you out.”
“Oh, like I’m not infuriated at you right now?”
“Listen, Maria, I’m just trying to prove how great of an escapologist you are. You escaped from that pretty simple hogtie with only a gag as an accessory. But think of how far your already-impressive reputation will soar if you escape after I add even more stuff onto it.”
“I’m not complying with this.”
“Well, you have a muscle relaxant in you. So whether or not you comply won’t change the fact that I’m about to tie you up even more than before; it only changes how many rags I use to stuff your mouth with.”

Maria glared at Natasha before letting out a sigh. “Just keep in mind that I’m your superior tomorrow when I send you to investigate every port-a-potty in New York City to make sure HYDRA didn’t plant any bombs in there or whatever.”
“Well, that’s tomorrow’s business, Hill. But today, I want you to put your hands behind your back for me before the relaxant takes away that ability from you…”

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Post by Mineira1986 »

Very nice!

Love to see some Marvel characters in tie-up stories. Also, love the description of Maria Hill's escape. I am pretty sure Black Widow is not going to let her escape next time!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Surely Black Window will remove her Boots and tie her toes together :)
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Post by GagFan96 »

Loved it, hopefully Maria gets her chance at revenge.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great story
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 2 of 2:

“How are you feeling, Hill?”
“So, how confident do you feel going into round two?”
“So...not good, eh?”

An hour ago, SHIELD Commander Maria Hill was performing an escape drill being administered by Agent Natasha Romanoff. Natasha thought that her knots would hold her superior. But to her surprise, Maria had hidden a blade under her shoe and used it to escape the hogtie she was roped in. Frustrated at herself for not finding the blade before it could be used, Natasha challenged the commander to a redo, injecting her with a muscle relaxant to make her comply.

Maria was back in the thick-rope hogtie, only with extra bands of rope around her shoulders and waist to reinforce it. This time, three rags were shoved in her mouth with numerous strips of microfoam tape to hold them in (the extra rag was for the half-playful threats Maria was making about having Natasha investigate all of New York City’s dumpsters when this was all over). A padded sleep mask went over her eyes to disorient her.

Maria had her boots removed just so the act she pulled last time couldn’t be performed again. Just in case Maria was hiding any other tools on her person (although Natasha did an extensive search before applying any ropes this time), the redhead taped Maria’s hands into silver sticky mittens. Finally, a small rope tied her big toes together.

Sitting outside the cell, Natasha watched the camera feed in the cell as Maria was currently failing this escape drill. “Let’s go, Maria!” she urged through the speakers. “You’re a SHIELD commander. There should be a fire lit under you!”

Maria growled as she tried to feel around any of the knots. But with her fingers taped up, that was useless.

After two minutes of watching Maria struggle very little (presumably, she had resigned herself to the fact that she’d have to wait for Natasha to set her free), the redhead tapped her chin, thinking about how to get Maria to struggle again (partly because this was still an escape drill and because she wanted to see if these bindings would hold a certain witch…). “Hey Hill,” she said to the speakers.
“I want to make this fair. So I’ll make you a little deal: if you escape from all of that within a half-hour, I’ll...I’ll let you tie me up and place me in that cell for as long as you desire.”

She could barely make out the eyebrow Maria raised in interest.

“However,” she continued. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been especially strict with the new batch of SHIELD recruits. What if, after the half-hour, I take them to see their commander in this cell? All bound, gagged, blindfolded, and a million percent less intimidating.”

Based on the sounds she could hear Maria making, Natasha presumed that the latter wasn’t an option she’d be pleased with.

“Well then, I’d say you should really put the pedal to the metal, Hill. Go, go, go!”

With renewed purpose, Maria tried to figure out how to get the tape mittens off her hands. After watching with amusement for about a minute, Natasha received a text. “Fury wants to talk with me for a second,” she explained through the speakers. “You can handle yourself for a minute without my monitoring, right?”

When Maria nodded, Natasha got out of her chair and walked out of the cell room towards Nick Fury’s outfit. A minute later, the door of the bound woman’s cell opened. Maria tilted her head in confusion as she heard footsteps approach her bound body and the rope around her wrists start to loosen.


Natasha stormed back to the cell room frustrated. She was waiting outside the locked door of Nick Fury’s office for ten minutes, texting him to let her in. He would keep texting back that he was almost something done with something and would get to her in a second. Finally, after the ten minutes, he texted her that something had come up for him and he’d talk to her later.

Natasha immediately walked up to the screen that displayed the activity inside the cell and grabbed the speaker. “Well, that was a waste of MY time. I hoped you used your time wisely while...I...was…”

Finally seeing through her aggravation, Natasha finally noticed what was in the cell: a large pile of rope, scraps of tape, wet rags, an inside-out sleep mask, and most importantly, no Maria Hill.


Natasha turned around to find Maria Hill standing in front of her, pointing an ICER (an Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railguns; SHIELD’s high-tech tranquilizer dart gun) right at her throat.

Taking a deep breath, Natasha spoke up. “I was just kidding about leaving you for the students, Hill.”
“That’s what I figured. I’m just hoping you weren’t kidding about letting me tie you up after I escaped. After all, you were the one who said she wanted things to be fair.”

The redhead looked at the dart gun, then back up at her superior, grimaced, and plastered on a fake smile. “Of course not. I’d be...happy to let you tie me up.”
“Even tighter than you secured me?”
“...Yes, even tighter.”
“For as long as I want?”

Natasha took another deep breath. “How the hell did you even escape from all of that?”

Maria shook her head. “That shouldn’t be your most pressing question. Instead, maybe ask yourself, ‘What twisted idea does Agent Hill have in mind for me?’ ‘Even though I’m surrendering, what’s to stop Agent Hill from blasting me with the ICER anyway?’ And most importantly, ‘Didn’t I tell Agent Hill that I have a date with Wanda tonight?’”

Natasha silently shook her head. “You evil little bitch. Are you sure you aren’t secretly working for HYDRA?”
“Hmm...bad time to mention that I’m actually Mystique and I’ve already transferred the real Maria over to a holding facility?”

“Oh, har-har,” Natasha sarcastically chuckled at Maria’s quip as she laid her stomach on the ground with her hands on her head.


Twenty minutes later, Natasha herself was a prisoner inside the cell, cursing the decision to make a fair offer to her superior.

First, her fingers were transformed into round tape mittens. Then, a black bondage mitten was placed over each hand and secured with a wrist strap, rendering her fingers and hands in general absolutely and hopelessly useless.

Next, her wrists were tied together in front of her, a curious move until Maria tied her elbows together and kept going...and going...and going until every part of her arms from right below the shoulders to halfway down the mittens were swathed in rope. After that, Maria sat Natasha down and tied her ankles and knees together.

This is where Maria had some fun: she loosely tied a rope collar around the redhead’s neck and tied the end to her knee bindings, forcing Natasha’s head down. She then tied the wrist bindings to the ankles to prevent the arms from being lifted. Finally, to finish this balltie, Maria wound rope around Natasha’s spine and then under her thighs, further forcing her into the ball position.

Finally, there was the matter of the redhead’s face. First, four rags were used to pack Natasha’s mouth to the brim. Next, Maria wound the roll of microfoam tape around her mouth seven times over. Then, two more rags were used as an OTM and OTN gag. Finally, the black sleep mask was used to plunge the bound spy into darkness.

“Come on, Romanoff,” Maria taunted her captive through the speakers. “You’re one of SHIELD’s top agents. There should be a fire lit under you!”

As Natasha muttered some type of angry response, Maria turned to the man who had freed her: SHIELD Director Nick Fury. “Thank you again for that assist, sir.”
“You’re lucky I glanced at the security camera feed of your cell in my office.”

“Although, I could’ve probably escaped from those binds if I had more time,” Maria claimed, trying to save face and some dignity with her boss.
“True, but it would’ve taken you far more than thirty minutes. And by then, all our recruits who are currently terrified by you would’ve seen you in a very compromising position.”

Nick pressed the speaker button. “Sorry, Agent Romanoff, but we need to keep the fear in the hearts of our recruits. Otherwise, they might never take Agent Hill seriously again.”

Hearing Fury’s voice slowly resulted in Natasha realizing the texts he had sent her’s true purpose (getting her out of the room for enough time to set her free). She let out a loud string of curses that were reduced to mildly loud whines due to all the cloth in her mouth.

“How long should we keep her in there?” Maria asked Nick while the speaker was still on.
“Well, I've noticed that Agent Romanoff has been acting a bit defiant towards her superiors lately. And after the stunt she pulled against you, I’d say...six hours. That should be enough time for her to cool off and reflect on who’s in charge around here.”

The redhead grumbled as she realized they fully intended to keep her inside the cell all roped up like that for a full six hours on the day she and Wanda had arranged to go to a nearby carnival (a fact Maria fully knew as she was tying all those knots). She desperately renewed her attempts to escape these impossible binds, hoping that if she escaped before the six hours, she could convince her superiors to unlock the cell door and let her leave.

Because threatening to deprive Natasha of special date time with her beloved ved’ma? Now THAT was just not fair.
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Post by hafnermg »

Nice! Really fun story!
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Post by Caesar73 »

hafnermg wrote: 3 years ago Nice! Really fun story!
Absolutely :) Of course, without Furys help, Hill woud have not escaped :)
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Post by Mineira1986 »


I could almost read Nick Fury's dialogues with Samuel Jackson's voice hehehe.

Nice turn of events. Poor Natasha, is going to miss her date with Wanda. Or maybe Wanda will find her tied up? Oh, the possibilities...

Really great story!
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Post by iliketights »

Loved the way Natasha was tied ... oh, and multiple gags. Well done!
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