Captured by a High School Rival (F/M) part 5 added!

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Captured by a High School Rival (F/M) part 5 added!

Post by WillHBonney »

As far back as I can remember Lauren had a problem with me. We were in the same year in high school and shared the odd classes together. Occasionally we would pass one another in the hallway or in a class room and we would trade insults back and fourth. It had gone on for so long that I couldn’t even remember why we argued. We just did. And I reckon she couldn’t remember either. It was just what we did.

We were both in our sixth and final year of high school. Lauren had shortish light brown hair and was quite small at around 5 foot 3”. I towered above her at 6 foot 1” although my build was quite skinny and gangly. Something Lauren would often mock. She was quite sporty and very good at gymnastics, evident in her slim build. She preferred the more physically challenging classes in high school in contrast to me, preferring the theoretical classes. We were very much opposites.

One of the few classes we did share was Physical Education. This is where we clashed the most often. She usually bested me in every sport that we played however there was one that I was better at. Dodgeball. Eventually my superiority in dodgeball pushed Lauren to her limits.

It was a Thursday afternoon. PE was the last subject of the day which meant that it was a bit chaotic since everyone was excited about going home. Our teacher was Ms McLeland. A lot of the guys in the class would spend most of the time staring at her rather than participating. She was fairly young for a teacher and quite attractive with long curly blonde hair. She could be a bit moany though especially if you annoyed her.

Much to my enjoyment and Lauren’s dismay, this afternoon Ms McLeland had decided we would play dodgeball. I could see the annoyance on Lauren’s face. We were placed on opposite teams.
The game began and the usual chaos kicked off. Balls flying everywhere. People not really playing, just throwing balls about to avoid Ms McLeland’s wrath.

An uneventful 45 minutes passed where Lauren continually failed to hit me. I avoided targeting her and waited for the dying seconds of the game. I watched as Ms McLeland brought the whistle to her lips and I skewed a shot right towards Lauren. The ball smacked her right in the face. I had slightly misjudged the throw.
Lauren shook her head in pain. She scanned the room looking for me. She knew instantly that I was behind it. She spotted me and began charging towards me in a fit of rage. Ms McLeland spotted her mid-charge and stopped her. She called me over as the rest of the class piled back towards the changing rooms.

“I saw that!” She boomed at me as I walked over to her and Lauren.

“I didn’t mean to hit her face” I responded, trying to hold back a laugh.

“You f*cking meant it!” Lauren roared.

“Hey!” Ms McLeland interrupted Lauren. “Enough of that language!” She wiggled her finger at Lauren.

She then turned to face me. “You think it’s funny?” She challenged me. I shook my head but I was still trying to fight back a chuckle.

“Right. Well you can stay behind and tidy up!” She instructed me as she placed her hands on her hips.

“Haha!” Lauren taunted me as my smile disappeared.

“You too!” Ms McLeland added. “I’ve seen you 2 argue before and I’m fed up! Both of you can stay behind and work together to clean everything up!”

“Fine” I moaned, annoyed but accepting that I probably deserved the punishment. Lauren wasn’t so accepting.

“That’s so unfair! It’s his fault!” Lauren protested.

“You’re both as bad as each other!” Ms McLeland continued to rant. “So both of you can clean up together and perhaps you’ll get along better!”

She walked towards the gym hall exit. “You can start by tidying up in here.” She pointed towards the large equipment room. It was always a mess. In my 6 years at that school I had never seen it tidy.
“And don’t think about sneaking off you 2! I’m working late tonight so I’ll be in to check on you both in an hour!” She left the gym hall.

“Ugh well done idiot” Lauren moaned as she pushed me.

“Well if you were better at the game you might have ‘dodged’ the ball!” I mocked her.

“Shut up!” Lauren snapped back at me.

We walked inside the large equipment room. There was all sorts of sporting equipment strewn all over the place. I began to pick up some footballs and place them on a rack. Lauren stood with her arms folded, still annoyed.

“You can go grab the dodgeballs from the hall” I pointed out the door. She sighed then stomped out the room.

I continued to tidy up. Suddenly the dodgeballs began flying into the room. Lauren had lined them up outside the door and was kicking them in.

“You’re supposed to dodge them!” She mimicked me as she blasted the, one by one. A few of them hit me knocking me off my feet.

I jumped back up and grabbed one to throw back in retaliation but before I could throw it Lauren grabbed the door and slammed it shut. I dropped the ball and ran to the door. I heard the lock turn. Lauren had locked me inside the equipment room.

“Hey! Let me out. Ms McLeland will be back anyway!” I warned her.

“I know. So you better tidy up then! I’ll let you out once you’ve tidied up!” She threatened.

“No, you’re supposed to help tidy up!” I reminded her.

“So if she comes back and sees it’s not tidy? We both stay longer. If you tidy it now then we can both go home!” Lauren shouted through the door. She had a point. If I left it as is then we’d just have to stay longer. Annoyed, I began picking up the dodgeballs and stashing them away.

About 50 minutes passed. I spent the entire time tidying up inside the equipment room. All that remained were some long padded mats that we used for gymnastics. They were about a metre and a half wide and several metres long. They were pretty thick and had to be rolled up then secured.
From what I could hear, Lauren had went to the changing room and grabbed her phone and spent the time sitting against the locked door playing on her phone.

“Are you almost done?” She yelled through the door.

“Almost. Just 1 gymnastics mat left to roll” I responded.

The door unlocked and Lauren walked in clutching the keys to the door.
“Ok, I’ll help you with that” she smiled as she walked in. I was mad at her but I couldn’t be bothered with any arguing having just spent an hour putting away sports equipment.

“Ok. Thanks. I’ll grab this end. You hold that end still so I can roll it” I instructed her as I leaned over the mat.

“I’ve got a better idea.” Lauren smirked from behind me.

Suddenly her foot wrapped around my leg and swept it out from under me. Her arm pushed on my shoulder, throwing me down onto the mat.

“What the?!” I yelped as I fell flat.

Lauren grabbed my legs and swivelled me so that I was lying on the edge of the mat. She dug her feet under the mat and kicked up. The mat rolled along, slowly wrapping me up inside it. She placed her hands on the mat and continued rolling it along, bundling me inside it. I could hardly see as I spun continuously as she rolled. Occasionally I would see her face sinisterly smiling as she continued rolling. The mat pinned my arms tight to my sides and got increasingly tighter with each roll.

Finally it stopped rolling. The mat had rolled so much that I was now about 2 feet off the ground. My head stuck out one side and my feet stuck out the other. I was positioned with my head facing downwards.

“What the hell are you doing?” I shouted at Lauren.

She was overcome with laughter. “Oh my god that was hilarious. You just kept rolling!” She said in between laughs.
“I didn’t think that would work as good as it has!” She celebrated.

“Unroll me!” I commanded as I squirmed. My feet were able to wiggle upwards and downwards but other than that I was rightly secured.

“No way!” Lauren continued to giggle as she rummaged through a box. “Ah ha!” She produced 3 of the leather belts that were used to secure the rolled up mats.

“Please don’t!” I begged as she approached me, unraveling the belts.

She placed the 3 belts on the floor and with her foot she slid each one under the mat. One belt was at the bottom of the mat, one belt was in the middle and the third belt was at the top of the mat, about shoulder height on me.
She walked round me and began securing the belts.

“We don’t want any wiggle room do we!” She smiled as she stretched the belt down by my feet. I felt the mat pull tighter around my ankles as she buckled the belt.
She moved onto the one at my shoulders, again pulling it tight.
Finally she grasped the belt around my waist area and stretched that tight. She watched as I squirmed agains t the tightening rolled up mat.

“Is that too tight?” She checked.

“Yep!” I cried.

“Good!” She smiled. She secured the belt.

“She’ll be back soon!” I reminded Lauren of Ms McLeland’s imminent return. “You won’t get away with this!”

“Hmmmm well we shall see” Lauren confidently smirked. I could hear her rummaging through some shelves behind me. I wriggled and tried to turn my head to see what she was doing but I could only turn slightly to see her from the knees down.

She stopped rummaging and made her way over to me. I watched as she approached. I stared down at the floor. Her black converse trainers stood in front of me in my eye-line. I couldn’t look up to see what she was doing but she was preparing something in her hands.

Her hands came down either side of my head. I turned left to see her right hand. In it she was holding a white ping pong ball. She pressed it against my lips and pressed hard with her index finger. It took my by surprise and the ping pong ball popped through my lips and into my mouth. Her left hand then clamped over my lips.

“Hrrmmmghhh!” I yelped as her hand covered my mouth. I wriggled my head but she held it in place.

Her right hand came into view again. This time she was holding the ping pong net. She quickly grabbed the end of it with her left hand and pulled it tight over my mouth. She began wrapping it around my head. She wrapped several times, each time she tugged it making sure it was tight.

“Mmrrrghhh!” I screamed. I pushed the ping pong ball to the front of my mouth so it was pressing against the net.

Lauren yanked the net as she knitted it behind my head then knelt down. She leaned down so her face was below mines and she could inspect the gag. Without making eye contact she felt the gag, inspecting the tightness and compactness of the ping pong ball.

“Hmmmm. It’ll do for now.” She noted as she stood back up. “Right. I need to make you disappear for a bit!” She placed her foot onto the centre of the mat and pushed me across the room towards the other rolled up mats.

“I’ll stick you behind these until she’s gone” Lauren smiled as she continued pushing me along with her leg. Every time she pushed, I rocked back and forth in the tight roll. She slid me behind the other mats. My feet were a few inches away from the wall. I stretched in an attempt to push off the wall hoping that it would slide me out of the rolled up mat.
Lauren spotted my stretching feet and pulled the mat away from the wall putting an end to that escape attempt. Now my head stuck out slightly from behind the mats.

“Hmmmmm. I’ll need to do something about that...” she said as she patted my head. “I know! Stay there!” She rushed back over to the shelves. She returned clutching the black materiel back that held the ping pong balls inside it. She drew open the bags draw strings and poured the balls onto the floor allowing them to scramble everywhere. Then she took the black bag and slowly pulled it down over my head plunging me into complete darkness.

“MMMMRRGHHH!” I cried as she pulled the bag over.

“Relax!” She patted my bagged head. “It’s only until she’s gone. Then you’ll get an upgrade.” Her voice was muffled but I could make out what she was saying.

Suddenly there was a knock on the equipment room door. A voice sounded from outside.

“I hope you two are still tidying in there!” It said. Despite the muffled sounds I could tell it was Ms McLeland. ‘She could save me!’ I thought. For a moment I paused and thought of the humiliation of an attractive teacher discovering me so helpless and having to rescue me but it would definitely be a more preferable fate to whatever Lauren had planned.

“GRRRMMMGHHH!” I called out through the ping pong ball, the net around my mouth and the thick black bag over my head.

“Shhhhh” Lauren whispered has she yanked the drawstrings of the bag pulling it fully closed over. I wriggled and swayed but I couldn’t move at all. Only my feet could helplessly wiggle. I needed to find a way to get Ms McLeland to spot me or hear me. Otherwise I’d be Lauren’s helpless captive. And that wouldn’t be good!

I heard Lauren walk over to the room door and open it.

To be continued.
Hope everyone’s enjoying it so far. There’s quite a bit of setup in the first part so the next part will get more into the tying up etc.
Last edited by WillHBonney 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by whatever351 »

I love this! What a great concept! Really looking forward to seeing where it gies
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Post by Nightly Binds »

ah Neat ! what a wonderful setup ! can't wait to see how things will unfold, !
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Post by Canuck100 »

Love it! Curious to find out what happens next...
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Post by Ossassin »

This is exactly the uniquely creative style I crave, I am loving your work and this looks exceptionally promising. Rivalry, creativity and promises of humiliation oh my I am smitten.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

That's some really good work! Can't wait for the next part. Just loved how she bested him out, making him do all the tidy work and then tied him up. Perfect!
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Post by Beaumains »

Awesome read! Both really well written, but also a good plot. Lauren seems like a good bully for such a story: creative and merciless. She has to have a lot more cruel plans.
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

Oouu very excited to see where this one goes!
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great start! Looking forward to seeing the next part
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 2:

The equipment room door drew open.

“I hope you 2 are... oh.” Ms McLeland began asking but cut her sentence short when she noticed my absence.
“Where did he go?” She questioned.

I began squirming in the tight wrap.
“HRRRMMMGHHHPHH!” I screamed to get her attention. But the thick black bag over my head muted my screams.

“He left Ms.” I heard Lauren answer in an innocent tone.

“He left?” Ms McLeland angrily responded.

“Uh huh. Well... he disappeared after you left. So I started to tidy up and then he returned and began messing everything up again. Then before he left for good he poured the ping pong balls all over the floor!”
Lauren was putting on a show. Playing the poor innocent victim.
She continued.
“I tried to stop him but he pushed me out the way.”

“Oh really!” Ms McLeland replied. Her voice was growing more angry each time she spoke.
“Why would he... ugh. It sounds like you’ve done enough tidying Lauren. Why don’t you go home now. I’m coming in an hour early tomorrow so I’ll tidy up the last of it in the morning. And when I see him tomorrow I’ll make sure he gets appropriately punished!”
She sounded p*ssed off.

“Ok Ms. Thank you. I’m sorry again for earlier.” Lauren continued to keep up her act.

“It’s ok. You’ve learned your lesson. I’ll see you tomorrow Lauren. Bye” Ms McLeland said having calmed down.

I could hear the room door closing over. I tried one final time to get Ms McLeland’s attention.

“MMMMMRRRGHHHH!” I yelled. I heard the door close over. It had failed and Ms McLeland, the only person who could save me, had left.

There was a pause after the door shut over. I didn’t know if Lauren had left the room or if she was still here. I gave another feeble squirm. The mat wrapped around me creaked and rubbed as I rocked my arms but they remained tightly in place.
Suddenly I felt the centre of the wrapped mat tighten around my waist. A weight pressed down on me.

“Ahhhh. That was easy!” Lauren sighed as she sat down on top of the mat I was rolled up in.
“I did a good job of tidying up in here didn’t I?” She laughed as she relaxed on top of me.

“I don’t think it’s fair that SHE got to decide your punishment when it was ME that you hit with the ball.” She continued.
“Really it’s only fair that I would get to decide your punishment... I think I will.” She smiled.

I could feel her weight shifting as she slid her butt up the mat. She stopped right on top of my shoulders. I felt her hands reach down and squeeze under the black bag. She pulled her hands apart loosening the draw strings and opening the bag around my neck. Finally I was no longer in darkness as the light rushed in the opening.
Her hands left, leaving the bag still pulled over my head.

She leaned down close to my ear.
“I’m going to go for a walk around the school. I’ll have a think about how I’m going to punish you and see if I can find any equipment I can use.” She whispered.
“In the meantime I think I’ll keep you here all wrapped up tight.”

She lunged off of the mat and walked over to the door.
“Don’t go anywhere!” She giggled as she began closing the door.
“Mwahahahaha” she mocked as she left, pulling the door shut behind her. I heard the lock being turned. Her laugh faded as she walked further down the corridor.

Her absence gave me a chance to try escape. I stretched my feet out, pointing my toes searching for the nearest object to kick off of. I felt my left foot touch against a post. I positioned my foot against it and pushed hard hoping it would slide me out of the rolled up mat. The pole fell away from my foot and I heard a crashing sound. I suddenly realised that I had just kicked over the football rack. Lauren would know that I had tried to escape. I simply had to escape now.
I attempted to rotate myself round inside the wrap hoping to reduce the tightness. But the belts securing the rolled mat meant that I remained tightly encased inside it unable to even move my arms.

I had no idea how long Lauren would be away for. I figured my best chance for an escape would start with getting the bag off of my head. I swayed my head around, rolling my neck. I lifted my head up and then threw it down hoping gravity would help pull the bag off. It didn’t budge. Although the draw strings were no longer tightened the bad still sat neatly over my head meaning it could only be removed by hand.

I moved on to the gag. I placed my tongue on the ping pong ball and pushed it forwards. It pressed against the net wrapped over my mouth pulling the net tighter around the back of my head. I gave up and took my tongue off the ball allowing it to drop back into my mouth.

After a few more minutes of futile struggling the door burst open. Was it Ms McLeland back to rescue me? Of course it wasn’t. It was Lauren.

“Oh good you’re still here.” She chirped as she minced over to me dragging a box behind her. I raised my head and turned to face the sound of her voice.

“You’ve been busy!” She giggled as she noticed the fallen football rack. “Did you try and escape?”

She sat down on the floor next to my head.

“Well. I’m glad you failed. Cos you’d miss out on all the fun we’re about to have!” She sounded very excited. I dreaded why.

She yanked the bag off my head. I lifted up my head and looked up at her. She was sat close to me with the box hidden behind her.

“I’ll show you what I got!” She exclaimed as she reached into the box. She whipped out a roll of grey duct tape.

“I got this from Mrs Mullins’ art supplies room.” She waved the grey duct tape under my face allowing me to see it.

“There’s loads of rolls of duct tape in that room. A big box full of them. Maybe those rumours that she taped someone up and kept them in her supply room for cheating on a test are true!” Lauren paused to think.

“Hmmm... maybe if I taped you up and left you there for her to discover in the morning she would give me an A! What do you think?” She began laughing as she waved the tape in my face again.

“Mmmmrrgghhh” I groaned as she giggled.

“Or! Maybe I could wrap you up in tape and then paint you! Turn you into a nice little canvas. And present you to her as my art project. Whatdya think?” She continued as she mimed out painting my face.

“Mmmmrghhh hmmmgh” I shook my head.

“No? Well we’ll see what happens!” She smirked as she placed the tape to one side and put her hand inside the box again.

She pulled out a large pink stress ball with a kissing faced emoji on it and held it in my eye line.

“I found this on Ms Stewart’s desk. It’s a bit bigger than a ping pong ball...” she grinned as she squeezed the ball then gently placed it aside.

“Let’s see what else we have to play with.... oh yeah. I found these under Ms Thompson’s desk” she dangled a pair of black stiletto heels in front of me. “I’m sure we’ll find a use for these!”

She stood up and grabbed 2 of the belts secured around the rolled mat and pulled them causing me to roll onto my side so that I was facing her rather than the floor.

“I also grabbed a few things from the girls lost and found box. I figured some of them would come in handy. Some socks, a few belts etc.”

She took a step back.

“But I found this. This is what I’m most excited about!” She proudly held up a black shiny down jacket complete with a fur hood and a belt.


“I’ve got an idea that I think you’re gonna love! I think you would look absolutely gorgeous in this!” She shook the jacket.
“But! I’m going to make some adjustments... and turn it into a straitjacket!” Her face beamed with a menacing smile.

“Hrrrmmmghh!” I wriggled and shook in disagreement.

“Trust me. It’ll look amazing and it’ll keep you tied up.” She placed the jacket on the floor and walked over to me.

“But first I’ll need to unroll you. If you try and run away then I’ll be mummifying you and leave you for Mrs Mullins to play with!“

I considered my options. I figured because she was more athletic than me she would easily be able to wrestle me should I try escape. It was wiser to agree and do as she says. I swallowed my pride and shook my head.

“Good!” She smiled as she picked up a skipping rope and began wrapping it around my exposed ankles.
“Just a precaution.”
She wrapped the rope around several times then knotted it, binding my ankles tightly together.

She unbuckled the three belts and with her foot she began rolling the mat across the floor.
I spun round as the mat rolled, gradually getting closer to the floor as the number of wraps gradually decreased. It became increasingly loose. Finally I was unwrapped and I spilled out onto the floor. I couldn’t bring my arms up quick enough to avoid landing chest first on the ground.
Lauren swaggered over holding the jacket and helped me up. I hopped awkwardly on the spot as I gained my balance.

“Right. Arms out!” She commanded. I stretched both my arms out in front of me. They were both red from the tightness of the rolled mat that now lay unraveled.
Lauren raised up the jacket and then turned it backwards. She slipped it over both my arms so that the jacket was on me the wrong way round and the hood sat under my chin.

“Hmmmph?” I looked at her confused.

“Means if I get fed up looking at your face I can do this!” She swiped at the hood, flicking it over my face. I wriggled my head in shock. She lowered the hood again revealing her smirking face.

She walked behind me and began zipping the jacket up. She jerked the zip aggressively causing me to hop forwards.

“Pahahahaha” she laughed. I felt her tighten then buckle the belt wrapped around the jacket. It was tight, pulling the jacket right against my sides.

“Right” she said as she walked over to the box and grabbed some things from it. “Arms out again.”

I extended my arms out. The jacket was puffy and warm. My hands stuck out of the sleeves. She presented 2 black shin high socks.

“I got these from lost and found” she smiled as she stretched one of the socks over my hand and over the sleeve. She did the same with the other hand. I looked at her confused.

“If I’m going to make this into a straitjacket I’m going to do it properly!” She sassed. “Don’t want your hands free to try undo anything!”

She grabbed the roll of duct tape and began winding it around each wrist separately, securing the socks over my hands. My hands were now useless. Stuffed inside the socks unable to use my fingers. She smiled as she examined each socked hand.

“Perfect! Right. Cross your arms now like you would in a straitjacket.” She demanded. I folded my arms in front of me.

“No! Idiot. Tighter than that!” She rolled her eyes and grabbed my arms and pulled them tight together. She took out a belt and wound it vertically around my arms where my wrists crossed. She wrapped the belt around my arms and also around the belt that went around the jacket, pinning my arms down. Eventually she buckled the belt in the tightest hole. My socked hands dangled helplessly by my sides.

“Needs more” she snapped as she lifted the duct tape and began wrapping it around my forearms. She wrapped countless times up and down my arms ensuring maximum coverage.

“Right, give that a test” she stood back and observed, her hands planted on her hips.

I yanked at each arm. My elbows wiggled and my shoulders rocked but my arms remained crossed over and tight against my stomach. My hands flailed around by my sides.

“Mwahahahaha!” Lauren roared. “Perfect! It’s both fashionable and effective!” She ran her hand up and down the shiny, puffy jacket as I continued to test the bonds. “What do you think?” She asked as she bit her bottom lip. She looked like she genuinely cared about my opinion.

I looked down at the jacket and inspected her makeshift straitjacket.
“Mmmgh hmmmph” I half nodded, half shrugged.

“Excellent!” Lauren cheered. “I could totally picture you in a padded cell struggling hard against your black shiny straitjacket like the little weakling you are!” She smiled.
“Ok, let’s make some improvements to your gag and then we can begin your punishment!” She walked back over to the box and pulled out the pink stress ball and the silver duct tape.

To be continued...
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Heheh, I was wondering if Lauren would lie to Ms McLeland about the tidy up and I thought it would be perfect... and it was!!

I am really curious what Lauren have in her mind, besides the tape and the straitjacket. I cannot wait for the punishment to start! Great job!
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

Awesome use of that gorgeous jacket! I always love to see bondage involving winter parkas, I feel they’re an under used tug element. Can’t wait for part 3!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

ha ha Excellent Read ! and love the use of that Jacket, Love how Lauren had lied ( also love her Evil mock evil laugh :lol: ), just to through him onto more thin Ice, as if he currently doesn't have enough to worry about. ! now i'm really looking forward to what you have planned with the gag ! .
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice second part! I have such a feeling that Lauren is far from done with the main character. Maybe she will take him home for the night? That won't end well.
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Love this story! Can’t wait for more! Great job!
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Post by ryguy98 »

Really enjoying this! Can’t wait to see more! I hope he does end up getting left for the art teacher and that we get to see her!
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Post by jumanjipr »

Wow!! I can't wait to read more of this Lauren.
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Post by harveygasson »

Another great part
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 3:

Lauren held up the pink stress ball and squished it in her fist. She opened her palm and the ball quickly sprung back into shape. She smiled as she inspected the ball. She walked over to me and placed the ball and tape on a shelf next to us.

"Right, lets get this thing off your face" she grasped the side of the net wrapped around me head. She tugged at it and began unraveling it. I rolled my head in a circle as the net unwrapped. Slowly the net loosened. I pushed the ping pong ball against the net with my tongue.
The final piece of the net fell off my face and the ping pong ball popped out my mouth and past Lauren's face.

She quickly leaned to the side and dodged the ping pong ball.
"Woah!" she giggled as it fired past her face.

"You must have really wanted that out your mouth!" she laughed. "Well if you think a ping pong ball is bad then..." she reached over to the shelf and grabbed the pink stress ball.

"Lauren! Please don't gag me!" I pleaded with her. She paused and looked at me with an expression of feigned interest.
"I wont say anything I promise!" I continued.

She gently placed her hand over my mouth and pressed tightly against my lips. She looked down at her hand as she rolled the pink ball in her palm.

"It's not so much that you won't say anything" she softly responded. "It's more that you can't say anything..." she grinned as she raised her head to look at me. She scrunched the ball up in her hand.

"Open up!" she smirked as she pulled her hand away from my mouth.

"Please I worghphhhh!" I pleaded as she shoved the pink ball inside my mouth. She let go of the ball allowing it to expand inside my mouth.

I wrestled with the make-shift straitjacket as the ball expanded. I pushed it with my tongue hoping it would fly out of my mouth as the ping pong ball had. I pushed against the ball but it held in place. It had expanded so that it was now positioned behind my teeth.
I tried to close my mouth down on the ball but it my mouth sprang back fully open. It packed out my entire mouth.

"Hrrrmmmphhh" I groaned as the ball blocked my entire mouth off.

"It's a bit bigger than a ping pong ball isn't it!" Lauren taunted as she tapped the visible side of the ball in my gaping mouth with her finger.
"Can you push it out?" She gently held the ball with her index and thumb and gave a gently tug at it. It pulled against my teeth.
"Looks like it's nice and stuck" she smiled. "But, we always want to be sure!" she walked over to the shelf and picked up the grey tape.

She began peeling off a strip from the duct tape. She took the exposed strip of tape still attached to the roll and placed it on my cheek. She began dragging the roll around my head, winding the grey duct tape around my mouth and the exposed pink ball.
She forcefully yanked my head around as she wound.

"This feels so good!" she celebrated as she continued to wind the tape around my head. She raised and lowered the tape as she wound ensuring it created a thick wrap going from my chin to under my nose.
After several wraps she stopped and leaned in to bite the tape. She pressed the palm of her hands around the tape gag ensuring it was all tightly stuck to my face.

"Oh yes. That's a good gag" she smiled.

"Hrrmmmphhh" I exhaled as I stood there helpless.

Lauren took a few steps back and admired her work. Her head scanned me for potential weaknesses in her ties but she found none.

"Ok, so. We can begin your punishment now." She clapped her hands together. "I figured we would kick the evening off with a little game hmm?" She placed her hands on her hips and smiled.

She dragged a chair over and positioned it behind me.

"Have a seat whilst I grab some equipment for this game." she commanded as she turned to her box.

I stood for a moment staring at her. I slowly lowered myself down onto the chair, conscious that if I fell over I would be stuck. I lowered myself onto the chair and waited as she rummaged. My jaw was beginning to ache from the large ball stuffed inside my mouth.

"There we go!" she smiled as she turned around to face me again. She walked over and sat on the floor by my feet. On the floor she placed 1 of Ms Thompson's black stiletto heels and a single black fuzzy sock.

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"One of Ms Thompson's high heels from under her desk" she smiled as she pointed to the heel. "And I found this in the girls lost and found box." she pointed to the black fuzzy sock.
I looked confused down over my straitjacketed arms at her on the floor.

"It'll all become clear" she smiled as she noticed my expression.
In one quick move she grasped both of the white converse that were on my feet and yanked them off. I jumped at the suddenness. My legs swung upwards allowing her to pinch my socks and rip them off my feet leaving me barefoot. She stuffed my socks back inside the converse that lay discarded on the floor.
She held up my left foot and gazed at it.

"You've got cute feet" she smiled. "Shame about the rest of you" she added as she giggled. She picked up the black stiletto and began forcing it onto my left foot.
I wiggled my foot but she wrapped her arm around my leg locking my foot still. She slid my toes into the heel but my large foot wouldn't fit.

"Not to worry" Lauren smiled as she grabbed the duct tape and began aggressively wrapping it around my foot and the heel ensuring they were tightly taped together. She let go of my leg allowing me to slam the heel onto the floor. My foot awkwardly tumbled over as it struggled to cope with the unfamiliar feeling of a high heel. Lauren laughed.

Then she grasped my right leg foot and began sliding the black fuzzy sock on over my foot. She slid it over my foot and up my ankle. Once it was fully on she grabbed the duct tape and wrapped some tape around the sock and my leg ensuring the sock was secured on my foot.
She let go of my foot allowing it to slide along the floor thanks to the fuzziness of the sock.

"Perfect!" she exclaimed as she stood up leaving me awkwardly flailing on the chair attempting to also stand up but struggling against the heel and the slippery sock.

"You're all set for the game!" she smiled. "So here's the game:" she grabbed my arm and hoisted me to my feet. I stood at an angle thanks to the single stiletto.

"All the teachers are away home and all the doors will be locked by now so it's just you and me until the morning! So I'm going to let you out of this room. For you the aim of the game is to hide from me. Maybe if you're able to hide until the morning then someone will find you and untie you! My job is to hunt you down. If I catch you... well... you'll see." she smiled maniacally.

"I need to get some hunting equipment together so as soon as I open these doors then you're free to run and hide! But good luck running in those!" she pointed to my feet.
"The heel will be noisy and awkward. The sock will be slippery."

She grabbed my arm and walked me over to the doors and pushed them both open. I paused for a moment.
"Go idiot!" she huffed as she pushed me out the doors. I clumsily staggered into the corridor, my right foot continually slipping to the side as I tried to regain my balance. I turned back to face Lauren.

"Good luck" she grinned as she slowly pulled the doors closed behind me. "You'll need it! Mwahahahaha!" her laugh faded as the doors closed over.

I began running.

To be continued...
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Post by Ossassin »

Well you have kept me in a state of anticipation, the creativity of your work delights and the skill with which you write captivates. Sincerely do I await the next step in this treasure.
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Post by gin »

I hope We see the victim getting blinded with that tape later on.... oh yeah a tape blindfold
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Post by harveygasson »

So good. I love how evil she is haha
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Post by Beaumains »

Awesome! I love to read abput these kinds of games. Dhame the main character has no chance at all in reality, but Lauren's cruelty, and the ensuing fear will be a great read. Keep up the good work.
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ha ha," wonderful " scenario he now finds himself in, I can only imagine how well this will go in his favor heh heh heh :twisted:

Excited for the next part !
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Post by Mineira1986 »

That was nasty! I mean, there is no hope for the poor guy, and there is nobody else to safe him until next morning!

I just loved it! It's an impossible scenario for the captive. Great job!
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