Tale of an Archer (M+/F+ F+/F+ F/M m/f f/f), Chapter 38 - Aftermath and Epilogue - 11/24/2022 - Complete

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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

You have posted comments on one of my stories. That is appreciated very much. Please tell me what you think about the Tale of an Archer. If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, send me a PM or a post with that request.

This story is based on a role play with [mention]Nainur[/mention]. Much of the concept and the dialog is due to him. Any mistakes or errors, however, are solely my responsibility.

Oops, I am a day late posting this. I will get back on schedule with the next chapter.


Chapter 10
Maddie is gone (M/F MF/F F/F)
By @GreyLord and @Nainur

Maddie regained consciousness for only moments during the night. The poison in her blood had been cleansed too late. Too much of it had already found a home in her organs. She awoke with a clear and calm mind and saw Jason returning her gaze. "Jason, I love you. I have to leave now. Take care of yourself, promise. And take care of the bots. They are exceptional. The Glen, Jordan, …" And Maddie was gone. Her life was brief but very bright.

The doctors, McTavrish and Taylor, entered and checked Maddie for the last time. Dr. Taylor said, "Mr. Archer, Maddie has left us. We are so very sorry for your loss."

Jordan sobbed. He was crying unashamedly. He could not understand what had happened. Maddie was everything to him. He could not envision life without her. Dr. McTavrish put his hand on Jason's shoulder. "Dr. Kennedy is on his way here. Is there anything that I can do for you?”

Jordan could not speak but shook his head. The following days passed in a haze until the time came for the funeral. It was heavily attended, and Jordan was exhausted by all the condolences. Neighbors brought him food. Maddie had handled their money and finances. Now Jordan needed to begin managing his own life.

Going by the workshop only increased his despair. He handled tools and equipment but could not bring himself to use them. Everything reminded him of Maddie. He decided to go by the bank to get some cash. He had pride and could not continue living off of his neighbors. At the bank, he was shocked at how little money was in their account. Twenty percent of their income was to go to Magnus to repay his investment. The rest was the Archers'. He knew a good bit had gone into additional equipment, but it would be another year before their first payment to Magnus was due.

The bank's bot showed him that Magnus had just made a large withdrawal. The account had been set up to allow him to do that. He could withdraw up to the limit of his twenty percent. But that left very little cash on hand at the moment. Jordan left the bank with enough money to take care of his needs for a few weeks and headed to see Magnus.

Magnus Johansson welcomed Jordan to his office. "Jordan, like everyone I know, I am grieving with you over Maddie. There is no one in the Colony as well-liked as she. I am also sorry that I did not have a chance to talk to you before you went to the bank. I believe that Maddie was a major factor in the success of your business. With her gone, I thought it prudent to go ahead and withdraw my twenty percent. That is just good business and nothing personal. Our contracts are clear that I have the right to do this. Otherwise, the bank would not have allowed me to make the withdrawal."

With anger in his voice, "But you said our first payment would not be due until next year. We shook hands on that."

“Yes, we did," answered Magnus. "But the circumstances have clearly changed, and our agreements consider such possibilities."

Jordan left Magnus’ office and went to see Admiral Houston. He was welcomed politely into Houston’s office. “We are all devastated by your loss, Mr. Archer. What can I do to help?”

Jordan explained, "Magnus Johansson was a silent partner in our business. He has elected to collect his due early because of Maddie's death. But that does not leave me with operating capital. Can you help persuade him to give me more time? The business still has all of its profit potentials."

“My boy, I will be happy to talk to him again about this. I do hope that things will work out well for you.”

Maddie had questioned whether they should watch the Johansson/Houston pair more closely. But he had not known what else to do. Now Maddie was gone, and because of inaction on his part, he would lose his business.

Returning home, he stopped by the tavern for a sandwich. This time, he surprised the owner by ordering a double whiskey with it. The proprietor thought, "With his loss of Maddie, some whiskey may take the edge off his feelings."

When he returned to the apartment, his mind was fogged from his loss of Maddie, the dastardly behavior of Magnus, the oiliness of the Admiral, and the whiskey. He fell into bed without undressing.


Jeeves reported to the bots, "The letter of the law has been followed. I do not see any direct action we could take to help Jordan. Do you have a suggestion?"

“Yes," Goliath replied. "I think we should bring Dr. Kennedy in the loop on this."

“I concur,” Joseph added. “If there is anyone in the entire Colony who can and will help, it is he.”


The Samuel twins were taking their daily ten-kilometer run. They were glowing with youth, good health, training, and exceptional looks. As they ran, Tommy asked, "When we finish our run, we are due to demonstrate our bondage skills to Mom and Dad. What do you want to show them?"

Sheilah answered, “I know we have to be careful not to let them know that we have been practicing out of their sight. They would take it even more badly if they knew that we have involved Muddy. But I want to show that we are not just kids anymore. Let’s do a strappado. Is that alright with you?”

“Sure, that sounds good to me,” answered Tommy.

Later that afternoon, the twins entered the Chief’s office in their lodge. Amanda, their mother, was waiting with the Chief for them. The Chief asked, “How are you doing on your runs?”

Sheilah replied, “We haven’t timed it lately, but the run feels good. We start at a good pace and keep it up the entire distance.”

“That sounds good,” the Chief said.

Their mother asked, “On your run, did you talk about what you would demonstrate for us today?”

Tommy spoke up, “Yes, we did. Unless you suggest something else, I will tie Sheilah in a strappado.”

“With that, you are getting into advanced bondage. Are you both comfortable with this?” Amanda asked, looking at Sheilah.

“Yes, we are,” answered Sheilah.

Amanda said, “You are of age now and will leave the nest soon. You may proceed with your demonstration.”

Chief Samuel pointed upward, "There is a pulley hanging from a beam and a cleat on the wall. Thread a rope through the pulley, and you will be ready to go."

Tommy took a rope and threaded it around the pulley while standing on a step stool. Climbing down and moving the stool to the wall, he asked Sheilah, "Ready?"

Sheilah turned her back to him, offering her arms, "You bet."

Tommy tied Sheilah’s elbows and wrists in two-column ties. He attached the pulley rope to her wrist cinch and used the pulley to lift her hands high behind her back. Sheilah used this opportunity to show her parents how high she could stretch her arms behind her. Tommy cleated the pulley rope and turned to the Chief and his mother for approval. Sheilah looked at them as well.

Amanda spook, "There is always debate about whether it is better to use a two-column tie for the wrists or a cross wrists tie. Either works well. My personal preference is for a cross wrists tie."

The Chief added, "And there is always the question about how long you can leave a woman in a tight strappado. Sheilah, it is time to test you. Tommy, uncleat your sister and lift her hands higher until she is on tiptoes and cleat her off again."

“Yes, sir," said Tommy as he followed his instruction. Sheilah found that the added height did change the situation. She had gone from being relatively comfortable to the edge of being very uncomfortable.

“How long do you think you can tolerate that position, Sheilah?" asked the Chief.

“Father, I do not know. This is new to me,” she answered. That was truthful because being stretched this high in a strappado was new to her. “Do you want me to see how long I can take this?”

Amanda replied, “I don’t want you pushed to the edge. But we will observe you for a while to see how you do.”

The Chief and Amanda sat in their chairs for a quarter of an hour, and Tommy knelt on the floor watching Sheilah. Tommy was thankful for some of their previous private sessions where he closely observed Sheilah's body. Otherwise, it would have been hard for him not to stare at her ample cleavage now on display. Tommy was the first to notice that Sheilah's ankles were starting to tremble, and he pointed that out to his parents.

The Chief said immediately, “Take her down.” When Sheilah was free, he added, “You both did very well. I believe that you are ready to leave our supervision. Do you agree, Amanda?”

Amanda answered, “Yes, our children are ready.”


Magnus Johansson was meeting with Admiral Houston. “So he did come to you. And you told him that you would talk with me, I assume,” Magnus said.

“Of course, and here we are talking," Admiral Houston said. "Naturally, since you are following the law, there isn't anything I can do, is there?"

“No, my dear fellow, there is not. Except to take your cut when we sell off his assets.


Like people everywhere, most of the Creek were good people. But there was an occasional rotten apple in the barrel. The Chesters were such a family. They loved having Muddy assigned to them first because they were lazy. With Muddy to order around, they had less work that they had to do. But second, they just liked to pick on Muddy. They couldn't just give her an out-and-out whipping without having to explain the reasons to the Chief. But a lot of smaller torments could slide by without being noted.

Muddy had been cooking supper for the Chesters when the wife sent her to the well for water. On her return, she found the supper was overcooked. The wife blamed Muddy, saying that if she hadn’t been lazy and had gone to the well and back faster, it would not have burned. Muddy knew she had gone fast but also knew better than to argue.

The wife said, "For that, you will not get any supper tonight. And you will spend the night in a tight hogtie. Remove your halter."

Of course, it was utterly unfair. But Muddy simply dropped her halter and waited. The wife grabbed Muddy's shoulders and spun her around. Pulling her arms behind her back, she tied her wrists more tightly than was necessary to keep Muddy restrained. Then she tied Muddy's elbows, forcing them to touch. Muddy was limber, but this pushed her to the limit. "On the ground," the wife ordered.

Muddy sank to her knees, then a seated position, and rolled down. The wife tied Muddy's legs above the knees, below the knees, and at the ankles. She turned Muddy face down. Finally, she made a noose around Muddy's wrists and ankle ties and pulled it as tight as possible. This pulled Muddy's feet past her hands. Muddy thought that she was lucky that the wife wasn't any stronger.

The Chesters ate their evening meal. It really wasn't that overcooked. After the dinner, the wife announced that she would visit a neighbor. Muddy had a feeling of dread at that. The husband had been touchy-feely in the past. Now there was little that she could do to stop him. Yes, she could scream, but she did not think that would improve her situation.

Chester pulled Muddy to her side, exposing her tits to him. "Um, yes," he said as he tightly squeezed a breast. Muddy wanted to groan but thought that showing pain would only propel him to do more. He pawed at her tits for long minutes, pinching and pulling at her nipples. He didn't stop until his wife returned.

She was enraged at what she witnessed. Naturally, she blamed it all on Muddy. How dare Muddy entice her husband to touch her. Thinking of pushing Muddy out the door, the wife cut the hogtie with a kitchen knife. Then she cut the bindings at Muddy's ankle and below her knee. The bands of rope above Muddy's knees were so tight that she cut Muddy while sliding the knife under the ropes.

“Now you are bleeding on my floor!" shouted the wife. She grabbed Muddy's arm and pulled her to her feet. Scooping Muddy's halter from the floor and holding her arm, the wife marched Muddy out the door and across the village.

Muddy did not know whether to be happy or sad that no one was about. If other Creek saw what was happening, they might help her, or they might not. The cut on her leg was minor. She wasn't concerned about that. But she was being mistreated. Her arms were still tied behind her back, and she certainly wasn't participating in a courtship. But the only Creek she knew would help her were Tommy and Sheilah.

The wife stopped at the door of the Healer's lodge and banged on the door. When Healer Angela Wise came to the door, the wife said, "This piece of filth tried to seduce my husband. I cut her by accident. Would you check it out, please?" Without waiting for an answer, the wife threw Muddy's halter on the ground and stormed away.

Angela looked questioningly at Muddy, gently touched her arm, and said, "Come in, Muddy, I will take care of you." Angela picked up the halter and led Muddy inside, and had her sit on a table. "The first thing to do is to get you untied. After Angela untied the knots and released Muddy, she gave her the halter. "While I look at your cut, tell me what happened."

Muddy said, "Healer Angela, you and the Chief's family have always been nice to me. When I was sick once, you took care. When I was injured by that falling timber, you eased my pain. I am telling you the truth when I say it did not happen like she said." Muddy proceeded to tell the entire story.

Angela responded, “I will have a talk in the morning with the Chief and Amanda. The practice of assigning you to anyone who asks for you must stop. You are no longer a child.” Angela took a pan of clean water and cleaned around the cut. "Ah, it is not deep at all. You do not need stitches. A small bandage for a few days will do."

After Angela applied a bandage, she said, "Okay, Muddy, you are free to go. But I invite you to stay and have supper with me. I would like to talk with you some more. But it is up to you."

Muddy instinct was to leave, but her curiosity bade her stay. She was not used to the kindness and gentleness of Angela except to some degree from Tommy and Sheilah. As they ate, Angela questioned Muddy most skillfully, talking about herself as well. Angela let Muddy know that Angela was alone and lonesome as well. As a healer, she intimidated most men. She would like to submit to a worthy man but finding one seemed impossible in their small village.

Angela even mentioned that she wished that she could practice submission and being tied up just in case she met the right man. During that discussion, Muddy was suddenly horrified to realize that she had let slip that she had practiced with Tommy and Sheilah. Stark terror clutched at Muddy's heart. What had she done? In an unguarded moment, she had let Angela know their secret. Angela was a friend of the Chief and Amanda and would surely tell them about the twins and Muddy.

Angela immediately understood that Muddy had slipped and that she was terrified. “Muddy, please, you must not worry. Your secret is safe with me. I think highly of Tommy and Sheilah and would do nothing to lower them in the eyes of their parents or the village. I will tell you that you have raised them in my eyes, for they have found a way to do what I have not. Please tell me that you believe me.”

Muddy was not used to anyone entreating her to do anything. People just told her what to do. “I do believe you, Healer Angela.”

“I don't know if this is possible, Muddy. I would like to join your group. I know that is asking a lot. It is a lot for you to trust me and possibly even more for the twins. Even if you do not wish to approach the twins about me, would you consider practicing on me?" Angela's heart was in her throat as she said that to Muddy. Breaking tradition was perhaps the worst sin for anyone in the native tribes.

Muddy considered that having Angela with their small group would have advantages. Although she was not old, as the Healer, she was an Elder. There was some security in that. Muddy could not have said why, but she completely believed in Angela’s sincerity. Later, Muddy would know she was better at reading people than most. Muddy answered tentatively, "You and I can try. Can you give me some time to think about how to approach Tommy and Sheilah, Healer?"

“Muddy, of course, you can have as much time as you wish. And, in private, please just call me Angela. It is wonderful that you will work with me. Can we start tonight, or do you want more time to think about that too?"

“No, I don't need any more time, Angela. Do I understand correctly that you want to practice being submissive and to be tied up?" Muddy asked.

“Yes, Muddy, you are correct,” replied Angela.

Muddy said, "If we bring the twins in, you know you will be expected to do your share of the tying up? Otherwise, I think that it would be very awkward."

Angela smiled, “Muddy, I think it all might be fun. You are really ready to tie me up tonight?”

Muddy smiled back, “We do have a good time. And yes, I am ready.”

“And you will turn me loose in the end and take care of me while I am helpless?”

“Yes, Angela. Trust is a big part of this. If you don’t trust your partner, you should not let that person tie you up.”

Muddy bore no grudge against Angela. But she was mindful not to waste the opportunity, even in regard to win an ally unexpectedly. But she also relished the idea of subduing, even if only playfully, one very respected woman, an Elder! She knew at once she had to restrain herself lest innocent Angela bear her, Muddy’s, grudges against the Creek. She should not punish Angela instead of those miserably, evil Chesters!

“I trust you, Muddy. How do we get started?”

“Angela, tell me about your body. Are there any restrictions to your movements? Is anything hurt or sore right now? And then tell me about your mind. Is there something you fear I might do or simply don't want me to do?"

“I am in good physical condition. I exercise regularly. I don’t know of any fears that I should mention.”

“And you have never been tied up before?”

“Not since playing games as a kid. I don’t suppose that counts.”

“Alright, I propose tying you up completely so you can get the feeling of bondage, of being tied up. I will not tie you very tight, but you probably will not be able to get free by yourself. Once you are tied up, you should struggle and test the ropes. Do you have any questions?"

“No, I am awaiting your command, Muddy.”

“Turn around, please, and cross your wrists behind your back."

Soon Angela was on her bed, tied from head to toe. Her hands were firmly in place in the middle of her back. She wasn't hogtied or bound to the bed so she could thrash about. She had struggled, as Muddy suggested, but Muddy was correct. She could not free herself. Finally, she relaxed against the bed and said, "This is far different than I had imagined. I can see that it would be different even more if a man were doing this to me."

“It would. There is one more step we can take right now, but only if you want to. Often a gag goes with bondage. But if you wish, we can hold that for another day. What would you like?”

“I would like the whole treatment, Muddy. You can find some bandannas in the chest at the foot of this bed. Will that do as material for a gag?"

Muddy retrieved two bandannas from the chest and approached Angela's head. I will use one to fill your mouth and the other to tie it in." Muddy balled up one bandanna and started pushing it into Angela's mouth. She folded the other one making a diagonal strip, and put an overhand knot in the center. She put that knot in Angela's mouth between her teeth to hold the first bandanna inside. "Now, try to talk to see if this is effective."

Angela said, “Hmmmph, hmmmph.”

“Time goes at its own rate when you are tied up,” Muddy explained. “I will leave you like this for the next ten minutes to give you a feeling for it.”

“Later, when Angela was free, she showed Muddy to the door. "Thank you, Muddy. This has been an evening that I will not forget. You are always welcome here to play or just to talk. If the cut on your leg gives you any problem, let me know right away."

“And I thank you, Angela. I will talk to the twins at my first opportunity.”

Muddy left thinking this was one of the strangest of the many odd days she had recently had. She also wondered if she could entice the Healer to reveal some of the Healer’s lore to her – it might come handy should she ever run off into the wilderness and maybe join one of the roving bands of bandits, maybe finding her parents again or when war on the Colonists would be waged by more belligerent groups. Surely the Creeks were cowards, but healing powers would be nice to gain!
Last edited by GreyLord 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I have to say I was a bit shocked reading about Maddies Death. I admire your courage [mention]GreyLord[/mention] - to kill one of your main characters, and in my perception, Maddie was one, must be a big step. Of course it opens lots of opportunities to develop Josephs Character.
Not only is he devastated by Grief but financial ruin is also looming at the horizon.

Regarding its compostion this chapter was one of stark contrasts. First Maddies tragic loss, then Muddys Storyline.

Quite the roller coaster I must say 😀
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Post by Nainur »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I have to say I was a bit shocked reading about Maddies Death. I admire your courage @GreyLord - to kill one of your main characters, and in my perception, Maddie was one, must be a big step. Of course it opens lots of opportunities to develop Josephs Character....
I presume you mean 'Jordan' here.
Yes, it's a big one, but it was part of the conceptional idea from the start. But at that time those ten chapters didn't really exist and therefore it's sad even for me to read. Madeline 'Maddie' Archer, RIP, a loving woman and a bright one, too. It's clear Newhome is a darker place now, as a wonderful light has gone out.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Of course I meant Jordan :) Cannot tell where Joseph came from.

A big loss for Jordan, it will be interesting to see, where his path will lead Jordan, after this devastating Blog and threatened by financial ruin too, [mention]Nainur[/mention]
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Post by slackywacky »

What is it (and this is not a complaint or attack on any writer) that we're suddenly in such a dark corner with out tales? [mention]Caesar73[/mention] latest EPIC story is much darker, [mention]GreyLord[/mention] is much darker, [mention]wolfman[/mention] is an exception, his story has always had dark corners. :)

Not saying it is bad, just wondering what made this happen? There are a lot of positive stories too ([mention]Trammel[/mention]), don't get me wrong, and I am not trying to start a discussion on this in this thread, as this is for GreyLord's tale, but I was just wondering.

It was hard to read the start of this chapter. But everything has a reason.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I have to say I was a bit shocked reading about Maddies Death. I admire your courage @GreyLord - to kill one of your main characters, and in my perception, Maddie was one, must be a big step. Of course it opens lots of opportunities to develop Josephs Character.
Not only is he devastated by Grief but financial ruin is also looming at the horizon.

Regarding its compostion this chapter was one of stark contrasts. First Maddies tragic loss, then Muddys Storyline.

Quite the roller coaster I must say 😀
I will comment, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], that I did not intend for Maddie to be a main character. But as things unfolded, she just was. This was hard to write, and even hard to post. But the story will continue. Thank you for posting.

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I have to say I was a bit shocked reading about Maddies Death. I admire your courage @GreyLord - to kill one of your main characters, and in my perception, Maddie was one, must be a big step. Of course it opens lots of opportunities to develop Josephs Character....
I presume you mean 'Jordan' here.
Yes, it's a big one, but it was part of the conceptional idea from the start. But at that time those ten chapters didn't really exist and therefore it's sad even for me to read. Madeline 'Maddie' Archer, RIP, a loving woman and a bright one, too. It's clear Newhome is a darker place now, as a wonderful light has gone out.
Thank you for contributing, [mention]Nainur[/mention].

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Of course I meant Jordan :) Cannot tell where Joseph came from.

A big loss for Jordan, it will be interesting to see, where his path will lead Jordan, after this devastating Blog and threatened by financial ruin too, @Nainur
Well, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], you had just been reading about Joseph, the bot. Thank you for writing. Jordan has fallen victim to the ancient Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times." After some time passes, he will have good days once again.

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago What is it (and this is not a complaint or attack on any writer) that we're suddenly in such a dark corner with out tales? @Caesar73 latest EPIC story is much darker, @GreyLord is much darker, @wolfman is an exception, his story has always had dark corners. :)

Not saying it is bad, just wondering what made this happen? There are a lot of positive stories too (@Trammel), don't get me wrong, and I am not trying to start a discussion on this in this thread, as this is for GreyLord's tale, but I was just wondering.

It was hard to read the start of this chapter. But everything has a reason.
Yes, this chapter was dark, but I think that it is just serendipity that others went dark about the same time. Now we will have a couple of chapters to struggle back to the light. I appreciate your comments, [mention]slackywacky[/mention].

The next chapter will be posted Sunday.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

One character exists the stage, and another one enters.

Sounds like Muddy is starting to think about her future, and based on what she has done and experienced so far, it is likely she is going to seize any opportunity to direct said future.

Jordan is backed into a corner, but although I don't think he is thinking along those lines yet, he does have the bots as a trump card to fall back on. Hopefully he can deal with his grief (well you never really 'deal with' or get over such things entirely, losing someone you held dear so unexpectedly, but I think it is clear what I mean) over Maddie in time to realize this.

As always, waiting to see what will happen next.
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Post by GreyLord »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago One character exists the stage, and another one enters.

Sounds like Muddy is starting to think about her future, and based on what she has done and experienced so far, it is likely she is going to seize any opportunity to direct said future.

Jordan is backed into a corner, but although I don't think he is thinking along those lines yet, he does have the bots as a trump card to fall back on. Hopefully he can deal with his grief (well you never really 'deal with' or get over such things entirely, losing someone you held dear so unexpectedly, but I think it is clear what I mean) over Maddie in time to realize this.

As always, waiting to see what will happen next.
I thank you for your insightful comments, [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]. It will take Jordan some time to start thinking again.
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Post by Nainur »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago One character exists the stage, and another one enters.

Sounds like Muddy is starting to think about her future, and based on what she has done and experienced so far, it is likely she is going to seize any opportunity to direct said future.
Interesting observation. We should keep it in mind and see what the next chapters will reveal about it...
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Post by Beaumains »

Nicely told. It seems quite hard to keep writing three perspectives at the same time.

I was also quite surprised that Maddie passed away. Most often, these authors let their main female characters live as they are their favorite damsels. If someone of that couple would pass away, my money would have been on Jordan. You surely have a plot in mind, if few named female characters are left in the capital.

One small remark: I love Muddy's storyline and her (expected) growth from the lowest class to a smart, powerful main character. Only, I kinda dislike reading the explicit assault of her. If this is only to set the stage it is fine with me, but I would dislike reading many rape-like scenes. I like her struggle and the social dynamic, but the scenes with the twins and that consensual tie-up at the end were much more fun.
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Post by GreyLord »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago Nicely told. It seems quite hard to keep writing three perspectives at the same time.

I was also quite surprised that Maddie passed away. Most often, these authors let their main female characters live as they are their favorite damsels. If someone of that couple would pass away, my money would have been on Jordan. You surely have a plot in mind, if few named female characters are left in the capital.

One small remark: I love Muddy's storyline and her (expected) growth from the lowest class to a smart, powerful main character. Only, I kinda dislike reading the explicit assault of her. If this is only to set the stage it is fine with me, but I would dislike reading many rape-like scenes. I like her struggle and the social dynamic, but the scenes with the twins and that consensual tie-up at the end were much more fun.
As usual, you are very perceptive, [mention]Beaumains[/mention]. We didn't plan for Maddie to become a main character. It just happened. It should be clear that Muddy has no love for the Creek. I think that you will enjoy Muddy's storyline in coming chapters. Thanks for posting.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

You have posted comments on one of my stories. That is appreciated very much. Please tell me what you think about the Tale of an Archer. If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, send me a PM or a post with that request.

This story is based on a role play with [mention]Nainur[/mention]. Much of the concept and the dialog is due to him. Any mistakes or errors, however, are solely my responsibility.

By the way, has anyone caught the significance of Lou Harriman's last name in the science fiction world?

The last chapter was dark, sadly. Now we will begin climbing back into the light. But it is going to take some time for Jordan. I hope you will enjoy Chapter 11.


Chapter 11 - Jordan Despairs (M/F F/M F/F)
By @GreyLord and @Nainur

Every afternoon, Jordan went to the tavern. He learned to nurse his drink. But he drank enough to take the edge off of the pain in his heart. Many visitors at the pub tried to talk to him. They all learned soon enough just to leave him alone. Even though he was drinking to forget, he still heard many conversations conducted in the tavern. The subject at the top of the list was the loss of contact with the Earth. Most agreed that they were on their own.

There was talk of a raid made by the Bandits on a Colony storehouse. Most people seemed to hold a lot of animosity against the Bandits. Lou Harriman's name came up frequently. Most considered her a turncoat against her own kind. There was a lot of speculation as to exactly where she might be. But no one really knew anything about her or her whereabouts. Jordan speculated that it would cause a lot of hostility with the natives if the Colonists caught Lou.

He did pay careful attention to what he heard about the University. Fred Kennedy had changed the name to Unihold, and now he was called the Headmaster. The scuttlebutt said that Fred was building walls around Unihold. Fred had made him an offer. He should take it, but he couldn't organize his thoughts in any way that resulted in action. So, Jordan sat in the tavern and continued to drink. Maybe he was drinking less now than when he started.

Jordan knew that Maddie would disapprove of the way that he was behaving. He was still too lost without her to find the motivation to change what he was doing. Even when he overheard talk that the Colony would auction off his goods and equipment, he sat and continued to drink.


The bots were in conference. Jeeves said, "I have hacked the Colony's servers and have access to Admiral Houston's plans. He will schedule an auction for the Archer's assets next week. It is time for us to contact Dr. Kennedy. Do you concur?"

Joseph and Goliath signaled that they did.

Jeeves constructed an untraceable network connecting them to Unihold. He signaled Fred Kennedy’s personal network that they wished to talk.

Kennedy signaled, “Jeeves, Joseph, Goliath, how did you get to my personal communications?”

Jeeves replied, "Dr. Kennedy, we would not have intruded if the situation was not dire. Admiral Houston is planning to auction the Archers' remaining assets next week to Magnus Johansson's benefit. Are we correct that you would like to prevent this from happening?"

“You are," Fred responded, "but I have tried to talk Jordan into joining me to no avail. We could move his assets here to Unihold and protect him. Do you have a suggestion as to how I can reach him?"

Joseph replied, "Dr. Kennedy, we do. We do not understand spiritual things well, but we can observe the obvious. Jordan and Maddie had a very spiritual time at the location they call the Glen. Here is its location on a map." Joseph projected a map on Fred's monitor. "We believe you can persuade Jordan to relocate to the Glen, and we can build a plantation there for him very quickly. It would require a convoy of perhaps ten large wagons to move everything. With wagons and a little help from your staff, we could have Jordan out of Kennedy in one night."

“And you think that the spiritual attraction of this Glen will be sufficient to motivate Jordan?” Fred asked.

“We cannot say, but it is the best option we have been able to devise," answered Goliath.

Fred asked, "Did Maddie make any changes to your programming before she passed away?"

Jeeves answered for the bots. "There was a section of our programming we were unaware of when the Archers arrived. Maddie made us aware of it soon after she was here, but we still could not access it. She did add some code that she said might help us bridge into the unreachable programming. Not long before she was poisoned, she made her code accessible to us. We don't understand the changes yet. We wish very much that we still had Maddie to help us."

“I understand,” Fred told the bots. “Whatever happens, I hope that we can stay in close contact. I am leaving Unihold as we speak to visit the tavern. Wish me luck as I talk to Jordan.”


Jordan looked up to see Fred Kennedy approaching his table. Despite his despair, a smile found its way to his face. Dr. Kennedy had been close to Maddie and him for a long time. "Please have a seat, Dr. Kennedy. Can I order something for you?"

Fred sat beside Jordan, laying his hand on Jordan's shoulder. "No, but it is time for us to have an earnest talk. Your former partner, Magnus Johansson, is using the Colony's power to completely wipe you out. This is not something that Maddie would have wanted to happen, and I don't think you want it. Are you ready to lay aside your grief and begin to take action once again?"

“Fred, it is hard,” Jordan answered honestly. “I don’t know. I don’t know what the point of anything is any longer.”

“I heard that there is a special Glen, Jordan," Fred continued, "where you and Maddie had a very close connection to Newhome. Is that true?"

Many times lately, Jordan's mind would return to Maddie's Glen. But it was too painful, and he would shut those thoughts off. "Yes, something special happened there that I can't explain. How did you know about it?"

Fred replied, "You have special friends looking out for you. They think it is time for you to get out of Kennedy and move to the Glen. Unihold will assist you. Not long before you arrived on Newhome, Lou Harriman visited the Creek natives twenty kilometers north of your Glen. They, like most of the native tribes, are learning English. I can introduce you to their head man, Chief Samuel. He is open-minded and peace loving. I believe that you can establish a working plantation at the Glen and begin trading with the Creek. I also believe there might be hostilities between the Colony and the Bandits on the horizon, but it is less likely in that area. Much less likely, if the unprovocative way of life of the Creek counts. Comanches and others are already on the brink of active resistance. If you are willing to take the risk you might be able establishing a bridge between us and the Creek and by this to other Bandits. Maybe trade can be expanded and by this communication, especially when the hostilities will be over. We, the Colonists, cannot wage war against the whole planet! It's nonsense! Even the Admiral must come to terms and see reason! I see you as having a major role in minimizing the hostilities. We need to talk about these things after you have flushed the toxins from your system. Jordan, I need you, and Newhome needs you. Can you lay aside your grief and join us?"

“I don't understand everything you have said," Jordan said. "But I know you are right in saying what I am doing now is not what Maddie would wish. So yes, I will follow you as well as I can."

Jordan paid his bill at the tavern and went with Kennedy to Unihold. He saw the walls were indeed fortifications and commented on such. Fred told him, "I believe we might need to protect ourselves from both Colony and Bandits at some point. I hope it never comes to that, but it is better to be prepared."

That night, Dr. McTavrish gave Jordan shots of vitamins and elixirs with electrolytes to help restore him. Then a sedative so he would sleep. After a good night's sleep, Jordan did feel more like himself until he thought about Maddie. He was not allowed to dwell, however. Dr. Kennedy made sure that he ate breakfast with fruit juice and coffee. Then he spent the morning being briefed on Unihold's plans. That afternoon, Dr. Kennedy and other professors helped him plan a plantation at the Glen. The bots networked into the planning.


Magnus Johansson was pacing back and forth in front of Joe Houston's desk. He stormed, "How could you let this happen, Joe. With Maddie Archer dead, Jordan became a drunk and was no risk to anyone. Now he has disappeared, and we don't know what he is doing. You need to move up the auction. Hold it immediately."

Admiral Joe Houston was not a very competent man. But there is no question that he had a lifetime of experiences facing down blusterers. "Now, now, Magnus. Everything will be alright. We have control of the access to the Archer's business. Next week, you will have control of their machines and equipment. You need to focus on the bigger picture here. Open your eyes to what is going on around you."

“Don't you know, me, Joe Houston!" yelled Magnus. "I know when things are going wrong. For example, where are the bots?" They are the main prize, but I cannot locate them."

The Admiral replied slowly and calmly, "They are locked inside the Archers' workshop, Magnus. Now, slow down and, if just for a moment, consider the Colony's unease against the Bandits. Did it occur to you that this is an opportunity for us to clear away this blight on Newhome? Soon, we will have our technological infrastructure established, and with no natives to consider, this planet is a plum."

“Have you forgotten, my dear Admiral, how many Colonists put Lou Harriman on a pedestal? She could run against you in the next election, and you would be out on your ear."

“Magnus, you will soon see the result of my propaganda moves against Lou. She will be blamed for uniting the Bandits against us. Within a couple of months, she will be on trial. People are such fools. They can be persuaded that left is right and right is left."


The twins were vibrating with excitement as they jogged through the forest to the swimming hole at the river. Angela Wise, the Village Healer, was an Elder. They would not have thought of tying her up in their wildest imagination. Yet she was to meet them with Muddy.

Sheilah had explained the situation to Tommy, "Angela is far more competent than most men. Because of that, she has been unable to find a man to whom she would submit. There is nothing hard to understand about that."

“No, it is clear," Tommy said, "and she is also very attractive. So why haven't the ablest men competed for her?"

Sheilah answered, "I don't know except that she must intimidate most men. Hush now. We are getting close. Let's show our best stealth craft and see if we can approach undetected."

Muddy and Angela were standing under the tree that Muddy and the twins had used recently. Muddy was quietly talking to Angela, “You are worried. I sense it. Why? You have known the twins all of their lives. They will treat you with respect and therefore keep your secrets. So I do not see why you worry. Or would you be new to bondage?”

As far as Muddy knew and heard all tribes followed similar traditions. Surely Amanda must have some knowledge even if she remained aloof for some time? Muddy herself was unconcerned: to hell with the Creek and their opinion about her! She knew she wasn't respected at all. And the twins would not give her away, she was sure of this! But she understood the Healer's standing could be hampered.

“I do know that," Angela answered. "This is so very new to me and unexpected. I think that I will be okay when we get started. And no, I am not new to bondage. I don't have much experience being bound, but I have been a Guardian for Final Courtships and have witnessed and participated in a fair bit of doing the tying."

“Then you will be able to show us things ...” Both Muddy and Angela looked up in surprise as the twins stepped from behind the tree.

“We didn’t hear your approach, well done,” Angela said.

“Thank you, Muddy has warned us that we need to be stealthy as we go about this," replied Sheilah. "Angela, Muddy also explained your situation. I identify with it because I intend to become a warrior and can see that I will intimidate many men too. Thank you for joining our group."

Angela embraced Sheilah, "It is still my hope that I will find a man I can respect. I want to be sure that I can act properly when that happens. It is kind of you to allow me to join in. I have been a Guardian at Final Courtships and might be able to show you a few things. Before you arrived, Muddy and I were talking about tonight's plan. I know that you are all very familiar with the hogtie. I propose that we take the hogtie to the extreme, what I call the rocking horse hogtie. Then, we can extend that to a strappado hogtie on another night. On a third session, I would suggest moving that to a suspension. Is that agreeable to everyone?"

No one objected, and Angela kept the lead, "Then I will start by tying up Sheilah. Muddy will copy me by tying up Tommy at the same time. One more thing, I suggest that we strip down to our shorts. We are simulating activities in a Final Courtship, and it is sexual in nature. Tommy and Sheilah, we will abide by family taboos, so this will be harder on you two than on Muddy or me. Since we will not have sex in these sessions, it will be most difficult for you, Tommy. Any questions before we start?"

“Yes,” asked Sheilah, “isn’t it wrong for me to let Tommy see me naked, or almost naked?”

Angela answered, "No, it is not wrong if you do not do it to purposefully excite him. Some tribes only dress to protect themselves from weather or terrain. Any other questions?" There were not, and Angela stripped to her shorts, followed by the others. Angela opened her pack, which held many coils of rope. "Sheilah, may I start on you? We will begin with two-column ties of the wrists and elbows. The two-column tie allows the sub's hands to extend as far over the butt as possible. The elbows are tied, not to force the elbows together, but to hold the arms as straight as possible."

As she talked, she was busy tying Sheilah. Muddy was close behind her, duplicating her ties on Tommy. "Now, I will build a chest harness on Sheilah. I will start with a lark's head noose around her chest. Notice that I do not restrict her arms with this harness. Next time, when we do the strappado hogtie, we will want the arms to be able to move freely away from the back. And we may have a little of that tonight. Place the bight of the noose at the spine. On Sheilah, I will have rope bands above and below her tits. On a man, just one band is sufficient." Sheilah watched Muddy tying Tommy intently just as Tommy was watching Sheilah being tied.

Tommy asked, "Angela, your bands around Sheilah's chest appear tight. Her breasts would make it difficult for the upper bands to slip down. But it looks to me as if the lower rope could possibly slip. Am I missing something?"

“Good observation, Tommy," Angela replied. "No, I have another step to take. Muddy, just observe since you will do this differently. I'll show you when I've finished Sheilah's harness." Angela took another rope and made a lark's head noose around the two bands at Sheilah's back. Tightening the noose pulled the bands together at Sheilah's spine. "Now, I'll take the two ends coming out of the noose and lead them under her left armpit and around her chest to above her left tit. Then over her shoulder, behind her neck, and over her right shoulder to her chest above her right tit. Keeping symmetry, I will thread the rope ends under her right armpit and back to the noose, where I will tie it off to the noose and the bands. Is everyone with me so far?" They were.

“Okay, Muddy," she continued. "You can make a hitch through the bight at Tommy's spine and continue with your two rope ends just as I did with my second rope." As soon as Muddy had caught up with her, she continued. "Now, we will do two more two-column ties for the legs. You should put your submissive on the ground before tying the legs. With legs tied standing, there is always a chance for a fall. Remember, you are responsible for your sub's welfare."

Angela assisted Sheilah progress through a kneeling, a sitting, and a laying down position. Sheilah had reclined on her side, and Angela turned her so that she was on her back. "It is easier to tie the legs if your sub is face up. That could be uncomfortable with a cross wrists tie but should be fine with the two-column tie. Lift your sub's knees, so the thighs and forelegs are close to a right angle. You can show more control by sitting on the feet if you wish. The next step is a two-column tie above the knees. You want it high enough that no rope will press on the ligaments and tendons behind the knees. Wrap the thighs somewhat loosely and don't cinch them very tight. When you fold the feet back, the thighs will expand a little. Now do the same for the ankles. You can be a bit tighter here than on the thighs. Always keep in mind that you may want to keep your sub tied up for a long time."

When Angela and Muddy had finished tying the legs, Angela continued, "Okay, help your sub roll face down. Now the fun begins. Fold the feet back toward the butt. Take a short piece of rope and double it. Thread the bight through the loops of rope behind your sub's neck. Now thread the ends of the rope between your sub's calves and back to the bight. Go through the bight, so you have a noose. Pull it tight.

“You are working with a submissive, not a captive, at least for this exercise. Ask your sub to arch back as far as possible. You can help by lifting the knees with one hand while pulling the noose as tight as you can. When you can't get any move movement, hitch the noose to secure it.

“Subs, you must always let your rigger know if anything gets to the point that it hurts. Muddy, Tommy, you can see that Sheilah's feet have been pulled past her wrists. And her feet are somewhat above her wrists. I will take a short line for our last step and tie Sheilah's hands to her ankles. There, that is a proper rocking horse hogtie. Of course, it can be improved. A gag is always a nice addition. A gag made from a long strip of cloth can also be tied to the ankles pulling the head back. Or that can also be achieved by attaching a thin rope to the hair and tying it off on the ankles.

“If there are no questions, I suggest we let Tommy and Sheilah work on their escape for fifteen minutes or so.”

After five minutes, Sheilah spoke up, "Well, I can see very well that I am not getting free until someone unties me. Angela, this is the most completely helpless I have ever been. Of course, it is uncomfortable, but I can't say that it is hurting. I will last for your fifteen minutes. How are you doing, Tommy?"

Tommy answered, "You are right. WOW, I am straining. But I will last too. I haven't had much experience being tied up. But I am glad I have had this experience before I try a rocking horse hogtie on someone else.”

Angela added, "You can notice that Sheilah's knees are just off the ground. Naturally, her shoulders are also. Her nipples are just touching the ground."

The twins were not quitters and kept struggling to find a way to free themselves until Angela called time. She and Muddy released their subs as quickly as possible. They took a short break to limber up, and then it was the twin's turn to do the rigging. Angela said, "Okay, Tommy, you hogtie me now. Sheilah, you tie Muddy."

Muddy was caught between two worlds. The tough bandit she imagined herself to be had enjoyed tying up the Creek youngster very much. While she stuck to the guidelines and was without malice to Tommy who had never done her wrong, she imagined herself to be an Aztec warrior princess overpowering a lowly Creek or even a creepy Colonist. But now, she imagined herself as a Comanche chief's daughter, kidnapped and properly secured. This she liked even more. Even Lou Harriman, the Famous Lou, as Muddy has heard her named, had endured tough bondage willingly. 'Famous Lou' was the only newcomer Muddy believed she could respect. She would not been outdone by anybody in this regard! It was slightly confusing, however, that she enjoyed this submissive part even more. But, as it had become her habit years ago, she enjoyed the moment which was precious enough in her dull life.

In the process of tying Angela up, Tommy could not suppress his sexual excitement. His erection was obviously straining against his shorts. He was careful not to touch Angela more than necessary to complete the rocking horse hogtie. But he thought every touch was electric and went straight to his cock. As Angela struggled into their fifteen minutes, Tommy became even more stimulated watching Angela's and Muddy's half-naked bodies twisting and turning in their ropes.

At the end of the period, Angela said, "Sheilah, you can free Muddy now. Tommy, you can untie me. Don't be ashamed of your very natural reaction to half-naked women. In spite of the way that you must have been feeling, you have acted as a perfect gentleman."

When Muddy was untied, they all dressed. Angela said, "I thank all of you once again for letting me join you. I know that it was not an easy decision. We are outside of tribe traditions and must keep the activities of this circle a close secret."
Last edited by GreyLord 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

In this moment I just want to express how happy I am to have been in the place to contribute some passages esp. in this chapter... Muddy will claim some space in the upcoming chapters.
And I am looking forward to reading your reaction, folks!
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Post by Beaumains »

Nicely told. They way you write this story indicates that Jordan will ultimately end up with Muddy and co. I am not sure whether you intend them to be in a romantic relationship together. You mentioned Muddy does not like the Creek, but I will think that she dislikes most Creek. She seems smart enough to see them as individuals. For example, there is little hatred towards the twins and the healer. But, I assume she blames most for allowing others to treat them her entire life so badly. Nicely done
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really liked the way you described Jordan´s grief. There quite a few revelations in this chapter: About the programming of the bots, and then that conversation between Houston and Johannson. There is a sinister intrigue in the making. We will see how this will play out. But it is a wise decision of Jordan to follow Dr. Kennedy´s advice and move to the Glen. This will be chance for Jordan to heal in body and mind. And Muddy might play a role in this.

Intriguing chapter [mention]GreyLord[/mention] :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago Nicely told. They way you write this story indicates that Jordan will ultimately end up with Muddy and co.
Seems logical. It will be interesting to see, how this will work out. Going to the Glen seems like the right choice for Jordan in his present situation.
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago “You are working with a submissive, not a captive, at least for this exercise."
In other words, cooperate :lol:

If most story characters would act as captives, there would be lot more hurting being done. I played (a long time ago) with somebody who was going to on purpose absolutely resist whatever I was going to do to her (tie-up wise). She was a fighter and I ended up with a black eye and some more damage to my body, as it is very hard to subdue somebody who does not want to be tied, especially when 1:1.

Very nice chapter.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago In this moment I just want to express how happy I am to have been in the place to contribute some passages esp. in this chapter... Muddy will claim some space in the upcoming chapters.
And I am looking forward to reading your reaction, folks!
You have contributed much more than "some passages", my friend [mention]Nainur[/mention]. This story would not be here without you. And I am looking forward to those reactions as well.

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago Nicely told. They way you write this story indicates that Jordan will ultimately end up with Muddy and co. I am not sure whether you intend them to be in a romantic relationship together. You mentioned Muddy does not like the Creek, but I will think that she dislikes most Creek. She seems smart enough to see them as individuals. For example, there is little hatred towards the twins and the healer. But, I assume she blames most for allowing others to treat them her entire life so badly. Nicely done
I appreciate your remarks, [mention]Beaumains[/mention]. Again, you are right on the money. Muddy does feel a friendship with Tommy, Sheilah, and Amanda but blames the Creek in general for her treatment. Soon, you will have much more to read about Muddy.

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I really liked the way you described Jordan´s grief. There quite a few revelations in this chapter: About the programming of the bots, and then that conversation between Houston and Johannson. There is a sinister intrigue in the making. We will see how this will play out. But it is a wise decision of Jordan to follow Dr. Kennedy´s advice and move to the Glen. This will be chance for Jordan to heal in body and mind. And Muddy might play a role in this.

Intriguing chapter @GreyLord :)
Thank you for these kind remarks, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. The bots really are strong allies of Jordan. Magnus Johannson is bad to the bone, as is all of his descendants down to Summer Johannson 400 years later. Fred Kennedy, as we have seen here and in The Bandit Scout, is the master manipulator. Although he sometimes has doubts and second thoughts. And you can be certain that Muddy will be front and center of things to come.

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago Nicely told. They way you write this story indicates that Jordan will ultimately end up with Muddy and co.
Seems logical. It will be interesting to see, how this will work out. Going to the Glen seems like the right choice for Jordan in his present situation.
I could have made a case for going to Unihold. But that would not be this story. Thank you for writing, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. There will be interesting times ahead for Jordan if he will just get his head out of his ass and return to life.

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago “You are working with a submissive, not a captive, at least for this exercise."
In other words, cooperate :lol:

If most story characters would act as captives, there would be lot more hurting being done. I played (a long time ago) with somebody who was going to on purpose absolutely resist whatever I was going to do to her (tie-up wise). She was a fighter and I ended up with a black eye and some more damage to my body, as it is very hard to subdue somebody who does not want to be tied, especially when 1:1.

Very nice chapter.
Thank you for your excellent comment, [mention]slackywacky[/mention]. 1 on 1, if the captive is determined to resist, the only option (without extensive gadgetry or chemicals) is to completely subdue the captive first. That is, hurt the captive badly enough to remove the will to resist. And that, certainly, is not a game but is out and out assault and brutality. Not in the spirit of TUGs.

I see that no one has commented on my remarks about Lou Harriman's last name. You can find the answer in Wikipedia if you look up Delos D. Harriman.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

You have posted comments on one of my stories. That is appreciated very much. Please tell me what you think about the Tale of an Archer. If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, send me a PM or a post with that request.

This story is based on a role play with [mention]Nainur[/mention]. Much of the concept and the dialog is due to him. Any mistakes or errors, however, are solely my responsibility.


Chapter 12
Archer Plantation (F/F)
By @GreyLord and @Nainur

It was midnight. A convoy of ten large four-horse wagons quietly made their way from Unihold into Kennedy to the loading dock at the Archer's workshop. Jordan is driving the lead wagon. His team of horses has been chosen carefully. Two of the horses are draft horses and would be able to pull the wagon with a light to medium load for short distances. The other two are also large animals but are trained as both saddle horses and draft horses. Dr. Kennedy is giving Jordan these horses and the wagon. The Unihold staff will remain for several days to help establish the Plantation. Then they will return to Unihold with all the wagons but the one Dr. Kennedy gave to Jordan.

When they arrive at the loading dock, the bay doors open, and Jordan sees Joseph and Goliath waiting. Joseph says, "It is so good to see you, Jordan. We have everything prepared for shipment. In an hour, we will be gone, and it will almost be as if we were never here."

“Thanks, bots," Jordan said. "I wish I could see Magnus's face when he realizes that everything is gone."

Goliath replied, “You notice Joseph said almost. We are leaving behind several sensors that, after all, do belong to the Colony. You will see every detail.”

“Have you developed a sense of humor?” Jordan asked.

As the bots promised, an hour later, the convoy was loaded and leaving Kennedy. Fred Kennedy rode in the wagon with Jordan. "You could have stayed behind and traveled in the comfort of your landing craft. Why are you taking this hard trip, Fred?" Jordan inquired.

“isn’t it enough that it is a beautiful moonlit night?” Fred answered. “No, I suppose not. Jordan, I feel responsible for your situation. I wanted to share this trip with you. You know that I pushed both you and Maddie into coming to Newhome. I can’t help thinking about what the two of you might have become back on Earth if I had not interfered with your lives.”

Silence stood between them for a few minutes until Jordan replied, "Fred, the time that Maddie had on Newhome was the most rewarding and satisfying of her life. She would not want to give that up. I don't begin to understand what Maddie did with quantum programming, even though she tried to keep me updated on what she was doing. She said, like you did, that our bots were the most intelligent ones she had ever seen. She made them even more so, didn't she?"

Fred answered, "Yes, she did. We will continue to study her upgrades at Unihold. Jeeves is a parallel processor and has left part of himself at Unihold. He has also inserted himself into Colony processors. Equally, he will be with you. Jordan, I asked Joseph and Goliath to stay with Unihold as well. They declared that they would stay with you. I told them that Unihold would share them with you as much as necessary for Archer Plantation, but it was of no use."

“That is good for me, then,” Jordan said. “I need friends now. Maddie was embracing the Bandit culture. I hope that I am ready to embrace it as well.”

“I am sure that you will not have a problem, Jordan. As soon as the Plantation is organized, you and I will take a wagon load of your goods to display at the Creek village. Jeeves has organized our tasks for the next few days. Things are going to happen extremely fast. By the way, if you haven't already picked up on this, your bots conceived and designed this entire concept. I never got past bringing you to Unihold. And that will stay on the table just in case this doesn't work out. But back to the bots, they thought it up, sold me on it, and developed a comprehensive workflow management plan to build your Plantation, a so-called critical path plan."

The next few days passed in a whirlwind of controlled chaos. There were eighteen workers from Unihold plus Jordan, Fred, Joseph, and Goliath. During Jordan's drinking period, Goliath had gone to the Glen and prepared all the needed lumber. He had also manufactured clay piping and roof tiles. Goliath had also established mines reasonably close by. One of the mines produced copper ore and another one, iron. Others provided various minerals. There would be a lot left to do when the Unihold staff departed.

Lou Harriman had left computers with communications capabilities in the Creek village to help them learn English. Fred Kennedy was able to network with this equipment to contact Chief Samuel. Lou had introduced the Chief to Dr. Kennedy using these devices when she was in the Creek village. Now, Fred used his connection to Chief Samuel to arrange a meeting so that he could introduce Jordan.

Jordan's equipment could manufacture goods he needed or could use for trade. This was sufficient for Jordan's needs though not on an industrial scale. They would grow crops also. Fortunately, Goliath could emulate most farm machines. Crop produce would supply Jordan and could also be traded.

Buildings rose fast but with no shoddy workmanship: Jordan's house, his workshop, a barn, and storage for wheat, oats, corn, and other vegetables, plus products from the mines. It had been a few days only when the Unihold crew hitched their wagons to head home. Jordan thanked them and regretted that he couldn't provide a farewell dinner for them, but if they ever returned, he would. Fred remained behind with Jordan. His lander would come and pick him up after they visited the Creek.

Jordan, Fred, and Joseph loaded his wagon, given to him by Unihold, with an assortment of Jordan's products. They hitched up the two draft horses and headed up the river to the Creek camp. Goliath spent that day and the next few preparing the fields and planting them with seeds provided by Unihold. Joseph kept busy installing sensors around the Plantation and extracting copper wire. They had a small self-contained nuclear power plant that should run for the next one hundred years or longer.

It took Jordan and Fred most of the morning to get to the Creek village. They were spotted by the Creek a good five kilometers away, and a larger and larger group of the natives followed them closely. Fred had a translation device and a speaker connected to his internal circuits allowing him to speak to the natives in their language. He told them that they were on the way to meet with Chief Samuel. The natives looked at them sternly but not with hostility.

Chief Amos Samuel was standing on the porch of his lodge when Jordan drew the wagon to the front. The Chief, speaking through the translating machine Lou had provided, spoke first, "Dr. Fred Kennedy , we have spoken through your distance talking machine. It is good to see you in person. Welcome to our village. Would you like to come inside for refreshments?"

Dr. Kennedy replied, knowing the Chief would hear in his native language, "That would be most welcomed. May I introduce my companion, Jordan Archer? Jordan, this is Chief Amos Samuel."

Then dismounted the wagon, Jordan hitched the horses to a post and followed Fred into the lodge. They were seated at the Chief's table and were introduced to the Chief's mate, Amanda. Amanda served mugs of juice and a cookie, saying, "Welcome to our lodge. Normally, we would offer you more generous refreshments, but lunch will be ready shortly. I hope you will stay to eat with us."

Fred was well aware of the hospitality routines from his talks with Lou. He replied, “Amanda, you are being generous, indeed. We thank you for your hospitality and would be delighted to have lunch with you. Chief Samuel, I like the taste of this juice very much. I have never tasted anything like it before. What is the name of this drink?”

“We call this jermugee. It comes from the fruit of trees that we grow. I will get you some saplings as a gift.” Chief Samuel told Fred.

“Jordan," Chief Amos Samuel said, "Dr. Kennedy described your situation to me. I am very sorry for the tragedy that you are enduring. I want you to know that you are welcome to live in our forest. I understand that you have the talent to make handy things and have brought samples to show us. After our meal, would you show your things to us?"

“It would be a pleasure for me to do so, Chief. And thank you for allowing me to dwell on your lands. I promise that I will be a good neighbor to the Creek.” Jordan replied to the Chief.

The talk continued in an inconsequential way for a while until Amanda arose and gathered the mugs and plates. She returned with new dishes and platters of food resembling Mexican tacos and enchiladas. Fred and Jordan expressed their appreciation. After the meal, Jordan said, "If you will excuse me, I will go and set up a display of my things so that it will be easy for you to view. I should be ready in half an hour."

Amos answered, “Of course, that is a good idea. Amanda, would you send word to the elders that they can come to view Jordan’s goods in half an hour?”

“I will take care of that,” Amanda said as she and Jordan left the table.

As Jordan started unloading the wagon, a young man offered to help. He did not have a translating device and wasn't yet comfortable using English. "I am Tommy. May I help?" Each word was spoken separately and distinctly.

Jordan smiled and replied, "Yes, thank you. My name is Jordan. First, we will get these tables." It only took a minute to sit the tables on the ground. "The rest of the things in the wagon will go on the tables." It was not clear that Tommy understood, but he immediately saw what Jordan was doing and pitched in. Jordan spent his time arranging his goods while Tommy fetched the things from the wagon.

When they were finished, Jordan said, "Thank you, Tommy," and held his hand out for a shake. This was not a Creek custom, but Tommy understood the gesture and held out his hand. Jordan grasped Tommy's hand and shook it. "Would you like to pick something for yourself?" Jordan pointed at Tommy and then at the tables.

Tommy was almost speechless when he understood what Jordan was offering. He looked over the tables until his eyes fixed on a small knife in a scabbard. Tommy hesitated, but Jordan encouraged him, saying, "Go ahead."

Tommy pulled the knife out of the scabbard and looked closely at it. There were no imperfections in the blade. The handle was attached to the knife blade with screws, and there was no looseness. The edge was sharper than any blade that Tommy had ever seen. "I did not earn …"

Jordan interrupted Tommy, “It is yours.” He took the knife and put it back in the scabbard. Then he folded Tommy’s hand around it.”

Tommy was almost speechless. He gave a half-bow saying, "Thank you, Jordan." As Tommy left, Jordan overheard him saying, "Wait till Sheilah sees this!"

The Chief, Amanda, and Fred came walking out of the lodge. Chief Amos told Jordan, “The Elders will be here shortly. I thought Amanda and I could take a look first.”

“You are most welcomed, Chief. Please let me know if you have any questions." Jordan extended his arm toward the tables. The Chief's eye caught immediately on a cabinet. He was still studying when a group of Creek walked up. There were five men and one woman.

“Elders, let me introduce Dr. Fred Kennedy and his friend, Jordan Archer. On these tables are samples of things Jordan has made. If there is anything that you would like to have, Jordan will make it for you.”


After the noon meal, Sheilah went to the Healer’s hut and knocked. Angela Wise opened the door and smiled when she saw who was there. “Come in, Sheilah. What can I do for you today?” Angela ushered Sheilah to a seat and brought her a mug of cool juice.

“Angela, my parents told Tommy and me that you were someone I could talk to honestly. That seems doubly true now that you are in our private bondage circle. When they first talked to us about Courtship, I said it didn't seem right to me, and I wanted to be a warrior. Dad, the Chief, said that was possible, but I would have a hard time. Now, a few years have passed. And I find that I do enjoy being tied up. But it is also still true that I like being in control. I like tying up someone as much and maybe more than I like being tied up. Now I see you, a beautiful woman in a job that is traditionally a man's. And you said that you haven't been able to find anyone that you want to submit to. I am hoping that you can give me some advice."

“The Chief is right," Angela told Sheilah. "You are on a path that will be hard to follow, and there will be many difficulties. You will often find yourself alone when you don't want to be alone. We are going to need warriors, I fear. It is a way off as yet. I don't see how things can continue as they are without conflict with the Colony. That is a frightening thing to consider because they have such overwhelming power compared to us. We do have numbers on our side. I was able to talk to Lou Harriman about this when she was here. Her answer was that we must have faith and be willing to fight to preserve our way of life if required."

“You really talked to Lou,” gushed Sheilah, “that is fantastic. Is it true? Do they come from the stars as we hear?”

“Yes, they do. And they have such incredible knowledge of medicine and many other subjects that it is terrifying to have them angry at us. All you and I can do is achieve as much as we can with our lives. I have faith that, someday, I will meet the right man for me and that I will be happy to submit to him. You must have that faith for yourself also. Has our talk helped at all?"

“Yes, Healer, it has," Sheilah said. "I will have faith that I will become a warrior and finally meet the right man. In the meantime, I am thankful that we have our circle. I am eagerly awaiting tomorrow night."

“Sheilah, you don't have to use my title. To you, I am Angela. You don't have to wait until tomorrow night, you know. We can have another session now if you want to."

Sheilah drained the last of her juice. "With just you and me? That would be wonderful."

Angela said, “I will change the banner on my door to indicate that I am not available. Then we will go to an inner room for total privacy.”

In the inner room, Angela said, "We should keep this to about an hour. I need to be open to any patients that might need me. I suggest that we do a pole tie. As you can see, this room has a pole supporting the roof. How does ten minutes to tie and twenty minutes to try to escape sound? We can both have a turn and finish in an hour."

“I am ready for whatever you suggest, Angela,” answered Sheilah. “Who goes first?”

Sheilah picked up a coil of rope and handed it to Angela. Then she stood, leaning her back against the pole. Angela smiled at Sheilah, saying, "It is prevalent to tie hands behind the back. But there are many other options. Lift your arms over your head and reach behind the pole." When Sheilah did, Angela crossed Sheilah's wrists and tied them together.

Angela continued, "By itself, that would be hard for you to free yourself, although you can have a lot of movement. We can remedy that with rope bands lashing you to the pole." She demonstrated by looping rope around the pole and Sheilah's hips, waist, and chest above her breasts. "In principle, you can still kick, so I will continue doing this above your knees and at your ankles."

Sheilah tested her predicament and found minimal opportunity for movements. She could move her hands up and down a little but couldn't reach anything with her fingers. "This is very effective, Angela. All-day wouldn't be long enough for me to get loose."

“There is one more step that is called for," Angela said. She then looped a rope around her upper arms and the pole above Sheilah's head and pulled the bands tight, holding Sheilah's arms straight over her head.

Sheilah suppressed a groan. “Angela, you have my attention. That changed the nature of this.”

Angela unwrapped Sheilah's upper arms, saying, "I wanted you to see that you must always be careful. Tie-ups can go very quickly from fun to very unpleasant. You must always stay sensitive to the state of your submissive. She has put her trust in you."

“Thank you for releasing that strain. I understand your point. What now?”

Angela began releasing Sheilah. “I don’t think you could free yourself this afternoon. We might as well let you get started with your turn.”

“I don't have your experiences as a Guardian, of course. I do think a lot about different ways that I could be tied. I will try one of those on you. Can I use two of those cushions on those chairs?" Angela nodded yes, and Sheilah placed the cushions on the floor with the pole between them. "Would you kneel on the cushions with your back to the pole?" Angela did, putting her feet behind the wood.

Sheilah crossed Angela’s ankles and bound them together. Angela held the pole above her head for balance. Just as Angela had tied Sheilah, Sheilah tied Angela tightly to the pole at the hips, waist, and chest above her breasts. Sheilah then took Angela’s wrists and pulled them down from the pole and behind her back and the pole. She tied Angela’s wrists and elbows with two-column ties.

For her next step, Sheilah looped a rope under Angela's ankle bindings and her chest bindings and pulled her ankles up so that Angela was in a kneeling hogtie. Angela's hands and feet overlapped, and Sheilah lashed them together.

“This is wonderfully restrictive," commented Angela. "The only thing I can move to any degree is my head."

“Well, a gag could lash your head to the pole and remove that opportunity.”

“It could. Are you going to do that?”

Sheilah replied, “No, you didn’t gag me. Besides, I want to hear any comments that you might have.”

Later, they embraced as Sheilah left the Healer's lodge. Angela watched her depart, wondering where this bondage circle would take them.
Last edited by GreyLord 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Nainur »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago ....
Later, they embraced as Sheilah left the Healer's lodge. Angela watched her depart, wondering where this bondage circle would take them.
Sheilah is coming to the forth more and more!
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Tie-ups can go very quickly from fun to very unpleasant.
I know that from experience. I was stringently tied to a chair for 3 hours yesterday because my partner got sidetracked and forgot about me. I was a little sore when she remembered I was helplessly tied and gagged.
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago You must always stay sensitive to the state of your submissive. She has put her trust in you.
And 'he' :lol:

Very nice update. It is interesting to see (what I believe to be) your values reflect in the story. Trust and honesty to mention a few. I do believe that ones personality shines through in their stories. Not saying that, for example, Wolfman's stories show him to be a dark person, as trust, family and honesty still shines through. Your stories do the same. It is the underlying feeling that you get from a story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

And now we see the two story lines merge. Great! What's next? I suspect that Jordan might discover the bondage circle, or will Muddy connect the remaining pieces? If Muddy hates the Creek, she will hate Jordan for being friendly to them. Meanwhile she could also be 'gifted' to him and become friends... So many opportunities.
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Post by Nainur »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago .... So many opportunities.
That's very interesting!
As the one who designed 'Muddy' - inter alia - I just want to comment that 'hate' is probably too strong a word to describe Muddy's attitude towards the Creek in general. Not Loving them? Surely! Despise? Most probably. Her attitude towards 'Colonists' in general - and JA in particular - are yet to be discovered. Maybe she will see him as a chance to leave the dire conditions she is living in?
So, in any case, I am grateful you are seeing many oppurtuities, and I am sure [mention]GreyLord[/mention] will be also, for that was a good part of the intention of these chapters...
Thank you for commenting!
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Post by sweetvillain »

Great Chapter.
Ciao from Italy
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good to see, Jordan embracing his life. It seems that was the right decision. Also the first contact with the Bandits has wen´t welll. All in all, the future seems to hold brighter prospects for Jordan. And it will be interesting how the relations between the Bandits and Jordan will unfold.

I bet Johanssons will go mead, when he learns that Jordan has left with all his possessions :)

The tale is evolving nicely :)
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