Treasure Hunter (F/F) (Finished)

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Treasure Hunter (F/F) (Finished)

Post by banshee »

This is a story request made by user [mention]Ducttapelover93[/mention] so I hope he enjoys it.

Like in all of my stories I want to clarify that I'm not a native speaker, so grammar mistakes and whacky dialogue may be found in this story due to that.

Part 1: Monastery in Paradise

Sarah Harper was an archeology student on the verge of graduation, she had been inspired to pursue her career by the adventures of
Indiana Jones, Nathan Drake and especially Lara Croft, who probably was the character that gave her the last push to study archeology.

However, after many years in the university Sarah had been disappointed to find out that what real archeologist did had little to do with what those characters did and much more to do with thousands of pages of history books and sometimes even more hours in a field where in most cases they would just find an ancient vase and call it a day. But that did not meant that Sarah lost interest in her career, for years she read countless books of theory and worked on fields both nationally and abroad, everywhere from the freezing andes mountains to the scorching desserts of the Levant.

But a few months ago, Sarah had found something that could not only be the best material she could wish for to use for her graduation thesis, but also the perfect chance she ever had to live one of those adventures that until now she had only fantasized about.

Through some contacts she had made abroad in her many travels, she was told about a strange stone formation in southern Mexico, to the untrained eye it would just seem like a pile of rocks in the middle of the jungle, but to her, an experienced archaeologist who knew that a lot of meso-american temples were found in that state before being uncovered in the 20th century it seemed like an undiscovered ruin, and she would not let the chance of exploring an uncharted native American settlement pass.

She had to take many more steps to prepare for this travel than for her regular archaeological expeditions. Usually she just needed to save some money because the university would pay for pretty much everything, but this time she had to save a lot more and since she wouldn’t be able to afford everything on her own she had asked for help to some of her contacts in Mexico with that.

Sarah also trained her body for the occasion, because something told her that this wasn’t going to be all ground digging and sand scratching. Even though Sarah had always been a regular at the gym she had started to take fitness more seriously since she decided to embark on this mission. For months she had been not only frequenting the gym more, she had also been jogging and on a strict diet. Once it was time to leave for Mexico the results of her training were easy to see both by her and by everyone who looked at her, her legs and arms had gotten more firm and thicker, her abdomen flattened and became as solid as rock and so did her back. Her new physique, her tanned skin and her long brown hair made her feel like Lara Croft herself about to embark on and adventure.

When the time came Sarah embarked on her adventure, she had not arrived ar the airport and her excitement was already so great that when she got to the plane she had trouble falling asleep, so she decided to watch one of her favorite childhood movies, ‘Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc.

Never in the one hour and fifty five minutes that movie lasted did Sarah even thought that she was going to end up not like Dr.Jones, but actually like Marion, the movie’s damsel in distress, standing upright, tied to a column inside some ancient ruins in the middle of the jungle. Rope ran all over Sarah’s legs and chest and her arms were tied behind the pole both at the elbows and the wrists.

“Mpghg!” She moaned, it was all she could do, her captors had gagged her properly enough for her to be unable to make any sound that wasn’t heavily muffled, let alone speak.

But to know why Sarah had ended up in this position we must go back, way more back than just a few hours like one could think. Because the reason why Sarah found herself tightly bound and gagged inside a ruined monastery in the middle a jungle in southern Mexico was related to nobody else but one of her professors.

Two Months Ago

Dana Henderson was at her luxurious study when she was informed of the discovery of a strange stone formation in a jungle in southern Mexico, she immediately left everything that she was doing and got to work. Driving all attention away from the place before she got there was not a hard task for someone so smart and financially powerful as her.

Profesor Henderson, as she was usually called by her students, was famous in the history scene because of her work, although she was undeniably very smart, she was often criticized for being an armchair historian yet teaching history to future Archaeologists. But she cared little about the criticisms, let alone the ones she heard from her students behind her back. She had managed to become a professor at a very young age, so young that she was younger than some of her students, because of her intelligence, but undoubtedly the wealth of her family had contributed.

For months Dana collected data on the recently discovered mysterious structure, and after months of aerial photography and sending out small investigation teams Dana was sure about something, not only was the structure a real deal but it also was something she wanted to see in person.

Unlike Sarah, who had to travel in economy class and stay at the home of a friend upon arrival, Dana traveled comfortably on first class and stayed at a five star hotel along with her entourage of specialists.

Dana was very unlike Sarah not only in way of thinking and traveling, but physically too. Being a so called armchair historia, Dana had no need for Sarah’s fit body, so she felt comfortable in her thin frame. She also never had the many hours under the sun that Sarah had, so her skin was very pale and always seemed to be clean. Her hair was a very light tone of blonde and her eyes a very light blue. It only took seeing her to know why the people who knew her thought that her passion about world war two Germany was suspicious at best.

But Dana had a second objective apart from uncovering whatever mystery was buried beneath the jungle. After all, it had been one of her students who had made that discovery, so she would like to thank her right there.

A Few Hours Ago

Sarah had walked through the jungle for hours before reaching the place, it had been a tortuous way. Her outfit that seemed to pay homage to her childhood hero Lara Croft, with the blue tank top, tiny shorts, big boots and all, seemed logical, it was a hot humid place so dressing lightly seemed reasonable. But when once Sarah arrived to the temple mosquitoes had already feasted on her bare legs and exposed arms, not to mention that she was a mess of dirt, sweat and insect repellent.

Forgetting about the hellish jungle, Sarah approached the massive pile of stone and looked for an entrance, and she eventually found one. Covered in tropical foliage was an archway leading into the dark insides of the structure, but Sarah was surprised to find out that the archway she was gazing upon was not a corbel arch like the one used by the Mayans, it was a full blown semicircular arch in the romanesque style of XII century Europe, something that should have no place in the middle of a jungle in central America.

Now surprise was added to a great extent to all of the feelings Sarah had about the expedition, maybe she’d not only discover a new native American city and have something unique to write her thesis about, maybe she was about to rewrite all known history.

Sarah lit the insides of the temple with her flashlight and was met with a long hallway that ended in a staircase and had many rooms to its sides. The sides of the hallway were adorned with columns and reliefs of religious motifs, the place really didn’t seemed like anything known to exists in pre-columbian America.

Sarah decided to leave the doors untouched as to not disturb the structure, so she walked forward and up the stairs until she found herself in the structure’s second floor. There Sarah saw how in the middle of all the structure was what used to be a garden, now completely overgrown, which was surrounded by a walkway and had a fountain in its middle.

In the second floor Sarah was also met with her first challenge, the floor had collapsed in many places so she had to jump and cling to some surfaces to get around the place, Sarah retied her ponytail and gladly accepted the challenge. Although what she was doing was dangerous, she loved every minute of it, she finally felt like the archeologist that had inspired her to become one and it felt great.

After hours of jumping and climbing around the abandoned structure, Sarah deduced that the place she was must have been a monastery of some sort, it was very reminiscent of Silos in Spain, but the style in which the place was built was beyond dead by the point that the Spanish reached the coasts of México. But that only made Sarah become more fascinated with her discovery.

Going deeper into the structure, Sarah found herself inside a room bigger than all of the other places she had seen inside the supposed monastery. It was long and although the foliage of the jungle had entered inside it, a broken window on the end of the structure allowed some sunlight inside the place, which allowed Sarah to turn off her flashlight.

It didn’t took long for Sarah to realize that she was standing inside a church, one that if not covered in the extensive foliage it was covered in at the moment would have rivaled the greatest exponents of romanesque architecture in Europe.

Sarah walked forward without much thought while she looked at the broken windows at the end of the structure, but she was brought out of her trance by something rattling beneath her feet. Sarah looked down and was met by a less divine and more disturbing scene.

Although as an archeologist Sarah was no stranger to Bones, she found the scene that the skeletons on the floor portrayed disturbing. There were skeletons with arrows going through its eye sockets, others with broken bones and more than a few were still holding to their weapons. She saw out of place European weaponry like steel broadswords, now as rusty as old as the helmets that were over the skulls of some of the skeletons.

“Well well, out of all of the things that I expected to find in this place I never expected to find one of my students” Dana’s smug’s voice echoed through the abandoned temple.

Absorbed the battle scene that laid on the floor Sarah had not been able to hear the footsteps approaching from behind, so when she turned backwards she couldn’t have been more surprised to see her professor standing smugly behind her.

“Profesor?” Asked Sarah more confused than ever.

“You don’t have to call me that outside of the university” Dana replied as she walked up to her student.

Unlike Sarah, Dana had come prepared for the jungle, she was wearing long and somewhat tight cargo pants as well as a long sleeved black jacked over over her white shirt. Her clothes as well as her pale white skin and blonde hair were surprisingly clean for someone who was in the middle of the jungle.

“What are you doing here? How did you find this place?” Sarah asked.

“Hush, you’re asking too many questions and like I said, I’m not your professor here so i don’t have to answer them” Dana refused to answer all of Sarah’s questions.

“Can you at least tell me what this place is?” Asked Sarah, already loosing her patience at Dana, who seemed to be even more even more annoying outside of the university than inside.

“Maybe I will, if you come with me” Dana tried to persuade Sarah.

“No way!” Sarah shouted back at her professor “I wont leave this place until I know what this is!”

“Listen dear, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, and by talking to me like that you’re heavily leaning towards the latter” Dana sighed, getting visible fed up with the conversation.

Dana’s tone was so incredible condescending that Sarah was getting beyond annoyed. Even though Dana was about the same age as Sarah, she was talking to her like if she was a teacher talking down to her high school student, and Sarah hated that.

“You’re not my professor right now remember?” Sarah argued as she walked up to Dana “I’ll do whatever I want, so get out of my way and don’t bother me while I’m at it”

Sarah turned her back on Dana and kept walking towards the end of the structure while closely looking at the skeletons on the floor. She had no words to describe how good it felt to finally snap back at her most hated professor and act towards her like she had always wanted to.
“Don’t say I didn’t tried” Dana sighed “Come on, get back here” She ordered with a calm voice.

Out of mere curiosity Sarah looked back at Dana over her shoulder, but she was met with a not very pleasant scene. Dana was holding a gun, and she was pointing it to her.

“Oh don’t act all scared now, I told you I was going to do this the hard way if you didn’t complied” Dana said before signaling to Sarah to come closer with her gun “Now come here”

“What the hell are you doing?” Sarah said with all of the confidence of her previous words lost.

“I have no reason to explain anything to you, but I may do so later if that makes you comply more easily” Said Dana “Now come here, with your hands up if you please”

Sarah had no option other to obey, as much as she had imagined herself as her childhood heroes while she was hopping around the place now she had been brought back to the reality where just seeing a gun scared her. So she did as told and raised her hands before walking up to Dana.

Standing right before Dana Sarah felt incredibly humiliated, she was visibly taller and stronger than Dana, yet she was completely subdued by her. It was like if even outside the classroom Dana had the ability to keep her down, and she hated it.

“Now stay still and nothing will happen to you” Said Dana as she slowly walked behind Sarah, taking a detailed and very undisguised look at her body.

Despite being afraid, Sarah’s face showed nothing but anger the anger she felt towards Dena and the situation she had put her in, that anger was much greater than the fear she had of her gun.

Dana grabbed Sarah’s arms and tried to force them behind her back, but Sarah resisted and Dena couldn’t do much about that.
“Oh you don’t want to know what happens if you do that again” Dana whispered getting uncomfortably close to Sarah, close enough for her breasts to rub against Sarah’s back, and as she ran her gun along her side.

“Fine” Sarah snorted as she loosened her arms.

Dena then forced Sarah’s hands behind her back, Sarah didn’t knew what she was doing until she heard the metallic ‘Clink’ behind her and felt a ring of cold steel around her wrist, and then on the other. Dana had just handcuffed her.

“What the hell are you doing!?” Shouted Sarah as she tried to break free of the handcuffs to no avail.

“Making sure sure you stay put while I take you with me” Dana explained.

“What do you mean Take me with you!?” Sarah screamed absolutely infuriated.

“Ugh, I knew that should have brought a gag with me” Sighed Dana “But seeing how you insist on screaming and asking questions I’ll have to gag you with something else”

Then Dana ordered Sarah to lay on the floor, initially Sarah refused but was easily persuaded by Dana’s weapon. She reluctantly laid on the floor and once Dana felt safe she concealed her gun under her jacket and crouched besides Sarah.

“God you look disgusting” Said Dana as she looked at Sarah on the floor “Don’t get me wrong, you’re gorgeous, but you clearly had a rough time getting here”

Sarah decided not say anything about what Dana had said, she felt like it would be furthering humiliation if she did.

Inadvertently, Dana removed one of Sarah’s boots and almost immediately the smell of sweat reached her nostrils and her face showed undisguised disgust. Sarah could only wonder what she was doing.

“What the hell?” Asked Sarah as she felt and saw Dena removing her sock.

“God this smells awful, I don’t know if I’ll be able to take out the other one” Dana said as she held the black sock away from her face.

Dana gulped and started to ball up the sock with visible disgust on her face, Sarah knew that the small was far from pleasing but what did Dana expect from the socks of someone who had walked through the hot and humid jungle of hours?

“Open up dear” Said Dana as she moved besides Sarah’s face.

Sarah couldn’t believe what was happening to her, was she really about to be gagged with her own disgusting socks? She couldn’t believe it. And having the sock so close to her face allowed her to smell the awful scent of it, in no way she was letting Dana put that inside her mouth.

“Do it or else” Dena said as she reached below her jacket for her gun.

Just seeing the handle of the gun reminded Sarah of the position she was in, so she started to slowly open her mouth, she did so reluctantly and with disgust in her eyes, but she did so anyway and that was what Dana was happy about.

Dana started to slowly shove the sock inside Sarah’s mouth, pushing it inside with her index and middle finger, so deep inside that Sarah thought that she was about to puke, but she stopped once the socks were deep enough.

“Don’t you dare to spit that” Dana said as she showed the gun to her prisoner again.

It was difficult to obey, all of her instincts were asking Sarah to spit out the disgusting cloth that had been shoved inside her mouth, but she forced herself to keep it inside despite the awful taste that had already filled her mouth.

Dana put the boot back on Sarah’s right foot, but she removed the other one and the sock underneath it, which needless to say was as disgusting as the other one. With the sock removed, Dana finished Sarah’s gag by tying the recently removed and equally disgusting sock over her mouth. Sarah was forced to bite down the sock because of how tightly it had been tied around her head.

“If you behave next time I’ll use a propped gag” Said put the boot back on Sarah’s foot “But for now I need you to start walking, so get up”

“Mpghgh!?” Sarah tried to ask what did she meant about a next time, but her gag rendered her question unintelligible.

Sarah was then forced to stand up and walk at the point of Dana’s gun. Walking with her heavy boots but without socks was extremely uncomfortable, and having her balance changed by having her hands tied behind her back did not helped at all. But neither of those very uncomfortable things was as awful as having the sour, disguising taste of her own sock inside her mouth, being kept in by her other sock which smell managed to reach and intoxicate her nose.

Dena forced Sarah to walk out of the place, taking her to a room a hallway apart from the church. Upon opening the door leading to the new room Sarah was met with a surprising sight. There was a whole investigation center set up in there, although everything was set up provisionally, it was also done so professionally, with microscopes, computers and light using electricity from many generators.

Sarah wouldn’t have minded being taken in there more than she minded being walked around at gun point by her most hater professor while she was tied up and gagged with her own socks, but she did mind to be looked at when she was in that condition. She felt absolutely humiliated when she was taken into the room and the people inside laid their eyes on her.

“Take her to my room while I do some stuff” Said Dana as she pushed Sarah towards a pair of security staff “Be sure to secure her, I don’t want anything funny with her”

The Present

And that was how Sarah had ended up in her current situation, tied to a column in some ancient room. Ropes held her legs to the column at the ankles, above and below the knees and at her thighs and her torso was forced against the column by ropes around her waist and below her breasts.

Despite not being a single clock in sight Sarah was sure that she must’ve been tied up and gagged like she as for at least an hour, maybe even more, and the results of it were showing. Her legs were strained because of standing up for so long and the socks inside her mouth had absorbed so much of her saliva that her mouth was as dry as a desert, she could only be surprised at how her socks could soak up saliva when they were already drenched in sweat.

At least Sarah’s current predicament gave her the chance to investigate her surroundings, the room she was taken into was just next to the makeshift investigation center, separated by a thick stone wall and a heavy wooden door. Thanks to the sunlight that filtered through a big window, Sarah could see clearly the room, it seemed to be some sort of study where everything had been laid for investigation, there was a computer and many ancient books laid on a drop down table that she would have loved to get her hands on if she wasn’t tied up.

Being tied up for so long without an ability to do anything about it had left Sarah with nothing but lingering questions on her mind. Of course she wondered with fear what was going to happen to her, but she also asked herself what was all of what she had seen about. Everything from what a romanesque monastery was doing in the middle of Mexican jungle to why was her professor and an entire research team already inside the place.

The loud noise of the heavy wooden door being opened took Sarah out of her thoughts and back to the reality. She saw Dana enter the room looking as smug and confident as always, then one of her lackeys closed the door behind her, leaving prisoner and captive alone.

“Aww, why are you giving me that look?” Asked Dana as she stood in front of Sarah “Does it have anything to do with the ropes? Maybe with the gag on your mouth?”

“Mpghg!” Sarah complained, she hated how much Dana was enjoying the situation, and she was doing it so explicitly that she angered her even more.

“I see that they tied you really tight” Dena said after getting closer to Sarah and as she ran a finger between the ropes around her chest and her body “Oh, and I see that they changed the handcuffs for rope, great, handcuffs are really practical but I think rope looks much better” She said as she looked at the restraints that have been tied around Sarah’s arms.

Sarah felt incredibly uncomfortable with how touchy Dana was getting while inspecting her and her restraints, she didn’t knew what she was looking for if she was looking for anything apart from making her uncomfortable. The guards had taken everything that she had on her and her backpack was laid against one of the room walls, so if Dana wanted to find something she should know that Sarah’s body wasn’t the place to look.

“Well I think that you’re tied properly enough” Said Dana as she stood back to take off her jacket “I’d still make some changes, maybe tie you in an entirely different way if I had the time, but I just can’t stand this jungle any longer”

Sarah glared at her, Dana really seemed to be into the idea of tying her up and it should be clear to her by the way that Sarah was looking at her, that she was absolutely enraged at her.

“The guards told me that you were really feisty when it came to tying you up, that you put up a hell of a fight” Dana said as she took out the leather harnesses that kept the conceal of her gun in place and laid them on the desk “I’ll have you know that no prisoner of mine can behave like that and remain unpunished”
Last edited by banshee 2 years ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Thank you so much for the first part! It was absolutely fantastic more than I hoped it would be. Written beautifully and love the characters! Can’t say thank you enough.
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Stiletto Amore
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Post by Stiletto Amore »

Really enjoyable start - wonderfully evocative tale reminiscent of the cliffhanger serials.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Thanks for sharing!
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
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Post by slackywacky »

Very good start, looking forward to what punishment Dana has in store for our hero.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by roguehorseman »

A very fine start to the tale. One can only hope Dana gets a taste of her own medicine in future parts.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Really good story, I'm really happy you took those requests, as those were great ideas.

Looking forward to next part.
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Post by banshee »

First of all I want to thank of all of you who commented, I was surprised by how many comments the story gathered so again, tahnk you.
Ducttapelover93 wrote: 3 years ago Thank you so much for the first part! It was absolutely fantastic more than I hoped it would be. Written beautifully and love the characters! Can’t say thank you enough.
Really glad that you're liking it! I hope you enjoy this new part as well.
Stiletto Amore wrote: 3 years ago Really enjoyable start - wonderfully evocative tale reminiscent of the cliffhanger serials.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the comment! Wait no more because part 2 is already here.
slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Very good start, looking forward to what punishment Dana has in store for our hero.
Thanks for commenting, like always it is a honor to have my stories commented by you.
roguehorseman wrote: 3 years ago A very fine start to the tale. One can only hope Dana gets a taste of her own medicine in future parts.
Maybe she will, but this is just the beggining of the story.
Mineira1986 wrote: 3 years ago Really good story, I'm really happy you took those requests, as those were great ideas.

Looking forward to next part.
Next part is already here! I'm very happy about taking these requests too, they werre great inspiration.

Part 2: Punishment

Punish her? What did Dana even mean by that? Sarah asked herself as she stared into the eyes of her captor. Dana’s expression was so serious that it made Sarah fearful of what she should expect.

“But how should I punish you?” Asked Dana knowing perfectly well that Sarah could not answer.

Dana walked up to Sarah and stopped once she was close enough to her, she leaned forward to look at her face with detail, grabbing Sarah by the jaw to keep her still.

“I have so many ideas and so little time” Sighed Dana after she stopped inspecting Sarah’s factions “Guess I’ll go with something simple this time”

Dana went to her desk and out all the objects laid in there she grabbed a straight metal ruler, one usually employed to measure archaeological findings.

“Since I take that this is your first time in a situation like this I’ll go easy on you” Said Dana as she moved away from her desk and towards her prisoner while gently slapping the palm of he left hand with the ruler “Moreover, I don’t have any of my tools here so I’ll have to make do with this”

Dana started to run her hand along Sarah’s abdomen, quickly noticing how firm it was. Sarah squirmed to get away from her despite knowing that it was impossible, she just wanted to show defiance.

“I see you’ve been working out” Said Dana as she poked Sarah’s abs “That’s great, It may even help you with this”

Just as she had finished her sentence Dana smacked Sarah’s abdomen with the flat of the ruler. She didn’t do it with enough strength to harm her, but it was enough for Sarah to feel it.

“This will be your punishment for misbehaving so much” Dana smacked Sarah again, this time with more force “Like I said I’m going easy on you, but next time you wont be so lucky”

What the hell did Dana meant by next time? Sarah could only wonder, was her professor really planning to keep her like this? If that was the case, how long did Dana indented on doing so?

As Dana continued with her torture the slaps became more painful and Sarah was starting to appear less stoic before the torture. She didn’t knew if Dana was using more strength or she was being weakened after so many slaps.

“Mpgggh!” Groaned Sarah as she started to struggle, the pain was becoming unbearable.

“Hush, I’ll be over in just a minute” Dana said without stopping the rhythmic slaps to Sarah’s abs.

After every slaps Sarah asked herself how painful the next one was going to be, and she was always met by a more painful slap than the previous one. But eventually Dana stopped and allowed Sarah to catch her breath and relax her abdomen.

“You have no idea of for how long I wanted to do that” Said Dana as she laid the ruler on the table "Every time you acted like you knew more than me, every time I saw you ignoring my lectures, I just wished I had been able to punish you"

Dana moved in front of Sarah again to give her some last words.

“I have to leave now, I know you have a lit of questions but I can’t answer them right now” Dana said as she caressed Sarah’s face “But to show you that I not all evil...”

Inadvertently Dana grabbed Sarah's face and planted a kiss in her soft right cheek.

“Maybe we’ll get along in the future” Said Dana as she walked away from Sarah out of the room.

“Mpghgh” Sarah grunted as she Glared at Dana.

The heavy door of the room was closed and Sarah was left alone inside it, with absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go. Being left alone with her thoughts while in her position was awful. She never expected her archeology expedition to end so badly.

And even after Dana had left the tortured seemed to continue for Sarah, her leg were beyond tired after standing up for so long and her back was starting to hurt because of spending so much time pressed against the column by countless rope. And to add insult to injury, the mosquitoes were taking the chance to feast on Sarah’s blood, and this time around she could do nothing to stop them other than squirm and hope that the insects would get scared that worked almost none of the times she tried.

The only thing that with which Sarah could distract herself to try to ignore the strain of her legs or the dryness of her mouth were all the questions that she still had about the place that she was in and the reticently added questions about who her professor actually was.

It was all of those unanswered questions lingering in her head what made Sarah so defiant and so eager to escape. She couldn’t leave all of the mysteries that she had discovered without answer, she was curious and even if her curiosity got her killed, she would rather die knowing.

Sarah started to look for the knots that tied her legs, more specifically her thighs to the pilar because every other knot was out of her reach. The knot was hard to find but she was sure that it was withing her reach, otherwise she’d been able to see it in front of her. Sarah had to arch her back as much as she could, which was little considering how she was tied up, to reach the knots around her thighs but eventually she got a hold of it, and she didn’t let go.

Figuring out how to untie it was made even harder by the fact that Sarah could not see the knot. She had to try many times but eventually Sarah found one of the ends of the rope, and followed it to a point where the knot could be undone. Trying to untie the knot was beyond frustrating, she even accidentally let go of it a few times and had to look for it again, but she slowly made progress.

At first Sarah was constantly afraid of someone entering the room and finding out what she was doing, something that she knew that would be followed with her restrains being tightened and improved. To Sarah, being caught while trying to escape was even worse than just staying as she was.

But after seeing how time passed, enough time for the outside to get darker, Sarah became sure that nobody would come to check on her in a very long time, something that she’d have dreaded had she not been trying to escape.

Once the knot was undone Sarah’s thighs were freed, she only had to get the ropes that tied her ankles to the column undone and she’ll be able to sit down after so much time of standing, but most importantly, she’ll be able to escape.

Even though the knot around of the restraint that she had to undo now was much less secure than the one she had untied previously, getting it undone was made harder by the fact that she had to crouch to reach it, putting a new strain on her already cramped legs.

But once her ankles were free Sarah’s range of options became much bigger, even though her legs were no longer tied to the column itself, they were still tied together at the knees, thighs and ankles, but that wouldn’t stop her from escaping.

Extending her legs as much as she could Sarah reached her backpack with the tip her her feet and moved it towards her. Trying to get the backpack behind her was a hell of a task, she pushed it with her legs many times until her bound hands were able to get a hold of it. Getting what she wanted out of the backpack with her arms pinned to the column was equally difficult, but she eventually managed.

Sarah got the knife that she had brought with her and used it to cut herself free of the ropes, being free to move again after so much time tied up was a great feeling, but it wasn’t as nearly as divine as getting her socks out fo her mouth.

‘She’ll pay for this’ Sarah said to herself as she ungagged herself, in actuality she had no idea of she would make Dana pay, she hardly knew who she was, but she was sure that she’ll make her pay.

Sarah looked out the window and was met by the sunset over the jungle, a precious scene that she couldn’t appreciate in the current moment. The window was big enough for her to escape through it and fall wasn’t significant enough to worry her.

Sarah was about to jump out of the window when she looked back and laid her eyes on Dana’s desk. If she left right now she’d have absolutely no prof of what she saw, but she could get the evidence that she needed right there. Sarah opened her backpack and threw everything that was in Dana’s desk inside, everything from ancient manuscripts to a laptop, Sarah managed to fit it inside.

With her backpack now bigger and heavier, Sarah proceeded to escape, jumping out of the ceiling and landing gracefully on the jungle floor which did a great job of muffling the noise of her landing. Sarah remained crouching between the bushes for a few seconds and after making herself sure that nobody was around, Sarah ran for the trees.

Sarah’s athletic body aided her greatly on her escape, she ran without getting tired for longer than she believed herself to be able to, her feat was even more impressive considering that she had a heavy backpack hanging from her back and had just escaped an extremely strict set of restraints. Her strength and agility also helped her to avoid the many obstacles of the jungle, jumping over fallen trees and sprouting roots and gracefully going under the branches that hung near the floor.

When Sarah looked behind her and she saw nothing but endless jungle she allowed herself to stop. Sarah sat down against a tree and gave long sigh of relief, all of that running may have been surprising but it had also been extremely tiring.

Sarah looked through the many contents inside her bag and grabbed the water bottle she had inside her bag and drank almos all of its content, the disgusting gag that Dana had used on her had left her mouth beyond dry and running for so long with her mouth dry like that had left Sarah even thirstier than before.

Contributing to Sarah’s already tired condition was the fact that running with her heavy big boots but without socks had left her feet incredibly sore. With that and her legs already aching beyond belief not only because of the running but also because of her time tied up, Sarah felt like she’d never be able to stand up again.

But as much as Sarah would’ve liked to allow herself to fall asleep right there in the middle of the jungle, Sarah knew that doing that was beyond stupid because even if she was not found by Dana’s men there was still a chance that she could still en up as a Jaguar’s dinner while she slept.

Inside the Monastery

Dana was ready to leave that god forsaken jungle for good, she absolutely hated places like that. Humid, hot and inhabited by an endless swarm of mosquitoes from which she couldn’t catch break.

Everything that needed to be done with the place was already done, so Dana only had one thing that she needed to take care of, Sarah. When Dana decided to take to the monastery she knew that Sarah was going to be there but she didn’t expected her to be such a fighter when it came to her capture, but Sarah’s feistiness only made the process of capturing her more enjoyable for Dana.

Dana opened the door the room she had chosen to be hers while she was in the monastery, and that more recently she had also chosen to be Sarah’s cell. Knowing that Sarah was already restrained Dana entered the room calmly, but her heart dropped once she closed the door behind her and looked inside the room, Sarah was nowhere to be found.

Dana did not waste a second looking for Sarah, there was no place inside that room for her to hide in, she just started at the column that Sarah was tied to and the ropes on the floor and cursed herself, she asked herself how could she have been so careless to let someone else tie Sarah up, did she became distracted by Sarah’s body and failed to check the restraints or Sarah was just good at escaping? No matter what the answer was Dana was sure about something, next time Sarah wouldn’t even have a chance to escape.

“She escaped!” Shouted Dana as she walked out of the room.

She was met by shy questions from the staff. Even though Dana was always grumpy, her bad mood was usually concealed behind layers upon layers of calm seriousness that were nowhere to be found now. Seeing Dana explicitly angry like she was at the moment was so rare of an occurrence that many of the workers who saw her got scared.

“What do you mean who!?” Dana replied to the shy question of one of the archaeologists “That bitch Sarah escaped!”

Realizing how out of her mind she was Dana took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, which was impossible, but she could at least hide her burning rage behind a serious and professional facade like she always did.

“Is Ms.Marya available?” Asked Dana after getting a hold of her emotions.

“She stayed at the house outside the jungle...” Replied one of Dana’s assistants.

“Call her, we need her here” Ordered Dana “Ask her to bring her equipment with her”

In no time a call was already being dialed at Ms.Marya, and Dana went back o her study to try to calm herself down far from her workers, but she made a pause right before she entered the room.

“Just one more thing, who tied Sarah up?” Dana asked as she looked back over her shoulder.

A pair of security guards gave a step forward, knowing that as bad as what was coming was it wasn't worse than angering Dana.

“You’re fired” Dana spoke before entering the room and slamming the door behind her.

Dana entered her room hoping to find peace but instead of finding peace what Dana found in the old study was something that only made her angrier, not only Sarah had escaped, she also had taken everything she had on her desk with her.

Middle of the Jungle

Sarah kept walking for what seemed like hours, but she didn’t had any way to tell how much time had passed since her escape and she was sure that her poor condition was making her perception of time slower.

Every step she took was incredibly painful, her leg muscles begged her to stop and without the protection from the socks the heavy boots Sarah was wearing were quick to make blisters on her feet.

But Sarah knew that the jungle didn’t continued forever, she had managed to go from outside the jungle to the ruins in less than a day, she shouldn’t have trouble getting out but she was having it. To be fair, when she entered the jungle her condition wasn’t as poor as when she tried to get out, but she couldn’t blame herself for not being prepared to be captured an tied up for hours by her professor who apparently was there to.

The sprouting root of a tree on the floor caused Sarah to fall to the floor, she managed to advert her fall and not hurt herself but after recovering from the fall she realized something, she was too tired to stand up. She still felt her legs and could move them, but she felt like if she stood back up she’d just fall again.

Sarah decided to rest against a tree, she thought that after walking for so long she should be far enough from the monastery to be able to allow herself some rest.


“What!?” Dana asked angrily after someone opened the door to her room.

“Its Marya...” The archeologist who entered the room said shyly.

“And?” Dana asked as she turned back to look at the door “What does she want? I have no time to loose I need her here!”

“She wants to talk to you...” Said the archeologist as he extended the phone to Dana.

Usually Dana would’ve told her employees to deal with it, she considered herself to be above the menial labor of talking to what she only saw as underlings but this occasion was special.

“Whatever” Dana retorted as she yanked the phone from the archeologist hands “Now leave if you please”

The small man almost ran to leave the room and after he closed the door behind him Dana was finally alone in the room.

“You wanted to talk to me?” Dana asked seriously as she put the phone against the side of her face.

“Uh... let me remember correctly, you told me that you wouldn’t need me right?” Asked Marya in a clearly teasing tone.

“This is no time for games Marya, I need you here now!” Shouted Dana.

“Well what you’re asking me right now is kinda hard you know?” Marya kept teasing Dana.

“Just tell me what you want!” Dana demanded, she was never in the mood for being teased around but this was an especially bad moment to tease her around.

“Double the pay, that or you’ll see that precious student of yours escape” Marya replied with newly manifested seriousness.

Dana sighed, even though what she was being asked for was easily withing her reach she’d rather not concede to anyone’s demands, she thought that it set a bad precedent for her. But now she found herself without any options.

“Fine, but you’ll only see that money if you bring her here”

Middle of the Jungle

Sarah was almost falling asleep while resting against the tree, she knew that she shouldn’t but she just couldn’t ask her legs to stand up. Sarah’s eyelids were already falling over her eyes when she was woken up by some liquid falling on her face and a strong scent of musk.

Sarah looked up and couldn’t see much at first, her vision was blurry and the darkness of the night didn’t helped her, but when her vision adjusted to the conditions Sarah was barely able to hold back her screams. A jaguar was standing on a tree branch above her, and the liquid that had fallen over her face was the animal’s saliva.

Almost like if she had never been tired Sarah jumped to her side and the Jaguar leaped towards her, she barely managed to dodge it but the jaguar ended up falling to the floor. But when it hit the ground it didn’t do so as a regular cat, it just fell like a ragdoll.

As Sarah recovered from the initial scare and asked herself what had just happened she noticed something that made the situation even weirder than it already was. The Jaguar was still breathing, it had just fallen asleep. With her flashlight Sarah illuminated the animal and saw that it had been struck with some kind of dart.

Almost immediately afterwards Sarah felt a sharp pain on her right leg, she looked down to see what was causing it and saw a dart like the one she had seen on the Jaguar on her leg. Without thinking about it she took the dart out of her leg, unsure if that was even the right thing to do, but a someone told her the answer from the Jungle a few seconds after.

“Smart girl” Said Marya as she emerged from the bushes of the forest.

Marya became visible to Sarah as soon as she pointed her flashlight at her. She was a tall and strong woman with light brown hair let loose aside from a ponytail. She was dressed perfectly for the situation, the color of her clothes made it easy for her to camouflage and aside from the big backpack she carried with her she was also holding a rifle on her hand.

“Who are you?” Asked Sarah, not understanding a thing of what was happening.

“I am Marya Konstantinova, but you can just call me Marya” The woman said as she approached Sarah.

“What do you want?” Sarah asked, already being able to tell that there was something dubious about the intentions of this woman.

“Lets just say that there’s someone who really wants me to take you with her” Marya explained “Do you understand?”

“Dana...” Sarah muttered to herself.

“Exactly” Replied Marya “If you want to resist I’ll have you know that I am prepared for that, so whatever you do you’re coming with me”

As much as Sarah would’ve liked to put up the fight that she imagined the popular archaeologists from movies and videogames would, she knew that it was pointless. She was a poor fighter and on top of that she was tired and unarmed, she wouldn’t even be a problem the amazon that she had before her.

“Ugh, fine” Sarah sighed as she looked away from Marya.

“How boring” Sighed Marya like if she was really expecting to fight Sarah “Anyway, put your hands behind your back”

“Ugh, really?” Sarah asked.

“You know why” Said Marya as she took some ropes out of her backpack “After spending all that time with Dana you must be really familiar with this procedure”

Actually Sarah knew perfectly well why Marya wanted her to put her hands behind her back, she had already been told to do that the very same day and she already knew how that had ended for her. The only reason she had to ask that question was to know if there was a chance for her to remain untied, and apparently there wasn’t.

With a sigh Sarah did as Marya had told her and crossed her hands behind her back, jus a few moments after rope was being tied around her wrists by Marya. The restraint was tight and the ropes were rough, the rope marks left by her previous bondage had barely disappeared and Sarah already knew that she was going to get new ones.

Sarah though that Marya was done restraining her when she felt ropes being laid under her breasts and tied behind her back, pinning her arms to her back. The knot was quickly tied and then another rope was laid on her chest, this time above her breasts but with the same intent as the previous one, to further restraint the movement of her arms.

“Was that really necessary?” Asked Sarah as she felt the tight ropes around her body.

“I’m paid to take you securely to Dana, so I wont take any risks with you” Marya grabbed a piece of cloth from her backpack “Now for the last part, open up!”

“Is that really necessary?” Sarah asked already knowing that she was going to be gagged “I swear I’ll be quiet”

“Not going to work” Marya replied “Now open your mouth before I open it myself”

Reluctantly Sarah obeyed Marya’s orders and had the cloth tied laid between her teeth and tightly tied behind her head.

“Much better” Marya said after finishing the gag “Ready to start walking? I hope you are, otherwise the kitty over there is going to wake up and find you all tied up like this”
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Another fantastic add [mention]banshee[/mention] new character is an amazing addition. I love the details you put each character. Can’t wait for the next part. Can’t thank you enough for taking on the request.
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Post by slackywacky »

I agree, great chapter, well written with great care. Thank you!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

How could it be I overlooked the Gem :) So Sarah is in trouble again - good escaping sequence. Small favours: Mayra gagged Sarah lightly - no socks :)
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Post by banshee »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago How could it be I overlooked the Gem :) So Sarah is in trouble again - good escaping sequence. Small favours: Mayra gagged Sarah lightly - no socks :)
Thanks! Marya may have gagged Sarah lightly but Sarah will probably be gagged a bit more harshly soon enough.
slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago I agree, great chapter, well written with great care. Thank you!
Thanks for the comment! Good to know that you're liking the story.
Ducttapelover93 wrote: 3 years ago Another fantastic add [mention]banshee[/mention] new character is an amazing addition. I love the details you put each character. Can’t wait for the next part. Can’t thank you enough for taking on the request.
Thanks! I'm really glad that you're enjoying the story. Be sure to tell me about what you think about the new character additions in this chapter!

Part 3: Walk Through the Jungle

Sarah was forced to walk in front of Marya to a destination that, although it had not been revealed to her, she was sure was the monastery or wherever else Dana was. Running away wasn’t an option, otherwise she’d have already tried it, not only were her legs incredibly tired but Marya had also tied a rope to the restraints around her chest, which she held as some sort of leash, and being lead around on a leash was only the latest addition to Sarah’s already humiliating predicament.

Walking through the jungle was a hell of a task for Sarah, not only were her legs tired, the ground uneven and the visibility poor but there was also the obvious fact of she being tied up. Even though Sarah’s legs were free of restraints, her arms being tied up and pinned to her chest meant that her balance was all over the place. And like if that wasn’t enough, Marya had also forced her to carry her own bag, and since her bound arms meant that she couldn’t carry it like she normally would it meant that she had to carry it with her hands, which tired her bound arms immensely.

“Hey, no dragging that!” Marya ordered as she tugged the leash that held Sarah’s wrists to draw her attention “Dana told me that its filled with important stuff so you don’t get to mess it up”

“Mpghg” Sarah snorted as she got a better grip of the bag, she’d have loved to say ‘Then carry it yourself’ to Marya but deep within her she knew that it wasn’t a good idea. So as humiliating as it was for her to admit it, even if she hadn’t been gagged she’d have probably remained quiet.

And so the walk continued, for Sarah it was tortuous but Marya seemed genuinely calm. Sarah could only wonder who her captor was, sure she had introduced herself and said her name but that didn’t meant much if anything in Sarah’s situation, who was she? What does she have to do with Dana? All questions that, if things kept going like they were going, Sarah would never know the answer to.

Sarah’s tiredness eventually ended up betraying her, making her fall to the floor upon tripping and with her hands and the whole of her arms tied up, all she could do to advert the fall was land on her knees which didn’t do much good but was better than landing on her face.

“Stand up, I don’t have time for this!” Marya tugged the leash with force.

“Mpghg” Sarah grunted angrily, by no means she wanted to obey, and she almost felt like she couldn’t.

“Come on, don’t think you’ll get anything out of this” Marya said as she tugged the rope again.

But no matter how much Sarah tried she just couldn’t stand up, it was like her legs wouldn’t respond and having the weight of her own body resting on her knees wasn’t helping. Sarah would’ve explained what was happening to Marya if she had been able to talk, but something told her that Marya wasn’t the type of woman that would’ve listened to her.

“You know what, they didn’t gave me a deadline so I guess I could afford to sit down for a while” Marya said as she tied Sara’s leash to a tree branch “I had to come here in a hurry so I’m kinda tired too”

To Sarah, the fact that Marya had decided to take a rest only because she was tired and not because she was even more tired was angering, but she wouldn’t make a fuss when she was basically being allowed to rest.

The jungle had gotten somewhat cold after night had fallen, sure, it wasn’t freezing like other weathers Sarah had experienced but it was cold enough to make her feel cold in the skimpy outfit that she had chosen for her archaeological expedition and that she hadn’t stopped regretting wearing since said expedition began. It was that why Sarah was happy when Marya decided to light up a small campfire, not only did it warm her but it also drove away the swarms of insects that hadn’t stopped annoying her since she entered the jungle.

“I usually don’t ask questions to Dana’s prisoners, and I won’t make an exception with you” Marya said as she sat by the campfire in front of Sarah”I mean, even if I did you wouldn't be able to answer, but I must say that I wonder how someone like you ended up in a situation like this”

Sarah was asking herself that question too, until that same day she was just an archeology student like many others, studding at a university, working a part time job and living on a cheap apartment, but now she was basically a prisoner of her professor out of all people, something she’d never expected to happen, not even when she thought of making this expedition on the first place.

“I mean, when I saw you I was almost uncertain of if I should shoot you, you’re really out place here, I guess you should’ve stayed in the university” Said Marya.

Now Marya’s words were becoming angering for Sarah, like if she was purposefully mocking her. To be fair, to Marya Sarah was easy prey, so it was easy for her to mock her.

“But you do have some fight in you” Marya added after taking a sip from a bottle that she had retrieved from her backpack “When you saw the dart on your leg and immediately you took it out, that’s certainly something”

Now Marya seemed to be complimenting her? Sarah could not understand the mind of this woman at all, it was like if for her, talking to her bound and gagged prisoner was just as casual as small talk.

“Not to mention, you somehow managed to escape Dana, who I bet put you in some very tight restraints” Marya complimented Sarah again “And then running through the jungle so far from those ruins, that’s why I expected you to put up some resistance when I found you”

And now Marya seemed disappointed, Sarah just convinced herself even more of the fact that she would never understand that woman.

“But even after that disappointing first encounter, I think that all of that fight you put up deserves some sort of reward” Marya said as she took of her jacket, revealing her body clad in a white tank top underneath “Come here, lets have some fun”

Marya’s approach was interrupted by a loud screech coming from the darkness of the jungle. Marya reacted almost immediately and stood up to grab her rifle, but Sarah couldn’t do much in her condition. And just if like things couldn’t get worse, Sarah and Marya heard a set of quick and heavy footsteps running towards them at what they could only assume to be a great speed.

“Mpghg!” Sarah tried to draw Marya’s attention without trying to hide her fear.

“Shut up” Ordered Marya as she loaded a dart inside her rifle “I don’t have deadly rounds for this so you better allow me to do my work”

That detail Marya provided didn’t helped at all, Marya’s guns were what kept Sarah in check as a prisoner and she expected to at least be able to trust her security on them but apparently she couldn’t have that relief. Why Marya didn’t had deadly ammunition with her Sarah couldn’t know for certain, but something told her that it had something to do with Dana not wanting her dead and instead wanting to keep her alive as a prisoner.

By means that Sarah could not understand, Marya figured out from where the footsteps were coming and shot at that direction. The footsteps proceeded to get slower until the origin of the noise revealed itself, it was a tapir that fell asleep as soon as it showed itself because of the dart.

“What the hell is that?” Said as she lowered the rifle.

It was obvious to Sarah by what she had heard from Marya that she was more of Dana’s muscle and less of her intellect, which wasn’t any good for her because the way to get out of her wasn’t going to be through intellect.

“Anyway, I think we should...”

Marya was inadvertently interrupted again, but this time by an intruder much less harmless than the tapir. A jaguar, maybe the one that had attacked Sarah before, lunged at the Tapir, almost getting Sarah caught in its claws in its way, but instead of harming Sarah, the jaguar did the contrary, it helped her.

Marya now seemed angry at being interrupted again and was ready to shoot at the big cat, but the jaguar did not mind the presence of humans and just went away with its easy prey, something that Marya thought that she’ll be able to do until she looked around and realized that Sarah was nowhere to be found.

“Come on! Show yourself and I swear that I’ll leave you unharmed” Marya shouted.

Both Sarah and Marya herself knew that she couldn’t back up those threats because Dana had specifically asked her to deliver Sarah to her unharmed, but Marya still hoped that her threats would be enough to persuade Sarah. But they weren’t.

Sarah was hiding on the bushes not far enough from Marya to be calm, she could clearly hear her and she was sure that if she made a noise she would hear her too. She was still tied up with ropes at her hands and chest but the leash had been cut by the jaguar when it leaped to get its prey. Since leaving her backpack filled not only with incredibly valuable information but also with the tools that she needed to free herself, leaving it behind wasn’t an option.

“No matter where you are I will find you!” Marya shouted again “it will be better for both of us if you come with me!” She was doing a poor job at hiding her anger.

Sarah’s fear was immense when the bushes she was in were illuminated by Marya’s flashlight, but thankfully she didn’t spot her and continued to illuminate elsewhere. Getting frustrated by her lack of findings, Marya grabbed her rifle and walked into the jungle.

Much to Sarah’s dismay, Marya walked into a direction that meant that if she illuminated with her flashlight, she would have no trouble spotting her. So Sarah was faced with two options, try to hide and risk making noise or be spotted by Marya right away. Sarah decided that if she was going to be spotted she’d rather be so while trying to hide.

Sarah rolled over with all the care in the world but still she made some noise, which meant that Marya went to inspect her hiding spot. Sarah stopped her breathing right away to suppress all of her noises and thankfully, her hiding spot worked and Marya walked away.

After the struggle that Sarah had to face to escape last time she had left her knife hanging at the backpack’s side instead of inside, so she had less trouble cutting herself free of the ropes. Then Sarah peeked through the bushes and after making sure that Marya wasn’t around she stealthily walked away.

“Did you really thought you could escape me?” Asked Marya as she grabbed Sarah from behind.

“What? How!?” Sarah yelled as she struggled to get out of Marya’s grip.

“I knew that you couldn’t run away, so I just turned the flashlight off and waited for you to come out” Marya explained as she forced Sarah’s hands behind her back “I’ll admit that you’ve fight, but apparently you aren’t smart enough to back it up”

“Ugh... Let me go!” Sarah shouted.

But Marya couldn’t care less for Sarah’s demands and proceeded to zip tie Sarah’s wrists.

“And seeing how persistent you are on screaming I’ll gag you...” Marya said as she grabbed another cloth while she kept grabbing Sarah with one hand.

Not willing to surrender after having escaped two times already, Sarah kicked behind her, her strike landing on Marya’s left knee which was painful enough to make her easen her grip enough for Sarah to escape. Not willing to be re-captured a third time Sarah ran without a care in the world, not even caring for her extremely tired legs, but in her careless escape Sarah also had to sacrifice her backpack and its contents, but she believed that no matter how important those were they were no more important than her freedom.

“Now that’s more like it!” Shouted Marya “Run! Run as fast as you can because next time I catch you I wont let you go!”

Sarah didn’t mind Marya’s words and kept running, her legs felt hot like if they were being burned and she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t feared coming across a Jaguar again, but she’d take anything over being captured and brought before Dana again.

Meanwhile Marya waited calmly as she followed Sarah from the distance, she was sure that Sarah had no idea that she was on her trail because of how distracted she was with her escape. But Sarah was not nearly as fast as she thought she was, her bound hands and tired legs she was slowed considerably.

Knowing that a small creek was ahead Marya decided to pass Sarah, even though it could be crossed by walking, it would give her the perfect opportunity to catch Sarah once and for all.

“Dammit” Sarah muttered as she ran into the rocky shore of the creek.

But before she could ask herself how she could cross the creek she was tackled by Marya, she fell harshly on the rock floor and Marya sat above her, pinning her to the floor by laying her thick muscular legs to her sides.

“And once again, I capture you” Marya said as she grabbed Sarah’s face “This has been a wonderful experience, the thrill I felt tonight I hadn’t felt it in a long time, so I have to thank you”

As disgusted as Sarah was by Marya and her attitude, she still did not had time to be captured by her and be lead to Dana in ropes, she she ignored her. Instead, Sarah focused on escaping, she started to rub the zip tie around her wrists against the rocks hoping to break free of the restraint.

“But good things must come to an end, and this is...”

Marya stopped talking as she felt a sharp pain on her right side, first she was overwhelmed by a sensation of heat and immediately after she gasped, she had ran out of air.

“I agree, this ends here” Sarah said as she knocked Marya aside and then stood up, showing herself to be free.

Sarah then ran away, trusting that no matter how tough Marya was it would take her a long time to recover from a hit to the liver with a stone. She also took the chance to recover her backpack, something filled with information that she refused to let go.

Following the course of the creek from the distance Sarah eventually ran into a bridge that was just a part of a small precarious road that went through the jungle. Sarah waited for a few minutes, expecting to see a someone willing to give her ride but apparently no cars used that road.

Sarah was forced to walk at the side of the road for hours, at first she was worried of Marya and even though she calmed down a bit after hours of nothingness, she still kept her guard up. Eventually Sarah reached a recognizable place, she was just in the place where she had entered the jungle which on its own didn’t meant much, but who was there did mean a lot.

“Sarah!” Shouted Andrea as she ran towards her friend.

To Sarah, Andrea was a fellow archeology student but more importantly a friend, she was so much of a friend that she had agreed to the whole craziness of Sarah’s archaeological expedition without question, something that almost everyone else didn’t bothered with.

Physically Andrea was shorter than Sarah, had long black hair and light brown skin. Her vision was poor so she was always wearing a pair of big glasses and due to having being raised there she was dressed more appropriately for the jungle than Sarah.

Her time in the jungle felt so long that Sarah felt like if she hadn’t seen her friend in ages even though she had seen her in that exact same day. But sadly Sarah did not had time for emotional reunions.

“We have to leave! Now!” Sarah shouted

“Wait wait wait!” Andrea tried to stop Sarah “You have to explain a few things to me, you have disappeared for hours, you can’t expect me to not ask questions when you come back like this!”

“I’ll explain later but we don’t have time now!” Sarah shouted with a nerve that Andrea did not understand at all.

“Why? Are you being chased or something?” Andrea asked sarcastically.

Sarah’s response lacked all of the sarcasm that Andrea’s question had, so Andrea decided to start taking her apparently paranoid friend a bit more seriously. She decided to get into the car and start driving away with her just like Sarah was demanding.

“Can you explain now?” Asked Andrea as she drove away.

Sarah looked behind the car nervously, she was expecting another car to be following them but the route was deserted, so she decided that it was time for her explanation, and it was a long one. But so was the drive ahead, so she had time to explain.

Even though Andrea thought that what she was hearing was insane, she heard attentively to what her friend had to say, everything from when she found a romansque monastery in the middle of a mexican jungle to when she had to escape from some rambo like woman in the middle of the jungle, only to be saved by a jaguar of all things.

“I hope you realize that what you’re telling me is pretty insane right?” Asked Andrea “Like, it sounds like you’ve taking the whole ‘Lara Croft’ thing a bit further than the outfit”

“But it’s true! I swear!” Shouted Sarah.

“I’m not saying that you’re lying, but you must know that all of that is really hard to believe” Andrea replied.

“I know, but, I have proof” Sarah replied as she calmed herself down “I still have the backpack with me, I filled it with all of the things I took from my professor”

“We can see those things when we arrive home” Said Andrea without getting her eyes out of the dark road “Maybe even tomorrow, its pretty late already”

The Next Day: Suite in Chetumal, México

Marya was led into Dana’s room by the historian’s escorts, Marya was not afraid of what was going to happen, all of the bile things that Dana had to say to her she had already told her yesterday. But Marya still was angry about yesterday’s events, the way that Sarah had escaped from her just when she thought that she had her was deeply enraging for her.

“Take a seat Marya, and you two can leave” Dana said from her desk as she saw Marya enter the room.

Dana was dressed in a suit like usually, but she seemed tired, her hair was rather messy and there were traces of eye bags under her makeup, that and her tired tone denoted that she hadn’t slept well and Marya knew why.

“I assume you know why you’re here” Dana said as Marya sat down in front of her.

“Something that you didn’t told me yesterday?” Asked Marya.

“I admit that yesterday I allowed my emotions to take control of my words and said a few things that I really don’t mean, and for that I apologize” Dana’s apologize was genuine, but her tone was reluctant.

Marya waited for Dana to add something, she knew her well enough to know that there was going to be a catch to whatever she was saying.

“But I am still disappointed about your performance last night” Dana added “In all of the years I have worked with you I never expected a university student out of all people to be the one to beat you”

“She just got lucky...” Marya grunted almost instinctively.

“Then hope she doesn’t get ‘lucky’ again” Dana replied, saying the word ‘Lucky’ in an especially mocking manner “Because I don’t know if I should keep working with you if that happens”

“It won’t happen”

“Lets hope so”

After Dana spoke there was a brief, tense silence between them, the type of silence that felt like ocean pressure above everyone’s heads and that could only be produced between individuals like Dana and Marya.

“I guess you were being serious when you told me that there was going to be no pay” Marya broke the silence as she explained the reason why she hadn’t left the room.

“I was, now leave, I have things to do” Dana ordered.

Marya left the room without a word.

Dana was left, at least apparently, alone. Apparently because Dana was almost always accompanied by her secretary, Emily, who was almost always unnoticed by everyone but Dana herself, and this time was not the exception.

“What do you think?” Dana asked as she looked below her desk “Oh, sorry”

Dana then removed the ballgag on Emily’s mouth and a blob of saliva fell to the floor from her mouth after she did. It wasn’t rare for Dana to have her secretary tied up, but recently her games were getting more and more daring, almost always risking being found out by someone.

Emily was a short pale woman, shorter than Dana and younger than her. Her brown eyes usually had a shy look in them and her small thin frame was almost always encased in an office suit, this time she only had to remove the pencil skirt and only leave the pantyhose underneath, otherwise Dana wouldn’t have been able to tie her in a position like the one she was in.

This time Dana had tied Emily with red rope, tying her arms behind her back in a boxtie and pinning them to her chest by rope running above and below her breasts. To keep her hidden under the desk Dana had put Emily on a frogtie, tying her thighs to her calves to keep her kneeling under the desk.

“I think you did the right thing” Emily said after working on her ached jaw.

“Did I though?” Dana asked more to herself than to Emily “I was, and still am, very disappointed with Marya and her performance”

“But she still is your best option for that type of work” Emily added.

“You’re probably right” Dana said as she patted Emily on the head.

“Anyway, want me to untie you so you can explain me your findings?” Asked Dana as she rolled back on her chair.

“No...” Emily replied shyly “Keep me bound”

“Oh Emily” Said Dana as she stood up “That’s just what I needed to hear”

Emily smiled at her boss and allowed her to scoop her up and carry her to the bed. Dana didn’t had notable strength but Emily was light enough for Dana not to have trouble carrying her.

“So, what did you found out?” Asked Dana as she laid on the bed beside Emily,

“Well, I’ve still to find out how Sarah learned about the ruins, but what I did find out was where she’s staying” Emily replied.

“Oh that’s interesting” Dana said as she stroked Emily’s hair “What do you say about paying her a visit?”

“But you’ll have to untie me for that...” Emily purred as she tried to get closer to Dana.

“I didn’t said anything about going right now” Said Dana as she hugged Emily “So why don’t we stay like this just a bit longer?”
Last edited by banshee 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Most fascinating tale [mention]banshee[/mention] I liked especially the Part, when Sarah was hunted by Mayra!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

[mention]banshee[/mention] another amazing update. You blow me away with every new twist and turn of this story. I love the new characters and can’t wait to see how they play a role in this story as you go along. Can’t wait for the next part and as always thank you so much for the story!
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

I like (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I'm liking this story more and more. The addition of the new characters is so good, and now Marya has some personal interests in Sarah, as she's the one who beat her and escaped. Can't wait to see if she will have her revenge and capture Sarah! And maybe Andrea too.
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Post by banshee »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Most fascinating tale [mention]banshee[/mention] I liked especially the Part, when Sarah was hunted by Mayra!
Good to hear that, Marya wont be appearing for now but you'll see her again.
chelseykittyc@t wrote: 3 years ago I like (:
Ducttapelover93 wrote: 3 years ago [mention]banshee[/mention] another amazing update. You blow me away with every new twist and turn of this story. I love the new characters and can’t wait to see how they play a role in this story as you go along. Can’t wait for the next part and as always thank you so much for the story!
Next part is already here! I'm really glad that you like this story so much.
Mineira1986 wrote: 3 years ago I'm liking this story more and more. The addition of the new characters is so good, and now Marya has some personal interests in Sarah, as she's the one who beat her and escaped. Can't wait to see if she will have her revenge and capture Sarah! And maybe Andrea too.
Marya may get her revenge in the future but if you're interested in Andrea I think you'll like this chapter.

Part 4: A Visit

Once Sarah arrived at Andrea’s house both she and her friend were tired and had no time to open the backpack and look at its contents, so they decided to just hide the bag under the bed and get some well deserved rest.

Even though Andrea believed Sarah, or at least said that she did, she still didn’t knew what to think about Sarah’s paranoid behaviour, she asked her to double lock the apartment's door and to assure her that there were no other entrances, even though they were on a fifth floor.

After Sarah had a very relaxing hot shower she decided get to sleep already, she was hungry but too nervous and tired to have dinner so she didn’t even tried. Sarah apologized for not sharing dinner with her friend and just when straight to the bedroom where the bed awaited her, and after making sure that the backpack hadn’t gone anywhere she let herself fall to the floor.

Laying on her friend’s bed felt divine after all of what she had been through that hellish day so once she had her head against the pillow and her body against the mattress she fell asleep almost immediately. In other circumstances Andrea would’ve complained because Sarah was taking far more than half of her bed, but knowing how tired Sarah was and what she had been through Andrea decided to make an exception this time.

The next day Sarah woke up much later than usual, and she was alone in the bed when she did. Sarah was still paranoid after the events of the previous day, she feared that something may have happened to Andrea, and her fear only grew after she noticed something awful, the backpack was nowhere to be found.

“Good morning sleepy” Said Andrea as she heard Sarah leave the room “Did you enjoyed my bed?”

“You have no idea” Sarah said as she rubbed her eyes “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, I assumed that you’re hungry so I’m preparing a huge breakfast” Andrea replied.

“You’re the best friend ever Andrea” Sarah said as she sat down on the kitchen table.

“But don’t think you’re getting all of these for free, I’m going to need some help from you” Andrea added.

“Don’t worry, I think I have abused your generosity enough” Said Sarah “What do you need?”

“I’m missing a few things for the food so I was going to ask you to go get a few things from the grocery shop down the street” Andrea said “Is your spanish still okay? That’ll save you a lot of time”

“Afirmativo” Sarah replied.

Andrea told Sarah what she needed from the store and after getting dressed Sarah got ready to leave, but she remembered something that had had her at unease since she woke up.

“Andrea, about the bag..”

“Oh yeah, forgot to tell you” Said Andrea without taking her eyes off the food “I was inspecting the stuff inside and I gotta say that it is really interesting”

Sarah gave a sigh of relief.

“About your professor's laptop, it has a password and I haven’t been able to get through it, so I was thinking of asking a friend for help” Andrea explained.

“Sofia right?” Sarah asked rhetorically.

“Yeah, there aren’t many people I can ask for help to get through the password of a stolen computer you know?” Replied Andrea “You know, why don’t you go give her the laptop now that you’re leaving? Her house is pretty close”

“Guess I could do that too, but I don’t feel really confident in giving her something this important” Said Sarah.

“She can be trusted, don’t worry”

“I don’t mean that she can’t be trusted, I’m just saying that I’m afraid that she’ll ask for something in return” Said Sarah “But anyway, send me the location of her house and I’ll give her the computer”

And so Sarah left the apartment to run Andrea’s errands, she didn’t felt in anyway bad about doing the shopping for her, it was the least thing she could do i return for her generosity, but she still was a bit skeptical about Andrea’s friend and the help she could provide.

As Sarah entered the store, she saw a pair of sharply dressed women from the corner of her eye, she could have sworn that she had seen Dana again but after the woman disappeared in the crowd Sarah convinced herself that she was getting too paranoid about yesterday’s events.

Andrea’s Apartment, a Few Minutes After Sarah Left

‘Knock knock’ Andrea heard someone knock her door over the sound of oil on the pan, she was surprised, she didn’t expected anyone to come and it was too soon for Sarah to come back, the only thing that came to her mind was that Sarah had forgotten something and had come back for it.

Andrea had to turn off the heat to open the door, she was not pleased to be interrupted. When she opened the door she was meet by a pair of women that she had no idea of standing on the other side. One was blonde, pale, slim and her blue eyes had an intimidatingly cold stare, the second woman was shorter but her reddish brown hair was longer than the other woman’s, the stare in her brown eyes was shy and not scary and instead of a regular suit like the one the other woman was wearing, her’s had a pencil skirt instead of pants.

“Care to let us in” Asked the blonde woman with a perfect spanish as she revealed a gun hidden under her blazer.

Andrea was about to slam the door in front of the pair but the women gave a step forward.

“Do you really want to say no” The woman asked in spanish again as she pointed the gun at Andrea.

Hiding her fear, Andrea complied with the request of the pair of strangers and allowed them inside, once both had entered the room they closed the door behind them and Andrea was left alone with them.

“I assume that you’re Sarah’s professor?” Andrea asked.

“So you do speak english? Great, I never liked speaking spanish” The woman replied as she continued to point her gun at Andrea “And to reply to your question, yes, I am Dana Henderson, and it is insulting for someone with so many titles like me to be known as ‘someone’s professor’”
“I don’t care about insulting you after what you did to Sarah you bitch!” Despite being incredibly afraid Andrea gathered the courage to insult Dana and as great as it felt, it didn’t made the fear go away.

“Watch your words, they might get you shot if you aren’t careful” Dana replied.

Andrea gulped, she was afraid like she had never been in her whole life.

“Don’t worry, my temper is not lost that easily” Said Dana “Take a seat now if you please”

Andrea looked behind her to look at the chairs only to find out that the other woman had already laid out a chair behind her. She sat down on the chair while still looking at Dana when her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of water boiling.

“Don’t worry, my secretary Emily will take care of the food” Dana said after hearing the noise “You’ll be unable to do that anyway”

Before Andrea could ask what Dana meant by that Dana took some rope out of her purse and when she saw that Andrea remembered exactly what Sarah had told her about the treatment that Dana had given her.

“Put your hands behind the back of the chair” Dana ordered.

Andrea obeyed reluctantly Dana’s orders and kept looking at Dana as she walked behind her and started to tie her wrists behind the chair. Even though Andrea had already been tied up before she had never been tied up by a stranger, let alone tied up by someone like Dana and in a situation like the one she was in.

Dana finished tying the ropes around Andrea’s wrists but unlike what Andrea thought she wasn’t finished, Dana made use of more of the rope that she had on her purse to tie Andrea’s waist to the back of the chair and even more rope to tie together her ankles and knees.

“You are pretty used to doing this aren’t you?” Asked Andrea as Dana secured her ankles.

“You are either pretty perceptive or have been in this position before” Dana replied as she finished tying Andrea’s legs above the knees “Care to tell me which of the two options is the correct one?”

“That’s none of your bushiness!” Replied Andrea, slightly blushed by Dana’s question.

“It’s okay if you’re ashamed to answer, you’ll have a lot of time to get over those feelings until Sarah arrives” Dana spoke as she added the final touch to Andrea’s restraints, a rope that tied her hands to her ankles, leaving her feet hanging above the floor.

As Dana took the time to move a chair in front of her, Andrea took the time to test her restraints, it took her only a few seconds to be able to tell that they were inescapable, even though the tightness was not painful the knots didn’t budge and with her captors in front of her it wasn’t like she’d had a chance anyway.

“So, Andrea?” Dana asked as she sat down.

Andrea nodded in response, lowkey surprised by the fact that Dana knew her name.

“I assume you know why we’re here” Said Dana “Sarah isn’t known to for being good at keeping secrets”

“I know, I know, you want that bag full of archaeological wonders because... reasons?” It was just then that Andrea realized that she had no idea why Dana was after all of those objects.

“So you don’t know why I am after them” Dana said.

Andrea shook her head.

“That’s what I thought” Dana replied “But Sadly I can’t tell you why either, so you’ll have to keep wondering”

Dana dared to break into her home and tie her up, that was enraging enough but the fact that she still didn’t wanted to disclose the mystery of why she was after those mysterious artifacts was the cherry on top of all that she had already done.

“We’ll just take this, which by the way your friend stole from me” Dana said as she grabbed the backpack”

“The food is done!” Emily announced like if she was completely oblivious to what was happening around her.

“Great, maybe we can share this moment with Andrea” Dana said as Emily served the food on the table.

After serving all of the food on the table Andrea’s face showed nothing but visible confusion, she couldn’t tell where was all of this strange behaviour from her captors coming from.

“Seeing how you wont be able to feed yourself we’ll have to stay here a bit longer to help you with that” Said Dana “Do you mind feeding her Emily?”

Emily did not mind at all and she started to feed her captive, but Andrea was doubtful about whether she should eat or not, even if it was the food that she had cooked herself.

“You put something in the food didn’t you?” Asked Andrea.

“That is a smart supposition, but no, we didn’t” Dana before she took a bite from a toast to prove her point “Why would we do that?”

“Because you want me to forget about this whole thing? Maybe even kill me?” Andrea said.

“That would be much more trouble than just not doing anything” Dana replied “If we drugged you we’d raise a lot of suspicions, however if we just leave you alone and allow you to talk about all that happened the only person who would raise suspicions will be you”

Andrea looked at Dana with confusion, she couldn’t quite tell what she was trying to say.

“Think about it, who would be believe you if talk about this to someone?” Asked Dana, and her question was met with no response other than silence “Exactly, nobody, so feel free to eat this before it gets cold”

Having been proved wrong Andrea was awkwardly fed by Emily, the whole deal of being fed by someone while tied up was degrading and Andrea didn’t liked it one bit.

Andrea’s feeding was interrupted by the doorbell, which could only mean that Sarah was already there.

“Well I wasn’t expecting this, so I think we’ll have to leave the breakfast for now” Dana said as she searched for something in her purse and after a few seconds she retrieved a sponge and a roll of silvery duct tape.

It did not take a genius to be able to tell what Dana was about to do with that, and Andrea knew exactly where that sponge and tape were going to be in just a few seconds.

“Would you be kind enough to open your mouth?” Asked Dana.

Having already seen that there was no point in resisting, Andrea did as she was told and opened her mouth.

Dana pushed the sponge inside Andrea’s mouth and once it was deep enough inside her moth Dana laid three strips of duct tape over Andrea’s face, effectively gagging her.

Even though her captors didn’t showed themselves as very aggressive or even evil, Andrea was still intimidated by them, it was expected, she was tied up at the mercy of two strangers, fear was the expected reaction from anyone in her situation. But her fear was only accentuated when Sarah arrived, Sarah was much more unpredictable than her and she feared that her reaction to the pair of kidnappers could mean trouble for both she and her.

“Keep silent please” Dana said as she put her gun against Andrea’s side.

That order was all it took for Andrea to obey, and while she remained bound and helpless at Dana’s side Emily went to open the door. Emily hid herself behind the door after opening it for Sarah, entering the room and not seeing anyone scared Sarah immensely but before she could say anything the door closed behind her, and she became able to see the scene unfolding in her friend’s apartment.

“Hello Sarah” Dana said as she forced Andrea to look at her friend.

Sarah was about to have a violent reaction to what she had seen, but Emily, who she had not seen when she entered the room, laid a hand on her shoulder and stopped her.

“I don’t recommenced doing that” Said Emily.

Taking a more careful look at the scene Sarah realized that what the unknown woman in office attire was saying was true. Her friend was tied up and being held at gunpoint, and all she had with her were some bags filled with the things she had bought in the grocery store, she was at a complete disadvantage again. Seeing that and knowing what was next, Sarah decided to raise her hands above her head and sigh, she was not happy about was happening again.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Sarah.

“I thought you knew, I guess you aren’t as smart as you appear in class” Dana replied.

Sarah had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from saying something that could get her or her friend killed.

“We came here for the things you stole from us, I admit that getting to tie you up again wasn’t in our plans, but I wont complain” Dana explained.

Sarah was ordered to sit down on a chair that Emily laid just in front of Andrea, and while Emily took Dana’s place of holding Andrea at gunpoint Dana tied up Sarah in the exact same way that she had tied Andrea.

“You really enjoy doing this don’t you?” Asked Sarah as Dana tightened the rope around her knees.

“Yes” Dana shamelessly replied “After you escaped last night I was afraid that I’d never get the chance of tying you up myself, so I have to thank you for giving me the chance”

“Fuck you” Sarah cursed, every word that Dana spoke just angered her more and more.

“And this is why you need to be gagged” Dana said as she grabbed another sponge from her purse.

Unlike Andrea, Sarah didn’t planned to allow Dana to gag her without any trouble. She sealed her lips and moved her head away from the sponge, relentlessly fighting her captor to avoid being gagged again.

“Come on, it isn’t like I’m gagging you with socks this time” Dana sighed as she tried to hold Sarah still.

Ignoring Dana completely, Sarah kept struggling.

“Don’t make me look up for dirty laundry to gag you Sarah!” Dana grunted as she got a hold of Sarah’s face.

Andrea wanted to tell Sarah what she was doing was completely pointless but all that made it through her gag were a few unintelligible mumbles.

“Do you really want to make this hard?” Dana asked tiredly.

Hearing her friend’s mumbles made Sara realize that It would be better for her if she calmed down at least for a second. She could already tell that she was getting no closer to freedom with her struggles and she realized from a perceptive other than her own what she was doing could be seen as incredibly stupid.

“Fine, whate... Mpghghg!”

Even before Sarah could finish her sentence Dana had already shoved a sponge inside her mouth, interrupting her tired sigh and replacing it by an audible yet muffled complaint.

“Much better” Said Dana after laying the tape over Sarah’s lips in the exact same manner that she had used on Andrea.

Dana sat down on a chair and Emily stepped aside to give her boss some space with her two captives, there was a naive smile on her face the whole time that infinitely angered both Sarah and Dana, It was like if she couldn't tell that what she was doing was wrong, she looked completely happy while holding Sarah and Andrea tied up and at gunpoint.

“Before I say anything, I want to thank you two for this experience” Dana sighed “You have no idea of how good it feels to have you two all tied up like this”

“Mpghg” Sarah grunted as she settled on her restraints.

“But seeing how you seem to have no time for this I’ll just get over with it” Said Dana “Basically I’ll be taking this with me, and yes, I’ll leave you two behind”

“Mpghgh?” Both Dana and Sarah asked through her gags.

“Feel free to try to talk to anyone about this, I know for experience that nobody will believe you” Dana said as she stood back up “But to give you two some credit, this is the first time I get so far when dealing with snoops”

Dana crouched behind Andrea to do something with the ropes, since she couldn’t see whats Dana was doing Andrea feared the worst, but she was relieved to find out that all that Dana had done was easen the knot that tied her feet to her hands, allowing her feet to touch the floor.
“This will help you to get out, somewhat at least” Dana said after doing the same with Sarah “I hope you like challenges because it still won’t be easy to escape”

Dana moved to the front of the door where she stood with her secretary and being just about to leave she decided to make a pause to say some words to her prisoners.

“I wish you luck at escaping, otherwise you’ll have to come up with some explanation for whoever finds you here”

“Mpghg!” Both prisoners complained, but their complaints were not in the same tone. Sarah’s complaints were filled with anger and Andrea’s were those of someone who’s incredibly worried.

After Dana and Emily had left the room Andrea and Sarah were left alone. They both wanted to ask each other so many questions but with those gags on their mouths any conversation would be reduced to an incoherent and unintelligible mumble.

Dana had loosened the rope that tied their ankles to their hands, but just like she said that didn’t made it easier to escape, the two girls were smart enough to figure out that to escape they had to move the chair, but with their feet tied like they had them that was no easy task.
Both Andrea and Sarah were unsure of what to do other than moving the chair, with their hands tied up like they had them they wouldn't be able to reach any scissor or knife to cut themselves free, and even trying to find the knots was out of the question, by that point both Sarah and Andrea had figured out that Dana had been too good at tying them up.

“Mpghgh mphhg mpghgmph!” Sarah tried to communicate something to Andrea, but she did not found any success at it.

“Mpghgh?” Andrea tried to ask something to her friend, forgetting for a second that she was gagged too.

Frustrated by how ineffective her communication attempt had been, Sarah decided to try another approach. Sarah wanted to get back to back with Andrea to see if there was a chance that they could reach each other’s knots, so she had to put her legs to use.

Andrea who had remained still until that point only realized what her friend was trying to do after Sarah was halfway to turning her chair to give her her back. Not wanting to fall behind Andrea tried to do the same, but find it much more difficult than Sarah.

Unlike Sarah, who had prepared for months to get in shape not for getting kidnapped, but getting in shape nonetheless, Andrea found it incredibly tiresome to try to move her chair, and the fact that she could barely move it with each of her movements due to how her legs were tied did not helped at all.

Andrea was not even halfway though turning the chair when she exhausted herself to the point that she couldn’t go any longer. Sarah was not pleased to know that her friend couldn’t do half of the struggling that she had done, but she had no time to wait for her friend to recover so she put all of the workout of the previous months to the test and kept moving the chair.

“Mpghgh” Sarah audibly sighed as she got her back against Andrea’s.

Even though untying each other was easier than doing it themselves, it was still a hell of a task that saw them failing at it for hours. Non verbally Andrea and Sarah agreed that Andrea was going to untie Sarah’s hands first because she stood more of a chance at it, Sarah found herself too unfit for the fine task.

The food on the table had already become cold and probably inedible by someone with a sane paladar when Andrea managed to untie the rope that tied Sarah’s waist to the back of the chair, Andrea had decided to go for that rope first because reaching the knot that kept her hands tied together was out of the question. When the rope fell to the floor Sarah stood up, she had been waiting to be freed for the chair for hours and couldn’t wait any longer for that moment, but when she tried to stand up she was quickly reminded that her hands were tied to her feet and therefore she’d have to remain tied up for even longer.

“Mpghg!” Sarah’s curse was muffled by her gag.

All that was heard from Andrea by Sarah was an audible and tired sigh, she was exhausted from the struggling, her muscles were aching because of how long she had been tied up and with all of that she had to keep herself focused on Sarah’s restraints if she wanted to get free anytime in the near future.

And so went another hour, maybe and probably longer, the two girls found out that the line between and hour and a minute was quick to fade when they had to spend their time in silence because of their gags and doing nothing because of the ropes.

Midday was well passed when Andrea finally managed to untie Sarah’s wrists from her feet. Andrea had spent so much time trying to get her friend untied that Sarah was feeling bad for her, having done nothing while her friend untied her felt unfair but she was sure that she was going to repay her once she was free herself.

Sarah stood up, finally free from her chair, the only way she had of moving with her legs tied up was to hop around the place so that’s what she did, and she found out that doing so was extremely tiring. Sarah then turned her back at Andrea and got her hands close to her face, trying to signal to her that she wanted to ungag her.

It took some seconds for Andrea to notice what Sarah was trying to do and even more for Sarah to get it done, but eventually she managed to rip the tape out of Andrea’s face in a somewhat painful process.

“Thanks for that” Andrea said after she spat the sponge that had been inside her mouth the whole time “Sit on my lap, I’ll ungag you”
“Mphghg?” Sarah couldn’t understand what Andrea was trying to do.

“It’ll be easier to do it this way than trying with my hands” Andrea explained “Come on, I wont bite”

Sarah sat awkwardly on her friend’s lap and faced at her, and against what she had said Andrea did bite Sarah because she used her mouth to bite one of the ends of the duct tape and ungag her friend. It was weird for both of them to have each other so close, maybe if the hadn’t been so tired because of the long term bondage there would have been some erotic tension in that act, but as tired as they were there wasn’t much of that.

“That was weird but thanks” Sarah said after spitting the drenched sponge “Care to tell me where you have scissors or something else to cut this?”

Andrea gave the indications to Sarah from her chair while her friend tried her best to do as she said while she was tied up, had to move around the place by hopping around and had to awkwardly manipulate objects with her hands tied behind her back. But after what may as well had been another hour Sarah managed to cut the ropes around her wrists with a scissor and once that was once that was done getting free from the other ropes wasn’t a very hard task.

After both girls were free they slouched on the room’s couch and sighed, the floor was filled with the rope with which they had been tied and their bodies were covered by red marks of those ropes.

“Wanna order food?” Andrea asked after a long silence “I don’t really feel like cooking again”
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Dana got her stuff back from Sarah and Andrea. I liked especially the part when Andrea was tied up - and how the Girls untied themselves. The description was very good, [mention]banshee[/mention] ! It seems that Sarah lost that round.
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Another amazing update. Thank you again. Loved the description of the escape as well. I can’t wait to see what trouble they get into next.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Nice chapter!

I especially enjoyed the fact that Andrea had been cooking, and now she was being fed by her captors. It felt, I don't know... like she was completely powerless in that situation. Very well done!
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Post by banshee »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Nice chapter!

I especially enjoyed the fact that Andrea had been cooking, and now she was being fed by her captors. It felt, I don't know... like she was completely powerless in that situation. Very well done!
Thanks! To be fair she was quite powerless.
Ducttapelover93 wrote: 2 years ago Another amazing update. Thank you again. Loved the description of the escape as well. I can’t wait to see what trouble they get into next.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago So Dana got her stuff back from Sarah and Andrea. I liked especially the part when Andrea was tied up - and how the Girls untied themselves. The description was very good, [mention]banshee[/mention] ! It seems that Sarah lost that round.
Thanks! It seems the escape sequence was good which I'm glad to hear because I was a bit unsure about it at first.

I apologize for the long wait but I've been really busy. By the way, I'm also sorry to say there is isn't much regarding bondage in this part but I can guarantee that the next few chapters which I'll post as soon as possible will make up for that.

Part 5: Friend of a Friend

After enjoying a cheap but good pizza that they ordered for lunch, Andrea decided to talk about the elephant in the room that they had been ignoring since Dana and her assistant had left.

“Are we going to call this over then?” She asked.

“Well she took the bag even before I could even see what was inside, I can’t say I’m not mad but there’s not much we can do” Sarah sighed.

Sarah expected Andrea to be relieved by the fact that their crazy investigation had been stopped, it was the reaction she would expect from anyone dragged into a situation like the one she had dragged her in, but against her expectations Andrea seemed just as disappointed as her.

“Wait, what happened to the laptop?” Andrea asked after a brief silence.
“I haven’t thought about that, she didn’t take that!” Sarah remembered happily, her investigation wasn’t going to be called off so easily “Sofia wasn’t at her house when I went there but their parents have the laptop, we can go and...”
Sarah stopped rambling as she noticed that Andrea wasn’t saying much.
“You don’t have to keep tagging along if you don’t want to” Sarah said calmly “After what happened today I understand”
“What do you mean tagging along!?” Andrea asked “After what happened today I’m in this as much as you are, I’m not just ‘tagging along’”
Sarah didn’t quite got what Andrea meant by that, so her friend decided to elaborate.
“I’m not getting out of this until your thesis is published, and my name is on it” Andrea said as she stood up from the chair.
A smile appeared on Sarah’s face, even though she knew that she was getting into something dangerous and thereby getting her friend into something dangerous too, she couldn’t help but be happy about getting into it with the company of a friend.
A few hours of washing the dishes and cleaning up the mess of ropes that had been left on Andrea’s apartment by Dana, Sarah and Andrea decided to go to Sofia’s house to explain her the situation of the laptop.
Sofia was a friend that Sarah had met through Andrea, she was much younger that them not only in age but she was also pretty immature. According to Andrea, she was a mess in high school, and once she graduated against all odds she just stayed with her parents, not studying nor working. But despite all of that she was smart, smarter than most people thought and her countless hours sitting in front of a computer had gave her the knowledge that she needed to help Andrea and Sarah with her laptop situation.
Upon arriving to her house Sofia’s parents happily received the two girls, but in the middle of their reception they were told something that greatly surprised both Andrea and Sarah. Three months prior, Sofia had moved to Mexico City to study a career, she was living there by herself and according to what her parents told them, she was doing pretty well.
Hiding their surprise as best as they could and taking the laptop with them, Andrea and Sarah left Sofia’s parents’ house with their whole plans changed, they now had to head for Mexico city, which wasn’t near close to where they were at the moment.
That night Sarah and Andrea slept together again, this time with a more fair split of the bed and with plans of having a better night of sleep than the previous one since they had a long drive ahead the next day.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Sarah asked softly as she rolled over to look at her friend.
“Of course I want! Who do you think I am?”
“Well I still don’t fully comprehend what I’m getting into so I don’t want to force you into it” Sarah explained.
“All we need to know is that if we do this properly we may end up rewriting world history” Andrea said “And I’m willing to get into this if it means doing that”
“But you’re aware of how dangerous it may get?” Sarah asked “You saw what happened today and...”
“Yes, but if we’re going to go on this adventure you can be sure that I wont be your damsel in distress” Andrea interrupted “Now rest, tomorrow will be a long day”
A bit more calmed, Sarah could finally rest and she fell asleep in no time, her day had been exhausting. Andrea fell asleep a few minutes after, she would’ve been lying if she said that she wasn’t nervous about getting into what she was getting into with Sarah, but she wasn’t regretting it.
The Next Day
Like the previous day, Sarah woke up after than Andrea. This time Andrea cooked a lighter breakfast because she wanted as few stops in the travel as was possible, and before they expected they were already on Andrea’s car, ready to get going.
After both of the girls’ playlists were over they decided to turn on the car’s radio, when they did they were met by a news program that they couldn’t help but listen to in disbelief. It was basically a reporting on a foreign company buying a large portion of the nearby jungle, exactly the portion that Sarah had been exploring yesterday.
“That’s Dana’s company” Sarah pointed out.
“What?” Asked Andrea.
Sarah proceeded to explain that the company that had bought the portion of jungle was owned by Dana’s family, and that it was widely known that Dana had a large say within what the company did.
“Who exactly is this Dana?” Asked Andrea “She’s starting to seem more like a supervillain than an university professor”
“She’s the daughter of a millionaire couple that knows a lot about history” Sarah explained “And apparently has something to do with archeology? I still don’t know what she was doing in those ruins”
“I hope that laptop has the answer”
The way ahead was long and at first it was a good way for the pair old friends to catch up since because they rarely saw each other they had a lot to talk about. But after they were hours into the highway they started to get tired and eventually they ended up taking turns to drive while the other slept on the back of the car.
After hours of driving they arrived to the country’s capital, Mexico City, a massive city which crowded streets added a few more hours to their already long journey. After they were done with the unrelenting traffic they finally arrived at the location Sofia had sent them, a tall apartment building near the center of the city.
“How can she afford to live here?” Asked Sarah.
“I’m also wondering that” Andrea replied “When her parents told me that she’s doing ‘pretty good’ I didn’t expected her to be living like this”
Getting out of the cars and stretchering their legs felt incredibly good, maybe close to the feeling they got after their legs were untied the previous day but they would rather not think about that.
Andrea messaged her friend and told her that they were already at the door, but she replied telling her that they just needed to take the elevator and go to her room, she wasn’t getting out. Not actually surprised by the message Sarah and Andrea did as she told and eventually they were knocking on her apartment’s door.
“Hi girls! Come in!” Sofia invited as she opened the door.
After her two guests were in she closed the door behind them and turned on the lights, the curtains were down so there not much couldn’t be seen inside the room, but a lot could be smelled.
“Now this looks more like what I was expecting” Andrea said after the light revealed the scene in front of her.
“I’ll take that as a compliment!” Sofia replied.
The scene was truly something characteristic of Sofia, an overall messy place with unwashed dishes in the sink, flooded trash can and a lot of unwashed laundry laying on the floor. The smell of the place was anything but pleasant, it wasn’t overwhelming but it wasn’t how a apartment should small in the first place.
Sofia herself looked like she was right in her natural habitat in that place, even though her hormones had calmed down since her teenage years and that had made her acne disappear and her hair no longer be greasy, she still looked far from what one would call conventionally good. One could say that she was built like a ghost, she was short, thin and so unhealthily pale that the eye bags underneath her green eyes were easy to see. If her long messy hair had been black and not red she’d have looked like a horror movie ghost.
“Shouldn’t you... get dressed...” Sarah asked awkwardly as she tried to avoid looking down at Sofia’s legs.
Sarah’s question was not without motive, Sofia was wearing just an oversized old shirt that feel below her hips down to the middle of her thighs and that by the way, didn’t gave off a very pleasant smell.
“Oh I’m dressed” Sofia replied as she lifted her shirt to show that under her shirts she was just on her underwear “Lets go to my room, this place is a mess”
Despite what she had just said Sofia’s room wasn’t much better, one could say that it was actually worse. The unwashed clothes were all over the place and the smell was worse, the only light source that allowed them to see that was a set of rgb lighting near Sofia’s computer because just like every window in the apartment, the room’s window had the curtains down.
“Don’t be shy, take a seat and explain this laptop situation you have going on here” Sofia said as she sat on her desk chair and turned it around to be able to look at her guests.
After a few seconds Andrea and Sarah awkwardly decided to make a place for themselves to sit in on the few places of Sofia’s bed which weren’t overwhelmed with clothes. Sarah was already giving Andrea a doubtful look, silently expressing how unsure she was about trusting Sofia.
“You see, we have this laptop and we don’t know the password to answer the user, I was wondering if you could help us getting through it” Andrea explained afraid of having Sofia ask where they got the laptop from.
“Sure thing, I have a few things to do first but I should be done by tomorrow” Sofia replied.
Sarah and Andrea were silently relieved about the fact that Sofia had not asked about where did the laptop had come from.
“On the meantime you can... I don’t know, you’re archaeologists right? I think there’s a lot of stuff for you to see in this city” Sofia said as she turned back to her computer.
“I think we’ll do that” Andrea said as she stood up along Sarah.
“You can take the key and return whenever you want, I don’t have plans of leaving any time soon” Sofia said without taking her eyes off the screen.
“She truly is weird isn’t she?” Sarah asked as soon as they left the apartment.
“Believe me, I’m just as surprised as you” Andrea replied.
Like Sofia had said, there was a lot for two archeology students to see in Mexico city, everything from pre contact artifacts, well preserved colonial buildings and countless more stuff that to them made the place feel like an amusement park.
“Did you saw that on Sofia’s room?” Asked Sarah as she sat with Andrea in a coffe shop/tourist trap.
“What do you mean ‘that’?” Andrea asked “There was a lot of stuff in there”
“All of the rope” Sarah said.
“Your point?”
“I think I’m becoming paranoid but it seems like I can no longer see rope without thinking about Dana” Sarah explained “I’m not saying that she has anything to with her, I’m just saying that she may have something in common with her”
“Why are you still thinking about being tied up?” Andrea asked almost flirtly.
“You should understand, you were with me when Dana tied us up at your apartment” Sarah replied being lowkey offended.
“Yet I saw rope in Sofia’s room and I didn’t immediately thought of being tied up” Andrea replied in the same tone as before.
“Whatever” Sarah sighed, the coffee they had ordered had just being delivered to them so she would rather not keep the conversation going when there was someone around to hear.
“If it makes you feel better about it you looked really good tied up” Andrea added before sipping her drink.
Sarah blushed deeply, she could only hope that the waitress had not heard that.
After a long day of not only getting to the city from nearly the other extreme of the country but also of walking around the city the two friends were incredibly tired. Even though Sarah had learned not to complain much about her legs aching from walking too long after she had to run for her life in the jungle, laying down on a bed would still be welcomed, even if that bed had to be Sofia’s.
Upon arriving to Sofia’s place their host informed them that she already was working on the computer password which the pair was glad to hear. But at the moment they were much more interested on where they were going to sleep in to which Sofia took them to another room within the apartment which was surprisingly clean and was equipped with a bed and a couch.
“These apartment are meant for families so I don’t really have a use for this room” Sofia explained “I’d tell you that here’s where my friends sleep when I invite them in but who would I be lying to”
Again Andrea and Sarah asked themselves how did Sofia, who was apparently unable to keep an apartment under even an illusion of order, could afford to live in a place that was meant not for students, but for whole families to live in.
“You can get ready to sleep, I’ll order food and then I’ll tell you something about the whole laptop thing you have going on” Sofia said before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
As they wondered what she could possibly want to tell them, Andrea and Sarah did as Sofia told them and got ready to sleep. They would have gone to sleep in that moment but they would be lying if they said that they weren’t hungry.
After a few minutes the pizza that Sofia had ordered arrived and Sofia had the decency to make space in the table for them to eat without having emptied drink cans or unwashed plates on the way.
“So, what did you wanted to tell us?” Asked Andrea between bites.
“Oh about that” Sofia swallowed her food and then continued “I’m happy about you coming here and all of that but you must know that my rent doesn’t run on friendships”
Sofia immediately received a weird look from both Sarah and Andrea.
“You mean...?” Andrea asked, already doubtful about Sofia’s intentions.
“I’m sure you’re wondering how I’m able to afford this place, I get why” Sofia replied “All I’m asking you to do is help me out with it”
Sofia’s words were so vague that they just left Sarah and Andrea as confused as before.
“Don’t worry, It isn’t anything illegal” Sofia felt the need to add that “Just tell me if you’re okay with it”
Sarah and Andrea looked at each other and shrugged.
“I guess, but can you at least tell us what it is that you need us to do?” Asked Andrea.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you once we’re done here”
The rest of the dinner went nicely despite the lingering thought of what Sofia had asked them to do. After they were done with the food it became clear why Sofia’s house was a mess, she didn’t washed any of the plates and glasses that they had used and just invited her guests to her room.
Without any explanation Sofia sat on her desktop chair and starter to rummage through folders files in her computer until she landed on a folder filled with files.
“I’m about to show you an example of what I want you to do, promise me that you’ll control your reactions” Sofia said as she turned back to her friends.
Not knowing what they were in for, Sarah and Andrea agreed. In response to that Sofia opened one of the pictures and what they saw in it only got Sarah and Andrea slightly surprised. It was a picture of Sofia, laying on the floor of her room and tied up. From what could be seen in the picture she had her legs tied at the ankles and knees, rope above and below her breasts to pin her arms to her body and her hands were hidden behind her back, probably tied up too, she also had a black strip of duct tape on her mouth, so she was gagged too.
“Before you ask any questions let me tell you, I did that to myself” Sofia explained “What I do with pictures like that is that I sell them on the internet, you’d be surprised of how much some people are willing to pay for them”
“Enough to pay for this place?” Asked Andrea.
“And more”
“That explains all of the rope” Sarah said as she looked around and saw all of the rope laying on the floor “So that’s it? You want us to tie you up?”
“Well, to be fair I neglected mentioning something” Sofia replied.
Sarah sighed, she knew that it wasn’t going to be so easy and despite already knowing what Sofia was about to propose she wanted to feel like if there was a chance of she saying something else.
“A lot of the pictures I sell are not of me but of other girls” Sofia explained “A lot of students in my course are willing to model for me in exchange of me doing their assignments, a small price to pay for my work if you ask me”
“You’re not really asking us to model for you are you?” Asked Sarah tiredly.
“You know exactly that I’m doing that” Said Sofia.
“Really?” Sarah was not having it.
“I mean, you can still ask somebody else to crack the password of this suspiciously acquired laptop” Sofia said smugly, knowing exactly that what she was proposing was completely impossible.
“Come on, It wont be that bad” Andrea said as she poked Sarah “It’s Sofia doing it, not your crazy supervillain professor”
“I guess we have no choice then” Sighed Sarah.
“Good, we can get started then”
“Okay lets make this quick then, because I have no interest in spending hours tied up again” Sarah said as she extended her hands in front of her for Sofia to tie them.
“Easy girl, we have some preparation to do first” Sofia said as she walked to her closet “Also, what do you mean by ‘again’?”
“That’s none of your business” Sarah replied as she looked away, slightly blushing.
“Whatever, maybe I’ll ask you once you’re tied up and see if you’re more open about it” Sofia said jokingly.
“Hey, I’m only allowing you to do this in exchange for the password, so don’t take that many liberties with me”
“Stop being so dramatic, It’ll be fun” Andrea said as she poked Sarah.
Sofia opened her closet and revealed its contents to her guests, it wasn’t filled with clothes like they expected, although they suspected that most of the clothes were already laying around the house anyway. The closet was filled with costumes of many characters, either from movies, comic books or videogames, and they seemed to be of good quality. Both Sarah and Andrea were surprised, but they also knew what Sofia had in mind.
”You want us to put those on don’t you?” Sarah asked tiredly.
“Indeed” Sofia replied “People pay extra to see their favourite characters tied up and you’re the perfect chance I have to get that extra money”
“The laptop better have the location of the holy grail because this is too much” Sarah sighed.
“I’m sure it has what we want” Andrea replied “And like I told you, I’m sure this will be fun”
Sarah couldn’t help but be reminded of that occasion on that very same day in which Andrea had told her that she looked good tied up, at the moment she thought that she was joking but after what Andrea was telling her, that quote was seeming less like a joke and more like some sort of weird compliment.
“What do we have to use?” Andrea asked with curiosity as she looked at all the costumes.
“The guy that’s paying me asked for something pretty specific” Sofia said as she removed a pair of costumes “You’ll have to wear this two”
One costume consisted of a black and white skin tight catsuit, white overall with only the hands and below knees part being black. The other costume was a completely black catsuit, with a small yellow detail at the collar and it also had a leather belt and two leather loops that presumably went around the thighs.
“This one’s for you, I don’t expect you to from which character the costume is so i wont bother telling you” Sofia said as she handed the black and white suit to Andrea.
While Andrea inspected the costume Sofia walked up to Sarah, holding the other costume and looking at her with a grin on her face.
“But something tells me that you’re familiar with this costume aren’t you?” Sofia said teasingly.
“Its Lara Croft’s diving suit...” Sarah mumbled as she looked away from Sofia.
“Who would have thought that a bimbo like you would’ve ever touched a videogame” Sofia chuckled as she returned to her computer.
“Hey! What makes you say that!?” Sarah replied somewhat offended.
“Just joking, go get dressed now, I though you wanted to be over with this quickly” Sofia replied without taking her eyes away from the computer.
Sarah and Andrea went to the bathroom and got dressed in there, Andrea dressed on the bathroom itself while Sarah did so inside the shower, hidden behind the curtains. Even though they were close enough to go in an adventure together being close enough to get dressed together was somehow on another level.
“You look hot in that” Andrea said after Sarah came out of the shower, fully clad in the catsuit Sofia had given her.
“Yeah whatever” Sarah sighed as she looked away, she was visibly blushing and didn’t liked to be dressed like that at all.
“Don’t be so gloomy! This doesn’t have to be bad you know?” Andrea said as she playfully poked Sarah on her sides which got quite a reaction out of her.
“Well... You look hot in that too” Sarah replied as awkwardly as before.
“Really? Thanks!” Andrea replied.
Andrea and Sarah went back to Sofia’s room getting a small taste of what it was like to move around in the catsuits they were in, it was definitively weird, like the closest one could get to being naked without being so. Sarah was having more trouble with the catsuit than Andrea, whose smaller frame and figure fitted better in her costume. Sarah had trouble closing the zipper all the way up and the straps with gun holsters around her thighs were pretty tight around her thick thighs.
“Holy shit you two look good in that!” Sofia said as she saw her friends enter the room “Maybe I should ask the commissioner for even more money because you two are worth far more than what I asked”
“About that, will we get anything of that money?” Andrea asked.
“Nope, all you get is the password” Replied Sofia “But enough of that, shall we begin?”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Most fascinating [mention]banshee[/mention] - I did not miss the bondage in that Chapter. Sofia is really really creepy, I like that character - do caryy on! And take your time - real life happens now and then :)
Centennial Club
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Fantastic addition! The lack of bondage takes nothing away from the chapter. In fact added so much tk the story. Great charter development! Can’t wait to see more!
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by banshee »

Ducttapelover93 wrote: 2 years ago Fantastic addition! The lack of bondage takes nothing away from the chapter. In fact added so much tk the story. Great charter development! Can’t wait to see more!
I'm glad to see that you liked the way character are going.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Most fascinating [mention]banshee[/mention] - I did not miss the bondage in that Chapter. Sofia is really really creepy, I like that character - do caryy on! And take your time - real life happens now and then :)
If you liked Sofia I think you'll really like this chapter.

Also I'm glad to see that you did not mind the lack of bondage in the last chapter, good to know.

And since we're on the second half of the story already, I wanted to let everyone that has commented know [mention]Stiletto Amore[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]roguehorseman[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention]

Part 6: Strange Payment Methods

Sofia had prepared all the rope they needed and maybe more and she had it laid on the floor before her. The ropes were of various lengths and thicknesses, by just looking at the pile both Andrea and Sarah could at least make up an idea of what they were in for.

“Who wants to go first?” Sofia asked.

Sarah didn’t even wanted to go to begin with so she stayed silent, seeing that Andrea took that chance to offer herself up.

“Good, lets see what the commissioner requested for you” Sofia said a she turned back to look at the screen “So, lets start with chair tie”

“Safe to asume that you’re going to tie me to a chair” Andrea replied.

“Exactly, can you bring a chair from the kitchen Sarah?”

Sarah obeyed and meanwhile Sofia explained what she was about to do to her model.

When Andrea brought the chair Andrea sat down and laid her arms behind the back of the chair, just like Sofia had instructed. Also knowing what was next Andrea decided to make herself comfortable, sticking her back to the backrest and her butt to the seat as much as she could.

“You’re a fast learner” Said Sofia as she began tying Andrea’s hands.

“I’m worried about getting used to this” Andrea replied.

“Used to this? Have you done this before?” Sofia asked.

“Yes but I’d prefer not to talk about it”

“Why so secretive?” Sofia sighed “Anyway, here comes the hard part I told you about, are you ready?”

Andrea nodded and after receiving that signal Sofia proceeded with the instructions she had been given and started to tie Andrea’s elbows together, she started to get them slowly closer and closer to each other getting visible discomfort to show on Andrea’s face.

“Stop that! You’re hurting her!” Sarah said as she grabbed Sofia by the shoulder.

“If she can’t handle it she can tell me herself” Sofia replied “Its not like she’s gagged... yet”

“I’m okay Sarah, Its just a bit hard” Andrea spoke before Sarah could say anything else.

Not having anything else to argue Sarah rested against one of the walls in silence as she watched Sofia tie up her friend. She watched her secure her to the back of the chair with rope running above and below her breasts as well as around her waist, Sofia also secured Andrea’s lap to the seat with rope above her lap and finished off her work by tying her legs to the respective leg of the chair at the ankles at knees.

“Comfortable?” Asked Sofia.

“Not really but whatever, take the pictures you need” Andrea replied as she tested her restraints which despite being for show and aesthetics were just as inescapable if not more than Dana’s.

“Not so fast, I’m missing a very important detail” Sofia said.

“You have to gag me right?” Asked Andrea, already knowing the answer to her question.

“Yup, we’ll have to do one shot with each gag” Sofia replied as she went look for the various gags that she had to use “We’ll start with tape, I know that It doesn’t work and that you can get it out but just play along for the pictures”

Sofia laid a strip of duct tape over Andrea’s face, placing the silvery strip from ear to ear and soothing it until it was perfectly smoothed against her face and over her lips.

“Great, put on a nice damsel in distress face now” Sofia said as she went to turn the lights on.

Andrea’s expression looked cheesy but it was perfect for what Sofia needed, so after the light was taken care of Sofia went to the camera and snapped a few pictures of her bound friend from different angles until she was satisfied.

“That was great” Sofia said as she carefully removed the duct tape from her friend’s face.

“Thanks I guess” Andrea replied awkwardly,

“For the next ones try changing your position a bit, I know you can’t move much but just try to make it appear as if you were struggling” Sofia said as she picked up the next gag, a piece of cloth.

For someone who had actually been gagged not so long ago like Andrea, the pretend cleave gag that Sofia used for the pictures was a joke, she could clearly speak and she did so between photos. What Andrea couldn’t see but wasn’t hard to guess was that the gag looked great, the way it cut across her face and forced her to bite on it looked incredibly good and Sarah couldn’t help but take notice of that too.

“Time for the last gag” Sofia said as she ungagged Andrea.

“Oh you’re gonna use that one?” Asked Andrea.

“What do you mean ‘that one’?” Sarah asked.

“She means this” Sofia said as she showed a red ballgag with black leather straps to Sarah “Have you ever seen a ballgag before?”

“I don’t think so...” Sarah replied as she looked at the strange object.

“Well this is going to be a hell of a way to discover them” Sofia said before applying the gag to Andrea.

The gag wasn’t easy to apply or at least it didn’t seem like it, it wasn’t an easy fit for Andrea’s mouth and once strapped the gag squished her cheeks a great deal, which had more to do with how tight Sofia had buckled the straps behind her head than with the gag itself.

“So, care to tell Sarah how that gag feels?” Asked Sofia.

“Mpghg” Andrea moaned playfully in response.

Sarah failed to find the joke funny but Andrea and Sofia laughed a bit, although Andrea’s laughs were greatly muffled Sarah could tell that she was laughing.

As Sofia snapped the pictures Sarah saw and Andrea felt how saliva started to fall from her gagged mouth, at first it was a thin string but after not so long a large blob had formed on the seat between her legs.

“Okay, chairtie done” Sofia said as she went to look at the list that she had on her computer screen “Are you ready for the next position?”

“Mpghg” Andrea replied.

“That’s great because the next position is a hogtie” Sofia said as she went to untie Andrea.

“What is a hogtie?” Sarah asked.

“Either you’re playing dumb or you’re incredibly innocent” Sofia replied as she untied Andrea from the chair.

“What do you mean ‘playing dumb’?” Asked Sarah.

“I mean, you’ve come here together and you’ve both made references to being tied up as soon as I proposed this, so I assumed that you had some kinky thing going on” Replied Sofia “But since you’re so oblivious to anything that has to do with bondage I just don’t know if you’re being serious or pretending because you want to appear innocent for some reason”

“I’m not pretending anything, and just for the record, there’s not anything between us” Replied Sarah.

“Sure there isn’t” Sofia replied, clearly didn’t meaning it.

Sarah sighed, not wanting to lengthen the discussion anymore because she felt like she had already embarrassed herself enough.

“Its not like I saw how you looked at her while I tied her up or anything” Sofia tried to goad Sarah into saying something.

“Shut up” Sarah replied as she looked away.

Sofia helped Andrea to get on the floor and once she had her on the there she started the hogtie process. She got Andrea’s feet close to her hands but not painfully close because she knew that Andrea was going to be like that a long time and she didn’t wanted to put too much stress on her body aside from what she had already done with her elbows.

Once Sofia had tied Andrea’s ankles to her hands she went to take the pictures again, she had to repeat the process of changing gags, going from the painfully uncomfortable ballgag, through the comfortable but painful to remove duct tape and ending with the cleave gag.

“Okay, I’m done with her” Sofia said as she stood aside from Andrea “You know what that means Sarah?”

“Wait you’re not going to untie her?” Asked Sarah.

“Not yet” Sofia replied “I have... lets say that I have plans with you and her”

“Well I don’t care about that” Replied Sarah “You can’t leave her like that for so long”

“Imph phnie” Andrea spoke through her gag, which only made her speech just a bit less clear.

“See? She’s okay, you have nothing to worry about” Sofia replied.

“Are you being serious Andrea?” Asked Sarah.

Andrea nodded in response and Sarah was left with no other option that letting her stay like she was.

“Ready to get tied up?” Asked Sofia.

Sarah sighed, she wasn’t ready to be tied up and would probably never be but she had no choice, even though Andrea seemed to be having fun she couldn’t help by wonder how she could find such thing fun. So having no other choice Sarah crossed her hands behind her back.

“Good girl!” Sofia said as she patted Sarah on the head “But we’re going to do it a bit more complex than that?”

“I can’t touch my elbows so please don’t try it, I don’t want you to break my arms” Sarah told Sofia.

“Don’t worry, there’s a type of tie for people like you” Sofia said as she grabbed Sarah by the arms, forced her to flex them inwards and then to be parallel at each other behind her back “A boxtie”

“And that is?”

“You’re just about to find out” Sofia said as she began to tie Sarah’s arms.

Sofia first used the rope to tie Sarah’s hands at the wrists, Sarah could tell that she knew what she was doing, she tied the ropes with the exact amount of tightness needed to keep her secure but unharmed and she cinched the knot between her two arms for an extra layer of inescapability.

“You’re really used to doing this aren’ you?” Asked Sarah as she idly moved her bound hands.

“Yup, It would surprise you how many people are willing to do this in exchange of my doing their their assignments and my clients have been getting more demanding so I have to improve my technique” Sofia explained.

Sarah felt how Sofia used two more pieces of rope which were longer than the ones that she was using on her arms to loop them around her chest and pin her arms to her body. She ran one below her breasts and other above them, which meant that they stuck out a lot in her tight costume.

“Wow these are huge!” Sofia said after she moved in front of Sarah.

Sarah blushed and looked away, how much she wanted this to be over couldn’t be stated by words.

“Sorry, they are hard not to look at” Said Sofia “Sit on the chair now if you please”

Sarah awkwardly sat on the chair and after she did Sofia begun the tying process, she tied her legs to the legs of the chair and then secured her chest to the backrest, tying her chest restraints to it and adding a rope to pin her waist to the chair. The catsuit not covering the legs meant that the ropes dug uncomfortably deep into her skin.

“Ready for your first gag?” Asked Sofia as she went look for the aforementioned object.

“Not really”

“Feel free to stop me then” Sofia teased, knowing that even if she wanted to Sarah couldn’t stop her.

Sofia gagged Sarah with a piece of like the one she had used in Andrea, a black handkerchief that she was forced to bite. Sofia moved to the camera to take the pictures when she took notice of something.

“Can you give me a better expression please?” Asked Sofia “You’re supposed to be Lara Croft, you’re not just a damsel in distress you’re a badass in distress!”

“Whatph do you whatph?” Sarah asked through the cloth.

“Imagine that you’ve been captured by Natla or something, give me an angry but hot face” Sofia replied “Also put up some fake struggles positions, I know you can move enough for that”

Sarah did her best and apparently it was enough for Sofia, who pleasantly took the pictures and changed her gag to take more. After the cleave gag followed a tape gag and finally a ballgag, but Sarah wasn’t sure about allowing Sofia to put that inside her mouth.

“Can you please not use that one?” Asked Sarah.

“Sorry, I don’t make the commissions” Replied Sofia.

“Please” Sarah begged, even knowing how humiliating it was to do so she still felt the need to try.

“I don’t want to take advantage of you’re position but this will go in either way” Sofia replied “So I hope it goes in with your consent”

“Whatever, just make it quick” Sarah said before opening her mouth.

The ball wasn’t an easy fit inside her mouth but Sofia managed to make it fit just like she had done with Andrea. She also buckled the straps of gag extra tightly behind Sarah’s face which she did not appreciate at all.

“Mpghg!” Sarah gave of a muffled complaint as Sofia buckled the straps.

“Sorry I didn’t understand” Sofia chuckled “You’ll have to speak up”

Knowing that Sofia was getting enjoyment out of teasing her Sarah decided that she should better remain quiet.

The next pictures that Sofia took turned out greatly and so Sofia moved to the next position she needed to tie Sarah in.

“The commissioner didn’t asked me to put you on a hogtie so you don’t have to worry about ending up like her” Sofia said as she turned to look at Andrea, who was still bound on the floor “But I will need to tie you in just one more way”

Sofia began to untie Sarah from the chair so she could put her in that new position, she also untied her legs and helped her sit on the floor which was awkward to do at best.

“What I’m going to put you in right now is called a frogtie, if you ask me it is much more comfortable than a hogtie so you should feel privileged” Sofia explained.

Before Sarah could ask if there was a tie named after every animal in the world just to remind that she was gagged Sofia begun tying her legs. This time she tied her thighs to her calves, with her upper thighs tied to their respective ankle and another rope on each leg pinning the upper knee to the lower knee, ending up with Sarah being forced to kneel.

“Comfortable?” Asked Sofia after she was finished.

Sarah remained silent which seemed to disappoint Sofia.

“You could at least mumble something” Said Sofia as she walked to the camera.

The photo session turned out just as good as the last one, every time Sofia changed Sarah’s gag for the next round of photos she tried not get too used to being ungagged because she knew that she wouldn’t stay like that for too long.

Once the photos with the cleave gag were done Sarah expected Sofia to come and untie her, but instead she walked up to her computer and took a look at the creen.

“Apparently I’ll have to hogtie you Sarah” Said Sofia as she walked up to Sarah, who started to squirm and complain though her gag after she heard those words.

“I thougpht thapht youph didn’t had to!” Sarah complained.

“Sorry, I must’ve misread” Said Sofia with a smile on her face “It’ll just be one picture, so quit your struggling so we can be over with this sooner”

What Sofia said made sense so Sarah ended up stopping her struggles and allowed Sofia to hogtie her. Her hogtie wasn’t the same that Sofia had used on Andrea but it was similar enough. After tying her legs together without removing the restrains of the hogtie Sofia laid Sarah on her side and tied her ankles to her hands, she didn’t do it painfully tight put it still putted her flexibility to the test.

“So I’ll finally get to test this bad boy” Sofia said as she grabbed something from a drawer which was out of the field of vision the two bound girls.

“Mpghg?” Sarah mumbled as she tried to look at what Sofia was doing and finding no success.

“Sarah, Andrea, let me present to you, the double ballgag” Sofia explained as she crouched to show her prisoners the gag, which consisted in two ballgags joined by a short chain.

Both Sarah and Andrea understood the implications of that being put inside her mouth. But they quite literally couldn’t complain.
Andrea was the first to be ungagged and gagged again, she didn’t cared much about being gagged, the new ballgag was actually smaller than the one Sofia had used on her before but she was nervous about the implications about being gagged with it.
“Really?” Sarah took the chance to ask after she was ungagged.

“Come on, It will just be one picture” Replied Sofia.

“Like I have a choice in this” Sarah sighed “Come on, I want to get over with this already”

“There you go” Sofia said after applying the gags “Just a few more details and I’ll take the picture” Replied Sofia.

“Mpghg!” Both Sarah and Andrea complained, adding ‘more details’ wasn’t something that they had agreed on but again, it wasn’t like if they had a say in it.

The situation Sarah and Andrea were in was awkward at best and embarrassing at worst. The gags forced their faces to be just a few centimeters away, close enough for them to feel each other’s breath’s and the only thing they could look to was each other’s eyes. If removing Sarah’s gag with her mouth had been awkward for Andrea and Sarah, this was beyond awkward.

And the so called ‘details’ that Sofia was adding weren’t helping at all, they consisted of ropes that pinned their chest to each other, forcing their breasts to squeeze against each other and then she added rope around her waists and knees to further restrain them and make them unable to get away from each other.

“Before I take this picture I want to tell you something” Sofia said as she walked towards the camera “The commissioner didn’t requested it!”

“Mpghg!” The girls complained, not only they had been tied in that extremely embarrassing position but they also had been tied in that way just because Sofia wanted it for god knows why.

After the picture was taken Sofia released her captives, it took her a long time because she had many knots to undo and she took the liberty of leaving the gag for last, leaving it to be removed by the girls once their hands were free which didn’t happened until every other rope on their bodies had been removed.

“I hope nobody sees that picture” Sarah said as she rubbed her sore wrists.

“Don’t worry, that will be just for my enjoyment!” Sofia chuckled “Thanks for that girls, your password will be cracked by tomorrow, you can go to your bedroom”

“Thanks I guess” Replied Sarah as she left the room with Andrea.

“Actually I don’t think that’s happening” Andrea said as she grabbed a few ropes from the floor “Sarah, what do you say about giving our friend a taste of her own medicine”

The adrenaline rush that the prospect of revenge sent through her body was too great for Sarah to ignore it, so she decided to join her friend in her proposal and grab some ropes herself.

“I think that’s a great idea Andrea” Sarah said as she smiled at Sofia.

“Uhhh girls, there’s no need to...”

Sofia was interrupted by Andrea, who covered her mouth with her hand.

“Stay silent, It wont take long”

Sofia’s breath got heavier and her face red, but Sarah and Andrea decided to ignore that fact in favour of getting their much wanted revenge.

Without any resistance from Sofia they forced her on her chair and once they had her sitting on it she didn’t tried to get out or move at all. Without any trouble Sarah and Andrea started to tie Sofia up, Sarah took care of her arms, tying them at the wrists and elbows to the armrests of the office chair, while Andrea took care of her legs, tying them together above the knees and at the ankles with the same rope that Sofia had used on them. Even though their ‘technique’, if it could be called that, was rough, especially when compared with Sofia’s, it did the work when it came to keep their prisoner still.

“Would you like to choose your gag?” Andrea asked as she grabbed Sofia’s face by the chin.

“I don’t think she should get to choose” Sarah interjected “Besides, we all know that there’s only one gag here that works”

Sarah and Andrea looked at each other and smiled, knowing exactly what gag they were about to use. Sofia just bit her lower lip, a strange reaction to the prospect of having a ballgag applied to her mouth that neither Sarah nor Andrea questioned.

“Open up Sofia” Andrea said as she approached the gag to her mouth while Sarah held her head still.

Sofia obeyed and oped her mouth, allowing the ballgag to come in without much trouble. Andrea decided to strap the gag as tightly as Sofia had done with her, leaving her face a bit squeezed by the tight leather straps that secured the red ball inside her mouth.
“So, how does it feel to be on the other side huh?” Asked Sarah.

“I bet its much less fun” Andrea added.

“Mpghg” Sofia moaned.

But her moans and grunts didn’t seemed to be addressed at her captors, she was just moaning under her gag as she struggled, not with force, she struggled idly, rubbing her legs against each other and trying to pull up her arms like if she didn’t wanted to get out and just wanted to feel the ropes instead.

“Do you think she’s...” Asked Andrea.

Before Andrea could finish her phrase Sarah removed the ballgag from Sofia’s mouth and left it hanging around her neck.

“Are you enjoying this Sofia?” Asked Sarah.

“You have no idea” Sofia replied.

“So you are...” Sarah was a bit stunned and so was Andrea.

“I’ve liked this since I was a kid, I started selling the pictures because I love to be tied up, tying up other girls just came along the way” Sofia explained “And being tied up by two angry hot babes in tight catsuits like you? This is heaven!”

Andrea and Sarah were left to process what Sofia had told them in silence for a few seconds, which Sofia did not mind at all, after all it meant more time tied up.

“I don’t know if this is fun if you enjoy it” Andrea said after a while.

“Maybe we should just untie her” Sarah added.

“Please no!” Sofia shouted, snapping out of her ecstasy for a second “Just leave me like this for a while”

Sarah and Andrea looked at each other and shrugged,they had no real reason to reject what Sofia had asked from them.

“I think we could do that” Andrea said “Do you want anything else?”

“Yes” Sofia replied “Can you put the gag back in my mouth?”
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 235
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

As always amazing addition! Truly loving the Sophia character she adds a great element to the story so far. Can’t wait for what comes next. Thanks again!
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

I liked that Chapter a lot! Sofia is somewhat creepy, a very interessting character :)
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