The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago All this foot worship (your story and some others we read)... it feels like you're all telling me something :lol:
You should take this as an Omen :)

Christine is playing a Bond girl in a great way. Seducing the opponent is such a classic trick, and it shows she will not give up easily.
No, she will not give up. Chris is determined to escape and will not just sit on her hands. The question is, will her plan work?

I'm probably reading too much into this (and/or I'm just overly in love with my earlier inventions) but what neither von Winterfeldt nor Sieglinde seem to understand is that there are limits to superficial control. Both are so smitten with their newest toy that neither seem to even entertain the possibility that Christine might be duplicitous.
I agree. Both Sieglinde and von Winterfeldt have fallen in love with their Image of Christine not the real woman. But it must be said on their behalf, that Chris is playing her Part very well. The way she seduces Sieglinde or who she plays the great artist, that she is, for von Winterfeldt.

I keep wondering what will happen with both Christine and Sieglinde if, IF von Winterfeldt finds out,
If he finds out, his wrath will be terrible, we have seen already how he treats People who antagonize him. And he will find out at some point, so Chris has to follow the 11th Commandment: "You shalt not get caught :)

But I think time is of the essence here. So far Chris and Sieglinde have been lucky, that von Winterfeldt did not find out was his Chief of Security and his "Soulmate" are doing behind his back. Chris has no time to loose.


To be honest: I have so say, this Chapter is one of the hottest Chapters I have written so far - I am very glad you enjoyed it so much!

The next update will be online either this evening or Sunday MEST. I don´t spoiler too much, that the first Climax of the Final draws near, so stay tuned!

What is Chris planning and what are her friends doing to rescue her?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hi Folks,

work is piling up, so it is possible that the next update will be postponed till Monday Morning Middle European Standard Time at the latest.

Kind regards

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]BeautifulHeart[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention]

Hello Friends

this Update will be a long one, I hope you do not mind :)

The Third Day:

The Adlernest: The Gardens of the Adlernest 0715 Hours:

Chris quickened her pace, forcing her two Guards to follow her lead. She had made a decision. Tonight would be the night. Tonight she would act. Almost all pieces were in place. Prolonging the Game with Sieglinde would become more and more risky.

With every day the danger that von Winterfeldt would detect that his Head of Security was screwing his “Soulmate” rose. And if he found out, there would be no one who would save them both from his wrath. She could not risk that. And who knew if that sick Bastard was just playing with her like a cat with the mouse, already knowing what Chris and Gablenz were doing and waiting for the right moment to strike?

She forced that fought back in the most secluded cell of her mind there were more pressing matters at hand: Chris had come up with a solution to activate the Security Console in Sieglindes Private Office.

In her head she went through the schematics of the Palace, down to the Cellar where the hidden Door to the secret Passageway began – or so she hoped. What if the Passageway had collapsed? But that risk they had to take, this was the only chance they would get – and she would make the best of it. True the stakes were high, but Chris was determined not to spend any moment longer in this golden Cage.

She would complete the Transcription today; she would take the Transcript and the Manuscript with her. This would hurt von Winterfeldt´s ego as much as her “betrayal” and if he found out that Sieglinde had taken advantage of her, there would be hell to pay.

Suddenly a Picture of Anna sitting around a table with her friends and her two Kidnappers popped into her mind. For a fleeting moment Chris felt an intense connection. Then the Vision (?) was gone.

Chris accelerated her Tempo further and further. “My Guards will hate me”

In her Head Diana Damrau sang Mozarts Aria: “Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen.“

“Hells Revenge cooks in my heart,
Death and despair flame about me!
If Sarastro does not through you feel
The pain of death,
Then you will be my daughter nevermore.
Disowned may you be forever,
Abandoned may you be forever,
Destroyed be forever
All the bonds of nature,
If not through you
Sarastro becomes pale! (as death)
Hear, Gods of Revenge,
Hear a mother's oath!“
Diana Damrau sings Mozart´s Aria “Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen

“If we escape, I will take revenge. Revenge for Peter, for Stromberg and Sophie and all other Victims of von Winterfeldt, and if it is the last thing I ever do!” Chris swore to herself and accelerated her pace once more, till a sharp tug at her wrists reminded her of her Handlers, and she reduced her pace – just a little, and she smiled under her gag.

A secluded Valley not very far from the Brenner Pass, Safe House, around the same time:

Anna, her usual grumpy morning self, took a sip of the steaming hot black coffee, while her friends and their new “allies” chatted amiably. Suddenly she sat straight on her chair, all Grumpiness forgotten, eyes wide: “Christine! Then she said in a clear strong voice, “We will act this evening. Something important will happen tonight!”

All others fell silent and looked at her in astonishment, it was Kate who broke the Silence: “Anna what is it? What do you mean by that?”

Haltingly and slowly the Russian began to speak: “I had some kind of Vision?? I saw Chris running in the park of the Palace: Chained to two guards and two others following her. It felt so real.”

Kate regarded her appraisingly, thoughtfully: She knew that Chris and Anna shared a deep connection, so she would not jump to hasty conclusions as Anna had lost her marbles, what had Shakespeare written in Hamlet?

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

Sarah McKenzie looked a little sceptical, while Hayley and Kirsty seemed to be intrigued. Anna looked all of them straight in the Eye: “And no, I have not lost my mind and I will challenge anybody, who says otherwise” Her Eyes blazing.

Aloud Kate spoke with conviction, and a slight smile curling her lips: “Cool down Anna! We should take this as a good Omen. Sarah, what do you think, are we ready to enter the Tunnel System and the Passageways tonight?”

The Art thief pondered the Question: “I think we are as ready as we can be. We should do another Recon today before we act though.”

“Agreed” Kate and Anna replied without hesitation. Kate turned to King and Garrett: “Are you two up to this? This would be your chance to redeem yourself.”

“We are” Hayley replied evenly.” Looking the Russian straight in the eye, unblinkingly, this was uncharted territory – and they knew that all. “We stand true to our Word.” The former Investigator added.

“Fine, then it is settled” Anna concluded: “But be warned, any funny business and my Sniper Rifle will take care of you.”

“No problem” Kirsty retorted undaunted by the Prospect. “You can try” the Briton smirked. Obviously not intimidated by Anna in the slightest, and the Russian had to admit, that Kirsty had guts.

The Adlernest: Musikzimmer, 0930 Hours:

Christine entered the Musikzimmer. To her surprise a smiling Sieglinde Gablenz was already present: “I see it as my responsibility as Head of Security to supervise the Prisoner myself.” she teased Christine who made a gesture to one of the Cameras at the ceiling.

“It has its advantages being me, you know: As Chief of Security I control the entire System” Gablenz reassured her grinning wickedly, Cameras and Audio are off – as they were yesterday night:

“Why don´t you begin your warm-up?” Gablenz changed the Subject “I would love see your feet again: A long time has passed since I had the pleasure of touching them Prisoner” she added coyly.

“Of course, the Prisoner will comply, Mistress!” Chris smiled back. To herself she thought: “Sieglinde is getting careless. We have no time to lose.”

Smiling Chris took her Jacket of and slipped of her shoes – and began her warm-up. Sieglinde followed her every movement with rapt attention and barely disguised lust. And Chris gave her best to give her “Lover” a good show.

When Chris was finished she strode across to Sieglinde and kissed her, as they came up for air, Christine whispered in Sieglindes Ear:

“May the Prisoner make a suggestion?” “She may” Gablenz whispered back. “Why don´t you invite Sophie to join us this Evening? Sophie has lovely feet and her singing has given her a most nimble tongue, you know.”

“Excellent Suggestion, Prisoner!” Sieglinde whispered huskily. “I will arrange that; now proceed Prisoner!” Christine bowed and sauntered to the Fazioli, fully aware that Sieglinde stared longingly at her butt. “Enjoy the view Sieglinde” she smiled to herself.

“This is the next Piece.” Christine thought, sat down at the Piano and began her practice. Concentrating on the Music would help her focus, and she knew the right Composition which would demand her utmost concentration: Beethoven´s final Sonata, op. 111, the first movement was stormy and passionate – the tempo markings demanding “brisk, with vigor and passion”, just what Chris needed.
Maurizio Pollini plays Beethovens Piano Sonata in c-minor, op. 111

Sieglinde savoured the sight of Chris´ bare feet subtly manipulating the Piano Pedals and closed the distance to have a better view. She was fascinated how Chris´ seemed to forget the world around her, as soon as she touched the first key.

Sophie Reichenbach´s Quarters, shortly before Lunch:

Sophie had assumed the Position already. Her mind wandered back to yesterday´s dinner: To make music with Christine had been fantastic. After Chris' had left, Berger had complimented her on their performance and especially on Sophie´s rendition of “Gretchen am Spinnrade.”

It had been late, well after Midnight, when she had been back at her suite, where Gaia and Gunhild had waited for her. Since she had been brought to the Adlernest, the two Maids had shown her only kindness and understanding, they were the only Persons here, she trusted – at least to an extent. Chris was here now, so she was no longer alone. But they both were Prisoners.

After a polite knock at her door, Gunhild and Gaia rolled the Trolley with her lunch into the Room and bid her a good Day: Gunhild complimented her on her performance yesterday. Studiously the maid looked down at the trolley, nodding slightly with her head to something on the Table.

When the two Maids had left Sophie walked to the Trolley: Under the plate lay a small envelope: “Sophie” was written on it. She did not recognize the clear elegant handwriting. Curiously she opened the Envelope. Inside was a Card in the same handwriting, it read:

“Do anything which will be asked of you this evening. Be careful! C.”

What did that mean? To act as normal as possible, she began to eat. Outwardly calm, her mind raced though. What was Chris planning? “I must remember her warning and acting normally.” Sophie admonished herself, but found acting normally really difficult, a sense of foreboding filled her.

Somewhere outside the outer Perimeter of the Adlerside, around 1200 Hours:

Well hidden from unfriendly eyes, Anna and Kate were observing the Adlernest down in the Valley. The rest of the rescue party had chosen another position to have a better look at the garden side of the Palace. So far nothing had happened.

They had watched the changing of the Guards; there were no signs of additional security. The plans and schematics of von Instetten had been most helpful, and they knew by now the daily routines of the Guards. Kate looked at her watch and whispered in her Mike: “Adler 1 for Adler 2.” “Adler 2” The Dark Lady replied. “I have nothing to report” the Detective informed the thief. “Nothing here too, Adler 1 out.” And they continued to observe.

The Adlernest: Chris´ Quarters: Early afternoon:

After the rehearsal Chris had showered and had Lunch and then rested for an Hour. It was 1400 Hours now. She had made good progress with the transcription and would finish it in three or four Hours. The work helped Chris to concentrate and focus, stopping the spinning wheel turning in her head, the persistent What if?”

While she had rested she had envisioned the way, Sophie and she would use in the Evening again and again. There was only so little margin for Error.

Sieglinde had explained to Chris how to enter the secret Passageway to her Quarters. They had agreed to meet there at 2000 Hours; Sieglinde would arrange that Sophie would join them. Chris hoped that she had got her message.

The Safe house around 1700 Hours:

Outside the Dawn was setting in, while the Rescue Party was preparing with utmost care. They checked each other’s equipment as a precaution. For the operation they had chosen the same black suits with integrated body armour they had worn at Sylt, when they arrived at Uthörn.

Their full visor helmets had integrated Night Vision Systems and Microphones. Besides the Sig´s, each of them had a combat knife and the MP5HK with Suppressor and carried hand grenades and flash bangs.

Anna would carry her MK 13 Mod 17.

Sarah delivered the last Briefing: “We will reach the Entrance to the Tunnel System which will lead us to the Entrance of the Passageway at 1800 Hours. At 1900 Hours we will reach the secret Entrance to the Passageway. There we will take cover and wait till it´s completely Dark. At 2200 Hours I, Kirsty and Hayley will enter the Passageway.” The Thief looked at the two who nodded.

Sarah continued: Kirsty you served in the British Army, so you know what to do, Hayley will follow our lead.” Hayley nodded curtly. “You,” Sarah nodded at Anna and Kate "will cover the entrance and dispatch anybody who tries to enter.”

Sarah knew that trusting Kirsty and Hayley was a risk, her instincts though told her, that the two were the real deal. And in Cases like that, the Dark Lady had learned to trust her instincts.

Anna nodded grimly: “We will gladly deal with anybody out who tries to enter.” Kate noted the steely determination in Anna´s Voice and could not help but to smile. With Friends like Anna she would storm the Gates of Hell itself gladly.

“We will recon the passageway and find out if there are any obstacles.” The Dark Lady continued.

“That will be all.” McKenzie finished the Briefing. “Let´s go.”

Christine´s Quarters around 1900 Hours:

Critically Chris surveyed her gear: For the escape she would wear Black leggings, black socks, black running shoes, a black Sports Bra and a black fleece jacket, too bad that she had no Camouflage-Paint for their faces, Chris would hide her blond mane under a black cap. That would have to be enough

Her black backpack contained the Chopin-Manuscript and her Transcription. Thanks to Sieglinde the Cameras in her Quarters were deactivated. On her desk she left an Envelope: For Carl it read. A grim smile crossed her lips, when she thought of the Message she would leave him.

For the “Fun-Part” of the Evening Chris had opted for the little Black, which left both shoulders bare, with Black Platform Pumps and black Hose. To her Surprise she felt sorry for Sieglinde but as they said: “In love and war ….” Chris told herself, she could not allow herself to be distracted. They had only this one chance. And she was hell bent on using it. “I must not fail” she tried to supress her doubts.

45 Minutes later Chris´ appraised herself in the Mirror: A great Diamond rested on her breast bone. Perfect! She opened the secret door, took a deep breath and strode through the dimly lit corridor upwards to Sieglindes Quarters.

Sophie´s Quarters, a Quarter to 2000 Hours:

Sophie paced the Floor nervously; she had opted for a red dress, which ended shortly above her knees and matching sling back pumps, her dark her into a stylish bun. What was Chris´ plan? “I must just trust her” she tried to calm herself. Sophie assumed the position and waited for her Guards. She had been told that she had an Invitation to Diner, but nothing more …

A brisk knock at the Door: There were they. Sophie pulled herself together. Deviating from the usual Routine her hands were tied behind her back and for the first time for quite a while she was gagged with one of the heavy Panel Gags. To her surprise they turned left not right … where were they going?

Outside the Perimeter of the Adlernest: The Entrance to the secret Passageway:

Sarah was pleased: So far everything had gone according to plan: The Lamps in the Tunnel System had been functional. Carefully and silently they had followed the Stairs down, till they reached the Exit of the Tunnel-System.

Von Instetten had used an existing Tunnel-System built by the Nazis, and improved it. She looked on her watch. She told her comrades in Arms though the Mike: “Now we take up Positions and wait, if something moves keep us informed.”

The Adlernest: Sieglinde Gablenz Quarters:

Sophie´s guards had removed the restraints and the leader knocked crisply three times at the doors of Gablenz´ Quarters. “You may enter now Sophie”

Sophie´s heart raced as she opened the door and entered the spacious room. Inside a most strange sight greeted her:

In the centre of the living room stood a large round table laid for three Persons. A large silver chandelier in the Centre, the light was dimmed down and soft classical music filled the room.

A beaming Sieglinde Gablenz greeted her, wearing a blue dress which ended above the knees and matching heels. “So glad you could make it Sophie, please come!” This Woman has a strange sense of humour” Sophie thought. As if she had had a choice in the matter.

“I want you to meet our other guest of the evening." Gablenz gestured to a Corner. There stood Christine. Hands folded demurely across her lap, looking down on the tips of her heels.

“Sophie, meet Prisoner Number 1!” Gablenz introduced Chris' to Sophie. Gablenz registered the Surprise on Sophie´s Face. “Watch very carefully, Sophie!”

“Prisoner Number 1, come and greet your Mistress!”

Chris looked up: “Of course Mistress!” she replied in a submissive tone and walked to Sieglinde, took Sieglindes face in her hands and kissed her fully on the lips, her tongue entwining with that of their hostess. When they broke contact, Christine stood back and looked on her feet again.

Sophie was intrigued by this display of affection. Von der Marwitz had never stricken her as the submissive type. “So I was right” she thought, there is something between the two.

“But is there more to it? I wonder how far Chris would go to get out of here. Would she seduce Gablenz?” Or was it the other way around?

Gablenz´ voice brought her back to reality. “That was nice Prisoner Number One. Guide our Guest of Honour to her place and bring the Champagne” she ordered imperiously.

Christine walked across to Sophie: “Would you please follow me Sophie?” she asked demurely but Sophie thought she saw a twinkle in her green eyes, but she could not be sure.

When Christine had helped Sophie sitting, she walked to the Bar and retrieved three Flutes with Champaign. She presented Sophie with the first one, gave the second to Gablenz and took the third herself.

“To friendship!” Gablenz toasted. “To friendship." they rang back. Christine sat across Gablenz while Sophie was seated between the two. The temperature in the room had already risen and it was not just the radiator, but the tension she sensed between the two other women. Especially when the two looked at each other, to Sophie it seemed that a trail of fire connected the two. Chris´ bright green eyes and Sieglindes clear grey eyes.

The dinner was fantastic and the conversation moved freely from one topic to the next. Sophie observed Christine and Sieglinde attentively: there were subtle gestures, an exchange of glances. “It looks like some kind of slow dance” Sophie mused. “Who seduces whom here?” She was not sure yet.

During the Dessert, Christine looked Sieglinde deep in the eyes. Under the table she slipped her right heel off and put her nyloned foot in Sieglindes lap, touching her crotch with her toes. Sieglindes eyes went wide. Chris continued to tease her. Gablenz took her foot in her hands and massaged it. Chris moaned slightly. This went not unnoticed by Sophie.

Gablenz whispered in this husky voice of hers: “Girls, it is incredibly hot here, why don´t we have a night cap in my bedroom?”

“That would be too gracious, Mistress” Chris purred like a large cat. “Chris you know the way, show Sophie to the bedroom if you please” “I will powder my nose”, swaying slightly their hostess stood, kicked her Heels of her feet and sauntered on her nylon clad soles to the bathroom. Chris followed her with a gaze. It was cool, even calculated, and for a fleeting second an small evil smile curled her lips.

Chris slipped her shoe back on and took Sophie by the hand. Sophie looked quizzing at her. Chris squeezed her hand reassuringly “Everything will be fine just do, what Sieglinde asks of you - anything.” Chris Voice sounded perfectly normal, measured and calm.

In a trancelike state Sophie followed the Pianist.

The spacious bedroom was dominated by the king-size bed in the middle before the bed stood a white high backed chair. While Sophie took the room in, Chris went away and returned with a tray of Champaign Flutes and a bottle of Pol Roger in a Cooler, filled with ice cubes.

“Remember Sophie: do as you are told, however strange it may sound.” Chris whispered.

“There you are Ladies!” Gablenz had returned, barefoot in a short black negligee. She regarded her guests, than a mischievous smile curled her lips: “Is it just my mind playing tricks or is it really hot in here?”

“It was the moment you walked in Mistress!” Christine slipped back in her submissive role.

“Then why don´t you make yourself more comfortable? Help undress each other! Sophie you will help Chris undress and then Prisoner One will return the favour!”

“Of course Mistress” Chris replied and turned her back to Sophie.

Sophie took this as her cue and pulled the zipper of Chris´ short black dress down, seductively Chris pulled her arms back slightly and rolled her shoulders, letting the dress glide to the floor. Sieglinde watched transfixed by the hypnotic motion of her Prisoners breasts.

Sieglinde looked longingly at her “Prisoner”: High Heels, black Hose and black lacy panties, the large resting Diamond resting between her breasts and nothing else. Chris smiled coyly: “You like what you see Mistress?”

“Very much Prisoner, very much! Gablenz replied, her voice dark with desire. “Kick off your heels Prisoner!” Christine complied, folded her hands demurely above her lap and turned her eyes to the floor again.

“Prisoner, return the favour to Sophie!” Sophie had followed the exchange mesmerized. Now she turned her back to Christine who unzipped her and kissed her slightly in the neck.

A jolt of electricity shot through Sophie´s body as she felt Chris' warm moist tongue on her skin “Everything will be alright Sophie just play along” she heard Christine whisper softly in her ear.

Minutes later Gablenz regarded her “Prisoners”. “Very nice” she purred. “Remove your Panties Prisoners and stuff them into the mouth of the other.” Sophie who had warmed up to the Game pulled her red Panties slowly and gently down her hips and Chris followed suit.

Sophie presented her warm and moist Panties to Chris´ lips and pressed the ball into her friend´s mouth. Chris returned the favour. They looked at Gablenz: “Take one silk scarf each and give each other tight cleave gags.

Gablenz had enormous fun, watching these two beautiful women gagging each other. When they had done this Sieglinde ordered: Prisoner Number One, tie your fellow prisoner to the chair, the legs to the Chair if you please!

Sophie sat without being told and hooked her arms over the back of the chair. Christine took a silk scarf and, crossed Sophie's wrists, binding then snugly together. Then Chris tied her Elbows tightly together.

Christine knelt in front of the chair and wrapped a scarf around Sophie's left ankle and folded her leg, lifting her foot off of the floor and securing the scarf to the rear chair leg. Once she had bound her right leg, Sophie was helplessly bound, with her pelvis thrusting forward.

"Mmmmm a delicious shaven haven and her feet poised for my pleasure, good work Prisoner Number One” Gablenz grinned. She went to Sophie, and let her fingers glide softly above Sophie´s upturned left sole, which caused Sophie to giggle softly in her stifling gag.

Gablenz turned her attention to Chris: “Prisoner Number One kneel on the floor and watch very carefully, you may learn something: Gablenz kneeled in front of Sophie´s open legs and let her tongue glide slowly in circles above Sophie´s left inner thigh: Once, twice and a third time. Each time a little nearer Sophie´s shaven pussy – Sophie began to writhe on the chair, straining against her bonds

Sophie began to moan softly then Gablenz changed to Sophie´s right thigh. When Gablenz turned her attention to Sophie´s wet Pussy, Sophie´s moans increased in intensity and then Sophie came, strained against bonds, a guttural moan escaped her lips.

Sieglinde was so distracted, that she sensed the movement behind her much too late. A sharp prick in her neck and everything went black. Behind her stood Chris a small Syringe in her hand, a grim smile on her lips.
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Post by GreyLord »

After your massive and masterful buildup, the time for action is here, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I have been reading to the Beethoven Piano Sonata No 32. The situation is perfect. The only question is the order of Chris' next steps.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Back to moving the plot forward. The vision was a little odd. I would have preferred that they had some informant inside (after all, Valkyries have showed intentions to help Christine) so in that case... I think it should have been really normal to say Anna has lost her mind. It's not that she's had visions before that has lead to success in missions. I believe under normal circumstances, nobody except for Kate would have followed an updated schedule of the mission only based on a vision/dream (unless it's a story about magic) but heh, most of us sometimes use devices like this to help us with the stories, so...

(Also, I like to point out that Kirsty is not showing guts yet. Maybe to Anna but... she hasn't seen the Russian do anything crazy. If anything, the only time they "faced" each other was when Kirsty and Hayley knocked them out. So it makes totally perfect sense that Kirsty doesn't get intimidated by Anna. However, I think Anna should be aware of that fact. She's making much of a fuss without nothing to back her up.)

On the second part, I feel bad for Sophie. Christine is seducing Sieglinde willingly, but Sophie... She must trust Christine a lot in order to follow her lead. Specially considering how confused Sophie was, if Christine was the one doing the seducing or if it was the other way around. Luckily for her, it didn't last long.

I have a question just based on curiosity. How did Christine get the syringe? And where did she hide it? :o
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago On the second part, I feel bad for Sophie. Christine is seducing Sieglinde willingly, but Sophie... She must trust Christine a lot in order to follow her lead. Specially considering how confused Sophie was, if Christine was the one doing the seducing or if it was the other way around. Luckily for her, it didn't last long.

I have a question just based on curiosity. How did Christine get the syringe? And where did she hide it? :o
The Answer to your first question. You remember the night, when Sieglinde played with Chris´for the first time? Chris woke up in the night and searched Sieglinde´s Office:
Chris yawned, and there was a cupboard, Chris opened it carefully. Something caught her eye: It was worth the risk she decided and retrieved the item she had spotted. She closed the door
Where she hid the Syringe? If I had to guess, I would say in the Bedroom, maybe between the Matress and the Footboard of the Bed. It had to be a place, well within reach. Risky, but there was no way he could have taken the Syringe with her.

Chris´ and Sophie knew each not very well, true, so Chris´ demands much of her. But the Events following Anna´s Abduction in Nuremberg forged a band between the two. Chris´ sees it as her duty to safe Sophie, and Sophie is immensely grateful that Chris´ put her father in Law in his place. And the Music forged another Bond between the too, if you remember Sophie´s feelings when they had to play for von Winterfeldt´s. And there is another thing: Sophie admires Chris´, maybe she sees a role model in her. Sure, at the moment, she is confused and overwhelmed, but she will follow Chris´ lead.
The only question is the order of Chris' next steps.
We will learn soon, [mention]GreyLord[/mention]. The most pressing Question is, how to get access to the Security System? Without that, the Escape Attempt may be doomed right from the Start. And time is of the Essence.
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Post by banshee »

I really like how this is going, the role Christine is playing as seducing but also kinda being seduced is always fun to read about when it comes up, as much i want to trust Christine's abilities I wonder if Sieglinde is seeing through her deception and playing along because a reason that hasn't been yet revealed to us or if she's really fooled by her.

Also, the infiltration that is being build up behind the scenes of Christine's seduction is really exciting and I really wonder how it will turn out both ofr protagonists and antagonists alike.
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Post by Caesar73 »

banshee wrote: 2 years ago Also, the infiltration that is being build up behind the scenes of Christine's seduction is really exciting and I really wonder how it will turn out both ofr protagonists and antagonists alike.
Indeed, what will happen next? The next update will be online this evening or tomorrow at the latest. Will Chris and Sophie escape and what will their friends do? Stay tuned!
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Post by slackywacky »

Oh oh, things are moving along. The escape has been set in motion. Sieglinde is experiencing it first hand, although Sophie was experiencing something too, just a slightly different experience. :lol:

Well done, let's see what happens next...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]BeautifulHeart[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention][mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention]

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Well done, let's see what happens next...
Enjoy [mention]slackywacky[/mention] !

The Adlernest: Sieglinde Gablenz Quarters:

Now Chris acted quickly, gone was the Seductress and the cool and collected Investigator had returned. Quickly she tied and gagged Sieglinde into a simple but tight hogtie, securing her ankle bindings to her bound elbows. Only then she ungagged herself.

“Sophie, are you alright?” she asked her friend. Sophie had not returned completely down to earth and gazed with dreamy eyes at Chris, but she was lucid enough to comprehend what Chris was saying. She nodded slowly.

“Listen Sophie, we must act quickly now. I will untie you then you must help me carry Gablenz into her Private Office.” Can you do that? Sophie nodded again.

Quickly Chris untied Sophie. After Chris had removed her gag Sophie asked: “What have you done to her?” “I sent her to sleep and that will last for at least an hour I will answer all questions later, but now we must hurry. Help me!” Chris pressed her.

Together they lifted the hogtied Sieglinde up and carried her to her Private Office. “Keep an eye on her” Chris admonished Sophie then she went to the Control Console of the security System and activated it. The System demanded the Retina Scan and Sieglindes right hand print.

“We must untie her” Chris commanded. Sophie was fascinated about the change: 15 Minutes earlier the submissive slave and now the Woman were back, who had reduced her father in Law to a whining child.

Together they manhandled the unconscious Sieglinde on the Office Chair: Chris pulled her right eye lid up, while Sophie pressed Sieglindes right hand on the hand scanner.

“Access granted Commander Gablenz” an electronic voice said.

“Sophie tie her up and gag her tightly” while I deactivate the camera systems and sensors on our way to the cellars. Chris, hands flew above the Keyboard in dizzying speed, while Sophie set to work.

“Done” Chris muttered.

In the meantime Sophie had finished tying and gagging Sieglinde again. Chris looked down at her enemy/ lover and Sophie saw something crossing about Chris´ face. “Regret or remorse?” She could not tell.

Chris pulled herself together: She turned to another Cupboard and removed a few more items: Flashlights, two Glock´s with additional magazines and Suppressors, some zip ties and a roll of duct tape.

“Sophie we must hurry now: Follow me!” Chris strode purposely to the secret door in the Wall of the living room which led to her Quarters. Sophie had a thousand questions but restrained herself. There was no time for that.

They two naked women hurried down the Corridor. When they entered Chris´ Quarters, the Pianist pointed on a stack of black clothing that lay on her bed. “Put these clothes on Sophie!”

10 Minutes later they were ready:

Sophie still acted as if on autopilot. The last hour was a blur. “Come!” Chris slowly and carefully opened the Door and motioned Sophie to follow her on the dark vast Corridor. Chris´ stood there for a moment and listened intently. Sophie found the Silence disturbing. Chris whispered “Follow me Sophie, stay close!”

The Pianist turned left. Their running shoes made almost no noise on the marble floor. After 100 Meters they reached a stair well. Down they went. The Adrenaline coursed through Chris´ Veins. The light of the Moon fell through the large Windows and drew strange shadows on the Marble. Every Sense on high alert, Chris was driven by the same sense of grim determination which had imbued her at Reichenbach Castle. And on they went. She would get them out of that cursed place.

Sophie found it difficult to orientate herself, but Chris´ seemed exactly to know where they were going. When they had reached the ground floor, Chris led them to a large door which led them down deep in the cellars of the Adlernest.

Another couple of dimly lit stairs and corridors later, the air had become much cooler and a little damp. Sophie listened anxiously, expecting every second that their escape had been detected. But nothing happened. Another stair well another Corridor. The smallest sound echoed loud like a cannon shot in the silence.

Sophie noticed that the concrete walls had been replaced by roughly hewn ashlars, "This must be part of the old building." she realised. Chris turned to the left and they entered a large rectangular room. The walls were bare, they seemed solid.

“This is a cule de Sac” Sophie whispered.” Chris shook her head and whispered back: “No this is our way out.” “I hope it is” she thought. Sophie watched as Chris seemed to count stones, than she pressed her palm firmly against one stone in the wall slightly above her head.

A soft click could be heard and a rectangular opening appeared in the Wall. “Quick” Christine admonished Sophie, “the Door closes after a Minute.” Sophie followed Chris into the pitch black darkness. The door closed silently behind them and they stood in the Dark.

“There it is.” Sophie heard Chris muttering. Another click and a long line of light bulbs sprang to life. Chris needed a few moments till her eyes had adjusted. The Passageway was a vaulted floor, two meters wide and roughly two and a half metres high. The Passageway led slightly upwards. It belonged obviously to the older Palace.

A sense of relief washed over Chris: “Von Instetten you clever Bastard, thank you! Then this is over I will kiss the old man. Follow me Soph.”, they hurried along the corridor. For Sophie this was all a dream still. But slowly she comprehended that they had a real chance of escape now.

2200 Hours: Entrance of the hidden Passageway outside the Perimeter of the Adlernest:

Sarah looked at her watch then at Kirsty and Hayley then at Anna and Kate. The Russian suddenly tilted her head slightly as if she was listening. “Chris is on the move” she said with utter surety.

The Dark Lady nodded. “Let's go now. Anna and Kate, you shoot anybody who comes near this door who isn't one of us. Do not hesitate a second!”

Anna nodded grimly: "We won´t! Kate and my Friend,” she stroked her MK 13 lovingly, "have a strict door policy, nobody will get past us, except with a bullet in his or hers Brain.”

They had chosen a position from which they could cover the whole area before the entrance door. Kate watched as Sarah, Kirsty and Hayley ducked from cover to cover and disappeared in the darkness.

Weapons at the ready the Rescue Party moved carefully down the secret Passageway, which was dimly lit.

15 Minutes later on the other side:

Sophie estimated that they had followed the Passageway for at least 300 or 400 Metres. A flight of stairs led upwards. Another long Passageway; they hurried along. After five Minutes Chris suddenly stood still and listened attentively. “What is it?” Sophie asked anxiously.

“Someone is coming from the other side.” Chris retorted, Weapon at the ready and poised to strike. Much more carefully they moved along. And then Sophie could hear it too, soft steps on the floor.

They turned around the Corner: In front of them stood three black Figures in black Body Armour and Full Visor Helmets which covered their faces, the three held their Submachine Guns firmly trained at them.

Chris and Sophie had their guns also trained at them.

Two Minutes earlier: Sarah:

Sarah heard the soft footsteps ahead of them, where the Passageway made a turn left. “Advance slowly, be ready to engage” she made the hand signal to Hayley and Kirsty: Two black clad figures turned around the corner both had their weapons trained at them.

Two women as Sarah could tell by the body language, one slightly taller than the other. For a moment they stared at each other; then the taller of the two women began to walk to them then ran towards them. A wave of relief washed above Sarah: Chris! So the other woman must be Sophie, Reichenbach's daughter in law.

When Chris´ came to a halt before her, Sarah appraised her intently: The face of the Pianist seemed pale in the dim light, and Sarah had the impression that Chris had tears in her eyes. “So Anna was right all along” the Thief stated.

“What?” Chris asked.

“Later” Sarah pressed on, we have to leave we have still a long way to go! Did anyone follow you?”

“Not as far as I can tell” Chris´ replied now the consummate professional again.

She turned to Sophie: “Sophie this is Sarah. Sarah this is Sophie. And you are …” she turned to Sarah´s two comrades: “Hayley and Kirsty” Something crossed Chris´ face, and her green Eyes turned cold; Sarah who sensed the mood change laid her hand on Chris´ Shoulder.

“We can talk about all later, when we are back at HQ!” she admonished her Friend. Chris nodded curtly.

"Then lead the way Sarah!” Chris pulled herself together.

20 Minutes later: Outside the Entrance into the Passageway:

Anna stared through her infrared scope firmly trained at the entrance. The scene was an eerie vista of green and black as she waited still as a stone. "Movement." she whispered.

Kate pressed her Glasses against her eyes: “Someone is coming!” Anna laid her finger on the trigger of her rifle, ready to shoot anybody without hesitation who was not of their group.

Five Persons appeared in the Doorway: “Five?” Anna heard Kate whispering and sensed the relief of the American, she felt that too “Chris and Sophie!” They made it!”

When they stood in the Open Chris watched intrigued as Sarah pulled some sort of remote control out one of her many pockets, pressed some buttons and some lights switched from red to green.

A grim smile curled Sarah´s lips: “We placed some hidden charges inside the Tunnel at some places and when we close the Door behind us another one will be activated. So anybody who follows the Passageway after you or comes near the Entrance Gate without the proper authorization is in for a nasty surprise.”

“Well done” Chris grinned broadly.

“We do not want unwarranted attention.” Sarah nodded.

But so far everything at the Adlernest was silent.

“Where are Anna and Kate?” Chris asked.

“They are covering the Entrance from there" the Thief gestured to a Position on the left.

“Come Chris, we have still to cover much ground. The Welcome-Party must wait.”

Chris nodded. “Again lead the way then, it is just so good to see you!” She could not hide her emotions completely. And Sarah understood her.

While Anna and Kate covered their retreat till they had reached the Entrance to the Tunnel-System which led upwards, the others began their ascent:

Then Kate and Anna followed. As soon as they had entered the Tunnel-System too, Sarah activated another set of charges. “You have really thought of everything” Chris smiled. “Well someone has to” Sarah replied dryly, as they followed the endless Stairs upwards. “And I like fireworks” a small smile crossed her lips.

Sophie just stumbled along, she was dead tired and still had to comprehend what had happened this night.

Sarah relentlessly pressed forward. By Sophie´s estimation they followed the Concrete Tunnels for at least another hour, she had lost count how many stairs, till they reached another Entrance Gate: The cool fresh air of the night in the mountains greeted them. When they stood in the open, Sarah activated a last set of Charges.

They followed Sarah through the Darkness down a narrow path to the Safe House in silence. Covering themselves, and keeping watch for any threat. Kate and Anna formed the rear guard, Chris and Sophie followed behind Kirsty and Hayley. Chris estimated that they walked at least for another two kilometres before they left the forest and stood on a clearing:

They stood before a large Tyrolean Farmhouse. Her friends carefully secured a perimeter around them and searched the area. When Sarah gave the Signal, Kate entered the Code and they followed her first into the Hallway then into the spacious dining room. The Rescue Party removed their Visor Helmets and secured their weapons.

Sophie stood a little forlorn between them. The most impression made Anna on her. The last time she had seen the Russian, she had been barely conscious after the torture she had had to endure at Reichenbach Castle. What a contrast! Now she carried her Sniper Rifle proudly and looked totally at ease with the Weapon. The Russian smiled at her warmly and nodded slightly.

Anna and Chris looked at each other and the Pianist threw herself in the arms of her Friend and all the dams of her iron self-control broke, were washed away by her emotions, sobs of relief shook her body.

Anna softly stroked above back of her weeping friend. “Shhh… Christine you are among friends, you are at home.” And continued stroking till the sobs receded – and they held each other tight. Anna felt the quivering of Chris´ body.

The others watched that display of emotions in awe. Kate turned to Sophie and hugged her tightly: “How good to have you back. We have been worried about you ...” Sophie too began to weep – as she registered for the first time that they had escaped for real.

Sarah, Kirsty and Hayley stood aside and watched the scene. Sarah with only the slightest hint of amusement, Kirsty and Hayley with a little uneasiness and admiration: There seemed such a strong bond between these four.

After Chris had calmed herself somewhat she walked to Kirsty and Hayley and regarded them with a stern look but then her expression softened and when she said simply “Thank you” - she meant it.

Anna piped up: “Friends, what do you think? Refresh, change into something comfortable and have a midnight snack?”

“As it happens I have prepared my Irish stew a la Romanova, we just have to warm it up.”

“I may be the materialistic weasel of this Group, but that sounds good to me!” Sarah replied smiling.

30 Minutes later, they all had reassembled in the dining room. Comfortable lounge wear, thick woollen Socks on their feet they sat around the large table. Anna had warmed up the Stew, which smelled deliciously. They had each other helped to a Glass of an excellent Ribeiro el Duero from Spain.

Chris looked around the table watching her friends with deep affection. Kate talked with Sophie, while Sarah and the two latest additions to their Group were chatting amiably. Kirsty and Hayley had been true to their word.

“A shiny Penny for your thoughts, Chris." Anna mocked her friendly and looked intently at her friend. She sensed some sadness under the Surface and Chris looked very tired. “No” Anna thought “this is not just physical fatigue, but a fatigue of the mind”

“What a day ….” Chris sighed.

“Indeed” Anna conceded. For a moment neither Anna nor Chris spoke, but it was no uncomfortable silence on the contrary. They had prevailed.

“If anybody had told me that we would sit altogether here three days ago, when I came around in those restraining bags” I would have not believed them.” Chris added thoughtfully. “I had some pretty rough things to do Anna and I feel sorry for Sieglinde.”

Anna raised her Eye Brows: “You feel sorry for Sieglinde? That must be a hell of Story” The Russian looked intrigued, “I want to know all the juicy details!”

“You will, but not today Anna, I still haven´t come to terms with everything: let me put it this way: “If von Winterfeldt finds out about our escape he will hold her responsible. I used her feelings for me to my advantage.”

“Nothing wrong with that Chris” Anna replied passionately. “You know what they say, in love and war …. It was her decision after all!”

“I keep telling that myself Anna, but it is complicated." Chris returned. “Sieglinde is no bad Person”

Anna did not press the issue any further as she saw the pained look in the face of her friend, instead she raised her Glass and toasted Chris and they drank in companionable Silence.

“Tell me Sophie, how are you feeling right now?” Kate asked Reichenbach´s Daughter in Law.

“Honestly I don´t know. The last two weeks have been a roller coaster already, but what happened in the last 48 Hours was just crazy.” and she told the American about the Dinner with von Winterfeldt, her Concert with Chris and what had happened at Sieglinde Gablenz´ Suite.

Kate regarded her thoughtfully: “That all must be pretty intense it sounds like a lot to digest to me.”

“It is” Sophie replied, her voice trailing away.

“If you need somebody to talk to or just listen: Just ask! That helps, believe me.” Kate offered. I learned that lesson the hard way.”

“I might take you up on your offer Kate.” and now Sophie smiled. “Any time” the American replied warmly

At the other side of the large table Kirsty had just complemented Sarah on her planning and performance: “That was a pretty good piece of planning and a pretty flawless execution”

The Dark Lady nodded modestly: “Thank you, but we had help; without you, rescuing Sophie and Chris would have been much harder and it took a lot of courage to show up here and risking being shot by that hot tempered Lady over there” She pointed with her Glass at Anna who was still deep in conversation with Chris.

Hayley smiled: “I thought that too when she opened the Door the day before yesterday, she has a temper to behold.”

Suddenly the American became serious: “What do you think? How will von Winterfeldt react, if he finds out about Sophie´s and Chris´ escape, you know him best.”

“I wouldn´t say” that the Thief replied. “I think Sophie and Chris have some pretty good first-hand experience by now too.” She smiled knowingly:

“We will have to be prepared for anything. Von Winterfeldt styles himself as the perfect Gentleman, but if antagonized his wrath will be terrible.

Put it this way, Chris not only betrayed him by turning down his advances but she stole the Chopin-Manuscript from right under his large nose; but on the plus side." she pauses, deliberating for a moment, “He will first have to find out, how the two birds escaped his golden cage.

If he does not find out, even better, because I don't think Chris is finished with him. Believe me, von Winterfeldt should be at least as worried what Christine will do to him than the other way around.” Sarah added: “I know what Chris can do, if she must.”

Their new companions were intrigued and the Thief told them about Heidelberg and Munich. And Hayley looked in Awe at the blond woman.

Sometime later Chris walked on the Patio and looked thoughtfully down in the Valley below. The only sounds to be heard were those of a night in the Mountains. She took a sip of her Wine and thought back to Sieglinde ….

First thing in the morning she would call Robert. What would Robert think of her, if he knew, what she had done, no what she had to do to survive? Could he love her still? And tears rolled down her cheeks. She did not notice or care.

Anna had followed Chris silently. So engrossed in her thoughts had her friend been, that she did not have been aware of Anna.

And Anna wondered how all that had transpired in the last days had affected Chris. “We need her at the top of her game.” And the Russian vowed to herself, that she would do anything in her power to help Chris.

Chris and Kate had been there for her in some of the darkest hours of her life, now she would, would they be there for her. She remembered when Chris had held her tight in the night after they had rescued her from Reichenbach´s Dungeon. When she had awoken in the middle of the night, when Chris had softly calmed her. Now it was their turn to be here for Chris.

Silently she retreated into the shadows.

Heidelberg, the flat of Robert von Harenberg:

Robert had slept very little in the last 48 Hours. Not since Anna had called him and told him about Chris´ kidnapping. He had been fairly brusque with the Russian, something he regretted now a little. Telling him that he would be of no use had been frank and honest, but not making him feeling any better at that point.

He lay wide awake. A sound startled him; his Smartphone signalled an incoming message. It read: “It is Christine. I am safe and well. Will call you tomorrow. Love you! Chris”

“I love you too” he whispered into the Dark.
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Post by NotSeen »

Not only did von Winterfeldt lose the Pianist, gem of his collection, but also the Singer... how dare they do this to him! I don't think it's much of a guess to predict that he'll be incandescent (and true, Sieglinde will rue the day she fell for Christine... is this a chance for Suzanne to reclaim her prior position?). The problem - or opportunity, from the angle of the main characters - is that angry people rarely make logical decisions...

I was a bit surprised when Anna and Kate sent Sarah into the tunnels with Kirsty and Hailey - had the two kidnappers had ulterior motives, Sarah would have been at a disadvantage (but then again, given the personnel, they were forced to trust the duo). Now... von Winterfeldt will probably throw the kitchen sink at Chris&co. I guess we're going to find out where Sarah's, Kirsty's and Hailey's loyalty really lies.
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Post by GreyLord »

To say that this was a roller coaster ride of strong emotions is not adequate. It is a stormy sea in a hurricane with 50 m waves. You have so skillfully woven your story that we forget that good stress is still stress until we reach the end of the chapter and reflect over all that has happened. Sophie, who is a tower of strength, is reduced to an uncertain puddle by the kaleidoscope of quick events.

And this is only the start of the tsunami. von Winterfeldt is going to erupt. And it is leading ever onward to the final confrontation between Chris and von Winterfeldt.

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], you sir, are a true master of writing.
ImageA List of my stories:
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Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Well, that was the plot moving forward again.

I must say it's really believable in the story. Even the fact that no valkyries showed up or were aware of the escape. I mean, they are essentially incompetent, so it wouldn't be believable if, suddenly, they were a treat for the two runaways. I thought it was a little funny that both Sophie and Christine were running naked through the corridor, but I guess there was no time to wear clothes between escaping from Sieglinde's room and back to Christine's. I'm a bit disappointed since I was expecting them to put Sophie in a safe place and immediately return to a final confrontation with von Winterfeldt but... I guess we'll have to wait. (I really thought the final battle was coming in this chapter =( )
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Even the fact that no valkyries showed up or were aware of the escape. I mean, they are essentially incompetent, so it wouldn't be believable if, suddenly, they were a treat for the two runaways.
You judge the poor Valkyries too harsh dear [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] :) And why they were not seen running naked through the Corridor and not seen is quite simple: It is a hidden Passsageway - and it is a safe bet that only higher Staff Members have knowledge of them. And that Chris or Sophie were not discovered on their Way down in the Cellar is not so unbelievable either. If Chris manipulated the Control System the right way, anybody in the Control Room would not see anything.

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] Dear Greylord thank you for your glowing praise! That means much to me.

[mention]NotSeen[/mention]: First and foremost Sieglinde will feel von Winterfeldt´s Wrath, you are right on that. To retaliate against Chris and her Friends he must find out a few things first: How did his two precious Birds escape his Golden Cage? Who helped them? And where is their HQ? And who tells us, that Chris and her Friends will wait for the Hammer to fall? They have the Surprise Element still on their side and therefore the tactical Advantage - and what small Groups of well trained, well armed and determined Warriors can do, the World knows since Vietnam and Afghanistan under Soviet Rule - even against a highly organized and capable Foe like the US Army or the Red Army.
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Post by slackywacky »

Darn, no goats. What am I to do? :lol:

Will be interesting to see the reaction of our resident bad guy. Great chapter, well written.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by NotSeen »

Team Chris would be stupid to wait for the hammer to fall - and they didn't get this far by being stupid, so no reason to start now. Von Winterfeldt will no doubt take his anger out on Sieglinde (never mind that Chris played him at least as bad as she did her - he's too full of himself to admit or even realize that)... but I wonder if whatever punishment he will visit on Sieglinde will pale in comparison to what he himself will get from Christine. Perhaps not in terms of physical pain, but certainly in terms of overall effect. I suspect that while the castle will remain standing, it's current master probably won't.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]BeautifulHeart[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention]

First of all I want to thank you all for following this Journey for so long now, the Hunt for the Weinstein Collection has cracked the Mark of 91000 Clicks. This is incredible. A special thanks goes out to those of you who comment on the Story regularly, I value your input very highly, all of it!

With Today´s Update roughly the first Half of the Final is complete, Chris and Sophie escaped, but von Winterfeldt is not finished!

And [mention]slackywacky[/mention] - one Character will enjoy an intense time with a sheep - or two :)

I suspect that while the castle will remain standing, it's current master probably won't.
That remains to be seen :) But one thing is sure. You may remember the Conversation between Kate, Chris and Anna in Nuremberg, when KAte told her friends that they had to bring the War to von Winterfeldt? They now have the means to do that, and they will do it.

You will have to wait for the next Chapter for a short while. This update will be the last for the next two weeks, because I am taking some time off, but the Hunt will continue in the last Week of October. I´ll keep you posted!

The Adlernest, Sieglinde Gablenz Quarters well after Midnight:

It felt to Sieglinde as if she was diving from deep under the sea back to the surface, the darkness receded and she neared the light.

Her first thought: “Why on earth I am sleeping onto the floor?”

The second: “I cannot move.”

The third: “I cannot open my mouth.”

Then the realisation hit her: “I am tied up and gagged.”

“Why am I tied up and gagged?”

“Had Chris the tables turned?” By now Sieglinde had realised that she laid on the floor of her private study a soft cushion under her head. But how had she ended up in her office – on the floor?

Only slowly the memories of the evening returned:

She had had Dinner with Chris and Sophie; then they had played in her bedroom, she had brought Sophie to climax with her tongue and then a sharp prick in her neck and then nothing. And now she lay here on the floor of her Office.

Icy cold crept up her spine as a thought crossed her mind, what if Christine had betrayed her, had she escaped? With Sophie? No what if. Christine had betrayed her. The gruesome ugly truth stared coldly in her face.

How Christine could have escaped? “That simply cannot be!” She chided herself, "How could Christine have managed that? Even if she had escaped her Quarters, leaving the Palace was next to impossible. But what had happened then?

Had Christine just played her, used her as tool to work her escape? Was she really that cold had all of that what had transpired between them just been an act? “Yes and no” her guts told her.

Yes: There had been feelings on both sides and no: Christine had made good use of them. Of that she was sure now. How could she have been so stupid, blinded by her desire? And a wave of hot anger raced through her bloodstream, she strained against her bands. After struggling impotently for a few minutes the first shock receded.

And if she was honest with herself? “I would have done the same. I am angry with you Christine, I hate you, I feel betrayed, but I understand why you did it. You and I, we do what we have to do regardless of the cost.”

Sieglinde took stock of her bonds. Whoever had done the tying had done an excellent job.

“If I had to guess, Sophie did the tying.” She had been gagged thoroughly. By the taste and feel in her mouth she had been gagged with two pairs of panties. “Parting gifts” Sieglinde mused darkly.

A large overhand knot held the packing in place while a second shawl was folded in a tight band over the cleave. Her vision was obscured by a Panty Hood, “by the musky smell obviously my own” Sieglinde thought. “Sophie you are a very naughty child, you deserve a good spanking.”

A third scarf held the hood in place.

Her elbows had been crushingly tightly tied together and a breast harness held her wrists and arms behind her bag. A tight crotch rope cleaved her pussy in too. Sophie obviously had tied her ankle bonds to her elbows.

So tight was the Hogtie that only her tummy rested on the floor. Her big toes were tied together and she could grab her heels with her hands. Sieglinde rocked slightly back and forth. Sophie had even tied the Insteps of her feet tied together. The kind and gentle Sophie had tied her viciously tight – and put her lessons she had to attend on von Winterfeldt´s Orders to good use. The Irony did not escape Sieglinde, but on the other hand: She and Brunhild had suspected a core of Steel under Sophie´s kind and gentle façade.

With horror she thought of the next morning, a cold shudder let her skin crawl: Von Winterfeldt would be incensed and his wrath terrible. If she thought of what Susanne had to endure for a much smaller transgression, what would he do to her now especially when he would learn the full depth of her treachery.

Sieglinde grabbed the crotch rope and began to tug at it frantically. Soon she had found her rhythm and worked herself in frenzy, her pulse quickened and a powerful orgasm washed over her. “The last meal of the dammed” She thought darkly, when the orgasmic bliss had receded.

It would be a long night and this would not be her last orgasm. At some point, two or three hours later Sieglinde fell into an exhausted Sleep.

The fourth Day:

The Safe house in the secluded Valley early Morning:

This Morning they had all slept in. Chris had fallen into a dreamless sleep, as soon as her head hit her Pillow, exhausted by the turbulent last days. The soft sounds of a Violin roused her from Sleep. Chris lay there for a moment and listened to the sound, the warm and clear tone conveyed the emotions of the player in a different way than the Piano. Anna was content and relaxed the Violin told her. The Russians Lord-Dunn-Raven told her that, better than any words could have done.

Chris sat up and put her bare feet on the soft carpet and followed the strains of the Violin.

Outside on the Patio stood Anna with her back to her.

Looking down in the valley, her body moving in perfect harmony with the music. The Russian had bound her hair into a ponytail, as she frequently did, when she was playing. Anna wore a lose fitting white top and blue leggings, her feet were bare.

The Violinist liked playing barefoot. “I must feel the ground on which I stand when I play” Anna had explained her once. Sometimes Anna concerted even barefoot as the famous Violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja did usually:

“If I had to guess, she is playing Biber” Christine smiled to herself. “One of the Rosary Sonatas”
Helene Schmitt plays Biber´s Rosenkranz Sonatas

“Good morning Chris, did you sleep well?” Anna asked her friendly without turning or even interrupting.

“Thank you, like a stone” Christine smiled. “In the last 48 Hours I did not get much sleep, I could always never relax totally” the Pianist added. Obviously not wanting to pursue that line of Conversation further Chris changed the Subject: “I can hardly wait to give the Chopin a try.” she continued.

“Do that” Anna said “The Grand Piano on the first floor is a Fazioli” “And it will help you to cope” Anna said knowingly. Sometimes Chris was amazed how well her friend knew her. “I will do that later” she told Anna. “And did I ever tell you, how grateful I am that I have you as friends?” Chris added.

“You were there for me, we are there for you. It is that simple.” The Violinist replied. And continued playing, while Chris went back inside, to shower and to dress.

One hour later the whole group had assembled around the large Table, made of oak in the Dining Room.

Anna ate with Gusto she had her second helping of scrambled eggs, bacon and black coffee. Kate and Chris watched her with amusement. “Some things never change.” the American grinned.

“Thank God!” Chris smiled back. It had been just three days. But she had missed scenes like these so much.

Suddenly the Pianist became serious: “We have to be prepared for von Winterfeldt´s Reaction.” Chris turned to Sarah: “Would we know when someone detonated one of the Charges?”

“We would” the Art Thief replied. “When one of the charges detonates, we get a message. Same goes, when somebody tries to disarm them, they are in for a surprise” The smile of the Dark Lady was malevolent. “I like to see them try.”

The Adlernest: Sieglinde Gablenz Private Office, around 0800 Hours:

When Sieglinde awoke she was disoriented for a moment. When she realised that she still laid on the floor of her Office in a tight hogtie. A crisp knock at the doors of her quarters startled her. Another knock, then a third: “Sieglinde are you in there?” She heard a familiar Voice.

“Brunhild?” Sieglinde moaned into her gag, but that was pointless she knew from experience. She was gagged way to well.

The Door opened and Sieglinde heard somebody entering. “Sieglinde, where are you?” Brunhild called again. Sieglinde strained against her bonds and moaned into her gag.

Obviously Brunhild had heard something because the footsteps came nearer. Brunhild had listened for a moment when she heard the moaning and groaning of a woman.

The unmistakable Sounds of a gagged female, and well gagged by the sound of it, Brunhild pulled her gun and moved carefully to the Door of Sieglindes Private Office and stared incredulously at the sight before her:

On the floor lay Sieglinde. A very tightly hogtied and gagged Sieglinde, just clad in a flimsy negligée, which barely covered the perfect curves of her shapely backside, a tight crotch rope cleaved Sieglindes cheeks and vanished between her legs. Her head was covered by a Pair of Panties held there by a silk scarf.

Brunhild put her gun away and stooped down and began removing the gag. At last she was able to pull the soggy ball of two Panties out of Sieglindes gaping mouth, who croaked a hoarse “Thank you”.

“What happened here Sieglinde?” Brunhild wanted to know. “Must have been be a hell of a Party when I look at Dining Room and the Bedroom”, to her Surprise Sieglindes Face became crimson red.

“It is not what it looks like” Gablenz muttered. “Please get me out of the Hogtie, let me have a shower and dress and I will tell you everything.”

30 Minutes later Sieglinde had showered and dressed into her usual outfit: Black Power Suit, a white blouse and black ankle boots. She bade Brunhild to sit: “There is no way around it Brunhild: Christine von der Marwitz overpowered me and escaped with Sophie Reichenbach.”

“That much we know already, because they weren't in their Quarters when their guards looked for them. So far no trace of them, they seemed to have vanished into thin air. A thorough search of the Palace and Grounds produced nothing. Von der Marwitz left a note for the Boss though. Rumour has it, that it read: “Fuck you Carl!”

What is curious: No Alarm was activated. What happened here Sieglinde?”

And a little softer she added: “The Boss is infuriated beyond belief, I have never seen him in such a bad temper, and you know what that means, right?”

“I do” Sieglinde retorted dryly. “And you must bring me to him”

“Yes I must, but I wanted to give you the Chance to refresh and regroup, before you have to face him.” Brunhild added.

“And I am grateful for that.” Sieglinde smiled sadly but without remorse.

She pulled herself together. “Let´s go.”

The Adlernest: Von Winterfeldt´s Office 30 Minutes later:

Carl von Winterfeldt was furious. No, that did not cut it. Von Winterfeldt was way beyond furious; he was in a murderous mood: Not only that his Soulmate and Sophie Reichenbach had escaped, vanished without a trace and taken the Chopin with them:

It was as if they had just flown away. The High-End-Security-System had been expertly manipulated. The cameras and sensors showed no trace of them. That all was bad enough already, but that von der Marwitz had obviously overpowered his Head of Security and Second in Command was the Icing on the Cake.

He would deal with Sieglinde accordingly.

Three crisp knocks at the Door. “Yes!” von Winterfeldt barked. Entering was Sieglinde accompanied by Brunhild and two other Valkyries.

Sieglinde stood three Meters before his desk: Upright, Head held high awaiting his Verdict. “If she is afraid she hides it very well.” Von Winterfeldt mused. Sieglinde was many things, but she was no coward who shrunk away from her responsibilities.

As a Leader of Valkyries she ever had led upfront and fearless. Leading by example. Von Winterfeldt looked her straight in the eye and let the silence do it it´s work.

Then he spoke, von Winterfeldt spoke in that cold, collected voice, which was much more terrifying than screaming and raging. He sounded calm, but every word radiated menace and a cold calculated fury:

“Sieglinde, Sieglinde. What have you done? Such a betrayal from you of all People! Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Sieglinde thought for a moment bit her lip, and then she looked von Winterfeldt directly in the Eye: “The error was mine and mine alone. Therefore it is my responsibility and mine alone. My feelings for Christine von der Marwitz clouded my judgement.”

Sieglinde spoke with calm authority and proud and did not break eye-contact.

“So von der Marwitz did not seduce you?” von Winterfeldt asked slyly with even more menace it seemed.

“No she wasn't” Sieglinde replied calmly. “I took advantage of her Status as Prisoner.”

Von Winterfeldt shook his head in regret. He had offered Sieglinde an easy way out but she had declined to take it. That was Sieglinde. Honest and straightforward to the Core.

“Sieglinde you are hereby relieved of your Duties. You will be confined to the Dungeons. The Punishment for your Transgression will be severe and commence tomorrow.”

He turned to Brunhild and the two Guards: “Confine Sieglinde to the Dungeons and restrain her. That will be all.”

Sieglinde turned around and put her wrists behind her back where the guards cuffed them together. Her elbows were also cuffed. The other Guard produced a very large Harness Gag which was pulled punishingly tight. Following Brunhild the two Guards followed her lead, leading Sieglinde by her upper arms.

“From Heaven to hell” Sieglinde thought. “That Road is so short and I did even use a short cut.” But to her Surprise another thought asserted itself: “I regret nothing- Christine is a wonderful woman – it was my decision to invite her to my Quarters.”

Susanne von Stülpnagel´s Quarters one hour later:

Von Stülpnagel did what she had done the last few days: She stared at the ceiling and chewed on her gag. At least Sieglinde had kept her promise: Susanne could watch TV and listen to Music that eased the boredom at least a bit. At the moment she watched a documentary about famous classical musicians.

She considered it adding insult to injury that this Documentary was about Christine von der Marwitz, Anna Romanova and their Work with Art. Inc. The Narrator was heaping praise on the Pianist and her friend.

Susanne snorted and mumbled something not very complementary, barely understandable though due to the heavy Gag. Especially when she remembered how the Russian had taken her out at Keitum that seemed like an eternity away now.

The Door opened. “Good Day Frau von Stülpnagel, we will let you out of the bags now, Commander Brunhild will talk to you then.” The Leader of the Guard-Detail addressed her.

Susanne was surprised; this was an unusual change of routine. “Is this good or bad news? At least I am out of the bags for some time.” She felt that the pressure around her body receded, when the third and heaviest bag was unzipped.

When she was free of the last bag, she sat up and swung her legs on the floor. One of the guards knelt down and removed the straps around her legs, while another one removed the straps, which held her arms against her body, removed the cuffs and the Mittens. The third loosened the strap of the gag, while the fourth removed the large ball carefully out of her mouth. Susanne moved her jaws to get some feeling back in them.

To her Surprise the Guards stowed away the restraining System and left Susanne to her own devices. She sat still on the bed when Brunhild entered. Von Stülpnagel appraised her: Brunhild seemed to have recovered from her Punishment – ordered by her, and that made her feel uncomfortable.

The Valkyrie Leader seemed to have read her mind: “I hold no grudges against you Susanne”, she said conciliatory. Von Stülpnagel wanted to responded, but Brunhild interrupted her: “You did what you have to do. We failed in comradeship and paid the Price it is as simple as that. Let us not talk about the Past it is the Future that matters:

Susanne nodded: “Go on.”

Brunhild sounded official now, when she intoned:

“By Orders of Carl von Winterfeldt, you are here by reinstated in your Office again and will fulfil your tasks accordingly. You are hereby requested and required to make yourself presentable and report to the Boss immediately.”

In her usual warm tone she added: “Welcome back Susanne!”

“Thank you Brunhild!” she smiled. “There is a reason for my reinstatement I take it?”

“There is Susanne, but I am not at liberty to say more, the Leader wants to brief you in Person. See you soon!” She left an astonished Susanne behind.

For a few minutes she sat a moment on the bed pondering the consequences of what had just happened.

Then she stood up unzipping the hated down filled suit, stepping out of it and waddled into the bathroom. “I have had enough of diapers and down suits for a life time!”

The Adlernest: The Dungeons the same Time: Sieglindes Cell:

Sieglinde was strapped into a backbreaking arch on a wooden arch heavily padded with leather. Her Ankles were fastened with heavy padded leather Manacles to one end. Her wrists at the other end. She was strung like a bow. Every five Centimetres watered leather straps tied her Body even more securely to the bench.

Before she had been tied down, Sieglinde had been stripped and plugged both ways. Heavy nipple clamps pinched her nipples painfully. A heavy posture collar held her neck rigid.

The collar was a combination of gag and collar which reached just under her nose. Before the Gag-Collar had been applied, three of her Guards had removed their Panties which were now in her mouth. Sieglindes toes had been tied together a fine leather strap held them en pointe permanently. The vibrators vibrated and shocked her randomly.

Under her sole candles burned, which licked at her soles from time to time. From High above her brow, water dripped in regular intervals at her forehead. Sieglinde groaned into her gag. Only the thought of Christine gave her strength. Her skin glistened with a thin film of sweat.

The Adlernest: Von Winterfeldt´s Office: An hour later:

Susanne sat across from her employer. After a heavenly long shower she had made herself presentable and enjoyed that very much, pampering herself. She had never though that she would enjoy those simple creature comforts that much. She had opted for a red business suit with matching heels.

She looked expectantly at von Winterfeldt. They had had tea together and had made small talk for the time being. Susanne knew better than to ask her Boss questions. He would talk when he saw it fit.

Obviously they had arrived at that Point: “You have redeemed yourself, Susanne, and I am happy that you are up and willing to the task at hand: Your Predecessor has been a disappointment.”

“Your Predecessor” she mused. “It is telling that he does not mention Sieglinde by name.”

Von Winterfeldt continued: “Last Night a severe breach of Security happened. Christine von der Marwitz and Sophie Reichenbach escaped. The Details are still sketchy but obviously the two overpowered your Predecessor and managed to leave the Palace undetected. We still do not know on which way they escaped.”

“And the Tracers, Sir?” Susanne asked carefully.

“They were deactivated last night”.

“I see” Susanne replied. “And there is more I take it Sir.”

“Yes” von Winterfeldt said bitterly. “Christine managed to lay her hands on the Chopin, she had it already transcribed. You should have heard her the other day! Such magisterial play”

“He is still obsessed with the Woman still that could pose a danger” Susanne mused. Aloud she said: “What do you want me to do Sir?”

“Two things you will do Susanne!”

“First I want you to conduct a thorough investigation in that affair. Such a breach of Security does never and I mean never happen again!" he snarls, almost angrily, "Secondly I want you to supervise the Trial and Punishment of your Predecessor.”

“That will be all!”

“I will take care of it at once Sir!” Susanne replied stood to attention, turned briskly on her heels and left.

On her way out she thought about the tasks at hand.

The second task was one she did not look forward to. She liked Sieglinde and by delegating this unpleasant task to her von Winterfeldt distanced himself from the responsibility, like Pilate in the New Testament she thought, remembering the famous passage:

“When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”

It was entirely possible that her Boss had designed that as a final test of her resolve and commitment.

And to her surprise she was a little disappointed that he doubted her still.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago First of all I want to thank you all for following this Journey for so long now, the Hunt for the Weinstein Collection has cracked the Mark of 91000 Clicks. This is incredible.
Congratulations, my friend!
That is a major landmark and you're drawing ever closer to 100,000 view counts.

I've been keeping an eye on this thread, noticing your attention to detail and going over some of the comments.
Your success with this saga is well deserved, Caesar.
Truly a forum hit if ever I've seen one.
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Post by NotSeen »

We're getting to see how small a man von Winterfeldt really is. He still can't see Christine as anything else than a pretty doll with a built-in music box - a doll he is somehow entitled to.

It is true that Sieglinde got played by Christine (and how!) but I daresay von Winterfeldt himself got played even worse... and unlike his subordinate he's not even thinking of accepting his share of blame.
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago but I daresay von Winterfeldt himself got played even worse...
And that´s the beauty of it :) The Guy is so full of himself that the thought, that he may hade made a serious Error in Judgement never occurs to him - and it is far easier to blame others for our faults than to accept our fair share of blame.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], von Winterfeldt may have some power. He may have some capabilities. But at the end, he is a worm. His underlings all have more character than he. Susanna has stoically endured harsh punishment. But I fear that in the end, she will be on the bad guy side of the ledger. Better than von Winterfeldt, but bad none-the-less.

Sieglinde is in for a very long and painful torture. Chris has admitted that she is not all bad. I wonder if Chris will rescue Sieglinde in the end? Will Brunhilde be given the opportunity to do the right thing at some point? What a rich, complex tapestry you have woven. Kudos to you!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

Those last few chapters led all fall together. The group has come together while von Winterfeldt has no one left anymore. It seems he has not learnt from his mistakes as he throws another one into his dungeons. It almost surprised me how easily Christine left. Sieglinde was naive not believing Sophie would come in without reason: Christine would always protect her.

Little remains to be done, save for Sieglinde's and Suzanne's arcs to end, and maybe Sophie to join the squad in a new adventure, but that's it. We are nearing the end.
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Post by Bandit666 »

We most certainly seem to approaching the end. And what an end it appears it will be. Here’s hoping you reach that magic 100’000 mark to celebrate. It’ll be so well deserved. For this has been about much more than just simply bondage. It’s a tale worth reading. One worth telling. Inventive. Creative and daring enough to push the boundaries of what’s expected here. A huge congratulations [mention]Caesar73[/mention]
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Post by banshee »

First of all congratulations, yours is indeed an achievement and since your readers are very active in the story I consider your success an even bigger one.

About the last chapter, Sieglinde punishment is looking dire but its not like she was the most sympathetic character of them all, so one cant feel especially guilty about enjoying reading about her situation. And its good to see Sussane get a break, she had been tied up on the dungeons since so many chapters ago that I can't really remember.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Yes, congratulations with achieving the landmark! That's not easy to do.

Now, onto the chapter. I agree with banshee: it's hard to feel pity for Sieglinde. She is infatuated with Christine and... that's pretty much what we know about her (Oh, and she treated Christine as her prisoner). And she's so willing to not blame Christine? Considering she literally thought "I hate you" and she realized that Christine played her. And she knows how harsh von Winterfeldt can be. So... why accept 100% of the blame?

Also, Susanne is back, which is good after we saw her suffering for way too many chapters. But... no harsh feelings for von Winterfeldt? I'm curious with each chapter about why are these women so loyal to von Winterfeldt. Sieglinde literally says "you must bring me to the boss". Why not thinking about escaping? Why not thinking about blaming somebody else? Susanne, a few chapters ago, was having second thoughts about her loyalty. Now, it seems she's back at her functions and she has no problem following von Winterfeldt's orders. What is making these women so loyal to a boss like Carl?

(On a final note, I don't quite understand the mention of Pilate. Pilate believed Jesus was innocent, but the crowd wanted him dead, so he washed his hands from the responsibility and declared him guilty because he wanted to please the crowd. But in this case, von Winterfeldt had already declared Sieglinde guilty and he said "your punishment will commence tomorrow". So the mention was... odd in my opinion).
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