The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by Mineira1986 »

Well described chapter, specially the rescuing and untying of the captives. You took your time to describe each detail and the result was very good.

This comes as a personal preference of mine, but I was hoping for a more, big emotional response from Anna. We've been told several times that she's an emotional person, but so far it hasn't been shown (sure, she's had her emotional moments, but nothing that stands out from other characters), so I feel like this should have been the time for her to outburst.

Overall, nice chapter. The rescue was expected, specially at this point of the story, but expected doesn't mean bad. I'm more than sure that the surprises will come at their proper time.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Another great instalment on this what will no doubt become a saga!

There was something familiar about it though......can't put my finger on it at the moment.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 2 years ago Another great instalment on this what will no doubt become a saga!

There was something familiar about it though......can't put my finger on it at the moment.
I had the same feeling - there was something familar I could not place [mention]mrjones2009[/mention], no idea what it as ... I have no idea, why Chris used the phrase
as duress word .... strange indeed. But more important what will happen now? Hiram Al Mansur has been kidnapped ... the question is, what will Chris and her friends do about it? The next update due on Saturday will give some answers :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention]

The next Morning, around 0900 Hours:

Chris eyed her face critically in the mirror – and sighed: Deep dark shadows under her eyes, pale skin: The deep indentations of the cleave gag and the red marks of the neck corset had receded somewhat, but those, the cleave had left, were still clearly visible, and the rest of her body was still adorned by the circular red marks from under her shoulders, down to her toes.

The long hot shower had definitely helped to relax her still aching body. When she returned in her guestroom she discovered, that someone had taken care to provide her with comfortable casual clothing.

Chris made a few Tai Chi exercises and winced several times, Sensei Nakamura would have scolded her because of her sloppy performance – but that was the best she could do right now.

The blonde dressed quickly and tapped on her stockinged feet into the living room, where the others already waited but there was another familiar face as well, someone she had not expected to show her face: The Dark Lady, who could not hide a little smile as she watched Chris´ anything but graceful movements.

Kate, who had registered Chris´ raised eyebrows, ventured “I thought, Sarah´s expertise might be of help”

“I know” Chris nodded with a tired smile “ “I was just surprised – good thinking though – but before we are talking shop I need some breakfast”

She scrutinized Anna, who had obviously had her first coffee and a large helping of scrambled eggs already, and was totally concentrated helping herself to another portion of scrambled eggs. And on second thought? Anna was not only concentrated, but sulking.

As her own face Anna´s bore the marks of the brutal gag still, the dark smudges under her eyes were barely concealed by make-up – and Chris sensed the anger of her friend still lurking under the surface, like a crocodile lying in wait for its prey, ready to pounce. The way their Nemesis had treated especially Anna did not sit well with her friend. The pianist thought it best to leave her space.

The blonde turned to Rachel “How is Tabea coping? I imagine yesterday must have been quite a shook. We are more or less used to such situations, but she ….?”

“She told me, that she is well” the Heiress returned “but I will have a look at her later” Kirsty added “you should keeping an eye on her, she had been in shock yesterday – and maybe she will need someone to talk to” Rachel nodded thoughtfully “That was quite the experience yesterday”

“That´s quite the understatement, Rachel” Anna commented caustic, her temperament flaring up “My breasts still hurt and I am so tender at other places ….” “That bitch will pay for that!” the Russian fumed and continued to swear in Russian. Anna´s choice of words was colourful to say the least: “Hooy na ny! Zasranec! Bliad’! Yobanaya suka! Zhopu porvu margala vikoliu! ndanahway suka bluut!”

Rachel´s cheeks turned red, she spoke the language fluently, since she had studied Russian literature and even been for a term in Sankt Petersburg. Obviously Anna was oblivious to the fact that someone understood her.

Rachel cleared her throat and Anna looked up, and after a look at Rachel realizing that the latter had understood every word – now it was Anna´s turn to blush

“You understood me Rachel?” the Russian looked aghast “Every word, I studied one term in St. Petersburg you know” the heiress smiled sweetly and Anna´s cheeks turned even redder “That was not fair!” she scolded the Heiress “Who said I am fair?” Weinstein could clearly not hide her amusement “but I had forgotten how perfect Tolstoy’s language is for swearing!”

Chris had followed the Scene attentively, more than a little bit amused but concentrated on her breakfast and needed all of her considerable discipline not to laugh out loud.

“Don´t you dare to laugh at me!” Anna wagged a finger at her.

“Me? Never?” Chris replied keeping a perfectly straight face.

Several cups of green Tea later and after a rich continental breakfast she felt ready for the day “So, Kate, any News by the NYPD?”

“No” the Detective replied “They are in Process of obtaining a search warrant for the Penthouse Al Mansur owns here in Manhattan, but so far not a trace of him” she added “if you ask me he has already spirited out of the country, but that is just a guess”

Chris nodded thoughtfully, it sounded plausible to her.

It was Anna who posed the next Question “Where does Al Mansur live when he is not in Manhattan?” “Interesting, obviously Anna has stopped sulking and she call´s him Al Mansur – not Hiram anymore” Chris mused

“He owns a large estate in the Indian Head Wilderness. Very secluded” Weinstein offered “But I have never been there, what I do know though, Hiram´s vast collection of Egyptian art is also located there.

“How far is it from here?” Chris wanted to know “A little over 100 Miles” Rachel shrugged “Not very far from Woodstock” she added “Somewhere near a place named “Shady Knoll”

“Woodstock?” Anna snorted derisively “Somehow I see Al Mansur not as the “make love not war kind of guy”

“So, didn´t you?” Kate teased her “Yesterday you seemed not entirely immune to his charms Anna”

“Well …..” Anna blushed slightly “That was before ….” She muttered defensively.

Chris interrupted the banter:

“I don´t know what you think Girls, but why don´t we pay this estate a visit? It would be the logical point to begin a search”

“Didn´t the police do that already Kate?” Hayley interrupted

“As far as I know, they didn´t so far – at the moment the Police is assuming a kidnapping, but I have been told that the judge denied a warrant for the Estate” the Investigator answered

“Then it is settled then” Anna concluded, obviously warming up to the idea “We pay the estate a visit”

“Not so fast Anna” Chris cut in - again. “This needs careful planning. We need intel we need lodgings we need equipment. We won´t do this in a rush” The Pianist´s tone brokered no argument, a little softer she added “I have no need to end up tightly tied and gagged and tormented again soon.”

“Don´t you?” the Black Lady teased her, who had been followed the conversation in silence so far.

“I rephrase: involuntarily tied and gagged and tormented” And this time Chris smiled too.

She turned to Rachel Weinstein again:

“How well do you know Hiram al Mansur anyway?” “Well” the heiress explained “We are both benefactors of the Metropolitan. That was how we got acquainted in the first place–and over the years we became Friends - sort of” she added.

She paused for a Moment “But I don´t know him that well – he was kind enough though, when I asked him, if you could use his Spa at the Red Sea – he was very generous: That we could spend two weeks there was his idea – and he practically insisted on covering all expenses – he wanted to know all about you – especially you Anna”

And to everybody´s surprise the Russian blushed and muttered something …. “That´s explain his interest in you yesterday” Kate teased her friend “Believe or not Kate, I have no desire to see him again soon we got dragged into this because of him!” Anna quipped.

Chris interrupted “Kate, do you think Esposito and Ryan could do a thorough background check of him? I will let Sybil do the same”

“Will do” the investigator said and took her phone and left the room.

“Anna and I will go into town to purchase some things we might need; Kirsty and Hayley drive back to the office and bring the necessary equipment – the armoury is well stocked I heard. Kate and Sarah will organise lodgings and logistics.”

Chris stood and winced slightly “Okay then let us get ready to depart in …” she looked at her watch “in four hours”

“How will you get into the estate, Chris?” Rachel asked “Do you have the keys?” “No, but we have a thirst class thief in our midst” came the swift reply

Anna added grimly “The next time we will meet that Anck-Sun-Amun-Bitch I will nail her Ass to the wall!”

“You do that” Chris agreed “but we have to find her first”

“I will turn every stone, till I have found the one she is hiding under!” Anna announced

“Somehow I doubt that Bitch will go into hiding” Chris remarked dryly and turned to her friends

“So Girls, get ready, we have things to do!”

Late Afternoon: Shady, in the Vicinity of Woodstock, not far from the Indian Head Wilderness



Indian Head Wilderness, near Woodstock in the State of New York

“This is really in the middle of nowhere and it reminds me of Russia somehow” Anna stated as she took a look around. Their House was surrounded by woods and hills, covered in snow, as far as the eye could see.

“That was the idea” Kate explained “We were lucky to get this lodgings on such a short notice, and for our purposes it is perfect:

The estate of Hiram al Mansur is only three miles away in another secluded valley and Sarah has already found a spot, from which we can observe the complete estate quite well – without being seen.”

Anna nodded – but her thoughts wandered back to yesterday, the way the Egyptian had had it in for her from the very start … and she wondered why Al Mansur had obviously developed an interest in her before they even had met in person, that complement he had made her:

“My dear Anna, you would have been the crown jewel at Pharaoh´s court, you remind me very much of Queen Nefertari – at my court you would be my great royal wife”

Back then she had felt flattered, in hindsight though it sounded somewhat hollow – and especially the last part had a strange ring to it” “Pharaoh? Great Royal Wife?” she snorted.

“What is it?” Kate had watched her curiously “Nothing” Anna demurred a little too quick in Kate´s opinion “I was just thinking about yesterday”

The detective sensed that there was more to it, but she wouldn´t press the Russian – for now.

The drive up from Manhattan with two SUV´s had been uneventful. Hayley and Kirsty had done the driving, while the others had used the time for nap. Their destination had been Shady, a small hamlet not far from Woodstock after they had made the necessary preparations.

Their lodgings were pretty secluded. Besides a large patio it had four bedrooms and four separate bathrooms, and a well-stocked pantry. The owner had been in fact thankful to rent the house around this time of year. It´s prominent feature was a large wooden dome, which was the main building.

Since darkness was already setting in, Sarah had proposed that they would recon in the very early morning, which meant that Rachel Weinstein and Tabea Walker would hold the fort, while the others would go on a hike in the Woods to the observation point, which the Dark Lady had chosen.

One of the first things after their arrival had been to check the area around the house thoroughly and to improve the security measures, even if Kate had considered it fairly unlikely that trouble was imminent, but one could never be too careful – especially after yesterday´s events. Their rope marks still had not faded completely. The pleasure their captor had taken in restraining them that way, told a lot about Anck-Sun-Amun - and nothing good.

The evening today they would spend with analysing the Intel, they had gathered so far about Al Mansur and his estate and getting some rest.

Their search for the elusive Anck-Sun-Amun had been a bust so far, much to Anna´s chagrin. The woman seemed simply to be a ghost. At least Sybil at HQ in Hamburg and Esposito and Ryan in New York had been successful in compiling a very detailed dossier, which shed some light on Al Mansur´s business dealings, finances and such.

Thanks to Sarah´s extensive database about security systems and possible targets they had a fairly good knowledge about the security measures on the estate and in the mansion itself.

Getting inside, if necessary, would pose no problem, the thief had explained. Gaining access to the collection might be a bit trickier but the Canadian had assured them, that she would be able to handle that too.

Outside on the Patio Chris enjoyed the cool fresh mountain air and gazed into the distance, deep in thought. When she and Anna had planned this trip they had not anticipated that they would find themselves so soon entangled into another mystery – after they had taken down von Winterfeldt. And now history seemed to repeat itself. Once more they were in a secluded valley in the Mountains, one more tracking down a villain.

“50 cents for your thoughts Chris” she heard Anna´s Voice behind her – she turned around and Anna regarded her with a long knowing look “It is strange isn´t it?” Chris nodded, it was as if the Russian had read her mind, but on the other hand there were few people who knew her better than the violinist, they had shared so much since their studies at the Vienna conservatory. Chris knew that Anna would risk her live for her as she would for Anna.

“I really did not expect that we would skulk around in the woods in the winter, when we planned this Trip across the Atlantic” Chris conceded “But here we are again”

Anna changed the subject “How do you think Tabea is coping with last evening?” “She seems shaken” Chris stated “Who wouldn´t after such an ordeal …” her voice trailed away. “Let us go inside” she continued and shuddered a bit.

The two friends left the patio – and went inside.
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

Of course I loved the read - but what an awesome picture!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago Of course I loved the read - but what an awesome picture!
Thanks :) When I wrote this Chapter I searched for a location not too far from New York but remote and suited to imagine a secluded estate there - and I found it funny to go near the historical Woodstock - so the Indian Head Widlerness seemed perfect :)
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice continuation. It seems like the squad continued in their old style. Only, revenge is still far away.
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Post by slackywacky »

Interesting chapter (you will know why when you read my PM)

Only thing standing out to me was the interest in how Tabea was doing. Anna brought it up more than once.
Great story so far.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mineira1986 »

Good chapter! It's always nice to see the aftermath of a big event like the girls experimented the previous night. Also good to see Anna is still angry. That's kind of what I was expecting: Anna needs to be shown as emotional, not just told. The Russian swearing was a very nice touch.

Additionally, there is lots of mystery around the new villain. This is a very welcomed change from your first story, when we had little paragraphs about the man in the high castle. But now the characters are in the dark and so are the readers.

Now, I know the plot needs to move forward, but it seems it's driving most of the characters, when I think it should be the other way around. In the first story, Christine was tasked by Rachel Weinstein to retrieve her collection. Von Winterfeldt appeared in the way and the first assault on the girls (thank, Dark Lady) was with Christine as a main target. It was way more natural back then.

In this case, they've been collateral damage to Al-Mansur's kidnapping. We know the girls are good, Ank-Sun-Amun is evil, but that seems to be the only reason they are now trying to hunt her, from the readers' perspective. In a more realistic way, they are only doing this to get back at her, when it should be the police the ones in charge of looking for them. Al-Mansur flirted with Anna and is an acquaintance to one of the other girls. That doesn't seem enough of a reason to chase the villain like a group of vigilantes (specially having an NYPD captain, who strangely keeps behaving like she doesn't belong to the police).
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Post by GreyLord »

First, I must second [mention]Nainur[/mention]. That is, indeed, an awesome picture. You have painted a good scene of the team recovering from their ordeal at Weinstein's dinner. And [mention]slackywacky[/mention] is also correct, the mentioning of Tabea does hint at something, possibly foreshadowing. I am sure that we will all see in your good time, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Thank you for your work.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago That doesn't seem enough of a reason to chase the villain like a group of vigilantes (specially having an NYPD captain, who strangely keeps behaving like she doesn't belong to the police).
First, thank you all for your commentaries!


You have a point here - well I know, that Kate´s behaviour ist not that of a typical police officer :) But at times, especailly when it came to hunting down the people behind the murder of her mother Kate was more than willing to bend the rules a bit ;) That this scenario all in all is not entirely realistic is correct - but that was and is a risk I´m willing to take, for the stories sake.

As for the Girl´s motivation to go after Anck-Sun-Amun, we will learn more in the next update, which is scheduled for tomorrow, but it is possible that there will be delay :)

[mention]slackywacky[/mention] and [mention]GreyLord[/mention]: There is indeed a reason for the mentioning of Tabea, which will become clearer, later.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention]

Same Location shortly after Sunrise the next morning:

Hayley had a Déjà vu of sorts, as she looked around: “Here we are again, checking our gear again, controlling our Weapons again” she looked around “It surely looks like the others have similar thoughts”

Again Sarah and Chris took the lead as they ventured into the woods, again Anna and Kate brought up the rear “The only one missing is Sophie” the American mused as she followed Kirsty, minding her step. The other notable difference was this time they were clad in winter gear to blend in better with the surroundings.

Rachel Weinstein stifled a yawn as she watched the recon party leaving, and soon blending in with the woods. This was the first time she saw Chris and her friends getting ready for action. All had acted calm and collected, and poised to strike.

Watching the contrast had been … interesting: Three days ago Chris and Anna had concerted at Carnegie Hall, now they were chasing villains in the Wilderness of northern New York, dressed in combat gear, carrying their weapons with the same confidence and ease they had displayed on stage.

The pianist carried her daisho across her back, Anna her sniper rifle. Rachel had known that Chris wielded the katana, but seeing her with the weapon was something different. Anna had told her a while ago about the story behind the weapon, why Chris´ Sensei Nakamura had presented Chris with the invaluable blades, which had been made by one of the most legendary sword smiths of Nippon.

What had Anna told her about the history of the swords?

“This daisho is 500 years old. It was made by the famous Senga Murasama and passed down from father to son, through the centuries. Nakamura San presented Chris with these swords, since there was no living heir left and he considered Chris worthy to carry those swords.”

The heiress knew not much about the way of bushido, or kenjitsu but that much she knew: These blades were invaluable. Their material worth was immense: any collector would have given his right hand for them; their sentimental value was immeasurable.

Rachel returned to the present:

She had decided to let Tabea getting some sleep. During the night her PA had obviously had some nightmares she had trashed around in sleep and screamed at some point.

The heiress had been able to calm her down and in the end Tabea had fallen into a deep sleep, difficult to tell though how the brutal attack of Anck-Sun-Amun and her people had touched her. Subconsciously she rubbed her wrists, where still faded marks of the ropes could be seen.

Rachel went inside and helped herself to a pot of strong coffee: “What will they find? Will they find anything?”

Her thoughts wandered back to a conversation she had had with Chris before they left for the Wilderness yesterday “Why do you do this Chris?” “What do you mean?” the blonde had returned “Looking after a man you barely know, don´t get me wrong, what I mean: you have no obligation to do this, you could leave this very well to the police, don´t you?”

The pianist had paused for a moment before she replied “No, we have no obligation to go after Al Mansur save the fact that we owe that Egyptian, right but here´s the thing Rachel:

We, as Anna, I and the others do not believe that this is just simple kidnapping, my guts tell me: there is more to that than meets the eye and we want to know, what´s behind all this. Call it professional curiosity.

And what is more: Kate told us, the NYPD is not taking this case seriously in her opinion, or more precisely they are encouraged to do so. For some reason they seem not interested or feel obligated to conduct a thorough investigation – so I say: It is up to us. Possible, that someone with much influence is pulling strings.

If that is the case, we have another reason to investigate. I´ll find it very disturbing that the authorities do not search the estate – it would be the logical thing to do, but they don´t.

How shall I put it, Rachel?

If we find nothing at Al Mansur´s estate I rest my case, and well leave it at that, but if we find something we will follow the trail – and wherever it leads us” Chris had spoken not loudly or raised her voice, but clear and firm, with a calm authority.

In the Wilderness:

Sarah had taken the lead with Chris following right behind her. The air was cool; the scents of pine and other trees filled the air with their tangy scent. The party followed a small trail, which lead upwards in narrow serpentines. After an hour they reached a small knoll, from there they had a good overview over the valley, in its centre the estate of Al Mansur.

Kate scanned the grounds down below with her glasses. In its centre a three winged complex, which reminded her very much of a southern plantation like “Oak Valley” in Louisiana. She had been there with Castle once. An alley of large live oak trees lead to the plantation building, probably 300 Metres long.

As soon as they had taken up position, the Dark Lady had opened the box she had carried on her back and made the drone ready. Skillfully she had directed it over the estate “The place seems deserted” she stated “Curious”

One hour later:

They had observed the complex for over an hour now. It seemed indeed deserted, inhabited, which seemed strange to Kate.

“What now?” She asked in her mike. “We wait still for 30 Minutes longer, then we enter” Chris replied calmly.

“Something is off here” Sarah mused and produced a tool, which looked like some sort of scanner. The thief scanned the compound, the enclosure and the mansion itself. She checked the readings, once, twice and a third time, frowning.

“This is odd” The Dark Lady stated “What is it?” Chris asked curiously “There are no active emissions of any sort” “That means?” Anna asked intrigued “That means at least that there are no active sensors: Electromagnetic radiation, UV, IR, laser …and that is highly unusual. The heating seems to be on though, but that´s it – and no signs of human live inside”

“There could be passive sensors” Kate added “Of course” the Dark Lady agreed “But my guts tell me, they are off too”

Chris made a decision “We will still wait another 30 minutes – and then go in”

Kate scanned the wall encircling the estate “I think the cameras are not working too” The thief took her own glasses, did a quick scan then nodded “It seems that way”

The time passed slowly. Nothing had happened in the last 30 minutes. “Okay then” Chris stated “We go in – through the front door”

30 Minutes later they stood in front of the large entrance gates. “Shall we climb over them?” Anna looked dubiously at the sharp spikes on the top of the gate wings. “That won´t be necessary” The Dark Lady produced some tools and began to work at the com-pad at the right gate post.

“It is always a pleasure to see a true master at work” Anna quipped. The thief shot her a dirty look “You know Anna, I am a master at many things”

“Be nice children!” Chris chided them

The Russian and the Canadian shared a look – then laughed “Yes Mother Superior”

Hayley, Kirsty, Kate and Chris had formed a semi-circle around Anna and McKenzie and were scanning the area for any suspicious movements. But only the sounds of the woods disturbed the silence.

A soft click could be heard and the gates swung wide open. Carefully and fully alert they entered the compound and followed the alley which leaded to the main building. An eerie silence hung in the Air.

The alley was flanked by old Oak Tree´s which seemed to be as old as the house. There was no sign that their entry had alarmed anybody.

“It looks like a piece of the Old South planted right in the middle of nowhere in northern New York, Kate thought aloud to nobody in particular.

“Indeed it is” Hayley offered “I looked the history of the place up: “It was built by a Southerner in the Reconstruction Era after the Civil War. For some reason he ended up here in the far North and wanted to recreate some piece of home – Al Mansur bought the place about 15 years ago and had it renovated and rebuilt”

“Is anybody here who finds it not strange that nobody has reacted to our trespassing??” Kirsty interrupted her lover “This is most strange indeed” Anna agreed. “If somebody is in the house he or she would have shown their faces as soon as we entered”

They reached the imposing façade, which consisted of 14 Doric columns; two smaller wings flanked the main building, which were connected to the Corps de Logis by arcades. “What do we do now?” Anna asked “politely knocking at the door?” as they stood before the large vaulted white double winged door.

“Nope” the thief smiled “we press the doorbell” and pointed to a rectangular pad with a large button in its midst” The thief pressed on it. A deep melodious bell rang through the silence. One minute passed, two minutes. But nothing happened. McKenzie pressed the button a second time. No reaction.

Chris exchanged a look with the thief “It seems, your expertise comes in handy again Sarah” she smiled

“I would have never expected that you of all people ask me to break into a house” The thief grinned. “Special circumstances demand unusual methods” the Pianist shrugged “I will not make a habit out of it - can you pick the lock?” “The look I cannot pick has still to be invented” the Dark Lady graciously returned and set to work.

In the end it took the thief still five minutes till a soft click signalled that she had been successful. The thief gave the right wing a light shove – and so perfectly balanced was the door that it swung wide open, without a sound

As they crossed the threshold they stood into a large entrance hall, three stories high that ran from the front to the rear of the house. The walls betrayed the owner´s love for the Egyptian art. Drawings and pictures decorated the walls. No sound could be heard. The heating seemed to be indeed on, because the room temperature was pleasant.

“This place is huge” Hayley observed who was clearly impressed “If we search it from bottom to top we need hours – are you open for a suggestion Chris?”

“Shoot” the Pianist nodded curtly

“We shall first pay Al Mansur´s Private and Office Room´s a visit. If I recall the floor plan correctly, they are located in the main building on the first floor then we shall go for the collection, which is housed underground” Hayley proposed

“Sounds like a good plan to me” Chris agreed “any objections?” “No? Then we shall do it that way” she concluded.

“I am looking forward to have a look at the collection” the glitter in the Dark Lady´s eyes was unmistakable “You will keep your greedy paws to yourself” Chris told her off sternly, but her undertone betrayed her. The Dark Lady was the Dark Lady after all.

With Chris and the thief in the lead they walked up the imposing curved stairwell. “I feel like Gone with the Wind” Anna whispered excited at Kate. “Indeed it looks like that Scarlett o´ Hara might descend the Stairs at any moment” the Investigator returned smiling.

Finding the private study of Hiram Al Mansur posed no difficulty. A large window opened on a balcony to the Front. The Walls were covered by thousands of leather bound Volumes.

Two pieces of furniture stood out: A large and massive working desk, made from highly polished teak and a grand piano. The surface of the desk seemed empty at first sight except the exquisite bust of a Pharaoh, made from polished diorite.

It was the grand piano though which caught Chris´ attention “This is a historical Steinway” she explained, with gleaming eyes “built around 1900” – I haven´t seen such a well maintained one often.

Then something happened that anybody surprised who knew Chris not by heart. Next to all the many things she was, she was a fully-fledged musician. The pianist could simply not resist open the lid of the keyboard, she sat down, adjusted the seat and played the first bars of Schumann´s “Träumerei” out of impulse, the piano was perfectly tuned and the keyboard reacted to the lightest touch of her fingers.
Lang Lang plays “Träumerei” by Robert Schumann

Her friends followed mesmerized as the fragile melody of the German composer filled the room. When Chris had played the last note, there was silence for a moment. Schumann´s works were one of Chris´ trademarks as pianist. And the way she had played it would have brought a stone to tears.

The blonde smiled apologetically at her friends, and blushed a bit, and grinned a bit sheepishly “Sorry I could not resist” “So you are human after all” the Black Lady teased her

“Give the woman a piano and the world could go down around her and she wouldn´t even notice” Anna seconded “I guess I deserved that the blonde smiled before she became serious again “This keyboard has been tuned very lately, or it wouldn´t sound that way!”

In the meantime Kate had gone to the book shelf which covered the western Wall of the Room from top to Bottom, something seemed strange to her, but she could not place it, she took a few books out, those were real books no replica. But a few shelves looked different than the others. Those books were covered with dust. She turned to the desk made of highly polished teak:

Being ever the professional the investigator pulled a pair of latex gloves out of one the many pockets of her gear and began to examine the desk more closely, checking for any hidden compartments. The drawers were empty

She examined the bust of the Pharaoh closer. To her surprise the bust could not be lifted. She did not know why but she tried to turn the bust to the right, it moved easily, there was one soft click, she turned it to the left another click: And in the book shelf right of the desk a hidden compartment opened. The same shelves which had looked different than the others.

Curiously the others looked down on the content of the compartment “Judging by the amount of dust it has not been opened for a long time” Hayley stated. Inside laid a rectangular wooden box with hieroglyphs on it. Carefully lifted Kate lifted it out of the compartment and set it on the desk. Gently she opened the lid: She spotted a leathern container inside.

The Canadian appraised the container and the box with professional interest: “The box is antique, the container I cannot tell … McKenzie thought for a moment, while the others looked expectantly at her. At last she spoke: “We should take the chest with us and Rachel must find us an expert to analyse its content” No one argued that point - the expertise of the Canadian in such matters was undisputed but deciphering a papyrus scroll was above her pay grade. There were few people who could.

Chris nodded “sounds the most sensible thing to do”

Carefully Sarah stowed the box in her backpack. A thorough search of the study produced nothing of interest. The lasting impression was that the room had been used until recently. Kate studied the titles of the numerous volumes: “They are mostly about Ancient Egypt” the investigator stated “but we would need an expert for a profound expertise”

“Something is strange” Hayley cut in “What?” Kirsty asked her partner “Did anybody found a laptop or something?” the blonde explained. “That is peculiar indeed: No laptop, no scanner and no hard drives” Chris agreed “No electronic device at all”

“The complete estate looks like it was inhabited until very recently. Where is the staff?” Chris was lost in thought for a moment, she looked at her watch: “It is getting late, let us going down in the vaults and leave then”

The entry to the vaults was in the entrance hall on the right side. It stood out because it looked very much like one of the entrance gates of an old Egyptian temple: Black highly polished marble stairs leaded down. It was lit by small spotlights on the left and right, creating a mysterious atmosphere.

Carefully they navigated the steps in single file. With each step the air became cooler. After 20 steps they stood into a cavernous room, its walls also black marble, which were covered with exquisite reliefs and inscriptions. And they reminded the thief of those they had seen in the desert at Hurghadda last year “We should photograph them” the Canadian proposed “Good thinking” Kate agreed.

A long vast corridor, it´s walls and floor and ceiling made from large polished blocks of black marble led them to another Temple gate, whose door leaves stood slightly ajar. Again they opened after a slight touch of Anna´s palm without any noise at all.

They entered “That cannot be!” Hayley exclaimed in surprise. The vast room was empty, it´s many podiums and cabinets were empty, with one notable exception: In the centre was one cabinet that was not empty: a golden death mask very much like the one found in Tut-Anck-Amun´s tomb seemed to look at them.

“This becomes more and more mysterious” Chris stated “You do not clear out such a large room in a few hours”

“Somebody went to great lengths – not only to kidnap Al Mansur but to steal his collection also” Kate added thoughtfully.

“That somebody possesses vast resources and is highly organised, that much is for sure” Kirsty mused.

“Room full of treasure and they left this mask behind, only question is what manner of trouble is it? I want a look at it” the thief proposed, following her professional instincts and strode purposefully nearer, drawn to the beautiful piece of art.

Then it happened: she stepped on the stone plate directly before the mask, there was a soft click. The Thief froze “shit” she muttered as red lamp began to blink and a computer generated voice intoned a sequence “2.59, 2.58, 2.57 ….”

It took them a fracture of a second to realize what was happening. The countdown went on.

The Canadian got her grip first “Run” she bellowed – this place will blow up!”

Hayley hesitated “Are you sure?” “I intend not to stay and find out!” the Canadian snapped.

That broke the spell: they began to sprint through the hall, through the long floor up the 20 stairs

“0.30, 0.29, 0.28” the voice counted down

They cleared the hall, charged through the entrance door, sprinted down the stairs which led up to the entrance, trying to get away from the building as far as possible.

0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.00”

They were just 20 Metres from the building as a gigantic explosion shook the ground and threw them on the floor, a horrendous blast wave rolled above them, an even stronger explosion shook them to the ground again, splinters, earth and other things rained down on them – they were lucky though, they were not hit by any major debris.

Chris ears were ringing. She waited, for another explosion, but there came none. Carefully she stood up. Her pulse was still racing, she turned around: The beautiful plantation had vanished. What was left was a smouldering ruin, smoke and flames raged in the ruins.

“I´ll be damned” she heard the voice of the Canadian behind her, the others had gotten to her feet too. “That was close” Anna stated “Yep” Kirsty nodded, “someone spared no effort to destroy all evidence” the Briton stated dryly - Chris looked from one to another: They all looked a bit worse for wear, shaken – but most importantly: nobody was hurt.

The pianist pulled herself together: “Let's get out of here I have no intention to be here, when the authorities arrive on scene. Is everybody okay?” She looked from one to another a second time, they all nodded, shaken but unhurt “Let' get moving then.”

“What a shame” the thief muttered as she followed Chris who had taken the lead “This death mask was beautiful”

They walked on in a brisk tempo in silence.

One hour later they were back at their quarters, where Rachel and Tabea Walker already awaited them anxiously ”What happened, tell me? We heard an explosion in the distance!“ the heiress pressed them, agitatedly.

“Well” Anna fumed “Nothing special, Rachel. Someone wanted us to blow to us pieces, we found an old scroll only 48 hours after someone threatened to kill us, tortured us, slapped me on my butt and mistreated my poor tits” and added “So nothing out of the ordinary, don´t you think?”

Weinstein starred at them in shock and was obviously lost for words after this outburst

“Someone wanted what?”

“Blow us to pieces” Chris confirmed, calmer than Anna, but clearly not amused “Al Mansur´s estate is gone”

“Did you find something – or anybody?” Rachel inquired further “Look Rachel” Chris sighed “We had just a brush with death - let us have a shower and change and then we talk, okay?”

The blonde´s tone made it clear, that this was no request but a statement – and the heiress was wise enough not to press the point any further.

One hour later:

“To sum it up: Hiram al Mansur has been kidnapped, his Collection has vanished as if it has never existed, his estate is destroyed and all we got in return might be a sealed papyrus scroll” Chris concluded her report.

Rachel Weinstein nodded, mulling things over “Where does that leave us?”

“The way I see it” Kate said after a short while: “We have to find us an Egyptologist first who translates and analyses the scroll. Only then we can decide how to proceed.”

Anna seconded “I concur too, any other avenues to explore?” Obviously the Russian was in a more harmonious frame of mind now

“This is settled then” Chris conceded “Rachel can you help us finding an Expert?”

“I think I might just know the right person for the job, if she is available, I will have to make a few calls first” the Heiress smiled “You will like her”

“Right” Chris smiled, “Inform us when you have spoken to her” she yawned “We will reconvene in the afternoon”
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Beaumains »

Glad to see this story continue. The settings remain imaginative as if they come from a fantasy. Again, beautiful, powerful, and mysterious locations I would never even consider to exist. That moving statue was James Bond-worthy. I only do not understand why the countdown was included. It almost seemed like the bomb-planters wanted to make a statement and not kill their enemies. I am not sure why.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh boy.

Good chapter!

I was expecting just some kind of vanilla chapter where the protagonists look into Al-Mansur's place, find a crazy document or artifact and then return to their HQ to talk about it. Wasn't expecting the bomb at all!

Nice pacing by the way. Short, quick sentences after the tension was build when they find the bomb. Nicely done.

So, other than a few aspects that I sent privately, good work.

About the bomb time... It's clear for me that Ank-Sun-Amun is behind it. It's also mentioned that somebody is influencing the NYPD and other law enforcement squads to not dig into it. So who could come to Al-Mansur's place? Only Christine & co. For me, the bomb is warning number two. The time they meet was warning number one. It's like Ank-Sun-Amun telling them "I'm being nice, look, I can destroy you whenever I want. But I'll play nice and give you warnings. Stay out of my way or else."

If that's her way to go, I'm in. That's a villain I can get behind.
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Post by GreyLord »

The time that you spent polishing this gym is reflected in its shine. Great work, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Nainur »

wow, wow, wow!

This is a prime example for the simple truth that a chapter need not contain much or any bondage scene and yet can be an outstanding read! Superb suspense - could be part of a blockbuster-movie anytime! Superb!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago
About the bomb time... It's clear for me that Ank-Sun-Amun is behind it. It's also mentioned that somebody is influencing the NYPD and other law enforcement squads to not dig into it. So who could come to Al-Mansur's place? Only Christine & co. For me, the bomb is warning number two. The time they meet was warning number one. It's like Ank-Sun-Amun telling them "I'm being nice, look, I can destroy you whenever I want. But I'll play nice and give you warnings. Stay out of my way or else."

If that's her way to go, I'm in. That's a villain I can get behind.
I think, you put that very nicely. There is indeed a climax in the making - one may wonder though, what the next escalation could look like? The most logical assumption would be that next time the price will have to be paid in blood ...but whose blood it will be, is impossible to say at this stage.

[mention]Mineira1986[/mention] you characterized Anck-Sun-Amun very good and obviously she feels clearly superior to her opponents. Everything she had done so far, shows that clearly. What we have learned to far about her? This woman is no one for refined intrigues - this woman goes straight for the jugular and never lets go.

wow, wow, wow!

This is a prime example for the simple truth that a chapter need not contain much or any bondage scene and yet can be an outstanding read! Superb suspense - could be part of a blockbuster-movie anytime! Superb!
Thank you for your praise :) I thought a nice bombshell at the end, would be the fitting climax for this chapter and to qoute [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] the first Draft of this chapter was too ²Vanilla" - so I thought some Fireworks would spicen up things - though I regretted to blow up this beautiful mansion and the Steinway :)

[mention]Beaumains[/mention] Thank you! I like researching the fitting location for the Plot - and as for this chapter: I liked to create a piece of the Old South in the far north of the State of New York. I always had and have a keen interest in the Civil War.

As for the Idea with the Pharaoh´s bust? Probably I have watched too many movies like the Mummy, James Bond - or Indiana Jones :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago The time that you spent polishing this gym is reflected in its shine. Great work, @Caesar73.
Thank you very much [mention]GreyLord[/mention] :)

Just a short notice: The next update is due either this evening MEST or on Saturday, so stay tuned :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention]

Hey folks, since we are nearing the end of this arc, there will be second update on Sunday - and you should not miss it, there will be a competition of sorts, I will not say more :)

Today´s update is important for different reasons - but read for yourself :)

A few Minutes later:

Anna looked with barely hidden amusement after Hayley and Kirsty as they left the living room of the dome holding hands “What do you think they are doing, Kate?”

The detective returned smiling “Judging by the looks they shared during Chris´ report, they will continue doing what they did, when Kirsty discovered Chris´ distress signal ….”

The investigator, the Russian and the Dark Lady were the only ones left in the living room now “Rachel was fairly mysterious when she talked about that Egyptologist …” Kate mused

“Indeed she played that very close to the chest” Anna agreed frowning slightly then she got even more serious as she turned to Sarah “Any ideas about that Anck-Sun-Amun?”

“Honestly, I am drawing a blank here” the thief shrugged “I made some discreet inquiries” but no luck so far and that is strange. At this level we pretty much know each other in these circles and what you told me about her … she is a total Pro, more than that – a fanatic even”

“This gal was you like 2.0, if you don´t mind me saying so” Anna added moodily “You - on steroids”

Sarah grinned “I obviously left a lasting impression” The Russian made a face.

“That you did” Kate chimed in – and more than once, “but what gave me the creeps, was the way she treated an innocent bystander – I mean we are professionals, we are no novices to dangerous situations, we can handle them.

This mad woman though took extreme pleasure in what she was doing. She is a sadist and one of the worst kind – we all have met our fair share of those” – adding hastily “present company excluded, you know what I mean”

They all did: during the first stages of the Hunt last year Sarah McKenzie had not only assassinated Chris´ former fiancée, an investigative journalist, on behalf of Carl von Winterfeldt but the Collector Peter Stromberg as well, who had aided them in finding the “Weinstein-Collection” But the thief had redeemed herself.

Kate thought back to that moment in Hamburg, when Chris had met her former fiancée in a Café in Hamburg, it had been a beautiful day …

Kate felt uneasy, something felt off. She unfocused her gaze, not looking at any single thing, but scanning the vicinity until something out of place caught her eye. "There." she thought looking up at the rooftop of the office building:

A reflection, like a sunray reflected by glass. Her eyes widen with fear, “Glass” she thought, “Glass that means …Christine." She reached for her Mike and spoke rapidly, "Take cover, Sniper!”

‎Christine looked at Peter Riefenstahl, confused. One moment he was there, and then he was gone, replaced by a red mist of blood, bone and tissue. Not realising what had happened, she felt: “My face is wet.”

In the distance, she heard Kate say something, but couldn´t make out the words.

Slowly as if in slow motion the Journalist sank forward, hitting the table with his face, with a wet slap –and a sickening crunch.

Wait his face? There was nothing left of a “face” only a red mass, tissue, bone and brain - and a rapidly growing pool of blood.‎

Anna brought Kate back to reality:

“Yep” the Russian huffed “This bitch is one special breed …” Anna stared in the flames of the large fire place – caught up in her own memories. And for a while nobody spoke.

Tabea´s and Rachel´s Room around the same time:

Tabea shuddered despite the comfortable temperature and two pairs of thick woollen socks on her feet, the thick tights and the turtleneck sweater. Since the events 48 hours ago, she had never felt completely warm.

She couldn´t get the smiling face of that Egyptian woman and her cruel cold eyes out of her mind, whenever she closed her eyes, it was there, that face – and the feeling of the cold steel of the gun against her temple.

The Villainess had radiated waves of pure evil – an icy coldness. Was that even possible? Shouldn´t the devil radiating a scorching heat instead?

The PA shuddered again.

A soft knock at the door broke her out of her reverie “May I come in Tabea?” she heard a melodious alto voice asking politely “Sure thing, please do come in Miss von der Marwitz” The door opened and Chris entered, she smiled warmly at the younger woman “Thank you! And it is Chris´ or Christine to friends of mine”

“Of course Miss .. Chris” Tabea replied “May I sit down?” Chris asked politely “Please do so” Tabea couldn´t hide her nervousness completely, the blonde exuded a calm authority and Tabea had not forgotten how von der Marwitz had resisted the Egyptian, despite she had been helpless that had impressed her: her unfaltering courage in the face of danger.

As they sat across each other, the pianist regarded Tabea with a long inquisitive look – she felt these green eyes seemed to see right through her, neither unfriendly nor cold. Instead she saw understanding, sympathy and warmth in them.

“How are you Tabea?” As she wanted to reply Chris interrupted her “What I mean how do you feel really? I imagine the events at Rachel´s apartment must have been a shock for you”

She paused. When Tabea did not answer the blonde continued “Let me guess: You can´t get the pictures out of your head, the fear, the anxiety, the pain … and it is totally right that you feel that way, believe me – and now I ask you again: “How do you feel Tabea?”

And Tabea began to talk: Haltingly at first, then ever more fluently and Chris listened.

In the late Afternoon in the Central Living Room of the Dome:

Rachel shot her PA a sideways glance. To her surprise Tabea seemed to be more at ease; her body language had changed since lunch. The heiress wondered about had caused the change in her assistant´s attitude.

She turned her attention to the others, who were looking expectantly at her, she paused another 10 Seconds for good effect.

“I have good news” Rachel Weinstein smiled “Our expert is available. But we will have to fly to London, because she has a guest professorship in London and works at the British Museum this year”

“That means you have to organise a private jet for us as fast as possible.” Chris stated “I already have, Chris. We fly tomorrow around noon from JFK” The Heiress told them modestly.

“Then I will have Sybil search us a secure location in London” Anna said, and pulled her smartphone out, to type a message to Sophie - “Sybil and Sophie shall join us in London” Chris added “Sophie has completed her advanced weapons training yesterday – with flying colours I heard”

Kate smiled “I look forward seeing her again” During the Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection a bond of friendship had formed between the homicide detective and the former District Attorney Sophie Reichenbach, who had joined Art Inc. after the events around the Weinstein Collection.

“Who is the expert” Sarah interrupted, a tad impatiently “Yes, the expert” Rachel replied. She works as curator of the Egyptian collection at the Metropolitan and has an excellent reputation”

“Does this genius have a name?” Kate prodded the heiress.

“It is Evie Callahan III.” Weinstein looked expectantly at her audience “Don´t tell me you haven´t heard of her?”

“Sorry Rachel, but this is not exactly my kind of expertise” Anna shrugged “So why don´t you enlighten us?”

“Gladly Anna” the heiress returned graciously “Callahan is related to the famous adventurer Rick O´ Connell and his wife Evelyn Callahan, who discovered the legendary city of the dead, Hamunaptra in the Egyptian desert in 1926. It is a tradition that every girl in the family is christened “Evelyn” to honour their famous ancestors, the family originates from the Orkneys, where the brother of Evie still lives on the family estate” Rachel Weinstein explained.

Rachel Weisz as Evie Callahan

“It is to London then” Anna concluded “Indeed” Chris nodded – she had not been to the UK since last spring.

The pianist turned to Rachel “We have to talk about something – in private”

A short while later Chris took Anna and Kate and Hayley and Kirsty aside “Girls I need your help. As you noticed Tabea was pretty shaken up” Anna nodded “That much was obvious” “And what do you want us to do? Hayley cut in “I got through to her and told her that bondage in a consensual and understanding way can be fun – and might help her to cope”

“So you think of a live demonstration” Kirsty smiled “Correct” the blonde confirmed “You four will do a hogtie escape-challenge which means that first Hayley and Kirsty will be tied up by you” she nodded at Kate and Anna “then it will be the other way around – and I will Tabea let tie me up – if she is willing”

“Sounds like fun” Anna grinned “So you are in Guys?” Chris asked “Nods all around. “The dress code will be as follows: two pairs of thick hiking socks your feet, leggings and turtleneck sweaters and a scarf all in matching colour.
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Post by Beaumains »

So London it shall be? The party already seems to close in on Egypt as there is quite the collection of Egyptian treasures, including the Rosetta stone. And the group keeps on growing. How many ladies will take part in this mission? It seems to get close to the double digits now.
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Post by banshee »

London is probably as close as one can get to ancient egypt without actually going there so I think they're on the right track, and also have something promising to do ahead.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Good chapter! So much to say about this one:

First, for me it's odd that they keep thinking about Sarah's redemption. I've stated before: I'm sure Peter has family and friends who won't be happy to see her killer free (not to mention... the foreign police?). Additionally, all Sarah did to redeem herself was switch sides and have sexy time with Christine (that was already having those times with Robert). For me, it feels kind of forced that it is mentioned.

Second, it's very good to get a break from all the action that had been happening in the previous chapters. Other than the aftermath after their first encounter with Ank-Sun-Amun, this is the first time the good girls (and the readers) get a break. One can easily identify that this is, indeed, that end of an act, as it has very distinguishable stakes and objectives set for the upcoming chapters.

Third, I'm happy to see Sophie again. But I have this fear that she will become a generic member of Christine's squad. Can one really complete advanced weapons training in two-three months with flying colors, with no previous military training? Seems odd to me. Additionally, for me Sophie had a beautiful contradiction: she was the only one with no military skills or training, but was the one that showed the most resilience. I'm afraid that, when the confrontation gets here, she will just become another character that you can switch for another one because they essentially have the same skills set now.

Finally, talking about Sophie, the upcoming scene with Tabea reminds me of the time after Sophie was rescued from the Adlernest. Only... this time is written so much better. Way better. We see Tabea's first reaction which is still be in denial, until Christine gets her to open her feelings. Very good ellipsis there. One could argue we needed to read the whole conversation, but we didn't. We just needed to know that they were having the conversation. It also sets the mood for the next chapter.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Good chapter! So much to say about this one:


Finally, talking about Sophie, the upcoming scene with Tabea reminds me of the time after Sophie was rescued from the Adlernest. Only... this time is written so much better. Way better. We see Tabea's first reaction which is still be in denial, until Christine gets her to open her feelings. Very good ellipsis there. One could argue we needed to read the whole conversation, but we didn't. We just needed to know that they were having the conversation. It also sets the mood for the next chapter.
[mention]Mineira1986[/mention] thank you for your insightful commentary and keen observations :)

I think, I don´t give away too much, when I say, that we will follow Sophie´s development in this Story more closely. Her new life has just begun, the Events around the Weinstein-Collection have changed her life entirely. What we learned in the previous story is, that she is proficient with a hand gun.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago And the group keeps on growing. How many ladies will take part in this mission? It seems to get close to the double digits now.
In London Sophie and Sybil will join their friends and probably Evie Callahan as the expert Chris and her friends need to consult. But that´s it [mention]Beaumains[/mention] :)

The next update will be due tomorrow evening :) And things are heating up :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Driverman[/mention]

After Dinner:

The contestants had made the necessary preparations: many lengths of various diameter hemp and cotton rope were laid on a table, a large amount of woollen hiking socks, silk scarfs, pairs of hose, ball gags of different size.

Tabea looked curiously at the table. Each of the other four women participating in the contest wore her favourite colour: Anna red, Kate light blue, Hayley dark blue, Kirsty auburn and Chris emerald green.

Sarah and Rachel watched the proceedings with amusement, but kept their tongues in check, because Chris had explained the point of the exercise to them.

On the smooth wooden floor in the centre of the room laid a deep fluffy white rug and several cushions.

“Ready?” Anna smiled at Hayley, just a tad wickedly, the blonde decided “Sure! Do your worst”

Chris shot Tabea a sideways glance: She seemed to be a little intrigued by now and followed the proceedings with rapt attention:

Anna tied Hayley´s slender wrists tightly together and cinched the ropes and knotted them. Hayley tested her bonds. They were tight; they were secure but not painful.

“You see Tabea” Chris explained, the point is to tie someone secure but tightly and most important not to impair the circulation” The black haired woman nodded.

In the meantime Anna had tied Hayley´s elbows. Not entirely together, but close, so that Hayley´s breasts pressed themselves against the fabric of the sweater. Obviously the American wore no bra. Another rope band above the elbows completed the arm-bondage.

Kate had nearly worked in perfect synchronicity. Weinstein´s assistant stared almost mesmerized at the breasts of the two women, the rock hard nipples clearly visibly under the fabric of their sweaters.

Chris who had followed Tabea´s gaze told her, with a warm smile “You want to touch them? Feel free. I think Hayley and Kirsty don´t mind, you must know Tabea, that Hayley loves tpo play the damsel in distress – so she won´t have any objections?” “Of course not” Hayley smiled coyly, a mischievous twinkle in her blue eyes. Tabea hesitated a little but then closed the distance till she stood directly before Hayley.

Softly she laid her palms on Hayley´s firm mounds, rubbed them tentatively. Hayley sighed contently and Tabea became bolder and touched Hayley´s breasts more firmly. “I think Kirsty would enjoy some attention too” Anna whispered in Tabea´s ear.

Bolder now Weinstein´s PA kneaded Kirsty´s full breasts more firmly and Kirsty did not mind that in the slightest – on the contrary.

And Tabea continued her administrations for some minutes.

Chris and Rachel exchanged a smile. Chris nodded. “Please continue Anna and Kate!”

With more than a little fascination Tabea watched as the duo applied breast harnesses to the bondage of their charges. The tight rope bands above, below and between the breasts accentuated the firm mounds of both women even more. Without knowing Tabea had begun to touch herself, her breathing accelerated.

“Now comes the best part” explained Chris “The crotch rope, Kate if you please?” Kate wound a rope around Kirsty´s waist and pulled it tight. Then the detective knotted a preknotted second length and threaded it between Kirsty´s legs and yanked the rope then sharply upwards, so the knots pressed themselves in all the right places and knotted it firmly. Kirsty inhaled sharply.

“A crotch rope is very useful” Chris explained smiling. Kirsty can tug at hers with her hands or Kate can do it for her. The detective took that as her cue, to pull tightly at the crotch rope, which caused Kirsty to inhale sharply again. “Want to give it a try?” Chris encouraged Tabea.

The first two times she pulled tentatively only “You can do better” Chris encouraged her “That does not hurt her” And the third time Kirsty´s eyes widened, her pulse quickened.

“That is enough for now” Chris interrupted “you can play more with her later”

The legs were next.

While Anna and Kate tied the upper legs of their charges together Chris continued to lecture “When you tie somebody in a hogtie it is important that you do not make the ropes too tight because you must fold the legs back to the wrist bonds or the elbows later. The bonds get tighter then automatically”

“Those women didn´t that back then” Tabea almost spoke to herself. “No, they didn´t because they were sadistic bitches” Anna almost spat “What we do is consensual” she continued more calmly

In the meantime Kate and Anna had finished tying Kirsty´s and Hayley´s legs: One rope girdle under the knees and one around the ankles.

“Will you hogtie them now?” Tabea asked. ”Not this time” Kate replied “We will gag them first”

“Safety is paramount when you gag somebody with a stuffing” Anna explained “Look” she rolled one large hiking sock into a tight cylinder, while Kate did the same.

The Russian and the American exchanged a look “Ready?” Kate asked “When you are” Anna returned and they packed the sock cylinders simultaneously in Hayley´s and Kirsty´s mouth. Both women resembled chipmunks now, but smiled above their fully packed mouths. The other shawl and the other sock finished the Gag.

“They do this straight forward this time” Chris continued “There are endless possibilities, depending on the preferences of gagger and gaggie – but all is about safety. If you play you must know the limits of each other – and agree on a safe signal”

“Now we hogtie them” Anna explained as they helped their charges down. Tabea cheeks showed a slight shade of red, her eyes glittered, her breathing became more rapidly.

“There are hogties and there are hogties” Chris explained “Anna and Kate will tie Kirsty and Hayley tightly but not cruelly so. But since both are flexible we have some room” The pianist could not hide a smile.

The hogtie was tight enough that both women could grab their heels with their hands.

“And now?” Tabea asked “Now we make some embellishments” Anna grinned wickedly “We do not want to make escaping too easy”

The embellishments in question were a heavily padded blindfold and earbuds. Before she put the earbud in Kirsty´s left ear Kate whispered in her ear “When the bud is in you can begin escaping”

As if on cue, Hayley and Kirsty began to struggle energetically – but as the skilled observer could see, they did that methodically. Weinstein´s PA was clearly fascinated.

The pianist turned to her “Now we watch the show” the blonde smiled “or do you want to tie me up Tabea, to the Chair maybe?”

Tabea looked incredulously at Chris “Would that be okay with you?”

“Absolutely” Chris smiled “You have learned the theory now it is time for practise”

Under Anna´s and Kate´s direction Tabea set to work, tentative at first, but she proved to be quick study: Chris bond´s, where similar to those of Kirsty and Hayley´s – with a few minor embellishments as Anna had explained to Tabea “Chris is a big girl she can handle that”

So the blonde´s elbows had been tied behind the high back of the chair all the way together, the breast harness more tightly tied, also the leg bonds were different: Three rope girdles above joint and three below.

The most significant difference though was the gag: “Chris has a big mouth, so you should use not only one sock, but two!” The pianist shot the Russian a look, which was a promise as Anna very well knew “The pot calling the kettle black?” the blonde teased her friend.

10 Minutes later Chris lower face was enshrouded by whole role of translucent tape and several layers of silk scarves and socks.

“Also important” Anna grinned wickedly “is to test the effectiveness of the gag, you can do it this way” she pinched Chris´ left nipple between two fingers. The blonde´s protest was barely audible “You see?” Anna asked Tabea, who had followed the Russian intrigued “Why don´t you give it a try?” she encouraged her “student”, who hesitated at first, but then followed her “tutors” example – and pinched Chris´ right nipple firmly.

“Are we finished know?” Tabea asked with a glitter in her eyes, obviously she had warmed up to the game.

“No, we are not” Kate replied graciously “Always fun is sensory deprivation” which meant in this case: a heavily padded sleep mask and ear buds. The blonde was now blind, deaf and mute.

When Chris was finally secured to the Chair Anna explained “Now you can connect her ankle bonds to her wrists – or you can do something different!” And a wicked smile curled her lips “What would that be?” the black haired woman asked curiously “Let me show you … “

A short while later Chris´ legs were outstretched before her and tied securely to a footstool – as piece de resistance Anna tied Chris´ big toes together. Since Chris had to rely on her not impaired senses, she could not see what was going on.

She steeled herself, because she had a fairly good idea what was about to follow. Somebody raked her long fingernails from her heels to the tips of her toes, the blonde suspected Anna, once, twice … and very soon Chris doubted the wisdom of her decision to play the guinea pig.

She sensed another person behind her. If she could have seen, she would have learned that Kate instructed Tabea to lay her hands on Chris´ breasts and to give them a good squeeze. “Do not be shy, Tabea” the detective had told the younger woman, “Chris likes that ….”

Meanwhile on the floor:

Hayley and Kirsty slowly tested their bonds to try to find areas of looseness. The socks in their gag, blindfold and earbuds made verbal communication almost nil. All communication would have to be by touch. After 30 minutes of grunting and feeling each other ropes, the two women got down to the task at hand.

They slowly found the ends of ropes and knots and began to untie each rope. It took about one hour to get out of the hogtie and undo the main ropes for the bodies, since the hogtie ropes were connected to their crotch ropes every movement pressed the knotted crotch rope deeper in them.

Next, they found a way to untie their hands. With that, they were able to finish the job in about two hour total. The girls were exhausted and stiff. They were glistening from sweat.

While Kirsty and Hayley worked on their escape Anna had demonstrated the proper use of the large Hitachi wand to Tabea, while Kate had showed her how to tickle a damsel in distress properly – much to Chris chagrin.

For that purpose she had tied Chris´ big toes back to her calves. When Kirsty and Hayley had finished their escape, Chris was sweating profusely after several orgasms and continued tickle torment, she giggled softly into her gag.

Her eyes had a dreamy look after one last powerful orgasm. Tabea had been a quick study in that department too. Carefully Anna removed layer after layer of Chris´ gag, which held the large gag packing in place.

“You know Chris, these socks are really wet and smelly” Anna told her friend grinning broadly. Chris just nodded, not that she could have done much more. “Can I?” Weinstein´s Personal Assistant asked Anna “Of course” the Russian replied graciously.

Gently Tabea pulled the very soggy socks out of Chris´ mouth. “That was amazing Christine, you want to drink something?” “Some wine would be nice” Chris smiled “And Anna, please be so kind to untie me”

For a moment it looked as if the Russian toyed with the idea shoving the gag back in Chris mouth, but began untying Chris, after the pianist had treated her with one of her laser-beam-stares. And Anna knew when it was wise not to press her luck. When Chris was untied she stretched and sighed.

The Pianist smiled wickedly at Kate and Anna “As soon as Hayley and Kirsty and I have freshened up it will be your part – and I am sure, Kirsty and Hayley will be creative in fact I have high hopes in their creativity”

“Nah” Anna grinned “we can deal with anything!”

Chris was not disappointed in fact: Hayley and Kirsty made a few embellishments on their own: For starters they made their charges grapping foam-balls with their hands. Then they pulled latex gloves above each hand, before mummifying each fist in tape, rendering them useless, next they pulled a sock above each arm right under the Arm pit.

But the Briton and her friend were not finished yet. Kirsty and Hayley pulled one very large sock above both Wrists and Arms, creating a makeshift single sleeve. Only then they tied Wrists, Arms and Elbows together.

Anna sighed into her gag. Ah yes the gag …. while the gag packing was a fresh sock, their handlers had tied the wet and soggy sock which had filled their mouths before above the shawl which held the sock cylinder in place, making sure, that the sole of said sock rested under Anna´s and Kate´s noses.

At this point, Chris had insisted on another addendum: With a wicked smile, she tied one of the socks she had been gagged with over the first sock “I think you will like the blend” she had told her muted audience.

Without the use of their hands, escape was impossible but the headstrong Russian was determined to deliver a good show, as was Kate. And their performance was impressive their audience agreed. After two hours of determined struggling, the detective and the violinist was released. Both women were red faced and very sweaty. But their dreamy eyes were proof that they had had a very good time.

Around the same time: unknown Location

Anck-Sun-Amun sat before the large screen. “You and your team will relocate to London. A private jet is waiting for you at the known location,” the Grand Vizier told her. “Your base in London has been prepared. Your mission goal stays the same, obtain the scrolls by any means necessary and find that person,” a picture of a woman appeared on the screen, “bring her with you. Her knowledge is vital for the cause,do not spare any effort.”

“I will not disappoint Pharaoh,” the villainess stated, and ended the call.

“Arrogant bastard.” she thought.
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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