Perils of the Magic Realms (F/F Overall) Ending and Epilogue added

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Perils of the Magic Realms (F/F Overall) Ending and Epilogue added

Post by banshee »

Obligatory clarifications: English isn't my first language so I apologize for bad grammar and spelling, this also my first story so forgive any wacky dialogue or descriptions. Advice is very appriciated.

Chapter 1: The Path

Under the canopies of a green forest in the kingdom of Turus a group of four adventurers traveled to kingdom’s capital on an old path, It had been quite a long way from their starting point in the mountains where they slew a young dragon that was terrorizing nearby towns. Although the path was long it had it had also been quite calm, almost all dangerous monsters and bandit groups had been exterminated from the peaceful kingdom making it the perfect place for traveling calmly by foot.

- This is getting so boring - Said Ferine, the scout of the group - Not even the landscape is interesting just farmlands and forests over and over.

- Would you rather be fighting yetis in the mountains? - Questioned Eyiel, she was an amazonian giantess, a really big contrast with the smaller Ferine.

- Or fighting bulletes in the wastes beyond? - Added Rhys the elf mage.

- Definitely, it’s not my fault that you guys almost got killed in those places - Answered Ferine, mocking her companions.

- Don´t fight girls! - Interrupted Ann, the group’s leader, always so rightful and pacifist - At least not over things so frivolous.

- Ugh, anyway it’s getting dark, we should set camp soon - Said Eyiel, who had to contain her desire to punch both Ferine for mocking her and Ann for interrupting her.

The group decided to set camp on an abandoned house with a small tree sprouting from it near the road, it would protect them from the weather and seemed to be a common place for travelers since the rests of a bonfire were still in it. After they settled the camp it was nighttime and Rhys was using magic to create a new bonfire while Ann and Eyiel sat around it.

- I’ll catch my own food tonight - Said Ferine grabbing a bow and some arrows - i’m tired of the elven bread and berries, I need some real food.

- Do as you want, just don’t take too long - said Ann while Ferine was leaving.

- At least we will get a break from her, I can’t stand her lately - Said Eyiel when Ferine was far enough.

Too her own credit, Ferine had become quite an annoyance for her companions, during the travel she spent most time complaining over the smallest of things or teasing her companions, like she had done a few hours early in the path.

- She’s more of a city girl, I assume she doesn’t really like walking across forests and farmlands for days - Said, Ann in an effort to justify her friend.

- It isn’t an excuse - Said Rhys, and for a shy girl like her to express this she must surely be annoyed at her - And we got another week until we arrive to the city, I don’t know if I will stand her.

- Rhys what do you think about taking revenge? - Said Eyiel, looking at the small elf over the already lit fire.

- What do you have in mind? - Answered Rhys.

- Girls - Said Ann in a tone that made it clear she thought this was a bad idea.

- Oh don’t worry Ann, I’m not planning on harming her.

- And what are you planning to to do? - The tone of Ann made it clear she was very doubtful about this idea.

- Well she wants to eat her own food, what would annoy her more than us eating it instead? - A brief silence proceded and then Eyiel continued - Exactly, nothing, so that’s what I´m planning to do.

- So you’ll just steal from her and expect her to do nothing about it? I don’t want you girls fighting over some food when we have plenty - Said Ann, as doubtful as before.

- We won’t fight, we will just tie her up! - Said Eyiel as she grabbed a pair of manacles that she had taken from the dragon’s treasure.

- Ugh, I’m too tired to argue over this, just don’t get hurt ok? - Said Ann as she got up to go to sleep on the tent - And i let you do this only because we’re in a safe kingdom, you wouldn’t pull this off anywhere else.

While Ann went to sleep a bit disappointed on her friend’s idea Rhys was looking at Eyiel with intrigue and fascination, she always had the guilty pleasure of loving to be tied up and fantasized about getting tied up and captured by monsters and bandits a lot, the only thing she disliked about her friend’s idea was that she herself was not the one tied up.

- I think you did liked my idea, is that right? - Asked Eyiel.

- Yes! How are we going to do this, will we knock her out? Use magic? How will we tie her?

- Easy elf girl, We’ll just put her the manacles and tie her to that tree - Said Eyiel pointing at the tree that sprouted from the abandoned house’s floor - Just get some rope from our gear and we will be good.

After a while Ferine arrived with a dead Jackalope in one of her hands, looking smug and confident like always.

- Good to see you brought us food - Said Eyiel as she got up, she was significantly taller than Ferine standing at 6'10 compared to the 5.6 of the scout.

- You wished, now move, I’m hungry - Said Ferine trying to move past the big Eyiel but as soon as she tried her companion grabbed her and moved her to the tree which caught her by surprise - What are you doing you gorila? - Said Ferine while punching her friend which had no effect against her tough skin. Eyiel putted Ferine´s back against the tree and a pair of hands grabbed Freine’s from behind it and applied metal manacles, effectively securing her to the tree.

- Surprise! - Said Rhys after emerging from behind the tree, moving the mancle’s keys in her fingers.

- As I said, thank you for the food, you can have your tasteless elven bread and berries - Said Eyiel while she crouched a bit too look at Ferine in her brown eyes.

- Oh I wont let you! - After saying this Ferine started to hurl kicks at her friends but the only thing she accomplished was falling so she was now sitting against the tree.

- Yeah you should sit, It will take me long to cook that - Said Eyiel.

- And I should take care of those legs of yours, we don’t want to deal with your tantrums - With that said Rhys sat on Ferine’s upper legs and started to wrap hempen rope around her knees and once secured she did the same to her ankles.

- Those are some good knots, I don’t think she’s getting out anytime soon - Said Eyiel looking at her friend’s work - How did you learn those? I thought you were a bookworm mage not a sailor.

- Oh, I just... Learned them from a book - Answered Rhys notoriously blushed, truth is, she had learned not only from books but from practicing on herself, since her legs were the only part she could properly tie.

- Ok girls, you win, I’ll share I just didn’t think you’d go so crazy over some food but just untie me, or at least remove the manacles - Said Ferine to her captors swallowing all pride in the process, It was very rare for her to admit defeat.

- Do you think you can gag her? She’s getting annoying - Said Eyiel pointing at her bound friend.

- Sure - Said Rhys as she grabbed a knotted piece of cloth and with some resistance she shoved the knotted part on Ferine’s mouth and tied the other ends together behind her face.

While Eyiel cooked and mocked Ferine from time to time Rhys just stared at her, she had never seen a bound girl outside a book illustration and the sight was wonderful for her she wondered how she could get Eyiel to tie her too. Ferine on the other hand wanted to know nothing about being bound, although she wasn’t new to it because of her criminal past when she got tied by town guards multiple times she always managed to escape but her chances to do so now were little, with her thieves tools for lock picking out of her reach there was little she could do to get out, she was also more heavily restrained than ever since most town guards don’t bother binding the prisoners legs. But the thing that bothered Ferine the most was that this time was personal which made it humiliating, unlike town guards, her current captors knew her very well and she knew them too and since they did this to her over so little and so easily her head was filling with thoughts of how she will be mocked over this for the whole journey, even more humiliation. So ferine didn’t even struggle, she just pouted and grunted under her gag while her friends ate the food she caught.

- Well that was a tasty Jackalope, thank you Ferine! - Said Eyiel patting her prisoner on her cheek.

- Remember, If you’re hungry you can eat the tasteless elven bread and berries! - Said Rhys as she got into the tent and the only response she recived was a low grunt from Ferine.

Ferine couldn't believe that her friends had just let her to sleep tied to a tree and gagged, she needed to get out but she knew very well that she couldn’t, her only hope was for the more merciful and understanding Ann to free her at dawn but It will be so humiliating to be seen in this condition by her.

As the night went on Ferine made some escape attempts with little success, some even ridiculous like trying to lockpick the manacles with some sticks but she wanted to get free so badly that she could try anything.

Near midnight the trained senses of Ferine noted the presence of something other than her and her friends in the camp, the darkness didn’t let her see it but she could certainly hear it, little footsteps of something getting in the tent, for a second she was alerted and prepared to draw her shortsword when she remembered that she was tied to the tree, that’s when she realized how helpless she was, if a monster had just sneaked in the camp she was done but she was relieved when she saw the small, comical figure of a goblin illuminated by a torch getting out of the tent.

- Hey captive! Should we free you? - Asked the little creature to Ferine, the goblin was so small it could stare directly in the eyes of Ferine despite her being sitting - Oh the gag! Sorry - Said the goblin who then removed Ferine’s gag.

- Well they say the enemy of your enemy is friend don’t they? - Answered Ferine with charm.

- I think that makes sense, guys this girl is with us! Free her! - Commanded the goblin.

After the goblin said that other goblins untied her legs and removed her manacles, Ferine stood up and rubbed her skin where her bindings where.

- Lady, would you like to come to our hideout? This kingdom is no longer a safe place for rouges like us.

- Of course, where is it? - Asked Ferine calmly, she knew her friends might have gotten into trouble but she needed to keep calm if she wanted to help them.

- Pretty close from here, just follow us - Said the little creature - My name is Boogles by the way - He extended his hand to Ferine.

- Ferine - Said the scout while kneeling to give a handshake to Boogles - What will you do them if I may ask? - Said pointing to the tent.

- We’re selling them tonight! If you have some coin and want to take revenge you better be in the auction!

A plan was forming in Ferine’s head, she just needed to keep calm and in character and her friends will be saved.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 2: Bandit Camp

Rhys woke up laying on a hard surface, very different from the soft bedroll in which she went to sleep in, she opened her eyes and
contemplated her surroundings, she was in some sort of wooden cage in a cave in separe wooden cages were Ann and Eyiel, still sleeping.

Rhys’ head was already filling with dark fantasies, had she just been captured by some cave dwelling monster? But she was disappointed to find out that she was not tied in any manner, knowing this removed all excitement from Rhys, not only the thrill of being restrained was absent but she could also escape at any time with her magic so she only sat against the bars of the small cage.

- You woke up! - Said a shrill voice coming from the cave entrance, a small female goblin - Good, I’d like to explain to you your fate from now on...

As much as Rhys wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to pay attention to her captor, she could not take seriously a small creature with a funny voice from which she could escape at any moment.

- Wait are you listening to me!? - Asked the goblin angrily as she brought herself against the bars of the cage.

- Not really - Said Rhys without even lifting her gaze from the cage’s floor.

- I’m telling you that we, the blue shadow bandits that once a year dare to come into the most secure kingdom in the continent just captured you to sold you to a rich monster or despot and you aren’t even paying attention? - Asked the goblin, indignant.

- The thing is, I can escape just fine, look - After this and with a simple spell composed of vocal incantations and some hand gestures Rhys forced the cage’s lock, crawled out of the cage and stood calmly besides it in front of the incredulous goblin - See? I’m not in any actual danger.

- Guys! Help! - Screamed the goblin as she got back to reach for her shorsword - Don’t try anything funny elf girl! You will make things worse!
Rhys stood calmly raising her hands, despite being disappointed in her captors there was still a chance that now that they knew that she was a mage they would tie her up.

In a matter of seconds another five goblins showed up to the scene, pointing crude lances at the seemingly defenseless elf.

- What shall we do captain? - Asked one of the newly arrived goblins.

- Tie her up! Tightly and securely, she’s a mage and I don’t want any funny stuff here - Said the female goblin handing lengths of rope to two of her men - And you elf girl! Comply!

Even before the goblins got close to Rhys she had already knelled and crossed her hands behind her back which surprised the goblins.

- Please don’t! I would be left helpless! - Said a blushed Rhys in a notoriously acted manner.

- Yeah that’s the point - Said a goblin awkwardly while he began tying her hands.

In a few minutes and with little resistance the goblins had tied Rhys’ wrists and ankles and were ready to put her back in the cage.

- Gag her too! - Commanded the captain - Mages can use their voices to cast spells and we can’t take that risk.

The captain handed a ballgag to one her men, gags used specifically on mages to keep them from casting any spells.

- Wait! - Said Rhys - Is that all?

- What do you mean by that elf? - Asked the captain, bewildered.

- Well... - Said Rhys looking down while blushing - I think I need more restraints, and you seem to have a lot of rope... - Although she was kind of embarrassed she didn’t wanted to miss the chance to tightly and properly bound by bandits like in one of her many fantasies.

- Uh... you... kind of ave a point? - Said the captain, very surprised by the elf’s words - Men! Apply more restraints to the prisoner!

The goblins then gagged Rhys, strapping the gag tightly behind her head, and proceeded to tie Rhys’ legs above and below the knees as well as on the thighs, meanwhile the other goblin tied her elbows to her chest and they finished the job they tied her hands to her ankles in a tight hogtie.

In the process of being bound Rhys’ noted something very embarrassing, both of her friends and fellow prisoners were awake and staring at her, for how long she didn’t knew but all the excitement brought by her capture made Rhys forget that her friends were not fond of being prisoners and were now in potential danger. Rhys have never been so embarrassed, the secret she kept from her friends for so long was not only likely being reveled but it was being revealed in the worst of ways, by putting them in danger.

- Is that good enough elf girl? - Asked the captain, crouching to look at her.

Rhys only made a low moan in response, she was so embarrassed she had lowered her long pointy ears and was blushing more than ever.

- Good - Said the captain - As I was telling your friend here, I am Unkai, captain of the blue shadow bandits, we come on this kingdom once a year to capture unsuspecting travelers like you and sold them to highest bidder, understood? - Said addressing the other two captives.

- Are they normal humans or do we need to restrain them like we did with her - Asked a goblin henchmen.

Before Unkai could respond Eyiel screamed in rage as she broke apart the wooden cage that held her captive, it was no match for her amazonian might and even without the weapons that her captors had taken from her she was still a force to be reckoned with, especially if faced against small frail goblins.

- Eyiel calm down! This is no time for a mindless fit of rage - Said Ann trying to call Eyiel’s attention, but it was of no use, once her rage began it was nearly unstoppable and although that may seem good none of the adventurers knew what awaited them in the rest of the cave.
A goblin threw a spear at Eyiel in response to her escape but she grabbed the projectile and threw it back, nearly killing the small creature.

- Watch it! - Screamed Unkai - We can’t damage them, nobody will buy a harmed amazon!

- But what do we do? - Said the goblin, scared - She clearly doesn’t care about damaging us!

- Bring a net and chains - Said Unkai drawing her shortsword - I’ll hold her.

The goblins ran out the cave and Unkai and Eyiel engaged in battle, despite her small size the goblin knew how to use that to her advantage, sneaking under the amazon’s legs and dodging her blows but she could only do that for so long and eventually she got grappled by Eyiel strong arms.

- You’re paying for this you little beast! - Threatened the amazon at her victim.

- Don’t worry captain we got you! - Said a group of voices coming from the cave entrance.

Distracted with the goblin, Eyiel couldn't react in time when the goblins used a rope to make fall down the floor, she was quick to try and get up but goblins were already on her and the sound of chains being drag made Eyiel realize that her capture was nigh.

A weakening poison will need time to make effect on someone of Eyiel’s constitution and Unkai knew that, so they had to take her down like a beast first. The goblins threw a net on the amazon and pulled it down to pin her to the floor, but it wasn’t enough, the rope was slowly ceding to Eyiel’s strength and she even managed to stand up, but thankfully for the goblins they had a second net at hand with which they used the same method to pin the amazon down.

More goblins had to be called to action to finish to take down Eyiel, with lariats the newly arrived goblins pinned her legs together and her arms to her sides, she was still screaming in rage but she knew very well her chances of escaping were getting slimmer every second.

Finally Unkai used a blowgun to fire a dart at Eyiel’s neck, which after a few minutes of struggling made her fall on her knees to the floor, weakened by the poison.

- Uff, that was quite a battle - Said Unkai wiping the sweat from her brow - But alas you have fell on your knees, just another damsel in distress - Said Unkai grabbing Eyiel’s face - Chain her to the walls with every chain and manacle we have, I don’t think ropes are going to hold this beast.

In a lengthy process the goblins forced the weakened Eyiel to knell against the wall, there they applied manacles to both of were wrists and elbows that were attached to hooks on the wall at Eyiel’s sides, her legs were bound with chain, binding the ankles to the thighs in a way that forced her to remain knelling.

While the amazon was being bound Unkai approached Ann who had been contemplating her dire situation in silence.

- Lady, we don’t want to take more risks so I think you should be tied as well - Said the goblin preparing some rope in her hands - But since you have behaved well, I don´t think you deserve such a harsh treatment as your friends over there - said Unkai as she pointed at Ann’s hogtied friend and Ann’s chained friend - So, what do you say?

Ann thought about her situation for a bit, it was dire but not impossible to escape from, as tied as her scout friend may be the fact that she wasn’t with them could mean something and if she was going to escape it wasn’t going to be now so in the end she complied with the goblin and crossed her hands behind the cage’s bars.

- Good girl - Said Unkai as she tied Ann’s hands while she looked at her over her shoulder.

Having the three adventurer’s securely bound the goblin contemplated at her work and said to her men.

- We’re good to go now, let’s give the girls some time to think about their actions - And with that said Unkai and her men left the room and the three bound adventurers.

Unkai and her men went to what had been transformed into the hideout’s main hall, the central space of the cave where a feast was partaking and monsters and evildoers of all kinds were eagerly waiting for tonight’s auction, among them was Ferine who knew really well who she will buy tonight and what she will do with them.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 3: The Auction

While Ferine made herself at home among the criminals in the feast, the prisoners had taken their captivity in very different ways, Rhys had very mixed feelings about it because although she was loving to struggle in her tight bonds there was something she didn’t enjoyed as much and it was was the company of her friends who may have seen her willingly surrender to the goblins. Eyiel was slowly regaining her strength and tugging her shackles with force but they didn’t gave in. Ann was quietly thinking in a way to escape, she wasn’t in an uncomfortable position like her friends so she could think without any pain numbing her mind, even the hug of her wrist bindings wasn’t as oppressive thanks to her leather gloves, but as smart and wise as she was she was she finding it hard to come up with anything, but she didn’t surrender.

- Urgh - Eyiel grunted as she tried to pull herself forward - We can’t let this happen! We have to escape!

- Brute force won’t do as any favors Eyiel - Answered Ann, crossing her legs calmly.

- It’s all her fault! - Said Eyiel - I’m sure Ferine has to do something with this.

- I don’t think so - Said Ann - She wouldn’t do this, and let me remind you that you two did tie her up or you planned to do so even though I was against it.

- We did not planned to sell her! We just tied her to a tree that’s all, tell her Rhys - Eyiel was getting even more angry at her situation.

- Mmph - Was the only response she could mutter under her gag.

- Right, they gagged you - Said Eyiel rolling her eyes - Isn’t that wonderful? Also, why don’t you tell us why you asked those goblins to bind you harder? Don’t you want us to escape? - Inquired Eyiel with anger.

Rhys was so embarrassed that she couldn't look at her friend, her worst predictions had turned out to be real, at least Eyiel had seen her requesting to be bound to the goblins and complying with no resistance, turning what could have been an easily escapable situation into an almost unescapable one.

- It isn’t the moment to discuss this Eyiel - Said Ann with an authority uncharacteristic of someone who was tied up - You also made the mistake of mindlessly attacking those goblins, Ignoring my advice.

- Ugh - Grunted the amazon as she brought herself against the wall - Well I hope you enjoy being tied up because I certainly do not!
- What’s the matter here!? - Screamed the recognizable voice of captain Unkai - My men are hearing the loud voice of an amazon warrior and are too scared to come here so you better speak because I’m not in the mood for an interrogation!

The three adventurers went silent, specifically for Eyiel it was quite humiliating to cower before a goblin of all creatures.

- Well, there’s only one amazonian warrior in this cell - Said Unkai as she turned towards Eyiel, even knelling the amazon was taller than the little creature but that didn’t matter when she was so heavily restrained - Let’s see if you get it because apparently chaining you to a wall wasn’t enough.

Unkai was obviously drunk, her breath reeked of alcohol and Eyiel could smell it.

- Let’s see how tough you are amazon - Said Unkai pointing her shorsword at the chained barbarian.

- I do not fear you green rat! - Said Eyiel, after this she spitted on the goblin’s face.

- Brave yet still bound, amazon - Said Unkai as she licked the saliva of her face.

- Don't dare to hurt her! - Intervenid Ann pulling herself as forward as her binds allowed to.

- Don’t worry dear, I’ll just show her her place and have some fun - Said Unkai as she looked towards Ann, lowering her ears, shoulders and sword - Now can you please remain silent, I really don’t want to gag you.

The prospect of being gagged was something Ann wasn't fond of and even if Unkai was going to harm her friend there was little she could do to stop her in her current situation, so she swallowed all pride and rested silent against the cage bars.

- Good - Said Unkai returning her gaze to the amazon - Now, shall we begin?

Unkai started using her sword to cut the straps of Eyiel’s gambeson, as ashamed as the prisoner was she didn’t moved to not risk being cut by the goblin’s sword and it seemed the goblin was in fact trying not to hurt because she cut the straps with care and precision. After all the straps were cut Eyiel’s toned abdomen was left exposed and her breast covered by a bandage.

- What now? - Said Eyiel, stoic.

- It must be really humiliating for someone as strong as you to be completely dominated by someone as weak as me - Said Unkai as she started to rub one of her gloved hands against Eyiel’s abdomen - Is that right amazon?

Eyiel faced away from the goblin, she was right and that made the situation worse being subdued by a goblin was the worst humiliation someone of her kind could be faced with.

Eventually Unkai rubbed her hand against Eyiel’s side which made her squeal and struggle for a brief moment.

- Oh my - Said the goblin putting her hands on her hips - Is the amazon barbarian ticklish?

Eyiel blushed notoriously, the goblin had just found the most embarrassing of her weak spots, that being that her iron skin that could stand pierces and slashes from all sources didn’t protected her from being tickled, and she was quite ticklish.

- I think I won’t go back to the feast until the auction! - The goblin said - This will be so fun!

- Don’t you dare! - Screamed Eyiel struggling against the chains as much as she could which as restrained as she was wasn’t very much.

- Not so tough now uh? - Said Unkai as she removed her leather gloves.

Eventually Eyiel tired herself from tugging her chains and just looked menacingly at the smug looking goblin, with her blonde mane falling in front of her eyes.

After a brief stare between captor and captive Unkai began her attack, she ran her fingers through Eyiel’s sides rapidly as the amazon screamed in laughter, only short phrases could be made out her cacophony “Stop it!”, “Don’t you dare” and “You wont get away with this” were some of them.

Ann was ashamed of her friend that had ultimately brought this upon herself but she felt even more ashamed of herself who was forced to willingly stare in silence at her friend’s torture. Rhys was thrilled by the sight, she being a ticklish girl herself always wondered what it would be like to be tickled while tied up and she was already thinking of ways to get Unkai to tickle her.

After a long session of tickling Eyiel was left to catch her breath, her body was pulled forward not by her strength but by gravity which pulled the tired body of the amazon.

- You will pay for this - Said Eyiel between heavy breaths.

- No dearie - Said the goblin putting her gloves back on - I got this for free, someone else will pay for you eventually.

As the goblin was getting ready to left the room Rhys started to struggle and moan under her gag, trying to get Unkai’s attention to get her own tickling session, since her friends already knew all she had done to get in this situation holding back on her desires was of no use.
- Oh don’t worry elf girl - Said Unkai as she turned back to face at the hogtied mage - I have enough tickling for you too!
The goblin had already taken one of her gloves off when a goblin guard got into the room and interrupted the captain.

- Captain the auction is about to begin we must ready the prisoners! - Said the guard.

- Ugh, fine, bring some rope and weakening poison, we may need it - Said the captain, clearly disappointed by the news - Sorry elf, I hope your buyer tickles you - Said Unkai to Rhys while patting her head.

A group of goblins then entered the room with spears and rope awaiting orders from her captain.

- These girls are the stars of the night so we won’t be showing them to the crowd until the end of the auction - Unkai indicated - We need to make sure to restrain this two heavily - Said as she pointed to Rhys and Eyiel - They have been quite a hassle and you may have to use some weakening poison on the amazon, and regarding her.. - Said looking towards Ann - we should restrain her too, mostly for aesthetics and for her friends not to envy her.

On the hideout’s hall Ferine had made herself quite comfortable, it reminded her of her past days in the syndicate of crime rubbing shoulders with criminals of all types, in this hideout she met with old friends and was introduced to other evildoers, the most remarkable of them being a polymorphed dragon, a doppleganger assassin and a vampire duke.

- Ladies and gentlemen! - Said a drunk female goblin on a stage - Let tonight’s annual blue shadow bandit’s auction begin!

After saying this the show began, most of the people being sold were either farmers or traveling merchants, but there was no sight of her friends, but after almost two hours of bidding the goblin captain made a new introduction.

- And to finish this night’s auction we got a special offer! - The goblin made a pause - Three adventurer’s were captured this same night by our men, we even rescued a fellow bandit that they had captured - Said the goblin pointing at Ferine who received a ton of interested looks from fellow crowd members - Are you eager to take revenge on your captors lady Ferine? - Asked the captain.

- Sure, they are coming with me tonight - Said Ferine after standing up.

- That’s a lot of confidence lady, but you must know that a lot money will be required- The goblin responded, adressing the whole crowd too- Now I present you the mighty adventurers! - Said the goblin extending her arm while a curtain was dragged to reveal the prisoners.

Ferine and the crowd were met by the sight of three adventures bound to wooden posts, in the middle, an athletic blonde short haired woman in fine clothing with her hands bound behind the post, Ann, Ferine thought, to her right a small red haired elf with short hair and blue eyes, with her hands bound behind the post above her head, a ballgag in her mouth and ropes running above and below her small breast, on her waist and on her legs, ankles, knees and thighs bound together, Rhys, Ferine thought, and to Ann’s left a big muscular woman with a wild blonde mane and brown eyes clad in a torn gambeson, she was chained to the post with her hand behind it and chains above and below her breast, on her waist and on her legs, ankles, knees and thighs bound together, Eyiel, Ferine thought.

- Now let me introduce them to you - Said the goblin captain Unkai - You must be wondering why is this elf girl is gagged, the thing is she’s a mage! But don’t worry, this elf is so submissive that if left ungagged she’s likely to gag herself! - Rhys blushed and downed his head and ears - Then we got this amazonian beauty - Said Unkai rubbing her hand against Eyiel’s strong legs - But did you know she’s as ticklish as a baby? - Unkai asked to the crowd while the amazon got red and angry - That’s right, this menacing beast is easily subdued by tickling! Something I'm sure her buyer will want to try. And finally... - Said Unkai as she approached Ann - Who do we got here? I don’t I got your introduction.
- I’m just a mere knight - Said Ann, her knight’s pride wouldn’t let her say more.

- Well that was brief - Said Unkai - But who doesn’t want to have knight as a prisoner!? - She asked to the crowd - And the auction for them will start in three, two, one.

A loud hammering against a table signaled the start of the auction but as soon as the hammer hit the table Ferine stood up and raised her hand, filled with a big red gem.

The prisoners on the stand were perplexed but relieved, maybe Rhys not so much because her head had already filled with fantasies about being sold to a handsome, moody vampire lord but deep inside her she knew that being bought by her friend was actually better.
- A red dragon ruby for the three - Said Ferine.

- Well - Said Unkai, breaking the sudden silence - Them for the red dragon ruby at one, Them for the red dragon ruby at two, Sold to lady Ferine! May she have a sweet revenge.

- Thank you captain - Said Ferine - I’ll await for my slaves at the cave entrance.

After almost half an hour the bandits had readied the prisoners and were ready to say goodbye to them, they were bound with manacles in front of them attached with rope to each other to make them walk in line, rope was applied to pin Rhys’ and Eyiel (Although they used chain with her) arms at elbow height to her sides and these two also had manacles applied to her knees which made it difficult to walk and impossible to run.

- Well girls, it was fun while it lasted - Said Unkai to her captives - Good luck with that girl - After saying that Unkai smacked Rhys’ butt who moaned in response and then goblin bandits dragged them outside the cave, the manacles on Rhys’ and Eyiel’s knees made it hard to walk but eventually they handed them to Ferine outside the cave.

- Hello there - Said Ferine grabbing the rope that led her prisoner’s line - Ready for a walk? - She was met with silence from her captives.
After a friendly farewell to her fellow bandits Ferine began dragging her her prisoners through the forest guiding them with the light of a torch, the first sign she made to them was tell them to remain quiet by putting her index finger against her lips an order which her captives obeyed since if the bandits found out that she was her friend her chances of escape will go from slim to none.

Halfway to the camp Ferine made a pause in a clear lit by moonlight and turned to look at her captive friends.

- Well well - She made a brief pause -I think we have a lot of explaining to do don’t we?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Interessting story so far@
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 4: Reunion

- Thanks for rescuing us - Said Ann as she knelled before her friend and captor - For a moment I thought all hope had been lost.

- You don’t have to apologize Ann - Said Ferine scratching Ann’s blonde hair - But you - Said as she pointed to her other two prisoners which she could clearly see over the knelled Ann who was in front of the line, Eyiel was in the middle and Rhys at the end - I’m even questioning myself I should untie you at all!

Eyiel’s pride wouldn’t let her ask her friend and captor for forgiveness but Rhys muttered something in her gag as she lowered her head and ears.

- Well think we will have this conversation in the camp - Said Ferine as she tugged the rope to keep her prisoners moving.

- Wait you’re not gonna untie us!? - Asked Eyiel angrily, she have had enough of being tied up.

- Uh no - Said Ferine like if her statement was obvious - Or at least not until we get to the camp, I don’t want them to see me with you untied and become suspicious.

- I understand - Said Ann.

- I’m really sorry - Said Ferine rubbing one of her hands against the side of Ann’s face - You really didn’t deserve this.

- And we do!? - Asked Eyiel with the same anger as before.

- Yes - Responded Ferine as she turned back to continue walking - And you know you do, now keep silent or I’ll gag you!

Eyiel grunted but complied, in the end being dragged along the forest while tied up by her friend was the last bit of humiliation she wanted for the day.

After two hours of walking that were hard and painful for Eyiel and Rhys who had their knees bound the adventurer’s arrived at their camp, Ann was quite calm and had the opportunity to make smalltalk with Ferine, something Eyiel and Rhys were deprived of.
- Finally - Said Ferine as she sat down next to the remaining embers of the fire, a move which her friends mirrored - I never thought I would want to get here so badly.

- This was a long night - Said Ann as she sat besides her friend - I’m really tired, can you... - Ann made a brief pause and moved her shackled hands in front of Ferine - Can you please untie me.

- Well - Said Ferine scratching her head, Ann gave a concerned look and Eyiel a killing one, Rhys was too distracted struggling idly - I think I should left you tied up until dawn, If the bandits find us It would be easier to explain If I still have you all tied up.

- I cannot say that I’m happy with that choice - Said Ann who knew very well how to control her emotions - But I can neither say that you’re wrong.

- Oh but I’m not happy and I think you’re wrong! - Said Eyiel, getting up to try and tackle Ferine, but Ann extended her legs and made her trip mid run, Eyiel grunted.

- She is right Eyiel - Said Ann to the amazon - Now calm down, we will be freed eventually.

- Ann can I ask you something? - Said Ferine looking at Eyiel who was struggling to get up.

- Sure - Responded Ann, unsuspecting of her friend’s intentions.

- You costed me one of the most expensive gems of the dragon’s treasure - Said Ferine, already knowing that her friend wouldn’t agree to her intentions - I was wondering if you would let me play with them for bit.

- Don’t you dare! - Screamed Ferie trying to lift her face to look at her captor.

- Revenge won’t get you anywhere - Said Ann, realizing her friend’s intentions - And believe me, they have taken enough punishments for the day.

- But - Said Ferine trying to think of an excuse although she knew Ann wouldn’t accept none.

- Revenge is a fool’s game Ferine - Said Ann citing the words of a famous knight - You can go ahead and tie them up now but then they will try and take revenge on you and tie you up, It is a cycle and you have the chance to stop it right now.

- I think I can live with that - Said Ann with more confidence in her words, she didn’t care about what Ann says, she cared about her revenge and she could have it now.

- Ferine - Said Ann, trying to make her friend understand.

- Go to sleep Ann - Said Ferine as she cut the ropes that kept Ann bound in the line - Before I take advantage of the fact that you are the one tied up here.

- Ugh - Said Ann looking down at her manacled hands - Yet another time I have been forced to comply, this truly is a horrible night.

Ann went to sleep, she was lightly restrained so that wasn’t a real problem, or at least not a bigger one than having to sleep after surrendering three times in the same day.

- Oh you’re so done Ferine - Said Eyiel, still on the floor - Once I get out of these you’re going to pay!

- Guess Ann was right, this is indeed a cycle - Said Ferine crouching to look at her prisoner’s face - The thing is, you started it.

A tense stare was made between captor and captive while Ferine forced Eyiel to look at her by tugging her hair, but the silence was broken by the moan of Rhys, who hadn’t stopped to idly struggle since she got there, both Eyiel and Ferine gave her a killing look which made her suddenly stop her struggles.

- And don’t think I forgot about you - Said Ferine walking towards the elf - But first... - Ferine made an uncomfortable pause - Could you light the campfire with your magic? It’s getting cold here and I don’t want to go to get more wood.

- Mpgh - Muttered Rhys in response.

- Ugh quit your moaning! - Said Ferine rolling her eyes - Just nod if you need me to ungag or untie you.

Rhys nodded and Eyiel removed her gag, the elf stretched her jaw and adjusted her tongue, she was gagged for so long that she needed some time before talking again.

- You will need to untie me - Said Rhys.

- Fine - Said Ferine as she started to work on the rope on the elf’s chest - But you will be retied, be sure about that.

- I’m aware - Said Rhys calmly.

Eyiel could not believe what she was seeing, her fellow captive was being untied and said that she will comply to being retied. Even after seeing what Rhys had done to get bound by the captives Eyiel did not get how someone could be so compliant to being subdued, did she actually liked tied up bound and dominated? No way! Eyiel thought. And she made her thoughts heard.

- Rhys don’t do this! - The amazon screamed at her friend - Escape, untie us!

- Excuse me Rhys - Said Ferine, by this point she had removed the rope from Rhys’ chest.

Ferine then walked towards the bound amazon and sat on her back which took Eyiel by surprise, Ferine then got a piece of cloth from her pocket, the same she had been gagged with hours before and proceeded to gag her friend just like they had done with her, the screams of the amazon made it easy to get the gag’s knot into her mouth, and to finish gagging her she tied the piece of cloth behind her head.

- Now that’s much better - Said Ferine- Now to you Rhys - Said Ferine as she got in front the elf and readied the manacle’s keys - I will remove the manacles and I hope you didn’t listened to her because if you follow her advice you will be in trouble - Ferine introduced the key in the manacle’s lock - Although if you are like that goblin described you I don’t think I have too much to worry about.

Rhys blushed as she heard those last words, and after Ferine said them she unlocked the manacles that held her hands together.

- Come on, fire it up - Said Ferine while Eyiel screamed as much as gag allowed her to.

Without a word Rhys casted a simple spell that created the requested bonfire and after this she moved her hands behind her back, a gesture met with joy by Ferine and anger by Eyiel.

- Good girl! - Said Ferine as she manacled the mage’s hands behind her back - Now open up! - Said Ferine as she shoved the ballgag to Rhys.
Rhys complied with pleasure and once again she was bound and gagged, she would have liked to ask for restraints to Ferine but she didn’t wanted to make it so obvious that while her friends were living a nightmare she was living a dream.

Ferine already had a revenge plan in mind and she just had to prepare some things, first, she took a piece of thick hempen rope from her equipment, rope of the type she used to climb high buildings and that she had stolen from naval vessels. She tied this rope to a high thick branch of the tree but she also made use of a pulley in this process, she left two other lengths of this rope at hand and then she nailed two big stakes to the floor, of the type they used to set up the tent and tied one length of the remaining rope to each. Her captives watched with intrigue. Ferine wiped the sweat from her brow and got back to work.

- Come here Eyiel, we’ve a lot to talk about - Said Ferine as she dragged the amazon’s body to get her under the tree, once under it she rolled her over, making her face up.

- Do your worst Ferine, I don’t fear you - Said Eyiel looking at her friend menacingly, she had just managed to remove her gag by herself with her tongue and by rubbing her face against the floor.

- Oh you will - Said Ferine as she tied the length of rope that hanged from the tree to Eyiel’s manacles - Also you should’t have taken that off! You looked so much better with a gag on - Ferine grabbed once again the piece of cloth - Don’t worry I’ll make sure you won’t get it off this time - Eyiel gave more resistance this time, closing her mouth shut so Ferine pinched the amazon’s nose, forcing her to eventually take a deep breath and then she stuffed the gag back on - Much better - Said Ferine getting back up - I’ll need you to stand up for this big girl - Said Ferine looking down at the amazon with her arms crossed - Oh, even with all that muscle you can’t? Really? How pathetic.

Then Ferine proceeded to pull from the rope that hanged from the pulley, lifting the amazon by her wrists and she stopped once she got her standing on her feet.

Eyiel grunted in anger and Rhys looked exited as Ferine tied the amazon’s ankles with the rope that she had tied to the stakes in the floor, pulling her legs apart, for this reason Ferine had to remove the manacles that held the amazon’s upper knees together. Once her legs were as apart as possible Ferine proceeded with her plan.

- I’ll need you to be fully exposed for this so let me remove this - Said Ferine removing the chain that pinned Eyiel’s elbows to her chest - Much better - She said once it was fully removed.

Ferine’s final touch was to pull Eyel’s hands as high as possible using the polley to left her supposedly ticklish sides and armpits as exposed as possible, with every tug Eyiel grunted and moaned under her gag and when she was barely on her feet Ferine gave the rope a final tug, lefting the amazon standing on the tips of her feet.

- Get used to it - Said Ferine to her newly bound prisoner - Now, your turn elf girl - Said Ferine as she moved towards Rhys who was sitting and looking at the scene with fascination, for someone like Rhys things we’re getting even better.

Rhys could only give a low moan before her captor used the the pair of manacles she had bind her with to restrain the elf’s ankles, and then she got to the rope, adventurers like them always have rope laying around and it will be really useful to bind the elf. Ferine looped rope above and below Rhys breasts to pin her upper arms to her chest, clinching the rope under her armpits, then she looped rope on the elf’s waist and used to secure her manacled wrists to her back.

When Ferine finished her work both of her prisoners were tightly bound in different but equally unescapable manners, one at each side of the bonfire so they were facing each other. Ferine stood between them at putted her hands on her hips.

- Now - She said with smug voice - Shall we begin?
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Post by Caesar73 »

A nice turn of Events :)
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Chapter 5: Revenge

A brief pause followed, the only sound heard was the crackling of the fire.

- I’ll take that as a yes - Said Ferine and then walked towards Eyiel - So, you’re ticklish?

- Gmphh - Grunted Eyiel under the gag, she couldn’t believe she was about to be tickled again.

- Let’s see - Said Ferine removing her gloves - Where should I start?

She looked at Eyiel from her feet to her face, her exposed inner legs should be a significant weak spot but so were her sides, armpits and abdomen which was still exposed.

- Make sure to not scream - Said Ferine grabbing Eyiel by her sides - I don’t want you to wake up Ann.

A tickling storm started on Eyiel’s ribs, the amazon’s toned obliques were of no defense against the fast slender fingers of the scout, even less when she was tied up, screaming under her gag was all she could do.

- What did I told you about screaming Eyiel? - Said Ferine as she squeezed the amazon’s sides - I hope you’re not trying to wake her up.
Eyiel was breathing heavily, she was so angry at Ferine that she had tensed all muscles trying to use brute force to escape but there was no way she could manage to do that, the rope that held her legs to the floor and arms to the tree was too thick and the manacles that held her wrists too strong.

- Let’s try something Eyiel - Said looking at the amazon in the eyes - It is a resistance duel, and since you’re such a strong woman I think I’m giving you a fair chance to win.

Eyiel muttered an insult under her gag and Eyiel kicked an ember out of the fire.

- I’ll tickle you until this ember stops burning, and if you don’t scream or moan your torture will stop! - Sid Eyiel with faked cheer - Do you agree?

Before Eyiel could throw another incomprehensible insult to to Ferine under her gag the scout grabbed her face by the cheeks and with an acted deep voice said “Yes please, I don’t want be tortured anymore, please master Ferine torture me now so I can rest for the rest of the night” she was clearly mocking her.

- Oh how wonderful - Said Ferine - So get ready because we start in three, two, one...

The battle began, Ferine tickled the amazon’s sides with speed and dexterity and Eyiel was trying her best to contain her laughs and screams that she was biting her gag so hard that the cloth was starting to tear but if she wanted this to stop she had to endure it. Ferine then went to Eyiel’s exposed inner thighs which took the prisoner by surprise, it made her want to scream in laughter but she managed to only produce a low squeal.

- Pretty good Eyiel - Said Ferine without stopping her attack - Keep it like that and you may be spared.

As shameful as following her captor’s advice may be Eyiel did it, she had to, she tensed her legs that already hurtled because of standing on such an uncomfortable position for so long but she kept enduring.

- Now for your last challenge - Said Ferine, sliding her hands all the way from the amazon’s inner thighs to her armpits, she the looked down at the ember, it was in it’s last breath and then returned her look at the amazon’s eyes - Are you ready?

Eyiel grunted in response and Ferine smiled at the gesture before starting her merciless attack on the amazon’s armpits, It was the toughest challenge Eyiel had faced, her armpits ticklishness could not compare to that of her other weak spots like her abdomen, sides or thighs, her armpits had skin like that of a baby and she was sure that if she had drunk something that night she would’ve peed under this torture. But she managed to endure, she contained her screams, only grunting under the gag and closing her eyes with force and when the tickling stopped she opened her eyes again as her head fell down forcing her to look to the floor, her gag had been broken by her strong bite but once her vision cleared she was met by the horrible sight of the ember, still on fire. Then Ferine attacked the amazon’s armpits again with a precise pinch which took Eyiel by surprise and made her scream loudly since she was free of her gag, and then, the ember turned black.

- Grrr - Roared Eyiel trying once again to break free to no results - That was cheating!

- No it wasn’t - Said Ferine putting her gloves back on - I said that I would tickle you until the ember stopped burning and that’s what I did.
- Fuck you - Said Eyiel at Ferine with disdain.

- That reminds me - Said Ferine happy to have angered her captive- you should remain gagged.

Ferine grabbed a regular hempen rope from their equipment and moved behind Eyiel, she moved the rope over her head and gagged her with it by forcing her to bite it like a sort of bit-gag. As exhausted as Eyiel was she did not resist in any way and since she had her mouth open to take deep breaths the gagging process was an easy one for Ferine.

- You should always be gagged Eyiel - Said Ferine moving in front of her prisoner but said prisoner was too tired to even grunt at her like she had done before - Now Rhys, remind me who was the one who did the actual tying when you girls decided to pull that one on me.
Rhys stopped her idle struggles as Ferine walked towards her, on one side she couldn’t wait to receive Eyiel’s treatment but on the other she was wondering if she could stand it, as masochistic as she was she was still small and frail, nothing in comparison to Eyiel’s physical might, and even the amazon had been exhausted by the scout’s torture.

- Now - Said Ferine as she sat besides Rhys - What should I do with you? - Ferine checked the elf’s restraints, they were as secure as when she tied them about an hour ago - Maybe I should tickle you like I did with Eyiel, are you ticklish Rhys?

When this time came Rhys became doubtful, she had growing doubts about how much she could be able to stand in a tickle torture like the one Ferine gave Eyiel, so she didn’t respond in any way.

- Oh are you afraid? - Asked Ferine moving her red hair behind her ears so she could see her blushed face - I thought you were submissive Rhys, did you lied to that goblin? - Ferine was making her captive blush even more - I’ll be nice with you I promise, I know I would kill you If I did to you what I did to Eyiel, I just need you to do something before.

Rhys’ blushed face was as hot as the bonfire because of how ashamed she was, no way her friend was talking to her like that, hours before she couldn’t even think of being her Ferine’s prisoner yet now she was and although she was being mercilessly shamed by Ferine she was still getting a kick out of it, as much as her rational mage brain told her that this was a situation she should have avoided a long time ago.
Ferine knocked Rhys face up to the floor and got on her knees above her, the elf’s heart was beating fast as that of a trapped pray in the clutches of her predator.

- I need you to plead for it - Said Ferine with her hands on the floor next to Rhys’ face, with her face so close to hers that her noses where almost touching - Ask me to be gentle, to not tickle you ignoring your desperate cries until you pass out, ask for it and I’ll do it - Ferine made a brief pause and grabbed the straps of Rhys’ gag - Shall I remove it?

Rhys nodded, her face was hot and red because of the embarrassment but she wasn’t afraid to admit that the torture given to Eyiel would be more than she could take, so she got ready to voice her submission.

- Ferine please be gentle with me! I’m too weak to take the torture I deserve so please forgive me and don’t punish me too harshly! - Said Ferine closing her eyes, too embarrassed to look at her captor.

Eyiel was cringing at this scene, for someone of her culture this behaviour was not only incomprehensible but also unforgivable, how could someone surrender in such a pathetic manner? She thought.

- Even better than i expected it - Said Ferine putting Rhys’ gag back on - Now, back to where we left.

Unlike Eyiel’s torture which was fast, reckless and merciless, Ferine was careful with Rhys, she tickled her softly on her abdomen, sides, neck and legs, from time to time she teased about getting to her armpits which got rather loud high pitched squeals from the elf but compared to the torture Eyiel was faced with this was child’s play and and Rhys was enjoying it a lot. The thing is that the actual torture was the embarrassment that Rhys faced, that was what made Rhys truly suffer and Ferine be truly pleasured.

After one hour of playing with Rhys Ferine stopped the tickling, the sky had gone from black to dark gray and the sun was about to appear on the horizon but Ferine’s vengeance wasn’t stopping.

- I think I’m done with you for now - Said Ferine to the bound elf who was slowly catching her breath, she then gave her kiss on the cheek, got on her feet and walked towards Eyiel, kicking one of the remaining embers in her way - So Eyiel - She made a brief pause to crack her fingers - Ready for round two?

Eyiel grunted and bit the gag as Ferine got ready to commence her attack but a voice coming from the tent interrupted them by surprise.
- What the hell are you doing Ferine!? - Asked an angry, recently awaken Ann with messy hair and bags under her eyes, It could have been months, or even years since the knight had cursed, so she was surely angry - Untie us at once!

Ferine had just realized what she had done, she had tortured and kept her friend bound in strict positions all night out long out of spite and now Ann who was the only innocent in this matter was angry at her.

- I’m so sorry Ann - Said Ferine, looking down out of shame - I just didn’t realize.

- Let your actions speak for you Ferine! - Commanded Ann with authority despite having her hands still manacled in front of her - Untie Eyiel at once, she must be exhausted if you forced her to spend all night like that!

Ferine knew very well that Ann’s words were true and because of that Eyiel surely was the most angry at her, but still she obeyed and lowered the amazon’s body to her knees with care and proceeded to remove her gag and manacles and untie her ankles, Eyiel was too tired to fight back, her big muscles cramped and eyes too tired to see properly, and even if she could she wouldn’t do it in front of Ann.
- Now untie Rhys - Commanded Ann, like always putting others before her.

Without a word Ferine obeyed and removed gag, manacles and rope from Rhys, even a masochist like her could get tired of being tied up and she certainly was, her frail body was full of cramped muscles, her mouth was as dry as a desert and she needed to go to the bathroom.

- Now untie me - Said Ann as she extended her manacled hands in front her, and the ashamed Ferine removed the manacles, freeing her - Now listen to me, all of you! - Said Ann with a confident strong voice - Don’t let this horrible knight break us apart! We’re still the adventurer’s that recovered the king Slvard’s sword from the clutches of a witch, the explorer’s that crossed the deadly tundra of Valagar and the heroes who defeated the dragon under the mountains - Ann made a pause to breath in - But most importantly, we’re still friends! And we shall remain so!

The whole group regain a bit of hope in each other thanks to Ann’s words, they knew they have had it worse before and still they came victorious in the end and the knight’s speech made them sure this time will be no different.

After lifting the camp the group was forced to continue their journey, as tired as they may be they all knew that they had to get as far away as possible from the bandit camp and that’s what they did. On the same day of their departure from the ruined house they were so tired that they spent part of the dragon’s treasure to buy a pair of donkeys from a farmer to make the travel lighter on them.

The rest of the Journey towards the kingdom’s capital was calm and somewhat enjoyable, the healthy relationships between friends were reestablished and the avoidance of the topic of the dreadful night made it so no bondage craziness took off in any campsite as much as Rhys would have liked to, the group also learned the lesson of making guards wt night even in the safest kingdom in the continent.

After a peaceful week of travel the adventurers finally got to the kingdom’s capital, the seaside city of Bosport, and they were ready to continue their adventure.
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Chapter 6: Royal Capital

Disclaimer: This chapter isn't too heavy on bondage, or at least not compared to previous ones, if you're just for that feel free to skip it or just read the bondage part near the end. TLDR at the bottom.

The big city of Bosport stood in front of the adventurers, the city was surrounded by white stone walls and tall towers, the adventurers passed through the opened golden gate that separated the city from the countryside and were met by the typical bustle of a city this big.

- Now this is what I’m talking about - Said Ferine as she and her friends walked through the main street - I missed civilization.

- I already miss the wilderness - Said Eyiel in response, she hated big cities, crowded places and to some extent, people.

- Oh I get it Eyiel - Responded Ferine, comprehensive - You are more of a wilderness girl aren’t you?

- I just don’t belong to cities.

- Let’s look for a place to stay in - Said Ann - What I did missed were beds and food so I say we should start looking for an Inn.

Although Ann did a good job at adapting to the life on the road, deep inside her she was still a nobility girl, raised within the walls of a castle were all luxury was available and she would always prefer to eat cooked food and bathe on hot tubs rather than eating whatever was available on the road and bathing on cold springs.

After a while the adventurers found an Inn by the name of the white bull near the city’s main street, It was a rather fancy place, with three stories, clean white walls and and blue roof tiles like most roofs of the city buildings. After leaving their donkeys on the stable the adventurers entered the place and were met by the scent of food and ale.

- Would you like to eat something? - Asked Ann to her friends - I’ll put the money so don’t worry about that.

- Not really - Answered Eyiel

- Same for me - Said Ferine - Still full from this morning.

- I’m full too - Said Rhys with her characteristic low voice.

Ann was taken aback her friends response, she was planning to get a lot of food which would seem normal if she ate with her friends company but eating a whole boar by herself may get too much concerned looks from the people and she being a noble knight she thought of her as someone with a status to uphold.

- Uh... - As she thought about what she would do next.

- I think that I’ll just ask for a room - Said Rhys - I’d really like a bed.

- I’ll ask with you Rhys - Said Eyiel - I just can’t stand all this noise.

- And I’ll do all of us a favour and start to look for our informant - Ferine went back outside of the building - I’ll pay my part of the room later!

Ann was left standing alone in the middle of the tavern, she was hungry but what would normal people think if they saw a holy knight still clad in her plate armor eating like a wild beast? Ann’s stomach roared loudly as an idea came up to her, she approached to the bar to ask for food.

- Hello lady, would you like something to eat? - Asked the barmaid that was attending while cleaning some cups.

- Yes, what are you offering?

Ann was given a wooden tablet with a list of foods and although her eyes were driven to the bigger dishes she asked for a rather small one and received it some minutes later, and then she continued the process, she asked for a small dish, waited half an hour for it and ate it in ten minutes, every plate accompanied by a drink. By the sixth request the look on the barmaid face was concerned to say the least and more people in the tavern gave her that look too, and they all had a reason to look with concern at the near drunk knight that had basically order a boar but in parts.

- Well - Said Ann after she emptied an ale cup - On a second thought I think I’ll just ask for a room - Ann paused to burp - Or a hot bath If you provide those.

- Uh it’ll be ten bull marks for a room, 1 for a bath - Said the barmaid still with a concerned look in her face.

(Bull mark = Currency of the kingdom of Turus)

- I’ll take both - Said Ann as she handed the money - Thank you for the food!

The alcohol had leaved Ann quite tipsy, she had to make an effort not to make it apparent but she did a rather poor job at it, if someone looked at her with attention he would notice that the alcohol had struck her.

While Ann was bathing in the Inn Ferine was investigating further, the reason they had come to this city was to find a mysterious individual with important information about a secret temple were rumor had it said dark rituals were being performed.

Ferine was new to the city but certain things are standard among them, if you want to meet a shady individual certain places are always the go to, alleys and not so wealthy bushiness for example.

All Ferine knew about the person she was looking for was that it was a troubadour of some sort and that she could recognize it if she asked him to play the “song about the black dragon” Whatever that meant.

So Ferine went from square to square and from tavern to tavern asking performers to play a song about a black dragon and was only met by confused looks, not a single musician in the city seem to knew anything about a song about a black dragon, that was until she found a half elf clad in red and black clothing playing atop some crates in a street corner to a very small crowd.

- Bard - Said Ferine trying to get the half elf’s attention - Can you play the song about the black dragon?

The performer signed Ferine to come near her.

- Wait on the fat rat inn, I’ll meet you there after this song - Said the half elf to Ferine, who obeyed.

Ferine took a seat in the signaled Inn and took a seat in an effort to appear unsuspecting but she couldn’t help but feel as was being watched by everyone in the room that was when something caught her attention, in a bulletin board nailed to a wall atop all papers was rather accurate portrait of her with the word “Wanted”. Ferine got up to the board to make sure that she was the person in it and it surely was “Lady Ferine Sabre: Wanted for engaging in slave trade with and with outlaws of the kingdom” she could not believe what the poster said but she could grasp an idea of what the paper was referring to, she had bought slaves from outlaws but ultimately it was to save her friends, she couldn’t be considered guilty!

- Lady is that you? - Asked a serious deep voice from behind her as a strong hand was putted on her shoulder.

She turned back to see not only the big tavern-keeper looking at her with absolute seriousness, but also the whole of the people in the tavern.

- Oh, don’t worry about me - Said Ferine pretending nothing was happening - I was just leaving.

- You’re not leaving lady - Said the man tightening his grip on her shoulder.

Ferine knew this was no time for words, she instead slid out of the man’s strong grip, a move she had pulled before in guards, and ran to the door, but it was blocked and the small windows were not an option, so she got to the second floor faster that they could block the staircase, the second floor was a room complex, all doors were closed but there was an open window at the end of the hallway that connected them, her escape route. Ferine jumped out of the building and fell gracefully into an alleyway, but unexpectedly she received a blow on the back of the head that knocked her out instantly.

Meanwhile in the White Bull Inn Rhys and Eyiel had just woken up from up from a long nap and to clear their thoughts they decided to go and shower, to their surprise there was only one person in the big marble cellar that served as a bathing room and it was their friend Ann.
- What are you doing here Ann? - Asked Eyiel as she got into the warm water.

- Isn’t that obvious? I’m taking a shower - Said Ann with uncharacteristic sarcasm.

- Are you okay Ann? - Asked Rhys - This isn’t how you normally act.

- Oh I’m better than ever - Said Ann - You have no idea.

A woman from the Inn’s staff entered the room with a tray filled with olives and single chalice of wine.

- Oh thank you! - Said Ann as she grabbed the chalice.

- Ann... - Asked Eyiel with concern.

- What’s the matter? - She answered after giving a long sip to her wine - Want some? - Said as she handed the tray to her friends, dropping some olives into the pool.

- Ann you’re drunk - Said Eyiel, Rhys had thought that since she heard Ann’s first sarcastic response but her shy temperament wouldn’t let her say it - I can smell it.

- Ugh who cares - Answered Ann.

- I mean are you allowed to drink? - Asked Eyiel without a real grasp of what she was talking about - Don’t you knights have to swear an oath or something?

- Pretty sure both of my parents drunk - After saying this Ann gave another sip to her wine and emptied the chalice.

- Well if you say so - Said Eyiel before relaxing her body and submerging up to her neck in the warm water.

- Hey - Said Ann with the water up to her chin - Do you remember when those bandit captured us?

- I thought we wouldn’t talk about that anymore - Said Rhys who probably was the one who remembered the experience more vividly and still fantasized about it daily but it was for this same reason she didn’t wanted to talk about it, she didn’t wanted her friends to know.

- Ow come on, it has been a week already! - Said Ann - And it didn’t seemed that bad for you.

- Ann.. - Said Rhys as she started to blush, knowing perfectly well where this conversation was going.

- What did you said to that goblin? “I think I need more restraints” - Said Ann as she laughed - By the gods my father was right, elves are truly degenerate creatures!

In a royal building that housed the city guards, in a dark interrogation room Ferine woke up, her vision was blurry and struggle to adjust to the weak light that came from the candle in the table that stood between the chair she was sitting and another chair.

As Ferine tried to see what surrounded her and remember how she had got in this place she tried her other senses, the room had no smell, her mouth was too dry to taste anything, she heard cut phrases “This is the girl we’re looking for” “We got her outside a tavern” “But inquisitor, how are you supposed to interrogate her when she is gagged?” that las phrase accelerated Ferine’s senses and she finally got a clear understanding of her situation.

Ferine was tied to a wooden chair, one made clearly to make the one sitting on it the most uncomfortable possible, her legs were tied to the front legs of the chair, her wrist crossed behind her back and her chest and abdomen tied tightly to the chair’s back, all with strong soft rope.
The door opened and a woman entered the room, she was dressed with a black leather uniform, boots and gloves of the same color and material, on top of it a tabard with the characteristic symbol of Turus’ national god. The woman had a face of sharp angles, blue eyes and if looked closely a scar could be seen near the right one, her hair was blonde, almost white, and short.

- Good to see you’re awake you little bandit - Said the woman while walking around the bound Ferine - I’m inquisitor Amelie Malasintha
- Mpgh - Ferine confirmed what the voice she had heard said, she had been gagged.

- I hope you like the restraints - Said the inquisitor - I tied them myself.

Amelie sat on the other chair, a big padded wooden chair much more comfortable than the one Ferine was tied to, then she struck the table with her open hand, showing her captive the wanted poster that got her in this situation.

- So lady Ferine, shall we begin?

TLDR: Ann got drunk in an Inn and is bathing with her friends and Ferine's plans to contact a mysterious informant went badly and ended up with her captured and currently being interrogated by an inquisitor.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 7: Inquisitor

- Mpgh! - Ferine tried to to call her captor’s attention with noises and struggles, she was innocent, she could explain, but the gag wasn’t helping.

- I’ll take that as a yes - Said her captor - Let me help you remember what got you into this situation - The inquisitor moved forward while sitting and posed her elbows on the table - A group of three adventurers captured you in the hinterlands and were planning on bringing you to the city, they rested near the old road where they left you tied to a tree.

- Mphg! - Ferine tried to call her captor’s attention again to no avail, if she only could speak she would explain this and make it so much easier.

- Ugh quit your moaning prisoner - Said the inquisitor rolling her eyes - I gagged you for a reason.

Ferine took a deep breath and relaxed her body as much as the ropes allowed to, she had to be ungagged at one point and then she would tell the truth not to mention that her friends will notice her absence at some point but for now she had to cope with her situation.

- Good - Said Amelie after seeing Ferine’s response - As I was saying, that same night a group of goblins from the blue shadow bandits captured your captors to be sold in a disgusting display of sin, and you assisted it.

Ferine was starting to realize why this kingdom was regarded as so safe, if all inquisitors were as zealous and cunning as this woman seemed no wonder why no monster or bandit roamed this lands.

- You must be wondering how I know don’t you? - Asked the Inquisitor rhetorically since her listener couldn’t respond - We have undercover inquisitors everywhere, and that’s as much as I’m willing to tell to a bandit like you.

Ferine was still waiting for her gag to be removed and to be freed after telling the truth.

- Now that you know that we know the truth - The inquisitor said as she got her face close to Ferine’s, lifting her bottom from the chair - How about a long time to think? I think a good time in the dark could wipe all lies out of your malicious mind.

Ferine squirmed and moaned in her ropes and gag, she knew what the inquisitor was talking about and she didn’t liked it one bit, she could get out of this if she only told the truth and she trying to but nothing comprehensible would come out of her mouth with a gag stuffed in it.
The inquisitor to a long black scarf out of one her pockets and got ready to blindfold Ferine with it but the constant head shaking of the scout was making it quite difficult until Amelie caught Ferine by her short black hair.

- Stay still - Commanded the inquisitor tightening her grip - You can only make things worse by now so be careful with your choices.
Rapidly the inquisitor covered Ferine’s eyes with the scarf who was screaming under her gag in protest, the captive continued to shake her head even after being blindfolded, she could still feel the look her captor on her, like a prey knowing very well that a predator is watching it.
- And before I go - The inquisitor blew off the candle that lighted the room after this words and Ferine’s world went from black to absolute darkness - Don’t take me by a fool lady, i know very well light gets through those things.

The last sound Ferine heard before becoming trapped in the dark silence between the four stone walls of the interrogation room was that of the door closing, she was now alone in dark, blinded and paralyzed.

Meanwhile in the marble cellar filled with vapor from the hot tubs Rhys and Eyiel were still engaged in a rather uncomfortable conversation with a drunk Ann.

- Ann - Said Eyiel, she was holding her laugh - I think you’re making Rhys uncomfortable.

- Surely not as much as that goblin! - Said Ann making no effort not to laugh at the blushed Rhys - Because those bindings looked strict as hell!

- Indeed! - Said Eyiel - Joining your wrist ties to your ankles ties? That’s unheard of! Also what was with that gag? You looked like a grilled pig an apple in your mouth! - Eyiel couldn’t hold it anymore and broke in laughter, in retrospective the treatment Rhys received was quite funny.
- It is called a hogtie... - Said Rhys red has a tomate and more with such an embarrassment that she was staring down at the water.

- So you were gagged like a pig and bound like one! - Said Eyiel laughing - By the gods if you weren’t with us now I’d thought you didn’t showered either!

- I... I don’t like this conversation - Said Rhys as embarrassed as before.

- Well but we do! - Said Ann - And don’t make such a fuss over it, we’re just having fun!

- At my expense - Said Rhys, getting defensive.

- Aw it’s not like they didn’t tie us up too! - Said Ann - And we’re not making such a big deal, we got over it!

If someone had quite disliked that statement was Eyiel, while Rhys longed for that night in secret she dreaded it, that single night contained all of her most humiliating moments of her life, some of which would make other amazons mock her.

- Oh - Said Ann as she turned her look from Rhys to Eyiel - It seems I’m the only one that has gotten over it!

Eyiel didn’t respond and kept a stoic face to hide her shame, then Ann got close to her until they could stare at each other eye to eye.

- What’s the matter amazon? - Ann grabbed Eyiel by her strong arms - Don’t tell me someone like you can’t get over it!

- It’s not that simple - Said Eyiel getting free of Ann’s hands and crossing her arms.

- Why? - Asked Ann caressing Eyiel’s face - You can tell me, I’m your friend I went through that too I can help you.

- No you can’t - Said Eyiel - You wouldn’t understand - For the first time ever Ann and Rhys were seeing the amazon blush in shame.

- Why? - Asked Ann.

- Don’t pretend to not get! - Said Eyiel shaking Ann’s hand out of her face - You saw what they did to me, it was nowhere near what they did to you, even that dammed goblin admitted it!

- Oh, it’s just that? - Asked Ann trying to push her friend to speak more.

- It’s not “just that” a group of goblins chained me to a wall and their captain tickled me to death afterwards, how can an amazon like I get over that? And don’t think I forgot what Ferine did to me!

- I see I see - Said Ann - It’s true that your restraints and Rhys’ were more strict than mine but that doesn’t mean you two have to be ashamed of it, In the end it’s already over.

- Ugh... Girls - Said a voice coming from the rooms entrance, apparently the barmaid had been in the room for how long the adventurers didn’t knew - One of you rented a room for a “Ferine”?

- I did - Said Ann looking at the girl - What’s the matter with it?

- There’s someone looking for her upstairs, I thought you could help her.

- Sure - Said Ann as she got outside of the tub and stretched her arms - Just let me get dressed.

Upstairs Ann and her friends were met by a half elf woman, the same Ferine had seen some time before although they didn’t knew that.

- I’m the bard who sang about the black dragon - Said the newcomer, and immediate the adventurers got the clue.

- Good to see you - Said Eyiel who was the only of the three not drunk nor shy - Let’s catch up in our room.

The adventurers and the troubadour went upstairs to the room Ann had rented, It was a room with two beds, a table with a pair of chairs and a window that overlooked the main street. Eyiel and Rhys sat on a bed’s side and Ann laid down on the other so the half elf got a chair closer to the beds and sat on it.

- So - Said the half elf breaking the silence - I assume you are Ferine’s party.

- We are - Answered Eyiel - And we assume you are our informant.

- I am - Said the half elf.

- Why did you came to us? - Asked Eyiel - Weren’t we supposed to look for you?

- Something happened - The troubadour with a concerned lightly voice - With your friend.

- What’s the matter with her now? - Asked Ann still laying on the bed sounding more annoyed than concerned.

- You don’t seem to care a lot about her do you? - Asked the troubadour a bit incredulous of the knight’s tone.

- Don’t mind out friend, she’s drunk! - Said Rhys who always felt second hand embarrassment at this sort of attitude - She’s not normally like this! - Rhys handgagged Ann before she could make any other inappropriate statements.

- Sure - Said the troubadour a bit surprised by the situation - The thing is, Ferine managed to find me, when she did I made a distraction before meeting with her but when I went to the place I had designated for our meeting she wasn’t there.

- What happened with her? - Asked Eyiel.

- From what I’ve gathered from people in the scene the guards got her and took her to their fortress.

- Why? - Asked Eyiel - Is she stealing again?

- It seems she’s being looked for by the kingdom - The troubadour handed the wanted poster to the amazon.

- Shit - Muttered Eyiel - Why? What did she did now?

- No idea - Said the half elf - I thought you’d now.

- I think I may know - Said Ann after getting Rhys’ handgag out of her face with little effort - It may have to do with that night we were talking about.

- Oh - Said Eyiel scratching her chin - Then we can get her out, bard where is that is that fortress?

- I can take you there, but I’m not breaking anyone out - Said troubadour.

- I’m not talking about that, let’s just get going, we need to get her out! - Said Eyiel as she got ready to leave.

In the dark, silent and cold interrogation room of the guard’s fortress was Ferine, still tightly tied to the chair and in complete darkness, hearing only the occasional moan caused by the pain of trying to struggle against her bonds.

It was a horrible situation to be in, immobilized, blinded and not knowing how long it had been since she was left like this nor how long will it be until this situation ended.

After an amount of time that seemed like hours but was ultimately undetermined Ferine heard the sound of the door opening, no matter who was getting in it will be better than spending more time alone bound in the dark.

Ferine’s vision went from dark to black again, signaling the candle had been lit.

- So - Said the recognizable voice of the inquisitor - I suppose that got all lies out of your head.

Ferine nodded frantically, she just wanted to be ungagged to tell the truth and be freed, she couldn’t stand any more time tied up.

- Good - Said the inquisitor as she grabbed Ferine by the chin, the scout was surprised because as blinded as she was she couldn’t tell where she was being grabbed from - But I know your type can’t be trusted.

- Mpgh!? - Moaned Ferine,did that mean that wasn’t over yet? How sadistic could someone be to keep this going?

- This was only the first part lady Ferine - Said the inquisitor in her prisoner’s ear.

- Mppphhhggg! - Ferine moaned and struggled, she couldn’t let this happen, she could have stopped this hours ago.

- That’s right you dirty bandit - Said Amelie pinning Ferine’s head next to her’s - After this you’re coming to my dungeon and after a long time together when I’m sure there’s not a hint of treachery in your head I may ungag you.

Ferine tried to plead and to get out but there was no way this was worst situation she had been in in a long time and it seemed to be far from over.

- Inquisitor! - Said another voice which Ferine determined to be coming from the door - The other women we’re looking for just arrived by themselves! They seem to be alive and well.

- Then what’s with this lady!? - Asked the Inquisitor as she yanked Ferine’s head backwards by the head.

- According to them she rescued them from the bandits - Said the newcomer who presumably was a guard.

- I’ll have to verify that myself - The inquisitor let go of Ferine’s head and left the room, closing the door and putting out the candle behind her.

And Ferine was again left in the dark, tied up, gagged and blindfolded, this was probably the longest she had spent this way and she didn’t liked it one bit.

Another long but undetermined amount of time passed by with Ferine doing nothing more than trying to get comfortable while tied to a chair that seemed specifically made to make the one sitting on it the most uncomfortable possible but eventually Ferine heard the door opening again.

- It seems you’re saved bandit - Said after getting behind her, she then crouched to whisper something in her soon to be freed captive’s ear - But remember,there’s no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.

Then the inquisitor started untying Ferine’s chest, then continued with her her legs and finished with her hands, Ferine remained still the whole process.

Once Ferine was completely untied she removed her blindfold and was met by the inquisitor, looking at her with a smug face, then Ferine got up and removed her gag, throwing the scarf to the floor but uttering no word.

- I hope I see you again - Said Amelie as Ferine left the room.

Ferine was still rubbing her wrists when she got the entrance where she found her friends.

- Ferine! Are you okay? - Asked Ann as she got close to her friend.

- Yeah, could be better - Said Ferine scratching her head - I just want to go back to the Inn.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 8: Troubadour

The adventurers and the bard reunited in their room in the inn once again, this time with Ferine. They sat on the bed’s sides and the elf sat on one of the chairs.

- Again, why where you taken by the guards? - Asked Ann who was coming back to her senses slowly.

- Apparently they thought I was involved with those blue shadow bandits I “bought” you from - Ferine sighed - You know, I don’t really want to talk about it.

- Fine - Said Eyiel - You can do your explaining later, now we have a more important matter to deal with - She looked at the Bard.

- Indeed we do - Said the bard - I’ve been told you’re looking for a mysterious ruined temple in the mountains, is that right?

- Yes - Answered Ferine - What do you know about it?

- It is an ancient temple built by the fallen empire of Vernementum - The bard said no more.

- And? - Asked Ann eager to know more about it.

- It is made from marble of the surrounding mountains - The bard wasn’t even looking at the adventurers.

- Don’t make us regret coming here bard - Said Eyiel as she got up from the bed - Tell us what we want to know!

- Calm down Eyiel - Ann said as she tried to push Eyiel back on the bed with one of her arms - But you also should tell us something useful about the place bard.

- And what will I receive in return? - Asked the bard putting her hands together.

- You never said anything about a payment! - Ferine said angrily at the bard.

- I know... - The half elf said as she looked around - But it doesn’t seem like you can’t afford it.

Eyiel Growled and was ready to take the bard out of the room by force but Ann stopped her.

- How much do you want? - Asked the knight.

- How much can you offer? - The half elf asked back.

- Listen I already don’t like your attitude - Said Ann as she bit her lower lip to prevent herself from cursing like a commoner - I’ll ask you once again, and you’ll answer clearly, How much do you want?

- How about all your marks? - Asked the half elf elf with a notable hint of sarcasm, but the adventurers were not having it.

- Be serious bard! - Ann said as she got up - We have no time for jokes!

- Okay I get it - Said the bard ignoring Ann’s tone - It seems you’re too serious about this, so how about one thousand?

The adventurer’s barely made that amount with the sum of all their money, if they were to give it they would be left with no money at all.
- Too much? - Asked the bard smugly - I thought you wanted me to say an amount.

Eyiel jumped to the bard and grabbed her by her clothes, she had little patience and even less for people like her, the half elf couldn't dodge Eyiel and was pinned against the wall by the amazon.

- Calm down Eyiel - Said Ann - We don’t want to hurt her.

- You don’t want to hurt her! - Said Eyiel - I sure do!

- Do you think I fear you Amazon? - Asked the bard so calmly that one would have thought the giant Eyiel wasn’t pinning her against the wall - I know you will do nothing to me.

Eyiel was taken aback, she did knew that there was no way she could hurt an innocent person as annoying as it may be, or at least not in the presence of Ann, but she didn’t expect the bard to know that she expected that like always her muscles would do the job of intimidating for her.

- Oh I will make you fear me! - Eyiel’s words sounded kind of forced.

- What my friend over here is telling you is that you really should tell us what we want - Said Ferine who had more experience in this - Otherwise things could go not so well for you.

- I should have left you in the Inquisition’s quarters - Said the half elf - I bet you were having fun.

- Things could get much worse than the inquisition’s quarters for you if you don’t speak - Ferine said in response, the inquisitors quarters were something she would rather forget about.

- Can’t wait for that - Said the half elf with a hint of sarcasm that was becoming characteristic of her tone.

- Ann, Rhys get some rope - Said Ferine still looking at the bard’s eyes - We’re going to her up.

Ann who was now almost sober did as told, it wasn’t the first time they’ve had to tie up an uncooperative prisoner but Rhys was thrilled, bondage wasn’t getting old for her and she stared blushed at the ropes Ann handed her.

- Come on Rhys! - Said Eyiel who was now pinning the bard against the chair - Just tie her up.

- Oh yeah, right away! - Rhys said coming back to her senses.

While Eyiel pinned the bard against the chair Ann tied her wrists, crossed behind the chair’s back and Rhys tied her ankles together, she was ready to continue but Ferine stopped her.

- That’s fine for now - As much as Ferine wanted to tie the bard like the inquisitor had tied her they couldn’t waste time with that.

- How are those restraints bard? - Asked Ferine.

- I’ve seen better - She answered.

- But that’s not the question - Said Ferine trying to ignore the bard’s previous commentary - The question you have to answer now is, where is the temple?

The room’s door opened and the adventurer’s listened to the familiar voice of the barmaid.

- Hello - She said, without looking at the inside of the room - I’ve received some noise complaints and I wanted to know if everything was... - She then saw the seen that was unfolding in the room - Do you have that woman tied up? What kind of travelers are you?

The adventurers were already trying to come up with explanations but nothing that came out of their mouths seemed to calm her, they even scared her more when the giant Eyiel blocked her from leaving the room.

- Calm down - Said the Bard as she moved her free hand in front of her - This is all part of my new play.

- Huh - The barmaid gave a big sigh of relief, she was genuinely scared - So, part of your new play?

- Yup - Said Eyiel like if she was stating the obvious.

- Ok girls, just make sure to be less noisy - Said the barmaid as she left the room, still catching her breath.

A brief and very uncomfortable silence went on for a full minute until the barmaid’s steps were no longer audible, then Ann made sure to close the door and lock it.

- How did you escaped!? - Said Ferine as she grabbed the bard from her clothes.

- Do you think it is the first time I’ve bound Ferine? - Said the bard - I’ve been tied up and tied more people than you could imagine, your restraints do seem like child’s play to me.

- Tie her tighter! And more! - Ferine commanded.

- Here we go again - Said the half elf as Eyiel pinned her down to the chair and the other adventurers started working on her restraints.
This time Rhys took the chance to use her experience binding legs to it’s fullest capacity once again, binding and cinching the bard’s ankles to the chair legs and also tying together her knees from above and below as well as her thighs and finally she tied her thighs to the chair seat so she could not get up.

- You’re quite good at this - Said the bard to Rhys as she worked on her legs - Much better than your friends.

- Thank you - Said Rhys awkwardly as she blushed, she didn’t knew how to respond to such words coming from her captive so she just said what came first to her mind.

- Rhys! - Scolded Ferine.

- Sorry - Said the mage.

- And you! - Ferine pointed at the bard - Stay quiet!

During the whole tying process the bard looked at Rhys, her gaze felt invasive like the look given by Unkai or Ferine when they had Rhys tied up and se didn’t liked to be looked like that in front of her friends or at least not again, this made Rhys hide behind Eyiel as soon as she finished with the bard’s legs.

This time Ann tied the bard’s wrists to the chair’s back legs, this way she could not reach the knot with her other hand and she gave elbows the same treatment, in the end binding her arms straight to the chair’s back legs. She also applied some rope to the bard’s abdomen, not too much but enough to keep her bound against the back of the chair.

- Now we’re talking - Said the bard struggling idly against her new restraints.

- We indeed are - Said Ferine who then crouched to look at the half elf in the eyes - Answer the question.

- What was it? - Said the bard with a naive tone - I really don’t remember.

- Ugh! - Ferine was getting angry, even if the question was genuine the bard really messed with her patience - Where is the temple!?

- Well, the temple is... - The bard made a brief pause - Now that I that I think about it why I don’t just scream?

- What? - Said Ferine, dumbfounded.

- I mean I clearly don’t like being here all tied up by you - She looked at her surroundings - And I’m certainly not escaping anytime soon with you all watching me.

- Just answer the question we don’t care about that! - Ferine was even madder at the bard than she was at Rhys and Eyiel when they tied her up.

- What I was saying - The bard resumed ignoring Ferine - I should really just scream for help and get myself freed.

- But you won’t! - Said Eyiel trying to word her anger.

- Why? - Asked the bard - As I said I do not fear you one bit.

- Because if you do... - Eyiel made a pause, as annoying the bard could be she was right, if she screamed for help it was game over for them so she instantly handgagged her.

- Rhys! - Eyiel brought back the mage from the trance brought by looking at the bound bard - Give me that gag the goblins used on you!

Rhys took the gag out from her personal handbag, she had kept it there since Ferine ungagged her the night she tied them up.

- Why do you keep that in your handbag Rhys? - Asked Ann with genuine curiosity.

- Oh ahem - Rhys tried to think of a cover up lie, she would never tell the real reason although her friends may suspect it - I just never got it out, that’s all.

In actuality Rhys kept the ballgag at hand because when her friends were not looking, usually when their were asleep, she liked to gag herself and remember that night, when a group of goblins hogtied her, tied her to a post and sold her to a crowd of bandits or when her very friend Ferine tickled her playfully while tied up and gagged.

- Open up bard - Said Eyiel carefully removing her handag from the bard’s mouth as Ferine readied the ballgag.

- Did they used that on you? - Asked the bard looking towards Rhys with a sweet tone - Poor girl - And then she was gagged.

- Now bard - Said Ferine cracking her knuckles - You’re fully at our mercy so you better start being more cooperative.

- Hmpph - The bard moaned in response.

- Now to where we left - Said Ferine - Where is the temple?

- Hmpph - The bard moaned once again.

- Ugh! - Ferine was getting frustrated and so were Ann and Eyiel - If I remove the gag will you scream?

The bard nodded and Ferine, Eyiel and Ann grunted in response, what were they supposed to do? They couldn’t let the bard speak because she’d scream but if they didn’t ungag her they would never get the answer. It seemed that paradoxically, the adventurer’s were the bard’s prisoners and not the other way around like the restraints of the bard may suggest.

- Actually I don’t think she will - Said Rhys as she approached the bard whose gaze she was avoiding until this point - Do you remember? She did came up with a lie to remain our captive when that woman caught us didn’t she?

- But she’s threatening to do it now! - Said Eyiel angry, like she was responding to a purposely dumb statement.

- Why would she? - Asked Rhys at the whole group - She clearly dreads being discovered like we do, otherwise she would have taken that opportunity to escape.

The bard smiled at the whole situation although it was hard to do so with a ballgag in her mouth.

- So you say that if we ungag her now she will comply? - Asked Ferine a bit incredulous about her friend’s idea.

- I’m not saying that! - Ferine was always misunderstood because of her shyness but she wouldn’t let this happen this time - I’m just saying that she is not likely to scream if we ungag her.

- No need to get angry Rhys - Said Ann as she stepped in the situation with her characteristic authority - Now lady bard, is my friend speaking the truth?

The bard who was already drooling because of the gag nodded at the knight but she didn’t take her lascivious look of Rhys.
- Good - Said Ann, and then began to unstrap the gag.

The bard worked on her jaw for a while, definitively more than she needed to just to make her captors wait and then spoke.
- Thanks for that elf girl - She said rejoining the conversation.

- Now once and for all you will tell us, where the hell is the temple!? - Ferine asked with every bit of patience lost.

- Well I think you deserve it - Said the bard as she gave another look to Rhys - The temple is built into one of the mounts of the Eastern Highlands, it’s to the north of the dwarven kingdoms and south of the white steppes, the mount’s name is...

Once again the conversation was interrupted by the barmaid who knocked loudly on the door.

- Girls! I know you need time to rehearse for your play but it’s already nighttime and only those who have payed for a room can stay here!

The adventurers couldn’t believe it, so close to finding out and they were being interrupted.

- What do we do? - Asked Eyiel to her companions - We can’t let her go!

- Actually you can - Said the bard.

- If we get her a room she would sleep alone and escape! - Said Ann.

- She can sleep tied up with one of us! - Stated Ferine eager to spend a lot of time with the bound bard.

As the panic ran among the adventurers and the barmaid banged the door more and more the bard finished to untie her wrist and with the adventurers distracted she used a hidden dagger to cut her elbow and waist bindings the only one to notice was Rhys, but she was too dumbfounded by the sight to alert her friends.

- You’re taking too long, I’ll just leave myself - Said the bard working on her leg bindings.

Ann, Ferine and Eyiel turned around and looked dumbfounded at the woman, they couldn’t fathom how the bard had gotten of her restraints.
- I didn’t told you? - Asked the bard to the adventurers as she untied her legs - I’m a escape artist!

- Well.. - Said Eyiel - What now?

- You can meet me tomorrow - Said the bard finishing with her ankles - I actually want to help you now so if you meet me tomorrow I’ll get you the map to the mountain.

The deal seemed too good to be true and the adventurers knew that if something seems like that it always is, but there was little they could do to stop the freed bard and even less with the barmaid pushing to get her out.

- Where will we meet? - Asked Ann, acknowledging that whether the bard was lying or not this was their only option.

- This same Inn - Said the bard getting ready to leave.

- We will be waiting for you - Said Ferine menacingly.

The bard opened the door and was met by the concerned barmaid who gave a sigh of relief.

- Thank god - She said - I thought they had tied you up for real!

- No worries lady - Said the bard - But those restraints do leave a hint of pain in my muscles - She was lying, she was used to spend time tied up and a mere hour and a little more wouldn’t do anything to her trained body - Elf girl, would you like to help me get down the stairs.
Rhys got by the bard’s side even before consulting with her friends of even with herself, there was just something about this woman that gave her chills and the need to spend more time with her.

- Oh thank you! - Said the bard grabbing Rhys by the shoulder - Let’s go downstairs, if they’re still working I may get you something!

- We are! - Said the barmaid eager to gain a new customer.

- Rhys wait... - Said Ann, but there was no response from her friend who left the room even before she finished her sentence - What’s the matter with her?

Downstairs in the bar Rhys and the bard shared a table, the bard had bought food and drinks for both of them.

- So, Rhys - Said the bard looking lewdly at Rhys - You say you’re a mage and have traveled the world in lot’s of adventures, I could write songs about it!

- Yeah - Rhys blushed at the compliment, but was already blushed beforehand - And you... I don’t think I got your name.

- Zelliria

- Yes, Zelliria, What’s with you?

- I’m but a mere bard, telling stories and singing songs.

Rhys and Zelliria talked for hours about their lives, they were very different, while Rhys was shy and introverted Zelliria was an outspoken bard, very charismatic and popular evidenced by all the people who knew her in the tavern, and it was her charisma that made it so likeable to the shy and otherwise quiet Rhys.

- Wait didn’t you said - Rhys needed to prepare for this simple question - that you were a escape artist?

- Well it’s getting late - The bard seemed to change topics all of a sudden - But if you want to find out about that you can come to my home in the aurouch district, just a few streets from here.

- Uh... - Rhys couldn’t believe it, it was like a dream come true - Sure, just let me tell my friends!

- They don’t need to know - Zelliria grabbed Rhys’ hands making her blush even more.

- I... I don’t want them to get angry at me - Rhys’ excitement made her stutter - And they will if I don’t tell them where I’m going to.

- Ugh Fine - Said Zelliria with audible disappointment - I’ll wait for you in my house, go when you’re ready.

- Sure! - Said Rhys - How can I find your house?

- It is a white house with two stories and a blue roof, you’ll notice when you fount it because it is in the only corner of the streets taurion and minor that’s in the auroch district, that and the big banner with a lute in one of the walls.

- I’ll be there in no time! - Said Rhys as she ran upstairs.

Zelliria left the Inn and upstairs Rhys was planning what she should take to her night with the bard, her ballgag for sure, but maybe some manacles? More rope? But when Rhys entered the room she was met by the serious judgmental look of her three companions, something was not right.
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Chapter 9: Lesson Learned

- What are you doing Rhys? - Asked Ann as Rhys went to get some rope.

- Oh - It will be hard for Rhys to tell her friends what she was doing, but she had to - That bard invited me to her house and I’m going.
- Well at least you told us - Said Ann - But you’re not going anywhere.

Eyiel closed the door and stood in front of it, Ann and Ferine looked at Rhys with her arms crossed.

- Why? - Asked Rhys regretting telling her plans to her friends.

- It’s dangerous - Said Ann - Both for you and for us.

- Well I already told her that I was going so I can’t just not go - Said Rhys like that would change her friend’s mind.

As Rhys turned back to leave the room she was met by Eyiel who would not move from the door and there was no way Rhys could move her by force.

- What’s with you being against me all of a sudden? - Asked Rhys as she recognized she was trapped - I don’t want problems with you, I’ll never do this to any of you!

- We get it Rhys - Said Ann putting her hands on Rhys’ shoulders - But we’re not doing this to antagonize you, we just want to protect you.
- From what? - Asked Rhys - I’m not in any danger!

- You may not realize it Rhys - Eyiel stepped in the conversation -But that bard was shady, and if you to her house all by yourself you could easily be trapped.

- I know she may seem charming - Ferine stepped in too - But people can be deceiving and the sooner you realize that the better.

Ferine had a point, Rhys had little real world experience, she had spent most of her life studying to become a mage and she was rather young for an elf.

- Well I don’t think think she’s lying to me! - Said Rhys, even realizing that her friends had a point she still wanted to go.

- We won’t let you regardless - Said Ann - So please make this easy for you and us and go to sleep, it is late already.

- What did that bard promised you? - Asked Ferine, she wanted to get insight in the situation - You don’t usually talk to people, let alone agree to go to their house.

Rhys was on the edge, her friends were getting once again really close to her secret and it was once again in a very uncomfortable situation.

- Let me guess - Said Eyiel taking by force Rhys’ handbag - Look! Ropes!

Rhys’ face began to turn red as Eyiel took several lengths of rope out of her handbag.

- You were going there to be tied up by her? - Asked Ann, but Rhys just looked down and didn’t answer.

- Come on - Said Ferine who sounded fed up - You can tell us, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

- Yes! - Ferine broke her silence - I do want to go there to be tied up by her, in fact I love being tied up and I’m sorry that my tastes had lead to you being put in danger but I... I... - Rhys had to think what she was saying and catch her breath, it was rare for her to voice her thoughts in such a way.

A sudden silence followed Rhys’ words, all the adventurers needed a second to process what just happened.

- So... - Ann broke the uncomfortable silence - You like being tied up?

- I think she said it pretty clearly - Said Ferine as she gently hugged the elf - There is no problem with that! - Ferine winked at Rhys, she quite liked the idea of having a friend that liked to be bound.

- Well I think there’s nothing wrong with it - Said Ann - It’s not like I hadn’t done more shameful things this same day.

- I really can’t get it Rhys - Said Eyiel - Sorry.

- I don’t think she needs to hear that - Said Ferine at the amazon.

- It’d be worse if I lied - Eyiel would never lie to her friends in a matter like this - And I’m getting tired so you two better leave this room and let us sleep - She was talking to Ferine and Ann, rules of the Inn had it that those who rent a room together shall sleep together.

- Wait! But can I go to the bard’s house? - Rhys asked, still eager to be tied up by the bard.

- No - Said Ann - But maybe when we get to know her better we may let you! - Ann didn’t wanted to leave her friend with a sour taste about the conversation.

- And if you want to get tied up you can ask me! - Said Ferine as she left the room.

Then Rhys and Eyiel were left alone in the room, Rhys would’ve rather slept with Ann who seemed more understanding of her confession or Ferine who even seemed willing to playing along with it, Eyiel in the other hand seemed very judgemental about it.

- If you want to go to the bathroom go now - Said Eyiel - I’m locking the door because I don’t want you sneaking out while I’m sleeping.
- I’m fine - Said Rhys, fearing the amazon would get angry at any request she made - But you can trust me, I won’t sneak I out I swear.
- Sure you wont - Eyiel locked the door - Go to sleep now, we may have a long day tomorrow.

Eyiel went to sleep with the door’s keys under her pillow, that way she would notice if Rhys tried to take them.

Rhys was quite ashamed of herself, she would’ve liked to never made the confession in the first place so Eyiel wouldn’t be angry at her but it was too late, from now on Rhys could only think of a world in which one of her friends doesn’t respect her because of her tastes that she could have kept secret.

Meanwhile on the other room Ferine and Ann were chatting while laying on their beds, one of the topics they were talking about was Rhys’ confession.

- Why do you think Rhys likes that? - Asked Ann - I know I joke about elves being weird but I don’t actually think it.

- It’s hard to pin down a reason - Said Ferine - I’ve known other people into that and they’re all different, it is pretty much a case by case basis.

- And you Ferine - Said Ann as laid on her side to look at her friend - Are you into that?

- Sure, although I’m more into the tying people up part than into the getting tied up part - Said Ferine - It must be obvious after that night.
- It is - Said Ann in a more serious tone.

- Again sorry about it - Ferine had gotten quite ashamed of what she did to her friends that night, maybe now she was not so ashamed of what she did to Rhys but Ann’s scolding was hard to forget - I got carried away.

- I too have some things to apologize for - Said Ann, now that she knew how Rhys felt about being bound remembering what she told her when drunk was near painful - But aside from that, why are you into tying people?

- I think I like the sense of control I get of things? - Said Ferine with doubt in her words - It’s really hard to put in words.

- I think I may have to try it some day - Said Ann as she went back to lay on her back - If it seems so strange yet alluring.

- The knight whose into bondage - Chuckled Ferine - What a sight.

- Is that what you call it? “Bondage”?

While Eyiel was sleeping Rhys had her ears as straight as if she was awake, the reason was that another problem had started to brew up in her head, that being the question of what would Zelliria think of her not going to her house, she was the first person Rhys had met in a long time and a bad impression was the last thing Rhys wanted to leave in her. The problem grew bigger and bigger in the elf’s head, depriving her of sleeps as she thought of how to solve this problem.

Rhys’ magic couldn’t help her and that bothered her even more, if she wanted to use magic to communicate the message telepathically to Zelliria she needed a piece of her hair or her nails, which she did not had and if she wanted to create a tiny servant to deliver the message she needed incense which she didn’t had and could not get because she could not leave.

After much overthought Rhys decided that the sensible was to get out of the room and ask her other more comprehensive friends to help her which they likely could since Ann always carried around incense because she could not stand some smells of the wilderness. But if Rhys wanted to get out she had to first get past her friend who had the key, but she had her methods to do so, she was a mage after all.

Rhys’ plan was to retract the key from under the pillow with magic from her bed, that way if her friend woke up she would only see her laying on her bed and once she got the key she would deafen Eyiel with magic which would be easy since she was sleeping and Rhys being an elf meant she could see in the dark better than a human so she wouldn’t need to light a candle to light her way and for Eyiel to notice her escape.

Rhys took the key with surprising ease and the magic hand she had conjured gave it back to her, then she casted a deafening spell on Eyiel and proceeded to open the door, she had already turned the key once of the two needed times when the light of a candle illuminated the room and she felt a strong hand in her right shoulder.

- Where are you going Rhys? - Asked the familiar voice of Eyiel, it sounded serious and angry - I thought you wouldn’t lie to me.
- I.. I... - Rhys was out of words, according to her knowledge it was impossible for a sleeping person to resist a spell.

- Out of lies? - Said Eyiel getting Rhys’ hand out of the lock - I hope so, although to be honest I also lied about something - Eyiel pushed Rhys to her bed and fear filled the elf’s eyes - I noticed that you were awake, elves sleep with their ears pointed down and since yours were pointed up all the time I assumed you were up to something, so I didn’t sleep.

- But! - Rhys was trying too hard to voice her thoughts over her fear - I didn’t lie..

- Shut up - Said Eyiel forcing Rhys to lay on her back on the bed - If you want to be tied up so badly I will tie you up, and I will do so for a reason.

- But Eyiel! I just need to to tell Ann and Ferine something! - Rhys said in an effort to make her friend understand, but the circumstances were against her.

- And I will gag you too - Said Eyiel as she got a hold of Rhys handbag - You’re gonna love this you degenerate!

- Eyiel please listen to me! I’m not lying to you I’m... - Rhys was forced to lay face down on the bed and her face was pinned against the bed sheets mid sentence - I just wanted to tell them something about!

- Tell them what? - Said Eyiel who already had Rhys arms ready to be tied up - Something about that bard?

- Yes... - Rhys said as she blushed.

- That bard has officially taken you too far Rhys - Eyiel started to take out rope from Rhys’ bag - I hope this night makes you think about it.
- Eyiel I just want to...

- I think I should gag you first - Eyiel reached for the ballgag.

- No please Eyiel listen to me Eyiel Eypmhhggg! - And so Rhys was once again gagged with the same ballgag she had kept since Unkai used it on her, and for the first time she may as well be being tied up against her will.

Eyiel tied Rhys in a tight hogtie, her hands were tied palm to palm and further arm restraints were applied to her elbows, her legs were bound in the ankles knees and thighs and her upper arms were secured to her chest with rope. Eyiel’s bindings were not pretty but rather crude and had little regard for Rhys’ safety, the elf could feel how the ropes were too tight in some places and got tighter even if she moved an inch.

- Mphhhhh - Rhys made a last effort to make her friend understand but she was not listening.

- There you go “Hogtied”, is that what you called that? - Eyiel said as she looked at her now bound friend - You know Rhys, In my tribe, we tie people up too you know - Eyiel sat beside Rhys and looked at her, although Rhys’ position made it hard to look back - but we do so to teach them lessons, about discipline, humility and rigor, I hope you learn something about that this night - Then Eyiel went to her bed.

- Mphggg! - Moaned Rhys, even for someone as masochist as her this was torture, a whole night in crude restraints just to prevent her from doing something that she believed to be important, this may have been an interesting experience in another moment but right now she just wanted to get out.

- And don’t dare moaning while I try to sleep Rhys - Said Eyiel as she covered herself in the sheets - Punishments got much worse in my tribe and I can make them so for you.

And so Rhys was left crudely hogtied on her bed, eventually the cold started to penetrate in her hands and though her thin socks and it was not like she could cover herself with the blankets, she was also drooling because of the ballgag which dried her mouth rapidly, Rhys was rapidly coming to terms with the idea of her not being able to tell anything to Zelliria, but at least now she had the excuse of being tied up by her friend, what she was also coming to terms with was the idea of probably not being able to sleep at all.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Wow, it took me a while but this a really good story. I really enjoyed the dialogues and the theme: all about magic and elves and goblins and all of that.

Great work!
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Post by banshee »

Thank you! It's always good to see comments.
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Chapter 10: The Last Clues

Before I start this story I’d like to thank those who have been reading to this point, I’m ten chapters in and I plan to keep going. If you want to I’d like you to comment about the story, what you’d like to see improved, what characters or moments you have liked as well as any critiques you have.

The sun came through the window in Ann and Ferine’s room, it was another sunny temperate day like the day before it, typical of the kingdom’s spring.

Ann was the first to wake up, years of training had accustomed her to waking up early and despite having a bit of a hangover because of yesterday’s drinking it wasn’t that bad.

- I’m going to shower - Said Ann to Ferine who could still be sleeping - Try to get up before midday.

- Fine - Said Ferine with a tired voice still covered in the blankets.

Ferine was not sleeping but she didn’t wanted to get out of bed, It felt too good for her to want to leave it, she didn’t wanted to go back to sleep either, she just wanted to lazily lay on the bed for a bit longer, something she couldn’t do while they traveled.

On the other room Eyiel was sleeping like a bear, sprawled in the mess that she had made out the blankets while sleeping but Rhys didn’t get any sleep at all, she was still tightly hogtied and gagged as Eyiel had left her hours ago the only difference being that now her arms and feet had went numb and he mouth was completely dry because of the drooling cause by the gag, she didn’t even struggled or tried to make noise anymore, she just gave up.

After almost an hour of the room being illuminated by sunlight Eyiel woke up and gave a loud yawn as she stretched her arms, cracking what sounded like every bone in her body.

- That must have been the best sleep I’ve got in weeks - Said Eyiel scratching her disheveled hair - How did you sleep?

Eyiel looked at Rhys, she was still recalling what happened last night but once she saw Rhys tied up she immediately remembered.

- I suppose not so good - Said Eyiel in a very unfitting friendly tone as she scratched Rhys’ hair - But hey, we all gotta learn somehow.

Rhys didn’t responded, making any sound would have caused her pain with her mouth as dry as it was.

- Well I suppose I’ll have something for breakfast and then think about releasing you - Eyiel said as she started to get dressed.

Knocking on the door alerted both Eyiel and Rhys, Eyiel didn’t wanted to be found with her friend tied up by her and Rhys would not like to be seen bound by her friend.

- It’s me, Ferine - Said the familiar voice of the scout between knocks - Are you awake?

- Yeah, wait a second I’ll open the door - Eyiel was worried about what Ferine would think about finding her with Rhys tied up, she feared that if she released Rhys she would confront her alongside Ferine and she didn’t wanted to face that, so she came up with an idea - Let me help you with something Rhys - Said Eyiel to her captive in a low voice.

Eyiel then carried Rhys to the closet, which was an easy task for someone with her strength, Rhys tried to make noise but even the slightest of grunts inflicted pain in her throat.

- There you go - And then Ferine locked Rhys up in the closet, she barely fitted in, her knees were against one wall and her face against the other and despite being very slender Rhys’ sides were a bit squished between the door and the back wall of the closet.

Eyiel opened the door and welcomed Ferine into the room, Ferine had already got dressed and was more presentable than Eyiel who had just woken up and it was easy to notice.

- Wow it seems you slept a bit don’t you? - Asked Ferine as she saw Eyiel.

- Even though I hate cities sleeping in a bed will always be better than sleeping in a bedroll - Replied Ferine - Anyway what do you want?
- I’m going downstairs to eat something, maybe you two wanted to come along - Said Ferine as she looked for Rhys in the room - Where is Rhys by the way?

- Oh - Eyiel had to think for an excuse fast - She went downstairs.

- Should we meet her downstairs?

- Uh... - Once again Eyiel had to think about a cover up lie for what was actually happening with Rhys - Yeah... sure.

- Okay - Said Ferine with a bit of confusion about Eyiel’s doubtful tone.

Before Ferine could left the room Eyiel’s secret was exposed as the closet doors opened slowly with the characteristic crunch of wood, turns out Rhys was so squished into the closet that the little movements she made when she breathed and tried to accommodate had forced the doors to open. Eyiel’s face showed nervousness, Ferine’s surprise and Rhys’ just tiredness.

- What exactly is happening here? - Asked Ferine turning to Eyiel and hoping for the best.

- Oh... Uh... - Eyiel’s strong wasn’t her ability for deceit - We... We were just playing one of her games - Was the best excuse Eyiel could come up with.

Ferine got by Rhys’ side and knelled to inspect the situation further, she was very suspicious about it, especially after Eyiel had said that she didn’t understood Rhys’ taste for being tied up yesterday. She saw Rhys’ face, it looked miserable, purple bags had formed under her eyes and there was a visible trail of saliva going down from Rhys’ gagged mouth to her chin, she then checked her restraints, they were too tight, she couldn't even run a finger through some of them.

- So - Said Ferine as she got back up again to face Eyiel - She consented to this?

- Yes - Said Eyiel knowing perfectly well that her lie was crumbling.

- So if I remove her gag she would tell me so - Ferine inquired further - Wouldn’t she?

- Uh... - Eyiel had to come up with a lie quickly - You see, the thing is we’re pretending I kidnapped her, so if you ungag her it would really break the immersion you know.

- Ok but didn’t you established a safe word? - Asked Ferine.

- A safe word? - Eyiel had no idea what Ferine was talking about.

- Didn’t she tell you about it? - Ferine asked with a bit of surprise but more suspicion - She seems like the type of person to know about these things.

- Anyway... - Said Eyiel awkwardly - Should we go downstairs?

- Yeah but I think we should take her - Said Ferine pointing at Rhys.

- But we weren’t done yet - Said Eyiel.

- Well it’s late already - Ferine replied - Also you shouldn’t leave her alone while tied up like that.

- Why? - Eyiel would still hold her ground.

- Her bindings are too tight and she can barely move - Ferine pointed at Rhys’ bindings - She could also choke with that gag on so I think we should release her.

Eyiel had ran out of excuses and she wasn’t willing to prevent Ferine from freeing Rhys by force.

- Don’t worry, you can continue your game later - Said Ferine trying to calm down Eyiel who seemed strangely worried about Rhys being released.

- Sure... - Eyiel said awkwardly - I’ll wait for you downstairs.

Eyiel exited the room and Ferine was left alone with Rhys, the first thing she did was removing Rhys’ gag which was tightly buckled behind her head and after removing it Rhys took a deep breath.

- Now I want to hear your version of the story - Said Ferine looking at Rhys.

- Can you untie me first? - Said Rhys with a tired voice - I’ve been like this for too long.

- Sure, meanwhile tell me what happened - Ferine began to untie Rhys, starting by the rope that connected her ankles to her hands and continuing with her legs.

- I did not want be tied up - Rhys started.

- So she lied to me? - Ferine said trying to figure out the ankle knot - Why did she tie you up?

- I wanted to tell the bard that I wasn’t going - Rhys began with her story, she was still a bit ashamed about jilting Zelliria - and Eyiel wouldn’t let me leave the room but I tried to sneak anyway.

- Were you planning to escape? - Asked Ferine who had just finished with Rhys’ ankle restraints.

- No - Rhys was offended that her friend could think that she could do that - I just needed incense from Ann for a spell to do so.

- But I assume Eyiel heard no excuses - Ferine was now with Rhys’ knee restraints.

- Exactly - Rhys sighed - She caught me when I was about to leave the room and tied me up, she gagged me too so I couldn’t even tell her what I was doing.

- So how long have you been tied up? - Asked Ferine concerned.

- Probably since midnight - Said Rhys.

- Oh - Ferine realized how bad Rhys’ position was - That changes everything!

- I would be happy with it if she hadn’t been so cruel - Responded Rhys.

- But these bindings, that gag - Ferine finally untied Rhys’ knees - She’s a monster!

- Next time I should sleep with you - Said Rhys.

- I’ll tell Eyiel a thing or two, you should go with Ann and tell her - Ferine made a pause and undid the knot on Rhys’ thighs - When I’m done with this of course.

- Where’s Ann? - Asked Rhys as she waited for her friend to finish to untie her.

- In the cellar, a hot bath would do you good, your muscles must be cramped as hell - Said Ferine.

- Yeah, I can barely feel my arms - Said Rhys trying to struggle with her arms with no results.

It took some time for Ferine to completely untie her friend Eyiel’s knots were made with little regard for them to be untied, they were crude and tight and some had become tighter as Rhys struggled during the night.

- There you go - Said Ferine once she finished with Rhys’ restraints.

- Ugh, thank you - Said Rhys as she rubbed her wrists.

- You can go to the cellar now, I’ll talk to Eyiel.

Ferine and Rhys went downstairs, Eyiel gave the two an uncomfortable look from her table but seemed kind of relieved when she saw Rhys continue her way downstairs. Downstairs Rhys was met by by Ann who was calmly sitting in one the steaming tubs, Rhys’ half naked body reveled many rope marks left by her tight restraints pressing against her skin and thin sleeping clothing for the whole night.
- What happened to you? - Asked Ann when she saw Rhys.

- Well - Rhys got inside the tub - Eyiel tied me up and she wasn’t very gentle about it.

- I thought she didn’t liked that - Said Ann.

- I assume she still doesn’t, she did it to “punish me” - Said Rhys stretching her arms.

- Why did she had to “punish you”? - Asked Ann curiously.

- I wanted to go to your room to get a spell component - Rhys made a pause to submerge her head in the hot water - But she wouldn’t let me out of the room, so I tried to sneak past her when she was sleeping but she caught me and tied me up, thinking I was trying to escape.

- I assume she heard nothing from you - Said Ann who knew Eyiel very well.

- Not only that but she gagged me - Said Rhys as she washed her red hair.

- I’ll talk to her about this, don’t worry - Said Ann reasserting her group leader position.

- Don’t worry, Ferine is handling that - Inside her, Rhys knew that it’d be hard for Ferine to make Eyiel reason - Or at least she trying.

- Now that we’re talking about this - Said Ann as she approached Rhys from behind - I wanted to apologize for some things I said to you yesterday.

- Oh, don’t worry - Said Rhys trying to calm down her friend, she rarely did things that she had to apologize for.

- I don’t actually think that you’re a degenerate, even if I don’t understand your tastes I’ll respect them - Ann started massaging Rhys’ cramped shoulders.

- Apologize accepted - Said Ferine as she relaxed in Ann’s hands - I’m sorry for putting you in danger.

- Don’t worry - Said Ann - You already apologized and I forgive you - Ann then hugged Rhys from behind, a gesture that surprised Rhys but that she really appreciated.

Meanwhile in the upper floor Eyiel and Ferine had already order her meals but they were completely silent, Ferine maintained a killing look on Eyiel who tried to awkwardly look away to avoid her gaze but it was of no use.

Not so deep inside her Eyiel knew what Ferine wanted, she had probably talked to Rhys and was now hoping for apologies but she really didn’t wanted to talk about it, her pride wouldn’t let her and she felt justified in her actions but most likely Ferine would hear nothing from her.

- So - Ferine broke the silence - It seems you’re not going to apologize.

- Apologize for what? - Eyiel pretended not to know what Ferine was talking about.

- Oh you know exactly what you have to apologize for - Ferine pressed further.

- You mean what I did to Rhys? I’m not going to apologize for that! - Said Eyiel angrily.

- So do you think what you did was okay - Said Ferine.

- It’s not like she didn’t liked it! - Said Eyiel - She told us she does.

- She doesn’t mean it like that - Replied Ferine.

- Oh so she just likes it when it’s done by you or some bandit - Said Eyiel chuckling - Right, right I forgot about that part.

- Ugh - Grunted Ferine - You have to do it with care and you can’t just leave her tied up and expect her to like it, but something tells me you didn’t really cared if she enjoyed it.

- She was trying to escape - Said Eyiel bluntly - I had to stop her.

- How did you know she was trying to escape? - Ferine asked knowing there was little excuse Eyiel could present her.

- She was trying to sneak out, if she didn’t wanted to escape she would have told me - Said Eyiel.

- It’s not like you allowed her to lave at all - Said Ferine leaning back on her chair - Or gave her time to explain.

Both adventurers saw Rhys and Ann coming from the stairs, they were already dressed in her regular clothes, Rhys with her regular red and pink robes that matched her hair color and her brown thigh high leather boots, Ann with her blue fine gambeson and leather boots and gloves.

- Lets leave it here for now - Whispered Ferine to Eyiel - But I’ll make you apologize, be sure of it.

The adventurers sat together to have breakfast, Rhys’ sat by Ferine’s side and Ann by Eyiel’s who received a firm poke from the knight’s elbow but as uncomfortable as things were with Eyiel and Rhys the morning passed rather calmly between the adventurers.

- Well - Asked Ferine once they were finished eating - What’s the plan for today?

- We should contact that bard - Said Ann as she wiped some crumbs of her mouth - What was hr name Rhys?

- Zelliria - Said Rhys.

- Then we should contact her to get that map she told us she has - Said Ann getting up from the table - I assume she told you where she lives Rhys.

- Yes, I can take us there - Said Rhys.

The adventurers went to the bard’s house, they moved through the crowded streets of the city looking for the house in the corner streets taurion and minor with a lute banner on the wall, but when they got to their destination they found the house guarded by city guards and with the painting of a bull’s head in the door.

- I think this is bad - Said Ferine who recognized the bull’s head as a symbol for the inquisition.

- Let’s see what’s happening here - Said Ann as she approached the guards, the rest of adventurers followed her - What happened in this house sir? - Asked Ann to a guard.

- The inhabitant was found to by suspicious by the inquisitor - Replied the guard.

The mere mention of that woman made Ferine uncomfortable, she was someone she’d rather never see again.

- Was that inhabitant the bard Zelliria - Asked Ann.

- Yes - Said the guard in a mundane tone - I mean, I’m not allowed to revelat that information! - He was clearly new at his job and his words got him a judgmental look from his companions.

- Sure - Said Ann ignoring the guard’s mistake - I think we know everything we wanted to know - Ann and her friends walked away from the house enough distance for the guards not to hear them.

- We need to her out - Said Rhys, she was trying to hide how much she cared about Zelliria but the words slipped out of her mouth.

- I’m okay with leaving her there - Said Ferine - I don’t really care.

- What? Imagine if we did that when you got caught! - Said Rhys.

- Well the thing is I’m not her - Said Ferine - If we need to get something from her house I’ll just sneak in and get it.

- You care too much about her - Said Eyiel to Rhys.
- Stop it girls - Said Ann trying to make sense of the situation - The matter isn’t whether we care or not about her, we need something she has and trying to get her out will be much easier than risking having Ferine caught while sneaking in a house protected by city guards.

- But how are going to her out? - Said Eyiel - The only reason why could get ot Ferine was because she was innocent.

- I’m sure she is too - Said Rhys.

- You seem to know too much about her considering you met her yesterday - Replied Eyiel.

- But the only way we can know is by going to the inquisitor’s headquarters and trying to negotiate - Said Ann - If that doesn’t work we’ll think of another plan but that’s the plan for now, Lets get going!

- Ugh, If you say so - Said Eyiel.

Ferine didn’t wanted to go there, just remembering the place gave her a sick feeling but she had no real excuse to not go so she followed the group with an uncomfortable look in her face.

- Is everything okay - Asked Rhys to Ferine, she could tell something was wrong with her.

- Yeah it’s just - Ferine made a pause and considered what she was willing to tell about what happened to her when she was on the Inquisitor’s headquarters - I just don’t like that place.

- Just that? - Said Rhys, usually she wouldn’t press further but Ferine seemed worried and she kind of owed her something after she released her from Eyiel - Did something bad happened to you when you were there?

- I don’t want to talk about it Rhys - Said Ferine as she accelerated her pace.

- Okay - Said Rhys - But you can always tell me if something is wrong.

Eventually the adventurers entered the imposing gray fortresses that served as the Inquisitor’s headquarters, In the reception they approached the desk of the guard in charge of the building.

- Ehm - Ann drew the guard’s attention from the paper he was writing in to her - Can we ask something about an inmate?

- Just because you’re a knight - Said the guard - And because you were right about the previous inmate you asked for.

- We wanted to know about Zelliria the bard - Asked Ann with care, knowing that every word she said could be used against her by the inquisition.

- She was captured yesterday night for possession of... - The guard stopped himself - I’m not allowed to reveal that much, even to you.
Ann had to come up with an idea to get to Zelliria, her knight position wasn’t enough to open her that door and there was no way she’d try to bribe a guard, even less in front of other guards. But when Ann was ready to leave she saw the guard stealthily sneaking a written paper to her.

- Understood - Said Ann as she grabbed the paper with the same stealth she received it - We’re done here girls!
Ann and her confused friends walked away from the building, Ann ignored her friend’s questions and just procured to get as far of the fortresses as posible. When they got to an inconspicuous garden between some houses Ann read the letter and showed it to her friends, it read “Meet me in Minos’ garden at dusk, I’ll get you to her”.

Meanwhile in the dark dungeon of the Inquisitor’s fortress a door opened illuminating the room filled with chains, manacles and other bondage gear, the steps of the inquisitor’s boots as she walked down the stairs she were heard by a bound Zelliria, but she couldn’t see the inquisitor for she was blindfolded.

- So, no more escaping - Said the Inquisitor - Just you and me.
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Chapter 11: The Bard and the Inquisitor

Zelliria was captured by the inquisition when she stood right in front of her house’s door, there she was taken with her hands manacled in front of her to the inquisition’s headquarters. Metal restraints were the type she hated the most, they were either too easy to escape from or outright impossible, and her case was the later she also considered them really impersonal, too generic and with little room for creativity.

The guards that captured her listened to none of questions or complaints and made sure to grab her by the arms during the whole way, they didn’t wanted her trying to escape. When they arrived to the fortress Zelliria was taken directly to an interrogation room in the upper floor and locked in.

Zelliria was left alone in the room, there was only one table with two chairs on its sides, one very comfortable and other very crude, it was clear which was meant for her. The inquisitor would come in any moment so Zelliria had little time to plan her escape, her gloves would make it easier to slip out of the manacles but it’d still be hard so she had to be quick. She was halfway through slipping out her right hand when she heard footsteps approaching, she had no time to slip out of the manacles before whoever was coming arrived so she hid behind the door.

Since the door opened inwards the inquisitor didn’t saw the bard hiding which gave Zelliria the opportunity to surprise her by attacking her from behind and grab her by the neck, passing the chain that connected her cuffs over her head.

- Now stay quiet - Whispered Zelliria into the inquisitor’s ear - Just be a good girl and give me the key.

The inquisitor stayed silent but handed Zelliria the key who freed herself from the manacles and with her right hand she took a tiny dagger that was hidden in her tied hair while grabbing the Inquisitor with her left arm.

- Thank you - Said Zelliria sarcastically, as she threatened the inquisitor with the dagger - now it’s time for me to use these on you.

- Don´t you dare - Said the inquisitor angrily.

- Oh did it to me, it’s only fair that I do it to you - Said Zelliria tightening her grip.

- Even if you do there’s no way you can escape this place - Said the inquisitor trying to get the bard to surrender.

- Don’t worry about that, I have my methods - Said Zelliria - Now be a good girl once again and put your hand behind your back.

The inquisitor did as she was told although the disgust of her action was easy to see in her face, eventually the bard manacled her hands behind her back.

- I can’t have you screaming once I leave - Said Zelliria pushing the inquisitor to the small chair - I think I’ll have to gag you - She putted he hands on her hips and looked around the empty room - But what should I gag you with?

- You can’t gag me you... - Zelliria handgaged the inquisitor before she could insult her and again put her dagger against her neck.

- Shh, we don’t want nobody hearing you - Said Zelliria in a serious tone - Now do you promise to stay quiet?

The captive nodded, she had a plan and she could not let her pride get in it’s way.

- Good girl - Said Zelliria - Now, I think i know what I should use for your gag, but I don’t think you’ll like it.

- I don’t care just do it already - Said the inquisitor wanting to make her humiliation as brief as possible.

- Sock gag it is then - Said Zelliria before kneeling to get barefoot.

The inquisitor blushed and for her to blush the situation had to be especially humiliating, what did she meant by “sock gag”? Was she literally just about to gag her with her socks? She had no experience on this end of the ropes and to be on it on her first time in this way was really testing her pride.

Zelliria took out both of her socks, they were very long and seemed quite dirty, one she knotted it in a “knotted cleave” manner and left the other as it was.

- Open up Inquisitor! - Said Zelliria with overacted cheerfulness as she putted the balled sock in front her captive’s face.

The inquisitor didn’t wanted to be gagged under any circumstance, even less if the circumstances were being the prisoner of a bard in her own fortresses and the gag were a pair of dirty socks.

- Don’t make me open that mouth myself - Zelliria said as hse grabbed the inquisitor’s face with force by her cheeks.

The inquisitor’s pride faced the biggest of challenges when she had to open her mouth to see and feel how dirty and smelly sock was shoved in her mouth to be secured by a knotted cleave made of the socks’ pair. Her captive seemed to take special care with the gag, making sure the sock filled as much of her mouth as possible and she knotted the gag behind her head but under her hair so it was harder to slip from.

- I’m sorry about the smell, I was going to take a shower when your men captured me - Said Zelliria as she moved behind the inquisitor - I only need one more thing and I’ll left you alone.

Zelliria then ripped off a white strip hair from the inquisitor’s head which she put on the table and she then sat on the big chair in the other side of the table. At first the inquisitor was confused about what the bard was doing but when she started to make weird hand gestures and voice strange enchantments she knew it very well, she was disguising as her with magic, that’s why she ripped of a strip of her hair.

A thin fog engulfed Zelliria for an instant and then instantly dispersed to reveal the figure of the inquisitor, looking the same way and dressed the same way. The inquisitor struggled and grunted under gag at the sight, her plan did not take in consideration this, Zelliria limited herself to give a smug look to the inquisitor as she got up from the chair and left the room.

Amelie the inquisitor was now left alone in the room, she knew very well that the guards guarding the door wouldn’t respond to any noise anyone in this room made, they were trained to do so, so she couldn’t count on them. Her plan from the beginning was to use the universal manacle key that she always hid in her pocket she usually used it to lock manacles not unlock them, but the tricky thing about this plan was that she couldn’t reach the pocket in her thigh that held the key with her hands manacled behind her back.

In the dark hallways of the fortresses Zelliria walked calmly under the illusory disguise of the inquisitor, she had to stay calm otherwise the guards may suspect but it was hard considering how labyrinthine the building seemed and she had a hard time remembering which path the captors took when they lead her there. Zelliria was also worried about Rhys, although she doubted that her friends would let her go to her house what if they did and she ended up being the one leaving her jilted? She had to be quick to get out but she had to act normally.

In the interrogation room Amelie had thrown herself down to the floor, she was trying to get the key out of the pocket by rubbing her thighs against the floor but it was hard, she grunted angrily at every failed attempt but her increasing anger wasn’t doing her any favour.

After walking into dead ends and having to give tense awkward explanations to guards that she saw as suspecting Zelliria found the stairway to the main floor, she walked down and was met by the silent big hall, there she made her way to the door and exited the building but she still had to get through the building’s bailey which served as the inquisition’s training grounds during the night.

- Amelie! How about a rematch for last night’s duel? - Shouted a woman that was laying her back on the wall.

At first Zelliria ignored the question but when she saw the woman approaching she remembered that she was impersonating someone else and that the question was most likely directed at her.

- What? You’ll run out? - Said the woman that was now behind Zelliria.

- I have no time for that - Said Zelliria with the voice of Amelie - I have to leave.

- Oh come on - The woman sounded disappointed - You promised to!

- I have no weapon with me... - Zelliria Realized that she didn’t knew this woman’s name - What was your name again? - Zelliria asked in the hopes of distracting this woman as she left.

- You can take any of the.. - The woman realized that who she thought was the inquisitor was leaving - Hey come back here!

The woman stood in front of Zelliria and now the disguised bard could see her better, she had similar whitish hair to that of the inquisitor although she had it grown to shoulder length, her face was one of soft features and she had green eyes, these features reminded Zelliria of someone she had met long ago.

- Liel? - Asked Zelliria breaking out of the Inquisitor’s character.

- I knew you couldn’t forget - Said the now identified Liel - Now, what do think about that rematch?

- Sure - Said Zelliria going back to the character but having her decision influenced by her broader knowledge about this woman - Where are the weapons?

- Where they always are - Said Liel guiding Zelliria to a weapon stand - Pick yours.

Zelliria picked her weapon of choice, a rapier while Liel drew her shorsword, from what Zelliria knew about this woman this should be an easy fight that but she hadn’t seen her in a very long time.

- Rapier? - Said Liel - Now that’s weird.

- Let’s make this quick shall we - Said Zelliria ignoring the remark as she readied herself.

In the interrogation room Amelie had finally managed to get the key out and with a few attempts managed to unlock the manacles, once freed she removed her stinking gag and took a deep breath, the fresh air was relieving after almost an hour of being gagged. Then Amelie opened the door with her key, at first the guards took a defensive stance but then they looked surprised at who came out of the room.
- Inquisitor? - Asked a confused guard.

- Of course I am! - Said Amelie angrily.

- Then who got out of the room? - The guard scratched his chin.

- And where is the prisoner? - The other guard mimicked him.

- She’s impersonating me! - Screamed Amelie - We have to go get her! - She then ran downstairs at full speed, it was rare to see her so expressive.

- Right away! - The guards said as they started to run after her.

The guards and the inquisitor raced downstairs as more guards started to follow them, they reached the training grounds almost immediately and were met by the scene of the Amelie looking at how a clone of herself stood victorious over one of the acolytes.

- What’s happening here? - Asked a guard who just saw the inquisitor and the guards arrive - Why are there two Amelies?

- She’s impersonating me! - Screamed Amelie pointing at her clone - She’s a prisoner that escaped.

- She’s lying! - Said Zelliria, moving her rapier to point to Amelie - She’s impersonating me! She’s the prisoner!

A murmur began between the guards, they really were not prepared for this situation, it wasn’t the thing they received training for. Liel was suddenly more scared about having the inquisitor standing above her, in the case she wasn’t the real one she may have gotten into a big problem.

- Can any of you probe to be the real one? - Asked a guard.

- I can! - Said the real Amelie with confidence as she approached her clone.

- Don’t give another step prisoner! - Said Zelliria pointing her sword towards Amelie.

- Try to stop me - Said Amelie as she grabbed one of the guard’s shorswords.

Zelliria and Amelie engaged in a sword fight for Amelie it wasn’t the wisest of choices but Zelliria had pushed her to such a limit with the sock gag that she’d rather resolve things with violence rather than reason. It was a hard fight for both of them but definitively harder for Zelliria who knew that she couldn’t kill the Inquisitor because the guards would notice that no disguise would fall upon her death, so she had to escape not kill her, she also had to make sure no damage was made to her disguise otherwise it’d completely fall off.

Once the Amelie that beat her moved away from her Liel saw her chance to stop the fight, she being one of the most magically adept members of the monastery used a spell to paralyze both Amelies by surprise and since all their attention was put on the fight none was able to resist it.

As she felt her body become paralyzed Zelliria saw her disguise crumbling into mist, revealing her identity to everybody watching.
- Zelliria? - Said Liel in a low voice as she saw the impostor’s face.

- Good job Liel - Said a guard as he patted Liel on the shoulder - Now end this spell so we can take care of the impostor.
Liel released Amelie from the spell and waited for the guards to grab Zelliria before releasing her.

- Thank you - Said Amelie, she rarely thanked anyone so Liel was surprised - You may as well be ascended after this, you course of action was definitively wiser than mine.

- Thank you too - Said Liel.

- Men! Take this woman to the dungeon! - Commanded Amelie.

Amelie and her men took Zelliria to the keep, there they covered her head with a bag so she was now blinded, she felt how she was being dragged through hallways and stairs, she had her hands manacled behind her back and there was little resistance she could offer to the treatment she was receiving.

Liel stood still in the middle of the training grounds, she knew Zelliria, she was an old friend that she lost contact with after she joined the inquisition, remembering her past together made her feel bad for her situation, she knew how bad Amelie’s prisoners had it but there was nothing she could do, so she just resumed her training to distract herself.

Zelliria’s hood was removed from her head and she could now see where she was, a dark stone dungeon with chains and manacles hanging from the walls, an X cross and tables with attached restraints.

- Now I’m going to teach you a lesson - Said Amelie dragging Zelliria to the cross - You better don’t try anything stupid.
Zelliria gave no response other than an angry face.

- Okay then - Said Amelie before going to get something to a table, she came back with a small bag - Smell this if you please!
Amelie gave no choice to Zelliria, she pressed the bag against her face and forced her to smell it, to Zelliria’s surprise the small wasn’t foul but actually fresh but before she could enjoy the smell she realized what happened, she was falling asleep and there was little she could do to prevent it.

Zelliria woke up by light smack on her right cheek, she opened her eyes to see the Inquisitor standing in front of her and when she realized her captive had woken up she stopped smacking her. Zelliria was standing up but resting against something, it was the X cross, she was chained to it with manacles that held her wrist, elbows, ankles and knees to the object but to her surprise she wasn’t gagged. Looking down at herself Zelliria realized that she had been stripped down to the bare minimum of clothing she could be stripped to before getting naked.

- Dream beans - Said Amelie - Some regard them as an useless plant, I regard them as a useful tool in my fight.

- Your fight against what? - Asked Zelliria - Innocent people?

- Oh bard both you and me know that you’re not innocent in any manner - Said the Inquisitor - But you’ll tell me about that later, you’ll tell me everything later.

- I’m not telling you nothing - Said Zelliria with no emotion.

- Let’s what you say once I ungag you when the sun rises - Amelie showed her captive the socks she had been gagged with - Now like you said, open up!

Zelliria could give no resistance so she just obeyed and ended up gagged in the same way she had gagged Amelie not so long ago.

- See you in the morning bard - Said the inquisitor as she left the room - Then the real torment will begin.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

I love this story, I hope you keep continuing this. Ferine is my most favorite character since she sounds a lot like my Oc Kyra.

I'll gladly keep reading your work.
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Post by banshee »

Thank You! I'll indeed continue and i'm glad you like it.
For now enjoy chapter 12
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Chapter 12: A Bard’s Captivity

Zelliria could perform no escape now, she may have been tied aesthetically but she was to tied for real and by someone who didn’t wanted her escaping anytime soon. As tired and as Zelliria was she was finding it hard to sleep in her position, she was standing somewhat vertically and her arms were hanging, not the most comfortable position to sleep in.

On the training grounds Amelie went to talk to Liel, she had important matters to discuss. She instructed her to go to her office, Liel was surprised but happy, maybe this was about the ascension Amelie had told her about. Amelie and her pupil arrived at the office, a rather nice room compared to the other dark and cold rooms of the keep, a nice desk with two chairs adorned the room and a big window overlooked the city.

- Take a seat Liel - Said Amelie as she sat, Liel obeyed - Yo did a great job down there even though you seemed to be defeated by the intruder.

- I still have work to do - Said Liel.

- Still, you have earned your ascension - Said Amelie - You’ll soon be allowed to leave the fortress and go on missions around the kingdom.
- Thank you! - Said Liel happily.

- There’s nothing you have to thank me for, you’ve earned the ascension yourself - Amelie made a pause - But there’s something I wanted to asked you.

- Sure, anything.

- Do you know that woman? I heard you mumble a name when you saw her disguise fall off.

Liel did indeed knew the intruder, she was an old friend from which she had separated from a long time ago when she joined the monastery as her friend went on the path as a bard, but knowing how far the inquisitor could take her interrogations she’d rather tell a small lie and not risk her ascension.

- Not really - Said Liel calmly - I just know a few of her songs, she’s a bard right?

- She is - Said the inquisitor - But I’m eager to find out what she’s hiding behind that facade.

In the dungeon Zelliria was lamenting her situation, she didn’t knew how much time she’d been there neither did she knew how much time she had left and she clearly couldn’t escape. As time passed by her muscles went numb because of the uncomfortable position and her mouth went dry because of the foul gag.

The sound of the door opening followed by light entering the room signaled the entrance of the inquisitor, hours had passed for Zelliria, tied to the cross and blinded by the darkness the light of the candles being light up harmed her eyes when she first saw it.

- Hello prisoner - Said Amelie as she walked down the stairs lighting up candles - I know I said I’ll come back when the sun rises but it turns out there are more pressing matters.

Zelliria did not respond, she just gave a tired but killing look to her captor, she may be tied up, gagged and exhausted but she’ll still put up a fight against this woman.

- I’d like to know just one thing and then I’ll leave you alone - Said Amelie as she stood before her captive - Do you know the woman by the name of Liel?

Zelliria was taken aback by the question, it wasn’t the thing she was expecting, even her thought she’d never see Liel again, how could this woman suspect that she knew her? But as surprised as she was Zelliria gave no response, she only looked at the inquisitor in the eyes with defiance.

- Just nod for yes, shake your head for no.

Zelliria did neither.

- You still think you have some agency in this? - Asked Amelie - When I tell you that I’d like you to do something, you do so! - Amelie got her face really close to Zelliria’s, the staring between them was intense - Understood?

Zelliria would not obey the Inquisitor’s orders, not even from her position, she always had been a chaotic and free person, her bindings wouldn’t change that.

- So you need a bit of persuasion huh - Said Amelie somewhat offended by Zelliria’s attitude - No problem, I’ll give you the persuasion you need.

Amelie went to a table to grab something, since the table was somewhat behind the X cross Zelliria was tied to she couldn’t see what she was taking from the table. She came back to face Zelliria with her hands behind her back so her captive still couldn’t see what she had taken from the table.

- Let me show you... - Amelie said as she got her hands in front of her to show whatever she had grabbed to Zelliria - A cockatrice feather!
Zelliria watched confused the adorned feather, it looked like a regular chicken feather although bigger, she had no idea what Amelie had in mind with such thing.

- These feathers are know to be capable of driving men insane if used to tickle them - Amelie said playing with the feather in her hands - I wonder how much can you stand if I use it on you.

Zelliria was not really frightened by the prospect, she didn’t considered herself ticklish at all and she had no knowledge of this feathers having this propriety.

- But you can still obey me and save yourself of the torment you know - Amelie was playing one of her favourite games, second only to leave her prisoner bound for hours, this game was scaring them , lying to them, she knew that the feather had no such propriety but she hoped that her lie would frighten her captive enough to force her into obedience.

But Zelliria didn’t fell, she stayed as stoic as before.

- Huh, so still no obedience? - Said Amelie hiding her surprise - I’ll start with my hands so you have more time to think about it.

Amelie then began tickling Zelliria’s exposed sides, which would have been a killing move had she been a ticklish like Rhys or Eyiel, but there was no expression on Zelliria’s face nor did sh made any noise, all of this made Amelie nervous, she didn’t expected her captive to resist her torture with such ease.

- So you’re not ticklish huh - Said Amelie as she got back from the cross - Well it seems that I’ll have to resort to other methods - Amelie had to think of something fast, and she came up with an idea quickly - Huh, Well if you know her you’d certainly like to see her again.

Zelliria was once again taken aback by the inquisitor’s words, what did she had planned for her and Liel?

Amelie went to get something to the table once again and Zelliria recognized what she had taken, the bag of dream beans and there she saw her chance of escaping.

- Sweet dreams! - Said Amelie as she pressed the bag against Zelliria’s face once again.

Zelliria pretended to fall asleep, and it seemed to be quite convincing because Amelie started to unlock the manacles that kept her tied to the cross, she felt how she fell to the floor and how her hands were forced behind her back but before her hands were manacled she dropped her acting and attacked Amelie by surprise. Amelie seemed stronger than Zelliria but she was certainly not as dexterous, that’s why with a graceful stunt the bard managed to thigh lock the inquisitor with ease.

- Huff - Zelliria breathed after removing her gag - How about you ask me now.

- Oh you are so screwed - Said Amelie grabbing the leg that held her - You don’t even realize it.

- It seems to me like you’re the one screwed here - Zelliria took the inquisitor’s dagger out from her belt and putted it close to her face - What do you think?

Amelie started chuckling and then laughing maniacally, Zelliria thought she had gone insane but then the dagger she was holding was taken out from her hand by something so fast that when it disappeared in the darkness Zelliria hadn’t seen it for a mere second.

- Are you sure? - Said the inquisitor with confidence and a smug face.

Then something grabbed Zelliria by the ankle and pulled her up, forcing her to release Amelie from her grip, Zelliria now hanged from one ankle from the ceiling, it seemed she had been grabbed by... rope?

- Have you ever wondered why I always enter this room alone? - Said Amelie as she rubbed her neck to relieve from the pain caused by Zelliria’s grip.

- Ugh - Zelliria grunted as she tried to reach for the rope that she was hanging from - Release me you...

The surprise of another rope grabbing her other leg interrupted Zelliria, she was now hanging from the ceiling with both of her ankles tied.
- The reason is, while I’m not a so proficient divine mage like some of my pupils - Amelie made a pause - I do excel at some other magic capabilities - Amelie made another pause as the sound of something big approaching got louder and louder - Let me present to you, the rope golem.

From the darkness a barley humanoid figure emerged, it was a big moving construct made of twisting ropes of all thicknesses and lengths.

- I think I’ll come back tomorrow - Said Amelie as she headed back for the stairs - You can take her of her until then.

The golem then fully engulfed Zelliria in it, being in the golem was like being wrapped by thousands of tentacles at the same time, there was little Zelliria could do while wrapped in it, she only felt the grasp of the ropes and nothing more. Zelliria felt how she was once again forced against the X cross, since the golem was made of rope it could bind her to the cross without ejecting her out of its body.

When the golem released Zelliria she was manacled to the X cross like before, like if she had made no escape in the first place. The golem which stood behind the cross reached for something on the table with one of her tentacle like ropes, it was a ballgag. The golem ballgaged Zelliria and blindfolded her with a leather mask, the fight had left her too exhausted to offer any resistance.

Now Zelliria was not only exhausted but also felt completely defeated, she had two opportunities of escaping and both failed, she was ashamed of herself, she would never had pictured herself in such situation.

Zelliria’s mind was left to think in the darkness, she thought about Rhys, what was happening with her, did she went to her house? Did her friends prevented her from doing so? She couldn’t know, she also remembered her times with Liel and how they had gone separate ways, she becoming a bard, her becoming a cleric, they used to be best friends, maybe even more so this reunion was the worst reunion she could ask for. She wondered if Liel still cared about her or just thought about her like another prisoner, the thought of the later was painful.

The night went by, Zelliria snoozed from time to time but when she feel asleep the pull caused by the chains she hanged from caused her to wake up, never managing to properly rest from her exhausting night.

Hours passed by of nothing more than darkness and silence for Zelliria when she heard the door opening and steps going down the stairs, the light of candles slowly filled the room but the leather blindfold did a very good job at keeping her blinded.

- So, no more escaping - Said the Inquisitor - Just you and me.

Zelliria could no longer give a defiant look, not only because she was blindfolded but because her will was cracked, she had no intention of further resistance, after two failed attempts of escaping and hours of being tied up and gagged she had no intention of giving further resistance.

- I hope you no longer have intentions of resisting lady - Said Amelie standing in front of her prisoner - If so nod, I’ll remove your gag if you do so.

The bard nodded and had her gag removed, a strip of saliva fell to the floor as she had it taken from her, she breathed through her mouth but uttered no word.

- First things first - Said Amelie - Do you know Liel?

- Yes - Answered Zelliria with a low and tired voice.

- What do you know her from? - Asked Amelie - Don’t skip any details.

- We we’re friends - Zelliria made a pause to swallow salive but she had none - Best friends, long ago, before she joined you.
- No wonder why she left you - Said Amelie.

- What are you going to do to her? - Asked Zelliria, she still cared about Liel.

- You don’t ask the questions here - Said Amelie - I do, so don’t make me gag you again - She made a pause -But you’re not here to tell me about old friends, do yo know why you’re here?

- No.
- Oh you know why you’re here - Said Amelie as she started to rub Zelliria’s face - Tell me and I may go easy on you and you friend.
The threat to her friend relighted a flame in Zelliria’s heart, she couldn’t stand this woman with her condescending tone and emotional blackmail messing with her, even less threatening her friend.

- Because you’re an evil bitch - Said Zelliria with contained anger.

The raging fire that had started in Zelliria was put down by a slap in the face that she received by the inquisitor, she couldn't see it coming because of her blindfold so she wasn't at all ready for it.

- You’re here because you possess a map to a forbidden location - Said Amelie with a rather calm tone - You really don’t appreciate my kindness.
- What kindness? - Zelliria asked rhetorically.

Amelie gagged Zelliria again, she wanted to hear nothing more of her.

- I was thinking asking you for the location of the map - Said Amelie as she started to walk out of the room - But now I’ll simply tell my men to rip apart your house to look for it.

Before leaving the room Amelie made a pause atop of the stairs to speak to some of the ropes that formed the golem.

- Take her to the cell by midday so she can go to the toilet I don’t want her getting disgusting but keep her tied! - Amelie commanded - I’ll return later.

The door closed with a bang and the inquisitor left the room, Zelliria had been utterly defeated.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 13: Infiltration

This chapter Includes GID (Guy in Distress) So if you're just in for the (F/F) and such feel free to skip it. TLDR at the bottom.

- So this is the place that guard told you about - Said Eyiel looking around the plaza - You sure it’s not a trap?

- I don’t think so - Said Ann - But If so I think we’re ready.

The adventurers knew very well that this could be a trap so they had prepared beforehand, only Eyiel and Ann were plain to sight while Rhys and Ferine were hidden in the case anything went wrong.

- You still don’t have to apologize? - Said Ann.

- Ugh, this is so tiring - Said Eyiel as she sighed - I thought I leaved it clear.

Ann, Ferine and even Rhys had tried to convince Eyiel that what she did to Rhys was something she should apologize for but she wasn’t listening, Eyiel was as strong as she was stubborn and she was very strong.

- We’ll have to talk it out eventually - Said Ann - We cant have you tying up Rhys like you did.

- Shut up, I think he’s coming - Eyiel said as she noted the familiar figure of the guard they had met.

The guard approached them calmly as if he was another commoner, he was out of his uniform and carried no weapon.

- Girls? - The guard asked when he was close enough to Eyiel and Ann.

- Hi - Said Eyiel - So... - She was unclear about what to say.

- I’ll tell you about your imprisoned friend, don’t worry - He said.

- Is this place safe enough? - Asked Ann - We have a rented room in a tavern if it isn’t.

- No, here’s better - The guard was quick to respond - Pretty sure the inquisitor knows were you’re staying.

- What’s the matter with that woman? - Asked Eyiel.

- She’s extremely paranoid and willing to act based on her delusions - Said the guard - Which combined with her position of power makes her extremely dangerous.

- And why did she picked on that bard? - Asked Ann - Just based on rumors and delusions?

- It wouldn’t surprise me - Said the guard - And it wouldn’t be the first time.

- So I get who we’re dealing with - Said Ann - Now let’s get to what we came here to discuss but first we’ll need you to tell us something.
- What is it - Asked the guard.

- Why are you helping us? - Asked Ann - How can we know you’re not leading us into a trap?

- Well - Said the guard awkwardly - You see lady Ann.

- You know my name? - Asked Ann surprised.

- I do - Said the guard - I used to serve as a squire on your father’s order of knights and I feel like I owe your family a favor.

- Really? - Ann was a bit perplexed at this guard’s statement - So you must be...

- Fulk - The guard completed Ann’s statement - It has been a while.

- It surely has been - Said Ann as she hugged his old Friend - What was of you during this time?

- It’s not the time for emotive reunions guys - Said Eyiel - We have to rescue that bard for some reason if you don’t remember.

- Yes sure - Said Fulk as he went back to his more serious tone.

- How do we get that bard out? - Asked Eyiel looking menacingly at Fulk.

- Well, according to what I know the girl you’re looking for is the deepest cell of the fortress which is also the most secure - The guard explained.

- That doesn’t help - Said Eyiel - Do you know any way of breaking in or out?

- I do! - Said Fulk with confidence as he pulled out a map from his pocket - There is a big weakness to it and that is how few guards protect it.

- That surely has a catch - Said Ann - It can’t be that easy.

- It does - Said Fulk - But is something I’m sure you can deal with.

- What is it? - Asked Eyiel.

- Inside the dungeon there’s a construct, a creation of the inquisitor herself - Answered the guard - She calls it a “rope golem” and it’s ordered to bound anyone who enters the room other than her.

The adventurers thought about Fulk’s words for a moment, they had faced animated constructs before just not any that specialized in tying people up. Of course both Ann and Eyiel thought about Rhys and how she could mess that up.

- So - Ann broke the silence - If It is made out of rope I can see a glaring weakness.

- That being? - Asked Eyiel.

- We can easily burn it - Expressed Ann.

- Sounds good - Said Fulk - Now to how you should get in.

- Go ahead - Said Eyiel, she was a bit tired of theory and eager to get to the action.

- The dungeon’s entrance is a trapdoor in the middle of the keep, - He pulled out a rough sketch of the keep’s main floor layout - There are guards on the hallways that lead to it but at midnight there’s a shift in guards so you’ll have around ten minutes to sneak in while the guards change positions.

- But how we get in in the first place? - Asked Ann - Remember we’re not the most stealthy of groups.
- I have spare uniforms that you could use as a disguise but I’m not really sure - Said Fulk scratching his chin.

- Wait - Said Eyiel in a surprising flash of genius - Why don’t we ask Rhys to disguise us as guards using magic?

- That’s a surprisingly good idea - Said Ann.

Ann made a hand gesture to signal her hidden friends that they could come out of hiding and so they did, Rhys was hidden behind a tree and Ferine had climbed on top of it but soon enough they were all together.

- Anything you want to tell us? - Asked Ferine.

- Actually it is Rhys who we need - Said Ann looking to the elf.

- Me, oh, what is it? - Asked Rhys.

- Do you think you could disguise us as guards? - Asked Ann - That way we could easily get in the fortress without too much attention.
- Yeah I... - Rhys started to think about the spell that could do that - I just need a piece of the hair of who we want to disguise as.

- Do you have any? - Asked Ann to Fulk.

- Well mine - He said scratching his brown hair - And I could take one from anyone in the barracks, but I don’t have much time.

- Neither do we - Said Ann looking at the moon in the clear night sky - Midnight is nigh and that’s still the best moment to pull our move.

- Disguising four people will be very demanding - Said Rhys - I could be left out of magic for a while if I do so.

- Then we can´t all disguise... - Said Ann scratching her chin.

- Wait I have an idea! - Said Fulk.

- Go ahead - Said Ann.

- What if you disguise as me - Fulk pointed to Rhys - And take your friends as prisoners to the fortress’ dungeon? - Fulk made a brief pause as he saw the perplexed look the adventurers were giving him - Don’t worry, they won’t question how you managed to capture them, the inquisitor longs for captives and won’t put any obstacles between them and her dungeon.

- Ugh - Said Ann knowing exactly what her friends were thinking and how oblivious Fulk was to that - He has a point.

- Don’t tell me I have to get tied up again! - Said Eyiel angrily.

- Any better Idea? - Asked Ann.

- Well... - Eyiel really didn’t wanted to get tied up.

- “Axe to head” Isn’t a better idea - Ferine mocked Eyiel.

- Ugh, fine - Said Ann - But we’ll use fake restraints.

- In the meantime let’s get things ready - Said Ann - Even though we have to get to our room in the Inn.

- You come with us - Said Eyiel pointing at the knight in tone that sounded menacing.

- Why so angry? - Asked Ann to the amazon.

- I don’t trust him - Eyiel whispered in Ann’s ear.

And so the adventurers accompanied by Fulk went to the Inn, Fulk advised them to take unconventional routes so the Inquisitor’s undercover agents wouldn’t see them and so they did, which lengthen the route quite a bit but hopefully puzzled anyone tracking them.

Once in the room the adventurers locked themselves in and Rhys started the casting for the spell, checked her spellbook, took a hair from Fulk and started the ritual.

While Rhys concentrated on the spell Ferine, Ann and Eyiel readied for battle, Ann donned her half plate metal armor, Eyiel tied the straps of her leather armor and Ferine hid some daggers on her gambeson.

- So let’s go over the plan again - Said Ann - Rhys disguises as Fulk, pretends to have captured us and takes us here - Ann pointed at the room in the building’s sketch - Is that right?

- Sounds right - Said Eyiel - How will we sneak in our weapons though?

- There are weapons in this part of the keep - Said Fulk as he pointed to a room near the main hallway of the keep - You’d have to be discrete to get them though.

- I could sneak in my sword - Said Ferine as she showed her small weapon - I don’t know about your sword and our axe - She said to Ann and Eyiel.

- Yeah no way we can sneak those in - Said Ann - But if we can get weapons from there that shouldn’t be a problem - Said Ann - You’ll have to get them Rhys.

Rhys had finished the spell and now looked and sounded like Fulk,her disguise was indistinguishable from the real person..

- I can take care of that - Said Rhys - Now we should get started.

- Wait - Said Fulk - How are you getting out?

- Rhys? - Asked Ann.
- I could teleport us outside to somewhere not so far - Said Rhys - But it is a tying spell to cast.

- It’s that of getting caught by the guards - Said Eyiel.

- Then our plan is to get in with Rhys making us seem as prisoners, get weapons in that small armory, get in the dungeon, fight the golem and have Rhys teleporting us out - Said Ann addressing the whole group.

- Golem? - Asked Ferine and Rhys.

- Right, you didn’t knew about it - Said Fulk - The dungeon is protected by a rope golem that ties people up for the inquisitor.

- Don’t get caught Rhys! - Said Ann as she and her two other friends gave a killing look.

- Don’t worry about it - Said Rhys in response - I learned my lesson.

Rhys was being being sincere and on top of that she probably was the one most eager to rescue Zelliria.

- But wait - Said Eyiel - Don’t you think we should do something about him?

Fulk and Ann gave a confused look, they had no idea of what Eyiel was talking about even though Ferine seemed to know.

- What’s with him? - Asked Ann.

- I mean... - Said Eyiel - You may know him since long ago but we don’t.

- Plus he shouldn’t be seen while we have his double with us - Added Ferine.

- So, what do you suggest? - Asked Ann.

- He shouldn’t leave this room - Said Eyiel.

- I’m okay with that - He said calmly.

- We should tie him up - Said Ferine out of nothing.

- What? - Said both Ann and Fulk, Eyiel and Rhys in the form of Fulk also gave Ferine a rather surprised look.

- Let me explain - Said Ferine - We don’t fully trust him and - Ferine approached Ann and Fulk - And if they find him, he could simply lie about being captured by us, saving his ass from the inquisitor.

Ferine was fully convinced by her idea and she dragged Eyiel with it, they both didn’t trust him a lot and Ferine specifically wanted to tie someone up. Rhys was intrigued and had to contain her urges and as much as had had liked to swap places with the real Fulk she knew she couldn’t. Ann was the only one not very convinced by the idea.

- She has a point - Said Fulk - I’m okay with that as long as you release me afterwards.

- Sure, don’t worry about it - Said Ferine.

- Uh... - Ann was hesitant about the situation, she didn’t like the idea of greeting an old friend by tying him up but it seemed that he was okay with that - Can I do it myself?

- Go ahead - Said Eyiel as she handed Ann the ropes - But tie him nice and tight, don’t go easy on him just because he’s your friend.

- Uh sure - Said Ann as she looked at the ropes - How should I do this?

- I don’t think i get to chose - Said Fulk - Do as you wish.

- Okay... - Said Ann - Get on the bed.

Ann was clearly uncomfortable with what she was doing but she went along with it regardless.

Fulk laid down face down on the bed, Ann started to tie his wrist crossed behind his back and his ankles parallel together, all of this under the judgmental gaze of Ferine and Eyiel and while Rhys in the form of fulk tried to avoid looking at the scene because of how envious it made her feel.

- You need to gag him - Said Ferine as she saw how Ann was getting ready to leave.

- Uh... Really? - Said Ann - I don’t think he can escape.

Ferine got near Fulk and checked his restraints, he was securely tied but he could use some restraints as well as a gag.

- You should also restrain him a bit more - Said Ferine - Pretend you’re doing this for real, not for some kinky game - Ironic for her to say that she was definitely forcing Ann to bind her friend for some kinky game.

- Okay... - Said Ann as she blushed - I’m sorry but I have to - Said Ann as she readied to further restrain her friend.

- It’s no problem - Said Fulk - I understand.

Truth is Fulk was enjoying being bound by Ann, it’s not like he wouldn’t have liked to do do something else with her but if he had to be tied up by someone he’d rather have Ann tying him than the intimidating giant amazon, the clearly kinky criminal or his clone.

Ann finished the tying and Fulk laid on the bed with her hands and ankles tied like before but now his upper arms were secured to his chest and her thighs were tightly tied together. Ann looked at her friends but Ferine signaled her that she was not done yet, she still had to gag him.

- I’m very sorry about this - Said Ann - But It seems i have to.

- Don’t be sorry - Said Fulk.

Ann then gagged Fulk with a piece of cloth and Ferine nodded at the scene.

- Now we’re ready - Said Ferine - Rhys! Put the manacles on us - Said Ferine as she extended her hands to Rhys.

- Uh... Sure - Said Rhys as she put the manacles on Ferine - I’ll not lock the so you can escape when the time is right.

Being the one tying and not the one getting tied felt strange to Rhys but she couldn’t let her feelings about the situation get in the way of her plan, she wanted to rescue Zelliria more than any of her friends.

- This means nothing - Said Eyiel as she had her hands manacled by Rhys.

Rhys only responded with a nervous chuckle, she still felt quite uncomfortable when near Eyiel who last night had tied her so tightly that she lost the feeling of her arms.

Rhys manacled Ann’s hands and the tied all the three fake captives in a line, now they were ready to start her plan.

- Okay, now remember the plan and be ready for action - Said Ann as Rhys readied to get out of the room - Bye Fulk! - She said to her bound old friend.

The adventurers were lead down to the bar were they were med by the surprised look of may customer.

- Oh my! - Said the barmaid - What happened?

- Don’t worry about it lady - Said Rhys in the most appropriate tone she could come up with - I captured this suspects in the upper floor, be sure to stay out of their room, It could be dangerous.

That being said Rhys proceeded to lead her fake captives outside the inn and to the Inquisition’s fortresses, eventually they stood in front of the formidable structure, midnight was nigh and the time of action was getting closer and closer.

- Fulk! - Said a guard in the reception as he saw what he thought to be fulk coming - What brings you here... - He noticed the captives following Fulk - I see.

- I captured them in the city center - Said the fake Fulk - It seems they have relation the bard we captured last night.

- I see - The guard said - Leave them cell 19, the inquisitor will know what to do with them.

- Sure - Said Rhys trying to hide the fact that she had no idea where cell 19 was.

Rhys lead the adventurers to one of the hallways that sprouted from the main hall, specifically the one that she knew to lead to the Inquisitor’s dungeon and the weapon room.

- Fulk! - The guard drew Rhys’ attention - Cell 19 is on the other side of the keep.

- Sure - Rhys said - Just let me get one thing.

Rhys was incredibly tense, she had to go this way to free Zelliria but doing so would give away her facade.

- Wait - Said Rhys trying to come up with a plan - Isn’t cell 19 occupied?

- Well - The guard flipped through the pages of a diary - It seems you’re right, take them to cell 10 on that side instead.

Rhys’ lie had come up perfectly so she continued her way down the hallway which as Fulk had told them had not many guards as they were switching places with others. When Rhys got to the weapon room she made sure nobody was watching and opened the door stealthily to let her friends in, once in they undid the manacles and got onto the weapons. Eyiel picked a big axe, Ann a sword and shield and Ferine only made sure to verify if her shorsword was still with her.

- The dungeon is a the end of the hallway, there are not to many guards but be ready to run - Said Ann as she peered outside the room.
- I have some spells ready if that happens - Said Rhys - Now lets get going before more guards arrive.

The adventurers still walked in a line pretending to be tied up but it was hard to do while carrying a sword and shield or a big axe in the case of Eyiel.

- Hey! - Said someone from behind the - Who are you?

- Fulk! - Said Rhys as she turned back to face the voice, she was very nervous.

- And who’s with you? - Said the voice which came from a guard who wasn’t alone but accompanied by many.

- Prisoners! - Said Rhys.

- And why are they armed - Said the guard as he and his group started to walk towards them - Didn’t you learn anything in training?
- Uh... - Rhys was trying to come up with an excuse but the guard’s pace was faster than her thoughts - Be ready to run - Whispered Rhys to her friends.

Then Rhys quickly conjured a fog cloud that instantly obscured the hallway and the floor underneath the guards became slippery, the guards fell down to the floor and were now blinded by the fog. The adventurers ran towards the end of the hallway, this act of magic will certainly drive all of the guard’s attention to this place, the spells had broken Rhys’ concentration in her disguise and she ran in her true form to the dungeon but it’s not like anyone could see her.

The adventurers got to the dungeon and entered the anteroom that lead to it which hadn’t been reached by the magic fog, Eyiel locked the door with a chair to gain more time.

- Let’s get to work girls - Said Ann as she opened the trapdoor that lead to the dungeon.

TLDR: With the help of an old friend of Ann the adventurers got to the inquisitor's dungeon and are ready to fight the rope golem.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 13: Infiltration

This chapter Includes GID (Guy in Distress) So if you're just in for the (F/F) and such feel free to skip it. TLDR at the bottom.

- So this is the place that guard told you about - Said Eyiel looking around the plaza - You sure it’s not a trap?

- I don’t think so - Said Ann - But If so I think we’re ready.

The adventurers knew very well that this could be a trap so they had prepared beforehand, only Eyiel and Ann were plain to sight while Rhys and Ferine were hidden in the case anything went wrong.

- You still don’t have to apologize? - Said Ann.

- Ugh I’m this is so tiring - Said Eyiel as she sighed - I thought I leaved it clear.

Ann, Ferine and even Rhys had tried to convince Eyiel that what she did to Rhys was something she should apologize for but she wasn’t listening, Eyiel was as strong as she was stubborn and she was very strong.

- We’ll have to talk it out eventually - Said Ann - We cant have you tying up Rhys like you did.

- Shut up, I think he’s coming - Eyiel said as she noted the familiar figure of the guard they had met.

The guard approached them calmly as if he was another commoner, he was out of his uniform and carried no weapon.

- Girls? - The guard asked when he was close enough to Eyiel and Ann.

- Hi - Said Eyiel - So... - She was unclear about what to say.

- I’ll tell you about your imprisoned friend, don’t worry - He said.

- Is this place safe enough? - Asked Ann - We have a rented room in a tavern if it isn’t.

- No, here’s better - The guard was quick to respond - Pretty sure the inquisitor knows were you’re staying.

- What’s the matter with that woman? - Asked Eyiel.

- She’s extremely paranoid and willing to act based on her delusions - Said the guard - Which combined with her position of power makes her extremely dangerous.

- And why did she picked on that bard? - Asked Ann - Just based on rumors and delusions?

- It wouldn’t surprise me - Said the guard - And it wouldn’t be the first time.

- So I get who we’re dealing with - Said Ann - Now let’s get to what we came here to discuss but first we’ll need you to tell us something.

- What is it - Asked the guard.

- Why are you helping us? - Asked Ann - How can we know you’re not leading us into a trap?

- Well - Said the guard awkwardly - You see lady Ann.

- You know my name? - Asked Ann surprised.

- I do - Said the guard - I used to serve as a squire on your father’s order of knights and I feel like I owe your family a favor.

- Really? - Ann was a bit perplexed at this guard’s statement - So you must be...

- Fulk - The guard completed Ann’s statement - It has been a while.

- It surely has been - Said Ann as she hugged his old Friend - What was of you during this time?

- It’s not the time for emotive reunions guys - Said Eyiel - We have to rescue that bard for some reason if you don’t remember.

- Yes sure - Said Fulk as he went back to his more serious tone.

- How do we get that bard out? - Asked Eyiel looking menacingly at Fulk.

- Well, according to what I know the girl you’re looking for is the deepest cell of the fortress which is also the most secure - The guard explained.

- That doesn’t help - Said Eyiel - Do you know any way of breaking in or out?

- I do! - Said Fulk with confidence as he pulled out a map from his pocket - There is a big weakness to it and that is how few guards protect it.

- That surely has a catch - Said Ann - It can’t be that easy.

- It does - Said Fulk - But is something I’m sure you can deal with.

- What is it? - Asked Eyiel.

- Inside the dungeon there’s a construct, a creation of the inquisitor herself - Answered the guard - She calls it a “rope golem” and it’s ordered to bound anyone who enters the room other than her.

The adventurers thought about Fulk’s words for a moment, they had faced animated constructs before just not any that specialized in tying people up. Of course both Ann and Eyiel thought about Rhys and how she could mess that up.

- So - Ann broke the silence - If It is made out of rope I can see a glaring weakness.

- That being? - Asked Eyiel.

- We can easily burn it - Expressed Ann.

- Sounds good - Said Fulk - Now to how you should get in.

- Go ahead - Said Eyiel, she was a bit tired of theory and eager to get to the action.

- The dungeon’s entrance is a trapdoor in the middle of the keep, - He pulled out a rough sketch of the keep’s main floor layout - There are guards on the hallways that lead to it but at midnight there’s a shift in guards so you’ll have around ten minutes to sneak in while the guards change positions.

- But how we get in in the first place? - Asked Ann - Remember we’re not the most stealthy of groups.

- I have spare uniforms that you could use as a disguise but I’m not really sure - Said Fulk scratching his chin.

- Wait - Said Eyiel in a surprising flash of genius - Why don’t we ask Rhys to disguise us as guards using magic?
- That’s a surprisingly good idea - Said Ann.

Ann made a hand gesture to signal her hidden friends that they could come out of hiding and so they did, Rhys was hidden behind a tree and Ferine had climbed on top of it but soon enough they were all together.

- Anything you want to tell us? - Asked Ferine.

- Actually it is Rhys who we need - Said Ann looking to the elf.

- Me, oh, what is it? - Asked Rhys.

- Do you think you could disguise us as guards? - Asked Ann - That way we could easily get in the fortress without too much attention.
- Yeah I... - Rhys started to think about the spell that could do that - I just need a piece of the hair of who we want to disguise as.

- Do you have any? - Asked Ann to Fulk.

- Well mine - He said scratching his brown hair - And I could take one from anyone in the barracks, but I don’t have much time.

- Neither do we - Said Ann looking at the moon in the clear night sky - Midnight is nigh and that’s still the best moment to pull our move.

- Disguising four people will be very demanding - Said Rhys - I could be left out of magic for a while if I do so.

- Then we can´t all disguise... - Said Ann scratching her chin.

- Wait I have an idea! - Said Fulk.

- Go ahead - Said Ann.

- What if you disguise as me - Fulk pointed to Rhys - And take your friends as prisoners to the fortress’ dungeon? - Fulk made a brief pause as he saw the perplexed look the adventurers were giving him - Don’t worry, they won’t question how you managed to capture them, the inquisitor longs for captives and won’t put any obstacles between them and her dungeon.

- Ugh - Said Ann knowing exactly what her friends were thinking and how oblivious Fulk was to that - He has a point.

- Don’t tell me I have to get tied up again! - Said Eyiel angrily.

- Any better Idea? - Asked Ann.

- Well... - Eyiel really didn’t wanted to get tied up.

- “Axe to head” Isn’t a better idea - Ferine mocked Eyiel.

- Ugh, fine - Said Ann - But we’ll use fake restraints.

- In the meantime let’s get things ready - Said Ann - Even though we have to get to our room in the Inn.

- You come with us - Said Eyiel pointing at the knight in tone that sounded menacing.

- Why so angry? - Asked Ann to the amazon.

- I don’t trust him - Eyiel whispered in Ann’s ear.

And so the adventurers accompanied by Fulk went to the Inn, Fulk advised them to take unconventional routes so the Inquisitor’s undercover agents wouldn’t see them and so they did, which lengthen the route quite a bit but hopefully puzzled anyone tracking them.

Once in the room the adventurers locked themselves in and Rhys started the casting for the spell, checked her spellbook, took a hair from Fulk and started the ritual.

While Rhys concentrated on the spell Ferine, Ann and Eyiel readied for battle, Ann donned her half plate metal armor, Eyiel tied the straps of her leather armor and Ferine hid some daggers on her gambeson.

- So let’s go over the plan again - Said Ann - Rhys disguises as Fulk, pretends to have captured us and takes us here - Ann pointed at the room in the building’s sketch - Is that right?

- Sounds right - Said Eyiel - How will we sneak in our weapons though?

- There are weapons in this part of the keep - Said Fulk as he pointed to a room near the main hallway of the keep - You’d have to be discrete to get them though.

- I could sneak in my sword - Said Ferine as she showed her small weapon - I don’t know about your sword and our axe - She said to Ann and Eyiel.

- Yeah no way we can sneak those in - Said Ann - But if we can get weapons from there that shouldn’t be a problem - Said Ann - You’ll have to get them Rhys.

Rhys had finished the spell and now looked and sounded like Fulk,her disguise was indistinguishable from the real person.
- I can take care of that - Sid Rhys - Now we should get started.

- Wait - Said Fulk - How are you getting out?

- Rhys? - Asked Ann.

- I could teleport us outside to somewhere not so far - Said Rhys - But it is a tying spell to cast.

- It’s that of getting caught by the guards - Said Eyiel.

- Then our plan is to get in with Rhys making us seem as prisoners, get weapons in that small armory, get in the dungeon, fight the golem and have Rhys teleporting us out - Said Ann addressing the whole group.

- Golem? - Asked Ferine and Rhys.

- Right, you didn’t knew about it - Said Fulk - The dungeon is protected by a rope golem that ties people up for the inquisitor.

- Don’t get caught Rhys! - Said Ann as she and her two other friends gave a killing look.

- Don’t worry about it - Said Rhys in response - I learned my lesson.

Rhys was being being sincere and on top of that she probably was the one most eager to rescue Zelliria.

- But wait - Said Eyiel - Don’t you think we should do something about him?

Fulk and Ann gave a confused look, they had no idea of what Eyiel was talking about even though Ferine seemed to know.

- What’s with him? - Asked Ann.

- I mean... - Said Eyiel - You may know him since long ago but we don’t.

- Plus he shouldn’t be seen while we have his double with us - Added Ferine.

- So, what do you suggest? - Asked Ann.

- He shouldn’t leave this room - Said Eyiel.

- I’m okay with that - He said calmly.

- We should tie him up - Said Ferine out of nothing.

- What? - Said both Ann and Fulk, Eyiel and Rhys in the form of Fulk also gave Ferine a rather surprised look.

- Let me explain - Said Ferine - We don’t fully trust him and - Ferine approached Ann and Fulk - And if they find him, he could simply lie about being captured by us, saving his ass from the inquisitor.

Ferine was fully convinced by her idea and she dragged Eyiel with it, they both didn’t trust him a lot and Ferine specifically wanted to tie someone up. Rhys was intrigued and had to contain her urges and as much as had had liked to swap places with the real Fulk she knew she couldn’t. Ann was the only one not very convinced by the idea.

- She has a point - Said Fulk - I’m okay with that as long as you release me afterwards.
- Sure, don’t worry about it - Said Ferine.

- Uh... - Ann was hesitant about the situation, she didn’t like the idea of greeting an old friend by tying him up but it seemed that he was okay with that - Can I do it myself?

- Go ahead - Said Eyiel as she handed Ann the ropes - But tie him nice ad tight, don’t go easy on him just because he’s your friend.

- Uh sure - Said Ann as she looked at the ropes - How should I do this?

- I don’t think i get to chose - Said Fulk - Do as you wish.

- Okay... - Said Ann - Get on the bed.

Ann was clearly uncomfortable with what she was doing but she went along with it regardless.

Fulk laid down face down on the bed, Ann started to tie his wrist crossed behind his back and his ankles parallel together, all of this under the judgmental gaze of Ferine and Eyiel and while Rhys in the form of fulk tried to avoid looking at the scene because of how envious it made her feel.

- You need to gag him - Said Ferine as she saw how Ann was getting ready to leave.

- Uh... Really? - Said Ann - I don’t think he can escape.

Ferine got near Fulk and checked his restraints, he was securely tied but he could use some restraints as well as a gag.

- You should also restrain him a bit more - Said Ferine - Pretend you’re doing this for real, not for some kinky game - Ironic for her to say that she was definitely forcing Ann to bind her friend for some kinky game.

- Okay... - Said Ann as she blushed - I’m sorry but I have to - Said Ann as she readied to further restrain her friend.

- It’s no problem - Said Fulk - I understand.

Truth is Fulk was enjoying being bound by Ann, it’s not like he wouldn’t have liked to do do something else with her but if he had to be tied up by someone he’d rather have Ann tying him than the intimidating giant amazon, the clearly kinky criminal or his clone.

Ann finished the tying and Fulk laid on the bed with her hands and ankles tied like before but now his upper arms were secured to his chest and her thighs were tightly tied together. Ann looked at her friends but Ferine signaled her that she was not done yet, she still had to gag him.

- I’m very sorry about this - Said Ann - But It seems i have to.

- Don’t be sorry - Said Fulk.

Ann then gagged Fulk with a piece of cloth and Ferine nodded at the scene.

- Now we’re ready - Said Ferine - Rhys! Put the manacles on us - Said Ferine as she extended her hands to Rhys.

- Uh... Sure - Said Ferine as she put the manacle son Ferine - I’ll not lock the so you can escape when the time is right.

Being the one tying and not the one getting tied felt strange to Rhys but she couldn’t let her feelings about the situation get in the way of her plan, she wanted to rescue Zelliria more than any of her friends.

- This means nothing - Said Eyiel as she had her hands manacled by Rhys.

Rhys only responded with a nervous chuckle, she still felt quite uncomfortable when near Eyiel who last night had tied her so tightly that she lost the feeling of her arms.

Rhys manacles Ann’s hands and the tied all the three fake captives in a line, now they were ready to start her plan.

- Okay, now remember the plan and be ready for action - Said Ann as Rhys readied to get out of the room - Bye Fulk! - She said to her bound old friend.

The adventurers were lead down to the bar were they were med by the surprised look of may customer.

- Oh my! - Said the barmaid - What happened?

- Don’t worry about it lady - Said Rhys in the most appropriate tone she could come up with - I captured this suspects in the upper floor, be sure to stay out of their room, It could be dangerous.

That being said Rhys proceeded to lead her fake captives outside the inn and to the Inquisition’s fortresses, eventually they stood in front of the formidable structure, midnight was nigh and the time of action was getting closer and closer.

- Fulk! - Said a guard in the reception as he saw what he thought to be fulk coming - What brings you here... - He noticed the captives following Fulk - I see.

- I captured them in the city center - Said the fake Fulk - It seems they have relation the bard we captured last night.
- I see - The guard said - Leave them cell 19, the inquisitor will know what to do with them.

- Sure - Said Rhys trying to hide the fact that she had no idea where cell 19 was.

Rhys lead the adventurers to one of the hallways that sprouted from the main hall, specifically the one that she knew to lead to the Inquisitor’s dungeon and the weapon room .

- Fulk! - The guard drew Rhys’ attention - Cell 19 is on the other side of the keep.

- Sure - Rhys said - Just let me get one thing.

Rhys was incredibly tense, she had to go this way to free Zelliria but doing so would give away her facade.

- Wait - Said Rhys trying to come up with a plan - Isn’t cell 19 occupied?

- Well - The guard flipped through the pages of a diary - It seems you’re right, take them to cell 10 on that side instead.

Rhys’ lie had come up perfectly so she continued her way down the hallway which as Fulk had told them had not many guards as they were switching places with others. When Rhys got to the weapon room she made sure nobody was watching and opened the door stealthily to let her friends in, once in they undid the manacles and got onto the weapons. Eyiel picked a big axe, Ann a sword and shield and Ferine only made sure to verify if her shorsword was still with her.

- The dungeon is a the end of the hallway, there are not to many guards but be ready to run - Said Ann as she peered outside the room.
- I have some spells ready if that happens - Said Rhys - Now lets get going before more guards arrive.

The adventurers still walked in a line pretending to be tied up but it was hard to do while carrying a sword and shield or a big axe in the case of Eyiel.

- Hey! - Said someone from behind the - Who are you?

- Fulk! - Said Rhys as she turned back to face the voice, she was very nervous.

- And who’s with you? - Said the voice which came from a guard who wasn’t alone but accompanied by many.

- Prisoners! - Said Rhys.

- And why are they armed - Said the guard as he and his group started to walk towards them - Didn’t you learn anything in training?

- Uh... - Rhys was trying to come up with an excuse but the guard’s pace was faster than her thoughts - Be ready run - Whispered Rhys to her friends.

Then Rhys quickly conjured a fog cloud that instantly obscured the hallway and the floor underneath the guards became slippery, the guards fell down to the floor and were now blinded by the fog. The adventurers ran towards the end of the hallway, this act of magic will certainly drive all of the guard’s attention to this place, the spells had broken Rhys’ concentration in her disguise and she ran in her true form to the dungeon but it’s not like anyone could see her.

The adventurers got to the dungeon and entered the anteroom that lead to it which hadn’t been reached by the magic fog, Eyiel locked the door with a chair to gain more time.

- Let’s get to work girls - Said Ann as she opened the trapdoor that lead to the dungeon.

TLDR: With the help of an old friend of Ann the adventurers got to the inquisitor's dungeon and are ready to fight the rope golem.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by banshee »

Sorry for the big hiatus, I was busy with studies and stuff

Chapter 14: City Escape

The adventurers walked down the stairs, Ann had used magic to light her sword ablaze and to illuminate their path, she was capable of magic but it was very different from Rhys’ or Zelliria’s, her’s was very combat oriented and was fueled by her knight spirit, Ferine’s sword also shed light, a light blue one that contrasted the warm orange light of Ann’s burning blade. They were ready to engage in combat at any moment but nothing seemed to jump to attack them.

Guided by the shining blades the adventurers got to the bottom of the stairs, Ann looked for candles or torches to light up and on her way she saw bondage gear of all types, manacles and gags hanged from the walls, coils of rope were all around the floor and a table filled with gags and blindfolds was seen by Ann, she didn’t like the sight one bit but she wouldn’t let that scare her.

Rhys had to make an effort not feel thrilled by the sight of such objects, she thought about taking them as a prize after she defeated the Inquisitor.

Ann lit up a candle that stood on a table filled with rope and gags and, she heard a moan coming fro somewhere in the dark and suddenly all candles and torches lit up, Ann jumped back and joined her friends in a defensive stance, they weren’t alone in the room, the Inquisitor stood in front of an X cross to which Zelliria was manacled to, the bard was gagged with a ballgag and blindfolded with a leather mask.
- How lovely - Said the inquisitor - Look at who came to save you - She said as she grabbed Zelliria’s head by the cheeks.

- Zelliria! - Shouted Rhys.

The state of Zelliria was miserable and that made Rhys worry about her, she was bruised and seemed to hang from her chains because of her weakened state.

- I think I should let you see them - Said Amelie the inquisitor as she undid the straps of the blindfold.

The sight of Zelliria’s face was depressing, she had visible purple bags under her eyes and her look was lost, this made Rhys angry, she had to make the Inquisitor pay for this.

- Oh you messed up badly - Said Rhys angrily as pointed her finger at Amelie - You’re gonna pay!

A blue ray of cold jumped from Rhys’ finger to the Inquisitor, Ropes started to come to life as snakes and began to form the rope golem which interposed between the ray and the inquisitor.

- Get ready! - Ann commanded to her friends.

The adventurers engaged in combat with the golem, Eyiel attacked with slashes at the construct but ropes kept enforcing it, but it will have to run out of ropes eventually. The golem actively evaded Ann’s attacks, it knew fire would harm it beyond a mere cut and moved away from Ann and her attacks whenever she got near and her knight training was being put into challenge.

- Keep it distracted! - Said Rhys as she got her hands in front her and joined her thumbs, she was about to cast a powerful spell.
Ferine knew that she would not harm the Golem with her shortsword which was meant for piercing and not for slashing so she sneaked past the golem under it’s legs and grappled the inquisitor by the neck with ease.

- So, that thing does what you want it do? - Asked Ferine menacingly as she pointed to the golem with her sword.

- What’s the matter? - Asked the inquisitor trying to hide her fear - Don’t want to get tied up again?

- Afraid of my revenge inquisitor? - Said Ferine as she pointed her sword to Amelie’s neck - Come on, tell him to surrender and it wont be so severe.

- Golem! Surrender! - Said Amelie clearly faking her orders, she had made the golem to follow orders given only in a secret language.

Before Ferine pressed further a rope came out of the ceiling an took her sword out, Ferine was quick to respond and she pulled a hidden dagger out her thigh belt but the inquisitor jabbed Ferine in the stomach with her elbow and before she could recover tentacle like ropes were already wrapping her.

The golem was able to stand in one place where it fought Eyiel and Ann while separating some of the ropes to wrap up Ferine and it seemed that all of the room’s ropes were under the golem’s command.

The ropes pulled Ferine’s hands behind her back and wrap themselves around her wrist as her legs were being wrapped together, she was effectively restrained by the twisting ropes.

- Girls! - Shouted Ferine asking for help.

But those were the last words she uttered for a rope encircled her head and gagged her, now Ferine could only bite her gag with anger since she wouldn’t be escaping anytime soon.

As Ann saw her friend being bound by the golem she went to help her, she ran to cut the ropes that stretched from the golem to Ferine but as soon as she lowered her guard for one second a rope caught her by the ankle and made her fall to the floor, Ann slashed the ropes that reached for ankle and managed to burn them but more ropes came in their aid and soon enough Ann was engulfed by ropes with her sword fallen down to the floor, she tried to cast a spell but her mouth as gagged with a rope much like Ferine was.

Eyiel looked at Rhys and the elf nodded in response, so Eyiel jumped back, getting as far from the golem as possible, the construct tried to reach for her with it’s many ropes but it couldn’t. From every fingertip of Rhys’ hands sprouted a cone of fire that ended up forming into a massive cone of burning flames that made short work of golem whose grip on Ann and Eyiel became weaker as the golem burned.

Soon enough the four adventurers stood victoriously before the inquisitor who looked at them in fear.

- Ready to give up? - Said Ann as she grabbed her sword which was now bitter cold.

Amelie raised her hands and pouted with contained anger, she had been defeated and she knew there was little she could do by herself.
Rhys went to to the cross to untie Zelliria but couldn’t do so since she had no keys for the manacles.

- Give the keys Inquisitor! - Said Rhys with uncharacteristic authority.

Amelie threw the keys to the floor, if she was going to be defeated she would at least make the ones who defeated crawl in the floor to get what they want, but they had different plans.

- Wait Rhys - Said Ferine - Don’t grab them - Ferine looked at Amelie - Give her the keys politely if you please.

- Or what? - Said Amelie defiantly.

- You’ll see, there’s a lot of rope in here - Replied Ferine.

Amelie swallowed her pride, got the keys from the floor and handed them to Rhys who started freeing Zelliria.

- Why the hell did you come here - Asked Amelie.

- I know you’re used to ask the questions yourself - Said Ferine - But now we’re doing it.

- So how about you tell use why you did this to this woman? - Asked Ann.

- She has important information - Said Amelie - Not that you would understand.

- We’re not playing - Said Ann as she threatened the inquisitor pointing her sword at her and setting it on fire again.

- She wanted to take the map - Said Zelliria after working in her jaw which ached a lot after so much time with a ballgag on.

- Did she got it? - Asked Ann.

- Yes - Said Amelie Smugly - And it is far beyond your reach.

The adventurers looked at Amelie angrily, the audacity of this woman was certainly something that got to their nerves but before they could say anything to her the doors busted open and the guards came in, pointing spears, swords and crossbows at the adventurers but Ferine was quick to react, she grabbed Amelie by the neck and threatened to slit her throat with her dagger.

- Surrender! - Said Liel who stood in front of the crowd - You are surrounded!

- Rhys? - Ann whispered.

Rhys nodded and started to gesticulate a spell, the guards were confused but Lilel who was experienced in magic recognized what Rhys was doing and ordered the guards to shoot. Some where hesitant but others immediately obeyed but it was of no use for a blinding yellow light engulfed the adventurers and the crossbow bolts hit the walls behind them, they had disappeared with the inquisitor.

A yellow light filled the Inn’s room where the adventurers were straying, Fulk who was still tightly tied up on the bed saw the adventurers come out of the light as it faded and they were accompanied by a familiar face, Amelie the inquisitor.

- What the hell? - Said Amelie as she saw the scene.

- Oh shut up - Said Ferine tired of the inquisitor - You’re no longer in charge of anything.

- What do we do with her? - Asked Ann.

- Let’s tie her up - Said Ferine - Use Fulk’s ropes if we need them.

Amelie posed little resistance to being tied up, she was surrounded by five enemies and who she thought to be her ally was tied up, so she let herself be bound. Amelie had her hands tied crossed behind the small of her back and with rope by Eyiel.

- You should be thankful I don’t have a dungeon of my own - Said Zelliria.

- Do you think I fear you? - Said Amelie.

- You should - Responded Zelliria.

- Uh Zelliria... - Said Rhys awkwardly.

- What is it? - Said the bard oblivious to whatever was making Rhys blush so hard.

- You should get dressed - Said Rhys trying to look away from Zelliria.

Suddenly Zelliria looked down at her body and realized that she was still in her underwear, in front of the inquisitor, the adventurers and whoever this captive was.

- Sure... - Said Zelliria realizing her situation - Can you lend me clothes?

Zelliria dressed with some of the adventurers spare clothes she ended up with a mishmash of Eyiel’s boots, Ann’s pants and Rhys’ robes but it was better than being half naked.

- So what’s your plan? - Asked Amelie - You’re still in my city, my men know were you are and will come here in no time.

- For now our plan should be to gag her - Said Zelliria.

- Finally I can agree with you in something - Said Ferine - Give me something to gag her.

Ferine cleave-gagged Amelie with a pillowcase, no she was no longer talking but she was still giving a killing look to her captors and inside her she was still confident that she wasn’t in any real danger.

- What’s next? - Asked Eyiel.

- Well if this is her city... - Said Ann scratching her chin.

- Let’s get her out of the city - Said Zelliria - There we’ll have an advantage.

Amelie’s face stayed the same but she knew the adventurer’s plan was good, outside the city she was still in her kingdom but away of the advantage that the city gave her, but she had to stay calm and confident, there was no way for this mere adventurers to defeat her she thought.

- Rhys - Said Ann - Can you teleport us out?

- Sorry - Said Rhys with a tired voice - That teleport already left me too tired.

- Don’t worry - Ann replied - We can take care.

- It’s nighttime, the streets are almost empty so we can sneak by - Said Ferine.

- We gotta hurry though - Said Zelliria - As soon as the word of us taking the Inquisitor captive arrives to the guards on the walls they will shut the doors.

- Let’s hurry then - Said Eyiel.

Eyiel lifted Amelie and carried her on her shoulder with ease, Amelie gave a muffled moan of surprise in response.

- We should go out the window - Said Ann - They’ll recognize us as criminals in the bar.

- No problem - Said Eyiel as she opened the window and looked down, it was a good fall but not dangerous for someone like her.

- Mphh Mpghhh! - Amelie was triying to scream out of fear, no way she would let herself be thrown out a window.

Zelliria smacked Amelie’s butt to get her to shut up.

- Come on don’t be such a coward - Said Zelliria - It’s only a small fall.

Amelie took a deep breath or as deep as it could be with a pillowcase gagging her before Eyiel safely jumped out of the window, she was followed by Zelliria and Ferine who before jumping set a rope for Ann and Rhys to use to get down since they weren’t nearly as dexterous or strong as them.

- What should I do with him? - Asked Ann before Ferine jumped out of the window, she was referring to the nearly ignored bound Fulk.

- If they are coming for us they’ll find him eventually - Said Ferine - If you release him now the other guards will become suspicious - Ferine stepped out of the window but just before leaving she looked in one last time - And to be honest, I don’t think he dislikes being tied up that much.

Ann sat by Fulk’s side on the bed and removed his gag, he worked on his jaw since he had been gagged for at least two hours.
- Are you okay with this? - Asked Ann awkwardly as she looked at her bound friend.

- If it has to be - Said Fulk.

- Well, sorry - Said Ann as she readied to gag her friend again.

- Wait! - Said Fulk seconds before the gag was on his mouth.

- What is ti? - Said Ann, worried about her friend.

- Can I go to the bathroom first? I know you don’t have much time but I really need to - Said Fulk with a hint of shame in his words.

- Uh... - Ann was doubtful, she knew how short of time they were but she already felt bad for tying her friend up - Sure, but be quick if you can.

- Sure - Said Fulk as he turned on his back for Ann to unte his hands.

Ann untied Fulk, it took some time since she and tied him very securely but she knew how to untie her own knots. Fulk remained true to his word and once untied he left the room but came back in no time.

- Again, Sorry - Said Ann showing the ropes to Fulk.

- No problem - Said fulk as he laid on the bed and put his hands behind his back.

- Ann, I don’t want to ruin the moment but we gotta hurry - Said Rhys pointing at the window - They seem to be getting impatient.
- Sure, just one second - Said Ann as she quickened her tying process.

Soon enough Ann had tied up Fulk just as she had did before, his hands crossed behind his back, his arms secured to his chest and his legs tied at the ankles and thighs.

- Sorry but I have to gag you - Said Ann as she pulled the gag up.

- Stop apologizing, I understand - Said Fulk, he made a brief pause but just before Ann gagged him he said - And if i have to be tied up by someone it’d better be by you.

Ann blushed at the remark but had no time to give any replies, time was tight and they were at risk so she just got by the window and got ready to leve after Rhys.

- Goodbye! - Said Ann after Rhys had jumped out of the window and just before jumping out herself.

As soon as Ann got down she noticed how everyone was giving her a judgmental look, everyone despite Rhys who was trying not to look at her, Ann immediately knew what this was about, she had taken too long.

- What took you so long up there? - Asked Ferine withe her arms crossed.

- Uh - Said Ann scratching her head - He wanted to go to the bathroom...

- Ann! - Said Ferine in an angry tone - He’s our prisoner, you can’t give him such privileges!

Ferine didn’t wanted to make Fulk pee himself, she had no problem with him but she knew they were short of time and that the Inquisitor couldn’t know that he was working with them.

- Right... - Said Ann as she looked at the bound Inquisitor and suddenly understanding Ferine’s intentions - I shouldn’t have done that.

The adventurers were now together in an empty dark street, Eyiel had mounted the inquisitor as well as some of the equipment in the donkeys that the adventurers had in the stable, the animals could only take four of them so two will have to walk and those two were Eyiel and Ferine, Rhys was too tired because of the the teleportation spell, Zelliria because of the torture the inquisitor gave her and Ann had to make sure the inquisitor didn’t jump out of the donkey to escape.

Both animals and humans kept a steady but fast pace they had to get out the city as fast as possible and thankfully there were no guards on sight but that wouldn’t be the same for the walls which are constantly filled with them.

The sight of the main city gate became clear to the adventurers the structure that went by the name of Goros Gate was the perfect escape route for the adventurers since despite being heavily guarded the massive gate took too long to close so they’ll have it hard to close it in front of them. The donkeys were forced to run as fast as possible and suddenly the inquisitor became very nervous, she knew that beyond that gate she couldn’t count on her men in the same way she did in the city and she struggled to get out but being in front of Ann and grabbed by her strong arms made it impossible.

As the adventurers got near the massive gate the could see something happening on it, men and woman with different uniforms from those of the guards were on the walls and having a heated discussion with the guards, and the adventurer’s worst suspicions were true for what they were seeing were the inquisitors alerting the guards of intruders.

- Do you see them? - Asked Ann alerted.

- I do - Said Zelliria who was controlling the other donkey - Inquisitors.

- We have to hurry - Said Ann - Otherwise we’ll be trapped!

Amelie laughed beneath her gag, the nervousness that was taking over her body seconds ago was suddenly overtaken by the feeling of smugness brought by seeing the adventurers getting worried about their victory.

The sound of heavy chains being pulled by massive pulleys signaled to the adventurers that the guards had started to close the gate, a massive iron grid that went down from the upper gate to the floor.

The adventurers panicked, if they became trapped inside the city it´ll be game over, Ferine and Eyiel started running at full speed but they were no match for the four legged beasts, Ann was faced with a tough choice, if she left her friends behind they’d have to face the inquisition but if she stayed with them all of them would, and by the hand of the inquisitor herself.

- Run Ann! - Said Ferine.

- But what about you? - Said Ann, she didn’t wanted to left her friends behind although she knew it was the most pragmatical choice.
- We can meet you later! - Said Eyiel - Don’t worry about us!

Ann contained her emotions and spurred on the donkey, as the beasts moved faster Rhys was the only one to turn back to look at her friends, but they were nowhere to be seen, she presumed they’d taken other routes to mislead the guards.

Guards were coming down the guard towers of the gate but the adventurers were faster and got out of city before a loud bang announced the closing of the gate, a crossbow bolt was shot to the adventurers but missed and the guard who fired was promptly reprimanded “The inquisitor is with them!” said the guard in charge.

The mounted adventurers gave one last look back to the city that was shrinking in the horizon, even Zelliria hoped the best for Eyiel and Ferine who had stayed behind.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I really liked the presence of Amelie, the inquisitor. It's always good to see villains in this stories where there are knights and magic and stuff. Also, the rope golem, that was a great addition.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 15: An Inquisitor’s Captivity

The animals took the adventurers far from the city and it’s surroundings, tiring themselves in the process, in the end they were burden animals, not really built for speed. The forest beyond the farmlands around the city grew bigger as the adventurers got away from the city and it’s surroundings, once the city wasn’t even visible in the distance the adventurers decided to calm themselves and their steeds down.
- What do we do now? - Asked Ann - I think we’re far enough from the city.

- I know a place - Said Zelliria - It’ll be safe for the night.

- Go ahead then - Said Ann - I’ll follow.

- We need to do something first - Said Zelliria looking at the Inquisitor.

- What is it? - Asked Ann.

- We can’t let her see where we’re going - Said Zelliria - We have to blindfold her.

Another of the Inquisitor’s plans foiled, she didn’t expected the adventurers to notice her since she had made an effort not to struggle or make noise but her plan failing once again made her angry and she started struggling, not because she didn’t wanted to be blindfolded although she didn’t but because she hated her position, powerless and helpless and at the hands of a woman who she once had at her total mercy.

- Mphh mphhg - The Inquisitor moaned as she struggled but the only response she got was a strong grapple from Ann.

- Easy - Said Ann as she grabbed Amelie - It’s just a blindfold.

Zelliria blindfolded Amelie with a black piece of cloth, Amelie could see light through it but light was scarce in the middle of the woods at night.

- Let’s get going - Said Zelliria as she mounted her steed.

Zelliria took a path that lead into the forest, it seemed to be rarely used since it’s floor was filled with wild grasses and trodden grass, not to mention it was really narrow, enough to caught some of the saddlebags of the donkeys from time to time and force the adventurers to stop. Darkness was also a problem but Rhys took care of it as soon as the light of the night sky became unreliable due to the canopies of the tress, she used magic to cause a stick to shed a dim white light, enough for the adventurers to see their surroundings, the Inquisitor could only tell that there was a light source but nothing else, her blindfold may not be fully effective but it clearly did the job, she had no idea where she was.

The adventurers came to clear and as the sound of waves and wind had made them suspect, they were atop a cliff against the coast. The place of which Zelliria was talking about was an abandoned lighthouse, which stone had been covered in vines due to years of abandonment.
- I assume this is the place - Said Ann.

- Indeed - Said Zelliria as she dismounted the donkey - Let’s hide this guys in, they surely need some rest.

Rhys got on the floor and so did Ann although she did it more carefully since she had to make sure the inquisitor didn’t try anything and she didn’t, Amelie was too disoriented due to the blindfold to try anything.

The adventurers left the animals in the lighthouse’s lower floor, there they started chomping on some hay that was scattered around the floor. Then they moved upstairs, Ann had to help the Inquisitor quite a bit since it was pretty hard for her with her blindfold on.
- What’s the plan now? - Asked Rhys.

- First, let’s get her to the top floor, I don’t want her to hear us - Said Zelliria.

- Sure - Said Ann, who was still grabbing Amelie by her arms.

The adventurers went to the upper which had the worst state of the three, the wooden floor creaked under every step and the windows as well as the broken ceiling let all the cold wind in, old rusty chains hanged from the ceiling and no lamp hanged from them so the room was in total darkness apart from the light emanated by Rhys’ enchanted stick and the little moonlight that entered through the ceiling’s openings.
- You’re sleeping here sweetie - Said Zelliria looking at the inquisitor.

Amelie filled with despair and anger, she couldn’t be forced to sleep in this conditions. Zelliria took Amelie from Ann and pushed her forward, making her fall down to the floor.

- Don’t you think that’s too much - Said Ann as she grabbed Zelliria by the shoulder.

- What? - Zelliria asked bewildered - If you think that this woman deserves a hint of respect you’re so wrong.

- We don’t need to be like her - Said Ann - We have to be better.

- Screw that! - Said Zelliria - If you knew what she has done to me and many others you wouldn’t be so easy on her.

- Zelliria... - Said Ann, still trying to reason with her.

- Don’t make me tie you up too! - Zelliria shouted at Ann nearly enraged.

Ann made a face of disapproval but let go of Zelliria, in the end she was right, even though Ann always tried to maintain her knightly values she had no idea of what the bard had been subjected to, but the idea she made based on how she saw her in the dungeon gave a picture grim enough to let this instance slide.

- Fine - Said Ann before going back downstairs.

Rhys stayed with Zelliria, she was eager to get some bondage action and although it was clear that the one tied up wouldn’t be her she wanted to see what Zelliria had planned for her captive.

- I think you’re interested in this - Said Zelliria in a flirty tone.

- Yes! - Said Rhys happily - What are you going to do?

Amelie had started to crawl on the floor to try to get on her feet and do who knows what but even before she could get on her knees she felt Zellira’s boot pressed against her back, pinning her against the floor. Now Zelliria was standing with one foot atop Amelie like a hunter stepping on his dead prey.

- First we need to make something about that crawling - Said Zelliria in a smug tone - At least she assumed her place as a disgusting maggot.

- Fuck you! - Said Amelie who had gotten her gag out by rubbing her face against the floor.

- And I thought she had learned something, how fool of me - Said Zelliria in an overacted manner.

- Oh you’re going to regret this so hard - Said Amelie - You...

Amelie was cut mid sentence by Zelliria’s hand covering her mouth.

- Any idea of what we do to mouthy girls like her? - Asked Zelliria turning her gaze to Rhys.

- Uh.. - Rhys knew very well what to do but wasn’t used to speak about this so openly - Gag them? - Rhys wasn’t really asking.

- Correct! - Said Zelliria - Can you help me with that?

- Sure! - Rhys replied.

- Mphgggg! - Being gagged was the last thing Zelliria wanted, but Zelliria’s grip on her mouth was firm.

- What are we gagging her with? - Asked Rhys.

- You’ll see - Said Rhys as she strengthened her grip on Amelie - Have ever heard of a sock gag?

Rhys blushed at Zelliria’s words, she knew what she was talking about but she never expected it to come up ever, even she considered sock gags a bit extreme although she wondered how they would feel in her mouth.

- Yes! - Said Rhys snapping back to reality.

- So how about you start taking out her boots? - Said Zelliria.

Rhys got hands on the task but it was harder than it seemed, Amelie wouldn’t stop hurling kicks and Zelliria couldn’t hold them, eventually Rhys got a kick in the chest that pushed her to the floor. The Inquisitor hurting Rhys made Zelliria angry and she smacked Amelie’s butt as a punishment.

- We’ll have to do something about this behaviour first - Said Zelliria with a more angry and serious tone - Rhys! Help me to tie her to the brazier.

- Ugh - Rhys recovered from the kick - Sure.

In the middle of the room there was a big old brazier which a long time ago was used to guide ships but now it was no more than a rusty scrap of iron bars. Zelliria dragged Amelie to the brazier and pinned her against it.

- I’m going to untie her hands - Said Zelliria.

- Why? - Asked Rhys puzzled by the remark - Isn’t that dangerous.

- It is, so I want you to do it while I keep her in check - Said Zelliria as she took a dagger out of her belt - It’s just that... Let’s say I have plans for her so i need her to be tied differently.

- How do you want her? - Asked Rhys as she knelt by Zelliria.

- Tie her hands to the brazier over her head - Said Zelliria as she mimicked the pose in which she wanted Amelie to be tied - Like this.

- I think I know were you’re going - Said Rhys trying to do flirty tone as awkward as it was for someone as shy as her.

Rhys untied Amelie’s hands with care, the knot was simple but effective although she doubted it would have lasted the whole night so she thought it was good to tie it better now. As Zelliria threatened Amelie with her dagger Rhys got her hands behind her head and behind one of the bars so she was tied to the brazier, unable to get apart from it. Rhys’ new knot was tight and secure, it made Amelie realize that her chances of escaping had grew even slimmer, if that was even possible.

- Ugh - Amelie let out a groan of discomfort.

- Too tight? - Asked Amelie sarcastically.

Amelie’s only response was a gesture of anger so visible that one could even see it in spite of the blindfold.

- Good - Said Zelliria - Now let’s do something about this legs.

Zelliria then smacked one of the inquisitor’s thighs, Amelie gave a low moan of pain and Zelliria sat on her thighs so she couldn’t move her legs.

- Just tie her knees together for now - Ordered Zelliria to Rhys as she handed her more rope - We still need to get her socks out.

Rhys tied Amelie’s knees together and cinched them in the middle, a binding Amelie wouldn’t be able to get free of in her state. Meanwhile all Zelliria did was taunt her prisoner but the only reaction she got were a few muttered insults and groans of anger.

- There you go - Said Rhys as she wiped some sweat from her brow after finishing her work.

- Great job! - Said Zelliria - Now let’s get to what I was waiting for.

Zelliria turned to face the opposite direction, she was now facing at the inquisitor’s feet and not her face - Let’s see what we have here.
Zelliria started to barefoot Amelie, as the boot came out so did a foul smell, most likely the result of wearing those boots and socks the whole day.

- Don’t you dare! - Shouted Amelie angrily at Zelliria.

- Oh I totally dare - Said Zelliria as she started to take her sock out - Maybe if you wouldn’t have done this to me I would have some pity.

- You did this to me first! - Amelie shouted with more anger, how could Zelliria have the audacity to say that when it was her who sock-gagged her in the first place.

- “We don’t need to be like her we have to be better” - Said Zelliria quoting Ann in a mocking tone.

Before Amelie could spit another insult at Zelliria she was grabbed from the cheeks by her, although she could only feel it for she was still blindfolded.

- Open up! - Said Zelliria.

It wasn’t necessary, Zelliria had grabbed Amelie in a way that forced her mouth to be open and all she was doing now was mocking her.

The pair of balled socks were forced into Amelie’s mouth they barely fitted in but she couldn’t spit them because as soon as her mouth was filled Zelliria covered her mouth with the pillowcase she had been gagged with before, the cloth was big so many layers were applied to her face, the first was a simple cleave gag but the last one went over her nose, forcing her to taste and smell the socks she had been gagged with, and they were stinky for both senses.

- Well Rhys, tie her ankles before going downstairs - Said Zelliria - Ann must be waiting for us.

- Sure - Said Rhys who quickly tied Amelie’s ankles together, tying legs was her area of expertise.

- Mpghhh! - A moan so muffled by the gag that it was hard to even hear was the only thin Amelie could do before her captors left the room.
Now she was left to the cold wind which froze her exposed hands and feet and hands and there was little struggle she could perform against Rhys’ bindings in her uncomfortable position.

Zelliria and Rhys got to the middle floor, definitively the least abandoned one it had not so rotten wooden floor and the vines hadn’t got inside yet, Ann even had lighted up the old fireplace that the room had.

- How did that went? - Asked Ann as she worked on the fire.

- It was fun - Said Zelliria - What do you think Rhys?

- Yeah it was fun I’d say - Replied Rhys.

- We’re not trying to have fun - Ann turned towards Zelliria and Rhys - Ferine and Eyiel were trapped in the city, this isn’t in any way fun.
- Oh don’t be such a killjoy - Said Zelliria.

- I’m not being a killjoy - Said Ann with seriousness - I’m just reminding you our situation.

- You’re right Ann - Said Rhys - We should discuss that, we still have unresolved matters here.

- Ugh, okay - Said Zelliria - What is it?

The adventurers sat on the floor by the fire.

- First we need to know how to get Ferine and Eyiel out of there - Said Ann.

- We’re only getting a chance for that once the sun rises - Said Zelliria - I doubt they would keep the gates closed at day once merchants start arriving.

- But i also doubt they would let us In - Said Ann.

- I can disguise us with magic - Said Zelliria.

- So can I - Said Rhys.

- We should have that in account then - Said Ann.

- Don’t tell me you’re planning in getting in to free them - Said Zelliria - That will be a suicide mission.

- Any better idea? - Asked Ann - I know that, but we’re short of options.

- Wait! - Said Rhys who had been thinking of a plan in silence - I think I have an idea.

- What is it? - Asked Ann.

- How about we ask for Eyiel and Ferine as ransom for Amelie? - Said Rhys - I’m sure those inquisitors want her back.

Ann and Zelliria looked at each other and nodded.

- Sounds like a good plan - Said Ann - We have to make sure the Inquisition has them for it to work though.

- Do you doubt it? - Said Zelliria - They probably got caught as soon as we left.

- Don’t underestimate them - Said Ann - Ferine is a well trained scout and thief and Eyiel strength is unmatched.

- I can found out whether they have them or not - Said Rhys - I’ll need some rest before tough.

- It’s fine - Said Ann - We all do.

- I have some sleeping bags in here - Said Zelliria - But we’ll have to make guards on the upper floor, to check for anyone coming or the inquisitor trying anything.

- I’ll do the first - Said Ann - You two must be much more tired than I.

Zelliria wanted to oppose but Ann was right, she was tired because of the night of torture and poor sleep and as much as she wanted to give payback to the inquisitor she knew that it would be better if she did it with a clear mind.

Rhys and Zelliria went to sleep by the fireplace and Ann went upstairs, there she was met by the howling cold wind and the sight of the inquisitor bound with her hands over her head to the lighthouse’s brazier and her legs tied at the ankles and knees, she was also barefoot and her mouth was filled wit a gag, It seemed Zelliria and Rhys didn’t lied when they said they had fun with her.

- They certainly did a number on you - Said Ann as she went to sit by one of the windows.

Amelie responded with a muffled moan, maybe this captor would be more gentle with her and could be persuaded to give her an opportunity to escape, she had left before she was manhandled by Rhys and Zelliria and didn’t seem to like it so that gave her hope.

- I’m sorry about what my friends did to you - Said Ann who had started to sharpen her sword to pass time - But you don’t seem like a saint either.

Amelie struggled to get in a comfortable position which was hard in her current state.

- I wont be cruel to you - Said Ann - I’ll just treat you like what you are, our prisoner, and I think even prisoner are humans.

The inquisitor was thinking of how she could take advantage of Ann’s generosity.

- So give a sign is something makes you uneasy - Said Ann - I don’t want you to suffer even if my friends think you deserve so.

Amelie and Ann had some time alone with the only company being the cold howling wind, all Ann did was sharpen her sword and clean some parts of her armor and Amelie couldn’t do anything other than tug her restraints lightly because she knew there was no way for her to escape.

Hours passed by in Amelie’s head but not even an hour had actually passed, turns out time passes very slowly when you are tied up, gagged and blindfolded with the only company of a quiet captor. Amelie thought about how to persuade her captive to release her but she couldn’t come up with any idea, she couldn’t just tell her to untie her and she had no chance in overpowering her since she remembered how strong she was.

The cold brought by the wind made Amelie’s bare feet hurt to the point that she was barely feeling them, she tried to shelter them underneath her lap but it was hard while tied up.

- Any problem? - Asked Ann as she saw Amelie’s struggles.

Amelie blushed, she did have a problem but asking her captor, one of the women that has her tied up, gagged and blindfolded for help was probably the most humiliating thing she could do to solve it.

- Let me see - Ann got by Amelie and started examine her body.

To Amelie’s Ann’s touch felt extremely weird, it felt invasive and there was little she could do to stop her but at the same time it felt warm and it wasn’t hard to tell that Ann was doing it with care.

- Oh my! - Said Ann after she touched Amelei’s feet after examining her ankle binding - Your feet are frozen!

- Mphg - The low moan was the closest thing Amelie could do to a yes.

- I should have noticed that - Said Ann - Let me take care of it.

Ann looked around the room for Amelie’s boots and found them against a wall.

- To put these on you I’ll have to untie your ankles - Said Ann - Can I trust you to behave?

Amelie was taken aback by Ann’s generosity, It was something unthinkable for someone like her who always treated her prisoners with cruelty and had the same experience when she was a prisoner.

- Gppgh - A low moan and a nod were Amelie’s way of saying yes.

Amelie blushed as she felt how her ankles were being untied and her boots put back on, being treated this way felt like being pampered by her captor which made her incredibly embarrassed.

- There you go - Said Ann - Do you want me to get you a blanket? It sure gets cold in here.

Amelie nodded with shame, she couldn’t believe Ann’s generosity.

- Okay, be right back - Said Ann.

Ann went downstairs and by the time she arrived both Rhys and Zelliria had fallen asleep so she silently took a spare blanket and took it upstairs.

- Here you have - Said Ann as she covered Amelie with the blanket - Do I have to tie your ankles again or you’ll behave? - She asked as she finished tucking Amelie.

Her captive shook her head, as much as she wanted to escape she couldn’t bring herself to do so not only because she was tightly restrained but also because her captive was so kind it would feel bad to do so.

- You should try to sleep - Said Ann - We have plans for you tomorrow.

- Mpgh! - Amelie tried to tell Ann something.

- Anything else you need? - Asked Ann in response.

- Mpgh! Mpgh! - Amelie moaned again.

- If you want to say something to me I’ll have to ungag you - Said Ann - I have no problem with that, but you have to assure me that you wont scream nor say anything stupid.

Amelie nodded and had her gag removed, Ann had to undo the gag’s knot because of how tightly it was pressed against her face and once she did Amelie spat the two balled up socks that filled her mouth.

- Ugh, thank you - Said Amelie with little regard of how embarrassing thanking her captor was.

- God, did they really gagged you with socks? - Said Ann looking with disgust at the soaked clothes - Disgusting.

- I wouldn’t have been able to sleep with that - Said Amelie between breaths of fresh air.

- I understand - Said Ann - But i still have to gag you in some way, remember, you’re our prisoner.

- Ugh - Amelie made a low gran of disappointment.

- Don’t worry, it wont be so harsh - Said Ann as she took the pillowcase from the floor and made it into an improvised cloth rope.

- Fine, I understand - Said Amelie, surrendering to a captor so kind wasn’t so bad after all.

- Open up! - Said Ann in a friendly tone.

Amelie obeyed and opened her mouth, her new gag was a bit gag made of the pillowcase, much more comfortable and less disgusting than her previous gag.

- Try to sleep if you can - Said Ann as she returned to the window - I’ll be here until my guard ends if you need something.

Amelie was worried about the guard changing, she was sure that Zelliria wouldn’t be nearly as kind as Ann but she was more tired than worried, a whole day of torturing and a night of getting carried around by her captors definitively made her sleepy.

Eventually Amelie managed to fall asleep, it wasn’t the most comfortable position but not nearly as uncomfortable like the one she was in before. Ann went downstairs after a few hours to change turns with someone else and left Amelie sleeping behind.

Rhys and Zelliria had fallen asleep by each other near the fireplace, Ann asked herself who should she chose for the next shift, she didn’t wanted Zelliria to spend the night torturing Amelie but if she waked up Rhys she’d likely don’t get enough rest to cast spells tomorrow and neither did she wanted to stay the whole night awake to watch out for the Inquisitor. Ann finally decided to wake up Zelliria she still had some hope in that she could convince her to treat their prisoner with dignity and don’t make a mess.

Zelliria rubbed her eyes as she was waking up, as soon as she remembered what she was about to be asked to do the laziness and unwillingness to wake up started to fade away and she started to feel very exited about what she was about to do.

- Before go - Said Ann as she put her hand in Zelliria’s shoulder to stop from rushing upstairs.

- What? - Said Zelliria with an angry and tired tone.

- I know feel strongly about her - Ann had to voice her thoughts carefully in order to not anger Zelliria - But do your best to treat her with dignity.

- Quit it - Said Zelliria as she pushed away Ann’s hand - Rhys and your friends may obey you, but I obey nobody but myself, so quit your virtue signaling and let me do what I want.

- If we antagonize her we’ll face consequences - Said Ann as Zelliria went upstairs.

- What could she possibly do? - Asked Ann without even looking back at Ann - She’s tied up.

Ann wanted to stop her but the exhaustion gained over her body, her eyelids weighed her downer, had some cramped muscles and could barely focus on anything, so instead of stopping Zelliria she just removed her armor and laid down on the bedroll, falling asleep almost instantly.

- Well hello th... - Zelliria entered the upper floor and was so surprised to see Amelie “comfortably” sleeping that she couldn't finish her phrase.

She couldn’t comprehend how Ann could treat her prisoner so kindly especially someone as evil as Amelie the Inquisitor.

Zelliria was ready to slap Amelie’s face until she woke up but she realized that having her sleeping could be useful for her because she could retie her in any way she wanted without any resistance. The first thing Zelliria did was making sure Amelie was sleeping and sure she was, she then got every rope in the room and came up with an idea.

Zelliria untied Amelie from the brazier and tied her hands behind her back, she wanted a strict restraint so she tied her wrists crossed above elbow height, in the middle of her back, very tightly, a restraint which gave no slack. Then she proceeded to tie her upper arms to her chest, above and below the breasts and over the shoulders, once she was done with her upper body she went for her legs, once again removing her boots and then tying her ankles and upper thighs together and then joining said restraints.

Once she was finished tying Amelie she took more rope for the second part of the process, she tied a rope to a convenient hook that hanged from the ceiling and connected said rope to Amelie’s chest restraints and ankle restraints.

Zelliria started to pull up the hook effectively suspending Amelie mid air.

Amelie made low moans of discomfort as she was being pulled up, she opened her eyes to see her situation but as son as she did she remembered that she was blindfolded and it was easy to tell that she was still tied up and gagged although her restraints had changed a little too much.

- Comfortable? - Asked Zelliria sarcastically.

- Mpggh - Amelie responded with an angered groan.

- Oh is that a no? - Zelliria made a pause as she encircled her captive - Good.

Amelie remembered that Ann told her that she would switch guards and it turned out that she switched with the worst candidate possible, her situation was dire.

Amelie started to struggle but she found it really hard, she couldn’t feel anything other than her restraints, she started moaning angrily and loudly under her gag but all she managed to was getting almost instantly tired and receive a smack in the butt by Zelliria.

- Stay still! - Commanded Zelliria - I tied you up for a reason you know?

- Mpggggg! - Never before had Amelie been so angry at someone, and her muffled moans showed that.

- You know if you behave I may remove the blindfold you know? - Said Zelliria - I’d like you to see your situation with your own eyes.
Amelie calmed down and took a deep breath, struggling and moaning wouldn’t do her any favors so she had to calm down and endure her situation as best as she could.

- Let me take care of this - Said Zelliria as she removed Amelie’s blindfold - There you go.

Amelie’s eyes adjusted to the minimum light of the room which came from a few candles and the moon, she slowly realized her situation, she saw the floor a good 3 feet below her, her instinctive response was to struggle because of her fear of falling down but she quickly realized how dumb that was, she wouldn’t fall, she was hanging from the ceiling.

- Suspension - Said Zelliria - Do you like it?

- Mphgrr - Amelie grunted as she gave a killing look to her captor.

- Yeah that’s what I thought - Said Zelliria - I see that your gag has been changed, what’s with that?

Amelie got angry as the feeling of impotence overtook her body, being at the mercy of this woman brought out the worst of her and being unable to do anything about it made it even worse. She expected Zelliria not to notice her new more comfortable gag but it seemed she would have no mercy with her.

- I see Ann spoiled you a bit too much - Said Zelliria - Let’s return to your first gag.

Amelie saw with despair and impotence how the socks that had been on the floor this whole time were once again being balled up to gag her.

- On the bright side, you’ll be ungagged for a second, anything you want to tell me? - Asked Zelliria before removing Zelliria’s gag.

- Fuck you - Was the only thing Amelie said before having her mouth filled with her stinky socks, she though about calling Ann for help but asking one of her captors for help would be too humiliating to do.

Zelliria finished the gag and left it as it was in the first place, two balled socks in her captive’s mouth and a cloth covering her face form the nose to her chin to prevent her from spitting them.

- Much better - Said Zelliria patting Amelie on the head - We can finally begin.

Begin what? Asked Amelie to herself, she was fearful of how far Zelliria could take her revenge.

- Let me remember, what was the first thing you did to me? - Ann though with a finger on her chin - That’s right, you tried to tickle me!
Amelie’s fear grew bigger as the threat of being tickles appeared, the only reason she tried to tickle her victims was because she was ticklish herself and she doubted that she would be able to stand her own torture methods.

- I assume you’re ticklish - Said Zelliria as she walked around her prisoner, observing her in detail - Aren’t you inquisitor?

- Mpghh! - Amelie was doing her best not to show her fear.

- Well I assume I only have one way of knowing - Said Zelliria - Let me see, how about your sides?

Zelliria poked one of Amelie’s sides which made her squeal and struggle, she tried not to move to not show her that she was ticklish but her response was instinctive.

- I see - Said Zelliria - how about your neck?

Zelliria gave a few scratches to Amelie’s neck and her response was trying to pull her neck in like a turtle, but no way of defending against tickling is good enough when you’re tied up and suspended mid air.

- Armpits? - Asked Zelliria to herself.

Amelie felt both of her armpits being poked at the same time, she didn’t try to hide the fact that she was ticklish anymore, she just wanted to break free but no tug would make the ropes cede.

- And finally, how about your feet - Said Zelliria as she moved behind her prisoner.

Amelie was already struggling when she heard Zelliria’s words and her struggles got even harder once she felt her feet being lightly tickled, but as tied up as she was she could only struggle so much.

- Oh I’m gonna enjoy this a lot - Said Zelliria.

That was the last thing Amelie heard before having her feet aggressively tickled by Zelliria, she could barley breath and between laughs and moans and every time she did she was force to smell her stinking socks, truly the most miserable she had ever been.

Amelie asked to herself if this would ever stop, she felt like it was constantly about to do so but not because she felt like her captor would have any compassion but because she doubted whether she could endure the torture any longer.

Finally the suffering stopped, she took deep breaths of stinking air but she didn’t care about it, it was better than being tickled, she just closed her eyes and endured the stink.

- And this is just the beginning - Said Zelliria.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

From the characters to the setting and the light dashes of humor, this is honestly probably one of my favorite stories on the site if not the favorite one. I love it! Exceptional job and I can't wait to keep reading! Personally my favorite character is probably Zelliria as she reminds me of quite a few of my characters but of the originals I like Eyiel the most, something about the stoic amazon just appeals to me. Anyways, fantastic job!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 434
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Post by banshee »

Thank you! i'm glad that you like it so much.
Enjoy chapter 16!
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