Sophie's Dilemma M/F

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Sophie's Dilemma M/F

Post by wolfman »

End of a long day

Sophie pays for the cab and closes the door to her house after another long, hard day. 10 hours in a job she hates and now she all she wanted was an early night. 

She deposited her bag in the living room and went to the bedroom. She stared at herself in the mirror, at 35 she still had a figure from her 20's and her long dark brown hair flowed like silk between her shoulder blades. Her high cheek bones, lithe figure, cold smile and brown eyes gave her an air of superiority that she did not feel. Instead she felt invisible, constantly working harder than everyone around her, always getting passed over for promotion. She longed for something more.

She removed her jacket and shirt on the way to the bathroom and started the shower. Deep in thought she returned to the bedroom and removed the rest of her clothes.  Returning to the bathroom she dropped the robe and plunged into the cleansing deluge. 

The warm and powerful shower massages her aching body and washed her troubles away. She slowly washed and luxuriates in the waters warmth. Some days this was her only pleasure, this was one of those days. 

Half an hour later she emerged and after grabbing a robe, dried and plaited her hair. She contemplated a light meal but chose her bed, she was so tired. She passes out, wearing just her robe as her closet door opens. 

He emerges into the cool bedroom air after hiding an hour ago. "Just like clockwork." He thinks to himself. He had been watching her for some time, learning her routine. 

The drug he put in the shower head worked like a charm. He cleaned out the shower head and rinsed out the shower to remove all traces of the drugs, before returning to the bedroom. 

She stirred on the bed as he entered but did not wake. He quietly packed a bag for her and deposited her clothing from the day in the wash basket, before retrieving her handbag. 


"Time to get on the move." he said quietly to himself as he picked up a pair of jeans underwear and a t-shirt for the sleeping beauty. He admired her for a moment. Even asleep and without makeup she had a natural beauty which touched him. 

He gently placed cotton wool pads over her eyes before wrapping bondage tape around her head to hold them in place. He tenderly opens her mouth and fills it with her foam ball and seals it in with several more wraps of tape from her nose to her chin. 

He takes her hand and wraps her fist in tape preventing her from opening her hands. Carefully he pulls her arms behind her and wraps her wrists palm to palm and cinched with more tape. He works up her arms wrapping and cinching from her wrists up past her elbows. Sitting her up he wraps her body from her shoulders to her waist pinning her arms against her back. 

Laying her down gently, he moves to her legs wrapping first her ankles the her legs above and below the knees and her thighs. Rolling her onto her side, he bends her legs and then wraps more tape behind her knees and behind her neck. Her ankles and thighs are then bound together completing the ball tie. 

He lifts her with ease and deposits her bound form into the large holdall he brought. Zipping it closed he sighs "Why is packing for a vacation so tiring?"

The Drive

It is about 1am, the air is cool against his skin as her loads his holdall and her luggage into his car. After making sure she cannot slide around and hurt herself he closes the boot of the car. He starts the car, it's engine quiet in the night and he slips away wit his precious cargo into the darkness. He stops on the bridge as he leaves the city and takes Sophie's phone and drops it unseen, onto a passing barge, before resuming his journey. 

In the holdall, Sophie stirs. She notices how dark it is and reached for the light. "What is going on?" She wonders as her arms won't budge, she tried to stretch to no avail. She starts thrashing but cannot move. Her gag makes her screams like ghosts, barely there, but her sobs are real. Exhausted and still under the effects of the drugs, sleep and terrible dreams claim her once more.

The car pushes on into the night. 

The Arrival

It is still dark when he pulls into the driveway. He exits the car into the cool air and opens the boot. Unzipping the holdall he checks her pulse, strong and steady. He closes the bag and carries it and her overnight bag inside. 

He lifts her out of the bag, and carries her upstairs the swiftly releases her from the ball tie and cuts her arms and legs free, leaving the blindfold and gag in place and keeping her fists wrapped.

He removes her jeans, checking her legs and arms for anywhere that the tape pinched. Satisfied that she is ok, soft leather cuffs secure her wrists and ankles before he locks them to the corners of the bed, leaving her spread eagled on her back. He places a duvet over her sleeping form and leaves her to sleep it off. 


Sophie is a cheerleader, her team is losing and they need inspiration, so she starts her routine. She does a star jump and realises she is stuck. She stirs in her slumber. 

Sophie is snorkelling, the warm sea feels good against her skin as she is surrounded by fish of all colours. She strikes out for deeper water. But her outstretched arms don't move. She thrashes in the water, her air getting low as the shark emerges from the gloom. She stirs once more.

Sophie has been sunbathing all afternoon. "Time to go I guess" She muses. She moves to get up and head for the shade but cannot move. She calls for help but other sun bathers cannot hear her. She fights to move but cannot. Her skin is starting to burn as the tide starts to turn.

Sophie floats in darkness on a gentle pool. Her limbs are tickled by the current as she slowly moves across the surface of the water. The air feels warm on her body. She is moving faster as the pool joins a river. Swept ever onward she tries to roll over so she can swim to shore but the water won't ler her. She struggles in vain as she races towards the waterfall. "No!!!" she screams in silence not even heard by herself.

Sophie is a sky diver, first jump of the day, excitement fills her as she exits the plane and spreads her arms and legs to slow her descent. The wind rushing past her makes her feel alive but something is not right. She needs to deploy her parachute but her arms won't bend, she can't reach the cord. She panics as all she can do is look in horror as the ground races toward her. She is about to crash. 

From bad dreams to a nightmare

She wakes with a start thrashing and screaming. Her limbs won't respond, she cannot see and she cannot speak. Panic seizes her as she struggles for freedom. She feels his hand on her shoulder and his breath on her neck as he whispers into her ear "You are safe for now, no harm will come to you provided you do what you are told, when you are told. I am sorry for your confinement, but it is necessary." 

She whimpers and stops moving, shrinking in to herself. Scared to breath she waits in silence. 

"I have been instructed to obtain the combination to your company's safe by any means necessary. I will not hurt you unless I have to."

Her mind races, her breathing quickens. "I have never been told the combination to the safe." The thought makes her go cold inside. She moans and tries to tell her captor she hasn't got it but the gag swallows her pleas. She starts to sob. 

"I will leave you to decide, how you want to play this." The voice announces piercing her panic. 

She shakes and writhes against her bonds screaming into her gag as she hears the door click shut.
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Post by wolfman »

Feeding time‎

Sophie's mind raced as she fought her bonds. She had never had access to the safe and didn't even know where it was. She had no doubt this man would hurt her over and over to find out what she didn't know. What would happen then? Would he kill her? What could she do to save herself? 

She calmed herself and tried to think. There was no slack in her bonds and she had no way of calling for help. Her only chance would be to reason with the man. 

Sophie breathed deep and waited. 

She didn't know how long she had waited but when she heard the door she was ready. 

He heard her enter and smelt the unmistakable smell of bacon and warm bread. Reminding her how hungry she was.

"I will remove your gag and feed you, if you do anything other than wait quietly and let me feed you, I will replace the gag and leave and you will need to wait for tonight for food and water.  Do you understand?" He asks. 

She nods slowly. Thinking of her options, she decides to wait.

He unwraps the vet wrap and removes the sponge. She gulps air and moves her jaw for the first time in hours. It feels so good to breath properly again. She is overwhelmed by it and again all reason she takes a chance.

"Please" she starts "I don't knaaar" she tries to pull back, from the rubber ball he has pushed into her mouth, to no avail. 

As he buckles a leather strap behind her neck slightly he says "I thought I was clear, if you do anything other than wait quietly and let me feed you, I will replace the gag and leave and you will need to wait for tonight for food and water. You tried to speak without permission, so now you will be stay gagged until later." He seems almost regretful with his last sentence. 

She cries out for him, begging him to listen, but the ball in her mouth prevents her. She struggles again as she hears him leave.

She lays there motionless, hating herself for not at least having something to eat before her attempt. Unable to close her mouth, she smells the scent of the bacon sandwich and turns her head to the side to get rid of her drool.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Great start to this story, look forward to reading more :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Very nice story, looking forward to see if she learned her lesson and listen to what he says.
Thanks for writing.
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Post by Gagfan »

It always seems like the poor employees who don’t know the combination are the ones getting kidnapped. Poor girl sounds like she is in for a rough time
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Post by wolfman »

Feeding time, part 2‎

The hours blended into one as she waited for his return, a knot of hunger her only companion. She has an itch above her left collarbone to far for her fingers and too low for her chin. 

Her mind wanders aimlessly, she thinks of work and tries to remember if she has ever seen the safe. She knows she has not. Every day she goes from the entrance to her desk, with occasional trips to the toilet, she even eats at her desk. She speaks to those who cross her path, but not seeking out anyone. 

Her musings are interrupted by the door being opened. She smells chicken and warm bread. His footsteps approach.

"Let's try this again, I will remove your gag and feed you, if you do anything other than wait quietly and let me feed you, I will replace the gag and leave and you will need to wait until morning for food, water and a bathrom break.  Do you understand?" He asks

Sophie nods slowly. She feels gentle hands lift her head and unbuckle the strap behind her neck. The man eases the large ball out of her mouth and she flexes her jaw. 

"Water first." He says lifting her head. She drinks deeply revelling in the cool water. "Food now" he supports her as she take a bite from the chicken sandwich. The chicken has been simply but nicely cooked and the bread is fresh, the texture in her mouth is a welcome change from the rubber ball of the last few hours. 

The man continues to feed Sophie and provide water until she has had her fill. "Bathroom?" she nods feeling a pressing in her bladder. 

"Lay still until I tell you to move and then do what I say, when I say. If you resist, I will overpower you and you will be bound much less comfortably. Do you understand?"

She nods again and feels her cuffs being released from the bed. She feels his hands guiding her to her feet and feels his hand on her upper arms.   He steers her slowly and they walk for a moment. He turns her around and asks her to sit. "You know where the toilet is now, sink on your left, let me know when you are done. The hood is locked on so don't bother."

She hears footsteps away and a door closing. She takes her chance and reaches for the hood but it will not budge. She relieves herself then after working her way along the wall finds the sink and cleans herself as best she can.  She breathes deeply, centring herself and enjoying this relative freedom. 

After a moment she slumps her shoulders and says "Ready" to the waiting man. 

The door opens and she feels him at the side again. He steers her slowly again. "Thank you for your co-operation, I appreciate it." 

"Like I have a choice." the voice in the back of her head say sarcastically. 

"I am sorry for the position you are in, please understand I am only doing my job" He continues. 

"Oh great, the yuppy Nurenberg defence. Sorry that it sucks to be you, but I have bills to pay" She seethes but bites her tongue. 

"For what is it worth, I am truly sorry and I regret that our meeting has taken place under such circumstances." He say wistfully.

"What is he on about?" She asks herself. 

"I have done this job for some time. But I have never been engaged to deal with someone like you. You are incredible. " He continues. 

"Seriously, is he flirting with me?" She things incensed and enraged. "Is holding me prisoner not enough?"

"It is not ideal, but under the circumstances, I can keep you safe and attend your needs." He says almost pensively. 

"Are you trying to get me to feel grateful to you? Seriously?" she rolls her eyes under her hood, but bites her tongue. ‎

"If I may say, I another life, things could have been different" He continues.

Finally incensed, she retorts "No you may not.You have drugged me, kidnapped me in the dead of night, brought me God knows where and tied me to your bed like some type of slave. That doesn't mean you get to make small talk or flirt with me. So if you are going to kill or rape me just get it over with, and for the record I have never been told the combination."

She hears him chuckle to himself as she feels his arms grab her and pin her down. A sweet smell accompanies his hand over her face and she feels her will slip away. As the last of the fight leaves her limbs and her eyes flutter, she feels his breath against her ear as he says "I know." with a malevolence in his voice Sophie has not heard before, as she fees everything ebb away. ‎
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Post by Tieup1 »

A good chapter, I just hope Sophie can stay strong, and get away from her captor. !
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Post by wolfman »

Why Sophie?

Her head is pounding. She is once again trapped in darkness. Her mouth tastes like chemicals and the rubber ring gag forcing her mouth open, trying in vain to push it out with her tongue, she struggles. 

Sophie's hood is gone but bondage tape keeps her in darkness. The way her hair falls on her back he has released her hair from a plait and put it into a pony tail.

Her shoulders burn, her wrist high above her abound tightly palm to palm and cinched tight, the feels the rope around her wrists connecting her to the ceiling. 

She feels more rope around her ankles, tied and cinched tight. When she tries to lift her knees there is resistance. She guesses that she is secured to the floor as she has been to the ceiling.

She struggles in vain seeking slack in the ropes. But instead of slack or a knot, she only finds disappointment. She hangs her head in defeat.

"Good morning." He says.

His voice sends a cold shock through her body, she freezes. "How long has he been here?" She wonders. 

"Where to begin?" He starts "I have been hired to weaken your company, part of my process, is to analyse operations and identify weaknesses. All roads led to you." 

Her mind races "What does he mean?"

"It was never about the combination, that was just something for you to focus on, while you are in my care." He explains "In every company there are certain people who stabilise others and facilitate operations, in your company that is you. Every problem over the last ten years has been solved either directly or indirectly by you, by taking you out of the picture for a while, operations will run a little less smoothly every day. Your colleagues are good, however, without you to guide them, they will falter. Then there is the investigation of your disappearance and the disruption that will cause."

"There is no way..." She starts before thinking to herself about how many times a day she guides her colleagues, how many times her advice had removed obstacles and saved money and begins to wonder. 

"I have been commissioned to keep you out of the way for a while, my preference is to return you unharmed, but if you force my hand, that will change." His voice hardens. "You are in a bad place right now, a victim of your success. For what it is worth, I am sorry. I was hoping you would at least pretend to have the code, so we could amuse ourselves for a bit, however, it is clear you don't want that. Now there is no need for pretense, no more games, you will be kept here for the rest of your stay, fed and hosed down once per day. You will be kept until such time, as you are no longer of value"

He spoke at length but, his words were like an echo, she was no longer listening to him, as for the first time in so long, she realised her worth, knew she had value and felt her resolve harden. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to set this up and she would make them pay. She knew then she would wait for her moment and get out of this, whatever it takes.

Hard slaps to her stomach bring her back to her senses and her body is rocked backwards and forwards. "I was saying that if you want your stay to be more pleasant, you have better be nice to me"

He had slapped her with an open hand across the stomach. She felt her tight stomach burn from his assault.

"I will see you tonight to see if you have improved your outlook." She hears him turn on his heel and leave before slamming the door. 

"You will regret hitting me" she seethes to herself as she wriggles her ankles testing the slack given to her by the shaking backwards and forwards. 

In her solitude, ballagged lips smile.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good story so far. So it will be a battle of wills. At the Moment Sophie seems to be at a disadvantage, her captor holds all the cards - for now. And that may change.
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Post by wolfman »

Fight to freedom

There is not much slack but it is a start, if he comes back now and sees it, it will be secured even tighter.  She galvanises her will and begins to work her ankles, trying to loosen the ropes around them. Humming to herself as she does so. She knows roughly how long the songs are and uses this to mark the passing of time. "This is how I work, methodical, one problem at a time." She reflects, before biting down on the gag.

After 6 songs, she pauses tired and changes her focus, rubbing her face on her arms to shift the blindfold. It is slow work, the latex tape slipping on her sweat soaked arms , but slowly the blindfold shifts, she redoubles her efforts until, for the first time since her bed, she can see. She breathes deep in triumph.

She blinks in the light, letting her vision adjust. The room is small, with a large heavy looking door and a small window. The undecorated room with bare brick walls is sparsely furnished with a small table and folding chair on one side and a hose pipe on the other. Her heart lurches as she looks In the corner near the door and sees her handbag and her overnight bag. "He went through my things as well" Incensed she swears through her gag before continuing to take stock of the room.   She looks up at her red hands. The ropes are tight and tied well. However, she is hanging from a pipe which looks a little less than sturdy. 

She focusses on her legs now at least able to move them a little. As she works her ankles, she looks up seeing the pipe shift ever so slightly. She alternates holding one leg straight and trying to raise her other foot as much as possible. "This is what I do, focus on problems and do little things to solve them when the big stuff is out of reach." She realises. Slowly and methodically she stetches her legs, working her bonds. She fought to ignore the pain from her red raw ankle and stifles a whimper as she feels blood dripping down onto her foot. The slow drip of her blood onto the floor adding a perverse beat to her humming.

The songs pass by slowly until her efforts are rewarded and the combination of her efforts and the lubrication of her blood sees her left foot slowly slide free and with a tug it is soon joined by her right. Her heart leaps. 

A slow clap is heard from the speaker. "Well done, I thought I would give you something to do to pass the time and am very impressed" The man's voice drips sarcasm. 

"Don't worry you won't get free so easily, I will be there shortly to secure you again for your next challenge" He proclaims. 

"NO" she screams "This will not end like this." She has an idea, if she can swing enough she might be able to loosen the pipe so she can face him on her feet at least. She swings for all she is worth and hears a creak from above. With all her might she fights, swinging her legs and body high and fast. 

She knows she is doomed as she hears his footsteps approach. Still she swings with all she is worth as the door opens.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great continuation. We'll done.
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Post by harveygasson »

Fantastic story so far! Really great work
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good continuation, I hope Sophie gets free, she deserves some luck. !
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Post by wolfman »

A bolt from the blue‎

He enters, chuckling "Time for..." He is cut off by a crack from above and a foot striking his cheek hard. Stunned he flails backwards, stumbling over her holdall. 

Sophie feels her foot connect with a crunch, the impact robbing her of momentum, she falls to the floor landing heavily on her side winding her. 

It hurts to breath and she blacks out from the pain in her ribs. 

She wakes groggily, laying on the floor, her whole body aches and it is so hard to move. She turns on her side and manages to get her still bound hands under her so she can sit. She reaches up, winching with the pain from her ribs, she lifts her hands up and over her head, reaching the buckle of her gag, freeing her mouth. She finds it hard to close her mouth, let alone swallow.

She remembers Him. She closes her eyes and turns slowly, expecting him to be waiting for her and ready witha retort. She cannot be sure, but he appears around medium build, maybe 5 foot 10 tall with a bland face. The only distinguishing feature is his sunken left cheek, covered in blood from his closed eye. He is still, his chest is not moving and his collar is wet with blood, driiping from the back of his head.  

"What have I done?" She panics and crawls to him trying to wake him, she cannot find a pulse. She hangs her head and her shoulders tremble as she cries, each sob wracking her body with pain from her ribs. He was still a person and did not need to die. 

Under his arm she sees her handbag. She braces herself, touching his arm to brush it to one side, she grabs her bag and scoots back. She dives into her bag desperately trying to find her phone, her heart sinks when she see it is missing. She starts to tremble, on autopilot, she retrieves her lighter and a cigarette and shakily lights it, taking a deep drag, letting the smoke fill her lungs, as the smoke curls from her lips,  she regains her focus and feels her nrves steady.

She tries to twist her wrists to work the ropes, but they are too secure. She tips her bag onto the floor scouring it's contents until she sees what she is looking for. A humble pencil. Discarding the cigarrete, she grabs the wooden implement and takes it between her teeth and uses it to try to loosen the knot, but it is too tight. She lifts her hands to her chest and attacks the knot from a different angle. She wedges it into the knot and pressed the pencil against the table leg, forcing it into the knot, she twists it working the rope loose. Finally the knot is undone, she uses her teeth to unwind the rope.

She lays back finally free. Slowly she rises, checking the man's neck, she cannot find a pulse. She shudders. Sorry for the life she has taken. She sits numb for the longest time. Her overnight bag rests against his leg, without thinking she collects it and moves away from him. She takes out a t-shirt, slowly she tears it into strips and uses them to bandage her ankle. She puts on a pair of jeans and shoes. 

She picks up her handbag and gathers her personal items. She braces herself and reaches into His pockets. Her search is rewarded with a phone and a set of car keys. But no wallet. Checking the phone she sees there is no signal

Sophie struggles to her feet, the pain in her foot, ankle and chest washes over her like a spring tide. Slowly she opens the door and finds herself at the end of a corridor. One agonizing step follows another as she pushes towards the light at one end.

She freezes, did she just hear something. She stands motionless waiting, breathing shallow. After an eternity she continues on her painful journey, she enters the light.

The breeze feels invigorating on her face and the sun fills her with warmth. She sees the abandoned farm buildings and the car parked outside. 

Sophie slowly turns back to the corridor, trying not to think of the man she left there. She staggers to the car and gets in, locking the door. She feels cold and begins to shake. Another cigarette finds it way between her lips. She sit quietly, filing the vehicle with smoke hoping it will hide her. Checking the phone for a signal again to no avail, she notes the date. She has been kept here a week.

She starts the car and drives away from the farm with the phone in hand. As soon as she gets a signal, she calls for the police. The voice on the other end opens the floodgates and she breaks down spilling the whole story. The despatcher sends a a local police unit to her location. She keeps talking until they arrive reliving her story, over and over. 

The officers arrive quickly and wrap her in a blanket, listen closely to her story and call for backup and an ambulance. 

The police at the farm arrive to find it in flames, a fire later found to be started by an electrical fault.

Sophie was rushed to hospital and treated for a broken metatarsal, cracked ribs, damaged ligaments in her wrists, arms and shoulder, lacerations on her ankles and severe bruising. 


The farmhouse

He gets up from the floor, his face in pain, his eye non responsive, his hand touches the back of his head finding blood. He chuckles to himself and rises to his feet exiting the room. Walking up the corridor he notes the trail of blood from Sophie and nods. "Good work." he says in quiet admiration.

Crossing the courtyard he enters the farmhouse and pick up the landline. A voice answers "Yes?"

"She has escaped. Lucky for me she has no idea how to find a pulse. " He advises. 

"Very good." Comes the reply. 

"She was a lot stronger than you thought, she is a good one." He says removing the memory card from the cameras.  

"I knew she was good from the start, this has merely confirmed this. And with the strength she will gain from her ordeal, she will be even more of an asset." the voice responds.

"I will torch the farmhouse and disappear, can you arrange a pickup for me." He says touching his cheek "and a surgeon?"

"Already en route. Excellent work, you will get a bonus for your efforts on this. How about some time in the Seychelles to recover. " the voice advises

"Thank you sir." He says as he activates a switch and walks away. Within moments the farm is aflame and he is gone.


There is enough evidence at the farm to confirm Sophie's story. However, no body was found.

The police explain that when she didn't show for work Monday and no one could reach her, the alarm was raised, they tracked her phone to a barge 30 miles away. 

Her employer posted a reward for information leading to her safe return, which as she freed herself, has been agreed that she would get. 

After three weeks of medical care and counselling, she returned to work. Her new focus and inner strength gaining her a promotion soon after. 

She still sleeps with the light on, she still looks over her shoulder wherever she goes, she carries a small multi tool in her bag. However, Sophie gets up every day and faces the world. 

Sophie will be ok.  
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Post by slackywacky »

Sophie is one strong woman.

Thanks for writing this, and thanks for leaving an option for a sequel. :-)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree totally [mention]slackywacky[/mention] - great story, and a great Protagonist, Sophie. The Epilogue was .... intriguing :) May a sequel sheds more light :)
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Post by Tieup1 »

Very good story, well written, and a super conclusion. A very good read :)
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Post by wolfman »

Thank you to everyone for your feedback on this.

I had a lot of fun with this story and I am working on a couple of other ideas at the moment.

Never fear, Sophie will return
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Post by Caesar73 »

Sounds like good news to me 😊
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