Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by Caesar73 »

Time for Action :)
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Post by wolfman »

Everything seems to slow down, as the grey van reverses in front of Kate blocking her path. The black van reverses sharply behind her, it's occupants pulling open the side door. Kate turns reflexively and feels a sharp pain just under her collar bone. 

Two men jump from the black van to catch her, as the tranquilliser dart takes effect. Kate falls into their arms, as her body betrays her. 

The side door of the grey van opens and Sasha, Steve and Louise duck, as their vehicles windshield, shatters under a barrage of automatic weapons fire. 

Sasha screams, as she is showered with glass and can feel the thump of bullets, slamming into the body of the vehicle and the back of her seat, as they zip over her.

The gunfire ends abruptly, with a screech of tyres. Steve sits up and shouts, "Shit, Is everyone ok?" 

Louise sits up slowly and nods. Sasha runs her hands over her body and sits up stunned that she is ok. ‎She sees the vans making their way to the exit of the car park "Kate!", she screams. 

She hears an echo of Kate's voice in her head, "Price was a beast and you survived. You were jumped by six guys twice your size and you got some licks in. You can do this." 

Sasha slams the vehicle into first gear and guns the engine. The metal of the front wheels, screeches against the tarmac, as the bullet ridden vehicle surges forward. 

Steve and Louise are thrown wildly from side to side in the back of the bucking four by four, as they try to retrieve handguns, from concealed holsters in the vehicle's door. They look at each other, as they realise Sasha is whispering, "Please be ok, I can't lose you Kate." over and over again. 

Sasha was listening when Kate told her about driving a vehicle through a skid and right now, she feels every word transformed into deed, as the SUV slews across the car park. at speed, on course to intercept the vans.

The eyes of the man driving the black van, widen as the SUV careens into view too close to react. He is too slow to brake and cries out in frustration, as the front of the SUV strikes the wing of the van, with a sickening squeal of twisted metal, sending it side ways into a row of parked cars.

Louise is up and out of the SUV as soon as it stops moving, weapon in hand, eyes searching. She sees the driver of the other vehicle, slumped across the steering wheel, neck at an unnatural angle.

Steve is hot on Louise's heels, happy that Sasha is dazed but ok. He steps out of the vehicle as the grey van, screeches to a halt turning side on. He turns to face the vehicle and raises his weapon, shouting, "Driver."

Louise takes aim as the rear door of the grey van slides open and she and Steve fire simultaneously. A brace of rounds, from her handgun strike the driver, in the neck, whilst Steve rapidly double taps, the two men in the back of the van. 

Steve moves in a rapid combat crouch to the rear of the black van, grasping the door handle and nodding to Lou. She sprints to the front of the van and as Steve pulls the rear door sharply open and steps back, she jumps onto the vans front bumper and fires through the cab, striking the backs of the distracted men, in the vans rear. 

When she stops shooting, Steve steps into the rear compartment of the van, finishing off the occupants and crouching at Kate's, unconscious side, checking her for injuries and snipping the zip ties from her wrists and ankles, "I am glad you are ok sis.", he says relieved. 

Louise, sweeps the grey van, taking any paperwork and communication device she can find and stashing them into a pocket. "Oh shit." she thinks, turning to see Sasha staring at the motionless driver of the black van.

Louise runs to her side and spins her away from the man, hugging her close, "You were so brave, you did so well."

"Oh, Lou, I ki-", Sasha begins, her voice drowned out by Louise's handgun, as she fires, suddenly. 

"My God, are you ok Sasha? He was going for a gun." Louise asks, looking into the young woman's eyes. 

Sasha cries, "But I thought he was dead."

"No, he was playing dead to ambush us, I am so sorry, I missed it earlier." Louise explains, with a worried look on her face. 

Steve pulls his phone, dialing quickly, "Steve." the voice responds. 

"Collins. Prep the Falcon for immediate dust off, hot zone extraction, four harness, winch and Wiphos.", Steve says, rapidly.

"Oh shit. Where from?" Collins says. 

"Car park of the airport, you just dropped us off at. Four to go plus cargo, preferred time five minutes ago, destination France." Steve says. 

"And there was me thinking, that the old days were dead. Eta two minutes." Collins says hanging up. 

"This will be tight." Steve says, putting away his phone and picking up Kate and preparing to leave the vehicle. ‎He steps out of the van, he nods to Louise, who guides Sasha away from the SUV, in a race against the approaching police sirens.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beautiful scripted Action Sequence! Just stating the obvious here: The Attackers went after Kate. Why? We'll learn at some point :) We know already, that Sasha regrets lying to Kate. I'm more and more curious, what she lied about. And there is that moment, when Kate noti ed some resemblance between herself, Sasha and Steve ..... I do like all that mystery, [mention]wolfman[/mention] !!
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Beautiful scripted Action Sequence! Just stating the obvious here: The Attackers went after Kate. Why? We'll learn at some point :) We know already, that Sasha regrets lying to Kate. I'm more and more curious, what she lied about. And there is that moment, when Kate noti ed some resemblance between herself, Sasha and Steve ..... I do like all that mystery, @wolfman !!
Thank you Caesar. Rest assured that answers are coming and that the horrible truth will be revealed.
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Post by Caesar73 »

At the moment I would say, that Sasha is related to Steve and Kate. That seems fairly certain to me. But what kind of relation exactly remains to be seen.
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Post by wolfman »

Steve looks up at the stealth helicopter, freshly liberated from the stock pile of Advanced Options assets, knowing Singer and Garvey are ready. "Garvey, Singer and Collins are the best extraction team I have every worked with. They have pulled me out of active sites the world over. I am glad we saved them from the fall out of Advanced Options collapse."

He holds Kate's unconscious body against him, held upright by the harness connecting her to the helicopter above. He nods to Louise and mouths the words, "Get ready."

Louise hugs Sasha and shouts about the helicopter noise, "Hold on tight."

Sasha looks at her confused, until Steve gives the signal and the helicopter rapidly ascends.

Sasha screams in terror, as she is yanked skyward. She looks at the rapidly receding car park, watching the vans and their SUV explode in white light. 

She feels hands on her and struggles in panic, until she sees the kind eyes of the man whose massive hands and arms, help her into the helicopter. Her legs buckle, when she tries to stand, but the man is there to catch her and help her to a seat. 

He places a gentle hand between her shoulders and softly pushes her forward, so her head is between her knees. Sasha doesn't resist when she feels headphones being slipped onto her head. 

"Alright love, you're ok now. Just stay like that for a minute and take a few deep breaths.", his voice rumbles in her ears. He gives her a bottle of water, "Take a few sips of that when you are ready. My name is Garvey, if you need anything just press the button on the right ear piece and ask."

She sips the water and looks around the cabin of the helicopter. Realising that Kate is next to her on a stretcher. "Kate." he cries, shaking her unconscious body, "No, no, no. Kate, please don't be dead." she wails, clutching her hand and shaking her body.

Steve speaks softly over the headset, "Don't worry Sasha. She is ok, they must have drugged her. She will wake up in a while with a bit of headache, but she will be ok."

"R-really." she asks, hopefully. 

With a smile and a wink, he replies, "Really."

Sasha holds Kate's hand and smiles, "Thank you."

"For what?", he asks, warmly.

"You guys saved Kate.", she says a little teary eyed. 

"Oh no Sasha, you did." Louise says warmly, "If they had escaped, we would never have been able to. You did so well to drive the car in that state. After being shot at most people would have just stayed curled up on the seat."

Sasha looks awkwardly at the floor, "I just did what Kate would have done."

"When she wakes up you can tell her what happened.", Steve says, warmly, "I am sure she will very proud of you.", thinking, "Although, I am not sure how surprised she will be."

Steve stares out of the window of the helicopter as the aircraft, clears the UK coast and begins crossing the Channel. The aircrafts radar defeating profile and composition, rendering it incisible to UK air traffic control. 

He glances over at Sasha, as she closely watches Kate, "This is a mess. Well Shimada, I certainly feel the power of my disquiet, I guess this is the new battle ground."

He feels a hand on his arm and looks at Louise. She smiles and mouths the words, "Channel six."

He clicks the headset over, preparing for the hardest conversation of his life and says, "Whatever else you think of me, I need you to know that I love you."

"So,", Louise pauses, "You have a daughter."

He nods, staring at the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me?", she says softly, any trace of anger, she might feel, eclipsed by a profound hurt inside. 

"I am so sorry Lou. I should have told you. I knew I had kids, but never expected to meet them.", he says, glancing at Sasha. 

"Kids?", she asks, blinking rapidly and trying to swallow, "How many have you got?"

"I don't know.", he says, for the first time in her eyes, he seems lost.

She raises her eyebrows, "How?", she struggles to form words, thinking, "How many women has he slept with? What kind of man have I married?"

"It is a long story." Steve says hanging his head.

"Year two thousand. Central Africa, doesn't matter where. We were sent in to scout a local generals private compound, there were rumours that he was stockpiling equipment in preparation for mounting a coup.", he starts, calmly. 

"The op was screwed from the start. There were only supposed to be thirty troops and a pile of boxes.", he pauses as his eye twitches, "It wasn't until we got onsite, that we found out that the place was at the head of a valley, crawling with troops. We knew if they mobilised, the country would fall.  Our orders were clear, paint the targets, wait for the bombs, clear out the site. We spread out, painted key targets site and blew the place to hell. Then it went from bad to worse, we destroyed assets on site, but the local militia troops were alerted and came for us." 

"What does this have to do with anything?" Louise wonders. 

"They were loyal to him and knew a they would be rich if they saved him from us. Wave after wave came for us, we fell back time after time, throughout the night. By the time the sun rose, the valley was a abbatoir. Blood and bodies littered the area, half the team were pinned down and the rest of us were wounded. We were down to blades and fists, but it didn't matter, they were routed. We re-armed from the fallen men's equipment and swept back up through the valley, hitting the compound around noon." Steve shakes his head. 

"They didn't know what hit them. It was a bloodbath. Any possible coup, ended that day. We returned heroes, but, we all had blood on our hands. we have all been injured, but the wounds went deeper than flesh and bone. We were a bloody mess." He pauses, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I had been shot twice and stabbed, so was on medical leave for a month while I recovered. Stuck in a small room with only bandages for company.", Steve twists his face, as if chewing something unwholesome. 

"I counted the cost of my life, in terms of the lives I had ended, so that I may live. I knew how many lives I had ended over the course of that day and found myself sickened. I couldn't get their faces out of my head. Don't get me wrong, I knew that if the coup had gone ahead, many more life's would have been lost."

He composes himself, and continues, "But, I still felt a bit lost. I decided in what little wisdom I had that after taking so many lives, I needed to give a few lives back.", Steve looks at Lou, hoping for forgiveness, "I did a little research and I became a sperm donor at a fertility clinic, near our base in Poole. My thought was that there were people who wanted the chance to have a family and I wanted to bring life into the world. Seemed logical at the time, even though, as I explain it now, I know how it sounds."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?", Louise says, surprised by his explanation.

"After what your sister did to you, I could never find the right words to tell you. I am sorry.", Steve says, gently holding her hand. 

They sit in silence, lost in their thoughts, until Louise softly asks, "Did you ever try to find them? Your children I mean."

"No.", Steve sighs, "I am not a good man. Until you, I was incapable of doing right by others. I wanted them to have a good life and if that meant staying away, I was good with that."

"You are a good man Steve. I saw that right from the start. You have done bad things, but you are still a good man." Louise whispers softly.

"I never expected to meet any of the children, I had fathered. I am so sorry Louise. I should have told you.", he explains, staring at the floor. 

"Yes you should, you silly sod." Louise says with a playful punch to his arm, "You do realise that it was a bit of a dumb idea?"

"I was young and stupid. I am so sorry. I should have told you." Steve apologises. 

"Yes, you should." Louise says, shaking her head, "Anything else I should know about."

With a heavy heart, Steve admits, "Yes, the man in Tokyo, was the head of the fertility clinic, that I donated to."

"Oh God." Louise says, raising her hand to cover her mouth, understanding the implications.

"Yeah.", he nods grimly, leaving the point unspoken.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Sasha caring about Kate is beautifully written. She has a connection to Kate. And know we know how Steve fits in. The conversation between Steve and Louise is one of my favourite scenes in this part. Step by step Louise learns about Steves life. And she never doubts him. So, just asking: Kate is Sashas Aunt then?
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Sasha caring about Kate is beautifully written. She has a connection to Kate. And know we know how Steve fits in. The conversation between Steve and Louise is one of my favourite scenes in this part. Step by step Louise learns about Steves life. And she never doubts him. So, just asking: Kate is Sashas Aunt then?
Indeed. She is Auntie Kate and Louise it also makes Louise her step mother.
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Post by wolfman »

"Within two hours of meeting him, I have witnessed your kidnapping, had a car crash, been involved in your rescue and whisked to France on a helicopter." Sasha says, to a still unconscious Kate, "Please come back to me, I can't do this alone."

"Sasha, you have been on the go for a while, why don't I take over and you get something to eat, sweetie." Louise says, softly. 

"I can't, I need her to be ok.", Sasha pleads.

"Oh Sasha, she will be asleep for a while and I will keep a watch on her. She needs you to be strong. I will let you know if she wakes." Louise assures her. 

Sasha's stomach rumbles, "I guess a few minutes would be ok.", she says, reluctantly. 

"There is selection on the hot cart next door. Have as much as you want and relax, you are safe and so is Kate." Louise says with a smile. 

Sasha wolf's down a bacon, egg, tobasco and avocado sandwich and is preparing another one, when a voice behind her makes her freeze. 

She turns startled unaware of the other presence in the room, "That looks good, I might have one myself.", Steve says, "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump."

"That's ok," Sasha says nervously as she makes a sandwich and offers it to Steve. 

"I would never take food from the mouth of another person." Steve says, constructing his own feast, "I think you and I need to talk, don't you?"

"Yes sir." Sasha says, sincerely, watching the quick precise movements he makes, as his sandwich takes shape. 

Steve stops and turns to Sasha, "After the way you handled yourself today, you never have to call me sir.", he says, with a smile, as he slices a sausage, lining a slice of bread. "Since the moment we met, I have had the feeling that you have something you need to talk to me about."

She bites her lip and nods. 

Steve takes a deep breath and utters the hardest sentence of his life, "I am your father." 

"I know.", Sasha admits, closing her eyes and confessing, "I lied to Kate about why I was looking for you. I need your help."

"How do you mean?", Steve asks, gently. 

"I told her I wanted to see you, because you killed the man who made me a monster.", she struggles to speak, "But I knew you were my father, I know exactly who you are."

"Why didn't you tell Kate?", he asks, softly.

"You had just got married and had this perfect life, I thought she might think I am just here for what I could get and send me away, before I got a chance to see you.", she whispers. 

"Oh Sasha." Steve says, smiling gently at her, "Kate wouldn't do that."

"She is so lovely, but I couldn't be sure." Sasha speaks, looking at the door to the room, where Louise maintains her vigil over Kate. 

"Yes, she is." Steve admits, thinking "She is holding back."

He smiles softly at her, "You have nothing to fear from me, Sasha. I am here for you. Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

Sasha's eyes widen and her breathing becomes erratic. Steve sits at the table opposite her, moving her plate aside, before taking her hands gently in his. "You have something weighing on you. I can feel it. You can tell me. There is nothing you can say that will shock me."

"I can't.", she blurts out, "It hurts so much. I can't go on lying."

"Sasha, you are my daughter, I know it is a bit late in your life to say it, but I am here for you.", Steve releases her hands and moves around the table to sit next to her and wrap an arm around her shoulders. "You can tell me anything."

"That night, I lay there, unable to move and every part of me hurt. He kept cutting, I couldn't stop him, I ws tied too tight, I screamed and pleaded until he stuffed one of my t-shirts in my mouth. My nose was clogged with blood and I couldn't breath, I tried to plead with him, but he just kept on cutting. It was too much, I couldn't fight it, I passed out.", Sasha stares into space, wrestling with herself.

Steve squeezes her shoulder gently, to show her that he is with her, as she continues. "I woke up and he was on top of me, kissing me and saying thank you. Every part of me hurt like before, but I felt....", she slumps, overwhelmed by tears. "He had forced himself on me."

While Steve listens to his daughter, the room seems to grow, and the air seems to crush his body, "With everything I know of pain, I wish I knew how to heal it." Steve thinks as he scoops Sasha off of the chair and cradles her in his arms, moving to the sofa.

"His hands squeezed my neck and I felt my life slip away and I was glad. I couldn't live with what he did to me. He'd killed Mum and Mac, tortured and forced himself on me. I just wanted peace. When I woke in the hospital, cried, not from the pain, but because it wasn't over. They had to keep me sedated for the first week.", Sasha says, between sobs, unable to stop speaking as her emotions overwhelm her.

"I felt like a ghost, a social worker, helped with the funeral and got me a flat, after I was discharged from the hospital. I sat for hours crying, unable to tell anyone what he had done to me.", Sasha continues, "Whilst my body had healed, my heart was still broken and I still returned to that moment every time I slept. Until I met Kate. She saved me from an agony without death and for a few shining moments, made me feel like it was ok to be me. A far cry from the hell of my flat. I cried myself to sleep every night, screamed myself wake every day, I threw up every morning and dreaded each day."

"Oh God, please no.", Steve thinking the worst, as she continues. "Oh Sasha, you poor love. I am so sorry."

She sits silently rocking in Steve's arms. "I had missed two periods.", she says, trying to compose herself, "I took a test and it confirmed I was pregnant. I threw the test way, telling myself it wasn't possible. When the next test confirmed it, I sat for the longest time. There was no one else it could be. I was carrying my attackers baby."

"I was terrified of having his baby. I felt every breath giving a part of him life within me. But, I couldn't bring myself to end the pregnancy. I decided that it was not the babies fault and I would put it up for adoption, it could have a good life and not have the burden of knowing where it came from." her voice trails off, swallowed by her tears.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that on your own." Steve says, tears in his eyes, "You never need to be alone again."

"Then one night six weeks ago, I woke in a cold sweat, with a massive pain in my stomach. I couldn't remember falling asleep in the bath. I struggled to climb out, the blood covering my legs made my feet slip. Something felt so very wrong, I felt empty.", Sasha's eyes plead with Steve, for something unspoken, "I called an ambulance. The medics looked so sad, when they were examining me. They wasted no time getting me on a stretcher. I passed out on the way and woke up in a busy A & E, surrounded by the chaos of a Friday night.", Steve cradles her close, holding tight, as if loosening his embrace would see her float away.

"The doctors could barely look me in the eyes. It was almost worse than after Price left me cut to pieces.  When the consultant, spoke to me, it was like, he was in front of me, but his voice was far away. He told me  catastrophic complication as he put it. I had lost the baby, but the paramedics, who came out had found nothing of it. For hours, they asked me question after question, like I was a criminal.", her voice cracks, broken, by the pain in her heart.

"I left the hospital and walked for hours, trying to work out how I felt. The baby was gone and with it any link to the man who attacked me. I didn't know what it meant or how I was supposed to feel. When I returned to my flat, there was an envelope waiting for me. It had your photo and a note saying, 'The man in the photo is your father. He killed the man who cut you up and fathered your child. Find him and tell your story. He will keep you safe."
Last edited by wolfman 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Another mystery: Who left the envelope.??
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Post by wolfman »

"Why is someone targeting my kids. This doesn't feel like a vendetta. If it were, then why go after kids, I have never met." Steve thinks in the aftermath of Sasha's confession. "Who told her to come to me?"

Sasha lays cradled in his arms, resting her head on his chest, "Thank you." she says weakly. 

Confused, Steve looks down at her, "What for?"

"For listening and not judging me.", Sasha whispers. 

"I cannot even begin to guess what you have been through and how hard it was to tell me. You are so very brave.", Steve says, softly, choking back tears. "Even though, I have no right to be, I am so very proud of you."

She tries to get free of his embrace, but he holds her close, "Don't mock me." she says, her voice tinged with pain. 

Steve pulls her close and speak softly, trying to maintain his composure, "Oh Sasha, far from it. You have been through hell and haven't lain down, haven't given up. You have been through an ordeal that would have killed most, and an aftermath that would have driven some to take their own lives or worse. Yet here you are. You saved Kate's life, didn't fold or crumble. You are so very strong.", he reaches down and gently turns her face to his and looks her in the eyes, "I am so proud of you." he says with all the sincerity of his being.

"I am not strong. I am weak. I couldn't do anything to stop him and or the men that took my baby. I am useless.", Sasha says, quietly. "I am useless."

"No, you are not. If you were, you wouldn't have been able to find me. You wouldn't have been able to ram the vehicle Kate's kidnappers were in and you wouldn't have been able to keep yourself going. You are more capable than you know." he says, gently.

"I guess so.", she mumbles.

"I can't do much, but, I am pretty good at helping people find their strengths. Would you let me help you?", he asks, softly. 

"I don't have any.", she shrugs, "I just want this to end."

"To end this, we need to find out who is behind it. When Kate wakes up, I need to talk to her, before we can begin." Steve says, deep in thought. "Things may get hairy, if you want to stay here, I understand."

She sits quietly for a moment, before looking up at Steve and saying, "I want to know why? Why me? Why take my child? I know I didn't want to keep it, but I wanted it to have life. I need to find out why?"

Steve nods, slowly. He leans down and places a gently kiss on the top of her head. "Getting answers is something I am good at. Jump up, we have work to do."

While Sasha freshens up and gets her boots on, he pops his head around the door of Kate's room. 

Louise looks up and smiles, asking "How is she?", before she notices how drained Steve looks, "Is everything ok?"

He steps inside, closing the door behind him. Silently he crossed the room and takes her in his arms holding her close. Louise embraces him tightly sensing something is wrong. "Steve?" she asks, fearfully. 

"You are my strength, my sword and my shield.", he thinks as he holds her. in her arms, whatever maelstrom he faces, fades, "I need to hold her, even without words, even for just a moment, she heals me."

"I love you.", he says softly, any other words, meaningless in this moment. "Whenever, I am weak, you make me strong. I wish I had that gift."

"Steve, what is it?" Louise asks concerned, "What's happened?"

He leans forward and begins to whisper into her ear, not wishing to tell of Sasha's ordeal out loud.

Louise focuses on the feel of his arms around her, trying to distance herself from the words pouring into her ears. As Steve speaks, she finds herself holding him tighter, as if her arms are the only thing keeping him in one piece. 

When he finishes, he relaxes his embrace and looks his wife in the eyes, "What of the others on the list?", the words dribble lifelessly from his lips.  

"I have the names, I will make some enquiries." Louise looks at Steve, gravely, "This will get bad won't it?"

Steve nods thoughtfully. "Sasha wants to be involved. I think she needs this."

"Be careful Steve. She is only young. She is not meant for this life." Louise says softly. 

"I know.", Steve says, sadly, "I know.", he pauses and sighs deeply, "I thought if I stayed away that they would be safe. I was so stupid. This is my fault."

"You always say to me, don't blame yourself for the actions of others, you had no way of knowing." Louise says, kissing his cheek, "You did what you thought was right."

"I guess so.", he says, deep in thought. 

"Snap out of it soldier.", she barks, "You need to be focused and ready for anything. That girl needs you, in ways you can't even begin to know. Drop the self pity, dust yourself off and do what you have always done."

Steve straightens up, almost standing at attention. He smiles at his wife, with a glint in his eyes, "What have I always done?"

"Whatever, you need to." Louise says, with a fire in her voice, she continues, "Prepare yourself soldier, war has been declared."

He smiles darkly, "Time to take the battle to them.", he speaks in a low tone and then winks, "Such a shame Kate is in that bed."

Louise gives a smile and scrunches up her nose, "There will be plenty of time for that."

He kisses her deeply and gives her a cheeky smile and a wink, "Count on it."

As he leaves the room to return to Sasha, Louise takes out her phone and dials a number thinking, "I hate to do this, but I have to be sure."

"Dr Bryce speaking." he answers promptly. 

"Good afternoon, this is Louise Marks.", she says, in a clipped tone, "You examined Sasha turner."

"Yes ma'am I did.", he says, calmly. 

"What tests did you run?" Louise asks, softly. 

"Full range. As she was connected to Price, I took the liberty of running a familial comparison test, but the results are not yet in.", he answers, directly. 

"Thank you doctor, I appreciate that. Was there anything in the tests, that you did not pass on to Kate as you felt it was not relevant? There is no problem, I just need to know." She speaks, gently. 

"Not really, oh actually." he pauses, to the sound of tapping keys, "Yes. Two things actually, she has recently either had or lost a child."

"I feel such a bitch for needing to check." she thinks, bitterly. "Thank you doctor, what was the other thing?" she asks curiously.

"More an observation that anything else. She had quite a beating the night before, but if I didn't know better, I would have sworn it happened a few days ago."

"So she is tough then?" Louise asks, with a little admiration. 

"Yes, I would say so.", Bryce says with a smile and nod.

Sasha looks up nervously, as Steve emerges from the room, "How is Kate?"

"She is still resting. She is in safe hands." Steve says with a smile. 

Sasha beams, "Thank you. Erm?", she pauses for a moment, "Should I call you dad?"

"I am your father, but I have not earned the right to be called dad. If you want you can call me Steve or whatever you feel comfortable with." Steve says, unsure. 

"Ok, Steve." Sasha begins, "Where do we start?"

"I have no idea what we will face, I need to know, what skills and capabilities you have, up front." Steve says, calmly. 

"Ask away." Sasha says, enthusiastically. 

"No, come with me." he says, calmly, "I need to see what you can do."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hmm, there are things that Sasha is not telling .... she recovers quickly, too quickly?
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Post by wolfman »

"I need to know your limits." Steve says, in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The mansion at the heart of the resort rises behind him. 

Sasha stands before him, in black leggings, and a black long sleeved t-shirt, "I am not in great shape. I haven't exercised since my attack."

"That is fine, I am interested in finding your limits, not qualifying you for the Olympics.", Steve says, gently, "Follow me."

He starts running, forcing Sasha to keep pace. Steve maintains an even but steady pace, as he runs through the grounds. Sasha struggles at first, but falls in step in behind him, finding her rhythm, when they pass the tennis courts and head across a field towards the forest.

Subtly, he picks up his pace, noting that while Sasha is struggling to keep up, she is fighting to keep going, "So far, so good. She might not be in great shape as she puts it, but she is doing, fairly well."

As he presses on through the woods, his senses are alive, "Every so often there is a noise out of place. I can't help but think, we are not alone. Let's carry on as we are and then, see what happens."

He stops at the top of a waterfall and waits for Sasha, she crashes to the ground at his feet collapsing from the effort. "Do you want water?", he asks, looking down at her. 

She nods breathlessly. He cocks his thumb towards, the waterfall. Sasha looks at him quizzically. "Plenty at the bottom.", he points to the lagoon at the waterfalls base, surrounded on all sides by sheer rocks.

"You want me to climb down there?" Sasha asks breathlessly, "No way, one slip and I am dead. You are crazy."

"No.", he says smiling, "I don't want you to climb down.", he turns and sprints towards the edge, launching himself into the air before plunging into the water thirty feet below. 

"I am not doing that." Sasha whispers to herself, with wide eyed shock. 

"What the hell is this anyway?", she thinks staring at the water, "Crazy bastard. How will this help?"

The ripples from Steve's dive fade and calm returns to the surface. Sasha shivers, despite the warmth of the day, "Where are you?", she thinks, scanning the surface.

"Steve." Sasha calls out pacing the ridge, "Steve!"

"He is not coming up.", she thinks, panicked, taking a few steps back from the edge, "I can't lose him, not now."

She runs hard at the edge and screams as she plunges into the lake. Sasha kicks hard for the surface and when she breaches turns sharply in the water, calling out "Steve, where are you? Come back to me." with tears in her eyes.

"Behind you.", he says, "I am sorry to give you a fright."

"You bastard, I thought you were dead.", Sasha protests, tearfully, beating at his chest.

Steve swims closer, embracing her, trapping her arms "Sorry, I needed to know, if you would leap in just because I told you."

"Great so now I failed your test, now what?" she asks bitterly. 

"You didn't jump in when I told you, but you did when you thought I was in trouble." he says, "I don't want to work with someone, who will blindly follow orders without their own judgement. I want someone who can act when they feel they should. Remember this feeling, you can do anything, when your heart is in it."

"Really?" she asks, hopefully. Steve nods and Sasha says, "So how do we get out of here."

"Not too much of a climb.", he smiles, mischievously. 

"Really? Place like this, in the grounds of a resort and no path?", Sasha says exasperated. 

"Nice deductive reasoning." Steve thinks, before he says, "Let's see if we can find one."

"Cool.", she says looking at the lichen covered rocks around the lagoon, "It is beautiful here, it is a shame to leave so soon." she kicks away from Steve and floats on her back gazing at the rocks and sky.

"You like the water?", Steve asks, curiously. 

"Yeah, my friends and I would be in the sea every chance we got every summer. I love the water.", Sasha says, wistfully, "Mum used to say I was part fish."

Steve swims over and places a gentle hand on her shoulder. "It's ok."

"I can't help it, I miss them so much.", Sasha confesses. 

"It's ok to miss them. I know it feels raw right now, but it does get easier. The pain of loss fades, as the warmth of their love endures.", Steve says softly. 

"I am so sorry, Kate said Price killed your parents too." Sasha says, sympathetically. 

"Thank you. I still miss them." he says, with a sigh, "They would have loved you."

"Really? How come?", Sasha asks, confused.

"They always wanted grandkids. You are beautiful, smart and sweet. They would have been so proud of you.", he says, wiping a tear from her eyes. "I wish you could have met them."

"Price killed my grand parents too.", she whispers, coming to the realisation for the first time. 

Steve realises what is happening, the moment she whispers and swims over to her, wrapping an arm around her and kicking for the shore. "I am so sorry, Sasha, I didn't think."

They reach the shore and Steve holds his daughter close, as they, cry for the loss of her grandparents.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Wow you’re on fire with this one wolfman. More updates than a person can keep up with and each as good if not better than the last.

These tales are deserving a publication without doubt in my opinion
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Post by wolfman »

You are too kind bandit.

The pace of updates will slow due to real life commitments, but more is on the way
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Post by slackywacky »

I feel that this story should have way more comments than it does. This deception of a revelation is a good read (as usual), but I won't be devastated if I have to wait (a little longer) for the next chapter. :lol: Could not resist (again).
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

This Saga and its other parts belong to my favourites on this Board. Great characters and story telling.
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Post by wolfman »

"I am done with tears.", Sasha says, defiantly wiping her eyes and shrugging off Steve's embrace. "I am tired of having everything taken from me."

"Life is about losing things. People. Places. Everyone goes through life, trying to get what they can, experience, love, possessions, friends, lovers.", Steve pauses, "The truth is, everything is fleeting, everyone loses something precious eventually. What matters is how you face that when it happens and how you embrace it before it is gone."

"So I am going to lose.", she says thinking of Kate, Steve and Louise.

"In time. Don't spend the time you have mourning that loss before it happens. Make the best of the time you have.", Steve says, softly. "When someone is lost, celebrate them. It's easier said than done, but try to understand how you feel about the loss and make peace with it.", he pauses, checking the time, "Why don't we walk back and I will tell you all about your nan and grandad, then you can tell me about your mum and stepfather."

Sasha smiles and nods up at Steve and takes his hand, as she rises to her feet.

As she smiles back at him Steve thinks to himself, "I can face any number of armed hostiles, without pause, defuse bombs whilst under fire, leap from the back of a helicopter into to jaws of war. But right here, right now, I feel out of my depth."

The lagoon is large and they walk side by side exchanging stories, as they seek the path, "I remember one summer, I was about twelve. I had spent most of the year getting the hell kicked out of me.", Steve begins, "Mum was the daughter of a Belfast catholic and dad was a soldier. I was popular with the bullies and regularly had black eyes and bruises. I accepted it and just got on with it, but mum was worried I was going to come home, with something more serious than cuts and bruises." He explains. 

"Dad was home on leave and mum told him what was going on. He was furious with the school and was going to go up there. But mum stopped him and told him to to teach me how to defend myself.", he chuckles, "Now, your granddad was a fitness and hand to hand instructor for the Royal Marines, pretty much the definition of a hard man. That summer, I put on about twenty pounds of lean muscle and went through the equivalent of the Royal Marines basic training. When I went back to school, my dad's words echoed in my ears, 'If they come for you, make sure they will never want to come again.' and 'Remove their ability to fight, whilst retaining your own and you will win.'. When I returned to school, I wasn't looking for trouble, but when it came, I was ready.", they walk on in relative silence, hugging the waterline, Sasha hanging on his every word.

"First day of term, six of them, cornered me on the way home. The smallest of them, was a head taller than me and they were all used to relying on their size to win.", Steve shrugs, "The moment the biggest of them threw the first punch, they knew it was over. I left them duct taped to the railings of the school, with a message, 'This ended because of me, not you, there will not be a next time.'", he smiles. "I never had any more trouble."

"That's cool.", Sasha says, thinking, "Mac, my step dad was like that for me."

"Really?" Steve asks warmly, "In what way?"

"I had so much energy as a kid and he always encouraged me and let me try whatever I wanted. Dance, gymnastics, diving, climbing, sea cadets, you name it. He told me to keep trying new things until I found what my talent was for." Sasha explains. 

"He sounds like a great guy.", he pauses, and takes a breath, "What happened to your real dad?", Steve asks, as they round the far end of the lagoon. 

"He ran off with a nurse while mum was expecting me. Never met him.", Sasha says with a shrug. 

"I am sorry to hear that. You are better off without him.", Steve says squeezing her shoulder, "I'm sorry that so much has been taken from you. For all the use I might be, if you need anything, I am here."

Steve waits at the edge of the rocks overlooking the waterfall, while Sasha hides behind a bush to relieve herself. "What a day.", he muses, "I never thought, I would meet any of the kids from the clinic. I can't help but wonder if I am responsible for Sasha's ordeal in some way.", he imagines the pain that she has suffered in her life and shivers.

He looks over the gentle cascade of water down the rocks and wonders, "What of this list as well? Things are moving too fast. Someone trying to keep us off balance."

He thinks quietly to himself, "I don't know about bringing her with me. She has suffered so much, I want her to have a chance at happiness."

He stretches his legs and flexes his shoulders, "We are not alone.", he thinks, standing still and listening to the sounds of the forest, "I have been careless. Too focused on her to notice what is around me.", he berates himself.

"There.", he thinks, hearing a muffled noise, from the direction his daughter went. "Shit."

He quietly, sweeps left and wide, holding position by a tree. He watches as Sasha is pinned face down, under a camouflage clad, woman. He assesses the stranger, "Five foot six, female, slim build, but in good shape, face and head covered. Seem to be alone. Movements indicate some fight training, but possible reluctance to hurt Sasha. Need to close the gap a little.", while he silently approaches.

"You have to come with me, it's not safe here.", the figure says.

"Safer than with you, you psycho. My father wants to help me.", Sasha pleads, trying to push her attacker off of her. 

"They are murderers. Your father is basically a serial killer.", the figure says, prompting a smile from Steve. "We can get somewhere safe."

"I already feel safe.", Sasha says, crying in frustration, unable to stop her attacker handcuffing her hands behind her back. "Let me go."

"I have a car nearby and we are going to disappear.", the figure pleads. 

"No. Get off of me. I don't want to go anywhere with you.", Sasha cries out.

"I sent you the note telling you to find him, but, I was so wrong. I have learnt so much about him since. He has killed so many people. He is a butcher. I don't want you to be the next trophy on his wall.", the figure says, clamping her hand over Sasha's mouth, stifling her muffled cries of terror.

"Time to end this.", he thinks standing, around fifteen feet away, "Sorry I am late Sasha, are you ok?"

The camo clad figure looks up sharply at Steve, releasing Sasha's mouth. Dark goggles and a full face mask conceal her reactions. 

"Help me.", Sasha cries, as she struggles. 

"It's ok Sasha, you are safe now." Steve says ignoring the figure. 

The figure gets off of Sasha and stands to face Steve, "Walk away, she is coming with me.", she says, her voice calm, drawing a pistol and levelling it at Sasha's back. 

"Not happening.", Steve says ignoring the gun. He assesses her further in light of the gun, "Her grip and stance show she can use a gun, but the shake tells me, she has never had to before. Possible armed forces trained, but never deployed. She has a young sounding voice, maybe early twenties, British. Training, but no combat experience and her finger is too close to the trigger. One twitch and this will turn bad."
The figure points the gun forcefully at Sasha, "Back off or she dies.", she says, nervously, with a slight west country lilt.

"No. If you wanted her dead, you would have shot her already and you just said you wanted her to go with you.", Steve says slowly stalking towards her, "Why don't you point the gun somewhere that it might actually give you some leverage?"

The figure falters and switches their aim to Steve, "That's far enough. One more step and I will shoot."

"I am basically a serial killer. I have done a great many bad things." he says, before taking a gamble, "Pull the trigger and do the world a favour."

"I will, if you step forward.", she turns to face him fully, aiming the weapon at his head. 

Sasha, laying on her side lashes out, striking the back of the figures knees, with her shin, causing her to topple forward. 

Steve closes the gap between them, using his left hand to guide the weapon across and away from his body. He places his right hand on the back of her neck and pulls her forward, as he twists, sending her sprawling onto her front. 

Before, she can react, he spins and drops, straddling her from behind. She bucks underneath him, until he presses the cool barrel of the pistol, to the base of her neck. "Are you going to behave?", he asks, the person under him. 

She bucks and twists thinking, "It's no use he's got me. I'm dead, I just hope it is quick.", she nods, her goggles misting with tears. 

Steve turns to Sasha, "Good work. Are you ok?"

She beams back at him and nods, enthusiastically, "I am now. I knew you would come."

He winks at her, then taps the back of his captives neck with the gun, "Slowly.", he speaks in a low tone, "Keys."

Reluctantly, she reaches back with her left hand and plucks the key for the handcuffs from her belt, handing it to Steve. "And the spare.", he says without emotion. 

"Fuck.", she says, pulling another key from a pocket in her trousers. 

"Thank you." Steve says, turning to Sasha, "Can you come over, love?"

Sasha struggles to her feet and walks over to his side, turning, allowing him to free her from her steel bonds. "Thank you Steve.", she says rubbing her bruised wrists. 

"Hands behind your back.", he orders his prisoner. 

"Sasha, can you do the honours?", he says passing her the handcuffs. She takes them enthusiastically and clicks them tightly around the figures wrists. 

"Please, I know how you killed the others, just kill me quickly.", the figure asks fearfully, as Steve stands and roughly pulls her to her feet. 

"What? I am not going to kill you.", Steve says, shaking his head, before firmly continuing, "But I need you to tell me everything I want to know."

"Please just let me go.", she says, her voice waivering. 

"She sounds young and out of her depth.", Steve thinks, before asking, "Who are you?"

The figure remains silent. "What is your name?", he asks, firmly. 

"Let me go.", she demands, weakly, her unseen eyes desperately searching for a way out.  

Steve winks at Sasha, before he whispers into the figures ear, "You have done your research, you know my methods, you know what I am capable of. What will you gain from holding out?"

She glowers under her mask, knowing he is right, she slumps her shoulders, "My name is Dani Foster. You win, please don't hurt me.", she says, defeated, "I'm so sorry Sasha, I have failed you. Please forgive me."

"Failed me, you tried to kidnap me, you maniac.", Sasha says, punching Dani as hard as she can in the face, sending her sprawling onto her back. "Screw you, sis."

Steve moves in to stop Sasha following up with another blow. "Sasha no.", he says steppin between them, before softening his voice, "That is not the way."

"I'm sorry Steve." Sasha says with her head bowed.

"I understand how you feel, but she is done. Pain is a tool, only to be used, when there is something that cannot be gained through other means." Steve says, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Gently, he leans down and remove Dani's, goggles and mask, to reveal she also has his eyes and Kate's bone structure, like Sasha, but with dark brown, almost black hair.

She looks up at him defiantly, "Fuck you dad. I wanted to save her from you."

Steve helps Dani to sit on a log and loosen her cuffs a little, whilst leaving them in place. "Would you like to explain what you mean?" he asks Dani, watching her reactions closely. 

"I knew I was created at a fertility clinic from a sperm donor, I wanted to trace my biological father and any siblings. They were nice and Dr Petrov gave me a list of names. It wasn't long before I found out that apart from Sasha and I, we were all dead. I packed a bag,  closed my accounts and disappeared." she speaks slowly, staring daggers at Steve.

"I knew you were an ex-Royal Marine, so I told Sasha to find you when I first found out, because I thought you could protect her.", she begins, "Then I tried to find you and contacted your old boss and he told me the kind of work you do. I talked things through with him and it all fit, you were wiping out your kids for some sick reason. I figured you would end up here o I hve been hiding out until I saw Sasha, so I could get her out of here. Now you have Sasha and I, this is over isn't it?"

"Harris you old bastard." Steve says, shaking his head, "The man that hurt Sasha worked for my old boss."

Dani looks at Sasha, shocked, "You were hurt?"

Sasha shyly rolls up her sleeve, to show her heavily scarred arm, "All over my body and worse."

Dani stares at the arm in horror, "I am so sorry, I had no idea."

"Guess you were more interested in our father being a monster, rather than the monster, I had been turned in to, by the man who had filled your mind with lies.", Sasha says, unable to make eye contact with her.
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago This Saga and its other parts belong to my favourites on this Board. Great characters and story telling.
Thank you Caesar, thank you for you patronage of this and my other tales, I hope you continue to enjoy.

[mention]slackywacky[/mention] Your devotion to this tale I appreciated. Sorry for the long delay, chapters should be a bit more regular now
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Post by wolfman »

Louise pores over the items recovered from the van of Kate's would be kidnappers. Laying them out on the coffee table, where she can still watch Kate. 

"So, no ID's, weapons all had serial numbers filed off, phones are all burners, that haven't been used for calls or massages.", she picks one of the phones up and opens its browser. "I wonder."

"Home page is the default, let's check the history.", she decides, checking each of the phones in turn. 

"Score." she softly says out loud, when history of the last phone shows, it has been used. 

"Internet search for Panaceaesterone and website for Medteqniq.", Louise notes, "Panaceaestrogen appears to be an artificial hormone, that stimulates healing. If this page is to be believed, treatment using it can result in recovering in two thirds of the time."

Louise sets the phone down and purses her lips as she stares out of the window. "Bryce said, Sasha looked like she had taken a beating a few days ago, not the night before. What if she had used this drug somehow?"

"Medteqniq, seems to hold the patent for the drug and is seeking approval for a market release following trials." Louise says, picking up her phone. 

"Dr Bryce?" Louise asks, as the call is answered. 

"Yes, Mrs Marks, I was just about to call. The results are in on the familial test.", he says, nervously. 

"Ok, what do they say?", she asks, cautiously.

"There is no easy way to say it.", he pauses, looking for the right words, "The test indicates that Sasha is, er, Steve's daughter."

Louise wells up, relieved, "Thank you doctor."

"My pleasure, would there be anything else?", he asks, relieved that the news was well received. 

Composing herself, she asks, "Actually yes. What do you know about Panaceaesterone?"

"Next big thing if you believe the press. Not much confirmed, artificial hormone, rumoured to stimulate healing. Trials have been conducted but no pubic records exist. I have been watching developments, as it may be a good treatment option for us to offer.", he admits.

"Would you be able to tell if someone had used it?", she asks, curiously. 

"I would need a sample of it, for use as a comparison, but yes it should be possible at least for a few days after it is administered.", Bryce confirms.

"Thank you doctor. If you find anything else out, please let me know.", Louise says, wondering, how to get some.

Louise sits back and looks at the summary, she has put together from the list Steve obtained in Japan. 

Louise stares at the screen, feeling nauseous. She takes one of Kate's cigarettes and lights it, with an unsteady hand and draws deeply, hoping to calm her emotions. 

Sasha Turner, we know about. 

Michael Glebe, Nineeen. Burns over ninety five percent of his body following a car crash, just a week after passing his test. Cause of death, organ failure induced by dehydration and severe thermal injuries to body, windpipe and lungs. 

Danielle Foster, situation unknown, went missing three months ago, after being discharged dishonourably from the Royal Navy Police.

James Okoye, Nineteen. Found bound and covered in burns caused by boiling oil. Cause of death, shock induced by physical trauma.

Matt Freeman, Twenty. Crushed to death in a car compacter, forty miles from his home. Cause of death, massive blunt trauma. 

Simon West, Nineteen. Found by coastguard in the middle of the English Channel. Cause of death, drowning, with signs of hypothermia. 

Carl Graves, Twenty. Attacked by wild dogs. Cause of death, a combination of blood loss and physical trauma. 

Amy Woodruff, Nineteen. Found locked in a sauna, bound hand and foot. Cause of death, heat stroke and dehydration. 

Helen Carver, Twenty. Suffered massive head injuries and multiple broken bones following a mugging gone wrong. Cause of death, massive head trauma. 

Nikita Green, Nineteen. Rock climbing accident, feel several hundred feet into a ravine in the alps during an avalanche. Body never recovered.  

"This is monstrous, they are all gone except Sasha.", she thinks, unable to shut out visions of how they died alone, terrified and in such terrible ways, "Why?", she whispers, fully of rage at those responsible.

"I knew you were pinching my smokes." Kate says, rising, groggy from the bed. 

Louise stubs out the cigarette and launches herself at Kate, unable to hold her emotions, unable to speak and unable to shut the images from her head. Kate weakly embraces her, "Lou? What the hell is going on babe?"

"It's bad, babe. Very bad.", Louise whispers, sadly.

Steve and Sasha step past the security team on the door, after settling Dani in a room for the evening. "She will come around." Sasha says reassuringly.

"I don't know, my old boss has convinced her that I am the devil.", Steve says, opening an office door. 

"She needs time to find the truth for herself." Sasha says as she follows him inside. 

Steve takes out Dani's handgun and punches a number into a hidden key pad, before depositing it safely inside a concealed panic room, with some of his tactical gear. 

He turns to Sasha, "Comfortable as I am with weapons, I don't like them just laying about.", he looks seriously at Sasha and somberly continues, "If any trouble happens here, come to this room and lock yourself in. The walls and door are reinforced steel and will stop any attackers until help can arrive."

Steve opens the door to the suite and Sasha rushes in, "Kate!" she cries out, seeing her aunt. 

"Oh Sasha." Kate sighs, as the younger woman leaps into her arms. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I am so sorry Kate. I wanted to but I was scared.", she says burying her face in Kate's shoulder. 

"You never have to face anything alone again." Kate whispers. 

Louise joins the embrace, "We will always be by your side."

"We are family.", Steve adds, wrapping his arms around everyone. 

After they part their embrace, they sit on the sofas of the room, Louise firmly nested in Steve's arms and Sasha cradled by her aunt. 

"What kept you two?", Louise asks, smiling. 

"We encountered Dani Foster. She sent the note telling Sasha to find me and was then convinced by Harris that I am behind the deaths of the others.", Steve says, shakily, "Is it true? Are the others really gone?"

Louise squeezes his arm tenderly and looks him in the eyes, nodding sadly. She shows him the summary of the names on the list.

Still reeling from the grief of having so many lives lost, Steve sits quietly, processing everything.

"Well you have me and Dani is here too.", Sasha says, quietly, "She ambushed me in the woods, but Steve ninja'd her. She is locked in a room down the hall, under guard."

"Yes.", Steve says, bitterly, "Came here to whisk Sasha away from her serial killer father. Every thing she knows about me, she learned from Harris. She is terrified of me."

"She will come around.", Louise says, warmly. 

"I don't know. The look in her eyes. She sees me as a monster and maybe she is right." Steve says, with a defeated shrug. 

"Let me talk to her. Tell her what you are really like.", Sasha suggests, quietly, "There are guards on the door and besides," she pauses, with a smile, "she is my sister."

Steve considers it for a moment, "She genuinely seems concerned about you.", he looks her in the eyes, "Don't sacrifice the chance of a relationship with her, to persuade her to give me a chance. Your relationship with her comes first."

"Is this a good idea?" Kate asks, concerned. 

"She has no fight left in her. Dani is too scared of me to try anything and she seems to care for Sasha.", Steve says, thoughtfully. 

"More than anything else, we had a bad start and I want to apologise for hitting her. She is probably scared like I was in that courtyard. I want her to know it will be ok and that she is safe." Sasha says, warmly.

"Top drawer of the dressed in my room, there is a steel ring with an onyx band, press and hold and we will come running." Kate says, nudging Sasha. 

"Are you sure?", Sasha says jumping up. Kate nods and Sasha runs to her room and takes the ring. 

Sasha races back to living room excited at the prospect of having a proper meeting with her sister. 

Louise hands her a card, "You are set up with an account with the on site facilities. Why don't you get some food for you both, she must be hungry."

Sasha nods and gives Louise a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you Lou."

Steve hugs her, whispering, "I hope all goes well with your sister."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Amazing.So this is Harris reaching from his well deserved grave:) And Big Pharma. Good work as ever!
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Post by bje »

During the last weeks I have been reading Deception, Devotion and Devastation and I have finally catched up to this point in Revelation. I am very impressed by the stories. They have plot, character building and consistency of a high quality which are rarely seen in free online stories. They are also very well written, and the changes of point of view are masterly done. My only minor complaint is that I normally don't like excess killing and torture in stories, but it helps that it is mostly the protagonists fighting evil.

Sasha is very tough and seems to regenerate faster than the doctor expected. I wonder if Steve's children somehow has been genetically improved, may be by some secret experiment to create super soldiers? I am sure more will be revealed later.
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Post by wolfman »

bje wrote: 3 years ago During the last weeks I have been reading Deception, Devotion and Devastation and I have finally catched up to this point in Revelation. I am very impressed by the stories. They have plot, character building and consistency of a high quality which are rarely seen in free online stories. They are also very well written, and the changes of point of view are masterly done. My only minor complaint is that I normally don't like excess killing and torture in stories, but it helps that it is mostly the protagonists fighting evil.

Sasha is very tough and seems to regenerate faster than the doctor expected. I wonder if Steve's children somehow has been genetically improved, may be by some secret experiment to create super soldiers? I am sure more will be revealed later.
Thank you very much for your kind words and taking the time to read my stuff. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback.

Within these tales, I have tried to treat the violence used as a highlight for their skill and the ineptitude of those that they face, rather than to glorify their actions, the same is true for torture as I have move to do less of this within scenes in my later tales, preferring to describe what is revealed, rather than the process of extracting information.

Answers are coming and given that Steve has found out that several of his offspring have been killed, there is a chance of more violence on the horizon.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Millennial Club
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Post by Bandit666 »

Yet again you’ve cracked it my friend another great set of updates this tale just gets better and better
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 1201
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by wolfman »

Bandit666 wrote: 3 years ago Yet again you’ve cracked it my friend another great set of updates this tale just gets better and better
You are too kind bandit. Thank you for your kind words and support.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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