playing with the Snoops. mmmm/F Part 2-4 4m/f Part 5 4m/4f

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playing with the Snoops. mmmm/F Part 2-4 4m/f Part 5 4m/4f

Post by WyattW5 »

Request of [mention]Mask6190[/mention] i hope you like the story.


In every corner of South Emerson’s secondary school’s courtyard is filled with bustling students. Between football players practicing their tossing. Girls sitting under a tree showing off their new attire for the school year. A small bundle of dorky little kids talking about a radio program they all listen religiously to.

Four boys sit at the picnic table producing their binders and folders set on the table sliding their dads Detective magazines out. On the covers attractively dressed women their hands bound. Their eyes wild in fright their hair loose and free.

“You know what’s better than looking at drawings of tied up girls?” Archie states peering among the faces of his three companions. Starting from his left is Charlie Russel short kid with curly brown hair wearing a red and white striped t-shirt.

“I don’t know a picture?” Charlie snickers peering to Rodney curly red hair and freckles peppering his two red cheeks. Wearing a skin tight white James Bond T-shirt.

“No you dweebs, we tie up a girl for real” Archie smiles cockily looking around his friends faces.

“That would be great, but who would we tie up? It’s not like we are The Saint or even James Bond having girls lined up out the door for us to hang out with?” Charlie states holding up an edition of True Detective.

“Who could we even get to tie up without making some sort of fuss?”

“Jakes mom” Archie smiles at the fourth of their little crew, a heavy set lad with straight blond hair combed forward. His eyes wide as saucers when Archie pats his shoulder.

“My-my-my mom how...why?”

Archie walks around the table. Giving the boys his pitch for when they reach Jakes house. Each member of the crew was to bring something to aid in the effort.

Archie: Rope

Charlie: Duct tape

Rodney: Polaroid camera

Jake: his supply of Western Ace’s novels

“We can use the scarves from your ma’s closet” Jake nods mentally noting the full extent of his mothers scarf collection. Rodney comes asks.

“what is the extent of the game your playing here Arch?” the taller boy smiles scrubbing his hands together a playful smile tugging his cheeks.

“Meet me at Jakes house by four and we will talk” Archie smiles the school bell rings telling the kids to get to class.


A red brick town house down a side street. Several bikes hunkered down at the side of the parking lot sitting beside the family Studebaker.

Sitting on a rocking chair wearing a yellow blouse and a blue floral skirt her ginger hair was pegged with clips and broaches a small beaded necklace across her neck brushes the top of her dress hugging the curve of her collar bone.

Mrs. Fielder was listening to the radio when Archie walks into the living room holding a copy of Western Aces. In his hand clearing his throat she turns her gaze from her needlepoint to him.

“Oh hello Archibald, what can I do for you”

Grimacing at the use of his full name Archie forces a meek smile across boyish cheeks.

“Excuse me Mrs. Fielder I was wondering if I could ask you to help me with something?” tying a knot in her work settling it back into a bag she turns her full attention and the intensity of her deep blue eyes on him and smiles.

“How can I help you?” silently cheering himself so far, Archie continues his facade

“You see Mrs. Fielder, I am in Drama class and well we are supposed to take a piece of literature we enjoy and try to perform a scene from it and” patience in her gaze she let him explain he wanted to use a scene from one of her sons dime novels.

“So what is it you would like me to do for you Archibald?”

“I want to act out this little scene here” using the front page illustration.

“Well I asked a girl to help me act the scene out and she agreed but I am nervous about tying her up. I was wondering can I try tying you up? I figured it would be a little safer than tying her up for the first time and doing something wrong and hurting her” Archie states his face turning pale his eyes growing big giving him the look of a sad and afraid little boy.

“Oh... well alright, if it is a safety measure I will be happy to assist” the woman smiles sitting forward in the low back chair she was sitting in.

“Do you have any supplies you will need?”

“I do except one thing ma’am I will need a scarf”

“A scarf?” Mrs. Fielder’s brow rose and Archie approaches her showing the white fabric over the damsels mouth. And nods

“Oh I see very well I shall be right back, you grab what you need and I shall grab a scarf” she got up and walks into the next room. Archie rose and scurries for the bedroom where Jake and Rodney and Charlie sat on the bed.

“The gear, okay wait about ten minutes before coming in okay” the fellows all nod before Archie returns with two lengths of rope.

Returning to the living room Mrs. Fielder sits on the couch holding a white scarf. Smiling on his return she smiles “so shall I lay on the floor?”

“You can sit there I will start at your ankles so we can both see what I’m doing?” taking the rope forming a loop before wrapping the lengths end and pulling them through the loop before wrapping the rope around tying them above the ankles.

Three loops around her ankles before binding between her legs and tying a knot and cinch. Looking up to her expectantly

“How do they feel?”

“Fine fine a little loose around the bottom of the ankles but this is alright” nodding Archie rises, rope in hand pulling her arms behind her back. Repeating the loop and wrap of the rope before cinching it this time making it more snug around the top of her arm.

“How is that?”

“Tight, but not uncomfortable you did very good these ropes feel secure”

“Now the gag” smiling as she peers up to the boy taking the scarf from where she had draped it over the chairs back. Folding it so it would be a thick band before he set himself about to bind the cloth around her mouth.

“Oh hello Mrs. Fielder” Rodney enters the room carrying his fathers polaroid camera safely cradled between his two palms.

“What are you doing with that camera?” Mrs. Fielder asks looking awkwardly glaring at Rodney he looks down and shook his head “oh I was showing Jake and Charlie how this thing works it is so freaking cool” producing pictures of a humming bird in a garden he shows her slipping the camera to Charlie who slips around back of Mrs. Fielder and snaps a picture of her bound wrists. Disguising the click of the machine, while Charlie shook the photo he passed the camera to Jake who snapped a picture of her ankles.

Archie held the scarf up to her eyes allowing them to take the picture without her seeing the flash this time.

“What are you boys doing?” Jakes mother asked crossly and Rodney took the camera back.

“Wasting camera film is what their doing sorry Mrs. Fielder” tucking the camera to his hip he left the room before Charlie followed suit.

“Jake can you help me rehearse my lines for the drama skit please?” Archie asks using his best innocently sweet voice possible. The scarf in his hands dangling between Mrs. Fielder’s chest.

“Sure who am I playing Kid Ranger or Eli Savage?” Jake spoke while Archie pulls the scarf tight over Mrs. Fielder’s lips tying it at the back of her neck. He steps back “how is that Mrs. Fielder?”

“Fine fine” added F sounds at the end from the scarf muffling her lip movements. Her eyes looking to Jake.

“I wish you had taken Drama Jake you play in your room like you are rehearsing” Archie blurted out laughing while Charlie and Rodney both shot out a gust busting chorus.

“Thanks mom” Jake turns to Archie and the two of them nod “you can struggle and squirm around Mrs. Fielder we won’t worry about your lines, it was the ropework that concerned me”

“Okay” she said turning her gaze to look across the room. After a few minutes she was wiggling and squirming, trying to get out of the bondage she had been reduced. Meanwhile the two boys were play acting the voice lines and physical gestures of the play.

Jake plays the role of the villain so dastardly and dangerous he even hissed with the villains S’ while Archie portrayed the dashing hero doing everything so nobly brave and honourable.

A flash dulled her eyes as she heard two boys scurry back down stairs. Realizing they had snuck a picture of her. Mrs. Fielder tried to call out to them but Archie had simply wound the rope too tight.

Attempting to get her captors attention Mrs. Fielder turns to her son and snap her fingers, pulling him from his side of the play-acting. Untying the scarf from her mouth red lipstick smear the fabric where her lips had been pulled back.

“Did your friends take a picture of me?”

“Oh no Mrs. Fielder I asked them to take a picture of Me and Jake so I can guide my volunteer through the story” he smiled queasily and Mrs. Fielder smiles releasing her gag and her hands the two boys pick up the scarf and ropes and run down stairs where Rodney and Charlie were ogling the pictures of Mrs. Fielder tied on the chair. Her eyes glazed over with interest on her face.

“Alright guys that worked great, but you know this next time we are going to go bigger and better”

“How can you be so sure, we don’t even know if they will show up?” Charlie asks a whine in his voice.

“They will show up, I told them I was my sister” suddenly the four boys seemed to relax. Archie was right and if all went accordingly the next time they tried this stunt, each of them would have a collection of photo’s to envy over for years to come.
Last edited by WyattW5 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Part 2.

The Next week.

Riding her bicycle down the long dirt road. Marianne Sterling halts her bicycle at the end of the driveway. The autumn chill fills the air. Dressed in a wool sweater and a pair of slacks and white tennis shoes. Dismounting her bike and wheels it down the driveway.

Her curly brown hair is tucked behind her ears with a scarf. She scans the surroundings with intrigue. Before her a two story red brick farmhouse green tiled roof with fading yellow trim around the window’s and front door that is lead by a set of wooden steps.

To the far east is a Barn but no animals in sight or sound? Stopping her bike she tucks it against a tree and grabs her backpack containing the letter she received inviting her out to this mysterious party.

Opening the envelope she reads.

Salutations and Good day.

You Miss Sterling have been cordially invited to a dinner party that will satisfy your hunger and your need to solve a Mystery, Be at Green Haven Farms by six o’clock. Your first Clue to begin the Mystery can be found in the Hollow of the old Oak tree.

Good luck.


Intrigued by the Mystery dinner party, being a great fan of Nancy Drew books and even Dime detective novels. She decided she would go and see out whoever seemed to know her interests so well.

First to find the Old Oak Tree? Marianne thinks to herself gazing around this was indeed a farm there were trees standing all around her. Thinking along the lines of old symbolism Marianne began to search for the Old Oak Tree.

Finding the largest tree around the house to be an oak tree, Marianne felt a shiver of excitement while she scans the tree’s body to find a hollow high where she could not ultimately reach without assistance.

Noting a step ladder at the side of the house Marianne quickly picks it up and carries it back over to the tree. School-girl giddiness fueling her as she leaps up the ladder and reaches into the hollow.

Producing a paper describing her next clue was going to be somewhere cold and dusty. Thinking hard into it Marianne believed she had the answer. Approaching the back of the house she approaches the cellar doors pulling hard on the heavy door the cobwebs drag across informing her no one has been down there for some time.

Descending into the darkness of the cellar Marianne soon wished she had remembered her flashlight. Peering around the darkness. She stumbled into a crate trying to side step it she brushed against a shelving unit. Freezing with apprehension she takes several deep breathes before noticing a candle lit down the corridor. As if to illuminate her next clue.

Stepping towards it she felt as if every detective book and crime thriller she has ever read, was coming to life, the secluded farmhouse the dusty cellar the mysterious notes. Sending a shiver of excitement up her spine.

Approaching the light she found it a wax candle standing above a line of wall hooks only one holding anything. A light thin silk scarf holding up the article Marianne examines it for anything to give her the next clue.

A hard slam erupts the quiet of the cellar. While she had turned to run for the door the candle was extinguished. Leaving her alone in the dark. Her nerves were rattled holding the scarf trying to breathe steadily formulating a plan before it happened.

An overwhelming force captures her wrists together as a pair of hands clasp her ankles before feeling something wrapped around them. Her shriek was silenced by a quick hand to her mouth the scarf in her hand was quickly snatched and bound over her eyes not that she could see anything in the dark.

“Please let me go” she murmurs into the hand clamped over her mouth but they did not listen. Finished with her ankles she could not pull the two apart, her entire body was resting on the body of the being holding her mouth. Rolling her over so her front is facing his. They took her hands flailing as much as they could until four hands took them and pinned them behind the small of her back two hands moved from her wrists to her elbows holding them in place.

Trying to look into the face of her captor Marianne begs for them not to do this. The warm breath of her captor brushes her nose. Not unpleasant but far from minty fresh.

Steady breathing she tries to calm herself she will undoubtedly have to free herself. She tries to contentrate on how her wrists are bound feeling around the rope. The voices began as a whisper barely audible under her surprised shriek or beg for release.

“Almost got her”

“Hold her tight”

“One more thing”

One more thing? Marianne thinks as she struggles in the embrace of the being before her. Before she could officially respond a cloth was stuffed inside her mouth with the yak of disgust soon a second scarf was tied between her teeth holding the cloth in before a third cloth was tied over it all. Touching the tip of her nose dangling below the edge of her chin.

“Hyph nmm plmm” she tries squirming in the mans embrace now she hears from her left ear a whisper meant for her captor.

“Take her upstairs we got two minutes before the others show”

“Alright” the captor dragged her up a set of stairs and Marianne could not help but think. Others who else would be coming up here and what did these pigs plan to do to them?
Last edited by WyattW5 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Wendy Gibbons peers at the eerie farmhouse before her. Lamp light glisten in the window sills, no shadows fill the glass. Giving her the feeling she is truly alone.

Wearing a long flowy skirt, and her highschool sweater buttoned up neatly over her torso. Her wavy brown bound to a pony tail hung by a silk scarf the trail hanging loosely over her shoulder.

From her pocket producing a letter written from the host of this soiree. Her mother had drove her up to the mail box before Wendy had asked her to stop and let her out to walk the lane way.

Her buckled shoes shuffling the loose stoned gravel. Until her feet met grass she stopped and produces the invitation.

Dearest investigator, you are cordially invited to partake in an evening of good food, good company and a dash of mystery, please bring your wits, a keen eye. And a scarf to enter.

To begin your investigation you are urged to seek out the yellow saddled mount, the lord of the land rides to tend the grounds.

The message was a little odd, however but knowing Cheryl as she did she had no doubts she set this up. Intriguing and playful, Wendy decided it would be a very good way to spend a Friday night.

Checking her invitation again, yellow saddle? The farm did not appear to have any horses but there were some stock barns. However a landlord tending his ground. Striking her of a tractor, and only one tractor shed.

Approaching the shed the door already ajar a light inside hanging from a light by a work bench. Her shoes began to click on the cement floor as she crosses the shed toward the light. Finding nothing under the light she peers at a John Deere Tractor.

Yellow Saddle, yellow seat. Climbing up the back end of the tractor Wendy checks around the seat to find a note. This one leading her to the tool shed. Entering the shed rows of tools from hoes, rakes, trowels saws and extra blades.

Walking through the door of the shed she began to grope her way through the darkness, coming to a shelf feeling something smooth and soft her hands pull the article off the wall finding it to be a length of rope.

Suddenly the Shed door slams and Wendy turns charges for the door using her full force against it. The girl trips and falls into the grass. Before she could rise four sets of hands grab her.

“Untie the scarf!” a boyish voice calls before she felt the scarf holding her ponytail together came undone before it came down over her eyes.

“Help someone get them off of me!” her cries were silenced when a wad of cloth was shoved into her open mouth. Pulling the knot between her lips wedging her teeth apart.

“Hephf” her wrists her pulled back and bound together with the rope she had been holding. Cursing below her gag digging her toes into the grass trying to stand. She quickly felt a weight pressed onto her bottom and her ankles held up and pressed up binding her ankles together. She heard a second voice stating

“hurry up and get her in the house!”

Wendy sortly found herself being hoist up by three sets of hands dragging her from the grass inside a warm house the smell of burning wood filling her nose. No sights behind her blindfold. The house was silent, until she heard the sound of another girls voice crying out.

‘Hmmphf plphf hmmphf” the voice made and Wendy replied in similar fashion. Feeling her butt hit a hard wooden seat. Feeling her arms pulled up and pressed over the back’s chair pulling her elbows apart so they do not snag on the chair.

“That will keep them still” one voice said, before hearing two sets of feet shuffling out of the room before hearing two voices in the corner of the room.

“Stay with them take this if any of them move” Wendy froze. Were these men armed, were these men going to hurt her and who is this woman across from her. Trying to stand up her feet were unable to push off the chair the weight and ropes pinning her down. Heaving a heavy sigh Wendy lowers her head.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Diane Wheeler wearing a pink sweater over a navy blue dress and dark tan nylons. Walks up the gravel drive. Her slim frame curled in as the night breeze struck gooseflesh up her spine ending at the curls of her raven hair tucked in a loose pony tail.

Opening the invitation she had found lodged in her lunchbox a few days ago. Diane reread the letter saying.

Salutations Avid Mystery lover.

We are pleased to invite you a mystery gathering on the Friday of the 13th please arrive directly at 6:20 we do hate tardiness, the first clue of your mystery can be found by the Orchards guardian.

Good lukc.


the Orchards guardian well that is interesting. Peering down the long path crossing the house to a small orchard of a couple dozen trees. Entering she finds a bundle of baskets filled with apples. Wishing she had brought a scarf or a wrap to help keep her warm. Diane continues through the trees.

Before she catches the eye of a scarecrow dressed in a pinstripe yellowish white shirt, brown trousers ropes tied around the cuffs to keep the straw inside the body. Set on a bale of hay an old rake set beside the straw hand. Diane had a little chuckle at the coal drawing of it’s face.

Examining the scarecrow she happens to notice a little scrap of paper on the inside of the scarecrows shirt. Pulling it out Diane looks around her finding no one peeking at her she unfolds the paper to read the note.

In the cow’s bed, watch where you tread, for your heart is warned of Dread, do not lose your head! By the Bedrooms threshold you will find the Bread.

Giggling at the rhyme Diane walks out of the orchard back toward the barn. Approaching the large white and green structure Diane found herself in a cross roads, to go up or to go to down and left. Climbing the small hill leading up she found a large storage of hay. Telling Diane to go down she finds a overhead light inside the room illuminating what she had to guess was the milking room.

Opening the heavy iron door. Diane took several deep breathes trying to ignore the awful stench. Holding her breath she continues on. Walking down the long cement passage way from the milk storage room. Down inside the cattle barn.

Strangely no cow slept here tonight as she was alone the old cement stained worn had nothing but hay and straw covering the bottom. Looking out the large overhead door she can see a herd of a dozen cows out in the grassy pastures.

Going out the barn from whence she came. She scans along the fence line it was all barbed no electrical, after about ten minutes of wandering she approaches the gate. A bread bag hangs on the post pulling it down to investigate. She did not get that chance.

Four hands reach out grabbing her arms and one grabs her mouth. Screaming into the palm she tries to fight but another pair of hands grab onto her ankles. Hoisting her up. They plant her face down on the grass while a body sits on top of her she calls out

“help me please oh god someone Please help...” her cries were silenced when a cloth was stuffed in her mouth. The zipping sound of duct tape being pulled made Diane look up to see a roll of tape descending on her wrapping the tape around her mouth she felt the adhesive being wrapped three times before a knife cut the tape.

“Nmmm plmmm lmm mmm gmmm!” squirming some more genuine fear she managed to wiggle and arm out from beneath her captor crawling out she aims to run straight into the house to find a phone. Before she can manage the feat two sets of hands grab her ankles pinning them together wrapping tape repeatedly around the top of her ankles then her knees her hands flailing in a feeble attempt to crawl out from below her captors grasp she digs her nails into the grass.

“Blind her” a boyish voice growls and Diane realised she could turn and see who these perps are as she turns to do so a scarf is bound her her eyes and tied at the back of her head. Above her pony tail.

After the blindfold was applied Diane grew quiet knowing she had to rely on her other senses to help her escape. She listened to the sharp rasps of breath escaping herself and her captors. There was four of them: at least, judging by the ones voice she was almost certain all of them were younger than her.

But why lure her our here? What was the plan? Allowing her hands to be tied next she was surprised when she did not hear tape being pulled. But she felt a soft article being wrapped around her wrists a knot tied between. Where her thumbs and fingers could not reach.

“alright good job guys, lets get her inside before someone sees” cocky boyish voice praises his colleagues or his henchmen as Diane began to think of it.

“We need to hurry guys she took too long we only have ten minutes before” another whiny voice said his breathing still not slowed even though Diane had stopped fighting them.

“We got time hand me the tape, I will get the last act ready you three hurry on” the last act! Diane wonders as the three boys haul her from the grass past the warm threshold. Heat brushes her skin warming the chill away, the sound of gentle crackle and smell of smoke tell Diane there is a fire burning somewhere behind her. The screech of a wooden chair calls her attention before her bottom is planted hard on the bottom.

Before she heard a soft whine to her left, and a mumbled growl on the right realizing she isn’t alone Diane tries to communicate.

“Whmmm armm ymm?”

“Whmm?” the voice on the left said before in a snarky groan the voice on the right growls

“ymm cmm tmm wmm ahm gmmg imm ymm mumm!”

Two sets of footfalls leave the kitchen leaving one standing somewhere in the corner. Diane could tell by the creaking of the floorboards under the boys nervous shuffling. Releasing a pent up breath Diane tilts her head back and tries to relax she may be here a while.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent Story! So there are three Damsels in Distress now - something tells me, that they will have some Company soon :)
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Post by ninterz »

This is so awesome.
Really nice touch with the mystery invitations.
Keep up the good work
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great work so far!
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Post by WyattW5 »

[mention]Mask6190[/mention] i hope you enjoy this. thank you [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]ninterz[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention] for the kind compliments.

the finale

Cheryl Marshal. Sitting in the passenger seat of her big brothers convertible she thanked him for the ride with a kiss to his cheek before getting out of the car. Dressed in costume of a long brown skirt, a sand coloured blouse, a toffey caramel scarf around her neck and a tan scarf bound in the fashion of Kelly Grace.

The scarf and her coat shield her from the chill filling the air. The orange and brown leaves cloak the ground. Crossing the gravel she peers at the farm house certain where she needs to go.

She had spent a long time deciphering the invitation and the note that came along with it.

We are pleased to invite you to the Soiree of Mystery and Murder. We invite you to dress up in the role of your choosing. Here is your first clue.

Four sides rests, the head stands as tall as the foot. A place for nourishment and entertainment, three legs stand full one rests empty.



Obviously a table. Four places stand, one sits empty. Her place, if she had to guess. So silly but so fun. No doubt a silly game concocted by Marianne Sterling. But all the more fun she begins to cross the street toward the house. Knocking several times on the door.

No one answered the door Cheryl gently presses the door latch pushing it to the darkness of the entry way. Flicking on a light before she could think a cloth came down around her eyes. Pulling tight Cheryl began to scream but a hand and cloth was being forced through her lips smearing makeup across the smooth hand pressing her mouth ajar.

“Nmm gmm omm mmm!” she curses as she push off before a hand grabs her arm and pulls it back behind her pulling her ankles together wrapping tape around her ankles the stretch and pull drawing back.

Wrapping tape around her knees. Feeling something tied at the back of her head at the top of her headscarf.

Hearing through the scarf. She heard the peel of tape and feeling the sharp adhesive stick to her face. Wrapping it several times feeling the adhesive from the top of her lip to her chin.

“Hold her” she heard a hushed voice urge on as her wrists were drawn back and soon cloth was bound around both her wrists. The knot being placed just between her wrists unable to move her arms from side to side without dislocation. Cheryl finds herself being pushed past where they stood.

Thrown downward to a wooden chair before she had two hands pulling her against the back of the chair. The warmth of a crackling fire burning inside, the smell of burning cast-iron tells Cheryl a woodstove is cooking.

“Hephf whphf phf uphf!” the sounds of three feminine voices all of whom are whineying for attention from all sides of the table. Feeling the hands on her shoulders she hears other footsteps encircling the table.

“Alright, Ladies now you must be more than a little curious as to why you have been brought here and why you have been bound and gagged to these chairs. A voice said from the centre of the room.

“Tmmm umm plmm” a voice across from her spoke then a girl beside her on the left spoke “plmm lmm mm gmm” a voice on the right spoke out, and the furthest voice across from her moans softly.

“We have brought you here to have a little fun, and to feed your love for a good Mystery. Each of you know a man here, each of you have interacted before all of this, your task is to figure out who the man is” four voices chuckle like hyena’s

“Starting with you” the loudest shriek came from the girl to her right. And Cheryl fought to escape her bindings. The two ladies remaining with her seemed to be communicating through their gags, but Cheryl could hardly focus on anything past her own minds distracting rants.

What seemed like an hour she heard two sets of footsteps then a chair pulled and a grunt from the lady on the right. Then the lady on the left was taken back and the same thing after a while she was returned and the lady across was taken to the back.

After a great deal of chuckling and giggling she heard the third girl return before all three started giggling and she felt a hand on her shoulder and arm “this way miss” the voice said quietly helping her rise and assisting her hop out of the room being guided to an overstuffed chair.

“Miss Marshal, I am going to give you a few little hints to help you determine who I am, when you think you have a name snap your fingers or three long grunts and I will take the gag off, a suggestion: don’t bite at the first hint because the tape will hurt” the voice sounds familiar but struggling to place a face or even a name with the voice she began.

“The first time you and I met, we had literally bumped into each other in a hallway” Cheryl did not recall bumping into anyone of note, thinking it over she waits for another clue.

“Grade nine, we our art class had a project you had painted a brilliant portrait of a Monarch butterfly”

“Whmmm dmm ymm dmm?” she asks and she found fingers digging into her belly forcing her to giggle and squirm below his touch tickling her belly she jumps and rolls nearly falling off the couch or chair she was sitting on two hands under her arms haul her back up.

“You okay?”

“Ymm plmm stophf!” she asks around the tape peering up feeling his warm breath tickle her nose.

“To answer your question I did a Portrait of a Gunslinger, with two pistols” thinking harder, she did remember a very impressive painting of a man in a dark trench coat revolvers and wide-brimmed stetson.

“Iphf liphe thaphf uphf!’

“Did you?” giving a firm nod her captor walks around the room before sitting down beside her placing one hand on her far shoulder before whispering.

“The day you were short for lunch money I gave you a dollar” realization struck as she turns trying to face her captor knowing now who he was. But it still did not explain why did he do this?


“That’s right, I am going to peel the tape off I apologize I am just glad we missed your eyebrows” peeling it off the two wraps over her eyes were painful but it was lightened as the adhesive peels off the silk.

Dressed in dark slacks a white button down shirt and dark brown tie Arche places the crumpled up tape on the side table.

“The reason I asked you here, the reason we did all of this, was I like you, I was trying to find a way to talk with you but I couldn’t, I am hoping that is if you are not too mad, will you consider coming to Fall fest with me?” Cheryl looks him over and murmurs incoherently giving him the notion to remove the gag.

Obliging her she smiles “that was really sweet Archie, yes I will go with you to Fall fest on one condition”

“Whats that?”

“We play another game like this some time” Archie smiles and nods “you got it” helping her stand removing the tape from her ankles Archie leads Cheryl back to the dining room where Cheryl was welcomed with smiling gagged girls and even happier boys standing giddily behind their damsels.

“this was kind of fun ladies” Cheryl smiles and Marianne groans while Wendy happily giggles around her gag.

“Well boys this worked out beautifully” Archie and his four friends wrapped themselves in a group hug before all four women cried out wanting to be untied.
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Post by Mask6190 »

Fun Story Wyatt! Thank you :D
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Post by ninterz »

That ending was really cute.
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Post by Trammel »

Great story. You may want to add more descriptions of the damsels.
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