Two Betrayals Secret Agents (F/M, M/F, F/MF)

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Two Betrayals Secret Agents (F/M, M/F, F/MF)

Post by banshee »

This is a story request made by user [mention]PilotDrew[/mention] so I hope he enjoys it.

Like in all of my stories I want to clarify that I'm not a native speaker, so grammar mistakes and whacky dialogue may be found in this story due to that.
Hidden in a dark room inside a luxurious mansion in London was a painting that both to the trained and untrained eye would seem unremarkable, yet it held information important enough to be guarded like if it was a fortune. Few people knew why and those knew didn’t told the reason to anyone, but that didn’t stopped them from trying to get their hands on the art piece.

For all of them buying it was out of the question, not because of the prize but because the owner simply refused to sell it. The owners of the estate that held the painting were a secretive yet rich family that many linked to conspiracy theories and secret societies.

One of the people who wanted the painting had found a great chance to get his hands on it, however, it wouldn’t be him setting foot on the mansion to do it. He was too old and didn’t had time for such things, instead he decided that he should hire someone to get the job done for him.

These people were were Cecil and Judith, two most likely fake aliases as the two equally shady individuals wouldn’t provide their real names. Both of them were former intelligence agents or white collared criminals who were willing to get the painting in exchange for a great sum of money.

Cecil was an unremarkable guy if judged by his appearance, he took little care of himself most of the time, his black hair grew long and looked messy, he had bags under his eyes because of his poor sleeping habits. But that unremarkable facade hid something else, beneath the baggy clothes he wore most of the times was svelte ripped body that he had kept from his days working as jewel thief and when he actually took care of shaving and brushing his hair he could look quite handsome to most people.

Judith on the other side didn’t hid her shady nature beneath a layer of uncleanliness but instead quite the oposite. She was gorgeous to all extents of the word, tall, svelte but well proportioned, long red hair and big green eyes. Maybe it was because of that why nobody suspected of her when when she used to be a spy, beautiful women are usually at the bottom of list of suspicious people when something happens.

Seeing how they were going to work together Judith and Cecil were staying on an apartment that overlooked the property where the objective but that was far enough not to be suspicious. It was luxurious but none of the spies had time to enjoy it as they had to prepare for what they had coming.

For the first time in months Cecil shaved and trimmed his hair, he was now taking a really long shower before dressing up.

Judith was making sure that she had everything she needed with her while she looked at the mansion on the distance through the window, she had prepared herself in advance but she didn’t need to do much, she was naturally pretty so when she put on some make up and a dress there wasn’t much more she cared to add on top of that.

She couldn’t imagine what painting could be so important that their owners would simply refuse to sell it despite knowing how much people were willing to pay for it, but she didn’t really care, after all it she was going to be paid regardless.

That gave her an idea, she hadn’t been fond of sharing the payment from the beginning, and seeing how much time her companion was taking on the shower she could very well take advantage of that and claim the prize all to herself. But she knew that she couldn’t simply leave him there and expect him to accept it, she had to take further measures and she knew exactly how.

After a few minutes Cecil left the bathroom, buttoning up his shirt and looking so good that one could think that he was a different person.
“I’m ready, should we get going?” He asked as he looked around.

Strangely he didn’t saw his gorgeous partner anywhere, but since going with her meant that the payment would have to be split between the two he shrugged and dropped his facade of caring about her and got ready to leave.

But before he could even reach for his blazer he was tackled onto the bed, he immediately turned back and saw his attacker, it was none other than Judith.

“What are you doing!?” He shouted.

“What you were about to do” Judith replied with a grin on her face as she continued to pin Cecil to the floor.

Cecil struggled to get away from her but he couldn’t, he appeared to be equally matched in strength but was at very disadvantageous position, and something withing would stop him from struggling against a woman so beautiful.

“You see, I would rather tell out contractor that you quit rather than tell him that you got killed, so if you want to help me with that stop struggling” Judith said as she showed her gun to Cecil.

“Whatever” Cecil sighed.

He allowed Judith to stretch his arms above his head and then tie his hands together with rope that she had conveniently left laying around the bed. She tied them tightly and cinched them between the wrists before tying them to the headrest of the bed.

“Comfortable?” She asked after she was done with his hands.

“Not really” He replied sardonically.


Judith moved to tie his feet, she tied them together at the ankles with the same care and tightness she had tied his hands with. When she was done Cecil was stretched along the bed looking very displeased with the outcome of the situation.

“I may come back and release you later, otherwise you’ll have to think of an explanation for the cleaning workers” Judith chuckled.
“Good luck getting the painting without me” Replied Cecil, still very angry about his situation.

“Oh like I needed you” Judith said in response “Now, I can’t have you screaming for help while I’m out, so open your mouth and make this easier on me”

Judith putted a sponge in front of Cecil’s face, clearly stating what she wanted to do. Despite being immensely angry Cecil saw no point in resisting and simply obeyed the orders of his captress, who shoved the sponge inside his mouth which was them covered by three strips of sticky, silvery duct tape.

Judith then leaned forward and kissed her captive over his gagged lips, making him blush despite how angry he was. Then she quickly got up from the bed and grabbed her purse, ready to leave the room.

“Have fun!” Was all she said to Cecil before leaving.

“Mpghgg!” Cecil let out a muffled complaint, which was the only thing he could do in his situation.

Judith left the room and was on her way to the mansion soon enough, she felt no remorse about leaving her companion like that. Once she stood in front of the building she entered under a fake name and begun looking around discretely for her objective.

Cecil was anything but happy about his situation, having been so easily defeated felt incredibly humiliating, and he was sure that when he got out he would make that woman pay for what she did to him. But that was if he managed to escape, and it was a big if, because Judith had tied incredibly strict knots around his wrists and ankles and he was so tightly tied to the bed that his range of movement was limited at best.

But he wouldn’t let that stop him from getting the prize that he was promised, he was, after all, a profesional thief and it wouldn’t be so easy to steal that prize from him.

Cecil had already been tied up some times before and most of the times he knew exactly which ropes to pull to get out. But since this wasn’t one of those times he had his second but equally trustworthy option, his buttons.

As unorthodox as it was, Cecil found that having small sharp objects on his sleeves when he was working was pretty useful. His sleeve buttons had been changed by metal buttons of sharpened edge, a detail so small that nobody ever noticed, but that didn’t removed from its usefulness.
It was a shame having to tear apart the shirt to get a hold of the button, but it was certainly worth escaping and getting his hands on the large sum of money he had been promised for that painting, and also to get his revenge on that bitch that thought that she could get away with messing with him like this.

Once he got a hold of a button Cecil cut his hands free and then he untied his feet. Once completely free he rubbed his wrists which had been left with rope marks because of the struggling and got a new shirt, he was ready to go get his prize and hopefully, his revenge.
Meanwhile on the luxurious state where a party was being held Judith was blending in quite nicely with all the other guests. Even though her beauty allowed her not to raise suspicions, it also had its disadvantages, like finding it hard to remain unseen as she usually had more than a single pair of eyes on her.

According to what she had been told, human eyes were the only thing she needed to worry about since his employer had bribed the staff assigned to the security cameras, which made the mission much more easier.

Judith found her opportunity to get started on her mission when she went to the mansion’s art galleries, there the crowd was much smaller and much more concentrated on the works of art than on other people. Judith took a turn on the large hallways and entered a gallery which was as depleted of people as it was of art, a good place to start.

She discretely checked her location on the blueprints of the mansion she had been provided, she wasn’t very far from her objective, just a few twists and turns and she would be right in front of the room with the painting.

With faked innocence Judith wandered off into the off limits area of the gallery through a maintenance staircase which had been left unguarded. Upstairs she was met with a long dark hallway, and also with her first obstacle, a security guard.

It was a woman of roughly her same size and complexion, she had short black hair tied back in a ponytail, her eyes were concealed behind a pair of sunglasses and dressed in a black suit.

“This area is off limits lady” She said with a firm tone as she interposed herself between Judith and the other side of the door.

“Huh, really?” Judith asked, faking an innocent tone “Isn’t there an elevator anywhere? I really don’t want to walk back down with these heels on”

Judith massaged her calves which didn’t really ached, she was used to do much more with heels as they were usually part of her disguise, and they also held an important tool that it seemed like she would need to use at that moment.

Baffled by the apparent obliviousness of this woman, the security guard tried to hold back a chuckle as she thought of what she should do. She looked away to see if there were any other security guards nearby, but seeing how that wasn’t the case she decided to open her communications and inform her companions of what was happening.

As soon as the woman pressed hear earpiece Judith knew exactly what she had to do, she removed the heel of one of her shoes and from it a knife was unfolded. She quickly laid the blade against the security guard’s neck, seeing how that made the woman more docile, she grabbed her hand and moved it away from the earpiece.

“Stay quiet now, and nothing will happen to you” Judith whispered into the woman’s ear.

At the tip of the knife, the security guard was forced into the maintenance room where the stairs were, there she tried to ask something, probably something akin to ‘what are you doing?’ but Judith quickly clamped her hand over mouth and silenced her.

“Not a single word from you” She said.

The security guard nodded and Judith uncovered her mouth, with that same hand she grabbed her small compact pistol from her purse and pointed it at her hostage.

“Now you’ll undress, a single complaint and you’ll regret it”

Despite her visual discomfort with Judith’s request, the security guard had no choice but to obey. She removed her suit, constantly looking up to Judith to make sure it was enough, but her captress was only satisfied once she was in her underwear.

“Good, now put your hands behind your back” Judith ordered.

The woman obeyed, knowing exactly what her captress intentions were and Judith took some zip ties from her purse. She used one to secure the woman’s wrists together behind her back.

“On the floor” Judith ordered.

Reluctantly, the woman allowed herself to be helped to sit on the cold floor, which being half naked as she was she didn’t appreciate. There her captress tied her ankles together with more zip ties, doing the same above and below her knees. As a last detail on her already overwhelming restraints she added one more around her waist which she used to tie her to one of the railings of the stairs.

Knowing what talking would get her, the security guard watched with anger as Judith dressed herself on the clothes she had asked her to remove. Once she was done Judith tied her hair back in a ponytail and looked down at the plate with the security guard’s name.

“You see Laurine, If you were to scream for help you’d really ruin my day and I don’t want that to happen” Judith said as she knelt before her hostage “So please make this easy and open your mouth”

The security guard watched with disgust as Judith pressed her balled up tight socks against her lips, but she quickly ceded and opened her mouth once her captress showed her the gun again. The socks were shoved inside the guard’s mouth and they were secured in place by duct tape, with which Judith encircled the woman’s head to ensure that they stayed in place.

“Thanks for everything, and don’t worry, someone will find you” Judith said as she removed the woman’s earpiece, taking the chance to stroke her hostage’s hair a bit.

Judith stood up to open the door but when she did she didn’t say a clear path to victory, but instad another security guard, this one a big man that almost blocked the whole path and stood far taller than Judith. Apparently the Laurine’s call had alerted at least someone.

Knowing that she was in trouble, Judith didn’t allowed the man any time to take notice of his bound companion and gave him a low blow between the legs, hard enough to make him fall on his knees almost immediately after. Once she had him there she delivered a hard blow on his neck with the handle of her gun, quickly taking him out.

“It seems like you’re going to have company” Judith sighed.

She quickly applied the same treatment she had used on her first victim on the guard, who didn’t even flinched during the process, which told her that he was going to be asleep for a while.

Judith closed the door behind her and looked around, it was dark, with only some light coming from the streetlamps through the windows and not much more to illuminate the way. She could have used the lantern she had taken from the guard, but since she didn’t wanted to draw much attention to her she decided against her and kept walking towards her objective.

After some twists and turns in the white hallways Judith finally stood before the entrance of the room where the painting was. It was unguarded like most of the hallways, she assumed that most guards were at the entrances and she couldn’t complain.

After double checking that nobody was looking, Judith took her tools for lock-picking and began to work, only to be met with a pleasant surprise, the door was already opened. As good as that was it also was suspicious, if this painting was so important that someone was willing to pay her to steal it she expected it to at least be behind a closed door.

The room was dark and empty aside from the painting, a small canvas that hing from the wall in front of her. It was a certainly big room for something so minor, and the circumstances were already suspicious enough to convince Judith to double check if it was going to be that easy.
But apparently there were no measures, no cameras and only one movement sensor which was turned off. Still unsure about the circumstances, Judith took one step forward, nothing happened.

Gaining more confidence with each step she took Judith finally stood before the painting. It was, by all extents, unremarkable, a kitsch piece of knights with a castle on the background. But Judith wasn’t there to be an art critic, she was there to get her hands on the painting and so she did.

But when she was just about to lay a finger on the piece Judith heard the thunderous sound of the door being closed behind her. She quickly turned back but saw nothing, without the light entering from the hallways the room was in utter darkness.

She had no idea of what was happening, she hadn’t heard any alarm being fired nor had she seen such a system. All cameras were off and the door needed someone to close it, so she quickly arrived to the conclusion that someone had locked her in.

“Looking for this?” Someone said as the light of the room were turned on.

Initially Judith was blinded by the light, but when her eyes adjusted to the white light of the room’s lamps she could clearly see that she hadn’t been locked inside the room alone.

Before her stood a woman, and not any woman, she was in fact a member of the family who owned the picture, Elizabeth Henderson, and she looked quite smug about having caught Judith in the act. She was holding an exact replica of the painting on the room, better said, the exact copy was the painting on the room while what she had was the original.

“Now put your hands up, no funny business” Eizabeth ordered.

There was nothing Judith could do, seeing how she was being pointed at with a gun by Elizabeth, so she obeyed. Elizabeth exchanged a look with the two bodyguards that had entered the room with her, they knew what to do.

The two bodyguards handcuffed Judith with her hands behind her back and firmly grabbed her by her arms, she wasn’t going anywhere.
“Take her to the interrogation room, I’ll be with her soon enough” Eizabeth said before leaving the room.
While Judith was busy being captured Cecil had already made his way to the mansion, he entered under a fake name like his companion and began looking around for the way to the painting as soon as he was inside, hoping that Judith hadn’t gotten her hands on it yet.

Without knowing it, he followed almost the same way as his companion, which meant that he found the two bound security guards tied up and gagged at the top of the maintenance staircase. They looked up to him and even mumbled something through their gags, probably expecting him to release them, but their hopes were short lived.

“I think I’ll be taking this” Cecil said after stealing the name plate of the man.

He was quick to assume that what he had seen was Judith’s doing, that only worried him because it meant that she could have already taken the painting and he wasn’t eager to find out that he had gone all this way for nothing.

Cecil turned around a corner, expecting to be met by the entrance to his the treasure room, but he was met by something different and far more surprising. There she saw Judith, with her hands cuffed behind her back and with a pouting expression. He was pleased to see his companion receive what was coming to her eve if he wasn’t the one to deliver such payback, but he had more pendant issues at the time.

The two guards escorting Judith saw Cecil, and their priorities quickly changed from escorting Judith to subduing him. The two gorilas heard none of the lies Cecil made up to save himself and rushed towards him decided to take him down.

Little did they knew that the apparently lanky man was a far more skilled fighter than them. He evaded the two blows from the guards and deflected them against them, making them pitifully fall to the floor. Before they could stand up again Cecil quickly knocked them out, and once they were no longer an issue he looked towards Judith.

She looked down with that faked innocent face that fooled many, but not Cecil, he wasn’t going to let Judith’s charm make him forget about what she did to him. And Judith knew very well that her position was disadvantageous, being saved by the man who she had betrayed was not necessary a better outcome than being captured by the painting’s owner.

“Thought you didn’t needed me” Cecil asked as he pushed Judith against one of the walls.

“I had it under control” She replied.

“Doesn’t seem like it, escorted by those two and handcuffed, I wonder what you would’ve done”

Judith let the handcuffs fall to the floor which made Cecil look down, apparently she indeed had it under control since she had freed herself from the handcuffs while he was fighting, but that wouldn’t stop him from getting his revenge.

“Nice, what now though?” He asked as he grabbed Judith by the arms and and pinned her to the wall.

“Stop this dumb game, we’re here to do something remember?”

“What do you mean we?” He asked.

Judith sighed, arguing with this man was exhausting but she couldn’t get away from him without fighting, and she was not in the mood for fighting his companion over something that to her seemed so stupid.

“Why don’t you begin by apologizing for what you did?” Cecil spoke.

“I’m not going to apologize for anything, now let me go and lets get over with this already” Judith replied.

“Wrong answer” Cecil replied, making Judith roll her eyes “You see, I don’t trust you to take you with me, but I happen to know the perfect place to leave you while I’m working”

Cecil pointed his gun towards Judith and made her walk forward, she wasn’t at all pleased with this outcome but arguing against her annoyingly obstinate companion was not worth being shot.

When Judith saw where she was being taken to she couldn’t believe it, it was the maintenance room where he had left the bound guards.

“I see you already know this place” Cecil said as he entered the room, being met by the two bound guards.

“Stop this dumb thing Cecil, you’re going to regret it” Judith complained as she was pushed against one of the railings of the staircase.

“I think I told you something similar when you did this to me and you didn’t listened, so guess what I’ll do now?” Cecil said as he began to take zip ties out of his pockets.

The two guards watched with disbelief as they saw the scene unfolding before them. The two thieves that they had seen that night were apparently not working together, and on top of that they appeared to be enemies.

Judith had her hands zip tied behind her back and her arms pinned to her waist by another zip tie. Her long shapely legs were tied with pleasure by Cecil at the ankles, above and below the knees and at the thighs.

“Anything else?” Judith asked angrily after the zip around her thighs was tightened.

“Actually yes” Cecil replied as he began to rummage inside his pockets “I know a thief like you and I won’t be the one screaming for help, so feel free to consider this personal”

With that alone Judith already knew what was coming, and she didn’t awaited with much excitement. Cecil took a sponge, the same sponge that she had used to gag him, out of his pocket and putted it inside Judith’s mouth with much resistance from her part. After that he covered her mouth with three strips of duct tape which securely held the sponge inside her cavity.

“Mpghgh!” Judith moaned loudly after Cecil was done, not giving him time to gloat over her bound body.

“Hush honey, you’re gonna get us caught” He replied with a smug smile on his face.

Judith moaned again but it was too late, as after Cecil spoke he was hit from behind by both guards, who had apparently broken free. Cecil immediately fell unconscious over Judith’s legs, which she wasn’t happy about.

“The boss better give us a raise after this” The guy said as he stretched his arms.

“Yeah, and I’m going to need my suit back” The woman said as she looked down towards Judith.

“Mpghggg” The bound thief grunted under her gag.
Cecil woke up dizzy, with pain on the points where he had been hit, aching muscles and a mysterious weight on his lap. He tried to move but he found out that he was tied to a chair. His arms tightly tied at the wrists and elbows, his torso pinned to the backrest at the waist and chest and his legs pinned to the seat at the tights.

Apparently he had been tied by rope and judging by how it was biting onto his skin he assumed that he had been stripped to his underwear. He also felt a notable weight on his lap, and it was that which prompted to finally open his eyes.

He had been tied to the chair, yes, but on his lap had been tied Judith, who looked as pleased with the situation as him. While he had his legs tied at the ankles and knees to the front legs of the chair Judith’s were tied to back legs, which made her embrace him with her legs.

Judith, who had also been stripped down to her underwear, had her wrists and elbows tied behind her back,her arms pinned to her chest by ropes going above and below her breasts, making them pump out even more which put Cecil in an awkward situation, considering that he had them right on his face.

“What happened?” Asked Cecil, still dizzy because of how hard he had been struck.

“Uh... I think we got captured because of your stupid shenanigans” Judith replied sardonically but notably angry.

“Its my fault now?”

“What? Are you going to blame me for what you did!?” She asked back.

“All I say is that this wouldn’t have happened if we had come together like we should instead of you leaving me tied up at the apartment!”
“Keep making excuses, but it was you tying me up in the maintenance room what got us caught and not me!”

The two kept arguing for a while until the door to the room was opened and more light than the one that just illuminated them came into the room, and with her their captress, Eizabeth Henderson.

They both looked at their side from where Eizabeth entered the room and glared at her, to which she replied by just smirking. She was still on her dress and heels when she entered the room and began to walk around his captives.

“Good to see you’re getting some quality time together” She said “Are you comfortable in my accommodations?”

“It would be far better if I wasn’t with him!” Judith replied.

“I’ll agree with my partner on that” Cecil added.

Elizabeth chuckled with a laugh so smug that made the both captives struggle until they realized how uncomfortable doing that was while tied up like they were.

“That only makes it better” Elizabeth said as she stoke both of her prisoner’s hair.

The two captives didn’t appreciated that gesture and jerked their bodies, again being reminded of how uncomfortable it was to rub each other’s half naked body against the other’s when they tried to show defiance.

“Well I hope you’ve made the best of your time talking because you’re not getting that chance again in a long while” She said after grabbing a pair of ballgags which were connected to each other by a small chain.

“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be and open up” Eizabeth ordered.

Knowing that they weren’t in a condition to resists the two spies allowed their captress to gag them. But the gag wasn’t the worst part, that they could manage, the worst part was the position the gag forced them in.

The two newfound enemies were now rubbing their half naked bodies against each other whenever they struggled against their restraints and on top of that they were near kissing with those ballgags inside their mouths.

“Have fun lovebirds!” Eizabeth said as she walked away “I hope you do, because you’re going to spend a long time here”
“Hphghg!” The both spies moaned into each other’s faces.

After Elizabeth closed the door the two captives looked at each other in the eyes, feeling each other’s breath because of how close their faces were forced to be, this was going to be really uncomfortable.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A complete different setting [mention]banshee[/mention] than your last stories - but I like it, just one question though. Is this meant to be the Part of a longer Story or is it planned as a one-part-Story?
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Post by banshee »

Thanks! I'll leave this one like this, at least for now, but I doubt I'll continue it.
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Post by PilotDrew »

Awesome story, thanks so much it's a great take!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Very nice. One-chapter story but with many twists. And an open final, so we readers can guess what will happen to both Judith and Cecil. Well done!
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