The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Bandit666 »

My my what a wonderful way to start tying up loose ends. Literally. Always so delightful to see how your characters interact
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention]

Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago My my what a wonderful way to start tying up loose ends. Literally. Always so delightful to see how your characters interact
Thank you [mention]Bandit666[/mention] I am glad you liked the interactions :)

Three days later, somewhere at the Ligurian Coast, Italy, morning:

Map of the Ligurian Coast


Hayley enjoyed the view on the bright and blue Mediterranean Sea 100 Metres from her seat, there somewhere a few miles away laid Mystery Island, as she called the Island to herself.

After wrapping up things in Austria, Christine and Friends had relocated to a small Village at the Ligurian Coast. Not the Village which served as relay station between Mystery Island and the Mainland. The Risk that their group would raise suspicions or that they would encounter someone who would recognize Kirsty was too great, so they had opted for a different approach.

The Villa they had chosen was located well outside the small Village. Organizing the equipment, they would need to infiltrate the Island had taken some time too. Hayley felt some anxiety, being again so near to the Island had made her slightly nervous.

Kirsty obviously sensed the Mood of her Friend “You have doubts if this is the right thing to do?”

Hayley shrugged: “That´s not it, not exactly at least. It is the right thing to do, sure, but I feel like an inmate who returning to his Prison Cell, that he had just escaped from.”

Kirsty nodded “I get that for me it is a little different, but not much: We have to leave all those thoughts behind us, when we go on that mission”

Hayley nodded and pulled herself together “Let's go inside the others are waiting” and Kirsty followed her.

As they entered the others fell silent, sitting around a rectangular wooden large table. At the wall an aerial view of the Island was projected which showed the Island completely, the Training Facility, the landing Strip, the main complex.

They had agreed that Kirsty and Hayley would deliver the briefing, since they possessed invaluable first-hand knowledge. As Crawford´s former second-of-command, Kirsty´s input would be a great asset. At Times her fall from Grace still nagged at her. So Kirsty looked forward to pay her former Boss – and Friend a visit.

Kirsty cleared her throat: “We have to assume that Elizabeth knows by now that her pal von Winterfeldt is out of commission and knowing her, we have to assume that she will take additional security measures.”

Hayley seconded: “If Elizabeth Crawford is anything, she is a control freak and she will leave nothing to chance. She probably expects us to choose the way Gabriella and I left the Island, when Kirsty helped us to escape.” Hayley looked at Kirsty, who continued.

“So we will choose a different approach, we will land here” a small red dot appeared at a small cove, a few hundred metres away from the main complex. “We will have to cross the distance speedily, but there are many olive trees and bushes, the typical Mediterranean Maquis, which will give us good cover.”


Sarah McKenzie took a closer look at the Terrain: “Sounds good to me. Security measures?” she asked Kirsty.

“All Security is guarded from the Control Room here” another map appeared, showing a floor plan. “Normally there is only one Guard at the Night Shift.” Kirsty continued, but we have to assume that Harper has beefed up the Security. That is what I would do and Harper, despite her character flaws, is no Idiot.” an evil smile curled Kirsty´s full lips.

“So we have to clear the Control Room first.” Anna interjected.

“Basically yes” Hayley agreed, but before we go for Crawford we should take out some other Staff, the Persons most loyal to Crawford.

"How many Persons we are talking here?” Chris asked

“We should at least take care of …” Hayley looked at Kirsty, who responded “Harper, Yelena and Kendra. The Rest we can deal with. I think, Hayley and I can persuade them not to take action and we have an additional advantage. Crawford is not fond of Fire Arms, so the Guards are usually not armed.”

Kate raised her Eye Brows: “That sounds not very professional to me”

“Look at it this way” Hayley explained “Usually they are not necessary. Crawford has taken much care to conceal the existence of the Island. Only very few people knew about its location and what is going on there. To the outside World it does not exists.”

Kate still looked a little doubtful, but nodded. “That would make our job a whole lot easier.”

“Do we know how many “Guests” are housed on the Island besides Personal?” Chris posed another Question. Kirsty and Hayley exchanged a look:

“As far as we can tell? Six” Kirsty offered “But we should concentrate on Crawford, we do simply not have the resources, to rescue all damsels in distress.”

Chris nodded: “Agreed, but maybe we can come up with a different solution for that problem I think we should at least try to free them, we will talk about that later. I am open for Suggestions - continue if you please Hayley and Kirsty."

After being abducted herself Chris seemed inclined to go to any lengths to rescue fellow damsels in distress.

“When we have secured the Control Room, we will secure Harper, Yelena and Kendra, while you” Kirsty nodded at Kate, Anna and Chris will go for Crawford and have a little chat with her.”

“I can hardly wait” a wicked smile curled Chris´ lips. “I think it has been a while since Mrs. Crawford had the pleasure to be confined nice and comfy!”

Mystery Island, a small cove around Midnight:

For this time late in the Year, the sea was calm. It was a dark starless night. The low surf rushed softly against the shore, in its slow eternal rhythm. Except the usual sounds of sea and night, nothing could be heard.

Out of the pitch black darkness two black Zodiac Futura Commando Boats slowly emerged, propelled by paddles to the shore. The rowers timed their strokes with the waves to mask the soft swish they made. As soon as they made landfall, several Figures jumped over board and pulled both boats up the Shore.

Then the newcomers regrouped at the beach. All seven wore black combat suits with integrated body Armour and full Visor Helmets. One of them had slung the traditional daisho of a Samurai slung above her back.

One of the group took the lead, the others following in single file, the last one, bringing up the rear, carrying a Sniper Rifle. They followed the leader up a small trail, which lead them up a shallow gorge. All of them moved with the precision of trained Professionals, minding their step, not to kick lose any stones or gravel.

When they reached the top of the Cliff the typical Maquis stretched all around: Lots of small bushes, Olive Trees, cork oaks. The scents of the Mediterranean filled the air with their spicy scent.

Kirsty took a second to get her bearings then signalled the others to follow her. The trees and the bushes provided them with good cover, but they moved forward with utmost care. One could not be too careful. Stealth was the order of the day. Nevertheless they covered the Distance to the Main Complex in good time.

In thirty metres distance from the Building they took cover behind a couple of bushes and watched. Kate looked through her night glasses. The Complex lay silent. Lights were already out. "There!" From the right Kate could see a Guard, checking her surroundings carefully. From the other side another Guard came nearer. The two met in the middle and turned and began another round.

Chris and her Companions observed the guards for another thirty minutes, to be sure that there were only these two guards. Kirsty made some calculations: They would have ten minutes to take one guard out, before the other one would appear on the Scene. She motioned Sarah and Anna to follow her then crossed the distance to the Main Building.

Andrea's Senses were on high Alert. They had been told by Harper to be extra vigilant. But so far nothing had happened and she relaxed somewhat, she turned the Corner – and froze: Before her stood a smiling Kirsty: “Hey Andrea!”

Andrea looked at her former Commander in utter bewilderment, so that she did not register the movement behind her. Two strong Arms grabbed her from behind, another hand pressed a saturated cloth on her face. Out of reflex she opened her mouth to scream, only to inhale a healthy dose of the potent drug.

A soft voice whispered in her ear: “Do not fight it my dear, just breath nice and slowly.” Only then her training kicked in and she began to struggle. But her two attackers, it must be two, held fast. Andrea knew she fought a losing battle, but she thought nevertheless, held her breath.

But the more she struggled, the sooner she would have to breathe. The tight grip around her abdomen caused her to open her mouth and breathe in and that was the beginning of the End. The Chloroform sapped her strength, she felt her limbs tingling. Then it was over.

One Minute later Anna let the unconscious Andrea glide carefully to the floor. “She put up quite a fight” the Russian whispered to Sarah. “Let us secure her, we have only five Minutes, till the other Guard shows up” the Canadian admonished her Companion.

They set to work, quickly and efficient. Hogtying the unconscious Andrea with Zip Ties, Anna pressed a large nerf ball with a zip tie through its centre, in her Mouth then Sarah secures the zip tie tightly behind her neck. Kristy hold up two Fingers: “Two Minutes”. They left the hogtied Andrea lying on the floor, so that the other Guard would stumble across her.

Vernie stifled a yawn. So far the night shift had been uneventful. They had been told to be on her guard at all times, but not why. Vernie suspected it had something to do with Hayley and Kirsty. Both had gone AWOL after completing the Mission, but why should they return to the Island? Nobody who knew their Boss would do that willingly, Crawford was known for holding Grudges.

She rounded the Corner. No Andrea. “Here.” she heard a soft whisper and turned around: “Kirsty?” Vernie stared in disbelief at the sight before her. On the floor laid a tightly hogtied Andrea. Next to her stood a smiling Kirsty. In the same second she was grabbed from behind by two very strong Arms who held her with an iron grip. While another Attacker pressed a Cloth tightly on her face. Her first Attacker lifted her of the Ground.

Five Minutes later Vernie laid next to Andrea, equally hogtied and gagged and unconscious on the floor. Sarah and Anna searched them quickly and found a set of Key Cards.

“What are these for?” the Russian asked.

“With those Cards we can get access anywhere in the House.” An evil smile crossed Sarah´s lips: “What a Pity, so we won´t have to break in.”

“Exactly” Kirsty nodded. “Let us move those two out of sight we do not want somebody stumbling accidently across them.”

10 Minutes later:

Hayley hold her breath as Kirsty inserted the Key Card into the slot next to the Main Entrance. The light switched from red to green. They entered the deserted Entrance Hall. Hayley gestured Sophie and Kate to follow her. They would go for the Control Room, while the others would take out Crawford´s Staff.

“This is unsettling” Hayley thought, as they silently moved along the empty floors, the rubber soles of the boots made no sound on the carpet. Hayley peered carefully around the Corner: Outside the Door stood one Guard. Hayley lifted one finger. Kate and Sophie nodded. Slowly and carefully Hayley took the Tranquilizer Gun out of her Holster. She gestured Kate who stepped around the Corner.

The Guard seemed to have sensed something because she turned around and froze, when she saw Kate, who had removed her Visor Helmet. “Who are you?” she demanded.

“Sorry, I got lost, could you please help me?” Kate asked innocently. The Distraction was all Hayley needed, who fired the Tranquilizer Gun, which hit the Guard squarely in the chest.

Kate rushed at her, before the unconscious Woman could hit the Floor and let her glide carefully to the down. They waited for a moment but nothing happened. Kate gestured Hayley and Sophie to take position left and right of the door, then she yanked the door wide open and they rushed at the unsuspecting Woman, Vernie as Hayley noticed, supervising the screens in the Control Room. Surprise was total. Hayley and Sophie grabbed the woman, while Kate pressed a saturated cloth on her face. Two Minutes later it was over.

“Let us secure them” Hayley told Sophie and Kate. They hogtied the two with Zipties and gagged them with nerf balls and zip ties. To keep them docile, they gave them an extra dose of tranquillizer

Hayley spoke in her Mike: “Adler 1 for Adler 2”

“Adler 2” Chris replied.

“Control Room secured.”

"Adler 1 out."

"Perfect” Hayley heard the smile in Chris Voice. “Be on the lookout!” the Pianist continued. Will do” Hayley replied. She turned to Sophie and Kate: “Now we wait.”
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Post by Beaumains »

So, the epilogue will be quite a bit more than the standard epilogue of a book? You remind me of Tolkien, who returned "The Lord of the Rings" when he was asked for a short sequel of "The Hobbit." I had expected a long-drawn series of goodbyes, philosophical and emotional exchanges of words, and hopes for the future. Nope, it is another complete story, not that I am complaining. And this was only the first epilogue?
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Post by GreyLord »

It is a pleasure to read about this well-oiled machine at work, taking over the island with precision. In spite of their nervousness, this must be good for the souls of Kirsty and Hayley. I am looking forward to the confrontation with Crawford. Well done, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention]
Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago And this was only the first epilogue?
Indeed [mention]Beaumains[/mention] - the second one will see the Girls relaxing and having fun at the Red Sea :) Also the second Epilogue will set the Stage in part for the Sequel. The Gap between the Hunt and its Sequel will be filled by a separate Story which will lay the Foundations for the Sequel. On this Story I am currently working on. The Girls will meet new Friends and new Enemies - but for now I will not tell more :)

The first floor of the Main Complex, Staff Quarters, the same time:

Kirsty, Chris, Sarah and Anna had reached the first floor without encountering anyone. They had decided that they would split up. Chris and Kirsty would go for Louise Williams and Harper while Sarah and Anna would go for Kendra and Yelena. They would take on Yelena first.

Chris followed Kirsty who strode purposefully along. The floor was dimly lit. They had decided to take Harper out first. Harper was a skilled Judoka, while Williams would probably pose no Problem, she was a skilled Administrator who worked largely backstage, but she was no fighter.

Harper's Suite was on the first floor, the panoramic windows commanding a fantastic view of the Mediterranean as Kirsty knew. She had been a few times in Harper's Rooms before she had helped Hayley to escape. After Kirsty had been stripped of Rank by Crawford, Harper had let her feel at every turn that she considered her a traitor.

Kirsty slit the Key Card trough the Slot a barely audible Click and the Door was open. Slowly and carefully Kirsty pushed the Door open and listened for a moment. Nothing could be heard than the soft breathing of a Person. Carefully she moved forward, Chris covering her, the Tranquilizer Guns at the ready.

They entered the bedroom. Kristy froze, the bed was empty. In the same Moment a shadow delivered an expert Karate chop at her Wrist, so that she had to let her gun go. But before the Attacker could follow through with another blow, Chris fired her Tranquilizer Gun which hit the woman squarely in the Chest, who crumbled on the Floor in an untidy heap.

Kirsty winced as she touched her wrist, she turned to Chris: “Thank you”

“No big deal” Chris whispered back. “Let us tie her up.”

A smile crossed Kirsty´s Lips: “I know just the right thing!” She went to one of the Wardrobes, opened it and produced two large compression Sacks and a few other items.

Kirsty noticed the surprised look on Chris´ face: “In every Suite a full set of the Basic Restrain System is stashed, Crawford insisted on that.”

“But I was restrained in three Bags.” Chris asked.

“That is the Enhanced Restraining System” it is only used for “VIP´s” like you Chris” she couldn't help but grin. Chris Eye Brows went up a little, but then she smiled back.”

“Well you could show me now how to use it.” They turned to the unconscious Harper. And Kirsty had to admit that she enjoyed it very much restraining Harper. With Chris´ Assistance they stripped the Woman out of her PJ´s and with practiced skill, she put a thick adult diaper on her.

Together they manhandled her in a Down-Filled Suit. Kristy registered the apprehension on the blonde´s face, but that moment passed as Chris pulled herself together and took six heavily padded straps to secure Harpers legs while Kirsty applied the Cuffs, Mittens and the Straps which held the arms of the victim against her Body.

With extreme satisfaction Kirsty gagged Harper and took care that the gag was extra tight. Manhandling Harper in the two Bags took some effort, when they were finished, they high-fived and looked down at the still unconscious Harper.

“Not bad for a Rookie” Kirsty grinned at Chris. 20 Minutes is a good time, but I think with some practise you will be better very soon.”

“Fine” Chris smiled back, “then let us loose no time and taking this Williams out.” As Kirsty had correctly guessed, Williams had posed no challenge. They had found the Woman peacefully sleeping in her bed. A shot from the tranquilizer gun made sure she wouldn't be waking any time soon.

And to her Surprise Chris found out, that they needed indeed only 15 Minutes for restraining Williams this time. “Practise makes indeed perfect.” Chris thought as they left Williams´ Suite to meet Sarah and Anna and render Assistance if necessary.

When they reached the Rendezvous-Point five Minutes later the Russian and the Canadian were already waiting for them. “What took you so long?” Anna teased them.

“Well” Chris whispered back “one of our targets did not want to go down willingly.”

“And you?” “No Problem what so ever” the Dark Lady returned.

“That Yelena Chick was a tough one, but she had no chance and since we are no totally heartless we left her something to pass the time.” Her smile was evil. “And the Restraining System” will keep her nice and secure. Anna chimed in.

Kirsty interrupted: “As much as I would like to swap stories, we still have a job to do. Crawford is waiting!” “You are right” Chris agreed. “Lead the way”

Kirsty took the lead and they followed her in single file up the Stair Case. Crawford´s Suite was on the Top Floor of the Building. The Floor which led to the large Double Door was empty. On the lush Carpet they made know sound. Chris recalled the Floor Plan of the large Suite. From the Dining Room one Door on the right was the Bedroom.

“Will the Key Card open this Door?” Sarah asked Kirsty when they came to a halt in front of the double leaved Door.

“It should” the Briton replied. “If not …”

“I have the right key” the Thief grinned. “The lock has yet to be lock invented, that I cannot open.”

“Let's hope it does not come to that” Chris added. “Let´s go”

Chris and Anna took position either side of the Entrance, covering Kirsty and Sarah. Kirsty slit the Key Card through the slot and a soft click indicated that the Door was open. Kirsty slowly and with utmost care opened the Door; her companions had their weapons at the ready, as they followed her inside.

The large Room was empty, covering each other they entered. For a second Kirsty thought back to the last time when she had been there, just two weeks ago, when they had dined here with Crawford before they flew to Vienna the next day. Well, they had not only dined … but Kirsty pushed the thoughts forcefully aside.

They secured the Room. Kirsty gestured at the Door of Crawford´s Bedroom, which stood slightly ajar. She pushed the Door open and they entered. On the large King Size Bed, covered by silken sheets laid a peacefully sleeping woman. While Anna and Sarah took up Position at each side of bed, Chris remained at the Door, for the unlikely Case Crawford would make a run for the Door.

Kirsty produced a chloroform-soaked cloth. They had decided beforehand to douse the cloth just enough to render their victim unconscious only for a short time. And then Kirsty pounced, straddling the sleeping woman and pressing the cloth tightly on her face, Crawford´s woke up with a start and stared wide eyed at their Captor who held her down with an iron grip and wore a closed Visor helmet.

Her struggles soon became weak, and her eyes fluttered, then closed. Kirsty waited for another minute till she took the cloth away. Aided by Chris they carried the unconscious Woman in the Living Room and sat her down on Chair.

20 Minutes later:

Elizabeth Crawford´s head pounded. She moaned. It took another five Minutes till she was totally awake. What had happened? The last thing she remembered was that someone had pressed a chloroform soaked Cloth on her face. She had fought back. But the Attacker had been too strong, her face, she was sure it had been a woman, obscured by a full Visor Helmet.

She began taking stock of her situation. It had been a while since she had been bound and gagged and bound and gagged she was, secured tightly. She sat on a Chair, her Arms tied behind the High Back of the Chair at wrists and elbows her hands had been obviously wrapped into fists with duct tape and rendered useless. More ropes above and below her breast and her waist held her tight on the chair.

Her legs had been tied together at the ankles, below and above the knees. Her toes barely touched the floor, because her Ankles had been tied to her Wrists. Whoever had done this, had done an profoundly professional Job

She tried to open her eyes, but discovered that she had been blindfolded with a heavily padded Sleep Mask of Sorts. Something soft filled her Mouth and her Mouth had been taped shut. To her surprise Elizabeth Crawford was not scared. She was angry.

Angry that someone dared to do this to her, she strained against her bonds which held fast. She heard nothing but she sensed the Presence of one Person? “No” her instincts told her. There must be more.

Someone fumbled at the back of her head. The Sleep Mask was removed. She blinked into the sudden light. When she could see clearly she saw four figures staring down at her, all wore black body armour and full visor helmets, their arms folded under their chests.

The woman in the centre had two swords slung across her back, two others automatic rifles, the fourth, the tallest of the quartet a long rifle fitted with a telescopic sight and a suppressor. She and the Woman in the Middle were the tallest, well over six feet.

They all had the bearings of Professionals. They continued to stare down at her. They just stood there and stared. Crawford had enough. She growled angrily in her gag.

Chris had to admit that she was impressed. Many other People waking up tied and gagged, would have panicked. Crawford didn't. If she was the control freak, as Kirsty and Hayley had told them, this must be the worst for her:

She had no Control, she was powerless and that made her mad. Very good! Chris nodded subtly to her Comrades, opened her Visor and removed her helmet shook her head so that her long blond hair, tied in a Ponytail flowed freely down her back.

Crawford watched as the Woman in the Centre removed her Helmet, It was a blonde with bright emerald green eyes who stared coldly at her, devoid of any emotion. And for the first time in a long time Elizabeth Crawford experienced something akin to fear.

In the meantime the other women had also removed their Helmets. Two Crawford recognized from Pictures: Sarah McKenzie aka The Dark Lady, Anna Romanova and – her heart skipped a beat for moment – and Kirsty.

Crawford glared at her former Second-in-Command, but Garrett seemed not to be intimidated. “I am powerless” she thought “And Kristy knows that.”

Christine von der Marwitz addressed her, her normally warm and melodious Alto Voice sounded cool: “Good evening Elizabeth, you do not mind if I call you Elizabeth? – you probably want to know what we are doing here?”

Crawford growled angrily into her gag. The Pianist smiled coldly and continued:

“First and foremost I want to thank you personally for the incredible Experience of the Enhanced Restraining System” her Voice dripping with Irony – but there are other more pressing Matters we need to discuss. But I am afraid, that has to wait. We are on a tight Schedule here.”

"Here is what is going to happen. You will accompany us on a little trip and we will continue our Conversation at another Place." she paused as Crawford shook he head angrily, then continued "There are two Ways we can do this: Either you cooperate and follow our instructions to the letter, or we simply knock you out and take you with us. It is your choice. But you will go with us either way.

"And if you think that you can count on help from your people? Then you are sadly mistaken. Our Associates, have taken over the Control Room and Louise Williams, Harper, Kendra and Yelena are presently enjoying the Comforts of your Restraining System. So what will it be, Liz?” Chris knew fully well that Crawford hated it to be called Liz”

Crawford weighed her options, stared defiantly at von der Marwitz, but nodded eventually. The Pianist smiled, but it was no friendly smile “I am so glad you see sense.” She turned to Sarah and Kirsty. “Would you please prepare her Ladyship for the Journey?” Chris and Anna took positions in such a way that they could deter any escape attempt of Crawford easily.

Sarah cut the rope, which connected Elizabeth´s ankles and wrists and the Criminal Master Mind sighed in relief when she could straighten out her legs again. Kirsty removed the ropes which bound her to the Chair. Then Crawford´s World became black again as the Sleep Mask was applied again. Then Elizabeth felt that Ear Buds were inserted first in her left then in her right ear and all sounds were shut out.

She felt that the ropes around her Ankles and below her knees were removed. Some sneakers were put on her bare feet and her Ankles shackled with soft but unforgiving manacles. She was surprisingly gently pulled upright, then she heard von der Marwitz Voice again.

“You need to fear nothing we will guide you, till we reach our destination.” And her World became silent again. She was led firmly but gently outside her suite. As she found out, she could only make small steps. But at least she didn't have to walk barefoot. This was the ultimate humiliation. Bound and gagged, just clad in her Negligée, which was rather short

Chris spoke in her Mike: “Hayley?” “Yes?” the American answered. “We have our Primary Target secured. Send your guests to sleep and meet us at the Entrance in 10.” “Will do!” Hayley confirmed.

The former Investigator turned to Kate and Sophie. “Inject those two” she gestured at the two hogtied Guards “with another Dose of Tranquilizer and then we leave. We will meet Chris and the others in Ten, at the Entrance.”

“Let´s go” she slapped Crawford firmly on her backside, which made the Villainess jump and growling into her gag angrily.

Crawford stumbled along between her two handlers. Obviously they were on the way down to the Entrance Hall. She hated it to be so powerless but what concerned her more was, what von der Marwitz wanted from her. Some sort of Payback, maybe but there had been more to it. She hated to admit it, but von der Marwitz had given her the creeps. Back in the time she had considered it a good Idea helping out Carl von Winterfeldt to kidnap von der Marwitz, now she was not so sure anymore.

Hayley, Kate and Sophie arrived at the Entrance Gate first. The large complex was still silent. To her surprise Sophie had felt less anxious than at the Adlernest, probably because no Guns were involved.

“Ah there are they!” Hayley interrupted her line of thought. Out of the Dark appeared the figures of Chris, Sarah. Anna and Kirsty lead a blindfolded, tied and gagged woman between them, who wore just a flimsy negligee and Sneakers on her feet: “Elizabeth Crawford!” Obviously Crawford was deaf and blind, because she showed no reaction when Chris greeted Hayley, who could not hide a grin, as she mustered Crawford´s skimpy Negligée “I must give Elizabeth that, she has Style!”

“Okay, let us get back to the Cove! The sooner we leave, the better.” Chris pressed on. They had to move more slowly because of their hostage, but they reached the Boats after 30 Minutes.

Elizabeth felt the cool air on her face, and took in the scents of the Maquis. At some point she felt that they moved downwards, obviously to the Beach. They halted. The Shackles around her Ankles were removed. She was helped into a boat and laid down, her Ankles were tied together again a blanket of sorts was thrown over her. She felt a sharp Prick in her Neck and everything went black.

The Girls pulled the two Boats into the surf and paddled away from the Cove. When they had covered a distance of 500 Metres, they started the Motors of the Boats and melted into the Darkness.

The Beach looked as nobody had ever been there.
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Post by GreyLord »

Another operation with flawless execution, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. With my memory not being what it used to be, I need to go back and read your introduction to the island to help me sort out the players. But for now, what will they do with Elizabeth?
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago But for now, what will they do with Elizabeth?
Patience my Padawan :) That tale will be told soon -- as probably tomorrow ... so stay tuned :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention]

Sorry to disappoint folks, but what happened to Crawford will be revealed not in this, but the next update :)

Somewhere at the Ligurian Coast, Italy, the next morning:

Kate stifled a yawn and stretched. She had risen around 0900 Hours, showered and pulled on some comfy casual, a Hoodie, Jeans and thick woollen socks on her feet. Eagerly she followed the heavenly flavour of fresh brewed strong Coffee into the open Kitchen. Somebody had been so kind to start the Coffee Machine.

The American helped herself to a large Pot of black and strong and walked through the open Panoramic Door, which separated the living Room from the Terrace. There at the balustrade stood her Royal Morning Grumpiness Anna Romanova herself, sipping Coffee and gazing at the open sea, which rolled in long waves against the turf.

It was a fresh Morning – but for the last days of October, surprisingly warm, a slight breeze filled the air with the salty Aroma of the Sea. Sea Gulls screeched.

Kate knew by now, that while Anna was usually absolutely no morning person; after operations though she was up bright and early and not her usual grumpy morning self, on the contrary. Kate walked towards her to join her friend at the Balustrade.

Before she arrived there, Anna greeted her without turning her back “Morning Kate, did you sleep well?”

“Yep, a little bit short, but deep dreamless and refreshing and you Anna?”

“The same!” For a moment they stood in harmonic silence at the Parapet. “Have you seen our glorious leader already?” The Detective asked her Russian Friend.

Instead answering her Question Anna quoted: “Behold Aphrodite risen from the foam!”

“Beg your Pardon?” Kate seemed at loss.

“Look!” Anna pointed with a finger down to the surf:

Chris had just emerged from the Sea walking casually through the Surf at the Beach. Wearing a green two Piece Bathing Suit, her blond Mane covered by a Rubber Cap.

Kate shuddered: “You know Anna, I am accustomed to New York´s Winter, but I would not dream of taking a bath at the Hudson River this time of Year.”

They watched Chris as she dried herself with a large terry Towel, then she took of first the upper Part of her Two Piece before rolling down the other Part down her legs and Anna could not help but to admire the athletic physique of her friend

The Blonde dried herself completely and put on a Jump Suit, before she pulled of the bathing cap and shook her blond mane free, which flowed in a cascade down her back.

Only then she walked casually up the turf, to the Stair Well which leaded up to the Patio. Chris brushed the Sand of her soles and slipped on her Birkenstocks and walked towards them up the Stairs

“Isn´t it a beautiful morning?” She asked her Friends brightly “The water was fantastic!”

Kate looked dubiously at her: “A hot shower was perfectly fine for me!”

“Don´t be such a wimp” Chris chided her playfully.

“Is there any Coffee left?”

“Yes” Anna replied, “in the Kitchen”

She looked concerned at her friend: “Are you ill Christine? I mean you and Coffee?”

“Well, I feel like having some” the Pianist grinned. “You Guys run on the Stuff, for me it is a last resort and I need something to get though the day”

Two Minutes later Chris returned with a large Mug. For a moment they stood side by side enjoying the Company of each other.

Anna broke the Silence: “You don´t believe me how much I am looking forward to Hurghadda, enjoying the Sun, the Red Sea, diving, being pampered and doing nothing.”

“Me too” Kate agreed “I have never been there. And after all those stuff happening since Hamburg, we deserve that.” Anna and Chris just nodded.

“What is the Plan for today Chris?” Anna asked after a few minutes of Silence.

“Well, we will have breakfast and then pay our Guest a Visit and have a talk. But it does not hurt if we let Crawford simmer still for a spell. She might be more forthcoming then. By now, they must have discovered the Absence of their Boss at Mystery Island.”

The Trio smiled broadly.

Mystery Island: Outside the Control Room, around 0800 Hours:

Constance was the first to discover that something was rotten in the State of Denmark. Shift Change was at 0800 Hours. When she came nearer the Door of the Control Room she saw no Guard outside as it supposed to be. Her Neck Hairs rose. Her Instincts told her, that something was amiss.

Carefully she walked nearer. The Door was closed. Resolutely she pressed down the handle opened the Door and froze: On the floor, tightly hog tied with Zip Ties and Eyes wide above the Nerf Balls filling their Mouths the two Guards of the Night Shift stared at her. “I need something to cut the Zip Ties” Constance thought. “I´ll be back soon!” She told the two unlucky Guards – and rushed out of the Door.

Mystery Island: Harpers Quarters, around 0800 Hours:

Harper was furious and banged her head on the soft Surface. She had lost track how often she had done that in the last hours. She strained against the restraining bags, knowing that this was pointless. Her Jaw was stiff and ached; she had had to soil the Diaper two hours ago. No, Harper was not a happy Camper.

All she remembered was that she had awoken after midnight because she felt something was off. She had heard noises outside her Door. Harper had hidden behind the Door of her bedroom and waited.

When she saw a dark shadow she had delivered a blow at the Wrist of the Intruder who let her Gun fall. But before she could land another blow, something sharp had hit her in the Chest and it had been lights out.

When she came around in the middle of the night she had been restrained in their very own restraining System. Something was wrong very, very wrong.

Mystery Island: Control Room, around 0830 Hours:

Constance had returned quickly with Perrie and Tehiani in tow and they had freed the unlucky Guards. After they had reported what had happened to them, Constance had tried to reach Harper. But she did not answer her phone, no luck with Louise Williams. Kendra and Yelena had also not reported for duty as did Vernie and Andrea. Nobody so far had mustered the Courage to inform Elizabeth Crawford about that Disaster.

This was most alarming: Obviously someone had infiltrated the Island and left unseen. The Guards had described the Woman which had removed her helmet: the description sounded like Kate Beckett, one of the Companions of Christine von der Marwitz.

That they had come this far meant that the attackers had possessed inside knowledge and that lead to another disturbing thought: That Kirsty and Hayley had changed sides.

Since Perrie was the most senior Team Member left she took command, she ordered a thorough search of the grounds and sent Constance and Tehiani along with two other Girls to check for the other Staff. Minutes later they reported back that they had found the four, restrained on their beds.

When Harper had freshened up 30 Minutes later, Vernie and Andrea had been found too. And both had confirmed their Suspicions: Both Women had been ambushed by Kirsty and at least two other Attackers.

Curtly a very pissed off Harper ordered Constance, Perrie and Tehiani to accompany her to Crawford´s Suite on the topmost Floor. A hot shower and a change of clothes had improved her mood only so much. This had been so humiliating!

Carefully they neared the double leaved Door which stood slightly ajar. The first sign, that something was amiss.

Harper knocked three times crisply at the door and waited. No response. She knocked again. Still no response, Harper had enough. Resolutely she pushed the door open. The large Dining Room was empty. “Elizabeth?” Harper called. But nobody answered.

Harper pulled the Door to the Bedroom open. On the Bed only rumpled sheets, but no Crawford. Harper took a look around. This was most strange. Where the Hell was Elizabeth Crawford??

“Harper?” Constance asked haltingly. “Yes?” Harper barked. “Look, there on the Sideboard!” Harper followed Constance´s Direction: There on the dark Mahogany Sideboard, leaning against the Wall stood an Envelope, made of heavy creamy handmade Paper. “It is addressed to you” Perrie pointed out. Indeed: Written in a clear elegant Hand in black Ink it read: For Harper.

Impatient after a night she had spent drugged and restrained in their very own restraining bags she ripped the Envelope open: Inside was a Data Stick nothing more. Constance spoke aloud what anybody else thought: “This can´t be good.”

Elizabeth Crawford had vanished.

Without a trace.

As if she had never been there.
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Post by Pantyhose971 »

I think I was 123 chapters behind :lol: But I finnaly had the time to read and I am glad it continues. But now I have to wait for the next chapter for Crawford.. :D
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Post by GreyLord »

I can wait a little longer to learn what happens to Crawford, @Caesar. Perhaps not cheerfully, however. You are clearly working your way forward. It is well done.
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Post by Beaumains »

The bad guys keep droppin' down, and soon no one will remain to stop this squad. Like the A-team or Rambo, nothing in their way seems to form a serious obstacle. What's next? Everyone can go live happily ever after?

I liked how Crawford and her associates had to get a taste of her own medicine. Soon, little will remain of her criminal enterprise. Will she also be handed to the law enforcement? Or is her grip strong enough?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago I liked how Crawford and her associates had to get a taste of her own medicine. Soon, little will remain of her criminal enterprise. Will she also be handed to the law enforcement? Or is her grip strong enough?
Indeed Crawford and Company had that coming for a long time :) What Fate Crawford will be facing? You will learn this Evening MEST :) What I can already tell you: She will have a very constructive Conversation with Chris :) So stay tuned :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention]

Showdown :)

Somewhere at the Ligurian Coast, Italy, around 1000 Hours:

Elizabeth Crawford stared at the Ceiling of the Room, she was confined too. She had been woken, when around an hour ago, the lights had been turned on. The ceiling was bare and white and this was about the only thing she could see. When she had come around, she had been disorientated at first. “I am not in my own bed.” Only when she had tried to move, Crawford had found out that she could not move or speak or do anything.

Then the reality hit her with the Force of a Hammer: “I am restrained in our own Restraining System”

The System she had invented and perfected over the Years, which had been designed to hold People confined securely and comfortable long time. To add insult to injury she enjoyed now the Comforts of that Restraining Bags.

What had happened? Slowly memory came back: “I had been attacked and chloroformed in my Chambers and tied up.”

The rather one sided conversation with von der Marwitz ….

Crawford realized that she had no other option than to wait.

As if on cue the she heard the Door opening. Several People entered. A face appeared in her very limited field of Vision, a face she knew only too well: Kirsty. She growled angrily into her Gag. “Good morning to you too!” Kirsty replied friendly. “I hope you slept well?”

Then her former Confidant grew serious: “Elizabeth you know the Drill: We will let you out of the Bags. You have 30 Minutes to freshen up and to put on a new down suit. Then you have 30 Minutes for Breakfast, then we will have a talk with you. And one piece of advice: Try nothing stupid. It will get you nothing.” Her face vanished.

Kirsty turned to Anna, Kate and Sarah: “Kate and Anna would you please assist me, Sarah keep a good eye on our guest. If she moves a muscle without authorization, stun her.”

15 Minutes later Crawford sat on her bed. The Room she was confined to, looked more like a Hotel Room than a Cell, except the heavily secured Door and the Cameras. She fumbled at the Straps behind her head, which held the heavily padded Panel Gag in her Mouth. Carefully she pulled the large foam ball out. Her jaws were stiff and it took a while till she could move them.

She looked around. No Windows. A large flat screen on the Wall across the large and comfortable bed. Several Cupboards, a round table made of dark wood and two matching chairs. The Walls were painted in a mild yellow tone. On the Walls three Paintings hung, they pictured Mediterranean Landscapes.

One Door led to the Bathroom she guessed. How many times she had confined her guests to rooms like these, now she was in the same position and that did not sit well with Elizabeth, to get accustomed to the fact, that she had no control about her situation. Normally it was the other way around.

Her Handlers had her treated with professional courtesy but nothing more. And the watchful bottomless Black Eyes of Sarah McKenzie had not left her for a second. Not that Anna Romanova or Kate Beckett had given her any opportunity to do anything. They had worn their Guns in shoulder holsters. And ready to use them in an instant, if necessary.

But Crawford knew she would be not a match for any of them. And the Russian seemed only to wait for a Reason to have a go at her. From the Files she knew that Anna Romanova and Christine von der Marwitz were very close. Not for the first time in the last hours she had thought, that it had been a mistake not capturing von der Marwitz Friends too.

Elizabeth sighed stood and waddled into the Bath Room. It would be a blessing to get rid of that Diaper.

When she returned from the Bath Room 30 Minutes later a Tray with her Breakfast stood on the Table, which looked as good as a Breakfast in any five Star Hotel. The Tea was perfect. Since she was famished she dug in with gusto.

Crawford was so engrossed that she did look up with surprise as the Door of her Cell opened and four Persons entered: Christine von der Marwitz, Sarah McKenzie, Kirsty and Hayley.

Hayley seemed unmoved, but the criminal knew her long enough to detect small signs of discomfort. If she had to guess, Hayley wished herself to another place, but the Hayley she knew would not run away from anything; one of the things which had fascinated about the American.

“Good Morning Elizabeth, I see you enjoyed your breakfast” the Pianist greeted her in a neutral tone. She wore blue Jeans, a white blouse, white sneakers and no Socks. The long blond hair flowed freely across her back. Von der Marwitz radiated Power and Confidence, everything about her, told her Opponent that she called the shots.

“You do not mind, if take a seat” and Chris sat across Crawford on the Chair across the round Table, leaning casually back, one leg crossed about the other, totally at ease and scrutinized her opponent calmly for a spell and Elizabeth Crawford had the feeling that those piercing green Eyes drilled a hole in her. Hayley and Kirsty positioned themselves behind Chris, while McKenzie remained at the Door.

Crawford chuckled, but it sounded forced even to her own ears: “Four against one? Are you afraid of me Miss von der Marwitz?”

Chris returned nothing, just kept her firmly in her Gaze, eventually the Artist replied evenly:

“Do I fear you? No. Do I underestimate you? No. Not since your People abducted me.

Underestimating your Opponent is dangerous – but we can argue the finer Points of Sun Tzu later, there are more pressing matters at hand, so listen very carefully. These are our demands. If they are not met by you and your Organization, you will pay the Price."

Chris waited a moment for her words to sink in before continuing:

"Firstly: If you or anyone you choose to task with the job goes near Hayley or Kirsty ever again, or threaten anyone they love or care for, I will destroy you.

Secondly: The same goes for anybody of me or my friends, or people they love and care for.

Thirdly: You will release all the Captives you hold Hostage on your Island. If your plane with all Hostages on Board is not in the air by 1400 Hours at the latest, a dossier containing all the Data we recovered will go to every Major News Outlet in the World and to national and international law Enforcement Agencies around the World.

If the Hostages are not at the American Embassy in Bern and their Identity confirmed before 1700 Hours, the Informations will go public. Are you with me so far Elizabeth?”

Crawford said nothing, just stared at her, fuming with Anger: “You cannot do this. Who do you think who you are and overrated musician playing Detective?” Her Voice was cold and menacing.

“Actually Liz” Chris pronounced the hated version of her surname with utmost Contempt “I can, and I will. Since you cannot compare Notes with Hermann-Carl Reichenbach in Hades or your Pal von Winterfeldt under Stone he crawled unto, we thought a little object-lesson might convince you. She let that last Sentence ominously hanging in the Air.


“Yes Chris” the Canadian returned curtly.

“Would you kindly turn on the TV?”

“Watch very carefully Liz!” Chris demanded, the large flat screen on the Wall across them sprang to life. In a conversational tone Chris explained: “The Recording we will see was made five days ago in the Labyrinth at the Adlernest.”

And Elizabeth watched: On the Screen she could follow the Duel between Chris and von Winterfeldt:

At first Crawford thought, that she watched a Movie, but her face turned Pale as she saw as Chris´ Katana hit von Winterfeldt´s Eye and she gasped in Horror as Chris´ severed his right hand and Sabre and Wrist flew through the Air and hit the floor. Von Winterfeldt fell down on his knees.

Then Chris positioned herself next to his kneeling form, preparing for the killing blow. The Camera zoomed in on von Winterfeldt´s cruelly disfigured face, the bloody hole, where his left eye had been, the bloody cut, which ran across his face. The Screen froze.

Nobody spoke.

After a Minute Chris broke the Silence and spoke not loud, but very clear: “If you wish to test my resolve, I am more than happy to provide a live demonstration, you might think about which body part you are willing to lose. I will have your Answer in 30 Minutes," and without another Word Chris and her Companions left a shell shocked Elizabeth Crawford staring at von Winterfeldt´s bloody face.

Mystery Island: Conference Room, around 1100 Hours:

Nobody in Room sitting around the conference Table spoke. They all stared in shock and disbelief at the screen which showed von Winterfeldt´s cruelly disfigured face.

It was Louise Williams who recovered first: “Harper, do you think this is authentic, not some kind of Fake?”

“Our Technicians could verify that, but in my opinion this is the real deal.” Crawford´s Second in Command answered thoughtfully.

“Look at the movements of the Woman. No Stuntman, no Actor moves with that kind of precision. The way, the Woman moves, the way she handles the sword? You need to train a life time to reach that level; this is Kenjitsu of the highest Level. So, yes, as much as I hate to admit it, this is authentic. To assume otherwise would be foolish.”

“You know what that means, Harper” Louise said gravely.

“Yes I know Louise. This means that von der Marwitz means Business and I see no way than to meet her terms. The Ultimatum she sets us leaves us not much leeway.

Even if we were to turn this over to the authorities, as proof of her assault, she and her friends would come for us and we would be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives."

Louise Williams nodded. “We do not want that. And I had a call with Naomi Van den Burgh: obviously von der Marwitz sent her some of the Material that would go public, if we refuse her demands. This is pure dynamite. If that Stuff goes public, Elizabeth can forget about any deal with the authorities. And that is the last thing Elizabeth would want. So we will comply.

She looked at each and every one at the Table: Make the necessary Arrangements.

Somewhere at the Ligurian Coast, Italy, around 1000 Hours:

For a good part of the 30 Minutes Elizabeth Crawford had sat just where she had sat as Christine von der Marwitz had left her, staring blindly at the frozen picture on the screen. She asked herself: "Would the Pianist be capable of doing to her, what she had done to von Winterfeldt?" "Yes she will without hesitation” a small Voice in her head kept telling her. “I do not have any Choice”

After precisely 30 Minutes her handlers returned. Hayley was carrying a long rectangular Box of black lacquered wood and Crawford had a shrewd guess what was inside. She began to sweat.

With utmost care the Pianist opened the box and retrieved the long Katana in its polished black scabbard. With one fluid motion, the result of life long practice she pulled the blade out of its sheath, the polished, sharp blade glistened in the lamp light. In one rapid movement she thrusted the blade forward aimed at Crawford´s throat, stopping just Millimetres before her larynx. Crawford´s Eyes widened in shock. The Tip of the Blade did not waver.

Von der Marwitz regarded Crawford with a cool gaze, like a scientist, her voice matched the icy coldness of her Eyes “Have you made your decision Elizabeth?”

The Criminal pulled herself together; with forced calm, through clenched teeth she replied: “I will comply”

“Very well” Chris nodded “Then let us hope your Staff will reach the same conclusion and Elizabeth? I think the Girls will only be too happy to help you pass the time after Lunch!” She turned to Kirsty and Hayley: “After all the stress it is time for our Guest to take a nap." Hayley and Kirsty moved swiftly to the surprised Crawford. Kirsty grabbed her from behind while Hayley pressed a heavily doused cloth on mouth and nose, Crawford did not fight the inevitable.”

As Hayley and Kirsty busied themselves to restrain the criminal, Chris and Sarah left the two alone. “Tell me Chris, you would not really have dismembered Crawford?” the Canadian asked. “No, probably not” Chris smiled. “But Crawford believed I would and that was enough.”

When Crawford came around after her forced nap, she found herself restrained in the bags again. She tested her bonds. Something was different around her groin. In the same moment the vibrator Kirsty and Hayley had provided her with, began to buzz between her legs ….
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice!That was quite convincing. Not the easiest demands to satisfy. That's another bad guy out of the picture, though I have to admit, Christine's threat would have been interesting as well: What would happen if the newspapers know this? Then Crawford's game would get a lot more tense, and she maybe would have to pay personally for her failures and evil doings. Now, how will Crawford pay? Or will she able to spend her years on her island, still extremely rich?
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Post by GreyLord »

Excellent descriptive writing [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Unless I have lost track of something, the deck is now clear. Does that mean it is time to go to the Red Sea and play?
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Does that mean it is time to go to the Red Sea and play?
Very soon, it will be time to play - the Girls have nearly completed their mission and wrapped up loose endings :)
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Post by Trammel »

Hey @Caesar73 I'm a little late to the party but I just finished part 1. Extremely well written. More sexual content than I personally prefer but overall I'm loving it and will continue into the next parts. Please don't consider any of my comment to be a criticism. It is not meant as such. It is just my personal preference is for pretty conservative sexual content. You were kind enough to provide comments to me and I wanted to see what you had written and I am glad I did. You could publish that as a novel!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by Trammel »

Still working my way through. The sheep scene is hilarious, especially since the damsel is so well bound in such a well described way!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Trammel wrote: 2 years ago Hey @Caesar73 I'm a little late to the party but I just finished part 1. Extremely well written. More sexual content than I personally prefer but overall I'm loving it and will continue into the next parts. Please don't consider any of my comment to be a criticism. It is not meant as such.
Hello [mention]Trammel[/mention] , how do they say? Better late than never :) And thank you for your kind words. Please do comment on what ever you like. Just write about what you like and dislike :) Critique is important it makes us better writers. And Kate´s Encounter with Sheep? I remember still how much fun I had writing it, even more so, because I have been at the same spot where Kate is tied down many times. I you follow the Story further, you will find the one or the other reference tp that Scene :)

Today´s update will be online at some time this Evening MEST!
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Post by Trammel »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
Trammel wrote: 2 years ago Hey @Caesar73 I'm a little late to the party but I just finished part 1. Extremely well written. More sexual content than I personally prefer but overall I'm loving it and will continue into the next parts. Please don't consider any of my comment to be a criticism. It is not meant as such.
Hello @Trammel , how do they say? Better late than never :) And thank you for your kind words. Please do comment on what ever you like. Just write about what you like and dislike :) Critique is important it makes us better writers. And Kate´s Encounter with Sheep? I remember still how much fun I had writing it, even more so, because I have been at the same spot where Kate is tied down many times. I you follow the Story further, you will find the one or the other reference tp that Scene :)

Today´s update will be online at some time this Evening MEST!
I am playing catch up so I don't yet care when the update is up but I will someday once I catch up! My biggest problem is finding where I left off. I could do something radical like write that down! I'm definitely enjoying this. Quite honestly, it was a little difficult to get started on, keeping up with all the characters, but that's my problem. Really enjoying it! :)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention]

Thank you [mention]Trammel[/mention], I hope you will enjoy the following Parts as well - and feel free to share your thoughts :)

This is the last Part of the first Epilouge, now it will be time to relax, to have fun and to play at the Red Sea :)

Mystery Island: Quarters of Lara Sanchez and Eloise Fillion around 1300 Hours:

Lara Sanchez looked out of the Panorama Window of the Quarters she shared since a few months with Eloise Fillion. Both Women were “Guests of Elizabeth Crawford – for different reasons: Lara had been abducted at the day of her Wedding by Crawford´s People to ensure her Aunt´s cooperation, while Eloise had had the misfortune to be at the wrong place and the wrong time.

Lara did not know how long she had been held on Mystery Island by now. She and Eloise had quickly learned though, that following the rules, had its advantages: Trips to the beach, outdoor activities and such.

From time to time though they had to spent amounts of time in full restraints, for days sometimes. So far Lara had failed to detect a rhythm. Probably their Handlers wanted to demonstrate who was in charge from time to time.

This morning though something had been different. Normally their Guards were professional and kind – when Breakfast was served this day though Lara had sensed an underlying tension, something was definitely off. She had talked with Eloise about it and Eloise had felt that change too.

A crisp knock at the Door interrupted Lara´s train of thought. Accompanied by Teihani and Andrea Harper entered, Lara shuddered involuntarily. Elizabeth Crawford´s second in Command gave her the creeps. Those icy cool blue eyes, her brisk manner. No, Lara Sanchez did not like Harper.

The Blonde regarded Lara and Eloise with a cool gaze. “Today seems your lucky day; you will go on a trip. Teihani and Andrea take care of our guests and bring them to the Transport.” Harper turned on her heels and left.

Teihani and Andrea moved forward towards them: “You know the drill” Teihani told them – not without warmth. Lara and Eloise exchanged a look, stood up, turned their backs to their Guards and put their hand behind her back.

Somewhere at the Ligurian Coast, Italy, around 1400 Hours:

Christine, Sophie, Hayley and Kirsty followed the Video Feed on the large Screen before them. On the Screen one could see the Airfield of Mystery Island, where Crawford´s Private Jet was obviously prepared for take-off.

“Do you think they will comply?” Sophie asked Kirsty. Crawford´s former Second-in-Command pondered the Question. “Yes, I think they will” she replied at last. "Harper is a vicious Bitch, but she and Louise are no Idiots. They are loyal to Crawford to a fault. And they won´t risk Elizabeth´s Safety.”

“See” interrupted Hayley and pointed on the Screen: Four Jeeps where nearing the Jet. The Column came to halt in front of the Airplane. Accompanied by two Guards each, five women were helped out of the car. Each woman had her Hands tied behind her back and was gagged, with a scarf, which hid a cleave gag and a decent amount of cloth, as Hayley knew from experience. Kirsty counted heads, then a second time “There are only five of them. One is missing.”

“Who?” Chris asked “Sonam Khan” Hayley supplied.

“The Woman of that superrich Indian Mogul?”

“The very same” Hayley confirmed. Chris sighed. “It seems, someone needs a little reminder and turned to the Console in front of the Flat Screen and pressed a few buttons.

Lara stood on the Tarmac next to Eloise and three other Women. They had been escorted out of the Main Complex where four Jeeps had been waiting. Nobody had told them anything. What was all this about? She wondered.

In the same second there was a deafening bang and another Jeep parked 50 Metres away disintegrated into a fire ball. The shock wave was so strong that it swept them from their feet and Lara landed hard on the Tarmac.

Same Time Mystery Island Command Centre:

Harper, Louise Williams and all other People present in the Command Centre stared in shock and disbelief on the Screen, where the Jeep had just ceased to exists. “What was this?” Louise Williams asked nobody in particular.

“I have no Idea” Harper replied, trying to regain her composure.

“A drone?” The ringing of the Phone interrupted their Conversation. The Operator took the Call listened for a moment, then turned to Harper: “It is a woman who wants to speak to you.” “Put her on Speaker” Harper commanded.

“Who is this” she demanded. A melodious Alto Voice, sounding cool and professional replied.

“Obviously you have trouble following orders Harper. If Sonam Khan is not on that Plane in 15 Minutes, the deal is off and we will deliver your Boss in a nice Package to Europol with a bow.”

A click, the Caller had disconnected the line.

Louise and Harper exchanged a look. “I told you this would be mistake” Louise Williams stated. “Well, it was worth at try” Harper shrugged and turned to Perrie: “Bring Sonam Khan to the Airfield. At once!” she snapped as Perrie seemed to hesitate for second.

Somewhere at the Ligurian Coast, Italy, around 1430 Hours:

On the Screen Hayley, Kirsty, Sophie and Chris watched with interest as the Crawford´s Jet took off. “Well that worked well” Chris smiled. “By the way” Hayley asked: “What are Kate and Anna doing?” “They” Chris smiled even broader “are helping Crawford passing the time – and Sarah keeps watch.”

Somewhere at the Ligurian Coast, Italy, around the same time:

When Elizabeth Crawford came around everything was dark around her. She tried to open her eyes. She could not. Her Mouth was filled with a large soft ball of sorts which pressed her tongue down. Something filled her ears.

There was total darkness and total silence around her, which she found most unnerving. If she could have seeing herself, she would have discovered that she wore a heavy leather helmet.

She laid on something soft, tightly tied spread-eagled, with something soft, but unforgiving. Silk Scarves? Her hands were in some sort of bondage-mittens. Her big toes were tied too. Obviously someone had gone to tie her the same way she used to tie her unwilling guests, except that she wore no diaper.

A Voice ranging in her ears broke the Silence, Anna Romanova? “We have good news for you: Your People saw sense and your guests are in the Air. If everything goes according to plan we will be soon parting ways.

Kate and I will help you pass the time till then. Silence. Then Crawford felt the spikes of a Wartenberg-Wheel rolling above the soles of her feet. She tried to move them. But in vain. And this was only the beginning. In the next two hours Kate and Anna played with Crawford´s body. Tickling, hot wax, ice cubes, a flogger, nipple clamps.

Skillfully the dynamic Duo used every Weapon in the arsenal. Crawford lost count how often she came near orgasm, but never she was granted release. She strained against her bonds. Soon her body was glistening with sweat and oil.

Anna and Kate followed Crawford´s exertions with amusement. “What do you think?” the American said to her friend “Should we grant the poor thing a reward?”

Anna nodded grinning: “She has earned it” and pressed the Hitachi Wand tightly against Crawford´s glistening clitoris. Crawford´s orgasm was nothing else than spectacular, it was so powerful that her bonds seemed barely to hold her.

While Crawford was regaining her faculties again, the door opened and Chris entered. Anna asked her friend: “Good news?” The Pianist nodded “The Embassy confirmed the identity off Crawford´s Guests.”

“Too bad we have to part way´s” Anna grinned malevolently.

“Put her Ear Buds on Speaker-Mode, so that I can tell her the good news.”

Elizabeth was still breathing heavily when Chris melodious voice disturbed the Silence. “Listen Liz! Your Guests have arrived safely at the American Embassy in Switzerland and as much as I regret it” the Voice of the Pianist was dripping with Irony “we have to Part ways. You will take another nap and when we are in a safe distance we will send your Coordinates to your people to pick you up.

A reminder before we part – hopefully for ever: Haley told me that you are prone to hold grudges. Whenever it itches remember what happened to your buddy Carl. If you or anyone you pay, comes near us, I will come for you, you will find no place where you are safe from me”

The cold utter surety in the Voice of the Pianist gave Elizabeth Crawford the Creeps.

“We will leave you a reminder” Chris continued then Crawford heard the soft swish as a blade was pulled from its Scabbard. Elizabeth froze.

The Villainess felt a sharp pain across her Larynx as the razor sharp Wakizashi left a fine red line across her throat

“Good bye Elizabeth!”

A sharp prick in her thigh and everything went black.

Chris looked down at her unconscious opponent: “Dress the wound; then prepare her – we will clean the House and deliver our guest to a nice secluded Place where Crawford´s Gang can pick her up.

“When will we send the Coordinates?” Anna asked her friend.

“As soon as we have cleared Italian Air Space” Chris smiled “and are safely on our way to Hurghadda.”

“To the sun!” Anna smiled

“To the sun!” Chris confirmed, smiling too.

The last Chapter of the Hunt was over.

Now it was time to relax and enjoy a well-earned vacation.

Chris smiled inwardly: There would be a few surprises at the Red Sea, but why spoiling the fun?

Anna registered the smile on Chris´ face and drew her own conclusions.

She knew her friend well enough to know, that something was up ……
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Post by GreyLord »

An exciting conclusion to your wonerful story. Still, as I recall, the Dark Lady has incurred a d ebt that is still unpaid. Clearly, fun and games await. Very well done, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Excellent story, great content with tremendous characters. Well thought out.

The only question now is.........what happens next?
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 2 years ago Excellent story, great content with tremendous characters. Well thought out.

The only question now is.........what happens next?
Thanks for the Compliment [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :)

What happens next? The Girls deserve some fun after all their Trials and Tribulations and they shall have it, plenty of it - and one of the Ladies will use the Time at the Red Sea to have some good old fashioned revenge on one of her Friends.

Besides that some new Characters will make an appearance, who will play a Part in the upcoming Prequel to the Sequel and the Sequel itself :) The Prequel I am currently working on - so you won´t have to wait for that too long, if things go as planned.

The first Chapter of the second Epilogue will follow probably as soon as Sunday - and this is where the Girls are going to spend their vacation :)


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Post by Beaumains »

Nice part! The political games keep coming, and everyone has to remain on their guard. But, it seems like von der Marwitz succeeded.

Also, that map you posted is slightly suggesting. Are the girls going on a (not so innocent) diving trip)?
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