The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear [mention]Mineira1986[/mention], dear [mention]Beaumains[/mention] thank you for your elaborate and insightful commentary :)

I agree with you, that the Valkyries had not much luck lately, but they are not weak, they are up against formidable opponents.

There are a couple of reasons why I took the Story this road:

First: I wanted a tip of the scale. In the first three Parts and even in the Fourth the Girls more or less react on von Winterfeldts Moves. Kate said at the End of Part Four, that they wanted to bring the War to von Winterfeldts Dorstepp. Out of that Reason I found it necessary that the balance in the Story had to change.

Second: I was unsure if I could hold all strings together, if I added more confrontations with different endings. I found it already difficult to hold everything together in Part VI, more Confrontations would have made the Story even more complex as it already was and is, and I was unsure if I could pull this of successfully. And I wanted to tell this tale to the End, to many great Storys on the net stay Fragment, I did not want this Saga to share that fate.

Third: When I began writing I had a certain scenario for the Final in mind, and the story should lead logically to that Final. prolonging Part V and VI would have made it more difficult to lead the story to the Final in a plausible way .. Do I make sense??

Fourth: One Author which influenced me very much are Lee Childs Jack-Reacher-Novels, are you familiar with them?.

The Girls will not score one Victory after another till the Final and in the Final - there will be bumps on the road, to say the least :)

By the way, I love the discussions with all of you!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Hi Caesar.

Not looking to make many replies (after all, we are here to read the story and people can get lost with many replies unrelated), but here are my thoughts.

You do make sense in your structure. And even if it doesn't make sense to us readers, it's YOUR story. That's the first thing and you can write it in any way you want.

I like it that the main trio was at first just reacting to von Winterfeldt moves and now they are moving to a more active role. That's a good evolution for the story. My primary concern is that this main villain now seems a bit of a... Power Rangers villain? I mean, he's clearly clever, intelligent, cunning, but his "minions" doesn't seem to be much clever or intelligent. It's funny that Hayley and Kristy's first training session includes a kidnapping with a van, and here most of us agree that it won't be that easy to capture Christine and company. The problem is... it seems that is exactly what the Valkyries are trying to do. They are going there with no good plan for victory. If any, it accentuates von Winterfeldt's intelligence: if he realizes his Valkyries are incompetent, then there was no point to risk Sieglinde, and it was a very smart move of his to stop her from getting involved in the operation.

(Actually, it could be consequence of Susanne not being there to give orders and indications, meaning that the Valkyries actually need a person to coordinate them. And Sieglinde is less capable than Susanne in this aspect. But it's not reflected in the story, at least for me. If this is the case, it would be good to see some conflict in the Valkyries: maybe Sieglinde doubts herself, maybe some Valkyries are discontent about their new commander, maybe they are so scared of failure that pressure is killing them and they rush in their missions).

I really don't have a problem that the main trio/quartet wins again. Personally, I would love if the bad guys get a victory or two, but that's a personal desire. My concerns are about how that victory was achieved. It seems that the only thing the main trio has to do is think a little, and they have outsmarted the bad guys. There are no consequences for them.

I agree with Beaumains: it doesn't have to be one of them getting captured and tortured. But it seems too easy for them to win. Maybe they had to set booby traps in order to win; maybe one of our girls gets shot (non lethal, of course, but enough to render them unable to continue the fight for certain time); maybe it ends when the police shows up, forcing both bands to run away, meaning a victory for the main trio because the objective was to not getting captured. But because it gets so easy, for me now there is no way the Valkyries can get a victory. At all. The main trio is now like 100 steps ahead of them.

Again, I really love the story. I don't think I have replied that much to any other story in this site (probably one of Beaumains's, because I'm a huge fan of those stories as well, heh). It just feels weird that, this close to an end, the villain doesn't have believable capabilities to stop the heroes.
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Post by Beaumains »

I agree with Mineira, while I understand your point of view, but let me try to phrase it in another way:

It is hard to create tension in the story, and when I thought about where you previously were able to build a lot of tension, I could only think of Anna's capture and the problem how she was freed from those dungeons. That felt like a mission impossible: How are they going to pull it off? That was sublime! I was even fearing it would have been impossible to end well.

So, how could one have added more tension to the last chapter? When I reread it for this comment, I noticed that Chris's team was already convinced of their victory. Maybe adding more doubt (for example, Anna thinking, while she lays with her sniper "Chris is there with those psychos, what if it goes wrong? Could I have missed something? What if Sarah betrays us?" or repeat the consequences of failing) would make the reader more worried. Now, the group acted confident, almost cocky. Another possibility would be to break the fight into two chapters and make use of a cliffhanger. Those always work magic.

As I said before, you have chosen quite the task for a first story, and your combination of genres is not the easiest. Oftentimes, such stories as you write require slow maneuvering, tension-building, set-backs, surprises before there is a huge encounter between good and evil. But, as you also write a bondage tale, you somehow have to fit bondage very regularly into the story, and that is very difficult. I am almost glad I don't have to write this myself, because it is a maze in which one has to be very careful, and I don't know if I would be able to do so.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention]

The Fourth Day:

The Adlernest, The Dungeons 0800 Hours

Susanne von Stülpnagel awoke from a dreamless sleep, when the door of her cell was opened and the Guard Detail of the Day entered. After Yesterday´s Torture she had been brought back to her Cell, where she had fallen asleep as her body touched the Cot.

Before she had been left, she had been allowed a shower and a meal, this time a hot and spicy noodle soup which helped to warm her up. A yellow jump suit and a pair of flat sandals had been given her.

The Leader of the Detail addressed her and brought her back to reality: “Frau von Stülpnagel your Detention in the Dungeons is over, we are here to escort you back to your Quarters. Herr von Winterfeldt has ordered that you are to be restricted to your Quarters for the time being. We will explain the Conditions of your Detention later! Turn around! The Leader of the Guard ordered. Susanne´s wrists were cuffed together and her ankles shackled. A large red ball gag completed her restraints.

When Susanne was leaded by her Guards to her Quarters she had time to think: “On the plus side: I´m not incarcerated in the Dungeons anymore, but obviously the Boss has not forgiven me. Conditions of my Detention? I wonder what she meant by it.”

When the Procession had reached the Doors to Susanne von Stülpnagel´s Quarters, one of the Valkyries punched in a Code and the Doors opened. Susanne had noticed that the Code had been altered. She followed the Guards inside and stared at her bed: There lay a complete set of the Enhanced Restraining System … “So these are the Conditions of my Detention.” She shuddered.

The voice of the Captain of the Guard brought her back to reality: “Listen Susanne: You have one hour to freshen up and have breakfast. We expect you to be ready to be restrained at 0900 Hours. Understood?”

“Understood”, Susanne sighed. At least she could freshen up properly and have a decent breakfast till the beginning of the next phase of her detention. When she showered and the steaming hot water drummed on her body Susanne thought that never had a simple shower felt so good. While she was in the bathroom Breakfast had been delivered. Susanne changed in some of her silken PJ´s going commando since she was to be restrained long term in short time.

0900 Hours:

At exactly 0900 Hours sharp her Guard Detail returned. “Punctuality is the politeness of the Kings” Susanne mused. Without Orders she disrobed. When she lay in her Cocoons 20 Minutes later she stared at the ceiling above her she heaved a sigh. This would be a very long day. Susanne mused. “If it will be just a day” she thought. “Considering her previous punishment? “Not very likely”

The Leader of the Guard Detail had told her that she would be granted only the Minimum Breaks, which meant that she would spent a long time in the bags. But she had to admit, that she was rather comfortable. The Gag was heavy but heavily padded and so she was in no pain and the restraining bags contained her perfectly without hurting her.

Yes there was that strange feeling around her groin: the thickly padded diaper, she had to wear. But Susanne had to admit, that the alternative would have been worse.

All she could do was staring at the ceiling above her, she strained against her Cocoons. This was pointless, she knew that, but did it nevertheless.

“At least the torture is over” Susanne though and exhausted as she was, she fell fast asleep soon.

Vienna: Berggasse 19 A in the early Morning:

Anna yawned contently and stretched.

As usual the Adrenalin had them all kept awake when they returned after the successful Shoot out at the Roman Ruins: Their Foes had recovered their wounded and shrunken into the night. Back at the Flat they had taken a night cap and called it a day. Anna had slept deep and dreamless. She sat up, swung her legs out of her bed, her bare feet sunk in the rich carpet.

The Violinist stood up and went to the bathroom. The heavenly scent of freshly brewed Coffee filled the floor. Anna tapped on bare feet in the Kitchen, there was Sarah McKenzie helping herself to a large glass of freshly pressed Orange Juice.

She regarded the Violinist with a smile. “Want some?” She gestured at the Orange Juice. “Why not?” The Russian replied, yawning.

“You know”, the Art thief said “Your friends told me, that you are not exactly an early riser.

“No, I am not Sarah”, Anna replied not minding the statement in the slightest, “but after nights like the last one, I normally rise earlier than usual” She changed tack: “Is the Coffee ready?”

“Help your-self” the Canadian replied warmly. Anna Romanova had proven to be a force to be reckoned with. Her skill with the Sniper Rifle rivalled her own, maybe even surpassed it.

The Russian was definitely an Asset. “Your shooting yesterday was perfect” the Thief complimented Anna, who to her surprise blushed slightly. “This was not a big deal” she replied modestly. “The Distance and the Conditions were perfect, so I could hardly miss.” She took a sip of her Coffee and sighed contently “Perfect” “You are welcome” the Canadian chuckled.

“Where did you learn to shoot?” McKenzie asked Anna.

Anna paused for a moment before she replied: “My Grandfather took me with him on the Hunt in Siberia in an early age. I was six, when I fired a gun for the first time and later I trained with the Russian Special Forces and the SAS.”

“I guessed something like that, I recognize a Professional when I see one” the Thief smiled. “You are a Woman of many Trades Anna Romanova, I like that!” “You too, Sarah!” the Violinist returned with a smile.

Von der Marwitz and her friends were full of Surprises. And to have someone with Anna Romanova´s skillset in the back pocket was a godsend gift.

Vienna, Palais Lobkowitz around 1000 Hours:


Across the Palais Lobkowitz sat Chris, Anna, Kate and Sarah in the SUV.

“Okay” Chris said to Anna and Kate “It is Time. The Countess is a stickler for Punctuality I have been told. We should not leave her waiting. If you have not given the Signal that everything went according to Plan in time, we will come for you.”

Anna grabbed her Violin Case and left the SUV together with Kate. Chris looked after them as they crossed the Street and could not supress a knowing smile. “What is it?” the Dark Lady asked the Pianist.

“Do you recognize the Clothes Anna and Kate are wearing? They are the same as on that day in Hamburg, when you ambushed us.”

“That was quite an interesting day” Sarah McKenzie grinned now broadly, remembering the day they had first met.

“Depends on the point of view” Christine replied dryly. “My soles would disagree.” “But it was fun, you have to admit that!” Sarah Mac Kenzie teased her. “As I have heard you do not have an allergy to bondage, on the Contrary, sometimes you love playing the Damsel in Distress, my sources tell me” “Anna” Chris sighed. “I will either confirm that nor deny that” the Dark Lady chuckled. “Maybe we will find time to play sometime.” “We´ll” see” Chris replied curtly but not unfriendly.

McKenzie looked after Anna and Kate:

Anna wore a black Power Suit and matching Peep Toe Platform Heels from Louboutin, while Kate wore a beige Power Suit with matching Heels. They entered the Palais through the imposing entrance gate and walked up the majestic stair well, their Heels clicking loudly on the Marble Stairs.



Entrance Gate of Palais Lobkowitz built by Fischer von Erlach in 1709 and Stairwell

“Is it just me or don´t you have the feeling that something feels a little off here?” Anna asked the American.

“No Anna, I feel that too” – “but at least we have a backup this time” the Investigator added thoughtfully.

They stood before the dark wooden double leaved door. On the left was a rectangular brass plate: “Lobkowitz”, a brazen bell button below.

Anna took a deep breath pulled herself together and pressed the button. The melodious gong reverberated through the silence. For a moment nothing happened. Then the unmistakable staccato of High Heels on Marble came nearer.

The door swung open “Grand Duchesse Anna Romanova and Captain Beckett?” a tall severe looking woman in a black costume and matching heels greeted them.

The austere appearance was highlighted by the tight Chignon and the black horn-rimmed spectacles. “Looks like my old Head-Mistress incarnated” Kate thought, who felt suddenly like back in High School.

“Follow me please, my Ladies, the Countess is awaiting you.”

“I am Paula Stern, Personal Assistant of her Ladyship.” Anna and Kate followed their Host through a long spacious Hallway, to another large double leaved Door. Stern knocked firmly three times.

“Enter” a melodious Voice intoned. They entered a large Office Room, behind a desk sat a tall brown haired rubenesque woman, probably in her early fifties, who wore a severe grey costume and matching Pumps.

The Costume emphasized her more than ample bossom. She stood walked around her desk and strode to them and greeted Anna first cordially:

“I am so honoured to meet you finally in Person, Grand Duchesse! I am a great admirer of your art!” she smiled at them, and Kate registered that her smile did not reach the grey eyes which radiated coldness –and a hint of cruelty.

“Please take a seat” she gestured at two Chairs before her desk and returned to her seat behind it.

“Would you please bring us Coffee, Paula?”

“Of course Countess I will at once!” The Assistant turned and left.

The Countess regarded them with a smile, as Anna placed her Violin Case on the Desk before her. “Ah this is it the famous Lord Dunn-Raven!”

“The one and only” Anna replied friendly but on her guard: The feeling that something was off had not vanished - on the contrary, it had become definitely stronger, the cold grey eyes of the Countess gave her the creeps. Like grey marble.

“Frau von der Marwitz told you that I would be delighted, if you would play for me, Anna. Do you not mind if I address you by your Surname?”

“Of course not”, Anna forced a smile in return. Of course she did mind. Anna was ready to pounce now and she sensed that Kate was on alert too. When the Countess regarded her with that cold calculating look, she felt like being undressed by that appraising gaze. What had Chris told them: The Countess was “kinky”?

“Why don´t you play something for me, Anna? Afterwards we talk about Business” the Countess concluded. Anna rose and opened the Violin Case.”

“Excuse me Anna, I have a request, just a small eccentricity of mine one could say.”

Anna looked quizzing at their host.

“Why don´t you get a tad more comfortable and undress to Bra, Panties and hose for me?” The Countess still smiled that cold, a little cruel smile.

Now Anna was sure: “This woman has lost her mind.” Kinky was an understatement.

She replied as evenly and polite as possible: “Normally I do not undress in front of Strangers Countess.”

“Then you will make an exception this time.” The Countess added sweetly and had suddenly a gun in her hand. Kate and Anna reached for their guns. “I won´t do that” they heard the cool Voice of Paula Stern behind her.

Anna turned to see the Assistant standing behind them and pointing a gun at them too.
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Post by slackywacky »

> “At least the torture is over” Susanne thought

More a different type of torture. Not being able to do anything but stare at the ceiling sounds like torture to me ;)

> Anna turned to see the Assistant standing behind them and pointing a gun at them too.

And that is why there is a backup plan (I hope).
Very nice update.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mineira1986 »

Now, that's an interesting turn of events.

At first, when the Countess threw her request, I was like "ok, this seems a little forced here" but it turned out to be a great twist. I like the tension here. From the moment that Anna meets the Countess, the reader knows something is about to happen. Something wrong. Well played. Although, I must say I don't think the Team Rocket Valkyries are behind this. It seems to me that von Winterfeldt has more allies than our main trio expected.

I agree with slackywacky here: Susanne is going to suffer another kind of torture. It still brings to my attention how long von Winterfeldt wants to keep it going. As every hour passes, the most likely Susanne is going to consider switching sides. Unless... it's not him the one behind her punishment. I don't know, here I'm in the dark.

Overall, a good chapter with a good, unexpected twist.
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Post by banshee »

I was going to say that Sussane's situation improved somewhat but not really, she's not being tortured and that's better sure but no she has to stay in that bondage cocoon for who knows how long.

I absolutely loved the ending, left me really expecting the next chapter.
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Post by GreyLord »

Susanne´s wrists were cuffed together and her ankles shackled. A large red ball gag completed her restraints.
I think Susanna is much better off now. Just being in bondage is a significant improvement over being tortured in bondage. Of course, more hard time may well be ahead for her.
Von der Marwitz and her friends were full of Surprises. And to have someone with Anna Romanova´s skillset in the back pocket was a godsend gift.
It is clear that for Sarah, the game is still afoot.
Excuse me Anna, I have a request, just a small eccentricity of mine one could say.
The Countess is a strange one. I wouldn't try to predict where you are going with this, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. But I know it will be good. Great chapter.
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice twist! The countess fits perfectly in the story. Another crazy rich person with a bondage obsession and too much confidence. Soemhow, she also likes to strip her enemies to their underwear, which seems to be the trademark of von Winterfeldt's friends. Well done! Here is the first of the promised hurdles, and the group seems to be in problems already. I wonder how they're going to get out.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Nice twist! The countess fits perfectly in the story. Another crazy rich person with a bondage obsession and too much confidence. Soemhow, she also likes to strip her enemies to their underwear, which seems to be the trademark of von Winterfeldt's friends. Well done! Here is the first of the promised hurdles, and the group seems to be in problems already. I wonder how they're going to get out.
I am glad you liked it :) Anna and Kate are indeed in a tight spot and the Countess is not just kinky she is evil -and the only thing Anna and Kate can do for now is hoping that at some Point the Backup shows up. Today´s update will tell you more :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention]

The Countess addressed her “Guests” in the same honey sweet tone as before: “Anna and Kate you will disrobe now to Bra, Panties and Hose. Please fold your Clothes and lay them neatly on the Chair, if you please. Order is important”

Anna and Kate exchanged a look: “No point in resisting” They had just to comply for the moment, and had to hope that Chris and Sarah would come for them.

Anna and Kate stood up and began to disrobe: Anna sighed and stepped out of her High Heels. 10 Minutes later they stood in their underwear before their host: Anna in Black, Kate in beige.

Anna stood before the still smiling Countess: Arms folded under her chest and regarded her with a look of cold fury. Kate became more vocal: “And now you old bat?” she spat, glaring furiously at the Countess.

“Ah such foul language out of such a beautiful mouth” The Countess scolded her. “We should wash out your mouth with soap.”

“But we can fix that! This is what we will do: Captain would you be so kind and go over there?” She motioned with the Gun to a Point three Meters beside the desk “Then Paula will tie you up. I advise you not to do anything stupid or Anna will pay the Prize, understood?”

Kate nodded. “I can´t hear you” the Countess addressed her still polite but with a hint of steel in her voice.

“Yes I will comply” Kate fumed. The Countess held her gun trained still at Anna. Anna fixated her angrily, but said nothing. In the meantime Paula Stern had retrieved some lengths of withe rope. “Hands behind your back” she commanded. Kate sighed but complied.

She felt ropes encircling her wrists and wind around her arms as Paula set to work. Kate grunted as the rope winded with inexorable tightness around her arms in a single, brutally tight sleeve of ropes. She soon realised that there was no slack in the rope and casted a worried look at Anna.

Anna watched helpless, while Paula Stern coiled rope above and below her breasts and around Kate's stomach, each coil cinched between arms and back.

When Paula Stern pulled the knotted crotch rope tight, Kate inhaled sharply. “Comfy isn't it? Stern teased her. Kate was too clever to be goaded into a clever retort. Another 20 Minutes later three rope bands above and three below the joint had welded Kate´s long legs together, who swayed lightly trying to keep her balance. The flesh was bulging between the rope bands.

“Time to shut up you up for good, Captain” Stern added pleasantly and produced a heavy Panel gag and let it dangle before Kate´s Eyes: Instead of a foam ball it had a large rubber bladder inside: A pump gag.

“Open up that big mouth of yours, Detective” Stern advised her and pressed the gag against her lips. Kate stared defiantly back at her Handler, clamping her lips tightly together. Paula merely sighed and sharply pulled the crotch rope, making Kate gasp, allowing the invader into her mouth. The rubber tasted foul and made her gag. Stern pulled the straps of the Gag cruelly tight behind her head. Kate made barely audible gurgling noises, indicating her discomfort.

The bladder filled her mouth already. “She has not even pumped it up” Kate thought horrified. As if on cue the Countess´ Assistant produced some sort of remote control and pressed a button.

Suddenly the bladder expanded in her mouth pressed her tongue firmly down and against her upper oral cavity, two smaller bladders pressed into each of her cheeks. Kate felt as if her mouth had to burst as the rubber bladders expanded further and further and pressed her cheeks and mouth against the Panel. And the Bladders still expanded. Kate was on the verge of Panic. But barely a sound could be heard.

With horror Anna watched as Kate´s face became beetroot red, her friend had trouble to control her gag reflex, her eyes wide with pain and fear. “Please stop it!” Anna pleaded.

“Since you asked so nicely” the Countess gave Paula a curt nod who took the finger from the button.

A look of relief crossed Kate´s face. “Let us see how effective this gag is” and slapped the Investigator hard across the buttocks. What normally would have been a scream was just a barely audible hum now. Kate stared angrily at her tormentor. Kate jumped as the Countess´ Assistant gave her a second and third slap and Kate grunted.

“Paula, make our American Friend more comfortable and then we can turn to more pleasant affairs.

Kate had the distinct feeling that she and the Countess had very different Ideas about “comfortable.” She was not disappointed:

Five Minutes later Kate balanced on her bound toes in a brutal Strappado: Arms high in the Air her upper body nearly in a 90 Degree Angle parallel to the floor. Kate felt as if her Arms were wrenched out of her Sockets. Her feet and calves were already on fire. “Ouch” Kate would have screamed if she had been able to. Just a small whimper escaped her mouth. “Now I know what Anna had had to endure in Reichenbach´s Dungeon. And she spent hours on tiptoe”

Anna starred furiously at the Countess: “Stop that: you could seriously harm her, you made your point.” Anna´s Temper got the better of her.

“My house, my rules dearest Anna - and since you spoke out of turn, let me explain you something: For any transgression of yours, Captain Beckett will pay the prize. She has already earned herself some punishment, do not make it worse I strongly suggest. To help you with that, I want you to stuff this in your mouth” she produced a large Pair of black lacy Panties.

Reluctantly Anna stuffed the Panties in her mouth and gagged at the foul taste. Anna had a large mouth, but even she had trouble to put the used garment behind her teeth. “Now this on top:” The Countess let a large ball gag dangle before Anna´s Face. “And be sure to make it extra tight or the Captain will have to pay!” Anna was horrified, the Ball was soo large.

Trying to play it cool, she took the Ball gag and pressed it into her mouth and pulled the gag as tight as possible. It took considerable effort till the very large red ball popped behind her teeth. She glowered above her gag at their tormentor, Eyes welling. “My do we have a temper, such spunk!” the Countess chided her mockingly.

“Let us find out how ticklish the Captain is Paula, I would guess that on a Scale from 0 – 10 her feet are a 10. The Assistant knelt down and tickled Kate´s exposed Soles for five Minutes leaving her red faced and flustered.

“That is enough Paula!” Lobkowitz addressed her Assistant. The good Captain is sufficiently warmed up I would say. Wouldn´t you agree Grand Duchesse?” Anna was to clever to let herself goaded into a response, even a nonverbal one,

“You know what happens to Children who do not behave? I will demonstrate you. Do watch very carefully Anna!”

“And now to you Captain!” she turned her attention back to Kate: “You earned yourself some Punishment already and I am a great believer in corporeal Punishment: The Paddle, Paula!”

To Kate´s and Anna´s Horror the Assistant produced a large and heavy spanking paddle.

“Since this is your first misdeed, I will be merciful: You will receive just 12 Strokes with the Paddle. The Countess took a big swing and Smack! “One!” Paula Stern counted. Kate´s scream was reduced to a low hum by the cruel pump gag. “Two!” “Smack!” The Pain was excruciating, Kate screamed into her gag. Her Tormentor wielded the Panel with brutal efficiency. “Smack”

When it was finally over, Tears streaked down Kate´s face, she sobbed into her gag. Her Backside glowed in a deep angry red. Her cheeks burned too, not from Pain but from the Humiliation. Her Parents had never resorted to corporal Punishment. Seldom had Kate felt so humiliated. The seasoned Investigator spanked like an unruly child.

Outside the Palais in the Car:

Chris looked at her watch: “Over 30 Minutes already. Anna and Kate should be back by now. But they have not given the distress-signal.” She sounded worried: I have no good feeling about this.” “They are big girls, they can take care of themselves” McKenzie tried to quell Chris´ anxiety. “How sounds this to you: The Canadian continued: “We wait 15 Minutes and if they have not shown up by, we go in. Okay?” Chris nodded hesitantly.

Inside the Palais in the Countess´Office:

Anna could barely contain her Anger. It cost her all the Will Power she could muster, not to do something stupid, when she saw her friend tormented.

The Countess turned her attention back to the Russian: “That was most “illuminating” don´t you think?” She gestured at Kate´s glowing backside. Anna just stared back at her, defiantly. “Ah, such spirit!” The Countess was delighted, immensely.

“Take your Stradivarius and warm up, and fast!” She motioned with the Paddle.

Anna inhaled deeply through her nose and took the Lord Dunn-Raven and her bow, pitched her instrument and began her warm-up exercises. “I must get a grip” the Russian told herself.

She felt the greedy looks of the Countess taking in her body. “Concentrate, concentrate” Anna admonished herself. When Anna was ready, she looked expectantly at the Countess: “Ah, you want to know what you shall play for us?” Anna nodded. “Why didn´t you ask?” The Countess replied honey sweet.

Anna glared at her.

“Play Bach´s Chaconne for us! And be sure you give your best! Any mistake will cost your friend here” she gestured at Kate, who had recovered somewhat, three additional strokes with the Paddle. “I always give my best you old bat” Anna fumed inwardly.

"Made I myself clear?”. Anna nodded. “Just a little reminder what is in store for you friend: Smack! Kate nearly jumped, this time more of anger than of Pain. Breathing heavily.

“Fine begin then!” the Countess ordered Anna: And Anna played: she played as if she had to play for her life put all her feelings into the Music. “Kate will not suffer because of any mistakes of mine”, though she was fairly certain, that the Old Hag would find a reason to punish Kate and her nevertheless.

Where were Chris and Sarah for Heaven´s sake?”

Outside the Car:

“Something is wrong, we give them five Minutes than we go in.” Chris sounded now more determined than worried “But how do we get in without warning the Countess? We have no key.”

The Dark Lady smiled: “As it happens I have one! And she produced the Tool which she had used in Munich to unlock the Door of von Instetten´s house. “You know, that I am a thief, I am good at opening locked doors!”

“Fine, let´s go then.” Chris was already out of the Door and Sarah McKenzie followed her suit as the Pianist crossed the Street.

Inside the Palais in the Countess´Office:

The Countess took in the sight before her: The tall beautiful Violinist, moving with the rhythm of the music, clad in Bra, Panties and Hose. The bright red ball lodged between those luscious lips. Playing eyes closed. The red ball was a nice contrast to her dark hair and black underwear and hose.

The sounds of the Chaconne filled the Room and Anna let the Music and her instrument carry her. The Violin was a part of her.
Johann Sebastian Bach Chaconne, played by 14 Violinists in April 2020 during the Lockdown, fascinating! Give it a try, if you like this Music

Inside the Palais, the Grand Stairwell, later in the Flat of the Countess

Without making a noise, thanks to the Rubber Soles of their Sneakers, Chris and Sarah moved carefully upwards, carefully, guns drawn, covering each other. The Entrance Door of the Palais had not posed a Challenge to Sarah´s Magic. “A five year old could have picked that lock” The Thief had stated derisively.

They had reached now the large wooden Door of the Countess´s Offices. Chris and Anna listened intently. Even through the massive Door they could make out the Sounds of Anna´s Violin. Chris nodded at the Lock and the Thief set to work, while Chris covered her. A soft click could be heard and the large Doors swung open without a sound. The Violin sounded louder now.

The Pianist and the Thief exchanged a look then moved carefully forward Guns drawn and followed the Sounds of the Violin till they stood before another door, which stood slightly ajar. Slowly, as in slow motion Chris opened the Door, hoping the Hinges would be well oiled, not alerting whoever was in there to their presence. But they were lucky.

And this they saw: With the back to them stood Anna, clad only in hose and underwear playing, the black strap around her neck indicated that she was gagged. Partly hidden by Anna sat a woman behind a large desk, listening with rapt attention.

There were two other Persons in the Room: Kate was tied in a brutal Strappado and tried desperately to keep her balance on her tightly bound toes. Her face was red, obscured by a Panel Gag, besides her stood a stern looking woman in a black business Costume: Probably the Dragoon” Chris thought. She too listened intently to Anna´s play.

Chris made a hand gesture to Sarah and they entered the Room quietly.

When the last note was played Anna took the Violin from her cheek and regarded her Host with a cool gaze, radiating defiance as if saying: “And now?” In her professional opinion she had delivered an outstanding performance.

“Bravo” a melodious Alto Voice said and it was not the Countess who had listened with rapt attention. Broken out of her reverie, she turned around: In the door stood Chris and Sarah McKenzie their guns trained steadily at the Countess and Paula Stern.

“That was brilliant Anna!” Chris smiled

Anna sighed relieved: The Cavalry had arrived!

“Put the gun down Countess! And no sudden movements, I am spooked easily.” Chris said in a nearly conversational tone. “Same goes for you bitch” the Art Thief told Paula Stern who made a step in Kate´s Direction, and stopped dead in her tracks.

“You wouldn't dare!” the Countess who had recovered slightly from her Surprise.

“My dear Countess you are obviously labouring under the Illusion, that you have a choice” the Pianist replied evenly:

“The last Person who told me that I wouldn't dare anything lost first his left thumb, then his right little finger and later his life. If you choose to go further down this road you can compare notes with Hermann-Carl Reichenbach in Hades later.”

Christine had not spoken loud but firm and clear.

The Countess in powerless rage let her gun drop to the floor. The Dark Lady made an inviting gesture with her gun at Paula: “You too! There will be no second invitation!” She smiled, but it was no friendly smile, it was that of a Predator appraising his prey.

Obviously the Assistant saw that icy coldness in the bottomless black eyes of the Thief which compelled her to follow the order suit. “Let her down” she told Paula Stern flatly, which hurried to lower the Pulley till Kate could stand upright, with her soles flat on the floor. The American sighed relieved.

Chris told her: “You have to wait a moment longer Kate, but we will have to take care of those two bitches first.” Kate nodded. It was difficult to tell because of the large gag, but Sarah had the Impression that the Detective was smiling behind her gag.

“Anna? Zip tie her Ladyship to her chair, you have my permission to use this” she gestured at the Paddle. Anna went to her handbag and produced an assortment of Zip Ties and a role of tape. Chris turned to Paula: “Strip you old hag!” she hissed.

Then to Sarah: “Tie her up and gag her!”

15 Minutes later Paula Stern lay on the floor, her arms bounds with zip ties in the same manner Kate's were with rope, tightly hogtied and gagged with two Silk Scarves while her boss was zip tied to her Chair her mouth stuffed with her own panties and taped shut.

The Countess glowered at them and made angry noises through her gag. “Sounds like Music to me” Chris quipped, but it cannot compare to Anna´s play. Don´t you think?” More angry noises by the Countess.

In the meantime Anna had removed her gag and helped Chris to free Kate. When the pump gag came finally free, Kate could not move her jaws at first. When she felt secure enough to speak she told her friends: “That was just in time. My backside feels so sore I think I cannot sit for a while.”

Gingerly she moved to the Chair where her clothes lay and began to dress. A flash of pain crossed her features when she pulled up her trousers. Anna had already dressed and stepped into her High Heels.

“What do we do with these two Pieces of Bat droppings?” The Russian gestured at the Countess and the hogtied Paula Stern.

“Persuade the Countess to give us the hard drive with the Kompromat on von Winterfeldt” Chris told her friend and turned her full attention to Lobkowitz, she addressed her with the same clear cold emotionless voice which Sarah McKenzie knew from experience, she shuddered at the memory.

The Pianist addressed the bound woman:

“Listen very carefully Countess: You will give us the Hard Drive or I will destroy you personally and financially. You ask how? Then listen: She pressed a hidden button at Anna´s Violin Case and they could hear the Conversation between the Countess and her Guests, to the moment Chris and Sarah had arrived. The Countess looked shocked now. “Oh and there is Video as well” Sarah McKenzie told her grinning broadly.

Chris continued: “If you do not play ball, this Audio and Video goes online, you will be ruined. So how will it be?” The Countess and Chris stared at each other: the Countess was the first to break eye contact.

45 Minutes later a casual Observer would have seen the four Companions leaving the Palais: Chatting amiably, he would have noticed that the American was not moving very smoothly.

Anna thought with grim satisfaction how they had left the Countess and her Assistant: Up on their toes, held there by the Pulley.

The two women were welded together from Ankles to wrists by Myriads of Rope: Anna had even tied feet and toes of the two women together. Kate had taken extra pleasure in gagging the Countess with the horrible Pump Gag and pumping to the point, where the Eyes of the Countess pleaded for Mercy – and Kate had just given the gag another squeeze. “I show you more mercy than you showed me” she told the Countess in a stern voice, bare of any emotion

Paula Stern was better off, a little: She had two Pairs of Panties stuffed in her mouth and the horrid ball gag on top. Anna had made sure that it was as tight as possible.

As a parting gift Anna played the recording of her playing the Chaconne, keeping time with the paddle on the Countesses backside, while Kate kept time on Paula Stern´s with another paddle from the wall.

Before leaving Anna had produced the tube with Finalgon and massaged the ointment with gusto into the angry red bottoms of the two women. “Too bad I have no itching powder” Anna said regrettably – and delivered a last smack on the ample behind of the Countess. Who screamed silently into her gag.

“But we can do this” Anna grinned and cut Stern´s Panties off, the Panties of the Countess were already in Stern´s Mouth and applied some Ointment on and round the Knots of the tight Crotch-Ropes of their former Tormentors. “Have fun Ladies! Some like it hot you know!”

Kate grinned satisfied: “I suspect, they will find sitting a bit difficult for the next days! Let us go home I need a shower."

“And a foot Spa?” Anna couldn´t help herself.

Kate returned nothing but smiled: This was just Anna´s way to cope with the Stress, making fun.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

"Old bat".

I really like this chapter. The descriptions are well done, which constantly happens in this story, and which is very difficult to do in long stories, since many things tend to repeat from time to time. But this chapter does it in a well done way. I love that we get a scene when one of the girls gets tied up and tormented, while the other has to witness helplessly. I don't think that has been the case in previous chapters.

My only question is... what was the Countess up to? There is no hint that she's siding with von Winterfeldt (not yet at very least). Was she just a kinky sadist? Or was she playing a bigger role in the quest?
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Post by GreyLord »

Well done, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], well done. You continue to tell this fantastic story with full and clear detail. I could not ask for more.
Suddenly the bladder expanded in her mouth pressed her tongue firmly down and against her upper oral cavity, two smaller bladders pressed into each of her cheeks. Kate felt as if her mouth had to burst as the rubber bladders expanded further and further and pressed her cheeks and mouth against the Panel. And the Bladders still expanded. Kate was on the verge of Panic. But barely a sound could be heard.
I have never had an opportunity to use a pump gag. Now, with your exquisite description, I don't have a need. Your words suffice.

The entrance of Chris and Sarah was masterful as was the execution of their duties once there.

And I must mention that I enjoyed the Bach Chaconne. Thank you very much.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

That bondage is getting quite extreme again. The story has long passed the stage of tie-up "games", but now it turned in torture using bondage items. It's quite dark. I don't know whether Chris's job often gets so gruesome as I don't expect Germany to allow vigilantes to track down crime themselves and take appropriate action. Again, where's the police? But, this unrealistic, overblown scenario with exaggerated bad guys with vast wealth and cruel bondage makes this story what it is, and realism shouldn't matter too much then. Especially the villains, who are almost comically evil, are great.
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago I have never had an opportunity to use a pump gag.
When a pump gag is inflated you reach the point where the person can't actually breath anymore and it is impossible to make a sound. Not something you should do for an extended period, we need that oxygen, but if you play with a partner you fully trust...

Great chapter, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. The bondage descriptions are excellent.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago But, this unrealistic, overblown scenario with exaggerated bad guys with vast wealth and cruel bondage makes this story what it is, and realism shouldn't matter too much then. Especially the villains, who are almost comically evil, are great.
I agree that certain Elements of the Scenario are not completely realistic :)

But what James Bond or Mission Impossible Movie is realistic? Where would be the fun in that? :)

I have to admit that inventing Characters like Sophie´s Father in Law, or in the last Chapter The Countess had been fun. Well Reichenbach Senior less so, but it is my deep conviction that to a Story like the Hunt a Supervillain is an important ingriedient. :)

When I invented von Winterfeldt I had some Chief Antagonists of James Bond in Mind, like Peter Stromberg or Bloefeld or Goldfinger for Instance. I am glad you like them!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you all! The Hunt hit another Milestone: Over 60000 Clicks. Guys you leave me lost for Words!

Tomorrows update will be a stark contrast to the Incidents in the Chapter before, stay tuned! The Update will be online Monday Evening!
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Post by Beaumains »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago When I invented von Winterfeldt I had some Chief Antagonists of James Bond in Mind, like Peter Stromberg or Bloefeld or Goldfinger for Instance.
Oh, yeah, you are right. Your antagonists are a little like James Bond villains. This changes my perspective completely. But, now, should I change my internal voice such that they all speak English with a heavy German accent? Or is all dialogue already in German?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago ]Oh, yeah, you are right. Your antagonists are a little like James Bond villains. This changes my perspective completely. But, now, should I change my internal voice such that they all speak English with a heavy German accent? Or is all dialogue already in German?
You can choose between Curd Jürgens as Stromberg whose Accent is not overly heavy or Gerd Froebe as Goldfinger. His accent is much stronger. Personally I prefer Curd Juergens as Stromberg :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention]

Dear Readers the following update is the first of the last three Chapters of Part VI of the Hunt. The Hunt is nearing the final stage. After the last Chapter of Part VI there will be a short intermission. The Final will be by far the longest Part of the Hunt. At the moment it encompasses roughly 120 Pages or 44000 Words and it is not finished yet.

Currently I am working at the final Confrontation between the Good and the Bad. The Road till then will be long and dark for friends and foes alike. The Hurdles ahead will put the strength and reslilence of some Characters to the test.

And one thing is for certain if nothing else is: The bad guy has some Arrows in his quiver left.

The next to Chapters are in some way an interlude before the Climax of Part VI, the calm before the storm.

Mystery Island in the Mediterranean, 1100 Hours Training Facility:

Hayley and Kirsty had just begun their debriefing session after the first exercise of the day: The abduction of a Target out of a Flat in a multi store building, when Harper entered the Debriefing Room without bothering to knock first. Hayley and Harper regarded each other. There was no sympathy between the two women. Harper had Hayley always given the creeps since they met for the first time. The dislike was mutual: Harper had made no secret of her opinion that she did not like the preferential treatment of the American by Crawford.

Kirsty broke the Silence: “To what do we owe the pleasure of your epiphany?” She said smiling sweetly. If looks could kill Kirsty would have been dead instantly. “Elizabeth wanted me to give these Invitations personally to you. You are requested and required to dine with the Boss this evening. The appropriate Wardrobe will be delivered to you in due Course.”

Harper gave each of them an envelope of creamy handmade Paper. On each Envelope stood their Name in Crawford´s clear and elegant handwriting, Harper nodded curtly, turned on her heels and left. Kirsty and Hailey exchanged a look: Dining with Crawford? What was Crawford up to?

“I guess we cannot decline that invitation” Hayley sighed. “No we cannot” Kristy agreed, “but if I am not mistaken the Evening might be fun! You will see!”

“Well, if you say so” Hayley was still not completely convinced. “I guess I am simply not used to Crawford having no second thoughts or a hidden agenda and so far Crawford had not been exactly forthcoming what for plans she has for me, you know. I simply not trust her. But we will see what happens tonight.”

Berggasse 19A Safe Flat, Bathroom, around 1400 Hours:

Kate looked critically in the large Mirror of the Bathroom and sighed.

After they had returned to the flat, Kate had immediately undressed and taken a shower. Her backside still glowed in an angry red thanks to the administrations of the Countess. Sitting in the SUV had been pure torture.

At least she had returned the favour, but sitting would be a problem for a while, Kate thought ruefully. In one of the Cupboards she found an ointment, which might help to ease the Pain. She sighed – then texted Anna: “Would you come to the Bathroom please.”

After two Minutes a crisp knock at the door, Anna entered.

She looked at Kate´s reddened backside. “Uups that must hurt. Kate´s cheeks had turned crimson red: “Could you help me please and applying the ointment? I am flexible but not a snake woman.” The American begged her, wincing.

“Of course Kate and I might have the right cure for that. Wait here!” Anna left and returned shortly with a small bottle: “This will do wonders for your poor backside, Kate!” “It will hurt a bit first, but you will feel an instant relief.”

Kate bit her lip at first, when the Russian applied the ointment very carefully. But the feeling of relief was glorious. She sighed contently.

“Don´t you think Chris and Anna could have shown up a little bit sooner?” The American mused.

“So you noticed too?” Anna grinned. “Chris told me that they waited for us to give the Distress-Signal, they wanted not to rush things because the Countess had demanded that only we should come – or the deal would be off.

“Yes I do, but they could have rescued us, before you started to play” Kate sulked.

Anna´s face crossed that mischievous smile Kate knew now so well by now. The Russian was up to something.

“What do you think about some payback, Kate?”

“What do you have in mind?” The American asked.

“Let me tell you …” Anna replied.

20 Minutes later Kate´s Room:

Kate lay on her Belly reading a book, when it knocked. “Enter!” Chris entered. “You wanted to talk to me about something. “Yes, indeed!” Kate smiled sweetly. In the same Moment Chris was grabbed from behind and a chloroform doused Cloth was pressed on her face. Chris struggled but her attacker held her in an iron grip. Anna whispered softly in her ear:

“Don´t fight it. Take long and deep breaths and everything will be fine.” In the same moment the Pianist recognized Anna´s voice she stopped struggling, her body became limp and she inhaled the drug in long deep breaths.

Soon her eyes rolled backwards and her eyes closed. “I love it, when the eyes roll backwards” Anna grinned. She pressed the cloth for a minute longer on Chris face to ensure, that her friend would be totally under the influence.

Kate jumped from the bed and helped Anna to carry the unconscious woman on the bed. “Let us undress her!” Anna told her friend. Minutes later the naked Chris lay on the bed. Anna could not help but to admire the perfect body of her friend: The long, well-toned legs, the firm ample bosom.

“How long will Chris be out?” “At least one hour, probably longer” Anna replied: “I doused the cloth heavily with chloroform.”

Anna and Kate grabbed each a role of white elastic Bandages and began to wrap Chris´ legs from Ankles to the hips in tight overlapping bands. When they had finished the legs, Anna produced a Vibrator out of her bag: “Recognize this?” she asked Kate. “Is this …” the American replied.

“Yes” Anna grinned broadly “this is the same Vibrator Sarah presented us with in Hamburg” Anna inserted the Vibrator into Christine's Vagina. And then the two began to wrap Chris´ Body further till they reached her neck.

Then they repeated the procedure three times. The dynamic Duo wrapped Chris Arms´ separately and folded them under Chris' Chest. Anna put a foam pad between Chris Ankles before they started wrapping her legs together.

Thirty Minutes later Chris´ resembled a very female Mummy only her feet and her head were not wrapped. But that was soon mended. Kate and Anna wrapped each toe and foot separately before wrapping Chris´ feet together.

Anna looked down at the Mummy which was Chris: “Something is missing …”

“What could that be” Kate replied mockingly.

”A gag?” “I think I have just the perfect fit for Chris´ Mouth!” Kate went to her cupboard and retrieved a large silk shawl.

Not just large. Very, very large: it took the American considerable effort to prod and press the ball of Silk into Chris´ unresisting mouth. Finally she managed it. 20 Turns of Clear tape ensured that the gag would stay in Chris´ mouth. Above the tape, Kate wrapped a complete Ace bandage.

In the meantime Anna had taped small Gauze Pads above Chris ‘closed eyes. Then the Russian pulled a stocking cap with a hole in it above Chris ‘head and pulled her blond mane through it. Then they wrapped Chris ‘head. Only the blond Ponytail gave an indication about the identity of the Woman, until a bandage was wrapped around that too.

Anna and Kate exchanged looks and high fived.

“That was Number one, now it is time for Number two!”

60 Minutes later:

Now the white mummy had been joined by a black mummy. “What do you think?” Anna asked Kate. “Are they awake?”

“It's difficult to tell under all these wraps.”

The Chests of the two Mummies rose and fell regularly.

“Let's wait a bit more before we wake them up.” As if on Cue the white Mummy began to stir: Moving her head, flexing her feet. A barely audible moan could be heard.

Chris´ head pounded. “Curse you Anna; you overdid it with the Chloroform.” She began testing her Predicament. She was mummified and very tightly so. The silk shawl in her mouth was obviously heavy perfumed. Chris knew it was pointless but she strained with all her might against her Cocoon.

“Impressive” Anna commented as she and Kate watched Chris´ struggling. Kate nodded. “Especially when you consider the many layers we wrapped her in.”

“Chris you look delicious!” Chris could hear Anna´s cheery voice in her ears clearly. Frustrated she banged her head on the Cushion. “As you may have noticed you have the same Vibrator in you, Sarah presented you with.”

Chris mumbled something into her gag, “I cannot hear you could you repeat that?” Anna teased her. “Did you understand her?” Anna asked Kate.

“Sorry, but my gagglish is a bit rusty.”

More angry mumbles of the white Mummy.

“Our fearless leader is fairly agitated Kate, should we do something to calm Chris?” Anna produced an I Pad.

“Wait!” interrupted Kate her: “Look!” The black mummy moaned and began to stir, obviously slowly registering her Predicament. Another moan.

“Good that you both are awake now!” The investigator continued cordialy. “Anna and I want to show you our gratitude for rescuing us out of the Countess´ clutches.

Questioning moans from both mummies. “I and my backside share the opinion though, that you could have rescued us sooner!” Angry, heavily muffled protests from Ebony and Ivory.

“You had enough evidence before this bitch began to treat my backside with the Panel.” More protests. “Anna, I am right? Am I?”

“Of course you are” the Russian replied graciously and Anna continued: “As you probably have found out by now, we presented you with two little gadgets. Angry complaints.

“Kate and I were highly impressed how expertly Sarah played us in Hamburg and we think we can improve our skills in that department – and demonstrate Sarah, that we learned from her shining example. Practise makes perfect, you know!” Muffled angry moans again – from both mummies. “We will try to synchronize our efforts so that you two get nice orgasms together. We cannot guarantee that though!” Anna grinned.

“Shall we begin, Kate?” “Of course let us warm Chris and Sarah up!” And Anna and Kate began. Both Mummies began to moan and trying to move, as the Vibrations became stronger.

Kate and Anna played the Game very skillfully Sarah had to admit in one of the few sane Moments after a period of Frustrations. “They change the pace nicely.”

Two hours later Chris and Sarah were just returning from Orgasm land. Anna and Kate had outdone themselves, changing frequently pace and frequency of Orgasm and Frustration.

When Anna and Kate had the feeling that their friends were compos mentis again, the Russian explained their mute and blind audience: “We think you learned your lesson!” Affirmative grunts from the two mummies. “You know” the Russian told them sweetly. Wrapping and unwrapping is a such tedious business so we will unwrap one of you who can free the other, or not.”

“You surely want to know who we free.” Affirmative moans again. “I have a bad feeling about this “Chris thought. Kate continued: “Chris, you know any leader must lead through example, show strength and resilience in the face of danger, so we will wrap out Sarah first and leave it to her judgement if and when she wraps you out.”

Very, very angry moans of the white mummy. Kate and Anna exchanged looks. “Kate, I cannot be certain but I think she said: Fuck you!”

“Yeah it sounded like that!” Prompting another angry muffled: “Mffffuhh …” And despite she knew it was pointless Chris strained against the tight wrappings as much as she could and the muffled sounds were anything but complementary. “Good she is gagged so thoroughly Kate told Anna. At last Chris was exhausted and calmed down somewhat.

"Let us begin to let Sarah out!” And they set to work.

30 Minutes later Sarah lay unbound before them except the stocking cap and gag. “You can do the rest yourself, Sarah!” The Thief grunted in her gag.

“Bye, bye!” The friends left and closed the door.

Sarah removed the Stocking cap first. Removing the tapes from her eyes took a while longer. Sarah didn't want to lose her eye brows completely – it took a while till her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

Unknotting the Scarf which covered the gag took more time. At last Sarah was able to remove the soggy ball of hose out of her mouth; she tried to get some feeling back into her aching jaws.

Her short black hair was damp and plastered against her head. She looked down at her Companion: “Listen Chris, I will have a shower, change in something comfortable and come then back to you!” Chris grunted her approval, not that she could something different.

Sarah took the sight before her in: The tight wrappings accentuated the perfect body of Chris: The ample bosom, the hourglass shape of her body, her long legs. Gingerly Sarah set her bare feet on the floor, flexing her toes in the thick carpet, and then she stood up and sauntered into the bath room. “See you soon!” she added cheerily.

Chris sighed. “One of those days” She thought. “I am not uncomfortable and the pressure is not too much. Thank god I have don't have to lie on the floor!”

After she had taken a long hot shower and put on shorts and a tank top, the Art Thief returned: with a towel and small bottle. “I have brought presents, Chris!” Questioning moans from the mummy. “You will learn soon!” McKenzie slipped of her shoes and jumped on the mattress, which caused the mummy to bounce on the bed.

Sarah could not help but admiring Chris perfect bosom and gave both breasts a good feel, Chris moaned. “What a shame those beauties are wrapped!” “She gave both breasts a second and third squeeze. More moans.

“But we can do something different!” Sarah knelt at Chris´ tightly wrapped feet and began wrapping them out. Chris felt, that the pressure around her feet lessened. Sarah was impressed: Kate and Anna had not only wrapped Chris´ feet together: they had wrapped each foot separately and not only that, they had wrapped each toe too.

Chris moaned in relief when she felt the cool Air at her hot feet and flexed her soles and wiggled her toes. Then she felt a soft touch at her left heel, a caressing touch, she moaned softly. Sarah admired the red nail polish adorning her captive´s toes.

“You have very beautiful feet!” Sarah told her. Since Hamburg I have dreamed of touching them, playing with such strong, perfect feet.” She added thoughtfully.

“You did play with my feet in Hamburg, by tickling the hell of them.” Chris mumbled into her gag. Another caressing touch, this time at her right sole, a soft stroke, Chris began to moan softly, her breath accelerated. Then she felt something wet and warm on her sole, then a soft kiss on her left heel, then on the balls and on her high arches. Electricity shot from Chris feet to her brain. Gently Sarah took Christine´s feet in her lap and began to kiss and to caress them.

Christine´s moans intensified as Sarah began to suck at her big toes. Then each and every toe. Slowly, repeatedly, and every time more intense. A soft giggle moan escaped Chris´ gagged mouth as Sarah´s warm and moist tongue slid between her toes. Chris felt the heat between her legs rising. Sarah played that perfectly. Soft caressing strokes, she let her tongue glide above her heels, above the balls, above those perfect high arches, between the toes, soft massaging of Chris´s soles.

The moans of the Mummy intensified, her heart rate accelerated, her breath quickened and then a powerful Orgasm washed above her. Her body tensed, feet pointed. A very loud moan escaped Chris gagged mouth. Sarah was impressed how vocal Chris had been, despite the tight gag.

Sarah let her rest for a moment, returning to earth. “This was the first time I orgasmed when someone worshiped my feet!” Chris thought when the glow of the orgasm receded slowly. She sighed contentedly.

“This was good Chris, wasn´t it?” Sarah grinned. “But we can do better. She took a towel and dried Chris´ wet feet, carefully and softly. Chris moaned and relaxed.

“I brought a present!” Sarah said and took the small bottle. The thief poured the oil on her hands and began to massage Chris' feet. Slowly gently and pressed, kneaded pressure points on Chris ‘feet, whose moans intensified again. “I studied foot reflexology.” Sarah explained.

Obviously the Dark Lady hit the right spots, because the second Orgasm was way more powerful than the first. Such was its power that Chris blacked out for a few seconds.

She felt the pressure around her head loosen. When Sarah McKenzie had finally removed the stocking cap and the eye pads Chris stared at her with dreamy, cloudy eyes, still miles at way. Her long blond hair was wet and damp.

After Sarah had removed the gag packing she helped Chris´ sit up and pressed gently a water bottle against her lips. The cool crisp water felt wonderful. When Chris´ had returned to earth, she smiled at Sarah: “Wow! That was wonderful! The second orgasm was among the five best I ever had!

“My pleasure” Sarah smiled back. “You have wonderful feet; it was a pleasure worshiping them!”

30 Minutes later: Chris stretched her body contently. “We can do this another time again!” Sarah grinned.

“But first I must have a shower!” Chris stood up and sauntered to the bath room, singing softly to herself, hips swaying. Sarah followed her with her gaze. Chris spoke, without turning around, cheerily: “I know that you are staring at my butt!”

“Given how inviting it looks, it would be rude not too.” Sarah grinned. "I have plenty of oil left, if you are interested."

Chris said nothing, simply smiling to herself, closing the bathroom door behind her.

In the dining room Anna and Kate sat chatting, enjoying a Caesar´s Salad and a good Rosé: "What do you think Chris´ and Sarah are doing in the Bedroom?” Anna asked her American Friend.

“I heard Sarah showering and then returning in my Room.” The Detective replied. “What happened afterwards, I don´t know.”

“They obviously had fun” the Violinist added, “I heard Chris singing when she went in the Bathroom five minutes ago.”
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], this body of work would surely qualify as a magnus opus.

This wonderfully written chapter is scorching hot.
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Post by banshee »

I really liked this last part but admittedly I liked the previous one even more, the countess and her assistant and the "games" they played on Kate and Anna were great.
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Post by slackywacky »

Who needs enemies with friends like these women have :lol:

Very detailed chapter, easy to imagine what the mummies are going through.
Well done.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Who needs enemies with friends like these women have :lol:
Yep, I think, that thought might have crossed Chris´Mind too, [mention]slackywacky[/mention] :)


I am glad you liked both Chapters and I hope you will enjoy the next too!


If you found this last Chapter scorching hot, believe me, the next Chapter will be even hotter :)
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Post by NotSeen »

:) It's probably just me, but perhaps the four of them could start, you know, talking with each other instead of this - admittedly sexy - game of one-upmanship they seem to love playing... Anyone else? Oh, just me then. Carry on. :)

Seriously, keep going. The story just keeps picking up steam and I, along with everyone else, am eager to find out what is still to come. Cracking stuff, my friend.
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