Tale of an Archer (M+/F+ F+/F+ F/M m/f f/f), Chapter 38 - Aftermath and Epilogue - 11/24/2022 - Complete

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Post by GreyLord »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Now, Angela is pushing the envelope to make up for lost time.
Aren't we all (those of us past 50)? :lol:
I resemble thar remsrk, [mention]slackywacky[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

You have posted comments on one of my stories. That is appreciated very much. Please tell me what you think about the Tale of an Archer. If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, send me a PM or a post with that request.


Chapter 31 – Induction in the Creek Tribe
By @GreyLord and @Nainur

Maddie had not asked Jordan about the matches the night before. She noticed his calm mood in the evening, and that had been enough. She had thought her man's prowess and skills were already proven and, strangely enough, given her rather conservative views on tradition, it did not really matter, but so she was pleased the more.

Her plans had also gone well, and she was content with how things were going.

On organizing triplets to sections and sections to divisions, she thought choices for leaders should be made soon among those who were best familiar with the crossbows. Clearly, a leader needed skills acknowledged by the people she or he led, preferably the most skilled. A leader had to lead and not concentrate on spanning and loading. Squad leaders were very much expected to also shoot in her schemes.

She thought it best if Chief Samuel advised them on that call, but she and Jordan would suggest the candidates. Among those selected, the Creek would choose commanders by themselves, as it was tradition. They would be good choices, she was sure. She was also confident that Amanda would be called and would get the call to command the first century. To her amazement, Maddie had no ambition for command. Things had changed. She did not want to impress anyone but Jordan and help Amanda. That was enough.

That afternoon, Jordan again entered the Counsel Lodge at the appointed time. The same people were waiting as yesterday, but not Gunnar and Harry, but a rather hulking figure whom Jordan had seen before but did not know, a Creek named Derrick. Jordan was thinking, "By his look, he means business. There was more tension in the atmosphere than the previous day. Were the Creek hoping that I would lose today? The Headmaster was looking at me impassively, telling me nothing. Lose, I might, but not from lack of effort on my part. I was not a master of martial arts, although I had received good training three nights a week for five years. I expected that I would be matched against their best, so it would be no dishonor to lose. I hoped it would not cause the Creek to lose face if I won."

Jordan was introduced to his opponent, Derrick. This guy was big and powerful looking. The look in his eye indicated that he intended to win. Jordan smiled as he shook Derrick's hand and wished him good fortune. What will be, will be.

“Do take care!" signaled the Headmaster.

And Chief Samuel cried: "Defend yourself, Colonist!"

What?! And then Derrick produced a kind of bludgeon and lifted the club with his right arm to transform Jordan's skull into a pulp. An instinctive move of Jordan's, instilled by his years of training, was to slide his left foot forward and to Derrick's left while raising both hands high to the outside of Derrick's right arm in an inverted V.

Derrick was just starting to bring the bludgeon down onto Jordan's head with his right arm when Jordan began to move. Without thought, for if you stop to think about what to do, it is too late. Jordan stepped up to his left, positioning himself to face Derrick from Derrick's right side. His right arm was touching Derrick's right arm but not blocking it. This was the entering movement, irimi. Without delay, Jordan pivoted on his left foot while bringing both hands down on the top of Derrick's striking arm until the turning of Jordan's body pulled his right hand away. His left hand stayed on Derrick's arm, pushing it down and sliding down until Jordan's hand reached Derrick's wrist. Derrick's hand, being larger than his wrist, stopped the slide of Jordan's hand. Jordan took the kotegaeshe grip on Derrick's hand holding the bludgeon. Jordan's lower three fingers grasped the meat of Derrick's thumb, and Jordan's thumb took its place on the back of Derrick's hand near the knuckle of his little finger.

This happened as Jordan continued his one hundred-and-eighty-degree pivot, called tenkan. This movement pulled Derrick in a clockwise direction around Jordan. As Derrick came around, Jordan's hips aligned with his right foot. Jordan brought his right hand under Derrick's right hand and, using both hands, snapped Derrick's hand and wrist back in the direction Derrick was coming from. Jordan kept his hand right in front of his belly, where he was the strongest. Power was added to Jordan's movement because he snapped his hips counterclockwise to line up with his left foot simultaneously. All of this transpired in a second or two.

If Jordan had not been charged with adrenaline from facing the bludgeon, he might have been able to modify his response to be more painful but less damaging. If Derrick had known how he could have flipped his body over his wrist and landed on his back without sustaining any injury. This was not the case. A loud groan escaped Derrick's lips even before he hit the mat. His right arm had been wrenched in a direction it was not designed to move. He hit on his shoulder, adding a further injury. Jordan moved the bludgeon away from Derrick and immediately called to the Chief, "He needs help."

The Chief sent for Medico McTavrish. Others were moving in to try to help Derrick. Jordan said, "Try not to move him without Dr. McTavrish's directions. He is hurt, but it is not life-threatening."

The Headmaster contacted Angus McTavrish with his private communication link. Angus came running as Jordan explained precisely what had happened to Derrick by commlink. The Headmaster requested that the Chief send someone to the Healer's Lodge for a stretcher.

Medico McTavrish arrived and first confirmed no threat to Derrick's life. He pressed a vial of liquid to Derrick's lips with a potent pain reliever and directed Creek on how to move Derrick to a more comfortable position. "Chief, I can say that Derrick has a dislocated shoulder and internal injuries to ligaments and tendons. I will have to operate on him, but full recovery can be expected. How did this happen in a supervised contest?"

The Chief saw Jordan kneeling on the mats beside Derrick and said, "Shordan Archah, this is not your fault. It is ours. Derrick was to pull the bludgeon, so it only passed in front of you, hitting an arm at most. The guilt must be directed at me. Pride is truly a sin."

Derrick was taking things like the champ he was. The pain must have been immense, but he uttered hardly a sound. Nonetheless, Derrick was shocked, and doubly so. He was considered the best among the Creek in hand-to-hand combat, so he was selected not to harm Jordan but to frighten him without hurting him. Now he lay on the floor with a shoulder burning like hell. He looked with such bewilderment at Shordan Archah that it helped him ignore the pain, which was receding rapidly because of the Medico's elixir.

The whole incident caused much agog among the Creek, naturally. At first, more than a few outside the Council Lodge, not knowing what had occurred, even feared that a Colony attack was already happening. There were some chaotic moments before it could be sorted out. Among those who came running, Maddie and Angela were not the slowest. As Maddie saw her darling unharmed, her face turned blank. Only her eyes glowed menacingly.

This was the way she behaved when she came to Jordan's home. She hid her horror and fury and bewilderment. She only knew one thing: whoever dared to threaten her dream would be in mortal danger. Nobody was allowed to interfere with her wishes to live with Shordan Archah!

Jordan was still kneeling on the makeshift mats. He had never hurt anyone before. Indeed, it was against the teachings of aikido. He saw that Derrick was not going to harm him. The Headmaster spoke to him via their private link, "Jordan, you must not blame yourself. The Creek did not know that their actions would trigger your response. But they did trigger it, and you reacted as you have been trained. Dr. McTavrish will fix Derrick's arm and shoulder. All will be well. There is no blame on you, either by Colony or Bandit codes. Now buck up. The Chief is going to make an announcement."

Maddie had come onto the mats and was kneeling beside me. The Chief called out, "Attention, everyone. First, I am told that the Unihold doctor will be able to fix Derrick, and he will not be crippled. Second, the fault of this accident rests on my shoulders. I wanted to see Jordan's reaction to surprise stress. I should have discussed my plan with the Headmaster but did not, and this is the result. I apologize to Derrick, Jordan, the Creek, and Unihold. Third, the purpose of these contests has been fulfilled. It is the unanimous conclusion of the elders and myself that Shordan Archah is supremely capable of fulfilling all of his duties as a mate and is authorized herewith to finish the Final Courtship with his woman, Mae'aed-dee. And Finally, the Elders and I wish to offer Shordan Archah and Mae'aed-dee full membership as Creek with all rights and privileges. This is an honor not given before in my lifetime. Shordan Archah and Mae'aed-dee, will you accept membership in the Creek tribe?"

I first looked at Maddie and saw the brightness in her eyes. She gave me a slight nod, yes. "Chief Samuel, Maddie and I will be honored to become Creek."

The Chief continued, “We will have the induction ceremony on your training field. Runners, send word to all Creek to gather now at the training field to honor the entry of Shordan Archah and Mae’aed-dee into our tribe.

The Induction Ceremony was a short but dignified procedure. On the platform raised for Jordan’s crossbow instruction and in front of the assembled Creek, Chief Samuel said, “Jordan Archer, or as we say Shordan Archah, will you join my family and be a brother to all Creek?”

Jordan answered, "I will." The Chief took his knife and made an incision in the palm of his hand so that blood flowed. Then he did the same to Jordan and grasped his hand, so their blood flowed together. "We are now Blood Brothers, and you are a full-blooded Creek," as he lifted their hands high for all to see.

Amanda then said to Maddie, “Maddie, or as we say Mae’aed-dee, will you join my family and be a sister to all Creek?”

Maddie answered, "I will," and Amanda slit her palm and Maddie's palm. Then joined their hands and lifted them high, saying, "We are now Blood Sisters, and you are a full-blooded Creek."

Cheers and shouts of “How, how, how!” poured from the assembled Creek. As they finally quieted, the Chief said, “There has not been an event like this in my lifetime. Remember it and tell it to your families often.”

Returning to the Chief's Lodge, the Headmaster spoke, "Chief, Medico McTavrish tells me that he can perform the surgery on Derrick without taking him to Unihold. He has discussed this with Angela, and they have had Derrick carried to the Healer's Lodge by stretcher. The surgery will be underway soon."

Chief Samuel, clearly still a bit shaken but also comforted by the prospect of Derrick's healing, had only a few close friends with him, Amanda, the Headmaster. Maybe it was to distract himself that he asked his wife about the training and her recommendations.

Amanda explained, "It is taking time, of course, but it is going well and in the right direction. Some are quicker to learn, but there's a great spirit. Maddie's demonstration of how sub-units might be employed has been an eye-opener, and they understand why they must train as they do. This is helpful because it is not exactly our way of doing things, but it is a new way, and I want to give credit to Shordan Archah and Mae'aed-dee for their handling of the training.

"Maddie told me we need to quicken the pace until we are at a satisfactory level. Tactical training is necessary in addition to crossbow training. We will have to try some things out. It is as simple as that. The base of the whole system is the division, made of three sections of nine shooters. The nine are organized into three triplets of three crossbow shooters. But we need section leaders appointed in the next few days to get them used to their positions and what is expected from them. We will select among those who are very well doing with the crossbow and are old enough. Tommy and Sheilah are doing very well, and they are part of the demonstration teams for good reason. But they are too young. You know they cannot lead eight other warriors older than themselves yet.

"We will need at least twenty-four section leaders soon. As is our tradition, the warriors will select the division commanders from this group. The division chief should be qualified as a war band commander to be accepted. This is what Maddie recommends we do, and I strongly concur."

The Chief then said, "Thank you, Amanda. Now, I have a serious question. Headmaster Kennedy, would you respond to this? We have witnessed Shordan Archah easily defeat our best warrior. We can see that he could have as easily won the day before, except he was trying both not to hurt his opponents and to preserve their dignity. This is to his great honor. But it raises the question, how do Bandits prevail against Colonists with these abilities?"

“First," Headmaster Kennedy replied, "Jordan Archer is exceptional among the Colonists. I hand-picked him and nurtured his training on Earth for many years. Second, you have him on your side. The best advice I can give you is to pay careful attention to any advice Jordan Archer offers. And third, this conflict will not last forever. Please protect yourselves. But if you can, do so in a way that will not generate hatred in the future on either side."

“There is wisdom in your words, Headmaster,” the Chief responded. “I will do my best to heed them.”


In the Healer's Lodge, Dr. McTavrish connected an IV drip and inserted a compound to put Derrick to sleep. The doctor said, "Derrick, you are going to be fine. Can you count backward from ten to one for me?"

Derrick answered, “Ten, nine --” He was asleep before getting to eight.

Angela placed blankets around Derrick, wedging him on the table so that a muscle spasm would not roll him off the edge. She covered him except for his right arm and shoulder so that he would stay warm.

The equipment the doctor had brought included a medical bot folded to look like a trunk. It unfolded, and began working with the doctor as a surgical nurse. There was little for Angela to do, and she focused her attention on everything the doctor did more strongly than she had ever studied anything else in her life. When the procedure was finished, she said, "Doctor McTavrish, thank you for letting me stay to see that. It is the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. You are like Gods."

“No, Angela, just a bit more advanced than the Creek. You could learn everything that I know. The unfortunate thing is our lack of equipment. Unless we re-establish contact with Earth, we do not have bots like this to share with all Bandit tribes. But we will do everything that we can to assist when possible."

Angela said, “But Colonists are hostile toward us. Why aren’t you?”

“There are only a few troublemakers that are really against you, but they have been effective in stirring up hatred among many others. You have the training lodge where you learned English. I will arrange for you to get medical training there."

Angela's eyes brimmed with tears. "Thank you, Dr. Angus McTavrish. The evening meal starts soon, and I must go and perform my duties as a Courtship Guardian. But my thoughts will be with you."

Sheilah collected Jordan and Maddie to escort them to the evening meal. "Please excuse Medico McTavrish from his Best Man duties tonight, Jordan. He is occupied with fixing Derrick. That was a mean trick my father tried to pull on you. I hope he has made up for it by making the two of you Creek, although I am perturbed about Derrick."

“Do not worry yourself, Sheilah," Maddie replied. "Tradition is not always right, but it is always a powerful force to overcome. I personally found the Induction Ceremony very satisfying. You and I are now truly sister warriors."

Jordan added, "Your Medico will take care of Derrick, Sheilah. Do not worry. He will recover fully. I am sure that Healer Angela will confirm that when you see her."

“I will leave you now to enjoy your meal,” said Sheilah. “I look forward to you continuing your Final Courtship. See you when you finish eating. Enjoy!”

At supper that night, Jordan and Maddie wolfed down their chow. For both, their day had been physically strenuous. The moment Maddie pushed back her plate, the Guardians appeared at her side, inviting her to come with them. The smile on Maddie's face showed that she was more than willing. Sheilah put her hand on my shoulder and told me she would be back for me shortly.

When they were in the Courtship Hut, Maddie undressed without waiting to be told to do so. Amanda asked, "Maddie, I expect you have a way you would like to be tied up for Jordan?"

“Yes, I have been thinking about that all day. I wish to be stretched in an X to the posts at the foot of the bed. First, tie my arms tight enough to the top of the posts that I can only touch the ground with the tips of my toes. Then, I will be suspended when you pull my feet to the sides. I think that will give Jordan full access to my body without any rope in the way while still having me completely helpless."

Amanda looked at Angela, who nodded. Amanda said, "That goes beyond what Guardians normally would do. More than a few minutes tied like that is torture or close to it. We know you are young, strong, and healthy. Are you sure you want to undertake something this difficult?"

Maddie replied without any delay. "Yes, I am sure. Jordan has machines that have shown me different kinds of bondage. These machines also helped me exercise so that I can handle much more physically now than before I met Jordan. I want him to know that I am capable of this."

Amanda decided, "This is an unusual Courtship, any way you look at it. You will be gagged. Am I correct that you and Jordan have a safe signal you can use when you cannot speak?"

Maddie answered, “You are correct.”

“Alright, ladies," Angela said, "let's make a rope pulley at the top of each of these bedposts and attach the ends to Maddie's wrists in a single-column tie."

As they started pulling Maddie's arms toward the top of the posts, Maddie cooperated by standing on her tiptoes and stretching her arms out and upward as far as she could extend. Angela and Amanda took an ankle, tied a rope, and pulled her feet to the bedposts as far as Maddie could stretch. Sheilah had cleaned the panel gag that Jordan had used this morning. While Angela and Amanda were stretching Maddie's legs to the sides, Sheilah held the gag in front of Maddie's face. Maddie smiled at Sheilah and opened her mouth wide.

In moments, Maddie was gagged with her mouth filled and suspended in an X. Her body settled down a little bit as her legs were pulled to the sides. But not so much that she could touch the floor. Her breasts were exposed invitingly, and her stretched body displayed her ribs and the concavity of her stomach. Her womanhood was prominent and waiting for Jordan. Her eyes were bright as she looked at the Guardians.

Angela said, “Sheilah, fly to get Jordan!”

Maddie was paying the price for her daunting challenge already. This was tight and not without pain!

But she was prepared for it and would never complain. She had chosen to do this and knew she could have chosen differently without diminishing her willingness. She also knew, and that was a well-calculated part, that the 'safety procedure' between herself and Jordan was working well.

She was unconcerned that her signal would not be heeded. Usually, Jordan would stop before she would use it, more often than not. She did not expect to remain in this position for overly long, so it was bearable. If she were ever captured by that mortal enemy of his, this Johansson guy, for example, Maddie would be in more dire straits and for longer. So she was fine and concentrated on wondering how he would react. And what he would do with her. That thought started a tingle in her core.

Sheilah went out as told and walked briskly toward Shordan Archah. She would have run, but this was against custom and would also indicate an emergency.

She fervently hoped he was not occupied with desert or a most interesting conversation. This was not unheard of, even if males were usually eagerly enough to go to the Final Courtship Hut. She was shivering, thinking of Maddie's predicament. Would Maddie be able to stand it? Would she, Sheila, be able to do it? Maybe, but Sheilah had the gravest doubts she would like it and would not wish for it when her day came. Anyway, she made sure she would not be delayed and refrained from any gossiping on the way, which was not so uncommon in other cases. She addressed Shordan Archer politely, "You are expected in the Final Courtship Hut now! Please, follow me!"
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23

Post by h56jh1 »

one of the better chapters in a story full of good chapters, well done.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »


Well, Derrick learns the very vital difference between raw force versus force applied in exactly the right way (or one's own actions used against them). Applies to more then just martial arts too; sometimes a little bit of effort in just the right place/right way/right time accomplishes far more then one might initially expect.

I do find it interesting that the Creek did not predict this. They have already seen that Jordan has combat training, and certainly the concept of 'reacting without thinking' should not be a foreign one to people who have experience with fighting (which the Creek are no strangers to). It is a basic function of how the human brain is wired, and how muscle memory works.

On the other front, Maddie decides to escalate things... Hopefully she does not end up regretting her enthusiasm...
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Post by GreyLord »

Thank you for those kind words, [mention]h56jh1[/mention]. I'm glad you are enjoying this.

[mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention], good comments. Life is full of examples of specialists being blind to things in their own fields.
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago even if males were usually eagerly enough to go to the Final Courtship Hut
I would be running. Very nice (as usual) chapter!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago ...
I would be running. ...
Me too!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

You have posted comments on one of my stories. That is appreciated very much. Please tell me what you think about the Tale of an Archer. If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, send me a PM or a post with that request.

A heads up, this is a longer chapter than usual.


Chapter 32 – Maddie Exceeds All Expectations
By @GreyLord and @Nainur

The Headmaster had noticed Jordan Archer approaching and turned to him smilingly. “Headmaster, I need to have a word about Maddie.”

The Headmaster was quite surprised. “Well, what is it? Is she ill? I had thought you'll have to meet her soon.” Indeed, Headmaster Kennedy had just noticed Sheilah entering – what Jordan had not – and he had not forgotten she was a Guardian, nor had he forgotten the time of day.

“No, at least I hope not, but she is upset. Confused, to say the least. I fear the reason is … you. She thought you would think her unsuitable, and I cannot imagine why this should be, other than...well, what kind of test did you-”

At this moment, Jordan had noticed Sheilah, too, for she had stepped closer. She would have waited a while under different conditions, but she thought the predicament Maddie had asked for was too severe to linger. Sheilah had struggled not to run fetching Jordan, mining the gravitas deemed to be shown by a Guardian. She knew how mindful Maddie was, tending to be overly sensitive about the ceremony, and would not like an outsider thinking she could not handle a thing. But Sheilah wouldn't linger here now! So, now she was fidgeting, anxious to get him going. “Yes, Sheilah?” Jordan asked.

“Shordan Archah, you are expected in the Final Courtship Hut.” She struggled to speak with proper decorum.

For a moment, Jordan was caught between two minds. Surely Maddie wanted to know what it was all about, and he was curious, too. On the other hand, this was their Final Courtship.

“Oh, come on, Jordan! Never to let a lady wait, you know that!” The Headmaster had sensed there was some urgency. “I am sure we shall find ample time tomorrow!”

“No cause for alarm?”

“Surely not!”

“Thank you. See you tomorrow, then, Headmaster!”

“Please, convey Maddie my compliments and tell her she mustn't worry. I also send my apologies. Good night!”

Sheilah was obviously relieved and accompanied Jordan back to the hut.

Jordan found a vision of great beauty waiting for him. He was sure that Maddie had engineered this. It was beyond what the Guardians would generally do as Jordan understood their role. He could see that she was under a significant strain. The physics of a suspension like this caused the total forces in her arms to exceed her body weight.

As soon as Sheilah departed, he stripped off his clothes. Knowing that she was doing this out of love for him had him erect immediately. He felt between her legs, and it was evident that she was also ready. Standing in front of Maddie put his groin centimeters higher than Maddie's. He bent his knees and inserted himself into her tunnel. As he straightened his legs, she was effectively impaled on him so that he was taking a good bit of her weight. Not all, but her position should be quite a bit easier. With one arm around her lower back, pulling her into him tightly, he used his other hand to free her gag. He wanted to kiss her, and he wanted to hear what she had to say.

“Maddie, you go far beyond what is necessary. I know you do it out of love, and I love and adore you for it.” He was steadily maintaining a hunching rhythm with his member driving as deeply into her as possible. Delay was no option. “Maddie, I can't wait!” Jordan cried out as he exploded in a grand climax. With both arms wrapped around her, he supported most of her weight as the spasms damped.

Ungagged, Maddie, too, screamed out in a spasm of joy and triumph. She knew that without Angela's drug, she would probably have conceived that night. A happy thought that Maddie put aside, as she had to push aside much in her time so far. But she did not rue her decision. She firmly believed the Spirits had blessed her and were still blessing her, chiefly the late Maddie. She, therefore, thought all would be well as long as she proved she was worthy.

They would not only survive the dawning Colony onslaught but be victorious, and the contribution of her husband-to-be and herself would be decisive. Generations to come would tell about Mae'aed-dee and Shordan Archah. They would tell the 'Tale of the Archah.'

Looking up at the tops of the bedposts, he saw that the Guardians had been very clever and had tied Maddie so that I could release her arms by jerking on a quick-release knot. With her arms free, she could sit on the bed while he untied her legs.

“Maddie, your gift of yourself to me is wonderful and accepted. I pledge all that I have to you. I want you not just as my submissive mate but also as my full partner in whatever endeavors we might undertake in the future. Tell me your wishes.”

“Only you could tame me, both bright of mind and bold in battle. I am proud to submit to you, for you are the one and only! We will have fine children when peace comes!” Her eyes sparkled. “My wishes? You are fulfilling them all the time. There's one, though. When the time comes, I want you to become an elder in the council and chief. But it is too soon to talk more about it!”

“Maddie, you are thinking with much ambition. Once peace is established, we will talk to see what may be possible. Is that satisfactory to you?”

She laughed rather hoarsely, guffawed. A strange sound he had not really heard before. She said, “You are making me so happy! And I was so very unhappy in this place not long ago!”

Jordan remembered the day when he asked for a Creek woman to court. She was 'Muddy' then, almost disposed to him. Samuel and Amanda, both kind, friendly folk, almost said. “gee, Joe, take her then. You are doing us a favor. She'll cause trouble here soon.” It has been an awkward situation. The Creek had no slaves, but in a way, she had been one, certainly at the bottom of society.

Maddie continued, “Certainly, I had never thought to be vested as a Creek as we are. In a way, I longed to become a proper member. At the same time, I despised them as a tribe of farmers and fishermen! I am what I am but also because of you, my dear heart! If it's a huge step, we will take it together! In due time, I agree. Why, do you think, am I disinclined to accept any rank? I'll counsel Amanda during combat, for I am sure she'll lead a war band because she is able and the Chief's wife. I shall lead through her but stay in the shadow. I am sure they would resent getting too many orders from me right now. At the moment, they accept it out of necessity. However, they will get used to it. Later, we will hopefully provide the Creek not only with weapons but with useful things when the village must be moved and rebuilt. Your skill and cleverness will excel in peacetime, and they will ask for your counsel. And rightly so! And then we shall talk about it again. Yeah, I am satisfied.” She smiled.

Jordan thought the moment was auspicious to touch another matter. “Darling, when Sheilah came to get me, I was about to talk with the Headmaster about your worries. We could not talk in detail, but he assured me there was no cause for alarm. He will join us tomorrow and explain what this is all about. It is a bit of a mystery, and I am eager to see it settled!”

At the beginning of their relationship, he had seen her blank face very often – in recent times, very seldom. Here it was again, and it lasted several seconds. Of course, it was followed by the customarily “I see!” but then she smiled, her expression softened, and she said, “Let's make more love tonight, my Archah!”

Jordan kept Maddie occupied until late in the night. He went to sleep, leaving her hogtied beside him. Maddie soon followed him to sleep with tremendous satisfaction, physically and mentally. In the night, Jordan awoke, freed Maddie from her ropes, and went back to sleep.

Jordan's implants awoke him before the first light, just as they were supposed to. Jordan noted that Jeeves was letting him decide when to awaken Maddie. He did so she could prepare to be bound for the Guardians. After she returned from her morning ablutions, she noted, “Our sheets were well used last night, Shordan Archah. The Guardians will note that for sure. Now string me up to the bedpost as we discussed earlier.

Maddie stood in front of the bedpost with her back against it. She held her arms behind the post for Jordan to tie her hands with cross wrists. He looped rope around the bedpost and her hips, securing her tightly to the bedpost. Lifting her left foot, Jordan frog-tied her left leg and looped rope around her thighs and the bedpost. And finally, he lashed her right ankle to the post. She was firmly and securely tied to the bedpost from the hips down. He lifted her hands up the post, bending her forward at her waist and straining her shoulders in a strict strappado.

It was dawn now and would be sunrise soon. “Okay, Shordan Archah, take the flogger and give me ten good lashes on my tits. That will also be obvious to the Guardians that you will discipline your mate when necessary. And I will be proud to show you that I can take the pain bravely. Quickly now, if you please.”

In her position, her tits were well posed for this treatment, which he delivered without delay. Then he oiled his hands and rubbed the oil into her tits to help relieve the pain from the flogging. He pulled her head up and kissed her lips before working a big ball gag behind her teeth and tying it around her neck. He stroked her back one more time and left for breakfast. The Guardians were at the door and entered as he departed. Were those smirks on their faces?

“Good morning, Mae'aed-dee,” they all said as Sheilah removed the gag.

When she popped the ball out of her mouth, Maddie said, “Good morning to you, Guardians.”

Amanda said, “First, I note that you are restrained most stringently. Second, Jordan Archer does not hesitate to discipline you. You have marks to show for that. And third, your sheets show that they have been well used. But, for the record, we must ask you, do you wish to continue this Courtship?”

Maddie replied formally, “I do.”

Amanda said, “Maddie, I think the Guardians all agree that you have demonstrated your resolve to finish your Final Courtship. We do not need to see more. I will recommend this to the Chief and ask that we proceed to the Mating Ceremony without delay.”

“Thank you, Amanda,” Maddie answered, “but I would like Jordan and me to complete the third day.”

“Very well, Maddie. Sheilah, would you release her strappado? She is feeling a lot of stress.”

Sheilah said, “Right away,” as she jumped up on the bed to reach Maddie's hands to release her. Sheilah thought, “Tommy, Angela, and Maddie have put me in many strappado ties. But never one as hard as this.” Aloud she said, “I don't know if I could take this, even for a few minutes.”

“Then try harder!” advised Maddie, grinning. And, contradictory to her attitude, she added, “If you want. It's no competition. What's enough for you and your mate shall be enough for the guardians any day! You know, someday I'd like to do this with you, Sheilah. I offer to be one of your Guardians when your day comes!”

Sheilah thanked. Maddie was only a couple of years older but so much more mature, she thought, and strong-minded in a way that impressed her very much. “I won't forget it!” She glanced at her mother. It was a family thing to have a word on this, but to return guardianship was not against tradition.

With the morning, training continued. The Chief came at the start and appointed the leaders as Maddie had requested. The trainees showed great determination in all aspects of the training and much respect for Jordan and Maddie. The training exercises concluded as the shadows grew long at the end of the afternoon. Jordan and Maddie left the training area for their hut.

Jordan and Maddie had pursued training with energy and happiness that day. All who saw Maddie knew that she was fulfilling the Creek traditions fully. Her rope marks did not fade until the afternoon.

The Headmaster approached Jordan while he was overseeing the training exercises. But at this moment, much was being handled by Creek, namely “Maddie's Twenty.” Maddie walked constantly up and down, driving them hard. Jordan was just observing.

“Morning, Jordan! She is tough, isn't she?” the Headmaster said. “Could we talk about the 'test' now?”

“Good Day, Headmaster! She is. She has made it her personal mission and is also driving herself hard. I think all could use a breather. It would be welcomed by the trainees, I am sure.”

He called Maddie, and she obliged. Seeing the Headmaster standing at the side of Jordan told her what it was about. She greeted the Headmaster respectfully, her crossbow unloaded over her shoulder, and stood with her arms crossed. She was expecting the Headmaster to start, and he did.

“Maddie, I learned that I have caused you concern! I am sorry about it. It is a misunderstanding and obviously my fault! Let me begin that even if I had objections against you, which I have not, I am in no position to interrupt your courtship! But I understand that this thought must have hurt you, and I apologize. I am very sorry!”

She even smiled as she bowed her head in acknowledgment. Her short “I thank you, Headmaster” was just a sign of Creek gravitas in an important matter, not hostility.

The Headmaster carried on, “And I thank you, Maddie. It was a test. One to learn more about you. I have been curious, for I thought you have been doing almost impossibly well. For example, I handed you a paper to look at during the test. You recall? Please, tell Jordan about it.”

She shrugged and looked at Jordan. This had been confusing, for the Headmaster had not discussed the paper the day before. It had made no sense to her. “Just a paper full of symbols. Seven different ones. Five colors. Sorted in six lines, forty-two all-in-all.”

The Headmaster smiled, produced the paper, and passed it to Jordan. “Exactly. See for yourself, Jordan! Maddie, do you remember the succession of the symbols?”

She thought this was a stupid question. But she closed her eyes for a moment or two, her face blank, then, “Red arrow, green tree, blue circle, yellow sun, black star, blue wave, blue fish, red tree ...”

Jordan was wide-eyed as she finished after a short while. “… red circle and the last one is a green arrow. Isn't it?”

Jordan coughed. “It is, indeed. How is this possible?” He looked at the Headmaster, puzzled. Of course, one could memorize 42 symbols, but by what he was told, she had had hardly more than a few moments to look at it while distracted in a conversation, not knowing she might be asked about it a day later. The Headmaster smiled and relaxed.

“Maddie, you possess an extraordinary memory. It is outstanding, a wonderful thing to have, and nothing is wrong with it. I had thought it might be so. Many will envy you. I expect you are wondering why. For you, it is quite a normal thing. And it is. You are a wonderful and healthy young woman. Rest assured! But I do not want to detain you any longer. You want to work with your troops. I will provide Jordan with more information, and you can ask more later.“

“Sure. Thank you.” She turned briskly, frowned, and started yelling at some idle Creek trainees who were somewhat lackluster.

“Jordan, obviously, you were too distressed at the start and too much in love later to see it yourself. This is a case of so-called eidetic memory. I have never experienced such a thing myself. It is very infrequent in grown-ups. Her capacity might be unheard of. Small kids on Earth learn much by watching and imitating, but we lose this as we mature. Maddie's brain seems to operate slightly differently. Her mind stores lots of sound files, pictures, and videos. If needed, she seems to be able to call them back and use the knowledge. She is far from being stupid. She is now beyond imitating procedures but starting to adapt and create variations. I am no expert, and I can tell you there's much discussion in Unihold right now, and we wonder if this is to be found more often among the Natives. We might even find a new name for the phenomenon. The quickness in learning English that most natives show might be another indicator, but no proof: cultures relying on oral tradition and schooling usually have a very trained memory. Sadly, some clever brains in that field of science had been scheduled for transports 14 and 15, for we did not expect to find a complex society here, as you know. But it perfectly explains how she understood almost every technical instruction you gave her the first time and why she struggled to improvise at the start. She did not have the knowledge to do so. But information, once accessed, won't get lost again, I suppose. It's still just a theory, Jordan! She is not super-human and not a freak. In due time, and if she is willing, some psychologists would like to learn more, but I dare say she won't be interested. I do believe many Bandits are clever enough. It's just that their culture does not promote aspiration for innovation. They are happy with how things are and are not interested in exploring new ways. So they live simple lives. And you know what? I do envy them. If you want to talk about it, you and Maddie: anytime! Good day.”

For quite a while, Jordan stood and just watched, in wonder, the petite woman called Maddie.

During the day, both oversaw the training and discussed candidates to be watched closer and agreed upon a few suitable section leaders. Others were categorized as candidates to be observed further, both female and male. Maddie called the selected candidates, many of them of the first 20 shooters, Angela and Amanda among them. Angela declined the honor and asked to be attached to the 1st war party as the accompanying medic. The others accepted the task and responsibility. More than half of the needed number was appointed that day and put to extra command, signal procedures, and general tactics training.

“Jordan, I always thought the task would be more on the defensive side. After the incident with Derrick, I am even more convinced we will need to keep the foe at a distance, so those evasive exercises to withdraw while still shooting and covering each other to give protection should be the main aim. Additionally, volley and team shooting from a selected position. I am wroth to train anything else until we are satisfied doing this. Do you agree?”

Jordan answered, “Yes, Maddie. I think that we both view this exactly the same. We want to avoid hand-to-hand contact, avoid the laser weapon, and have directed fire at the aggressors. I would like to avoid a massacre. If we could take out the leaders, the heavy weapons crews, many might run for their lives, and I would be happy about it.”

Again shooting training forced Jordan and Maddie to dash around and to be everywhere. Now came the phase when the progress of some was far behind others and needed patience and patience reloaded.
More section leaders were selected, and those ranks were almost complete. The training in unit tactics was intensified yet again, and while strenuous, very satisfying. However, a new matter arose.

“Jordan, I believe we will need more bolts! Many more! Several dozen are broken or lost by now. Also, we are faster than before, not only spanning and reloading but changing positions and re-organizing. Therefore, the velocity is impressive. This is good, of course, but we will need more bolts to keep up. The people may make some themselves, but not quickly enough. Maybe we will do good to place spare bolts in baskets in some areas. And there's another thing that worries me. Will the Colonists be protected? I saw features. Your soldiers wore protective clothing, for example…there was one when they rode on strong horses, completely protected by metal, even the horses, and wielded long lances and huge knives they called swords.”

She was talking about knights, obviously.

Jordan answered, “Maddie, obviously protective clothing would help. When the manufacturing capabilities of the Colony were designed, and supplies were chosen, no one was considering preparation for war. I simply am unable to do more in this regard. What we are doing offers the best protection that we can. Rapid, accurate shooting directed by sharp-eyed section leaders to take out anything that might be aimed at them. It is not perfect. There will be casualties. But it is the best that I can do in the time frame that we have. On the other hand, I do not believe the Colonists will be better equipped in this regard.”

“I know that you have been thinking about this, Jordan Archer. Thank you for your concern for us Bandits. You are one now, aren't you? Maybe I can express my appreciation tonight. Is it possible we could have sex as hot and satisfying as we did last night?”

“I don’t know, Maddie. Last night was spectacular. I think it will always be a benchmark for us. Do you still plan on talking the Guardians into suspending you? And do you still want the reverse prayer rocking horse hogtie for the Guardians in the morning?”

Maddie's face lit up with a big smile. “Absolutely. I am already the talk of the Creek women. Word of what happens during a Final Courtship gets out fast. A few women that are comfortable with me let me know. After having most of my life in servitude to the Creek, I am now getting not just respect but high honor. If by enduring a few minutes of additional discomfort, I win significantly more honor. Don't you know that I will take that option?”

“Yes, I do know that you will. And you know that I will do my part to help you win that honor. It is supper time now. Let’s get this show on the road.”

Maddie answered, “I don't know what that means, but I think it means let's get going.”

Jordan and Maddie were seated in the mess hall apart from others, as was the Creek Courtship tradition. Jordan replied to Maddie's question, “Unfortunately, there are limits on what I can accomplish in any given period. My primary objective is to teach the Colonists that attacking Bandits carries a heavy price. So my response, which you are so ably aiding, is focused on making them pay the ultimate price if they attack us. The nature of the Creek is that the Creek will not use these weapons aggressively but only for defense. I would not have been willing to arm the Bucks, for example, the same way. We can talk about this later. I see the Guardians are coming toward us.”

Angela, Amanda, and Sheilah surrounded Maddie behind our table. Angela said, “Good evening, Shordan Archah and Mae’aed-dee. This is your last night of Courtship. Maddie, do you wish to continue the Final Courtship?”

Maddie beamed at the Guardian as she assured them that she did.

Jordan said, “Angela, Maddie has a special request for the way that you restrain her tonight. Is that permissible?”

“It is, Jordan, and it is not unusual for Guardians to get such a request. As long as it shows proper submission, we do not have a problem. Maddie, come along and tell us what you want.”

“Yes, a hanging hogtie strappado!” she answered calmly. The Guardians inhaled deeply. This was extraordinary.

In the hut, the Guardians studied the beams in the ceiling while Maddie undressed. They also looked over the equipment that was in the room. “We need a pulley that we can attach to a ceiling beam and a metal ring to the bottom of the pulley,” Angela said.

Amanda announced, “I see a metal ring.” She showed it to the other Guardians. “Do you think this will do?”

Sheilah exclaimed, “And here is a pulley.” Moments later, she had climbed into the rafters and attached the pulley over the center of the bed. Sheilah's mom tossed her the ring, and Sheilah attached it to the bottom of the pulley. She lowered the pulley until the ring was half a meter above the bottom of the bed.

Amanda said, “Maddie, if you are going to have a second thought, now is the time to have it. This is a very harsh tie that I have never seen in a Final Courtship.”

“Then, if I do this, no one can say I am not completely submissive to my mate.”

“You have already proven that, Maddie. But if this is what you want, give me your hands behind your back,” Amanda answered Maddie.

Maddie turned her back to Amanda and crossed her wrists behind her. Amanda took two horizontal loops of rope around Maddie's wrists and six vertical loops. “Your wrists are going to take a lot of stress, and I am hoping these extra rope turns will provide some padding,” Amanda said after cinching Maddie's wrists. “Lay down on the bed, face down. Angela, tie her elbows, please. Sheilah, tie her ankles.”

They shifted Maddie until she was centered on the bed, directly under the ring. Angela tied Maddie's elbows, not touching but with enough pressure that Maddie knew they were connected. Sheilah spread Maddie's knees and bent her forelegs straight up. She rotated Maddie's legs to cross her ankles. Paying attention to what Amanda had done with the wrists, Sheilah made two loops of rope around Maddie's ankles horizontally and six vertically. And for good measure, she cinched the ankles.

While this happened, Amanda took Maddie's hair and made a high ponytail. This Amanda attached to a two-meter rope. “Okay, Amanda and Sheilah, attach the wrists and the ankles to the ring. Attach it so we can adjust the tension later if we need to.”

The attachments were made, and Angela pulled on the free rope from the pulley, raising the ring. She raised it until Maddie's knees and shoulders were pulled off the bed. She asked, “Sheilah, what gag will you use tonight?”

“The most effective one,” Sheilah replied, “is the rawhide sack that completely fills the mouth and cheeks. Then that is held in her mouth with a bandanna folded into a strip.”

Sheilah got the gagging material and knelt in front of Maddie's face. “Is there anything you would like to say while you can, Maddie?”

“Yes, I want to thank my Guardians from the bottom of my heart. This is beyond any dream I had while I was the Creek's hostage, or slave might be the right word. I love each of you, and I will expect you to come to me if there is ever anything that you need from me.” Maddie opened her mouth wide to help Sheilah insert the rawhide sack. After Sheilah pushed and prodded the sack until it was entirely within Maddie's mouth, she looped the bandanna through her teeth twice and tied it behind Maddie's neck.

Angela took the rope attached to Maddie's ponytail, looped it through the ring, and pulled until Maddie's head was arched back before tying it off. Then she raised the ring more until Maddie no longer touched the bed. That made her back arch significantly. “Guardians, we don't want to leave her arched like this. One of you lifts her stomach and the other her thighs at her hips. Okay, hold there!”

Angela looped a rope under Maddie's hips eight times and through the ring, making a band that took some but not all of Maddie's weight. Maddie was in a highly stressful bind.

“Is this alright for you, Maddie? Guardians don't usually ask that of a woman in Final Courtship, but this is not a usual tie. You can't nod your head very well, so blink your eyes once for yes and twice for no. I see one blink. Do it again if that is a yes. She is good, Guardians. Sheilah, would you fetch Jordan and then come to my lodge. Amanda, if you would, come with me to my lodge.”

Sheilah notified Jordan, who was waiting and eager. Then she went to Angela's lodge, where her mother and Angela awaited her.
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Post by Caesar73 »

There are many things, which make this chapter excellent: Let me begin with the intense and colourful descriptions of Maddie´s bondage. Then we learn how much Maddie has grown. She is by far not the "Muddie" we get to know at the beginning of this tale, she has matured in every aspect. Also grown has her relationship with Jordan. They are truly partners who communicate on one level. Furthermore we learn that Maddie is not only a skilled fighter, but highly intelligent, which the test of the headmaster demonstrates clearly
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago There are many things, which make this chapter excellent: Let me begin with the intense and colourful descriptions of Maddie´s bondage. Then we learn how much Maddie has grown. She is by far not the "Muddie" we get to know at the beginning of this tale, she has matured in every aspect. Also grown has her relationship with Jordan. They are truly partners who communicate on one level. Furthermore we learn that Maddie is not only a skilled fighter, but highly intelligent, which the test of the headmaster demonstrates clearly
Now let's see, what can I add... nothing, Caeser73 described it perfectly. Very good (and long) chapter.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by h56jh1 »

wonderful. marvelous and spectacular chapter. Strong intelligent women like Maddie are the most fun and are the best "bottoms". She has chosen Jordan to be her "top" as he continues to grow into that role. Some say that it is the "bottom" who is really the one in control in private. There is not much beyond the reach of a pair like them, both in private and public.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »


Interesting that Maddie describes herself as 'bold of battle'. Obviously she thinks of herself that way, but she has never actually been in a fight at all (not even a practice one) that I can remember. Kind of amusing, as it is a little unjustified. But of course people often overestimate/are overly generous towards themselves.

Interesting comment about the Bandits being not interested in exploring new ways. The drive/desire to improve one's situation is a large part of what makes humans human (and is why we were so successful as a species; intelligence plus a drive to actually put it to use). Obviously this varies a lot between individuals, but it is strange to see an entire culture described this way. Actually makes me suspect the Bandits do have some genetic differences beyond normal variation, although to be honest that subject is an endless rabbit hole (especially the subject of why they exist on this planet at all), so probably best to avoid it.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Furthermore we learn that Maddie is not only a skilled fighter, but highly intelligent, which the test of the headmaster demonstrates clearly
I mean, I might argue shooting a crossbow at a target is entirely different then shooting at a person, psychologically. She had never had to fight yet, as I said above. And fighting (and especially winning a fight) is not just about being able to shoot or strike someone. Perhaps more to say there but better to keep it brief... As for intelligence, I do not disagree in general, but having a perfect memory is not intelligence. Intelligence generally is expressed as the ability to correlate a lot of information, draw complex and original conclusions, and problem solve effectively. While memory and intelligence are often related, it is not 1 to 1, and a perfect memory is a wholly different and rare thing.

And well, on another subject, Maddie seems determined to one up the bondage on a constant basis. I actually find it interesting that it is a point of honor in the culture. Seems a little unhealthy to encourage that sort of 'competition', especially when relating to something like submission (which is generally more about attitude/symbolic then about literally being tied more stringently).

Interesting point brought up about 'discipline' but probably better to just wrap this up/keep it brief, so I'll just drop the subject...

Reading all this back it sort of feels like it might seem as if I am trying to pick everything apart. Not really my intention, but obviously there is more to say about things where one has a different opinion then ones where one merely says 'yes I agree completely'. Apologies if it comes off that way...

Post by h56jh1 »

BlissfulMisery should use are their writing skills on a story of their own, I for one am getting tired of all the "short story" comments from them.
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Post by Caesar73 »

h56jh1 wrote: 1 year ago I for one am getting tired of all the "short story" comments from them.
That is up to you my friend - I surely don´t :) From a writers perspective? Such detailed comments as those of [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention] are in fact a compliment for me as a writer because you take the time to reflect about the stuff I produce. And if you are bored? There is one simple remedy: You don´t need to read it.
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Post by Nainur »

h56jh1 wrote: 1 year ago BlissfulMisery should use are their writing skills on a story of their own, I for one am getting tired of all the "short story" comments from them.
I disagree. Rather [mention]Caesar73[/mention] has the right of it, in my opinion. Also, [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention] already published at least one story.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

h56jh1 wrote: 1 year ago BlissfulMisery should use are their writing skills on a story of their own, I for one am getting tired of all the "short story" comments from them.
Well, based on the tone I suspect you are not actually interested in seeing me write stories, as what you actually seem to mean is a backhanded way of telling me to stop expressing my opinions. Because if you were simply uninterested in reading them, the (polite) solution would be much simpler, as [mention]Ceasar73[/mention] already said.

Kind of ironic, considering many of your posts share the general theme of 'bottoms are so great because they tell you what they want/think'. I guess that such courtesy towards others does not extend outside of playtime then.

Also that statement indirectly implies that 'subs' are bad because they apparently do not do that; not sure I agree there, or with the distinction you seem to draw, but that is another long subject I *know* you have zero interest in reading my thoughts on, so out of politeness, I will spare you and everyone else the apparent pain of having to endure such a thing.

Well, in all fairness, perhaps I have misunderstood what you meant with your comment.
Nainur wrote: 1 year ago Also, @BlissfulMisery already published at least one story.
Two actually, but as I said before, I think that is besides the intended point...

Post by h56jh1 »

everyone is entitled to their opinion including me. You don't have to like it or agree with it. It's just sad when one persons comments are almost as long as the chapter they are commenting on. Try to knitpick less.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nobody disputes the fact, that everybody is entitled to his or her opinion.

I don't get your point though: You don't need to read a comment if it is too long. And if someone takes the time to articulate hers or his opinion in depth it is a compliment for the writer.

Repeating myself here: but nobody coerces you to read comments you are not interested in.

Post by h56jh1 »

Caesar73 your comments are not in question and being an old man, almost as old as Greylord, I feel that long comments written to pick apart a story, tweek it her and there, are rude to the writer that has taken the time and effort to expressed his or her story. Any educated idiot can pick apart "little" things that they would have done differently under the guise of "trying to help". If they would have done it differently then they should write a story of their own like you do.I don't really like your stories but I don't make snide comments on how I would have done something differently.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

h56jh1 wrote: 1 year ago everyone is entitled to their opinion including me. You don't have to like it or agree with it. It's just sad when one persons comments are almost as long as the chapter they are commenting on. Try to knitpick less.
I think 'sad' is when someone feels so threatened by someone else's comments in a thread that is not even their own that they feel the need to try to silence them. And then proceed to double down afterwards even when an (perhaps insufficient?) olive branch is offered.

I can guess at some of the actual reasons behind it, other then the stated ones that have already been 'clarified' once (and I am confident will be again if this discussion continues), but really what is the point of going down that road?
h56jh1 wrote: 1 year agoidiot
Well I see politeness is dead here like it is everywhere else it seems.

To actually respond to the quoted post, I think it is a poor state of affairs when analysis or at least generally thinking about something beyond the most obvious surface elements is considered a negative thing. 'Snide' is your interpretation. Look at it another way. Why would I waste my time writing so much if I thought there was nothing of value here? I could spend that time on other things. Personally, I view writing longer, more detailed comments as reciprocation for the work the author put into writing the story in the first place. Obviously not everyone agrees, and there is no need for them to (and nothing wrong with not), but well... see all of this.

You talk of time and effort... Analysis, or even just thinking about things, takes time and effort too (although you do not seem to think so), and is vital for any sort of improvement or growth in anything.

In fairness however, I would not say what I do is full proper analysis either, but if the complaint is that the comments are too long (not that that is the real issue in play here), well, I will leave it to the imagination how long and detailed they might be in that alternative case.

Also *quite* interesting who you choose to respond, and try to justify yourself to.
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Post by GreyLord »

My goodness, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention], [mention]h56jh1[/mention], and [mention]Nainur[/mention]! There has been a lot of back and forth here. I just read a comment by [mention]Shotrow[/mention] in his story, Riders of the Midnight Sun. He said
I appreciate every single comment I've gotten so far in this thread, and I look forward to sharing more of this story with all of you.
I, too, appreciate all or your comments. I find value in each of them and I bless and thank each of you for taking the time and thought to make your comments.

Changing the subject completely, a few months ago, I noticed the system was logging me off very quickly. I have found that even writing something this short, I had better copy it to the clipboard before submitting as I might find myself logged off and unable to get back to window to recover what I have written. Has anyone else noticed this?
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Changing the subject completely, a few months ago, I noticed the system was logging me off very quickly. I have found that even writing something this short, I had better copy it to the clipboard before submitting as I might find myself logged off and unable to get back to window to recover what I have written. Has anyone else noticed this?
No I have not.

To be fair, due to far too much experience with far less stable forums in the past (just how things tended to be back then), I tend to have a habit of copy pasting everything, or even outright working on things in a word processor if it is not very short. But incidents like this, do not help one's paranoia...
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention] said
To be fair, due to far too much experience with far less stable forums in the past (just how things tended to be back then), I tend to have a habit of copy pasting everything, or even outright working on things in a word processor if it is not very short.
That is good advice.


[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

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Chapter 33 – The Chiefs Coordinate
By @GreyLord and @Nainur

After the Headmaster's offer about the Bucks and Comanche, Chief Samuel first spoke to Chief Diego Gomez of the Comanche. After Amos invited Chief Gomez to attend the Final Courtship Ceremony, Chief Gomez said, "I have some uncertainty about the importance of this mating, Chief Samuel. Still, I think it is a good time for us to get together. My scouts tell me that you are the target for the first major attack by the Colony, although there are questions about just who is behind the plot. And, I will admit that I am curious about riding in one of these airships."

Next, Amos spoke with Chief William Brooks of the Bucks. Possibly because of his experience with Lou Harriman, Chief Brooks immediately agreed to attend the Ceremony.

Late in the afternoon of the third day of the Final Courtship of Jordan and Maddie, a Unihold transport flew Chief Gomez and his honor guard of three to the Creek settlement. At the same time, another Unihold carrier was picking up Chief Brooks and his honor guard. One of Chief Brooks' guards was Hunter Cain. Those who have read The Bandit Scout on Newhome will recall Hunter as the first of the Bucks to recognize the importance of Lou Harriman after the Bucks captured her.

The two aircraft coordinated their arrivals, so they arrived at the edge of the Creek settlement side by side simultaneously. Chief Samuel, the Headmaster, Dr. McTavrish, Amanda, Angela, and the other Elders were waiting to greet the guests. The Chiefs met and grasped forearms in the traditional manner. "Chiefs, you are most welcome to join us as we celebrate the completion of the Final Courtship of Mae'aed-dee and Shordan Archah, the first mating between a Bandit and a Colonist known to us. Chiefs, please join us in our Counsel Lodge for a meal, a briefing, and a discussion. We Chiefs and Headmaster Kennedy, who you already know, will be present. My mate, Amanda, and Elder Angela Wise will escort your honor guards to a table of honor in our dining lodge. Would you come with me, please?"

In the dining lodge, Hunter keenly observed all around him. In particular, he noted the table where Jordan and Maddie were eating. When the Courtship Guardians arrived, he saw that one of them was Amanda, the wife of the Creek Chief. Another was the Elder Angela. Clearly, this Courtship was being given attention at the highest levels. But what really caught his eye was the youngest one of the Guardians. He had never seen anyone as beautiful. Her hair was raven black. She was slim but looked extremely athletic. Her eyes were blue and piercing. His thoughts dwelled on her long after they escorted the Courtship woman away.


Maddie knew she had never been tested like this before, and for a moment, she cursed herself. Angela was right. It was not really necessary but for her own bloody stubbornness. She had dreamed of it, and now she would see it done, but - oh my! - this was harsh! But she was also proud and stood tall in her mind, in front of her own court of inquiry and judged she would pass. She assumed she would never be trussed up like this again, for Shordan Archah was gentle, and she loved him. He loved her and would not cause her discomfort unless she pushed him to do so. Naturally, she would drive him to rougher measures from time to time. A bit less intense would not mean less affection. She had proven her determination beyond any benchmark, and she was happy. She blinked a few tears away. The tears originated from passion, not pain. She hoped Jordan would understand that.

Jordan knelt in front of Maddie's face and untied the gag. Most of the time, in their bondage play, he did not want Maddie gagged but for them both to be able to talk. Maddie said, "I thought you might do that. It pleases me that you are giving me permission to speak. I want you to know that the Guardians know how to restrain a woman. I am stretched to my limits but in no significant pain. They have balanced the pressures on me, so you do not have to rush to untie me. I am my gift to you. You should take your time and enjoy my present.

“Please notice that you have access to me, front and rear. It is for you to decide what you want. My wish is for you to avail yourself of any opportunity that is presented to you that you might so desire. My breasts are hanging down nicely, and my nipples are hard because I am excited by your presence. If you look at the shelf next to the bed, you will see clips that you could attach to my nipples. There is a flogger if you would like to see my skin glow. Or, if you want to be selective where you strike me, there is a paddle. Before you decide, Jordan, my love, would you put the gag back in my mouth?"

“Maddie, we have talked about this. You are proving things to the Guardians, not to me. I will get you down from this.”

Maddie raised her voice slightly, "You will do no such thing, Shordan Archah! Please, replace my gag! By punishing me for everything I have done wrong in the past and letting me start anew, you will prove your mettle here and that I am not submitting to an unworthy. And I want to prove my willingness beyond any doubt for all time. And unless you find me unattractive and unappealing, you will fuck me soundly! Please, can you do this?"

Jordan picked up the rawhide sack gag and worked it into Maddie’s willing mouth. Then he said, “No, Maddie. I went along this morning and flogged your tits red as you wanted. No more of that. What I will do is spin you around.” He did so and knelt on the bed between her legs which were pulled high and apart. As she sagged from the ropes, her mons was at the level of his crotch. The Guardian had judged well. “You saw my reaction to you and know that you are appealing and attractive.” His fingers stroked over her labia and found that she was lubricated. He smoothly inserted his rod into her. “You recall from our recent experiment with this suspension that I can get excellent movement from you holding your hips and pushing you back and forth. You are swinging for me nicely.”

Both started at peak arousal, and it did not take many strokes back and forth before they burst into a frenzy of sensation. Not waiting for his erection to subside, Jordan's eyes traced the pulley lines and found that he could reach the rope to lower Maddie without leaving her. As she lowered, he lowered his hips and remained inserted. Once her weight was on the bed, he stopped the pulley. This left her arms pulled up in a strappado position, her knees still above the bed and her feet above her knees. Her head was still pulled back by her hair so that she was looking straight ahead. Her head did not touch the bed.

Jordan leaned over her and started a hunching motion with his hips. He was staying erect and making use of it. He lowered the pulley a little more, taking the worst of the strain off of her shoulders and neck. Maddie knew that she could have tolerated the stress for much longer once her strappadoed arms and arched legs supported less of her weight. But Jordan did not want her to have to take the discomfort. Now she was still helpless and bound, at his disposal. Maddie was pleased when that tingle restarted in her core. Soon, she was trying her best to scream past her gag but to no avail. The best Maddie could do was to pant through her nose. And, yes, he had not tortured her as she had challenged him, but by denying her, he had proved himself more than satisfactory: he loved her and would decide what to do with her. Very good. Very proper. Missing out on some severe torture? She wouldn't miss it if she was fair to herself.


Angela said, "I have been looking at Maddie's dress and can't find anything about it that needs fixing. Come with me back to my bedroom where it is hanging. You have never seen anything like this before. This was made by Colony magic." The dress was made of a pale cream-white silk-like material. It had a plunging neckline in front and a low back. It flared at the hips and fell to a long train in the back. "I did not think that the front could possibly stay in place. Please don't tell anyone. I tried it on, fearing that the front would just fall down at Maddie's Ceremony. The front is supported by some impossibly thin and impossibly strong material. Please scrutinize this carefully. I want this to be perfect for Maddie in the morning. Assuming, of course, that she wants to continue."

Sheilah burst out laughing, "You know that she will. Have you ever seen anyone more determined than Maddie? Mom and I want everything to be perfect as well. Dad will give his one line. But I can't wait to see what the Headmaster will do."

Amanda added, “The Headmaster and Jordan, with Maddie’s help, are saving the Creek. We can never repay them.”

Angela smiled as she said, “Maybe we are.”

Amanda smiled. "You might have the right of it, Angela. You being called a wise woman is not without reason!"

Angela continued, "But now, look what we also have!" She opened a box.

"What is this?!" exclaimed Sheilah.


There were a pair of Mary Jane heels matching colors with the dress. "You do not tell me she can walk with these?" marveled Angela. "Or is this another devious torture?"

"Yes, I believe she can, and no, I do not think that torture is part of the Headmaster's ceremony!" smiled Angela. She had asked the Headmaster before, of course. "The dress length is obviously designed with those heels, 5 or 6 centimeters high, considered. It seems very common for those poor Colonist women not to walk in nice, soft moccasin!"

“But, maybe she can walk… but will she be able to dance?” marveled Sheilah. The three looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

The Guardians agreed to meet ten minutes before sunrise in front of the Courtship Hut the following morning. Amanda left to join her husband, the Chief. Angela gazed at the wedding dress for a few more minutes. Sheilah went to find her brother, Tommy. She avoided him during the Final Courtship knowing that he would want to know all the details.


After the required small talk at the Chiefs’ dinner, the subject of hostilities with the Colonists was broached. Chief Samuel said, “Headmaster, would you summarize the situation for us?”

“Certainly," answered Amos Kennedy. "All here understand the balance that Lou Harriman was trying to establish between our groups. A continuing war between our groups would destroy all hope for such a balance. Buzz Harriman is doing an excellent job at preserving your autonomy while avoiding major conflict. The greatest danger, at the moment, is a splinter group planning an attack on the Creek. Unihold has supported the efforts of Jordan Archer to provide the Creek with weapons that, properly employed, allow the Creek to prevail. After the ceremonies in the morning, you will see a demonstration of the crossbow and new tactics."

Chief Gomez said, "War Chief Buzz has noted that the easy path for the Colony is to engage us one at a time and thereby easily pick us off. To counter this, we have come together in the Confederation. It seems clear from the reports from our scouts that the Creek are the Colony's first major target. Chief Samuel, the Comanche will help defend your territory. This is a long distance from our home. Before I left the Comanche home camp, I started a war party of two hundred Comanche warriors moving to support you. I would estimate two to three weeks for them to arrive."

Chief Brooks added, "The Bucks concur with Chief Gomez. We will have a war party of two hundred and fifty here in two weeks at the latest. I am very eager to observe the crossbow demonstration tomorrow. From what I have heard, I believe that we will need to devise new tactics to make the most effective use of these weapons. Chief Samuel, have you been giving thought to the issue of tactics?"

“Mae'aed-dee, the Creek completing the mating rituals, has devised interesting tactics for using the crossbow," replied Chief Samuel. "You see: we are not completely dependent on the help we accept gratefully, but Mae'aed-dee is showing the way, and our people will walk it. But she does not know that the Bucks and the Comanche will join us in battle."

The Headmaster injected, "I believe that if you inform Mae'aed-dee of the forces you will be adding to the Creek defense, she will amaze you with the tactics she has devised. I have learned she had provided room for additional units using traditional Bandit weapons to bolster her forces. Of course, there is much work still to do.”

“Then I will leave a senior warrior, Hunter Cain, with you to support Mae’aed-dee as she works on these tactics,” Chief Brooks offered.

“I, too, will leave one of my honor guards to do the same,” said Chief Gomez.

“Even if she’s a young woman?”

“If the demonstration will hold what you have promised, yes.” Chief Brooks, a proud man and rightly so, being tested in peace and war alike, confirmed. But he had left an escape route open. And Chief Gomez did the same.


Angus had bound Angela Wise comfortably but securely. They were in bed with Angus sitting up against the headboard and Angela sitting between his legs, reclining against his chest. This had become their favorite position. Angela's wrists were crossed and tied behind her back, and her elbows were pulled just enough to emphasize the generous mounds on her chest. Naturally, this position put Angela's hands at Angus' crotch, and she availed herself by stroking his shaft and balls.

In turn, Angus thought he could never satisfy his longing to knead Angela's breasts. Of course, he made an occasional foray lower to stroke her labia and finger her clitoris. Their joint activities were distracting and resulted in slow conversations. They frequently became distracted. But neither of them felt any need to stop their touching to focus on their words.

Angela said, "Angus, I had a long apprenticeship under a man considered one of our greatest healers. He finally told me that there was no more that he could teach me. I could only learn more by returning here to the Creek and practicing. When I saw what you did with Derrick, I knew my knowledge was less than a drop in the bucket. I understand that Unihold is a place of learning. Is it possible that I could study there?"

“Angela, the Headmaster, and I have wanted Unihold to be available to Bandits and Colonists," Angus replied. "You would be welcomed as a student. However, I have been thinking about a different path for you. I would like to present it to you and ask that you consider it carefully. I have committed to staying with the Creek for the next six years while we train a medico for you. I do not want us to be separated. You are a rare woman with both physical and mental beauty. Angela, in the very short time we have known each other, I fell in love with you. I want to be your mate and for us to live together without separation. Is it possible that your heart could find its way to submit to me forever and become not just my submissive wife but a full partner in my life?"

Angela squeezed Angus' shaft with both hands and thought, "Could I do this forever? Hell, yes!" Then she answered him, "I am in love with you too, Angus. I did not think it possible that this could be more than a passing opportunity for you. I love being tied up. But being tied up by you is a far greater thrill and pleasure than anything else. Yes, I would like this to go on forever. Yes, I would love to be your submissive mate. I would like to learn as much of your art of medicine as I can. But the only important thing is that I am with you."

Angus picked Angela up and turned her around to face him, straddling his hips. He kissed her long and gently. Pressing her breasts against his chest, they consummated their engagement.

“These hostilities will not go on forever. I will pursue the Right of Courtship as soon as they are settled. And I will organize your training as a Medico. You already know more than you realize. It will not take us six years to prepare you completely. On Earth, it was not uncommon for a married couple to practice a profession together!"

“I will do all you ask," Angela told Angus. "But the Colonists are so superior to the Bandits in both knowledge and physical abilities. How can we possibly prevail in this war?"

“You will prevail by giving up the desire to punish the Colonists. You know, more than most, that having great knowledge does not, by itself, make you wise. The leader of the Colony is not wise. In a way, that is the Headmaster's fault. He was offered that position but chose to preserve knowledge instead. Admiral Houston could stop Magnus Johansson if he wished. But he is not so inclined. As a result, the Creek will have to fight a faction of the Colonists. You now have the means to win that battle. In doing so, you will kill many ringleaders who want to attack Bandits. But I hope the Creek will show restraint and not kill them all."

Angela said, "I think I see. By letting any who put down their arms live and go home, many will say, 'They could have killed us all. But they did not. Maybe the Bandits are not as bad as we have been told.'"

“You have it,” replied Angus.

“Then, changing the subject, I have something else in mind," Angela continued. "It is very presumptuous on my part to say this. If I offend you in any way, please tell me how I can do penance. For three nights now, Amanda, Sheilah, and I have performed the Guardians of the Final Courtship duties for Maddie and Jordan. I have never observed a woman as dedicated to being submissive as Maddie. It has me thinking of the big hole in my life that you are filling now and offering to fill in the future.

“Laying here comfortably reclining against you though bound and helpless while you bring pleasure to me with your touch is wonderful. Like Maddie is showing the Guardians and Jordan, I want to show you how tough I really am and how much I want to serve you. Would you tie me up in a tight predicament with me stretched out and uncomfortable? Then would you use the flogger on me until I am a bright pink? I need to demonstrate my love and my submission to you."
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by slackywacky »

Another great chapter. Things are moving on several levels. We will see where this all leads us. Some we know, like Maddy and Angela, but some we will have to wait and see, like the attack by the Colony. Good read my friend, good read!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

My active stories: Updated story catalog: All my stories

Post by h56jh1 »

I agree with @slackywacky another great chapter. Looking forward to Hunter and Sheila "hooking up"
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