Nothing Personal 6 (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Another change of place: St. Petersburg this time! [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] you really keep the reader up on his toes. Everything seems to go as planned for Rogue Heart, but then .... cliffhanger! That Khan´s Empire crumbles is really no reason to feel sorry about. If you take into account what we learned in NF 5. In this case? Justice served.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 8

East Coast United States

Hayley was drunk again and this time was being aggressive. “I don’t care what you think,” Hayley said dismissively and aimed a slap at Kirsty. Fortunately, Hayley threw it from somewhere out over the Atlantic and Kirsty easily sidestepped it. Losing her balance Hayley stumbled forward a couple of steps. So far that Kirsty had to turn around to face her again. “You are not the boss of me.” Hayley jabbed at Kirsty with her finger.

“I just think that you should come home with me,” Kirsty said staying very calm.

“Is that a proposition?” Hayley winked. Kirsty’s shoulders slumped and she looked at the barman. The man’s look said This is now your problem. Please get it out of my bar. A nod let the man know that Kirsty understood.

“No,” Kirsty said as she turned back to Hayley. “It is just time to go.”

“No!” Hayley pointed at a something over Kirsty’s shoulder. “My new friend is going to buy me a drink.” Kirsty didn’t bother looking around. “First. I need to pee.” Having announced that Hayley headed for the toilets, pushing through the door and letting it slam behind her.

“I know,” Kirsty held up a hand to cut off the complaint from the barman. This time Kirsty had turned up prepared, she knew what was coming. “I didn’t want to do this Hayley but you have forced me.” Slipping her hand into the outside pocket of her coat Kirsty removed a small bottle and a handkerchief. As she walked toward the bathroom Kirsty removed the cap from the bottle and poured a large amount of the liquid onto the handkerchief, knowing that Hayley had probably the greatest built up resistance to the drug on the planet. Using her shoulder, she barged open the door and found herself in a small bathroom with three cubicles on the left and a row of sinks on the right. There was a flush and then a cubicle opened. A woman stepped out. Not Hayley. Kirsty smiled as the woman looked at her as she washed her hands in the sink. Kirsty turned her hand to hide the handkerchief from view. “Just waiting for my friend,” Kirsty felt compelled to speak when the woman looked at her again. Kirsty then mimed drinking from a glass. The woman snickered and nodded. Another flush, the second closed door opened and out stepped Hayley.

“Hi!” Hayley slurred. “Fancy meeting you here.” Hayley walked to one of the sinks and started to wash her hands. The woman had been drying her hands on a paper towel and put it in the bin.

“Best of luck,” the woman whispered as she walked by Kirsty and out of the bathroom. A quick check over her shoulder to make sure that nobody was entering the toilets and Kirsty made her move. Crossing the floor to stand behind Hayley as she finished washing her hands. Hayley looked up into the mirror as she gave her hands a shake as the two friends eyes met in the mirror.

“What are you going to do? Big. Tough. Kirsty.” Hayley stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. Kirsty didn’t respond just took a step forward wrapped an arm around Hayley’s waist and pulled her in close then Kirsty pressed the handkerchief over Hayley’s nose and mouth. Hayley must have been stunned by what was going on because it took at least three seconds to react.

“MMMPPFHH!” Hayley screamed into the handkerchief. Then Hayley started to struggle, her eyes went wide and she started to shake her head vigorously to try and dislodge the handkerchief now that she had identified the scent emanating from the damp material. “UUMMFF!” Hayley moaned. The two friends still had eye contact in the mirror and Kirsty could see the hurt in Hayley’s eyes. That cut deep with Kirsty despite knowing that she was doing the correct thing. Suddenly, Kirsty jerked Hayley to the right and forward, pressing her against the wall with the full weight of her body. Hayley was pinned and going nowhere despite her squirms and attempts. “GGUURRHH!” Hayley protested into the handkerchief. Kirsty remained silent and hoped that nobody would enter the bathroom for the next ninety seconds or so. Experienced as she was Hayley tried everything to get free, twisting, writhing, moving up and down, all the time grinding against Kirsty’s body. However, Kirsty had her tight against the wall. There would be no escape from Kirsty and the chloroform’s fumes. Hayley was going to sleep. Then Kirsty felt the struggles wain. It was over. Hayley tried to keep it up but the co-ordination and strength of resistance reduced as the amount of chloroform that Hayley inhaled. Kirsty still held on tight as Hayley’s arms fell to her sides and she slumped back into Kirsty’s arms, she was now taking most of Hayley’s weight. “mmmhhmmm…mmmooohhh…” Hayley groaned just before Kirsty felt Hayley sag totally. Kirsty kept the cloth in place to make sure that Hayley was unconscious before removing the handkerchief and slipping it into her pocket.

“Shall we get you up the road,” Kirsty held Hayley up until she got under her right arm and started to haul her out of the bathroom and into the bar. As they stumbled through the bar, they got some strange looks but Kirsty carried on. A slightly drunk man opened the door for them without taking his eyes off the television. Once out in the cool air of the early night Kirsty looked left and right before seeing where Constance was parked and shuffling down in that direction. As they approached Constance jumped out and opened the rear door. It was awkward but Constance and Kirsty managed to get Hayley into the back seat.

“Didn’t go well then?” Constance asked. Kirsty just gave her a look. “Well, lucky you had the correct tools for the job then.” In silence they both got back into the car and Constance pulled out into the sparse traffic. “You alright?” Kirsty nodded but remined silent. Not wating to discuss the incident any further. What Kirsty wasn’t going to admit was that she had felt a flush of heat through her body as she had knocked Hayley out. Maybe it was the way that Hayley had resisted and rubbed…best not to think about it. Kirsty leaned over, turned up the radio and then sat back in the seat for the journey home.

Casper County, Wyoming

It hadn’t been a long drive but Christina had been flung around the rear of the van with every twist, turn, acceleration and deceleration. They obviously weren’t that bothered about how many bumps and bruises their captive has at the end of the journey. When the van pulled to a stop Christina heard doors opening and closing. She had been left alone on the van. In was slightly unnerving being alone in the van with just the patter of rain on the roof. It must have started raining during the journey. Then one of the doors to the cab opened and closed again before the engine sprang into life and the van started moving. This time backwards and slowly. The van stopped and the door in the cab opened and closed again. Not being able to see anything Christina was playing things out in her own head. Then the side door of the van opened and Christina felt herself being dragged along the floor of the van and then lifted into the air again. “Nice bit of parking.” Daryl.

“At least I didn’t park over the door,” was the response from the other man.

“Less chat you pair,” the woman from earlier said. The woman kicked straw and dust away with her foot until the outline of a large wooden trapdoor. Bending over the woman grabbed an iron ringed shaped handle and hauled the trapdoor open with a creaking of its large hinges. “Put her away for the night.” They carried Christina down the stairs and into the basement under the barn. It was an old smugglers hideout, dug out of the ground and built with stone walls and ceilings with bare floors. At the bottom of the stone staircase there was a short corridor. There was no natural light. The lead man reached out, flipped a switch and a line of neon light fittings hummed into life. It didn’t bathe the corridor in light but it improved the situation so that everyone could see well enough. There were three small rooms on each side of the corridor, each with a wooden door. Three of the doors were closed and three were lying open. The lights coming on lead to a chorus of muffled groans. “Quiet!” one of the men called and the groans instantly died down. They carried Christina to the far away door on the right and into the small room, it was barely large enough for the two men and Christina to get in at the same time. After dumping Christina on the ground, they unwrapped her from the blanket and dumped her onto the barren floor. “Welcome to your new accommodation.”

“uummff…mmuuhh…” Christina moaned as she hit the far wall and rolled back on the barren earth. She looked at the two men standing smiling and glared back at them.

“I don’t think she is happy,” Daryl said. “Wait until she has been here for a couple of days.” They both found this funny and then left the room and closed the door, leaving Christina alone. Taking some time to regain her composure Christina assessed her situation. There was a single light in the ceiling that gave just enough light to see the plain, flat stone walls. The floor was barren earth with a sprinkling of hay. A couple of iron rings were fixed into one of the walls. The only item in the small room was a bucket in the corner. A small hole cut into the wooden door acted as a window. Well, not the best accommodation. Christina rolled onto her back and looked at the ceiling and listening to the dull footsteps outside the room. “See you ladies tomorrow morning.” Then the lights went out and there was a dull thud as the trapdoor was closed over. It suddenly became very silent and still. Once the lights went out Christina could hear muffled groans coming from somewhere close by. It was definitely more than one voice; she was sure of it. So, it had been an eventful day. On the negative side she was lying bound and gagged on the floor of a basement. On the plus side, it seemed like she had found her kidnappers and missing young women.

“mmuuphh…” Christina made the effort and rolled onto her side and started to explore the ropes around her wrists. The bindings were tight and secure but Elizabeth Crawford’s training had been thorough, not just in restraining people but also how to escape restraints and Christina set to work on getting herself free.

East Coast United States

“I can’t believe that you chloroformed me!” Hayley raged as she bounced about inside the bag. “How did nobody notice?” Hayley had been going on for at least two minutes constantly now. “Is this going to be a thing now? Are you even allowed to have chloroform?”

“Give it a rest Hayley,” Kirsty responded with a sigh. “You were drunk and acting like a spoiled child.”

“I was enjoying myself,” Hayley retorted. “You should try it something.” Kirsty ignored the barb and just stood at the end of the bed with her arms crossed, looking at the squirming, down encased Hayley. It wasn’t a big, down stuffed bag but it did the job. It was tight and form sitting, Kirsty could see Hayley’s hips and the outline of her…. “Are you just going to keep me here restrained?”

“Maybe until you learned your lesson,” Kirsty replied, snapping out of her daydream.

“Perhaps there is more of Crawford in you then you would like to admit Kirsty.”

“I made a mistake not gagging you then,” Kirsty was about to remedy that mistake.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that,” Hayley said. “That is frustration taking. I just feel useless,” Hayley said and looked away. Kirsty sat on the bed and opened the top drawer. There was a selection of good gagging material in the drawer and Kirsty made her selection. Kirsty selected two lady’s handkerchiefs and a silk scarf. Balling up the two handkerchiefs Kirsty brought them toward Hayley’s mouth.

“Open wide.” Kirsty ordered.

“Is there any need…”

“Don’t act like a spoiled teenager Hayley. I can just pinch your nose.” Hayley huffed and opened her mouth, allowing Kirsty to stuff the handkerchiefs inside. “If any gag is going to be effective it requires stuffing.” Kirsty quoted paragraph 1.1 of the section on gags in the Elizabeth Crawford handbook. Hayley rolled her eyes but did raise her head to allow Kirsty to tie the silk scarf, now folded into a band, behind her head. At least it wasn’t a Kirsty special. Hayley thought. Still, it wouldn’t be coming off easily.

“mmppgg…uummppff...” Hayley complained as Kirsty got off the bed. Now Hayley thrashed and twisted around.

“I guess I should give you something to concentrate on.” Kirsty turned on the built-in radio on the alarm clock. It was a local talk show

“This city is going downhill fast. Sin is everywhere and the authorities are not doing enough to prevent it. We will soon be in the position of Sodom and Gomorrah where not even my prayers will be enough to save us from his wrath.” The Reverend Remington Boone in full flow.

“Sorry, but sounds like you will have to put up with him for a while,” Kirsty said looking at the friend on the bed.

“We live in desperate times. The leaders of this city need to take action now before it is too late…”

“mmpphh…uuhhff….” Kirsty could tell that her friend was not happy.

“Well, instead of feeling sorry for yourself perhaps you should do something about it.” Kirsty hoped that her friend would think about those words as she closed the door. Kirsty had on her exercise gear and headed downstairs and sitting on the bottom stop started to pull on her running shoes. From nowhere a shiver ran down her spine. Kirsty couldn’t put her finger on it but for some reason recently it had felt like there was somebody watching her. Constantly. Shaking it off Kirsty went through her stretching routine. Just as she was about to leave Constance appeared from the living room. “Keep the door shut. No feeling sorry for her. No untying. No taking the gag off.” Constance nodded, turned and headed back into the living room. “Spend the time looking for a job.” Kirsty knew that she would push herself hard on today’s run. She had to do something to get rid of this pent-up frustration.

Casper County, Wyoming

It had been a long day, well Christina assumed it had been a day, lying bound and gagged on the floor of the room. They had come in on a couple of occasions for a short time just to check on her before leaving. On the plus side that did give her time to work on getting loose of the ropes, which she had manged to do successfully. It had taken a lot of time, effort, picking, rubbing and a couple of nails but she had got there in the end. Once her wrists were free Christina quickly released her legs and they reached up to try and remove the gag. Then she paused and thought better of it. That would be impossible to disguise if removed. She tried the door but it was locked. So, all that she could do now was wait and stretch out the tightness in her legs and back.

Hearing the footsteps approached Christina hurried back to the centre of the cell and lay down. After a glance at the hole in the door she angled her body so that somebody looking through the hole would see her shoulders and torso. Christina clasped her hands behind her back as if her wrists were still bound then bent her knees to hide her ankles from view behind her thighs. Then she waited. The footsteps stopped outside her cell. The lock tuned and the door opened. “mmppffhh…” Christina moaned as the figure took a step into the cell. “uummppff…” The man not called Daryl stood over her and smiled. There was a hunger in his eyes that Christina could easily read. “Not today asshole.” Suddenly Christina brought her right leg around and swept hard at the man’s legs. Catching them perfectly the man collapsed to the floor with a thump. Not giving him time to react Christina pounced on him and quickly secured her right arm around his neck and them braced her left arm behind. Her legs wrapped around his torso and arms, making sure that he couldn’t use them to fight her off. A combination of shock and the speed of Christina’s actions meant that the man had no time to react. Christina pressed tightly and squeezed as the man tried to fight her off. It didn’t take long, maybe half a minute until the blood circulation was cut off and the man ceased struggling. As the man slumped unconscious Christina threw him off to the left and slide out from underneath him. It had taken some physical exertion to take the man out but Christina had to move. Reaching round to the back of her head and finding the end of the tape that was wrapped around her mouth. Then she started to unwind it, growling as she removed it from her hair. The tape removed Christina used her fingers to remove the now sodden cloth from her mouth. She dumped it on the floor at her feet.

“How do you like it know Big Guy?” Taking two of the lengths of rope Christina bound the man’s wrists and ankles before exiting the cell. The man had left the key in the door. Christina closed it over and locked it. Quickly she tried the key in the lock of the cell opposite but it didn’t work.

“uummppff…mmeeaaee…” came from inside the cell. Christina looked through the hole to see a bound woman pleading at her through her heavily gagged mouth.

“Sorry, this key doesn’t work.” Chritina swore under her breathe. “Hang on and I will be back with help as soon as I can.” It took a lot for Christina to tear herself away from the door but it wouldn’t do any good to be caught here by the other two kidnappers. That was if there were just the two more. There was nowhere for her to go. “Stay strong.” Christian turned and headed for the stairs and made her way up and into a barn. For a split second she considered leaving the trapdoor open but then decided to close it, which she did as quietly as possible. A workbench at the back of the barn was well stocked and Christina grabbed a torch and a small crowbar. She felt better with some kind of weapon in her hand. There were no lights inside but moonlight penetrated through the windows and allowed Christina to look around without having to use the torch. Keeping to the side of the barn to make sure that she stayed in the shadows Christina started to look around the large barn. It didn’t take her long to find something that caught her eye. There was a large object toward the rear of the barn with a tarpaulin sitting over it. It was boxy in shape. “I wonder what that could be,” Christina said under her breathe as she approached the object and stood looking at it, engrossed for about twenty seconds. Kneeling door she lifted the tarpaulin just enough to peak underneath. “Interesting.” There were four tyres showing under the tarpaulin. Taking a firm two handed grip of the tarpaulin Christina stood up. “One. Two. Three,” on the count of three she tugged with all of her might and pulled the tarpaulin all of the way off the object and revealed the van that she was looking for. With the tarpaulin sprawled around her feet on the floor Christina stepped around to the side of the van. The fading lettering of Sterling Meats was on the side. “Bingo!” It seemed that this was exactly the van that she was looking for. “That confirms it. Time to get out of here and call the cavalry.” Then she paused. Christina tried the door to the van and found that it was not locked. “Must trust the neighbours,” she commented as she slipped quietly outside. Her luggage was still inside the van. It was a slight risk but one Christina judged worth taking. She quickly jumped in, found her down jacket, a pair of trainers and slipped them on. Just at that point Christina noted the sound of rain on the roof of the barn. “That might help a little.” After zipping up her jacket Christian found the door and peeked outside. The rain was heavy and it was dark. Well, those were both positives for her. Christina put her back to the wooden wall of the barn and took deep breathes to slow her heartrate whilst listening for any signs of movement as she edged toward the corner of the barn. Despite being torn about leaving the other women in the basement but it would be easier for her to escape and then come back with help. “Especially when they leave your car sitting out in the open,” Christina mumbled under her breath. The car was sitting under a tree off to the side of a clearing that had a two-storey house on one corner and the barn at the other. There was no sign of life at the house. Carefully Christina made her way over to the car and tried the driver’s side door. It opened. “They really must trust the neighbours. Next thing they will be leaving the keys in the ignition….” They were. Sitting on the seat Christina closed the door and turned the key to start the engine. It sounded load in the car but probably wasn’t. Easing the car into drive she moved it off slowly and quietly without turning on the headlights. There was a road leaving the clearing and Christina pointed the car onto it hoping that it would be a road that led to the main road. The gap did lead to a road and Christina drove down it for about ten seconds before she had to put on the headlights. The canopy of trees blocked out all of the moonlight. Then the headlights shone on a wall of trees and Christina stopped the car. “Shit.” Then she saw that it was just a tight left turn and she swung the car left and onto another road. This one was slightly better and ran for about half a mile until a road suddenly appeared. Two lanes, one each way, tarmacked. Now Christina had a choice. “Left or right.” Taking a glance in the rear-view mirror Christina picked left and headed off. The rain was now belting down and bouncing off the road now that she was out of the shelter of the canopy of trees making it hard to see. Even with the wipers at full speed and headlights on Christina had difficulty in seeing the road properly. Peering into the darkness Christina threw the car around a left-hand bend and then not long after that a tight right-hand bend. The car fishtailed but Christina managed to catch it as she found a straight and buried the accelerator. “Where the hell am I?” A quick glance in her mirrors. “Were those headlights behind me?” Christina peered through the gloom to try and make out any feature but there was nothing there. The car continued along the straight with trees on one side and a bank of mud with trees on top on the other. Then there was a right bend and it opened up a little. The bank was still on the left but the river could now be seen, fast flowing on the right. A left-hand bend was fast approaching. Then there was something on the road, Christina saw something, or did she. “Hell!” there had been a mudslide and a tree had partially blocked the road. Christina turned the wheel to the right to avoid the fallen tree and tried to brake to slow the car down. “NO!” the car veered to right to add avoided the tree but the wheels locked the vehicle went straight on, Christina turned the wheel but got no response. The rain battered the windscreen as Chistina felt the car bump off the road take off. She had lost control of the car. Christina took her hands off the wheel and crossed her arms over fer face for protection. “Shit!” Christina cried as the car left the road and headed toward the river. There was a thump and everything went black.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Brillant and intense chapter! You are really putting our heroines through their paces. Hayley is completely of the rocker - she can call herself lucky that she has such good friends! Christian is ressourceful and gets free - only to die in a car crash??? This clivehanger is really of the evil sort. And Kirsty realizes something is off ....
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Thanks for taking this story over 5,000 views. Very much appreciated.

Hope that you continue to enjoy and feel free to leave any comments!
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Thanks for taking this story over 5,000 views. Very much appreciated.

Hope that you continue to enjoy and feel free to leave any comments!

You are really off for a good start with this final Part of the NF Series. I can only speak for m part here, but this tale is incredible exciting so far. I have no idea where you will go from here :) One thing is clear for me only: Someone surveiling Hayley, Kirsty and Constance, spying on them, but for what reason is yet to be seen. Another guess would be, that the politician who is mentioned in this Chapter plays a role. And there is still Crawford in play ....
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 9

Stockholm, Sweden

Lara Sanchez looked around the lobby of the hotel Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel for the tenth time since she had sat down five minutes ago. “Relax,” Karolina Opheim encouraged from the seat opposite. “If they turn up, they turn up.” Lara smiled and nodded, trying to take on the more experienced woman’s advice. Picking up her drink Lara took a long drain of it and then closed her eyes. Sitting back in England thinking about what had happened to her Lara decided that she did not want the career, or indeed life that she had chosen for herself what seemed years and years ago but was only actually months. Now, she wanted something more. Something with a little excitement and perhaps a little bit of danger involved. When she had made that decision, her mind immediately drifted to Elizabeth Crawford and her time on the island. The woman had seemed so alive, so vital, so alluring and Lara knew that she had been enticed by that. Lara had left the island before everything had gone wrong for Elizabeth Crawford so hadn’t been caught up in the incident apart from having to give a statement to the police and then fading away into the background.

“Yes officer, the nasty women kidnapped me and held me against my will.”

“What are you smiling about?” Karolina asked taking a sip of her own drink.

“Good memories,” Lara responded, “with hopefully more to come.” Karolina held up her glass in a silent toast. They both settled back to wait in silence and Lara’s mind wandered again. Not really knowing what she was doing Lara had made subtle enquiries on chatrooms and forums before finally getting a response from someone claiming to have been a former operative of the Elizabeth Crawford organization. After several exchanges they had decided to meet and that was when Lara first met Karolina Opheim. The attractive Swedish woman had entered the bar in London and Lara instantly knew that she was legitimate. In the back of her head Lara had been worried that it had been some kind of law enforcement sting operation to try and round up any stragglers from Elizabeth Crawford’s network but that was quickly dispelled. They have exchanged stories and then Lara had put broached the topic of trying to fill the void in the market for a team of professional kidnappers. The Swede had remined silent for a while before nodding. Karolina pulled an envelope from her pocket, put it on the table and left. Lara had picked the envelope up and stuffed it into her pocket.

When she had made that choice to leave Cambridge and her former life behind Lara had decided to follow in the footsteps on many people before her and move to London. Arriving with just a hold-all and a case Lara had found a room for rent in a shared house with some drama students and take it on a short-term lease. They were nice people and good fun but Lara wanted something more. The envelope seemed to burn a hole in Lara’s pocket as she walked home. Back in her room with the door closed Lara had stared at the envelope for an hour before tearing it open. Then she smiled as she read it contents. It would be a mainly sleepless night but come the morning she would be off on an adventure. Rising at dawn Lara flipped open her laptop and scanned the flight pages. Finding what she wanted Lara booked the flight and ran for the shower. Drying her hair Lara looked around the room. “What do I really need?” The answer was not really a lot. Packing her hold-all with a couple of changes of clothes, some personal items, her laptop and a hard drive she dumped it onto the bed. Writing a note to her housemates Lara told them that she had received an offer of a good job had to leave. They were to have or sell anything that she left had left behind. She would not be back. It hadn’t been a hard decision. Passport, phone and wallet all in pockets. Keys to house on top of the letter sitting on her bed. Then with a broad smile on her face Lara picked up her bag and headed out the door. She shut the door behind her and walked down the street. She did not look back.
Karolina explained to Lara that she had been in contact with some other former Elizabeth Crawford operatives that had managed to avoid being caught up and none were interested in getting back involved. Well, for now. Elizabeth Crawford always did keep an eye open for potential new talent and had files on potential recruits. As a senior operative Karolina had been able to access these files and had made a note of some names. That gave them people to reach out to and test the water. That is what they had done. After carefully selecting who to contact Lara and Karolina had received positive responses from a number of women. They wanted to keep this small so have selected three women to meet and made arrangements. Now all they had to do was wait.

The first woman to walk in was Lisa Sinco, sort, curvaceous and with long black hair that fell almost halfway down her back. Lara and Karolina tried not to look obvious as they watched Lisa scan the room and then approach the bar, take a stool and order a drink. That was the instructions that she had been given. Lara and Karolina exchange a look and smiled. At this point in the venture, they would take any small positive as a sign of progress. Now, they kept one eye on Lisa and another on the door. Next through the door were Jodie and Courtney Hanson, two tall, athletic looking blond Danish sisters. It had been Karolina’s idea to recruit the sisters. She knew their reputation from local connections. It was solid. Once again Lara and Karolina tried not to look obvious as they watched the sisters take a seat in a booth at the rear of the bar where they were approached by a waiter and ordered drinks. That was the instructions that they had been given. So far, so good. Taking their time, the two women sat where they were to make sure that no obvious tails came into the room. Satisfied that there Lisa and the Hanson sisters were not being followed Lara and Karolina finished their drinks. Karolina nodded and stood up. Now was the time to see if they would follow the rest of the orders. Taking her bag Karolina walked confidently toward the booth where the Hanson sisters sat. As she walked by Karolina reached into her bag, pulled out a card and slid it onto the table without acknowledging the sisters at all. She then continued on and walked out of the bar. Lara watched this out of the corner of her eye and counted out five minutes in her head to allow Karolina to get into position. Then she got up. Lara casually walked past Lisa at the bar and chapped on it twice without stopping. Lisa froze for a second before grabbing her bag, getting up and scurrying after Lara.

Stockholm, Sweden

Lisa had followed the instructions and was now following the young woman down the alley at the side of the hotel. The alley was quite wide and there were three vans sitting in it. There was nobody else around. The only sound was the footsteps of the two women echoing off the buildings on either side of the alley. Her mind drifted back to when she had received the communication. It had been a mixture of excitement and fear. Excitement at the potential opportunity and fear that it could be some kind of trap. She had always been interested in bondage so had tried to make a career out of it. There had been a couple of obvious avenues to pursue. There had been a shot lived career as a bondage model, decent money but Lisa had soon found that she preferred being the dominant one. Then there was a spell as a professional dominatrix. It had been fund tying up men and especially women but it still hadn’t been what Lisa had been looking for. As well as her bondage career Lisa had earned money through petty crime and then a former girlfriend had decided that she merge her two career paths. A lightbulb had gone off in Lisa’s head. So, she had started to ask around and fell in with a group of professional kidnappers. Well, they called themselves professional but that would not have been Lisa’s description. After hanging around for a year she decided to move on and branch out. That had been a couple of years ago and progress had been steady. Then the letter had dropped through her door. Elizabeth Crawford was a well-respected name in the industry so it was intriguing to get correspondence from someone who worked with her. Everyone knew Elizabeth was currently held in a top security prison in the United States. The television series had been great. There was always the chance that it could be some kind of trap or set-up but Lisa decided to take the chance.
Just as she was beginning to wonder what was going on the woman in front of her stopped. Lisa took a couple of steps before stopping herself. The woman had stopped at the end of the three vans and Lisa was now standing between the second and third vans. The woman turned around and smiled. That caused Lisa to relax just as she was grabbed from behind and a cloth was pressed over her nose and mouth.

Stockholm, Sweden

As soon as Lisa was in slumberland Lara stepped across and opened the side door to the middle of the three vans. Karolina dragged the unconscious Lisa across and then with Lara’s help hauled her into the back of the van. The rear of the van was filled with binding items but they would have to go unused for now. “Don’t worry the chloroform will keep her out for long enough,” Karolina assured Lara as she positioned Lisa before going into a bag and pulling out a bottle wrapped in a large white cloth. “You up for this?” Lara nodded and grabbed the bottle and cloth. “We should get into position. If the Hanson’s obey instructions they won’t be far away. The two women jumped out of the van and Karolina closed the door behind them softly with a barely audible click. Karolina knelt down and attached something to the frame of the van before scurrying away across the alley and into the dark recess of a fire escape. As Karolina took up position Lara walked round and squeezed in between the van wall of the building and waited. Lara didn’t have to wait long until she heard someone coming down the alley. As the sounds got closer Lara risked a peak around the corner of the van and saw the Hanson sisters come into view. Ducking back out of view Lara smiled. Their plan was coming together. As soon as the sisters were out of view Lara hustled around to the rear of the van and got into position.

On the other side of the alley, hiding in the shadows, Karolina waited, waited, waited and then tugged the wire taught just at the perfect time. The Hanson sisters tripped over the wire and collapsed onto the ground with twin grunts. Before they could react, Lara and Karolina pounced, landing on the back of a sister each and simultaneously clamping chloroform-soaked cloths over the lower half of their faces. There was an initial chorus of disgruntled shouts but they were effectively muffled by the thick cloths pressed over the sister’s mouths. It was now just a case of hanging on until the chloroform did its work and made the sister’s more amenable to being rendered unconscious. Jodie and Courtney Hanson bucked and thrashed around in an effort to throw off their attackers but Karolina and Lara were able to keep them pinned down and maintain the advantage of surprise and leverage. It wouldn’t be long until the chloroform removed any serious objections. The sisters complained and shouted into the cloths but they were kept in place. After around half a minute the struggles subsided and the shouts became more like muffled moans and groans. Karolin looked across at Lara, waved to get her attention and then smiled. Lara smiled back. This was going to plan. The struggles subsided further as the sisters were forced to inhale even more of the chloroform’s fumes. By this time the struggles barely registered as the drug took full affect. There was a final couple of moans and then first Jodie and then Courtney went completely still. “Give them another couple of seconds,” Karolina said as she looked around for potential problems. Seeing nothing to worry her Karolina removed the cloth and nodded at Lara who followed suit. “Jodie first.” They picked up the unconscious woman and carried her across to the van. Then it was an awkward balancing act as Lara opened the side door on the van. Once open they hauled Jodie into the rear of the van and carefully laid her down beside Lisa. “Alright, let’s get Courtney and get going. I am feeling a little exposed.” Lara nodded. “Always best to snatch and run.” They scurried out and after Karolina and retrieved the trip wire then carried and deposited Courtney on the other side of Lisa so that the shorter woman was the filling in a Danish sister sandwich. “Are you alright to tie them up whilst I drive.”

“Cool,” Lara responded reaching for their bag of supplies. “I can always do with the practice.”

“Good,” Karolina jumped into the front between the two seats and pulled the curtain over to stop any prying eyes from seeing what was going on in the back through the windscreen. Firing up he engine Karolina carefully moved the van out of the alley and onto the busier roads. Not making any sudden movements, driving within the speed limits and always indicating. In the rear Lara pulled out a length of rope and brought Jodie’s arms behind her back. Taking her time and being very particular, just like Karolina had taught her, Lara carefully wrapped the rope around Jodie’s wrists several times making sure it was tight. Once Lara was satisfied that the rope was snug, she cinched the rope off, increasing the tightness around Jodie’s wrists and then tying the rope off making sure that the knots were out of reach f prying fingers. They hadn’t brought any finger-control mitts so Lara had to be precise with the positioning of the knots. Moving on to Jodie’s legs Lara used three further lengths of rope to secure Jodie’s legs together around the ankles, just below the knee and then around the thighs. Lara checked each rope binding thoroughly before moving on. Finally, Lara produced a longer length of rope and started to run it under Jodie’s body. The young woman threaded the length of rope under, around and over Jodie’s torso and arms just like Karolina and shown her and then knotted it off. Jodie’s arms were know secured to her body with little scope for movement.

“Now, I have to finish off with a gag,” Lara whispered to herself. No person was fully restrained unless they were gagged. It was as much psychological as physical. Picking a large cloth and two blue silk scarves from the bag of binding equipment. Balling up the cloth Lara opened Jodie’s mouth with her empty hand and shoved the cloth inside, making sure that it was all inside. A large knot was tied at the center of the first silk scarf and the knot put in Jodie’s mouth. The ends of the scarf were then tied at the back of Jodie’s head. Lara was sure to make these tight to pull the knot between the now gagged woman’s lips. The second scarf was folded into a band and then tied over Jodie’s already gaged mouth. “Not a really heavy gag but it will do.” Lara wasn’t expecting any real resistance once the initial shock had worn off when the women came around. After a quick check of the bindings to make sure that she was happy Lara moved on to Lisa. Pulling another length of rope from the bag of supplies and started work on her second victim by securing her wrists behind her back.

Once completed each of the three unconscious women had been bound identically. The only difference was the colour of the silk scarves used to gag each woman. Lara finished off by slipping a padded sleep mask over each of the bound women’s eyes before pulling back the curtain and jumping into the cab. Karolina glanced over her shoulder at the three bound, gagged and blindfolded women that were lying unconscious in the back of the van. Some might say that sedating and binding people that you hoped to work with was not a good idea. Karolina would counter that argument by saying that in this line of work you could never be so careful. Besides, if they were the kind of people that they wanted on the team they would understand.

Rural, Sweden

The groans had started to emanate from the rear of the van as the chloroform started to wear off and the women regained consciousness. Then came the sound of them scrambling about trying to work out if they could get free followed by the moans of displeasure as they started to complain into their gags. “Lie still ladies,” Karolina called over her shoulder. “Not long until we reach our destination.” Lara and Karolina exchanged a look and smiled. They were both relaxed at this point. A bond had grown between the two women since they had met. The noises from the rear of the van subsided to the occasional grumble when the van either changed direction, braked or accelerated. They had just come off the main road and driven through a small town and then turned off onto a single-track road. At the end of this road was a two-level house that stood alone in a small clearing. This is where Lara and Karolina had been located, making the plans and arrangements that they were now putting into action. Karolina pulled the van to a stop close to the steps up to the door. The muffled moans and groans from the rear intensified as soon as the engine died. “Alright ladies just do as we say and we will get those bindings off.” They removed all of ropes binding Jodie apart from her wrists but kept the gag and blindfold in place before helping her out of the van and across the small area of ground to the house. “Five stairs,” Karolina said into Jodie’s ear to help the blindfolded woman adjust her steps. Once inside the house the escorted the woman to a room on the rear of the house. The room had five chairs. Three set up in a rough semi-circle facing two that were close together. The deposited Jodie in the right-hand side of the three chairs. “Just sit still for a couple of minutes.” Lara and Karolina hurried back and undertook the same procedure with Lisa who was placed in the center chair. When then returned Jodie hadn’t moved. Same instruction to Lisa. A third trip and soon Courtney was sat in the left-hand seat of the three. Karolina moved across and took one of the chairs opposite before nodding. Lara moved along the line of chairs, untying each woman’s hands and removing the padded masks. They all rubbed their wrists and blinked until they got used to the light in the room. Having completed that job Lara walked around and stood beside Karolina. They both smiled. “Ladies. Good evening. It is a pleasure to meet you in person.”

“mmppgghh…” Jodie mumbled.

“hhuummff…gguummgg….” Lisa complained.

“uummppff…uucckk…” Courtney grumbled and looked at her sister.

“You can take the gags off,” Karolina stated. “It would make this easier.” Lara watched intently as all three gagged women picked at the knots on the silk scarves before removing their gags. The damp material went in a pile between their feet. The women considered each other in silence or a while.

“I assume because you untied us this hasn’t been some kind of set-up?” Lisa asked still rubbing her wrists. Karolina nodded to confirm that point.

“Yes, our initial contact was genuine,” Karolina confirmed.

“What exactly was that all about?” Courtney asked. “I am sure that there are easier ways to make contact.”

“Apologies,” Karolina raised her hands. “We just felt that it would be safer for all involved this way. I can assure you that we are genuine.”

“What is to stop us just leaving?” Courtney asked being a little aggressive in her line of questioning.

“Nothing,” Lara answered. “Then again. You must have been interested to turn up.”

“I certainly am,” Jodie chimed in. Lisa and Courtney turned to look at her. “Look,” Jodie said again. “All that I am saying is that there is a gap in the market ladies. We may as well hear what they have to say.”

“You think that we can slip into the void created by Elizabeth Crawford getting pinched?” There was a hint of snide in Courtney’s voice.

“Not exactly the void,” Lara corrected. “We wouldn’t be working on that scale.” Lara had been waiting on the chance to explain her vision. “It would be a smaller operation. Boutique. High-end. Taking on only the best and most profitable jobs.”

“We think that part of the problem was Elizabeth ended up with big plans,” Karolina chipped in. “Better to keep this kind of low key and under the radar. Well, as much as you can.”

“Yes, one job at a time. Complete it and then move on,” Lara noted. The room fell silent for a while as the three women across from Lara considered the proposal.

“How would this work?” Lisa asked, breaking the deadlock. “Would you be in charge?” Lara was excited that the second of them had engaged.

“No,” Lara said shaking her head. “Karolina would head up operational matters and decisions during jobs but in terms of what jobs to take it would be put to a vote with a majority rule. Profits are split equally amongst us.” That comment certainly got a good reaction so Lara paused to let them think about it. “What we would propose is that we commit to an initial three-year period and then see where we are. If everyone is happy to continue then we do so for another year. Then we review again. If one person isn’t happy then they walk away with what…”

“Anything,” Karolina interrupted. All of the women laughed. Lara took that as another encouraging sign.

“As I was saying, that person can walk away with what they have made. No issue. If the majority vote not to carry on then we shake hands and go our separate ways.” That got nods from Jodie, Lisa and Courtney. It all did seem very sensible. “I have a contact who will arrange two full new identities for each of us. We will all go separately so that we do not know each other’s identities. That will be followed by a trip to a Swiss banker who can set up accounts that won’t be queried and where the source of the funds can’t be traced. From there the funds can be transferred anywhere.” Karolina looked at each woman in turn. “So, if it does go wrong, we can all run in different directions and we will not know who or where the others are.” A second round of nods. It seems like they were pulling them in.

“What if we say no?” Lisa asked.

“All that I ask is that you allow yourself to be blindfolded and taken back to the van. Then take a dose of chloroform and when you wake up, we will drop you back off where we picked you up,” Karolina confirmed. “No harm done.”

“Where you picked us up?” Courtney said in a way that made everyone smile. The atmosphere in the room was relaxed, Lara was leaning towards this being a successful recruitment drive. Courtney and Jodie looked as each other and nodded.

“I am in,” Lisa said standing up. “Just need a lift back to the hotel to get my stuff. I assume now that I have agreed to come on board, we can forego the chloroform?” Karolina nodded and looked at Jodie and Courtney. They both nodded. It looked like they had a team, which was just as well. Karolina already had a job lined up for them.

East Coast United States

A glance at her watch told Kirsty that she was just going to miss her best time for five kilometres. She hadn’t been planning a run but was couldn’t concentrate and needed to burn off some energy. It had been a tense twenty-four hours in the house with Hayley’s antics and Kirsty’s method of dealing with them. Kirsty only hoped that her friend took it on board. They had hardly spoken in the couple of hours since she had released Hayley. The watch beeped just as she turned the corner into the street where Hayley’s house was located. Kirsty pushed the button to stop the timer and slowed to a walk. “Seven seconds,” Kirsty checked the time and cocked her head to one side. As she walked toward the house Kirsty pulled her phone from the holder around her upper arm and looked at the screen. Some messages had arrived. Kirsty scanned through them as she approached the front door. There was a message that made her smile. “We needed that!” Kirsty opened the door and entered the house before she burst into the living room. “At last! Some good news.” Kirsty held her phone up. Hayley and Constance were sitting on the couch. “Penelope sent me a text earlier. She tracked down Grace and managed to rescue her.” There was no response. Looking from Hayley to Constance and then back to Hayley again, Kirsty knew that something was seriously wrong. “What happened?” Kirsty asked with trepidation.

“It’s Christina,” Hayley mumbled. “She’s gone.”
Last edited by mrjones2009 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Most intriguing chapter - and a sad one, at the end. Intriguing? Lara Sanchez joininig the dark side of the force - I would not have expected that turn. [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] is a master for suprises. The capture of the three first recruits was very well written, seems like Lara as practised.

Now we come to the sad part: Christina Howard is gone. She was around from the very first beginnings of the NF-Saga. At the end of the previous chapter I had still hopes Christina´s accident was only just that and Christina survived the crash.

It could be all part of a greater plan: That this is all part of a greater plan: The persons who died were all enemies of Elizabeth Crawford .... and if anyone is a master at letting people disappear. Just speculating here: That move would be so Crawford: Taking revenge on her opponents - and making the world believe they are dead. Wild speculation I know.

The news of Christina´s death must come as a shock to Hayley and Kirsty. For Hayley this is another blow. I still hope, she stops pittying herself and gets her act together.

And no sign of Natalie ....

So far the only piece of good luck our heroines had was Penelope´s escape. Dark Times.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 10

Los Angeles, California

The sun was setting as Shonali Shelpa Khan looked out from the floor to ceiling windows of her house out over the canyon and down toward the city centre of Los Angeles, taking sips from a large mug of coffee. It was a great view. Almost worth the cost of the house alone. The house had been an indulgence, especially at this point in her career but she had decided to treat herself. It wouldn’t have been an issue a couple of years ago with her parents backing but this was something that she had purchased with her own money and it was very satisfying. Shonali had built her acting career taking smaller roles in big productions or leading roles in smaller, more acclaimed screen and film productions during the past couple of years. She had just finished a role on Broadway and had flown across the States and back to L.A. After some persuasion she had finally taken a roll in Jasmine Lockspeiser production company’s adaptation of Elise Rodgers book on the Elizabeth Crawford saga. That was due to air on television in a couple of weeks. Early critical reviews were positive. It had a ‘buzz’ which was great for Jasmine and all of the people that had worked hard to get it made. Shonali heard an actual buzz. That would be Monica Leonard, her agent, arriving. No need for Shonali to move, Monica had her own key to get in. Anyway, it was time to take the plunge and go big with her career. Shonali had flown back to sign up for roles in two films. The first was the main female role in an action film with Will Smith and Chris Pratt as mismatched partners chasing a very inventive and violent gang of thieves. The second was the lead in a film of a bestselling book. Monica had said that it had ‘award bait’ written all over it. Shonali had read the script, it was great, and spoken with the director, she was great and thought that they had the chance to make something special.

“Welcome back!” Monica called as she entered the open space of the lounge. Shonali turned and pointed to the three couches arranged around a large glass table. They greeted each other and then took a seat on different couches. Monica’s Personal Assistant, Camille Roux, a young French woman with long, light brown hair hovered in the background

“Hello Camille,” Shonali. The young woman nervously waved back. “Take a seat.” A shake of the head. There was a pile of mail sitting on a table in the living room. After sitting down with her coffee Shonali started to look through it.

“So, I am glad that you are back. I had Martin look through the contracts for those films and he made some amendments,” as Monica carried on Shonali flicked through the large pile of mail. “I would like to go back and get the salary increased a little but apart from that and one of two other things we are good to go. Did you manage to look at those other scripts that I sent across?” Shonali shook her head. Monica went on but Shonali shut her out as she made two piles of mail. The first would get looked though and the second would find itself straight in the bin. “Are you listening to me?” Shonali nodded and picked up a plain white envelope from the table. It has been at the bottom on the initial pile. Another one? Shonali thought. She had been getting the letters for a couple of months now. They were ‘fan’ letters. It looked like some crazed guy had taken some kind of liking to her. Wanting to know that he ‘worshipped’ her and wanted to ‘protect’ her from the those in Hollywood that would hurt and use her. Some of the descriptions of what the man wanted to do were detailed and a bit off putting. Shonali opened the envelope, removed the letter inside and started to read it. Like the rest it was plain black text on a folded sheet of white paper. It started in the same fashion as the other before getting a little upset about not receiving a reply. It ended with the slightly different sign off. ‘Love, your greatest fan. See you soon.’

“Is that what I think it is?” Monica asked.

“Some of the stuff in here…” Shonali Shelpa Khan read the note again and blushed. “This guy is getting more and more creative.” She turned and handed the letter to Monica who took it and quickly read the contents.

“When was this sent?” Monica asked.

“No idea, no postmark,” Shonali replied.

“I wish that you would let me get some proper security,” Monica said. “These stalkers can be deranged dudes.”

“I told you,” Shonali replied clearly exasperated getting up from the couch, “I had enough of that with my parents. Locked gates and doors. Guys with guns. Paranoid about everything. No privacy. I don’t want it around here.” This was a conversation that she had had previously with Monica.

“This guy could be dangerous,” Monica countered, “some of this stuff…wow…”

“He could also be harmless,” Shonali replied. “This must happen to everyone that gets thrust into the public eye.” Monica looked cross. “Look, this is a new start for me. Doing it on my own without my parents. I do not want anything that reminds me of that period of my life.” Monica went to respond but the look on Shonali’s face told her that the conversation was over.

“Camille,” Monica turned to her assistant who had been mute throughout the exchange. “Would you be a darling and make me a coffee?” Camille nodded and trotted out of the room. Monica turned back to Shonali. “Very enthusiastic.” Shonali nodded and smiled. “Now, where were we...”

Los Angeles, California

Camille knew the layout of the house well and headed for the kitchen. She had visited the house three times before. Miss Khan had given her a tour the first time. It was a beautiful house in a lovely location. Walking along the corridor Camille headed for the kitchen. It was at the other end of the house passed the toilet and bedrooms. Just as she walked past the door of the last bedroom there was a faint noise behind her. Then she felt a tight grip around her waist, trapping one of her arms, and something think and soft was pressed over her mouth and nose. Before Camille could react, she felt herself pulled into the bedroom. Her eyes opened up wide, as she let a surprised, muffled yelp, and her free hand moved instinctively towards her assailant’s hand, gripping it tightly and trying to move it away. The hand was encased in a leather glove and was firmly clamped in place pressing the cloth. “MMMPPPFF!” Camille screamed into the cloth but it was muffled as she tried to call for help. A black clad leg then appeared and kicked the door closed. Putting another barrier between her and help. Camille’s mind was racing as she tried to work out what was happening it took her a couple of seconds to register the strong smell coming from the cloth. “MMMPPPFFF!” she cried again once her brain made the connection. Her struggles intensified but her attacker was strong, pulled her in tight and griped her tightly. There would be no escape from their clutches. They did noy speak. They did not move. She continued to try and prise the hand on the cloth from over her nose and mouth but her grip, however, quickly become less tight, as Camille was forced to inhale the heavy fumes of the drenched cloth. “What is going on?” she though with a hint of despair, as she breathed in more of the chloroform, feeling her eyelids grow heavy. Camille groaned, trying to break free, but to no avail. Her eyelids grew heavier, and without noticing her free hand dangled helplessly on her side. Her vision was getting blurry and narrowing. She felt so tired. It was impossible to keep her eyes open. Camille let out a weak sigh as her eyes rolled over, her legs became wobbly and unable to hold weight, and she slowly drifted into a heavy slumber.

Once Camille was out the attached slowly lowered her to the ground. They had to work quick. The roll of silver tape was already sitting on the carpet having already being removed from their rucksack. They had been expecting two women, not three but you had to adapt. They brought Camille’s wrists behind her back and wrapped the tape twenty times around her wrists to secure them in place. Pivoting Camille at the waist they wrapped tape around the young woman’s body to pin her arms against her back. When then job had been completed, they turned their attention to Camille’s legs. These were secured together at the ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. Each position had twenty wraps of the silver tape. When entering the bedroom, they had stripped the stripped the cotton cases from the four pillows on the bed. Three had a large knot tied in the centre and the fourth had been torn into three sections. They took one of the torn sections, balled it up and stuffed it into Camille’s mouth. Picking up a pillowcase with a knot at the centre they pushed the knot between Camille’s lips. The knot was large enough that it forced the young woman’s mouth to stay open. The ends were tight tightly behind her head to keep the gag in place. A quick check to satisfy himself that they were happy with their bindings and they stood up. One down and two to go.

Los Angeles, California

“Where is that girls with my coffee?” Monica asked looking around and starting to get a little anxious.

“Caffeine withdrawal kicking in?” Shonali suggested with a laugh. Monica gave her a look and stood up. Then her mobile rang and Monica pulled the phone from her pocket. Her eyes widened when she recognised the number. Steven. Monica mouthed. Shonali nodded and pointed to herself and then the kitchen, confirming that she would check on Camille. Monica moved toward the wall of glass overlooking the canyon as Shonali hopped up and headed for the kitchen. As she strolled along the corridor Shonali yawned. “Jet lag. Could do with a nice nap about now.” Approaching the kitchen Shonali expected to hear the sounds of plates and the smell of fresh coffee. There was neither. Then one swift motion, a cloth was clamped over on Shonali’s nose and mouth. An arm wrapped around her waist. Shonali’s eyes widened and she began to flail around in a panic, instantly recognising the pungent, overpowering scent coming from the cloth and invading her nostrils. She swung her right arm around, but her attacker moved as they needed to and dodged every hit. Muffled cries for help escaped her lips but they weren’t loud enough for Monica to hear. Her legs kicked out and she squirmed, trying to get free. Her attacker held her in place firmly, they had waited too long for this to let go now. Then Shonali managed to get her trapped arm free and pulled at her attacker’s grip and her free hand tried to pry the cloth away from her face to no avail. The struggling was intense but that just meant that Shonali continued to inhale the fumes from the cloth. “mmmppggg…uummppff…” Shonali whimpered into the cloth as she jerked around, her socked feet sliding on the carpet floor. The grinding proved to be enough of a distraction for her attacker to lose concentration for a second and that allowed Shonali to wriggle free and she fell onto the floor. She was weakened but still conscious enough that it was a problem, crawling toward the door to the kitchen. The attacker smiled and knelt down next to her and wrapped an arm around her chest to keep him in place before clamping the cloth on her face again. Shonali kicked out at nothing, her arms scratching at the carpet wildly. Her breathing was rapid as more muffled cries came out. The chloroform entered her system slowly but it did begin to drain her energy. Her arm movements were slim and his legs did little more than shuffle against the carpet before they stopped moving altogether. Her breathing wasn’t as rapid, occasional bursts of panic still detectable, and her cries became more like moans and groans. After a further fifteen seconds Shonali collapsed limply onto the carpet and her eyes slid closed. They held their unconscious prize in their arms for a couple of seconds before the sound of laughter from the other end of the corridor reminded them that there was still one problem to deal with. They gently grabbed Shonali under her arms and lifted her up, dragging her into the bedroom and depositing her carefully beside the bound, gagged and unconscious Camille.

Picking up the tape they quickly used it to bind Shonali in exactly the same way that Camille had been bound. They brought Shonali’s wrists behind her back and wrapped the tape twenty times around her wrists to secure them in place. Pivoting Shonali at the waist they wrapped tape around their prizes body to pin her arms against her back. When that job had been completed, they turned their attention to Camille’s legs. These were secured together at the ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. Each position had the same number of wraps of the silver tape. They were very particular about that. They could still here the faint laughs and chat coming from the main room. They still had time. Picking up a torn pillow strip they ball it up and stuffed it deep into Shonali’s mouth, packing it full of fabric and making her cheeks bulge. Another of the knotted pillow cases was used to complete the gag. Once again, a check of the bindings and gag was required and they were both to their satisfaction. They stood up and retrieved the cloth that had been used to sedate the two, slumbering woman. They took the bottle from their pocket and poured some more onto the already sodden cloth. The smell was now very pungent. Putting the bottle into their rucksack they exited the room and turned right toward the main room. It was time to deal with the third woman and get out of here with their prize.

East Coast United States

“Thanks for taking the call.” Hayley hung and put the telephone back into the base unit. Kirsty and Constance looked on expectantly. “The detective in charge of the case gave me the run down,” Hayley smiled, “professional courtesy.” Sitting down Hayley sighed and ran both hands through her hair. Kirsty and Constance exchange a look but said nothing, waiting on Hayley to break the silence. “Alright, the theory that they are currently working on is that Shonali has been abducted by a stalker or crazed fan if you prefer to call it that.”

“Why do they think that?” Kirsty asked.

“It turns out she has been receiving disturbing letters from an unknown person who has been making threats. The person seems to have been obsessed with Shonali. The letters started out with routine enough, ‘I think that you are great’ and ‘You are so beautiful’ and quickly went downhill from ‘I love you’ to ‘You are the only one for me’, ‘You will be mine’ and got fairly explicit and detailed.” Hayley shrugged. “L.A.P.D are working on that the person finally decided to act on their fantasy.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Constance commented.

“Shonali’s agent and her assistant were both at the house when the perpetrator struck.”

“Are they alright?” Constance enquired. Hayley nodded.

“They were both drugged, tied up and left in the house. No physical injuries,” Hayley confirmed.

“Do they have any strong leads?” Kirsty chimed in. Hayley looked perplexed.

“There was no physical evidence in or around the house, no fingerprints or footprints. The canvas of the neighbours produced no leads. No reports of unknown people or vehicles lurking around on the day or the week before. They are looking through CCTV and road cameras but they don’t have a starting point of what to look for.” Hayley leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “They have put out an APB on Shonali and press coverage will ensure that a lot of people known what is going on and to look out for her.”

“That is positive at least.” Constance commented. Hayley didn’t respond. There was a spider crawling across the ceiling and Hayley followed its progress. The three women sat in silence for ten minutes before Constance got up and headed for the kitchen. “It seems to be just one thing after the other at the moment.” A shiver travelled down Hayley’s spine and she tore her gaze away from the spider and made eye contact with Kirsty. Far from drifting away Hayley had been thinking how does someone who is being fitted up for the Crazed Fan straightjacket managed to plan and execute this kind of enterprise without leaving any evidence.

“Something wrong?” Kirsty asked, giving Hayley a look.

“I don’t know,” Hayley replied, “it is just...maybe the blue blood is making me….” Hayley got up from the couch and headed toward the door. “I am going for a walk, get some fresh air.” Kirsty nodded and waved after her friend. Hayley grabbed her long down jacket from the coatrack and slipped it on. Checking that she had her keys and mobile Hayley opened the door and stepped into the cool evening air. Stuffing her hands deep into the pockets Hayley picked a direction and walked, no destination in mind her brain trying to make sense of what had been going on.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Another intriguing chapter [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] - I think, I am starting to see a certain pattern - if I see, who is captured, who is murdered, dies by an accident. There is a common denominator after all: All those people are connected to Crawford in a way. And I do not believe in conincidences. Which does not rule out the possibility that another sinister force is at work, with a different agenda. And there is still mysterious kidnapping of Natalie .... fascinating stuff, a complex web, a labyrinth.
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Post by elea62 »

Very nice chapter :P :)
Looking for soft role-play
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 11

Casper County, Wyoming

“Well, instead of feeling sorry for yourself perhaps you should do something about it.” Hayley repeated Kirsty’s words back to her. It was lying in that bag, bound and gagged that she had thought about what Kirsty had said and decided to do something. The walk in the cool morning air had solidified that determination. Something turned out to be taking the next available flight to Wyoming and following in Christina’s footsteps. Hayley wasn’t sure what she was trying to achieve. This wasn’t television. Hayley wasn’t some super cop, “ex-cop young lady,” who was going to stumble upon something that the original investigators had missed. Pulling up outside the Sheriff’s office Hayley flipped down the visor and had a look at how she looked. “Bugger!” Not at her best was the answer. Hayley gave her hair a brush with her fingers but that was as much as she could do at the moment. Getting out of the car Hayley looked around. Smallish place, but neat and well cared for. “Time to get back on the horse. Although, they probably take that literally around these parts.” The suspension from the force hadn’t been widely publicised so Hayley assumed that the Casper County Sheriff would have no idea. Well, at least Hayley hoped that was the case. Hayley pushed through the door and into the Sheriff’s office. A quick look around told her that the layout was pretty standard, open area at the front with reception, a low rail with a gate that led to a bullpen area with desk, two offices at the back either side of a door that Hayley guessed led to the interview rooms and cells. A smiling woman in her early fifties sat behind the reception desk. Hayley returned the smile and approached. As Hayley did the woman put down the stack of papers that she had been sorting and took off her glasses. “How can I help you darlin’?” the woman asked. A quick look at the brass nameplate on the uniform told Hayley that the woman’s name was Joan.

“Detective Hayley King,” Hayley replied. “Sorry to just burst in like this but I was wondering if the Sheriff had ten minutes to spare.”

“Sorry, darlin’,” Joan replied. “Harry DeBeau’s cows got out and blocked the road again. Sheriff is on traffic control duties until them dumb animals are wrangled.”

“Eh, do you know when he will be back?” Hayley asked.

“Probably not until tomorrow sweetheart.”

“Thanks,” Hayley though about her next move. “No need to tell him I was here. I will just pop back in tomorrow. Joan nodded and went back to her stack of papers. Before she turned to leave Hayley remembered something. “Is there anywhere around here that you would recommend for me to stay?”

“Well, that is a question.” Joan considered it for a while. “There is that place on the road out of town run by that idiot Dwanye but there is something off about that one...then there is the hotel out by the county road but I would say your best bet would be The Tipsy Cow.” Hayley raised an eyebrow. “The pub here in town. They have rooms to rent. Just along the road on the far corner of the town square.”

“Thanks,” Hayley exited the Sheriff’s office. Getting back in the car Hayley headed into town and found the square. “Seriously.” There was a large neon sign of a cow leaning against a bar above a building on the far corner. “I guess they are.”

Casper County, Wyoming (following morning)

Hayley had clocked the white twin cab pickup behind her the minute she had left town. They were hardly being subtle about following her. Normally, Hayley would have put it down to being paranoid but it was something that she couldn’t explain but for the last hour or so Hayley had the feeling that she had being watched as she had walked around the town. Having visited the Sheriff’s office again only to be informed that the Sheriff wasn’t in Hayley decided to ask around town and see if anything popped up. In a small coffee shop the couple who ran the establishment had taken the time to speak with her and mentioned that Christina had spoken with the owner of a store and then had given Hayley directions. With the Sheriff not being around Hayley had some time to kill so decided to take a drive out. Now, looking in the rear-view mirror again she confirmed that the white twin cab pickup was still lurking behind her. There was a man behind the wheel with a thick beard, sunglasses and a baseball cap. An older woman sat in the passenger seat and there were two shadows in the back seat but Hayley couldn’t really make them out. “I wonder what they want?” Just then the light flashed on the dashboard letting Hayley know that she needed gas. “Bugger.” Not knowing exactly where she was Hayley had no idea when the next gas station was. Would she be better going back to town? Probably not. It wasn’t desperate. Hayley turned up the radio and cruised along for ten minutes and her decision was rewarded as a sign appeared confirming that a gas station was only ten miles away. She smiled and tap the steering wheel along with the beat of the song currently playing and took a quick look in the mirror again. The twin cab pickup was still there. The exact same distance behind. She shook her head. Not the most professional tailing technique. Anyway, first things first. She needed gas and the station was approaching up on her left. The station had a large lot with a single row of pumps, a shop, a small repair shop and two other small buildings set on the far side of the lot. Hayley pulled off the road and onto the lot, parking beside the pumps she killed the engine and sat behind the wheel to see if the white twin cab pickup pulled in after her.

Casper County, Wyoming

“That’s her that’s been snooping around asking questions.” Troy Roberts said to his mother, Mary, who was sitting in the passenger seat. They had pulled into the gas station and parked as far away as possible on the lot of the gas station. “She looks like a fed.” Mary rolled down the window and looked at Hayley as she pumped gas into her vehicle.

“There is something familiar about her,” Tasha Roberts as she started playing around with her mobile.

“You need to get more,” her sister Toyah commented, “get a hobby. Spending all day reading that stuff on the internet. Conspiracy theories mumbo jumbo…” Tasha ignored her sister jibes and carried on. “I mean the kind of stuff that you look at is just made-up nonsense…”

“Quiet Toyah,” Mary said flatly, “I am trying to think here.” The car was silent again as they all watch Hayley finish filling up the vehicle, replace the pump and head for the small shop.

“I recognise her now!” Tasha from the back seat. “She is that famous detective or something. Was on the news a lot a while back. Some kind of big case.” Tasha turned and gave Toyah a hard stare. “Here look,” Toyah handed her phone between the seats to her mother. “That’s her. Says there that she has close likes with the Federal Bureau of Investigations and other law enforcement agencies.” Mary took the phone and read the article on the screen silently. There was a picture at the end of the article and Mary studied it closely. They were definitely the same person. The door to the small shop opened and all of the eyes in the vehicle watched Hayley exit the shop and get back in the car.

“What should we do?” Troy asked. She had a choice to make. It would be silly to make a wrong move now.

“Follow her.” Troy started the engine and slowly pulled the car out. Mary watched intently as the car made the short journey from the pumps to the toilet block. Hayley then got out and went into the female toilets. Troy glanced across at Mary. “Pull in beside her car.” Troy did, then reached to turn the ignition off. “Keep it running. Seems like we should be asking her some questions. Go and get her girls.” Tasha and Toyah opened their doors and slid out of the vehicle.

Casper County, Wyoming

As the door opened Hayley glanced in the mirror and saw two women enter. They were a couple of years younger than Hayley, both slightly taller with a slimmer build. They stopped halfway between where Hayley was standing at the sink and the door. They didn’t move. “You girls obviously aren’t here to use the facilities.” It was a statement. As Hayley finished washing her hands, she picked up a paper towel and dried them before depositing it into the trashcan. The statement has slightly confused the two younger women and they stole a glance at each other. Hayley looked at them again. They were obviously related, probably sisters. Their features were very similar, the only way that you could tell them apart really was that one had blond hair hanging loosely down to her shoulders and the other had short cropped jet-black hair. Obviously died. “Are you twins?” This caused another stolen glance between the two younger women. “Look, I am not giving you any money.” Hayley instinctively moved her hand toward where her service weapon would be before silently cursing herself.

“Momma wants a word,” the blond hair younger woman said. “Come with us.”

“So, not a mugging then.” Hayley arched an eyebrow and the two younger woman exchange looks.

“You need to come with us,” the blond said again. Hayley shook her head. The two young women approached slowly.

“Not optional I guess,” Hayley titled her head and prepared for a dust up. “Perhaps we should make formally introduced first.”

“We know exactly who you are. Cop!” The blond spat the last word before launching herself at Hayley and tackling her around the waist. The momentum of the young woman sent caught Hayley by surprise and sent her back against the sink.

“Oft!” the air was forced out of Hayley’s lungs but she retained enough energy and clarity of thought to bring her hands together and club them down onto the woman’s back with great force, once and then again. The young woman lost her grip and slumped onto her knees. Hayley stepped to the left. “Now, can we not just…” WHACK! “OOWW!” The young woman with the black hair and slapped Hayley across the face. “That wasn’t very ladylike.” Hayley commented as she rubbed her cheek.

“Says the woman clubbing young ladies in the back.”

“I don’t think that you can…” the two women circled each other in the toilet. “Anyway.” Hayley waited until the dark-haired woman lunged again before counter striking and landing a blown to her stomach. The dark-haired woman went down on one knee to join her sister. “Now, can we just…hell…” Hayley’s shoulders slumped as she watched the two younger women get back to their feet and come back to face her. This time they attacked as a pair and the three women ended up a mass of limbs rolling around on the floor. Each landing the occasional glancing blow on one of the others. This lasted for around a minute before Hayley landed a serious blow on one of the women with her elbow, allowing her to crawl away toward the door. As she did this the door to the toilet opened and a woman was framed in it for a second.

“Toyah, Trisha. What are you playing at?” the older woman asked as she took a step into the toilet, allowing the door to close behind her.

“Are these your…shit…” Hayley noticed the shotgun that the woman was carrying. It was pointed directly as her. “Momma?” The older woman nodded.

“But; you can call me Mary.” Hayley stood up and dusted herself down. “You are a feisty one.” Mary looked over Hayley’s left shoulder at her daughters who quickly scrambled up and grabbed one of Hayley’s arms each. “This will calm her down a bit.” Mary removed one hand from the shotgun, went into her pocket and pulled out a bottle and a cloth which she handed over to the dark-haired younger woman. “Soak the cloth in the liquid and then hold in over her nose and mouth Toyah.”

“What is it?” Toyah asked.

“Chloroform.” Hayley sighed. Mary raised a questioning eyebrow. “I have previous experience so I would rather not if you don’t mind…"

“Well, we can either shoot you or chloroform you?” Mary interrupted. “Your choice sexy and we don’t have all day.”

“Hit me with the chloroform,” Hayley rolled her eyes.

“Now, it’s not nice stuff…” Hayley nodded and there was silence whilst Toyah prepared the cloth. Then without warning it was pressed over Hayley’s nose and mouth.

“mmppffhh…nnuhhff…” Hayley mumbled as the cloth was applied. It took a split second for the fumes to hit her nostrils and she coughed a couple times. It was rougher than the more refined chloroform that she had become accustomed to. “mmppff!” Hayley complained and shook her head but Toyah kept the cloth in place.

“Told you it wasn’t nice stuff,” Mary said. “Tasha put your hand behind her head.” Hayley felt the hand on the back of her head and the pressure of the cloth suddenly increased over her mouth and around her nose. There was no escaping the soporific fumes now. It would only be a matter of time. And time seemed to stand still whilst they waited for the drug to take effect. It didn’t take that long. With the shotgun still pointed at her midriff as a warning Hayley just accepted her predicament and inhale the chloroform’s fumes. She only hoped that her position was improved when she come around from her enforced slumber. Shortly later her head started to swim, and she felt the blasted concoction addling her senses. It was certainly harsher than most variations that she had experienced before. She felt herself falling limp into the other women’s grasp, her efforts to fight the chloroform failing.

“uummnnoomm…” Hayley moaned as Tasha and Toyah had to talk almost all of her weight.

“Keep that cloth on until she is all the way out,” Mary instructed. Hayley was well past caring or fighting now. It wouldn’t be long now, her head slumped forward so that her chin rested on her chest. The cloth remained in place. Then after another couple of breathes Hayley’s eyes closed over and she slipped into unconsciousness. “Well done girls.” Mary said. “Drag her to the car and let’s get going.” Tasha and Toyah took a firm grip of Hayley’s arms and started to carry her today the door with her feet dragging along the floor. Mary held the door open to allow her daughters to carry Hayley out and around to their vehicle where Troy was holding the door open. Between the three they manged to haul Hayley’s dead weight into the rear section of the twin cab. Toyah and Tasha squeezed in the back on either side of Hayley with Troy and Mary in the front seats. Troy pulled the vehicle out of the lot and into the main road. Mary cracked the window to let some fresh air in. “Give her the occasional whiff of that stuff to keep her out.” Toyah nodded and placed the cloth over Hayley’s nose and mouth for a couple of breaths before she removed it again. It went like that throughout the entire journey.

Casper County, Wyoming

Hayley gave her head a shake. “oohh!” No matter how many times had been rendered unconscious from chloroform she still felt the effects. Especially with this particularly harsh brand of the drug. Her head felt woozy and her vision was blurred. “Ooohhh…mmmyyyy…” Hayley blinked couple of times and shook her head. Looking around her surroundings Hayley noted that she was sitting on a wooden chair in a kitchen. The chair was just back from a wooden table and there were other chairs around the table. A quick glance down told her that her wrists were bound to the arms of the wooden chair by rope. There was rope around her stomach holding her to the back of the chair and also around her thighs pining her to the chair. Her left and right ankles were tied to the respective legs of the chair with more rope. The ropes weren’t tight but they would be good enough to hold her for now.

“Momma!” Hayley heard a female voice shout. “The pretty cop lady is awake.” Hayley looked up at the door and found Troy standing in it. He stood aside to let Mary, Tasha and Toyah enter. The two sisters took seats on opposite sides of the table whilst Mary approached and stood looming over Hayley with her arms crossed. Hayley noted the leather gloves on the woman’s hands. Troy remained in the doorway.

“Now, this is where you answer some questions,” Mary stated.

“Is this a quiz?” Hayley said with enthusiasm. “I love a quiz.” Big smile. “Are there prizes?” Mary smiled but didn’t move.

“I did say you are feisty. Why are you in Casper County?”

“Would you believe that I am on holiday.” Without warning Mary drew back her hand and stuck Hayley on the cheek with the back of her hand. It was a good, solid blow and turned Hayley’s head. Taking a second to compose herself Hayley ran her tongue around the inside of her mouth before turning her head back to look at the woman. “No wisecrack blondie?” Mary now had a hard smile on her face. The room fell silent.

“You realise that kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment are serious crimes that you are adding to whatever else you have going on around here.”
“Around here?” Mary parroted. “That kind of comment makes me think you are investigating us.”

“Well,” Hayley sighed, “you must be up to something illegal to protect if you are concerned about a police officer asking questions.” Hayley had decided to not mention the fact that she was currently suspended. If they were doing this to somebody that they believed was a serving officer then best not to admit that she wasn’t. “Just to confirm. I have no idea of what that illegal activity is.” The room fell silent again. “Alright,” Hayley sighed. “If you must know I was looking for a friend.”

“Why don’t I believe that,” Mary stated. “Who else knows about us?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Hayley stated and looked defiantly straight into the older woman’s eyes. “As I have already told you I am looking for my friend.” The older woman drew back her hand and whipped it across Hayley’s face delivering another stinging blow. “There was no need for that. I told you I am telling the MMPPFFHH…” Mary planted her leather gloved hand over Hayley’s mouth and noise shutting her up and constricting her breath.

"You are lying Miss King. We know exactly who you are and what you are doing. If you cannot help me then I have no use for you.” Mary was making empty threats of course but the effect was immediate and severe. Hayley’s eyes went wide as her air supply was cut off and she started to scream through Mary’s hand, her cheeks sucking inward desperately cloying for air against her sealed nostrils, she bucked and slammed against the ropes, causing the chair to move across the floor. Mary kept her hand planted for a long while, a full minute by Hayley’s count. Hayley was struggling more than ever now, suddenly Mary released her hand and Hayley gasped desperately, tears streaming from her eyes. During that minute Hayley had been pre-occupied with trying to breath and hadn’t noticed that Tasha had gotten up and was now behind her. Hayley’s lungs burned and she took a ragged hurried breath. The cloth was placed over Hayley’s nose and mouth and the still suffering Hayley took several deep breaths of the chloroform’s fumes. The fresh air that her lungs craved replaced by the sweet-smelling sedative that would render her unconscious.

“mmmppff…uupphh…mmoohh…” Hayley moaned into the cloth. However, there was nothing that she could do to resist the forthcoming forced slumber. Still suffering from being denied air Hayley sucked in the fumes until she started to feel faint and lightheaded. Her vision was blurring and her limbs felt numb and heavy the last this that Hayley head before the lights went out was…

“Get some tape and tie her tightly. Put her in Tasha’s room until I decide what to do with her.” Having issued instruction Mary turned and left the room. Toyah and Tasha quickly untied the ropes that held Hayley to the chair. Toyah grabbed a roll of silver duct tape from a drawer in the kitchen and slipped her hand and wrists through the hole.

“You get her legs Tasha,” Toyah said as they manhandled Hayley into a position where they could pick her up.

“Any chance of a hand Troy?” Toyah asked.

“Hell no!” their brother replied. “I got work to do.” With that Troy left the room as well.

“Looks like it’s just us then. One…two…three…” They hoisted Hayley from the chair and started to carry her out of the kitchen. “Bit heavier than you would think.” Toyah commented as they made their way out of the kitchen and into the hallway. That was tight but they managed to make their way along and then negotiate the turn and start up the stairs. “Maybe next time get them upstairs before using the sleeping drug,” Toyah huffed.

“Not my choice,” Tasha mumbled. “Besides, it’s me who is losing their bed.”

“Maybe this is one of your kinky things.”

“Will you shut up!” Tasha shouted but the extra redness on her cheeks betrayed that her sisters barb had hit the mark. Eventually they made it to the top of the stairs and made the sharp turn at the top. At the end of the landing, they almost stumbled into Tasha’s room and deposited the unconscious Hayley onto the bed with such force that she bounced a little. Tasha stretched out her back as Toyah picked up Hayley’s ankles.

“Hold these together.” Tasha stopped what he was doing and held Hayley’s ankles as Toyah wrapped the tape around them a dozen times trying to make it as tight as possible.

“Put another wrap around her thighs,” Tasha suggested. Toyah nodded and they managed to do that as well. “Roll her over.” Once they had done that Tasha brought Hayley’s wrists behind her back and Toyah wrapped the tape around them to secure them together.

“That should do it,” Toyah said as she tore the tape. “She won’t be going anywhere.”

“What should we sue to gag her with?” Tasha asked.

“Do we need to gag her?” Tasha nodded. “The tape,” Toyah responded.

“Duh!” Tasha rolled her eyes. “We need stuffing.” Tasha looked around the room and her eyes settled on a particular drawer in her dresser. “I have an idea.”
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Windrunner »

“Duh!” Tasha rolled her eyes. “We need stuffing.” Tasha looked around the room and her eyes settled on a particular drawer in her dresser. “I have an idea.”
silky, mouth-filling panties??
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Windrunner wrote: 1 year ago
“Duh!” Tasha rolled her eyes. “We need stuffing.” Tasha looked around the room and her eyes settled on a particular drawer in her dresser. “I have an idea.”
silky, mouth-filling panties??
Nice idea :) Our favourite blonde damsel is in deep trouble again. The tale is most intriguing!
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 12

Pleasanton Federal Prison Camp, Dublin, California

“Explain to me again Guard Cruz. Why am I on this detail?” Louise Williams asked as she stood in the line of orange clad prisoners and waited to be allowed onto the bus.

“Because convict,” Guard Cruz dragged out the second word, “your name is on the list.” As if to emphasize the point the guard held up the clipboard with the list of it. “There are seven names on my list and you are one of them.” Louise sighed and her shoulders slumped. She hadn’t signed up for this when agreeing to her deal with the US Attorney General. It was to be a shorter sentence at a low security prison, almost a country club, with no extras for full disclosure on what she knew about Elizabeth Crawford and the criminal underworld. Alright, her previous escape hadn’t worked for her but Louise had managed to explain that away. There was a hiss and the doors to the bus opened and the prisoners in the line started to shuffle forward, up the small flight of stairs and onto the bus. Louise shuffled forward and sulked. It had only been an hour earlier that she had been informed that she had to get ready and make up the numbers for this work outing to a help a charity that was tiding up some woodland. It was picking up rubbish, cutting back shrubs and building furniture. The woman who Louise was replacing had suddenly been taken ill. Louise was last in line and once on the bus was directed to the back of the bus and last the two-person bench on the left-hand side. Each inmate had a bench to themselves. Once Louise had sat down Guard Cruz placed a metal cuff around her left ankle. Cruz smiled and headed back to the front of the bus. Louise glanced around the bus at the other prisoners that were making the trip. Carson, Chang, Garcia, Sato, Popov and Miller. Not that Louise knew all of their names, all of the prisoners had their name stenciled in black on the back of their orange overalls. The only other woman that she knew was Popov as they were on the same block. The others Louise hadn’t had any interaction with. “This isn’t a holiday or day trip so keep in quiet back there.” Final instructions issued Cruz closed the mesh door and locked it before taking her own seat. Without having to be told the driver, Guard Mitchell, started the engine and moved the bus off. It trundled across the yard toward the gates which opened to allow them out. Then they were through. A couple of the passengers cheered quietly as they exited the compound and turned onto the main road. “I said be quiet,” Cruz growled as she banged the mesh with her closed fist.

The bus chugged along the main road for about half an hour before turning onto a narrower road that just had one land in each direction. During the journey Louise stared out of the window, taking in the scenery and ignoring the other prisoners. Louise had no interest in getting acquainted with anybody else on the bus. Didn’t want to make friends, just keep her head down. Outside the window the more open spaces and views of the main road and given way tightly packed trees with dense undergrowth. Cloud had just started to appear on the horizon as the bus made its way around a gentle curve in the road. Just as they did a black SUV passed them going in the other direction. It was the only vehicle that Louise could remember seeing when they had turned off the main road. Then as Louise was starting to drift off, she felt the bus start to slow down. It was too soon to be arriving at their destination so Louise leaned over and tried to get a view through the cage and out of the windscreen. There was a two-vehicle accident blocking the road. “What’s going on?” Chang, the inmate sitting across from Louise shouted.

“Nothing for you to worry about,” Cruz called over her shoulder as she stood up and moved closer to Mitchell. The bus stopped. “Can you go around?”

“The ground is too soft,” Mitchell confirmed as she pointed to the verge, “or we are too heavy. Either way we would get stuck.”

“Should you not check it out?” Popov called. By now most of the prisoners were in various positions of leaning over to try and get a better view of what was happening.

“You lot be quiet,” Cruz ordered. There was silence for a couple of seconds. Louise stood up to try and get a better look. Cruz turned around. “Will you all just sit down and stay calm.” The problem was the tension in Cruz’s voice was evident. There were grumbles but everyone in the back of the bus but all of the prisoners sat back on their seats. Silence and a sense of tension filled the bus as Cruz scanned out of the windscreen and then to the left and right looking for movement. Eventually Cruz made a decision. “Call it in,” Cruz instructed Mitchell.

“Cruz, the radio isn’t working,” Mitchell replied seconds later after she had picked up the radio.

“What is wrong? Is it broken?” Cruz looked at Mitchell who shrugged, having no idea what the problem was.

“I haven’t seen anything like this before.” Everyone on the bus was silent. Waiting on what would happen next. Cruz cursed under her breathe and went toward the door of the bus. Louise turned her head and looked out of the rear window. There was something sitting in the road just at the end of the bend that the bus had come around. Squinting her eyes Louise looked down the road. She couldn’t be sure but thought it was that that black SUV that had passed them earlier going in the opposite direction.

County Road, Dublin, California

“Everyone ready?” the female voice said into Fox’s ear. She looked up and down the road from her vantage point concealed in the undergrowth around twenty paces from where the bus sat on the road. Fox clicked her mike three times to confirm that she had heard and was ready. “The guard has just stepped out of the bus and onto the road.” Fox focused on the front of the bus and saw the female guard appear and slowly make her way toward the two vehicles that were blocking the road. Taking her cue from that Fox moved from her position and crouching down scurried to the bus. Fox kept glancing at the people in the bus but they were all transfixed but what was going on in front of them to take any notice of her approach. Without pausing she dropped to the ground and rolled to under the bus, stopping just before exposing herself on the other side. Fox clicked the mike three times to confirm that she was in position.

County Road, Dublin, California

Cruz approached the two vehicles that were sitting across the road. As she got closer Cruz could see that the vehicles didn’t seem to have sustained any damage in any potential collision. “What do we have here?” The car on the left had its passenger door lying open and looked empty. Something about this didn’t feel right. Looking at the car on the right Cruz could see a shadow on the other side of the tinted glass. Reaching out Cruz grabbed the handle and opened the door. Inside was a woman with short black hair wearing combat trousers and a tight-fitting black top. The woman’s eyes were closed and her head fell off to one side. Cruz looked at her chest and it was moving slowly up and down. “Hey! Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Cruz waited and when she didn’t get a response started to lean in and reach out to give the woman a shake. Suddenly, the woman’s eyes opened and Cruz stopped dead. It wasn’t so much the woman’s eyes opening that stopped Cruz in her tracks, it was the gleaming silver gun that the woman held in her and had levelled at her chest.

“No heroic stuff Cruz,” the woman said, “stay quiet, drop that belt from around your waist and take five steps backwards.” For a moment Cruz didn’t move but then slowly moved her hands to the buckle on her belt, loosened it and let the belt drop onto the tarmac. “Go. Go. Go.”

County Road, Dublin, California

“What is going on?” Mitchell asked herself as she watched Cruz take five backward steps from the car. Then there was a noise to her right and she turned her head around. “Shit!” A woman with long black hair tied back in a tight ponytail wearing camouflage combat trousers and a tight-fitting black top stop on the top stair with a black gun pointed straight at her head.

“This is not a time to play the hero Mitchell,” Fox stated. “Slowly stand up and drop that belt from around your waist.” Mitchell hesitated but Fox waved the gun and that seemed to do the trick, Mitchell complied with the instruction. Louise watched this from the back of the bus with interest and a slight sense of dread. This was not something that she wanted to get involved with.

“What’s going on?” Garcia called from behind the locked cage door.

“Everyone, just stay calm back there and don’t do anything stupid,” Fox said whilst keeping her eyes firmly trained on Mitchell. The guard stood up from her seat, took off her leather belt and held it out to Fox. “Drop it on the floor.” The guard complied. The heavy belt clattered to the floor of the bus. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” The guard slowly complied and Fox pulled a set of heavy duty, military style plastic zip-ties and quickly slipped them around the guard’s wrists and tightened them in place. As all this was going on Louise looked around the back of the bus at the other prisoners. Chang, Garcia, Sato, Popov and Miller, they all looked slightly agitated. Carson on the other hand looked remarkable unfussed by this turn of events. Out of the corner of her eye Louise caught movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to look out of the window. The black SUV pulled up beside the bus and a woman got out of the driver’s seat, walked around to the rear of the vehicle and opened the back. The woman wore the same uniform as the prison guards. She was tall and broad. Louise watched as she removed a rucksack from the back and looked around. “You lot stay quiet and I will be back soon,” Fox grabbed Mitchell by the shoulder. “You though are coming with me.” Fox hauled the guard down the stairs and off the bus. Louise watched as Mitchell was marched to the rear of the SUV where she was soon joined by Cruz, who also had her wrists secured behind her back and was being marched by a woman dressed identically to Fox. All of the prisoners whose leg cuffs would allow them to had now moved across for a better view.

“Hell is going on here,” Miller asked out loud. Nobody responded. They all looked on at the two guards and three other women stood at the back of the SUV. The tall woman handed the rucksack to Fox. Louise watched on intently as Fox and the other woman retreated a couple of steps into covering positions. There was some kind of exchange between Cruz and the tall woman wearing the guard’s uniform that caused the tall woman to smile. The woman reached into the rear of the SUV and picked up some items. Louise watched on at what happened next and got an uneasy feeling in her stomach. The woman thrust something into Cruz’s mouth and then followed that up with a jaw-breaking sized ball-gag. Quickly a thickly padded leather hood was pulled over Cruz’s head and that was buckled around the neck. The woman then pushed Cruz into the rear of the SUV and secured the guard’s ankles together with another set of heavy-duty cuffs. Louise glanced at Mitchell who looked very nervous. Probably thinking that the same thing was going to happen to her. Mitchell was correct in that assumption and soon both guards were lying bound, gagged and hooded in the back of the SUV. The tall woman closed the rear of the vehicle after covering the guards with a heavy sheet and then sent one of the other women back to the two vehicles blocking the road. Then she got back on the bus followed by Fox. The tall woman with the guard uniform opened the mesh door using the keys taken from Cruz and then looked around rear of the bus until her eyes found Carson.

“Hello babe!” the tall woman said.

“Glad to see you,” Carson replied. “What kept you so long?” The tall woman made her way across and released Carson from the leg cuff. They two women embraced.

“Hey! What about us?” Chang asked.

“This some kind of jailbreak,” Popov commented.

“Would you all be quiet and I will explain,” the tall woman sounded like she was talking to a classroom of children. “We are all just going for a drive,” the tall woman said. “If everyone remains calm and relaxed, we will all get through this fine.” At this point Carson had squeezed by and had been handed a change of clothes by Fox. “My associate is going to make you all comfortable for the journey and I would suggest that you don’t resist in any way or there will be consequences.” The tall woman turned and made her way back to the front of the bus where she took the seat where Cruz had been sitting. Fox entered the back of the bus and knelt down beside Garcia.

“Is this really necessary?” Garcia asked.

“What did I say!” the tall woman barked harshly from the front. The edge in the voice was enough to stop any further complaining. Sitting in the back seat Louise would be last to be dealt with and she watched as first Garcia then Chang, Sato, Popov and Miller were secured. By the time Fox approached Louise, Carson had changed and had jumped into the driver’s seat. The two vehicles that had been blocking the road had been moved and the third woman was behind the wheel of the black SUV. Fox placed the rucksack on the seat next to Louise.

“Don’t suppose it would make any difference if I promised to be quiet and not cause trouble.” Fox shook her head and reached into the bag. Louise sighed. When Fox’s hand came out of the rucksack it held one of the balls that Louise had seen her stuff into the other women’s mouths to gag them. Up close it looked larger than Louise had thought, slightly egg shaped, black with a smooth exterior. As Fox squeezed the foam object tightly Louise opened her mouth and allowed Fox to stuff it inside. Once inside the object expanded to fill Louise’s mouth, pressing down her tongue and from experience Louise knew making coherent speech impossible. Then Fox pressed a piece of white micro-foam tape over Louise’s lips, making sure that it was going to stay in place.

“That wasn’t so bad,” Fox commented after she had finished applying the gag. Louise just looked up and glared at Fox. “Well, that doesn’t look to friendly. Anyway…” Fox picked a silk covered padded sleep mask from the rucksack and put it over Louise’s eyes. Everything then went black for Louise as Fox slipped the band over Louise’s head to keep the mask in place. Louise mumbled an almost silent complaint. “Lean forward.” Louise bent forward slightly and without having to be asked put both of her wrists in the small of her back. That allowed Fox to slip the sturdy cuffs around Louise’s wrists and then tighten them in place. Louise winced slightly at how tightly the cuffs had been tightened. “Sit back and enjoy the ride.” Louise heard the rucksack being picked up and then footsteps walking away. As instructed Louise sat back. She doubted that she would enjoy the ride. Sitting back put her entire bodyweight on her arms. The backs on the seats weren’t exactly well padded. Louise would have to regularly adjust her position to stop her arms from going to sleep. The gag wouldn’t be a problem. It filled her mouth but was soft and smooth and the tape wasn’t uncomfortable. The blindfold was also smooth, thickly padded and comfortable. Louise had been in worse bondage situations.

Unknown location, Dublin, California

Without having access to a clock, it was hard for Louise to know exactly how much time has passed as the bus made its journey. Occasionally the bus would slow and make a turn, left or right. Louise counted. That happened four times. The last time they had obviously moved off the main roads and onto some kind of track. The progress of the bus was much slower and there was a lot of up and down and twists left and right that caused muffled grunts of complaint from the cuffed, gagged and blindfolded occupants as they couldn’t adjust see to brace in advance. Eventually the bus stopped and Louise heard the door opened. That caused a lot of murmurs from the gagged contingent. “Stop moaning,” Fox called. “We have arrived at our destination.” The bus shuddered into life again and move forward a little before stopping and then the engine was turned off.

“Ladies, everyone off the bus,” Carson said. There were some muffled grumbles. “Don’t worry we can take the blindfolds off now.” Louise turned her head as the footsteps approached and then froze as she felt the presence of someone close. Suddenly, the blindfold was pulled off and Louise blinked as light invaded her eyes.

“You seem to know what to do in this situation Louise,” Fox commented. “Have you had some experience?” Louise blinked but wondered how Fox would know her name. There wasn’t time to think about it as the leg cuff was removed and Fox helped her to her feet and escorted her off the bus. Louise was put at the end of a line that included Chang, Garcia, Sato, Popov and Miller. Louise looked around. They were in a large barn. The bus was parked off to one side with the black SUV behind it. Just as she looked at the black SUV Louise saw Mitchell and Cruz, still bound, gagged and hooded being forced at gunpoint to hop toward them.

“HHUUMMFF!” muffled cheers erupted from the gagged prisoners. As entertaining as that sight was Louise was more concerned with what she had noticed when looking around the barn. The black sleep-sacks lying open on the ground. She had to blink a couple of times before her eyes fully adjusted to the light in the large barn but only counted seven sleep-sacks and there were eight of them if you included the guards. Louise wondered who was not going into the sacks. She guessed her fellow prisoners wouldn’t be cheering when they found out what was going to happen to them next. After the guards had hoped to the end of the line the tall woman made her way in front of them and stood with her hands on her hips.
“We are going to be leaving you now but we have to make sure that you give us enough time to make a clean getaway. That means keeping you restrained.” There were muffled moans and groans. “We don’t want any complaints or resistance.” Carson, Fox and the other woman made noises with their weapons to make clear what would happen. “Babe, make your selection.” Carson looked along the line of women, scanning their faces and locked eyes with Louise.

“You,” she pointed a finger at her aggressively. “You are coming with us.” Louise shook her head. All Louise wanted to do was finish the rest of her sentence and get out. She did not want to get tangled up with any of this.

“mmmoohh,” Louise moaned into her gag and shook her head.

“Yes,” Carson said with a smile. “We may need a hostage and I don’t want to take either of the guards.” Carson leaned in close to Louise. “They might get a bit feisty. I am hoping that you won’t make that mistake.” Carson nodded with her head and Louise ambled off to the side. Louise watched on as each of her fellow prisoners, Chang, Garcia, Sato, Popov and Miller had the cuffs around their wrists released and were then forced at gunpoint to lie down inside the sleep-sacks and slip their arms inside the internal sleeves. Once they were safely inside Fox moved along the line and pulled the zips up to each woman’s neck, securing each woman inside their bag with no chance of escape without. That didn’t stop them squirming around and mumbling into their gags. The two guards suffered the same fate and looked off with the heavy leather hoods over their heads.

“Let’s get out of here,” the tall woman. “Leaving in five after a last sweep.”

“Take her to the van,” Carson instructed Fox. Louise felt a firm grip around her upper left arm and pushed forward toward a van that was sitting at the far end of the barn. As they approached Louise could see that it was liveried as a launderette van. Fox let go of Louise long enough to slide open the rear side door of the van.

“mmoohh…oohhmm…” Louise moaned seeing the sleep-sack lying on the floor.

“I hope that there aren’t going to be any issues,” Fox said as Louise felt the cuffs being snapped and finding her wrists released. “Please get in the sack.” Rubbing her wrists Louise climbed into the van, noting that there were three large hampers filled with laundry also in the van, and lay down inside the open sleep-sack. She had to twist a little to get down, making sure that her arms were in the internal sleeves. Once Louise was inside Fox straddled her and zipped up the sack all the way up to the neck. Then she produced a small padlock and locked the two zips together. Then Louise watched on in horror as Fox removed another of the heavily padded hoods from her rucksack.

“mmeennees,” Louise begged and shook her head. Fox shrugged and pulled the hood over Louise’s head and suddenly everything went dark for Louise. There were heavily padded sections over both eyes, the mouth and ears that effectively blocked all of her senses. The buckle of the hood was tightened around her neck and she moaned. There was a pat on her shoulder and they Louise felt Fox get off her and she was left alone in her own head. Louise moaned and squirmed about inside the bag with little external input to tell her what was going on the sense of tension began to rise. There were very muffled sounds that Louise interpreted as people getting into the van and then what she assumed was the door closing. Then, without warning Louise felt hands at her ankles and shoulders and she was lifted into the air. A second later she felt the hands release and then for a split-second Louise hung in the air before she dropped and landed on something soft. Louise guessed that she had been put into one of the hampers. Then something was dumped on top of her and Louise moaned and groaned. The van started to move and Louise thoughts moved to what kind of journey she was going to have and what would happen to her at the end of it.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I didin´t expect that turn - excellent :) I wonder how this break out will fit in the broader picture. For the the moment it seems to have no connection and it looks as if Louise was taken by chance. Nice restraint system!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Windrunner wrote: 1 year ago
“Duh!” Tasha rolled her eyes. “We need stuffing.” Tasha looked around the room and her eyes settled on a particular drawer in her dresser. “I have an idea.”
silky, mouth-filling panties??
[mention]Windrunner[/mention] - Chapter 13 will bring the answer to that question!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I didin´t expect that turn - excellent :) I wonder how this break out will fit in the broader picture. For the the moment it seems to have no connection and it looks as if Louise was taken by chance. Nice restraint system!
Thanks for the comment. For that, you will have to wait and see....
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 13

Casper County, Wyoming

“uummppff…gguummgg…” Hayley mumbled as she rolled around on the bed. The bindings weren’t great but enough to stop her from being mobile. After coming round from her forced slumber, it had taken a couple of minutes for her to put everything together. Lying on a bed, bound with tape, gagged with something in her mouth with several strips of tape plastered over her lips. Not a professional job but it was proving difficult to remove the tape. “UUMMPPFF!” Hayley sighed in frustration as she threw her had back into the pillow. Then she rolled over and noticed the bedside cabinet sitting a couple of yards away. “mmuurrgg,” Hayley mumbled as she shuffled across to the edge of the bed. Stopping to get her bearings and plan in her head exactly what she had to do she then swung her legs off the bed and set her bound ankles down on the carpet. Then she carefully stood up and then made sure that she kept her balance before hopping across to the cabinet. Getting a picture in her head Hayley decided to try the middle of the three drawers. Then did a rather awkward jump / spin move before bending her knees and grasping for the handle. Hayley managed to get the drawer open and then spun around to get a look inside. “mmiinnoo!” There was a set of scissors sitting in the drawer. Making a mental picture of where they were Hayley turned again and slowing bent her knees, lowering her hands towards the target whilst trying to maintain her balance. It was like one of those grappling machines in amusement arcades. It wasn’t easy and Hayley cursed her lack of core strength. Mental note to not mock Kirsty when she was doing planks in the future. Then Hayley felt her fingers hit cold metal and said a silent thanks. Gripping the scissors tightly Hayley hopped back to the bed and sat down. Closing her eyes Hayley used her fingers to open the scissors and started rubbing the sharp edge of the scissor’s blades against the tape around her wrists. It didn’t take long until Hayley felt the bindings loosen slightly up to the point where she could eventually break the tape and pull her wrists apart. Wasting no time Hayley used the scissors to remove the tape from her ankles and thighs.
“mmmuunn…aaarruummm…” Hayley tried to keep her moans to a minimum as she went about peeling the strips of tape from over her lower face. In the end there were four of them plastered over her lips. Next it was whatever was currently plugged into her mouth. Hayley used her fingers to remove the wad of soft fabric and her suspicions were confirmed as she glanced at the stuffing. “Dirty little…” Hayley deposited the damp silk panties onto the bed next to the pile of used tape. “Now time to get out of here.” Hayley made her was cautiously over to the door and softly pushed down on the handle. The door was locked. “That would be too easy,” Hayley sighed before turning and making her way across to the window. It was now dark outside. “Suppose losing track of time comes with behind chloroformed twice.” The window opened without any problems and Hayley stuck her head out and looked down at the drop. She shook her head. It would be too far. A glance to her left showed nothing but a glance to her right and there was a drainpipe that was just about within reach. “This isn’t going to be very ladylike.” Hayley scrambled up onto the window ledge and then started to twist around so that her bum was facing outwards. “Almost makes me wish I had gone to yoga with Constance.” Making sure that she always kept one foot on the sill and one hand on the window frame Hayley eventually got into the correct position. All she had to do now was get across to the drainpipe. And hope that it held her weight.

Casper County, Wyoming

Fortunately, the drainpipe had held her weight and Hayley had managed to use it to get down onto the ground before she sprinted for the cover of the dense trees. “Really have to work on that fitness Hales,” Hayley told herself as she sucked in air after the effort of getting free, climbing out of the window and then running across the ground. Hayley looked back at the house to see if anybody came out. They didn’t. There were a couple of lights on and she wondered how long it would be before they noticed she was gone. Deciding that it wasn’t a good idea to hang around to find out Hayley turned and headed deeper into the forest. It was just a case of picking a direction and hoping that she happened onto something, whether that was a road, a campsite or another house where she could call for help. The dark was a blessing and a curse. It gave her cover but in terrain that she didn’t know it did cause problems. Stumbling around in the dark Hayley saw some shards of moonlight seemed to penetrate the canopy over to her right. Not really having any other options Hayley headed in that direction. It was a clearing. Areas of the forest floor had been cleared and several huts had been scattered around. There seemed to be a low thrum from them. Her instincts got the better of her and she stepped into the clearing. Pausing to look around to check for sensors, lights or tripwires Hayley noticed something close to the ground. A thin wire. “Seems like they have some security.” Hayley stepped over the wire and approached the first hut and walked around. It was an impressive set-up. “What do we have here?” Hayley mumbled to herself. Getting back to the front of this hut Hayley looked at the door and then glanced down at the forest floor. “Ideal.” Picking up a rock Hayley raised in above her head and brought it smashing down on the padlock and hasp which splintered the wood that held the lock to the frame of the door of the hut. When she opened the door a wave of heat smacked Hayley in the face. “Whoa!” Inside the construction were plants, large plants. There were heaters in the corners and lights hanging from the ceiling. Hayley had seen this set up a couple of times before in her time on the force. Albeit, not on this scale or sophistication. “This is obviously what they were trying to hide.” After taking in what was inside the hut Hayley knew that she couldn’t hang around for long and retreated back to the edge of the clearing taking care to avoid any further booby traps. Once back into the safety of the dense forest Hayley picked a direction and headed out. Without a phone or watch Hayley had no way of knowing how long she had been walking. There was the occasional stumble, trip and fall onto the floor of the forest. That combined with low lying tree branches and shrubs made it tough going. After some more trudging through the forest Hayley saw a faint glowing in the distance and quickened her pace. Eventually she could see a house up ahead, the house looked a bit run down but their windows glowed in a sign of clear occupancy. Breaking out of the forest into a clearing Hayley could now see a large barn over to one side with a car sitting out at the far edge. Looking up Hayley noted that dawn was starting to break. It was a risk to just walk up to a stranger’s door but at this point Hayley thought that she had run out of options. “I can’t stumble around the forest forever.” Hayley approached the house, knocked on the front door and took a step back. There was nothing for a while and then Hayley heard sounds on the other side of the door. Then the sound of locks being turned could be heard and the door opened to reveal a woman in her eighties with thick glasses and a stick in one hand. The woman stared at Hayley looking her up and down.

“What happened to you deary?” the woman asked. It wasn’t until the woman mentioned it that Hayley realised how dishevelled she must have looked.

“Would you believe that I have been kidnapped,” Hayley replied honestly.

“You had better come in and I will get you some hot tea,” the woman offered and turned and Hayley entered after her. Hayley looked around as she followed the older woman through the house and into the kitchen at the back. “Sit down deary.” The older woman pointed at a seat and Hayley complied as the older woman started to make a pot of tea. “What’s you name love?”

“Hayley, Hayley King.”

“You can call me Shirley, or Grammy,” the woman looked over her shoulder. “That’s what my grandkids call me.” Hayley nodded and looked around, wondering if Shirley lived with her grandkids.

“Do you have a phone that I can use?” Hayley asked as Shirley deposited two cups of steaming tea on the table. “I need to phone the Sherrif.”

“Would you like a biscuit?” Hayley shook her head but did take a sip of the tea. It was warm and sweet and even that little sip made her feel better.

“Grammy what’s all this noise?” a male voice boomed as someone entered the kitchen. Hayley turned to see a man of about six feet in height, meaty not muscular and with a paunch enter the room. All that he wore was a pair of jeans. He stopped when his eyes caught sight of Hayley. “Who is this?” Hayley sensed an instant defensiveness about the man.

“Hayley here ran into some trouble and needs some help. Would like to call the Sheriff.” Shirley smiled. “Might be a bit early for them yet.” The old woman took another sip of tea. Hayley looked at the man who was staring at her. “Go get your sister Daryl and stop gawking at the young lady.” Daryl reversed out of the kitchen and Hayley heard hurried footsteps as he headed off. There was something strange going on here Hayley though. Then again perhaps that was just recent events and her natural suspiciousness kicking in.

“When do you think the Sheriff office will be open?” Hayley asked taking another sip of tea.

“About an hour I reckon,” Shirley confirmed with a nod. “Enjoying the tea.” Hayley nodded a response and then there were more hurried steps and Hayley turned to find Daryl returning to the kitchen followed by a smaller woman.

“Hi! I’m Zoe,” the woman smiled warmly. “Heard you had some trouble.”

“Yes,” Hayley stated. Her senses were tingling again. Zoe took another of the seats around the table and looked intently at Hayley.

“Would you like some tea Zoe?”

“No thanks Grammy,” Zoe replied without ever taking her eyes from Hayley. “What happened?”

“Well, I kind of ran into some trouble at the gas station,” Hayley replied trying not to give much away. “Where would that be from here?” Zoe smiled but didn’t reply and put her hands on the kitchen table. That was when Hayley noticed that they were full of fabric. Hayley’s spider senses were kicking in.

“Where is the telephone?”

“Just through in the living room,” Shirley answered.

“Still too early to call though,” Zoe chimed in. An awkward atmosphere fell over the kitchen as everyone apart from Shirley seemed to squirm in their seats. Hayley was feeling very nervous now, something wasn’t right. The way that the Daryl and Zoe were looking at her. It was time to act. Without waning Hayley sprang up from the table and out into the hallway where that she had come through earlier. “Get her!” Hayley heard Zoe call but she wasn’t planning to hang around. As she sprinted for the for the exit the door opened and Hayley thought that she had some luck at last, then the doorway was filled with someone who looked very like Daryl.

“Oops!” Hayley slammed on the breaks and turned left into what she hoped was the living room. Barrelling in Hayley spotted the telephone, an old-fashioned looking one, sitting on a small table and headed straight for it. Reaching out Hayley grabbed the receiver and punched in 911. It rang once just before something crashed into her body and sent her flying into a large seat. “AAOOHH!” Hayley cried as Daryl landed on top of her. The force of the landing meant that Hayley dropped the phone. She reached out but Darly grabbed her wrist and pinned it in place making sure that she couldn’t reach out for it.

“Hello, what is your emergency?” a crackling and distant voice called form the phone.

“HELP! HELMMMPPFFF…uummpfff…” Zoe dived on Hayley and began to stuff a large cloth into her mouth. Hayley gagged as the material was stuffed deep into her mouth. “mmmppffhh.”

“Hello, hello, is anybody there.”

“mmmuurrr….” Hayley groaned as Zoe started to push a second cloth into her mouth.

“Need to keep you quiet. You have a big mouth.” The second cloth was very uncomfortable when it was getting pushed all the way in. The two cloths totally filled her mouth and made her cheeks bulge like a chipmunk. Happy that Hayley’s mouth was fully stuffed Zoe leaned over and killed the call. “That’s better.” With the phone killed Hayley concentrated her efforts on trying to get free but with Zoe and Daryl on top of her that was going to be hard.

“What’s going on?” a male voice said.

“Just get some rope!” Zoe called.

“mmuugghh…hhuumm…” Hayley moaned not liking the sound of that.

“Let’s finished that gag off.” Zoe produces a silk scarf and folded it into a band. This she then placed over Hayley’s well stuffed mouth and tied the ends tightly behind Hayley’s head. Hayley winced as the scarf was melded to her face, compacting the mass of cloth in her mouth.

“Got the rope.”

“Tie her ankles together.” Hayley felt her ankles pulled together and rope wrapped round then. She tried her best to resist but at three against one it was almost impossible. The rope was looped around her ankles several times and tied securely. Once that had been done, without warning Hayley was rolled onto her back and her left arm wrenched behind her back. Fighting for all that she was worth Hayley tried to prevent her right arm from behind brought behind her back but with no leverage and it being three against one it was in vain. The rope was wrapped around her wrists on a dozen occasions being knotted and tied off. At that point her attackers seemed satisfied and all got off her. This allowed Hayley to roll over and she found herself looking up at Zoe, Daryl and another man. Only I could escape from one set of criminals and end up tied and gagged by another! Hayley rolled her eyes at her own misfortune.

“What do we do with her?” Daryl asked. “Put her with the other girls?”

“mmaaoo…uuulllss….” Hayley mumbled.

“Quiet you,” Zoe said and gave Hayley a nudge with her bare feet. “Not now. Take her upstairs and make sure to tie her up a bit more.” Daryl and the other man knelt down and hauled Hayley up. The other man helped Daryl get Hayley over his shoulder. This meant that Hayley was now in a very undignified position. Daryl walked away. He had kind of rolling action which meant that Hayley swung from side to side all of the way up the stairs and then into a bedroom where she was suddenly found herself lying bound and gagged on her second bed of the day. As she looked around the room Daryl grabbed some more rope and started to lash Hayley’s legs together just below and above the knees and they around the thighs. Hayley just mumbled and complained through her massively packed mouth. The other man then grabbed Hayley’s shoulders and lifted her up so that Daryl could put more rope around her body, both above and below her breasts pinning her arms to her back and restricting their movement. Once that binding had been completed the two men silently removed Hayley’s shoes and socks then left the room without a further word. That left Hayley along with to work out what the hell was going on.

Casper County, Wyoming

The ropes were certainly more secure than her previous tape bindings. “mmoohh!” Hayley complained in frustration and blew air out through her nostrils. Having spent the best part of an hour trying to get out of the ropes and getting nowhere Hayley was starting to get frustrated. She had been thinking about her situation and it seemed like she had managed to stumbled across the local drug producers, escape from them, only to fall into the hands of some kind of small-scale people smuggling organisation. Then it hit her like a hammer. “oohhmm!” Christina had been in the area investigating missing women. It surely couldn’t be a coincidence. Just as this was going through her head that the door opened and Zoe walked in.

“I don’t think that you are having much luck today,” Zoe said as she sat down on the bed next to Hayley. The woman’s eyes wandered up Hayley’s legs and then lingered on her breast before meeting her eyes. “Sounds like you met the Tuckers earlier.” Zoe licked her lips and reached out a left hand, finding Hayley’s thigh she started to caress it. “They grow great weed. Not the sharpest tools in the box.” Hayley tried to ignore Zoe’s hand but it started to make its way up Hayley’s body until the hand was on her left breast. “These are magnificent.” Hayley moaned slightly. “Do that again!” Hayley could tell that the woman was turned on. “Now, we have a business connecting young ladies with their future owners. Very profitable.” Zoe removed her hand and then got up from the bed. Lying flat with her head on the pillow looked on as Zoe climbed onto the bed and proceeded to position herself across Hayley’s thighs with a knee on each side of Hayley’s ribs. The look in Zoe’s eyes was that of lust and hunger. “You are going to fetch a big fee. Quite a catch.” Zoe closed her eyes and started to slowly move her hips forward and backward, reaching out with her hands to find Hayley’s breasts. “As well as being stunning to look at you are quite the celebrity.”

“mmmuuhhmm…” Hayley moaned.

“God! You are trying to turn me on. But first I think I will have some fun with you.” Hayley’s eyebrows shot up her forehead. Just as things were about to get seriously awkward for Hayley there was the sound of a heavy knock on the door. Zoe paused what she was doing but didn’t move. Then there was the sound of voices, heated debate. Hayley couldn’t make out what it was. But perhaps it was a chance at rescue.

“MMMPPFFHH!” Hayley screamed and suddenly bucked for all that she was worth. The unexpected move had the desired effect and Zoe was thrown onto the floor with a thud. There was silence from downstairs and then the voices started again. This time more urgent. Zoe scrambled up and headed for the door. It opened and closed quickly without Hayley being able to hear anything else. It was left for her to strain her hearing as to what was going on. The voices got more and more heated. They were both male and female. This continued for another minute before there was a single loud shout of a male voice. The a second of silence. Then three loud blasts echoed through the house. Gunshots! Hayley knew that sound. The house fell silent. Then two male voices could be heard barking out orders. Then silence again. Hayley lay perfectly still. Listening. Begging for some kind of input. Wanting to know what had happened. Then there was the sound of creaking floorboards and footsteps as somebody approached the door. Hayley stared at the handle as it moved. She held her breath as it was pushed all the way down. “uummhhrr…” The door opened and framed in the doorway was a man wearing a police uniform and a Stetson hat with a badge on it.

“Don’t worry ma’am. You are safe now.” Hayley closed her eyes and let her head fall back onto the pillow in relief.

Casper County, Wyoming – 24 hours later

Hayley turned as she heard another vehicle approach. It was a brown and white four-wheel drive with a large star emblazoned on the side and a light bar on the roof. The vehicle stopped just behind Hayley’s hire car and Sheriff Cage got out. He approached with the long easy stride of a natural athlete. As he got closer Hayley turned back around and look out onto the river. The local authorities had found the girls in the basement under the barn and also the clearing full of cannabis growing huts following directions from Hayley. There had been no sign of Christina. Cage stood level with Hayley and kept his eyes out over the river. They stood in silence for five minutes. Hayley took it open herself to break speak first. “That you finished up at the house?”

“Yip,” Cage replied. “Well, for today.” Hayley nodded and they feel silent again. “I want to thank you for your help,” Sheriff Cage said from the other side of the car. “This has to be the biggest case or cases that our county has had in years. Should certainly help with the re-election campaign.” Hayley nodded at the man. “Although the FBI have swooped in and taken over.”

“They usually do.” She could tell that the man was nervous about what he was going to say next.

“Now, I know that you came here to look for your friend and I don’t say this lightly, I think that she is gone. I looked through the case file again and I know these waters. A lot of people have gone in and not come out.” Hayley looked out at the fast-flowing water and nodded.

“I think that you are right Sheriff,” Hayley said. She bent down, picked up a stone and tossed it into the river.

“Not a bad arm for a girl,” Cage commented. Despite the situation Hayley smiled.

“Suppose you were the high school quarterback.” Cage smiled this time.

“Guilty as charged. State Champions.” Cage confirmed with a sense of pride. Then he looked down at his shoes. “Look, if you are thinking about hanging around for a while, I would like to take you to dinner.” Hayley finally turned and looked at Cage, handsome, tall, broad shouldered, under any other circumstances she would have considered but now was not the time.

“Thanks Sheriff but I have a plane to catch.” Her bag was packed and in the boot of her car. “If you are ever over on the East Coast, look me up.” Then Hayley headed to her car without looking back.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Quite the ride for Hayley :) To escape only to be captured again! At the end we learn that she has a flight to catch .... but where to? Seems like the Sheriff has some personal interest in the blonde. And there is that remark about Christina ... very very intriguing [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !!
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Over 10,000 views. Thanks everyone that had read the story so far.

Hope that you are enjoying!!
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Chapter 14

Sokcho, South Korea

All Alessandra had wanted to do was to lead a normal, quiet existence away from her former life but then the spectre of Elizabeth Crawford had appeared again and dragged her back in for a period. Fortunately, the woman was now rightly in a jail somewhere in the US and no longer something that Alessandra had to worry about. After being tracked down in Italy Alessandra hadn’t felt safe and decided to move again. She had spent a month just aimlessly travelling around Southern Europe and Asia before finding a quiet corner of South Korea and settling there. It hadn’t taken Alessandra long to find her way, she had a knack for languages so had already picked up enough to survive, and her carpentry skills had meant that along with occasional bar work she could make enough to live comfortably in the area. It was not a long-term plan but it was enough for now. It was from one of those days at the bar that she was walking back from toward her lodgings at the moment. Alessandra was walking among taller buildings away from the beach toward the residential area of town. There weren’t many people around at this time of night and that suited Alessandra perfectly. Then she heard some general noise and from around the corner a group of four women appeared, all looked like locals. The leader, a strikingly attractive woman in her late twenties with long dark hair, made a comment and the other three giggled. Alessandra smiled as she passed them. She didn’t catch all of the comment but it was something derogatory about a member of the opposite sex. Alessandra noted that the last member of the group, a very tall and broad woman looked at her for what she considered to be longer than Alessandra would have thought. There was something about the way that the looked lingered that made Alessandra a little uncomfortable. She counted to five and then glanced over her shoulder just in time to see the group disappear around the next corner. Shaking her head Alessandra admonished herself for seeing threats where none existed “Nobody knows where you are,” Alessandra said to herself. Even then she decided to take a different route back to where she was staying.

That route was slightly longer and took in a couple more turns. Before and after each turn Alessandra would check over her shoulder to make sure that nobody was there. There never was and Alessandra felt herself relax a little. Actually, there was nobody about until she made the turn down a narrow lane between two buildings that would bring her out on the street that led to where she was staying. The lighting in the lane wasn’t great but Alessandra could make out a shape approaching from the other end of the lane. Alessandra slowed slightly to give herself more time. As the gap between them closed the shape became recognisable as the attractive leader from the group of women that she had passed earlier. The woman carried her shoes in one hand and a bag in the other. As the distance closed the woman stopped and waived. Alessandra stopped as well and the two women stood about five paces apart. The woman smiled at her and delved into her bag for something. Alessandra looked on a little perplexed, assuming that the young woman had flagged her down to ask directions. Then Alessandra heard urgent footsteps behind her. Before she could react, hands grabbed her from behind. Wrapping strong forearms around her body, pinning her arms to her sides. She spun her head around and then back. The attractive woman from earlier had actually retrieved a large mass of fabric from her bag. “mmmppphh….uummppff…” Alessandra complained as the rag was stuffed into her mouth. The woman kept stuffing the rag deeper and deeper into Alessandra’s mouth, Alessandra’s was almost choking as the rag was forced in, making her cheeks bulge and causing her to retch and cough. The woman’s fingers pushed and prodded the cloth until it was all in. There was then the unmistakeable sound of the ripping of tape and there was a flash in front of her eyes before Alessandra felt the stickiness of tape pressed over her lips. “mmmuuhhh….gghhuumm…” Alessandra grunted and shook her leg but it was no use. The tape was wrapped around her head and over her mouth, once, twice then a dozen times, each wrap tighter and more severe than the last before the end was torn. A hand was run over the tape to press it in place. “uummppff,” Alessandra had been effectively muffled. She tried to break free but there were so many hands on her that she found it impossible to fight them off. Forced against the wall and Alessandra felt her arms being wrenched behind her back. She tried to kick out with her feet but all she hit was air. Then without warning something rammed forcefully into her kidneys. “UUMMPPFF!” Alessandra exhaled through her nose as the wind was knocked out of her. That reduced her efforts to get free somewhat for a couple of seconds. That was all her attackers needed to force her right hand into a fist and start to wrap tape around it. She intensified her squirming some as the women continued to reduce her hand to a useless silver ball. The attackers kept a tight grip on her however, so her effort at escape continued to be fruitless and soon the women began working on her left hand, making it as useless as her right hand was. With her hands helpless, the woman forced her wrists to cross and began wrapping scratchy brown rope around them. Alessandra gave a small involuntary whimper into her gag as the winds were quite tight, squeezing uncomfortably into her skin. The women went quite over the top with wrapping her wrists, making over twenty passes before cinching the lashing off quite tightly. Alessandra realised with a small bit of dread that there was essentially no chance she would be able to free herself. A forearm pressed into her back as her ankles were brought together and then tied together with more rope. That was it, fight over as further rope was tied around her calves and thighs. Hands then grabbed at her ankles and shoulders and Alessandra felt herself being lifted into the air and carried along the alley. As they approached the end of the alley there was the screech of brakes and a van appeared. The side door was pulled back and Alessandra was launched inside. There was a moment of inertia as she hung in the air before crashing heavily onto the floor of the van. “mmppff..” That hurt her shoulder. The sound of people climbing into the van and then the door closing. The van sped away and Alessandra was forceable rolled onto her back. She winced at the pain in her arms being trapped behind her back with the weight on top. The attractive woman held in her hand a dull silver canister with a black rubber mask attached. Then the black rubber mask was planted over Alessandra’s nose and mouth, Alessandra tried to shake it loose but it was impossible bound and outnumbered as she was. There was a soft hiss and Alessandra could feel the gas against her lips. None of her attackers spoke or acknowledged her in any way. It was as it they were just doing a job. That was the last thought that went through her mind around twenty seconds later when everything went blank.

North Hamgyong Provence, North Korea

The four figures looked at Alessandra with flat expressions. Two of them held large canvas items and another something and suspiciously looked like a diaper. The canvas items were dripping with straps and buckles. “uummpphh…mmmooohhh…” Alessandra complained into the mass of fabric in her mouth. She was still bound and gagged like she had been in the van for all of the journey. That was from what she could remember between being bouts of being sedated. When she had come round the final time Alessandra had found herself lying on the floor in this room, well cell if you were being accurate. The four women approached Alessandra and she tried to squirm away but it was to be of no avail. One of the women grabbed her ankles and pulled her into a position that they were obviously happy with. Then another of the women sat on Alessandra’s stomach, pining her to the floor. Once she had been pinned the women set about removing the rope bindings from her legs and then cutting off her clothing. “mmmooohhh…” Alessandra tried to buck and thrash but she couldn’t move the weight on top of her. Then her ankles were grabbed and her legs held apart and lifted as something was slid under her slightly raised bottom. There was nothing that she could do to stop the diaper being applied. It didn’t get any better for Alessandra as the four women easier kept control of her as they removed the bindings and clothing from her upper body to leave her naked expect of the thick diaper. Then, came the straightjacket itself. Alessandra was powerless to stop her freedom and chances of escape being taken from her. First, the women gripped her left arm, as the two of them worked together to slip it inside the straightjacket’s sleeve. The sleeve ended with a mitten, so tight that Alessandra could feel that she had lost control of her fingers. Then, they tied a built-in strap around her wrist, locking her hand inside the bondage mitten, so there would be next to no chance of her freeing it. Alessandra let out a moan as they pulled it tight. They had tightened the strap as tight as possible without cutting off her circulation. They repeated the process with her right arm. Once Alessandra’s arms were secured, they fastened up the back of the canvas straightjacket.

The women guided Alessandra’s arms through the loop at the front of the straightjacket. The loop had a couple straps the women kept loose for now, but no doubt would make sure to tighten. One of the women worked on securing her arms behind her back as the others held her in place. Suddenly, Alessandra felt herself pushed forward, and a knee pressed into her back, as her arms were pulled back tight.
“uugghhrr!” Alessandra screamed into her gag.

After her arms had been tightened behind her, the women leaned her back, and went to work on the loop at the front. They made them tight and secure, even if Alessandra couldn’t see the point, since with both sleeves tied together behind her, there wasn’t much chance of her escaping. The loop had two straps. The first went around her arms, pressing them tight together. The second kept her arms pressed tight against her chest. There were two more straps, located at the bottom of the straightjacket. The crotch straps. Two women hauled her up while one of the other reached in between Alessandra’s legs, pulled them back, and secured them on the other side of the jacket. The women they dropped her to the floor and Alesandra was rolled onto her stomach and then sat on again. “uummrrgg…” Strong hands held her legs together as the canvas fabric leg-binder was slipped over it was already tight around her legs, forcing them together even before the straps were tightened. And her captors didn’t disappoint with their thoroughness. The six leather straps on the leg-binder were tightened with great enthusiasm. Alessandra winced as each strap was secured. They weren’t finished. A flash of black caught Alessandra’s attention then she felt something around her neck. There was a click as a rigid posture collar was locked in place around her neck, rendering her head immobile. The women then removed the tape that has been wrapped around Alessandra’s mouth, they weren’t subtle about it and Alessandra felt clumps of her hair being torn out. Once the tape was removed the sodden packing was yanked out. Relief was short lived as the stuffing was replaced with another wad of fabric that filled her oral cavity and then a massive ball-gag was jammed in her mouth, forcing the packing deeper and forcing her jaw open. Once the buckle on the ball-gag have been tighten to their satisfaction the women checked their handiwork and then got up to leave the cell. It was embarrassing how easily the women had wordlessly changed and improved her bindings without her being able to resist. Once they had left Alessandra started pulling at her sleeves. She had expected there to be a little room for her to move her arms around, albeit not that much, but her arms were now completely immobile. As she struggled to see if there was any way to find some give in the sleeves or the other straps, she was disappointed. That was the job of the straitjacket and leg-binder, both made of strong white canvas, which held her arms in a self-hug around her chest and her legs together in a single limb. The top of the leg-binder was connected to the bottom of the straitjacket with several straps, fusing the two separate pieces into one single restraint that, save for a small area by her crotch enveloped her body. Beads of sweat were running down Alessandra’s forehead, both from the intensity of her struggling and the nervous panic that was filling her, rolling around on the padded floor of the cell in the canvas straightjacket and drooling from the massive ball-gag in her mouth.

It seemed that she had been left alone in the room for hours when the door opened and a small, rotund woman wearing what could only be described as utilitarian clothing. As Alessandra was lying on the floor, she took it in from the shoes up. Plain black shoes with no heel, tan hose, a grey skirt that stopped just above the knee, a matching grey jacket with a white blouse underneath. The woman had short black hair and hard black eyes. The lips on her face were thin and gave nothing away. The woman stood with her hands behind her back. “My name is Miss Kang and I will be looking after you during your stay. Now, you must be wondering what this is all about. Unfortunately, I do not have the authority to tell you that.” Alessandra noted that Kang spoke English without an accent. It was impressive. “What I can tell you is that you are not in South Korea any longer,” the woman stated with a smile. “Welcome to the North!” That news didn’t fill Alessandra with glee. “We are in a facility that looks after and treats members of the population with mental and idealistic problems. So, not a prison.” Kang smiled and nodded as if this should be of some comfort to Alessandra. It wasn’t.

“mmuugghh…mmhhrruu…” Alessandra moaned and struggled a little.

“Keep your strength,” Kang suggested. “You will be needing it.” The look on Kang’s face sent a little shiver down Alessandra’s spine. “Although this is not your final destination, we have been asked to make your stay a little uncomfortable.”

“oohhtt…oogghhh…” Alessandra mumbled and shifted her shoulders again seeing if there was any give in the straightjacket. There wasn’t. Kang ignored Alessandra, turned around and headed for the door.

“Get a good night’s sleep and we can start tomorrow,” Kang called over her shoulder without looking. Alessandra stared at the woman’s back as Kang disappeared through the door, closing it behind her. There was the sound of an old-fashioned lock being engaged and then silence again and Alessandra was left alone. Despite knowing that it would be fruitless Alessandra spent five minutes rolling around on the floor, writhing and thrashing around, trying to find a weak spot in her bondage. It did indeed prove to be fruitless and all that Alessandra succeeded in doing was tiring herself out and building up a sweat. Eventually Alessandra conceded defeat and lay prone on the floor, staring at the ceiling and taking even breathes through her nose. Then her mind went from trying to escape to working out what had happened to her. What had led her here? “How did I manage to piss of North Korea?” Alessandra asked herself just as the lights in the room went out and it was plunged into darkness. Alessandra sighed and knocked her head gently against the padded flooring, her mind racing with thoughts of working out what had happened and trying not to think about what tomorrow would bring.

East Coast United States

Hayley sat on the chair with her legs tucked up under her. It was her favourite place in the house, The chair was in the corner of the room and gave you a view of the street. The best bit was that nobody could see you from outside because of the angle. The house had been empty and silent when she had returned from Wyoming and hour ago and Hayley decided to keep it that way. It had been an eventful trip and Hayley was just looking to switch off for a bit. After dumping her case in her bedroom Hayley had changed into a loose jumper and a pair of jeans and padded back down the stairs in her bare feet. It couldn’t have been long but Hayley heard the front door open and squeaky footsteps on the wooden flooring in the hall
“Hayley!” Kirsty voice rang out. “That you back?”

“In the living room,” Hayley responded. As she unfurled her legs and put her feet on the carpet just as Kirsty appeared. “Out for a run?”

“What gave it away?” Kirsty responded. The two women looked at each other. An uncomfortable silence fell. “Christina?” Hayley shook her head. “It was always going to be a long shot.”

“I spoke to the locals. They did everything they could. I just don’t think….” Hayley shrugged. “Had to give it a go. Satisfy myself.” Kirsty nodded like she understood. “It gave me purpose for a couple of days,” Hayley replied. “Something to focus on.”

“The trip wasn’t a total waste of time from what your dad told me. I hear congratulations are in order,” Kirsty said leaning against the door frame. Hayley nodded, leaned back in the chair and smiled, albeit with a tinge of sadness. “What is that smile for?” Kirsty asked as she wiped her forehead with the sweatband on her wrist.

“The instincts never leave you. Once a cop, always a cop.” Hayley paused, trying to find the correct works before shrugging. “I suppose that it just felt good to feel useful again…” Hayley tailed off as she thought about Christina. The smile disappeared and she looked down at the carpet between her bare feet.

“Hey,” Kirsty said. “Hayley, don’t feel bad about Christina. There isn’t anything that you could have done. She was a big girl and knew the risks.” Hayley looked up, saw Kirsty and something stirred in her. Kirsty was clearly an attractive woman. Maybe it was the sheen of seat over her body or the tight-fitting athletic gear that hugged her figure but Hayley felt a little hot and remembered it had been a long time since she had been intimate with anybody. “Well, I suppose I should get a shower….” Kirsty stopped as Hayley stood up from the chair and crossed the distance between them. Without stopping Hayley wrapped an arm around Kirsty, pulled her close and planted a long kiss on her lips. Once the initial surprise had worn off Kirsty started to reciprocate the kiss and they spent quite some time exploring each other’s bodies with their hands whilst their lips were locked together, Kirsty taking particular interest in Hayley’s rear and Hayley of Kirsty’s perky breasts. Eventually, they had to come up for air. The two women stood and looked at each other. “I take it that shower can wait.” Hayley nodded, took Kirsty by the hand and led her up the stairs.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Alessandra´s abduction and predicament - which I like very much - confirms my assumption. The abductions, the mysterious deaths point in one specific direction. We know from past incidents, that Crawford is someone to hold grudges: The persons abducted or killed have something in common: They helped to take Crawford down. And it makes sense that Crawford would enjoy tormenting Hayley and Kirsty as long as possible..
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 15

Budapest, Hungary

The first operation had gone well. As had their second. They were on a roll. Lara Sanchez looked around the living room on the house that they had rented on the edge of the city. Karolina Opheim and Lisa Sinco were playing cards whilst Jodie and Courtney Hanson had just returned from a scouting assessment of their third target. It was a big, juicy target as well. The remuneration reflected this. “Shall we have a gathering,” Lara suggested. Karolina and Lisa placed their cards face down on the table between the chairs they have been sitting on and joined the others standing around the dining table.

“How are we going to snatch a movie star?” Lisa asked.

“Very tricky,” Jodie said with a nod.

“A lot of security,” Karolina “Never really alone.”

“She has a personal assistant that follows her everywhere.”

“What about at night?” Karolina offered. “Sneak in.”

“The assistant stays in the same suite,” Jodie confirmed.

“We could always just take her out as well.”

“That is a risk. If she raises the alarm…” Lisa left that hanging. The rest of the women around the table nodded in agreement. “Is she ever alone?” Jodie pulled out a small notebook and then flicked through it looking at the detailed and coded notes that she had been scribbling over the last week.

“She does go for an early morning walk alone.” Jodie looked around. “That is public though. People around.”

“The same route every time?” Lara asked. Back to the notebook went Jodie. She nodded. Lisa raised an eyebrow. Lara was silent for a couple of seconds, thinking.

“Wait,” Lara said. “I have an idea. It was a story that Elizabeth told me about…” She turned and headed for the coat rack, taking the thick black down jacket down from a peg and slipping it on. Then she pulled on her boots. The rest of the women looked at her. “Jodie, shall we go and walk that route.”

West Coast United States

Hayley lay in bed with her head resting on her crossed arms on the pillow. Smiling, Hayley looked at the ceiling and basking in the afterglow of a very fun couple of hours with Kirsty. They were now both covered in a light sheen of sweat. “I really should have a shower,” Kirsty commented from the other side of the bed. “Perhaps, I should wait a bit though…” Hayley felt Kirsty’s warm hand just land just above her left knee before moving slowly up the inside of her thigh.

“As much as I wouldn’t mind Kirsty,” Hayley said as she uncrossed her arms and shot her right hand down to intercept Kirsty’s progress, “Constance will be back soon.” Kirsty removed her hand and the two women rolled onto their sides so that they were facing each other. They each had a coy smile on their faces.

“I did notice that you were a bit of a screamer,” Kirsty said with a giggle. “I didn’t notice that on the island.” Hayley laughed. “There are ways of keeping you quiet.” Kirsty’s hand found Hayley’s thigh again. Once again Hayley removed the hand and smiled.

“We need to get ready,” Hayley went to roll away but Kirsty grabbed her. The dark-haired woman’s face had suddenly developed a serious expression.

“What does this mean?” Kirsty asked. Hayley pondered the question.

“I think that it was just two people enjoying each other and having a good time. Maybe it was just a release from what we have experienced or just two people who have had similar experiences finding comfort in each other. I don’t really have the answer to that question,” Hayley smiled. “Is that enough?” Kirsty nodded. Hayley had the impression that despite them both enjoying their evening, like her Kirsty didn’t want anything more than that.

“At least stay here tonight,” Kirsty said. “I will have to change all the bedding anyway.”

“Did you not here what I said about Constance,” Hayley said again.

“It’s already dark outside. She will just come home and go straight to bed. No reason for her to check where we are sleeping.”

“Alright,” Hayley said.

“Good,” Kirsty said with a cheeky smile on her face, “save me having to look out the chloroform.” Then she winked.

“I can’t tell if you are serious at the moment or not.”

“Try me,” Kirsty’s smile was playful. Hayley hadn’t seen her like this before. Kirsty was a woman who always seemed to be carrying a weight on her shoulders or had something important going round in her head. It was good to see.

“I know that I haven’t been myself recently Kirsty. I want to thank you for looking out for me.” Kirsty nodded.

“You are better when you have something to focus on.” Hayley nodded. Kirsty was correct. As sad as it was Christina was gone and there was nothing that could change that. However, Natalie was another matter. There was nothing to stop Hayley trying to find her. As if reading her mind Kirsty threw out a suggestion. “What about trying to find Natalie again?”

“I don’t know if could…” Hayley drifted off as the hurt returned. “Where would I start?”

“You’re the cop. You tell me?” Kirsty replied hoping to gee Hayley into action. Just when Kirsty thought that Hayley couldn’t get any cuter, Hayley bit her bottom lip with her teeth.

“There may be somebody that could help?”

“You don’t mean Crawford!” Kirsty exploded.

“No,” Hayley stated with certainty. “She is in a hole somewhere and I never want to see her again.” It was a Hail Mary but it had gotten to that stage. “Do you have a laptop stashed away in here?” Hayley looked around. With her military background Kirsty was organised and meticulous. There was no clutter laying around. Everything that she had was squared away in drawers, boxes and wardrobes. Well, apart from the clothes from earlier that were lying on the floor where Hayley had thrown them. It was then that Hayley also realised that there was nothing really personal about the room either. No keepsakes, no photographs. It made her heart sink a little.

“Yeah,” Kirsty slipped out of bed and padded across to the wardrobe. Hayley watched the toned physique of Kirsty and got a little jealous. Returning with the laptop Kirsty opened it up and punched in the password. “Like what you see?” Hayley blushed a little as she took the laptop and opened the internet browser. Opening her e-mail account Hayley opened a fresh e-mail and punched in the address from memory. Hayley paused, taking a second to consider what she wanted to write. Hayley started typing the e-mail to The Broker.

Budapest, Hungary

“Sometimes it pays to be obvious.” Lara said as she looked around at the set up. “This is going to work.” Karolina gave her a look and raised an eyebrow. There had been a stroke of luck. The route that their target went through a park and then excited on the street where they were now standing. There was a parking spot off the road where they could park the two vans that they had bought just for this job. They had printed one of them with the name of a fictitious production company and set up a camera and some other items to look like a film set. Karolina was playing the part of director and Lara was behind the camera. In addition to the team, they had hired a couple of local heavies to play the part of security. The two large men were floating around wearing earpieces and bright jackets. Just as they were finishing setting up a local man came out of the park with a dog and approached Lara. The two security guards went to intercept but Lara held up a hand.

“Hello,” he said. “You making a film.” Lara smiled and nodded.

“Just getting set up for a shot.”

“Approaching. Five minutes.” Lisa voice burst into Lara’s ear. Lisa was following their target.

“Part of that film over at town centre.” The man’s English was impressive.

“No,” Lara shook her head. “Much small production. Independent. Crime thriller.” The man nodded, looked around and seemingly satisfied gave his dog’s lead a pull and headed off. “Better get ready.”

“Four minutes.” Lisa voice was clear and calm. Lara joined Karolina over behind the camera and Jodie picked up the sound boom and pretended to know what she was doing. Courntney leaned out of the driver seat of the non-livered van and gave the thumbs up. Everything was ready. “Three minutes.” Lara looked back at the entrance of the park. There was a tree lined path that their target should be about to turn onto. “Two minutes.”

“ACTION!” Karolina called. Lara took her eyes from the park and turned back to concentrate on looking like she knew what she was doing with the large camera mounted on a tripod.

Budapest, Hungary

The target walked through the park. She enjoyed the freedom of being alone without anybody looking over her shoulder or asking if she needed anything or asking for something. The early morning walk was a routine that she had gotten into during this shoot. Sneaking out before anybody else was about and getting some fresh air and time to think. There weren’t many people about, most people seemed to be walking dogs, although there was a cute dark-haired woman that seemed to be walking the same route as her. As she approached the end of the path and the gate out of the park she paused as a female voice shouted ACTION. Sounded like there were two productions currently filming in Budapest. Looking out there were two vans sitting in a parking area. One of the vans had the markings of a film production company stencilled in black lettering on the side. A single camera on a tripod was set up to catch a wide shot of the scene with the unmarked van at its centre. She didn’t think that the set up was quite right but then again, she wasn’t a director so maybe she was wrong. It was then that the door to the van opened and a tall woman got out. She wore a full length down jacket, jeans and tan boots. Large sunglasses and a baseball cap obscured her features. The target looked at the woman. Then raised an eyebrow when it was clear that the woman was heading straight toward her. As the woman approached the target glanced at the camera. It was tracking the woman as she approached. The woman got a couple of paces away and then stopped. Smiled. There was an awkward moment when neither of them seemed to know what to do before the target heard footsteps approaching behind her. Before she could turn around the target felt an arm wrapped around her waist, pinning her arms to her side and pulling her backwards. “What..UUMMPPFF…GGUUMMPP…” a soft, think cloth was clamped over her nose and mouth.

“Just relax and take deep breathes,” the woman in front of the target said. She had a Scandinavian accent. However, that wasn’t the most pressing thing for the target at the moment. The most pressing things was the cloth being pressed over her nose and mouth. The smell was familiar. It took a couple of seconds for her brain to process the smell from the cloth once it had hit her nostrils but she recognised it as chloroform from her experiences the previous year.

“MMPPFFHH…HHUUMMPP…” the target complained into the cloth as she bucked and struggled trying to break free of the grip. The woman in front just continued to look at her and then grabbed her arms and kept them locked in place. “UUMMPPFF…MMOOHH!” The target screamed into the damp cloth that was clamped over her nose and mouth, shaking her head vigorously to try and remove the cloth and get some fresh, undrugged, air. That didn’t happen, the fume delivering cloth remained tightly in place. Given her profession and background the target had received training in what to do when being kidnapped and knew that her best chance of escaping was during the initial phase, when being snatched. She looked left and right. There were some people around. Why didn’t they come to her assistance? They it clocked. The cameras and equipment. The bystanders thought this was a scene from a film being filmed! “MMOOHH!” The target knew that she was now in deep trouble and started thrashing, legs everywhere and managing to get her left arm free, clawing at the woman currently holding the cloth over the lower part of her face. Then the woman in front grabbed her free arm to prevent the target from striking out at her original attacker. It seemed to take an age but it was less than thirty seconds before the drug started to take effect and her movements became sluggish and less co-ordinated. The frontal attacker let go of her hands and despite the target telling them to move up and knock away the cloth but they just hung limply by her sides. “mmuuhh…gguujj…” the target moaned into the cloth. Courtney bent at the knees, placed her hands just above the knees of the target and lifted her off the ground. The two women took the target’s weight and started to carry her toward the van. The target tried to resist but it was pointless. The chloroform had sapped most of her strength. The outcome had been decided. It was just a matter of time. Lisa and Courteny hefted the weight into the back on the van and onto a mattress. “hhheeelllppp…” the target moaned. Lisa had removed the cloth from over her mouth whilst getting her into the back of the van. Relief was short lived though. Lisa quickly jumped into the van and straddled the target on the mattress.

“What were you saying?” There was a click as the door closed into place and then a lurching feeling as the van pulled away. Lisa pressed the cloth back in place. “Don’t fight the chloroform. There is no point, don’t worry nothing bad is going to happen to you. I promise. It’s just a nap and when you wake up you will be tied up but it will all be alright.” Whether it was the tone of Lisa’s words but whatever it was they had the desirable effect, the target did stop struggling but by that point the chloroform had started to take effect. The target had felt her strength starting to wane until she couldn’t fight any more. Dark shading had formed at the edge of her vision, gradually getting larger and deeper, seeming to beckon her toward sleep until her eyelids become that heavy that she couldn’t keep them open and she had to close them. “That’s a good girl.”

As soon as the door closed on the van Karolina screamed “CUT!”. There was a muted round of applause from the small group of people that had stopped to watch. Karolina, Jodie and Lara then hustled to pack up the equipment that they had set up. Between the three of them they made one journey to the other van. As they were stacking the equipment inside, they heard the engine in the other van spring to life and turned to see Courntney behind the wheel. She waved before pulling the van out of the space and into the flow of traffic. The remainder of the team hustled to pack up the rest of the equipment into the second van. The two security guards packed their equipment into a single rucksack and the smaller of the two threw it over high right shoulder. Then with a wave they both ambled off in the opposite direction to where Lara, Karolina and Jodie were heading in the van. It had been decided to split up and rendezvous at an agreed location later in the day after the snatch. Once they had packed up the three women were about to get into the van when they were approached by a young man in his early twenties. The young man wore faded jeans, white sneakers, a denim jacket with black t-shirt sporting a Jurassic Park logo on it. Hie eyes were wide behind

“Was that Jasmine Lockspeiser?” he asked excitedly. “I thought she was in that other film that was shooting.” Lara looked at Jodie and Karolina and smiled.

“You a big fan of Jasmine?” Lara asked.

“Ja,” the young man replied nodding enthusiastically.

“Sorry,” Lara said. “We couldn’t afford someone like her.”

“Just an actress that looks like her,” Jodie chipped in. The young man’s shoulders slumped. “Maybe try the other set. I am sure that she will be about so and notice such a devoted fan.” The kind words seem to lift the young man’s spirits and he nodded, turned away and scurried off in the direction of the entrance to the park. The team didn’t need another warning and they quickly got into the front of the van and pulled away to get lost in the mass of traffic that was getting busier as rush hour approached.

In the back of the van Lisa worked to secure Jasmine. The proper restraints and bagging could wait until they were somewhere a little more secure. Lisa turned the Jasmie onto her stomach before bringing her wrists into the small of her back and securing them together with a length of black rope. Wrapping the rope around Jasmine’s wrists multiple times before cinching and securing the rope with tight knots out of the reach of any prying fingers. “Should have just brought mittens.” Similar lengths of rope were used to secure Jasmine’s legs together at the ankles and then just above and below the knees. The bindings were completed by a longer length of rope around Jasmine’s body to secure her arms tightly against her back. A balled-up cloth was popped into Jasmine’s mouth and a large piece of white micro-foam tape was plastered over Jasmine’s lips to prevent the cloth from being forced out. Lisa decided to follow that another piece to tape, just to make sure. Then it was back to business as Lisa patted down Jasmine and removed everything that she had on her, including her mobile. This she handed through to the front of the van to Courtney, resisting the urge to see who was saved in the contacts list. A couple of minute later they stopped at a set of lights and Courtney looked out of the window. “Perfect.” She rolled down the window and carefully dropped Jasmine’s mobile down a drain and into the sewars. “Good luck tracing that.” After the window was rolled up Courtney waited for the lights to be changed. Once the green light burst into life Courtney moved the van off and headed toward the rendezvous point with Lara and the rest of the team.

Unknown location

The immaculately dressed man knocked lightly before pushing the door opening and entering the darkened room. He never really linked coming in here, to dark and claustrophobic for his liking. The banks for monitoring and electronic equipment hummed and buzzed as the two operatives busied themselves darting between stations on the wheeled chairs. “Anything from the surveillance yet? The man asked. The two operatives looked at each other. The man read the looks. “I mean anything that we can use to reach our objective?” They both shook their heads.

“They have made contact with The Broker though sir,” one of the operatives said.

“Interesting,” the man replied. “About?”

“The whereabouts of Natalie Twain. A face-to-face meeting was proposed.”

“Interesting,” the man repeated. “Good work. Keep me informed.” The man patted them both on the shoulder before exiting the room and closing the door. It was a short walk to the exit of the building where his driver was waiting to take him home. He would spend the drive updating his employers and thinking about the next move.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I liked the dialogue between Kirsty and Hayley - and it is good to know, that they have at least an idea how to find Natalie. Desperate times - desperate measures:

Regarding I have a new hypothesis: It is obvious that people are captured who had a connection to Crawford, that much is clear, with Jasmines capture. It is highly ironic that Lara captures one of her former Cocaptives.

And there is the end of this chapter: The Operatives surveilling Kirsty, Hayley and Constance. Their employers seem to have a different agenda: If their objective had been to abduct one of the trio, they could have done that easily.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 16

East Coast United States, International Airport

The two stewardesses smiled as Hayley got on the plane. Hayley did a double take, there was something familiar about the two women but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Perhaps it would pop into her head during the flight. The ticket was first class so Hayley turned left and entered the cabin. “How the other half live,” Hayley commented on seeing the seating arrangements. “Plenty of space, large screens, comfortable seats, maybe some fizz….” Hayley found her seat, settled in and got comfortable. It was a journey into the unknown but as least she would be making it in style. The first-class compartment filled up until it was about half full and they the crew buzzed around making final preparations for take-off. The big jet rumbled across the apron and to the end of the runway. Hayley felt the engines power up and the jet fight against the brakes until it suddenly jumped forward and barrelled along the runway. This was always Hayley’s favourite bit of flying, it felt exhilarating. After the plane had taken off and levelled at cruising altitude one of the stewardesses from earlier approached with a beaming smile and sat down in the empty seat next to Hayley. “Hi,” the stewardess said, “my name is Ainslie Hayes. If you need anything please do let my colleague Hilarie Burton or I know.”

“Thank you,” Hayley replied. “It is too early for a drink.” It was a bit cheeky.

“No problem. I will see to that for you right now,” Ainslie replied. “Our employer wants to make sure you have a good journey.” As the woman got up Hayley gave her a quizzical look. There was something in the phrasing of what she said and then the familiarity. Hayley tried to shake it off and settled back into the seat, closing her eyes. It was a long flight to Heathrow and then there was the connecting flight to wherever The Broker had arranged for her. Just as she was relaxing as Ainslie came back with her drink and handed it over. Hayley smiled a thank you and was about to get back to relaxing when she noted that Ainslie hadn’t moved. It was a bit uncomfortable. “Please give me your phone.” Ainslie held her hand out and smiled.

“Sorry,” Hayley replied perplexed. “Why should I give you…” Then it clicked. “Oh! Your employer is The Broker, not the airline.” Ainslie smiled and nodded. “I don’t suppose I have any choice with this?” Ainslie shook her head. So, Hayley pulled out her phone and handed it over.

“Thank you, please enjoy the rest of the flight.” Ainslie turned and headed down the aisle and Hayley looked out the window taking occasional sips from her glass thinking about what lay ahead.

Heathrow Airport, London

The plane rolled to a stop after landing and Hayley started to get up. “Just sit and wait until the rest of the passengers have disembarked,” Ainslie instructed as she strolled by on her way to guiding passengers off the plane. So, Hayley sat and waited until all of the other passengers had left the plane and Ainslie walked by again. “Wait.” Hayley sighed and slumped back into her seat. It took another ten minutes before Ainslie and Hilarie returned now dressed in their full uniform, including jackets, headgear and carrying a bag each. “Let’s go. You will follow me. Do not attempt to make contact with anybody. Do not draw attention to yourself. Do not get lost. Do you understand.”

“Yes, I understand,” Hayley confirmed as got up. They made their way off the plane, down the gangway and into the airport proper. “What about my bag?” asked Hayley as they bypassed the luggage carousel where other passengers from the flight waited for bags.

“They will be taken care of,” Hilarie confirmed. “You won’t lose anything.” With Ainslie leading and Hilarie just behind Hayley they snaked their way through the airport and through a door that led into a quiet corridor. They were now away from the main hustle and bustle of the airport, behind the scenes so to speak. Through doors and along corridors they went only passing the occasional member of aircrew or mechanic who nodded a silent greeting. Then they went through a set of doors and Hayley felt the temperature drop and felt a soft breeze. They were walking along a gangway with an opening at the end. Glancing out the windows Hayley could see a private jet standing on the tarmac. “I guess that is our destination.” There was no verbal reply but Ainslie nodded. At the end of the gangway then descended a set of stairs onto the apron of tarmac and heading the short distance to the waiting jet. As they approached the jet the fuselage door opened and a short set of steps was lowered. All three women entered the cabin and Hayley looked around. Nice interior and a row of plush looking leather seats.

“Take that one,” Ainslie instructed Hayley by pointing at a seat. “We will be taking off shortly.” Indeed, the pilot had already fired up the engines. Sitting in the seat that had been pointed put Hayley looked down for the seatbelt but there wasn’t one.

“Bit of a hand ladies,” Hayley asked her companions. Ainslie nodded and Hilarie walked across and beckoned Hayley to lean forward. The woman then reached behind Hayley and seemed to pull two sides of a harness, like a racing driver from nowhere. Hayley took the hint and slipped her arms through the slots before Hilarie buckled them in front and tightened them. Tight. Hayley grimaced. “Cheers.”

“Hands on the rests.” Hayley gave Hilarie a look. “Come on, haven’t got all day.” After complying with the instruction Hayley watched as Hilarie put straps around her wrists to hold them in place. Then Hilarie knelt down and put a strap over Hayley’s ankles and another across her shins. Biting back a witty retort Hayley just relaxed as the pilot released the break and the plane started to roll forward. The two stewardesses quickly and expertly stowed their bags before taking seats and buckling in for take-off. The plane rolled to the end of the runway before the pilot stopped the plane and then flared the engines before releasing the brakes and letting the plane jump forward. The speed built up until the nose lifted off the ground and gracefully the sleek jet lifted into the air.

“Where are we off to then?” Hayley asked once the plane had reached cruising height and levelled off.

“We aren’t allowed to tell you,” Ainslie stated. “Please just stay quiet and enjoy the flight. If you do insist on being noisy, we do have permission to gag you. We would rather not have to do that.”

“Consider my lips sealed.” Hayley didn’t really want to be gagged so just kept her mouth shut and played out various scenarios in her mind and how she would deal with them.

Dubrovnik International Airport

The three women were in the same order at Heathrow as they walked through airport. Hayley was pleasantly surprised to find herself in Croatia. It wasn’t what she was expecting. The airport was actually about ten miles away from Dubrovnik city centre, so Hayley wondered where she would end up. They were on the main concourse and heading for the exit so Hayley assumed that there wouldn’t be any more flights. As they closed in on the exit Hayley noted three women standing off to the side. All were well dressed in dark suites with clean, white blouses and black shoes. Each had a pair of sunglasses, one held them in her left hand, one had them dangling by an arm on the neck of their blouse and the third had them pushed up on their head. “I think they are who you are looking for?” Hayley tapped Ainslie on the shoulder and pointed. Ainslie looked in that direction and nodded. The group changed direction and made their way across.

“Did you take her phone?” one of the women asked Ainslie. Obviously, this was the leader. She had the sunglasses in her left hand.

“What? No small talk,” Hayley commented with a smile. Ainslie handed over Hayley’s mobile then turned and left, taking Hilarie with her. Hayley watched them leave.

“Any other electronic devices.” Hayley shook her head.

“We will check.”

“I know,” Hayley replied with a smile. “That is why I didn’t bring any.” Hayley took a good look at the woman and something at the back of her brain said that the woman looked familiar. “Don’t I know you?” Hayley asked.

“Maybe, my name is Valentine Chase,” the woman replied.

“Yeah, you used to work for Elizabeth Crawford.” Chase ignored the comment. “Why aren’t you in jail like the rest of them?” Once again Chase ignored Hayley.

“Your bags have been taken to our vehicle and I suggest that we now do the same.”

“Aren’t you going to introduce your friends?” Hayley nodded at the two people standing just behind and to each side of Chase.

“This is Lucija and Nika,” Chase said with a sigh. “Now. Move.” The small group, with Chase leading, Hayley behind and Lucija and Nika on either side, exited the terminal and a large black SUV with tinted windows pulled up to the kerb beside them. Chase opened the rear door and indicated for Hayley to get in. Once they were all in the vehicle pulled away and into the stream of traffic. The set up in the rear of the large vehicle was four seats in the rear, two facing forward and two facing rearwards. Hayley had taken a seat facing forward with Chase directly across from her. Lucija sat beside Hayley and Nika had jumped into the front passenger seat. Chase picked up an electronic wand form the seat beside her and turned it on.
“Don’t you trust me?” Hayley asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Not an inch,” Chase retorted as she waved the wand over Hayley. When the wand didn’t detect any electronic devices, Hayley shrugged her head and smiled. “Look, let’s get this clear Hayley,” Chase said putting the wand down, “I don’t trust you at all. Bad things happen when you are around. I advised the boss not to let you anywhere near her but…”

“What can I say. I have a winning personality.” Hayley put the smile on full wattage.

“Turn around and put your hands behind your back Hayley,” Chase ordered holding up a pair of padded cuffs. Hayley sighed before complying.

“Come on,” Hayley complained. “Is there really any need for this?” Hayley felt the padded cuffs being slipped around first her left wrist and then her right wrist and then being locked tightly in place. “The boss values her privacy so we have to make sure that you don’t know where we are going.”

“There is really no need…” Hayley looked on as Chase pulled out a thickly padded blindfold and earplugs from the outside pocket of her suit jacket. “Couldn’t you have just done something with the window glass?” Chase laughed as she leaned over and place the blindfold over Hayley’s eyes and everything went black. Once the blindfold was in place Chase stuffed the earplugs into Hayley’s ears and it was like Hayley was underwater, alone in her own thoughts. There was still one more surprise for Hayley when a minute later a familiar smell reached Hayley’s nostrils. “Is there any need for mmmpphhff…” the cloth was pressed over Hayley’s nose and mouth. “uuhhrr…hhummdd…” Hayley moaned, shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes voluntarily. Not that she was in a position to resist but Hayley wasn’t going to anywhere. The familiar sensations swarmed over her as she inhaled the fumes until her brain shut down and her head lolled to one side.

Broker’s home, an hour from Dubrovnik

When she came to Hayley knew that she was still sitting in the same place. The bindings, earplugs and blindfold remained in place. However, she was pretty sure. She couldn’t sense anyone close to her in the vehicle, no breathing no accidental touches. Then there was a faint sound and then fresh air against her bare skin. Hayley felt a touch on her ears as the earplugs were removed. “Hey! What’s going on? Where are we?”

“Quiet,” Valentine said as Hayley felt a firm grip in her arm. “We are here. Step down and then straight ahead.” Hayley cautiously obeyed and the two women walked along a gravel path toward the house. With the uneven ground and the blindfold on Hayley stumbled on a couple of occasions before they went through the door and into the house. There was an instant change on the atmosphere. “Hello Jenkins,” Valentine said.

“Good evening, Miss Chase,” Hayley heard a man reply with a hint of a Welsh accent. “An unexpected development. The Broker has been called away on urgent business and won’t be back until the day after tomorrow.” Hayley groaned thought that this may have been a wasted trip. “However, she has asked that we look after Miss King until her return.”

“Good,” Valentine replied. “Is the guest room prepared.”

“Yes, as per your instructions,” Jenkins replied. Something about that line made Hayley apprehensive. Hayley felt Valentine increase the pressure on her upper arm and then a nudge and they were off again a short journey with two turns and no stairs. Then they stopped. Hayley heard the swish of nylon and instantly knew what that meant. People talk about muscle memory but that sound, that unmistakeable sound trigger brain memories. Then the blindfold was whipped off and after a couple of blinks Hayley fears were confirmed. There were two large bags lying on the bed. She had hoped that with Elizabeth Crawford being out of the equation that restraining bags were a thing of the past.

“You do know that I am here of my own free will,” Hayley said as Valentine freed her wrists, allowing Hayley to give them the obligatory rub. “I actually want to be here.”

“Yes, but we can’t have you running around,” Valentine replied.

“The door does have a lock,” Hayley turned around and checked.

“I didn’t think that you would have an issue with this,” Valentine commented, “with all your previous experience.” Hayley sighed. “I mean, if there are going to be issues…” Hayley shook her head. “First things first Hayley you will have to strip.” Valentine walked across to the wardrobe and pulled out a blocky package. “Even have your brand of diapers.”

“Whatever floats your boat,” Hayley replied as she started to take off her clothes and folded them carefully on a chair that was next to the bed. Just then Lucija entered carrying Hayley’s case and dumped it onto the corner of the bed.

“Stay around Lucija. I will need your help later.” Lucija nodded. “No down suits I am afraid so hopefully you brought some appropriate attire.” Hayley nodded and opened her case. Digging around she found a pair of white stain pyjamas with long sleeves and legs. “They will do nicely.” Valentine had been preparing the diaper and changing mat on the floor as Hayley stripped down to her bra and panties. “Come on over then. Don’t be shy.” Valentine nodded and Hayley reluctantly slid her panties down to the floor and stepped out of them.

“Very good,” Hayley replied as she padded across in her bare feet and got down on the mat. “Can we keep this professional?” Hayley raised her head enough to looked on as Valentine finished preparing the large, thick adult diaper. It didn’t bother Hayley wearing a diaper. The situation as a whole was bothering her a little. She was willingly surrendering to be restrained in the bags which meant she would have no chance of escape, assuming there were of the same specification and standard as Crawford’s. She put her head back on the mat and after a couple of seconds Hayley felt a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to raise her bottom from the mat. Hayley then felt her bum and private area being wiped with a wipe and tensed before a cool cream was applied over her delicate areas and then talcum powered was sprinkled over her and then gently patted in.
“Good girl Hayley. Don’t worry it’s just to clean the area and help avoid diaper rash. You can lower your bum back down now,” Valentine said. Hayley rolled her eyes at the chat. When she lowered her bottom Hayley felt her it hit the centre of the soft, thick diaper. Hayley lay perfectly still as Valentine finished the process of putting on the diaper by bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. After that process was completed, Hayley stuck her hand out and Valentine gave her a hand to get up. Hayley ran her hands over the diaper and inspected the application. A poor application could spell discomfort and misery. “To your satisfaction?” Hayley nodded and spent a minute putting on the stain pyjamas.

“Hands out in front Hayley.” Valentine produced a pair of finger control mitts and proceeded to put one of each of Hayley’s hands. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Valentine tightened to lock the mitts in place. Hayley winced as the buckle was secured and tried wriggling her fingers. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. It was a familiar sensation. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible, rendering her hands useless. Then Hayley watched as Valentine placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap, restricting independent movement. It was very similar to Crawford and Hayley was starting to have flashbacks.

“Open your mouth”

“The gag…well…come on Valentine…”

“Lucija, would you get the chloroform,” Valentine, “seems Hayley is getting a little feisty.” Hayley shook her head and reluctantly opened her mouth and watched on Valentine picked up what Hayley recognised as one of those large padded gags with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into her mouth, almost completely filling it. Hayley instantly reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Hayley felt it push down on her lips as Valentine used the buckle at the back of Hayley’s head to secure it in place.

“Is there any need to make it so tight” Hayley said. Obviously due to the heavy gag nothing more than a mumbled whisper could be heard. Hayley concluded that the materials used weren’t quite of the same quality as Crawford’s. One thing you could never accuse Crawford of was skimping on quality. The woman was very particular about that kind of thing.

“That is better. Very effective gag detective and definitely required,” Valentine commented. Whilst the gag was being applied Lucija had delved into a bag and produced five padded leather straps which she handed over to Valentine. Two of the larger straps were used to bind Hayley’s arms tightly to her body, Hayley grunted into her gag as each buckle was tightened. Valentine then indicated for Hayley to sit on the edge of the bed with the restraining bag on it. Once Hayley had sat down Valentine quickly used three more straps to secure Hayley’s legs together at the ankles, just below the knees and around the thighs, leaving Hayley securely bound. Hayley noted that there was slightly more discomfort around her groin when the thigh strap was buckled so she thought that she must have become unaccustomed to wearing diapers. It was sign of how bizarre Hayley’s lie was that she didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

“Now let’s get you into the restraining bags,” Valentine said. With Hayley’s movement extremely limited by her bindings Valentine helped Hayley into a standing position next to the bed whilst Lucija manoeuvred the thinner of the bags into position, running her hand over the nylon shell to check the smoothness and loft of the bag. Once the bag was in position Valentine and Lucija manhandled Hayley into position and sat her onto the centre of the bag. Without having to be told Hayley swung her legs up, round and slipped them into the bag. Valentine quickly folded the top of the bag over onto Hayley and zipped the bag all the way up and closed. Taking the opportunity whilst the second bag was prepared Hayley had a wriggle around to get comfortable; she knew there was no chance of getting free. Hayley noted that the thickness or filling of the sleeping bag seemed to slightly less than the last set of bags that she had been restrained in. Once again, Hayley found herself contemplating if that was a positive or negative.

“Could you lie still whilst we put you in the second bag.” Hayley certainly wasn’t going to help them and just lay still as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into the second bag. Hayley heard the sound of the two nylon surfaces against each other as the women went about the business of slipping the rest of Hayley’s nylon and down encased body into the larger, second bag. Finally getting the hood under Hayley’s head Valentine with some assistance from Lucija brought the two halves of the second bag together and fighting against the loft of the internal bag managed to get the centre zip up to the top before locking it off. “Just hold still and no squirming for a minute whilst we make you secure.” Hayley wondered what that comment meant but found out when she felt tugging at the sides of the bag round her ankles. Fighting the loft of the bags Hayley raised her head enough to see that they were putting a heavy nylon strap around her ankles. Hayley felt it bite in around her ankles, even with the down, as the strap was tightened and then locked in place. Five further straps were put in place around Hayley’s body. It didn’t take them that long and when they were finished Hayley felt the straps confining against her. It added a slight layer on discomfort which was unusual when being in bags. It was normally the height of comfort. Valentine’s face appeared looming over Hayley from above. “Well, I hope that you aren’t that comfortable. If it were up to me, I would have rammed both of your holes with the most violent bullet vibrators I could find and used old rope for binding and used panties as a gag rather than this nice stuff but the boss did insist when I suggested, no insisted, you would have to be restrained during your visit.” Valentine and Hayley locked eyes for five seconds and Hayley knew that the woman was serious. “See you tomorrow morning.” Then she disappeared from view and Hayley heard the door close and lock. She was left alone with her thoughts and settled in for to wait, using the time to run through the conversation she hoped to have with The Broker.

Broker’s home, 40 hours later

“Miss King, a pleasure to see you again,” The Broker said as she got up from behind a desk. Hayley was feeling fresh. After almost two days restrained in the bags she had been released and allowed to have a shower and put on fresh clothes from her bags. The room where she was meeting The Broker was nice, understated would be a good word. Spacious with minimal furniture and decoration. There was the desk that where The Broker had been sitting behind with two laptops sitting open on it. The only other items of furniture in the room were two modern looking settees sitting either side of a low coffee table in the centre of the room and a large, light coloured natural wood bookcase against the far away wall. The main attraction in the room was the floor to ceiling glass doors behind the desk that looked out onto the garden with the swimming pool, hot tub, tennis court and well-kept lawn. “Please take a seat.” The Broker gesture to one of the settees as she took a seat on the other.

“Thank you,” Hayley said and sat down. Jenkins, who had shown her in, hovered around.

“Can I get you a drink?” The Broker asked. Hayley was a bit dry. Valentine had rationed the liquids.

“Lemonade?” It was an answer and question at once. The Broker held up two fingers and Jenkins scurried off.

“I apologize for being delayed. An important business matter that needed my attention.” Hayley nodded like she understood. “I hope that you were well taken care of.” Hayley’s expression changed. “Yes, well Valentine can be a little protective. And it is not like you can’t say that with your reputation precautions aren’t necessary.” Hayley couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“My reputation?” Hayley asked.

“Yes, people in my line of business seem to fall on hard times when they cross your path.”

“Well!” Hayley was indignant. “I have been kidnapped, drugged, abused, restrained….” Hayley took a breath and realised that this wasn’t why she had come here. Focus. Just then Jenkins returned with two tall, misty glasses of bubbling liquid on a tray. He was wearing a nice, tailored dark suit with an open necked shirt. After depositing the drinks on the table, both on placemats, he left the room. The interruption had allowed Hayley to regain her composure. “I apologise. It was good of you to agree to meet me.” The Broker nodded. “There is something that I hope that you can help me with.” The Broker gave her a squint. “I know that is asking something of you. I wouldn’t ask if wasn’t important to me.”

“If you don’t mind, I would like to ask you a question first?”

“Go ahead,” Hayley replied. I little intrigued about what The Broker could want from her.

“Who did Elizabeth Crawford meet in Bratislava?” The Broker asked.

“I don’t know,” Hayley replied.

“You were in the meeting?”

“I know,” Hayley replied trying to retain her patience, “but I was bound, gagged, blindfolded and earplugged.” The Broker leaned back in the seat and seemed to lose herself in deep thought. “I had assumed that it was you,” Hayley said. As a way of taking a break Hayley reached for the glass and took a long drink. The glass was cool to the touch and the lemonade was refreshing.

“No, it wasn’t me.” That sent Hayley’s brain off on a tangent. Who could Elizabeth have been meeting? Anyway, that wasn’t Hayley’s problem. Elziabeth Crawford would never be Hayley’s problem ever again.

“I am not here about Elizabeth Crawford. I am here about my friend Natalie Twain,” Hayley kept her gaze levelled at the other woman. “She was kidnapped on her wedding day some months ago and there have been no leads, no ransom demands, no attempt at communication from her kidnappers at all.”

“Are you sure? I hear rumours that it might just have been cold feet. After all there have been no demands from her alleged kidnappers.” The Broker looked at Hayley. “The circle of friends that you have now. The people that you know. The access to cash would make you an obvious target for a ransom demand or to use Natalie as leverage to get you to do something. Why would anybody kidnap Natalie and not use her like that?”

“I do have to concede that point but I know that Natalie would never have left Charlotte hanging like that.” Both women drained the last of their lemonade. “I just know that something has happened. I have tried investigating myself but got nowhere. You are the person that I know with the best contacts, the best information network. Do you know anything?” The Broker considered this question like Hayley had asked her the meaning of life.

“I don’t,” The Broker could see the look of disappointment on Hayley’s face. “That doesn’t mean that I couldn’t though. I could make some enquiries and see what comes of it.”

“You promise to get in touch if anything comes up?” The Broker nodded. “Thank you. I really don’t know what I would have done if you couldn’t have helped.”

“I am making no promises.”

“I understand,” Hayley nodded. “What do we do now?”

“Time for your trip home,” The Broker confirmed.

“Why do I get the feeling I might not like this.” As if from nowhere Jenkins returned with the try and a large white cloth and dark coloured bottle on it.

“I believe white is a tradition colour for this sort of thing.” The Broker took both items and Jenkins turned and left. Hayley sighed and rolled her eyes Why did everyone seem to want to render her unconscious with chloroform? “I haven’t done this before.” Why did you want to start now? Hayley watched as The Broker folded the cloth into a thick pad and placed it onto the table. Next, she opened the bottle and started to pour the liquid onto the cloth. Before putting the top back on. “I assume that should be enough.” Hayley nodded as The Broker got up and walked around the coffee table to take a seat on the settee beside Hayley. “Ready?” Hayley just nodded. The Broker moved the cloth forward.

“Wait,” Hayley instructed. “Put your other hand behind my hand. Even though I know it is coming the natural reaction of the body will be to fight and try and avoid the fumes.” Hayley had already caught a whiff of the fumes. The Broker did as Hayley suggested and then applied the cloth. “mmpphhff,” Hayley moaned as the familiar scent invaded her nostrils and began the process of knocking her out.

“When you wake up you will be back on my jet to Heathrow. Ainslie and Hilarie will take care of you again. I do hope that we meet again soon.” Hayley was starting to feel the effects of the drug now as her limbs felt numb. The Brokers words were echoing around her head. “Give me a couple of days and I will try and find out something about Natalie for you.”

Hayley was starting to feel very woozy and then fifteen seconds later the shutters came down and she went out. The Broker removed the cloth and looked at the unconscious Hayley slumped back on the settee. Valentine Chase entered the room and walked across. The Broker stood up to greet her. “Is she definitely out?” Valentine lifted up Hayley’s left arm and let it drop down. Then she lifted both eyelids.

“All the way,” Valentine confirmed.

“Good. Send her home then.”

“Want me to get the word out about Natalie Twain?” Valentine asked. “See if we can get anywhere.”

“Certainly not,” The Broker replied. “I have no interest in that.” Valentine gave her a look. “What is in it for me? Anyway, I just wanted to meet the infamous Hayley King face to face.”

“Alright,” Valentine replied somewhat confused.

“They want her in London in six days so I just have to come up with some kind of pretext. See if there are any jobs going about.” Valentine cocked her head. “Kidnappings obviously.” With a flick of the hand The Broker dismissed Valentine and went back to her desk and started typing away at both laptops in turn. Lucija and Nika entered the room and carried the slumbering Hayley out and through the house toward the same car that had picked her up from the airport. It would be a long journey home.
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