The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago setting the stage, so to speak, for something big :)
It will be epic, I have no doubt. Very nicely written chapter.
Thank you [mention]slackywacky[/mention]: Chapter IX will combine action and epic. Please do not let distract you by some of the Vocabulary. Some Expressions are difficult to translate into English and they ad flavour to this chapter.

As you may notice the customs and traditions of German Student Fraternities are rather different from those of their Anglo-American-Counterparts :)

Chapter IX:

The duel:

“Let us assume for a moment, we do talk about the Collection. I want to make you a proposal Frau von der Marwitz. As you know Carl von Winterfeldt and I are Corpsbrüder.”

Christine nodded.

“I take it you are familiar with the Corps Laws?” Stromberg continued.

“Your friend, Robert von Harenberg told me of your ways.” Christine nodded again, fixated entirely on Stromberg: Two strong willed characters striving to dominate the other.

Charlotte von Gräfenstein returned with a Trolley on which six exquisite Crystal Glasses stood and a decanter, in which a dark red wine gleamed.

“Lachrimae Christi”, Stromberg explained. Charlotte von Gräfenstein wanted to leave the cabinet but Stromberg called her back, “Charlotte I would like you to stay, as witness of this Conversation.”

“You do not have any objections against her presence do you, Frau von der Marwitz?"

“Of course not”, Christine nodded. “This is your house: your house, your rules.”

“I'm glad we agree on this”, Stromberg smiled graciously.

They tasted the Wine, which was excellent and had the perfect temperature. After they savoured the rich taste for a moment in silence, Stromberg set down his glass on the table:

“Let me tell you this, under any other circumstances we would not have this conversation. But things are different. As I said, Carl von Winterfeldt and I are Corpsbrüder." His guests nodded. “Decades ago I rendered Carl von Winterfeldt a service. The details are irrelevant, for now.”

“To honour my services, Carl presented me with the autograph of Dufay´s Mass “Sine nomine”. He gave me his word of honour as Corpsbruder never to demand anything else from me and never to demand the autograph back.”

“As Farbenbruder von Hardenberg can tell you the word of honour among Corpsbrüdern is sacrosanct. Once given it can never be broken, or taken back, isn´t it that so, von Hardenberg?”

“It is”, Robert nodded gravely.

Anna interrupted: “But von Winterfeldt did not feel bound by his Word of Honour?”

Stromberg regarded her with a grave nod. “Carl demanded the Dufay-Autograph back and threatened me and my assistant." he nodded at Charlotte, "when I did not relent. I consider that as severe breach of conduct and this is the only reason we have this conversation.”

“I will make you an offer – and this offer is the reason, why I insisted on Farbenbruder von Hardenberg´s Presence.”

Stromberg looked Christine directly in the eye: “You are familiar with the Code of Honour and the Corps laws?”

“I am”, Christine replied simply.

“I challenge you to duel me.”

The room fell silent.

“If you win, I will give you the autograph and I will tell you all I know about the Weinstein-Collection, which means I will tell you, where you will find further Information."

"But be warned. If you find meeting me difficult, you will find getting him to meet you an even greater Challenge, even a dangerous one. If I win, you will leave this house and never come back. These are my conditions. Do you accept them?”

“I will, but we have to clarify a point”, Christine responded evenly, "When do you consider the duel lost?”

“The winner is the one, who strikes his opponent three times first and is not hit in return”. Stromberg explained.

“I accept”, Christine said firmly. “But I have one counterproposal to make.”

“What would that be?”, Stromberg asked.

“I take it, that we will wear the usual protective gear, including protection for the eyes?”

“That the duel code states.” Stromberg nodded.

“Then let me tell you this”, Christine spoke in a clear strong voice, “I will fight without any protective gear.” Kate, Anna and Robert looked astonished at her as if she had lost her mind.

Stromberg looked long at Christine, appraisingly, Christine held his gaze then he spoke not unkindly so: “Frau von der Marwitz, don't you fear for your beautiful face?”

“I do not”, Christine countered calmly, another moment of silence. The two opponents regarded each other for a moment then Stromberg spoke:

“I accept your proposal, Frau von der Marwitz. The rules will be the usual. Farbenbruder von Hardenberg will be umpire. Is this acceptable?”

“Absolutely.”, Christine agreed.

“This is settled then”, Stromberg said. “Let´s go upstairs in my “Paukraum” on the first floor.” Stromberg stood up and his guests and Charlotte von Gräfenstein followed.

Robert whispered agitated in Christine´s ear: “Chris, are you out of your dammed artist´s mind?”

“No why?” Christine replied evenly.

“Why? You ask why? She asks why?” he asked nobody in particular. Robert´s face bore an expression of utter astonishment: “Stromberg was and is a legend for his duelling skills. He trains regularly still.”

“So do I, Robert, believe me, I know exactly what I am doing.”

“Oh she does”, Anna quipped “You should have seen yesterday what she did with that Katana.” Robert stared at her, as if he saw Christine for the very first time.

“Yesterday? Katana?” He asks, shocked.

“Yes”, Anna replied grinning “Our fearless leader beheaded the Dark Lady yesterday – well almost.” Robert looked so stunned as if someone had hit him with a bludger squarely above the head.

They had reached a dark wooden door at the upper floor. Charlotte von Gräfenstein typed a combination into an IPad – and the door swung open. They entered.

The room measured roughly 20 x 10 x 5 Meters. The floor was made from polished dark wood, high ceilings, large arched windows at the two corresponding long walls of the rectangular room.

In the centre of the room two white lines were drawn onto the polished wooden floor. “There will stand the two duelists”, Robert explained to Anna and Kate – he seemed to have regained his composure somewhat. “Leaving that line, or moving only one inch backwards means, that the fighter has lost and eternal shame will be his.”

“The combatants stand on their line. Feet apart, the left arm behind the back, you hold the right arm above your head, the hilt of your sword as high as possible above your forehead and the point of your sword near your left shoulder.”

“You do not move your arm, but only your wrist, correct?” Kate asked Robert.

“Basically yes", he replied.

“You see the swords Charlotte von Gräfenstein is holding? “

”They look different to ordinary sabres”, Anna stated.

“Yes”, Robert explained further. “These weapons are called “Schlaeger, its blade is roughly three feet long and about half an inch broad. The entire front edge is sharp as is one third of the back. The blade is the same width around its complete length."

“A duel normally lasts fifteen Minutes, every round or “Gang” roughly fifteen seconds”, Peter lectured, as Anna tried to imagine herself with the sword in Christine's place.

Stromberg had removed Jacket and tie and rolled up his shirt´s sleeves. Christine had laid her daisho on a bench and went through some stretching moves. Robert turned to Anna and Kate: “I must leave you now I must control the weapons and prepare both Combatants."

Kate watched the Preparations of both duelists. Both seemed calm and total collected. In Kate's eyes, Christine's face bore the same look of deep concentration she had displayed yesterday in Suite 365.

After Christine had completed her warm up, she and Stromberg went to Robert, who had examined the blades and selected three, which he found suitable. Both duelists chose one. Christine took her weapon took the position, which Robert had described to them and executed a series of strokes, so fast, that the blade could hardly be seen.

Charlotte von Gräfenstein had followed the preparations intently. She had seen her Boss train and fight many times. So she had not been overly concerned. Stromberg was a formidable fighter. Beating him, she considered impossible.

But she grew uneasy, when she watched the preparations of von der Marwitz: The grace, the fluidity, the ease and the speed with which she went through the motions. Von der Marwitz seemed indeed to know what she was doing.

Charlotte and her Boss had disregarded Christine´s Counter-offer: regarded it as bravado, or mere enthusiasm: Courageous but out of her depth in a fight like this. Now Charlotte was not so sure anymore.

The two combatants stood on their lines. Robert between them and explaining the rules:

“According to the laws, this duel will last 15 Minutes or ends when one of you two is unable to continue the duel. Each round will last 15 seconds. Is that agreed?" Both Parties nodded their agreement.

“Frau von Gräfenstein, Farbenbruder Stromberg explained to me, that you are qualified as surgeon, so you will act as the Paukarzt.”

“I will”, Charlotte confirmed with a confidence she did not feel.

“You will follow the oath of Hippocrates and tend to each of the combatants accordingly?” Robert asked her in a stern voice.

“I will." she confirmed solemnly.

“You know that any favouritism towards one of the duelists is regarded a grievous offence?"

“I know.” Charlotte confirmed without any hesitation ‎and retracted to the side, so that she would have an unobstructed view

Robert asked the two duelists. "Do you solemnly swear to fight a fair duel according to the duel code of the KSCV?"

“We do”, both, Christine and Stromberg responded loud and clear in unison.

“Then assume the position.”

Stromberg and Christine stood on their respective lines. The Schlaeger high above their head in exact the same position, Robert had described to them, Kate found, as she and Anna stood on Christine's right side.

Robert stood between the two duelists, his own blade held high between the two. Time seemed to have frozen. No sound penetrated the silence.

Then Robert´s blade cut down and he cried “Los!” (Go!) The swords flew down in tremendous speed. The blades rang, when they connected, stroking sparks.

Anna tried to count stroke and counterstrokes but lost count quickly. After fifteen seconds Robert cried “Halt!” (Stop) both Combatants assumed the position they had been in before the first round.

No blade had drawn blood at least there were no open wounds to be seen. Stromberg seemed a little more out of breath than his younger opponent, his face already slightly red, while Christine looked concentrated but relaxed.

Stomberg smiled: “You are a worthy opponent Frau von der Marwitz!”

"As are you, Herr Stomberg." Christine said a with a sincere bow,

Robert asked the pair: “Ready?” Then: “Assume the position! Los!”

The next two rounds ended like the first without a hit. But Anna could not be totally sure, but she had the impression, that Stromberg had been a little slower the last time.”

“What do you think?” Anna whispered to Kate,

“Difficult to tell”, her friend responded. "So far the two seemed evenly matched ….”

And on it went. And then it happened, so fast that nobody saw it actually happening. During the fifth round Robert's blade suddenly flew upwards and divided the blades of Christine and Stromberg.

“Halt”, Robert cried out. The reason for the break was obvious, Above Stromberg´s right brow a nasty gash had opened. Blood dripped on the floor.

“Paukarzt!” (Surgeon!) Robert commanded and Charlotte von Gräfenstein hurried nearer to examine Stromberg's wound. She used some sterile cotton to clean it, disinfected it then stapled it. Then she turned to Robert: “The Combatant can stand the Mensur, Herr Schiedsrichter!” (Umpire)

“Very well then”, Robert spoke. “Assume the position in two Minutes!”

While Charlotte von Gräfenstein had treated Stromberg´s wound, Christine had taken a sip out of a water bottle.” “What do you think, Chris?” Anna asked her."

“He is very good, he is remarkable fast for his age, has good reflexes. But he is getting slower. I must concentrate though every second, if I let my guard down for a moment, things will change.”

“I must go.” And she returned to her line and assumed the fighting position, the blade held high.

“She is incredible fast”, Stromberg thought, so far von der Marwitz had presented him no opening, not the slightest. The Artist seemed to anticipate his every move, in a split second. While the first cut, was only a superficial wound, he had to be careful now. But he had always loved a challenge, the thrill the anticipation.

The command of the Umpire came: “Fertig! Los! Terz. Prim. Quart, riposte …”

The sixth, the seventh and the eight round passed, none of the two combatants landed a hit. But it was obvious, even to the untrained eye, that Stromberg had more difficulties to hold his ground against his opponent. He sweated profusely now his face became redder with each passing round.

The prolonged fight took its toll on both opponents. Even Chris reactions had become slower. But for Stromberg the price was higher. Grudgingly he had to admit that he had never come close to break through von der Marwitz parades. This could only go on so long.

In the aftermath the ninth round was to be considered the turning point: A sharp clang. Robert´s blade interrupted the Gang.

“Paukarzt!” “Fast!”

This time Christine had hit the right cheek of her adversary.

Though displaying a stoic attitude Stromberg grimaced slightly as Charlotte tended to his wound. “Now Carl and I can compare notes”, he thought sarcastically.

“Only one more time Chris! You nearly had him!” Anna was giddy with joy.

Kate, though not quite as enthusiastic as the Russian, agreed. “He grows ever weaker and slower.” She paused for a second. Try to hit him high. Stromberg seems to have considerable more problems to parry the strokes you aim at the crown of his head.”

“The Mensur will continue. Prepare yourself!” Robert´s loud clear voice cut into their whispered conversation.

The end came in the eleventh round: A stroke of Christine which Stromberg failed to parry cut deep in his upper head. Blood streamed from the wound, dropped on the floor. This time Charlotte von Gräfenstein had difficulties to staunch the bleeding.

Robert demanded: “Can the Paukant still stand the Mensur?”

Charlotte replied clearly: "No, Umpire, Paukant Stromberg cannot continue the duel. The danger for his health is too great!”

“Very well”, Robert spoke then in a loud and clear commanding voice:

“Die Persönliche Contrahage” (the personal duel) between Christine von der Marwitz and my Farbenbruder Peter Stromberg is finished. Christine von der Marwitz has won! The duel is finished. Paukanten congratulate each other!

Stromberg had style. Christine had to give him that.
He saluted her with his blade and then shook her hand:

“You were and you are a worthy adversary. I consider it as honour and a privilege to have duelled with you.”

“Please return downstairs in my cabinet, the Staff will take care of you. I will join you as soon as Charlotte has stitched me up. Then we will talk.”

He turned and left the room with Charlotte von Gräfenstein.

Anna, Kate and Robert joined her: Robert bowed down before Christine. “This was one of the finest demonstrations of sportsmanship I ever saw from both of you and you can think of Stromberg what you want, but he has style.”

“Yes”, Christine replied, “that he has.”

She was in a strange mood. Tired, but relaxed but poised and alert … all together at once. Anna and Kate hugged her friend tightly. “You did great Christine! You really did!”

“Let us get down in Stromberg´s cabinet!” Anna called exhilarated “There must be more of this red wine – or even better!” Champagne!”

“She is incurable”, Kate sighed, with a grin. “This time she is right!”

They left the Hall and returned downstairs.
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Post by Beaumains »

I had not expected a duel, but it also does not surprise me. It really adds to (already) mysterious, elitist atmosphere of the story. Peter got defeated and should fulfill his end of the bet. Rules are rules. The man in the high castle lost once more.
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Post by banshee »

Great chapter, its often hard to make combat engaging in writing but the duel was written perfectly, congratulations!
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Post by GreyLord »

This is absolutely incredible. My only exposure to these duels was from a long forgotten movie from the 1950's. I put no more faith in movies then than now. This chapter brought this dueling tradition to life. Thank you for this insight.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Proficient in kenjutsu AND sabre-fencing? Goddamn Christine is a badass, that entire duel was entertaining as hell, so well explained and paced, I was even on the edge of my seat towards the end.

All in all, exactly the quality we've all come to expect from you mein freund 😁😁
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Post by Bandit666 »

I can’t believe how far behind I’ve fallen with this completely engrossed tale. So many incredible updates. So many wonderful twists and turns. The way the characters constantly develop. Awesome, truly awesome. I’ll be back on track soon I know I will for it’s hard to put this tale down
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear Friends! Thank you for your praise, all of you! It motivates me and encourages me! I had lots of fun writing the duel scene :) There are so many very good writers on this board, it is incredible!

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] I tried to describe the duel as precise as possible, gladly it worked out! Mark Twains account of his Heidelberg-Visit and that of a Member of the British Olympic Comitee for 1914 who spent time with the Corps made the work easier. The Vocabulary is rather special, even in German and to translate that in English posed quite a challenge.

[mention]TayDay95[/mention] : Yep Christine is a real Badass :) But I try to describe her not as superhuman, she has her darker sides and weaknesses. She believes in the Good in all People. Sometimes too much so.
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Post by slackywacky »

Your latest (long) chapter did not disappoint. Great reading material. I wonder what the story in German would look like, as you said it was hard to translate certain parts.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago I wonder what the story in German would look like, as you said it was hard to translate certain parts.
In the end not so very differently, I think:
The hard part was to find the best english translation for the rather specific vocabulary for Terms like "Gänge", "Schläger" etc. When I found Mark Twains Account who wittnessed several duels and was fascinated very much it became easier. Even more helpul was the Account of Sir Lee Knowles. Knowles was a Member of the British Olympic Comitee. Both Texts are accessible online, which was rather convenient.

I will post the next Update tomorrow around the usual time. I have some revision work to do on Part 5, but I hope to begin writing Part 6 tomorrow :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]iliketights[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention][mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention]
Chapter X:

30 Minutes later: Stromberg´s Cabinet:

As Stromberg had promised them, his staff provided Christine and her friends with refreshments and a light dinner. Anna had been granted her wish: there was more of the Lachrimae Christi and indeed a bottle of Dom Perignon. They settled down and tried to relax – and come to terms, with the events which had just transpired.

Christine sipped from her Wine, thought for a moment and spoke at last: “I really wonder what Stromberg want to tell us. It is strange, don't get me wrong, it is good that we made progress with our case, in other areas, but I am convinced that what Stromberg might have to reveal about von Winterfeldt, could be the key piece of information which might break this case wide open.”

“I concur”, Kate replied. “As important as it is to recover the Weinstein Collection, or what is left of it and finding Hermann Mueller, we must learn more about von Winterfeldt. This guy has been a hidden hand guiding events.

What is his endgame? This is not just about the Weinstein Collection. With everything he has done so far, it feels like something more important is at stake for him than the Weinstein-Collection, this almost seems personal.”

Anna nodded: “We did not have time to think this really through, but remember the gifts he presented us with and especially you, Christine. Like it or not, whatever von Winterfeldt is planning, you are an important part of it. Remember your meeting in Wenningstedt?”

“How could I forget”, Christine muttered.

“The more I think about it”, Anna continued, “The clearer it is to me, that he wanted to meet you personally, he is drawn to you, he sees something in you, he is obsessed with you. You are a key figure in his plans.”

Their conversation was interrupted as the Doors opened and Stromberg and Charlotte von Gräfenstein entered. Stromberg´s head was covered in bandages. The cuts above his brow and his right cheek had been stitched up and were covered by professionally applied dressings.

They rose to greet him, but Stromberg bid them to sit, with a gentle wave of his hand, “Please be seated, I'm honoured to join you. Charlotte would you be so kind and fetch me a goblet of wine and some of the left overs? Thank you.”

Gingerly he sat down. “I'm too old for this kind of thing”, he sighed. After Charlotte had presented him with the Wine he raised his glass and spoke: “May I start with a toast to the Winner of this duel, to Christine von der Marwitz!”

“To Christine!” They all raised their Glasses. Stromberg continued: “As much as you want to know what I have to tell you, let me have some of this fabulous Buffet first. Then we will talk of the business at hand.”

While Stromberg savoured his meal, they talked of the events of the day and he listened fascinated as the ladies regaled him of tales of the journey that has led them to this point.

Charlotte cleared the table of cutlery and crockery and Stromberg leaned back in his chair with a satisfied nod. ‎“Thank you for your indulgence ladies, to business, I will tell you what I know first and then I will give you the autograph of the Dufay-Mass.” Christine and her friends nodded.

“As you know, Carl von Winterfeldt and I have known each other as nodding acquaintances since the times we studied law together. But our first connection was Corps Curo-Palatia. My grandfather and my father had been members of the Corps already, so it was only natural that I would join too, having grown up with the traditions of the Corps and its history.”

“With Carl it was different matter. Carl´s Family was a Prussian Family which had served the Prussian Kings for Generations. You may know Hans-Karl von Winterfeldt was one of Frederick the Greats most trusted Generals?” Christine nodded.

After World War II Carl's Family had to leave everything behind and emigrated into the Federal Republic of Germany. They were not poor, but not as well situated as once they had been.

Carl and I joined the Corps at the same time and enjoyed a wonderful time in the first Semester, ah those were the days …" Stromberg seemed very far away for a moment. “But back to the point: We became friends, very good friends even.”

“We both passed our exams at the top out our classes. Then our ways parted. I went to Paris studying art history at the Sorbonne; Carl wrote his dissertation and began to work as an attorney in the law firm of one of our Corps Brüder. Carl visited me a few times in Paris and whilst we did not see each other very often, we stayed in close contact.”

He took a sip of wine, before continuing, “After I finished my studies at the Sorbonne I came back to Heidelberg to build up my own firm, specializing on art auctions, authentications, documentations of provenance and such. Business was good, and my reputation in the art world circles grew steadily. It was during these years, that Carl contacted me again. He had left the law firm of our Corps Bruder and began working for the ….”

“Nordstern-Trust”, completed Anna his Sentence.

“Yes, the Nordstern-Trust”, continued Stromberg “though at this point I knew nothing of its history. That would come later.”

"Over a few years we saw each other at the Stiftungsfest of the Corps and at other similar events. At first Carl came regularly, but then his visits to Heidelberg became more seldom and then stopped completely for a time," Stromberg closes his eyes for a moment, taking a deep slow breath.

“Then, rather out the blue, Carl contacted me. He came to visit Heidelberg. For old time´s sake, he said, but that was only part of it."

Christine had followed the account of Stromberg so far without interrupting him, making a mental note of every word he said.

“Then one evening Carl visited me here at the Villa. He had sounded rather mysterious and said he needed my professional expertise and my help. It was an evening in October, We sat in this study shared a bottle of a very fine wine, reminiscing of the good old times.

But I knew Carl well enough to sense, that this was not a social call. The evening progressed until Carl revealed the reason for his visit.”

Stromberg´s Audience listened in rapt attention.

“He said that he did indeed need my professional opinion regarding some old papers. In hindsight, this moment changed all, and probably we wouldn't have this conversation if I had declined to help Carl.” The older paused, with a look akin to sadness in his eyes.‎ "Carl showed me an inventory”,

This time it was Kate who interrupted him: “The inventory of the Weinstein-Collection.”

“Yes, Captain Beckett, the inventory of the Weinstein-Collection.”, Stromberg confirmed, “The original inventory the one you have obtained.”

“What did he want from you?” Christine asked. “Carl wanted to know, if the inventory was genuine and how much different items would bring on the black market.”

“And you helped him”, Anna stated.

“Yes”, Stromberg said simply. “Of course I did, he was my friend. Business was good. But at some point …Let us put it this way: Things got too hot, and I wanted out.”

“I guess Carl was not very amused by that.” Anna quipped.

“No, he was not, Grand Duchess Romanova. He tried to reason with me, he pressured me and made some not so subtly unveiled threats. This was the point, where I told him, that I would arrange one final transaction and then we would part ways.”

“Your price was the Dufay-Score”, Christine concluded.

“Yes, he gave me the Dufay-Score and I swore never to tell anyone about this affair and Carl gave me his word of honour never to demand the Score back and never to contact me in this matter again.”

“And you held your side of this bargain, to this day." Kate added. Stromberg nodded.

“Thank you for your frankness, Herr Stromberg." Christine said, "But you told us, that you can tell us more about the Collection?”

Stromberg sighed. “What do you want to know?”

“First: What is left of the Collection? Second: Where is it now? Third: Who is the Contact in Nuremberg you talked about?” Christine said, in a firm but unhurried tone.

“You waste no time, Frau von der Marwitz“, Stromberg chuckled. "To your first question: As you already know, the Collection is fairly substantial, and the items we sold, were valuable yes, but Carl never gave away the jewels on the list. So I would say that well over 85 Percent of the Collection still exists, this is a guess but an educated one.”

“Indeed something to kill for”, Kate stated flatly.

“And the second question?” Christine pressed on.

“Here I can only guess”, Stromberg admitted. “Carl told me once, that he had a secluded retreat in the Alps. This is where I would look.”

Christine, Anna and Kate exchanged looks. “That leaves Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland”, Anna sighed.

Stromberg replied: “I´m fairly certain you can rule out Italy and Switzerland. The most promising lead would be the Austrian Alps. However, I think, my Contact in Nuremberg might help you with that, though it will not be easy to contact him and even more difficult to persuade him to aid you.”

“Charlotte?” He calls out, in a firm but gentle tone.‎

“Yes Herr Stromberg," she answers, popping her head around the door. ‎

“Would you please give our guests the envelope I told you to prepare, dear?” Charlotte von Gräfenstein opened a black attaché case and took a DIN A 4 envelope out, which she gave Christine.

“Open it at your Hotel only. Not here. Now there is only one thing left to do, I will give you the score of the Dufay-Mass. Then with regret I would ask that we bid each other farewell. It is a delight to have such enchanting company, however the events of the day has left me feeling tired.”

“I understand that”, Christine said sincerely , “and we thank you for your cooperation, Herr Stromberg, but if you do not mind can I just ask, do you not fear Carl von Winterfeldt´s wrath, when he learns about this?” Christine made an all compassing gesture.

“You may find that strange to believe, Frau von der Marwitz, but I do not fear for my life. I'm convinced that I have done the right thing. I have lived a wonderful life and whilst Carl may end it, he cannot take my life away."

"To end it now would be my atonement for my sins.” He gives an unknowable smile, “And I know one thing for sure: You will bring Carl von Winterfeldt down in the end”, Stromberg said with conviction. “And that gives me peace. I think you understand that.”

“We do that Herr Stromberg but be careful please and watch your back.” Christine said, gently touching his hand.‎

“That I will do”, he replied firmly, “And as you have seen, this estate is very well protected.”

“That may be not enough, Sir”, Kate added. “Your friend von Winterfeldt hired one of the very best Professionals in this field. As we learned the hard way, the best may be not enough, Sir.”

“I appreciate your concern Captain Beckett, but I trust Charlotte, and I trust my people. Besides, my security is not just about what can be seen." he says with a wink, "Let us have a night cap, and then Charlotte will give you the Score.”‎

Stromberg raised his Goblet and his guests followed suit, in a toast he raised, "To new friends, may we meet again under better circumstances.‎

Outside the Entrance Gate of the Stromberg-Estate, 2130:

From her concealed vantage point, the Dark Lady watched as the Gates of the Stromberg-Estate opened and observed Christine von der Marwitz, Anna Romanova, Kate Beckett and a man, she did not know, leaving. The Russian and the American carried a rectangular metal box between them, which seemed not overly heavy.

“So, the old Bastard did it after all”, she thought. “That is a tragedy but that cannot be helped. Time to pay him a visit” – she grinned diabolically “And there are compensations like a certain red head.”

The Dark Lady would wait another 30 Minutes, she already had taken the necessary precautions. There was a way to enter the Stromberg-Estate without being seen …
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Post by Beaumains »

Seems like we are approaching the finally of the third part. The girls dealt with Heidelberg, and Stromberg will suffer the consequences. Time to move on. Only, I hope he spares poor Charlotte. Nicely done, and it seems Stromberg is a man of honour. Can't wait for the next part.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Stromberg accepting his fate was actually rather touching, as was Christine's concern for him. I'm guessing we're off to Nuremberg next? 🙂
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], this chapter was as fascinating and intriguing as any professionally published author I have ever read. The sensitivity and personality of your characters is absolutely sparkling. The way that you transition from smoking hot TUGs to the most adroit mystery, intrigue, and adventure is astonishing. I will remain eager for your next installment.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 3 years ago Seems like we are approaching the finally of the third part. The girls dealt with Heidelberg, and Stromberg will suffer the consequences. Time to move on. Only, I hope he spares poor Charlotte. Nicely done, and it seems Stromberg is a man of honour. Can't wait for the next part.
Indeed [mention]Beaumains[/mention] the Final of Part III is drawing near, three Chapters will follow, thank you for your kind words! And Stromberg is indeed a Gentil homme in the true sense of the word.

Stromberg accepting his fate was actually rather touching, as was Christine's concern for him. I'm guessing we're off to Nuremberg next?
Indeed Stromberg has style - and I can confirm, the quest will lead our heroines to Nuremberg - I can promise you even more Drama and Action, the fourth Part will be darker than the previous Parts.


Thank you for your praise! I´m glad the changes of Pace work out so far :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Great update.

> And there are compensations like a certain red head

That 'certain' red head better watch out...
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Post by banshee »

I thought the dark lady was going to give up after nearly being killed but it seems like not, lets see how she does this time.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I'm missing so many updates!!

The two last chapters were... wow! Even without any tie-up scenes, which one would expect in this forum. The duel was really well written, even if I suspected that Christine was going to be the winner, you could feel the tension in the scene.

Very well done!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]
Mineira1986 wrote: 3 years ago I'm missing so many updates!!

The two last chapters were... wow! Even without any tie-up scenes, which one would expect in this forum. The duel was really well written, even if I suspected that Christine was going to be the winner, you could feel the tension in the scene.

Very well done!
Thank you very much [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] :)

Now on to Chapter 11! The last chapter of Part III will follow on Tuesday. At the End of the Week, probably on Friday, the Quest of our heroines will lead them to the old and venerable City of Nuremberg :)

Chapter XI:

Stromberg´s Cabinet, an hour later:

Peter Stromberg sat in his arm chair and stared into the fire place, a crystal goblet filled with red wine in his hand. The pain of his wounds had receded thanks to the pain killers and the wine.

He had Charlotte allowed to return to her rooms. She had done enough for him. Whatever would happen now: Charlotte would be well cared for. He had seen to that long ago. He knew that her feelings for him were stronger as those of an employee usually were.

What now? Stromberg knew that his “friend” Carl would learn soon, what he had done. And he, Stromberg would pay the price – and gladly. He was sure, that Christine von der Marwitz and her friends would bring Carl von Winterfeldt down in the end. And that was something.

He sensed a movement behind him. “So soon?” He asked in a slow tired voice. Suddenly Stromberg felt suddenly immensely exhausted, as if the weight of his years was bearing down on him in that moment. He slowly rose to his feet and turned to face his would be assassin.

In the door a black figure stood, entirely clad in black. The upper half of her face hidden behind a mask, a gun in her left hand, trained at him.

“Mr. Stromberg, you know, everything could have been so simple, you should have listened to the warning Miss von Gräfenstein had delivered to you.”

“In life everything is simple, but people make it complicated.” Stromberg returned calmly. “Your quarrel is with me whatever your orders are leave Miss von Gräfenstein out of this.”

“So you do care for her” ‎

“Yes I do” Stromberg replied firmly. "She has been an exceptional employee."

“How touching“ the Dark Lady smiled mockingly. Then she became earnest: “I promise you, I will not harm her, but I will have some fun with her”

“You are a Monster.” Stromberg said disdainfully.

“Maybe”, the Dark Lady replied evenly. “However, I'm a Monster with a gun.” She pulled the trigger.

The sharp snap of the silenced pistol filled the room, but the heavy stone walls and wooden panelling ensured, that no-one outside of the room, heard the masters passing.

Villa Stromberg Charlotte von Gräfenstein´s Rooms:

Charlotte was uneasy. She paced the carpet in her living room. Peter Stromberg had spooked her. After Charlotte von der Marwitz had left, he had ordered her to send the staff to their quarters and leave him alone. He had been adamant. She had never seen him so tired. Okay he was hurt, but the weariness she sensed had been more a weariness of the mind.

She wore still the Black Power Suit he had worn the evening with the black high heels. She took a sip of Whiskey and froze as she heard an all too familiar behind her, a voice she thought she would never hear again:

“Can you not sleep my dear? You must be terribly tired after such a stressful day” the mocking voice spoke. Charlotte wheeled around and looked the black clad figure straight in the eye. It surprised her that she did not let the Whiskey Tumbler crashing down on the floor.

“What do you want?” Charlotte mustered all her strength to sound confident, but unable to stop her voice from trembling.

“Just a little conversation and possibly some harmless jest. Relax and no harm will come to you, you have my word.” The Dark Lady said in a soft almost motherly tone, whilst she drank in Charlotte's appearance with a predatory gaze.

Charlotte just stared at her, unable to tear her eyes away from the gun and the memories of their last encounter.

“Let me tell you this, Charlotte darling, there are two ways we can do this, the way we did it yesterday, or you can do this time the right thing and cooperate, which would you and me save a lot of trouble” the Dark Lady explained.

Suddenly Charlotte felt very tired, all will to resist evaporated. Resignedly she said: “What do you want me to do?”

“See that wasn't so difficult, my dear” the Dark Lady cooed.

First I want you to take of your heels.” Charlotte stepped out of her heels, set them aside folded her arms around her chest, eyes wide with fear.

“Secondly I want you to strip to your underwear and hose.” Charlotte followed that order too, her movements stiff and almost robotic. Without looking at her captor she folded her clothes and put them on a chair and stood beside the chair, shivering, but not from the cold.

“Now I want you to lie down on your bed, on your stomach. You have an exquisite body Charlotte, but you know that of course.” the Dark Lady, remarked candidly.

A few minutes later Charlotte found herself tightly hog tied on her bed. Tight but not cruelly tight, toes tied back to her elbows, elbows together, but not all the way together.

The Gag was a light one for the professional standards of the Dark Lady. A harness ball gag with a 2,5 inch ball in its centre. Charlotte stared fearful at her Captor.

The Dark Lady searched her room thoroughly then she turned to Charlotte again; “I will remove the gag and then will you tell me all what happened today. If you answer truthfully I will gag you again, you will take a nap and I promise you to leave you something to free yourself. Nod if you agree!”

In that moment, Charlotte's heart broke, "In order to save myself, I must betray the wonderful man, that I have grown to love. I pray he can forgive me." With tears in her eyes, she nodded.

A wave of sadness washed over Charlottes tightly bound body. Convulsive sobbing shook her. Streams of tears flowed freely. Sobs of grieve escaped her well gagged mouth.

“Shhhh …..” The Dark Lady cooed. Her Captor stooped down, took Charlotte´s head gently in both hands and looked directly in her eyes. And what Charlotte saw in those bottomless dark eyes surprised her:

Gone was the coldness, the cruelty – instead Charlotte saw kindness there, sympathy and understanding. Something transpired in that moment between the two, between captor and captive: a silent understanding.

When the Dark Lady spoke the cold efficiency, all steel, all menace was gone. “You may not believe me Charlotte, but I understand what you are going through right now –and it is okay. Surprisingly gentle she unbuckled the straps of the harness gag and pulled the large ball slowly out of Charlotte´s mouth, and took a silken handkerchief to remove the drool around Charlotte´s lips.

In the same gentle tone as before she asked her: “Are you ready to talk, my dear?” Charlotte nodded again. “Tell me all what happened today, as accurate as possible” Sarah McKenzie asked her.

An hour later the Dark Lady left Charlotte´s Quarters and vanished into the darkness like a ghost, but not before she had cut the ropes which connected Charlotte´s ankles to her elbows.

Hotel Vier-Jahreszeiten, Christine´s Suite, 2200:

After their return to the Hotel, Kate and Anna had stayed at the Hotel-Bar to have one for the road. Christine and Robert went up to Christine's Suite.

“You were marvellous” Robert told Christine, “I know”, she smiled. “That is just what I am but you know that right?”

“You know, I´m terrible stressed, my muscles hurt from all the exercise today. You could do something to relax me, Gentleman that you are.” Christine looked him deeply in the eye.

“Of course I will, your Highness!” Robert bowed mockingly. “I already took the liberty of ordering a bottle of Champaign that should help relaxing you.”

“You are sooo perceptive Herr von Hardenberg”, Christine purred.

They had reached the Suite. Christine inserted her Key Card and they entered. Robert hat true to his word, she thought: On the table stood a bottle of champagne chilling in its cooler next to a silver plate.

“What do you think Chris? I take responsibility of the Champagne and the dinner and you." he gave her the once over, seeing the weariness in her eyes, "Why don't you freshen up for dinner?”

“Sounds like a good plan to me”, Christine smiled but could you help me taking of my boots? I'm too tired to do it myself, I'm just overwhelmed.”

“Robert von Hardenberg, at your service” Robert bowed mockingly. Christine let herself fall in the next chair and presented her left foot to Robert who pulled off the combat boot from her foot. Christine flexed her toes. “Ah that feels good. I have another foot though” and presented her right foot to Robert who pulled off that boot too.”

Christine rose and stretched, Robert admired the grace of her movements. Christine blew him a kiss, “Do not go away!” and left for the bath room.

Robert's gaze followed her as she left. “What a woman”, he thought. Today he had seen a totally different side of her. Yesterday evening the woman who had given herself totally to him; today he had seen the warrior daring, undaunted, formidable. He had known the woman before, but he had not seen the warrior side of her. Christine was both and he suspected so much more.

“Ready when you are, Sir!”

Christine´s voice broke him out of his reverie: Christine stood in the doorframe of the bathroom, in the classical contra post. Robert gazed at her, Christine had her long blond mane pulled into a pony tail her black negligee fell down midthigh. Black stockings graced her long, well-toned legs.

“Ah”, he spoke, “my Lady in Black!”

Christine sauntered towards him like a predator. He presented her with a Glass of Champaign.

Suddenly she became earnest: “Did I frighten you today, Robert?”

“No, you did not, that was just unexpected. I know the Artist, I know the woman, but the Warrior? That was a new side of you for me" He added. “But that is what you are, and we haven't seen each other in quite a while.” He placed a gentle finger upon her lips, seeing she was on the verge of speaking: “I love you, I love what you are, all of you. And no, you did not scare me.”

Christine looked long at him, relieved as if a weight of 1000 Pounds had left her: “Robert, I am in control all the time and there are times it is too much. Today has been one of those times. You are the only man I trust enough to ask this.” She gently bites her lip, "I need to let go entirely tonight. If I give myself to you, will you take care of me tonight?"

Robert took her hand and gently kissed her knuckles, "I accept the gift of yourself to me this night. Place yourself in my hands, I will care for you in every way." he whispers.

Christine slowly crossed the room and opened the Cupboard and fetched some coils of black rope and the ball gag he had used yesterday, presenting them to him she says, "I give myself to you please make me yours.

At the Bar of the Hotel Vier-Jahreszeiten – a short while before:

Kate and Anna watched as the Elevator´s closed behind Chris and Robert, “Aren't they cute`” Kate chuckled.

“They are” Anna agreed “I guess Robert learned today a few things about Christine” she added grinning.

After they had finished her drinks the two friends walked in amiable silence to their Suites. When they stood before Anna´s Suite, Anna gave her friend an appraising look: “Something is on your mind Captain Beckett, I can tell. Come on spill the beans.” “A person who talks can be helped”, one of my teachers told me at the Conservatory.”

“A wise man”, Kate replied. “A woman actually, ever demanding 120 Percent, at times I hated her and would have strangled her with a violin string gladly– but in the end? She was right.” Anna added. “So what's up?”

Kate hesitated a moment, then spoke: Today was an incredible day, an incredible crazy day. That duel was unbelievable. Castle will envy me, when I tell him, he couldn´t have written that better.”

“And?” Anna pressed on.

"I am exhausted after the last few days, but feel absolutely wired. I am never going to sleep." Kate confessed.

"How can I help?" Anna asks, supportively.

“You remember that evening in Hamburg, when I told you I might want to try Bondage Meditation?”

“How could I forget?” Anna grinned broadly.

“I think today is the time to give it a try”, Kate spoke, “We will leave for Nuremberg soon – and the next days will be stressful, so I just want to relax today: Nothing crazy or rough just relaxing.”

“I think I can help you with that.” The Russian grinned mischievously. “As it happens, you were not the only one, who went shopping, I did too, and I might have just the right Cure for you.” “My Suite in 20 Minutes?”

“Thank you, Anna, see you in 20 Minutes”, Kate went to her Suite.

Anna´s Suite 20 Minutes later:

Precisely after 20 Minutes Kate knocked at Anna´s door. “Always on time dear Kate”, a smile curled Anna´s lips. She had changed in red silken PJ´s in the meantime. “Enter”, she called. Anna gave her friend a quick once over: Kate wore a light blue silken dressing gown and a matching silken pyjamas. Her pantyhosed feet were clad in matching Fluffitas from UGG.

“Comfy”, Anna grinned, “Sometimes it is good to get rid of those dammed High Heels.”

“Come Kate!” The Russian gestured at her bed: There lay an assortment of hose, lots of it, rope, tape and something different.

“This is the key to your successful cure, a sensory deprivation hood.” Anna who had followed Kate´s look explained, as the detective ran her fingers over its smooth surface.

“This looks more like a leather helmet”, Kate noted, appreciating from shiny black leather, and obviously heavily padding above the eyes, the ears and the mouth.‎

“We will insert ear buds in your ears first. The hood will be more effective then.” Anna explained. Of course you will be gagged first.”

“Sounds like I will be cut off from everything. Shall we begin?” Kate says with a nervous anticipation.‎

“Why don't you disrobe first?”

Kate removed her dressing gown, slipped of her UGG´s, then her pyjamas, folded everything and laid it on a chair. Beneath the Pyjamas Kate wore matching bra and panties of the same colour and nude hose.

Anna gave her an appraising look: “Perfect! Can you hold out your arms for me?"

Kate did as instructed and watched Anna cut the crotch of a pair of tights. Anna slid the tights, up Kate arms and pulled them over her head, which popped easily through the hold that she had made. Then Anna pulled the Hose down Kate's body and spent a moment smoothing them out to remove any wrinkles. ‎

“Now your whole body is encased in hose”, Anna explained, "But this is just the first layer. Now we need to tie you up. Turn around”‎

Anna took a length of soft silk rope and wrapped it around Kate's waist, passing the preknotted rope between her legs. Kate exhaled sharply, as Anna pulled the preknotted rope tight and tied it to the rope girdle around her waist.

Anna asks Kate to step into another pair of tights, with both feet in one leg of them. She pulls them up her body, slowly stretching them until they are just below her armpits. She cut another hole and pulls them over Kate's head. Then with a little struggling and Anna's help, Kate slips her arms into the free tights leg behind her back encasing her arms completely and squeezing them together. ‎

After helping her to sit, Anna takes more soft silk rope and applied three tight rope bands above the knees, three below, before taking a role of tape and winding tight bands of tape around her rope bonds.

“There was me thinking you would copy the Dark Lady? Kate smiled.

“No”, there will be differences as you may learn soon enough, I´m not just a copy-cat." Anna replied in mocked indignation.

She takes the tape and begins slowly wrapping the tape around Kate's nylon encased wrists and working her way up her arms, securing them snugly but not too tight. "That should hold you and will be comfortable if you need to lie down on your back."‎
Kate enjoyed the way the soft hose caressed her skin she sighed contently. “Sit”, Anna advised her and took another pair of tights folding one leg inside the other and then pulling them over Kate's feet. Slowly she works the garment up her bound friend´s body reinforcing the encasement on her legs. Then she works it up Kate's body using the fabric to pin the Detective's arms to her back. She stops just below Kate's shoulders and wraps tape around the top to prevent it from slipping.‎

Kate´s body, except her head was now totally and helplessly enshrouded in the soft material. Anna used another role of tape to apply tape bands at regularly spaced intervals around her body and legs. Then she stepped back and took a look on her work.

“You know something is missing Anna”, Kate teased her.

“What could that possibly be?” Anna played the ignorant. “Let me think”, and pulled a face: Then she grinned broadly: “I know what is missing. I have a confession to make.” Anna says, looking crestfallen.

Kate tests the security of her body, unconsciously, as she asks, "What is it? What's wrong?"

"I tried so hard, but...." Anna's lip quivers for a moment, "I couldn't find a sheep to lick your feet."

Kate closes her eyes and scrunches up her nose, "Damn it, I am never living that down."‎

"Baaaaaaa. Nope." Anna laughed, ‎“I think I had better find a nice gag for you, before you crew yourself free and get your own back”, Anna replied with a good show of enthusiasm.

She took a very large pair of hose and wadded it up into a large makeshift ball: “Open up." She asked with a smile. She pressed and prodded till the ball vanished completely behind Kate's luscious lips.

“Close your lips”, Anna told Kate. “Impressive!” And Anna was genuinely impressed, Kate could tell as she was able to close her mouth.

Anna brushed Kate's long brown tresses carefully and tied them into a tight Ponytail. Next Anna took a role of clear bondage tape and wound layer after layer above Kate´s mouth. After 20 Passes she was satisfied.

“What do you think Kate`” Does that gag meet your requirements?” Kate nodded enthusiastically a sparkle in her eyes.

Next she showed her friend two black ear buds: “Those belong to the hood. There are three settings:

Communication Mode: You can hear me crystal clear.
Mute Mode: All sounds are blended out with white noise.
Music Mode: The Wearer can hear nice relaxing whale songs.

“Very relaxing I have been told, but we will try all three modes, I would suggest."‎

Anna pulled the leather hood above Kate´s head and pulled her Ponytail through the matching hole. As she pulled the draw strings tight, Kate felt that her head seemed to be compressed but not in an uncomfortable way. The areas above her eyes, hear ears and mouth were heavily padded.

Then she heard Anna´s voice: “Do you hear me, Kate?” The blind, deaf and mute detective nodded. “I will now switch in Mute Mode, okay?” But before I do that, I want you to lie down in the middle of bed.”

Kate managed, with Anna's guidance to lie down on her bound arms and in the centre of the bed. Nice and soft, she sighed contently. She was very securely tied but incredible comfy on the other hand. Moving her bound feet was about all she could do. “Anna did not tie my soles nor my big toes, there must be a reason to it” Kate mused. She would learn soon enough.

Anna looked down on the nylon encased body of Kate. She was not yet finished, far from it. She took several pre-cut thin lines of white rope. At strategically placed points small rings were sewn into to hood. At the crown of the head and at the sides, 10 Minutes later moving her head was impossible for Kate.

Anna used the same rope again securing one end to the side of the bed then bringing it up over her body, wrapping under her and securing to the other side of the bed. Bringing the rope back and forth Anna weaves Kate to the bed.‎

“Almost ready, almost ready”, Anna muttered to herself. “Now for the finish!” tying Kate´s big toes together was no easy task, but Anna managed that. As a finish Anna tied the rope around Kate's toes down to the foot of the bed, so that her feet were held in the en pointe position permanently.

Kate was in heaven. She lay heavily bound on the bed. She felt totally relaxed already. The whale sounds did their part to that too. She felt a soft caress at her bound legs; Anna let her hands glide softly above all Parts of Kate´s body. Kate´s breath became deeper, slower.

After 30 Minutes Kate's deep regular breaths told Anna, that Kate was fast asleep.

"This had been an exciting, a perfect day." Anna thought.

They were one step nearer to their goal.‎
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Post by Beaumains »

A bit of a chaotic chapter as all storylines had to be wrapped up, and curiously, all with bondage. Sometimes I still have trouble taking Anna and Kate serious as professionals. They act like little girls on a schooltrip, especially together. I can't wait what Nuremberg has in story for them. Let the battle continue.
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Post by banshee »

So maybe her experience did taught the dark lady something after all, also it was nice to see Anne get her "revenge" if it can be called that, on kate.
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Post by slackywacky »

The bondage in this story is always extensive, tight and very restrictive. Not just a single rope, but a multitude of different materials, rendering whoever is on the receiving end totally helpless. I would gladly change places with Kate (or any of the other 'victims'). It is great to see how this story is developing, a great read.
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Post by GreyLord »

Another flawless transition from the deadly serious to consensual TUGs. It would have been interesting to read more details about how Robert ties Chris. Is a great reveal of their scenes together planned for the future? This is a well executed chapter in your ever fascinating story. By-the-way, it is nice to see that the Dark Lady is mellowing.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago It would have been interesting to read more details about how Robert ties Chris. [...] By-the-way, it is nice to see that the Dark Lady is mellowing.
[mention]GreyLord[/mention], I have to admit, I was tempted to elaborate that part of the chapter - but in the end I found sometimes less is more and let your imagination do the rest. The chapter was already rather long, so I decided to leave it at that. The relationship between Christine and Robert is certainly something that will develop in the future, but in what way remains to be seen. And you are right: The Dark Lady has a softer side, I think her as a complex Character, the future Parts will show that.

[mention]Beaumains[/mention]: I understand where you are coming from :) But believe me, you will see the serious sides of both characters in the following Parts in full display.

And as a writer I cannot not always resist the temptation to write scenes which hover sometimes more on the comical side :)

Enough dark stuff is happening :)
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Post by TayDay95 »

I'm a little inclined to agree with [mention]Beaumains[/mention], people have literally been killed and yet Anna and Kate don't seem to always be taking things seriously enough. Either way, only a minor criticism, as everything else is still superbly written and even then, the bondage scenes between Anna and Kate are extremely sexy 🙂
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Post by Caesar73 »

I have absolutely no problems with critizism [mention]TayDay95[/mention] :) On the contrary :)

I know, especially Anna seems to take things sometimes on the light side. But I see that as only one side of her character, amd beneath the surface there is way more. I agree with you and [mention]Beaumains[/mention] that you have seen the more serious side of Anna not on too many occassions so far, she seems to be the lighthearted jester. In some ways I see Anna as complementary to Christine - you can see the two as Yin and Yang. Kate adds something different to the mix.

I my view, Annas sense of humour is her way to deal with the terse situations the Trio is confronted with. But you should not let decieve you, by the surface - and I promise you this: In Part 4 you will see Sides of her character you have not seen before, more of the Anna that took out Susanne von Stülpnagel at the Graveyard in Keitum.

All in all, it shows sometimes, that at first I intended this Saga as only a one Part Story and began to develop the characters seriously, when I began writing Part II.
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