The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]iliketights[/mention]

Adlernest, von Winterfeldt´s Office an hour later:

Von Winterfeldt looked at his watch: He awaited Susanne von Stülpnagel for an extensive report about the disasters that had had happened on her watch. He had sensed her anxiety, her fear, but she had not dared to talk about the incidents.

Outwardly von Winterfeldt seemed to be cool and collected. But inwardly he fumed. That the termination of the Dark Lady had failed was regrettable.

For their Failure the two Valkyries had paid the price and von Winterfeldt had agreed with the disciplinary actions von Stülpnagel had taken. The latest failure in Munich had been her responsibility and hers alone. He would deal with her shortly.

And there was Sophie Reichenbach … he had read the reports how she had adjusted to her new surroundings. His staff had been impressed how she had handled herself so far. Von Winterfeldt was already sure that he had made the right decision.

He would have Tea with her later, when he had dealt with Susanne von Stülpnagel. For the evening he would invite her to a formal dinner in his personal Quarters. He looked forward to that. But now to the Matter at hand, he knew that Susanne already waited for over 15 Minutes.

He stood behind his desk, Hands folded behind his back. “Enter” he called. The large double leave doors swung open and his assistant entered von Winterfeldt´s spacious office.

She tried very hard to demonstrate calmness and radiate authority. It was the small tell-tale signs which betrayed her and he knew her way too well not to detect those signs.

“You called me, Sir?” Susanne stood three meters before his desk. She dared not to look him in the eyes but stared at the tips of her high heels. He regarded her for a moment, let the silence do its work then he moved from behind his desk, till he stood directly in front of her.

Susanne was tall, and her High Heels made her even taller. But even now von Winterfeldt towered over her. He walked around her, invading her personal space, appraising her. “Susanne, Susanne” he spoke in this cool, well-articulated voice which gave her the creeps. “I´m disappointed. You have done so well lately.”

“You know, that this failure could well endanger our complete operation, don´t you?”

Susanne took this as her clue to speak. “Yes Sir, I do.”

“But nevertheless you dispatched only Sieglinde and Kriemhild to Munich.” Von Winterfeldt spoke in a mild tone now, like a king talking to a faithful minister who had served him well in the past.

“Yes Sir, but I thought time of the essence, in case our opponents had already approached von Instetten Sir.”

“Your decision was wrong.” Von Winterfeldt´s voice hit her like a whip. “You should have sent a full team, as Sieglinde had suggested. Then we would not be having this conversation. You know, that failure has consequences?”

“I do Sir, and will take full responsibility it is not Sieglinde or Kriemhild´s fault. It was my responsibility and mine alone Sir and looked him in the eye for the first time.”

That was something he had always admired in Susanne von Stülpnagel: She would never shrink away from her duties. “Your failure was severe; your punishment will be as severe accordingly. It starts now.”

“Go, fetch the ropes and the largest harness ball gag you can find.” Susanne turned on her heels walked to a large cupboard and returned with the items von Winterfeldt had demanded.

Von Winterfeldt gave Susanne an appraising look, from her blonde crown to the tips of her High Heels. Normally von Winterfeldt let other people do his bidding. That he had obviously decided to punish Susanne personally demonstrated how important this matter was to him.

He turned to her: “If you would be so kind to undress Susanne!” This sounded polite, but it was an Order nevertheless and Susanne complied with it without hesitation.

Von Winterfeldt´s Assistant stepped out of her heels and began to disrobe; she folded her clothes and laid them orderly on a chair. Not the heavy Chair with its high back. This one would von Winterfeldt use for her.

Von Stülpnagel turned her back to von Winterfeldt and placed her slender wrists behind her back. To an observer this would look like a well-rehearsed Ballet:

Von Winterfeldt took one rope and began lashing her wrists together, then tight rope bands under and above the joint followed the equally tight framed Susanne von Stülpnagel modest B Cups. She drew her breath inward sharply when her Master pulled the knotted crotch rope so tight, that the knots seemed to vanish in her black Panties.

“Sit on the Chair” von Winterfeldt commanded her. Gingerly Susanne sat down on the cool smooth surface. She could not see what von Winterfeldt did. Suddenly the large 3 inch ball of the harness gag appeared in her field of vision. She hated that gag, and von Winterfeldt knew that.

It took von Winterfeldt considerable effort till the ball plopped behind Susanne´s teeth. Her jaw began to ache almost immediately. Von Winterfeldt pulled all the straps of the harness gag tight, not with malice, but with the practiced precision of a master of his craft.

Susanne could not see it, but von Winterfeldt knelt at her feet and tied her ankles together.

10 Minutes later, Susanne was all but welded to the Chair. As finishing touch von Winterfeldt tied her big toes together and fastened that rope to her wrists bonds. Thus, the sitting hogtie was complete.

But von Winterfeldt was not finished: After he had inserted ear buds in her ears and blindfolded her. He took then a thin rope, which he pulled through one of the rings of the harness gag. He pulled then, till he could fasten that rope to the crotch rope. Susanne was now compelled to look straight at the ceiling above her. She knew that this was just the warm up.

The Adlernest Sophie´s Quarters around 1400 Hours:

The female voice Sophie already knew broke through the silence: “Sophie, at 1600 Hours you will have tea with Herrn von Winterfeldt. At 1500 Hours Gunhild and Gaia will help you to dress accordingly. That will be all.” The Intercom fell silent again.

“So that is it.” Sophie thought, “The Moment I was waiting for and the Moment I have dreaded for days.” She pulled herself together “I will not this man allow to intimidate me. I survived my father in law, I will survive this.”

So it came, when Gunhild and Gaia entered her Quarters later, they found Sophie calm and cool. “You really look good Sophie.” the bubbly maid complimented Sophie and gave her an appraising look. “I really do feel good myself, thank you Gunhild.” Sophie smiled.

“Let us get you presentable then!” Gunhild replied cheerily. “We will make sure, that you will look your best for Herrn von Winterfeldt.” Sophie knew better, than to question the maid about von Winterfeldt. That would put the Girl into an awkward position.

And Sophie did not want that, she had not forgotten how Gunhild had helped her in these difficult hours when she had to cope with the shock to watch the Punishment of Brunhild and Freya. But now to the matter at hand.

The Adlernest Sophie´s Quarters around 1545 Hours:

Sophie looked at herself in the large mirror and liked what she saw. The two maids had outdone themselves she had to admit. They had opted for a wide cut summer dress which fell wide around mid-calve. It emphasized her ample bosom in a classy way.

A golden necklace with a green emerald in its centre accentuated her green eyes nicely. Nude Pantyhose and green peep toe Platform heels completed then ensemble. She nodded to her reflection, “The key word is elegance."

“Sophie, you will make a very good impression!” Sophie nodded and smiled. A knock at the door: The guard detail entered. Sophie automatically presented her wrists to them. “That will not be necessary, Sophie”, the Leader of the Valkyries turned her down. “Herr von Winterfeldt ordered that no restraints are necessary.”

“Okay then! Let´s go!” Sophie said, sounding more confident, when she felt. Gunhild and Gaia beamed at her.

Instead of the usual four Sophie was accompanied by six guards this time. The leader at the front, two Valkyries in front of Sophie, two behind her and one bringing up the rear, the boots of the Guards and her heels clicked loud on the marble floor.

They passed sheer endless Corridors. Large paintings covered the walls. Then they came to a halt in front of a large double leaved door of white wood and gilded ornaments. Two Guards stood there. The door leaves swung wide open, Sophie took a deep breath and they entered.

The Adlernest Carl von Winterfeldt´s Offices

The Offices of Carl von Winterfeldt were a copy of the Quarters of Louis XV., In Versailles, right down to the last detail.


Versailles Appartement du Roi


Versailles Appartement du Roi

Near the large Window stood the large desk, behind the desk stood the tall blond Man that Sophie had watched arriving earlier, Susanne von Stülpnagel was nowhere to be seen. Sophie and her detail came to a halt in the middle of the Suite.

Von Winterfeldt nodded curtly to the leader of her Guards. "You may leave us now I will call if I need you."

The leader saluted, stood to attention, turned on her heels and left with her comrades. As soon as the Doors had closed behind them, von Winterfeldt moved along his desk and walked towards her: “Sophie it is so good to meet you in person!” The genuine warmth in his tone caught her off guard for a moment, until she remembered why she was here.

He beamed, he was all smiles, so powerful was the impact of his personality that everything else in the large Suite seemed to recede.

When he reached Sophie von Winterfeldt he took her hand and executed a perfect hand kiss without his lips touching her skin. He moved with effortless elegance, at odds with his size.

Normally Sophie would have found this display of antique etiquette pure enthusiasm, out dated. But with von Winterfeldt it was different. To him, this manner fitted perfectly.

“Please do have a seat Sophie” von Winterfeldt made an inviting gesture to a couch, before her stood an ornate round table with beautiful delicate china laid out on it.

Von Winterfeldt who had noticed Sophie´s look explained: “Meissner Porcelain” It was this moment when Sophie registered the tightly tied Susanne von Stülpnagel which stared blindly at the ceiling. “Please do not let that distract you. This is of no importance what so ever, just a little disciplinary measure. Please take a seat.” He said with off-hand dismissal.

It cost Sophie all her self-control to turn her face away from Susanne and to take her seat. When they had settled, a maid appeared, who Sophie had not noticed before, and filled their cups.

“Sophie, I know you have a lot of questions why you are here, Susanne told me you showed exemplary behaviour. Please understand though, that a lot of things have piled up while I was away."

Sophie´s disappointment showed obviously.

“Listen Sophie, we will have a talk regarding your future tomorrow in the morning. Before we talk business I think, we should know each other better. It would be my pleasure if you would join me for Dinner in my private Suite this evening. I can tell you my Maître de Cuisine is excellent. What do you say?”

Sophie was seriously tempted to tell von Winterfeldt where he could shove himself his Chef … but it had gotten her nowhere. To antagonize Winterfeldt was not a smart move; the strictly tied Susanne was a stark reminder. “It would be my genuine delight, Herr von Winterfeldt” she replied politely.

“Then it is settled!” Von Winterfeldt returned beaming. For the first time Sophie could get a clear look of him: He was good looking and the long thin scar on his left cheek did not destroy that picture. He was ruggedly handsome. His Aura was mesmerizing Sophie could not turn away her gaze from those radiant blue grey eyes. She could understand now, what drew Susanne von Stülpnagel to her Master.

“So Sophie” von Winterfeldt spoke after he had taken a sip of tea, "Why don´t you tell me something about you? Why did you choose a career as District Attorney and not as a lawyer?”

And so it began, von Winterfeldt moved effortlessly from one subject to another, from the latest decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court to the latest Tizian-Exhibition in Berlin. Von Winterfeldt was a brilliant conversationalist. He discussed the finer points of complex matters of law equally competent as when he talked about Thomas Mann´s famous novel Dr. Faustus, in which the Music and a Pact with the Devil were key Parts.

It costed Sophie enormous effort not to forget that this was not a pleasant invitation to tea, but that she had a conversation with the man who had ordered the execution of her father in law and her abduction. However, she admonished herself to be patient, to bide her time.

Out of the blue von Winterfeldt asked her: “Sophie, I heard that you had considered a career as opera singer before committing yourself to the courts of law, why is that?”

This question took Sophie by surprise. Very few people knew that, that she had studied music. She still took lessons twice a week. But becoming a professional musician had never been an option for her. How von Winterfeldt had found out?

She pondered the question: “I love singing and I love the law, but the music is something for me only. It is private, it is personal.”

Von Winterfeldt nodded: “I understand.” “You sing Mezzo Soprano don´t you?” Sophie was surprised a second time, where was this conversation going, she wondered?

“Sophie, you would honour me deeply, if you would sing for me tonight. I would accompany you personally” He smiled his dazzling smile.

“Herr von Winterfeldt I have not practised for two weeks now, I doubt that you would enjoy my singing at the moment.”

“That is no problem what so ever, my dear Sophie.” “As it happens I employ one of the best Vocal Coaches. She would be glad to rehearse with you after tea. What do you say?”

He had got her; there was no way around it. “I would be glad, Herr von Winterfeldt”, Sophie answered politely.

“Why so formal dear Sophie? It is Carl to my friends”

“Friends” Sophie mused darkly. She pulled herself together: “Carl it would be my pleasure, but please be not disappointed.”

“It is settled then.” Von Winterfeldt smiled. He looked at his watch, “Sophie, I am sorry, but I have to attend to some business affairs. Tedious but necessary, but I look forward to Dinner tonight!”

They rose. Von Winterfeldt must have pressed some button, because as soon as they rose, the Doors opened and the Guard Detail entered. Von Winterfeldt turned to the Commander: “Would you please take Sophie to the Music room? Frau Berger is expecting her.”

“As you command Sir!” the Valkyrie replied. Together with her detail Sophie left von Winterfeldt´s Offices.

While they walked the long corridors, Sophie was confused.

What had she expected to see?
A devil with hooves and horns?
A small ugly man like Adolf Hitler or Heinrich Himmler?

No, von Winterfeldt exuded power; he was well mannered, educated and charismatic. The scar added even to his attraction. He was a handsome devil.

A few minutes later they halted before another double leaved door. The leader knocked. The door opened and they entered.

A Grand Piano dominated the room: Besides stood a slender blond woman in her fifties, who looked appraisingly at Sophie, to her surprise the guard showed reference to Frau Berger: “Frau Berger, this is Frau Reichenbach.”


The Woman nodded. “Leave us alone. I will call for you.”

The guards were dismissed. “Sophie how is Elina?” she asked, not very loud, but clear.

Elina Garanca had been Sophie’s Teacher for years. Sophie needed a few seconds to answer. “She is well I hope.”

“Then let us begin. Why don´t you make yourself comfortable at first?” She looked at Sophie´s High Heels.

Gladly Sophie stepped out of her heels. On her stockinged feet she approached the Piano.

“What have you studied lately?” The Teacher asked her.

Sophie told her: “Reynaldo Hahn and Handel”.

“Very well”, Berger said, “let us begin then.” and sat down at the Piano.
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Post by GreyLord »

I'm sure Susanne's jaw is aching, if nothing else. Even if the ropes are not hurting her per se, they will in time. How long will her punishment continue?

It is interesting that he lets Sophie see what he is doing to Susanne.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago How long will her punishment continue?

It is interesting that he lets Sophie see what he is doing to Susanne.
Regarding your first question: Let us say, that Susannes Resilience and Endurance will be tested.

That he lets Sophie watch Susanne´s Punishment serves primarily as a not so subtle reminder for Sophie and it shows that he does absolutely not care for his people.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Agreed, the fact that von Winterfeldt displays Susanne being punished during a "normal" dinner with Sophie is a very strong display of power. It gives the scene such a contrast: one suffering punishment while the other enjoys the meal and conversation, both in the same room. Well done.
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Post by banshee »

Winterfeldt sure doesn't take his servants failing him lightly, both him and them seem pretty used to such "disciplinary measures" as he called them
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention]

Dear Friends, today´s Update will be the last till 18th of August, I am away for a few days. The next update will be on 18th or 19th of August. Today´s update encompasses the last two Chapters of Part V of the Hunt. For easier reading, I will post this update in two different posts. I hope you enjoy it and thank you all for your ongoing support and commennting and reading. The Story is far from over. After Part VI the grand Final will follow, which nears it´s finish, there are only a few Chapters left to write. I estimate that the Final will be roughly twice as large as the previous Parts of the Hunt.

Sophie´s Quarters around 1900 Hours:

It had been a roller coaster. The Meeting with von Winterfeldt and the Rehearsal with Simone Berger, the first had been unnerving while the rehearsal with Berger had helped her.

Concentrating on the music let her forget. Berger was an excellent teacher. And for 90 Minutes Sophie had been in another world, where she just had to concentrate on the Music and the Guidance of her teacher.

There was nothing else. Just the Music, letting her breath flow; while singing “Ombra mai fu” Tears began to roll down her cheeks. Berger had said nothing, but after she had played the last accord, she had walked to Sophie and softly stroke her cheek: “Let it flow my dear, it is okay.”

Sophie stared out of the window for moment. She would do her best later. She would sing for von Winterfeldt. And she would give her very best: As Berger had told her: “Let the Music carry you."

Would Christine and her friends rescue her?

Munich: Safe house, around 2100 hours:

The Ossobuco had been delicious. Christine sighed contently. The meat had been so tender, that it nearly fell of the bone. It had been Anna´s turn to prepare the Dinner and Anna had outdone herself. The Brunello di Montalcino had accompanied the meat perfectly.

The Russian loved the Italian Cuisine and had used the time assisted by Kate, while Chris and the Dark Lady had brought von Instetten to Franz-Josef-Strauss-Airport. He would fly to Hamburg, where Sybille would take care of him. When they had finished von Winterfeldt he would be able to return –and maybe get his life back.

Christine looked around the table. Sarah, Kate and Anna were chatting intimately. The unlikely Alliance had been working remarkably well so far, they had passed the first test with flying colours, even when the real challenges would follow in the future.

But Sarah McKenzie was a real asset, and Christine had to admit that they all had done their best, to make this work despite of all differences and what had happened in the past.

Anna interrupted her thoughts and Christine noticed that mischievous twinkle in the eyes of her friend, she knew so well. “This is a good sign”, she thought, obviously Anna was on the mend.

“Girls” Anna said graciously “We had two very good days and you will surely agree that some celebrations are in order!” Kate and Chris exchanged a knowing look they had a certain Idea what Anna had in mind, while the Art Thief looked curiously at the Russian.

“Since you” “she nodded at her friends "Had all the fun yesterday, you will not object that is now my turn to have some and I think you will have no objections too, that I will be Mistress of Ceremonies and a little workout will do you good, after you stuffed yourself, right?”

Grinning Chris and Kate nodded, while Sarah McKenzie still seemed unsure what she should make out of this.

Anna continued: “After we have cleaned up the Kitchen you are requested and required to dress yourself appropriately and meet me in the Cellar: The Dress Code will be Bra, Panties and Hose!”

The other three changed looks, but as Kate and Chris seemed to be fine with the idea the Canadian relented: “Then do your worst!”

30 Minutes later in the Cellar:

Anna was giddy with expectation: She had prepared lots of ropes, scarfs and a special surprise for her friends. Fitting for the occasion, Anna herself had opted for a black spandex Cat suit, which accentuated her figure nicely and black hose, the red nail polish shimmered through the nylon.

She heard the others coming down the stairs. Christine was the first to enter. She had gone with green: A green silken dressing gown, and nude hose and with matching Birkenstocks at her feet, behind her followed the Dark Lady, which had chosen her customary black: Black dressing gown, black hose and low heeled black mules. Kate brought up the rear, today in a blue dressing gown, nude hose and her beloved Fluffitas.

Anna could not hide a smile. Hands on her hips she addressed her audience, like a general addressing his troops: “Prepare yourself Ladies! Take your shoes off and take off your dressing gowns!”

Her friends followed her “order”.

“What now?” Sarah McKenzie asked the Russian:

“Since this is all about teambuilding, we will do it this way: “You” Anna nodded at the Dark Lady, “will tie up Chris, then Kate will truss up you and I will tie up Kate. Begin!”

Sarah needed no second invitation and Chris hesitated for a second or two before, obviously having second thoughts, but turned around then and put her arms behind her back. Kate and Anna exchanged a look:

That Chris complied so easily letting herself being tied up by someone who had been their enemy was fascinating. Giving up control, giving herself in the hands of her former adversary? Kate knew many people who had not done that, or at least hesitated more, but not so Chris.

The Dark Lady did their usual professional job: Tight, symmetrical, neat. When Sarah McKenzie had finished tying Chris´ upper body and the crotch rope, Chris´ bonds were more or less an exact copy of Hamburg, well not so cruelly tight this time, except the crotch rope. . The Pianist tested her bonds: “Very snug” she observed

“Does that meet your requirements?” The Art thief asked her jesting.

Chris regarded her with a long look, but nodded then: “Perfectly.”

15 Minutes later, Sarah had finished tying Chris long legs three rope bands above the joint and the three below.

Anna grinned at Sarah: “Now it is your turn!” And Kate enjoyed it very much, tying up her former Nemesis: “Sorry Sarah, but I could not resist the temptation tying your elbows all the way together!” The Investigator added sweetly. The Thief shrugged: “I guess turnabout is only fair.” And sighed.

30 Minutes later her three friends stood tied up identically before Anna, and the Russian surprised them, instead of gagging them, she blindfolded them tightly first with silk scarves matching the colour of their underwear.

Deprived of their eye sight, they could only guess, what Anna would do know. “Open your mouths wide, it is time for your gags, I hope you like the idea!” Sarah McKenzie was the first in the row; Anna stuffed a large ball of soft material in her gaping mouth. The Art Thief gagged at the putrid taste. Chris was next, then Kate.

Each of them gagged when Anna stuffed their mouths full. Getting the Material in the Mouths of their “Students” took considerable pressing and prodding. “You look adorable, like chipmunks!” the Russian teased them. “Anna is definitely back to her own self” Chris thought, while she chewed on the Gag Packing.

“I hope you like the taste”, Anna added cheerily. The Protests of her three Partners were heavily muffled. “As you have already guessed, I gagged all of you with a Pair of large very smelly and very salty socks. To strengthen the team spirit, I went through the hampers of yours and used the ripest socks I could find: “Sarah, you chew on Chris´ socks, Chris on yours Kate and you, Kate on mine. Brilliant, is it not?”

Her friends kept their silence but did obviously not share Anna´s enthusiasm. Kate thought: “You are so dead Anna!”

Anna proceeded with first cleave gagging the trio with silk scarves then tied a perfumed sock over it.

“You may have noticed girls, that each of the socks tied up over the cleave is heavily perfumed, each with a different scent. “You may wonder why that is. But all in due course”.

“Let us warm you up first!” Anna helped her friends lying face down on the floor. Then she positioned their bodies so, that the three formed an inverted T, the bodies of Kate and Chris forming the crossing, while Sarah´s body the vertical line of the letter.

The trio learned the purpose of that arrangement soon enough: Anna bent Chris´ and Kate´s legs in a 90 Degree angle and tied their Ankles together. Then she did the same with Sarah´s legs: Now Anna had could easily reach the three pairs of soles simultaneously, a wicked grin was curling around her lips. She sat down: “Showtime girls!”

First she raked her long nails above Kate´s soft soles: “No sheep this time Kate, my nails will do the job though!” This provoked very negative reactions from the American then it was Chris´ turn and then Sarah´s. And then Anna went really to town, tickling the three pairs of soles at once. After ten minutes the three panted heavily trough their noses, red faced, tears running down their cheeks, heavily muffled giggle fits slowly subsiding as the Trio recovered.

It took Chris a while to regain her breath. Thankfully Anna had stopped, but Chris had the feeling, that this was just a short pause … and then Anna began again and tickled Christine between the toes. “I will die” was Christine´s last coherent thought for a while.

After nearly 20 minutes of persistent tickling Anna looked down at her heavily panting friends.

“Now girls, that was not so bad!” The very muffled gag talk of Christine, Kate and Sarah was difficult to understand, but Anna was fairly certain that the remarks of her friends were not complementary. Lots of Mfffffs – “Hey Girls, it is difficult to pronounce “Fuck you” properly, when chewing on dirty socks, is it not?” Anna asked her friends, which did not exactly improve the mood of her audience of course.

“After you had a good warm up let us make you ready for the main event!” Anna cheerily addressed her mute and blind audience.

“I surely will kill her!” Kate swore to herself.

“She will die the most slow and most painful death I can think of!” The Dark Lady vowed.

“Wait Anna, till I have a chance to lay my hands on you!” Chris thought.

20 Minutes later: Anna had tightly hogtied her comrades, toes tied together. Their leg and wrist and ankle bonds connected to their crotch ropes, so that every movement would cause unwanted sensations. While Anna had tied back the Toe-Ties of Kate and Chris back to their respective Pony Tails the Russian had tied Canadian´s toe tie back to her elbows. “Too bad you have so short hair!” Anna commented.

Then she addressed the Contestants: “Listen up ladies!”

“These are the rules: Your goal is to reach the finish line at the other end of the room. Her Comrades grunted their understanding. When you reach the finish line, you have to find the scented sock which matches the ones tied above your cleave gags!” Very negative reactions: Grunting and swearing. “The Contestant who reaches the finish line first and finds the matching sock first has won!” Understood? Affirmative grunts.

Anna looked at her watch and counted down: “Ready, set, go!” It was a sight to behold. Three tightly hogtied, blind and gagged women trying to move across the smooth Parquet Floor. Lots of muffled grunting and swearing, each contestant had her individual technique. Soon all three sweated profusely. To encourage them Anna now and then tickled the soles of one of them or delivered a slap on the shapely backsides of one of the three. Of course orgasms happened along the road.

But after 20 Minutes there was winner! Heavily panting she lay there, trying to regain her breath. Her two fellow contestants found the matching sock simultaneously Minutes later.

Anna was exhilarated! “Okay Girls, we have winner, but the race for place two and three was a photo finish! There has to be a toss-up!” The grunts of the two contestants were negative, to say the least.

“Listen” Anna told them: “We will tie each ankle to its corresponding thigh. You will then chicken walk back to the other line of the room. In your hands you will have to hold a soft ball. Winner is the one who manages it to get back to the other side of the room first, without losing the ball. To make things easier, we will remove the blindfold.” “The winner can rest till you two have completed the race!” “And she will get a treat to keep her entertained.”

Anna put a vibrator under the crotch rope of the Winner and set it on full. Soon the Winner hit the Orgasm-Train. Straining against her bonds as the Waves of the first orgasm washed over her.

Anna turned to the other two and prepared them for the next race. Then she removed their blindfolds. Their eyes need a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness. Anna counted down: “Ready, set, go” Watching the Duo chicken walking as fast as they could was funny beyond belief. After five Minutes they had a winner.

Anna told the two: “Congratulations! You did really good! Listen: Number two gets a reward, while the loser gets a consolation price. Soon Number Two was straining against the hogtie which Anna had tied her in, Vibrator set on full.

The Consolation prize was a tight ball tie: “You get a vibrator also, but it will be set on medium level, strong enough to keep the pump primed but not strong enough that you get a reward. The unlucky Third swore into her gag. “A pity I cannot understand a word you are saying!” “Maybe some tickling will ease your pain” And Anna began to rake her fingers across the nyloned soles of her prey.

“You are way too loud!” the Russian chided the unlucky third, “but we can fix that” – “I came prepared!” Anna returned with two large smelly socks which she tied above the already heavily gagged mouth of her Comrade. The last Sock she tied above the nose. “Let us test how effective the Gag is now” Anna grinned and continued her tickling attack. “That is better” she observed.

Soon the moans and muted screams of the tightly hogtied Winner and the Runner up mixed with the heavily muffled laughter of the unlucky Number Three. Anna had tied her tightly tied toes back to her wrist bonds, so that moving her feet out of harm´s way was impossible. Now and then Anna granted her a short rest Period, before resuming the tickling.

Susanne von Stülpnagel´s cell in the cellars of the Adlernest, around the same time

Her toes ached, her calves burned like fire, her bottom glowed red: After her Guards had her brought her down in her cell, her blindfold and her ear buds had been removed. They had tied her then into a punishing Strappado: Her upper body was bent in a 90 degrees angle: Her arms tied high behind her back, the Strappado was well balanced: Her Jailers knew their handy work.

The Strappado was tight enough to cause maximum discomfort, but not tight enough to cause any permanent damage, or dislocating her shoulders. The leader of the Guard detail had used the good old spanking paddle to maximum effect. The pain had receded somewhat.

Standing on her toes was more difficult. A noise broke Susanne out of her stupor: Her guards entered again. One lowered the pulley down, so that Susanne could stand upright flat footed on the floor.

The Leader addressed her: “Frau von Stülpnagel, we will now remove your bonds and gags for the duration of the night. You will speak only when spoken too. You will get a meal and a bath room break.

When Susanne was free of her bonds, a door opened in the wall. “The bath room door will be closed, but you are under surveillance the whole time.”

When she had finished the Door of her cell opened again and one of the guards rolled a trolley inside her cell. “You have 30 Minutes for Dinner.” The Guards left. Her Dinner consisted of hot chicken soup, Caesar´s Salad and a Thai Curry accompanied by a small bottle of Chardonnay.

“Small favours.” Susanne mused. Obviously her Boss wanted her to conserve her strength: “First he I´m tortured, than I get a first-class meal, how ironic.”
In astonishing speed she devoured her meal.

Precisely 30 Minutes later her guards took the trolley with them. The Leader addressed Susanne: “It will be lights out now, rest well.” Susanne lay down on her cot, covered herself with a blanket and fell into an exhausted sleep. She knew that this was only a short respite.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention]

I hope, the Lyrics in this Chapter don´t bother you, but they are essential in this case, and for your leisure there are links to renditions of the Music on youtube Sophie sings.

The Adlernest: Sophie´s Quarters, 1945 Hours:

Sophie stood before the large mirror and mustered herself critically. The low cut red evening gown was gorgeous: “Sophie, why do you look so critical?” Gunhild chided her with a smile. “You look perfect”

“I do not feel perfect Gunhild, but that´s just me.”

“Sophie, please look at me, would you? I am just a maid, but I know that these times are difficult for you. Believe me, you are a strong woman, and you are not alone, people are caring about you. I, we, believe in you.”

Sophie smiled: “What would I do without you and believe me you and Gaia are not just maids, far from it. Do not believe that for a second.”

A knock at the door made Sophie pulled herself together and awaited the guard detail with Gunhild and Gaia at her side. She felt a soft touch, as Gunhild pressed her hand softly. “Be strong” the Maid whispered. Sophie returned the touch with a firm but heartfelt, “I will”

The Adlernest: The Appartments of Carl von Winterfeldt

When they walked along the long corridors, Sophie mustered her strength. She would not give in. She was not alone after all. She knew that Christine and her friends would come for her. And she would not give in. Never, she promised herself.

They came to a halt before the large double-leaved doors. And curiously enough the Guards formed a cordon and the leader opened the door and Sophie passed her guards and entered.

She felt as if she was gliding on her Platform Heels. All tension had gone. She concentrated on the man, awaiting her in the middle of the room: Von Winterfeldt in a tuxedo greeted her with this perfectly executed hand kiss again. He accompanied her to her seat, pulled it away, let Sophie sit and adjusted her stool.

After dessert had been served von Winterfeldt asked Sophie, smiling this dazzling smile of his, “Would you do me the great honour of singing for me now? Frau Berger totally refused to tell me what you have rehearsed today, so will have to play prima vista. I apologize for every error, I might make.”

Sophie was fairly certain, that this man would not make any mistake.

Von Winterfeldt opened the lid of the Grand Piano and sat down. Sophie stood right next to him, letting her right hand rest on the Piano. Gripping it tightly, concentrating, she took a breath.

“Sophie what will you sing first?” von Winterfeldt asked here politely. Somehow Sophie had the feeling he would know what she would say: “A Chloris, by Reynaldo Hahn”.

“An excellent choice” von Winterfeldt complimented her. “Shall we begin then? Ready when you are."

She nodded at him. She concentrated and von Winterfeldt began to play the introduction, with its stately procession of accords in the bass line and the delicate treble lines. Von Winterfeldt seemed barely to touch the keys, he played with an intimate sensitivity which served this fragile music perfectly, the last accord in the bass line rang out and Sophie sang the first note:
Reynaldo Hahn: A Chloris, sung by Joyce di Donato

S'il est vrai, Chloris, que tu m'aimes,
Mais j'entends, que tu m'aimes bien,
Je ne crois point que les rois mêmes
Aient un bonheur pareil au mien.
Que la mort serait importune
De venir changer ma fortune
A la félicité des cieux!
Tout ce qu'on dit de l'ambroisie
Ne touche point ma fantaisie
Au prix des grâces de tes yeux.

If it be true, Chloris, that you love me,
(And I'm told you love me dearly),
I do not believe that even kings
Can match the happiness I know.
Even death would be powerless
To alter my fortune
With the promise of heavenly bliss!
All that they say of ambrosia
Does not stir my imagination
Like the favour of your eyes!

Translation: Richard Stokes

The world around her receded into nothingness, there was just the music and her. “Let the music carry you” Dorothea Berger had advised her and Sophie did just that. The last notes of the accompany rang out, a moment of Silence.

Von Winterfeldt nodded: “Sophie this was just marvellous” – and Sophie had to admit that von Winterfeldt had accompanied her perfectly. He had reacted to every ever so subtle change of pace as if they had played this piece many times together. “Carl, one could not wish for a more suitable companion.” she bowed her head subtly. And she meant it.

Von Winterfeldt beamed at her: “What will we hear next?” Sophie pulled herself together: “Lascia Chio pianga by Georg Frederic Handel.”
Lascia Chio pianga by Georg Frederic Handel, sung by Julia Lezhneva

Von Winterfeldt nodded affirmatively. "A very splendid choice: Handel is so subtle, a true master of psychology and human emotions.”

He looked at Sophie. Von Winterfeldt began with the introduction and Sophie started to sing. Her Intonation was as perfect as it could be and as she sang the slow melody emotions overcame her. Tears welled in her eyes:

But or more precisely because of them her rendition was perfect, the text and Handel´s Music matched perfectly, and Sophie´s Voice conveyed all the emotions embedded in the Notes:

Lascia ch'io pianga
mia cruda sorte,
e che sospiri
la libertà.

Let me weep over
my cruel fate,
and let me sigh for

Von Winterfeldt was truly impressed. Why Sophie Reichenbach had decided to make a career in law enforcement than follow her true vocation he could not tell. This beautiful face, this voice ….he had always loved the colour of a mezzo-soprano more than that of a soprano for Handel´s Music. And Sophie´s Voice was marvellous, a voice like dark silk, effortless covering the complete register.

When they had finished, von Winterfeldt took his hands of the Keyboard and applauded: “This was perfect Sophie. Do you need a pause or can we continue?”

Sophie nodded: “We can continue Carl.”

“What have you selected as third piece?” He asked with an expectant smile.

“Handel again” Sophie replied. “One of the Arias I like the most: “Piangero” from Cesare in Egitto.”

“Again an excellent choice” von Winterfeldt nodded. “Is there a special reason, why you love Handel so much?”

Sophie gave the question some consideration, and smiled: “For two reasons I think. Handel is a great psychologist and he composed many fantastic Arias for a Mezzo.”

“Indeed” von Winterfeldt agreed: “Let us begin. I'm ready when you are!”

Sophie wondered if he had registered the not so subtle Irony embodied in the Lyrics of the previous Aria or the next:
Piangerò la sorte mia by Georg Frederic Handel, sung by Joyce DiDonato, starts at 01.09

Piangerò la sorte mia,
sì crudele e tanto ria,
finché vita in petto avrò.

Ma poi morta, d'ogn'intorno
il tiranno e notte e giorno
fatta spettro agiterò.

I will lament my destiny,
so cruel and so unfortunate,
as long as my heart beats.

But when I am dead,
from all sides my ghost will haunt
the tyrant both night and day.

(Translation Anna Maria Pherson)

And the thought encouraged her, the music gave her strength. This Aria laid her soul bare. Handel´s Music said all that she could not express otherwise at the moment.

The Irony was not lost on von Winterfeldt. “Does she see me as a tyrant?”

Indeed Sophie Reichenbach was a most remarkable woman. Not many people would have dared to do what she had done. Looks were indeed deceiving.

One Hour later: Sophie´s Quarters:

When Sophie and her guard reached her Quarters Gunhild and Gaia already awaited them. Sophie found it interesting that the Guards this time did not discuss leaving her alone with the Maids. When they were alone, Gunhild gave Sophie an appraising look: “You look content Sophie.”

“I am thank you Gunhild. The Music gave me strength.” Gunhild nodded. Gaia opened the Zipper at the back of the gown and the gown fell to the floor around Sophie´s Feet, she stepped out of it and Gaia took the dress and put it into the Wardrobe.

Sophie let herself fall into one of the Chairs and presented her right leg to Gunhild who removed the Platform Sandal. Sophie sighed and flexed her foot. “That feels so good!” Gunhild chuckled.” When Sophie was relieved of her shoes she sighed contently.

As Sophie lay in bed 20 Minutes later she let the day pass before her inner eye: Von Winterfeldt …. Courteous, polite and cultivated. But she had sensed the power the man had radiated in waves.

And the Dinner? The man was a gifted musician, he had accompanied her perfectly, had reacted to every ever so subtle change of pace, of emotion.

Sophie still wondered what he saw in her, what he wanted with her. She had got a glimpse of von Winterfeldt´s other side today: The tightly tied Susanne von Stülpnagel. Her presence had served as not so subtle reminder: “Behave or suffer the same fate.” And she remembered the cruel Punishment of the two Valkyries a few days ago only too well.

The recital on the other side, she had enjoyed immensely. The Music had given her the strength to pull through.

She drifted slowly into sleep while tears rolled softly down her cheeks.
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Post by banshee »

These two chapters were really good and I'm glad to hear that the story is far from over, which tells me that you still have a lot in mind for it. I'll patiently wait for the next chapters, don't feel bad about the delay.
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Post by GreyLord »

This is exquisitely masterful writing, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. The bondage play was breath taking. Anna's joy in orchestrating the play was wonderful indeed. It was nice to see the Dark Lady willingly joining in the fun. Withholding the order of the winners was inspired.

Then you made an incredible change of pace with Sophie's performance. Providing the YouTube links was inspired. It added so much richness to the chapter. I only listened to the first piece, A Chloris, so far. But you can be sure that I am going back for the rest.

With this great buildup, the rescue will be equally awesome. I am looking forward to that with great anticipation.

Enjoy your time off. Rest well. May the wind be at your back.
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Post by slackywacky »

I could tell I have been away for a little while, I had to catch up on 3 chapters. Some of the location mentioned in the story I actually have been to (Versailles, Reutte in Northern Tyrolia). Excellent updates, excellent wicked bondage.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Good to see this other side of the main villain. We've seen him being cruel and sadistic, now he see him being charming. Sophie has experienced both sides as well.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hi Folks, the Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection will go on tomorrow evening between 2000 and 2200 MEST. The Hunt will lead our Heroines to Vienna.


Obviously von Winterfeldt intents to ensnare Sophie with his Charme. The Question will be, what happens, if Sophie refuses his Prooposal. Only time will tell.

[mention]GreyLord[/mention]: Thank you for your comment!

[mention]slackywacky[/mention]: Yes, Anna was really creative this time, I am glad you enjoyed it!
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Post by Beaumains »

Tonight already the next part? I thought I had somewhat longer to catch up. Oh, well.

Winterfeldt is truly a beast, and Sophie is getting more and more desperate. Suzanne may also regret her loyalty soon, leaving von Winterfeldt with fewer allies. He does not seem to realize he'll might meet his end soon. Only the quartet does not seem to be in a hurry.

Also, is his entire staff consisting of women he sees as sex symbols? It wouldn't surprise me.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention]

Now on to the 6th Part of the Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection.

Part Six will be the last Part before the Grand Final of the Hunt.

Part Six will play at three Locations:

The Adlernest
Mystery Island.

In this Part two Stories will converge: [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] Saga "Nothing Personal" and "The Hunt for the Weinstein Collections":

Hayley King, Kirsty Garret and Elizabeth Crawford are Characters invented by MrJones who allowed me kindly to use them.

The Files of Art Inc.: The Weinstein Collection, Part Six


On the Motorway B 148 near Braunau am Inn around 1000 Hours: Kate

Kate was looking out of the Window. They had just passed Braunau am Inn, where the Little Man had been born without whom, they would not make this Journey. For nearly four weeks they were on the hunt for the Weinstein-Collection now– and for the very first time in those turbulent weeks the American had the feeling that they had a real chance to fulfil their mission. Munich had been a crossroads.

She looked around: To her right Sarah McKenzie was taking a nap. The Alliance with her former Adversary was still fresh, of all the things that had happened in Munich the Dark Lady joining forces with them had been by far the most surprising.

Kate looked at the front: Anna was doing the driving while Chris sat on the front passenger seat. The dark shadows beneath Anna´s eyes had vanished and Kate was glad that the Violinist seemed on a good way to deal with the horrors of the White Room. This morning Kate had been awoken by the sounds of a Violin. It was the first time she had heard Anna playing and she took that as a good sign.

Chris seemed lost in thought, but to Kate it was no brooding silence.

What would await them in Vienna?

The Adlernest: Sophie´s Quarters Breakfast Time:

The strong black coffee was excellent as usual. Sophie had slept surprisingly well, despite or even because of the fact that today would be the day, when she finally would learn what Carl von Winterfeldt wanted from her.

She thought back to the Dinner and their recital. Von Winterfeldt was charismatic, mesmerizing. It had cost her all her will power not to give in to his spell. That there was another von Winterfeldt of that she was certain. Her job had trained her to look behind the façade of men, and she was sure, that von Winterfeldt was a most complex individual.

Her day had begun with a surprise: When she presented her wrists to her Guards, they had declined: On von Winterfeldt´s orders she would run unbound and ungagged. “He is very clever” she thought. “He wants me to feel good and in a good mood.”

When they had returned to her quarters, she had been told, that at 0830 she would have a meeting with one member of von Winterfeldt´s Staff. Why? To prepare the meeting with von Winterfeldt at 1000 Hours? She would just have to wait.

The Adlernest: The Dungeons around the same time

Susanne von Stülpnagel was stretched tightly on a rack. She was held there by heavily padded leather manacles around her wrists and ankles. Her toes had been tied together and fastened back to the cuffs around her ankles, making her soles accessible easily. While she was stretched out very tight, there was no danger of permanent harm. They knew what they are doing.

After she had had a frugal breakfast and a bathroom break she had been brought in this torture chamber:
Susanne had been stripped naked and been gagged with a large 3 inch harness ball gag. Above her whole body there were burning candles. Hot way was dripping regularly on her body. The soles of her feet had been subjected to a bastinado.

She had lost any feeling of time. Except the short commands her Jailers had not talked to her and Susanne had refrained from asking them questions that would have been pointless:

The silent treatment was part of the Game, she knew, playing on her nerves.

Mystery Island somewhere in the Mediterranean:

Haley King was curious. She had been summoned to Elizabeth Crawford´s Office. As usual her hands had been bound behind her back and her mouth stuffed with a silken handkerchief, hold in place by a silk scarf around her mouth. She was walking between her guards, this time Constance and Kendra. While she liked Constance, she found that Kendra was the proverbial loose cannon to say the least: A spoiled child with a sadistic streak.

Haley wondered what Crawford would want from her. She and Kirsty had been granted more and more freedoms in the last weeks. They had had to spend less and less time in the restraining bags. But they knew from experience that one could never be certain with Elizabeth Crawford, who was a control freak and never let forget them who called the shots.

They had reached Crawford´s Office: Constance knocked. “Enter” they heard Crawford´s clear Voice. When Haley and her guards had entered Crawford told Constance and Kendra: “You may leave us alone now, I think I can handle Haley on my own.”

When the Guards had left: Crawford turned to Haley, smiling. “You surely wonder what the purpose of that meeting is.

Crawford walked around her desk, removed the cuffs that held her hands together and then removed the Gag. “Take a seat Haley” After Haley had sat Crawford regarded her for a moment. “I know that we haven’t seen each other very often in the last weeks, but the last weeks were very busy.” Haley returned nothing and waited, she had learned long ago, that asking Crawford Questions was pointless. She would tell her soon enough what all this was about.

Crawford continued: “You and Kirsty have behaved very well in the last weeks and I know it has been no easy time for you. I think you have earned yourself a reward, this is my proposal: I have a job for you: I want you and Kirsty to lead a mission.

“You want what?” Haley could not restrain herself any longer. “You heard me” Crawford replied evenly. “I want you two to put a team together and take over a mission in Vienna. We will talk about the details later. Think it through and we talk again in 24 Hours.”

She pressed a button on her desk and Constance and Kendra entered: “Escort Haley back to her quarters. She is on full restrains for the next 24 Hours with the minimum breaks. That will be all.” Haley sighed and let Kendra cuff her hands together behind her back, while Constance gagged her again. “And bring then Kirsty to me!”

When Haley lay 30 Minutes later in the restraining backs she stared at the ceiling above her. She was intrigued. Crawford wanted them to lead a mission? There must be more to it, it usually was with Crawford well she had enough time to think things through.

Thirty minutes later Haley heard the door opening: Kristy and her guards were back.

“There will be now talking Kristy, just do as you are told.” By the sounds of it, Haley could tell, that Kirsty stripped, was then diapered. 20 Minutes later two other guards entered to lift Kirsty into the gargantuan third restraining bag.

Then Haley heard the Elena, the Russian: “Kirsty and Haley listen: Mrs. Crawford wants you two to take a nap to get some rest.” Haley heaved a sigh but did not resist when a chloroform saturated Cloth was pressed softly on her face.

Long used to that kind of treatment, she took long deep breaths. Soon the world around her began to swirl, she felt a tingle in her limbs and fell into the darkness.
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Post by slackywacky »

> Hayley King, Kirsty Garret and Elizabeth Crawford are Characters invented by MrJones who allowed me kindly to use them.

The more the merrier. I am patiently waiting where this will lead us.
And I love mysterious islands in the Mediterranean ;)
Love Susanne's predicament and can't wait to read what Sophie will hear soon.

Thank you for a very nice update. Lots of story lines...
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Post by GreyLord »

Ever fresh and exciting, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Sophie is not weakening. I did not think that she would.

A 3 inch ball gag, WOW! I'm not sure that I would do that to anybody that would let me do that to them. I didn't know they even came in that size.

The island, is it anywhere near Monte Cristo?
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago A 3 inch ball gag, WOW! I didn't know they even came in that size.
I would not be surprised if JJ (born to be bound) has one. They call it 'Goddess size' on Etsy.
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Post by Beaumains »

These introductions cannot stop engaging me. Another city done. I kinda suspect that the new characters will be antagonists, but I am unsure. There are already a lot of good guys, and the Valkyries have lost the last few battles and seem weak in comparison. But I am happy to be surprised again!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago These introductions cannot stop engaging me. Another city done. I kinda suspect that the new characters will be antagonists, but I am unsure. There are already a lot of good guys, and the Valkyries have lost the last few battles and seem weak in comparison. But I am happy to be surprised again!
Yep, the Valkyries had a lot of bad luck lately. I can imagine that will have a psychological impact on them - the next confrontation will tell us more. I am glad you like the Introductions :) I tried something different this time. Indeed it is not easy to tell, what Hayley and Kirsty will be: Antagonists or Friends or something in between. Future will tell :)

The next upate will focus on Sophie though and commence at the usual time between 2000 and 2200 Hours MEST :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention]

In this Chapter Sophie learns what her Host wants from her:

Chapter I:

Sophie had assumed the Position shortly before 0830. At precisely 0830 a woman entered together with her guard. The woman told her guards: “Leave us alone. I call you, when I need you.”

When the guard detail had left, the newcomer turned to Sophie: A tall, athletic build woman, her long brown hair in a Ponytail with the bearing of an athlete. Sophie recognized her as one of the two women who had been brought back two days ago by the Valkyries. She wore a black Power Suit and matching ankle boots.

“We have not formally introduced, I think” she spoke with calm authority. “I´m Sieglinde Gablenz: Head of Security; for the time being I´m taking over Frau von Stülpnagel´s responsibilities.”

Herr von Winterfeldt wants me to inform you about some adjustments to your regimen, while your stay at the Adlernest:

Herr von Winterfeldt has ordered that you are allowed to leave the castle under guard, to walk in the Park, whenever you like.

Furthermore, Herr von Winterfeldt wants you to continue your Studies with Frau Berger, twice a day to prepare a Recital, but Herr von Winterfeldt will tell you more, later.”

Besides that Herr von Winterfeldt wants you to take regularly classes in escape and evasion training and advanced self-defence.

“Do you have any questions Sophie?” Sophie regarded Sieglinde Gablenz. She was an entirely different type than Susanne von Stülpnagel. She pondered the question: “What does that mean: classes in escape and evasion training?”

“That means that you will learn to escape and to detect when you are followed and how to shake observers; as for self-defence Herr von Winterfeldt deems it necessary that you are able to defend yourself” – Gablenz could not hide to grin – “skills that might had come in handy lately, don´t you think.”

Sophie was lost for words.

“Anything else?” Gablenz asked.

“No? Then I will leave you for now, Gunhild and Gaia will come later to help you to prepare you for your meeting with Herrn von Winterfeldt.” Gablenz turned on her heels and left, leaving a bewildered Sophie behind.

The Recital, she was fine with, self-defence she could see sense in, but escape- and evasion training?

But now she had to concentrate on the matter at hand, the meeting with von Winterfeldt. She had had her share of job interviews, but she strongly suspected that this meeting would not be remotely like any job-interview she had done before.

Sophie went to her wardrobe: what dress should she choose? A Power Suit, a business costume? Which colour? Sophie decided that she would wait for Gunhild and Gaia. The two maids had so far done an excellent job in making her presentable for any occasion.

Precisely at 0900 Hours there was a knock at the door and the bubbly Gunhild and the more serious Gaia entered. “Good morning Sophie!” So good to see you! How are you? Gunhild beamed at her. “I´m fine, thank you Gunhild!” Sophie smiled back.

In the end Sophie opted for the classical approach: A grey Business Costume with a white blouse and matching heels. Gunhild gave her an appraising look: “You look perfect! You need not to worry, you will do fine!”

“Your trust honours me Gunhild!” Sophie replied smiling. At precisely a quarter to ten the Guard Detail which would accompany Sophie to the Offices of von Winterfeldt arrived. Gunhild and Gaia smiled encouragingly at her.

By now Sophie was used to walk accompanied by a Guard Detail. They walked the long corridors of the Palace in Silence. The only sound the clicking of Sophie´s Heels and those of her Guards on the marble floors.

A few minutes to ten, they arrived in front the large double leaved doors which led to von Winterfeldt´s Office. At precisely 1000 Hours the leader of the Guard Detail knocked firmly three times at the door.

“Enter” von Winterfeldt´s answered in his well-modulated baritone. The leader of the Guard motioned to Sophie: “You may enter!” Sophie pulled herself and entered.

Von Winterfeldt stood behind his desk, hands behind his back, smiling benevolently at her. He walked around his desk strode graciously to her and executed this so perfect hand kiss.

“Sophie I hope you slept well yesterday must have been stressful!”

“Thank you for asking Carl, I slept well” Sophie asked politely. Again she felt the power radiating in waves from him.

Von Winterfeldt motioned to the now familiar couch where they had had tea yesterday.

They took a seat and when Tea was served and they had taken a sip, von Winterfeldt spoke: “I take it; Sieglinde has informed you about the changes in your daily regimen?”

“That she has” Sophie returned politely.

“I must say, after your interpretation of “Piangero” yesterday I found that a Handel-Recital would be the best choice for you, don´t you think?” Von Winterfeldt looked expectantly at her.

“I do like singing Handel, but on what occasion shall I sing?” Sophie asked guardedly.

“That shall be a surprise –and I will tell you more at a later date” he replied. For the occasion I would suggest a program of seven or eight Arias of your choice, but you can discuss the Details with Frau Berger this afternoon. I´m sure you two will devise an excellent Program.”

Sophie nodded she saw no point in pressing the issue.

“But let us talk about something different Sophie!” Von Winterfeldt changed the subject. “You have been remarkably patient, I´m sure though, you want to know why you are here, here at the Adlernest. We talked yesterday about the question why you decided to pursue a career in the courts and you said you want to serve Justice. While I admire your brilliance in that field, did you ever consider another career?”

Sophie regarded the question carefully. “I do love the finesse, the clarity, the logic of law. Honestly? Besides Music I never considered anything else, Carl.”

“But you did set you father in law an ultimatum that you would take over Reichenbach Industries.?”

Sophie did not wonder anymore where von Winterfeldt did know that again from.

“Yes I told that my father in law. I did not consider him fit for office anymore. He was an amoral bastard” With every word she had been more forceful. The last sentence she nearly spat.

Von Winterfeldt could not entirely hide his amusement about that display of passion. Sophie glowered at him, eyes blazing.”

“So you do not have only a passion for the law” von Winterfeldt added mildly, and this is one reason why I think that you do tap only in a small fraction of your true potential. I would say.”

“Continue”, Sophie pressed him.

“Believe me Sophie” von Winterfeldt replied “Your many talents are wasted in the courts. I see you absolutely as qualified to lead Reichenbach Enterprises. But there is more; I´m sure of that.”

Sophie looked expectantly at him. The Tycoon continued: “Your Service for the State and for the People in your current position are honourable, but did it ever occur to you that as CEO of Reichenbach Enterprises you could do much more for the public?

“In what way could I do that?” Sophie worded her reply carefully. “In many ways” von Winterfeldt replied. “You could influence political decisions, you could shape Society or you could promote young and promising artists, musicians as a benefactor – and together we could do much more, and this, what I want to propose: “If we join forces, we would multiply our Powers, the synergy-effects would be immense. We live in a globalized world and if we want to change anything, we must work together.

Reichenbach´s Daughter in law pondered the Words of von Winterfeldt for a moment: “What do you want me to do, Carl?” Sophie asked von Winterfeldt “I want that you consider my offer, take your time think it through. Let me propose you this: Take the next fourteen days, prepare your Recital and then we talk again.”

Sophie nodded: “Carl, I can do this, but I must ask you something.” Von Winterfeldt looked expectantly at her: “Yes?”

“What are the consequences if I decide to decline your offer?” Von Winterfeldt considered her question for a moment and smiled then that dazzling smile again:

“If you mean with consequences that I will threaten you, that I will coerce you to do my bidding? Then I must disappoint you: There will no such consequences. I would deeply regret it though if you would decline my offer; Sophie, let me tell you something:

It is my firm believe that employees who are pressured or coerced into a job that is beyond their ability, will never reach their full potential. So, if you decline my offer, then we will simply part ways. Of course you will have to sign certain non-disclosure Forms, but that would be all.”

“If you decide to work with me – and I mean it, when I say with me, not for me, than you should do that entirely on your free will, without any pressure what so ever.

Sophie regarded him with in silence, tried to look behind this well polished façade, tried to find a trap, but could not detect one. The man seemed entirely genuine. Finally she spoke:

“Then I will take my time and think things through and will prepare the Recital.” Von Winterfeldt nodded then rose: “I´m looking forward to hear you sing.” “If you need anything feel free to contact me.” “I hope you will me do the honour to dine with me in the next days?”

“Of course I will”, Sophie rose too. Von Winterfeldt shook her hand and Sophie left. Von Winterfeldt followed her with his gaze: Back straight, head held high. Striding elegantly on her High Heels, a remarkable woman; yes, Sophie Reichenbach would make a fine addition to his collection.

Sophie was deep in thought when she was escorted back to her Quarters, so deep that she barely registered that they had reached the doors of her Quarters.

Inside she stepped first out of her High Heels and walked then on her stockinged soles to the Window and stared at the Parade Ground, the Park and the surrounding mountains, she replayed the conversation with von Winterfeldt over and over again, but the result was ever the same: Von Winterfeldt´s offer had been genuine. But again, the man was not a simple villain. Again she had found it difficult to resist his Charisma. He had been vague which vision he had in mind, she thought.

Sophie looked at her watch: Lunch would be served at 1200 Hours. Sophie decided to change into something more comfortable. After lunch she would make a stroll in the Park and at 1400 she would study with Frau Berger.

Von Winterfeldt´s Office:

10 Minutes after Sophie had left there was firm knock at the door. Without waiting for his invitation, Sieglinde Gablenz entered. “You called Sir?” “Yes, Sieglinde do have a seat please.” Von Winterfeldt gestured at chair before his desk.

When she had sat, von Winterfeldt asked his Head of Security:

“How do you assess the interview with Sophie Reichenbach?” The brunette pondered the question for a moment: “She is clever, strong willed, highly intelligent, quick on the uptake, resourceful – and I can see why do you made her that offer. I read her dossier and the reports about her time here: She has adjusted quickly, she is very resilient.”

Von Winterfeldt nodded “My thoughts exactly.” then he changed the Subject: “You wanted to talk to me about another matter?”

“Yes” Gablenz nodded: Von der Marwitz and her team are on their way to Vienna, I would suggest that we put them under surveillance and act when they try to recover the Plans von Instetten has hidden somewhere. If we follow them, they will lead us to the hiding place then we take action. I want to lead the operation myself.”

“No” von Winterfeldt said with finality: “You are much too valuable; I need you here at Headquarters to coordinate all pending operations. Take another Valkyrie you trust with the Job.” “As you wish Sir!” Gablenz knew better than to discuss the matter. “I will do so Sir.”

“That will be all Sieglinde!” Gablenz stood to attention, turned on her heels and left. Sieglinde was a totally different kind of Person than Susanne. Maybe he should think about Sieglinde taking over Susanne´s Job permanently.

Despite her latest transgressions he would find another Job for Susanne easily. But that remained to be seen.

The Adlernest: The Dungeons:

After she spent hours on the rack, Susanne von Stülpnagel had been released. She had been granted a bathroom break and a frugal lunch. Now she lay in a back bending hogtie on the floor. A sensory deprivation hood ensured that she was alone in her world of Pain. She could just rock a little but that was it.

Her toes were tied to a ring at the crown of the head of the hood making her staring blind ahead. In Intervals her feet were tickled or treated with the some sort of Paddle or Wartenberg Wheel.

The Vibrator in her pussy vibrated persistently on a low level. Sometimes she was granted an orgasm, sometimes not. She knew that this was only the first day of her Punishment. Of course nobody had told her, when the detention would be over. And she continued to rock on the coarse mattress.

Her mouth had been stuffed with something she thought to be worn Panties – or maybe two Pairs, to be precise. The hood was heavily padded in the mouth area, above the eyes and above the ears. One additional padded strap was fastened around her mouth, one around the eyes and a third above the crown of her head, which pressed her jaws even more together.

The ear buds were set on cancelling mode, so she was alone in her own small world. In the same moment, the Vibrator sprung into high gear. A sharp pain at her nipples told her that nipple clamps were applied and someone raked her long nails above her soles. Susanne gasped for breath.
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Post by GreyLord »

Your story reminds me of the old vaudeville routine with the spinning dishes on sticks. Each dish must be kept spinning or it will fall. You have so many dishes spinning. In this chapter, you have Sophie staying strong and learning more of Von Winterfeldt's scheme for her. I say scheme and not plan because it is certain that what he says is not what he really has in his mind.

Then there is Sieglinde. He is dangling promotion in front of her. She is spinning nicely.

And poor Susanna, enduring her suffering so well. Tightly tied in what I call a rocking horse hogtie. Of course someone is at hand to give her additional pain should she appear too comfortable. So she spins along, rocking on her coarse mattress.

And you have many other plates spinning, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], and you will keep is informed in your own good time. Fantastic writing.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Mmm, I have mixed feelings here...

First, I have to say I liked the introduction of the new characters. I am not familiar with mrjones's stories, so I genuinely don't know what they are up to. But I hope they are going to be on the bad guys' side, since the Valkyrie have lost almost all credibility and right now only look competent as Sophie's "bodyguards". Which arise the following question: has Winterfeldt said that only a Valkyrie should go and follow the main trio (quartet)? After the Valkyries have been bested two times at least and after they know the Dark Lady have now joined Christine and friends? For a very intelligent villain, that's not a very intelligent decision.

Also, on the other hand, I'm confused about what he said about coercion. Sophie literally has been witness to all the punishments the Valkyries had to go through when they failed. And the last one he kind of forced Sophie to watch while having dinner. It's pretty obvious that she knows what he's up to and how much far he is willing to go, so I agree here with GreyLord: it's a scheme. For no reason he has intentions to allow Sophie take Reichenbach Enterprises.

Finally, I think that new training is going to come back and haunt Winterfeldt, as they are literally the skills Sophie needs to escape from her imprisonment. Again, I don't understand his choices in this chapter. And to be honest, I was rooting for him heh.

Quick note: this is not meant to be harsh criticism. I do find this story quite interesting, specially since most chapters don't picture must bondage, which is basically why we are all in this site. That's a huge merit for the author.
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Post by Beaumains »

I had thought this for weeks, bur I suspect von Winterfepdt very well knows what he is doing and tries to enlist Sophie in his ranks. She gets to learn all the skills a Valkyrie has, including bwing bound for a long time, and gets a lot more freedom.

Only one puece of the puzzle is missing: Something to keep Sophie is check. Blackmail or maybe something with her fiance such that she's stuck in that horrible situation. I have not figured out what that has to be.

Nice twist! I think you know have started to show von Winterfeldt's true intentions, but I also can't wait to return to the quartet
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Post by slackywacky »

Reading the last chapter, with the discussion between von Winterfeldt and Sophie makes me wonder what his plan is. I can see the benefits (for him) when Sophie is the head of the organization, but I can't get rid of this feeling that it will not be totally 'with him' and more 'for him', even if he says differently. He does not seem like a person who 'shares' power and if Sophie was free to do what she wants as CEO, how would von Winterfeldt control her?

Our 3 leading ladies (4 when counting the latest addition), are on their way to what I only assume will be more bondage.

And with regards to Susanne, how I would love to experience her situation ;) Not sure my body would agree with me.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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