The Cool Girls' Club (mostly F*/F*) - Farewell

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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 188: Slow Down!
Saturday, January 13, 2018

"It was nice to for once have a quiet Saturday," Bridget said to Sera as they sat down in their dorm.
"Wasn't it? It was a super fun Friday though!"
"That it was."'
"Bridget, I know you want to slow down things with Roberto, but since it's your date night would you like to double date with me and Peter?"
"I...," Bridget looked down at her new pink floral skirt which she got at Christmas, "I... don't know."
"You don't have to do it. Just an idea!"
"Sera, am I in love with your brother, or is it just friends with benefits?"
"I think he loves you. You say my eyes sparkle when I'm tied up; his sparkle when he talks about you."
"Look at Jenny. She's over the moon about your brother."
"See? You have time. Besides, you're young still. It took Peter 2 years to get the courage and conviction to ask me out. Come on; join me in a video chat with my little boy, hmmm?"

Sera and Bridget were soon engaged in a video call. The former had black skirt with pink flowers, a pink blouse, and a black kerchief bandana. The latter had her own pink floral skirt and a brown long-sleeve button-up blouse. Bridget loved being there while Sera talked to Benny, and she loved being called "future Zia Bridget."

"We have little time... maybe we play a TUG while Joyce is out and before date night?"
"Sure! What would you like?"
"I don't know... maybe... Yes... I have it! Simple but sweet and good for tickling! Lie on your bed."
"All right!"
"Let's blindfold you first," Sera grabbed and folded a brown bandana.
"Whatever," Bridget grinned as she was blindfolded.

Sera used Bridget's white rope because she felt it matched best and tied her wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs before gagging her with the ball gag and running a rope from her ankles to the footboard. Sera got on the bed almost like she was spooning with Bridget and tightly wrapped her arms around the rower.

"Suffer!" was the phrase that began the tickle torture.


Joy had on her purple skirt, a brown blouse, and her purple camouflage bandana as a headband. It matched at least. She was lying down in her room. Alone. In the dark. A great cloud was hanging over her mind with questions that she knew she could answer with some peace and quiet.

"Am I still oversexualizing things? Was I really addicted to sexual thrill? Are big girl TUGs bad for some people? Bad for me? Bad in general? Only good for people in relationships? Will I backslide once I'm no longer around these girls 24/7?"

After some time with her face buried in her pillow in quiet prayer, she had answers to all of these.

"No, I'm not making things out to be worse. Yes, I was addicted to m@$+urb@+i0n to a terrible extent. Yes, big girl TUGs can be bad, but I have friends who will keep me in check. Yes, I am likely to backslide and need to tell a friend."

She knew just the friend to tell. How would Jenny react though? Jenny was at Nichole's at the moment, so Joy turned to her big girl TUG buddy and her long-lost cousin about the big girl TUG question.

"Girls, can we talk big girl TUGs?"
"Um, sure," Janie responded.
"I'm worried about myself. I know my limits on big girl TUGs lie safely within the confines of how we play. I've been struggling with doubts, and I just want to be clear we know our boundaries with each other."


"OH! Ha ha!" Bridget said while her lungs moved heavily from the intense tickling.
"Heh heh! I love you kiddo!" Sera responded and then heard a knock, "Who's there?"
"It's Peter."
"Oh, come in!" Sera welcomed him without thinking.
"Hey, Sera, I had a question about solids and... what are you two doing?"
"What's it look like?"
"You've tied up and gagged your roommate and are torturing her!"
"You know we... Oh, no! Peter, I never did tell you about this..."
"Sera, I think I'm leaving for now... I'll be back later to pick you up for our date."
"Peter, wait!"
"Gotta run!" he quickly shut the door.
"Peter, no! NOO!" Sera got on her knees next to her bed and put her head on Bridget's shoulder and removed the blindfold and gag.
"Sera! It's going to be OK."
"Bridgie, I ruined everything!" Sera started sobbing bitterly and untied Bridget's wrists, "I ruined it all!"
"Don't say that. He said he'd be back... he's giving you a chance to explain yourself."
"I f***ed up!"


Jenny and Nichole were in the latter's apartment chattering up a storm. The former was in a brown skirt, a pink blouse, and a solid brown kerchief bandana with her braided hair held in a pink ponytail. The latter, in her own home, wore black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black bandana headband.

"Jenny, I have a crazy idea for something really, really intense, if you're game."
"I'm always game!"
"It'll be crazy and fun! Hostage video time! Snap your fingers three times, kick your legs thrice, anything thrice... to let me know if you're scared or uncomfortable or in danger."

Nichole went all out with binding Jenny after pulling long socks over her arms: wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist, feet, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, mid thighs, and upper thighs. Nichole got her phone set up and began.

"Here we are again!"
"Girls, I've been taken hostage again and, worse, I don't know what Nichole has planned!"
"Evil indeed!"
"Anyway, please do whatever she asks! I'm going to be suffering a ton in this!"
"Poor Jenny!"
"MMMMMM!" she was gagged by an orange rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief, "UGH!"
"Ooh, yeah!" Nichole said as she tied a cruel knot behind Jenny's head.

Nichole followed with a pink bandana blindfold and then two surprises: cotton and vet wrap. She stuffed the cotton in Jenny's ear so that it covered her ear and wrapped her head in red vet wrap until the only things left visible were her nose and a hole for her braid. Jenny tried to grunt and mew, but only muffled gurgles came out as the vet wrap was deep and tight.

"All right," Nichole tied a brown bandana OTN gag, "Can you breathe fine?"
"Poor Jenny," Nichole said as she took out a sleeping bag, opened it, and laid Jenny in the middle, "I'm going to put her in here for a while and see if you'll pay with the 10 heart reactions I need to know that you love me and Jenn as much as I hope you do. If after 30 minutes I don't have those heart reactions, poor Jenny will stay tied up like this until 6PM... and it's only 12:30!"
"nnnggggg..." came from Jenny as the bag zipped shut around her.
"Remember, 30 minutes!"


"Joy? What do you want?" Hannah asked.
"I just want our boundaries to be clear because I know we've violated some, and this semester time will become problematic as we deal with making our senior projects become realities."
"You've got a point. You, Joyce, and I play a different sort of TUG that can get sketchy," Janie agreed.
"So, I'm up to playing one right now. My worry is that with my tendencies... that I'll be drunken sex-addicted heathen again once I graduate. I know my faults, which is a good starting point. But I need to get more secure with myself so that I can take care of myself when on my own."
"You were so focused when I met you. Now you're a skirt wearing full-time Gangsta Girl who barely cares about school."
"I changed... in some ways positively. I can be skirt-and-bandana wearing engineer if I try though!"
"Joy, let's work on this... you helped me... now I can help you," Hannah said.
"Let's both help her. We all can help Joy in our own special ways. Let's try a different kind of game."
"First, let's show Nichole and Jenny we love them!" Joy said.


"Sera, you can make it work. Believe me you can. Your brothers were fine; you were fine; Peter will be fine."
"What if he isn't?"
"Then you have to decide whether you want him or TUGs."
"Difficult... I'm such a stupid moron!"
"Sera, don't say that! It was an innocent mistake! Now, cut it out, or you'll discover that TUGs can be punishment in a bad way!"
"Bridgie, you wouldn't do that to me, would you?"
"I did it to you once before, didn't I? I regret it, but I did it."
"I'll stop... you're trying so hard to be good to me right now," Sera hugged her.


Jenny couldn't believe the intensity of this: viciously tied, brutally gagged and blindfold, head-wrapped with cotton in her ears, an OTN gag, and stuffed in a sleeping bag. It was all so much: she couldn't talk, smell, see, hear, or touch much for anything. She could barely move, especially since the heat in the bag combined with the OTN gag made things very oppressive so that she worried about passing out.

Still, Jenny loved it. It meant she was completely helpless and at Nichole's loving mercy. It was almost analogous to God's loving mercy, except this was physical as opposed to spiritual. It was strange being so cut off from everything. The only things to experience were the emotional rushes of her predicament and trying to escape and the feelings of two kinds of love: Nichole's and God's.

Soon, the bag opened as she could tell by the feeling of a temperature change, the removal of the bag, and Nichole's hands pulling her onto the loveseat. Then she felt a kiss from Nichole and series of long tight hugs. She could barely tell that Nichole was saying how much she loved Jenny.

"You're best friend. I'm so glad God chose us to be siblings and best friends. Mwah!" she kissed Jenny, "You're one of the two best things that ever happened to me. The other one is that man in the kitchen. Now I have to see how tickling works on a girl so cruelly tied up!"

Nichole undid the OTN gag and retied it as a tight OTM gag. Then she began the tickling, which she quickly found to not be as fun when the victim couldn't really laugh at all. Jenny agreed but couldn't express, so Nichole took off the head wrapping.

"Everyone loves us... but not enough loved us in time, so you're getting a partial reprieve!"

Now both would have fun.


"What shall we do?" Hannah asked.
"Let's keep it simple. Are you comfortable with this?" Janie asked Hannah.
"If you two are... just don't do it to me!"
"Nah, I'll volunteer. We'll do an interrogation game! Let me change for a workout."

Janie change into her famous red: trainers, tank top, bandana wristbands, and bandana headband. She already had the socks and sneakers from church, and her hair was in a braid held by a red ponytail. Janie pulled a chair out and sat down.

"I have a surprise that I got for us for a treat. No, it's not TUG related this time; it's practical. You will have to interrogate me to find out where it is. Rules are that you can't really hurt me, etc. You get it. Be fair. Pain's allowed, but my panties stay on no matter what."
"Let's start then."

Joy got out the Irish-8's and clamped Janie's wrists behind her while Hannah handcuffed her ankles. They ziptied her elbows and thighs, and then zipped her ankles to the right chair leg and her wrists to the chair back.

Game on.


"Come on, Sera. Peter and Roberto are going to be here in a minute. Get the sad look off your face."
"I'll try."
"Sera, just trust me on this one. Isn't Peter on the baseball team anyway?"
"Yeah, he is."
"Cut the $#*+, girl! OK? I've been texting your brother the entire time, and he's been desperately trying to smooth it over for you! Since you don't trust me to fix things or yourself, maybe trust your brother who loves you way more than I ever can?!"
"Bridgie, you've been doing that for me?"
"You're such a good soul!" Sera grabbed her in a hug.
"Sera, you need to learn how to look at things in contexts other than Benny. You're not as helpless as you were then."
"You know what? You're 100% right. If I act cowardly and insecure on this date, I lose him regardless. He has to see that TUGs are just but one thing that brings me joy."
"There you go. Let's go down and meet them!"


"Prisoner," Joy said as she used her ball gag on Janie, "You're going to tell us where it it."
"Nuh uh!" Janie shook her head.
"Well, let's squeeze it out of you," Joy pulled up Janie's shirt and sports bra to expose her boobs.
"What is this?" Hannah asked with a gulp.
"Just binder clips! All it does is hurt; nothing sexual! It goes away like rope marks."
"AGH!" Janie groaned as they went on.
"She looks like she's hurting!"
"Are you fine Janie?"
"Mmm hmm!" Janie nodded.
"Let's blindfold her. She's going to tell us when she's at her limit," Joy blindfolded her with a red bandana.
"I don't get enjoying the pain."
"You enjoy helplessness, right? Some enjoy a little pain in it too."
"Um... OK."
"Go wet that handtowel in the hamper. Soak it."
"All right!"
"Will you talk?" Joy pulled on the clamps.
"EEEEK! NNNNN!" Janie shook.
"Let's see if this will make her talk then!" Hannah slapped the full cloth over her face while Joy pulled her head back.
"Fine!" Joy pulled the cloth off and covered Janie's lips with a strip of microfoam tape, "Hannah?"
"Pinch her nose? Sure!"
"Talk yet, Missy?"
"NNNNN!" Janie held firm.

After various combinations of tickling, breathplay, and pain, Joy and Hannah hit it. Joy put Janie in a headlock and pinched her nose in 15 second intervals while Hannah tickled her and pulled on the clamps. Janie finally had enough at this point.

"Mmm hmm!"
"Finally!" Joy carefully removed the tape and the ball gag, "Where is it?"
"Living room closet... floor, back left corner."
"Thank you!" Joy put the ball gag back in and went to retrieve the surprise.
"That was interesting!" Hannah said as she removed the clamps and pulled Janie's shirt down, "You OK?"
"Urrrr! Mmmm ohnnn!" Janie said confidently.
"Maybe next time it will be me!"
"OOOOOH! Real Florida citrus! I've never heard of Harvey's!"
"Mmmm... uh eeth ah ut oo!"
"You're a sweetheart Janie! You stay safe in your captivity for a while!"
"Thanks, Jane!"


"You're free, young Jenny!"
"That was wild, scary, awesome, cool, terrifying, thrilling, chilling, exhilarating... We have to make Caleigh escape that one of these days! I love you, sis!"
"I had to reject a phone call and send an apology to your favorite man while you were imprisoned."
"Oh, well, I think I'll call him back. Would you two mind taking me back to campus? It's dark, and I don't feel too safe alone."
"Not a problem."


"Hey, Joyce! Wow, are you drunk or something?" Sera asked her when she came in.
"How was your date?"
"Well, it was tough having my brother explain TUGs because I accidentally invited Peter in while I had Bridgie roped and gagged."
"Whoops. Was he understanding?"
"Once I explained what TUGs are and how my life changed on account of you girls accidentally roping me in."
"It was a really good night, and I'm glad we double-dated. Joyce? You seem... giggly?"
"It's afterglow you could say. Straight love with my beloved... so good to be loved by a guy who isn't just a creep living out his fetishes."
"Joyce, we need a three-way tomorrow. You, me, Brigida. It did, though, turn out to be a good double-date. The boys get along as well as we do."
"I thought it was productive. Apparently Joyce is already married."
"You two do realize that a wedding means almost nothing to me, right? My parents are gone; I'm alone in this sense. I'm marrying Ryan, so I see nothing wrong with him and I working together to restore some of my faith in people after Matt violated me. No rope, no gags, no violation... just two people in passionate love."
"You're naked under those sheets, aren't you?"
"Come on, just get in the shower, and pray you don't get pregnant," Sera tried to move her along.
"Somehow the tramp pair is swapping from Janie-Joy to Bridgie-Joyce," Bridget shook her head.

Adulthood is a funny thing. Growing up isn't easy, and for some of these girls it was exceptionally difficult. Sera, however, was starting to realize that waiting for marriage was what made Nichole and Chris's love so unique and able to keep growing in leaps and bounds as it had.


"You all right, Janie?" Joy asked her as Janie stretched after her release.
"Yeah, I'm fine. That was one of the most unique and thrilling TUGs I've experienced. I was starting to think I wouldn't break without you doing something dangerous. I'm surprised you didn't use the wand on me."
"I tried to avoid... hey, how did you know I have that?!"
"Hannah mentioned it. No, you really found ways to make my skin crawl. Just remember: revenge is a b***#."
"I will remember that."
"Jenny and Bridge would have been shrieking; Nichole would have been swearing; my sister would have loved it."
"I think Jenny and Sera would have shrieked; Bridget and Sera would have been swearing worse than Nichole."
"See, we all got something from this: big girl TUGs don't have to be sexual."
"Any kind of TUG can be fun," Hannah grinned, "When it's just friends expressing their love for each other."

They sure do love each other.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 1389
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 189: Allie's Struggle
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Alyssa Brzylewski was looking forward to getting tied up by her friends and crewmates... but first she had to handle one thing: kidnapping her crewmates. Then she'd surrender herself to Joyce and see what kind of knots that girl tied. It was a simple enough plan to make... but could she make it work?

To say her plan went wrong would be an understatement.


This day was just a day for plans to go wrong. Lauren got a phone call from the grocery store bakery saying that they might not be able to make Jenny's birthday cake even though it was on Saturday and today was Tuesday: their lead baker was having emergency surgery, and they'd be backlogged.

"Well, crap," she sat down and looked at Zack, "So, think I can make and decorate a birthday cake?"
"We made and decorated a baby. Heck, making a cake is easy."
"WHAT?!" Lauren laughed and shook her head, "You're crazy. I love you!"
"I love me too."
"What's this about the cake being screwed over?"
"The baker is out all week. No cake from there. Think I can do it?"
"Not to be mean, Lauren, but no freaking way. Not alone. You need to get Serafina to help you because she has recipes for everything in sight."
"No offense taken. I'll ask her because Jenny deserves to turn 22 in top-notch style!"


"So, Jenny, I hear Hannah was the first girl to ever tie you up?" Janie asked her friend.
"This is true. When the club first began, it was me, Nichole, Hannah, and Casey. Hannah tied me after instruction from Casey, and I loved it ever since. Nichole and I were Gangstas for a couple years before that though."
"Eh, maybe that's why you're so fun to kidnap. First is best!"
"Time honored tradition! Let's honor it!"
"Is this a kidnapping?" Jenny asked playfully as her wrists were roped behind her back.
"I think so!"
"Where's Joy?"
"She said she's scheming for my birthday."

Jenny was a camouflage girl in trouble. She had it all: leggings, tank-top, and bandana headband (she had gone to the gym). She watched with immense pleasure as ropes fastened her elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. A sparkle became apparent in her eyes.

Janie looked like an appropriate captor in blue jeans, a purple-and-pink flannel long-sleeve button-up shirt, and a purple kerchief bandana. She added a purple bandana mask to look more the part, but her long braid held by a black ponytail made her just too likable.

"Selfie time. I'm going to let you talk. Since I just want a cuddle toy."
"Well thank you!"
"It's amazing how different girls look better with different hair styles. You too just look more and more beautiful the longer your hair gets. So do I. Joy looks great with shoulder length, and Nichole and Sera keep it a little shorter than that."
"We're all made different... and beautifully so. Take Jenny here. She's so much fun to pet like a cat."
"I have cats at home."
"I had a border collie named Petey... but he passed away during my exile," Hannah said, "Petting a gagged girl is a little different."
"But they mew like a cat!" Janie observed.
"Very true."
"I can purr for you if you'd like."
"Janie... it'd be such a shame, maybe, but have you ever been hogtied by your hair?"
"That sounds like an ouchie. Yes, I have a couple times."
"Then we won't tonight. I have been, and done certain ways it hurts horribly."
"Maybe we should. Let's play it careful... a night of gag free TUGs."


Joy was with Sera, in fact. They were at the store getting the ingredients Lauren needed for Jenny's birthday cake. The former was a grey Gangsta Girl with a grey skirt, a blue long-sleeve shirt, and a grey bandana headband. The latter was a white Gangsta Chick with white sweatpants, a pink sweatshirt, and a white kerchief bandana.

"How did we get asked to do this anyway?"
"Because Lauren's plan went to hell in a handbasket."
"Nothing's too good for Jenny!"
"I thought you liked her more than that."
"Smarty pants."
"Dummy skirt."
"You're on fire tonight!"
"Say, I just got a picture. Looks like my rower has been taken hostage."
"Tsk tsk."


"Is that all, Bridget?"

Bridget was less than happy to grabbed while in just her underwear as she was getting dressed after a shower. No, she was roped with wire at her ankles, shins , knees, thighs. Wire boxtied her arms and pinned them with a breast harness, and she had a less than comfortable waist/crotch rope. She was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and blindfolded with a green bandana.

This wasn't why she was upset, though. She was upset because Allie was her kidnapper and had worked 6-8 ropes over the hook and to different parts of the beds so as to suspend her upside down. When Bridget started crying and even did the 3 finger snap, Allie blindfolded her; she was clueless about the snap rule. Thankfully, Joyce was just stepping in.

"My God! How long has she been like that?!"
"Maybe 20 minutes?"
"We have to get her down then! You can't leave her like that long."
"I can't?"
"No! You hold her, and I'll get her down!"
"Bridget, I'm sorry!"
"And she's snapping her fingers which means she is desperate need of something! Oh, I thought they taught you these things. I stepped out for 30 minutes to let you two have fun not knowing you didn't know these rules. It's not your fault, girl. Just like Bridget doesn't like getting boxtied when in her undies because she does want the crotch rope rubbing her so closely."
"I guess I have a lot to learn! Bridget, I am so freaking sorry. I didn't mean to hurt or scare you."


Janie looked around and readied herself for the jerk. Ropes tied her crossed wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, crossed ankles, and thighs. It was simple, but, lest she scream or swear, Janie was still gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana.

"Ready?" Hannah asked after she had the hair end ready.
"Mmm hmm!" Janie nodded.
"OK!" Hannah said and slowly pulled Janie's legs up.
"Hmmmmmm!" Janie was surprised by how gentle she was as she pulled back further and further
"There!" Hannah untied the gag, "Be good, or I'll put this back!"
"Wow! I barely felt any pain at all. Look at that arch!"
"If you can't hold it for 30 minutes without cursing or surrendering, I'll keep you tied, gagged, and blindfold all night! Both of you!"
"Challenge accepted!"
"Hey, what about me? She can't take it for me too! I'd rather lose on my own!"
"Very well!"

After Jenny was secured on the floor in a hair tie, Hannah grabbed her phone.

"I've somehow got two timers going! Are you two OK with me... showing photos of some of the stuff I did before?"
"It's therapeutic at least. Maybe give us ideas. They're all clean."


"That was fun! I'll help you bring this stuff up," Joy said to Sera.
"Thanks Joy! I'll come over on Saturday morning to make the cake. I'll probably be in your apartment in ropes sooner though."
"Very true. How is it rooming with these two?"
"Hard at times. Really hard. One's super reserved and then explodes; the other is supper immature. Both though love me to death, and their good sides are hard to top."
"Why so negative?"
"All three of us have man issues. Mine's interpersonal; theirs are under the sheets."
"You shouldn't have divulged that."
"I just know I'll do it too if things get rolling with Peter. Double dates at least reduce the chances of it happening."
"You sound tired."
"I am. I'm immature; Joyce is immature; Bridget isn't. I'm emotional; Joyce isn't except for night terrors; Bridget is a keg of gunpowder that might explode at any random moment. Both have parents they miss terribly, and I never know when one will burst in tears over that one. We're all flawed, but we work together to function."
"OK. So?"
"What's going to happen when we're no longer together? I have to get myself together in order to be a good mother. Bridget and I have family to fall back on; Joyce doesn't. It's no longer all fun, games, and schoolwork. It makes me so sad that it's all ending in 14 weeks."
"Well, here we are. Feel better now that you vented a little?"
"Yeah, I do. Pray for us; it's the best thing we all can do."
"I can do that."
"Good night, Joy. Thanks for living up to your name as always."
"Good night."

Sera entered the room and felt the tension as she put her bag of groceries down. She saw the helpless Bridget writhing on the bed with her ankles now fastened to her bed's footboard and her blindfold slid up.

"I feel something bad. What happened?"
"Boundary violations."
"Uh oh. Allie? Was it you?"
"Yeah, it was me. I didn't know! Seriously."
"Let's get Bridgie to talk. Brigida, be good and calm! I will take this gag off only if you promise to behave."
"Mmm hmm."
"OK, there. Now calmly tell me your side."
"Please, just get this crotch rope off before I f***ing kill someone. I am not," she took a deep breath, "here to jerk off."
"I'll get that off."
"Bridget, I didn't know. I just saw another girl tied that way. I didn't know it was a sex drug like effect!"
"Allie, please just leave."
"I'm sorry, Bridge."
"PLEASE! Please... just go. I forgive you... but I need... you... *gulp* to go."
"All right... good night," Allie hurried out.
"Bridgie? You OK?" Joyce asked her quietly.
"No... I know she didn't know better, so I'm not faulting her... but she violated me."
"Violated?" Sera was a bit confused.
"Roll me over onto my back..."
"I'm wet... My mom would be horrified if she saw me like this... forced like this against my will."
"Bridget? What can I do for you right now?"
"Nothing... I just want my mom! No matter what happened, if she was sober, she always had a hug ready for me."
"Let me give you a hug then, Bridgie!" Sera sat her up and then sat with her, "What's eating at you?"
"I'm... You wouldn't get it... this just isn't me."
"Joyce, I'm going to take my clothes off... you tie me up just like Bridgie is, OK?"
"If you wish."
"What are you doing?!"
"If my future sister is going to be uncomfortable, then I will be too."
"Sera, you don't have to do that for me."
"No, I want to."

Sera stripped to her black underwear and took off her kerchief and then had Joyce bind her up tightly, albeit with rope... definitely more tightly than Bridget was. She made sure Joyce added a tight crotch rope as well. Sera sat on her own bed and had rope run from her feet to the footboard.

"There, now we're the same. Gag us and blindfold us. Now we're tied tightly in our underwear, and I'm crotchroped by my choice. I won't like it, but it's about building friendship."
"I don't get why you're letting yourself get hurt for me."
"It's a Catholic thing," Joyce said as she gagged Sera tightly with her ball gag.
"Catholic thing?"
"We let ourselves suffer as a means of spiritually shouldering another's spiritual burdens."
"She loves me that much?"
"Apparently so," Joyce said as she blindfolded Sera with a black bandana, "So do I."
"Wait... what?!"
"Bridget... go to bed you," she pushed Sera down, "We love you. That's why we're all in this room right now."
"This is kind of what is meant by 'Greater love hath no man than this...'"
"We both would suffer in solidarity with you. Just let her do her thing. Bridget, you don't know how much you mean to us. You're beyond a friend. Bridgie... It's not really too early to ask you to... be... one of my bridesmaids when I get married."
"I would be honored, Joyce! Thank you. Maid of honor is either Janie or Sera, right?"
"Janie. Now, let's get you gagged and watch some Star Trek, OK?"
"Shut up!"
"MMMM!" Bridget happily took back her gag.


Allie threw a rock into the pond and watched it ripple in the moonlight. Being a freshman was tough sometimes because you weren't always too mature with things. Like this evening... a good idea had become a train wreck.

"Man, I feel like an idiot. Yet... I know they really forgive me. Those girls see something in me."

On that thought, Allie smiled, picked up another rock, and tossed further.

"Hey $#i+He@d, watch where you toss those!" came a yell from the other side, "I'm gonna break your face."
"Oh, hell no!" Allie took off running into her dorm, which was directly behind her.

Up the stairs she went. After 3 flights, she was in her hallway and then in her dorm with her roommate and crewmate Ashley.

"You OK?"
"Yeah, I just was tossing rocks in the pond and accidentally hit someone on the far side. He seemed quite angry with me."
"Where you been all evening?"
"Learning the ropes of life from Bridge and Serafina. They're so... wise... in so many ways!"


"Wow... you did some fun... positions... but I think we've tried nearly all of them," Janie said to Hannah.
"She was a cutie as a pro!" Joy laughed.
"Meh, you got to see how I kept TUGging while you were here playing freshman-to-junior years!"
"They're... ideas... at least... like the pole... thing!" Jenny struggled, "I... can't... go... on. LEMME GO!"
"OK!" Hannah held Jenny up with one hand and untied the knot with the other, "You lost!"
"I still have 5... to... go!"
"That was hard!" Jenny said and took a deep breath, "But different in a good way!"
"Hair allows for clean fun and different challenges for sure. I have a special idea for your birthday."
"Oh, boy! You really had fun and didn't get hurt doing that?" Jenny asked as a knotted camouflage bandana gag approached her lips.
"Not by them, no. But, I had to deal with creepers on the internet... people recognizing me... it wasn't great."
"MMMMM!" Jenny said as she was gagged by that bandana.
"Plus, I imagine somewhere in Iran right now some creepy guy is touching himself while watching the videos or staring at the photos... and I bear at least partial responsibility for that," Hannah folded another camouflage bandana.
"MMM?" Jenny was cleave gagged by that one.
"Don't get any ideas. It seems fun until your life is ruined. I wished I had always worn kerchiefs and been blindfolded during every published scene or film or masked when I was the one doing the tying."
"MMMM...!" Jenny was blindfolded by yet another camouflage bandana.
"Well, that's all the camo we've got! Janie?"
"Just... 30... seconds!"
"You're a real trooper. It took me three attempts to make it through this! And... there!" Hannah said.
"YES!" Janie smiled as Hannah propped her and untied the hair tie.
"There!" Hannah used the rope to tie her knees.
"Deal was I'd keep you tied, gagged, and blindfolded all night! I'm only keeping you tied up until 10PM instead, so 40 minutes."
"Oh, all right! I love being tied up anyway."
"Tie me up too!" Joy said.
"As you wish!"
"Hey!" Joy felt the Irish-8s close. Then handcuffs clamped her ankles and hogcuffed her.
"Cheating!" Joy objected until, finally, her own ball gag silenced her.
"You get freed after Janie."
"Ah ay!"

It was just another day of loving and being loved among these girls.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 190: Strait-ened Out!
Friday, January 19, 2018

Nichole, in her very typical black sweatpants, t-shirt, and kerchief bandana sat down at the counter that was her workspot as a physic lab technician. She had been at this almost 4 years. This was where she met her husband and had finally won Bridget's friendship after a period of distrust. Nichole had no regrets about being here.

The clock turned to 1PM, and her shift was officially begun. In 21 hours and 13 minutes, her best friend would officially be 22. Her job was to keep Jenny away until the cake was finished, and Nichole planned to start that this evening by inviting her and Caleigh over for that intense sleeping bag escape. Along the way, she'd kidnap Jenny until the cake was finished.


Jenny jumped up and high fived Janie. The former, the red Gangsta Princess, was congratulating the latter, the green Gangsta Jock, on ordering her tickets to attend USA Softball Camp in one month. Jenny was herself in lime green sweatpants, a brown t-shirt, and a red bandana headband with her braid held by a brown ponytail. The latter was in green sweatpants, a yellow t-shirt, and a green kerchief bandana with her hair completely free in a rarity.

"I'll jump up on you. Take a selfie so I have a rare normal photo of me with one of my friends!"
"All right!"
"Here I come!"
"Got it!"
"Perfect. There. It looks great!"
"I sent it to you."
"We're kidnapping your pitcher tonight. Want to come?"


"You never did ask me about the other night, Bridgie," Sera said to her roommate.
"I can't think about it. I let a silly rope sexually stimulate me in a way only a man should."
"What? Are you still on that?"
"YES! I'm not over it. I feel worse about that than seducing your brother."
"Bridgie, is it more than that?"
"Which was worse? Sex with Roberto or sex with a rope?"
"It wasn't sex with a rope! You didn't ask for it, and it wasn't intentional. I lay there with that sucker for 9 hours with it scratching me so raw I had to get moisturizing cream! I did it for you though."
"I still don't understand this. But I want to so that at least I appreciate what you did."
"In short, I asked God to let my suffering with the crotch rope serve to help alleviate your spiritual suffering."
"Well, it helped. It's the morality I'm struggling with."
"You did nothing wrong, Bridget. You can't change that a crotch rope sexually stimulates you more than it does me or Jenny. I actually hated every second of it; it was physically agonizing. That's me."
"But is it a sin to be pleased by it like that? Like, am I helping Joy and Joyce to jerk off outside marital relations, or am I just making them happy?"
"That's tougher. I don't think so... they choose to get the warm feeling... with or without it."
"That's how I saw it and try to see it."
"Let's go visit our friends later, OK?"
"Sure. I've gotta go... I've gotta meet my classmates to do this online module that's due by 5 anyway."


"Knock knock!" Hannah knocked on Joy's door while she changed after spilling coffee on her clothes.
"Who's there?"
"Hannah Bandana."
"UGH! Bandana who?"
"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Hannah Banana!"
"Banana who? Cute... I see what you did there."
"Knock Knock!"
"Who's there? I see where there is going."
"Orange who?"
"Orange you glad Hannah Bandana didn't say Banana?!"
"Look... cuz... very cute," Joy came out, "You seem bored."
"I AM bored!" said Hannah, who wore orange sweatpants, a blue sweatshirt, and an orange bandana headband.
"Maybe we should get Joyce over here and interrogate her? Jenny's getting handled by Nichole all night."
"I hate to say this... maybe I should get interrogated?"
"You sound unsure."
"I'm unsure how much I can take."
"Then let's just do it to Joyce, OK? It'll be nothing heavy again unless she asks otherwise.


"C'mon, Bridgie. You've been anti-social. Come join us. Just because it's big girl doesn't make it sexual."
"Joyce... I struggle enough... but I will come with you two."
"Hey, look what I got you to fit in with us. Cheap too."
"Swedish and Italian flag bandanas?" she asked, "Really?"
"Hey, in two years, you'll be able to wear the Italian flag bandana for real! For now, you're honorary." Sera said with a smile.
"All right... even if I think it's silly, I'll do it out of love."

The trio went together: two Italians and a Swede. Two Italians had blue jeans, Italian soccer polos, and Italian flag kerchief bandanas. The latter had a mismatch of blue jeans, cowboy boots, a pink button-up long-sleeve shirt, and a Swedish flag bandana headband. While the latter felt awkward, she felt like she was one with these two girls.


"Well, girls, I'm glad you're all here!" Nichole said to her friends.
"You promised me a challenge even Houdini would relish?" Caleigh asked her.

Caleigh stared downward at Nichole in a way that made her seriousness and simultaneous eagerness apparent. The victim-to-be was in blue leggings and a black t-shirt. The captor-to-be had navy blue sweatpants, a pale blue t-shirt, and her blue floral bandana as a headband.

"This one's looking sooo sexy tonight," Jenny pointed to Janie.
"Let's take her out first then!" Caleigh suggested.
"Yeah!" Nichole agreed.

The Gangsta Jock couldn't hold off all 3 of them and was roped to a chair quite effectively. Her wrists and elbows were roped to the sides, and a breast harness and waist/crotch rope pinned her torso to the chair back. Ropes bound her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs, and ropes ran from her ankles and knees to the chair legs. A pair of socks, a yellow bandana, and strips of duct tape gagged the girl.

"MMM BMP!" Janie groaned as the trio of captors took a selfie with her.
"You're so cute looking!" Jenny and Caleigh both gave her a kiss on opposite cheeks at the same time.
"I've never seen her look so gorgeous. Her hair is so beautiful!" Nichole added to the compliments.
"Now for Houdini," Jenny smiled at Caleigh.
"Houdini is ready!"

Caleigh got a brutal roping of her wrists, forearms, elbows, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, mid thighs, and upper thighs. Caleigh patiently allowed her friends to tie her up, and she was gagged with a a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana and blindfolded with a blue bandana. Nichole put cotton in her ears and wrapped her head in black vetwrap while Jenny filmed and narrated.

"Girls, Caleigh is getting tied up just like Nichole did to me. She's roped, gagged, blindfolded, and her head's wrapped with her ears stuffed with cotton. Just like I was. Now she's going in this sleeping bag and has one hour to escape. We're going to open the bag every 15 minutes and cool her down though."

Together, they zipped Caleigh up in her sleeping bag peril.


"Joyce, what are the limits?" Joy asked her friend.
"My clothes stay on, though you may play with my boobs."
"Fair enough," Hannah said as she clamped the Irish-8's on Joyce's wrists.
"Wow, those are tight!"
"They sure are."
"OK, you're going to interrogate me about my grade on Wednesday's quiz!"
"All right," Joy roped Joyce's elbows together while Hannah cuffed her ankles.
"It's going to be crazy fun!"
"I hope so!" Joy jammed Joyce's ball gag in her mouth while Hannah roped her thighs.
"I'm nervous," Bridget whispered to Sera.
"Look, she asked us to just be here with her. If we're uncomfortable, we tell them as much."
"I'm already uncomfortable."
"Just give it a chance! I'm more creeped out than you are."
"I think I'd rather be in her spot than in theirs."
"Me too."


Caleigh couldn't believe how rough this was, especially since Nichole's bag zipped all the way shut. It was a sweaty challenge, though, and she loved it. She knew she could do it. Outside, a different adventure was occurring. Nichole brought out the straitjacket and some rope.

"Jenny, want to try my new coat?"
"Oh, sure!"

Jenny was all too eager to get put into the straitjacket with all its straps and then get her ankles, knees, and thighs roped. Then Nichole dropped the bombshell while Chris secretly filmed it. She jammed a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana in Jenny's mouth and knotted it really tightly and then tightly blindfolded her with a brown bandana.

"You have been kidnapped. I'm keeping you as my prisoner of love."
"HUH! NNNNNN!" Jenny shook.
"Better yet, I'm going to put you in this suitcase!"
"NNNNNNNNNNNNN!" Jenny couldn't believe Nichole would do this to her.
"I love you Jenny, and this is how I'm stealing you away forever," Nichole rolled her into the suitcase.
"NNNNNN! EH EE OH!" Jenny tried to flop out.
"Stay in there!" Nichole zipped it shut and winked at Janie, "We'll never see Minnesota again!"
"Let's load you in the car. Chris, watch these two while I transport Jenn. It'll only be 5 minutes."


Sera and Bridget watched with shock as Joyce got binder clips on her nipples and yanked, waterboarded, tickled, nose squeezed, and further similar but not genuinely harmful tortures as Joy and Hannah took extreme caution to make sure no actual harm was caused. Big girl TUGs were frightening as far as Bridget was concerned.

"Sera, let's go play our own interrogation. One that isn't so scary."
"And I'll tell you what I got on the same quiz!"

Hannah squeezed Joyce's nose one more time while Joy yanked and tickled.

"Will you talk?!"
"MMM HMM!" Joyce finally gave in.


"Here we are Jenn! You didn't get hurt on that car ride, did you?"
"NNNNNN!" Jenny shook inside the suitcase.
"This is where I'm keeping you until we can move out. Too bad it had to happen on your birthday."
"UK UK UHHHHHHHH!" Jenny seemed to be crying.
"Uh oh!" Nichole opened the bag, "You know I'm kidding you, right? I wouldn't steal you from Mom and Dad!"
"Uh huh!" Jenny nodded.
"Let's get you out of there!"

Jenny loved Nichole and loved hamming up for Nichole's crazy scenes. Janie shook her head and laughed at the entire scene she had witnessed. She was blessed to have a front-row seat to the love these two shared.

"Let's really get you stuck. This wooden broom will help!"
"HUH?!" Jenny asked.

Nichole proceeded to duct tape Jenny's ankles, thighs, and waist to the broom pole. In so doing, it forced Jenny to be unable to bend her legs. Nichole pet her head and laughed before taking selfies.

"UKmmmmm!" came from the sleeping bag.
"Let's watch this."

Inside the bag, Caleigh was successfully escaping as she so often did. The tight confines, however, made it very difficult. She loved the challenge though and was sweating profusely. First, the elbow ropes came loose and then the waist rope. From there it was simply doing what she did best and getting the others off through special wiggle methods. Then, while sweating profusely, she pulled off the headwrapping and unknotted the bandanas.

"Get me out. I'm smothering in here! It's so freaking hot!"
"Houdini did it!" Nichole said, "Now it doesn't zip shut all the way. Find the hole."
"F*** you!"
"You'll get it!"
"Yeah, I did!" Caleigh unzipped it, "Tada! Now to get this rope off me!"

Soon, Caleigh was on her way home, leaving Nichole and Chris with the helpless Janie and Jenny.


"Comfortable?" Bridget asked her friend.
"Time for a gag!"

Sera was in a comfortable rope hogtie and bound at her wrists and elbows, below her breasts, and at her ankles and thighs. She got her own ball gag and then was tickled until she said she'd talk, about 20 minutes.

"I got a 90!"
"I got a confession faster than you did!"
"The night's still young... and you have nowhere to go tomorrow," Bridget took off Sera's sneakers.
"This is true."
"Maybe, just maybe... I should take these," she pulled off Sera's socks.
"Oh, I see good things coming to me!"
"Yeah!" Bridget then went full kidnapper and jammed the socks in her mouth.
"MMMMMM!" Sera got the foul-tasting socks secured with a knotted white bandana gag.
"This will secure that!" Bridget added strips of white tape.


"That's enough! Go home, Janie!" Nichole finally said around 9:30PM.
"Yeah, rope bunny has to go home!"

Soon, Janie was released and gone. Nichole finally took Jenny out of the jacket and roped her wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch for the night. She added a second pole, this one from a light bulb changer, and taped Jenny to it at her waist, above her breasts, and at her gag. Jenny went from strait-ened to straight-ened.

"Good night. Tomorrow is all about you, best friend," Nichole kissed her good night.


Around 11 PM, Janie walked into the house. Her eyes were wide as saucers, she had a black eye, and she was violently shaking.

"Hey, Jane... are you OK?"
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 191: Gangsta Jock's Struggle
Saturday, January 20, 2018

"All right, bestie, are you ready to go back to your ball gag and lose the hogtie so you can sleep?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Your eyes are so beautiful."

Bridget swiftly changed the gags, undid the hogtie, and took off Sera's kerchief and retied it as her blindfold. She laid her on Jenny's bed to sleep. It was while this was happening that Janie and the others conversed. Janie sat on a chair.

"Are you OK, Janie?" Joyce asked her.
"I... No... I..."
"What happened? You left at 9:30. It only takes 5 minutes to get here."
"No clue, really. I've... I... I don't remember."
"Janie, were you hurt?"
"I think... I'm not sure... I don't know for certain."
"Were you drugged?"
"I'm tired. Let's forget for a day. I'm not ruining Jenny's birthday."
"Huh?" Hannah was confused.
"I can't talk about what I don't remember."
"Janie," Hannah walked over to her and started petting her head, "You're all messy. Such a cute head of hair."
"DO NOT TOUCH ME!" Janie exploded then started crying.
"Janie, we can't help you if you can't tell us anything."
"I honestly don't remember. Hannah, I don't remember!" she pulled her bandana off.
"Are you OK?"
"I don't know."
"Were you hurt?"
"I don't know."
"Did you encounter someone?"
"I don't remember."
"Who punched you?"
"I don't know."
"When did you leave Nichole's?"
"Sometime between 9 and 10. I had so much fun being tied up. She's such a sweetheart captor."
"Janie... go to bed. Maybe tomorrow you'll feel better"
"Tie me to my bed... please?" Janie was definitely hiding something.
"I feel like I need to take this request seriously. OK."

Janie climbed onto the top bunk and blindfolded herself with the green bandana, and then Hannah tied her in a St. Andrew's cross to the bed and gagged her with Joy's ball gag and a strip of microfoam tape.

"Is she OK?" Bridget asked Hannah.
"Let's get to bed and make sure tomorrow is a good day for Jenny."
"Hannah? You know something," Joyce prodded further.
"She was definitely drugged... we'll probably never know who did it, why they did it, or what they exactly did to her."

Hannah got into Nichole's old top bunk, now hers. Bridget slept cuddling her stuffied Serafina. Joyce took the couch, and Joy slept in her usual bunk below Janie. Janie would sleep all night, but it was the worst sleep ever.


"Happy birthday, bestie!" Nichole kissed Jenny and unknotted the blindfold and gag.
"Thanks, love!"
"You can come off these poles, but your captivity isn't done. First, breakfast... pancakes!"

Throughout the morning, Nichole entertained Jenny. She fed her, hugged and cuddled her, tickled her, helped her with phone calls. Then 10:13 on Nichole's clock came.

"22 officially! MWAH!"
"It's hard to believe you've been here for only 17 of them!"
"I set the clock ahead knowing Mom would call... now!"
"Yep! Hi Mom and Dad! Thank you! I'm at Nichole's. Yes, Mom, I'll open it when I get home. How are you? Good to hear. We're just here being sisters like always. Grandma's beeping in... I'll call you later. Love you! Hi Grandma! Aw, thanks, I love you too. How's Grandpa? And Pappy and Mammy? Of course I'll talk to them."

And so on it went. The phone calls ensured the cake would be done. Nichole slowly untied everything but Jenny's arms while she talked to the many relatives who called.


"Janie, let's go see Lauren," Joyce said as she untied her friend around 9AM.
"Nuh uh!" Janie shook her head, which throbbed from a migraine... a definite symptom of drugging.

Janie had suddenly had some of the events come back to her the night before... but she was keeping it to herself. She knew then what had probably happened. She sadly and very slowly showered herself and then put on blue jeans, a red-and-black plaid long-sleeve flannel button-up shirt, and a red bandana headband. She braided her hair and held it with a black ponytail. This all went so slowly that it was after 10 when she exited.

Sera, Bridget, Joy, and Hannah were working on a birthday cake which was baking in the over. In fact, they were working on the frosting now. All had fresh outfits on, meaning Sera and Bridget had gone home. Joyce was texting on her phone.

Sera was in a navy blue skirt, a white t-shirt, and a navy blue kerchief bandana, which suggested she had been to mass. Bridget had blue jeans, cowboy boots, a solid black t-shirt, and her new Swedish flag bandana as a kerchief. Joy was in a pink skirt, purple t-shirt, and a pink kerchief bandana. Lastly, Hannah had blue jeans a blue t-shirt, and a blue kerchief bandana.

Janie looked around her, sighed, and flopped on the couch next to Joyce. She had no energy left in her; she felt drained, emotionally and mentally. She looked at Joyce, who wore blue jeans and a pink polo shirt, and started to cry.

"Can we go somewhere and talk in private?"
"Come on. Let's go sit on the bench over there."

Janie and Joyce walked in silence. The others didn't say much as they exited, but in reality all were worried. The sisters-by-informal-adoption sat down together on the bench on a cool morning.

"Joyce," Janie shook with fright, "I want you to know I love you."
"Janie, what's wrong?"
"I think we now share more than just a home in Florida."
"I was assaulted last night. I took the loop to stop by a teammate's dorm on my way back, and I had... to walk by a frat house. I heard a girl... *gulp*... crying for help, and they... someone punched me. I don't... remember anything more, but... when... I... put on... my... pajamas... my... they... my... ripped."
"JANIE PATTERSON! Not my best friend! NO! Not you of all people. Not my precious Janie!"
"Mmm hmm!" Janie nodded and sobbed.
"Janie, I'm here for you. I've unfortunately been there."
"I can't even."
"Janie, we have to tell someone!"
"I can't have them knowing this today. Not on Jenny's birthday!"
"It's not your fault, Janie."
"I can't lie to them. What do I do?"
"Janie, you can either be honest and say you don't remember, or you can be honest and say what you've pieced together."
"Not today! Not Jenny! Not Lauren! Not Nichole! Not today!"
"Janie, you need to talk to someone about this. Whether Hannah, Caleigh, Lauren, or a professional."
"Janie, you're shaking violently. You're sobbing uncontrollably."
"Joyce, it's payback for all the guys I've slept with. It has to be! I don't even know who did it! I just know they did!"
"Janie, do you have any recollection at all?"
"Not really. I wish I did. I can only guess what happened after the black eye. The look on that girl's face."
"Are you certain of anything?"
"For all I know only one hurt me or a dozen could have. I can't hide this black eye from Lauren or Jenny though. I only can say I know I don't feel physically harmed besides the eye."
"So what are we doing... sucking it up or spilling your guts?"
"I have to spill my guts to that group inside. They already know something's wrong."


"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny... only you could have a spare Gangsta Princess in your bag."
"Eh, I wear the same sweatpants and just need a T and a bandana."

Gangsta Princess, the birthday girl, Jenny Danielle Kristensen, was now in a red t-shirt and a brown bandana headband with her braid now held by a red ponytail. The Gangsta Queen, on the other hand, had navy blue sweatpants, a pale blue t-shirt, and a navy blue bandana headband.

"You two are so funny," Chris shook his head.
"Want to join us for Jenny's birthday?"
"You know I will."
"Not only does he love you; Chris is a cool guy," Jenny smiled, "Let's go see my second-bestie!"


"Girls, I know you're almost done decorating the cake, but I have to tell you something."
"OK," Sera stopped her artwork.
"I was attacked on my way home last night. I don't know by whom except that it was near the frat house. The only thing I know is...," Janie stopped and started to cry.
"Is what, kiddo?" Hannah asked her gently.
"I can't say it. I can't say it. All I know is that I came to while walking home and being very confused and feeling like crap," Janie saw tears forming in the others' eyes.
"Janie, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to."
"They didn't rob me. I only had my phone anyway."
"Janie, I get it," Joy said, "I think you should stay here and not come to the party unless you really want to."
"I can't let Jenny down, but I can't see Lauren."
"We still love you as much as before."
"I know. But I deserved it for having sex with so many guys over the years. This time... I got no choice."
"Janie, you mean?" Sera's eyes grew wide
"You didn't deserve it, Janie," Bridget said, "I'd rather it have been me than you. You bear enough anguish as it is."
"Bridget, I need one of those strong rower hugs!"
"You got it! You poor baby! Girl, if it makes you feel better, I'll stay here with you."
"You don't have to... I just want to sit and play video games all day."
"Janie, you should... go to the health center," Joyce prodded, "You were there for me; I'm here for you."
"Joy? You in?" Janie asked her.
"We three survived it together last time."
"Let's go. I just wanted to tie up Jenny on her birthday and help make sure she had a great day."
"She's had plenty," Joyce teased, "We've got you."


"Jenny, we're having a change in plans if you'd like. Janie's feeling like crap and can't go anywhere?"
"We can party in my place! No problem! Anything with you girls!"
"Let's go! But it's a surprise, so I can't have you peaking!" Nichole blindfolded her with a red bandana.
"Just to be sure!"
"Borrowed from Joy!"
"Oh, I like this!" Jenny jumped a little.
"Let's go! I just warn you to not expect fancy presents."
"Ha ha! OK!"


"Well, Janie, you made out better than I did?" Joyce asked her as they walked back.
"But I'll never know who did it."
"Janie, your self-acclaimed 'over-sexualizing of TUGs saved you a bit.' You were still turned on so much from being tied up for so long that...," Joy shrugged and shuddered.
"What a f***ing nightmare of a fantasy to have come true. Geez!"
"Janie, I still love you as much as before," Joyce encouraged her.
"I love you too so much."


"May I take off the blindfold?" Jenny asked.
"Now you may."
"OK... Oh my goodness! It's so beautiful! Sera, you did this?!"
"With a lot of help from our friends! Caleigh did the letters not more than 10 minutes ago."
"You're such a talented young lady, Caleigh."
"OK, we did pitch in to get you a small present at the store."
"Haha, two of my favorite things: camouflage bandanas and a travel mug since my old one is chipped!"
"OK, what does birthday girl want to do? Janie went with Joy and Joyce to the health center."
"Let's goof off while we still can! I love sucking at video games, but I first need a Nichole cuddle toy!"
"Coming right up!" Hannah eagerly complied, "One Gangsta Queen, kidnapped!"

Hannah used rope to bind Nichole's elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, and thighs. They didn't blindfold her or gag her beyond a knotted handkerchief cleave gag. Jenny hugged her new "stuffie."

"Did we miss anything?" Joy asked as that trio entered.
"Just me 'unwrapping' my 'presents," Jenny smiled.
"Happy birthday, Shorty!" Janie picked up Jenny and hugged her.
"Sis, what the hell happened to your eye?!"
"That's why I don't feel well... I kind of met muggers on my way home last night, but I had nothing worth taking."
"You must be shaken up by that!"
"I was, but I won't let a migraine ruin Jenny's day. What are we doing?"
"We were getting ready to take turns kicking Jenny's @$$ at video games," Hannah laughed as someone knocked on the door.
"I'll get it," Joy said, "Hello?"
"Janie Patterson here? I'm Officer Anderson from security," asked a security officer.
"Yes... why?"
"I'm here."
"We got a call from the Health Center asking us to check in. I'm sorry, but for these cases we have to file a report even if we can't prosecute anyone. Plus a witness says they saw you. It's Title IX rules"
"Can I bring a couple friends with me for... support?"
"Yes, you may, though they have to stay outside during questioning."
"I want Hannah and Joy... my little shrink and number one support with me... if you two don't mind."
"We'll come with you... but why?"
"JANIE?!" Lauren asked her.
"It's all right... I'm fine. Let's go."

"OK, OK... what is going on here?! Title IX?!" Lauren demanded once they were gone.
"I don't know really," Sera shrugged, "She came back late last night and seemed spaced out or drugged."
"I don't know" or "I'm uncertain" seemed to come from most.
"I'm kind of sure," came from an honest and sad Joyce, "Based on the texts I've had with others."
"Joyce, sure of what?!"
"Sit down."
"Last night, after being at Nichole's for, what, 3 hours maybe, Janie left and was going to stop by one of your teammate's dorm. At that time, the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity happened to be having a rowdy party with girls. Janie heard a girl crying for help not knowing what was happening, and they...," Joyce paused and wiped tears.
"They did what?!"
"They attacked her. I'm sorry, Lauren. Our circle of friends here bucked the odds so long, but the stats are catching up."
"What do you mean 'They attacked her' and what odds?"
"33% of girls get sexually assaulted in college, and that means 2 or 3 of us, statistically..."
"What are you babbling about?! WHAT STATISTIC DID YOU SAY?!"
"I'm saying, Lauren, that they punched her out, drugged her, and had sex with her."
"I heard you wrong... I had to have. I thought you said my big, strong baby sister was r***d by a bunch of drunken coked-up frat boys."
"I'm sorry, Lauren. I did say that. We were at the Health Center getting her checked for that."
"NOOOOOOOOOOO! Not my sweet precious Janie!" Lauren curled up in a ball on the ground next to Jenny, "Noooo no noooooo! Janie, nooooooooo!"
"Joyce, is it true?" Jenny asked her.
"Mmm hmm. Jenn, we tried everything we could to hide it until tomorrow, but those cops screwed it up."
"Janie... why did it have to be you?!"
"Lauren, I'm so sorry... I really am... I love you two girls so much."
"My poor Janie."

There wasn't a dry eye in the room.


The next our was a traumatic sea of paperwork and questioning for Janie. The witness's account helped Janie piece together what had happened to her, but problem was that no one knew any names. The other girl was nearly as confused, but Janie at least knew what happened to her. It was a typical frat party gone wild, and she was the innocent passerby.

"Let's go home and eat some cake finally."

When they got back, it was now almost 2PM. Two hours wasted between the Health Center and Security. Janie knew the beans were spilled by the bloodshot eyes that greeted her.

"Janie, our poor baby sister!" Bridget greeted her with a hug.
"Today... I became a baby sister to all of you, didn't I?"
"Yeah," Bridget said softly, "You're the youngest, and we just want you to know... we love you... and we're sorry."
"It's only correct that this happened to me... I can bear the extra mental load."
"You suffer enough already. Come here, Janie!" Caleigh rebuked her.
"Come here!"
"Wait, wait, let me grab this Nichole stuffie," Janie said as she grabbed the helpless Gangsta Queen.
"Come here... group hug! Big group hug."

Janie's held stood out among the others except for Zack while Chris took a photo of the sad moment, and then he joined the group hug too. He joined the group hug as he, too, had a spot in his heart for the Gangsta Jock.

"Let's eat birthday cake because today is supposed to be about you, Jenny. Not me, even if my life has become more of hell than I ever conceived. Let's celebrate the gift of Jenny Danielle Kristensen."

After they sang, Jenny cut herself the first slice of cake, took a bit, and handed the rest to Janie.

"What is this for?"
"You need it more than I do. My birthday wish is... I can't say it aloud, but it was all about you."
"Thanks, birthday girl, but you keep it. I'd rather have a piece cut special for me."
"Well, then," Jenny cut a big hunk, "That's yours!"
"THAT I will accept," Janie kissed Jenny on the cheek, "Here's to the girl who best represents to love others as Christ first loved us! I'll feed this little stuffie girl," Janie added as she ungagged Nichole.
"I'm so sorry, Janie. I know Jenny well enough... her wish was that Jesus put His hand upon you and give you healing of mind, body, and soul so that you can overcome this and become an even stronger young woman."
"Heyyyy! Just for that no cake!"
"I made it; she gets a slice!" Sera handed Janie a piece to feed Nichole.
"We love together, cry together, suffer together, study together, grow together, pray together," Joyce said.
"We are the most awesome circle of girlfriends that ever existed."
"Well!" Zack was indignant.
"Most awesome circle of friends besides Jesus and the Apostles. Better?" Lauren asked him.
"Here's frosting on your nose," Lauren rubbed a little on his nose.
"A hahahaha!" laughed everyone.
"I think you need a little too," Chris rubbed some on Nichole's.
"Let's wipe that off, silly girl," Janie wiped her nose with a napkin, "You're Gangsta Queen, not a clown."
"We're a goofy group," Joy shook her head.
"We're friends. Better than a group," Hannah one-upped her.
"We're sisters. Better than friends," Caleigh furthered it.
"I think you're right!" Joyce agreed with that.
"Now if only we were really stuck together!" Jenny smiled.
"Like this?" Janie asked as she clamped Irish-8's on Jenny's wrists.
"What about taking turns beating me up at video games? Besides, rope bunny was already tied up for 15 hours!"
"Oh, all right then," Janie took the cuffs off, "Any volunteers besides Serafina?"
"How about me then?" Hannah said.
"Hannah? Are you sure?"
"I need to try to overcome this."
"How about a quieter day?" Joy suggested
"She's volunteering to take my place," Hannah shoved Joy at Janie, who quickly cuffed her hands in front of her.
"I guess I am!"
"Silence!" Janie gagged her with her own ball gag.

Ropes quickly tied Joy's ankles, knees, and thighs, and rope ran from cuffs to thighs so that she was forced to sit.

To make matters crazier, the same rapidly happened to Bridget, Joyce, Caleigh, Sera, Hannah, and Janie. Caleigh had the other pair of Irish-8's on her, and Joyce had the thumb cuffs. Sera got her own ball gag, and the others got a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief. Lauren and Zack had to leave because the former felt unwell. Hannah's wrists were roped instead of cuffed, and Janie had tied herself up. This left Jenny as the lone free girl, but the video game contest went on anyway!

Jenny would never forget this birthday. It wasn't what happened to Janie as much as how they had all rallied together to show their love and support for her on what was, in Janie's own words, the worst moment in her life. How much Jenny loved her friend Janie... how much they all loved her.

Would love again triumph?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 192: Strange Vibes
Sunday, January 21, 2018

"Janie, wake up. Wake up!" Joy shook Janie awake.
"Huh? WAH?!"
"You're going to be late for church!"
"I'll go to the 10AM."
"Janie, don't be a quitter."
"Joy, I don't feel right. I feel sick. I didn't sleep well..."
"Your crying woke me up."
"Joy... how do I tell my father or Ken or Trent about this?"
"It feels strange, doesn't it?"
"I feel dead inside... Like I'm disembodied. Sex steals your innocence; this steals your identity."
"I think I understand."
"I was crying last night because I started recalling different things... that security report brought back details of what happened, but I realize I'll never know who did it or for 100% certain what happened."
"Someone has to tell your father and brother."
"It'll be me. I can handle it. I feel strange inside though."
"Janie, I get it. It's different when you didn't ask for it... when it's forced. It's not love."
"Look at how cute and carefree Nichole and Chris are. That's love in the true sense."
"Do you get what's wrong with it now? Love is about eternity; sex is about the present; that was about the self and past."
"And those frat boys just thought of themselves. Joy, I really can't..."
"Hey, Janie, are we going to mass this morning?" Hannah knocked on the door.
"Oh, yeah, I lost track of time! I'll be right there!"
"You're a sweetheart," Joy gave Janie a kiss and climbed down so that Janie could get to business.


"Why did it have to be Janie?" Bridget asked as she walked to mass alongside Joyce and Sera.
"Evil is like this, Bridge," Joyce shook her head, "Of all people I never thought she'd be the one to experience what I did."
"That was one heck of a night terror last night."
"Hey, hey, we came together for Joyce though," Sera corrected Bridget, "And Janie."
"Janie... when I saw her crying like that, I realized what a sensitive, broken soul she carries underneath that tough exterior."
"She's still a teenager," Joyce said glumly, "Just a kid..."
"It's not right... she's such a good person in reality."
"So how can we show her we love her?" Bridget asked, "Let's pray on that during church."


"Let me sit alone, if you don't mind," Janie said to Hannah.

Hannah watched sadly as the girl in her blue dress, sneakers, socks, and kerchief bandana walked to be by herself. As Hannah watched, she felt a tear roll down her eye, and she went to sit with her other friends.

Here they were... Serafina, Bridget, Joyce, Janie, Lauren, Zack, and Hannah... and with 300 others around them... but only those 7 knew the torment Janie's soul was suffering. There they were: Sera with Peter, Lauren with Zack, Bridget with Roberto, Joyce with Ryan, and Hannah all by herself, all the girls prayers were focused on the one though.

Serafina was her usual prim-and-proper self with a white skirt, a red blouse, and a white kerchief bandana. Bridget was in a navy blue skirt with pink flowers and a pink blouse. Joyce had black slacks and a red long-sleeve blouse. Hannah was in yellow skirt, a blue t-shirt, and a yellow kerchief bandana... all new things that she had bought just that week with Christmas money from her grandmother.

By the end of mass, Hannah was in total tears. Though she couldn't find the words to say it, she knew perhaps better than Joyce how Janie felt. When it was time to leave, she made her way to Janie, and together they walked back to the apartment while Sera, Peter, Bridget, and Roberto made their way toward double-date breakfast.


"Jenny, are you OK?" Joy asked her friend as they walked to church together.
"Bad things happen to good and bad people alike, Joy."
"They do."
"Janie has already had an unfair number of bad things happen to her. Why this too?"
"I don't know, Jenn."

Side-by-side walked the blue and pink Gangstas. Joy was in her blue skirt, pink t-shirt, and blue bandana headband. Jenny had a pink skirt, red t-shirt, and solid pink kerchief bandana.

"We just pray for her healing... that this doesn't make her psychiatric problems worse."
"She feels like she's subhuman... a piece of meat... now. Her self-worth has reached rock bottom."
"I feared that."
"Deep down, though, she knows she's precious to us and can be something uniquely special to all of us."
"How did she seem to you this morning?"
"Sad... she's struggling to process why someone would do this to her."
"Today... is all about loving Janie."


"Hannah, I need to get this done. You stick by me if you'd like."
"I will. You have no idea how much I feel your pain."
"Here goes. I can get both at once."
"I'll be quiet."
"Daddy, Trent, I have bad news to share with you two."
"Janie, what's wrong? Is it you or is it Lauren?" Dad asked.
"No, it's with me. The other night, I was on my way home from a friend's apartment...," she stopped to cry.

The next 30 minutes saw a lot of tears shed by Janie and Hannah and a ton of loving support from Dad and Trent. The entire Patterson family was in pain at this time.


"Roberto, this kind of double-date suits me better. I can sit here and stare at your dreamy eyes."
"More like distance chaperoning so that we don't have to restrain ourselves."
"I know it's been four months and you're still a teenager, but you're such a spiritually strong man."
"I'm far from perfect."
"But you're perfect for me. I know college student budgets are tight, but could we go bowling? Maybe invite Nichole and Joyce?"
"Why them in particular? Tell me."
"That way we have two lanes, four people each lane. Or maybe we could go skating."
"You're a romantic young lady."'
"You bring out good parts of me even I never knew existed."

At the other table, Sera was having a similar moment.

"Peter, you're such an interesting young man."
"What makes me interesting?"
"You're a natural leader, which every married couple needs only one of. You're slow speak but quick to praise. You've made me realize that all along I was patiently waiting for a father for Benny. Now I see that the man that is perfect for me will love Benny for my sake. I see it so clearly now."
"You have a strangely intoxicating joy in your eyes. What brings out that sparkle?"
"Simple question... Five things: family, church, friends, TUGs, and you. I can only explain really why church does."'
"Try on all of them."
"Family... is what God gives you to make day-to-day life special from birth til death. Church because there's nothing like talking to Jesus and His mother. My friends... I was so depressed before I met them. I had no friends except for Bridget. Then Joyce and I by chance... and then she introduced me to Jenny and Joy. Then Joy introduced me to TUGs, which made me and Bridget closer and got me to know Nichole, Janie, and Lauren. We all play TUGs together and with no other friends, so it's something special we girls do together. Then there's you. You're the kind of man whom I always dreamed of. Tall, handsome, and more concerned about getting to heaven than getting rich or getting married or being popular. God was just testing me to see if I would trust Him long enough to earn the third and fourth parts... and then when I earned those He sent you to me."
"I like those answers. You're an answer to prayer. I asked God to provide a girl who's humble, has a good relationship with her family, and wants to be saint."

Suddenly, they both looked to each side, and then they exchanged a quick kiss. It wasn't much, but it was definitely more than an Italian kiss of greeting.


"Well, we're here... still alone," Hannah shrugged when they walked in.
"Hannah, may I just sit here and cry?"
"I'm getting strange vibes from being with you now... I suddenly see so much more. You're such a complex individual."
"What's that mean?!"
"It's no wonder we're all friends with you. You're an Asimov or Einstein or Aquinas. It's why Joyce and you are such perfect friends. You're a genius and with it you have an equal ability to love people. You reveal it only to those who earn your trust. It's why you, Caleigh, and Ken are so connected. Ken isn't that smart compared to you, but he's a perfect compliment for your full personality... intelligence, sensitivity, love, softball... all of it. It's why you and Nichole butt heads sometimes, because she's the same way but has different likes from you. It's why you and Joy are perfect roommates, because you struggle on the same issues and care enough to never encourage each other to do wrong. Jenny, of course, is just a saint. You're as much everyone's friend as Jenny is because of your youth... we get the little sister that many of us never had, and you already know how to almost perfectly love a big sister."
"Yes, I'm all that. I have BPD, Hannah, but haven't told anyone. Yes, it's my official diagnosis. Everything you said is true. Yet you all love me, flawed as I am; and I love you all back."
"We do love you."
"Maybe one of us should get tied up? Then if I cry I'll be locked in an armoire anyway."
"Only if you want."
"Let's do it... try to have fun."

Before Janie could change her mind, Hannah locked Irish-8's on her wrists and roped her elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. Janie's gag was an orange rubber ball threaded with a blue bandana, and her blindfold was also a blue bandana. Hannah took selfies, stuffed Janie in the armoire, and locked it shut.


"Thanks for accompanying us. We'll give you a ride home later," Joy said to Nichole, who was in a navy blue skirt and matching kerchief bandana and a white t-shirt.
"Nah, Chris'll come for me. Besides, Gangsta Girl here needs to get into some serious rope trouble!"
"Oh, do I now?"
"You definitely do! I see you in my mind grunting and squirming on the floor."
"She's mean!"


"May I come in?" Joyce asked Hannah.
"Why are you in the dark?"
"It's peaceful and a nice way to create a calming atmosphere after church, don't you think?"
"MMMMMM!" *bang*
"You kidnapped Janie so soon?"
"She asked me to do it. How about I take you, too?"
"Hmmmmm.... I can tell you have a plan... OK!"

Hannah was gentle in binding Joyce really. She tied Joyce's crossed wrists, elbows, breasts, crossed ankles, and thighs before hogtying her and gagging her with a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana and blindfolding her with a blue bandana. She dragged Joyce into the closet and shut the door.

"Are you OK?"
"Mmm hmm!" Joyce nodded.
"Stay safe!"


"Well, it will have to be just us four! Nichole is hanging with Jenn and Joy, and Joyce is currently hogtied."
"Bridgie, sounds like we're better off going skating... we can better talk then."
"It lets me show off those Wisconsin moves too."
"Oh, you got moves? I played ice hockey for a year in middle school. I sucked at it though."
"Let's go get Sera and Peter. Come on," Bridget started pulling him.
"I've never seen you like this."
"Well, we had an interesting day yesterday... and it made me appreciate you a lot more."
"Sera told me... I'm sorry. I'd break those guys' necks, but from what I heard the other girl doesn't know who did it either."
"Frat boys suck... you don't. You're a man, not a boy. At least, you're becoming one."
"Let's go skating. I want to learn more about you."

"How's your friend, Janie?" Peter asked Sera.
"You heard?"
"Well, I heard about the girl who was there... she said only that it was a softball player."
"If she told people that much, how did you figure out the rest?"
"She didn't sit with us today. She cried throughout mass; didn't get communion. I lit a candle for her afterwards."
"Peter Larosa you're a real Catholic. Bridgie wants us to go skating with her and Roberto. Sound good?"
"I like that thought. Then we can talk even more."


"Nichole, did you really have to tie my elbows before we get inside?! What if we're seen?"
"On this heathen campus? No way in hell! Get in that apartment!"
"Hey, Hannah Bandana, a little help?"
"Oh, Joy.... you're in trouble! I only cause trouble; I don't end it."
"Thanks!" Joy flashed a one finger salute.
"Bad girl!" Nichole said and then pulled socks over Joy's arms.
"Stop it!" Joy walked away from her.
"Rebellious! Jenny, hold her down and tie her legs, if you will please?"
"With pleasure!" Jenny tackled Joy to the carpet, and Hannah helped hold Joy in place.
"Just like in high school!" Hannah laughed as Nichole roped Joy's wrists together.
"Just like it. We were immature and instead of trying to help drove you and Casey away."
"Well, it was an emotional time, and I responded poorly."
"We all did, but now we're all here!" Jenny was positive as she roped Joy's ankles.
"Where's Janie anyway?" Nichole asked as she bound Joy's breasts.
"MMMMMMMMM!" *bang*
"She's in a chipper mood, I see."
"Yeah, she isn't, really. But she feels safe and loved, I suppose. She told her dad what happened."
"Oh, dang..."
"Ouch! This is mean!" Joy said under the pile while Nichole bound her waist/crotch and Jenny bound her thighs.
"Oh, stop it! Janie... knows suffering so well... concussions, food allergies, leg injuries, mental health, her mother's behavior, and now this."
"Joyce knows it too... diabetes, her parents died, her siblings don't love her, she had this happen to her by someone she should have been able to trust," Jenny reflected sadly.
"You know, Jenny, you're the reason these girls are alive and able to function as well as they do."
"Joyce is really unique... so smart and so humble... so patient... always full of love... slow to anger... helpful," Joy said.
"Even I could learn from her," Jenny said reflectively.

The trio bound Joy's knees and hogtied her from ankles to elbows. Joy was gagged with a pair of socks, a pink bandana, and 9 layers of blue tape. Her blindfold was a red bandana.

While this happened, Joyce quietly and secretly enjoyed her imprisonment. More than that, she was shocked by hearing just how much her friends loved her. She quietly sobbed because, in her case, she really was alive because of her friends, particularly Joy and Janie. The past 24 hours had been a hellish reliving of her own torments, and her friends had supported her and Janie alike.


"I like this go with the flow. Sometimes double-date dinner... sometimes breakfast," Peter said.
"Roller blading at 11AM and having the floor almost to ourselves."
"Can we try that kissing thing again now that we're only around friends?"
"Like this?"
"That's it. Mmmmm...," they kissed, and then Sera paused for a second.
"We're moving too fast... let's not do that more than once a month... for chastity's sake, OK?"
"I can dig that."

"Look at those two... such a cute pair they are!" Roberto smiled.
"I think I'm starting to love you more than her."


"Hannah Bandana, for kidnapping Janie, we have to kidnap you," Jenny said.
"I didn't kidnap just her!"
"Someone else is tied up in here?!"
"Yeah... she's been a good quiet little captive, but she's safe! Come on! Kidnap me!"

Hannah Bandana the Yellow Banana was punished in wire that bound her wrists, forearms, elbows, ankles, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, breasts, and waist. She was hogtied from ankles to elbows, then was gagged with a sock, a yellow bandana, and strips of blue tape, and finally was blindfolded with a blue bandana.

Hannah and Joy squealed and rolled around on the floor as they battled their respective bonds. Being tied up was good, but being tied with a friend was better. They squirmed closer to each other and made a gag talk agreement: enjoy it for an hour and then work together to escape.

Jenny and Nichole watched with the joy of two children and sat together, enjoying the sisterly moment of which they had been deprived the previous day. It was such a genuine bond that they sometimes forgot that they weren't actually biological sisters. Jenny was the one who spoke.

"Want to tie up your favorite rope bunny? Hmmm?"
"OK! As a late birthday gift!"

Nichole went for cruelty as she used Irish-8s on Jenny's wrists and then ziptied her elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs. The beloved girl was then gagged with a sock and a pink bandana and 9 layers of duct tape before being blindfolded with a red bandana. Nichole hugged her new stuffie tightly and kissed her.


"I have to catch up to Serafina. See you, Roberto," Bridget gave him a kiss.
"Hey, wait, let's go together. I heard Sera say she wants a snack."
"Maybe be tied up with some bandanas and hankies."
"Let's go together then. She'll be headed to see what's happening with Joy and Hannah, since they're tied up."

Bridget's heart always raced with excitement when such opportunities arose, but not so much anymore because she was savouring the joy of having someone who found adventure in the same places she did and found their progress toward the apartment slowed, but the walk seemed like an instant for her. Just as soon, they opened the door and found Sera kidnapping Nichole. Nichole's wrists and elbows were tied already.

"Hey, Hey, leave her alone!" Bridget said, "She's trying to have the birthday moment they didn't get yesterday."
"My captive!" Sera said in a deliberately immature and selfish tone.
"You're ours now!" Bridget hugged Sera, and Roberto tied her elbows together with just a handkerchief.
"Thanks!" Nichole grinned.

Sera got her wrists also tied with a handkerchief and then had red bandanas bind her ankles, knees, and thighs. She was then hogtied from wrists to ankles with a white bandana. Sera knew what was coming when Roberto took off her shoes.

"Let me go! Nichole's mine!"
"Sorry, girl, but we got you now!" Bridget smiled as she took off Sera's socks, "Open wide."
"No!" she said with a sparkle in her eye.
"Nmm mmm!" Sera resisted.
"Open up!" Roberto grabbed her hair and pinched her nose.
"NMMMM! UGH! EWWWW!" Sera moaned as the socks went in.
"Now be good!" Sera added two tight black bandana cleave gags.
"Tape it in!"
"Good idea!" Bridget agreed and took some white tape from Roberto while her freed Nichole.
"MMMMM!" Sera moaned as strips of white tape from cheek-to-cheek further gagged her.
"Perfect! I love your eyes."
"Mmm hmmm!"
"Good night!" Bridget said as she added a black bandana blindfold.
"MMMMMM!" *bang*
"Let's go see who's in here!" Nichole said and went to the armoire.
"Heh heh!"
"Come out here. Your blindfold's wet; you were crying."
"Ehh, buh ah ow!"
"Come on, girl!"
"I suspect... yep! Here's Joyce!" Bridget said as she opened the closet, "She's so cute and happy I'll leave her in this closet!"

So much fun was had by all of them that morning, and Janie was finding some much needed healing. What would the afternoon bring?
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 193: Dire Straits!
Sunday, January 21, 2018

"Why, Janie? Why did it have to be you?" Lauren asked herself sadly as she sat on her couch.
"Lauren, I think you should go see her," Zack suggested.
"Hon, I promised my parents and brother I'd protect her. I failed."
"Lauren, I think you should go see her. But it's not your fault," Caleigh agreed with Zack.
"Go ahead. Tell me why I'm wrong."
"I get it; Janie and I started here the same year; but she was only 16 when you got here. She's only 19 now. But, Lauren, she is an adult, whether she's a 19 year old senior or a 22 year old one is irrelevant. You can't be there for her every moment of the day. Neither of you did anything wrong."
"She's so young still... she's..."
"Lauren, she didn't know what was going on over there. Seriously she didn't. Now, come on; I'll go with you if you'd like."
"Caleigh, I appreciate your perspective. I just feel she's overreaching the limits of her age."
"She didn't know it was a frat house; or that that girl was being attacked. She got hurt trying to help someone."
"I should be grateful she escaped without more serious harm?"
"Lauren, this may be news to you, but she's not the only girl on the softball team to get hurt like that by a frat. Lauren, Janie is an adult, but hindsight is 20/20. You have to learn to let go of her, because in 3 months she might decide to leave your side for the next chapter."
"Let's go see Janie. She needs the support."
"She needs your support in particular because you're her hero."


"I forgot that I brought something with me, not that you want to be in it," Nichole said to Bridget.
"In what?"
"This," she pulled out the straitjacket.
"Oh, that thing... well, hmmmmm... why not? Concerned I'm too big?"
"I know you didn't like it last time."
"No, you're right, but I'm not too picky still when it's just a game with friends."
"So you're game?"
"Why not?"
"You'll look good," Roberto winked at her.

It didn't take too long to fit Bridget into the straitjacket and get the straps secured. Sera's ball gag was used, as Nichole said, "t' shut 'r up real nice 'n' good." Then ropes tied the girl's ankles, knees, and thighs, and a pink bandana blindfolded her.

"Joyce, our little knot girl," Nichole looked in there, "Any luck?"
"Mmmm hmmm! Nn-nth err!""
"Hannah didn't give you the same level of professional she did to some of these others. I think even Sera's would be inescapable if Hannah tied her!"

Nichole walked around and took a selfie with every girl she could. She didn't want to forget the amazing friendships she had built over her 22 years on this earth. Her happiness, though, was interrupted by a knock on the door. Panicked after the previous day's event, Nichole crept to the door, looked out the peephole, and then opened the door.

"Oh, Lauren, I'm glad it's you! I was afraid it was another cop!"
"No, just a couple of softball thugs."
"Well, come in here. It's cold out there!"
"How's Janie?"
"Oh, well, she's in good spirits anyway. May I undo the hogtie?"
"Yeah. Remove the blindfold too if you'd like. She's a roller coaster right now."
"I believe it," Lauren said as she loosened the one rope and helped her sister up and onto the couch.

Inside the closet, Joyce continued her mastery of knots. She was good at escaping, but Hannah was a genuine professional. She was so professional she could tie you and leave blatant weak spots. But she wasn't the knot master that Joyce herself was. With some strain, she got the ropes off her wrists, and then her elbows.

Next Joyce quietly untied the leg bonds and pulled off her harness, being sure to unknot that as well. She removed her blindfold and gag and then quietly stood up. Then, she threw the sliding closet door open.

"Well, hey!" Caleigh greeted, "I didn't even know you were there!"
"Lookie there! How you do it?" Roberto asked.
"I'm quiet as a mouse. I'm... I'm a ninja!"
"No, definitely not. You're not even pudgy, but you're not athletic enough for that," Caleigh teased.
"Joy, you got any Pepsi? That one was so thrilling I'm in sugar crash!"
"Mmm hmm!"
"How did you get so good at this?" Caleigh asked her.
"Girl scouts!"

"Hey, Janie," Lauren untied the blindfold, "How ya doing?"
"Well, smile for a selfie if you can?"
"Mmmm!" Janie perked up a little.
"Janie looks so cute dressed up like that and tied up!" Caleigh smiled at her friends.
"Awwwwww," Janie blushed and then turned away.
"Let's get that gag out, cutie," Lauren unknotted the bandana holding the orange ball in Janie's mouth.
"Ugh! Spitty!"
"Janie," Lauren leaned back so she was lying on the couch and began, "Remember when you were a little girl, maybe 5 years old, and during nighttime thunderstorms you'd scramble into my bunk because you were scared?"
"I'm still scared off storms, actually. I remember it though."
"I remember you'd get right next to me because you felt safe with your big brave sister."
"Those are such good memories," Janie squeezed herself between Lauren and the couch.
"Well, I never told you that I was secretly scared most of the time too. I just keep my poise really well."
"Really? I never knew that! Lauren, that makes you even larger than life than you already are! That's true bravery!"
"Aww... well..."
"Lauren... right now, I'm a... a scared little girl hiding... from a thunderstorm," Janie started to cry.
"I'm scared too. I love you, Janie."
"Lauren, why?!" Janie buried her face in Lauren's shoulder.
"I don't know, sis. Bit,"tears poured down Lauren's cheeks while she hugged Janie tightly, "It's not your fault. You didn't deserve it."

The sisters lay on the couch crying together and comforting each other. Joyce initially left them alone, but with teary eyes she crouched next to Lauren just to show the two girls that she was there for them. She knew too, too well what Janie was feeling at the moment.

"Now, see, Caleigh, that's what friendship is all about," Nichole said as she clutched her Jenny stuffie.
"Then I guess that's a good thing; it means we're all friends."
"Let's untie you, Janie," Joyce suggested after many tears.
"No, I know I'm safe like this. No one will hurt me. In fact, Lauren, would you gag me again?"
"I just want to stay here with you all nice and quiet like when we were little."
"OK, Janie."

Janie opened her mouth to accept the rubber ball again, and Lauren knotted the bandana securely behind Janie's head but under her hair. Janie then nestled herself comfortably with her sister, who hugged her tightly.

Joyce got on the floor with Joy and undid her hogtie. She sat on the floor and removed Joy's blindfold and grabbed her in a tight hug.

"This one did so much for me," Joyce said to Caleigh.
"How much did she do for you though? Really? I know she was your roommate when all that happened."
"She was my support in so many ways. She was the one who found the pills I took that night. She was my make-up queen who dolled me up so no could see I had been strangled. She picked out pretty outfits for me to wear so that I'd smile. She tie me to the bed so that I wouldn't take my angst out by hurting her or myself. She was there when I tried to kill myself and convinced me to finger gag myself to throw up the pills. She was there for me when my mother died. This one right here... this one transformed my life."
"MMMMM," Joy blushed.
"She's tied up so well, I don't want to ruin it! I want all these three to be my stuffies!"
"Which three?" Robert asked her.
"Joy, Sera, and Bridgie."
"You can, but I share Sera and Brigida!"

Caleigh had Joy, Joyce, Bridget, and Roberto sit against the sofa in that order with the hogtied Sera was across their laps. Caleigh sat, undid Hannah's hogtie, pulled her blindfold down, and cuddled the Yellow Banana. Roberto hugged Bridget with one arm and pet his sister with the other. Joyce hugged the girls on either side.

"Hannah, you stay sitting here. Watch the master at work... I have a lot of drawing to do. Get the sketches down at least so I can finish them after."
"How you do that?" Roberto asked.
"Oh, I just getting the drawing down. I'm handy enough with the color that I can take a photo or look at a photo later and fill in the color and extra textures later."
"It's my God-given talent."
"She is so very talented," Joyce smiled.
"I didn't think I was any good until my uncle saw a drawing I did. He said it was amazing, and I started doing more. I was maybe... 9? At the time."
"Mmmmm mmmmm!" Hannah watched with interest.
"Hannah Bandana is such a sweet thing."
"MMMMMM!" Sera groaned helplessly into her gag.
"Oh, stop it!" Roberto spanked her lightly.
"Poor Bridgie here is in dire straits!"
"Ah ha ha!" Nichole laughed, "I like that one!"
"Mmmm!" Jenny groaned.
"How about you and I go take a nap like those two are?"
"Mmmm!" Jenny liked that.
"Let's go!"
"I got enough on you two that you can go," Caleigh waved her arm.
"Hmmm!" Joy groaned, "Nnn! Pppp ih!"

Hannah slowly scooted over to Joy and started helping her. She squeezed Joy's boobs for a second.

"NNNN!" Joy squealed with a laugh.
"Hey! Stop that, or I'll strappado you!" Joyce threatened.
"MMMM!" Hannah glared at Joyce.
"Maybe I take a nap with cutie here too," Roberto said.
"Git outta here!" Joyce laughed at that.
"It'd be PG rated."
"Oh, stop it!"
"I ought to go anyway. Bye, beautiful," he kissed Bridget on the forehead.
"See you!"
"Bye, bro!"

Janie and Lauren napped on the couch; Joy and Hannah were working to escape; Jenny and Nichole were in the bedroom; this left Sera, Bridget, Joyce, and Caleigh together, and it was just 12:30! Or it was just them until a text came for one of the gagged residents asking to be let in.

"I'll get it," Joyce said as she got up and went to the door, "Oh, hey, Case!"
"Hey, I couldn't get here yesterday!" greeted Casey, who was leaning against the wall and wearing her customary Cool Girls' black sweatpants, long-sleeve t-shirt, and bandana headband, "Could you help me in?"
"Casey, what happened?!"
"Oh, I'm fine; just parked a little distance away; not easy for a perma-limper in winter."
"Get in here!" Joyce helped her.
"All the residents are kidnapped or something?"
"Yeah, they are. Two are 5 minutes away from escaping though," she pointed to Joy and Hannah.
"I couldn't get here yesterday for Gangsta Princess's birthday."
"So why the limp?"
"Well, you know the why and all that. Fact is though that cold weather makes all my muscles mess up. I sometimes am wheelchair bound by it. That'd be perfect for a chair tie!"
"I didn't know this!"
"And you know things about diabetics that I wouldn't!"
"Very true."
"I should have used the chair. When it's freezing out, I can't just stay at home; I have to use the chair to get around school or any place."
"That's crazy."
"Don't be a jerk, Joyce," Caleigh upbraided her, "Get her a hot drink."
"Oh, right! Tea or cocoa?"
"Tea!" Casey smiled, "Look at those two go! Oh, they're in love or something!"
"They've become really close since they discovered they're cousins."
"These two are cousins?!"
"Yeah, they're... I don't remember."

Joy groaned as she helped Hannah, but Hannah didn't as she was experienced in this! The socks made Joy's hands almost useless, but soon Hannah got Joy completely free! Joy stood up and tossed the rope into a pile and pulled the socks off her arms, and then she vengefully reknotted Hannah's bonds and pushed the tape down against her face.

"I love your kidnapper's spirit. I know you'll escape. I left the knots in that wire pretty loose!"
"Hey, Joy!"
"Hey, Casey! So, to answer, my great-great-grandma was the sister of Hannah's great-grandpa Larsson."
"So what's that make you?"
"Fourth cousin once removed is what my mom said. She's the same generation as my mom."
"AWKWARD!" Casey laughed, "So Hannah has seniority over you generationally."
"She and I have been so good for each other in recovering from our respective problems."
"MMmmmmmm!" came from Sera, Bridget, and Hannah.
"You're such a cutie," Joy grabbed Hannah's head and kissed her cheek, "Cuz!"
"Let's look at you," Casey scooched over to Hannah and examined her face, "Nice, Cool Girls' style gag!"
"Mmmmmmm!" moaned Hannah helplessly that she was being grabbed like this.
"Oh, let's put this back," Casey pulled Hannah's blindfold back up.
"NNNNN!" Hannah groaned as darkness returned.
"Oh, yeah!" Joy realized her own blindfold was around her neck and began unknotting it.
"Be nice to the girl and throw her a bone," Joyce pulled her back over and undid her wrist bonds, "Go girl."
"OK, Bridgie, you too," she loosened a few straps.
"MMM?" came from Sera.
"Keep eating your socks, bad girl!" Joyce slapped her on the butt lightly like Roberto had done.
"Eating her socks?" Casey asked.
"This one here likes getting gagged with the socks she was wearing. She had socks on earlier."
"Why couldn't you come yesterday?" Caleigh asked.
"Because I was asked to tell my story to the Minnesota Intervarsity Club this morning. I was up until 11PM getting ready."
"Oh how cool! About what?"
"Well, everything. Falling out with the pastor's daughter; falling out with Cool Girls'; my recovery; all that stuff."
"Did you mention TUGs?"
"Good girl!"
"I came here to see the birthday girl, and instead everyone is napping."
"Janie had a bad weekend... like, horrible, horrible, horrible."
"Poor thing! What happened?"
"It's not my position to say."
"She and her sister look so peaceful there though."
"Don't they? I'm so blessed to live with Lauren and Zack."
"She'll make a good mommy. Joyce, this tea is perfect."
"You drink a lot of tea when you're diabetic."
"GRMMM!" Hannah fought successfully against the wire.
"HMPH!" Bridget likewise against the straitjacket as she pulled an arm out.
"Want to know a secret? Two of us are southpaws," Joyce grinned.
"Two? I know Nichole is one!"
"She's ambidextrous for real. I'm not counting her, although you can if you'd like."
"You're one! I noticed when you stirred your tea. Is brainy Janie over there the other?"
"That was too easy."
"Brainy people are more lefty than the average population. That I learned in college!"
"MMMM!" Bridget got the jacket off and began untying the ropes on her legs.

Soon, Bridget and Hannah were both 100% free. Having waited long enough, Casey went into the bedroom and shook the sisters awake while Lauren and Janie were arising as well.

"You ready to come out, girl?"
"Nnnnn!" Janie shook her head and started crying again.
"Janie, I love you, but I gotta go," Lauren said just as her phone rang.

The afternoon was about to be super exciting for all good reasons.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 194: Welcome Baby!
Sunday, January 23, 2018

"That was TRENT!" Lauren jumped as she hung up the phone and Casey and Nichole carried Jenny out.
"What, what?!" Joy asked her roommate.
"Amanda's water broke. They're leaving for the hospital!"
"Oh, boy, here we go!" Caleigh said excitedly.
"HMMM!?!?!?!" Janie suddenly perked up.
"We're going to be aunties!" Lauren picked up Janie.
"UGHHHHHH!" suddenly Janie suddenly moaned and sat down.
"Janie, what's wrong?" Lauren removed the gag and blindfold.
"Oh, Lauren, it's all my fault! I told them this morning about what happened. Of course that'd put Amanda in labor!"
"Don't blame yourself."
"I should have asked them to not tell her; I know better than that too! I'm such a dumb$#!+ and deserved to be r***d."
"WHAT?!?!" Casey was mortified.
"You heard me right. Just gag and blindfold me and lock me back up in the armoire."
"Janie? Come on!"
"Just do it already!"
"*sigh* If you really want---"
"STOP IT!" Caleigh interrupted, "I'm sick and tired of this. Janie, I get it; you're going through a ton right now. I get that sometimes when you're upset you like to be all trussed up and left with nothing but your private thoughts so you can process things in a guaranteed non-violent environment. This time, though, I am not allowing it because it's becoming another self-destructive behavior. You just want to feel like you're being punished for something this time. Earlier, you really did want to be safely tied up because you knew you'd be stuck in this apartment with us; this is you wanting to feel like a bad girl getting spanked and sent to her room. Janie Patterson, I'm not letting you hurt yourself. She's at 8 months anyway, and baby will be fine."
"F***," Janie muttered under her breath and laid down.
"You should know better than even Joyce to not misuse that word anymore."
"Caleigh, get off me! Leave me alone!"
"I'm not leaving you alone when you're blaming yourself for doing nothing wrong. Sorry, Janie, but I hold the keys here, literally!" Caleigh flashed the Irish-8's key.
"You won't gag or blindfold me?"
"No, I won't. I refuse to do, and I will do everything I can to prevent others from doing it."
"You're preposterous," Janie rolled her eyes and rolled over to face the corner of the couch.
"You're a selfish little maggot," Caleigh rolled her back over and pulled her up into sitting.
"Janie," Hannah joined the fray, "You told your father and your brother. Your sister-in-law wasn't there when you told them. She still might not even know! Did you consider that?! For a girl who's so smart, you really are quick to blame and hurt yourself."
"Leave me alone!"
"Janie, you're a classic case of BPD if my textbooks are right," Caleigh said, "And we don't love you less for it. Amanda is going to be all right; why can't you trust me right now when you always do otherwise? You trust me to throw the right pitch on the mound; trust me now. Please?"
"I'm sorry, Caleigh. I know I'm worth something in God's eyes even if I'm worthless in my own; I can tell I'm worth something in your eyes too. Yes, I do have BPD; I know that much already; I'm not letting it take the blame for everything though."
"It's going to be all right. Every day can be the start of the rest of your life!"
"Janie, I know your suffering. Please, handle it like good Catholic girl," Joyce pleaded, "And not like I did."
"I don't want to remember this happened to you too."
"Let us help you."
"Help me, please."
"I'll start," Caleigh said and unlocked the handcuffs, "You don't have to be a prisoner of the past."
"You're surrounded by friends who love and want to see you happy," Joyce began untying her legs.
"You have a sister who loves you more than you realize," Lauren worked on Janie's harness.

In short time, Janie was untied. She stood and stretched her legs and arms and then looked at each of the four, Hannah, Caleigh, Joyce, and Lauren. She hugged the first three, although Hannah and Joyce had to be picked up. Then came Lauren.

"I don't deserve you in my life," Janie gave her sister a tight hug.
"I don't deserve to have a sister as perfect as you."
"I love you, Lauren."
"I love you, too. Today, let's just pray we're celebrating our first niece or nephew."
"I will."
"Look at you... so big and strong, yet such a beautiful young woman. A daughter of the King."
"And a Gangsta Jock that we all love so very much," Nichole piped in her two cents, "It was a blessing living with you for a year and a half... you helped make me a better wife to Chris."
"And me a better wife to Zack."
"And me a better girlfriend to Ryan."
"Do you get it now, Janie? You do make a positive difference in this world. You're more than your mental health struggles; your mistakes don't matter anymore; and you're not a toy just because some jerks thought so. You're Janie Patterson, my little sister who for stupid reason got no middle name."
"Another punishment for being the third child, I guess," Janie shrugged, "Lauren Emily."

"Let's free these other two," Nichole suggested.
"MMMM!" Jenny nodded.
"Awww," Sera was disappointed but allowed it.

"Birthday girl! Late happy birthday!" Casey hugged Jenny, "Gangsta Princess."
"Thank you, Casey. It's good to see you."
"Good to hear you after being here over 2 hours!"
"Ahaha! I've always been the rope bunny."
"And this one... Janie, I barely know you, but you are a remarkable young woman. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Most of us have had personal tragedies, so while we might not know how you feel exactly we know how much it messes with you mentally afterwards. I guess it's part of what makes us so perfect of friends."

Casey's statement was true in a grim way. Most of them had suffered some horrid personally tragedy.

Janie was a mental wreck, sex addict, and now a frat victim after a childhood of neglect.
Hannah was a former drug addict who had spent time in jail and survived an abusive relationship.
Joyce had lost her parents and been violated by her then boyfriend.
Bridget was a former bully who got her comeuppance and was motherless.
Sera was a mother.
Nichole was severely abused as a child and survived a violent attack from her own brother.
Casey was an adoptee and stroke survivor.
Joy was an underage drunk and had been a sex addict.
Lauren, Caleigh, and Jenny were the only ones who had managed to avoid such directly personal dramas.

In this way they really were perfect for each other. They so amazingly helped each other overcome pain and sorrow because they knew how it felt to suffer in such a way. It was suddenly so apparent how important the circle of friends had been in their all reaching this point.

"Casey, there are 3 pieces of cake left. Why don't you, Janie, and Jenny share them?" Joy suggested.
"Nah, I can't---"
"No, I'm never selfish, but I like it. To celebrate my birthday with you, and to celebrate this amazing young woman."
"I don't need..."
"Shut up, girl! You're just a teen. Sit down and eat that cake," Sera ordered her.
"Janie, I've never seen your hair before. It's so long and beautiful!" Casey looked with envy.
"It's past my butt."
"Hence why Janie always has a hair across her rear," Lauren joked.
"Why so short on you, Casey?"
"I'm still recovering, you could say," Casey pulled off her bandana and pointed, "Look and see."
"That's a thick scar!"
"That's where they had to cut to release the pressure on my brain."
"So how does that... oh, they had to shave your head!"
"Yep, I was constantly wearing bandanas and other headscarves for like 2 years until I wasn't embarrassed by cutting my hair short enough to match. I did manage to still look pretty though! It was about 3 weeks though between the stroke and when I finally came out of the coma they induced while they fixed me up."
"3 weeks of your life just gone in a snap."
"Yep. Strange but true. Lemme show you some of the selfies I took then... might give a couple of you ideas."
"I'd love to see new ideas."
"This cake might be the best thing I ever ate! Who made it?"
"I was the principal chef," Sera said.
"You're Gangsta...?"
"You'll look great in these styles."

The next 45 minutes saw Jenny, Janie, and Casey slowly eat cake while she showed photos of herself and talked about her recovery. She was supposed to be showing off the different styles of headscarf she wore during that period, but that was secondary to her story.

"My home is one of those 70s house with different elevations and stuff. My parents... my bedroom, for whatever reason, has one of those step ups into it for some stupid reason. While I was in the wheelchair, you know what my parents did? They swapped bedrooms with me because we couldn't get a ramp to fit there because of the bathroom across the hall. It's the only room we couldn't find a way to access because I couldn't use crutches then. Janie, there's a lesson in it for you."
"Me? How?"
"I'm adopted... that proved to me without any shadow of a doubt that they loved me like I was their own daughter. Janie, these girls love you just like family; no matter how much life seems to suck, these girls won't let you down."
"That's... you're right."
"Now, I came here to tie up someone and/or get tied up. What'll it be for me?"
"You, Caleigh, and sweet Nichole are the only ones who haven't been tied up yet today."
"I'll pass this time," Caleigh said as she kept at work on her drawings.
"Matching chair ties for us two cripples?" Casey laughed and looked at Nichole.
"I think so!"
"Let's do it!"

Nichole, still in a navy blue skirt and matching kerchief bandana and a white t-shirt, sat down in a chair. Casey, who was all black sweatpants, long-sleeve t-shirt, and bandana headband, tied her down. Her muscles didn't cooperate, making things difficult, but she tied Nichole wrists and elbows to the sides of the chair back and her ankles and legs to the chair legs. She fasten Nichole to the chair back with a breast harness and waist rope. Nichole's gag was a sock, a knotted navy blue bandana, and strips of white tape. Casey was then tied the same by Jenny, but her bandana gag was black and the tape black as well.

"Hmmmm!" Casey smiled at Nichole.
"I need selfies with these two. Come on Joy, Casey!"

So they did it in true original Club fashion. Joy, Jenny, and Hannah added blue, pink, and yellow bandana masks, respectively, for selfies with the two captives. Casey and Nichole were two happy victims, and these were three happy friends.

"Sera, Joyce, want to walk with me?" Janie asked her friends.
"Just to go... pray... for me and Amanda... Catholic style."
"May I come?" Bridget asked hopefully.
"Sure you can. Come on."
"Bridget, you seem scared. Are you OK?" Sera asked as the door shut.
"I am scared, actually. Sera, I love your brother, but I'm scared of being turned out by all friends back home."
"For what?"
"I'm from Lutherans. A lot of them aren't just proud Protestants. They're anti-Catholic bigots, and right now think I love Roberto enough to make the switch. I already like many things about it."
"Bridget, if you love my brother that much, you won't miss those friends anyway."
"True. Feeling any better Janie?"
"A little. I'm just glad I'm with you all right now."

"Well, girls, in some time, I'll be an aunt," Lauren said to Jenny, Caleigh, Joy, Hannah, and the two kidnapped girls.
"I'm proud of you, friend," Jenny smiled.
"It's a good life negative's and positive's aside!"
"I want your perspective on this weekend, Lauren," Jenny then asked in a more concerned tone.
"The latest thrilling chapter of the Janie saga?"
"It's been devastating. If gigantic and strong even if sweet and innocent Janie can get f***ed up by a bunch of frat boys, any one of the rest of us would be even more helpless. Jenny, she's suffered enough in her life, and every time she suffers I suffer too."
"I think we need to agree not to travel solo during any dark or quiet hours around here," Joy suggested, "I never imagined anyone would look at her all 6'1" and muscular and think 'toy' for a second."
"You don't know what Janie's been through before this. She was there when Joyce's father died too on top of all the other horrors she's been through. Our fights in Florida that one summer; our mom's abuse; fights with friends... Janie has just... her life has always been suffering in spite of the academic and athletic stardom. She's never had anything good happen without something bad happening in the background. You all mean so much to her, but she never tells you how much."
"So big, tall, strong, smart, and beautiful... abused by her mother, diagnosed with BPD, and now r***d."
"I wish it had been me instead," Joy said sadly, "I would have been able to bear the pain at least."
"My poor baby sister... none of us did anything wrong to make her deserve this either. She's so sweet."
"Lauren, she's bared so much," Jenny replied thoughtfully, "And she's still managed grow into such a good, good person. Just like hero. It sounds to me like you succeeded in some regards. Janie has her flaws and makes her mistakes, but in the end she grew up to have all of the good traits that make you the dearest of the friends I've made here in college."
"I'll never admit this to her, but she's my hero too," Lauren said then started crying, "They stole her humanity."
"She's going to beat this too, Lauren. She is," Jenny hugged her friend.
"I know, but of all the horrible things to happen to her of all people. She's still just a kid, and now she has a new scar to carry."
"I love your sister. I do. Every night I pray for each of my friends by name, and I always spend extra time on her because I know she needs them."
"You're a good friend, Jenn. Thank you... all of you... for letting me express myself."

Janie and company prayed a rosary for Amanda's safe delivery of the baby. It was more than that... it was a time of spiritual connection for all of them. Well, Janie prayed primarily for Amanda, but the others were more worried about Janie. The thing that mattered, though, was that Janie felt it.

Some time later, it was nighttime. Casey had gone back to Mudville. Lauren and Caleigh had gone home. Nichole was back with Chris in their apartment. Sera, Bridget, and Joyce were back in their dorm. Janie spoke quietly and confidently.

"Girls, thank you for everything today. It helped me. I won't go into details, but it helped."
"Don't mind my saying so," Jenny pet Janie's still kerchief covered head and hair, "but this outfit and hair style is the cutest and most beautiful way I've ever seen you."
"Aw, thanks."
"It really suits you. I know having it flying during a softball game isn't so good though."
"Yeah, that's why the braids. Want know something funny about me and Lauren?"
"You know how much we look alike. Obviously... Lauren kidnapped me, traded clothes with me, and punked you all."
"That's for sure," Joy laughed.
"Well, in high school, she and I were the same height more-or-less. We'd doll ourselves up for games in the same way but opposite colors. She'd use yellow eyeblack, and I'd use green or vice versa. Yellow and green hair ribbons; yellow and green scrunchies, headbands, socks, whatever we could pull off. It was so funny because no one except Trent and some of our teammates could tell us apart."
"Look like twins almost."
"Basically... to make it better, Lauren's a right-handed hitter, but I'm a switch. I was Lauren's backup catcher too."
"You had fun with this, eh?"
"Never mind in high school we both did swimming in the fall semester although we were mostly only backups; did similar pranks there too."
"Janie Patterson!"
"Did it at work one time! Lauren was off one day, and I was on but had gotten a concussion so---"
"You've suffered too many concussions girl."
"Stop it! Anyway, Lauren dolled herself up like I usually did with the Publix green headband, no bun... my name tag... and worked in my place... my boss never knew."
"My goodness, Janie, you were such a very, very naughty girl."
"Mischievous, Jenny. Mischievous. Naughty Janie watched hardcore pr0n, slept with strange men..."
"Naughty Janie didn't deserve this to happen to though... let's hope naughty Janie doesn't come back, but I kinda like mischievous Janie."
"I kind of do as well. She does things like this," Janie grabbed Jenny, plopped her on her own lap, clamped a hand over her mouth, wrapped an arm over her chest, and wrapped a leg over her legs.
"MMMMMMM!" Jenny moaned with pleasant surprise and found herself completely immobilized.
"I like mischievous Janie too!" Joy grinned at the two as she quickly snapped a picture.
"Awwww, thanks!"
"One Gangsta holding another down!"
"I could hold you down!" Joy said with confidence.
"ME?! We're the same size."
"With only boys, someone had to grow into doing the grunt work for Mom!"
"I had fend off a drug-dealing boyfriend, female prison guards, and lived on my own for 3 years!"
"Let's wrestle for it; I think you'll like it too much though!"
"I've wrestled before!"

In little time, Hannah came out on top and was next to Janie with a handgagged Joy in her arms, but she didn't have as easy of a time holding her down.

"Enjoying that victory, Hannah?"
"I sure am!"
"MMMM!" squealed Joy.
"You like her a little bit more than as a friend or cousin... you're starting to love her like Nichole loves Jenny."
"That almost lesbian sisterhood hybrid that results from two people doing so much for each other out of love?"
"That... kind of like Joyce and I or Joyce, Sera, and Bridget have... but better because it's a more permanent bond than friendship but not with the burdens of being actual family."
"It's better than that. It's actually inviting someone to share the burdens of actual family with you and them wanting to share it because they care that much about you. She's so happy I'm saying this that she stopped struggling."
"She did!"
"Janie, I know I've said it many times, but I am sorry for all you deal with. Don't be afraid to tell us if we say or do something that makes things hard on you."
"It's fine, I'm--"
"Just tell us. We care about you and don't want to accidentally hurt you. You're so big, strong, convicted, confident..."
"You make me sound like a superhero or something."
"Janie, you are a hero to so many of us," Hannah said as Janie's phone rang.
"Excuse me, it's my brother! Trent? Yes! Really! How wonderful! Oh, my God, I'm so excited!" Janie let go of Jenny, "How's Amanda?! Give her a kiss for me... and tell baby that Aunt Janie says hello. Trent... I love you, too. Bye."
"It's a girl... and they named her... *gulp*, Janie Kathleen... he said he'll be happy if she's half as awesome as his... favorite sister."
"Awwww... you're your brother's hero too!" Jenny smiled and hugged her.
"Jenny, if people just looked at my life by itself, it'd look miserable and rotten. But it's a ginormous blessing when all my amazing friends and siblings are added."
"It sure it is!"
"I'm in order a Child of God, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a softball player, and a student. Everything else is meaningless in the grand scheme of things."

Janie ran to the door and threw it open.

"I'M AN AUNTIE!" she yelled into the night, "GOD STILL LOVES ME! WOOOOO!"
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 195: The Return of Pirate Jenny
Friday, January 26, 2018

Jenny Danielle Kristensen loved dressing like a pirate of sorts. A red skirt and brown leggings, cowboy boots, a brown t-shirt, and a solid red kerchief bandana gave her a distinct pirate vibe that she loved. She spun admiring herself in the mirror on a cold enough day (with forecast snow) that she could guarantee that the dorm heat pump would break again so that she'd have guests. She knew Bridget loved this kind of dress-up-but-not-really-cosplay.

"Bridget, does my pirate outfit need a braid?" she sent with a selfie to said friend.
"Nah, I've got the braid covered."

Bridget had her own cowboy boots, bright blue leggings, long-sleeve t-shirt, and headband, black calve-length skirt and pull over coat with her braid held by a black scrunchie. She sent a selfie to Jenny.

"Two sexy pirates going to have fun. How's the relationship with Gianni going?"
"Perfect so far. He gives me space when I need it without asking, but always checks in with me. Video calls every weekend... sent me flowers for my birthday but they delivered them on the 23rd instead of the 20th."
"He's just as sweet as Roberto."
"Much more pragmatic though."
"I'll see you after class. ;) "

Jenny knew she'd have an easy time with getting most of these girls into ropes, and that a good chunk of them would be happy to be kidnapped. It wasn't too often Gangsta Princess came out on top in such a situation.

Jenny masked herself with a pink bandana she warmed by the heaters along with a scarf and mittens and bundled up. Scarf, mittens, bandana mask, winter coat... and stepped into her freezing cold, snowy day with Janie and Joy next to her as their respective classes were on the same floor of the same building.

For Jenny, snow was such a pure, pure white. It made her think of how pure-hearted her friends were even if some of them had done bad things. She looked up at her two friends. Janie, the gentle giant, was in all red: sweatshirt, sweatpants, socks, sneakers, puffer jacket, mittens, scarf, scrunchie holding her braid, bandana headband, and bandana mask. The other was in greys and pinks; Joy wore a grey skirt and kerchief bandana, pink sweatshirt and leggings and a pink winter coat along with mittens and a scarf. As they walked, Jenny scooped up some snow.

"See this snow Janie... deep down inside... you're still as pure as it if you let Jesus take your sins."
"That's very true... I don't want to talk about it though," Janie had told Joyce, and it was final as far as she cared.
"All right."
"Who needs to know knows... that's the victims, the perpetrators, my psychiatrist, the health center, and security."
"I'm not asking you about; I'm asking about your soul."
"The people who did this to me... do they have souls?"
"Janie...," Jenny paused a moment, "Yes. Sin-corrupted souls, but still they have souls."
"I'm not sure. Now stop it before I get upset."
"Sorry, Janie," Jenny rubbed her back.
"Please, Jenny, I'm sorry... don't touch me. Right now I need space. I'm off today."
"I'll see you later. I still love you girls. Don't take it personally."
"All right."

Jenny and Joy walked into the classroom where Joyce and Sera already were waiting. The former was taking off a purple coat with a grey hat and mittens and a pink scarf. Under it she hid a brown polo shirt and pink sweatpants.

Sera was pulling down the Italian flag bandana mask that she used in lieu as a scarf and then pulled off her blue mittens and matching winter hat. The similarly blue jacket was on the chair behind her. Under it all Sera had a red long-sleeve t-shirt, a red kerchief bandana, black socks and sneakers, and black jeans. A huge grin was on her face.

"Why you so happy?" Jenny asked her.
"I have a business prop for you. How'd you like to work for Daddy this summer and get to know mia famiglia?"
"I will definitely talk to my parents about that!"
"Daddy asked if I knew any people I trusted, and I said you were really into that and that Joyce here was thinking of continuing in school. Joy seems like more of the car girl."
"I like car stuff too. When you have no brothers, you often get taught the boy things like fixing a car."
"She asked you first because of Gianni," Joy laughed.
"Well, yeah!" Sera giggled at that.
"I have my dreams, Sera, I do, but I'd be happy to give it thought. Come by my place tonight so we can talk."
"The heating will certainly break anyway," Joyce rolled her eyes, then her eyes grew wide as she looked at her phone.
"What is it, cutie?" Sera asked her.
"I just got an acceptance letter from the school in Florida! YES!"
"Way to go Joyce!"


After class, Lauren walked over to Janie.

"Did you come alone?"
"*sigh* No."
"You OK, girl?"
"Yes and no. Ever feel someone's trying too hard to love you?"
"Sometimes; I friendzoned them."
"What up?"
"I'm sister, auntie, daughter, granddaughter, friend, teammate, Child of God... now I can add f***toy to that list."
"Janie, don't let this ruin you."
"It's not ruining me as much as my trust in men... even Ken."
"You have to sort this one alone."
"Jenny and Hannah aren't helping with trying so hard to be my constant support. The only support I want right now is just a hug and an 'I love you' really. Talking things over just makes me relive it."
"I don't think I want to know... I really don't."
"Joyce knows, and that's enough."
"Call me if you need anything... even just to vent, cry, tell a joke... Aunt Janie."


"Joyce, can you come by my place later?" Janie texted her friend.
"Ken, any chance we could see each other some time this weekend?" she sent to her boyfriend.

Janie was an embattled young woman.


"Come with me, Sera," Jenny encouraged her friend, "I'm going to find Bridget."
"My mother loves the idea of my spending the summer with you because she figures you won't let anything bad happen to me. She hates it because she'd miss me terribly as the only child."
"Understandable. Coming here would have never been a thought without Giovanni."
"I see your brother over there! Hey, Roberto!" Jenny yelled over.
"Hi!" he waved at them.
["Come here, you big brush!"] Sera bullied her little brother.
["Oh, is that so!"] he started running toward them with a huge grin.
"Are you picking on him?"
"Yes, I am."
["Just for that I will kidnap you later,"] Roberto said as he pushed his sister a little.
["We're going to get Brigida."]
["Oh! Traveling in groups to stay warm?"]
"To stay safe. Janie now keeps track of our schedules and makes sure we all have a travel buddy."
"She starts yelling at us if she somehow finds out any of us was alone."
"Here's Bridgie."
"Is she that bad?"
"Friends!" Bridget threw a little snow at them.
"Hey, hey, save it for when there's more on the ground!" Sera laughed
"I think someone's gonna get a snowie!" Bridget said in sing-song.
"What is a snowie?" Roberto asked.
"Getting thrown into the snow without any coat, mittens, or any of that stuff on you. Usually while tied up."
"So where're Joyce and Joy?" Roberto was clearly confused.
"They have to go chaffeur Hannah and Janie or something like that. It's complicated," Sera explained.
"It's really complicated, but it's better than having her freak out like she did on Hannah last night," Jenny rolled her eyes.
"Freak out?"
"Started screaming that she's an idiot and all that because her class ends after dark, and she walked back alone."
"Oh, boy. I'll stop by later, girls."


"Janie, I didn't expect to see you here so soon!" Jenny said with a happy tone.
"My class got cancelled due to the weather," Janie responded blankly as she worked on an assignment.
"Ah, OK."
"Now f*** off."
"I will," Jenny looked at Janie's braid, "just let me say your hair is very prett--"
"I SAID TO F*** OFF!" Janie stood up and shoved Jenny, "QUIT TOUCHING ME!"
"Janie!?" Jenny fell to the ground and crawled into the corner near the refrigerator and started crying.
"Janie Patterson!" Bridget grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, "You f***ing hypocrite, how dare you hurt Jenny of all people!"
"You think I'm scared of you?"
"I'm sure as hell not scared of you! I've put more effort into strength training than you have. Look at that girl! If you're going to hurt the sweetest thing that ever lived, then you're going to hurt the rest of us too. She was just trying to show you she cares. Just a few nights ago, you were letting us all hug, kiss, pet, tickle you and whatever; now you're attacking Jenny for touching your braid. You've got three choices now! You can apologize, you can go in your room, or Sera and I will drag you in your room in ropes."

Janie looked at the righteous indignation in Bridget's eyes. Here she was 9 inches taller yet intimidated. She looked at Sera and the shear terror in her eyes, but she was ready to defend herself and her friends. Then she looked at Jenny, helplessly crying in the corner like a child wrongly spanked by its parents. The right thing to do was apparent.

"Jenny, Jenny, get up," Janie crouched by the sobbing ball.
"I'm so sorry, Janie. You nicely asked me to leave you alone, and I didn't."
"You didn't nothing wrong, Jenny, to deserve that reaction. I'm sorry I snapped at you and shoved you."
"I should have listened to you."
"You were just trying, Jenny. I've been so paranoid lately and can't take it out on you girls."
"I forgive you."
"I forgive you too. Now, if you want to give me a hug, go ahead."
"You mean it?"
"Yes, I do."
"Janie, Janie, Janie!" Jenny gave Janie the tightest hug she could muster.
"Thata girl! Now, do me a favor, and please let me finish this assignment. You can tie me up afterwards as a little playful revenge, OK?"
"I know you're trying to help me. Just don't try so hard. I never black eyes could be so big and hurt so much, but I want to forget that if I can. There'll come a day where I'll be able to say what happened that night, but not soon. I'll tell you when I'm ready."
"Just accept this kiss this," Jenny gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks. Now, let me finish this... so you girls can do whatever, I'll go in the bedroom."

"Well, Janie's going down easily, so I guess I can kidnap you already!" Bridget shrugged.
"Come here, Gangsta Chick!"


"I'm glad she's an orange Hannah Bandana and not a blue or white one today!" Joy laughed.
"Easier to spot?" asked the girl in orange sweats, a blue t-shirt, a blue hoodie, an orange kerchief bandana, a blue bandana mask, and a blue scarf.
"Is Janie's buddy system getting to you at all?"
"Yes," Joyce said, "But I get it. I've been there... but hers was from strangers. Mine was one man."
"Meaning?" Joy was confused.
"Joyce had one man to cut out of her life to end it. Janie now has a distorted opinion of all men."
"Is one worse than the other?"
"Not really. Hannah?"
"She's increasingly unstable for sure. We have to get her leveled off because she's more likely to do something rash."
"Hurt someone in a rage, whether herself or another. Run away. Crying fits. She's playing this over and over in her head, and if it's PTSD then it's worse than it's herself doing it. I need her to completely open up without necessarily telling me the details. I need her to tell me what she's mentally experiencing, but not what she physically experienced."
"Got it!"
"Get close to me," Joy said, "Hannah, I can tell that's not enough clothing."
"We'll fix that tomorrow."


"MMMMMM!" groaned Sera into the awful taste of her own socks.

Sera was taped at her wrists, elbows, above and below her breasts, waist, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. Her feet were bare as her black socks were in her mouth and secured by a red bandana cleave gag and 9 layers of tightly wrapped duct tape.

"MMM!" Sera squealed as she writhed on the floor and glared at Bridget while the captor pulled the captive's Italian flag bandana mask up and over her mouth and reknotted it tightly.
"Sorry, but you've been kidnapped by a pirate wench," she said quietly, "Jenny's first mate."
"You," Bridget rolled Sera onto her back for a photo and a video, and then held her for a selfie before getting on top of her.
"Just saying, you're my bestie, Sera! Nice hostage photo for Roberto!"

Further taping wrapped from behind her thighs to behind her back and then from her shins to behind her back; thus she was taped into a tight ball. All of this was red tape. Sera helplessly groaned and squirmed as a red bandana blindfolded her.

"Hi, girls! Oh, look at Sera!" Joyce said as the trio entered, "I just got the first 'broken heat' text of the year!"
"I'm glad I brought jammies and a change of clothes!"
"Looks like Sera won't use hers. What's up with Jenny? She's never locked in her room."
"She's talking to Gianni."
"And Janie?"
"Doing HW. Don't bother her though."
"I'll take a chance," Joyce just barged into the room.
"Janie Patterson, you've been crying. You're so stressed you never removed your hat, mask, or scarf when you came home."
"I didn't?" Janie seemed dazed, "I don't feel like me anymore. Since yesterday I've felt disembodied."
"Want to talk?"
"Not right now. I had a rage fit and apparently attacked Jenny, but I don't remember it. Last night, Joy and I played a big girl TUG, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't... you know. I'm all messed up since... I shouldn't have been playing a big girl TUG so soon anyway. Nothing seems right anymore. But I know inside I'm still here."
"We're all here for you if you need anything."
"Maybe tying you up will make me feel better! Do something normal and mundane for me!"
"Let's try it!"
"Did you really wear a polo and sweats?"
"Gagged first then!" Janie grabbed Joyce's ball gag from her bag and shoved it in her mouth.

Ropes then bound Joyce's wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs. Janie blindfolded her friend with a brown bandana, put her on the upper bunk of the bed, and hogtied her from wrists to ankles. Janie took selfies, films, and photos before leaving.

"Don't roll away!"


"Gianni, I just had to thank you for the flowers. You're such a thoughtful young man."
"I'm sorry they didn't get there in time."
"It doesn't matter to me; it matters that you did it."
"All right. I'm glad you're happy."
"I have to go, but I'll talk to you this weekend, OK?"
"All right. Buh bye!"
"Bye!" Jenny blew a kiss his way.

"Did I miss anything?" Jenny asked as she came out.
"Bipolar Janie reappearing?" Janie asked with a grin.
"You're not bipolar!"
"You love me regardless, right?"
"Ha ha yes!"
"You said you'd tie me up!"
"Yeah, I did!"
"I used my little app here to order us some pizzas and already paid for them. Sorry, Bridger, but that eventually means your fancy gag-work will be undone."
"How about a kitchen chair tie then? Cuffs or no cuffs?"
"How about Bridget's fancy zipties, if she doesn't mind?"
"I don't mind! Let me get them... just a second! Here you go! Have fun!"

Janie sat down in all her red glory and got the police zip tie cuffs fastening her wrists and elbows. Regular zips fastened her ankles and knees to the legs of the chair. More zips held Janie's wrists and elbows to the spindles of the chair. Jenny gagged Janie with a knotted red bandana for the time being. Jenny pulled her mask back over her nose for selfies, took photos and films, pulled her mask down, and took a selfie while kissing Janie on the cheek.

"Let's take the Hannah Bandana cutie too!" Joy said as she grabbed her friend.
"Hey, let's try those clamps on me this time!"
"You want to try?"
"I need to try if I'm going to completely vanquish the past!"
"OK!" Jenny clamped Hannah's wrists in front of her using the Irish-8s, "Well."
"I... I... I'm trying not to panic... let them stay. Just let me be and let me walk around... I need to try this. It's more than police car nightmares for me... It's all that happened to me in that prison. I'll refrain for now, but it's an ugly world in there."
"Let's seat you and rope your legs. That'll convince your subconscious it's a TUG!" Joy suggested.

Hannah grinned as ropes bound her ankles, knees, and thighs. She scooted her chair over and just quietly whispered positive things in Janie's ear and pet her hair while waiting for their dinner to arrive.

Soon, dinner was there, and after some nearly 2 hours in total Sera got her stink socks out of her mouth, and Janie got the bandana out of hers. Joyce needed help to get to the table, but Joy fed her. Thus Joy, Jenny, and Bridget stood feeding Joyce, Janie, and Sera, respectively, and Hannah fed herself. To do this, Bridget and Joy put Sera on the counter.

It was a happy meal of laughter especially as there are always difficulties in feeding a captive. There was much happiness from the three captives. Just as soon, it was all over. Roberto, as promised, came back to visit again.

Sera was on the floor and gagged with a knotted red bandana, strips of red duct tape, double-sided tape, and her Italian flag bandana as an OTM gag. Janie had the same, but Jenny was much tighter than before with the bandana. Joyce went back on Janie's bunk and was hogtied and ball gagged again.

Hannah was cuffed with her arms behind her back and roped at her elbows, breasts, and waist. Her gag was an orange rubber ball threaded with a blue bandana, and her blindfold was her blue bandana mask. Finally, she was placed on her bed bunk.

"Time for a snowie, Sera!" Bridget said as she as grabbed and picked up by Bridget.
"Mmmmm?!" Sera watched with shock as Jenny opened the door so Bridget could toss her into the snow!
"MMMMMMM!" Sera shrieked into the snow as Bridget quickly pulled her in before anyone saw what happened.
"That's a snowie, Sera!" Bridget kissed her cheek and gently laid her on the sofa with Roberto.

"Joy, it's time. The pirate captain and the pirate wench are kidnapping you," Bridget and Jenny grinned.
"Oh, it's pirate day, eh?"
"Yeah, and I'm the sexiest pirate ever," Jenny giggled.
"I like Brigida better," Roberto teased.

Joy was roped at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and mid thighs. Her gag was her own ball gag and a grey bandana OTM gag, and her blindfold was a pink bandana. She, too, was laid on her own bed.

Next, Janie was removed from the chair (how Bridget removed the zips without cutting them was beyond Jenny) and zipped at her ankles, knees, and thighs and laid next to Joy. Sera was laid on Janie's bed next to Joyce after the former had her ball tie undone and the latter had her hogtie undone.

Every girl was put under the covers for this night, and Jenny made sure all had an extra blanket. All were cozy and happy and confirmed this when asked.

"Want to tie up the pirate queen?" Jenny asked Bridget.
"Nah, I just want a selfie with you though. I sincerely feel sexy! We're the cutest ever!"
"All right, girl!"
"Smile!" they posed.
"I'm going to bed. You two keep it clean. I can hear you," Jenny said and shut the door so the two could have privacy.
"We will! I promise!" Roberto said.
"I promise too!" Bridget said before what would indeed be some clean private time.

For the first in almost a week, everyone was happy and safe. There were no doubts they were all loved.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 1389
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 196: The Execution of Pirate Jenny
Saturday, January 27, 2018

"You two keep it clean?" Jenny asked as she came out that next morning.
"Huh? Oh, yeah... we kept our clothes on. He's so mature... so much self-control."
"I'm keeping the pirate theme going today. You should too. We're probably going to be killed for our crimes at sea!"
"You mean sweat to death?"
"I woke up around 2AM, and he had left at some point. Jenny, I love him... for real. And he loves me. When you care enough, you can passionately kiss and stuff for an hour. It was... magical."
"Spare me," Jenny said with sheepish grin.
"Hey!" Joyce came out.
"When did you escape?"
"Around 10, maybe? I then forced Joy to trade bunks so she was with Sera and I with Janie. Poor girl has issues... something isn't right. It's not like her. I hope it's figured out soon. Let me bring her out."

Joyce led a hopping Janie into the room and removed her blindfold. Jannie squinted for a second and blinked a lot as the tape came off her face.

"Now, be a good behaved girl, or I'll tie your headband around your neck!"
"MMm!" Janie nodded in understanding.
"How are you Janie?" Jenny asked her.
"The truth? Horrible. I keep switching among suicidal, hating myself too much to consider such a thought, and normal. I feel like I no longer am in control of my body. Yesterday was more the latter two."
"Janie, what can we do for you?"
"For my safety, keep me tied up all day. I want to take a shower and hit the gym first and see if that helps; if it doesn't, I promise to come back and get tied up."
"I want that in a text sent to me and Jenny," Joyce said.
"Fine. I'll do it."

Janie was untied, and she left for the gym after sending the texts of promise. A freshly released Sera was her travel buddy for this one as they trudged through the snow. After they left, Jenny and Bridget released the others on the promise that no kidnapping would happen until Sera and Janie were ready.

"Quite the night Bridget and Roberto had, huh?"
"So loud... but so... cute," Janie said sadly, "Sera, there are good men still out there."
"Oh yeah."
"My eye hurts so much. Why'd they punch me out like that? Why'd they drug me? I genuinely don't remember a lot of it... I don't remember any faces really except that girl. But I remember being practically paralyzed and unable to move as it happened... how it felt."
"Are you sure you're not just fabricating memories so you feel like you know what happened?"
"No. I'm not 100% sure, but I am confident on certain parts. Those first 24 hours I was so traumatized. Then after the next night's sleep it was like a train wreck. I actually remember less about what happened after I got back than about what happened then and there. It's only the faces I don't remember."
"Would it help to spill your guts?"
"Sera, not now. You're the right person though because, aside from a mistake in high school, you're more or less a pure soul, but you're not as sensitive as Jenny or as detached as Caleigh. I'll tell you when I'm ready."
"OK. Let's destroy the gym girl!"
"Let's do it!"

Afterwards Janie and Sera were at odds on something.

"Let's go back."
"I want a bite to eat. Maybe we could pop in on Carrie?"
"Janie, what? We promised we'd go back."
"What promise? Quit being silly. I'm hungry, Sera!"
"Janie, check your texts. You sent a text promising we'd come back immediately."
"I did not! Look for... Sera? Sera, what's wrong with me?!"
"Janie, did your psychiatrist prescribe you medication for your BPD, right?"
"How did you know?! Yeah, this one,"
"That's one I was on for my depression! Janie, your medication is doing this to you!"
"I'll email her about it right now. *sigh* Let's go."
"Don't fret about it."
"Sera, I'm sorry about everything... What happened to Janie Patterson?"
"Were blood samples taken by the Health Center?"
"Yeah, but that won't help."
"Maybe you're experiencing an effect of that."
"I know those don't last that long. I was attacked, doped, and found my way home in about 10 minutes after."
"Let's not talk about it."
"Why not?! I'm comfortable about it right now!"
"Because it's making me too upset."
"*sigh* Sera... all right."
"We've got a couple pirate girls to punish."
"OK, OK... let's go punish a couple of pirates."

Back in the apartment, Jenny and Bridget were sitting in chair and had Irish-8's on their wrists and regular handcuffs on their feet; a rope ran from ankles to wrists. They hadn't put on clean socks or shoes just to make themselves look more like pirate prisoners. Jenny still had a red skirt and brown leggings, cowboy boots, a brown t-shirt, and a solid red kerchief bandana, and Bridget still had bright blue leggings, long-sleeve t-shirt, and headband, black calve-length skirt and pull over coat with her braid held by a black scrunchie.

"You're just in time," Joyce said as Sera and Janie entered and shed their winter wear.
"For?" asked Sera eagerly.
"The trial!"
"Oh, let's have some fun, Janie!"
"Order in the court," Joy said in a solemn tone as she sat at the table, "This court is in session. We are here for the trial of The Cool Girls' Club of Minnesota vs. Jenny Kristensen and Bridget Sjaastad. Jenny and Bridget, you are charged with 10 counts of piracy, 5 counts of kidnapping, 5 counts of false imprisonment, 14 counts of crimes against humanity, 3 counts of domestic terrorism, and 2 counts of being the most absolutely adorable and cutest pirates there ever were. Do you understand?"
"We understand, your honor," Jenny said with a wry grin.
"How do you plead, Jenny?"
"Not guilty!"
"And you, Bridget, how do you plead?"
"No... what is it again?"
"Nolo contendere," whispered Sera in her ear.
"Nolo contendere!"
"Very well! Your sentencing shall wait. We hereby ask the victims to step forward: Hannah, Janie, Joy, Joyce, and Serafina. I will call each of you forward, and you will tell me who was primarily responsible for your suffering. Hannah."
"Both of the defendants, your honor."
"Jenny Kristensen."
"Joy," then she changed to her normal voice, "Both of them, your honor," then back to judge voice, "Joyce."
"It was...," Joyce gulped, "That girl there. Janie Patterson."
"It was that girl there, Janie Patterson, your honor."
"I've gotta change... excuse me!"

Janie went in her room and emerged in her red dress, blue leggings, a blue kerchief bandana, and a red scrunchie to hold her braid, and she was barefoot like the others.

"Did you have to braid it?" asked Hannah.
"Not pirate enough?" Janie asked as she seated herself next to the other two.
"Secure the prisoner!" Joy ordered.
"Yes, your honor!" Hannah obeyed and handcuffed Janie's wrists and ankles and ran a rope from wrists to ankles.
"Thank you!" Janie smiled, "You'd rather see my full head of hair?"
"I have plans to require you keep the braid."
"Janie Patterson, you are hereby charged with 2 counts of piracy, 1 count of kidnapping, 2 counts of false imprisonment, 3 counts of crimes against humanity, 1 count of domestic terrorism, and 1 count of being an absolutely adorable and cute pirate. Do you understand?"
"You plead?"
"Not guilty."
"We begin the trial. As there are no lawyers present, I will cross examine the witnesses. Would Hannah Larsson please take the stand?"
"Yes," Hannah sat in the desk chair from her room.
"On January 26, 2018, you say you were kidnapped, tortured, and kept prisoner by these two ladies, Jenny and Bridget. Tell us your tale."
"They handcuffed me and tied me up and made me eat greasy pizza for supper. After supper, they tied me up so tightly I could barely move, gagged me, and made me sleep with inadequate protection against the extreme cold."

Joyce's testimony included the bombshell that she had suggested Janie kidnap her, but nothing more. They worked down to Sera's testimony.

"Your honor, I was force-gagged with my own socks. I had been to the gym and worn those socks for 10 hours when they did it. Then they made me eat take-out pizza. I'm from Naples, Italy, so that was an extraordinary torment."
"You may stand down. Jenny Kristensen, your testimony says that you merely were fantasizing being a pirate and meant no harm."
"I plead the fifth."
"I find both of you two guilty of all charges! Janie Patterson, due to the confusing nature of your charges, particularly that you said these other two forced you to be a pirate against your will, that you weren't visibly a pirate, and that your captive asked you to kidnap her, I sentence you to only 4 hours bound and gagged. Bridget Sjaastad, I sentence you to 8 hours bound and gagged. Jenny Kristensen, I find no choice but to sentence you to 8 hours bound and gagged followed by execution! The severity of your crimes and your role as pirate captain leaves me no other choice. This court is adjourned. May God have mercy on your soul!"

Janie and Bridget got similar treatments courtesy their braids. They were roped at their wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, feet, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs and hogtied from wrists to ankles. Both were gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana and 8 layers of gray duct tape. They then were hair tied from their braids to their feet.

Once this was done, Jenny was tied up even more severely as her and Sera's wire combined to bind her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist,feet, ankles, lower shins, upper shins, knees, lower thighs, mid thighs, and upper thighs, and rope made a crotch rope. She was gagged with one her socks from the previous day (which were long black knee socks), a knotted brown bandana cleave gag, and 9 layers of red duct tape. Her blindfold was another brown bandana.

"Just so you know how it tastes, honey," Sera said with a laugh.
"EWWW!" Jenny groaned into the gag.

After 30 minutes of hair tie at Hannah's hands, Janie and Bridget were subjected to 1 hour of nearly non-stop tickle torture at the hands of Joyce, Sera, and Joy in turns. Mostly, it was Joyce and Joy though. Hannah instead played with Jenny, mostly petting her hair but also putting an ice cube down her shirt and playing with her "boobies" while Jenny groaned and tried to escape; it was all harmless to a girl with a stuffed gag.

Jenny enjoyed every bit of torture from Hannah. Hannah cared so, so much about respecting a person's limits, and Jenny was, as a result, comfortable with any torments Hannah provided as she knew they were in a genuine spirit of innocent fun. This wasn't to say she didn't trust others, but she knew Lauren or Janie's torment was more in a tough-love-from-a-fellow-athlete way. Joy's and Nichole's was more sisterly. Joyce, Sera, and Bridget were more in a girl-on-girl way.

Janie and Bridget were red-faced, soaked in sweat, heaving violently, and dead tired. Janie loved nothing more than a hot and sweaty TUG, and Joy and Joyce knew and took advantage of this as they began wrapping Janie in plastic wrap while Hannah was tickling her before all three dragged her away. Janie wished they'd added the vibrator, but she realized this wasn't communicable. Nevertheless, she got her wish. Soon, she was as described and mummified in plastic wrap from ankles to her neck.

Janie grinned as a large sheet came out and as she was laid upon it. The excess was folded over her feet and head, and she was wrapped up tightly. The package was sealed with grey duct tape at her feet, waist, and neck. The device was plugged in, and the next however long time of her punishment was on.

"Bridgie needs a snowie," Sera said to her friend.
"MMM!" Bridget's eyes sparkled a little with eager anticipation while she heaved from the tickling.
"Here goes!"
"MMMMMM!" Bridget squealed as she tossed in the snow and dragged back indoors.
"That's so much fun! It gives me an idea!" Sera said.

Next thing Bridget knew, she was in the corner of the shower with the four captors piling snow up all around her using buckets, the big dish pan Janie used to wash her dresses, and whatever big pans they could find. In 5 minutes or so, Bridget was buried in the white stuff and beginning to hate blizzards. Photos and films proved the occurrence of this event.

"You're such a cute little girl," Joy said as she then turned her attentions to Jenny.
"URGH!" groaned the captive into the foul and large sock.
"We need to secure you better," Joyce suggested.
"Agreed!" Hannah added.

Jenny was then seated in a chair and doubled-down. Rope ran from ankles and knees to the chair legs. A waist wire and wire breast harness pinned her torso to the chair back, and wire at her thighs pinned her to the seat. Cotton was stuffed in her ears, and her head was completely wrapped in red vet wrap without only her nose and hair exposed. Muffled grunts came from under the layers of gag that imprisoned the young woman, but inside was a girl who was so happy to be at the mercy of her incredible friends.

Joy pulled a chair over and sat with Jenny. Joy just quietly worked on her assignments for class while Jenny was in a fantasy world... She found herself dozing a little... and dreaming...


"Mmmm!" Jenny groaned as she was newly bound. Ropes fastened her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch. Joy's ball gag silenced her as she stood in her own bedroom.
"You have any last requests?" asked Joy, who was dressed as a court judge.
"Nuh uh!" Jenny shook her head defiantly and looked over to see Bridget and Janie bound and gagged on the bed.
"Prepare her!"

Jenny looked over to see Sera and Joyce dressed as bailiffs. They stood her on a chair and ran a rope from her neck to the hook above and making a perfect noose.

"Are you ready?" asked Hannah, who wore a ski mask balaclava to look like an executioner.
"Mmm hmmm!" nodded the pirate queen.
"DIE!" Hannah pulled the chair out.

Jenny felt her airway close and kicked her legs as she slowly but surely strangled to her death. Tears ran down her face as she thought of Nichole and her parents. How could her friends turn and really kill her?! Joyce stood in front of her watching her slowly die.

Then, with a crack, the ceiling broke! The hook and some drywall came down, with the drywall hitting Joyce in the head and making her yell in pain. With a jerk, Jenny felt Hannah pull her onto the chair. The noose was removed, and a bandana was tied and knotted around her neck. This time it was hopeless... and... her life left... her body...


"UNG!" Jenny awoke with a jerk and immediately snapped her fingers twice in rhythm with a muffled double "UGH-UGH!"
"All right, Jenn, let's get this off!" Joy used the special scissors and cut the vet wrap off.
"You want more layers off?" Joy pulled the blindfold down to Jenny's neck.
"Ih ee a ihnih!"
"OK. You slept for almost an hour! I was worried with that stuffing but figured waking you was worse."
"Un ah ee!"
"OK!" Joy cut the tape and unknotted the bandana. Jenny had to work hard to push out the sock.
"Whoa! That fit in my mouth?!"
"Yeah, it did!"
"Awesome! Will I get gagged with the other after lunch?"
"I dreamt you girls actually executed me. It was creepy and thrilling only because it was fake."
"Oh, how did we kill you?"
"Well, you tried hanging me, but the ceiling broke, so Hannah tied a bandana around my neck SUPER tight."
"Sounds awful!"
"That's where it got scary! But, it's all right now!"

Janie, nearing 1 hour in her encasement and sweating horribly, was completely exhausted. For the past 30 minutes, she had tried everything she could to get herself off in this, and nothing worked. She tried her best and just everything failed. This... led to tears. Joyce heard them and immediately got Janie out of the sheet.

"Are you OK?"
"Mmm hmm?"
"Are you in need of release?"
"Nuh uh!"
"What's wrong?"
"Uh ah uh ih! Ah uh n uh."
"Ummm... yeah... I'm not doing that for you!"
"Janie, I'm not helping you jerk off! Sorry, but I will help you find out what's wrong."
"Mmm!" Janie groaned as Joyce pulled a pillowcase over her head and secured it with a red bandana blindfold.
"Keep sweating...," Joyce left the room and walked over to Hannah, "She can't jerk off anymore and is upset. Let her be for a while. Maybe you or Joy could help her, because I think it's her anti-depressants."
"Ohhhhhh... OK."

"MMMMM!" moaned Bridget as the next phase of hers came.
"Bridgie!" Sera laughed as she turned on the shower and used the hose to both melt the remaining snow and soak her beloved friend.
"MMMM!" Bridget enjoyed this as she got soaked to the bone.
"Drown pirate!" she said as she wet every inch of Bridget's body.
"Mmm hmm!"
"Awww... good thing Bridgie brought jammies and clothes because the little pirate girl needs a change and a shower!"
"WEEE!" Bridget squealed.
"We'll be doing our style of big girl TUG. Anyone need the bathroom for the next hour or so just knock!"

It was a long and fun process removing and redoing each knot as needed to get each and every piece of Bridget's clothes off and undoing the braid. Then washing her up, hair, body, and all, and waterboarding her and fondling her boobs along the way and of course tickling her senseless. Then drying off her body and drying her hair with the hair dryer. Then getting her clean dry clothes and underwear on. The rest couldn't help but listen to the absolute adoration Sera had for Bridget especially since they ate their lunches in the meanwhile, with Hannah feeding Jenny.

"Here we are!" Sera emerged with Bridget now gagged with the former's ball gag.
"Mm mmm mmmmm!" Bridget was singing.
"That was as adult as what I do!" Joyce laughed.
"We only do it in there though with things that belong in there."
"I'm gonna go check on Janie... wish me luck haha!"
"Whatever! What's the pirate queen got your ball gag for, Joy?"
"She had a nightmare while sitting there!"
"MMM!" Jenny had that and her other knee sock was pulled over her nose and knotted behind her head.
"Interesting! Bridgie, I'll get you lunch."

Hannah was more than eager to help a friend. She felt Janie's frustration although she herself hadn't experienced these specific problems. With enough effort, she succeeded and heard the long muted groan from Janie. She then unplugged the toy and cut the plastic wrap.

Janie panted and puffed from exhaustion. Her clothes and hair were literally wet from sweat, and she was exhausted that she could barely move. She ached from the effort it took to accomplish this.

"Just a secret... I have a mean streak where I'm fine helping you along with this... I guess it just means I've grown into being comfortable playing big girl TUGs with you girls. I'm just a little more experienced though and know how to do it just right!"
"Yeah... um... I definitely like helping girls do it! I'm not that kind of moaner in bed I guess. Even in sex I'm quiet!"
"What are you saying?" Joy came in.
"I was convinced for a while that I had some sort of selective lesbo streak for only you and Janie... but I realize it's just I feel closer to you two and am comfortable helping you play big girl TUGs although I don't think I'd like being forced like that. But I can always do it for you two."
"I get it. I get it."
"We should gag her with her yucky panties!"
"I've had it done to me. It's disgusting! I would never do it to her for real!"
"Her time's up anyway."
"NAW!" Janie refused.

Those three stayed tied up as they were for the next four hours. All had a great time and a lot of fun in their respective situations. Bridget spent much of her remaining time being cuddled by Sera and Joy. Jenny remained in the chair, which was like being executed with how still she was afterwards, and Janie was released after 6 hours because she was a genuine mess as she suffered another 90 minutes of tickle torture after that prior episode.

As Janie stood in the shower washing herself, she started worrying that something was seriously... permanently wrong... a little bloody hole-like scab she hadn't noticed before unnerved though. She loved being so tortured, especially when it ended in her being so sweaty. For the meanwhile, Janie hid her concerns. At the moment, she was content with the knowledge that she was loved. Tomorrow, she'd see Ken, and maybe restore some confidence.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 197: The Kidnapping of Pirate Jenny
Sunday, January 28, 2018

"I love being Pirate Jenny," Jenny laughed as she wore her pink, knee-length skirt, black leggings, a black short-sleeve t-shirt, a pink bandana as a kerchief, and cowboy boots, and all was made perfect by the beautiful braid in her hair.
"Is that so?" asked Nichole, her beloved friend, on this Sunday afternoon, in her own pirate-like black skirt, pale blue leggings, black long-sleeve t-shirt, and pale blue bandana headband.
"She does... she changed into a pirate outfit after church!" Joy laughed.
"Yes! Yesterday was such a magical adventure!"
"It looked it! Mine was another Saturday of homework, romantic dinner, and cuddling by a fake fire," Nichole laughed.
"Mickey D's cheeseburgers are NOT romantic."
"I love him."
"I love Gianni, I think."
"Awww... Joy?"
"I don't need love. I have toys when I want to feel sexy!"
"Oh, you silly!"
"In all seriousness, I'm good right now... for once!"
"I hope Janie's date is going well! She needs it."


"Peter, you should come with me and meet my other friends... get used to us. If all goes well, you might end up related to a lot of them!"
"Well now that's a funny thought! All right... may I... I know we're trying to slow down..."
"Yes, I want to hold hands, too, Peter. We can do that much; we have self-control."
"We do. Tell me about your opinions of snow, Peter, as we walk. I admit I always thought you were a Spanish Larosa."
"Heh, well, snow... snow makes me think of cold and how much I like to sit by a warm fire. We have a fireplace in my house."
"So do we!"
"Snow is a sign of God's love for us... His pure love covers all. Let's return the favor... let's make snow angels!"
"I like that idea!"


"Ryan, you are such a handsome man... what about me do you like? I'm damaged goods."
"You're not damaged goods. Your soul is what matters."
"I'm still damaged and bear scars... but you love me scars and all."
"Joyce, I've already proven my love by asking you to spend the rest of this earthly life with me."
"I feel a warmth... that I haven't felt... since my dad died. I so regret my parents didn't meet you."
"They're still watching out for you... interceding."
"Ryan!" Joyce buried her face in his shoulder and started crying.


Janie sat just smiling at Ken while wearing blue jeans, a green-and-black long-sleeve button-up flannel shirt, and a green kerchief bandana.

"You haven't said much, Janie... I've talked a lot, and you've smiled a lot... what's wrong?"
"I'm not worthy of you...," she said then frowned, "I should never have asked you out here."
"What are saying? Janie, we're just starting. We have to try."
"You don't want a girl who was r***d just last weekend! In this outfit even!"
"That happened last Friday, didn't it?"
"Wait, how did you know?!"
"I felt something was wrong... I texted you but you never answered."
"Ken, I'm so many things on the outside: academically and athletically successful, tall, strong... and just a little girl on the inside. They took my humanity away and made a toy out of me. I don't blame you if you don't want me for that."
"Janie, I'm sorry this happened. No one deserves that, no matter what mistakes they may have made."
"I'm glad Caleigh introduced us."
"What do you do for fun normally besides eat and talk when on a date?"
"I've always just dated for sex... seduce the guy so he'll get naked with me."
"What would make you happy... maybe smile? I," he shook his head and laughed, "I don't think you want sex now!"
"Ken, right now I'll do just about anything but that as long as it proves to me that you want me more than my body."
"I heard from Caleigh that some of your friends like going skating. Let's do that?"


"I might not be the first Sjaastad to go snowmobiling, but I'm definitely the first to do it riding backseat on a date."
"Hey, I had a lot of fun there. Did you?"
"I sure did. Every moment with you is more magical than the last one."
"You're thinking, Bridget," he looked at the girl who was super-bundled up with a bright blue bandana mask covering most of her face.
"I have something I want you to be only the third person to know besides my dad and one friend."
"I already got a job... starting in May, I'll be Madison's newest TV weathergirl!"
"Congratulations, sweetheart!"
"It'll be so good being within distance to still see you."
"And you'll like with your sweet sister and brother again."
"Did you really call me... sweetheart?"
"Haha! I guess I did, mi amore!"
"How do you say it again?" she asked as she pulled the mask down.
"Ti amo."
"Ti amo, Roberto!" Bridget gave him a massive kiss on the cheek.


"Oops, did I just rope your wrists and elbows, Jenn?" Nichole asked her friend.
"I think so!"
"Might as well finish it off! You're my hostage! In fact, I'm kidnapping you!"

Nichole tied Jenny's breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. Nichole went out to her car and came back with something: a suitcase.

"Oh, boy, that again, huh?"
"I know you liked it last time. Do your stuff. It's time for a new hostage video! Hannah?"
"With pleasure!"
"Girls, it's Jenny here! Hi. Now, you know I'm a rope bunny. I just love being tied up more than anything else except a good cup of hot chocolate. It's backfiring. Nichole is kidnapping me and stuffing me into this suitcase to take me away! After 17 years of love, friendship, and sisterhood and 8 years of tying up each other, she's stealing me from you! Do something to help me! Look at me jammed in here so tightly! She needs 6 crying reactions in 2 hours to know you miss me, or she'll keep me until tomorrow morning!"
"Want to see Jenny sooner? Better give me those tears!" Nichole sealed the bag.
"It's stuffy in here! HELP!"
"Bye girls," Nichole said as she wheeled the suitcase away.
"Cry for my sake!"
"Goodbye... maybe forever!" Nichole walked out the door.

Jenny found herself on the way to Nichole's apartment. Joy, now alone with just Hannah, flopped on the couch.

"What do we do?"
"I dunno. Interrogation? Video games? Card games?"
"You, Hannah, interrogated?"
"Hey, I know I can handle the cuffs now. I'd let you and Joyce do anything that didn't cause permanent damage."
"You're making Janie jerk off yesterday; you want to be interrogated today. You're horny and just want sexual thrill."
"Yeah, I am. It's hard to admit, but yes. I'm... just a bit of frustrated though because I learned the hard way not to just trust any random soul."
"So you've been coping by more or less reliving your bondage model days where you'd occasionally tease each other while tied up?"
"Basically... and it's unhealthy."
"Sounds like what you want is to be tied and teased. You probably never had to take your clothes off for that."
"You're putting together something fascinating... that I enjoyed everything I did in modeling but badly regret that folks are w@**!*g off to me tied up or tying up people... that I want to recapture that fun without the bad parts! You, Janie, and Jenny have been super helpful with me in putting together these moral questions."
"Sounds right!"
"Let me get into something comfortable then!"


"Snowball fight!" Sera started on Peter anew.

Her all black skirt, leggings, socks, dress shoes, long-sleeve t-shirt, and solid kerchief bandana were partially hidden by the all blue hat, scarf, mittens, and winter coat. They lost track of time until they realized how cold it was and ducked inside the campus coffee shop for warmth. A couple cups of coffee later, they were back on their way after spending 2 of the happiest hours either had experienced. Once again, they held hands and walked together.


"Roberto... I'm usually so shy... it normally takes me months or years to share things I've already shared with you."

Bridget said this as they drove back. She was in black leggings, a bright blue skirt, a black blouse, and a bright blue headband with the previously mentioned mask around her neck.

"Brigida, to be honest, I'm really private too. All us Randaccio's are except for Vittoria and Emilio. We're quiet and reserved, but somehow you, Sera, and I bring out things... I didn't know we possessed. We've made each other better people."
"It's been amazing day, and I look forward to next week."
"I look forward to it too."
"I'm headed to Nichole's to see what she and Jenn are up to."
"Bye," Bridget said and they exchanged a kiss.


"Nichole, let me out of this suitcase!"
"Relax! I won't let you die!"
"It's icy! What if we flip like a NASCAR at Talladega or an IndyCar at Indianapolis?"
"We're pulling up!"
"Let me out of here!"
"Oh, stop it!"
"Nichole, I think I'm turned on by this! That or I'm super excitable!
"Cut it out!" Nichole pulled out the suitcase and began rolling it.
"Don't drop me too hard. I'm small and break easily!"
"Here we are!"
"About time, Nichole! It's tight in here!"
"Let's open this up!"
"You'd better. Sarah Nichole Petersen, I ought to do it back to you."
"You wouldn't fit me in there!"
"There's only 3 inches difference! I'd make it work! Just because I'm a small, cute, immature, bandana-obsessed Gangsta Princess Pirate Queen!"
"Hi!" Nichole greeted Jenny.
"Oh, that's better!"
"You're buzzed, Jenn!"
"Excited and in a dark suitcase... what do you expect?"
"Oh, shut up!" Nichole jammed a blue rubber ball, threaded with a handkerchief, in Jenny's mouth.
"Mmm! MM mmm MMMM! NNN UH NN AH!" Jenny was defiant as Nichole as cinched the knots tightly.
"Now get back in there!"
"Mmmmm!" Jenny moaned as the suitcase zipped shut.
"I love you!" Nichole had filmed this escapade.


"I'm glad we decided to do this, Ken. You're a rough type of guy willing to do the sensitive things to make someone happy."
"It's that way at home. Caleigh and Tyler are sensitive; Eva and I are rough."
"Ken, I hope I have my imbalances resolved soon."
"Janie, I've heard what Caleigh has said about you; I've talked to you. I know that inside you're more beautiful than you are on the outside. Outside, you're the most beautiful woman I have ever met."
"Awwww... You make me so... happy!"
"Let's end today in a way that Janie likes; she goes home and gets tied up by her boyfriend and left for her roommates to torture her. OK?"
"I like the thought of that. Ken, come closer... so I can... Mwah!" she kissed his cheek.
"Did you just?" he blushed.
"You've never been kissed before?"
"Not by a girl that wasn't my own flesh and blood!"
"A first!"


"Mmmmmmm!" moaned Joyce as Ryan kissed her.
"You feel loved yet?"
"Ryan, I'm conflicted. We're not married yet and I feel like we're making marriage less special by doing this... but I... am so in love with you and know we've got 70 years ahead of us."
"I've never... thought about this really... I..."
"You'd never strangle me or hurt me in anyway, at least not on purpose?"
"This... I want to respect you and not wrong you."
"Maybe we get a civil marriage and wait..."
"Out of the question... God must bless our marriage."
"We're doing this wrong then..."
"Maybe... Joyce... I am so, so in love with your soul more than your body."
"I feel wanted when I'm with you."


Hannah was now in blue sweatpants and hoodie, a blue bandana headband and mask, and a yellow t-shirt. She was ready for Joy. The latter was in a beige denim skirt, a purple long-sleeve t-shirt, and a beige kerchief bandana.

"This Cool Girl is ready!" Hannah announced, "Kidnap me, Gangsta Girl!"
"What's the naughtiest thing you ever did in a TUG? With us or with others."
"Oh, probably the hair ties I've done to some of you. It's more fun with a tough cookie who'll grit their teeth and become more determined to escape or with a rope bunny who'll take anything you throw at them. I could never do it to you because you'd be so upset by it; I don't like it either but I did it for an extra 25 bucks! Worst thing we ever did was skimpy exercise type outfits, underwear, or swimsuits. But we kept it realistic."
"Let's do this right then!" Joy grabbed Hannah and handgagged her and wrestled her onto the sofa.
"MMMM!" Hannah groaned as she felt handcuffs clamp on her wrists.
"Be good, now!"
"MMMM!" Hannah was gagged by Joy's black ball gag with red straps.

There was no going back now. Ropes fastened Hannah's elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. Joy set up her phone to film the next part.

"Hannah, our Cool Girls' Club sister, was in a mischievous mood. See her headband and mask... up to no good. *MMMM*," Joy said as she unknotted the mask, "Time to teach her a lesson."
"MMMMM!" Hannah was blindfolded by the blue bandana.
"Time for fun now!" Joy then ended the film and took selfies and photos.


"Hey, Bridgie!"
"I saw your video and was saddened by it for Jenny's sake."
"You and everyone else! For once I have to release the little angel. Wanna see her?"
"Here she is!" Nichole opened the suitcase.
"Awww... she's cute. Zip it shut around my arm; I have an idea!"
"Here we go!"
"EEEEEEEEEEE! HAH HAH!" Jenny was completely defenseless against this tickling.
"This is good!"

After 15 minutes of that, Bridget tired of torturing Jenny and turned on Nichole.

"I think I'm going to tie you up and take Jenny for myself!"
"Say what?"
"Down with you!"

Next thing Nichole knew, she was tied to a chair, but not as conventionally done. Her ankles were fastened to the corner where the top of the chair side meets the top vertical rail. Her knees were tied to where the seat, legs, and chair sides meet. Her shoulders were tied to the chair legs. Her wrists were tied to where the underframe meets the legs but on the opposite side so that her arms cross and made an X shape. A blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and 8 layers of duct tape gagged her, and a black bandana blindfolded her. The chair was on its back on the floor. Selfies, photos, and videos naturally followed.

"EEMMMMMM!!" Nichole shrieked playfully into her gag.
"Sorry, Nichole, but your attempt to be a pirate Gangsta Queen has failed."
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Nichole screamed as she got tickled.
"Here's poor little Jenny," Bridget pulled her out of the bag.
"Let's bring you home," she effortlessly picked up the petite girl.
"MMMM!" Jenny nodded.
"Chris, you can do what you like with Nichole. I'm going home. She deserves to stay there a while though."
"All right. You enjoy yourselves?"
"We did!"
"Good! Stay safe and warm and have a blessed rest of your Sunday!"
"You too! Let's go, Jenn," Bridget shut the door.
"Poor Nichole... all helpless like this and such a cute pirate girl... It'd be a shame if I took advantage, wouldn't it?"
"Mmmmmm!" Nichole nodded and responded in a happy tone.
"I wouldn't do it if you didn't give me the green light!"

"There, almost home Jenny!" Bridget laid her friend on the seat.


"Mmmmmmmm!" Hannah quietly moaned with pleasure as she lay on Joy's bed in her imprisonment.
"Getting there? You really are a quiet girl at this!"
"Mmmm hmm!"

Hannah finally let out some garbled speech that said she was definitely at that point. She then relaxed as she was breathing quite heavily. Joy had no clue what Hannah was imagining, but it definitely was fun!

"Are you done?"
"Nuh uh!"
"Well, we are because someone came in! Just stick to the crotch rope for now."
"Joy! Jenny? Hannah? Anyone here?"
"Hey, Sera! Oh, my goodness! Is this Peter?"
"Yes, Joy, this is my dear suitor Mr. Peter Larosa himself."
"Pleasure to meet you, sir," Joy eye's showed she was teasingly curtsying the couple.
"Pleasure to meet you, too," he returned her humor by kissing Joy's hand
"Hey, now, you two!"
"We're teasing you!" Peter laughed.
"Hannah's in there, but she's a little..."
"What?" Sera asked.
"She's tied up at the moment?"
"She's worked out a lot with a really big girl TUG?"
"Oh, OK."
"What did she say?" Peter asked, "I only get that she's tied up in there."
"She means that it's a girls only TUG that a boy shouldn't see unless it's his girlfriend or wife."
"That's it!" Joy blushed.
"Hey, I brought Jenny home! Whoops! Heheh! Hi Sera, Peter," Bridget grinned sheepishly as she held Jenny.
"MMMM!" said Jenny.
"Hi, Bridget. Is this the epic Jenny whom you and Roberto and Sera have mentioned so many times?"
"Epic? I wouldn't say she's epic. Except for a bump, she has no tragic elements. She takes the tragic elements in our lives and turns them into incredible spiritual experiences that make us all better Christians."
"Ith a ee ooh!" Jenny said in a friendly tone.
"My pleasure!"
"Girls!" Janie then entered, "I had such a good time this afternoon! Oh, hello!"
"This is Janie!" Peter laughed, and so did everyone else.


"Ryan, have we sinned?" Joyce wondered aloud.
"Unfortunately, Joyce, I think so."
"That was so passionate though."
"I'm glad I have another year to grow and mature... so that I hopefully won't be a husband who leads his wife into sin."
"You have such a strong conscience. I feel at times that since we're engaged this is fine."
"Joyce, it isn't. Once you graduate, staying celibate for another 8 months will be easy, I guess."
"I guess. Those 8 months will be brutal on me, or they will be the fastest 8 months ever."
"I love you. Let's get our clothes on before we screw up any more!"
"Or screw around more?"
"Stop it!"


"We didn't embarrass you, Sera?" Joy asked her after Peter left.
"No! He embarrassed us more with his quick wit there!"
"Someone's in love! I think that justifies a duct taping!" Bridget said.
"Uh oh!"

Sera had black tape at her wrist, elbows, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs and above and below her breasts. A clean black sock, a black bandana, and strips of black tape gagged her.

"Mmmmmm!" Sera squeaked while she rolled on the floor and struggled.
"Look at those eyes!" Bridget said as she took a selfie.
"I love those eyes!"

Joy brought Hannah out and sat with her; Janie took Jenny; and Bridget took Sera. The three captors sat in a row holding and loving their captive stuffies. It was such a perfect way to end a cold day.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 198: New Pirates in Town
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Sera woke up the next morning on the floor of the apartment still tied up as from the day before. Heck, she still had the sock gag after, what, 14 hours or something? Worse, she was now blindfolded with a black bandana, albeit a necessity for sleeping. This was crazy. Revenge was a necessity, but Bridget was a violently tight hugger when sleeping. Worse was what followed.

"MMMM!" Sera moaned.
"Oh, Roberto!" Bridget sleep talked and began kissing Sera.
"MMMMMMMM!" Sera kicked her off.


Thursday was the perfect day to carry out her revenge on Bridget. After morning workouts, Sera decided that today she and Nichole should be the pirate twins. They could pull it off as well. They were a cute match even! Both had navy blue skirts and kerchief bandanas. Nichole had a pale blue leggings and a long-sleeve t-shirt, while Sera had red leggings and a sweatshirt. Sera went to the physics lab window during the day.

"Use this on Bridgie," Sera slipped Nichole her ball gag.
"I got f***ed on account of her sneakiness, literally!" Nichole said with a laugh as she hid it in her bag.
"You mean that chair setup the other day?"
"But did you like it?"
"Yeah, but still!"
"Ooh, Nichole... you're such a kinky girl with Chris and so, so vanilla with the rest of us."
"So aren't you!"
"Why are you telling me?"
"Because it's justification for revenge. I haven't told you one tenth of the stuff we've done, Miss Vanilla!"
"I know I'm Miss Vanilla! Monday I woke up because Bridget still had me taped up and started screwing me like I was Roberto while she was dreaming!"
"Bridget dreaming of having sex. What has happened to us? We've become 21 year olds or something."
"Not me... I am forevvver a teenager. Later, fellow teen. 19 forever!"
"Crazy girl," Nichole shook her head, "Later!"


Jenny stepped out of her room in black leggings, cowboy boots, a short pink skirt, a long-sleeve black t-shirt, and a pink kerchief bandana. It was a nice way to follow up a lunch-time workout. Joy was sitting at the table in a purple skirt, pink sweatshirt, and purple bandana headband.

"Joy, am I a cute enough pirate?" Jenny asked her friend.
"You look kind of wench-y. Leggings and a short skirt? Sounds pirate to me!"
"That's the point!"
"Save it for when Gianni's in town!"
"Oh, Joy! I'm just trying to have fun!" Jenny pouted.
"I know. Have fun with Giovanni too though!"
"I am not sleeping with Giovanni! I'm not a slut! I'm just playing around with you girls!"
"Jenny, I didn't say to neck. But, you know, show him you know how to be sexy. Keep his eyes off other girls."
"He's not that kind of guy. He'd keep his eyes on me if I was frump like you! He likes my personality not my body!"
"You've been drooling over him since you first laid eyes on him."
"Are you calling me a wh0re?!"
"No, just saying you can excite the guy a little! Have fun with him."
"You did tell me to wh0re myself!"
"You're fine Jenny. Aren't pirates supposed to look kind of slutty and wenchlike?"
"Joy Fredericks, I've had it with you, you f***ing b!+*#!" Jenny grabbed Joy.

Jenny completely snapped at this for some reason and brought out the heavy roping, binding Joy's wrists, elbows, and ankles before she really turned.

"I'll show you, girl!" Jenny reached up Joy's skirt and ripped off her panties.
"You want to call me a slut! The only ones that are virgin are me and Caleigh. Take this!"
"MMMM!" Joy ate her own underwear and then got a brutally tight pink bandana cleave gag.
"Now, come along!" Jenny dragged Joy into the bedroom and put her on the bed.
"I know you keep this here!" she pulled out the vibrator from Joy's box under the bed.

Jenny ran rope from Joy's ankles to the footboard and taped the vibrator to her thigh before binding her knees, thighs, waisth/crotch, breasts, and ankles. She added strips of duct tape to Joy's gag and blindfolded her with another pink bandana and turned on the vibrator. Jenny had seen enough to know without ever having played.

"Take that, slut! I will not see you in class!" Jenny stormed out in fury.
"MMMMmm!" Joy groaned as she was abandoned.


"Ahm uh ruh now! Errruhhh!" Joyce groaned into her green ball gag just 35 minutes after Sera and Nichole's talk.
"Kidnapped by pirate Sera! I know you have time to spend tied up today! I love class cancellations and pushed-back homework due dates! And I love you!"

Joyce didn't know it but she was tied up just like Joy, complete with feet fastened to the footboard. Difference was that she wore blue jeans and a brown polo shirt. Her blindfold was a red bandana. She was equally helpless, though, and also being abandoned; Sera even had put the crotch rope under her pants.

"I know you took this other class early, so I'll let Jenny and Joy see you first! See you at fouuurrrrrrr!"
"MMMMMMMMM!" Joyce relaxed... best to enjoy it.


"Hey, sexy pirate Gangsta Princess, where's the Gangsta Girl?" Sera asked Jenny.
"She's tied up. She made me so mad! I hope she chokes on her panties!"
"Jenny!! What did she do that made you so upset?!"
"She was telling me that I shouldn't be afraid to be sexy for Giovanni... so I gagged her with her own panties, tied her up, and hooked her up on the vibrator."
"Jenny, don't be afraid to show him who you are. Be yourself and comfortable in it! If playing pirate games with your friends makes you happy, he'll like it or tell you why he thinks it's wrong. But don't attack your friends over it."
"Sera, I'm not such a sweet innocent thing anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"I've... sent... Gianni... nude selfies."
"You?! Jenny, really? You've really... whatever. I'm not mad! Might not be good, but as long as it stays between you two."
"I left Joy there in the apartment all alone with her vibrator on its roughest setting. No one will be there until after 4 now, and I've cost her this class today."
"Girl, there are new pirates in town!"


Nichole and Bridget had class done a little sooner than the others, so Nichole went with her back to the dorm as a walking buddy. Bridget was in blue jeans and a purple-and-pink flannel button-up long-sleeve shirt.

"Hi, Joyce!" Bridget said.
"She's waking up!"
"I can tell. And you're going down!"
"Police zips?!"
"Your own!"
"Pirate Nichole is in the house!" Nichole said as she zipped Bridget's elbows and pushed her onto her bed.
"Pirate Nichole? Is everyone a pirate now?"
"Not Joyce, Caleigh, Hannah, Lauren, or Joy yet! Not close!" Nichole sat on Bridget's stomach and zipped her ankles.
"So why me?"
"I got pleasurably f***ed the other night on account of you. Right there while tied to the chair."
"Whoa!" Bridget said as her thighs were zipped.
"Great sex, but your fault. Only reason I'm telling you this!"
"Was it fun?" Bridget asked as she was flopped onto her stomach.
"Everyone asks that. Yes. And before you ask yes regular followed!"
"I wasn't asking."
"My marriage is fun so far!" Nichole zipped Bridget's ankles to the footboard.
"MMMMM!" Bridget got Sera's ball gag in her mouth.
"This will keep you quiet."
"This will keep you down!" Nichole belted Bridget's arms to her waist with adequate tightness.
"G'night!" Nichole added a purple bandana blindfold.
"See you!" Nichole added a spank on the rear and left.

Now Bridget and Joyce were together and helpless.


"Joy, are you here?" Hannah asked.
"Are you in danger, Joy?"
"Mmm!" Joy shook her head.
"This sucker is on it's max setting!" Hannah turned off the vibrator, "Joy, what happened?"
"Oh! Enny! ee ah aehh eh ih ith uh ee!"
"Jenny?! Do you need me to do anything else?"
"Un-ah ee"
"OK!" Hannah unknotted the bandana and began unpeeling the tape.
"That bandana was super tight!"
"Gah! Oh, God, that was awful!" Joy said after she spat out her panties.
"The ones I was wearing!"
"Oh, gross! That means there's a..."
"Total mess down there, including a very wet rope and skirt and wand... Forced like that for almost 5 hours!"
"You want me to untie you? You must be sore."
"Not yet. I want to be untied only after Jenny gets hers... I'll do something awful if I see her."
"Should I gag you then?"
"Sure... send a text to Sera... based on the photo of Joyce, she'll be coming here. She'll fulfill the request!"
"Mmmmm!" Joy got a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief gagging her.
"Text is sending... now!"


"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny... you're the cutest pirate and sensitive about it too!" Sera said as she and Jenny's last class, a humanities elective.
"Sera, even I'm starting to fall apart and lose my innocence."
"Maybe, or maybe you're just an adult and not a little girl anymore."
"Hi, kids!" Nichole said as she came over.
"You two want to come in?" Jenny asked her.
"Of course we do!"

As soon as their winter garb was off, Sera grabbed Jenny, tackled her to the ground, and gagged her with a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana. Wire bound her elbows, forearms, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and breasts. Sera slapped Irish-8s on Jenny's wrists and added a waist rope before hogtying her from ankles to elbows and blindfolding her with another black bandana.

"Take that for what you did to Joy earlier and for being a naughty pirate all week!"
"I love you, Jenny!" Sera gave her a hug and a kiss as best she could.

"Hannah Bandana!" Nichole greeted the girl in orange sweatpants, a blue hoodie, and an orange bandana headband.
"Hey, Gangsta Queen!" Hannah hugged her.
"Time to suffer! Sera, help me!"

Hannah got her ankles, knees, and thighs tied and her wrists and elbows tied in front with her elbows fastened to her waist and her wrists to her thighs. She was gagged with an orange rubber ball and a matching orange bandana courtesy Sera's fashion sense and blindfolded with a blue bandana. She was seated on the floor by the bunk bed and had her shoulders fastened to the footboard of Joy's bed. A breast harness further pinned her.

"You're such a kind-hearted girl," Nichole said as she and Sera took selfies after masking themselves with navy blue bandanas.
"Anyone here? Hi, Jenny!"

Janie, wearing all blue-sneakers, socks, sweatpants, t-shirt, scrunchie to hold her braid, and bandana headband- among other things, entered the apartment.

"Got some cuffs?" Nichole whispered to Sera.
"Got them all right here," Sera held the bag for those.
"Let's go. You grab her."
"Janie!" Sera grabbed her arms.
"What the f***?!" Janie yelled as the Irish-8's locked on her wrists.
"Captured by the two new pirate girls!" Nichole announced.
"Cut the $#!+ you c***s before I f***ing kill you!" Sera said as Nichole handcuffed her ankles.
"Potty mouth!" Sera gagged her with Joy's ball gag and fastened the strap with relish.
"MMMMMM! GRRRRRRRRRR!" Janie shrieked as her elbows were ziptied so they touched.
"Such a flexible cutie!"

Janie was zipped all over. Nichole had bought a bag just for this. She was zipped: 6 different points from her ankles to knees, 8 points from thighs to hips, 5 points from wrists to elbows, and 2 points above her elbows. To keep it blue, they wrapped Janie's face in 9 layers of blue duct tape and blindfolded with a blue bandana before hogcuffing her from ankles to wrists.


It all made for incredible films at least. Sera and Nichole had never seen Janie in this violent of a fit before. Nichole's face drained she was so scared by it. Sera was apologetic.

"Janie, I'm sorry! I thought you were joking. I didn't mean to upset you. I'll make it up to you. You and me, we'll go to Minneapolis to window shop this weekend, OK?"
"AW IGH!" Janie angrily responded but accepted the offer.
"I'm leaving!" Nichole said in absolute terror, but Sera grabbed her.
"You stay! Someone has to be here with them! I want to go back to Joyce and Bridgie."
"Ohhhhh... all right!"


"How are my little captives?" Sera greeted her friends.
"Oooh!" both responded happily.
"I have to release you two now though. Let's get dinner together, hmmm?"
"Mmmm hmmm!"


"I'm really sorry, Janie," Nichole said to the helpless girl before she left.
"See you, Nichole," Joy hugged her, "Thanks for staying a while."
"Are you OK?"
"Yeah, just a bit exhausted. Four hours on that sucker was awful. I need a shower for sure."
"Are you still... commando?"
"Yes! So go away!"
"Ha ha! By, Gangsta Queen," Hannah waved.

As soon as Nichole left, Joy got all the "messy" stuff together... yes, she took off her skirt... and showed Jenny. Of course, that meant taking off Jenny's blindfold.

"Look at all this mess, Jenny. You ruined my panties, and I wet myself 4 times from the intensity of that wand on that setting. I have to throw away this piece of rope. I've forgiven you already, and when you're ready you and I need to talk because this isn't like you. One of these days, you should permit me to use it on you just so you can know how it feels, but I already know you will hate it. But it'll help you to be compassionate in one of the few areas you're too clueless to have compassion."
"Mmmm!" Jenny nodded in understanding.

Jenny was never this sensitive with Philip. She realized now that not only was she falling in love with Giovanni but that was a bit jealous and wanted him all to herself and overly sensitive of anything that might possibly be interpreted as a slight toward her or him.

Janie's rage was concerning to all. This atypical behavior was increasing the tensions in the apartment, and that weekend the bomb was going to finally detonate.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 199: The Runaway
Saturday, February 4, 2018

"Joy, wake up! Joy, wake up!" Janie shook Joy while speaking in a loud whisper.
"Huh? Janie? It's 12:10!"
"Joy, I just had a nightmare, and it was so scary and so real," she sobbed, "I had to make sure you were all right!"
"Janie, would you feel better down here with me?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"You're like a little girl sometimes... but a sweet one at that."


"Janie?" Joy asked as she got up on a clear Saturday morning, "Her phone's still here."

Joy put on her blue skirt and kerchief bandana with a pink t-shirt after taking a shower. She emerged to see Jenny picking a blue bandana up off the floor but no Janie. Gangsta Princess wore brown pants, a pink t-shirt, and a camouflage bandana headband.

"Is Hannah asleep?"
"Yeah... she has that psych class at 9 but wanted 20 more winks."
"Haha! Always on the edge with her! Where's Janie?"
"She's not in bed?"
"Oh, no, Joy! Joy, she ran away!"
"Oh, God, no! Lauren's going to kill me! Janie's been under so much duress..."
"Maybe she's with Joyce! Let me ask. Maybe she just forgot her phone and went there or the gym."

Jenny tried Joyce. Carrie. Bridget who was always at the gym on Saturday mornings. Sera, who was at the dining hall with Peter. Nothing. She texted Caleigh. Nothing. Jenny started crying.

"Joy, she's going to kill herself. I worry that's what's up."
"Don't say that! I don't want to think that."


Bridget and Sera finally were having their stay-at-home contest: spend all day gagged but not tied up. They were unaware of what was up and just figured Janie was careless with her phone. Bridget had Joyce's ball gag, and Sera had her own. The game was simple: stay gagged as long as possible. They started at 8:30 sharp unaware of the controversy brewing around them.

"Lll ath ngr, ay-ee!!"
"Ah ll, iner!" Sera answered trash talk with trash talk.

It was a fun way to share a day together as best friends.


"Janie's been gone for God knows how long," Jenny said to Joyce between sobs.
"JENNY!!!" Joy shrieked as she walked into the apartment, "She took my f***ing CAR!!!"
"What the heck?" Joyce was confounded by this.
"Janie, Janie... God, please let Janie be safe," Jenny continued in her distress.


"This is the fifth time this number is calling," Lauren groaned at Zack, "I'll show them. State your business!"
"Hi, sis...," answered a sobbing voice in a helpless tone.
"Lauren... I can't take it anymore. The cognitive dissonance... the flashbacks... I tried but couldn't do it..."
"Janie, where are you?!"
"I was so seriously thinking about ways to hurt myself and end the trauma... so I put myself in an institution under Baker Act laws... Lauren, I need help so bad. I tried to kill myself last night."
"Where are you?"
"I'm in West River Psychiatric. The earliest I can leave is tomorrow morning."
"Janie?! How can I help?!"
"Help Joy to... *sniff*... get her... car back. I have to go."
"Can I visit?"
"I don't know. Lauren, I love you. Give everyone a hug for me."
"I will... bye, Janie."
"What's wrong?" Caleigh asked her, "Is Janie OK?"
"Caleigh... she tried to... kill herself last night... so she stole Joy's car and had herself committed."
"Where is she?"
"West River Psychiatric."
"I'm going there. My advisor Dr. Sitka works there on Saturdays! I'll keep an eye out on her."
"Caleigh, what about your class?!"
"Oh, $#!+ that... No, wait, I took that last year! I'm in the Friday one."
"I'm so disoriented."
"Lauren, I'll do what I can to help her... but, I'm morally obligated to do everything I can to keep her in there if I think she's a threat to herself."
"I know.. why does Janie have to suffer so much?"
"That question bothers me, too."


"It's Lauren!" Jenny said as her phone rang, "Hello?"
"Jenny, is Janie there?!"
"No, is she there?! Please tell me she is!"
"Jenny... she's in West River! Janie tried to... *Gulp*... she tried to kill herself last night!"
"Oh, my God! Lauren, what can I do to help? Tell me, Lauren!"
"Right now... I just need prayer to keep my composure."
"All right, Lauren. I love you... Bye," Jenny's eyes filled with tears, and she spiked her phone, "DAMN IT!"
"Jenny, what is it?!" Joyce asked with extreme concern.
"That's what that bandana on the floor was, Hannah. Janie tried to strangle herself last night! Joyce, I've let Lauren and Janie down... I've completely failed this time!"
"Don't be silly!"
"I've helped you... Joy, Hannah... Nichole, Bridget, Lauren, Sera... why can't I help Janie... when I... when I love her and her sister so much?!" Jenny sobbed uncontrollably.
"This battle maybe isn't for you. Jenny, Lauren needs me right now. Stay here... Lauren needs calm right now."
"All right."

Jenny felt like a total failure in spite of a situation she couldn't control.


"Yes, I will give you a urine sample," Janie groaned as she took a cup from a nurse.

Psychiatric hospitals were rough. They took the shoelaces from her sneakers; they took her bandana; they took everything except her clothes. When she arrived the nurses made her strip naked and then quickly check her holes for anything. Blood samples weren't enough, now they needed urine too?

Janie felt humiliated but safe. She hoped maybe this place would give her the answers to her psychiatric questions that her friends tried to answer but her school psychiatrist wouldn't.

Maybe Serafina was right? Maybe it was just the anti-depressants? She had experienced tons of thoughts and problems that she had never experienced before. Could it be that and not PTSD from the attack?

After handing the cup back, she went back to her "bed" to crouch down and cry. She was so far from her family and her friends. She just wanted to be back with Joy and Jenny and playing an innocent TUG.


"Hi, Dr. Sitka... can I admit something to you before we go inside?" Caleigh asked her professor.
"Of course, Caleigh," answered the kind-hearted woman of 60-some-odd years.
"My teammate and friend tried to hurt herself and checked herself in here last night. I promised her sister I'd watch after her. Is there any way I could get 10 minutes with her? She's Janie Patterson."
"You're not a liar. Have you filled out the student assistant forms for this sort of stuff on campus?"
"Of course! Did it as soon as I hit junior status!"
"You're my student-observer today. Just don't leave my side for a moment; don't do anything funny; don't ask questions; you know the rules. Or we will pay dearly as this is my livelihood and our reputations at stake."
"I understand."
"Let's go in then!"
"Good morning. This is Dr. Amelia Sitka from Minnesota Tech. I have with me Caleigh Rondell as a student-observer. She's been student-observer at campus before, so we just need to check her identity and fill out the form."
"The door is unlocked. You may come in."

Caleigh looked around as she walked in and caught a glimpse of Janie sulking in a corner. She sent a quick text to Lauren telling her Janie was all right and that her phone was eventually being taken as normal precaution in these places. She had to fill out some paperwork first though.


"Lauren, are you here?" Joyce knocked on the door and let herself in.
"Lauren, I couldn't leave you alone suffering like this. Where are Caleigh and Zack?"
"Zack and Joy and Caleigh went to West River. Caleigh's spying with a professor, and Zack's getting Joy's car."
"I love you girls so much, Lauren, you don't know. You did so, so much for me when in those 8 months of nightmare I lived. I'm here for you."
"Caleigh just said she's caught a glimpse of Janie. She texted me that. Look, she sneaked a photo through! JANIE!"
"She's all right. Now, Lauren... you and I have a job."
"We do?"
"If you love this girl as much as I do, you'll sit down with me and pray a rosary."
"I will!"


"Jenny, calm down, or I will tie you down," Hannah tried to reason.
"Hannah, I'm a failure with Janie. Maybe she and I shouldn't be roommates? Should I trade with Joyce?"
"Jenny, you were made with purpose. If this isn't God's purpose for you, then it will fail. You weren't made to fix this situation; someone else was. Just do what you best and pray about it."
"That's actually really good advice. I should."
"Jenny, it's going to be fine. God's using Caleigh to take care of Janie."


"Dr. Sitka, don't say my name when Janie comes in. I'll keep my back to you two."
"OK, Caleigh. Keep the neutrality," the doctor said as her 1PM patient came into the room.
"Janie Patterson?"
'Yes, Dr.?"
"Dr. Sitka. I have a friend who is one of your students if you're the one from Minn Tech."
"I am. Don't mind my student observer. She's merely here to learn first-hand. Let's review this. A month ago you started seeing Dr. Briscoe at the health center?"
"He diagnosed you with BPD?"
"Any prescriptions besides the anti-depressant?"
"None. I started taking them about 2 weeks ago."
"I see here two weeks ago that you had an incident with some fraternity boys?"
"Yes," and Janie explained everything in lurid detail concerning that night.
"Now, tell me why you're here voluntarily. Take your time."
"Ever since that night, I've had what Dr. Briscoe refuses to call trauma or PTSD. I'm paranoid; I'm scared; I have crazy mood swings; my temper is more violent then ever before; I have nightmares; I can't focus; I'm afraid of men; I won't go anywhere on foot without at least 1 or 2 friends with me. Then the cognitive dissonance got worse and worse and worse. I can't sexually react to things that normally excite me to no end, and I just feel worthless," Janie said, but then went on for several more minutes describing specific moments in detail.
"I see... what about last night?"
"Last night, I had a vivid nightmare that some frat boys came and attacked me and two of my roommates and that every one of my friends said it was my fault. I couldn't take it anymore, so I took a bandana... and I tried to strangle myself with it. I couldn't finish it though because I thought of how devastated my friends and siblings would be. I took my friend's car and came here before I actually did do myself harm."
"Miss Patterson, I think you do have PTSD and trauma that are afflicting you. Your BPD was diagnosed a little while back, but I think these other symptoms, thoughts, feelings you have may be caused by the anti-depressants. I can't let you leave until we're certain your crisis is over, but I can let you leave tomorrow. You're not to be discharged before 9AM tomorrow morning, and I order you to stay off the anti-depressants for a week. You listed Lauren Krzyczynski (sister) and Joy Fredericks (roommate) as emergency contacts?"
"Thanks, Dr. Sitka."
"Janie, you have good friends who will sneak around and do anything to help you. You're a lucky girl. Right, Caleigh?"
"Yes, Dr. Sitka," Caleigh turned around and showed that her eyes were soaked with tears.
"You did this for me?" Janie's eyes grew watery.
"Good luck, Janie," the doctor said.
"I love you, Jane," said Caleigh as Janie was escorted out for the next patient.
"You did well."


"I have my car back," Joy said dejectedly as she entered the apartment, "Janie... I miss you."
"You OK?" Hannah asked.
"Yes and no. I'm... lost... she came to me last night in tears over a nightmare, and I just told her to stay with me and didn't provide any comfort. It's all my fault. I should have paid more attention."
"No beating yourself up."
"Where's Jenny?"
"Relaxing on her bed... she's stressed."
"She's tied up and gagged!"
"She asked me to do it, OK? Like I said, she's stressed and wanted time alone to process things."
"Last thing I need is alone time," Joy said as she heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it."
"Hi, girls," Hannah greeted Sera and Bridget, who were covered in winter garb: hats, scarves, mittens, coat, etc.
"Hi!" came a garbled sound and a wave.

Sera had blue jeans, her Italian soccer polo, and her Italian flag kerchief bandana. Bridget had blue jeans and a blue-and-red long-sleeve button-up flannel shirt. One piece at a time, in order, and in silence, they removed their coats, mittens, hats, and finally scarves.

"Oh, look at these two clowns. It's the gag challenge day apparently."
"Mmm hmm!" both nodded.
"Do we tell them?" Joy asked.
"Yes. Sit down. NOW!"
"Hmm?" both sat down but were visibly confused.
"Last night... Janie had a total breakdown," Joy began slowly, "She tried to... kill herself... and she's now in a psychiatric hospital."
"Noo!" Sera shook her head and took off her gag, "She didn't?!"
"Yes, she did. I'm sorry, girls... This battle is beyond what we can handle."
"Janie... but why?"
"I don't know."


"Lauren... I'm on my lunch break... it's been awful so far," Caleigh said between tears.
"But how's Janie?"
"I feel so bad for her... Oh, Lauren, when she came in I kept my back to her and she said everything. Every thought was blow-by-blow and she told the doctor in graphic detail what happened that night. That poor girl."
"Is she OK though?"
"I don't know... they won't let her leave until tomorrow, and you or Joy will be getting a call to flush her anti-depressants. That girl is suffering so freaking much, Lauren. She's suffering a thousand times more than she's ever let on. I don't understand how she's lasted this long while being tormented like that."
"It sounds to be like Janie did the right thing."
"I never realized how much I care about her," Caleigh started sobbing uncontrollably and couldn't talk anymore.
"Caleigh, why don't you come back?"
"Pick me up at 2:30. Only another hour."
"Take care. And, hey, kid, I love you too. I just don't say it because I know it makes you uncomfortable."
"I love you too, Lauren. See you later."

"Well?" Joyce asked.
"Janie's going to be there until tomorrow... the doctor thinks its the pills doing this all to her."
"Just like Sera said."


Jenny lay on her bed in quiet contemplation. Yes, ropes bound her wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist/crotch and hogtied her from ankles to to harness. Yes, a blue rubber ball threaded with one of her camouflage bandanas gagged her under a piece of microfoam tape, and yes a brown bandana blindfolded her.

It was more than this though. She could hear her friends talking, but otherwise she was alone. She was useless at escaping, so she could only either enjoy being tied up or think. She was thinking about Janie, Caleigh, Joyce, and Lauren. More than that, she was praying for them as she knew they were most affected by all this.

"After about 3 months of pregnancy, I started losing my mind and got crazy depressed. After Benny was born, post-partum depression was real and brutal. That period of my life is practically lost. I remember nothing except breast-feeding Benny. I shrieked at everyone, basically forgot how to talk in English, and did nothing but cry. After that period ended after 2-4 weeks, the depression didn't go away although everything else did. Enter the pills. The first one was a nightmare: screaming, crying, suicidal thoughts (that I vocalized), memory loss, diarrhea. I don't even remember my own confirmation because it happened about a month after that. I got off those pills and on to a different one and everything was fine."
"So you think it's Janie's pills."
"I know it is. She and I were supposed to go out this afternoon and go window shopping in Minneapolis and talk about that."
"Do you recognize this number?" Joy asked as her phone rang.
"Maybe it's Janie!" Bridget said hopefully.
"Yeah! Hello. Speaking. Yes. Give me a minute to look. I'm checking. Yes... This one must be it. Yes, that's what the bottle says. Flush them? Are you sure? I understand. I can take a video if you want more proof. Yes, I am flushing the toilet. Thank you very much for helping her. Yes, keep us updated. No, thank you, Dr. Sitka! Bye!"
"Dr. Sitka? That's one of my professors!"
"She's also the one helping Janie apparently. You basically heard it all. Janie's not coming home today."

No one was happy except, maybe, for Jenny, who felt her prayers were being answered.


"I feel so bad for her," Caleigh said to Joyce concerning their mutual friend, "Those pills ruined her life."
"You're here now. We got you, Caleigh."
"I never knew how much I cared until she was describing everything and tears just started pouring like a faucet."
"Caleigh, Janie's going to be OK."
"I think so too. It's a restart, maybe."
"What about your brother?"
"I haven't thought about him for a second. What about him?"
"He's Janie's boyfriend!"
"Janie's my focus."


"We can relax, Jenn. I think Janie's going to be all right," Joy sat next to her.
"Mmm hmm!" Jenny agreed with confidence.
"Ready to experiment like we talked the other day?"
"The wand, Jenny?"
"Ohhhhhh... *Gulp*... mmm hmm," she nodded.


"Finally answers!," Janie thought to herself as she sat down and looked up at the television, "Sera was right... I didn't listen to her because Dr. Briscoe disagreed. I owe her my life... she saved my life. I could have finished myself off it that thought wasnt' in my head.

Janie walked laps in a corner where she was by herself. Everyone here had their own tale. Some were junkies who were either voluntarily or involuntarily brought. Some were victims of revenge. A couple just needed to be locked up.

"Caleigh loves me so much. I never realized just how much she cares. She hides a soul as sweet as Jenny's."

After some careful though, Janie walked over to the nurse station.

"May I make a quick phone call?"

"Hi, Lauren, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be here until tomorrow, as I am sure Caleigh told you."
"How do you feel?"
"Lauren, it's going to be all right. I'm fine, and I think the old Janie will be back soon."
"I love you, girl! Please don't ever hide anything from us again. Wake us up when you're scared. Anything."
"I know. I know. Can you put Caleigh on for a minute?"
"Love you, sis! Thanks."
"She wants you, Caleigh."
"Oh, all right. Hi, Janie."
"Hey, girl. Just wanted to say... I love you too. Thanks for being here for me today."
"You're welcome."
"Sorry you had to hear about my drug-induced v@*!*@| excavation experience. Joyce had it worse than I did though."
"It's fine. I... learned today just how strong you are. It's why you're my hero, the one I look up to most."
"Awww... I gotta go. See you tomorrow!"
"Bye, Janie. Mwah!"


"Ready, Jenny?"
"*gulp* Mm hmm," Jenny said with fear.
"Don't be scared... you know how to tell me to stop."

Joy had slightly altered Jenny's tie so that her hogtie was less stringent and rolled her on her side. Her blindfold was removed now. Jenny's eyes grew wide and she let out a grunt as she felt the device begin. All Gangsta Princess, who had zero bedroom experience, could do was imagine the semi-graphic imagery she got in high school. After 30 minutes, she was grateful that was over and after hating every moment.

"Mmmmm!" she signaled for gag removal, "Shhh!"
"Yeah?" Joy complied.
"Maybe regag me and sent a special photo to Gianni for me?" Jenny said quietly.
"You mean your top cover removed?"
"Maybe?" Jenny blushed.
"Nah, just a hostage photo. Nudes aren't for Jenny or for Joy either."
"Ohhhhhh... OK. MMPH!" she got her gag back.
"I'll still take one for you alone though."

Joy did this perfectly. She took a photo, exposed Jenny, and took a second. The first went to Giovanni, and the second was for her to keep.

Out in the other room Bridget and Sera were disappointed their contest was ruined, but technically Bridget had won. They agreed it was too difficult to execute, and instead played video games and did homework without gags.

Tomorrow, Janie would be back, and that was all anyone really cared about. They all hoped the old Janie was back in action!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 200: Needing Help
Sunday, February 5, 2018

"Lauren!" Janie gave her sister a massive hug.
"Janie, it's so good to see you again!"

Janie looked like Janie: red sneakers, socks, t-shirt, and kerchief bandana. Her sneakers had no shoelaces, though; her hair was messy; and she was smelly. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her energy was low. Janie Patterson was a broken woman on February 4, 2018.

"Can we go home?"
"YES!" Janie said, and proceeded to sleep all the way home and to sleep all day in her bed.

Lauren, however, had a special kind of dedication. She waited all day for Janie. At least it was a Sunday and thus not a big deal, but it wasn't all great. When Janie awoke, everyone knew because they heard her crying.

"Sis, you OK?"
"I will be."
"Why don't you take a shower? It's going to be a few days for the drugs to get out of your system."
"I guess... where are they?"
"I flushed them like Dr. Sitka ordered!"
"You did?"
"Joy, I love you!"

After the shower, Janie emerged in blue jeans, purple-and-pink long-sleeve button-up flannel shirt, a purple scrunchie for her braid, and a pink kerchief bandana. Everyone present-- Lauren, Nichole, Joy, Hannah, Joyce, Bridget, Sera, Caleigh, and Jenny-- waited for her reaction.

"It's good to be home! I missed you girls, and you, Caleigh, come here!"
"You want to hug me?"
"Yes, because you're a sweet, sweet soul going through all that just for me!"
"I had to do it for you and for Lauren."
"What up, ladies?"
"You feeling... good, sis?" Lauren asked.
"I haven't felt this good in weeks. I know it's just an emotional high and just the beginning. I need help still, but I want to celebrate finally having answers to some things and finally accepting that I will never get answers to others."
"The problems of being hurt like I was are real, but I'm better off without pills for this BPD if they're going to make me a violent grouch with no sexual urges. It was funny, though... I spent so much time with Ken, and we didn't neck. I've never had a real date like that before. It was special... a man just content to hear my voice and see my face... without wanting to touch me... yet I likewise don't remember anything about getting tied up the other night. I only remember after Sera left."
"Are you saying?" Caleigh asked.
"I like Ken, and Ken likes me. He... cares about me. He... respects me. He's... like you... he's a good man."
"Do you remember our promise to go into Minneapolis after church today?" Sera asked.
"Look, this situation has gotten out of hand here though," Joy took over, "We'll do anything for you Janie to keep you in check."
"Thank you! I know you will!"
"But we have problems afflicting all of us as a group... at least us 7 who live on campus. We've all become exceptionally focused on our hormones and doing things insane for any of us. Jenny's sexted Giovanni; Hannah wants to vibrated; I'm becoming the house mother and having to placate these urges and having too many of my own; Joyce is necking with her fiancé; Bridget is fooling with Roberto, including in here one night. Sera is the only one that's kept everything PG. We've got issues. After what happened to Janie, we've all become... to protective, jealous, whatever you want to call it, of that aspect of ourselves. We're friends and sisters. Janie isn't the only one needing help. Let's go through it and see what each of us feels about it."
"I've become extremely protective of my relationship with Gianni," Jenny began, "and I think Bridget feels the same with Roberto. We're giving of our bodies because we're scared of them being misused by strangers."
"Jenny speaks truth," Bridget agreed, "I feel like I need to control it all when it should be saved for marriage, and then become a think of mutual feelings. I'm pressuring Roberto because I want to make sure I don't lose him after I graduate. Joyce's situation is...?"
"I'm in love with him. Janie's situation reminded me of Matt, and I slept with Ryan because I hadn't had sex since Matt. I know it was wrong, but it was more of personal problem."
"Hannah and Joy are just stressed," Jenny said, "I think though the stress levels will go down, and things will go back to normal."
"We're all stressed, but now we can relax."
"Lauren, can I act like a baby for a minute?"
"Can we can get burgers and fries for dinner?"
"Janie, you're back!" Lauren kissed her, "Joy, Joyce, Sera? Will you come get take out with me?"

This left Janie with Jenny, Hannah, Caleigh, Nichole, and Bridget. Janie stood up and recounted her thoughts.

"The other night I sat here in desperation and tied that bandana so tightly around my neck... well, you can see the bruise it left... and for some reason Jenny I thought of you and Joyce most of all. I couldn't do it. It was too selfish. It felt horrible... I can't believe I ever watched snuff pr0n because it hurt so much. You girls... you love me so much and have done so much for me. I can't repay except in my expressions of gratitude and by loving you all back. Each of you line up and get a Janie hug."

Janie did in turn hug each of the girls and then put her hands together.

"Janie... wants to be tied up and, for the first time in almost 3 weeks, be able to enjoy it and have a good time with her friends and know that she's safe and loved. Any takers?"
"Of course!" several volunteered at once.
"Well, sorry, girls, but I want this one to captain it," she put a hand on Caleigh's shoulder, "She loves me."
"Captain? Well, then, girls line up here!" Caleigh ordered Jenny, Hannah, Nichole, and Bridget and switched into a militaristic tone.
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Jenny, you'll be in charge of wire and upper body for after dinner. Hannah, you're in charge of wire for the lower body for after dinner. You two get this in case Bridget and I leave before her post-dinner. Bridget, you get rope and lower body before dinner. I get rope and upper body before dinner."
"And me?" Nichole asked.
"You're in charge of gags and blindfolds."
"Sit down, Janie!" Caleigh then switched back to her normal voice.

Janie got it easy in her own opinion. Her ankles were tied to the chair legs and her thighs tied together. Her wrists and elbows were roped to the sides of the chair, and her torso was pinned with a breast harness and waist rope. Nichole gagged the girl with a blue rubber ball threaded with a purple bandana.

The girls gathered around Janie for a selfie while Janie made happy noises. It was good to be back and with the friends whom she loved so much. Janie looked at them all and smiled as best she could.

"Janie," Jenny sat on her lap, "I mean this. It's a blessing being your roommate and friend for these 2 years."
"She's an inspirational teammate. When we're losing, Janie always the one that's in the dugout trying to get us back into shape," Caleigh added.
"She taught me so many exercises that have helped me with my leg strength," Nichole added.
"She was there for me when my mom died," Bridget furthered the compliments.
"She's taught me so much about church stuff!"

"Did we miss anything? Oh, look at Janie! She's happy!" Lauren entered
"HI!" Janie gurgled into the ball.
"Someone's really happy!" Joyce said with excitement, "May I feed her for once?"
"OK, OK, sure. Besides, preggy mommy needs more food haha!" Lauren acquiesced.

It was a happy group of friends indeed all sitting together, eating, and laughing, but they were all happy to have Janie back.

After supper, team two took over and redid Janie's bonds. This time she was wired into reverse prayers with a breast harness and waist rope, and wires bound her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and feet. Janie was gagged the same, seated on the couch, and blindfold with a purple bandana.

Everyone wanted her turn with the Janie stuffie. They kissed her, hugged her, pet her hair, spanked her, tickled her, played with her "boobies," and told her how much they loved her. It brought to mind many stories of the past. So many girls were there with Janie: Bridget, Caleigh, Hannah, Jenny, Joy, Joyce, Lauren, Nichole, Sera. All of them except Hannah had stories from prior years that showed Janie's impact in their lives.

====================== Caleigh's Story ======================

"And that's the third walk issued by Rondell this afternoon," said announcer #1.
"She's really shaky. Unusual for Minn Tech's #1 pitcher," said the other.
"Rondell!" shouted Lauren from her catching position and called a fielders meeting.
"It's like they know my arsenal," Caleigh said into her glove.
"Calm down, kid, it's just the first."
"Cay, it's just the 2nd inning."
"I'm cracking. This mound isn't like ours."
"Caleigh, take a deep breath. You can do this," Janie said, "We got you. If you can't K'em, see if you can force a grounder to me or Lila."
"All right."

"You got it to Lila. See?" Janie said afterward.
"I'm so screwed up," Caleigh was despondent.
"Look, next time you're out there, put your foot back an extra inch or so before winding up."
"What do you know about pitching?"
"I've pitched enough times in high school. Trust me, not as a pitcher, but as your friend, OK? Just try it for me?"
"All right."


"It wasn't that greath of a story, but I not only won that game but also pitched a 1 hit shutout the next day against the same school. And thanks to this girl's constant coaching I was able to make the all-conference team at the end of the season."
"We had what 3 people make that team?" Lauren asked.
"But not you."
"Shut up."
"I'll shut you up!"
"Preggy mommy!"
"Oh, excuses! Watch!" Caleigh took the Irish-8s and cuffed Lauren's wrists behind her back in a box tie.
"Well, now!"
"Now, you're free so you can enjoy Janie!"
"My story is a short one too," Sera interrupted.

=========================Sera's Story ======================

Serafina Randaccio had only been playing TUGs for a few weeks when suddenly one Sunday, while she sat all alone, she noticed her TUG buddies Lauren, Janie, and Joyce together. This really added quandary to quandary. Not only that, but she saw Janie at daily mass the next day!

"Janie, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, Serafina!"
"How do you keep your TUGs... Catholic?"
"If I get your question, there's nothing morally wrong. It's just a game."
"An escape game. Kidnap, enjoy being captor or captive, try to escape, so on..."
"Right! Jenny can explain those things better than I can. In short, though, it's just a game... one I love more than softball!"
"Just a game... that's the answer I needed! Thanks! I'll come tie you up later!"


"And I did tie her up too! Not like this though!"
"MMMMM!" Janie squirmed a little as she was passed to Sera.
"Come to Mama Serafina! There's a good little baby!"
"Mmmmmm!" Janie squiremed as she was hugged.
"Bad baby!" Sera swatted her on the rear.
"UHHHH!" Janie squealed.
"Baby read for story time?"
"I have a story to share for sure!" Joyce began.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 201: Author's Remarks and Looking Forward

I never imagined reaching 200 chapters on this forum. Now, this story gets over 250 views per chapter, which absolutely thrills me! When this began on the old forum, I'd get 10 or so readers per chapter and grew to over 100. Thank you for sticking by me and enjoying this tale even if you can't always down and enjoy it.

These characters were born in their own individual series, but then I took a risky leap and found a way to blend the two universes into one, mainly because I felt bad about repetitively posting 2-10 chapter tales involving the same two sets of characters. It worked though to make one blended tale of incredible friendship. Most of these small tales are lost, but I have been trying to work the existing ones back into the story as "Memories" chapters. I remember the old and quite funny Not What They Had in Mind plot well-enough that I may recreate this one from scratch!

Many of these experiences are, at least in part, based on real events that happened to myself, real people I have known, or at least happened when I was in college; all of this is with TUG elements added, of course. At the end of the day, as it did for the people I knew, we grew up a little even when the tale didn't have a happy ending.

Seasons of Love began as a tale with over 100 chapters on the old site, taking up a thread of 7 pages! Sadly, only 2 of those pages made it into the internet archive, and I regretfully didn't save off-site copies of the pages. I'll try here to post the arcs from that era in some order. Asterisk ones are available via webarchive and have been posted here. The other available ones will be posted here as well.

Summer 2015
01*. Janie and Lauren's summer before Janie's first year of college
02*. Arriving at college
03*. Recap of Jenny, Joy, and Nichole's summer
04. Nichole admits to Jenny that she's abused and beaten; subsequent struggles
05. Bridget has a breakdown and reveals her mother died that summer

Fall 2015
06. Janie crushes the student stalking her and Jenny
07. Joy's goober embarrasses Bridget
08. Random adventures
09. Nichole's psychological struggles
10. Nichole's self-sacrifice
11. Janie's food allergies
12. Random adventures
13. Joy's sexual struggles
14. Christmas Break

Spring 2016
15. Jenny learns about her deceased older brother
16. Zoe's intervention to save Joy from herself
17. Zack introduces Joyce to Matt Paulsen
18. Zoe's graduation

Summer 2016
19. Nichole and Joy's continued struggles
20. Jenny's mother learns-- and disapproves
21. Janie and Lauren's big fight
22*. Joyce's father Dies
23*. Bridget's new mother

Fall 2016
24*. Nichole is attacked
25*. Joyce's Title IX arc and subsequent breakdown
26. Christmas Break

Spring 2017
27. Joyce's recovery
28. Joyce's mother dies
29. Random adventures
30. Lauren's graduation

Summer 2017, Fall 2017, and Spring 2018
31. Covered on this site

Unfortunately, of these, only sections 01-03 (only part of the latter) and 22-26 exist still. Since then, new characters have been introduced with their pros and cons, but they quickly become dear friends. It's a fun tale to weave.

Unfortunately, there is a big issue looming: the main protagonists and due to graduate in Spring 2018. Engineering students barely get to breathe while working on their senior design projects, and it will be no different for these girls. At that point, though, I'll be dead in the water, but I will certainly do a "Cool Girls' Club in 2022" chapter to share what I imagine has since happened to these girls and the rewards that have followed from their struggles.

Who knows what is to come still, but from here out it's all going to be positive as they race toward the finish line :)

For now, I know I'll start by reworking points 05, 06, 12, 13, and 28 as well as recreate Not What They Had in Mind. I'll find excuses to recap the others as well.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] congratulations to your 200th Installment - this Saga is quite the Epic Tale!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago @AlexUSA3 congratulations to your 200th Installment - this Saga is quite the Epic Tale!
More importantly 200th Installment ***on here***. So many chapters remain fodder for recreating. Oh, how I wish I had saved those files on my Google drive as they contained some incredible story telling. There is so much more story to tell though!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 202: Memories LXV - Devastation Part 2
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Joyce, Jenny, Joy, and Janie sat at the table together one night in late January. They were working on their homework for some annoying engineering class. This was the same apartment, but in Junior year it was occupied by Janie, Nichole, Bridget, and Jenny with Bridget and Jenny sharing one room and Janie and Nichole in the other. Joyce had paused a moment to eat a snack.

Speaking of Bridget and Nichole. The former was in black slacks and a white blouse after a presentation that day, and the other was in pale blue sweatpants, a navy blue t-shirt, and a pale blue kerchief bandana. Both were chair tied, gagged, and blindfolded.

Both had ropes binding their wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Both had ropes from ankles to wrists. Both were gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief. Lastly, both were blindfolded with a red bandana.

"Oh, my phone's ringing. Excuse me," Joyce said as walked to the sink with her plate, "Hi Auntie! What?! Auntie, calm down. No! A car accident?! Drunk driver?! No, not that! No! NOO! Auntie... thanks for... telling... me... I'll call you back soon."
"Joyce?" Jenny asked as Joyce put her phone in her pocket.
"No," she said quietly.
"Joyce? Everything OK?"
"No... no... no," she shook her head as tears started filling her eyes and her 'no' got faster.
"Joyce, what is it?"
"No. No. No no no NOO!!!!" she shrieked and smashed the plate and ran out the door, "NOOOO!!!"
"MMMMM!" Bridget started panicking, "Eh ee oh owW!"
"Let her be," Janie said in complete control of herself, "Something's wrong! Badly wrong! Just get Bridget"

As soon as she was free, Bridget took off after Joyce. She looked back at the others before exiting.

"I've been in her spot before. I'm not a negative person, but if I know anything... that was a phone call to say her mother's injured or dead. And I know where she went."
"I've seen that face before...," Janie shook her head, "Poor Joyce... all alone now."


"Joyce, are you in here?" Bridget entered the tiny chapel used for weekday masses.
"How did you know?" Joyce asked sadly.
"I know you too well now. Joyce, I'm sorry. You've suffered so much the past 6 months."
"I don't even get to say goodbye all because of a drunk driver. Bridget, what'll I do?"
"Cry, Joyce. Just mourn right now and pray God accepts her to heaven."
"It's not enough Jesus took my daddy home. Now He took my mommy too!" Joyce was understandably sobbing.
"Joyce, I know what it's like. My mom is there too," Bridget started crying, "I'm so sorry sweetie."
"Bridgie, whyyyy?!" Joyce buried herself in Bridget's shoulder.
"Jesus needed her more than you did."

Whenever Joyce was upset, "Mom and Daddy" always became "Mommy and Daddy" in a way that underscored how much she adored her parents. Bridget knew that anyone in their circle of TUG buddies didn't have even half as good of a relationship with their parents as Joyce did, no matter how close they were. That made the pain so much worse.

"I never met dad's parents. And my mom's parents were gone by the time I started high school. Bridgie, I feel so so alone."
"You have us still, girl."


"Is it as I think?" Janie asked when Joyce finally returned.
"Mm hmm," Joyce nodded.
"I'm so sorry," Janie gave her a tight hug.
"Janie, will you come to Florida with me? I can't do this alone."
"I helped you bury your dad; I'll help you bury your mom, too. I love you, Joyce."
"You girls are all I've got left."
"Joyce, you poor thing. We've got your back," Jenny gave Joyce a hug as well.

Everyone's heart was aching with pain on account of Joyce's tragic life. Everything seemed to be going wrong for her.


The next day was extremely difficult as Janie and Joyce made plans to fly to Florida in two more days. Joyce and her mother's family would have a funeral in Florida at the family church; one of her father's living siblings would also come to support Joyce. Then Joyce was going to say a final goodbye to her parents and honor their wishes: her mother was being buried with her father in his home state of Rhode Island. Janie stuck by her friend on each leg.

Florida was a train wreck. Joyce's half-sister refused to come, and her half-brother came without his wife or children. Joyce felt insulted by these slights toward her. Her mom, though, was well-respected in the Ocala church, and her funeral not only brought family but well over 100 parishioners. Trent and Amanda also cared enough to come with Joyce to the funeral.

Two days later, Joyce was in Rhode Island with just herself, Janie, her father's little brother from nearby Cumberland, and her mother's brother Peter from Sarasota on a sunny but cold day. There, they watched sadly as Joyce's parents were reunited.


M. 1969

M. 1992

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Joyce shrieked and fell on her knees hugging the tombstone.
"I'm so sorry, Joyce," Janie tried to comfort her friend, but instead started crying as well.
"I want my mommy and daddy back! God, I want my mommy and daddy baccckkkkkk!"
"I feel so bad for you."

All Joyce could do was wail. Most children in distress turn to their parents, but that was just what she was bewailing. She was watching her life disintegrate, as her home was gone forever. The little 2-bedroom house with a pool in Ocala, Florida was going to be empty forever in the sense that there would be no more moments with her parents there.

That day, the Verdi family story came to an end. Joyce was officially in this world all on her own without a mother or father. Janie and the two uncles did all they could, but Joyce, just 21 years old, had had her entire world taken away from her.

But a new story was just beginning.


"Joyce, your name is pretty and you always know how to make to me smile. I was so sad to hear about your parents; I know you must be hurting so much. You're always in my prayers. Since carnations are your favorite, I had these sent to you. Will you be my Valentine?"

"Joy, Joy! Look! Look what Ryan sent me!!" Joyce excitedly ran back to their dorm room.
"Oh, he's so thoughtful!"
"He is! Oh, sorry, Janie! I didn't know you came over. LOOK!"
"They're beautiful!"
"They sure are... you know... Janie, these 3 here are so white and pure just like your heart. You've been so good to me the last two weeks and stuck by me all last week when I did nothing but scream and cry. You take them."
"I can't."
"Take them. As a small token of how much I love you. Someday you might have your own agony, and I'll be there for you as much as I can be."

That was the start of a casual relationship becoming a very special friendship.


"Joyce, ever since... your mother... and all that," Janie said some weeks later.
"You've seen me spiritually improve?"
"I have too," Joy added.
"Yeah, it's good not being tied up every night for my own safety. You two... I owe you two so much. But especially this tall softball jock. Janie, thank you for being my friend, and letting me become part of your family as mine was taken from me."
"Awwww... you're welcome."
"I thought I had no family, but in reality I have always had multiple families thanks to my amazing friends."

Joyce hugged each friend with one arm each. Even in suffering the greatest devastation imaginable to a young adult, Joyce was finding happiness through her friends.
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Post by hafnermg »

Grats on 200!!!

I know how Joyce feels, I too have a close relationship with my parents and I got the same phone call a bit over a year ago. In my case my Mom had a sudden bad reaction to a medication she had been taking for almost 2 decades and her bone marrow stopped producing blood. She passed two days later. Fortunately I still have my Dad, but hearing the man who I have always thought of as strong and only cried at things like my families funerals breaking over the phone was almost as bad as losing my Mom. He is doing great now and we have spent a lot of time together this past year. It's not easy when it's sudden no matter the reason.

Sorry that kinda spilled out. But I can say while it won't easy infact it will be very hard with friends like hers Joyce will make it through. Thanks again for the chapters!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

hafnermg wrote: 2 years ago Grats on 200!!!

I know how Joyce feels, I too have a close relationship with my parents and I got the same phone call a bit over a year ago. In my case my Mom had a sudden bad reaction to a medication she had been taking for almost 2 decades and her bone marrow stopped producing blood. She passed two days later. Fortunately I still have my Dad, but hearing the man who I have always thought of as strong and only cried at things like my families funerals breaking over the phone was almost as bad as losing my Mom. He is doing great now and we have spent a lot of time together this past year. It's not easy when it's sudden no matter the reason.

Sorry that kinda spilled out. But I can say while it won't easy infact it will be very hard with friends like hers Joyce will make it through. Thanks again for the chapters!
Joyce does in fact keep surviving. She had the rug taken out from under her, but her friends put the rug right back under her feet and kept her standing strong.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 203: Memories LXVI - A Violent Explosion
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

"Well, here we are! It's so good to meet you girls again!" Janie said with immature eagerness, "This is a great start!"
"Haha!" Jenny laughed, "You're a barrel of energy for sure!"
"Well, I had my birthday a couple days ago too."
"Oh, really? So you can smoke now?" Bridget joked.
"Are you kidding?! I'm only 17!"
"Say what?"

Bridget had joined Joyce, Jenny, Johanna, Lauren, and Janie in this temporary living situation and been late to this aspect of it.

"I'm only a little kid. I'm starting school as a sophomore though."
"WHAT? Doogie Howser is here!"
"Sheldon Cooper's long lost female cousin is here."
"Oh, stop it!" Lauren said to Nichole.
"You hear this, Bridget?"
"Yeah, I heard it," Bridget rolled her eyes.
"Somebody's a grumpus," Janie teased.
"Yes, I'm a grumpus," Bridget responded.
"We're friends here, girl."
"Well, we're going to be starving tonight unless Jo and I hit the store. Anyone wanna come?"
"Sure!" Janie said giddily.
"Why not?" Nichole asked.
"Jenny, Bridge?" Jo asked them.
"We're good."
"I want to shower," Jenny responded.
"All right."

Jenny emerged from the shower in pink trainers, a brown tank-top, and a camouflage bandana headband. Typical Gangsta Princess.

"What's up, Bridget?" she leaned over the back of the couch next to where Bridget was sitting.
"You're not crabby like this."
"Yes, I am, when I am temporarily living with a bunch of people I barely know, and no one I really trust."
"After the last year, I'd think you'd have softened to me by now."
"Quit pushing your luck girl."
"Bridget, if something is wrong and needs to be kept secret, you can tell me. You know that."
"You're still a stranger to me. Maybe Joyce or Joy because I'm around them so much."
"Fine, but stop being rotten to us."
"Rotten?!" Bridget stood up and walked to wear Jenny was and moved some TUG stuff near, "Rotten?"
"I said what I said," Jenny looked up at Bridget, "We care, Bridge, even if you're a snappy little crab."
"Jenny, I'm warning you!"
"What are you gonna do? Punch me and boast of how you pulverized a short girl to hide a secret? Or trust me."
"That does it!"

Bridget slammed Jenny against the back of the couch, and Jenny felt a crack in her chest. Ropes started brutally binding her wrists, elbows, waist, and breasts. Jenny fell to the ground in pain as Bridget jammed two socks in her mouth and added a handkerchief cleave gag that was so tight it literally cut the corners of her mouth. More rope then bound Jenny's ankles, knees, and thighs with similarly vicious and dangerous tightness.

Jenny was in horrible pain and could barely move. Every breath was agonizing, and she soon passed out before Bridget was finished binding her.

"What is happening here?!" Lauren entered, "Jenny!!! What have you done you monster?!"
"She was being an annoying snoop!" Bridget snapped as Joyce and Johanna helped the injured girl.
"Bridget, you sit down and tell us what is happening, or I will have the police arrest you for assault!"
"I need to be brought to CAPS. I'm unstable and dangerous to everyone. I..."
"Talk!" Janie grabbed Bridget and pushed her against the wall.
"It hurts so much!" Jenny winced from the pain as she came around.
"Bridget, what'll it be. Letting us help you, or watching your rowing and weathergirl dreams go up in smoke forever?"
"I'll talk. Jenny, I'm sorry... I didn't give you a chance...."
"Sit!" Janie ordered, "She was just trying to be your friend."
"Yeah," Bridget sat down and buried her face in her hands, "I'm such a freaking monster. I have such anger issues. I'll tell you what happened."
"Let's hear it," Jo sat next to Bridget, "We want to help, but you don't have to go into details if you don't want to."

"This past summer was difficult. I've only mentioned that my parents are divorced. It's more than that. My mom's an alcoholic. She gets drunk on 6 days out 7 and has too much to drink on another 3 days in the same span. My parents finally divorced, oh, 3 years ago, and as part of the divorce my little sister, Kristina, was given to my mother's custody for God only knows what reasons. Kristina's a sweet thing, 8 years my junior, and never one to complain. In spite of custody, my father got visitation rights and got the girl every other weekend. Once I became an adult, I decided to visit her and my mother at home. My mom when she is sober is such a sweet person, but it all went downhill after her dad died."
"That had to be rough."
"It was... anyway..."


"Hi, Kristina! Where's mom?" I asked.
"Sleeping.. she's sober but tired from work."
"Oh, what are you doing?"
"Making dinner."
"Making dinner? What are you making for dinner?"
"Mac & Cheese!"
"You can make that?! Did Mom teach you?"
"No, I taught myself. I know how to boil water from watching you, and I just do what the box says! If Mom isn't hungry I get two dinners out of it," responded Kristina out of innocent pride.
"What else do you make?"
"I can make pasta! And a sandwich... and Shake 'n' Bake... and not much else."
"Doesn't Mom ever make you dinner?"
"Not much unless she wants something specific."
"No wonder you're so skinny! You're starving here and too scared to tell us."
"Most of the time Mom's passed out and drunk! Sometimes I go days without her saying anything to me."
"Kristina...," I looked into her eyes as she resisted crying.
"Bridgie, help me."
"Kristina, do you have your night bag still?"
"Yeah, I do..."
"Go grab it and put everything you can into it, especially your school stuff and lots of clothes. You'll go to church with Bridgie tonight and stay with me for a while."

I knew what I had to do while Kristina did that. I took a deep breath and walked into my mother's room with a loud knock.

"Mom, it's Bridget."
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to visit, and I'm saddened by all this. Mom, I love you very much, but I'm taking Kristina with me until you can sober up. I want my mom back... the one that would sing Bible songs to me and make me cookies from scratch... I don't like alcoholic Mom. I know you're a nice person inside... I'll come by this weekend to see you... because I still care and want to help you."
"You're a good girl, and Momma still loves you. At least give me a hug before you leave."
"All right. I still love you too. I promise you I will do everything I can to make sure Kristina is taken care of."

Kristina and I got into my car and sang Bible songs all the way home.


"Oh, Bridget, that sucks," Jo said sadly.
"It continues..."


The next Sunday, after Church, I went by there like I said. I knew my mom and knew she should have been in church. I thought maybe she had gone elsewhere to keep distance. The car was there. I knocked, but no answer. The door was unlocked, so I went in.

"Mom?" I called but got no response.

She wasn't in the bathroom. She wasn't on the couch. She wasn't on the porch. I walked to her room.

"Mo-- EEEEEEEEEEEK!" I shrieked like I never had, "MOM!!!!"

There on the floor, in a gorgeous new blue dress and clutching a Bible was my mom. Her body was cold but not terribly so.

"Mom, please wake up! Mom, no! I need you still. Don't go!"

As part of rowing at my school, we learned CPR. I tried everything. A neighbor heard me shriek and called the police. No one was able to do anything. Alcoholism had finally reared it's ugly head through, of all things, withdrawal.


"My mom is gone!" Bridget burst into tears and Janie picked her up and embraced her.
"Let it all out."
"I'll never have her back! It's all my fault for forcing her to stop drinking."
"I'm so sorry, Bridget," Joyce said, "It's not your fault though."


I went home in deep distress. I entered the house and told my father. I had. Then my brother and older sister. We wailed together for a while. But Kristina. Dad said if I felt responsible than I had to tell her.

"Kristina," I said to her on our way to church that evening, "I love you so very much. Didn't you say you saw Mom in church today?"
"I did, but you all didn't! She had that pretty blue dress and coat on! She never wears it much!"
"Kristina," I choked back my tears, "The reason you saw her, and we didn't."
"Yes? Bridgie, what happened to Mom?!"
"Is... I can't," I pulled the car into an empty parking lot, "The reason you saw her is because Mom went to be with Jesus this morning."
"Bridgie, no!! Mom's gone?!"
"I'm so sorry, sweetie."
"Bridget, why?! I love her so much!"
"She came to church just to say goodbye to you honey."


"Oh, Bridget, you poor thing," Jenny, "I'm sorry I pushed you like that."
"My summer has been a nightmare. Burying my mom has been the biggest nightmare imaginable."
"Bridget, you need to do it... just let it all out here," Janie said.
"I want to be able to hug her and say I love her. At least I can say the last thing I said to her was that much."
"Bridget, you really need to go to CAPS," Johanna encouraged her, "They're open even though it's summer."
"OK," Bridget said between tears.
"Let's go," Janie said.
"We need to get you looked at," Lauren said to Jenny.
"It hurts like hell."
"Let's go, kid."
"All right."

That day, Bridget learned a lot of valuable lessons in friendship and learned how to come out of the shell she had been hiding in through her first year of college. Janie, Lauren, Jenny, Joyce, and Johanna had earned the trust of the reclusive rower from Wisconsin.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 204: Memories LXVII - Accepting Help
February 2016

"Zoe, we have a problem," Janie said to Joy's older sister.
"What is it?"
"Joy... has problems. She's," Janie sighed and looked away, "Kind of like me.
"Like you?"
"She's hanging out with too many men... She's been having lots of sex with guys even I wouldn't trust."
"What do you think it is?"
"I hate to say it, but your sorority helped spark it anew. She's admitted to me that she was the school sl*t."
"JOY WAS???"
"And now she has a second wind of sorts.
"OK, I get it. You need me to step in with big sis tough love?"
"Exactly! Talk to Jenny or Joyce about it. She's closer to the situation than I am."
"I will... and, hey, thanks for letting me know. I'm glad you're Joy's friend."


"Jenny, it's time for an intervention."
"Intervention?" Jenny asked Zoe.
"Joy's in deep with some bad dudes and looking to get some STDs. I plan to take her prisoner and stay here all weekend with you."
"What's my role in this?"
"Make sure Joy's caught up on her classwork."
"And in return?"
"You might spend some time tied up and eating homemade cookies."
"I know better than to pay you for your work!"
"OK, OK!"
"Get on it, Gangsta Princess!"
"All right!"


Gangsta Princess talked to her roommate, Gangsta Queen, about this. Princess was in lime green trainers, a brown tank-top, and a solid pink bandana headband. Queen had black trainers, a tie-dye t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana.

"We need to get Joy here. Zoe's going to spend the weekend here, and Bridget's going to keep Joyce company all weekend."
"Why Joy?"
"Zoe's taking Joy head-on about this tramp business."
"OK, I get it. I can help that. Just play a round of TUG poker."
"TUG poker?"
"I just made it up. It's a humiliating game based on one I played one night with my boyfriend."
"You didn't!"
"No, no... just humiliating!"


"Hey, Joy, you're pretty nicely caught up... want to play a game with me and Janie?"
"What game?"
"TUG Poker."
"Is it like strip poker?"
"Yeah, only you strip and then get tied up along the way!"
"We can't do that with Janie!"
"She's an adult!"
"I'll let you strip me nude!" Janie volunteered.
"NOT HERE! No stripping!" Jenny refused.
"Lame wad!"

Eager Beaver Janie was in all red: sneakers, socks, trainers, tank top, bandana headband, scrunchie for her braid, and bandana wristbands. Joy was in her brown skirt, pink blouse, and brown kerchief bandana.

"All right!" Joy smiled, "Let's do it!"

This game was simple: poker, only you raised by adding one stripping or binding at a time. You lost once your wrists were tied. Janie of course went down fast and hard and basically lost on purpose.

Janie was punished with rope binding her wrists, ankles, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana, and her blindfold was her bandana headband slipped over her eyes. As a final touch, she was hogtied from ankles to elbows.

Joy was eventually submitted and bound on the floor in a similar way. But her gag was an orange rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief, and she wasn't blindfolded.

"Joy, the intervention has begun," Zoe began.


While Zoe explained the Joy her plan, Jenny kidnapped the vulnerable and aching Nichole (still recovering from the car incident) and bound her the same. Nichole, however, got a knotted handkerchief gag and no blindfold either. Jenny, who was happy she had gotten the "strip" part out of her friends' poker game, clutched her Nichole stuffie.

"Joy, you need help. You're hurting yourself, and it's hurting everyone else."
"Hold on," Zoe removed the gag, "We know you've been making trouble for yourself."
"Sex, Joy."
"How did you know?"
"Your big red friend there told me; she cares too much about you to let you hurt yourself."
"Oh, that's how."
"Big sis is here to help."
"By letting me be without her judging me or trying to control my life?"
"No, by helping you see that life isn't all about men," she put the gag back in Joy's mouth.
"Zoe's here to help," Zoe hugged her precious little sister.


"MMMMMM!" Janie felt herself drooling everywhere.

She was debating in her mind whether or not she had done the right thing by snitching on Joy. It felt hypocritical when she herself had had casual sex in high school and even a few times here at Minn Tech. Somehow she and Joy shared this particular battle, and it gave the young girl hope for her own life.


"Come on, Joy, you can do your homework like this," Zoe said the next day.

Zoe had Joy thoroughly attached to her desk chair and gagged with a padlocked black ball gag. Joy's ankles were tied to the chair legs; her thighs tied together; her waist chained to the chair back. Zoe didn't even let her sister change her clothes. Once she woke up, it was a morning walk, breakfast, and straight into the chair. To make matters tougher, Zoe had taken Joy's phone from her.

Joy was helpless and had no choice but to accept that this was what her sister was going to do with her all weekend. It was a rough start to the day for sure, but she knew her sister was very much the hard worker. Janie's squealing was so frustrating!

"Hey, kiddo!" Janie came in with perfect timing.
"MMMM!" Joy was upset with her.
"Dear sweet friend!" Janie gave her a hug.
"GRRRRRR!" Joy pushed her away.
"HEY!" Zoe snapped at Joy.
"She's just mad because you care about her."
"Joy, it's not just you. I have this problem, too... I'm just trying to protect you from it because I know it's unhealthy and because I worry about the particular kinds of men I have seen you with."
"F*** OOH!"
"Hey, now! I'll just trounce you if you'd like me to!"
"Ih ow."
"Thank you," Janie took a seat at the adjoining desk, "In fact maybe I'll stay fastened down with you. Zoe?"

Joy realized at this moment that she had a problem. On a typical Saturday, she'd be right now already figuring out who she'd hook up with that night. There'd be a varying level of booze, mickeys, and consent involved, and she'd be in a soul-rotting afterglow following it. That wasn't a life!

Now, Joy watched as Zoe fastened Janie down and gagged her with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief. Even a big strong athletic girl in just purple trainers and a bright blue tank top looked so innocent and helpless when tied down and gagged. For a Florida jock 2 years younger than her to go through all this to protect her, help her, and make her feel safe and comfortable...

That was truly caring about your friends.


"Joy... um... is Saturday your, ahem, busy day?"
"HUH?!" Joy was dumbfounded.
"Some guy just sent you his junk."
"Oh... um... no, that's not normal at all!"
"Don't lie to me! You've got at least four guys asking if you're available tonight, and two sent raunchy texts."
"Zoe... Yes. Normally I'd be here looking to see which one of my male friends would send me the nicest text because none of them want more than to enjoy the fetish of taking me out to dinner and then sleeping with me. I've sent some of them my own raunchy pics too."
"Joy, why would you ever?!"
"Why am I even in college? I always do bare minimum necessary to keep my scholarships. I'm only here because you, Jenn, and Nichole are! Otherwise, I'd be a Golden Gopher or not in college at all. I couldn't decide what to do so I chose ME because at least the possibility of working with cars seemed good to me. Jenny's the one taking all the Aerospace courses because she really, really likes the motor racing crap."
"What's wrong with that?" Jenny was a bit insulted.
"Joy, really?"
"Yes, I'm not even happy here except for you all!" Joy admitted, "So I try to have any fun I can find."
"You like working on your car too, though."
"Not like Jenny does. I don't sit around wondering what kind of attachment I want for my car's bumper."
"Joy, we should walk around school... explore... you're this far along... let's find something you like in it."
"To not make it a waste."
"And to make something good out of a bad thing. What's your goal in life?"
"Be a stay at home mom with 2-4 kids?"
"Ahhhh... you put your eggs in that basket?"
"I get it, Joy! I only came here to be with Lauren!" Janie admitted.
"Yeah... I went with civil engineering because she did too, and I like being outdoors!"
"So we're in that boat together."
"We'll get out of it. We'll find something we like."
"I hope so!"


Sometime after lunch, Jenny entered the room in brown trainers, a lime green tank top, and a solid red bandana headband with her braid in a brown scrunchie. She lounged on the bed and whined.

"Zoeeee. I'm borreeddd!"
"Go finish your homework or something."
"I did that."
"Go play some computer games or something."
"I'd rather do something with someone, and Nichole's out with her boyfriend."
"With Bridget at a rowing thing."
"Janie's sister?"
"With Johanna. You said you'd tie me up for helping you and Joy!"
"I did, didn't I? No problem. If that's what you wanted, you should have said it after 'I'm borreeddd!' or similar!"
"Zoeeee. I'm borreeddd! Will you please tie me up, like you promised?"
"Sure thing!"

Jenny was in for it now. Her ankles, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, wrists, forearms, and elbows were securely roped, and Jenny was gagged with a sock, a pink bandana cleave gag, and 9 layers of gray duct tape. She was stood at the foot of the bunk bed, and her arms were pulled back and roped to the bottom slats of the upper bunk in a sort-of strappado. Finally, a brown bandana blindfolded her.

"I was so, so mean," Zoe said as she filmed Jenny's punishment.
"Nah!" Jenny groaned under the heavy gag.
"I know you're happy as can be under all that!"
"MMmmm hmmmmm!"

Janie and Joy looked at each other and sighed.


"Oh, Jenny, you won't believe it! It was such a perfect time with Chris this time! Oh, Jenny, it was so amazing!"
"Oh, well, look at you! I decide to not be your roommate for a year, and you just constantly find trouble."
"Well, let me tell you anyway... today... today was different."
"Chris said he loves me! I'm not quite there yet, but I think our lips will me moving by summer."
"I love my sister from another mother too though."
"You're so full of puppy eyes when you talk about that guy," Zoe teased.
"Haha. How are these two? I see their arms are tied, so I guess the HW is done."
"Yeah, it is."
"How is Joy?"
"You ask."
"You feeling better, Joy?"
"Mmm," Joy nodded. Hard to do much else with bound wrists, elbows, and breasts too on top of all the rest.
"Good. We care about you a lot, girl."


By the end of the day, Joy had a newfound sense of piece in her heart. Not everything was as bad as it seemed. Zoe wanted to help, and she had two years to find her niche in the world of engineering. Plus she had such amazing friends in Jenny and Janie... was it possible that the next two years would be more wild and amazing than the first two?

With friends and a sister who loved her this much, Joy was sure the future was bright!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 205: Memories LXVIII - Not What They Had in Mind Part 1
Friday, March 11, 2011

"NNNNNNNOOOOOO!" Janie Patterson squeaked into a gag.

Janie Patterson, a 12-year old academic and athletic phenom from Orlando, Florida, was in incredible distress. Only once in her life had she been tied up, and that was some 5 years prior to this. This was a new experience altogether. She had looked so much like herself, the one and only Janie, in red trainers, red sneakers, red socks, an American flag t-shirt, and American flag bandana as a headband and wristbands.

Ropes bound her wrists, elbows, upper chest, lower chest, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. She was gagged with a big sock, one of her red bandanas, and loads of duct tape. Her big brother and fellow freshman, Trenton (aka Trent), had done this to her. He was just now hoisting the young girl over his shoulder and bringing her to the carpeted staircase. Her laid her down on her stomach and pushed her down the stairs to get a bit of rug rash.

"Hey, sis!" said big sister, Lauren, a 16-year old high school junior, as she dashed by the helpless girl.

Lauren was obviously back from a run, as she was covered in sweat to go with her bright blue trainers, matching headband, black sports bra, and black scrunchie to hold her hair in a bun. She went up the stairs and into the bedroom the two shared. Soon, she returned.

"Here ya go, bro! Kendra will appreciate this!" Lauren handed him $20.
"Thanks! I can get nose bleed seats for this weekend's Magic game!"
"You can't get there! I'm just glad to not have Janie whining for attention while Kendra and I do homework."

Janie took umbrage to all this. Was it her fault that she usually had her homework for a given class done to absolute perfection in 15-30 minutes while her siblings and friends took 60-300 minutes (1-5 hours) on the same assignment? How dare Lauren pay Trent to kidnap her!

"EEEEEEEK!" Janie shrieked into the gag, but it was barely audible to even Trent, who was halfway down the stairs.
"Let's move you!"
"GMMMMM!" the girl squirmed helplessly as she was put on the living room sofa.
"Hold still!" Trent ordered as he hogtied his sister from ankles to wrists.
"MMMMMMMM!" she uselessly tried to fight him.
"Now, be good!" he blindfolded the girl with another one of her three American flag bandanas.
"NNNNNNN!" Janie groaned helplessly.
"See you later!"

Janie's life was a frustrating one. School was a pleasure, but she was frequently teased for two things. First, she was always by far the smartest girl in the school, to the extent that she was two years ahead and in 9th grade instead of 7th. Second, she and her sister were big. Janie was already 5'6", and Lauren was an inch taller. And Trent was only an inch taller than that!

On top of this, their parents were on vacation. Again. Their parents went on vacation, on average, once per month. Except for a couple "vacations" to see family in West Palm Beach or Indiana, the children never went. Janie felt like she barely knew her parents beyond their names.

Now, here she was, on the couch, savagely bound and gagged and abandoned. She was helpless to do anything but squeal worthlessly into a gag so that her siblings, who were upstairs, could ignore her because they couldn't hear her so far away. The alternative was to escape and get revenge on her big siblings!

Escaping being tied up when you've never been tied up before wasn't exactly an easy task! But she just had to escape at all costs! Janie was a smart girl and determined to work herself out of the knots. Another thought hit her as she picked away at her imprisonment.

She actually liked this feeling. It was kind of cool being unable to move, unable to see, unable to talk, and possibly unable to escape unless Trent or Lauren helped her out. Dare she think... that this was actually a lot of fun, and that escape wasn't a top priority?

This was life for the three children though. Loving, teasing, baiting, spanking, kicking, tackling, bullying, hugging, and fighting were normal activities as everything always ended with them in good spirits. Janie knew this was just Trent's way of picking on her and that he meant no harm.

She knew was clingy at times. She had her softball teammates, Amanda and Ashley, with whom she was close, but besides that she didn't actually any friends. Her cousins were people she met only 4 or 5 times tops. So, she turned to Lauren and Trent, her two idols. They helped Janie grow spiritually, emotionally, and athletically.

It took Janie a whileto escape. She missed dinner because Lauren and Kendra blabbed through it, and Trent did homework through it. She was left alone to her own devices even as her siblings watched TV and then spanked her on the butt and went to make. Janie, though, after 3 hours of squeaking and struggling, got out of Trent's rope work.

"I'm going to get you," Janie said to herself, although she knew she had a devilish grin.

Janie took the ropes and put them in a tote bag and went up the stairs. She put the bag in the bathroom closet and went into her bedroom. She made sure she grabbed a clean sock and bandana and took them into the bathroom and added them to the bag.

"Hey, you escaped!" Lauren said to her sister.
"I did for sure!" Janie said before embarking on a Google adventure to learn how to kidnap people.

After dinner came bedtime, but before Lauren went upstairs Janie went up to Trent's room. She stopped to grab the bag and went into the bedroom. Janie was big enough to take on her big brother.

Soon enough, Janie had Trent tied up just like he had tied her: wrists, elbows, upper chest, lower chest, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. His gag was similar, although Janie skipped the bandana and used it to blindfold him instead. She hogtied him as well.

"Mmmm!" he felt Janie reach into his pocket.
"I'll take this!" Janie pulled out the $20.

Janie took a picture and sent it to her friend Amanda with a lengthy explanation about what happened.

"Your brother's hot!"
"Stop it!"
"Sorry :P"
"Anyway, I need your help..."

Janie then began to plot out for the next day's adventure... tomorrow her focus was on the 10AM home softball game.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 206: Memories LXIX - Not What They Had in Mind Part 2
Saturday, March 12, 2011

"You're a happy camper!" Lauren greeted her sister the next morning.
"I sure am!" Janie stopped humming for the moment.
"Where's Trent?"
"Sleeping in, last I checked."
"Is he for real?"
"Yes! He even locked his door like usual."
"Wants to die by fire or something."
"Always. Lauren, that was a good prank you played on me."
"Was it?"
"I actually... liked it. We have a little time, maybe you could tie me up?"
"With what?"
"I don't know. Bandanas?"
"Nah, let's not get silly, Janie."
"I'm serious. I was... more fun than playing a video game! It was so cool!"
"Quit lying, kid. You have an overactive imagination as it is. Don't get weird on me now."
"Eat your breakfast, or buzz off. I have no patience for lies, especially from you."
"All right."

Janie continued making plans with Amanda. Amanda was Janie's best friend in spite of the age gap and would do anything that seemed fun or reasonable as long as it wasn't illegal. It was time to get ready for a softball game. Before they left, Janie untied Trent's wrists, which were still fastened after 12 hours.

Today was a home yellow game. This meant yellow shirts, yellow socks, green shoes, and green pants. Janie (Lauren) had a green (yellow) scrunchie, yellow (green) hair ribbon, green (yellow) headband, and yellow (green) eye black. They were playing their usual positions of shortstop and catcher, respectively.

With that, they got their bags and climbed into the Jeep. Lauren's Jeep was a marvel of survival with its decrepit bodywork yet solid frame and engine. It was a moving machine at least.

"Coming to bat now is... *ahem*... Lauren... er, Janie Patterson."

Janie glared at the announcer's booth. It was fun to play jokes like this on the announcer. To make it better, Lauren wore #21, and Janie wore #12. Such little pranks made softball more fun than usual. Having her best friend from elementary school on the team courtesy Ashley made things even better, although Ashley was their regular pitcher. Amanda played first base, which meant Amanda was always Janie's "receiver," "better half," "first person," and whatever other rude jokes people could concoct.

Softball was a life, though. The camaraderie, the traveling, the friendships and rivalries. Heck, sometimes heckling with another teams player would lead to a new friendship too. But it was all too much for a 12 year-old to handle, something Janie would understand many years later.

"Strike 1 to Amanda Sandoval. Runner on 2nd here in the bottom of the 6th. Tied at 2-2 with one out here. Here comes the next pitch to Sandoval. She looks at it for a ball."

Janie, the runner on 2nd, looked at her friend and winked and made a thumbs up.

"Here's the pitch, Sandoval winds up, but the ball's outside. Patterson takes off for third and is... safe! Third stolen base of the season for the freshman! Janie Patterson, 12-years old and already regarded as one of America's fastest rising softball players. Here comes the next pitch, and Sandoval swings. Contact! That ball's going to bounce into right field and end the game. Patterson comes home as the Athletics win this one 3-2 on a walk-off single from Amanda Sandoval!"
"Way to go girl!" the teammates dumped Gatorade on Amanda.
"You're a crazy girl, Janie!" said some teammates.
"This team rocks!"

Soon, three sweaty, muddy, and tired girls were on their way home from a softball double-header in 90 degree heat. It was only a 5 minute car ride from field to home, so the AC didn't work at all. Janie had told Amanda to just "follow her lead." Now in the car, it could be seen that Amanda had dressed and adorned herself as a perfect match for Lauren except that her hair wasn't braided.

"Janie, that was nuts, nuts, nuts. A 12 year old girl might have the biggest b@||$ in the entire school."
"Lauren, I signaled to the coach, and she gave me the green light. We had noticed how lazy the catcher had been on other such opportunities, so I figured it was worth a shot."
"There'll be a lot of angry people!"
"Why, because we've won 15 straight?"
"Something like that. Of course, my better half here did perfect to convert that double play."
"Ashley was choking bad in that inning. But it took a perfect throw from J.P. here as well."
"Nah, your catch was epic. Artistic even."
"More like autistic!"
"Only you two are so humble as to start insulting yourselves to make your friend feel better about herself!"
"I have a whale of a time planned for you!"
"Oh, really, Miss Janie Patterson a.k.a. J.P. a.k.a. Amanda's Better Half?"
"Do I ever! Just you watch out, Lauren! We'll strike when you least expect it!"
"Sounds like someone wants to go in the pool this afternoon!"
"I'm glad I brought my bathing suit and a change of clothes!"
"You should be! It'll be so much fun!"

Once the trio had returned, no one actually ran straight to the shower. Instead all three grabbed a protein bar as Lauren said to Amanda "Our home is yours." Lauren sat at the kitchen table and started checking her phone. Janie went upstairs to gather the rope, tape, and a couple bandanas and met Amanda in the living room, where Janie gave Amanda a quiet demonstration on how to tie up and gag someone for when they grabbed Lauren. However, it was expected that Amanda would hold Lauren down while Janie did most of the binding.

"Amanda, are you ready? You just have to hold her and keep a hand over her mouth until I have her silenced tied."
"As ready as I ever will be! I'm a bit nervous!"
"Let's go!"

Janie and Amanda walked out to where the unsuspecting Lauren sat. Amanda poised herself while Janie reading two pieces of rope. Lauren had just finished her protein bar and was taking a glug of water. As soon as she was done, Amanda grabbed her and hand gagged her.

"HMPH!?" Lauren squealed as she was held against the chair.
"Here we go!" Janie said as she tied Lauren's wrists and then used the excess to secure her flailing arms to the chair back.
"Move faster!"
"MMMMMM! What the hell?!" Lauren let out before Amanda clamped her hand back down.
"Gag her or something!"
"With what?!"
"Jam her headband in her mouth!"
"What the hell is wrong with you two?!" Lauren shrieked as her headband was pulled off and jammed in.
"Now," Janie finished tying Lauren's and fastening them to the chair leg with the excess, "Use a bandana to hold it."
"OK! Just like in the movies!"
"Exactly! Only we want it tight to make sure she's shut up!"

Amanda used the provided white bandana to cleave gag Lauren while Janie moved on to binding Lauren's elbows. Lauren was absolutely freaking out, and Janie thought she might have a stroke over it.

"Now what?"
"Take some of this duct tape and wrap it around her head. Just don't get the braid."
"How many times?"
"I dunno? 10-15?"
"How about 12 for your uniform number?"
"All right!" Janie said as she fastened the excess on that, too, to the chair.
"Stop it!"
"Now, take the other bandana and blindfold her!"
"OK!" Amanda said as she grabbed the green bandana and folded it.
"NMMMMM!" Lauren felt her thighs get bound.
"Man this is fun!" Janie laughed.
"In a way it is!"
"Take that ropes and fasten her below her boobs."
"Yes, chief!" Amanda imitated what Janie had shown her.
"Nice and secure!"
"Yes, she is!"
"Now let's get above her boobs! I have her waist."
"All right!"
"Almost there!"
"Yes, we are! She can barely move!"
"What have we done?" Janie asked in a concerned tone.
"I don't know."

Lauren had no idea what had happened to these two. Revenge for yesterday didn't even cross her mind. All she knew was that she was muddy, sweaty, and now bound and gagged against her will. She screamed her protests into the gag, and soon she began crying.

A dreadful thought crossed Lauren's mind: were they planning to harm her?
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Yes, a name change was in order as it's really about the Cool Girls' Club members, even when they're in non-TUG situations. But the theme of loving each other will never die. :)
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 207: Memories LXX - Not What They Had in Mind Part 3
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lauren quietly sobbed into her gag and wished she had been a better big sister. Janie finally had turned on her after all these. She didn't know if she'd be left there, drowned the pool or the tub for her parents to find, or maybe mutilated. Either way it seemed like something bad was coming.

"Are you crying, sis?"
"Nmmm!" Lauren denied it.
"Oh, let's see," Janie peaked under the blindfold, "Yes, you are!"
"Lauren, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here for some playful revenge! For yesterday! Don't you understand?"
"Nuh uh!" Lauren shook her head.
"Silly, last night I tied up Trent for what he did, and I even stole the $20 from him!"
"And now I tied you up too. Come on... why am I the only one having fun with this?"
"Come on! Lauren! You're not a captive of anger. You're Janie's prisoner of love!" Amanda smiled.
"Amanda, maybe you could use that tape and tie me up?"
"Tell me what to do!"
"Then Lauren and I can be having fun as prisoners... together!"
"All right! Crazy girl!"

Janie instructed Amanda on how to just tape her. It was simple with just her ankles, thighs, wrists, waist, and above her breasts being tape. Then Janie got to eat her own headband and have it secured with 12 layers of duct tape.

Lauren looked at how happy Janie was. She was realizing now that Janie wasn't offended at all and really was just playing a brand new game with her. It was a special new game to say the least. Perhaps there was something to this business of being tied up after all. It was a new challenge and a new way to say "I love you" for these kids.

"What on earth?" Trent asked as he walked in.
"They're having fun, hot stuff," Amanda said to him.
"Hot stuff?"
"Yeah. You. I saw you tied up."
"Well," he blushed, "It was kind of fun."

That day, the Patterson siblings discovered a new game to share, and all their hearts grew a little closer too. That day was also the beginning of the journey that would lead Trent and Amanda to eventually someday become husband and wife.

Saturday, February 4, 2018

Janie cried her eyes out. She couldn't believe how much she had done for all of her friends. How could she have let herself reach a point where suicide had seemed the only way out when she made such an amazing and positive impact in the lives of these girls.

"Janie, do you see now just how much we care?" Joyce asked her.
"Uh huh!" the girl, still gagged as her friends and sister all spoke, nodded.
"You've had a very, very busy day. Let's all get out of here," Lauren suggested.
"Nnnnn ooh ith!"
"I'll stay then."

With that, Sera, Bridget, and Joyce went back to their dorm. This left the four residents with Nichole, Caleigh and Lauren, who removed Janie's gag. The former was staying more for Jenny.

"Janie, I love you so much. The thought of a world without you... No matter what you need, one of us will help you as best we can."
"Thanks, sis. You can go now. I just wanted to say... I love you... and I'm sorry for everything."
"Good night, Janie," Lauren hugged her.
"See you tomorrow, kid," Caleigh did the same.
"Good night, girls!"

As soon as Lauren was gone, Janie started crying again. This time was different though.

"I don't deserve to be her sister. Not after what I did to her."
"Did to her when?" Jenny asked.
"I mutilated her... she almost died."
"Oh, that tale."
"That summer she was so overbearing... telling me what I could and couldn't too. Monitoring me. Bossing me. Imprisoning me for punishment. I finally snapped. I beat the living $#i+ out of her. I'll never forget decking her and then... and then punching and kicking her like that," Janie wept.
"You remember my big fight... the one with Nichole?"
"I remember!" Nichole said ironically.
"I do."
"What fight with Nichole?" Hannah asked.
"If I'm to tell you," Nichole smirked, "You have to be tied up first."
"OK, OK, that's not too much to ask for! I'll get my pajamas on."

Hannah changed into simple pajamas: blue trainers and a tank-top. Then Nichole went to work binding Hannah's ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. No gag was needed as Nichole sat back down.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I can't forget that day. Every day there was equally forgettable and unforgettable. It was such a hell that my mind is seared so that I never do the same to Chris or my own children some day, and it's blotted because the horrors were so real.

I never told Jenny. My sister was clueless for 14 years. We went through kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school together, and I was just living a big fat lie. The only people that knew were Jenny's parents, who did so much to help me, and, albeit without me knowing, Joy's mother.

It was another one of those moments. The day before, my brother had insulted me, and I shoved him. You'd have thought I'd have learned by then. But the beating that followed was unlike any other even though it wasn't severe. I was used to being belted, spanked, arms or boobs twisted. This time I realized something though.

I hated my family with a passion that cannot be described. Worse was realizing the feeling was mutual.

The next afternoon was another such moment. One brother "accidentally" tripped me, and this time I punched him in the chest back. This time I found myself punched and kicked. My mind was made up.

I went into my almost empty bedroom. I had a bureau, but I didn't use it. I kept all of my stuff in a big locked suitcase, my back pack, and two tote bags. Everything fit in those... college books, notebooks, calculators, all that... and all the clothes I owned in the world. I kept one tote bag, the TUG bag, in the suitcase because my brothers once found the stuff and badly attempted to tie me up with it.

Today, I was leaving forever. I cleaned out everything and kicked the mattress on the floor. I had no bed... my little brother outgrew his bed, so my bed was taken and given to him. The sheets had holes because it was my big sister's old bed and they were now over 10 years, mostly spent on the floor like that. I filled the bags and stopped and looked at the bathroom mirror on my way by... my face had a big bruise on it.

That day, I stepped out the door of that house forever. I loaded my bags into the car I had bought with my own money by riding a bicycle into town with Joy every day for 2 years. I flipped off the house and drove to Joy's house because I couldn't bring myself to tell Jenny. I walked up to the door with tears streaming down my face and knocked on the door.

"Nichole?! What's wrong? Get in here!"
"Joy, I had to do it... I had to leave!"
"Leave where?"
"My house."
"What? Nichole, what happened to your face, you poor thing?!"
"Joy... I can't tell you without telling Jenny."
"All right... why'd you come here?"
"Because I'm so freaking scared!"
"What is happening here?" Zoe asked as she walked into the room.
"Zoe, could you call Jenny and ask her to come over. It's important but not life-or-death."
"Sure thing. I can see something's wrong."

When Jenny came over, I had to admit the truth to her. You know the one thing, only because of my grandparents, my parents let me have was piano lessons. Why I don't know. But I can play a little of everything: classical, jazz, I'm not so good with rock... I was wailing on Joy's electronic piano, which her mother and father play, when Jenny arrived. I poured my soul into that son of a b!+c#. Then, once I had calmed down, I looked at my friends.

"Girls, it's time I... tell you the truth."
"Nichole, what happened to you?! You look like...," Jenny was crying, "What happened?!"
"Jenny, I've never admitted this, but my parents abuse me. They and my brothers beat me, yell at me, neglect me... all the time."

I never will forget the night I gave my father lip at the table during dinner, so he told me to go to bed without any dinner. I took a bowlful of the food and then walked away. He grabbed the plate and smashed it off my back and leg. He taught me that anything can be used to hurt someone but to never attacked the hands, neck, or head because those wounds cannot be hidden.

"They beat the living $#!+ out of me all the time... I can't take it anymore. Jenny, help me!"
"Nichole, I had no idea! Why didn't you say anything to me?!"
"Your parents have known for over 10 years. I just never told you. I knew it'd break your heart."
"My beloved sister! You poor thing. I never knew you were suffering so much!"

That was the day Jenny and I realized that we, in a way, really were sisters. It wasn't just a term of endearment anymore. We really did love each other like two sisters, like Janie and Lauren or like Joy and Zoe.

That day and the next, a lot of things happened. Joy's parents set me up to sleep in Joy's room. Jenny's parents got me on their cell phone plan. Most importantly, I began the difficult but necessary process of disowning my parents for legal purposes. It was a step of no return. With it came a new war though.

After years of suffering and keeping it internalized, I suffered a total nervous breakdown that would see me spend the next 15 months fight to end my self-harm. I cut myself. With knives and the like. I had first started in middle school. Now was worse. I was so stressed out... so scared they'd attack Joy or Jenny. I felt like my life had fallen apart and that my life was now worthless. I treated myself as worthless. I'd go a couple without eating until Joy or her mother would threaten to force feed me... I slashed my arms and wrists... It became my coping mechanism.

That is what caused the big fight with Jenny just some months later...
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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