Riders of the Midnight Sun (f+/f+) Chapter 20 Posted 2024-04-08

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago What confuses me is that there are plenty of non-consensual stories on this site, including ones I've written myself, where people are even more cruel with far more serious consequences for the victims, and people don't consider them dark. I also think back to the cartoons I saw growing up. The Simpsons showed bullies injuring or humiliating the boys for no reason with no consequences. I find that pretty disturbing, but everyone else tells me it's funny and not disturbing.
To be fair, context will always matter a lot. Personally, I do not generally disagree with this take however. I also find a lot of that sort of thing at least a little unsettling even if it seems others do not always do so.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago I thought the fact that the sawmill was a classic "damsel" trope would make it come across as more silly and fun, but I apparently miscalculated.
That trope usually involves the damsel being saved before anything actually happens. And as much as you made it clear that there is no blood/gore, it is hard to visualize the scene of her going into the sawmill without imagining her body being mangled/sawed up while she is conscious with plenty of blood and gore. I do not really know why that is, but that is how I imagined it (without thinking much about it), despite the text quite directly contradicting it. Probably just a strange personal thing however.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago like empathy is something that can be turned off like a switch for very superficial reasons.
I mean, that is actually sort of true... How many examples exist in the real world of people being willing to treat others like garbage for what are honestly not very logical or consistent reasons (that often even directly contradict the person's own stated morals or ideals or goals)? So I might argue that yes, empathy is almost like a switch that depends entirely on context and frame of mind.
Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago The reason I think it is dark is that people are forced in a lawless world, where everyone can tie up anyone and kill, torture and capture people directly and indirectly for some. There is no oversight, no safe place, and no way to break out.
This is not directly related to what you said (and perhaps this is way too off-topic for the thread), but it makes me think of one of the recurring types of dream I often experience. The details are always wildly different (and I do mean wildly), but the general gist is me being trapped in some kind of simulation or game or something similar, and being unable to get out (there usually is supposed to be some way to leave, but it does not work for some reason). Then, I usually experience something bad happening to me that I cannot stop (and am trying to escape). Again, the details massively vary, but it is usually pretty dark. Can say from that, it is not a pleasant experience and I can very much see the point being made.

Just what that statement makes me think of.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago Anyways, there's still more cruelty and setbacks to come in the next few chapters, but things might be turning around for our protagonists soon. :3 I really appreciate you all reading and commenting, and I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned from here.
Well, I am sure whatever happens it will be an interesting ride!
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Post by Shotrow »

Yeah, I suppose it often comes down to a question of what details the author focuses on. I chose to focus on the sense of terror and defeat in that last chapter, so I can't really complain if that's what made the biggest impression on people.

I should just take the fact that people care about what happens to my characters as the compliment that it is.

Anyways, I hope I didn't give the impression that I was upset with anyone, or looking down on them because of their perceptions. I appreciate every single comment I've gotten so far in this thread, and I look forward to sharing more of this story with all of you.

Unfortunately, it may be awhile before I can get a new chapter up, for a couple of reasons. One reason is that things are getting busy with work, and the other is that I'd like to take the time to develop some background characters of the various factions so I don't have to keep using nameless generics. As I said early in this thread, if anyone wants to contribute their own, I'd be happy to send you a template.

I know you guys said that I don't need to apologize for taking time, but I didn't want to give the impression that I was turned off of writing this story by the earlier conversation. I will continue when I can. I may commission some more art in the meantime just to have something to post.

EDIT: Oh, and regarding this:
As for the whole part about killing and knives... I feel like that is rabbit hole that can go quite deep. If you argue that the knives cannot kill, then what about the charm shooters? Does pistol-whipping or hitting someone with the stock hurt someone? And if you say that nobody can hurt each other at all by hitting them, then how does restraining someone work; you would still have to be able to hold someone in a specific position to restrain them, and obviously there are plenty of ways to 'hold' someone's body that would cause damage/pain.
I mean, the charm shooters stun, so that gives you time to restrain someone. Blunt force trauma has a similar effect, as Sweet Becky found when she hit the branch in Brightleaf. It's possible that's an even deeper state of unconsciousness than the charm shooters... it could be that players are merely paralyzed if shot but still aware of their surroundings, whereas they're sent to the black void if bludgeoned. There's also a non-zero amount of pain involved. It's not nearly as bad as it would be in the real world, but it doesn't feel good to be hit or slapped.

I only said that no one can kill another player directly. They can stun them or knock them out or even hurt them in minor ways.

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago Anyways, I hope I didn't give the impression that I was upset with anyone, or looking down on them because of their perceptions. I appreciate every single comment I've gotten so far in this thread, and I look forward to sharing more of this story with all of you.
Can only speak for myself of course, but I certainly never had that impression. Discussion, and even disagreement, is not the same thing as animosity, although I do understand that they are often treated as one and the same on the internet, hence your understandable desire to clarify.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago I know you guys said that I don't need to apologize for taking time, but I didn't want to give the impression that I was turned off of writing this story by the earlier conversation. I will continue when I can. I may commission some more art in the meantime just to have something to post.
Well, you already know what people would say about taking time, so I will not repeat it. I will say that while I would enjoy seeing more art, I do not think it is required, as the story is more then engaging enough on its own.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago mean, the charm shooters stun, so that gives you time to restrain someone. Blunt force trauma has a similar effect, as Sweet Becky found when she hit the branch in Brightleaf. It's possible that's an even deeper state of unconsciousness than the charm shooters... it could be that players are merely paralyzed if shot but still aware of their surroundings, whereas they're sent to the black void if bludgeoned. There's also a non-zero amount of pain involved. It's not nearly as bad as it would be in the real world, but it doesn't feel good to be hit or slapped.

I only said that no one can kill another player directly. They can stun them or knock them out or even hurt them in minor ways.
I think you slightly misunderstood my original intent with that paragraph. I did understand the general rules of the game (ie how the shooters stun and that you can generally harm players but not directly kill). I was more trying to point out that digging too deep into the exact rules would almost inevitably lead to finding some kind of contradiction or loophole and that it was better to just let some things be rather then getting swallowed into an endless cycle of 'fixing' the rules. Although perhaps this is itself a good argument/illustration for why the game itself has some obvious flaws and loopholes that have already been demonstrated in the narrative.
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Post by Shotrow »

Chapter 16
Sweet Becky stared out the barred window of her cell as she sat on the stone floor. Two conversations were going on between the girls of the cell block. A leisurely chat in words and a more clandestine but still casual conversation in gestures made with hands stuck out between the prison bars. Sweet Becky had tried very hard to follow the latter discussion, but her head hurt now from the mental effort of trying to read the signs. Besides, something exciting seemed to be happening outside, and if she was going to plan an escape, she'd need to learn as much as she could about the happenings of the fort.

She had heard enough to know that there wasn't an escape plan in the works. There had been one, but the leader, a girl named Lovely Alma, had been pardoned unexpectedly. No one would admit to knowing where she had stashed the supplies the prisoners had been collecting. Sweet Becky made a mental note to ask Fancy Delilah about that when she saw her again.

Many of the fort's residents were now gathering in the central courtyard. Sweet Becky recognized a few of them by now. She could see the back of Lady Maybelle, standing tall at the head of the crowd, facing the main gate. Happy Georgia was also there, kneeling on the ground with her arm around a bound-and-gagged Fancy Delilah, pointing toward the entrance and whispering to the girl. Green Lucy was in the midst of a crowd, talking to someone named… Sweet Becky almost gagged when she perceived the girl's name. Young *Maybelle* Sassafras.

"They're here!" shouted someone from the top of the wall out of sight. A short time later, there was a sound of creaking as five large cage wagons rolled through the gate into the courtyard. Impressed murmurs filled the air as everyone gazed at the occupants of the cages. Happy Georgia picked up Fancy Delilah to give her a better view and cooed to her about the pretty wolves. Sweet Becky felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

They were Wild Nellie's wolves. She was sure about that. There was no other reasonable explanation. Sweet Becky couldn't help but feel responsible; when she left Wild Nellie tied up in the poppy field, her little cave ranch had been left unguarded. *Well, to be fair,* Sweet Becky thought, *she was trying to hunt you.*

Sweet Becky was slightly relieved to note the absence of the white wolf that was with Wild Nellie by the poppy field. She hoped it meant that the forest girl had managed to hold on to that one, at least. Even so, Sweet Becky remembered how attached Wild Nellie had been to her pets, and she could only imagine how devastated the little weirdo was now. It was a particularly cruel form of vengeance they had taken on her.

"Most of you have heard by now how these beautiful creatures came to us," explained Lady Maybelle as she turned to face the crowd, "And I know you're all wondering who's going to get the privilege of commanding them. Well, I'll tell you, but first there are a few things you need to know."

Ok, thought Sweet Becky, maybe I can use this. Turning the wolves loose before they're trained could make a good distraction. Perhaps if she racked her memory for Wild Nellie's commands, she could even control them somewhat.

"As you can see, they are tagged as 'stolen.' Unfortunately, the game system tends to be pretty black-and-white about these things. It doesn't matter that their owner is a dangerous psychopath, if you take possession of one, you will be guilty of a crime in Brightleaf. I can only pardon crimes here in Fort Mallow," she explained, "And for that reason, I'll need to ask you not to take them outside of the fort for a few days. If the owner comes looking for them, I won't be able to protect you anywhere else. So for now, we'll just start training them here in the fort."

Sweet Becky grimaced. Well, if Wild Nellie attacked the fort, that would definitely be a distraction. Maybe Sweet Becky would be able to convince Wild Nellie to take Fancy Delilah with her. Would they get along? There was something about wolves and sheep, or was it wolves and sheep's clothing… well, either way, she was wearing sheep's clothing… Sweet Becky rested her head on the frame of the stone window. Natural sleep wasn't fun, but at least it wasn't so mentally taxing.

Lady Maybelle strode up to one of the cages. "I know that so many of you are eager to take on the job of caring for these magnificent beasts. It wasn't easy to choose just four of you… yes, four. I'll be taking one for myself, of course…" She giggled.

Sweet Becky was surprised that Lady Maybelle would take the risk of accepting a stolen pet. The proud matriarch selected the black female in the second cage for herself. Happy Georgia was given a silver male, much to her delight. Sweet Becky couldn't help but fantasize about collecting the bounties on the two of them. A tall, finely-dressed teenage girl that Sweet Becky didn't recognize, named Baby Valentina Quartz, cooed as a brown female licked at the dark brown skin on her thigh, exposed by the short khaki shorts she was wearing through the bars.

Green Lucy got one too. A red female. The girl she was talking to, Ms. Sassafras, got the last one, a grey male. The other girls cheered and applauded lightly, some with genuine enthusiasm, others barely concealing their envy. "It's going to take a lot of love, care, and patient training to get these magnificent creatures to obey our commands, but when we do, they'll be a big help keeping us safe. This is an important responsibility we've taken on," announced Lady Maybelle with a smile.

"We better get started right now, then!" Happy Georgia exclaimed. She reached through the bars of her wolf's cage to pet it but quickly pulled back when it snapped at her.

"Careful!" chided Lady Maybelle, "If you want to start training them, go ahead, but make sure to bring them to the basement when you're done. They're too exposed out here."

"You're not going to stay and train with us?" Young Maybelle asked, dejected.

"Not today, I'm afraid. Spent half the day working out the deal to get us these creatures… I love all you Fort Mallow girls, but it takes a lot to keep this place safe and fun. I need to take some time for myself." The crowd respectfully parted to allow her to leave to somewhere in the fort's interior.

The animal AI in Happy Trails was based on a sophisticated machine-learning algorithm designed to mimic the intelligence of real animals. Even the game's designers couldn't fully explain the best way to train it. For that reason, conventional wisdom around training was full of wild and contradictory ideas derived from little more than guesswork and anecdotal evidence.

Almost immediately after the four girls started their training session, the fort was a cacophony of shouting voices as everyone had advice or criticism about training to offer.

"You need to build up their affection first! Give him a treat. A hushpuppy because he's a dog."

"That's dumb! They need meat! Give them steak!"

"Steak for the boy, lamb for the girls..."

"The red ones like birds better. Like chicken…"

"You can't give chicken to dogs!"

"You need to click to reinforce them when they get close to the behavior you want. Like this… *tsk* tsk."

"Stop clicking! You'll just confuse them…"

"Let 'em out! They can't learn while cooped up in those cages." That was Sweet Becky. She didn't know if she actually believed that, but she enjoyed the general chaos and felt obliged to add to it if she could.

It wasn't long before the four girls gave up on teaching their new pets anything and began to drag them toward the basement as Lady Maybelle instructed. As the mighty cage wagons rolled past the window to her cell, Sweet Becky's eyes met those of the silver male. What was it that Wild Nellie had called him?

"Diego!" she hissed in a soft voice. There. It was easy to miss, but she was sure she saw the massive beast turn his head slightly to look at her.

Seeing the general confusion in the courtyard renewed Sweet Becky's admiration for the strange forest girl and how she commanded her pets so effortlessly. Wild Nellie might have understood these digital creatures better than anyone in the game. Remembering the fish bones littering the floor of the forest girl's den, Sweet Becky made a mental note to ask the other prisoners about getting her hands on some fish. Then it would just be a matter of finding her way into that basement...

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Post by trainer »

Excellent! So happy to see a new chapter on here :) Very nice and interesting addition to the going-ons at the Fort!
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Post by Shotrow »

Thanks! It's good to be able to post again. This might be the first chapter that doesn't feature any tie-ups. There was one more thing I wanted to include, but I figured the chapter was already long enough, and I still have room in the story's timeline.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago Thanks! It's good to be able to post again. This might be the first chapter that doesn't feature any tie-ups.
That does not hurt, absolutely not :) And you are telling a story after all, so it is perfectly normal that now and then there are no ropes and gags. Nice chapter!
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Post by Ovi1 »

Great chapter once again, taking the time for some world building and setting up some wolf related storyline(s)
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Ah yes... It's wonderful how a small feature (a player with wolves as pets or companions) was like "Oh, cool", but now it's part of a storyline. Not sure if it was planned, but it works really good.

I believe we've now found the difference between an antagonist (like Wild Nellie was during her brief appearance, or Pretty Polly) and the bad guys. Lady Maybelle knows she has stolen those wolves and is taking every precaution to avoid her girls being punished. That's bad guys stuff.

I'm expecting to see Wild Nellie coming back, either as a potential ally or a third party involved into this conflict. This is going to be great!
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Post by BlissfulMisery »


As others have already mentioned, great to see another chapter.

Opportunity is knocking for Sweet Becky it seems, potentially in more ways then one; obviously she might try to use the wolves to escape as she plans, but also the bounty on Lady Maybelle... Especially since bounties seem to stick around for a long time (forever?) in the game, so she might be able to get some revenge down the line when the time is right.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago "Let 'em out! They can't learn while cooped up in those cages." That was Sweet Becky.
Perhaps trying to play her hand a little early, but quite an amusing attempt to cause some chaos.

Extending from the above, I really like the detail about how nobody really understands how to train. As it is, myths and rumors tend to be quite common when there is no clear authority on a subject (sometimes even when there is!), so it feels quite true to life.

Like the little bits of characterization for Lady Maybelle too.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago It doesn't matter that their owner is a dangerous psychopath
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago I'll be taking one for myself, of course…" She giggled.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago I love all you Fort Mallow girls, but it takes a lot to keep this place safe and fun. I need to take some time for myself.
Small perhaps, maybe I am even reading too much into it, but some of the nuances of the way she behaves here in public seem to betray a lot of her underlying thought processes.
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Post by Shotrow »

Thanks for the comments, everyone! Always nice to see.

[mention]Mineira1986[/mention] Was only "planned" after I put up one of the chapters focusing on the Summer Campers and realized that I missed the opportunity to show that the wolves in their possession. But it worked out for the best, because this created an opportunity to tie some plot threads together.

[mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention] - The training part was partly inspired by some of the stories I've heard from someone I know who works as a real life animal trainer, and partly from the superstitions I've seen develop when something in a game is controlled by RNG.

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago The training part was partly inspired by some of the stories I've heard from someone I know who works as a real life animal trainer, and partly from the superstitions I've seen develop when something in a game is controlled by RNG.
Well, people have a hard time intuitively grasping statistics and randomness. Not really a concept the human brain is inherently built to understand well. So people often make up their own explanations on how things work. The human mind demands at least a veneer of order to the world, even if what it believes or makes up to accomplish this does not actually make much sense under scrutiny. As a species (not that there are not exceptions), we want to make sense of the world, somehow control the chaos and seeming randomness, even if most of it still remains far beyond our power to influence... Ironic to say this on a board dedicated to bondage too, since one can argue that being in bondage is a way to claim some small amount of control, in it's own way. Or perhaps better to say, a way to try to simplify the world, even if only for a short amount of time. Probably explains much of why it can feel so calming, at least under the right circumstances.

But I think that is going quite off-topic, even if it is an interesting thought to explore...

Speaking of animals, it has always fascinated me a little to think about how different animals might perceive the world and themselves; how does a dog or cat see the world, versus for example a dolphin or a chicken. Dolphins almost certainly seem to have a sense of self very similar to a human, but what about a chicken? Sometimes their behavior can be quite intuitive, other times, it is almost alien. Always interesting to consider how it might feel 'living in their head' for a short time, if such a thing were ever possible in some way. Would probably either be an enlightening, or absolutely terrifying, experience.
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Post by Shotrow »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago The training part was partly inspired by some of the stories I've heard from someone I know who works as a real life animal trainer, and partly from the superstitions I've seen develop when something in a game is controlled by RNG.
Well, people have a hard time intuitively grasping statistics and randomness. Not really a concept the human brain is inherently built to understand well. So people often make up their own explanations on how things work. The human mind demands at least a veneer of order to the world, even if what it believes or makes up to accomplish this does not actually make much sense under scrutiny. As a species (not that there are not exceptions), we want to make sense of the world, somehow control the chaos and seeming randomness, even if most of it still remains far beyond our power to influence... Ironic to say this on a board dedicated to bondage too, since one can argue that being in bondage is a way to claim some small amount of control, in it's own way. Or perhaps better to say, a way to try to simplify the world, even if only for a short amount of time. Probably explains much of why it can feel so calming, at least under the right circumstances.
Yeah, I've pretty much adopted a belief in fate for that reason. I try my best to play the odds in life, but if something bad does happen, I try to tell myself it was meant to be that way.

That's a very interesting point about bondage being a way of simplifying the world. I think I agree. That's possibly why it has so much appeal to people who are neurodivergent in one way or another.
But I think that is going quite off-topic, even if it is an interesting thought to explore...

Speaking of animals, it has always fascinated me a little to think about how different animals might perceive the world and themselves; how does a dog or cat see the world, versus for example a dolphin or a chicken. Dolphins almost certainly seem to have a sense of self very similar to a human, but what about a chicken? Sometimes their behavior can be quite intuitive, other times, it is almost alien. Always interesting to consider how it might feel 'living in their head' for a short time, if such a thing were ever possible in some way. Would probably either be an enlightening, or absolutely terrifying, experience.
That's a very fascinating thought too. Much of the invertebrate world would feel so bizarre and alien.

Heck, if we could do that with other people, live in their head for a short time, the world would probably be a nicer place.

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago That's a very interesting point about bondage being a way of simplifying the world. I think I agree. That's possibly why it has so much appeal to people who are neurodivergent in one way or another.
Well, on the subject of neurodivergence, that also sometimes (not always of course, it is a very broad grouping) comes with increased sensitivity (in a very literal way). And bondage, plus the things that usually happen while in bondage, tend(s) to be all about a large amount of sensory experience, often an overwhelming amount of conflicting sensations. Can be quite the ride under some circumstances, so that is another argument that can be made to support your point.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago That's a very fascinating thought too. Much of the invertebrate world would feel so bizarre and alien.

Heck, if we could do that with other people, live in their head for a short time, the world would probably be a nicer place.
Well, in terms of practicalities, while I could maybe imagine some device that would read and copy signals from a mammal or avian brain into a human one, as at least the overall structure would be similar, it would be even harder to do such a thing for say an insect, where the brain is just fundamentally structured differently. But obviously this is all entirely science fiction regardless (and we do not really understand brains that well, much less our own).

As for experiencing how another person sees the world, while I agree it would be very interesting, and maybe even beneficial, the problem with that, is even if one would not have access to their private memories, such a thing would still be quite intimate; in a way, literally bearing your soul to someone else, far more then anyone is capable of doing now. Right now the best we can do is grasp at the edges of trying to truly understand another human being, our personal mental worlds remaining almost entirely inscrutable even in situations where we try our best to share them, because language is woefully inadequate to the task.

Point is, in some ways it would be the ultimate violation of privacy. Or to look at it another way, the ultimate act of trust. Again, surprisingly relevant to the theme of this site, but that is a whole long tangent...

Obviously that moral dilemma would exist for animals as well, but arguably to a lesser extent, as it seems from what we know, that they would lack the ability to understand such a thing; but perhaps we would learn otherwise from doing such a thing.

Also, I am not sure experiencing what others do would always lead to people being kinder. In many cases where people do 'bad things' to others, it is not always because they do not understand the other person might suffer, but because of a 'rather them then me' mentality. And in some cases, the suffering of another is exactly the point, so to be able to directly experience that would probably make it even more attractive (although I am talking fairly rare and extreme cases here).

Actually, to dial things back from 'extremely dark' and into something at least adjacent to the theme of this site; what an experience it would be to actually literally feel (rather then imagine) what the other person feels in a bondage, or even sadomasochistic scene. Obviously it is impossible to truly imagine such a thing, but even just guessing around the edges as it were, I could see it being a most intimate and delightful experience, each person experiencing almost a reflection of themselves. Like looking into a mirror, and having it look back at you.

Perfect harmony, at least if one is compatible enough with the other. What a wonderful thought.
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Post by Shotrow »

Well, if we're talking about science fiction instead of fantasy, then you run into the problem of understanding the brain, but of understanding consciousness.

I was picturing something that would work at a fairly shallow level. You feel the emotions they're feeling, share the emotional reaction they have to certain images, and so on without necessarily getting the full history of why they feel that way.

Interesting thought you end on too. I generally consider myself a dominant, but I feel like part of the reason I enjoy it is that I can vicariously experience what the sub is going through. I didn't consider taking the role of a sub until long after I developed an interest in being a dominant, but when I did, a big part of the appeal was the idea that I could make someone else feel the way subs make me feel.

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago understanding consciousness.
And that is the rub, no? We have no idea what consciousness is. It is something we all experience every single day, and we 'understand' intuitively but defining where it actually comes from/what processes it results from seems an utterly insurmountable task at the moment. It is something we *think* most animals lack, but even that we are not sure about, the reality likely being that it is not an on-off switch, but a matter of degrees. Not a perfect example, but imagine the difference between being fully conscious and in a half-awake, almost fever dream like state. Both seem completely normal and natural while you are in those states, but the difference in awareness is stark.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago I was picturing something that would work at a fairly shallow level. You feel the emotions they're feeling, share the emotional reaction they have to certain images, and so on without necessarily getting the full history of why they feel that way.
Same, but perhaps I should have worded it a little differently. First of all, you mention emotions, and the original example related to animals. How deep are their emotional worlds? Is it even possible to translate that to the human psyche, in anything but a very loose approximation? My speculation (backed by absolutely no data) is that even between humans, there is a ton of variety in how we all perceive things, and how our internal mental worlds function.

And to tie it back to the subject of person to person and privacy; I think most people would find the idea of someone seeing their thoughts, even only their current ones, quite violating. One cannot really control their idle thoughts. But in a world where such a thing actually exists, who knows how people might be socialized to perceive it differently? An interesting thought experiment, such a fictional society. But perhaps outside the immediate scope of the conversation.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago Interesting thought you end on too. I generally consider myself a dominant, but I feel like part of the reason I enjoy it is that I can vicariously experience what the sub is going through. I didn't consider taking the role of a sub until long after I developed an interest in being a dominant, but when I did, a big part of the appeal was the idea that I could make someone else feel the way subs make me feel.
I have always found it both funny and frustrating, depending on the context, how people outside of the world of kink often view it incorrectly, often through a lens of only seeing the physical aspect of it (ie specifically focusing on what one person does or has done to or for them). Even inside that general sphere, you still commonly have these issues. D/S and Sadomasochism are often the victims of this, but it applies to other things too; and those are very broad umbrella groupings themselves so I am very much generalizing here.

To me it has always been more about the mental and emotional side. It is about intense sensory experiences, and what they make one feel, the strange and wonderful mental states they evoke. Subtle reactions, small gestures, almost a secret language between the participants. And part of that experience is yes, what the 'other person' feels. As far as I am concerned, I cannot even imagine such a thing without the empathetic aspects. And as you mentioned, half the fun is making it fun for the other person involved, and I would say that applies to either side of the coin. When both are on the same proverbial page (admittedly a rare thing), it is like a deeply intimate dance.

But, of course, much as I said earlier about consciousness, all this is something that seems so intuitive, but is basically impossible to put into words.
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Post by Shotrow »

Chapter 17
Everything was dark. Everything was quiet. Singing Laura floated gently through an endless black void.

She had been knocked unconscious in the game once before, but that was only for a moment. Time seemed to stand still, and she began to wonder if there was going to be any end to this state of simulated non-being. Finally, she heard it. Music. The sound of violins playing a merry dance tune. It was faint at first, but soon grew louder and louder.

There was a single light, and Singing Laura was roughly toward it. There was land all around her now, and she could see that the light and music were coming from a cluster of wooden houses far in the distance. Singing Laura stared in amazement at the sights all around her. Whatever unseen force was carrying her lowered her gently into a vast cornfield and set her down amidst the towering stalks. There were stars in the sky now. Singing Laura could see them through the gaps in the corn plants. The parts of the ground she could see at all were carpeted with an intricate pattern of shadows cast by the corn stalks from the light of the stars and town. Her virtual body was pale and translucent.

Singing Laura just stood where she was for a moment, admiring the starry sky. She had never seen night in Happy Trails before. However, her reverie was broken by what she took to be a shooting star at first, but which she soon deduced was another player like her, descending to somewhere else in the vast fields surrounding the mysterious town.

Although Singing Laura couldn't see much of her surroundings, it was easy enough to follow the sound of music toward the town. But she had only gone a few steps when she heard a pair of voices.

"It's alright… really. I don't blame you for what happened," one of the voices said. As the source of the voices came closer, Singing Laura was faced with the apparitions of two girls. One, Singing Laura recognized as Bright Sally. The other, she had seen briefly in the town square. That girl's name was Daring Jenny Fennel.

"I still feel bad about it. I just didn't know what else to do…" Bright Sally responded. "I know you don't believe in…"

"Hey, look," interjected Daring Jenny, "I may have had my doubts, but seeing how mad the Summer Campers got about it… well, I don't know who or what she is, but…"

A pale, translucent hand suddenly thrust through the row of corn stalks. "Oh! There you are," announced Bright Sally. "This is her!" she informed her companion, "The one who tried to save me."

Daring Jenny gave a polite smile. "Guess that didn't work too well for you, huh?" she said, extending her hand. "Well, thanks for trying, anyway. I got here a little while before Bright Sally did, so I might have missed you."

"Y-you're welcome," Singing Laura answered uncertainly, "Sorry, I'm kind of new to this game. Where is 'here' exactly? Is this the afterlife dimension I heard about?"

"Yes!" answered Bright Sally enthusiastically, "The Ghostly Gala. If you're new, you won't be here very long."

"Ok… what do I have to do to get back?" Singing Laura asked.

"Come to the town with us," suggested Daring Jenny, "We'll tell you when we get there. Meanwhile, we have something we want to talk to you about."

Singing Laura nodded and followed them as they walked in the direction of the music. She was grateful for the company. It would have been pretty nerve-wracking to have to navigate this dark, shadowy field alone. The music was growing louder, and twangs of banjo could be heard among the violins.

"What you tried to do today was brave," said Bright Sally, "We need all the help we can get."

Singing Laura smiled slightly at the compliment. "I'll try to help you if I can, but I'm not very…" She suddenly let out a yelp of surprise and ducked as her words were drowned out by the pounding of hooves coming from somewhere overhead. It didn't take long for her to locate the source. An entire herd of cattle flooded across the night sky. They seemed to be running on thin air, and yet with each step, their hooves threw off sparks and made a deafening noise. Each one was adorned with a flaming inverted pentagram on its flank, briefly bathing the field with an infernal glow.

"What was…?!" Singing Laura asked incredulously. Daring Jenny held up her hand to signal to Singing Laura, *wait*.

The herd was soon followed by a pair of what Singing Laura now understood to be player ghosts. One was mounted on what seemed to be the living skeleton of a horse, while the other's horse was pitch black with literal fire in place of its mane and tail. Both of them gave a passionate but tired-sounding cry of determination as they pursued the stampeding cattle along the invisible turf in the sky.

"Why do they always scream?" wondered Daring Jenny aloud, "You'd think that…" she suddenly caught Singing Laura's eye. "That was… don't worry about it. It'll make sense once we get to the town."

"Right! The important thing is: we need your help to find the Forest Queen."

Singing Laura was silent for a moment as the trio continued to push their way through the stalks of corn. "Who's that?"

"What do you mean?" Bright Sally asked, with a hint of excitement in her voice, "She rules the Brightleaf Forest! She's the champion of the weak and…"

"She showed up yesterday out of nowhere and kicked out the Summer Campers all by herself," interrupted Daring Jenny, "It was kind of a big deal to those of us living in Brightleaf..."

By now, the girls could see the town more clearly. Lines hung with paper lanterns threaded from building to building. The streets were crowded with silhouettes dancing merrily to the music. They were ghosts, but different from the player ghosts. They were almost entirely transparent, aside from their clothes, giving the impression of living suits and dresses rather than people. Singing Laura had never seen a humanoid NPC in Happy Trails. The effect was slightly uncanny.

"You have no idea," added Bright Sally, "What you saw in Rosewater was just a taste of what we've been living with in the forest… There's only a few of us left. The people living in the forest because we like the forest, not because we want somewhere to hide after robbing and bullying others." She took a moment to compose herself. "When I saw what the Forest Queen did, well, for the first time in a long time I felt like things could be different."

"Long story short, we decided to help her," explained Daring Jenny, "And if you want revenge for what happened to you today, this is probably the best way."

"We're the Forest Guard! Or the Knights of… well, I'm still working on the name," continued Bright Sally, "But the important thing is: we have our first mission!"

Singing Laura did her best to keep her attention on the conversation as she drank in the sights and sounds around her. The other two took no mind as they walked through the ghostly dancers as if they weren't there. Singing Laura shuddered slightly as the hem of a woman's dress grazed her arm, causing a cold chill to run all the way up to her shoulder. Her eyes were drawn to a canopied booth at the side of the street, where its attendant, a skeleton in a straw boater and red-and-white striped shirt, beckoned menacingly. "So what do you need me to do?" asked Singing Laura, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

"We need to find the Forest Queen before they do… warn her, or give her somewhere to hide," answered Bright Sally, "And that can't happen while we're stuck here."

At this point, the two girls had led Singing Laura around a corner, and she found herself looking at a dark-robed figure sitting hunched over on the driver's seat of a black stagecoach to which was hitched an albino horse. The figure turned to look as Bright Sally strode up confidently.

"Coachman, what is my fare back to the world of the living?" Bright Sally asked confidently.

There was a sound of scratching. The cloaked figure held up a small slate board in one skeletal hand, on which was written in white numerals: 613

Daring Jenny stepped up, and the figure turned to face her. "Coachman, what is MY fare?"

The figure withdrew the slate. A sound of hasty rubbing followed by more scratching. Once again, the bony hand extended to display the slate. 844.

Singing Laura could see the other two girls staring at her expectantly. Her heart pounding from the awkwardness of the situation, she stepped forward. "C-Coachman, what's my fare?"

The answer came in the same manner. 93

"Ninety three?" Daring Jenny read excitedly, "That's nothing!"

"If we work together, we can get her out well before the reset!" concurred Bright Sally.

Singing Laura listened patiently. "And what do these numbers mean?"

"That's how many spirit points you need to earn to get back into the living world," explained Bright Sally.

"Your fare is lower than ours because you're newer," added Daring Jenny.

"And if you agree to help us, we'll share our spirit points with you so you can get back as soon as possible," Bright Sally concluded, "I wasn't lying when I said I didn't know where she is, but I have some clues to get you started."

Singing Laura pondered this. It seemed like it could be an exciting adventure, and a way to do something useful for someone. On the other hand… "I don't know if I'll have time for that. I'm supposed to be helping out Clever Anne at her ranch…"

Daring Jenny put her hand on Singing Laura's shoulder. "You can tell her that we'll make up for the time you're gone once we're back."

That seemed to solve that problem. With that, the girls set off to wander the streets of the town, explaining the various ways to earn spirit points. "You can ride one of those flying horses and try to catch one of the stampeding cattle in the sky," explained Bright Sally as she gestured towards a pen where a horned man in a clean white suit stood with a herd of monstrous steeds, "But they're really hard to catch."

"Let's skip it," suggested Daring Jenny, "It takes way too long to catch them and we don't need that many spirit points anyways. We'll make better time with the shooting gallery or ring toss."

Time passed quickly as the three girls tried their hands at the various minigames set up around the lively ghost town. Along the way, they tried to tell Singing Laura anything that could help her in her quest. Although she was doubtful about being able to find the Forest Queen by herself, the other two seemed to have total faith in her.

"If she's who I think she is, we've seen her a couple of times in the forest… don't know exactly where she lives, but I might be able to describe the general area."

"I heard from the Summer Campers while they were torturing me that her pet wolves were sold to Fort Mallow, she might head there to get them back…"

The mention of Fort Mallow removed any doubt from Singing Laura's mind about taking the quest. Finally, the trio had earned enough points for her to leave. It had been a lot of fun, and Singing Laura was sorry to go, but she knew that she had a job to do now. She gave her new friends one final wave as she climbed into the coach. The horse began to pull, and the contraption creaked to life. The gloomy afterlife dissolved around her, and in another moment, she found herself standing among the familiar pastures of Clever Anne's ranch.

Singing Laura hurried up the trail to Clever Anne's ranch house, drawn by the sound of voices. Clever Anne was sitting there on a rocking chair, looking suspiciously at Pretty Polly, who was sitting uneasily on a padded wooden chair nearby. Two other girls, named Charming Olivia Lavender and Vibrant Lily Rose, were seated on a long bench, while another, named Graceful Sarah Tulip, was leaning on the porch rail. Singing Laura recognized these as the other hostages from the log mill.

As soon as Clever Anne saw Singing Laura, she stood up, walked over to Singing Laura, and gave her a big hug. Out of the corner of her eye, Singing Laura saw Pretty Polly give her a reluctant smirk. The other three looked at her with a mix of amusement and gratitude.

After some excited conversation, Singing Laura managed to somewhat piece together what happened after she was gone. After the Summer Campers had fled from the log mill, Pretty Polly managed to rescue the surviving hostages. Meanwhile, once word of the attack on Rosewater reached Gingersnap and other nearby ranches, Clever Anne and her ranchers rallied together with anyone they could find to form a militia to drive out the Summer Campers. At some point, Pretty Polly and the survivors asked around to find out where Singing Laura's home point might be, and they all decided to take shelter in the ranch. After some fierce fighting, the Summer Campers retreated back into the forest, and the town was liberated.

Singing Laura relayed her experiences at the Ghostly Gala and talked about the quest she agreed to undertake. Clever Anne didn't mind losing her as a ranch hand; after the chaos in Rosewater, many of the locals were looking to join bigger ranches for protection. She was, however, still concerned about Singing Laura's lack of experience despite the bravery she had shown that day. Pretty Polly offered to accompany her, which didn't quite ease Clever Anne's concerns, but Clever Anne saw that Singing Laura was determined and gave the trip her blessing.

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Post by Mineira1986 »


It seems that everywhere Singing Laura goes, she's the one with less experience. Which is totally believable in the story, but at some point she might show something that the others don't have. Looking forward to her next mission!

The Ghostly Gala was really interesting, the fact that one needs to earn points in order to go back. Also, does this mean that older players have died more than once? Laura's companions seemed to know a lot about that world.

Great writing.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »


Quite amusing how the other girls are starting to idolize/look up to 'The Forest Queen' based on just a grain of truth, their imaginations taking them the rest of the way. Wonder if this will end up being a case of 'do not meet your heroes', as I suspect Wild Nellie is not particularly interested in leading some kind of merry band. Or perhaps she is. I suppose we shall have to see.
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago "We're the Forest Guard! Or the Knights of… well, I'm still working on the name," continued Bright Sally, "But the important thing is: we have our first mission!"
A good example of the seeming naivete. To be fair however, this is supposed to be a game, and they are all very young, so it is not that strange.

The last few paragraphs are a little 'abridged', but I suppose that is probably a case of wanting to move on with the story rather then get bogged down in long conversations between what are currently (but perhaps that might change) mostly background characters.

As has already been said, also interested to see where Singing Laura's adventures (misadventures?) take her.
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Post by Shotrow »

Chapter 18
After some time, the crowds in the courtyard started to disperse. Sweet Becky was left alone with her thoughts as she tried to process everything she had witnessed. She had more to work with now than she did just a short time ago, and it was just a question of making it all fit together.

Sweet Becky sat against the stone walls of the cell with her knees curled up to her chest, reviewing what she knew. She had the name of one of the wolves, and she knew their favorite treat. If there was a way to get them some fish, Sweet Becky thought, she might be able to befriend them. Maybe not enough to command them like Wild Nellie did, but at least enough that they would leave her alone if she released them.

Wild Nellie would surely be looking to reclaim her pets. Sweet Becky knew the redhead was not to be underestimated, but she was only one girl and had only one of her pets left at most. Still, if Wild Nellie attacked the fort, it could be just enough of a distraction for Sweet Becky to sneak down and release them.

It wasn't quite a plan yet, but it was at least the beginning of one. Sweet Becky's musings were interrupted by the heavy footsteps of Happy Georgia coming down the hall. She was carrying a struggling Fancy Delilah on her shoulder, with a very cross expression on her face. Sweet Becky could see that Fancy Delilah's bindings had been retied since the last time she saw her.

"Listen, I know you hate this, but if you're going to insist on trying to run away every time I untie you, I don't really have much choice, do I?"

Happy Georgia looped a rope around the bindings holding Fancy Delilah's ankles together. She tossed the other end over a rafter in the cell across from Sweet Becky and gently lifted the little girl off her feet, supporting her head until she was hanging upside-down.

As soon as Happy Georgie was out of sight, Fancy Delilah caught Sweet Becky's eye. She gave an excited "mmph!" and began to writhe and struggle energetically in a very determined way. Sweet Becky watched helplessly, wishing she could help the little girl. She seemed to be struggling very hard for some reason, and Sweet Becky wondered if something made her anxious or claustrophobic.

"It's ok…" Sweet Becky tried to reassure her, "Calm down. There's no need to panic."

But Sweet Becky's words seemed to have no effect on the little girl. She was, if anything, even more determined to fight against the strong ropes holding her captive. By now, even the girls in neighboring cells were starting to take notice.

Sweet Becky looked away, unable to stand the sight of the poor girl struggling much longer. She tried to distract herself by looking out the window, but Fancy Delilah's grunts and moans were very hard to ignore.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Sweet Becky turned to look back at Fancy Delilah. Something, Sweet Becky realized it was a key, was now dangling underneath the girl, held up only by a cord around her chin. Sweet Becky remembered how the other prisoners had told her about the fake key that Fancy Delilah carried around her neck under her costume.

The little girl bent and twisted her body, setting herself swinging. Sweet Becky could see what she was trying to do now. She was going to try to throw the key across the hall to Sweet Becky.

"It's ok, you don't need to do that…" Sweet Becky tried to assure her out of pity for the strenuous task the girl had taken on needlessly. The girl wasn't going to be deterred, though, and at the apex of one of her swings, she released the key with her chin, sending it flying toward Sweet Becky.

Sweet Becky reached through the bars of her cell to catch the key. Fancy Delilah sighed in relief and relaxed, exhausted and dizzy and still swinging. Feeling as though she had nothing to lose, Sweet Becky inserted the key into the lock on her cell door and gave it a gentle twist. There was a soft click, and the door opened a crack. Sweet Becky quickly pulled it shut in a panic.

"You switched them?" Sweet Becky whispered, impressed.

Fancy Delilah nodded eagerly. Sweet Becky stood motionless, staring at the key for a moment, her mind overflowing with the possibilities that it opened up. But her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps coming quickly down the stairs.

"Quick, give it here!" shouted the girl in the cell next to Sweet Becky. Sweet Becky hesitated. "Your cell is going to be the first one Happy Georgia searches after the little girl's. No time to argue!" the girl urged her.

Sweet Becky realized the stranger was right. She had no choice but to trust her with the precious key. Sweet Becky quickly passed the key through the cell door into the waiting hand of her neighbor. Sweet Becky couldn't see what she did with it next, but in a moment, Happy Georgia showed up, her face red with fury. Sauntering behind her was a girl that Sweet Becky had seen with the other Fort Mallow girls but had never taken much notice of. Her name was Baby Valentina Quartz. She was a tall, dark-skinned teenage girl dressed in a khaki blouse and shorts with fur-lined boots. On her head was a jakaru adorned with some kind of sharp teeth. In contrast to Happy Georgia's panic and anger, her expression was one of bored contempt as she looked around at the prisoners.

"What did you do?!" Happy Georgia demanded of Fancy Delilah, "Where's my key!?"

Sweet Becky could see the faintest trace of a smile in Fancy Delilah's tired-looking eyes. Sweet Becky could tell right away that Happy Georgia wasn't going to get an answer any time soon.

Baby Valentina opened up Fancy Delilah's cell, and Happy Georgia rushed in. She roughly patted all over Fancy Delilah's body. When she failed to find the object of her search that way, she got down on her hands and knees and ran her fingers over every crack in the brickwork of Fancy Delilah's cell. Sweet Becky noticed that Baby Valentina didn't seem to be helping much. After opening the door, she just stood leaning against the wall with one hand.

The other prisoners had begun to shout jeers at Happy Georgia.

"Looks like you're in trouble!"

"Better have a good lie ready when you explain this to Lady Maybelle!"

"You'll be joining us in here if you don't find that key soon."

"They'll have to empty two cells just to fit you!"

"Maybe she dropped it in the pig slop!"

Between the teasing and her panic, Happy Georgia was looking increasingly flustered as time passed. Sweet Becky could tell by the look on her face that she didn't want to spend a minute longer down in the cells than she had to.

As Sweet Becky's neighbor predicted, Happy Georgia searched Sweet Becky's cell next. Once again, Baby Valencia didn't help much aside from unlocking the door. By now, Happy Georgia was too flustered to do a thorough job of searching. Even if Sweet Becky had hidden the key herself, she might not have found it.

Happy Georgia slammed Sweet Becky's door shut in frustration and grabbed Fancy Delilah, carrying the little girl under her arm as she cut the rope suspending her from the ceiling. "Come on, you're coming with me. I'll get you to talk one way or another," she warned. With that, she hurried down the hall and up the stairs.

Sweet Becky was relieved to see her neighbor hand her back the key. She quickly stashed it in the toe of her boot. "Thanks…" Sweet Becky finally took notice of her name. "Orange Valencia Orange?"

The girl shrugged. "I thought it was funny," she muttered, "At first." She squeezed herself into the corner of her cell, trying to get the best view of Sweet Becky she could. "I guess you're the new escape leader. So… you have a plan?"

Sweet Becky suddenly became aware that the whole cell block was looking in her direction. "I'm… working on one," she answered, slightly taken aback. "Ok, quick show of hands. Who wants out?" Most of the girls stuck their hands through the cell door. "Who's gonna stay but still help with the plan?" A good number of girls, including Sweet Becky herself, answered in the affirmative this time. "And who's out?" There were no hands this time.

"We were lucky there," Orange Valencia explained, "The girl who informed on Lovely Alma… I'm not going to say who, water under the bridge now… didn't get the pardon she was hoping for. We made sure no one's going to try that again soon."

"Alright," Sweet Becky said, "I have an idea. But we're going to need fish. Lots and lots of fish."

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

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Post by Shotrow »

The next chapter after this is going to be another series of real world vignettes. I would like to know which characters people are interested in seeing in the "real" world. Singing Laura and Lady Maybelle are excluded for reasons, and so is anyone who was featured in chapter 9. That leaves:

-Happy Georgia
-Pretty Polly
-Fancy Delilah
-Cloudy Edith
-Clever Anne
-Someone else- please specify

I'm a big believer in approval voting, so feel free to vote for as many of the options as you want. Comment below to let me know what you think.

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

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Post by Caesar73 »

Sounds like an interesting concepts to me - and I like vote stories :) So consider me all in!
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Post by Shotrow »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Sounds like an interesting concepts to me - and I like vote stories :) So consider me all in!
Feel free to cast your vote(s) then. :)

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

Check out my stories on deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/shotrow
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Post by Caesar73 »

Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Sounds like an interesting concepts to me - and I like vote stories :) So consider me all in!
Feel free to cast your vote(s) then. :)
Will do :) Just one question; Voting means, I choose between the characters you named?
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Post by Shotrow »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Sounds like an interesting concepts to me - and I like vote stories :) So consider me all in!
Feel free to cast your vote(s) then. :)
Will do :) Just one question; Voting means, I choose between the characters you named?
Correct. And you're not just limited to one choice. You can choose 2, or 3, or even all of the options. That's approval voting, and it's something that should be implemented in politics. :3

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

Check out my stories on deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/shotrow
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